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[2017- 9-12 20:17:37]-----------------------------------------------

[2017- 9-12 20:17:37]sets the verification mode: SOCKET

[2017- 9-12 20:17:37]connecting succeed.

[2017- 9-12 20:17:37]connect failed.

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]-----------------------------------------------

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]sets the verification mode: SSL_VERIFY_PEER

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]the CRL certificate does not exist.

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]SSL_connecting...

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]connect failed. WSAGetLastError = 0

[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]SSL_connect failed. SSL_getVerifyResult:0,


[2017- 9-12 20:17:44]SSL_getLastError:1040, Description: SSL/TLS alert handshake


[2017- 9-12 20:17:50]-----------------------------------------------

[2017- 9-12 20:17:50]sets the verification mode: SSL_VERIFY_NONE

[2017- 9-12 20:17:50]SSL_connecting...

[2017- 9-12 20:17:51]SSL_connect success.

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