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Before the Lesson


Good morning, everyone.

Good afternoon, class.
How are you this morning, Mikako?
Mikako, how are you today?
Do you have a cold?

What a lovely day!

What a rainy day!
Isnt it warm this morning?
Its a humid day, isnt it?
Today is very cold, isnt it?

Role call

Hiroshi? Yes / Here

Is Yukiko absent today? No, she is coming.
Yes, shes absent.
Where is Mikio? He is absent. He is in the

Beginning the Lesson

Please sit down, everyone.

Lets begin todays lesson.
Its time to begin, please stop talking.

Lets quickly review the last lesson.

Try to answer my questions.
Right / Correct / Nearly Right / Close / Almost

Lets start on page 60. Lets start at line 10.

Turn to page 12.
Please look at the blackboard.
Look at your textbooks.
Now open your textbooks to page 33.

Come to the blackboard.

Write this down in your notebooks.
Pass back these sheets/handouts.


Please listen carefully (to me).

Repeat after me.

Kenichi, you read Bills part.

Read this out loud.
Keiko, begin reading at line 5.
Okay, stop there, thank you.
Next, Masaki.

What is the English/Japanese word for . . . ?

How do you say it in English?

Please summarize the first paragraph.

What is the paragraph/section/story about?
Lets do some translation work.


Any questions?
Do you have any questions?
Now Im going to ask you some questions.
Who knows the answer?
Raise your hand.
Please raise your hand if you dont understand.

Try to answer by yourself.

Try again.
A full sentence, please.
Use a full sentence please.
Make a sentence.
Say it in a loud voice.
Louder, please!
Again, please.

Do you understand?
(I dont understand.)
(I dont know.)
(Please say it again.)
(Once more, please?)

Ending the Lesson

There will be no homework for today.

For homework, please do the exercises on page 9.
Todays homework is . . .
Please read pages . . . to . . . for homework.
Tomorrow, well study Lesson 6.

Theres the bell.

Thats all for today.
The lesson is over for today.
Weve run out of time.

Goodbye, class.
See you on Friday.
Have a good day!
Have a nice weekend!
See you next week.
Good job today.
1. i didnt mean too! : Saya tidak sengaja!

2. You are really something!: Kamu ada-ada saja!

3. Take it easy! : Santai saja!

4. Dont block my sight! : Jangan halangi pandanganku

5. Dont be cocky! : Jangan GR!

6. I change my mind! : Saya berubah pikiran!

7. Dont give up! : Jangan menyerah!

8. I dont care! : Saya tidak perduli!

9. Move a bit! : Geser sedikit!

10. How could it be : Bagaimana mungkin!

11. Wish me luck! : Doakan aku berhasil!

12. I pray for you! : Saya berdoa untukmu!

13. Take care of yourself! : Jaga dirimu baik-baik!

14. Not so bad! : Lumayan!

15. Just so so! : Biasa-biasa saja

16. It is your turn! : Ini giliranmu!

17. Dont look me down! : Jangan merendahkanku!

18. What a shamed! : Memalukan!

19. Anybody home? : Ada orang dirumah?

20. I take a pity on you! : Aku kasihan padamu!

21. Just a minute! : Tunggu sebentar!

22. Just kidding! : Cuma bercanda!

23. Once more!: Sekali lagi!

24. Anything else?: Ada yang lain?

25. Spend the night!: Menginap!

26. Hurry up!: Cepetan!

27. Feel free!: Jangan sungkan-sungkan

28. Watch out!: Awas!

29. Step by step : Tahap demi tahap

30. Here you are : Ini yang kamu inginkan

31. I dont think so: Aku kira nggak gitu

32. Be careful on the way : Hati-hati di jalan

33. Dont disturb me!: Jangan ganggu aku!

34. Dont take too long! : Jangan lama-lama!

35. Dont insult me! : Jangan menghinaku!

36. Dont be hopeless! : Jangan putus asa!

37. Dont waste the time! : Jangan buang-buang waktu!

38. Guide me! : Bimbing aku!

39. Forgive me! : Maafkan aku!

40. Do it by yourself! : Kerjakan sendiri!

41. Take it or leave it! : Jadi apa nggak!

42. What is going on? : Apa yang terjadi?

43. Keep your spirit : Jaga semangatmu

44. What will I get for this? : Apa imbalannya?

45. Dont kid me! : Jangan mempermainkan saya!

46. Dont throw the rubbish anywhere! : Jangan buang sampah sembarangan!

47. Thats sound like a bunch of nonsense to me! : Gombal!

48. It doesnt matter : Tidak masalah

49. Wake up honey : Bangun sayang

50. Thats sound like a fun : Kayaknya asyik nih

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