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1. What are the two types of poverty?

Poverty is being distinguished into two different groups of poor chronic and transient.
According to the article, the poverty in which the chronic poor are experiencing is mainly
caused by low quality of human capital and almost no access in physical assets. Meanwhile,
transient poor are being distinguished to be those groups whose poverty is due to the
downswing of the industries they rely on.

2. Acc. to the author, what are the strategies to minimize the issue of poverty in the

Before the author presented her insights with regards to the possible action in solving
the countrys poverty problem, she emphasized that since there were different causes of
poverty involved, the treatments may not be the same also. In particular, the strategy in terms
of giving help is through the exemplification of feeding centers, medicine distribution centers
and more. In the other hand, teaching help can be made through skills training and other
livelihood programs.

Specifically, she also noted that in order to minimize the poverty issues, it should be a
collective effort as individuals. She suggested ways like paying taxes, looking into the activities
of government officials, choosing the right elective officials, campaigning for them and resisting
the easy-way out mindset.

3. In what way particularly could you be able to help your community to fight the increasing
poverty incidence?

I am certain that helping the community, especially in the issue of poverty, doesnt
require a right age nor vast amount of time or money. As a student, paying my school fees is
one. Involvement in various community outreach activities like feeding program, skills training
and supplies giving is another. Moreover, with some learning in medical aspect, I could also
extend my assistance in health outbreak.

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