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Adrian: Hello Alexander. How are you?

Alexander: Hello Adrian. I doing well and you

Adrian: Great
Alexander: well Adrian. Where can we go in our free time?
Adrian: Well, I like to see the sports shop.
Alexanders: Oh !! I do not like the sports shop, I love the clothing store
Adrian: Well, let's go to the clothing store as I need to buy new clothes.
Alexander: Ok, Lets go

(Inside the clothes store)

Vendedor: Good afternoon Mr. Can I help you?

Alexanders: No thanks, im jus sightseeing
Vendedor: Ok, Ill be around in case you need something
Adrian: have you got this jacket in different colours?
Vendedor: yes, i we have it in blue, green, black and White
Adrian: Can you bring me a black jacket please?
vendedor: right away, just give me a few minutes and I'll bring you a black jacket
Adrian: excellent... I'll take it, Thanks
Vendedor: you're welcome. Would you like anithing else ?
Adrian: No thanks , I'm going to pay right now.

(We leave the store)

Alexander: im hungry, we can go to a restaurant

Adrian: Good idea

(Inside the restauran)

Mesero: Welcome. Can i help you ?

Alexander: Yes, please, Can you bring me pasta with meat?
Mesero: sure, and you, sir, want something to drink or a dessert?
Adrian: Do you have cocada ice cream?
Meser:NO, Im sorry. We dont have cocada ice cream, we have chocolate ice
Adrian: Ok, ill have some chocolate ice cream
Mesero: sure, and you sir?
Alexanders: Could i have some orange juice, please?
Mesero: sure

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