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Using the information you learned from the police

interviews, write a paragraph saying who you think
committed the crime.
I think because

I think the thieves are Mr. White and his lover. They planned the
robbery and seeing that they were suspects they called the police to
clarify that they were lovers and had gone to eat ice cream, but it was
a lie.

2. Decide True or False?

( F ) Mr. White was at home when the event occurred.

( F ) Mr. White caught the thief but he didnt tell anyone.

( T ) Mrs. White was watching the movie while her husband was
drinking water.

( F ) The thief broke into the house while they were sleeping.

( F ) Mr. White went out while his wife was sleeping.

( T ) Mr. White went out to help his friend.

( F ) Mrs. White screamed when she saw the thief.

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