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Evidence 7: Improvement plan

Go back to the comparative analysis made in Evidence 6: Comparative analysis of

indicators and present an improvement plan to the LPQ Builders company general
manager where you justify and support the procedures for increasing the level of
efficiency, productivity and fulfillment of those two indicators that are affecting the
companys competitiveness in the international market.

Include also, in the improvement plan, a management report considering the

indications given in the training material called Instructions for a management
indicators presentation.

To do this evidence, consult the training Material:

A case study on the LPQ Builders Company.

Instructions for a management indicators presentation.
Techniques and tools for continuous improvement processes.

This evidence must be submitted in a Microsoft Excel, Word or PDF format through
the virtual learning platform, as follows:

Steps to send the evidence:

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and find the file you have previously saved.
3. Leave a comment to your instructor (optional).
4. Click on Enviar.

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