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The Marchand Balun:

Past and Ever Present

Steve C. Cripps
Cardiff University, UK
Steve C Cripps
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University

RF to Microwave; an RFPA cultural divide

Balun Basics
The Marchand Balun
3-D to 2-D............
And Back to 2.5D (LCP multilayer)

Steve C Cripps 2

Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
The Push-pull Mystery. A Cultural Divide ?

<1GHz PAs: High efficiency, broadband, Push-pull

>1GHz, High efficiency, narrow band, single-ended
Do They (= the HF/VHF folks) know something
We (= the microwave folks) dont?

Steve C Cripps 3

Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-1)

Fu n d a m e n ta l

Ideal center-tapped transformer in odd-mode

Voltages induced into secondary re-inforce
Steve C Cripps 4
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-2)

V= 0 V= 0

Eve n Ha rm o n ic s

Ideal center-tapped transformer in even-mode

Voltages induced into secondary cancel (really!)
Steve C Cripps 5
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-3)

c /t se c .

Ideal transformers become more challenging to

realise even in the low (MHz) RF frequency range
Steve C Cripps 6
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-4)
O dd Mod e

20 40 60 80 1 00

Even Mo d e

2 R
20 40 60 80 1 00

Measured odd and even mode impedance of

commercial (Minicircuits T4) transformer
It works its all true so 1GHz,10GHz?
Steve C Cripps 7
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-5)

At GHz frequencies, transformers are replaced by

balun structures
There are over 500 US patents on baluns!
But by far the most popular stucture is shown, and is
used down into the HF/VHF range
Steve C Cripps 8
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-6)

Basic action uses the properties of a matched

transmission line: the voltage between the
conductors must remain constant
So a center-grounded load forces a differential output
Steve C Cripps 9
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-7)

So odd-mode excitation works as with a CT

But note, there is now no CT!
In practice, this is not a big issue due to transistors
not behaving as ideal current sources
Steve C Cripps 10
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Transformers to Baluns (-8)

But heres the key difference!

In even mode excitation (= even harmonics), it is not
possible to force different currents on the inner and
outer conductors
Steve C Cripps 11
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
PA Circuits (Single Ended)

Single ended design becomes challenging when

trying to present specific harmonic and fundamental
Fundamental conflict as bandwidth exceeds octave
Steve C Cripps 12
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
PA Circuits for Push-Pull

Open circuit at the balun output does not mean o/c at

the device plane
The matching circuit has to be designed allowing for
different terminations at odd/even harmonics
Steve C Cripps 13
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
GHz Baluns (-1)

When you read a paper on baluns (and there are

hunderds of them!), they always seem to be analysed,
and measured, as power dividers
But in a PPPA, the critical application is as a power
Steve C Cripps 14
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
GHz Baluns (-2)

Circuit model for basic co-axial balun

Conventionally, papers on baluns analyse and measure
the configuration shown, demonstrating unbalanced to
balanced transformation
Outer strip to ground T/L universally regarded as an
evil , and causes a complete suckout at the halfwave
Steve C Cripps 15
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
GHz Baluns (-3 )

Simulated performance of basic co-axial balun

Zognd value 100 Ohms
Bandwidth highly dependent on Zognd value
A million tricks published and patented to reduce
this value!
Steve C Cripps 16
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
GHz Baluns (-4) Marchand Lite (?!)

This is not a Marchand balun, but has been cited as

+ output is balanced by adding a SCSS of similar
physical dimensions to the main balun line.
Steve C Cripps 17
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Balun

Marchand balun utilises both inner and outer of the

compensating stub
Compensation (rather than equalisation) of the parasitic
outer-to-ground TL can be obtained
OCSS impedance determines compensated b/w.
OCSS Zo tends to be uncomfortably low!
Steve C Cripps 18
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
3-D to 2-D

To implement this type of balun at higher frequencies,

it must be reduced to a planar, 2-D structure.
Most obvious (intuitive) approach is to use a 3-strip
coupling structure, with the outer strips interconnected
to form the outer shield
Inner strip is somewhat shielded from the ground
plane, but still has significant Zo to ground.
Steve C Cripps 19
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Planar Balun (-2 )

Circuit model for basic planar balun

Note that inner conductor now sees ground,
represented by an additional shunt TL (Zinner)
This has a dramatic effect on the balun response
Steve C Cripps 20
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Planar Balun (-3 )
Graph 1 DB(|S(2,1)|)
0 Schematic 1
-2 Schematic 1
Schematic 1



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Frequency (GHz)

Circuit model for basic planar 3-strip balun

Outer strip to ground T/L universally regarded as an
evil , which fundamentally limits the useful?
Trace separation very prevalent in planar baluns due
to extra T/L between inner srtip and ground
Steve C Cripps 21
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Planar Balun (-1 )

Full Marchand inserts a series open ckt stub in series

with the inner conductor
Full analysis of the planar version has to incorporate the
extra parasitic T/Ls for the main balun and the stub
Tricky........but weve worn through a few pencils!
Steve C Cripps 22
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Planar Balun (-2)

Remarkable result........
The midband trace separation can be eliminated if
Zo/Zinner = Zstub/Zis

The Golden Ratio!!

Steve C Cripps 23
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Planar Balun (-3 )

Layout for enhanced planar Marchand balun

Note use of 5-finger structure for the Marchand stub,
to realise low Zo
Extensive EM sim (plus some old-fashioned shot-
gunning!) required to achieve the golden ratio..
Steve C Cripps 24
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Planar Balun (-4 )

Measured performance of enhanced planar Marchand

Variation of golden ratio shows agreement with new
theory [Ref. Canning et al., MTT Transactions May
2014, pp 1183-1191]
Steve C Cripps 25
Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Marchand Planar Balun (-5 )
This analysis has produced a surprising conclusion:

The full Marchand not only increases the bandwidth (well

known, and analysed in Marchands original paper)................
.......BUT it can also cancel the trace separation caused by the
inner-to-ground transmission lines.
This however only happens when certain relationships
between the various Zos is maintained.

Steve C Cripps 26

Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Conclusions 1
Planar baluns can potentially be designed at GHz frequencies
to cover multi-octave frequency ranges
Transmission line baluns behave differently from ideal
transformers in even mode excitation
In its planar form, the Marchand balun can eliminate
troublesome trace separation effects (despite originally being
conceived as a 3-D co-axial structure)

Steve C Cripps 27

Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University
Conclusions 2 (Design Results)
Several push-pull PAs have been reported and demonstrated,
using a combined push-pull and continuous B-J mode design
Efficiency 45-70% maintained over decade bandwidth,
.25-2.5GHz, 40W power
Efficiency >40% maintained over 4:1 bandwidth up to mid-X-
band (to be published)

Steve C Cripps 28

Centre for High Frequency Engineering, Cardiff University

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