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45-65 Oaks Ln

Newbury Park,

Dear whom it may concern,

I am writing to you from Oaks Park Sixth form, in regards to using your property for filming. We
are planning on beginning the filming on __________ and hope to finish filming by the
________. This will provide our team with enough time to get enough footage and give you
plenty of notice beforehand. The timings in which we would prefer to film within are _______ to
Our Production company, TLZ Productions would like to use your living room and bedroom,
whereby this is where our indoors scenes would be most appropriate in. We would appreciate if
you take into consideration our request and let us use your property to film. None of your private
information will be let out to the public and you will be notified regularly if there are any changes
to our dates or timing of filming.
If you have any concerns about anything, please do not hesitate to contact our production

Yours Sincerely,

Leila Monfared (Cinematographer)

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