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oa canitil Project Name: 4.Distinguished | 3. Proficient 2. Apprentice 1. Novice Teamwork- (Kepta clear record | Kept a record of | Didnot keep a Responsibility: most project most project record of project Knows and irements and | requirements and | requirements or completes, sadiines. Made | deadlines. Did not _ | deadlines. Did not assigned tasks list of the work of the work know or complete | know or complete group members up members | some of the tasks | most of the tasks needed todo to —-‘/neadedtodoto ‘assigned by the —_| assigned by the, meet the project | meet the project —_| team. team. requirements. requirements. Completed Completed individual tasks‘6n__| individual tasks on time and worked to | time. aip the team meet deadlines. Design-Layout | Content was well__| Project wai ‘Most of the project _| Project was hard to and Organization: | organized with rganized with | was organized. The | read. There is no Organized and headings and ings and placement of text | clear structure. easy to read subheadings. Text | subheadings. Text | | and graphics Text and graphics land graphics were | and graphics were , | sometimes made | were randomly neatly organized |} placed to make the’ | the project hard to | placed. ‘and made the roject easy t6 read. | read. project easy to read. Content-Creativity: | Project Used student- Information was | Project was built Unique delivery | demonstrat created materials | factual but showed _| from a template, student's own as well as existing _| litle student designed only as interpretation and | material from other | interpretation. prescribed, or was expression of sources. Student | Project based based entirely on research matefial. | devised a creative | primarily on sample | sample work Used graphs, way to design or | work. Student charts, or ot deliver the project. | added one or more \| visual aids to original ideas. display infornpation io multiple ways. Behavior-Respect: ers | Treatment of others | At times, used ‘Treatment of others Proper care for wes thoughtful was thoughtful improper body wes rude or ‘others, things, and / | Comments were \ | Student followed | language and sarcastic, Used self encouraging. rules about inappropriate improper body Student took care \ | materials used remarks. Damaged | language and toavoid damaging \| Respected their | materials used, _| inappropriate materials used, own work and the | their own work, or | remarks. Damaged work of others, the work of others. | materials used, their own work, or ete

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