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Willi Yaohandy Chandra

My name is Willi Yaohandy Chandra. Im going on a gap year and are leaving very
soon to begin my trip. Im planning to go to Zimbabwe in Africa. Im going to Zimbabwe
with Vita next week by aeroplane. After I arrive there, I want to go shopping because the
price of souvenir in the Zimbabwe is very cheap. So, I can buy many souvenirs for my family
in Indonesia.

Beside go shopping, I also want to do some charity work. I want to know about
Zimbabwe peoples life, their tradition, and the others. And of course, I can speak Zimbabwe
language, so I can communicate with them. Yeahh, Im really interested with my planning to
go to Zimbabwe, because this is my first time to visit Africa. If I have a problem, I will call the
police. So, I will bring my handphone everywhere.

I am very happy with my planning to go to Zimbabwe. But, my family think that my

trip to go to Africa is priceless. They think that tour in Java is better than tour in Zimbabwe ,
because Africa is a long way from Indonesia. They think that I will miss much time to spend
with my family if I go to Zimbabwe. But finally, I choose to go to Zimbabwe as my
destination. The price of flight to go to Zimbabwe is very expensive. So, after I get back to
indonesia, I am going to work harder, so I will get more money for the next trip to another

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