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Research hypothesis:

Moist vs Dry: If sowbugs prefer to live on moist soil, then after 5 minutes the sowbugs will move to
the moist part.

Dark vs Light: If sowbugs prefer to live in the darkness, then after 5 minutes the sowbugs will move
to the covered part of the petri dish.

Alternative hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

Methods section:

1. Describe what was done. To start off, the petri dish is filled with soil in which the petri dish
has 4 segments. 2 segments of soil in the petri dish are moistened by pouring water in it,
thus dividing the segments into the dry and moist part. Then, 11 sowbugs are scattered all
over the soil in the petri dish and the petri dish is covered up. After 5 minutes, the amount
of sowbugs on each side of the petri dish are recorded.
2. Independent variable: the condition of soil in petri dish. Dependent variable: the amount of
sowbugs used.
3. The number of replicates:?
4. Statistical analysis?
5. No control?

Results section:

Discussion section: The data is consistent with the hypothesis stated

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