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01 is not equal to 1

1.Hypothesis: 01 does not equal to 1

2.if we have 01 and we reverse the order of digits we get 10
3.if we subtract the reversy(01) from the reversed(10) using this way of marking numbers we get the
following expression: 10-01=09 (3.1)
4.if we have 1 and we reverse the order of digits we still get 1 since there is nothing to reverse
and 4.0 1-1 does not equal nine: ~(1-1=9)(4.1)
therefore 1 does not equal to 01 since the same operation cannot be completed (Leki
reversal/reduction) on both expressions.
5.Supose the objectioner is not satisfied and says that in the expression of the number 1 (without
the zero) the neccesary empty space (in the future text represented as dash) represents the zero
so the equality( 3.1=4.1)can still be established
reversing dash1 we would get 1dash and the following expression:
6. 1dash-dash1= dash9= 1 1= 9 = 1-1=9 would neccesarily be proposed
this however cant be taken as possible or true because that equality expression would neccesitate
that the neccesary empty space (present behind every number) behind the digits (ergo in this
expression in 6. as well) increases the value of the number in question tenfold (as is the case in
1dash) but this is never taken to be the case.
This contradiction makes the objection in 5. not valid.
Furthermore, this way of reasoning could lend itself to any number x being equated to xdash and
then being equal to x0 (if the operation in 3 and 4 would be conducted on them)
so the following expression would also be correct affirming the same rule:
128=1280 (since 128dash=128 neccesarily, and we suposed that 128dash equals to 1280 again
neccesarily because the objectioner demands it in 5)
But we know that 128 does not qual to 1280.
Given that any number (apart from 0) xdash(ie. 3) is not equal to the number x0 (ie 30) (x being a
digit apart from 0).
We can conclude: dash/empty space cant be taken to be exchangable with 0 in mathematical
By the logical principle of subordination: we can infer that this follows for 10 and 1
it is not true that 1 1=10-01
since the previous line is the case we still have to affirm line 4.
01 is not equal to 1

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