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The fragile body / soul union ....................................................................................4

The religious meaning of the silver cord ..................................................................5

Experiences near death and the silver cord .............................................................6

Places where the silver cord is connected ...............................................................8

He had a very clear conscience of being only soul, was only covered with light, had no form, only
that absolute consciousness of being a soul. It was at the same time, formed by an astral body, by
a mental body and between the two, the causal body.

People thought it was something that helped them at the time of their death that was a light that the
sick saw at the time thought that it was a path that was not connected to the body that was only a


The silver cord is the energetic bond between our astral body and our subtle body. Many are those
who, in their near-death experiences or in their astral journeys, have claimed to see this "cable of
light" that binds them to their physical bodies, and which is usually only cut off when we experience
physical death; since, if it were cut during an astral journey, we could not return to our body ...
Note: The following text is based on an article written in English and posted on the site near-
Babies are born in this world with an umbilical cord that connects them to the source of life
represented by the mother, from which they become disconnected after birth. Similarly, people die
and enter the spirit world with a "umbilical cord," which connects them to the source of life of the
physical body, but ends up breaking after death.
Many are those who, from experiences near death or voluntary incursions in the astral world, have
claimed to see that cord that connects their spiritual body with their physical body, which, in the
terminology of various traditions, is called the " silver cord ". Now, while it is true that in the process
of death the silver cord is broken, this does not mean that it breaks in astral journeys and experiences
near death, since otherwise the person would die, since his spirit could not get back into his body;
being that, when an experience near death becomes a process of death, the cord always reaches
beyond the point of no return, before which the subject experiences symbolic visions that express
the notion of limit, as it could be a fence, a stream, a wall, and so on.
The descriptions of the silver cord portray it as very long, bright, about one inch wide, with several
anchor points in the physical body, and with the appearance of "elastic cord of light".


Surprisingly, in the Book of Ecclesiastes the silver cord is mentioned with a meaning identical to that
given by the modern esoteric traditions, I quote: << Remember your Creator now that the silver cord
has not yet broken or broken the golden cup; now that the pitcher has not yet been broken to the
edge of the fountain, nor has the pulley of the well broken. After that the dust will return to the earth,
as it was before, and the spirit will return to God, who gave it. >>
On the other hand, and in clearing the quotation from Ecclesiastes, in his virtual diary of notes, the
Episcopal Daily Lectionaries Online tells us that: << The gold cup suspended by the silver cord is a
symbol of life, the rope and the breaking of the vessel, a symbol of death ... The launcher ... the
pulley breaks: another pair of metaphors for life and its end. >>


The following are the views on the silver cord that prominent people emitted from their near-death
Edgar Cayce's encounter with the Angel of Death
As he prepared to submit to one of his astral journeys, Edgar Cayce had lost consciousness and had
a dream. Usually he would have traveled through a tunnel into the light. But in this case, he met the
Angel of Death and the Angel informed him of the silver cord. In his words:
"When I entered, I realized that I had come into contact with death as a personality, as an individual
or as a being. Aware of this, I said to death: "You are not as you are usually portrayed, with a mask
or black hood, like a skeleton, or like Father Time with a sickle. Yet you are fair, with prominent
cheekbones, and you have a pair of scissors "
To see it take shape, I had to look twice at the feet, limbs and body. The Angel of Death then replied,
"Yes, death is not what many seem to think." It is not the horrible thing they often stand for.It is only
a change, just a visit.The scissors are indeed the most representative instruments of The cord,
contrary to what is usually thought, does not extend from the center, although it is broken from the
head, from the forehead, in that soft zone that we see we see that older people, not knowing about
themselves, acquire the strength of young people when they are kissed there, while young people
acquire wisdom when they are kissed there by the elders. can be increased to such an extent to
rekindle or reconnect the cord, as the Master did with the widow's son of Nain. "For he did not take
it by the hand, but rather stroked it on the head, and the body took vid of Life itself. So you see, that
the silver cord can be broken, but not the vibration ... ">>
The experience of Dr. Dianne Morrissey:
<< I saw a long silver cord coming out of my spiritual body, through the right side of the clothes I
wore. The cord stretched down and out in front of me, and when I turned, I saw the silver cord wrap
around me and behind, like an umbilical cord. I followed him through the two walls of the corridor, to
my den, where I saw that it was attached to the back of the head of my physical body (...). As soon
as I saw that the silver cord attached to my physical body, my spirit went into a dark tunnel >>
Research on NDEs by Dr. PMH Atwater:
In her book Beyond Light, Atwater includes the near-death of Alice MorrisonMays, which Alice
describes in these terms: << Almost immediately I felt the reentry in my body through the silver cord,
at the top of my head. It was something like a physical blow. As soon as I entered, I heard someone
close to me say, "Oh, we got her back." They told me later that they had taken two pieces of placenta
as large as two melons.
Susan Blackmore's extra-bodied experience:
Susan Blackmore, a former parapsychologist with strong skeptical tendencies, is considered one of
the world's leading authorities on out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences. She herself
had an extracorporeal experience while attending Oxford University in the 1970s. As she admitted
herself, she spent much of the time "cobblestone, experimenting with different drugs."
During her first year in Oxford, she had an extracorporeal experience after spending several hours
on the ouija while consuming marijuana ... The experience also occurred during a period of her life
in which sleep deprivation was very common. She spoke of being in "a rather peculiar state of mind"
when she had her extracorporeal experience.
During his extracorporeal experience, Blackmore says that he went through a tunnel surrounded by
trees to a light, but before he floated on the roof and watched his body below, seeing that a silver
cord connected his floating astral body to his physical body. Flying and after leaving Oxford, he says
he came to New York and finally returned to his room, having the feeling of being very small first and
then being too big, both "like the universe", which logically did not express a proportional increase of
his astral body, but a subjective perception of his consciousness made possible by the
Dr. Sam Parnia's ECM (near-death experience) research:
A patient of Dr. Parnia was 2 years old when he had a seizure and his heart stopped. His parents
contacted Dr. Parnia after the child drew a picture of himself as if he were outside his body looking
down, looking at himself.
It was drawn as if it had a balloon attached to it. When asked what the globe meant, he replied:
"When you die, you see a bright light and it is connected to a cable."
EEC (Extracorporeal Experience) by Sylvan Muldoon during his childhood:
Sylvan Muldoon's first conscious astral projection occurred when he was 12 years old. She awoke
in the middle of the night to find herself conscious, but not knowing where she was, and apparently
unable to move, a condition she later called "astral catalepsy."
Little by little the feeling of floating began to emerge, then a rapid vibration from top to bottom and
tremendous pressure on the back of the head. Beside this, little by little her hearing began to return
and so did her sight, so she could see that she was floating in the room, on her bed.
A force seized him and moved him from horizontal to vertical. He saw his double physique quietly
asleep in bed, and a type of elastic cord that stretched between his spiritual body and his physical
body, joining the back of the head of his spiritual body, and the brow of his physical body.
Swinging and pulling against the cord, Muldoon tried to walk into another room to wake someone up,
but found that he passed through the door, and through the bodies of those who slept, even when
he tried to shake them or grab them. Frightened, he wandered the house for almost fifteen minutes,
and then, gradually, the feeling that the cord was pulling him was increasing, until he found himself
dragged back to his body, which fell after feeling vibrations similar to those of the moments in which
it left the same.


During EEC and ECM, subjects have often reported on the vision of their silver cord, attached to the
following places in their physical body, according to these testimonies:
On the front
Edgar Cayce:
<< The cord, contrary to what is usually thought, does not extend from the center, but cuts in the
head, in the forehead >>
Sylvan Muldoon:
He saw his double lying down, quietly asleep on the bed, and between them stretched an elastic-
type cable, which was attached to the back of the head of his conscious self, to a point between the
eyes of the body lying in bed six feet away
At the back of the head:
Dr. Dianne Morrissey:
<< I followed the cord through the two walls of the corridors; to my lair, where I saw it in the back of
the head of my physical body. >>
At the top of the head
Alice Morrison-May:
<< Almost instantly I felt the reentry in the body through the silver cord on the top of my head >>
On the chest:
Alfred Ballabene:
<< Out of the body, at a distance of about 1 meter or 1.5 m, I turned, facing my physical body. As
usual at a short distance from the body, I was without visual perception and in absolute darkness ...
Feeling a touch on my chest, I came out of it and felt something with smooth surface, like a cone, 15
to 20cm of diameter at the base, becoming smaller until reaching a diameter of about 5 cm at a
distance of about 30 cm with respect to the body. At this
point with a diameter of 5 cm, it was transformed into a
rope that led towards the physical body. In the rest of the
EEC release trance, I paid no attention to the silver chain,
but at a distance of about 50 meters, I felt a jerk and then
I stopped as if it were tied and fixed on my butt. I instantly
returned to the physical body. This happened to me many
times and reduced my expeditions of short duration.
Frustrates me
In the abdomen:
Joni Maggi:
<< At that time I noticed a silver cord, attached around the navel area down >>

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