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1. New vocabulary:

Mindset : mentalidad
Embraces : abraza
Fixed : fijo
Growth : crecimiento
Traits : rasgos
Endless : interminable
Coined: :acuado
Applaud : aplaudir
Ancourage : anclaje
Either : ya sea
Vaulting : abovedado
Afraid : asustado
Feedback : realimentacion
Assessed : juzgado
Stomps : pisa
Switch : cambiar

2. Summary of the video nr. 1:

There are two types of mindset that people can develop.

One of these types of mindset is called fixed mindset, this sees problems as an opportunity, as
interesting and this is a way to learn something new and that will serve them later.
These skills are developed through practice, people who develop this type of mindset are more
likely to be chosen in a job because they have a vision to solve problems.
The other type of mindset is called growth mindset.
This kind of mentality avoids risks for fear of failure. These people are afraid of the success of other
people around them.
In conclusion, we should applaud the attempt of people to do an activity, even if it goes wrong


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