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UayaYoga t7

Chart No. 4l -Born on 25-2-1894 a! about 8-55 a.m. Iat.

18"32' N.; Long.73" 53' E.

Merarry Moon
Lagna Jupiter Lagna


Mars Moon Satum Venus Mars

Balanceof Rahu Dasa at birth: years l-l-15.

59. Vidyut Yoga

Defnition.-When the I lth lord is in deep exal-

tation and joins Venus in a Kendra from the lord of
Lagna, Vidyut Yoga is caused.
Renilt s.-Charitable, pleasure-loving,a treasurer
or controller of wealth and a great king or an equal
to him.
Remarks.-Depending upon th-c exact strength
of the two lords causingthe yoga, the person will
cither be a king or an equal to him. He will control
wealth and he will be a man of generous instincts.
Here Venus. the llth lord and lord of Lagna are
required to be disposed in a particular manner.
Venus is the planet of pleasureand comforts, where-
as the lord of the ltth indicates gains. Naturally
tt Threc Hundrcd ImportaDt Combioationr ff
when the Lagna is strong and the house of gains and
lord of comforts and luxuries is equally strong one
is bound to be well off in life.

60. GandharvaYoga
Definition.-If the 10thlord is in a Kama Thri-
kona, the lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in associa-
tion, the Sun beingstrong,is exaltedand the Moon
Occupies the 9th, GandharvaYoga arises.
Results.--Theperson will attain unparalleled
skill in fine arts, will be strong, will be pleasure-
loving, will be well-dressed,will becomefamousand
will live upto 68 years.
Remarks.-GandharvaYogaasthe nameimplies
makesone a connoisseurin fine arts suchas music,
dancing, painting, etc. Kama Thrikonamcansthe
trinal houses from the 7th, viz., 7th, I lth and 3rd.
The 10th lord must occupyone of these housesin
conjunction with Jupiter,_the Sun being strong
shouldbe exalted and the Moon should remainin
the 9th house.If all theseconditionsarepresent,then
the Yoga will be in full swing. Otherwise,a traceof
the Yoga may be present renderingthe person take
someinterest in thesearts, but not makehim an

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