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Comparison of the projector augmented-wave, pseudopotential, and linearized

augmented-plane-wave formalisms for density-functional calculations of solids
N. A. W. Holzwarth, G. E. Matthews, R. B. Dunning, A. R. Tackett, and Y. Zeng
Department of Physics, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
~Received 8 July 1996!
The projector augmented-wave ~PAW! method was developed by Blochl as a method to accurately and
efficiently calculate the electronic structure of materials within the framework of density-functional theory. It
contains the numerical advantages of pseudopotential calculations while retaining the physics of all-electron
calculations, including the correct nodal behavior of the valence-electron wave functions and the ability to
include upper core states in addition to valence states in the self-consistent iterations. It uses many of the same
ideas developed by Vanderbilt in his soft pseudopotential formalism and in earlier work by Blochl in his
generalized separable potentials, and has been successfully demonstrated for several interesting materials.
We have developed a version of the PAW formalism for general use in structural and dynamical studies of
materials. In the present paper, we investigate the accuracy of this implementation in comparison with corre-
sponding results obtained using pseudopotential and linearized augmented-plane-wave ~LAPW! codes. We
present results of calculations for the cohesive energy, equilibrium lattice constant, and bulk modulus for
several representative covalent, ionic, and metallic materials including diamond, silicon, SiC, CaF 2 , fcc Ca,
and bcc V. With the exception of CaF 2 , for which core-electron polarization effects are important, the struc-
tural properties of these materials are represented equally well by the PAW, LAPW, and pseudopotential
formalisms. @S0163-1829~97!00404-9#

I. INTRODUCTION behavior of the valence electron wave functions. In addition,

there is evidence that it is sometimes necessary to improve
The projector augmented-wave ~PAW! method was upon the accuracy of the pseudopotential approach for the
developed by Blochl1 as a method to accurately and effi- structural simulations of some materials.
ciently calculate the electronic structure of materials within Within the framework of density-functional theory,9,10
the framework of density-functional theory.9,10 It takes ad- pseudopotential methods have been enormously successful
vantage of many of the ideas developed in the pseudopoten- in performing structural studies of a wide variety of
tial literature,11,12 while retaining information about the cor- materials.11,12 One contributing factor to this success is the
rect nodal behavior of the valence electron wave functions accuracy of the frozen core approximation16 for many of the
and has the ability to include upper core states in addition to materials throughout the Periodic Table. In order to get a
valence states in the self-consistent iterations. It uses many more quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the frozen
ideas similar to those developed by Vanderbilt2 in his soft core approximation, it is helpful to consider a systematic
pseudopotential formalism and by Blochl3 in his earlier study of atomic total energies calculated with a self-
work on generalized separable potentials, and has been consistent atomic structure code using the LDA parametrized
successfully demonstrated for several interesting by Perdew and Wang.14 First, consider sp bonding materials.
materials.1,46 In Fig. 1 the error in calculating the energy to promote an
We have developed a version of the PAW formalism for electron from the s to p shell within the frozen core approxi-
general use in structural and dynamical studies of materials. mation minus that of the fully self-consistent result is plotted
We have investigated this implementation as a function of versus the number x of sp valence electrons in the 2nd, 3rd,
computational parameters and in comparison with corre- and 4th rows of the Periodic Table. The error is less than 1
sponding results obtained using pseudopotential 7,11,13 and meV for elements in the 2nd row of the Periodic Table and
linearized augmented-plane-wave8 ~LAPW! codes. The fo- less than 10 meV for most of the other elements. It decreases
cus of this study is the numerical accuracy of the computa- with increasing x, being larger for the alkali and alkaline-
tional technique. Therefore, all calculations described in this earth metals than for the halides. There is a jump in the error
work were done using the exchange-correlation functional in at x>3 for Ga because of the completion of the 3d shell.
the local density approximation ~LDA! parametrized by Per- This error can be essentially eliminated by including the 3d
dew and Wang.14 Extension of the current formalism to more states as valence states in the self-consistent calculations. In
complicated exchange-correlation functionals15, or to include Fig. 2 the error in calculating the energy to promote an
relativistic and/or spin effects, should be straightforward. electron from the s to d shell within the frozen core approxi-
There are several motivations for developing the PAW mation minus that of the fully self-consistent result is plotted
formalism. A number of physical properties ~such as mag- versus the number x of sd valence electrons in the 4th and
netic properties, electronic matrix elements, for example! 5th rows of the Periodic Table. Evidently, the frozen core
should be calculated with a knowledge of the correct nodal error is considerably larger for sd materials than it is for

0163-1829/97/55~4!/2005~13!/$10.00 55 2005 1997 The American Physical Society


pseudopotential calculations for FeS 2 determined the S-S

bond length to be more than 0.1 larger than the experi-
mental value, while all-electron calculations determined the
bond length to be substantially closer to the experimental
value. In the present paper, we find an even larger error in
the pseudopotential prediction of the equilibrium lattice con-
stant for CaF 2 compared with than that predicted by all-
electron calculations. Clearly, it is sometimes necessary to
go beyond the pseudopotential approach for structural simu-
lations, as can be provided by the PAW formalism.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we review
the general features of formalism developed by Blochl.1 In
Sec. III, we describe our method for constructing the basis
and projector functions and present examples. In Sec. IV
results are presented for calculation of the electronic struc-
ture of a variety of materials including the insulators CaF 2
FIG. 1. Configuration energy error in meV corresponding to and diamond; the semiconductors silicon and SiC; and the
frozen core minus all-electron total energy differences metals calcium and vanadium. The summary and conclu-
E(ns s n p x2 s ns s 21 np x2 s 11 ), where x denotes the number of sions are presented in Sec. V. Detailed formulas for the
sp valence electrons in the neutral atom, s is 1 for the alkali metal Hamiltonian matrix elements and total valence energy are
atoms and 2 otherwise, and n is the principal quantum number 2, 3, presented in the Appendix.
or 4.
sp materials, and is larger for the 3d transition metals than In density functional theory9 for periodic solids, it is nec-
for the 4d transition metals. It is interesting that the error is essary to calculate the self-consistent Bloch wave functions
uniformly positive ~the promotion energy is larger in the C nk(r), where n and k denote band index and wave vector,
frozen core approximation than in a fully relaxed calcula- respectively. In the PAW formalism, all variational calcula-
tion! even though the promotion energy itself changes sign tions are performed on smooth wave functions Cnk(r),
for the sd materials at x56. For all of these materials, the which are designed to be represented in plane-wave expan-
configuration energy error can be reduced by several orders sions. The conversion between the smooth wave functions
of magnitude by including the upper core states in the self- and the corresponding wave functions having the correct
consistent calculation. nodal form is achieved through the use of a set of three types
Some examples of systems which have significant core- of functions defined for each atom a: the all-electron
electron contributions to the structural energy have appeared ~AE! basis functions f ai (r),19 the pseudo ~PS! basis func-
in the literature. For example, Wright and Nelson17 noted
that it was necessary to include the 3d states to correctly tions f ai (r), and the projector functions p ai (r). Blochl1 de-
calculate the structural properties of GaN and other Ga- fined these functions to have the following properties. The
containing materials. In our previous work,18 we found that AE and PS basis functions are chosen such that

f ai ~ r! 5 f ai ~ r! for r>r ac , ~1!

where r ac is the radius of a nonoverlapping sphere about the
atomic site a. Because of the cancellation property ~1!, the
basis functions f ai and f ai are never evaluated beyond
r.r ac , although they are continuous for all r. The projector
functions vanish for r.r ac and satisfy the complementary-
orthogonality property:

^ p ai u f aj & 5 d i j . ~2!
Within the constraints defined in Eqs. ~1,2!, there is consid-
erable freedom in the choice of the atomic functions
$ f ai , f ai , and p ai % . The choices used in the present work will
be described in Sec. III below. In terms of these functions,
the full Bloch wave function C nk(r) can be calculated from
the smooth wave function Cnk(r) using the relation

FIG. 2. Configuration energy error in meV corresponding to

frozen core minus all-electron total energy differences C nk~ r! 5Cnk~ r! 1 (
@ f ai ~ r2Ra ! 2 f ai ~ r2Ra !# ^ p ai u Cnk& ,
E @ ns 2 (n21)d x22 ns 1 (n21)d x21 # , where x denotes the number
of sd valence electrons in the neutral atom and n denotes the prin-
cipal quantum number 4 or 5. where R denotes the atomic position within a unit cell.

The PAW formalism is designed so that the valence- contributions, confined within a sphere of radius r ac about the
electron density can be calculated as a sum of three contri- atom a. It can be shown that integrand of the difference
butions: energy E a 2E a converges smoothly to zero at the sphere
boundary at r ac .
n ~ r! 5n ~ r! 1n 1 ~ r! 2n 1 ~ r! . ~4!
E a represents the energy contribution inside the atomic
In Eq. ~4!, the first term represents the pseudodensity which sphere a:

can be represented by a plane-wave expansion throughout
\2 2 a
the unit cell. Specifically, the smooth density is given by E a5 ( f nk^ Cnku p ai &^ p aj u Cnk&
nk,i, j
f ai 2

n ~ r! [
f nku Cnk~ r! u 2 , ~5!
EE r,r 8 <r c
d 3r d 3r 8
n a ~ r ! n a ~ r8 !
u r2r8u
where f nk denotes the occupancy factor. The last two contri-
butions to Eq. ~4! are designed to exactly cancel each other
in the region outside the atomic spheres and to correct the 1 E r<r c
d 3 r n a ~ r!@v aion~ r ! 1 v core~ r!#
density for the correct nodal behavior in the vicinity of each
atom. The one-center terms can each be represented as a 1E xc@ n a 1n acore2n acore1n core# 2E xc@ n acore# . ~10!
sum of atomic contributions n 1 (r)[ ( a n a (r2Ra ) and
n 1 (r)[ ( a n a (r2Ra ). The atomic density terms are given by E a subtracts out the smooth density contributions in-
cluded in Eq. ~9! within atomic sphere a and includes addi-
n a ~ r! [ ( f nk^ Cnku p ai &^ p aj u Cnk& f ai ~ r! * f aj ~ r! , ~6! tional Coulombic corrections terms:

nk,i, j
\2 2 a
for the contribution having the correct nodal form, and E a 5 (
nk,i, j
f nk^ Cnku p ai &^ p aj u Cnk& f ai 2
f j

n a ~ r! [ ( f nk^ Cnku p ai &^ p aj u Cnk& f ai ~ r! * f aj ~ r! ,

nk,i, j
~7! 1
EE r,r 8 <r c
d 3r d 3r 8
n a ~ r! n a ~ r8!
u r2r8u

for the corrections to n.
Blochl derived the PAW formalism by writing the valence 1 a
d 3 r n a ~ r!@v a ~ r! 1 v core~ r!#
energy for the system in terms of three contributions corre- r<r c

sponding to the density form:
1 d 3 r n a ~ r!v aloc~ r!
E5E1E 1 2E 1 . ~8! r<r c

The valence energy Eq. ~8! represents the energy of the va- 1E a 1E acore1E a0
core1E xc@ n 1n core# . ~11!
lence electrons interacting with themselves, with the atomic
nuclei having atomic number Z a , and with the core electrons In the above equations, E xc denotes the exchange-
of the system which are assumed to be frozen in the same correlation energy function which depends on the density
functional form as in the atom.20 The three contributions can argument.10,21 In addition to depending on the valence den-
be written as follows. sity contributions ~5, 6, and 7!, the energy evaluation in-
E depends upon the evaluation of the smooth density cludes the frozen core density, a compensation charge
functions throughout the unit cell: density, and an arbitrary localized potential as discussed be-

\2 2
E5 (
f nk Cnk 2
Cnk The frozen core density n acore(r) associated with site a is
expected to be mostly contained within the atomic sphere
r ac , however, because electrostatic effects are strong, a small
EE d 3r d 3r 8
@ n ~ r! 1n ~ r!#@ n ~ r8! 1n ~ r8!#
u r2r8u
extension of the core density beyond r ac can have an appre-
ciable effect on the binding energy. We approximate these

n ~ r! n core~ r8! effects within the spirit of the frozen core approximation, by
1e 2 d 3r d 3r 8 1 d 3 r n ~ r!v loc~ r! superposing the atomic core densities. For this purpose, it is
u r2r8u convenient to define a spherically symmetric smooth core

e2 n core~ r! n core~ r8! tail function associated with site a:

1 d 3r d 3r 8 1E xc@ n1n core# .
2 u r2r8u G ae 2g
/4p for r<r ac
n acore~ r ! [ , ~12!
~9! n acore~ r ! for r>r ac
The one-center contributions to Eq. ~8! can each be where G a and g a are adjustable constants. This form has
represented as a sum of atomic terms E 1 [ ( a E a and been previously used for LAPW calculations.22 In terms of
E 1 [ ( a E a , where a indexes all the atoms of the unit cell. the smooth core tail function, a smooth frozen core density
Each one-center contribution, E a and E a , is evaluated with function n core(r) can be formed from a lattice superposition,
all integrals involved with evaluating the valence density which can be easily evaluated in Fourier space:

1 the spheres is arbitrary. It is convenient to choose a normal-

n core~ r! 5
V (G nD core~ G! e iGr, ized form based on a Gaussian times r L :
where g aL ~ r ! [NL r L e 2r a ,
(a e 2iGR nD acore~ G ! ,
nD core~ G! [

NL [ F E
A4 p
dr r 2 ~ L11 ! e 2r
G 21
. ~19!

nD acore~ G ! [ E0
dr 4 p r 2 n acore~ r ! j 0 ~ Gr ! , ~13!
Here s a is a width parameter adjusted so that g aL (r)'0 for
r>r ac . In Eq. ~11!, v a denotes the Coulomb potential of the
compensation charge density n a , and E a denotes the corre-
where V is the volume of the unit cell, Ra denotes a lattice sponding self-energy correction:
site, and j 0 (Gr) denotes the spherical Bessel function. The
core tail potential which appears in Eqs. ~10! and ~11! is
easily evaluated in Fourier space: v a ~ r! [e 2 E d 3r 8
n a ~ r8!
u r2r8u

4pe2 nD core~ G! iGr n a ~ r! n a ~ r8!
v core~ r! 5
V G0 G 2 ( e , ~14! E a [
d 3r d 3r 8
u r2r8u
. ~20!

where the G50 contribution must be treated separately as Additional Coulombic correction terms appear in Eq.
discussed below. The localized portion of the frozen core
~11!. The term E acore represents ion-core interactions minus
density contributes to Eq. ~10! in the form of the ionic Cou-
the corresponding self-energy corrections:
lomb potential for atom a ~with atomic number Z a ):

v aion~ r ! [e 2 E d r8
n aion~ r 8 !
u r2r8u
2E acore[ E d 3 r n aion~ u r2Ra u !@v core~ r! 2 v acore~ u r2Ra u !#
r 8 <r c

where 2
EE d 3r d 3r 8
n acore~ r ! n acore~ r 8 !
u r2r8u
. ~21!

n aion~ r ! [2Z a d ~ r! 1 @ n acore~ r ! 2n acore~ r !# . ~15! In this expression v core ~14! represents the potential due to
the superposed core densities, while the v acore term subtracts
Blochl introduced a compensation charge density n a in
out the potential due to the smooth core density function
order to represent, in a physically correct and mathematically
n acore associated with the site a. By subtracting out self-
convenient form, the total charge within each atomic sphere
Coulomb interactions, the net ionic contributions of this cal-
a other than that represented by the smooth charge densities
culation are equivalent to that evaluated via an Ewald23 sum-
n a and n acore The total compensation charge density is given
mation in other formulations.24
as the sum of atomic contributions n(r)[ ( a n a (r2Ra ) de-
Because the analysis represents a system with no net
fined according to
charge, the Coulomb energy is well defined. However, spe-
cial care is needed for evaluating the G50 contributions.
n a ~ r2Ra ! [ (
da )g aL ~ u r2Ra u ! .
Q aLM Y LM ~ r2R ~16! The compensation charge ~16! has been defined so that the
sum of the smooth charge density plus the core tail density
In Eq. ~16!, the coefficients Q aLM represent the multipole plus the compensation charge density represent a neutral sys-
moments of the compensation charge: tem: * d 3 r @ n(r)1n core(r)1n(r) # 50. Also by construction
~16!, the sum of ionic charges plus valence difference charge
Q aLM [ ~ 2Z a 1Q acore! d L0 d M 0 minus the compensation charge also form a neutral system:
* d 3 r @ n aion(r)1n a (r)2n a (r)2n a (r) # 50. However, in col-
1 A4 p E ~ r<r c !
* ~ r! r L @ n a ~ r! 2n a ~ r!# ,
d 3 r Y LM lecting all the terms involved with evaluating the Coulomb
interaction in reciprocal space, one finds a nonvanishing con-
tribution of the form
where Q acore is the core charge localized within the atomic 2E a0

Q acore[ E d r3
@ n acore~ r ! 2n acore~ r !# , ~18!
4 p e 2 n core~ 0 !
@ n aion~ G! 1n a ~ G! 2nD a ~ G! 2n
a ~ G!#
. G
r<r c
a ~22!

and where the integrals in Eqs. ~17! and ~18! are taken over The energy expressions of Eqs. ~9!, ~11! include an extra
a sphere of radius r ac centered at atom a. Since the compen- potential term introduced in the original formulation of
sation charge is used to represent the correct Coulombic po- Blochl1 of the form v loc(r)[ ( a v aloc(r2Ra ), where v aloc is an
tential outside the atomic spheres, its functional form inside arbitrary potential localized within the r ac radius of atom a.

This localized potential introduces no net contribution to the III. PAW BASIS AND PROJECTOR FUNCTIONS
energy and in the present work was set identically to zero. A. Formalism
The self-consistent Schrodinger equations were obtained
by Blochl1 by applying the variational principle for the The PAW method depends upon finding basis and projec-
smooth wave functions Cnk(r) to minimize the valence en- tor functions. There have been several suggestions by
ergy ~8! subject to the appropriate orthonormality con- Blochl1 and his collaborators4 for constructing the basis and
straints. The resulting equations take the form of a general- projector functions. The procedure that we have found to
ized eigenvalue problem: work well is similar to that developed by Vanderbilt2 in his
soft pseudopotential technique and is also similar to gener-
alized separable potentials developed in an earlier work of
H Cnk~ r! 5 nkO Cnk~ r! . ~23!
The effective Hamiltonian operator can be expressed in the The starting point of the construction is the solution of the
form all-electron self-consistent Schrodinger equation for the
atom.26,27 Since the atom has spherical symmetry, the inter-
esting part of a AE basis function is its radial function
H[H PW1 (
a, ~ i, j !
u p ai & D ai j ^ p aj u . ~24! f na i l i (r), although the complete set of basis functions is com-
posed of products of the radial function and the appropriate
The first term has the form of a local pseudopotential Hamil- spherical harmonic functions: f ai (r)
tonian: [f n l (r)/rY l i m i (r). In general, the radial AE basis func-
a 19
i i
tions $ f na l (r) % are chosen as the valence eigenstates of the
\2 2 i i
H PW[2 1 v eff~ r! , ~25! AE Schrodinger equation; their corresponding energies are
2m denoted by $ na l % . For atoms with upper core states which
i i
where the smooth effective potential is given by are involved in the bonding, it is necessary to include these
states among the basis functions. In some cases, it may also

v eff~ r! [e 2 E d 3r 8
@ n ~ r8! 1n core~ r8! 1n ~ r8!#
u r2r8u
1 v loc~ r!
be necessary to include some unbound states among the basis
functions. For simplicity in notation, the index n i is used to
denote the principal quantum number for bound states and is
1 m xc@ n ~ r! 1n core~ r!# , ~26! extended to enumerate any continuum states included in the
basis set. All evaluations with these functions are confined to
where m xc represents the exchange-correlation potential.10 the region r<r ac . For each l value, at most two radial basis
The orthonormality matrix in Eq. ~23! is given by functions were needed for all of the systems we have studied
so far.
For each radial AE basis function f na l (r), the corre-
O[11 (
a, ~ i, j !
u p ai & O ai j ^ p aj u , i i
sponding radial PS basis function is chosen to have a poly-
nomial form
O ai j [ ^ f i u f j & 2 ^ f i u f j & . ~27! f an i l i ~ r ! 5r l i 11 (
n 50
a nr 2n, ~29!

The one-center contributions to the effective Hamiltonian

~24! are functionally similar to nonlocal pseudopotential where N is an even number between 4 and 10, and where the
terms. For each atom, they can be expressed in terms of AE coefficients a n are determined from the following two
or PS matrix elements: matching sets of conditions:

f na i l i ~ r k ! 5 f na i l i ~ r k ! , ~30!
D ai j 5H ai j 2H ai j ,

where, and

H ai j [ ^ f ai u H a u f aj & 2 S
\ 2 d 2 l i ~ l i 11 ! a
2m dr 2k
r 2k D
f n i l i ~ r k !
5 @ na l 2 v aeff~ r k !# f na l ~ r k ! , ~31!
i i i i

H ai j [ ^ f ai u H a u f aj & . ~28!
where v aeff(r) is the all-electron self-consistent effective po-
These terms are discussed in more detail in the Appendix. In tential for the spherically symmetric atom, which is given by
the present work, studying systems with fixed atomic posi-
tions $ Ra % , self-consistent solutions to Eq. ~23! were ob-
tained with a combination of direct diagonalization using a
v aeff~ r ! [2
e 2Z a
1e 2 E d 3r 8
@ n a ~ r 8 ! 1n acore~ r 8 !#
u r2r8u
combination of the Davidson-Liu algorithm25 and conjugate
gradient12 techniques. 1 m xc@ n a
~ r ! 1n acore~ r !# . ~32!

The N equations corresponding to Eqs. ~30! and ~31!, ~a! The set of the radial AE basis functions $ f na l % should
i i
expressed in terms of the polynomial expansion ~29!, are be chosen to completely represent the valence wave func-
solved simultaneously at N/2 consecutive numerical mesh tions within the atomic spheres. As discussed below, it is
points $ r k % , where k 0 <k,k 0 1N/2, and r k 0 <r ac to deter- sometimes necessary to augment this set of functions with
mine the N coefficients $ a n % . The first set of equations ~30! the upper core functions and some continuum functions for
ensures that the cancellation condition ~1! is satisfied for the higher angular momentum components.
first (N21)/2 derivatives of the PS basis function, while the ~b!The atomic radii r ac should be chosen to be as large as
second set of equations ~31! ensures that the projector func- possible to facilitate the convergence of the smooth functions
tions are well behaved. in Fourier space, but there must be no overlap of atomic
Using the radial PS basis functions ~29!, we can construct
spheres for all structures to be studied.
the radial projector functions using the same functions devel-
oped by Vanderbilt2 for his soft nonlocal pseudopotential ~c! The shape of each PS basis functions $ f na l % and the
i i
which are also very similar to Blochls generalized sepa- corresponding projector function $ p na l % can be controlled by
i i
rable potentials.3 For each atom a and angular momentum adjusting the matching point r k 0 and the number N of match-
l, the matrix elements of the PS basis functions can be de-
ing coefficients $ a n % used to satisfy equations ~30! and ~31!.
In general the best numerical properties are obtained by en-
B nn 8 [ E 0
dr f anl ~ r ! 2F S \ 2 d 2 l ~ l11 !
2m dr 2
r2 D suring that for a given angular momentum component l i , the
first projector function $ p an l % has no nodes, the second has
i i

one node, etc., since the projector functions take the role of
a a an approximate orthogonal function expansion.
1 v aeff~ r ! 2 n 8 l f n 8 l ~ r ! , ~33!
It is convenient to choose one value of the atomic radius
r ac for each atom, while the parameters r k 0 and N can be
where v aeff(r) is the atomic PS effective potential given by
different for each radial AE function f na l . Although the

i i
@ n a ~ r 8 ! 1n acore~ r 8 !# shapes of the functions are sensitive to the choice of these
v aeff~ r ! [ v a ~ r ! 1e 2 d r8
1 v aloc~ r ! parameters, the total energy is not sensitive.
u r2r8u
1 m xc@ n a ~ r ! 1n acore~ r !# , ~34!
B. Example functions
where the potential due to the compensation charge of the 1,3
atom is given by v a (r)5e 2 Q a00 erf(r/ s a )/r. In the present Blochl showed and we have verified that it is generally
work, we have set the arbitrary localized potential v aloc (r) possible to perform accurate calculations with a minimal ba-
identically equal to zero. Since, by construction, sis including one set of PAW functions for each n i l i upper
core and valence orbital. In addition, it is sometimes impor-
v aeff(r)[ v aeff(r) for r>r ac , the integrand in Eq. ~33! vanishes
tant to augment this minimal basis with some continuum
as rr ac . The radial projector functions can be defined:
states. For example, for Si, it was necessary to include a

p anl ~ r ! [ (
n 8
\ 2 d 2 l ~ l11 !
2m dr 2
r2 D continuum l52 function which we denote e d. In Table I are
listed some representative PAW basis parameters and their
corresponding configuration energy errors. From this table, it
G a 21
1 v aeff~ r ! 2 n 8 l f n 8 l ~ r ! ~ Bal ! n 8 n . ~35!
is apparent that for atomic calculations, this procedure makes
it possible to achieve an accuracy close to the accuracy of the
frozen core approximation itself. With the exception of the
For the same reason that the argument of Eq. ~33! vanishes valence-only basis set of V, all of these functions correspond
as rr ac , the radial projector function, p anl (r), also vanishes to a configuration energy error of less than a few meV. For
for r.r ac . The radial projector functions calculated from Eq. the valence-only basis set of V, the configuration energy er-
~35! are related to the full projector functions according to ror is less than 41 th of the error in the frozen core approxima-
p ai (r)[p an l (r)/rY l i m i (r). This construction of the projec-
i i Plots of the PAW functions are shown for V in Figs. 3
tor functions is very similar to the local wave function and 4, comparing the set including the valence functions
u b i & defined by Vanderbilt.2 With this choice, the second $ 4s, 4 p, 3d % only and the more complete set including the
term of the effective Hamiltonian ~24! is essentially the same upper core and valence functions $ 3s, 4s, 3p, 4p, 3d % ,
as the nonlocal potential operator defined by Vanderbilt.2 respectively. These functions were constructed using the pa-
Provided that n a (r)[0 for r>r ac , the projector function ~35! rameters listed in Table I. The shapes of these functions are
vanishes for r>r ac and satisfies the quasiorthonormality con- representative of those of the other atoms listed in Table I.
dition ~2!. It is constructed so that the PS basis functions From the atomic analysis of the accuracy of the configu-
$ f ai (r) % are exact solutions to the PAW Schrodinger Eq. ration energies, as well as the accuracy of the energy eigen-
~23!. This formulation of the projector functions is consistent values and logarithmic derivatives, we expect that the set
with the guidelines developed by Blochl. including the upper core states ~Fig. 4! will give more accu-
With the above scheme for constructing the atomic func- rate results than the valence only set ~Fig. 3!. In fact, the
tions, the accuracy and convergence of the calculation is con- valence-only set was found to suffer from ghost states28,29
trolled by the following considerations. and therefore yielded no meaningful results.

TABLE I. List of PAW basis function parameters for atoms in this study. Radial parameters r ac and r k 0 are
given in bohr units. Errors in the sp or sd promotion energies ~as defined in the figure captions of Figs.
1 and 2! are listed in order to indicate the accuracy of the calculations. DE PAW ~in meV units! indicates the
magnitude of the difference between the promotion energy calculated using the PAW formalism relative
to that of a frozen core calculation. DE relax ~in meV units! indicates the magnitude of the difference between
the promotion energy calculated using the frozen core approximation relative to that of the fully relaxed

Atom (Z) r ac $Basis functions (r k 0 ) % DE PAW DE relax Ghost states ?

C ~6! 1.2 $ 2s(1.2),2p(0.85) % 0.04 0.46 no

F ~9! 1.2 $ 2s(1.2),2p(0.8) % 2.04 0.47 no

Si ~14! 2.2 $ 3s(2.2),3p(2.0), e d(1.4) % 0.95 0.78 no

Ca ~20! 3.6 $ 4s(3.6),4p(3.6),3d(2.0) % 0.88 3.06 yes

Ca ~20! 2.7 $ 3s(2.7),4s(2.7),3p(2.7),4p(2.7),3d(1.5) % 0.06 0.00 no

V ~23! 2.3 $ 4s(2.3),4p(2.3),3d(1.25) % 17.05 85.99 yes

V ~23! 2.1 $ 3s(2.1),4s(2.1),3p(2.1),4p(2.1),3d(1.0) % 3.01 0.28 no

The problem of ghost states for separable nonlocal valence-only basis sets. However, for each of these materials
pseudopotentials has been well documented in the the more complete basis set, which included the upper core
literature.8,28,29 Since the PAW Hamiltonian has the same states, was not only ghost free but also more accurate accord-
mathematical form, it is also subject to this problem. Table I ing to the atomic criteria.
indicates which of the PAW function sets are found to have However, since the ghost problem has been identified in
caused ghost states in solid state calculations involving that this formulation of the PAW formalism, one is motivated to
atom. For both Ca and V, we investigated a range of PAW find ways of improving the PAW basis function construction
parameters in an unsuccessful attempt to generate ghost-free algorithm. One possibility might be that a convenient form
for the localized potential functions v aloc(r) could reduce the
ghost problem. This will be considered in future work.

FIG. 4. Vanadium PAW functions for an accurate basis set ~in-

FIG. 3. Vanadium PAW functions for a minimal basis set ~va- cluding upper core states!, including 3s, 4s, 3p, 4p, and 3d func-
lence only!, including 4s, 4p, and 3d functions; with the dashed tions; with the dashed line indicating f n i l i (r), the thin solid line
line indicating f n i l i (r), the thin solid line indicating f n i l i (r), and a indicating f n i l i (r), and the thick solid line indicating a scaled plot
thick solid line indicating a scaled plot of p n i l i (r). This set of func- of p n i l i (r). This set of functions was constructed using the calcula-
tions was constructed using the calculational parameters listed in tional parameters listed in Table I, and has no ghost state difficul-
Table I, and has ghost state difficulties. ties.

TABLE II. Comparison of cohesive energies, E coh ~eV/atom!;

equilibrium lattice constants, a 0 ~!; and bulk moduli, B ~GPa!
calculated using the PAW, LAPW, and pseudopotential formalisms.

E coh a0 B

Diamond PAW 10.16 3.54 460

LAPW 10.13 3.54 470

pseudopotential 10.13 3.54 460

a a
experiment 7.37 3.56 443a

Silicon PAW 6.03 5.38 98

LAPW 5.92 5.41 98

pseudopotential 5.99 5.39 98

experiment 4.63a 5.43a 99a

SiC PAW 8.39 4.32 220

LAPW 8.29 4.33 230

pseudopotential 8.35 4.33 230

experiment 6.34b 4.36b 224b

CaF 2 PAW 6.36 5.34 100

LAPW 6.30 5.33 110

pseudopotential 6.42 5.21 90

experiment 5.36c 5.445c 85-90c

FIG. 5. Plot of the negative of the cohesive energy per atom ~in
eV! versus lattice constant ~in ! for all of the materials in this fcc Ca PAW 2.24 5.32 19
study, comparing results obtained using pseudopotential, LAPW,
and PAW codes. Results include V ~bcc structure!, C and Si ~dia- LAPW 2.20 5.33 19
mond structure!, SiC ~zinc blende structure!, Ca ~fcc structure!, and pseudopotential 2.14 5.37 20
CaF 2 ~fluorite stucture!.
experiment 1.84a 5.58a 15a
AND IONIC MATERIALS bcc V PAW 9.39 2.94 200

In order to check the accuracy of the PAW formalism for LAPW 9.27 2.94 200
bulk materials, we have carried out a series of density- pseudopotential 9.46 2.94 210
functional calculations, comparing results obtained using the
PAW code with that obtained using LAPW ~Ref. 8! and experiment 5.31 a
3.03 a
mixed-basis pseudopotential7,13 codes. The PAW calcula- a
tions were performed using the larger basis sets described in Reference 32.
Table I. Care was taken to ensure that all the calculations Reference 34.
were equivalently converged. All Brillouin zone integrals Reference 33.
were performed using a uniform sampling of k points with a
Gaussian weighting scheme.30 Results for the calculated co- calculations.3436 Uniform shifts of the cohesive energies are
hesive energies versus lattice constant are plotted in Fig. 5, due to small sensitivies of the three methods to their calcu-
showing results for diamond, silicon, SiC, and CaF 2 , fcc Ca, lational parameters such as muffin-tin or atomic sphere radii,
and bcc V. These results were fit to Murnaghans equation31 plane-wave cutoffs, or partial-wave convergence. However,
to obtain values of the cohesive energy, lattice constant, and with the exception of CaF 2 , the three methods give nearly
bulk modulus summarized in Table II. In calculating the co- identically shaped plots of cohesive energy (2E coh) versus
hesive energies, no corrections were made for atomic mul- lattice constant (a), as shown in Fig. 5, and very close values
tiplet energies, or zero point motion. As expected,15 the LDA for the equilibrium lattice constants ~within 1%) and bulk
results predict a smaller lattice constant and larger cohesive moduli ~within 5%), as shown in Table II.
energies and bulk moduli than the experimental values. For CaF 2 , the pseudopotential calculation predicts a lat-
While focus of the present study is on the comparison of the tice constant which is 2% ~more than 0.1 ! smaller and a
three calculation schemes to each other, it is gratifying to bulk modulus which is 10220 % smaller than the PAW and
note that the present results are also consistent with previous LAPW results. Since the pseudopotential calculation is a va-

lence only calculation, while both the PAW and LAPW cal- where V denotes the volume of the unit cell. The plane-wave
culations include the relaxation of the upper core electrons, expansion coefficients A nk(G) are then the variational pa-
we can conclude that core effects are important for describ- rameters of the problem which are determined by evaluating
ing the structural properties of this system. This conclusion Eq. ~23! in a plane-wave representation. The H PW contribu-
is consistent with the configuration energy errors discussed tion of the PAW Hamiltonian ~25! can easily then be evalu-
in Sec. I. An additional contributing factor for this system is ated in Fourier space using a formalism similar to that de-
the fact that the valence levels of F ~especially the 2s state! veloped for pseudopotentials.24 The Fourier transform of the
are energetically close to the upper core levels (3s and 3 p smooth density ~5! can be represented by
states! of Ca.

One might have expected core relaxation effects to be
important in more of the systems that we have studied. For nD ~ G! [ d 3 r n ~ r! e 2iGr. ~A2!
fcc Ca, the structural errors of the valence-only ~pseudopo- V
tential! calculation are much smaller than that of CaF 2 . Fig-
ure 2 would lead one to expect a large core relaxation effect The Fourier transform of the compensation charge ~16! den-
for bcc V, but as shown in Fig. 5, this is not the case. We sity takes the form
would also have expected KF to have appreciable core relax-
ation effects. However, preliminary results indicate that core

n ~ G! 5 Q aLM Y LM ~ G! e 2iGR g aL ~ G ! , ~A3!
relaxation effects are much less important for KF than for a,LM
CaF 2 .
A4 p i 2L L 2G 2 s 2 /4
In summary, we have successfully implemented a version g aL ~ G ! 5 G e a . ~A4!
~ 2L11 ! !!
of the PAW method for electronic structure calculations. We
have calculated the cohesive energy as a function of lattice The Fourier transform of the core tail density has been de-
constant for six representative crystalsdiamond, silicon, fined in Eq. ~13!. The Fourier transform of the arbitrary lo-
SiC, CaF 2 , fcc Ca, and bcc V. The results are consistent with calized potential function can be represented by
results obtained with the well-established LAPW and
pseudopotential electronic structure methods. For diamond,
(a e 2iGR
silicon, SiC, fcc Ca, and bcc V the PAW results were essen- vD loc~ G! 5 vD aloc~ G ! ,
tially the same as the LAPW and pseudopotential results. For
CaF 2 , there is an indication that the PAW approach is able to where
represent the cohesive properties more accurately than can

the pseudopotential approach by including the contributions `
from the upper core states of Ca. Further work is needed to vD aloc~ G ! [ dr 4 p r 2 v aloc~ r ! j 0 ~ Gr ! . ~A5!
fine tune the construction algorithm for the PAW basis and 0

projector functions in order to avoid the problem of ghost

In these terms, the smooth energy contribution ~9! can be
evaluated using the same techniques as used in the pseudo-
The present implementation is not yet optimized for effi-
potential formalism:24
ciency, and is similar in computation effort to the pseudopo-

S( D
tential approach. The results are encouraging for both the
inherent accuracy and efficiency of the PAW algorithm,
making it a very attractive method first-principles dynamical
2m (
f nk
u A nk~ G! u 2 u k1Gu 2

2pe2 u nD ~ G! 1nD ~ G! u 2 1 u nD core~ G! u 2
V G0 ( G2

4pe2 nD * ~ G! nD core~ G!
The computations for this project were supported by NSF
Grant No. DMR-9403009. We would also like to thank Peter V G0 G2
Blochl for helpful information during the early stages of this
project. We would also like to thank Peter Blaha for helping 1
us use the WIEN95 code. 1
V (G nD *~ G!vD loc~ G!

In using the PAW method for periodic systems, the

1 EV
d 3 r @ n ~ r! 1n core~ r!# e xc@ n ~ r! 1n core~ r!# ,

smooth wave function Cnk(r) are conveniently represented ~A6!

in terms of a plane-wave expansion:
where the last term ~the exchange-correlation contribution! is

evaluated by trapezoidal rule integration using the real space
1 fast Fourier transform grid.7 The corresponding Hamiltonian
Cnk~ r! 5 A nk~ G! e i ~ k1G! r, ~A1!
V G function H PW ~25! can be written

\2 2 4pe2 ~ G! 1nD ~ G!#

@ nD ~ G! 1n 1
H PW52
V G0 G 2( core
e iGr1
V (G vD loc~ G! e iGr1 m xc@ n ~ r! 1n core~ r!# . ~A7!

The contributions to the PAW Hamiltonian ~23! from the ful to decompose the difference Hamiltonian matrix elements
atomic basis and projector functions need some additional D ai j into the following terms:
consideration. In general, it is convenient to make use of
atomic parameters calculated and stored during the process D ai j 5K ai j 1 ^ f ai u v aionu f aj & 2 ^ f ai u v alocu f aj & 2 ^ f ai u v a u f aj &
of constructing the basis and projector functions for each
atom. 1 @v acore# i j 1 @ V aH # i j 1 @v a0 # i j 1 @ V XC
#i j , ~A8!
The scalar constants that need to be stored for each atom which will be defined below.
are Z a , the atomic number; Q acore , the frozen core charge; The O ai j @ K a # i j , ^ f ai u v aionu f aj & , and ^ f ai u v alocu f aj & matrix
r ac , the PAW matching radius; s a , the compensation charge elements are diagonal in the l i and l j quantum numbers. The
width parameter; and G a and g a , the core tail function pa- overlap matrix elements ~27! depend on the integrals:
rameters. The radial functions that need to be stored on radial
grid for each atom are n acore(r), the core density; $ f na l % , the O ai j 5 d l i l j d m i m j O na l ,
i i i i n jl j
atomic AE basis functions; $ f an i l i % ,
the corresponding PS ba- where
sis functions; and $ p n l % , the corresponding projector func-

i i a
tions. rc
O na l [ dr @ f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! 2 f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r !# .
The one-center radial integrals that are needed in the i i n jl j 0 i i j j i i j j

evaluation of the overlap and Hamiltonian matrix elements, ~A9!

O ai j @Eq. ~27!# and D ai j @Eq. ~28!#, are conveniently calcu- The kinetic energy matrix elements ~A8! depend on the in-
lated and stored in the atomic calculation. Since the atomic tegrals:
problem is spherically symmetric, all of the atomic matrix
elements are diagonal in the m i and m j quantum numbers K ai j 5 d l i l j d m i m j K na l ,
i i n jl j
and can be evaluated as radial integrals. In order to analyze
the necessary matrix elements for the full problem, it is help- where

\2 rc
d2 l j ~ l j 11 ! a d 2 l j ~ l j 11 ! a
K na l n l [ 2 dr f an l ~ r ! 22 2 f n j l j ~ r ! 2 f na i l i ~ r ! 2 f n j l j ~ r ! . ~A10!
i i j j 2m 0
i i dr r dr 2 r2

The AE ionic potential ~15! matrix element is given by L, where u l i 2l j u <L<(l i 1l j ). For example, the Lth moment
of the density matrix element:
^ f ai u v aionu f aj & 5 d l i l j d m i m j @v aion# n i l i n j l j ,

where n naLl n l [ dr r L @ f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! 2 f an l ~ r ! f an l ~ r !#
i i j j i i j j i i j j

@v aion# n i l i n j l j [ E0
dr f na l ~ r !v aion~ r ! f na l ~ r ! . ~A11!
i i j j
is used in calculating the moments of the compensation

The matrix element of the arbitrary localized potential is charge ~17!. The radial part of the electrostatic potential cor-
given by responding to the Gaussian form ~19!

^ f ai u v alocu f aj & 5 d l i l j d m i m j @v aloc# n i l i n j l j ,
v aL ~ r ! [
2L11 r
L11 F E 0
dr 8 r 8 L12 g aL ~ r 8 !

@v aloc# n i l i n j l j [ E
dr f na i l i ~ r !v aloc~ r ! f an j l j ~ r ! . ~A12!
1r L Er
dr 8 r 8 12L g aL ~ r 8 ! , G ~A14!
can be evaluated analytically. In principle, this integral
The remaining Hamiltonian matrix elements are not diag- should be confined within the atomic sphere, but because of
onal in l i and l j . It is useful to define intermediate matrix the localization of the Gaussian function, the integral can be
elements which depend upon a total angular momentum extended to infinity. The first few functions are

A4 p e 2 erf~ r/ s a ! where the Fourier transform of the radial part of the projector
v a0 ~ r ! 5 , function in the above equation is given by
sa r/ s a

A4 p e 2 erf~ r/ s a ! 2 e 2 ~ r/ s a ! 2 pD n i l i ~ q ! 5 drr p n i l i ~ r ! j l i ~ qr ! . ~A21!
v a1 ~ r ! 5 2 , 0
3 s 2a ~ r/ s a ! 2 Ap ~ r/ s a !

In terms of the angular and radial matrix elements defined
A4 p e 2 erf~ r/ s a ! above, the multipole moments of the compensation charge
v a2 ~ r ! 5 ~17! can be calculated from
5 s 3a ~ r/ s a ! 3

3 Ap
e 2 ~ r/ s a !
S 21
~ r/ s a ! 2 DG . ~A15!
Q aLM 5 ~ 2Z a 1Q acore! d L0 d M 0 1 (
i, j
W ai j G lLM aL
m l m nn l n l .
i i j j i i j j

Then, the matrix elements involving the compensation From a knowledge of these multipole coefficients, the fourth
charge potential depend upon term of Eq. ~A8! can be calculated according to

v naLi l i n j l j [ dr f na l ~ r !v aL ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! .
i i j j
~A16! ^ f ai u v a u f aj & 5 ( Q aLM ~ 21 ! M G lLi m2M v aL
i l jm j nilin jl j
0 LM
Finally, the matrix elements of the Hartree potential,
@ V aH # i j , depend on the four-index matrix elements: The fifth ~core tail! term of Eq. ~A8! involves contribu-
tions from both the AE and PS matrix elements:

a a
4pe2 rc rc r L,
V naLl n l ;n l n l [ dr dr 8 4pe2 nD core~ G! iGRa
i i j j k k l l 2L11 0 0 r L11
. @v acore# i j [
V G0 G 2( e

3 @ f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r 8 ! f an l ~ r 8 !
( m l m i A4 p Y LM ~ G ! J n l n l ~ G ! .
i i j j k k l l
3 G lLM L aL

2 f an l ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r 8 ! f na l ~ r 8 !# . LM i i j j i i j j
i i j j k k l l
This term does not depend upon the self-consistent valence
In summary, the following radial matrix elements are calcu-
density and is designed to converge rapidly with G. The
lated and stored in the atomic calculation for each atom of
radial Fourier integrals used in this equation are defined by
the extended system: $ O na l n l % , $ K na l n l % , $ @v aion# n i l i n j l j % ,

i i j j i i j j a
$ @v aloc# n i l i n j l j % , $ @v acore# n i l i n j l j % , $ n naLi l i n j l j % , $ v naLi l i n j l j % , and rc
J naLl n l ~ G ! [ dr j L ~ Gr !@ f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r !
$ V naLi l i n j l j ;n k l k n l l l % . i i j j
i i j j

In order to evaluate the last five contributions to Eq. ~A8!,

it is necessary to introduce intermediate quantities which de- 2 f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r !# . ~A25!
i i j j
pend upon the angular variables of the problem. The
Gaunt37 coefficients are defined to be The sixth ~Hartree! term of Eq. ~A8! can be calculated
according to
mi i l jm j
[ A4 p E dV Y l*m ~ r! Y LM
* ~ r! Y l m ~ r! .
i j j
@ V aH # i j 5 ( ~ 21 ! M G lL m2Ml m G lLMm
~A18! LM , ~ k,l ! i i j j k k llml

These coefficients are nonzero only when M 5m j 2m i . 3W akl V naLl n . ~A26!

i i j l j ;n k l k n l l l
It is also useful to define projected occupation coefficients
according to the definition In this equation, the sum over L and l k and l l is restricted by
u l k 2l l u <L<l k 1l l and u l i 2l j u <L<l i 1l j . The sum over
mk and ml is restricted by M 5m j 2m i
W ai j [ (
f nk^ Cnku p ai &^ p aj u Cnk& . ~A19! 5m k 2m l .
The Coulomb shift term of Eq. ~A8! formally comes
In order to evaluate these coefficients it is necessary to cal- from the variation of the energy with respect to the multipole
culate the projector overlap matrix elements ^ p ai u Cnk& . These moment contributions which can be written1
can then be evaluated as a sum over plane-wave coefficients:
@v a0 # i j 5 G LM n aL
1 a LM ] Q aLM l i m i l j m j n i l i n j l j
^ p ai u Cnk& 5 d! e i ~ k1G! R
4 p i l i Y l*m ~ k1G
V G i i
4 p e 2 nD core~ 0 ! n na2l n
i i jli
3pD n i l i ~ u k1Gu ! A nk~ G! , ~A20! 2 d lil jd mim j . ~A27!

The coefficients ] E/ ] Q aLM have several contributions which The PAW atomic matrix elements that are needed to
can be written evaluate the Hamiltonian can also be used to evaluate the
total valence energy ~8!. The one-center contributions are
given by
]E 4pe2 ~ G!# *
@ nD ~ G! 1n
5 Y LM ~ G! e 2iGR g aL ~ G !
] Q LM V G0
a 2
E a 2E a 5 (
i, j
W ai j d l l d m m ~ K na l n l 1 @v aion# n l n l
i j i j i i j j i i j j

2 ( W ai j ~ 21 ! M
G lL2M
imi l jm j
v naLi l i n j l j
i, j 2 @v aloc# n i l i n j l j ! 2 ^ f ai u v a u f aj & 1 @v acore# i j

2e 2
A 2 Q aLM*
p ~ 2L11 !~ 2L11 ! !! s 2L11
1 @ V aH # i j 2E a 2E acore2E a0
2 core

4 p e 2 nD core~ 0 ! s 2a 1 ~ E xc@ n a 1n acore2n acore1n core# 2E xc@ n acore#

1 d L0 d M 0 . ~A28!
2E xc@ n a 1n core# ! . ~A31!
The last term of the two equations above come from the
G50 energy term discussed below The self-Coulomb repulsion of the compensation charge has
In order to evaluate the exchange-correlation contribu- the analytic form:
tions to the matrix elements @last term of Eq. ~A8!# it is
convenient to perform the integration using a numerical grid
based on a product of angular and radial points. The angular E 5
A 2
p (
u Q aLM u 2
2L11 .
LM ~ 2L11 !~ 2L11 ! !! s a
points were distributed according to Gauss-Legendre quadra-
ture for the cos( u ) variable and uniformly for the w variable,
with 12 quadrature points for each ~in order to accurately The core energy contribution can be evaluated according to
represent integrals for basis functions with l<3). The radial
points were chosen to be the same as those used in the radial 4pe2 nD core~ G! iGRa
integration in the atomic program. Denoting each angular 2E acore5
V G0 G 2 (
integration mesh point by ra , and its corresponding integra-
tion weight by w a ~where ( a w a 54 p ), the matrix element
can be evaluated according to 3 E rc

dr 4 p r 2 n aion~ r ! j 0 ~ Gr ! 2E self-core

@ V XC #i j5 (a w a Y l*m ~ ra ! Y l m ~ ra !
i i j j where

rc n aion~ r ! n acore~ r !
3 dr $ m xc@ n a
~ ra r ! 1n acore~ r ! 2n acore~ r !
E self-core[e 2 d r 3
u r2r8u

1n core~ ra r !# f na l ~ r ! f an l ~ r !
i i j j 1
EE d 3r d 3r 8
n acore~ r ! n acore~ r 8 !
u r2r8u
2 m xc@ n a ~ ra r ! 1n core~ ra r !# f na l ~ r ! f na l ~ r ! % , ~A34!
i i j j

~A29! The G50 energy term takes the value

where the radial integral over r is performed for each angular 4 p e 2 nD core~ 0 !
2E a0
mesh point ra . The efficiency of evaluating ~A29! can be V

improved by separating the angular and radial contributions
in the atomic density functions ~6! and ~7! according to Q a00s 2a 1
6 (
i, j
d l l d m m W ai j n na2l n l
i j i j i i j i

n a ~ ra r ! 5 (
i, j
W ai j Y l*m ~ ra ! Y l j m j ~ ra !
i i
f na i l i ~ r ! f na j l j ~ r !
r 2 , 2
E rc

dr 4 p r 4 @ n acore~ r ! 2n acore~ r !# , G
where is defined by Eq. ~A13!, for each value of
n na2l n l
i i j i
l i . The exchange-correlation terms (E xc@ n a 1n acore2n acore
f na i l i ~ r ! f na j l j ~ r !
1n core# 2E xc@ n a 1n core# ) are evaluated using a scheme simi-
n ~ ra r ! 5
i, j
W ai j Y l*m ~ ra ! Y l j m j ~ ra !
i i r2
lar to that used in the evaluation of the Hamiltonian contri-
~A30! butions ~A29!, while E xc @ n acore# is a constant for each atom.

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In this manuscript, the index i is an abbreviation for the radial and Manuel Rotenberg, R. Bivins, N. Metropolis, and John K.
angular quantum numbers n i l i m i . The shorthand and full index Wooten, Jr., The 3-j and 6-j Symbols ~Technology Press, Mas-
notation are used interchangeably. sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1959!. The
Blochl ~Ref. 1! showed how it is possible to extend the PAW definition ~A18! is slightly different from the standard.

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