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I am an A2 student in the process of creating a short film. It will be a drama that combines elements
of the thriller genre while also having supernatural themes. A possible title for my film is What kind
of Man. The plot of my film is as follows:

A young man (Dylan) is subject to a series of unpleasant hauntings from his deceased ex-girlfriend
(Katie). As the hauntings intensify it is revealed to Dylan that his ex-girlfriend was killed by his current
girlfriend (Mia) in order for her to be with him. The spirit asks Dylan to kill her to exact her revenge.
Dylan eventually follows through with this and kills her.

Question 1

Who do you think this film would appeal more towards?

Men or Woman (Please Circle)

Question 2

What should the spirit in my film look like?

Frightening and scary?

Like a normal person?
Like a normal person but with some really pale make-up?
Should they just be invisible?

Question 3

Do you think the title what kind of man is a good title for the film?

Yes or No (Please Circle)

Question 4a

If yes why?


Question 4b

If no why?


Question 5

What do you think is a better title?

Question 6?

Rather than have Mia kill Katie, initially I was going to have Mia manipulate Dylan into killing Katie
then have Dylan suffer from the relentless hauntings from Katie until he was forced into killing Mia.

Do you think this is a better plot, and why?


Question 7?

What instrument do you think would work well with this story? (Please circle one)





Question 8?

Would you want to watch the characters death? Or do you think its more effective to have death
not shown and implied?


Question 9?

Can you think of a more satisfying ending to my film (if so explain) or do you think that it doesnt
need changing?


Question 10?

Is there anything that you would like to see in the film or that you feel would enhance it?


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