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Diccionario para Ingenieros

Diccionario para Ingenieros

Louis A. Robb
Miembro de

MEXICO, 1998


Engineers' Dictionary



Louis A. Robb
M a m k qf


Titulo original:

Edici6n au torizada por:

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Copyright O by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Disefio de portada:
Seiene Corona VaHejo

Diccionario para ingenieros: Espaiiol-InglCs e Ingl6-Espafiol

Derechos reservados respecto a la edici6n en espafiol:
Renacimiento 180, Colonia San Juan Tlihuaca,
Delegacidn Azcapotzalco, C6digo Postal 02400, Mkxico, D.F.

Miembro de Ia C5mara Nacional de la Industria Editorial

Registro nrim. 43

ISBN 968-26-1 118-0 (Segunda edici611, cambio de portada)

ISBN 968-26-0894-5 (Primera edjcibn)

Queda prohibida la reproduccidn o transmisi6n total o parcial del contenido

de la presente obra en cualesquiera formas, Sean electr6nicas o mechicas,
sin el consentjmiento previo y por escrito del editor.

Impreso en Mdxico
Printed in Mexico

Primera edici6n: 1956

Segunda edicibn: 1997
Primera reimpresi6n: 1998
Segunda reimpresi6n: 1998

Esta obra se termin6 de imprimir en septiembre de 1998

en 10s talleres de Impresos y Acabados Marbeth, S.A. de C.V.
Privada de A~amoNo. 35, Col. Arena1
C.P.02980, Mbxico, D.F.
Cuando Ios originales del Engineers' Dictionay quedaron listos en 1943, la
segunda guerra mundial estaba en su apogeo y esto llev6 a la casa editora y a1
autor a convenir de que el libro no debia exceder de unas cuatrocientas cincuenta
p&ginas. A l g b material debib ser retirado y aunque el libro resultante trataba
detenidamente de ingenieria civil, no pudo contener muchos tbrminos usados en
otras ramas de la ingenieria.
Poco tiempo despues de su publicacih yo me retire del trabajo activo de
ingenieria y desde entonces he tenido amplias oportunidades para dedicarme a la
compilacih de un diccionario m4s extenso. El material que debib ser retirado
se ha agregado ahora y se ha estudiado una gran cantidad de material nuevo.
He consultado con muchos amigos de la Ambrica Latina y en cada viaje he trafdo
conmigo publicaciones t6cnicas de diversas clases como fuente de t6rminos
espaiioles. Constantemente he escudrifiado las revistas de ingenieria y 10s
libros nuevos publicados en ambos idiornas.
El campo de acci6n sigue siendo la ingenieria y las referencias frecuentes a la
qufmica, la geologfa o la metalurgia no significan que estas materias e s t h total-
mente abarcadas en este libro. Cada una de ellas necesitaria un volumen aparte.
Los tkrminos incluidos de estas u otras materias son aquellos regularmente
requeridos en un trabajo o estudio de ingenieria. Igual criterio se hhaseguido en
la selecci6n de algunos pocos terminos de finanzas, seguros y transportes.
Al ampliar la obra mis principales propbsitos han sido 10s siguientes:
Abarcar Ia ingenieria el6ctrica y rnechica en manera mucho m$s amplia.
La radio que no se rnencion6 para nada en la primera edici6n ha recibido cuida-
doso estudio. Sc han incluido t4rminos importantes de la televisibn.
Poner a1 dia todos 10sramos de la ingenieria civil. Se ha dado especial atenci6n
a la mechnica de 10s suelos, a la fotograrnetrfa y a1 proyecto y construccidn de
Incluir Ios t6rrninos mbs importantes correspondientes a minerfa, arquitectura
naval, explotaci6n forestal, industria azucarera y campos petroliferos.

Una nueva adici6n es la indicaci6n de ghero de 10s substantivos en espafiol.

El objeto de un diccionario t h i c o es proporcionar inhrmaci6n que no se
encuentra en otra partc. Se supone que el diccionario de Webster incluye todas
y cada una de las palabras del idioma ingl&, alin las mbs tbcnieas, pero no abarca
Ias frases que figuran en glosarios oficinles de Ins sociedndes de ingenieria.
Muchas de las palabras de esr;e libro se encuentran tambi6n en 10s mejores
diccionarios generales inglk-espaiiol. Buttress se encuentra en cuulquiera de
ellos, igualmente que thread, pero no buttress thread. Aguja y tarnbih infernal
se encuentran, pero no aguja injemal. La mayoria de mis esfuerzos se han
concentrado en el registro de significados o equivalentes de locuciones que no
pueden expresarse con una sola palabra-
La nomenclatura de piezas de maquinaria requiere un constante uso de buen
criteria. Cada fabricante tiene su propia lista de piezas para cada maquina
y algmas rnAquinas constan de tantas que llegan a1 millar. Las partes principales
de una msiquina deben enumerarse y con ellas, fuera de 10s tdrminos como
cojinete, leva, tornillo, resorte, rodillo y vdlvula, deben identificarse con un
nombre la gran mayoria de las piezas componentes.
A pemr de algunos consejos adversos recibidos, yo creo todavia que las
definicionesestkn fuera de lugsr en un diccionario tBcnico bilingiie. El interesado
que busca en un libro como Bste el tbrrnino slip-ring moior quiere encontrar el
equivalente aceptado en espaiiol y no una descripci6n del motor. Las de-
finiciones aumentarian mucho el volurnen del Iibro. La prhctica seguida ha
sido la de definir un t h n i n o solamente a1 carecer de un equivalente satisfactorio
y en algunos casos para evitar ambigiiedades.
Es obvio que existen en este libro rnuchas palabras, tanto en espafiol como
en ingks, que tienen otros significados ademtis de 10sanotados. Se han omitido
10s significados no t6cnicos, asi como aquellos que pertenecen a la bothica,
zoologia y otras ciencias de inter& muy relativo para el ingeniero.
Algunos de 10s thminos de la obra original han sido criticados IlamAndolos
"ma1 espafiol". Un critic0 me ha dicho que la incorporaci6n de tales tbrminos
a un diccionario tiende s perpetuarlos y a perjudicar el idioma. Mi punto de
vista es que la exactitud de 10s terrninos tecnicos en cualquier idioma es esta-
blecida por 10s t6cnicos que 10s crean y 10s usan, y la tarea del cornpilador del
diccionario es la de registrar ssu uso. En esta obra se trata de dar n 10s t6cnicos
de habla inglesa de la Ambrica del Norte la terminologia de ingenieria usada en
10s palses de habla espafiola de Amhrica y viceversa. Terminos tornados de
publicaciones oficiales, de especificaciones de ingenieros y de libros de texto se
consideran expresiones usadas y "aceptadas". Para muchos miles de thminos
en ingl6s no hay equitralente en "buen espaiiol" si se sigue el criterio de la Real
Academia. Esta es la raz6n de la diferencia entre unos 125,000 t6rminos en
el dccionario de la Academia y de unos 500,000 en el de Webster.
Los equivalentes en espafiol de marcas de fBbrica o de comercio en ingles
presentan un problema. La simple aseveraci6n de que estos nombres no pueden
traducirse no soluciona el problema, porque muchas traducciones son de uso
corriente en 10s paises de habfa espafiola. Muchos de estos tbrminos ya se han
incorporado a otros diccionarios en espafiol o en espaiiol-inglbs. Hay propietarios
de marcas de fhbrica o comercio quienes han creado expresamente equivalentes
en espaiiol para usarlos en su propaganda. Yo he seguido la practica de incluir
todo thrmino de esta clase que he encontrado en buen uso te'cnico. Debe notarse
que muchos tkrminos en inglks de esta claw se han hecho tan conocidos que con
la sanci6n de Webster regularrnente se escriben sin mayhcula. Para la mayorfa
de estos t6rminos hay equivalentes en espaiiol igualmente bien establecidos.
Muchos amigos que me proporcionaron consejos en la prepnraci6n de 1s
obra original me hnn nyudado de nuevo. Estoy particulftrrnente agradecido a1
scfior George C. Bunker con quien he pasado muchas horas en Caracas. Adem&
de concederme amplio tiempo, me present6 a ingenieros venezolanos de quienes
obtuve mherial de gran valor. Para nluchos t h l i n o s de ingenieria sanitaria,

tanto en inglds como en espafiol, tengo que agradecer a1 sefior Edmund B.

Besselievre de Is Dorr Company y al sefior Torn& R, Yglesias de la ciudad de
Mkxico. El sefior Juan de Dios Tejads de la Habans me fscilit6 su consejo
experto en muchns cosas. El 1-ocabulario de exploraci6n geofisica tanto en
inglds como en espsiiol me fu6 sunlinistrado por ingenieros de la Socony Vacuum
Oil Company.
L. A. R.
I Nueva York
Sep fiembre, 1349
Under the war conditions of 1943, when the original Engineers' Dictiomy
was in preparation, publisher and author agreed that the book ought to be kept
down to about 450 pages. Some material had to be laid aside, and although the
resulting book dealt thoroughly with civil engineering, it could not go very far
with the terms of other fields.
Shortly after publication of the original book I retired from active work and
have since found ample time to devote to the compilation of a much more com-
prehensive dictionary. The items formerly laid aside have been worked in and J
a mass of new material has been studied. I have consulted many friends in
Latin America and from each trip have brought back technical publications of
many kinds to be worked over for my Spanish terms. I have constantly combed
the engineering periodicals and the newest books in both languages.
My field is still engineering. Frequent references to chemistry, geology, or
metallurgy do not mean that these subjects are covered. Each of them would
need a volume of its own. Terms of these and other sciences here included are
those which are regularly needed in connection with engineering work. The
same criterion has governed the selection of a very few of the terms of finance,
insurance, and transportation.
In enlarging the book my principal objectives have been three:
1. To cover electrical and mechanical engineering much more thoroughly.
Radio, of which the first edition had nothing, has been given thorough study.
Important terms of television have been included.
2. To bring all branches of civil engineering up to date. Special attention
has been given to photogrammetry, soil mechanics, and airport construction.
3. To include the important terma peculiar to mining, shipbuilding, logging,
sugar milling, and oil-field operations.
A new feature is the notation of gender with all Spanish nouns.
The purpose of a technical dictionary is t o furnish information not found
elsewhere. Webster's is supposed to include every word in the English language
no matter how technical, but it does not cover the phrases that are listed in
official glossaries of the engineering societies. Many of the words in this book
will be found also in the best English-Spanish general dictionaries. Broad is
found anywhere and so is irrigation, but not broad irrigation. Buttress is found
and so is thread, but they cannot be combined into an equivalent for buttress
threud. Most of my effort has gone into pinning down the phrases.
The listing of machine parts calls for the constant use of judgment. Every
manufacturer has his own list of parts for each machine, and some machines
have parts running into the thousands. The principal members of a machine

must be listed, and with these, plus terms like bearing, cam, bolt, spring, roller,
and valve, equivalents of the vast hajority of part names may be written easily.
I n spite of some advice t o the contrary I still believe that defiriitions are out
of place in a two-language technical dictionary. The user who turns t o slip-
ring motor in a book such as this wants the accepted Spanish equivalents of that
term and is not looking for a description of a slip-ring motor. Definitions ~vould
add greatly to the book's bulk. M y practice has been to define a tern1 only in
default of a satisfactory equivalent or occasionally t o avoid ambiguity.
Obviously there are many words here, both Spanish and English, that have
meanings other than those given. Nontechnical meanings luve usually been
ignored, as have those which belong to botany, zoology, or other sciences that
do not concern the engineer.
Some of the terms in the original book have been criticized as "had Spanish."
One critic tells me t h a t the listing of such terms in any dictionary tends to
perpetuate them and does a n injury to the language. M y own view is t h a t
the correctness of technical terms in any language is established by the technical .
men who create them and use them, and the job of the dictionary maker is to
record this usage. This book aims to give the North American technical man
the accepted engineering terminology of Spanish America, and vice versa.
Terms taken from official publications, from engineers' specifications, and from
textbooks are "accepted" terms. For many tllousancIs of English technical
terms there are no ((good Spanish" equivalents, if the Royal Academy is to be
the criterion. This is the principal reason for the difference between some
125,000 entries in the Academy dictionary and 5OO,OOO in Webster's.
Spanish equivalents of English trade names are a problem. The simple
statement that proprietary names cannot be translated does not cover the situa-
tion because they are regularly being translated in Spanish-speaking countries.
Many such terms have already appeared in other dictionaries, both straight
Spanish and English-Spanish. There are owners of English trade names who
have deliberately created Spanish equivalents for use in their advertising.
My rule has been to include every term of this kind that I have found in good
technical use. It is to be noted also that there are a great many trade nanles in
English that have become so well known that, with Webster's approval, they
are reguIarly written without the capital letter. For most of the terms in this
class there are Spanish equivalents cqually well established.
Many friends who advised with me in the preparation of the original book
have again been helpful. 1 a m particularly grateful t o Mr. George C. Bunker
with whom I have spent many hours in Caracas. ~ e s i d e sgiving freely of his
own time he introduced mc to Venezuelan engineers from whom I obtained
material of great value. For terms of sanitary engineering, both in English and
in Spanish, I have to thank Mr. Edmund B, Besselievre of the Dorr Co. arid
Mr. Tombs R. Yglesias of Mexico City. Sefior Junn de Dios Tejada of Havana
gave me his expert advice on many questions. The vocabulary of geophysicul
exploration, both English and Spanish, was furnished by engineers of the Socony
Vucuuin Oil Co.
L. A. R.
New York
Septembe?', 1949
A Argentina Ec Ecuador ParParaguay
AC America Central Es Espaiia Pe Perd
33 Bolivia EU Estados Unidos PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba F Filipinas RD Rep~blicaDominicana
Col Colombia M MExico U Uruguay
Ch Chile Pan PanamP. V/ Venezuela
adjetivo dique seco loco locomotora
acondicionamiento equipo de construc- lu lubrjcaci6n
del aire ci6n rn rnasculino 4
adv adverbio edificio mad madera
ag agregados explotacibn forestal mam mamposteria
ais aislamiento el6ctrico maq maquiharia
a1 alcantarillado elaboracibn de mat materndtica
an arquitectura naval maderas mec mechico
aP aeropuerto en engranaje med medida
arq arquitectura es escalera met mctalurgia
as aserradero est estructural mg motor de gasolina
asc ascensor exc excavsci6n mh m&quina-herramienta
auto autom6vil f f emenino min minerfa
az ingenio de aziicar fc ferrocarril miner mineralogia, cristalo-
bm bomba fin finanzas grafia ,
ca camino fms fotogrametrfa mo moldaj e
cab cable for ingenieria forestal mot motor el6ctrico
cal caldera ft ferreterisl mr marea
carp carpinterfa fund fundicibn mrl meteorologia
cb cslbdlete geof geof isico ms mecanica de suelos
cf calefacci6n geog gcograf fa mtl material
cn construcci61~naval geol geologia, petrografia rndquina de vapor
CO cami6n gr grCla mezcladora
corn comercia1 her herrerla ndutico
conc concreto hcrr herramienta nav navegaci6n
cons construcci6n hid hitlrgulica of oficina
cont contabilidad il ingenieria de ilumi- OP ohras portuarias
ct cement0 nnci6n or orugas
clj cfibico inst instrumento 0t obras de tierra
cuch cuchar6n irr irrigacih Pa purificacih de agua
cv cablevia is ingenieria sanitaria Pav pavimentacih
ch chaperia kilo kilogramo (s) pb plomerf a
dac disposici6n dc1 agua lab laboratorio pet petr6leo
de c l o a c ~ 1a.d cnladrillario pi pilotaje
di Diesel leg lcgal pint pintura,
diiim diAmctro lev levantamiento pl pala
dib dibujo lib libra(s) Pr preposicidn
xi ii

pte puente 9 substantive tub tuberla

pulg puIgada(s) =g seguro tiin tiinel
quim quimica si sierra turb turbina
r rfo sol soldadura tv televisi6n
ra radio SX sondeo de exploraci6n V verbo
re remache tc tractor v& vhhula
ref refuerzos tel tel6fon0, telegrafo ve ventilaci6n
rfg re'frigeraci6n to techo vi vidrio
rf r ref ractarios top topograf ia vol voladura
roc rociador automdtico tr transportacibn
rs rosca ts tablestacado
A Argentina DR Dominican Republic Ph Philippines
B Bolivia Ec Ecuador PR Puerto Rico
C Cuba M Mexico Sp Spain
CA Central America Pan Panama U Uruguay
Ch Chile Par Paraguay US United States
Col Colombia Pe Peru V Venezuela

adjective engine mech mechanical

air conditioning excavation met metallurgy
act accounting Fahrenheit mi mile
ader adverb foundry min mining
ag aggregates financial miner mineralogy, crystal-
aP airport forms lography
ar architecture forestry mot motor
auto automobile gallon (s) mrl meteorology
bdg bridge gasoline engine mt machine took
bl blasting geography mtl material
bldg building geology,petrography mx mixer
bo boiler geophysical n noun
bs blacksmithing girder na naval archrtkcture
bu bucket glass naut nautical
bw brickwork heating (building) nav navigation
cab cable hardware of office
carp carpentry hydraulics P piping
construction equip- illuminating engi- Pav paving
ment neering pb plumbing
chemistry in. inch(es) pet petroleum
cast iron in1 insulation pi piling
cm centimeter(s) ins insurance PmY photogrammetry
corn commercial inst instrument pr preposition
conc concrete irr irrigation pt painting
construction kilo kilogram (s) PU Pump
crawler l%b laboratory Pw port works
cement lb pound(s) st quart (4
cubic lbr lumber r river
cableway 1% legal ra radio
dry dock le logging rd road
derrick loco locomotive re rivet
Diesel lu lubrication reinf reinforcing steel
diam diameter m meter(s) rf roof
drafting machy machinery rfg refrigeration
earthwork masonry rf r refractories
electrical mathematics rr railroad
elevator measure sawmill
sb shipbuilding sugar mill tu truss
sd sewage disposal surveying tun tunnel
se steam engine sewerage turb turbine
sec second (s) tool tv 1 television
sen sanitary engineering test boring v verb
sh shovel tractor va valve
sk automatic sprinkler telephone, telegraph ve ventilation
sm soil mechanics thread W welding
am1 sheet metal tide WP water purification
SP sheet piling truck Wr wire rope
sq square trestle WW woodworking
st stair topography
str structural transportation
ababhn m, an Argentine lumber (semihard). -de refrangibilidad, chromatic aberration.
aback m, Manila hemp. abertura f, an opening, aperture; open country .
fibacs m, (ar) abacus; (min) washtrough, buddle; between mountains; cove, small bay.

(conc bldg)(M) drop panel; (A) graph, de chispa (el&$, spark gap.
chart, nomograph. - de dosificaciBn (di), metering passage.
abajadero m,downgrade. - de la raIz (sol), root opening.
abajador m (min) (Es)(M) , tool boy, tool carrier.
abajar, t o lower, let down; t o fall, descend.
- libre, clear span, net opening.
aberturas de digeramiento (cn), lightening holes.
abajo adu, down, below, under. abete m (mad), fir, deal.
abalanzar, t o balance. abetinote m, rosin.
abaIizar, to buoy; t o pIace beacons; abalizarse abeto m, fir, spruce, hemlock.
(n&ut),t o take bearings. - balslmico, balsam fir.
abamperio m (eIBc), abampere. -blanco, white fir, white spruce.
abancalar, t o terrace, bench. -Douglas, Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red fir,
abanderado m (lev), flagman. yellow fir.
-delantero, head flagman. -negro, black spruce; black hemlock.
-trasero, back flagman. -rojo, red fir, Douglas fir, Oregon pine, red
abanderar, t o register a vessel. spruce.
abaniw m, fan; anything fan-shaped; small der- abetunar, t o coat or impregnate with pitch.
rick or crane; (rr) (C) (PR)switch target. abey m, jacaranda (and other tropical hard-
aluvial (r), alluvia1 fan.
de deyeccidn (geol), debris cone.
abfaradio m (el6c), abfarad. +
- eductor, exhaust fan. abhenrio m (el&), abhenry.
abaniqueo 3n (auto), shimmy. abierto, open.
abarbetar, (naut) t o lash, atop; (cab) t o serve, abigarrado, (miner) variegated, mottled (soil).
seize. abisagrar, t u hinge.
abarc6n m (Es), cIamp, cramp, anchor; iron ring. abisal (geol), abyssal.
abarloar ( n h t ) , t o berth, dock, bring alongside. abiselar, t o bevel, chamfer.
abarquillamiento m (est), crippling. abismal m, shingle nail, c l a p nail; a (geol) abys-
abarpuillar, t o warp, curl; abarquillarse, t o sal, abysmal.
buckle, warp. - de tejar, dating nail.
abarrancar, t o form gullies; abarrancarse, t o abismo m (geol), abyss.
run aground. abitaque m, a. timber; joist.
~barrotar,(cons) to place a waler or strongback; abitar, to make fast on a bitt.
(naut) t o batten; to stow (cargo). abit6n m (ndut), bitt.
abarrotes m, dunnage. abladera f, howel, cooper's adz.
abastar, t o furnish, supply. ablandador m (met) (agua), softener.
abastecedor m, supplier. ablandar, to soften; to temper (mortar); ablan-
abastecer, t o furnish, supply. dame, to soften, become soft.
abastecirmiento m, supply, furnishing. ablandecer, to soften.
- de agua, water supply. abmbo (el&), abmho.
- de combustible, fueling.
abastecimientos, abastos m, supplies.
abocardado, countersunk; bellmouthed.
abocardador (m)de tubos (cal), tube expander.
abasto de agua, water supply. abocardar, to splay; t o countersink; to counter-
abatanador m (M) , wooden maul. bore.
abatible, descending; collapsible. abocardo m, countersink, countersinking drill.
abatidero m (Es), drain, gully, gutter. - de cabeza chata, fiathead countersink.
abatimiento m, lowering; (str) disassembling; -de fondo plano, (t) counterbore.
(bldg) demolition; (canc) slump; (naut) -tipo caracol, snail-head countersink.
leeway; (machy) disassembly, teardown; - tipo rosa, rosehead countersink.
batter, rake; (pu) (M) drawdown. abocinado, bellmouthed.
abatir, to lower; to knock down, disassemMe; t o aboeinador m, flarer, flaring tool.
demolish, raze; (naut) t o make leeway; t o -de tubos (cal), tube expander.
batter, rake, slope. abocinar, t o flare, form with a bellmouth.
abculombio m (olbc), abcoulomb. abohmio m (el&), abohm.
abecedario (m) de estarcir, s t e n d for lettering. sboUadura f, dent.
abecedario para marcar, marking stamp. abollar, t o dent.
abedul m (mad), birch. abombar, t o crown, arch, camber; abombarss,
abelita f , abelite (expiosive), to, buckle; t o warp, bulge; (rd) to mush-
aberracih f, aberration. robrn.
- cromtitica lateral (fma), lateral chromatia xbonado, abonada s, subscriber, customer, con-
aberration. sumer (electric current) ; (rr) commuter.
- cromltica longitudinal (fma), longitudinal abonar, t o fertilize; (act) to credit.
6 chromatic aberration. zbonar6 m (corn), note.
- de coma (fma), coma. xbono m, fertilizer; (rr) commutation.
-d e esfericidad, spherical aberration. nboquifladp, bellmouthed.
aboquilLar 4 acarreo

aboquillar, t o splay. abronzado m (min)(M), name applied to several

abordaje m, abordo na, fouling of two vessels, different ores of copper.
1 1on. absaroquita f (geol), absarokite.
abordar (niLut), to make a port; to berth at a abscisa f (mat), abscissa.
dock; t o foul (another vessel). absoluto, absolute (all senses).
abovedado m, crown of a road. absorbechoque m, shock absorber.
abovedadora f, road shaper, subgrader. absorbedero rn (Es), leaching cesspool; sewer
abovedar, to arch, vault, crown. catch basin.
aboyar, to buoy. absorbedor m, absorbedora f, absorber.
abra f, (top) gap, pass; b o g ) cove; ( m i d (geol) absorbedor de choque, shock absorber.
&,pure; (Col) window sash; (sum) clearing absorbencia f , absorption; absorbency; absorp-
for line of sight. tivity.
abrasih f, abrasion, (hyd) SCOW. -especfica, specific absorptive index.
abrasivo m a,abrasive. absorbente m, absorbent; a absorbent, absorp-
-de acero, crushed steel. tive.
abrazadera f, clamp, clip; clevis; cleat; keeper absorber, to absorb; (chem) to occlude.
(lock) ; (reinf) (Pe) column hoop. absorbible, absorbable.
- antideslizante, (rr) anticreeper; (elec)' grade absorcihetro m, sbsorptiometer.
clamp. absorci6n f (hid)(el&) (quim), absorption.
-contrafuga (pet), leak clamp. -atmosferica Ira), atmospheric absorption.
- de aacfaje, rail clamp (crane) ; (elec) strain -del suelo (ra), ground absorption.
clamp. absorsor m (A), absorber.
-de brtllesta (auto), spring shackle. abuincbe m (Col), kind of machete.
- del cabezal (torno), headstock clamp. abulonar (A), t o bolt.
-de c a r d (fc), r d brace; rail clip. abultar, t o bulk, swell.
-de compresitin, pinchcock. abvoltio m (el&), abvolt.
-de contact0 (sol), contact jaw. acabado m, h i s h (surface); finishing coat.
-de la coraza (elbe), armor clamp. -a frota meclnica (conc), machine hish.
-de la excentrica (mv), eccentric strap. -brillante, glossy finish.
-de guardacarril (fc), guardrail brace. -en frio, cold-finished.
-de hincar (pet), drive clamp. -ligado (conc), bonded finish.
-de masa (elik), ground clamp. - mate, flat or dull finish.
- de porcelana (el&), porcelain cleat. -satinado o semimate (ft), satin finish.
-de reparacibn, repair clamp. acabadora f, finishing machine; finishing tool.
-de servicio (tub), service clamp. -de frota (ca), float finisher.
-d e 6iIla (tub), saddle clamp. -de subrasante (ca), planer.
- de taladrar, (p) drilling crow; (str) old man. acabadora-pisonadora (ca), tamping hisher.
-para cable, cable clip. acabar, to h i s h (aU senses).
-para cafio, pipe clamp; (A) hose band. acafelar (Es) (Col), to plaster; to wall up a door
-pnra manguera, hose band or clamp. or window.
-para retenida, guy clamp or clip. acajG m ( C )(PR) (RD) (M), name applied to var-
-para viga I, beam clamp. ious trees yielding construction lumber.
-terminal (el&), dead-end clamp. acalabrotado, cable-laid (rope), hawser-laid ;
-universal (mo) , Universal clamp (trade- (elec cab) rope-laid.
mark). acamado, on the flat; horizontal.
abrazadera-aislador, cleat insulator. acampanado, bellmouthed, bell-shaped.
abrazar, to clamp, clip. acampanat, to flare, splay.
abrebrechas m (ec), trailbuilder, Gradebuilder, acampar, to camp; to build a camp.
Bullgrader. Bcana m f, a West Indian construction timber.
abrehoyo m (pet), reamer, hole opener. acanalado, corrugated, fluted, grooved, troughed.
abretrochas m (ec), trailbuilder. acanalador m, channeling machine; groover; rab-
abretubos m, (pet) pipe swage; (bo)(M) tube bet plane.
expander. acanaladora f, channeling machine, quarrying
-de rodiios, roller awage. machine; (t) crease.
abrevar, t o water (horses); to wet down a w d acanaladura f , groove, channel; (ar) flute;(elec)
before stuccoing; (pu) to prime. raceway, gutter.
abreveredas m (ec), trailbuilder. acanalar, to groove, channel, corrugate, flute; t o
abridor (wa) de Uantas (auto) (M), tire spreader. canalize.
abridura j (min) (M), enlargement of a gallery. acantilado m, cliff; a steep.
abrigo m, protection, cover; windbreak; harbor; acantita f, acanthite (dver ore).
(rnin) width of a vein of .ore. acaparar (corn), to monopolize, corner, control,
abrir, to open, unlock, unfasten. acarreadizo, portable; shifting (sand).
abrojos m (nhut), reef, hidden rocks. acarreador m (tr), carrier.
abromado, honeycombed by the tere#o, worm- acarrear, to haul, transport, cart, carry, convey.
eaten. acarreo m, hauling,cartage, transportation, haul.
abromarse, to become worm-oaten. -extra (ot), overhaul.
-Auvial, silt, alluvium; river transportation; -tjpo de perila, bell-pattern handrail fittings.
river driit. accidentado, (top) hilly, broken; (Sp) (A) (Ch)
- fluvioglacial (geol), fluvioglacial drift. injured in an accident.
-hidrlulico, sluicing, hydraulicking. accidental (mat) (fisica) , accidental.
-libre (ot), free haul. accidente m, accident.
acarreos, material carried by a stream, bed load; accidentes geolbgicos, geologic structural pro-
(geol) drift; (min) float ore. jections.
- del escurrimiento (hid), silt runoff. accidentes topogrPficos o del terreno, hills and
-d e glaciar, glacial drift. valleys.
acarreto m (M) (PR), cartage, hauling. acci6n f, action.
acartelado, bracketed, cantilever, corbeled. -de anillo (ms), ring action.
acartelamiento m, knee brace; corbel, oversailing. -disparadora (ra), triggsr action.
acastillaje na ( c n ) , freeboard; uppcr works. -rlpida, de, quick-acting.
accelador m (is), Accelator (trademark). -simple, de, single-acting.
accelofiltro nt (dnc) , Accclofilter (tradcmarl.) . acciones, shares of stock.
accesibilidad f, accessibility. -ordinarias, conirnon stock,
accesible, accessible. -preferidas o privilegiadas, preferred stock.
acceso m, an approach; access. accionado, drivcu, actuated, operated.
-dirigido desde tierra (ap), ground-controlld -a vapor, steam-driven.
approach. -el&ctricamente, motor-driven.
accesorio m, fitting, attachment, appurtcnancc; -por correa, belt-drivcn.
a accessory. -por engranajes, gear-driven.
-cargador (ec), loader attachment. accionamiento m, operation, drive.
- de acceso (elbc), access fitting. -a mano, hand operation.
- dc barrenar (em), boring attachment. -por banda, belt drive.
-de cruco inferior (elk), crossunder fitting. -por cadena, chain drive.
--- de dos vfas (tub) (C), Y branch. -por tornillo sin fin, worm drive.
-de escoplear (em),mortising attachment. accionar, t o drive, sctuatc, operate.
-para fresar (torno), milling attachment. accionista m f , stocdtl~older.
-solar (trbnsito), solar attachnlent. acebo m (mad), ho11y.
accesorios, fittings, accesuorics. acebollada (mad), showing shakes.
-abocinados (tub), flwe fittings. acebolladura f (mad), slake.
-de brida (tub), flanged fittings. aceitado m, oiling, lubricntio-1.
-de bronce ( ~ 5 )brass . trimmings. aceitador m , oiler (man) ; oil cup, lubricator.
-de cadena, chain attachments. -a presibn, force-feed lubricator.
-d e caldera, boiler fittings. - cuentagotas, sight-feed lubricator.
-de caiieria, pipe fittings. -de lfnea (perforadnra), air-line oiler.
-de circulaciBn (tub), circulatk+ boiler fit- aceitaje rn, oiling, lubrication.
tings. aceitar, to oil, lubricate.
- de compresidn (tub), compression fittings. accite m, oil.
-de conduct0 (eIEc), conduit fittings. -aislante, insulating oiI.
-de curva abierta (tub), long-sweep fittings. -antractinico, a~lthrnccnecil.
-de griia, derrick fittings or irons. -bruto, crude oil; oil in bu:k.
-de inserci6n (cone), inscrts. -cocido (pint), boiled or clrying oil.
-de norma (auto), standard equipment. -combustible, fuel or furn:we oil.
-de orejas (tub), drop fittings. -crbdo, raw oil; crude oil.
-de pie (tub), base fittings. ---- de alquitriin, tar &I.
-de xeborde (tub), bendcd or banded fittings, - d e alumbrado, illuminati~~g oil, kerosene.
--- de seccidn completa (tub), fuH-flow fittings. -de azufre, oil of vitriol, srilphuric acid.
-de tornillo (tub), screwed or threaded fittings. -de ballena, train or \vllsl~oil.
-d e torno, lathe attachments. --- de calefaccibn, furnace oil.
-de tractor, tractor equipment. --- de carb611, kerosene, cwnl oil.
-d e tuberia, pipe fittings. -- de cPrter (auto), crankcase oil.
-de uniBn (tub), union fittings. -de castor (lu), castor oil.
--- de via (fc), track accessories. -- de colza, rape or colzn oil.
- de voladura, blasting acccssorics. -de creosota, creosote oil, dead oil.
-drenables (tub), dralnnge fittings. - de engrase, lubricating oi!.
- embridados (tub), fl:ulged fittings. -de esperma de ballena, sperm oil.
- para grbol de boca d e pozo (pet), Christmas- -de esquisto, shale or schist oil.
tree fittings. -- de grasa de cerdo (A), lard oil.
-para cable, cable attndirnents or fittings or - de homo, furnace or fuel oil.
accessories. - de Empara (M), keroserm
-partidos (elec), split fittings. -- de linaza o de lino, 1iiisr.d oil.
--- pendientes (tub), drop fittings. -de linaza blanqueado, blcachcd oil.
--- soldables (tub), welding fittings; aolder-joint -- de maiz, corn oil.
fittings. - de manteca, lard oil.
aceite 6 aceru i.

-de aabina, rape oil. a c e b f (Es),water wheel; water-power mill.

-de palo, tung or China wood oil. acepilladora f, planer, surfacer.
-de perilla, perilla oil. -cenada, closed planer.
-de pescado, train or fish or menhaden oil. -de banco, bench planer.
-de ricino, castor or rincinm oil. - de engranaje recto, spur-geared planer.
-de taladrar, drilling oil. - de engranajes cdnicos, bevel-gear planer.
-de trernentina, oil of turpentine. -de herrsmienta m d d , traveling-head planer.
-de vitriolo, oil of vitriol, mlphuric acid. -de lado abierto, openside planer.
-esencial, essential or volatile oil. -de tornillo sin fi,worm-geared planer.
-fluiwcante (ca) , flux oil. -limadora, shaping planer.
-graso, fatty oil. - para curvas, radius planer.
-imprimador (c4, priming oil. -vertical, wall or vertical planer.
-isolante (Ec) , insulating oil. acepilladwa f,planing.
-lampante (Ea), light oil; kerosene. acepilladuras, wood shavings, cuttings, turninga
-lubricante de motor, motor oil. acepillar, to plane, drew, face, mill;to brush.
-mate (pint), flatting oil. aceptacib f (corn), acceptance.
-mineral, minerd oil, petroleum. -libre, clean or general acceptance.
-mineral de foca, mineral seal oil. aceptador m,aceptaate (corn), acceptor.
-mineral de manteca, mineral lard oil. aceptar, to accept.
- muerto, dead or creosote oil. aceptor m (quim) (ra), acceptor.
-para mgquinas, machine or engine oil. acequia f, irrigation dibch, canal; (Pe) brook.
-para temple (met), quenching oil. -derivada, branch canal.
-quemado (auto) ( C ), crankcase oil. -evacuedora, return ditch.
-secante (pint), boiled or drying oil. -madre o maestra o troncal, main canal.
- soluble, soluble or cutting oil. acequiador m,irrigation workman, ditch digger.
-voliitil, volatile or essential oil. acequiaje m, irrigation dues.
- vulcanizado, factice, vulcanized oil.
aceitera f, oiler, oilcan; oil cup.
acequiar, to ditch.
acequiero m (irr), canal tender, ditch-mainte- .
-a presibn, aquirt can. name man.
-con gota visible, sight-feed oil cup. Hcer m, maple.
-cdnica, pyramid oiler. acera f, sidewalk, footwalk; (Sp) face of a wall.
-de lhea, &-line oiler (drill). -de transporte, moving sidewalk.
-de mecha, wick oiler. aceracidn Cf) superficial (met), chilling.
-de resorte, oil gun. acerar, (met) to chill, harden; (mas)t o face with
-ferrocarrilera, railroad oiler. stone; (Col) t o stucco; t o lay a sidewalk.
aceiterh f, oil house. aceria f, steel mill.
aceitero m, oiler (man) ; a Cuban bardwood. acero m, steel.
aceiiffero [M) , oil-bearing. -a1 carbono, carbon steel.
aceitillo m (PR), s hardwood. -a1 cobre, copper-bearing steel.
aceitan m, Ou) olive oil. -a1 hogar abierto, open-hearth steel.
aceitosidad f, lubricity. -al manganeao, manganese steel.
aceitoso, oily. -at dquel, nickel steel.
aceleracibn f, acceleration. -Bessemer, Bessemer steel.
-casual (fma), random acceleration. -cementado, casehardened or blister steel.
-de entrada (hid).. ,. entrance acceleration. -cobaltocromo, cobalt-chrome steel.
---- de gravedad, acceleration of gravity. -colado, cast steel.
-negativa, deceleration, negative acceleration, -colado de crisol, crucible cmt steel.
retardation. -cromado, chromium steel.
acelerador m, (auto) (chem)(mas)(sk)(pmy) ac- -cromonlquel, chrome-nickel steel.
celerator; (met) energizer. -cromovanadio, chrome-vanadium steel.
-de fraguado, accelerator of cement setting. -de deacibn pobre, low-alloy steel.
-de mano (auto), hand throttle. -de aleacibn rica, high-alloy steel.
-de pedaI (auto), foot accelerator. -de alta velocidad, high-speed steel.
-de reaccibn (quim), catalyst, accelerator. -de alto carbono, high-carbon steel.
-de taladrado, drill speeder. - de arado superior, improved plow steel.
acelerante m (qufm), accelerante. - de construccidn, structural steel.
acelerar, to accelerate. -de arisol, crucible steel.
acelerbgrafo m, sccelcrograph (earthquakc). -de fHcil taIlado, free-cutting steel.
acelerogratna m,accelerogram. -de herramientas, tool steel.
acelerbmetro m. accelerometer. - de horno el6dric0, electric steel.
-integrador, integrating accelerometer. -de liga, alloy steel.
-registrador, recording accelerometer. -de Ungote o de tochos, billet or new-billet
acendrar, to refine. steel.
ac8ntric0~acentric. -& nitruracibn, nitrided steel.
acentuacidn f (ra), accentuation. -de textura orientada, grain-oriented steel
acentuador m (ra) , accontwtor. -delsplegado, expmlded steel (pole).
-dulce, mild or soft or low-carbon steel, (sb) -asumido, assumed azimuth.
flange steel. -de atrits, back azimuth.
-empavonado, blue steel.
-encerrado, rimmed steel.
-de cuadrlcula, grid azimuth.
-de frente, forward azimuth.
-encobrado, copper-bearing steel.
fundido, caat steel.
-terrestre (fma), ground azimuth.
-verdadero, true azimuth.
-harveyizado, Harveybed steel. acimutal, azimuthal.
-inmanchable o inoxidable, stainless or rust- acitara f, partition wall; curtain wd.
less steel.
medium steeI.
-mangadsico, manganese steel.
aclarador m, clarifier.
aclarar, to clarify.
acllstico, sclasto, aclastic (optics).
-mediano, medium or medium-carbon steel. acle m (F), a construction lumber.
-moldeado, cast steel. aclimatar, to acclimatize.
-muerto, killed steel.
-para nitruracibn, nitriding steeI, nitralloy.
acllnico, aclinic.
acmita f (miner), acmite (pyroxene).
-psflado, structural shapes,rolled steel s e e aco m (V),a construction lumber.
tions. acodadera f, stonecutter's chisel.
-rgpido, high-speed steeI. acodado m, s bend; a bent to an angle.
-relaminado, rerolled steeI. - abierto (tub), eighth bend.
-ssmimuerto, semikilled steel. - recto (tub), quarter bend.
-Siemens-Martin, open-hearth steel. acodalamiento m,shoring, trench bracing.
-suave, soft or mild or low-carbon steel. acodalar. to shore, brace; acodalarse, to jam.
-tapado, capped steel. acodamiento m, bend, elbow; shoring, trench
-ultrarrlpido, high-speed steel. bracing.
acerocromo m,chromium steel. acodar. to bend; to shore, brace; to square up
acerodquel m, nickel steel. (surv) to offset.
acerrojar, to bolt (door); (str)(C) to bolt. acodillado, bent to an angle; (str) crimped.
acetaldehido m (lab), acetaldehyde. acodilladora f [cn), joggling machine.
acetato m, acetate. acodikr, to bend to an angle; acodillarse, to
-butllico, butyl acetate. jackknife.
- cdprico, cupric or copper acetate. acojinar, to cushion.
- de alfa-naftilamina, alpha-naphthylamine acolchado, n riprap, apron, hearth; a (cab)
acetate. strand-laid.
- de uranio o de wanilo, uranyl acetate. acolchar, to cushion; to lay (rope).
acolchonar, to cushion.
ac6tic0, acetic.
acetilinica, acetylenic. acollador rn, calker; calking twl.
acetileno m, acetylene. acollar, to calk with oakum.
acetiluro de cobre, copper or cuprous acetylide. acoprbar, to warp, buckle.
ace& f, acetin. acometer, (p) (sw) (min)to branch,
acetol m, acetol, acetyl carbinol. acometida f, (p) (sw) house connection; branch.
acetona f, acetone, dimethyl ketone. -de cable, electric service connection.
aciberar, to grind, pulverize. acornetimiento m, house connection.
aciclico (el&), acyclic. acomodado a mano, hand-placed (rock fill).
aciculitn j, needle ore, aikinite. acomodarniento m (cab) (M), lay.
aciche m, paver's hammer. acomodar, to place, arrange, fit in.
acidez f, acidity. acomodo m, (V) assembly, framing.
acidacar, to acidify, (pet) to acidize. acornpailado m (Col), conduit, pipe trench.
acidtmetro m, acidimeter. acornpafiat, (Ch) to fill holes in a wall, to chink
&cidom a, acid. aconcharse, to run aground; (Cb) to deposit
- acitico glacial, glacial acetic acid. sediment.
-bBrico, boric or borscic or orthoboric acid. acondicionador m (aa) (dac) (pa) (pet). condi-
- carb6lic0, carbolic acid, phenol. tioner.
- carbbnico, carbonic acid. -de agua, water softener or conditioner.
- dorMdrico o hidrocl6ric0, hydrochloric or
muriatic acid.
de cienos (dac), sludge conditioner.
de lodo (pet), mud conditioner.
-de acumulador, battery acid. -de radiaci6n o de tubos (as), surface-type,
- fgnico, carbolic acid, phenol. conditioner.
- hidribdico, hydriodic acid, hydrogen iodide. -de rocio (as), spray-type conditioner.
- lodoso (pet), sludge acid. -enterizo o unitario (aa), unit conditioner.
- nitrohidroclbrico o nitromuri&tico, nitrohy- acondicionamiento m, conditioning.
drochloric acid, aqua regia. acondicionar, to condition; to repair, overhaul.
- sulfiirico, aulphuric acid, oil of vitriol. acopacidn f (mad), cupping.
-tanico, tannic acid, tannin. acopado, hollowed out, cupped, cup-shaped.
gcidos grasos, fatty acids. acopar, to cup, hollow out; (nlin) to batter (side
acidular, to acidulate, (pet) to acidiae. timbers).
acimut m,azimuth. acope m (mi;), patter of side timbers,
ncopiar, to store, etock. -semirriis (tub), semiflush joint.
acopio m, storage, (hyd) pondam. -sin rosca, threadless coupling.
-do sobrecarga (hid), surcharge storage- -universal, universal joint,
-en las riberas (hid), bank storage. acoplar, t o coupIe, join, connect, hook up.
-muerto, d e d storage. acople m (A), acoplo wa (C), a coupling.
-para us0 (hid), conservation storage. acorazado a,armored; enclosed; (elec) ironclad.
acoplado m, (A) trailer; (U) tow of barges. acorchado, lined with cork.
-directamente, directconnected. acordamiento m, pieza de, transition piece.
acoplador m, a coupling, coupler. acordar, t o make level or flush; (ra) to tune.
-ajustable (ra), loose coupIer. acordelar, t o lay out with a chalk line.
-de unidn (tub), union coupling acordonado, cord (tire).
acoplad- f , coupling, joint, connection. acordonar (ca) (Ch) (U), t o windrow.
acoplamiento m, coupling, splice, joint, connec- acortar, to shorten; acortarse, to contract, shrink,
tion; (A) clutch; (carp) accouplement. shorten.
-a bayoneta, bayonet coupling. acorvar, to bend.
-al ras, flush joint. acostarse, t o get out of plumb.
-cadena (ra) (A), link coupling. acostillado, ribbed.
-capacitive (ra) , capacitive or electrostatic acotacibn f, elevation or dimension marked on a
coupling. plan; boundary mark or monument; (C)
-cerrado Ira), close coupling. elevation.
-cbnico, cone coupling. acotamiento m, aetting boundary monuments;
-corriente (tub), standard coupling. dimensioning; (M) shoulder of a road. s"
-critic0 (ra), critical or optimum coupling. acotar, t o mark elevations, dimension; (sum) t o
-de ajuste, flexible coupling. mark out, set monuments.
-de bobina B e reactancia (ra), choke coupling. acotillo m, sledge, striking hammer.
-d e bridas (maq), flange coupling. acre m, acre.
-de casquillos de caucho, rubber-bushing acrecencia f, acrecimiento m (geol)(for), accre-
coupling. tion.
-de compresidn, compression coupling. acreedor m, creditor.
-de dilataci6n. expansion joint. acrepid m, acre-foot.
-de disco flexible, flexible-disk coupling. acrepulgada f, acre-inch.
-de doble cono, double-cone coupling. acribar, to screen, sift.
-de engranajes iijos, fixed-gear coupling. acribillar, t o perforate, riddle.
-de garras, clutch or jaw or claw coupling. acrisolar, t o assay; t o r e h e .
-de insercibn (tub), inserted joint. acromltico, achromatic.
-de manguito, sleeve coupling. acrdmetro m, oleometer, acrometer.
-de pestaiia, flange coupling. acta f, memorandum of action signed by parties
-de planchitas empaquetadas, cushioned-plate thereto.
coupling. actas, minutes of a meeting.
-de reaccidn (ra), choke coupling. acttnico, actinic.
-de resistencia (ra), resistance coupIing, actinio m (qulm), actinium.
-de rosca (tub), s c r e d or threaded joint. actinismo m, actinism.
-de rosca escalonada (tub), step-thread joint. actinodielbctrico, tu%inodielectric.
-de Sellers, cone or Sellers coupling. actinoelectricidad I, actinoelectricity.
--- ddbil (ra), weak or loose coupling. actinof6nic0, actinophonic.
-dentado, clutch or jaw coupling. actinografia f, actinography.
-electromagn6tic0, magnetic clutch. actinbgrafo m, actinograph.
-en cascada (el&), cascade connection. actinograma m, actinogram.
-entteviilvula (ra), intervalve coupling. actinolita, actinota f (miner), actinolite (amphi-
-eslabdn (ra)(A), link coupling. bole).
-estrecho (el&), close or tight coupling. actinologfa f, actinology.
-flexible a correa, belt-type or flexible-band actinometrla f, acthometry.
coupling. actinom8tric0, actinometric.
-flexible de ajuste doble, doubler-slider cou. actin6metro m, actinometer.
pb3- actinomicetales (is), Actinomycetales.
-fiojo (ra) (Es), weak or loose coupling. activable (is), activable,
-flGido (auto) (A), fluid drive. activador m (qufm), activator, promoter.
--- hidrfiulico, fluid drive. activtkr, to activate.
-impulsor, impulse coupling. activo m, assets; a (chem) active.
-intervalvular (ra), intervalve coupling. -circulante, working capital, liquid aseets.
-bptimo ha), optimum or critical coupling. -invisible, good will.
-por impedancia (4, impedance coupling. actuador m,actuator.
-por resistencia-capacidad (ra), resistance- actuante m (Es) , actuator.
capacitance coupling. actuar, to actuate, drive, operate.
-recalcado interior (tub), internal upset joint. acuagel m (pet). aquagel.
-resistive (ra),resigtive or resistance cou: ing. acuamotor m ( E y ) , hydraulic ram.
acuarela 9 aditivo
acuarela f, water color, wash drawing. adala f , dale, spout, trough.
acudtico, aquatic. -Be bomba, pump dale.
acuatizaje m (ap), landing on the water. adamantino (miner), adamantine.
acueducto m, aqueduct, conduit, flume; water adamelita f (geol), adamelite, plagioclase-granite
system, waterworks. adaptador m, (mech) (ra) adapter; (p) transition
dcueo, aqueous. piece, fitting.
BcueogIacial (geol), aqueoglacial. -de sntena (I&), antenna adapter or elimina-
Lcueoigneo (gcol), aqueoigneous. tor.
acuerdar, t o lay out with a chalk line. -de onda (ra), wave adapter.
acuerdo m, agreement; resolution, decree. -de vklvula (ra), valve adapter.
acuerdo, pieza de (tub), fitting; traasition piece. -para tuberia (pet), casing adapter.
acuicicrre m, acuicluaa f, aquiclucle (geohydrol- adaptar, to fit.
od9. adarajaf, bondstone; (conc) bonding key; tooth-
acuifero, water-bearing. ing.
acuifuga f, aqulfuge (geohydrology). adelantador (m) de fases (el&), phase advancer.
acumulaciSn f, accun~ulntion;{gcoi) accretions. adelantar, to advance (all senses).
acumulador sn, (mech) sccumulator; (elec) stor- adelante, ahead; forward.
a g e battery or cell'; (ac) cumrllator. adelanto m, progress; advance payment ; (se)
-hcido de plomo, lead acid or lead-lead acid (geop) lead.
cell. adelgazador m (pint), thinner.,
-cornpensador, floating bstterj.. adelgazar, to make thin; to taper, skive; t o
-dc alta gravedad, high-gravity battery. soften (water); t o thin (paint) ; to cut
-de baja gravedad, low-gravity battery. back (mphalt).
-de hierro-niqucl, nickel-iron or Ediwr~stor- adema f (min), shore, prop.
age battery. ademado m, timbering, bracing, shoring; (M)
-de plomo-cinc, lead-zinc cell. well casing.
-de vapor, steam accun~ulator.
-empastado IclBc), pasted battery.
- de caj6n, cribwork.
ademador m, timberman, shorer.
-flotaate, floating battery. ademadora f, ax used in mine timbering.
- hidrBulico, hydraulic accumulator. ademar, t o shore, timber.
-hidroneumltico, hydropneumatic accumu- ademe m (min), strut, shore.
lator. -de prestado, temporary timbering.
-Plantt5, Plant6 battery. adentar, to tooth.
acumuladorista m (M), battery-maintenance adentelladura f, toothing.
man. sdentellar, to tooth; (conc) to form bonding
acumulativo, cumulative. keys.
acufiador (m)de balasto (fc), ballast tamper. adentro adz, inside.
acuiiamiento nb (geol), thinning out of a vein. aderezadara /, (mech) dresser; buzz planer.
acuiiar, t o wedge, chock, key; to jam; t o tamp aderezar, to fit out, rig, equip; to dress, rectify
(ties) ; acufiarse, to jam. aderezo m,dressing (belt, etc.).
acuosc~,aqueous. adeudar (cont), to debit.
acuosoluble, soluble in water. adherencia f, adhesion, bond.
acuotubular (cnl) , matertube. adherente, adhesive.
acfistica f , acoustics. adh,erirse, to adhere, cohere.
aciistico, acoustic. adhesibn f, adhesion, bond; (w) freezing.
acutiingulo, acutoangled. adhesivo, adhesive.
achaflanar, to bevel, chamfer, splay. adiabltico, adiabatic.
acharolar, to japan; to varnish. adiactinico, adiactinin.
achatador m (her), flatter. adiatimnico, adiathermic.
achatar, to flatten. adicidn f, addition.
achicador m, bsil~r. adicionante m (conc) ( h l ) ,admixture.
---- de 10d0 (pet), mud socket. adicional m (conc) (A), admixture.
- de s6tanos, cellar drainer. adiaola f (geol), adinole.
achicadura f, unwatcring, hailing, drainage, adintelar (Col), to place a lintel.
draining. aditamento m, a fitting, attachment, accessory
achicar, to unwnier, bail out, drain. (auto) equipmeut ; (conc) (Col) insert.
achiflonado (mill) (Ch), sloping. -de muela (torno), grinding attachment.
achiguar (A) (Ch), to bulge, buckle. -de tdadrar (em), boring attachment.
achique m, unwatering, hailing, draining. -para fresar {torno), milling attachment.
acholole m (irr) (hI), excess water that runs off. aditamentos
achololear (irr)(M), to r u n off (excess water). -- de cadena, chain attachments.
achololera j (irr){hI), ditch to collect excess -de tractor, tractor equipment.
water. -de tuberla (Col), pipe fittings.
achurada f (dib) (M), hatching. aditivo m, additive; (elec) addition agent; a
achurar (dib) (X), to hatch. additive.
ad vaferem, ad valorelu. -de combustible, fuel dope.
aditivo 10 aeroplane

-en polvo (conc), powdered admixture. - de cono mfdtiple, multicone aerator.

adjudicar, t o award, let (contract). -d e corriente descendente, downdraft sere
adjudicatario m, successful bidder. tor.
administracidn f , administration, management ; - de escobilla, brush aerator.
manager's ofice; headquarters. -de paletas, paddle aerator.
-delegada, agency form of contract, cost plus. -de placas deflectoras, baffle-plate aerator.
-judicial, receivership. aerear, t o aerate.
administrador m,manager. aikeo, aerial. ,
-auxiliar, assistant manager. aerffero, containing air.
-de obras, construction manager. aerificar, to aerify.
-interino, acting manager. aeriforme, aeriform.
- judicial, receiver. aeroacetilbnica, air-acetylene (welding).
admisibn f, (eng) admission, intake. aeroacondicionamiento m (A), air conditioning.
-total (turb), full admission. seroalternador m [U),alternator driven by a
admitancis f (elec), admittance. windmill.
-de entrada (ra), input admittance. aerobacter (is), aerobacter.
-electrhdica (ra), electrode admittance. aerobase f, air base, aviation base.
adobar, t o apply dressing (belt, etc.). aerbbico, aerobic.
adobe rn, adobe, mud construction; unburned aerobio m, aerobe.
brick; kind of loess; (bl) mudcap. aerobiosis f (is), aerobiosis.
adobera f, mold for adobe brick; adobe brickyard. aerocartbgrafo m (fma), aerocartograph; aerial
adober5a f, adobe brickyard. photographic surveyor.
adobo m, belt dressing; cable compound. aerocreto, aeroconcreto m (Col), (conc) Aero- 4
adobdn m, (Ch) one pour of adobe wall; (V) crete (trademark).
large brick. aerocroquis na (fma), mosaic.
adoquh m, stone paving block. aerodinhmica f , aerodynamics.
-de asfalto, asphalt block. aerodinamicista, aerodynamicist. ,
- de madera, wood paving block. aerodinlmico, streamlined; aerodynamic.
adoquinado m, block paving. aer6dromo m,airport.
-gradtico, granite-block paving. aeroelBctrica, planta (M), wind-driven generat-
adoquinador m, paver. ing plant.
adoquinar, t o pave with blocks. aeroembolismo m (A), the bends, caisson disease.
adosar. to abut against, back up to. aeroexpreso m (tr), air express.
adovelado (arco), built of voussoirs. aeroeyector m (hid) (Es), air lift.
adrales m, sideboards or racks of a truck. aerofaro m, airway beacon.
-sobresalientes, flareboards. aeroiiltracidn f, amofiltration.
adrizar ( n h t ) , t o trim, right. aeromtro m, aeroflilter.
adsorbedor m (an), adsorber. aer6fono in, aerdhone.
adsorbente, adsorbent. aer6fora f (min), aerophore.
adsorber, t o adsorb. aerofotografia f, aerial photography, aeropho-
adsorcibn, adsorption. tography.
aduana f, customhow. aerofotogrlfico, aerophotographic.
aduanar, to enter in the customhouse; to pay aerofotograrna m, aerial photogram.
duty; t o put in bond. aerofotogrametria f, aerial photogrammetry,
aduanero m,customs official. aerosurveying.
aduja f. coil (rope). aerofotogramitrico, aerophotogrammetric.
adujadas f, coils. aerof o "otopografia f, topography by aerial pho-
adujar, t o coL tography.
adulzar, to soften (metals or water). aerogasolina f, aviation gasoline.
adveccibn f, advection. aerbgeno a, aerogenic.
advectivo, advective. aerbgenos m. (is), aerogenes.
adyacente (mat), adjacent, contiguous. aerografia f, aerograpphy.
aeracibn f, aeration. aerogrlfico, aerographic,
-- de dos etapas, two-stage aeration. aerbgrafo m (ra), aerograph.
- graduada (dac), tapered aeration. aerograma m, aerogram; (pmy) aerial mosaic.
-por vertedero, weir aeration. aerohidrodinhmico, aerohydrodynamic.
aerar, t o aerate, aerolita f, aerolite (duminum alloy).
aereador m, aerator, aeromagn6tic0, aeromagnetic.
-a difusidn, diffusion aerator. aeromecfinica f, aeromechanics.
-a rocio, spray aeaator, aeromeclnico, aeromechanical.
-a salpicadura, splash aerator. aerometria f, aerometry.
-de aspiraci6in mecbnica, forced-draft aerator. aerbmetro m, aerometer.
-de batea de coque, coke-tray aerator. aeromotor m,aeromotor ; (Sp) (U) windmill.
-de boquilla, nozzle aerator. aeronafta f , aviation gasoline,
-de caseadas o de escalones, cascade or step aeronivelacidn f (A), aerial IeveIing.
aerator. aeroplano m, airplane.
aeropoligonacibnf (fma) , =ria1 traversing. -de flotador, float gage.
aeroproyeccidn f (fma), aeroprojection. -de gancho, hook gage.
aeroproyector m (fma), aeroprojector. -de resalto, standing-wave flume.
aeropuerto n, airport. -registrador, recording gage.
- aduanero, airport of entry. aforar, t o measure; (r) to gage; t o appraise.
-de control, control airport. aforo m, (r) gaging, measurement ; appraisal ;
- de enlace, feeder airp~rt. classification (freight).
- de todo tiempo, all-weather airport. -americano (A), American wire gage.
-e t i m o , seaplane base, marine airport. -con disolucidn salina (hid), salt-dilution
aeropulverizador m, compressed-air atomizer. method of gaging.
aerosimplex (frna), aerosimplex. -de Birmingham (A), Birmingham wire gacc.
aerosol m ( a d , aerosol. - por fiotadores (hid), float gaging.
aerostAtica f, aerostatics.
aerostiitico, aerostatic.
- por inercia-presiSn (hid), inertistrpressure
method of gaging.
aerothico, aerotechnicd. -por molinete (hid), current-meter gaging.
aerotopbgrafo m (frna), mrotopograph. -por velocidad de sal (hid), salt-velocity
aerotransporte m,air t r m ~ o r t . method of gaging.
aerotrian&acidn f, aerial &angulatio, aerotri-
- qulmico (hid), chemical gaging, salt-dilution
aeroda f, airway. aforrar, t o line, sheathe; (fo) t o lag; (cab) to
- de cable, aerid tramway. serve.
afallamiento m (geol)(M), faulting. aforro m, lining, sheathing, lagging; (cab) serv-
afanita f (geol), aphanite. in%.
afanltico, aphanitic. aftita f , aphtit (alloy).
afeitanar, to cut off rivetheads. aftitalita f (miner), aphthitalite, glaserite, arca-
aferrar, to bind with iron clamps; to grapple; t o nite.
anchor, moor; aferrarse (mas), t o seize, agar m (lab), agar.
freeze. - de bas, bile agar.
*ador m,fastener. - nutritive, nutrient agar.
danzar, to tie, make fast; to bond (employee). agar-agar, agar-agar.
m a d e r a f, sharpener, whetstone. agargantado (Es), grooved.
amado, (t) sharp. agarrabolsas f (fc), mailbag catcher, mail crane.
- a mlquina (herr), rnachine-dressed. agarradera f, handle, grip, haft; clamp.
d a d o r (m)de 'barrenas, drii sharpener. - D, D handle (shovel); spade handle (elec
a a d o r a (,f) de brocas, bit grinder. switch).
a&, to sharpen, whet, grind. - de cinta (lev), tape grip.
afil6n m, sharpening stone. - de pistola, pistol grip.
afinaci6n f, &nation; finishing;refining. - de puerta, door pull.
-do m, finish (surface). - de serrucho, saw pad.
allnadora f, (rd) f i s h e r ; surfacer. - de ventana, sash lift.
adlnar, to finish; t o retine; to regulate, adjust. agarradero m, clamp; handIe, grip; (naut) an-
a h i d a d f (qufm), affinity. choring ground.
-electr6nica, electron affinity.
afmo m, refining; (met) fining.
de cable, cable clip.
be puerta, doorknob; door pull.
afirmadero m (Ch), strut, shore. agarrador m, handle, grip; (re) passer; (lg) dog-
dbmado m,road surfacing,pavement; (V)road- mr.
bed. -de riel (hem f c), gripper.
afirmar, to make fa&; (ea) to compact; (rd) to -de tensi6n (lev), tension handle (for tape).
pave. -de tubo (pet), tubing catcher.
aflojar, to loosen, slack; aflojarse, to get loose, agarradora f (ef), skidding grab.
work loose, loown up, start, agarradurmientes m (fc) (M), tie tongs.
afloramiento rn, outcrop; Iconc) (A) bleeding. agarrar, to grip, grapple; agarrarse (maq), to
aflorar, t o crop out, outcrop; to emerge (ground seize, freeze, drag (brake).
water). agarratnbos m (pet), tubing catcher.
afluencia f (hid), runoff, inflow. agarre m, (re) (mech) grip.
afluente ma a, tributary. sgarrotar (ef), to choke.
afluir, to flow in. agencia Cf) de colocaciones, employment agency,
aflujo m, inflow, runoff: aftlux. labor exchange.
afolador m,calking iron, caking chisel; calker. agente m,agent.
afolar (cd), to calk. - catalStico, catalytic agent.
afondar, afondarse (nAut), to sink. - comprador, purchasing agent.
aforador m, stream gage; gager; appraiser. -de aduana (C), austomhouse broker.
- de aduana, customs appraiser. - de cnrga (fc), freight agent.
- de alambre y pesa, wire-weight gage.
-ds cadena, chain gage.
de equipajes (fc) , baggage agent.
de v% (fa)(A), roadmaster, supervisor.
-de cinta, tape gage. - ex~edidor,forwarding agent.
agente 12 aguas

-metebrico, atmospheric agency. -de complemento (cal), make-up water.

-- qulmico, chemical agent. -de consolidacidn (ms), water of compaction.
-reductor (qufm), reducer, reducing agent. ---- de constituci6n (qdm), water of constitution.
agitador m,agitator, mixer. -de elaboracibn, process water, (conc) mixing
-de chorro, jet agitator. water.
agitar, t o agitate, stir. -de enjuague (M), (wp)wash water.
aglomeracidn f, agglomeration. -de expulsidn (geol) (A), water of cornpadion.
aglomerado m, (geol) agglomerate; coal briquet. -de fondo (pet), bottom water.
aglomerante m, binder, matrk. -de formaci6n (geol)(A), connate water.
-para machos (fund), core binder. -de gravedad (irr) (ms), gravitational or
aglomerar, t o agglomerate. gravity or free water.
aglutinador m, binder, cementing material. -de hidratacidn (qufm), water of hydration.
aglutinante m,cementing material; (elec) binder. -de imbibici6n (irr), water of absorption or
aglutinar, t o agglutinate; t o cement, bind; of imbibition.
aglutimrse, t o cake. -de lavado (filtro), wash water.
agojIa / (rnin), drain. -de noria (M), well water,
agojo m, a Philippine lumber. -de pie, spring water.
agolparse (M), to jam. -de reemplazo o de rellenar (cal), malie-up
agbnico, agonic. water. . ..-.

agotador m, exhauster. -de salida, tail water (powerhouse).

agotamiento m, depletion; exhaustion; Brainage; -de tormenta, storm water.
running down. -delgada, soft water.
-de metales, fatigue of metals. -duke, fresh water; (su) sweet water.
agotar, t o drain, unwater, evacuate; t o exhaust, -estancada, standing or stagnant water.
run down. -frehtica, ground or suspended water.
agradaciirn f (geol), aggradation. -freHtica a gravedad (irr), gravity ground
agramilar, t o mark with a marking gage, t o mark water.
out. -frehtica afluente, influent ground water.
agrandahoyos m (pet), reamer, hole enlarger. -frektica efluente, effluent ground water.
agregado m, (conc) (rd) (geol) aggregate, road -fuerte, aqua fortis, nitric acid.
metal. -gorda o gruesa, hard or brackish water.
-coloidal (pet), admixture. -libre (ms)(irr) , free water.
-en polvo (conc), powdered admixture. -llovediza o llovida o pluvial, rain water.
-escalonado o graduado, graded aggregate. -muerta, still or stagnant water; slack water.
-pelicular (ms) , pellicular water.
-grueso, coarse aggregate.
-premezclado (conc) premixed aggregate.
-tal como sale, run-of-bank aggregate.
-pluvial de albafial, storm sewage.
-potable, drinking or potable water; domestic
agregados (mec) (A), attachments, accessories. water supply.
agrerniado m, union man; a unionized. -regia, aqua regia, nitrohydrochloric acid.
agremiar, to unionize. -singedtica (geol) (A), connate water.
agrietamiento m, (geol) jointing; (lbr) checkiig. -solidillcada (ms), solidified water.
agrietarse, t o crack, (lbr) to check. -subuvea, water in the bed of a stream.
agrilldtar, t o fasten with a shackle. -subterrhnea adherida, attached ground
agrimensor m, surveyor, land surveyor. water.
-de minas, mine surveyor. -subterrlnea aislada, perched ground water.
agrimensura f, Iand surveying. -subterrlnea endicada (A), perched ground
agrio, brittle ; harsh ; sour. water.
-a1 frlo (met), coldshort. -subterrHnea fijada (A), attached ground
agrbnomo m, agricultural engineer, agronomist. water.
agrumador m (pa), flocculator, floe former, -subyacente (pet), bottom or edge water.
agrupaci6n f , grouping, banking; (ra) ganging. -superior (pet), top water.
agrupar, t o group, bank. -surgidora o surtidora, artesian water.
agua 1,water. -vadosa (geol) (A), vadose water.
- basta o bruta, raw or untreated water. -viva, running or flowing water.
-blanda, soft water. aguas
cnpilar (ms) (irr), capillary water. -abajo, downstream.
- connata (gcol), connate or fossil water. --- altas, high water.
-corriente, running or flowing water; water- -aprovechables, water resources.
distribution system. -arriba, upstream.
- ciuda, raw or unfiltered water; hard water. -bajas, low water.
- de albadal, sewage. -blancas (Es) (A) (Pe), storm-water drainage.
- de alimentaci6a (call, feed water. -broncas (M), flood waters.
-- de cal, limewater. -caseras (Es) (Pe), domestic sewage.
- de cantera, quarry water. -cloacales combinadas, combined sewage.
- - de cohesi6n (ms), cohcsivu water. -cloacalas de infiltracibn, ground or infiltra-
-- de cola, ~ l u wntrr.
e tion water.
aguas 13 agujero
- cIoacaIes industriales, industrial or trade
aguce m (herr), sharpening.
agudeza f,sharpness.
-cloacales pluviales, storm sewage. agudizar, t o sharpen.
-cloacales sanitarias, sanitary or house or agudo, sharp, acute; sharp (curve).
domestic sewage. agiiera f, irrigation ditch.
-cloacales separadas, separate sewage. aguiero m (Ea), round shoring timber.
-corrientes (A), municipal water supply. aguilbn m, (de) boom, jib, mast arm; (rf)
-de cabecera (PR), (r) headwaters. beveled tile at hip or valley; (rf) diagonal
-de fregadero (d),sink water. horizontal tie.
-de retroceso (PR), tail water (pomerllouse). -acodado, gooseneck boom.
-estiales, low water. - activo, live boom.
-excluidas (Pe), sewage. -de grGa, crane boom; derrick boom.
-fccales, sewage, sanitary sewage. -de pala, shovel boom.
- --industriafes, industrial wastes or sewage. -para carga pesada (en), heavy-lift or jumbo
-- inmundas, sewage. boom.
-juveniles (geol), juvenile waters. -para pala de cable de arrastre, dragline
-metebricas, rain or storm water; meteoric boom.
waters. aguja f, needle; (rr) switch point; jhyd) needle
-minimas, low water. beam; (carp) brad, finishing nail; (inst)
-negras, sewage, domestic or house sewage. hand, needle; (cons) shore, spyeader; (min)
-pluviales, rainfall. small branch vein; (surv) marking pin,
- rejuvenecidas (geol) , rejuvenated water. arrow; (fo) spreader.
.- residuales doluiciliarias, house or domestic -abrea, aerial frog (trolley wire).
sewage. -de agrimensor, surveyor's marking pin,
- residuales industriales, industrial .rvmtcs. arrow.
-servidas, sewage. -de brCrjula, compass needle.
-servidas caseras, house sovase. -de cadenso (lev), marking pin, arrow.
-someras (A), surfaco watcr. -de cambio o de carril o de chucho (fc)
-suspendidas, suspended water. switch point or blade.
-teliiricas (A), ground or well watcr. -de carril cortado (fc)(Es), stub switch.
- verticntes (hid), runoff. -de Gillmore (lab), Gillmore needle.
aguabresa f (Es), soil pipe. - de inclinacibn, dipping needle.
aguacero m, heavy shower, downpour, cloud- - de manbmetro, hand of a pressure gage.
burst. -de marcar, scriber.
-presumido (hid), design storm, assumed rein- -de marear, mariner's compass.
fnli. -de medicibn, (surv) tally pin, arrow; (ge)
aguachinar (Es), t o saturate (soil). metering pin.
aguada f, water station; flood; (pt) kalsominc; -de pared (cd), needle.
(CA) watering trough. -de plasticidad (ms). plasticity needle.
aguadero m, water station. -de polvorero, blasting needle.
aguador m, waterboy, water carrier. -de velero, sJ 1 needle.
aguaducho m, conduit; flood. -de Vicat (lab), Vicat needle.
aguaje m, tideraee; tidal wave; hydraulic bore; -descarriladora (fc), derail switch.
(C)(Ec) heavy shower; (M) well; (M) -dosificadora, metering pin (carburetor).
watering trough; (I) cistern. -imanada, magnetic needle.
agualotal m (AC), bog, swamp. - indicadora, (eng) bouncing pin.
eguallita f (Po), shallow water. -infernal, plug and feathers, wedge and shims.
agualluvia f, rain water. -para marcar, center punch.
aguamanil m, washbasin. - trazadora (planimetro), tracing point.
aguanieve f, sleet. agujas, (min) (Sp) poling boards.
aguantador m (re), dolly; bucker-up. -de arrastre (fc), trailing-poi& switch.
aguantar, t o resist, support; (re) t o buck up. -de encuentro o en contrapunta (fc), facing-
aguantatubos m (pet), pipe hook. point switch.
aguante m (mec), endurance, strength. -de resorte (fc) , spring switch.
- a1 calor, heat endurance, -enclavadas (fc), interlocked switch.
aguaii6n m, hydraulic engineer. -verticales (hid), needle beams.
aguar, t o water, dilute; aguarse, tn he drowned agujal m (Col), hole in a w d left by form bolt or
out. spreader.
a y a r r l s m, turpentine. agujereador m, drill.
-mineral, turpentine substitute. -de banco, bench drill.
aguatal rn (Ec), pool; swamp. -de columna, post drill.
aguatero m (A), water p a r t ; water carrier. aujereadora f, punch; drill, boring machine.
aguatocha f , pump. agujerear, t o bore, drill, perforate; agujerearse,
aguatorre f , water tower. to form a pipe (earth dam); t o form holes.
aguay, aguai m, an Argentine hardwood. agujero m, hole.
aguazal m, s w r l p , Log, msrs!r. - aceitero (A), oilhole.
agujero 14 ajustador
-ciego, blind hole. ahusamiento m, taper.
-de acceso, handhole, manhole. ahusar, to taper, skive; to batter.
-de culebra (vol), snake hole. ailsita f (geol), ailsyte (microgranite).
-de engrase, oilhole. aire m,air.
-de hombre, manhole (boiler, tank, etc; not -a presidn (M), compressed air.
used for street manholes). -arrastrado, entrained air.
-de inyecciijn, grout hole. -comprimido, compressed air.
-de lubricacibn, oilhole. -detonante, firedamp.
-de mano, handhole. -libre, al, outdoors.
-de muestreo (is), s a r n p h g hatch. -libre por minuto, free air per minute (com-
-de nudo, knothole. pressor).
-de paso, manhole (tank, etc.). airear, to aerate; t o ventilate.
-de perno, bolthole. aislacibn f, insulation; (A) waterproofing.
-de prueba, test hole. -de humedad, dampproofing.
-de remache, rivet hole. -de relleno, fill insulation.
-de sonda, drill hole, boring. -de sonido, soundproofhg.
-manual, handhole. -reflectors, reflective insulation.
-tirmica, heat insulation.
-oblongo, (str) slotted hole.
-para espiga (ais), pinhole. aislado de papel, paper-insulated.
-para pasador (est), pinhole. aislador na, insulator.
-para poste, posthole. - a b o t h clavado, nail knob.
-pasante, through hole. -abrazador, cleat insulator.
-piloto, pilot hole. -corriente, standard-duty insulator.
-por roscar, tapping hole, -de amarre, strain insulator.
-sin salida (A), blind hole. -de anclaje, terminal strain insulator.
agujeros de aliviamiento (cn), lightening holes. -de b o t h partido, split-knob insulator.
agujeros de guia (mh), guide holes. -dc cadena, string or suspension insulator.
agujetero m (mo) (V), through bolt to hold a -de campana, bell or petticoat insulator.
bulkhead, -de caperuza, hood insulator.
agujista na (fc), switchman. -de carrete, spool insulator.
agujBn (dib), pricker. -de derivacib mdltiple, take-off insulator.
agujuela f, brad, finishing naiI. -de espiga, pin insulator.
agusanado, worm-eaten. -de fabricaci6n hGmeda, wet-process insula-
aguzadera f, whetstone. tor.
aguzador m,drill sharpener. -de horquilla y macho, clevis-and-tap insula-
- de lhpices, pencil sharpener. tor. I

aguzadora ( f ) de pernos, bolt pointer. -de ojillo y horquilla, eye-and-clevia insulator.

aguzar, t o sharpen, whet, point; (pet) to dress -de perilla, knob insulator.
(bit). -de semianclaje, semistrain insulator.
aherrumbrarse, t o rust. -de tres campanas, triple-petticoat insulator.
ahdar, t o line up, align. -distanciador o de pie, standoff insulator.
ahitar (lev), t o set monuments. -mural, wall insulator tube.
ahocinarse (r), to cut a gorge. -para horquilla, fork-bolt or clevis insulator.
ahogadizo, nonfloating, heavier than water. -para viento, guy-strain insulator.
ahogado, submerged, drowned; lacking air for -prensado en seco, dry-process insulator.
combustion; (M) embedded. -seccionador, section insulator.
ahogador m (auto) (M), choke. -tensor, turnbuckle or strain insulator.
ahogar, t o submerge, drown, flood (carburetor); --- tip0 de niebla, fog-type insulator.
(M) t o embed ; ahogarse, t o be submerged; -tubular, leading-in insulator, wall insulator
(eng) t o stall. tube.
ahondar, t o deepen,dig, sink (shaft). aislamiento m, insulation; isolation; (A) water-
ahonde n, deepening, sinking. proofing.
ahorcaperro m. running bowline; hitch. dslante m, insulating material, insulant.
ahorcarse, t o jam. --- de cambray, cambric insulation.
ahorquUado, forked. -de eboaita, hard-rubber insulation.
ahuecado, hollowed out. -de pergamino, parchment insulation.
ahuecrdor (m)met6lico (ed), metal floor pan. aislar, to insulate, isolate.
ahuecamiento m, cavity, void, hollow. ajarafe m, tableland; flat roof.
phulndo m, (CA) waterproof fabric; a rubber- ajornalar, t o employ by the day.
covered. ajustable, adjustable.
r h u ~ ~ m,
d otaper, (fdy) draft. njustado, tight, close; fitted; adjusted.
-al rev68 (herr), back taper, longitudinal ajustador m, machinist, fitter, mechanic; adjust-
relief. ing tool; (mech)(carp) adjuster; (ins) ad-
-de entrada (herr), entering taper. juster.
- J m o , Jarno taper. -a cero (el&), zero adjuster.
- Morse, Morse taper, - de banderola, transom operator.
ajustador 15 alambre
-de batiente (carp), atop-bead adjuster. alambique m, s still.
-de claraboya, skylight operator; transom -acorazado o de casco, she1 still.
operator. -de tubas, pipe or tube still.
-de tuercas, nut runner or tightener or setter. -de vaclo, vacuum still.
-de ventana batiente, casement adjuster. -desintegrador (pet), cracking still.
ajustadora f, any adjusting device. -despojador (pet), stripping still.
ajustaje m, fitting, adjusting; (A) machining. -destufador (pet) (M) , sweetening still.
ajustar, t o fit, adjust, make true; (surv) t o bal- -desuIfurador (pet), sweetening still.
ance; ajustarse a, to fit into; ajustarse -discontinuo, batch still.
sobre, to fit over.
ajuste m, adjustment, fitting, setting; (machy) a
- para redestilaci6n (pet), rerun still.
alambiquero m, (pet) stillman; (C) distillery.
fit; ( C ) piecework, small contract. alambor rn, bevel cut, splay.
- a golpe ligero, tapping fit. alambrado m,wiring; wire mesh; wire fence.
- a inglete, miter joint. -de b o t h y tqbo, knob and tube wiring.
a martillo, driving fit.
prueba de vapor, steam fit.
-ahusado, taper fit.
-de festbn, festoon wiring.
descubierto, exposed or open wiring.
encerrado, concealed wiring.
-apretado, tight or close fit. alambrador rn (A), wire-fence erector.
-clavado, drive fit. alambraje m, wiring; wire fencing.
- con boIgura, loose fit. alambrar, t o wire.
- corredizo, sliding fit. alambre m,wire.
- de fase (tv), phasing. -a prueba de intemperie (el&), weatherprocf 4
- de llave, wrench fit. wire.
- de presibn, press fit. - agrio o brillante o claro, bright wire.
de rotaci6n Libre, running fit. - bailado de cobre, coppered wire.
- del trazado, balancing the survey. -cargado, live wire.
- empotrado en caliente, shrink fit. -cinta, flat wire.
-escogido, selective fit. -cobrizado, copper-clad wire.
-estrecho, press fit, shrink fit. - de aporte (sol), filler wire.
- forzado, tight or force or press or drive fit. - de atar (ref), tie wire.
- forzado mediano, medium force fit. -de campanilla (el&), be11 wire.
-holgado, loose or free fit. -de contacto, trolley or contact wire.
- libre, easy or light fit.
por contracci6n, shrink fit.
-de cuadro indicador (el&), annunciator wire.
- de disparo (vol), leading wire.
- preciso, h e fit. -de edificaci6n (elk), building wire.
- sin holgura, snug or wringing or tunking or - de entrada (el&), lend-in wire.
-de espinas, barbed wire.
push or working fit.
ajastes, (p) (machy) fittings. - de guardia (el&), guard or ground wire.
ajustero m (Col), small contractor; pieceworker. -de masa (el&), ground wire.
ajust6n m ( E G ) ,tight fit. -de piias, bmbed wire.
al costado ( n h t ) , alongside. -de puente (vol), bridge wire (in the exploder)
ala f, wing (dani or bldg) ; leg (angle) ; flange - de relleno, (wr) filler wire.
(I beam) ; blade (propeller) ;leaf of s, hinge; -de soIdadura, wire solder; welding wire. ,
leaf of a folding door. -desnudo, bare wire.
del coraz6n (fc), wing rail (frog)
de mosca (Es), brad; tack.
duke, soft or annealed wire.
enterizo (elkc), solid wire.
alabandina, alabandita f (mineral de rnanganeso), - espigado (AC), b a r h d wire.
alabandite, manganblende. -espinoso (Es), barbed wire.
iilabe m, (turb) bucket; (turb) gate, vane; (mx) -estirado en frIo, cold-drawn wire.
blade. - estirado medio duro, medium-harddrrrxn
- director o del distribuidor (turb), wicket wire.
gate, guide vane. -forrado de algodbn, cotton-covered wire.
- regulable, adjustable blade. -forrado de asbesto, asbestos-insulated wire.
alabearse, t o warp. -forrado de caucho, rubber-covered wire.
alabeo n, warping, wind; (rd)(V) crown. -forrado de plomo, lead-sheathed wire.
alacena j, locker, closet. -forrado de vidrio, glass-covered wire.
aIacrdn m, swivel; (Col) clamp. -fundente, welding wire.
aladrar, to glow. -fundente de lat6n, brazing wire.
aladrero m (rnin) (Es), timberman. -fusible, fuse wire, a wire fuse.
aladro m, plow. -mejor de lo mejor (eltic), best best (BB)
alagadizo, liable t o be inundated. wire.
alagado m, inundated land. -nudo, bare wire.
alagar, t o inundate, swamp, flood; alagarse -para artefactos (el&), Gxture wire; appliance
W u t ) (B), to leak. wire.
dagunar (Ch), to inundate, flood. -pescador (el&), fish wire.
alambicar, t o distilt -piloto (el&$, pilot wire.
-por reestirar, redrawing wire. albitana f (cn), apron, stemson; propeller post.
-soldador, welding wire; wire solder. albolita f (mam), albolite.
-tejidu, wire fabric or netting. aIboll6n m,drain, sewer.
-trefilado, stranded wire. albortante m (M), lighting post.
I -trenzado, braided or stranded wire. albufera f, tidal lagoon.
albuhera j, pond, reservoir.
dambrecarril na (A), aerial tramway.
alambrera j, wire netting. albamina f, albumin.
alambrbn m (met) (M) , wire rod. albuminoide m, albuminoid.
Blamo, poplar. albuminoideo a, albuminoid.
I alamud m,door bolt. albumosa f (is), albumose.
alanita f (miner), dlmite. albura j, sapwood.
alar m,eaves; (Col) sidewalk. -de primavera, springwood.
dargadera f, lengthening bar for compass; - de verano, summerwood.
lengthening bar for drill; (chem) adapter. alburno rn, alburnum, sapwood.
alargamiento m,elongation, expansion. alcachofa f (bm), strainer, footvalve and strainer.
-al f d a r , ultimate elongation. alcalescencia f, alcalescence.
&gar, t o lengthen, estend, elongate; alargarse, alcalescente, alcalescent.
t o expand, lengthen, stretch. Blcali m,alkali.
&rife m, mason; builder. U m e t r k f, alkalimetry.
d m f, alarm. alcalhetro m, alkalimeter.
-de falta de agaa (cal), low-water alarm. alcalinidad f, alkalinity.
-de incendio, fire alarm. alcalinizar, to render alkaline.
dasquita j (geol). alaskite (granite). alcalino, alkaline. 54
dastrar, to ballast. alcalinot6rreo a, alkaline-earth.
albafial m, sewer, drain; (C) sewage. alcalizador m (az) , liming tank.
-de M w . relief sewer. alcalizar, t o alkalize. render alkaline; (su) to lime.
-de rebose, r e M or overflow sewer. alcance m, reach; range; drift (tackle) ; (rr) rear-
-denvado, branch or lateral sewer. end collision; (corn) balance; (rd) overtak-
-dom6stico o de servicio, house sewer. service ing; (ra) coverage; (ac) blow, throw.
connection. -de cavadura (pl), digging reach.
-madre, main sewer. -de descarga (pl), dumping reach.
- pluvial, storm aewer. -de planeo (ttp), gliding range or distance.
- sanitaria, sanitary sewer. -de la vista (ca), sight or visibility distance.
a l b w e r o m, sewer builder; sewer clsaner. alcancia f (M), bin, hopper; (min) chute, mill
albaiiear, to do mason work. hole; (conc) tremie.
albaail m,mason, bricklayer. alcantarilla 2, culvert ; sewer, drain; conduit;
- de cemento, cement mason. (elec)(Sp) cablo duct; (M) basin, cistern.
-anidable, nestable metal culvert.
albaweria f, masonry.
-ciclhpea, cyclopean concrete. -arqueada, arch culvert.
-de piedra bruta, rubble masonry. - de alivio, relief sewer.
-de piedra Iabrada, ashlar masonry. -de cajirn, box culvert.
-en hileras, ashlar masonry. -de chapas mttltiples, multipl~platecorru-
-en seco, dry masonry. gated culvert.
albarda f, packsaddle. -de descarga, outfall sewer.
albardilla f, coping, capstone; s m d packsaddle; -de platabanda (V), box culvert.
(C) riding saddle. -de pozo, drop-inlet culvert.
- de cumbre (ed), saddle stone. -interceptadora, intercepting aewer.
albnrdillado, crowned; troughed. -maestra, trunk sewer.
albardbn m, (bldg)(Ca) coping; (hyd)(A) check -para ganado (fc), cattle pass,
dam; dike; ridge; (M) saddle. -pluvial, storm-water sewer.
albarrada f, mud wall; dry stone wall. -s a ~ t a r i a sanitary
, sewer.
albarraden m, dike, small earth dam. -visitable (Es), sewer big enough for a man t o
dbayaldar, t o coat with white lead. enter.
dbayalde m, white lead. alcantarillado m,sewerage.
-anaranjado, orange lead, mineral orange. -sepdrativo, separate system of sewerage.
-de plomo, white lead. -unitario, combined system.
-rojo, red lead. alcantarillaje m, sewage.
albedbn m. gutter, drain. aicantarillar, to sewer, drain; t o build culverts,
albedo m (fma), dbedo. alcanzar, to reach; t o overtake.
dbelldn m,sewer. alcaparrosa f, copperal.
alberca I,pool, pond; basin, tank. alcarria f, plateau.
alberc6n m , reservoir. alcatifa I. layer of cinders or other filling under
albergue m, bunkhouse, barracks, dormitory. floor or roof tiles.
alberquero m, tank tender, reservoir custodian. alcayata I.spike; ( C ) staple; (surv) spad.
albina f, salt pool or mnrsh; (miner) apophyllite. -de caiio, pipe hook, leader hook; gutter spike.
albita j (miner), albite (feldspar). -de rosca (fc), screw spike.
alcayata 17 alicates
-de via, track' spike. -de h6lice, propeller blade.
alcPzar m (an), poop deck, quarter-deck. -de semaforo (fc), semaphore blade.
alce m, raising. -desviadora (turb), redirecting blade.
alcohol na, alcohol; (rnin) galena. -directriz o distribuidora (turb), wicket gate,
-amiIico, arnyl alcohol. guide vane.
- desnaturalizado, denatured aIcoho1, methyl- aIetas de enfriamiento, cooling fins.
ated spirit. alevante m (rnin) (M) , overhand stope.
-etilico, ethyl or grain alcohol. aleviadot m (hid), alleviator.
- metilico, methyl or wood alcohol. alfa-naftol m,alpha-naphthol.
-propilico, propyl alcohol. alfagra f (Es), channel, gorge.
alcor m, hill. alfajia f, door or window frame; batten; timber
alcornoque m,cork tree. 10 by 14 cm; (Col) roofing board.
alcorozado m (ed) (M), space between beams on alfarnetilnaftdeno, alfametilndtalina, alpha-
a wall; filling between beams. methyl naphthalene.
alcotana f, pick, mattock; stonecutter's hammer. elfaque m,shoal, bar.
-de dos hachas, asphalt mattock. alfarda f, (carp) light wooden beam, scantling;
alcribis m,tuycre. rafter; irrigation dues.
alcuba f, dome, cupola; vault. alfardar, to join in an irrigation development.
alcubi!la I,covered reservoir; basin, pond. alfard6n m ( C ) , girder, heavy beam.
alcumita f, Alcumite (alloy)(trademark) alfareria f (V), brick masonry; tilework.
alcuza f, oilcan. alfarjar, to wainscot.
aldaba f , latch, catch, retainer. alfarje m, wainscot; paneling.
-de candado, hasp. alfarjia, same as alfajla.
- de contraventana, shutter bar. alfgizar m, splay of door or window.
-de picaporte, latch hasp, aEler m (M), peg, pin.
-de resorte, spring latch. -de Patls (Es), wire nail.
-de seguridad, safety latch. alaerillo m, finishing nail, brad.
- dormida, dezdlatch. -cortado, cut flpishing nail,
- de alambre, wire finishing nail.
a l d a b t f, crossbar on a double door; horizontal
timber against a wall; plate or sill of a alfornbrado m {mam) (V), base course, mat.
partition. alga f, alga.
aldabiila f (ft), hook, latch. algas, algae.
aldohexosa f (a)aldohexose.
, algiiceo, algal.
aleaciSn f, alloy. algaida f,sand dune.
-a base de aluminio, aluminum-base alloy. algarrobo m,carob wood.
- cuaternaria, quaternary alloy. glgebra f, algebra.
-de imprenta, type metal. algebraieo, algebraict.
-de niquel al plomo, leaded nickel alloy. algecida m, algaecide.
-de punto bajo de fusi6n, low-melting alloy. algoddn m, cotton.
-delta, delta metal. -colodi611, collodion cotton.
-no ferrosa, nonferrous alloy -de calafateo, calking cotton.
aleaje m (U), aIloy -explosive, guncotton.
alear, to alloy. - mineral (A), slag wool.
alecrin m, an Argentine lumber very hard and -pblvora, guncotton, nitrocotton; cotton gow-
heavy. der.
- p6lvora nitraio (vol), tonite.
alefriz m (carp), rabbet.
alegrador m, roamer, broach.
alegrar, to ream, broach.
- trenzado (el&), cotton braid.
algoso, full of algae.
alejamiento m, receding, separation. alguaza f, hinge.
aIejamientos y desviaciones (lev) (MI, latitude8 alicatado m ( C ) ,wall of brick laid on edge.
and departures. alicates na, pliers ; tongs ; pincers.
alema f, duty of irdgation water. - aislados, insulated or electrician's pliers.
alemontita f (miner), allemontite, arsenical anti- - de Lngulo, diagonal pliers.
monv. -de articulacidn movible, slipjoint pliers.
alerce m. iarch, tamarack, hackmatack. -de ayustar (cab), splicing tongs.
alero m, eaves; (bldg)(dam) wing; (bdg) wing -de combinaci611, combination pliers.
wall. - de corte lateral, side-cutting pliers.
alerBn m, aileron; damper. -de crisol (lab), crucible tongs.
alesador m (A), operator of a drill (shop) -de expansi611, slipjoint pliers.
alesadora I, drill. -de garganta, open-throat pliera.
alesaje m, bore (cylinder). - de gqdsta, gas pliers.
alesna f, awl. -de guardalinea, lineman's pliers.
alesnado, sharp-pointed. -de punta plana, flat-nose plierra.
aleta j, (rnecli) lug; fin, gill; leaf (hinge); (mx) -de punta redonda, roundnose pliers.
blade; (turb) vane; (na) quarter. -narigudos, long-nose pliera.
- amortiguadora, damping vane. -punzonadarea, punch pliers.
alidada f, alidde. alistonar, t o lath; to cleat.
-de anteojo, telescope alidade.
-de anteojo j o , fixed-tube alidade.
alita f (ct), alite.
aliviadero m, spillway, wasteway; sluiceway;
-de explorador, exploration or expedition ali- weep hole.
-de geblogo, geological alidade.
de agua sobrante (al), storm overflow.
de crecidas, (r) floodway; (sw) storm over-
-de mirilla, peep-sight alidade. AOW.
-de plnuIas, open-sight alidade. - de cresta libre, open spillway (no gates).
-de topbgrafo, engineering alidade. -de fondo, sluiceway, undersluice. 1
-para plancheta, plane-table alidade. -de lluvia (Es), inlet to a storm sewer.
aligaci6n f, tie; bond; alloy. -de pozo, shaft-spillway.
aligerar, to lighten. -de seguridad, emergency spillway.
alijador m,lighterman. -de superficie, wasteway, spillway.
alijadora f, lighter; sander. -lateral, side-channel spillway.
alijar, t o lighten; t o sandpaper. -superior (irr) , overchute.
alije m, unloading, lightening-of a ship. -vertical de arena (ot), sand drain.
alijo m, unloading; (C) locomotive tender. aliviador m ,spillway; relief valve.
alimentacidn f , feed (all senses), feeding. alivianar (PR) (A), to lighten.
a sinfin. worm feed.
al vaclo o por aspiracibn, vacuum feed.
alivio m, easing, relief.
-de esfuerzos, stress relief.
-con gasto constante (pa), constant-rate feed. -de expansi611, expansion relief.
-de retroceso (ra), feedback. -de vacio, vacuum relief.
-directa (pa), dry feed, direct feed (chlorine). aljaba (f) de electrodos (sol), electrode carrier.
-en seco (pa), dry feed. aljarafe m, flat roof.
-forzada, force feed. aljez m, gypsum, plaster of Paris.
-meclnica, power feed ; mechanical stoking. aljezar m, gypsum quarry.
-visible (lu), sight feed. aljibe m ,pool, tank, cistern; tank barge.
alimentado a petrBleo (cal), oil-fired, oil-burning. aljofifa f, mop.
alimentado por gas, gas-fired. aljoaar, t o mop.
alimentador m, feeder; feed wire; stoker. aljor m, gypsum.
-basculante, jog feeder. aljorozado m (V), scratch coat of lime and mud.
-con descarga por detrls, rear-cleaningatoker. aljorozar, to plaster; to smooth up.
-de bandeja, tray feeder. alma f , core (dam) ; (str) web, stem (T); (cab)
-- de carbbn, stoker. center, core; (Ibr) heart; drill core; scafTold
-de correa, belt feeder. pole.
-de criba corrediza, traveling-grizzly feeder. -calada o de celoda (est), lattice web.
, -de descarga lateral, side-cleaning stoker. -combada (ts), arched web.
, -de disco xotatorio, rotary-disk feeder. -de andamio, scaffold pole.
- de dosificacih (pa), proportioning feeder. -de ctiiiamo, (wr) hemp center.
-de enlace (elkc), tie feeder. -de ensayo, test or sample core.
-de hogar, mechanical stoker. -de riel, web of a rail.
-de parrilla corrediza, traveling-grate stoker. -fibrosa, (wr) fiber core.
-de pellcula (fma), film-metering device. -llena (est), solid web, plate web.
-de la red (el&), network feeder. almactin m, warehouse, storehouse, storeroom;
-de vaciado superior, overfeed stoker. store; magazine (camera).
-oscilante, reciprocating feeder. -aganzado, bonded warehouse.
---- pesador, weighing or weigh feeder. -de agua, cistern, tank.
-sin fin, screw feeder. -de pblvora, magazine.
alimenter, to charge; to feed. almacenador m, warehouseman.
aliment0 m (mec), feed, feeding. almacenaje m, storage, warehousing; warehouse
, aiindar, to mark boundaries. charges.
alinderar (AC), to mark boundaries. almacenamiento m, storage.
alineacibn f , alignment. --- de desbordamiento (hid), valley storage.
-y rasante, line and grade, line and 1eveI. -de sobrecarga (hid), surcharge storage.
alineador m, aligning tool. -en las riberas (hid), bank storage.
alinear, t o line, line up, align. -momentLneo (hid), instantaneous storage.
alisador m, finishing tool; smoothing iron (as- -muerto, dead storagc.
phalt) ; smoothing blade (road machine) ; -para uso (hid), conservation storage.
(fdy) sleeker, smoother; (A) rcarner. almacenar, to store, stock.
disadora f, surfacing machine; dresser, almacenero, almacenista m, storekeeper, waro
- de caminos, road scraper. houseman.
alisaduras f , shavings, turnings. almgdana, almhdena, almhdina f, stone hammer,
alisar, to plane, face, smooth up, surface. spalling hammer.
alisatubos m (pet), casing scraper. almadia f, raft.
aZisios m ,trade winds. almagra f, almagre m, red ocher, ruddle.
alistador (m) de tiempo, timekeeper. aImaina f, stone hammer.
dmanque 19 altoparlante
almanque m (Col), putlog. -nitidez (tv), high definition.
almarbatar, to frame (timber). -polarizacibn, de, high-test (sugar).
almlrtaga f, litharge. -resistencia a corta edad (ct), high early
almatriche m, irrigation ditch. strength.
dmenado, dentated. -tarea (C), high duty.
nlmenara f, (irr) return ditch; (Col) surge tank. -volatilidad, de, high-test (gasoline).
almendrilla f, fine coal; fine gravel; (geol) con- altas (cn), upper works.
glomerate of fine stones; small file. -aguas, high water.
almendrbn m (Es), conglomerate of large stones. altar m (horno), bridge wall, fire bridge.
dmidbn m, starch. - de agua, water bridge.
-yodado (is), starch-iodine. -de humero, flue bridge.
almilla f (carp), tenon. altavoz m,loudspeaker.
almirez m (lab), mortar. alteracidn f (geol), alteration.
-y mano, mortar and pestle. alternacibn, alternation.
almoceda f (Es), water rights; irrigation rate. alternado, alternating.
almohada f, cushion. alternador m (el&), alternator.
-del escobdn (en), hawse bolster. -de imanes permanentes, magneto alternator.
almohadilla f , pad, cushion. - de inducido giratorio, revolving-armature
- de apisonar, tamping pad. alternator.
-de tope, buffer block. -de inductor e inducido Sjos, inductor alter-
-filtradora (V), filter block. nator.
almohadillas de freno, brake blocks. - de inductor giratorio, revolving-field alter-
almohadillas de friccih, (eng) friction blocks. nator.
alrnohadillado m (sol), padding. alternador-transmisor (ra), alternator transmit-
almohadillar, t o cushion. ter.
almohaddn m, lowest voussoir in a semicircular alternador-volante, *wheel alternator.
arch. alternancia f (el&) (A), alternation, alternance.
-de agua, water cushion. alternar las juntas, t o break or stagger joints.
almohatre m, sal ammoniac. alternative, (elec) alternating; (eng) reciprocating.
alrnojayaj, putlog; outlooker. alterno, alternating; altern'ate.
albgeno (geol), allogenic, derivative. alternogenerador m (Es), alternating-current
a10jamiento rn (mec), seat, bearing, socket. generator.
alosar, to lay tiles. alternomotor na (Es) (A), alternating-current
aloxito m, aloxite (abrasive). motor.
alpax m, alpax (alloy) altibajos m, broken or uneven ground.
alpende m, tool house. altigrafo m, altigraph.
alquilar, to rcnt ; t o alkyhe. a1tillano m (Col) ,' plateau.
alquilcr m, rent, rental. altillo na, small hill; penthouse, bulkhead; (A)
alquilizar, to aikylhe. small addition on top of a one-story build-
alquitarar, to distill. ing; (A) (Col) garret.
alquitrLn m, tar, pitch. altimetria f, altimetry, running levels, topo-
- cortado, cutback tar. graphical survey.
--- de carbSn, coal tar. altimetro m, altimeter.
- de gas, gas tar, gashouse cod tar. -de agrimensor, surveying altimeter.
- de gas de aceite, oil-gas tar. -registrador, recording altimeter, dtigraph.
- de gas de agua, water-gas tar. altiplanicie f, platibau, tableland.
-de hornas de coque, coke-oven tar. altiplanim8tric0, t,,pographicd.
-de hulla, coal tar, coal-tar pitch; gas tar; altiplano m, plateau.

-- coke-oven tar.
de hulla diluldo, cod-tar cutback.
de leiia, Stockholm tar.
-de madera, pine tar.
-de petrdleo, oil tar, petroleum pitch.
altitud f , altitude, elevation.
alto m, height; hilI, elevation; (geol) haging
wall; (bldg) floor, story, upper floor; (rr)
(auto) a stop; a high.
-calor, de, high-heat (~ement).
-de turba, peat tar. --- carbono, de, high-carbon (steel).
-mineral, asphalt. -explosive, high explosive.
-rebajado, cutback tar. -homo, blast furnace.
-vegetal, coal or wood tar. - rendimiento, high duty.
alquitranado m, tarpaulin; application of tar, altos m (A), &st floor above the ground.
tarring. altopadante m,loudspeaker.
alquitranadora f, tar-spraying machine. -a condensador, capacitor loudspeaker.
alquitranaje m, tarring. -de conductor m6viI, moving-conductor loud-
alquitranar, to treat with pitch; t o coat with tar. speaker.
alquitranoso, tarry. -dinlmico, moving-coil or dynamic loud-
alta f (mill), hanging wall. speahr.
-ley, de, hi,i+csade (ore). -electromagn6tic0, magnetic-armature loud-
-- multiplicacibn, de, high-geared. speaker.
-- electrost&tico, condenser or electrostatic alundo m (rfr), dundum.
loudspeaker. alunita f (miner), alunite, alum rock.
altozano m, srnal hill. ahvial, aluvional, alluvial.
altura f, elevation, altitude, height; (hyd) head; aluvi6n m, a h v i a l deposit, alluvium; flood of
(str) depth; (r) stage. silt; (A) flood, inundation.
-cinbtica (hid), dynamic head. aIuvionamiento m (A), silting up.
-de aspiracidn (hid), suction head; suction aluvionario (A), alluvial.
lift. dlveo m, bed of a river, channel.
-de carga (hid), head. dveolado (M), honeycombed.
-de descarga o de impulsih (bm), discharge alza f, rise, lift; shim; (hyd) ffashboard, leaf of
head. a bear-trap gate; (hyd) (Sp) stop log; (Sp)
-de despejo o d e franqueo, clearance height. fulcrum.
-del instrumento o de1 ojo (lev), height of -de tablero basculante (hid), automatic
instrument. flashboard, shutter weir, hinged-leaf gate.
-de paso, headroom. -de la viilvula, valve lift.
-de presiBn (hid), pressure head. dzacarros my car-lifting device.
-de succibn (bm), suction hepd. alzacoche m, automobile lift.
-de tiro (aa), draft head. dzada f, (dwg) elevation; face of a building.
-dinlmica (hid), velocity head. -extrema, end elevation.
-efectiva, (str) effective depth; working depth dzado m, (ar) elevation; (Sp) superstructure.
(gear). -de costado, side elevation.
-estiitica (hid), static head. -delantero, front elevation.
-hidrPulica (al), hydraulic grade. -en corte, sectional elevation.
-libre, verticd clearance, clear height, head- -trasero, rear elevation.
room; freeboard. dzador m, any lifting device.
-manom6trica total (brn), total head. alzadura f, hoisting, raising.
-metac6ntrica (an), metacentric height. alzaguara f (Es), spring (water).
-piezom6trica (hid), piezometric head. alzaprima f, crowbar, lever, pinch bar.
-Gtil (est), effective depth. - de traviesa (fc), nipper.
d u d m, avalanche, snowslide. dzaprimar, t o pry, move with a lever.
alumbrado m, lighting; a lighted; treated with alzar, t o hoist, raise, lift.
alum. dzatubos m, pipe jack.
-a tubo de gas, gas-tube lighting. dzav&hula m (auto), tappet.
-de caveto, cove lighting. alzaventana m (auto), window opener.
-de contorno, outline lighting. allanador m (her), a flatter.
-de f e s t h , festoon lighting. alIanar, to grade, level; to flatten; (met)t o plan-
-reflejado, indirect lighting. bh.
-semiindirecto, semi-indirect lighting. d a n e na (M), leveling, grading.
alumbrar, t o light, illuminate; to treat, with allegador m (Es), fire hook, poker.
alum; t o emerge (ground water). amacizar, t o compress; t o make solid.
alumbre m, alum. amacrltico, amacratic (lens).
-cr6mic0, chrome alum. amachambrado (PR)(Es), tongued and grooved.
- de amonio, ammonia alum. amachetar, t o chop with a machete,
-para a t r o s (V), filter alum. amadrinar, t o couple, join.
-potisico, potash durn, potassium aluminum amaestrar, (mas) t o set grounds; (hw) to master-
sulphatc. key.
dumbrera f, alunite quarry. amainador m (mid. . . man who handles bucket at
alfimbrico, containing alum. top of shaft.
a l h i n a f, alumina, duminum oxide. amainar, to lower, slack off; (min) to land t h e
alumhato m, aluminate. bucket of ore.
-dicacico (ct) , dicalcium aluminate. amaine m, lowering, slacking off.
-sddico (pa), sodium aluminate. amalgama f (met) (miner), amalgam.
-triciilcico (ct) tricalcium alurrrinate.
aluminico, aluminic.
amalgamador m (met), amalgamator.
amalgamar, t o amalgamate.
aluminifero,,containing aluminum, aluminifer- amantillar ( g r ) , t o top, peak, luff.
ous. amantill0 b), topping lift, topping or peaking line.
aluminio m, aluminum, aluminium. amanzanar (A) (U), to lay out land in blocks.
aluminita f (miner), ahrninite (aluminum a d - amafios m, tools, eguipment, outfit.
phatc). amaraje m,landing on the water (seaplane).
aluminizar, t o aluminize. amarar, to land on the water.
duminof&rico, aluminoferric. amarillo m a,ycllow.
aluminosilicato m, aluminosilicate. -benzo (is),benao yellow.
aiuminoso, aluminous. - de cinc, zinc yellow (pigment).
alumino termia f (met), aluminothermy, alu- - de montafia (miner), yellow earth or ooher.
minothermics. amarrii f, tie, lashing; mooring; (Ch)(M) cable
aluminot6rmic0, aluminothermic. clip.
8m81ra 21 amperlmetro
-de aleta ( n h t ) , quarter fast. amoldar, to mold, shape.
-de bote (nfiut), painter. amollar (cab), t o slack, ease off.
-de popa (nhut), stern fast. amoniacal, ammoniacal.
-de proa (nbut), bow or head fast. amoniacibn f, ammoniation.
-de puerto, mooring. amonlaco m, ammonia.
-de travds (nitut), breast fast, breast line. -albuminoideo (is), alburninoid ammonia.
amoniador m (pa), amrnoniator.
amarras para correa, belt hooks or clamps.
amamadera f (CoS), mooring line; sling. - de elimentaci6n directa, direct-feed amm*
amarradero m, mooring post; mooring berth. niator.
amarraje m, wharfage; (cab) serving. amdnico a,-ammonium, ammonic.
amarrar, t o tie, lash, spliee, belay, make fast; to amonio m,ammonium.
moor; (cab) t o serve, seize. amonizaci6n f, ammonisation, mnmonification. .
aniarrazones f (nhut), ground tackle. amontonador m, amontonadora f, stacker, piler.
amarre m, tie, splice, lashing; anchorage, moor- amontonador de carbbn, coal trimmer.
ing; (cone) (M) (Po) bond. amontonar, t o pile, pile up.
-a pata de ganso, bridle mooring. - el fuego, t o bank the fire.
amartillar, t o hammer. -en camellones (ca), to windrow.
arnasada f (M), batch of mortar. amordazar, to clamp.
amasadero m,pugmill, clay mill. amorfo, amorphous.
amasar, to mix (mortar); to puddle (fill); t o pug, amortiguacibn f , deadening; absorbing; (mech)
temper, (elec) damping.
amasillar, to putty. -crltica (elkc), critical damping. B
amatol m,amatol (explosive). -de las crecidas (r), flood control.
amberita f, amberite (explosive). -peri6dica (el&), periodic damping, under-
Bmbito m, ambit, contour. damping.
ambuiante, traveling (derrick), walking (drag- amortiguador m,(mech) shock absorber, damper,
line). dashpot; (carp) door check; (hyd) stilling
ameba f, amoeba. pool; (auto) m d e r ; (elec) damper; (auto)
amelga f (irr), ridge, dike. snubber; (chem) buffer.
amelgar, t o set boundary monuments; to furrow. -de chispas, spark arrester.
amellar, t o notch. -de choque, shock absorber; bumper.
amerar (Es), t o seep, percolate. - de energfa, energy absorber; (hyd) stilling
amiantista m, asbestos worker. pool, tumble bay.
amianto m, asbestos, amianthus. -de escape, (eng) exhaust head, exhaust
amiba f, amoeba. silencer.
amibiano, amlbico, amoebic. - de 10s faroles (auto), headlight dimmer.
amibiCida m a, amoebicide. -de golpes de agua, water-hammer suppressor.
amicr6n m (qulm), amicron. -de luz, (auto) dimmer.
amida f , amido m, (chem) amide. -de oleaje (hid), surge suppressor; surge
amigdaloide a (geol), amygdaloid. snubber.
amilasa f (is), amylase. -de ruido, silencer, muffler.
amilo na (quim), amyl. -de sacudidas (auto), harmonic balancer.
aminolcido m (is). amino acid. -del sonido, sound absorber.
p-aminodimetilanilina (pa), paminodimethyl- - de torsibn, torsion damper.
amortiguamiento (m)de sonido, soundproofing.
amo rn, owner; employer; superintendent, fore- amortiguar, to cushion, deaden, lessen; t o damp;
man. t o absorb (shocks); (chem) to buffer.
amohosarse (A) (Ch) , to rust. amortizacidn f, amortization.
amajonar, t o set monuments. amortizar, to amortize; t o redeem; to refund.
amojosearse (A)(Ec), to rust. amovfile, removable, demountable.
amoladera f, grindstone, grinder. amparar, to protect; (leg) to hold h r t r m l e ~ ;
atnolado m, grinding. (min) t o satisfy conditions for working a
-de avance longitudinal; end-fced grinding. claim.
-de avance normal, in-feed grinding. ampelita j,a m p e h (coal).
-de avance pasante, through-feed grinding. amper m (Es), ampere.
amoladora f , grinder. amper-espira f (Es), ampere-turn.
-de armazdn oscilante, swing-frame grinder. amperaje m, amperage.
- de asiexktos de vidvulas, valve grinder. -de carga, charging rate (battery).
-de banco, bench grinder. -efectivo, virtual amperes.
-de btocas, bit grinder. amperfmetro m,ammeter, amperemeter.
-de espigas, shank grinder (drill). -calbrico (Es), hot-wire ammeter.
- de pie, floor-stand grindpr. -de abrazadera, $amp ammeter.
-de puntas, center-type grinder. -de alcance mbltiple, multiraxige ammeter.
- hlrmeda, wet grinder.
sin puntas, ccnterless grblder.
-de bolsillo, pocket ammeter.
- d e expansibn o de hilo caliente, expansion or
molar, to grind, sharpen. hot-wire or thermal ammeter.
-dinamom8tric0, dyn'amometer ammeter. anabergita f (miner), annabergite, nickel bloom
-- indicador, indicating ammeter. anabhlico (is), anabolic.
-para tablero, switch board-type ammeter. anacarado (miner), pearly (luster).
-registrador, recording ammeter. anaclinal (geol) , anaclinal.
-termico, thermal ammeter, therrnoammeter. anaerhbico (is), anaerobic.
-termocupla, thermocouple ammeter. anaerobio m, anaerobe.
amperio m, ampere. anaerobiosis f, anaerobiosis.
-international, international ampere. anaerogdnico (lab), anaerogenic.
amperio-hora f, ampere-hour. ana@co (frna) , anaglyphic.
amperio-pie m,ampere-foot. angghfo (frna), anaglyph.
amperio-vuelta f, ampere-turn. anaglifoscopio m (fma), anaglyphoscope.
amperios-vueltas transversales, cross ampere- analltico (6ptica), anallatic.
turns. analatismo m (lev), anallatism.
amperivuelta f, ampere-turn. analcima, analcita f (miner), analcime, analcite.
amperBmetro m, ammeter, amperemeter. analcitita f (geol), analcitite, analcimite.
-tbrmico, thermal or hot-wire ammeter. a n a s i s m f, analysis.
ampliacibn f (fma), enlargement. - de cedazo o de tamices, screen or sieve and-
-angular (frna), angular magnification. ysis.
-del plazo, extension of time (contract). - de comprobaci6n, check analysis.
ampliadora f , enlarging outfit (photo). -de hornada (met), ladle analysis.
ampliar, to enlarge, amplify, extend. - electrolitico, electroanalysis.
amplidina f (ra), amplidyne. -inmediato, proximate andysis.
amplificacitan f, (elec) amplification, gain; (op- -ponderal, gravimetric analysis.
tics) magnification, amplification. analista m f, analyst.
- de potencia, power amplification. analitico, analytical.
-de tensibn, voltage amplification. analizador m, analyst; (mech) analyzer; (ra)
-dindmica (geof), dynamic magnification. analyzer; (tv) scanner.
-multigradual o en cascada, cascade amp& -de armbnicos (ra), harmonic analyzer.
cation. -de distorsihn (ra) , distortion analyzer.
-transportadora (ra), carrier amplification. - de ondas (ra), wave analyzer.
amplificador m, magnifier; booster; amplifier. -de ruidos (ra), noise analyzer.
-a viilvula, vacuum-tube amplifier. -de tambor (tv), drum scanner.
-clase A(AB, B, BC, C) (ra), class-A(AB, B, analizar, to analyze; (tv) to scan.
BC, C) amplifier. analogla Cf) de la placa, slab analogy.
-de audiofrecuencia (ra), audiofrequency or andogo m, analogue.
audio amplifier. anaquel m, shelf.
-de desviacidn (tv), deflection amplifier. anaranjado de metllo (lab), methyl orange.
-de energia (ra), power amplifier. ancaramita f (geol), ankararnite.
-de enfrenamiento, brake booster. ancaratrita f (geol), ankaratrite.
-de exploracidn (tv), scanner amplifier. ancla f, (nautj (mech) anchor.
-de faja (ra), band-pms amplifier. - de asta giratoria, swivel anchor.
-de oratoria (ra)(A), speech amplifier. -de campana, mushroom anchor.
-de poder (A), power amplifier. -de espiar, kedge anchor.
-de realimentacihn inversa (ra), degenerative - de helice, screw anchor (for guy).
or inverse-feedback amplifier. - de pared (ed), wall anchor.
- de sonido, loudspeaker. -de seta, mushroom anchor.
-equilibrado (ra), push-pull amplifier. - de tierra, guy or earth anchor.
-previo (Es)(A), preamplifier. -de tornillo, screw anchor.
--- realimentado, feedback amplifier. -de via (fc), anticreeper.
-reflejo (re), reflex amplifier. - sin cepo, stockless; anchor.
-separador (ra) , buffer amplifier. ancladero m, anchorage, anchoring ground.
am liiicar (elec), to amplify. andaje m, anchorage; anchoring; anchorage
amtlitud f (mat) (eMc) (ra), amnlitude. charges.
- de la marea, tidal amplitude; range of the anclar, t o anchor.
tide. anclote m, anchor.
ampolla f , blister, bulb, ampoule; (A) lamp b u b anclotillo m, small anchor, kedge.
-de congelacidn (ca), frost boil. anco m (min)(Pe), a silver ore.
-de viilvula (ra), envelope. ancbn m, bay, cove; (PR) small lighter.
arnpollarse, t o blister, anconada f, Iarge cave, bay.
ampolleta f, incandescent lamp; bulb, ampoule. anconaje m (PR),lighterage.
ampolloso (min), porous, containing cavities. 6ncora f, anchor.
amura f (an), bow, fore part of ship. ancoraje m, anchorage.
- bulbosa, clubfoot, bulb bow. ancorar, to anchor.
amurada f (an), inside face of the shell plating. ancorerlag, anchor dmp.
crmurallar, to wall; to build into a wall. ancorero m, anchor maker.
amurar (A), to embed in a wall. anchico m, a n Argentine hardwood.
ancho m, width, breadth; a wide. aneroide m a, aneroid.
-- d e faja (ra), band width. -altimbtrico, altitude aneroide barometer.
--- de via (fc) , gnge. -de topdgrafo, surveying aneroid.
--- tipo (fc) (MI, standard gage. aneroidijgrafo m, aneroidograph.
anchura f, width, breadth. anetadura f ( n h t ) , puddening.
anchurbn tn (inin), chamber, stall, room. anexo m (M), addition to a building, ell, wing.
andtlda f, trail, path. anfibio m a (ap), amphibian.
andadera f , traveler, traveling derrick, traveling anfib01 m (miner), hornblende, amphibole.
scttffold. anfib6lic0, amphibolic.
andadero m, footwalk. adbolifero, containing amphibole.
andador m, footwalk; (A) motor scooter. anfibolita f (geol) , amphibolite.
ancialucita f (itliner), andahsite. adbolosquisto m (geol), hornblende schist.
mdamiada f, scaffo1ding. anfdtero (qulm), amphoteric.
-de carenaje (ds), gridiron. angaletar (A), t o miter.
andamiador m, scaffold builder, stagebuilder. angalete m (carp) (A), miter box.
andamiaje m, scnffolding, staging. angarillas f, handbarrow.
aadamiar, t o scnffolrl. angarillear (Ch), t o move material in handbar-
andaxuio m, scaffold ; (bdg)(Ec) falsework. rows.
-acartelado, bracket scaffold. w l a f, (geog) cape.
-ambulante o corredizo, traveler, traveling anglesita f, anglesite, native lead sulphate.
scaffold. angostar, t o narrow, contract.
-colgante, hanging scaffold. angosto, narrow, close.
-de bkscula (Col), scaffold on outlookers ticd angostura f, gap, pass, narrows, gorge; throat.
back to wall above. -de la marea, tiderace.
-de caballctes, horse scaffold. angra f , cove, small bay.
-de paraIes, pole scaffold. angstrom m (ffsica), angstrom.
-suspendido, swinging or hanging scaffold. anguena f (min) (Es), a silver ore.
-tubular, pipe scaffold. anguilas f, launching ways.
-voladizo o volado, flying or cantilever or 5ut- angular m, (Sp) (C)(Pe) steel angle, angle iron;
rigger scaffold. any rolled steel shape;&angular,sharp (sand).
andana f, row, file, line, tier. -canal, channel iron.
andarache m (min) (Es), scaffold. -ele (C) , steel angle, angle iron.
andarivel m, aerial tramway, cableway, ropeway; - T, T bar, T iron.
cable guardrail; single whip; cable ferry; -2,Z bar.
cable railway; (C) ferryboat. Lngulo m, angle.
and611 m, (rr) platform; sidewalk on a bridge; -ascendente (lev), angle of elevation.
~valkmny;towpath; (top) (Pe) (B) terrace; - atiesador (est), stiffening angle.
(ap) loading apron. -comprendido, included angle.
- de cabeza (fc), cnd platform. -con bordSn o con nervio (est), bulb angle.
-de entrevia (fc), idand platform. -de arista redonda (eist), round-back angle.
-de llegada (fc), arrival platform. -de asiento (est), shelf or seat angle, erection
-de salida (Ec), clcparture platform. seat,
- de trasbordo, trnnsfw platform.
Pndito 7n,sidewalk; piazza.
-- de ataque, angle of attack; (mt) working
andullo m (nsut), fender, ~ n a t . -de aterrizaje (ap), landing angle.
anegable, subjcct to inundation. -dq atraso (elAc), angle of lag.
anegacibn j,inundation. -de avance, (se) angle of lead, angular ad-
anepadizo, liable to be overflowed; nonflonting. vance; (eBc) angle of lead or of lag.
anegar, to submerge, flood, inundate; (pu) to --- del bisel (sol), groove angle, bevel angle.
drown; anegarse, t o bc Coodccl; t o sink;t o -de contingencia (fc), angle of intersection.
ficnonlo wntcrlogged. - del chaflha (sol), groove or bevel angle.
anelbctrico, anelectric. -de deflexi6n (fc) (M) (AC) (Ec), deflection
anernogrlfico, anemogr~pl~ic, angle.
anembgrafo m, anemograph, recording wind - de deriva (frna), angle of crab.
gnge. -de desfasamiento (elbc), phase angle.
anemogramn m, memogram. - de despojo (mh), clearance angle.
anemornetria f , aireo~ometry,mind gaging. - de desviacibn, deflection angle; angle of d a
aneruomCtrico, nurn~o~nr:tric. viation; (cab) fleet angle.
anembmetro TVL, ~ ~ C I I I O I I CI.,
I C ~wind gage. - de entrada (rnli), entering angle.
-indicador, iiidir~ltingnncn~o~ncter. -de espacio libre labial, lip-relief angle (twist
-registrador, recording nncmomcter. drill).
anemometr6p;rfo Tn, :~ncmomctrograp,ph,rccord- -de esviaje, angle of skew; (cab) fleet angle.
ing wind g:lgc. -de 6lo (rnh), tool angle, angle of keenness.
anemoscopio m (nwl), memoscope. -de friccibn, angle of friction or of repose.
anerbbico (is), :~~~acroI:ic. - de frotamiento interno, apgle of intern4
anerobiosis f , maelubiosis. friction.
-de la helice (hem) (rs), helix angle, -abrazadera (mh) , clamp ring.
-de la herramienta (mh), tool angle, angle ol -aceitador (h),oil ring.
keenness. -anual (mad), growth ring.
-de incidencia, angle of incidence. -colector (elk), slip or collector ring.
-d e inclinacidn lateral (mh), side-rake angle -conector (carp), ring connector.
-d e juego (mh) (A), relief angle. -de albura (mad), sap ring.
-de Uegada (ra), angle of arrival. -del asiento (A), seat ring.
-de planeo (ap), angle of glide, obstruction -de bolas tipo empuje (cojinete). thrust ball
ratio. race.
-de la ranura (sol), bevel or groove angle, -de cierre, lock ring (tire).
-de rayo (ra), beam angle. -de cierre hidriulico (bm), lantern ring.
-de rebajo o de relieve (mh), relief angle. -de crecimiento (mad), growth ring.
-de reposo, angle of repose or of friction. -de gmbolo, piston or packing ring.
-de resbalamiento (A), angle of repose. -de empaque, washer, packing or junk ring;
-de resistencia a1 corte (ms), angle of shear- (str) filling ring.
ing resistance. -de empuje, thrust collar.
-de retraso (el&), angle of lag, phase angle. -de engrase (lu), oil ring.
--- de rincdn vivo (est), square-root angle. -de estancamiento (lu), seal ring.
-de rozamiento, angle of friction. -de estopas o de guarnicibn, (eng) junk or
-de rumbo (geof), angle of strike. packing ring.
-d s salida, (ra) angle of departure; (geop) -de frotamiento (mot), slip ring.
angle of emergence. -de la garganta (turb), throat ring.
-de separacidn (mh), front clearance. - de goteo (lu), drip ring.
-de sesgo, angle of skew. - de grasa (lu), grease ring.
-de varenga (cn), reverse frame. -de guarapo (az) , juice ring.
-de vista (fma), angle of view or of coverage. -de horquilla, clevis ring.
-descendent8 (lev), angle of depression. - de levas, cam ring.
-desigual (est), angle with unequal legs. -de lubricacibn, oil ring.
-entrsnte, re-entrant angle. - de prensaestopas, (eng) junk ring.
-horario, hour angle. - de rernate (est), cap ring.
-igual (est), angIe with equal lega. -de resorte, snap ring (piston).
- incluso, included angle. -de respaldo (sol), backing ring.
- labial (A), lip angle (twist drill). - de retenidas, (de) guy ring.
- lateral de calda (mh), side rake, -de reticulo (inst), cross-hair ring.
-paral8ctic0, angular pardax, parallactic - de rodadura, bearing race, raceway.
angle. -de rodete, turbine case.
-perifirico (fc) (V), deflection angle. -de salida (turb), discharge ring.
-recto, right angle. -de traviesas (turb) (U), speed ring.
- subtenso (lev), subtense angIe. -desgastable, wearing ring.
-sujetador (est), clip angle. -distribuidor (turb), speed or stay ring.
- superior de inclinacidn (rnh), back-rake - fiador, retainer (ball bearing).
-fraccionado (mad), false ring.
-tangencial (fc), deflection angle. -guardapolvo, dust ring.
--- trancanil (cn) , stringer angle. -limpiador de aCeite (lu), wiper ring.
- trasero de calda (mh), back rake. -llenador (est), filling ring.
-vertical (lev), vertical angle, angle of eleva- -microm8tric0, micrometer collar. i

tion. altitude or site angle. -portabolas, cage of a ball bearing, ball race.
gngulos -portante (turb), case ring.
-adyacentes, adjacent angles. - portapaletas (turb), guide-vane ring.
-alternos, alternate angles. - regulador (turb), gate or shifting ring.
-- de ensamblaje (est), connection angles. -restregador (kmbolo), scraper or wiper ring.
- en cruz (est), starred angles. -rozante (mot), slip ring.
-espalda con espalda, angles back to back. -salpicador (ra), splash ring.
angdosidad f, angularity. -s e d d o r (hid), follower ring Cgate).
anguloso, angular; sharp (sand).. - sincronizador (auto), synchronizing ring.
anhidrico, anhydrous, -sujetador (mh), shell chuck.
anhfdrido m,anhydride. Bnima f, (cab) center, core; web (drill); (meclr)
anhidrita f (miner), anhydrite. bore.
aahidro, anhydrous. a n i h m, anion.
anidable, nestabie. anisom6tric0, misometric.
anidado, nested. anisotrbpico, anis6trop0, anisotropic.
aniego m, aniegue m (M), inundation, flooding. an6dico (elbc), anodic, anodal.
anilina f , aniline. anodizax, to anodize.
aniila f, ring. &nodom (elbc), anode.
anillar, to form rings or hoops. - acelerador (ra) (tv), accelerating anode.
anillo m, ring, hoop, collar, rim. -partido, split anode.
hod0 25 anticongelador

-retenedor, holding anode. -fantasma, phadtom or dummy antenna.

anofeles, anopheles (mosquito). -ficticia (A), dummy antenna.
anofelino, a m p h e h e . -giratoria, rotary-beam antenna.
anolito m (el&), anolyte. -indicadora de direccidn (ap), direction finder.
anomalia f, anomaly (all senses). -larga, long-wire or harmonic antenna.
anoytita f (miner), anorthite (feldspar). -rncltiple, multiple-tuned antenna.
anortosita j (geol), anorthosite. -paraguas o sombrilla, umbrella antenna.
anotador m, recorder, note keeper. -rbmbica, diamond antenna.
anotar, t o take notes. -sintonizada, tuned antenna.
anotrbn (ra) , anotron. antenas entongadas, stacked array.
antagonlsta, antagbnico (mec), reactive, antag- anteojo m, telescope (transit or level).
onistic. -astronbmico o de imagen invertida o ds
antebahia f (M), entrance t o a hay. ocular simple, astronomical telescope (in-
anteelmara f, (hyd) forebay; lobby, anteroom; verted image).
(di) antechamber. -buscador (fma) , telescopic finder.
- de compresidn (M), air lock. -de ereccibn o de imagen recta, erecting or
antecedentes m, preliminary data. terrestrial telescope.
antecrisot m, forehearth. - de foco exterior, external-focusing telescope.
antedksena f, entrance t o a dock; first of a series -de inversib (Es), erecting telescope.
of basins. -de punteria (fma), sighting telescope.
antedique nz, entrance to a dry dock. -meridiano, meridian instrument.
a8tmsd~a f, ei&nce t o a lock. -solar (lev), solar telescope. .u
anteespolbn m,works to protect a mole or jetty. anteojos de camino, goggles.
anteestudio m, preliminary study. antepagar, t o prepay.
antefondo m, step protecting the floor of a lock. antepais m, foreland.
antefornalla f, front part of firebox.
antegrada f (cn), lower end of lsunching ways.
antehogar m, front part of fircbox.
antepecho m, railin parapet; panel or apron or
filler wall; spa drel; (min) bench.
antepozo m (A) (Es), pump pit for semiartesian
aritena f (ra), antenna. weu.
- Adcack, Adcock antenna. antepresa f (Es), upstream cofferdam.
- aperibdica, deadbeat or aperiodic antenna. antepresupesto m, preliminary estimate.
- arMciaI, artificial or dummy antenna.
Beverage, wave or Beverage antenna.
anteproyecto m, preliminary design.
antepuerto m, outer harbor, anchorage outside
- binomia, binomial array. an artificial port.
-cargeda, loaded antenna. -fluvial, protective works above a river port.
-compensadora, balancing aorid antesolera f (hid), upstream hearth.
- de abanico, fan antenna. antestudio m, preliminary study.
-de argolla, loo'p antenna. antetecho m (Ch), overhang of a roof, eaves.
- de capacitancia, condenser or capacitor an- antetren m, forecarriage.
tenna. anteumbral m (hid), upstream sill.
- de capas, tier array. antiablandecedor, nonsoftening.
-de cuadro, r d i o loop, loop antenna. antilcido, acid-resisting.
-de cuerto de onda, quartcr-wave antc;:x. antiaf errador, antiagarrador (maq), nonseizing.
-de doblete, doublet antenna. antialabeo, nonwarping.
- de fajas mGltiples, rnultiband antenrx. antialcalino, antalkaline.
- de haz (Es), beam antenna. antianofelino, antianopheline (mosquito).
- de invesign, antenna rcflcctor.
-de jaula, cage antenna.
antiarafiadot, nonscoring.
antiarcos (elk) , nonarcing.
-de lazo, Ioop or coil antenna. antibiosis f (is), antibiosis.
- de media onda, half-wave antenna. anticapacitivo (el&), anticapacitive.
- de molinete, turnstile antenna. anticatalizador m (qufm), anticatalyst.
- de onda, wave or Beverage antenna. anticltodo m (ra), anticathode, anode.
- de plena onda, full-wave antenna. anticKstico (mat), anticlastic.
- de reflexibn, antenna reflector. anticlinal m (geol) ,anticline ; a anticlinal.
-de tech0 plano, flat-top antenna. -compuesto o mfiltiple, anticlinorium.
- de toda onda, &-wave antenna. -interrumpido, arrested anticline.
- de vientre (Es), Ioop antenna. -recostado, recumbent anticline.
- dipolo, dipole anterina, (Sp) doublet an- - tumbado, overturned anticline.
tenna. anticlinorio m (geol), anticlinorium.
-directional, antenna array, bcam or direc- anticloro m (qulm) , anbichlor.
tional antenna. anticoagulante, anticoagulant.
- directional transmisora, directive antenna. anticohesor m (ra) , anticohcrer.
-emisora, transmitting antenna. anticombustible m,any fie-extinguishhg chemi-
-en V, folded-wire or V antenna. cal.
- espina de pescado, fishbone antenna. anticondensaci6n, anticondcnsation.
- falsa, artificial antenna. anticongelador m, deicer, anti-icer.
anticongelante 26 aparato
anticongelante, antifreeze. antipitic0 (C), fire-resisting.
mticontraccibn, nonshrink. antirrajadura, antisplitting.
mticorrosivo, rust-resisting, anticorrosilre, non- antirrechinante, antisqueak.
corrosive. antirresbalidizo, nonslip, nonskid.
anticorto-circuit0 (el&), antishort. antirresonancia f (ra), antiresonance.
antichirrido, antisqueak. antirresonante, (A) soundproof.
antiderrepante {M), nonskid. antisdpicadura, nonsplash (funnel).
antideslizante (m) para correas, belt dressing. antis6ptic0, antiseptic ; (pt) antifouling.
antideslumbrante (vi), antiglare. antisifonaje, antisiphon,
antidesvanecedor (ra), antifading. antisim6tric0, antisymmetricd
antidetonancia f (mg), antiknock value. antislsmico, earthquake-proof, antiseismic,
antidetonante m, antiknock, antidetonant, fuel antisonoro, soundproof.
dope; a antiknock. antisuero m (lab), antiserum.
antiebullicivo (cal) , antipriming. antit&mico, nonconducting of heat.
antieconbmico, unprofitable. . antivaho (A). antig1ai.e (glass).
antiendurecedor, nonhardening. antizumbido (el&), antihum.
antiengrane (A), antiseize. antlerita f, antleritk, native copper sulphate.
antiespuma (cal), antifoam, nonfoaming. antorcha f , welding torch; plumber's torch.
antiestltico (ra). antistatic. -a soplete, blowtorch.
antifase j (el&), antiphase, opposite phme. -cortadora, cutting torch.
antifluctuacibn (elhc), antihunting. -de arco elictrico (sol), arc torch.
antifriccibn, antifriction. -de guitarra o de pared, banjo or wall torch.
antigenic0 (lab), antigenic. -para camino, highway or road torch, fusee.
antigen0 m (lab), antigen. -soldadora, welding torch.
antigiratorio (cab), nonspinning. antraceno m,anthracene.
antigolpeteo (rng), antiknock. antracff ero (geol), anthraciferous.
antihalo (frna) , antihalation. antracita f, anthracite or hard cod.
antihemmbroso, rust-resisting. antracitico, anthracitic.
antihigroscdpico (A), nonhygroscopic, moisture- antracitoso, anthracitoua, containing anthracite,
proof. anulador (m) de energia, stilling pool, any device
mtiinductivo (elk), anti-induction. for dissipating the energy of falling water.
andarvario, larvae-destroying. anular a, annular.
antilogaritmo m, antilogarithm. anunciador m (elhc), annunciator.
antimagn6tico (A), nonmagnetic. anunciar, t o advertise.
mtimal&rico (C), antimalarial. anuncio m, announcement ; advertisement.
antimicrofbnico (rs), antimicrophonic. aojada f (Col), skylight.
antimoniado, containing antimony, antimoni- apaciguador (m) , de arc0 (sol), arc pacifier.

meted. apagabrasas m (loco), live-coal extinguisher.

antimonial, antimonial. apagachispas m, apark extinguisher or arrester.
antimoniato m,antimonate. apagada a1 aire, air-slaked (lime).
antimbnico a, antimony, antimonic. apagador m, quencher, extinguisher; daker;
antimonifero, containing antimony. (elec) (M) light switch.
antimonio m, antimony. -a espuma, foam fire extinguisher.
- arsenical (miner), demontite, arsenical an- -de arco (el&), arc quencher.
timony. - de cal, lime slaker.
- blanco (miner), valcntinite, white antimony. -visible (M), surface switch.
-gris (miner), stibnite, gray antimony. apagafuego, apagaincendios, apagallamas m, fire
- pirofbrico, explosive antimony. extinguisher.
-rojo, red antimony; kermes mineral. apagar, t o extinguish, quench; to slake (lime);
mtimonioso, antimonious. (elec) t o switch off.
antimonita f (miner), antimonite, stibnite. apainelado, elliptical (arch) ; (Col)' paneled.
antimonito m (qulm), antimonite. apalancar, to pry, move with a lever.
antimoniuro m, antimonide. apaleadora f (C), power shovel.
antincrustante m, boiler or antiscale compoun'd; apalear, t o shovel.
a preventing scale formation; (pt) anti- apamate m,a Venezuelan lumber.
fouling. apancle, apantle m (M), irrigation ditch; flume.
antinodo m (ra). antinode. apantallar (ra) , t o shield, screen.
-de la corriente, current antinode or loop. apantanar, t o flood, inundate.
antinormal, antinormal. aparadura f (cn), garbel, plate of the garboard
antioxidante,antirust, rust-resisting, antioxidant. strake.
antipatGdico, antimalaria. aparar, to dress with an adz, t o dub.
antiparalela f (mat), antiparalle1. apara tista (Es), instrument maker.
antiparalelo a, antiparallel. aparato m, apparatus, device, fixture.
nntiparlsito (eIkc), antiparasitic. - de distribucibn (eEc), switchgear.
antiparras f, goggles. -de mando, control mechanism.
antipatinador m,antiskid device. -de seguridad, safety device.
-de timoneo (cn), steering gear.
-dibujador, drafting machine.
aperiodicidad f, aperiodicity.
aperi6dico (elk), aperiodic.
-restituidor (fma), restitution machine. apernar, to bolt; to pin.
-rotulador (dib), lettering machine. aperos rn, tools, equipment, outfit.
-tensor, take-up tackle, tiglltening device. apertura f, act of opening.
apestaiiar (Es), to flange.
aparatos sanitarios, plumbing fixtures.
aparedar, to waLl up. apilador m (ef), decker.
=*arejador m, rigger' one who lays out the work; apjladora f, stacker, portable elevator.
(Ig) fitter, marker. apilar, t o pile, stack.
aparejar, to rig; t o lay out; (pt) t o prime, size, apilonar (C) (PR) (M) , t o pile, pile up, stack.
fill; (mas) t o bond; (lbr) to rough-dress. apiaadura f (ef), a jam.
aparejo m, block and fall; chain block; tackle, apiiiamiento (m) del espectro (el&), spectrum
rigging; purchase; (pt) priming, sizing, crowding.
Bler ; (mas) bond; (mas) laying out; pack- apiiiar, apifiarse, to jam, clog, stick, stall.
saddle. apique m,mine shaft.
- a cadena, chain block. apiri m, laborer in a mine.
-atesador o de compensacih~,take-up tackle. apisonado m (V), roadbed, subgrade.
- cruzado (lad), cross or Dutch bond. apisonador m, rammer, tamper.
- cuiidruple, four-part tackle. de relleno, backfill tamper.
-de dibujo, drafting machine. - de vapor, steam roller.
- de lantia, singIe whip. apisonadora f,tamper; roller.
- de maniobras (pet), draw worlrs. -de neumPticos, rubber-tire roller.
- de molinete, capstan pulley blocks (for line- -de patitas de carnero, sheepsfoot or tamping
men). roller.
- de perforaciBn (pet), drilling rig. - niveladora (ca) , tamping and leveling ma-
- de retenida (cn), vang purchase, guy tackle.
de sogas biseladas (lad), clipped or secret
apisonar, to tamp, compact, ram.
bond. apitBn m, a Philippine lumber.
- de vllvula (rnv)(M), valve gear. apizarrado, containing slate.
- diferencial, differential hoist, chain block. apizarrar, t o do slatework.
-espigado (lad), herringbone b o ~ d . aplanadera f , straightedge; mason's float; r o d
-flamenco u holand6s (lad), Flemish bond. drag.
- ingt6s (lad), English bond. aplanador m, roller; grader; (bs) flatter; (mas)
-ingl6s y cruzado (lad), bIoclc-and-cross or float.
cross-and-English bond. aplanadora f, roller; grader; mason's ffoat;
-quintuplo, five-part line. dresser.
- tensor, take-up or tension tackle. - a vapor, steam roller.
apartadero m, (rr) siding; (rr) turnout; (rd) wide -automotriz, motor roller.
place for passing; (canal) wide spot where -con pies de cabra o de pezuila, sheepsfoot or
boats may tie up. tamping roller.
-de paso, passing siding, turnout. -meciinica (ec), power float.
-muerto, dead-end siding. -pata de cabra, sheepsfoot roller.
-particular, private siding. aplanar, t o level, grade; t o smooth up; (maa) to
apartaderos solapados (fc), lap sidings. float.
apartado m, (rnin) orc separation; (M) smelting; aplantiltar, t o work t o a template.
post-office box. aplastamiento m, collapsing; crushing; (pi)
apartador m, ore picker; smelter. brooming; (conc) (Pe) CU)(A) slump. '
apartamiento (m)mexidiano, meridian distance. aplastar, t o 3atten; to crush, Ipi) broom;
apartar, t o sort, separate, classify; (rr) t o side- aplastarse, to collapse.
track. aplayar (r), to overflow.
apartarrayos m, lightning arrester. aplicador m (ca) (lab), applicator.
apatita f (miner), apatite, aplicar, to place pgainut, apply to.
- fluor, fluorapatite. aplita f (geol), aplite.
apeadero m (fc), small station. aplobasalto m (geol), a p I o b ~ a l t .
apeador m, Imd surveyor. mplogranito tn, aplogranite.
apeadura, surveying. aplomar, to plumb; t o coat with lead; aplomarse,
apear, t o fell (trees) ;t o chock (wheel) ; to survey: t o collapse.
to shore, timber, brace; (Col) to support; kplomo m, verticality; plumb Line; a plumb,
(M) t o underpin. vertical.
apelotonar, t o form into balls. apocrornLtico, apochromatio (lens).
apelmazar, t o compress. rpomecbmetro m (lev), apomecomoter.
apeo na, a survey; timbering, shoring; cutting rpopado ( d u t ) , down by the stern.
trees; (M) underpinning. ~poriolitaf (geol), aporhyolite.
aperador m, wheelwright ; foreman ; {min) store- tporreador m (Ch), sledge, maul, striking hammer.
keeper. 1portaci6n f, (hyd) inflow, runoff; (w) weld
aperar, to repair wagons. metal used in one operation.
aportadero m, anchorage in a port. apuntar, to take notes; t o sketch; t o point; (inst)
aportar (nhut), t o arrive in port. t o sight.
aporte m (hid), runoff, inflow. apunte m,rough sketch; memorandum, note.
aporticado (est) (A), rigidly framed (coIumns and apuntillado m (min), wedging, shimming.
connecting beam or truss). apurar, t o purify; t o finish; t o hurry.
aportillar, to make an opening in; aportillarse, to aquastato m,Aquastat (trademark).
collapse. aquebradizar, t o embrittle.
apostadero m,naval station. aquerita f (geol), akerite.
- de hidroaviones, seaplane base, air harbor. arabana f (az), araban.
apotema f (mat), apothem. arabinose f (az), arabinose.
apoyadero m,strut, shore, support. arado ma, plow.
apoyado libremente (viga) , simply supported. -de caminos, road plow.
apoyaherramienta m, tool rest. -de nieve, snowplow.
apoyapig m (auto), footrest. -desarraigador, rooting or rooter plow; grub
apoyar, to support; apoyarse en, t o abut against, hook.
rest on. -descargador (fc), train plow, ballast plow.
apoyo m, support, bearing, cradle. -mirltiple, gang plow.
-colgante, shaft hanger. -quitanieve, snowplow.
- de ditatacibn, expansion bearing. araguaney, araguato m, Venezuelan lumber
-de oscilaciBn (est), rocker bearing. trees.
-de pasador, pin bearing. aralejo m, a West Indian hardwood.
- de rodillos (pte), roller or expansion bearing. arancel m, tariff.
- aduanero, schedule of customs duties.
apozarse (Col) (PR), t o back up (water), t o form
pools. - consular, list of consular fees.
apreciacidn f, appraisal, valuation; estimate; araadela f, washer, gasket; burr.
(inst) smallest reading. - abierta, slip washer, C or slotted washer.
appreciador na, appraiser. -acopada, cup washer.
apreciar, t o value, appraise; to estimate. -achaflanada o ahusada, bevel washer.
aprecio m, appraisal, valuation. -cortada, cut washer.
aprendiz, apprentice. -de aceite, oil retainer.
aprendizaje m, apprenticeship. -de cabo, grommet.
apresar (Es), to dam. -de cimacio o de gola, ogee or cast-iron
aprestado m, dressing. washer.
aprestador m (pint), primer. - de cojln, cushion washer.
aprestar, t o make ready; (pt) t o prime, size. - de empaque o de guamici6n, packing washer.
apresto m, outfit, equipment; (pt) priming. - de empuje, thrust washer.
-a soplete (pint), flame priming. - de grifo, bibb washer.
- para correas, belt dressing. -de placa, plate washer.
apretado, tight, close; compact. -elbtica o de resorte, spring washer.
apretador m, tightener. - espaciadora o separadora, spacing washer,
- de corredera, zipper.
-de tuercas (Ch), nut m e r or setter. fiador o de seguridad, lock wmher.
apretar, t o tighten, t o set (brake); (ah) t o crowd; -fijadora, check or lock washer.
t o crimp (blasting cap). - lubricadora, oiling washer.
apretatubo m, hosecock, pinchcock. - nervada, ribbed cast-iron washer.
apretbn m (rnin), pressure. - partida, split washer.
apretura f, tightness; (top) gorge, narrows. -taza (A), cup washer.
aprietacable m (A), cable clip. araiia f (mec), spider, yoke, crowfoot.
aprietacadena m, chain tightener. araiiar, t o score, scratch.
aprietatuercas m,nut runner or setter. arar, to plow.
aprieto m, (minj pressure; (machy) 8eizing. araucaria f, a South American pine.
aproche (Col), aproches (M) m,approach. araz6 m, a South American hardwood.
apropiacibn f (C) , appropriation. arbitraeih f, arbitration,
aprovechamiento m, development, utilization, arbitrador, Brbitro m, arbihrator.
exploitation; reclamation. arbitraje m, arbitration; arbitrage.
- forestal, logging, lumbering. arbitrar, to arbitrate.
-hidroeliictrico, hydroelectric development. Brbol m, tree; mast; (machy) shaft, axle; man-
aprovisionamiento (m)de agua, water supply. drel; (bldg) center poat of a spiral stairway.
aprovisionar, to furnish, supply. -acodado, crankshaft.
aproximacign f, approximation; approach. -balanceador (mgr-(A),rocker-arm shaft.
aproximado a, approximate. -cardln, cardan shaft.
apuntador m, timekeeper; note keeper, recorder. - cigiie5a1, crankshaft.
apuntadora f (mh), pointing tool. -cornpensador, compensating axle.
apuntalamiento m, shoring, timbering, trench -de anclaje (ef), 6par trcc, l i e d spar.
bracing; falsework. -del balancln, balance arbor.
apunttrlar, t o shore, brace, prop. - de boca de pozo (pct), Christmas tree.
-de cabezal, head shaft. -adintelndo, flat arch.
-de camas (A), camshaft. -apainelado, elliptical arch.
-articulado, hinged arch.
-de cola (ef), tail tree.
-de conexiones (pet), Christmas tree. -birrotulado, two-hinged arch.
-de contramarcha, countershaft. -capialzado, arch behind a lintel.
-de desembrague, clutch-shifter or clutch- -carbbnico (el&) (A), carbon arc.
-carpanel, three-centcred or elliptical arch.
throwout shaft.
-del diferencial (auto), Live axle.
-de direccibn (auto), steering shaft.
crucero, rib a t intersection of groined arches.
-cubierto (sol), shielded arc.
-de distribucibn, camshaft. -de aligeramiento, relieving arch.
-de excentricas ( C ) , camshaft. -de iingulo constante, constant-angle arch
-de impdsibn, driving shaft. (dam).
-de levas, camshaft. -de asa de canasta (M), three-centered arch.
-de mando (auto) propeller shaft.
-de reenvio (Es), countershaft, secondary
-de centro pleno, semicircular or full-centered
shaft. -de cuatro centros, four-centered arch.
- de sierra, saw mandrel. -de declinaciBn (inst), declination arc.
de torsib, torque shaft.
de transmisibn, driving shaft, (auto) propel-
-de descarga, relieving arch.
-de dos articulaciones, two-hinged arch.
ler shaft. -de encuentro, groined arch.
- gigantesco, big tree, sequoia; redwood. -de enjuto abierto, open-spandrel arch.
-grfia (ef), spar tree, head spar or tree. -de flete, fillet arch.
- motor, driving shaft or axle; crankshaft. -de la helice (cn), propeller arch, bridge
- partido, split shaft.
- picce, tuck plate.
- propulsor, driving shaft, (auto) propeller de llama (el6c), flaming arc.
-de medio punto, semicircular or full-centered
arbolar, t o plant trees; to set a mast. arch.
arbollSn m,sewer, drain. - de radio constante, constant-radius arch
arborizacidn f, arborestaci6n f (M), forestation. (dam).
arbotante m, semiarch supporting a vault, strut -de sardinel, rowlock (brick) arch.
of a flying buttress; outlool~cr, hoisting -de segmento, segmental arch.
beam. - de sierra, hacksaw frame.
arca f, box. -de tres articulaciones o de triple charnela o
- de agua, cister11. de triple rbtula, three-hinged arch.
-ile herramientas, toolbox. - de tres centros, three-centered arch.
arcada f, arcade, scries of arches. -descubierto (sol), unshielded arc.
arcaduz m, conduit; elevator bucket. -en esviaje, skew arch.
arce m, maple. -escarzano o rebajado, segmental arch.
-sacarino o de azGcar, sugar maple. -forestal (tc), logging arch.
arcen m (Es),curb around a shaft or well; river- -inverso (ra), arc-back, backfire.
bank. -matiple, multiple arch (dam).
arcilla f, clay -nervado, ribbed arch.
-batida, puddled clay. -para troncos (tc), logging arch.
- cocida, burnt clay. -parlante (ra) , speaking arc.
- de batiin, fuller's earth. -protegido (sol), shielded aro.
- de cohesi6n o de liga (ms), bond clay. -rampante, rampant arch.
-de filtro, filter clay. -rcctilineo, fist arch.
- de ladrillero, brick clay. - reticulado, framed arch.
de pedernal, flint day.
de pudelaje (M), clay puddle.
-rotulado, hinged arch.
-sesgado, skew arch.
descoloradora, bleaching clay.
endurecida (V), clay stone.
-sonoro (el6c), singing arc.
-taquimetrico (inst), stadia arc.
- esquistosa, shale.
ferruginosa, iron day, clay ironstone.
-tric6ntrico o zarpanel, three-centered aroh.
-trirrotulado, three-hinged arch.
- laminar (V), shale. -- vuelto, inverted arch.
refractaria, fire clay.
refractaria apedernalada, flint clay.
ircbn m, bin, bunker; caisson.
-carbonero, coalbin.
arcillar m, deposit of clay; v t o spread clay; t o lrcosa f (geol) , arkose (sandstone).
mix with clay. irchivador m, sing cabinet.
arcUta f (V),clay stone. ~rchivar,t o fie (documents).
arcilloarenoso (geol), rtrgilloarenaceoun. lrchivero m (M), filing cabinet.
arcillocalclreo (geol), argiUocalcareous, ~rcbivosm, (of) files.
arcilloso, clayey, argillaceous. hrder, to Burn.
arc0 m,arch; arc; (elec) arc. uea f, area; (mew) are.
- a regla, flat arch. -alimentadora o colectora (hid), drainage or
- acarreador de trozas (M), logging arch. catchment area. watershed.
-de calentamiento (ap), warming-up area. argamasBn m, lump of mortar.
-de captacidn o drenaje (hid), crttchmenl hgana f (Es), derrick, crane.
area, watershed. arganeo m, anchor ring.
-de escurrimiento (hid) (Col), drainage area arggnteo, argental ; silver-plated.
watershed. arggntico, argentic.
-de inundaciijn, flooded area; flood plain. argentifero, containing silver, argentiferous, sil-
-de retencih (irr), check. ver-bearing.
-de sobrerrecorrido (ap), runover area. argentino, argental, silvery.
-de soporte (est), bearing area. argentita f, argentite (silver ore).
-de sustentaci6n, bearing area. argentoso, argentous.
-de viraje (rtp), turn-around. argilolita f, d a y stone.
-exploradora (tv), scanning spot.
-vertiente (hid), watershed, drainage area.
argilla f, clay.
argirita, argirosa f (miner), argyrite, argyrose,
fueas extremas (ot), end areas. argentite.
arena f, sand. argiritrosa f (miner), argyrythrose, pyrargyrite.
-acarreadiza, blow sand. argo m (qufm), argon.
- corrediza, quicksand. argolla f, ring; staple; shackle.
-cuarzosa, quartz sand. argiie m, windlass, capstan.
-chancada, crusher smd. aridez f, aridity.
-de aristas vivas, sharp sand. grid0 my(conc) (rd) aggregate, road metal; a arid.
- de cantera o de mina, pit sand. -fino, h e aggregate, sand.
-de conchas, shell sand. -graduado, graded aggregate.
-de duna, blow or dune sand. - grueso, coarse aggregate.
-de escape (pet), thief sand. ariegita f (geol), ariegite (pyroxenite),
-de fundici6n, molding or foundry sand. arietazo m (hid), water hammer.
-de granos angulosos, s h a v sand. ariete m, ram; water hammer.
- de mar o de playa, beach sand, -a vapor, steam ram.
-de revocar, plastering sand. -hidrdulico, hydraulic ram; water hammer.
-d e sllice, silica sand. arigue m (ed) (F), post, stud.
-flClida o movediza, quicksand. arista f, edge; salient angle; curb.
-finvial, river sand. -cortante, cutting edge.
-gassera, gas sand. -cortante deI fuste (hcrr), body-cutting edge.
-gorda o gruesa, coarse sand. -cortante de la punta (herr), point-cutting
-molida, rolled or manufactured sand. edge.
-normal, standard sand. -de encuentro, groin, intersection of groined
-oriental (A), sand from Uruguay. arches.
-petrolifera, oil sand. -hidrogrfica (V) , watershed divide.
- productiva (pet), pay or producing sand. -matada, beveled edge.
-recia, coarse sand. - metHlica de defensa, curb bar; corner bead.
-refractaria, fire or refractory sand. -visa, sharp edge; draft edge.
-radada, buckshot sand. aristero m (to) (A), hip.
-verde (fund), green sand. aristbn m, line of intersection of grohed arches;
arenlceo, sandy, arenaceous. reinf xced corner.
areaador m,sander; sandbox; (lqco) sand dome; aritmetica f , arithmetic.
(A) sandblast outfit. aritmgtico, arithmetical.
arenadora f (ca), sand spreader, sander. aritmdmetro m,calculating machine.
a r e a m, deposit of sand, sand pit or bar; (M) armada f, erection, assembly; navy.
sand dune. armadh f,raft,
arenar, to sand. armado, built-up, framed, assembled; reinforced ;
nrenera j (M), sandblast outfit. trussed.
preneo m, sanding, sandblasting. -con pasadores, pin-connected.
arenero m, sandbox; sand trap, settling basin; armadar m, erector, framer; shipowner.
grit chamber; (loco) sand dome. -de buques, shipfitter, shipbuilder; shipowner.
arenilla f, fine sand, mqlding sand; grit. -- de puentes, bridgeman, steel erector.
menillas (min) (M) t a h g s .
arenisca f, sandstone.
armadura f, erection, assembly; bent, frame-
work; truss; armature (magnet), keeper;
-arcMca, arkose. mounting; (conc) reinforcement; (V) con-
-verde, greensand. crete forms; (elec) (C) armature.
arenisco, arenoso, sandy. -A, A frame.
areornetria f, (chem) hydrometry, rtreometry. - articulada, pin-connected truss.
areombtrico, areometric. -atiesadora, stiffening t r u ~ s .
admetro, hydrometer, areometer, (su) spindle. -Baltimore, Bdtimore truss.
aretill0 m,a Cuban hardwood. -Burr, Burr truss.
argauera f (Es), grooving saw, croze. -comprimida (conc) , cornpression rcinforce-
argamasa f, (mas) mortar. ment.
argamasar, to lay in mortar, to cement. - contraquebranto (cn), hog frame.
-cruzada (conc), two-way reinforcement. -de compresidn (Brnbolo), compression ring.
-de arco y cuerda, bowstring truss. -de imbolo, piston or packing ring.
-de cubierta, roof truss. -de freno, brake ring.
-de dos phdolas, queen-post truss. -de guarnicidn, packing ring.
-de enrejado, lattice truss. -de neumltico (auto), rim.
-de Iiinula, crescent truss. -de pistbn, piston ring.
-de malla (conc), mat reinforcement; mesh -de resorte, snap ring (piston).
reinforcement. -de ventilacih (auto), ventilated piston ring.
- de pasadores, pin-connected truss. -dentado, ring gear.
-de pendolbn, king-post truss. -desmontable (auto), demountable rim.
-de rigidez, stiffening truss. -empaquetador, packing ring.
-de segueta (C), hacksaw frame. -portabolas o de rodillos, ball race (bearing).
-de surgencia (pet) (V), Christmas tree. roller cngo,
---- de tablero inferior, through truss. - rasca-aceite (auto) (A), scraper ring.
-de tablero superior, deck truss. -rascador, scraper ring.
-de tijera, scissors truss. -regulador de aceite (auto), oil-control ring.
-de viga, trussing of n beam. arpeo m,cant hook; grapnel.
-en abanico, fan truss. arpeos de pie, climbing irons, climbers.
-en arco, arch truss. arpillera f, burlap, bagging.
--- en espird (conc), spiral reinforcement. arp6.n m (pet), spear.
-en K, K truss. -de circulacidn y desprendimiento, releasing
-enana (V), pony truss. and circulciting spear.
- Rowe, Rowe truss. -de disparo, trip spear.
-Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania or Petit truss. -desalojador, releasing spear.
-Petit, Petit truss. -pescacable, rope spear.
- Pratt, Pratt truss. - pescatubos, casing spear.
-rebajada, pony truss. -pescavllvulas, valve spear.
-rechoncha (V), pony truss. arponado, pronged, ragged (bolt).
-selectiva, selective assembly. arqueador m, ship surveyor.
- superior (A), through truss. arquear, t o arch; to survey a ship; arquearse
-tejida (conc) , mesh reinforcement. (an), t o hog.
-triangular, triangular or Warren truss, War- arqueo m, arching; measurement of a vessel;
ren girder. tonnage of a vessel; (com) audit; appraisal
-volada, cantiIever truss. of assets.
-Warren, Warren girder or tniss, triangular -bruto, gross tonnage.
truss. - de registro, registered tonnage, tons register.
-Warren de doble interseccih, double tri- -neto, net tonnage.
angular truss. arqueria f, series of arches, arcade.
- Whipple, WhippTe truss, dou1bIe-intersection arquitecto m, architect.
Pratt truss. -naval, naval architect.
armaduria j,assembling shop. -paisajista, landscape architect.
aimaje m,erection, assembly; (A) framework. arquitectdnico, architectural.
arrnar, to assemble, erect, frame; to reinforce; to arguitectura f , mchitecture.
truss. -civil, architecture.
armario m, cabinet. -hidriiulica, hydraulic engineering.
-de cortacircuito (el@c),cutout box. -militar, military engineering.
-de dibujos, plan file. -naval, naval architecture.
- de herramientas, tool cabinet. arquitectural (M) (Es), architectural.
a r m a z h f, framework, skeleton, frame, chassis; arquitrabe m, architrave; (C) beam ; (Col) lintel.
floor system of a bridge; (V) concrete rein- arrabio m, pig iron; an ingot.
f orcement. arramblarse, t o be covered with sand by a flood
-A, A framo. arrancaalcayatas m (fc), spike puller.
-contraladeo test), sway frame. arrancaclavos m, claw bar, nail puller.
- de orugas, (cr) track frame, crawler frame.
de sustentacih, cribwork, crib.
arrancada j,starting.
rtrrancador m, puller; grubber, ripper; (auto)
- del timbn (cn), rudder frame. self-starter; (clec) starting compensator;
-para serrucho ( A ) , hacksaw framc. (pet) fishing tool.
-para troncos (tc), logging arch. -a b o t h , push-button starter.
armella f, eyebnl t ; staple. -autom5tic0, self-starter.
-de resalto, shoulder eyebolt. -Bendix, Bendix drive.
armhnico m a (mat) (elfic), harmonic. -de estator (elEc) (A), field starter or control-
aro rn, hoop, ring; (auto) tire rim. ler.
-del aguilbn (pr), boom band. - de postes de cerco, fence-post puller.
-de barril, barrel hoop. - de raices, grubber.
-de base plan& (auto), flat-baso rim. -de rotor (A), armature starter.
- de caja (auto), hollow rim, - de yerbajos, weed eradicator,

-por inercia, inertia starter. -secundario

0 de contratensiBn (pte), coun-
errancaengranajes m, gear puller.
arrancaescarpias m (fc) , spike bar. arriostrar, t o brace, stay.
armcapernos m, spike puller. arroba f, weight of 25 lb; measure varying from
arraacapilotes m, pile puller or extractor. 3% to 4% gd.
arrojar (exc), to cast, dump; to waste.
arrancar, to start; to pull, draw; to root out; t o arroIladizo, rolling.
spring (arch) ; (min) to mine, dig. arroIlado en derivacibn (elkc), shunt-wound.
arrancarralces m (ec), rooter, ripper. arrollado en serie (el&), series-wound.
arrancasondas m, drill extractor. arrolladura j (mad), shake.
arrancatablas pn (ts), plank puller. . arrollamiento m (el&), winding.
arrancatocdn m,stump puller. -anular, ring winding.
arrancatubos m, pipe puller, tube extractor. -cornpensador, compensating winding.
arranque rn, (machy) starting; beginning, intake -de arranque, starting winding.
(canal) ; spring line (arch);. (rr) lead; (rr) - de cuerdas, chord or short-pitch or ira*
turnout ; (min) breaking ground; (min) tional-pitch winding.
mining, digging. - de lazo, lap winding.
-domiciliario, mrvice connection to a main. -de marcha, running winding.
- en frlo, (eng) cold starting. -de tambor, drum winding.
-pr&ctico o real (fc), practical Iead. -diametraf, full-pitch winding.
-tedrico (fc), theoretical lead. - inducido, armature winding.
arrasador m (Ch) , leveling or finishing machine. -inductor, field winding.
arrasar, to level; (bldg) to wreck, demolish, raze. -ondulado, wave or undulatory winding.
arrastradero m (ef), skidding or snaking trail. - regulador, regulating winding.
arrastradora (f)de troncos (ef), log hauler. arrollar, to roll, wind, reel.
arrastrar, to haul, move, pull, draw, drag; (hyd) arrornar, to blunt, ddI.
to scour, wash out; (r) to carry in suspen- arroyada f, channel of a small stream, gully,
sion; (hyd)(chem) to entrain; (lg) to skid, brook.
snake, twitch, yard. arroyado, gullied.
arrastratubos m, pipe puller. arroyo, brook, stream, creek; small valley, gully,
arrastre m, haulage, hauling, carrying, dragging; draw; gutter.
washout; drag m u ; slope of an adit; (ra) - consecuente (geol), consequent stream.
pulling; (ra) tracking. -obsecuente (geol), obsequent stream.
- capilar, capillary entrainment. -resecuente (geol), resequent stream.
-subsecuente (geol), subsequent stream.
-de agua (cd), priming.
- de Bmbolo (auto), piston drag.
-de fondo (r), bed l a d .
arroyuelo m, small brook or valley.
amrfadura f (an), sheer.
m s t r e s , suspended matter in a stream, dt. arrufo m (an), sheer; sagging.
arrecife m, ridge of rock, ledge, reef; causeway. arruga f, corrugation, wrinkle.
-barrere o de barra, barrier reef. arrugas de doblez (tub), bending cresses.
-costero, fringing reef. arrugado, corrugated, fluted.
arreglador (m)de averfa6 (seg), average adjuster arrugarniento m (geol), small fold.
or surveyor. anuma f (cn), a hold, cargo compartment.
arremolinado m (r), eddy. arrumaje m, stowage, stowing.
arremolinarse, t o eddy, swirI, form whirlpools. armmar, to stow.
arrendador n,lessor. arrumbamiento m, (surv)(nav) bearing; (geol)
arrendamiento m,lcaec. strike.
arrendar, t o rent, lease. arrumbe, arrumbre rn (Ch), rust.
arrendatario na, lessee. leaseholder. arrumbrarse (Ch), to nut.
arrestachispas m, spark catcher. arsenal m, shipyard, dockyard; navy yard
arrestallamas m,%amearrester. arsenal.
arriada f, flood. arseniato m, arsenate, mseniate.
arriar, to lower; to slack off; (cab) to pay out; arsenical, arsenical.
arriarse, to be flooded. arsihico m a,arsenic.
arriba ads, above, overhead, upstairs. - blanco, white arsenio, arsenic trioxide.
- de la cotriente, upstream. - piritoso (miner), arsenical pyrites, arsenopy-
arricete m, reef of rocks. rite.
arrimadero m,berth at a dock; ferry slip. - rojo, red arsenic, realgar.
arrimadillo m, wainscot, dado. arsenioso, arsenious.
a h aje m. lighterage ; (Ph) loading platform. arsenito m, arsenite.
arrimar, to place against; (naut) to dock, berth. arseniwo m, arsenide.
mrimo m, curtain wdl; party wall. arsenopirita (mineral de ars6nico), arsenopyrito.
aniostramiento m (est), bracing. arsenical pyritea.
-eontracimbreo o contraladeo, sway bracing. artefact0 m,device, appliance, hture.
- contraviento, wind bracing. artefactos de alumbrado, lighting fixtures.
- de portal (pte), portal bracing. artefactos sanitaaios, plumbing fixtures.
artesa 33 asfalto
artesa j, trough, tray, launder, mortar tub; (Col) asentado de canto (mam), face-bedded.
river basin. asentador m, stonemason; chisel; (pet) ~ettler.
-de almacenamiento (Col), storage basin or - de chavetas,. key-seating
- - chisel.
reservoir. -de vBlvulas, valve grinder.
-de amortiguacib (hid) (Col), stilling pool. asentadento m, settlement; (conc) (A) (C) sIump.
-de criba, screen pan. -con vibraci6n (conc), vibratory slump.
-de despumaci6n o de espumas (dac), skim - -normal (conc), standard slump.
ming or scum trough. asentar, (str) to set, seat; (act) t o enter; (mas)
-de lavado (pa), wash trough. to bed; (t) to hone; (rnachy)(A) to run in;
- de rebose (az), save-all, catchalI. asentarse, t o settle.
-de salpicadura (lu), splash trough. aseo (m) urbano, street cleaning.
-de via (fc), track pan. aserradero m,sawmill.
-de volteo (mz),dumping chute, -a sierra sin fin, band mill.
- oscilante (min), cradle. - mtltiple, gang mu.
artesano m, artesan, skilled workman, mechanic -para chapa, veneer mill.
- de banco, bench worker, benchman. - para durmientes, tie mill.
artesianismo na (Pe),condition of artesian water, -transportable, portable sawmill.
artesiano, artesian. aserradizo, fit to be sawed into lumber.
artesdn m, tub, mortar box; panel; (rnin) wash- aserrado por cuartos, quartersawed, edge-grain.
trough. aserrado (m)(simple, t-angent-sawing, plain-saw-
artesonado m, paneling, wainscoting. ing, bastard-sawing.
articulaci6n f, joint. hinge, articulation, knee aserrador m, sawyer, sawmill worker; (Ec) saw-
joint. mill.
cardiln, cardm joint.
de cruceta (A), universal joint.
1aserradora f, power saw.
-de banda, band saw, band milI.
i -esf6rica o de rbtula, ball-and-socket joint. -de banda para repasar, band rssaw.
-giratoria, swivel joint. - de cantero, stone saw.
- universd, universal joint. -en caliente, hot saw.
articulado, jointed, articulated.
- con pasadores, pin-connected.
-en frio, cold saw.
1aserradura f, sawing; a saw cut.
articular, to hinge, articulate, joint. Iaserraduras, sawdust.
Z a a c e rn, artisan, skilled workman; maker. Ixserrar, to saw.

artificial, artifkid.
artificio m, device, appliance.
- a codtruhilo, to saw across the grain.
-a1 hilo o a lo largo, to ripsaw.
artillero m (rnin) [Es), blaster, powderman. -metales, to hacksaw.
artisela f, rayon. 1aserrin m,sawdust.
a s (m)de gub, bowline knot. d~serriom (C) (M), sawmill.

asa f, handle, haft, bail; (M) thimblo.
- de cubo, bail (bucket).
asbeatitorme (miner), asbestifarm.
asbeslina f (pint), Asbestine (trademark).
tiserruchar, to saw.
Ilsesor m, consultant; (ins) adjuster.
- de averks, average or insurance adjuster.
--legal, oounsel.
asbestino, made of asbestos, asbestine. --t6cnic0, technical adviser.
asbesto m,asbcstos. 8~sfaltador m,asphalt paver.
- acolchonada, (inl) asbestos blanket. 8lsfdtaje m, asphalting.

- de corcho, mountain cork.
en cartbn, asbestos board.
a sfa altar, t o asphalt.
alsfalteno (M), asphaltene.
asbesto-cambray barnizado (ais), asbestos-var- a~sfatico,asphaltio.
nished cambric. ar~ialtifero,containing aspl~dt.
ascensihn recta, right ascension. a.sfaItina f, asphaltene.
ascenso m, rise; promotion. a.sfaltita f (pet),,asphaltite.
- muerto (an), dead rise. a sfalto m, asphalt.
-- adelgazado (M), asphalt cutback.
ascensor m,elevator.
- de acera, sidewalk elevator. -- artificial, artificial or oil asphalt.
-- cortado, asphalt outback.
-de carga, freight elevator.
- de tarnbor, drum-type elevator. -- de alta penetracidn (ca), high-penetration
- de tracci6n, traction-type elevator. asphalt.
-- de cura rbpida, rapid-curing asphalt.
-bidr8ulic0, plunger elevator.
- sin enganaje, gea14ess elevator. -- de curado lento, slow-curing asphalt.
-- de petrbleo, petroleu~nuphalt.
ascensorista m f , elevator operator.
ascua f , anything incandescent or red-hot. -- de roca, rock asphalt.
asegurado m, the assured. -- dituido, cutbnclr asphalt.
asegurador m, la.tcner, anchor: insurer. -- flaxado (ca) (M), flux asphalt.
aseguradores contra incendios, f i e underwriters. -- insuflado, blown asphalt.
-- lacustre, lake asphalt.
asegurar, t o fasten; t o insure.
asentable (hid), settIeable. -- mineral, rock asphalt.
asentada m (auto) (A). running in. -- natural, native asplirzlt.
-pliietico, asphalt putty. -de polvo, vacuum cleaner, dust exhauster.
-rebajado (ca), flu asphalt, asphalt cutback. aspirar, to suck, draw in.
-rebajado de curaci6n mediana, medium-cur- asquistico (geol), aschistic.
ing cutback. asta f, pole; (t) handle, shank; (mas)header.
- r e h a d o a1 aire, air-blown asphalt. - de canto (lad), bull header.
-refinado a1 vapor, steam-blown asphalt. - de suspensores (cv), carrier horn.
- rellenado, filled mphalt, asphalt enamel. -, muro de, wall 1 brick thick.
asidero m, handle. - y media, muro de, wall 1% bricks thick.
asiento m, (str) beq-ing, seat; (conc) slump; set- astaticidad f, aataticism.
tlement (foundation); (hyd) settlement, asthtico (elhc), astatic.
settling; site; (act) entry; (A) saddle of a astatizar, to astatiae.
lathe. astial m (Es), side w d of s sewer; (min) side w d
-del aguiI6n (gr), boom-seat castigg. of a gallery.
- de 10s aguilones (cn), boom or mast table. astil m, shank, handle; beam of a scale.
- de cola (auto), rumble seat. astilla f, chip, splinter; spall.
-de deslizamiento (rnaq), sliding bearing. -de cantera, quarry spall.
-de expansidn (pte), roller or expansion bear- - do laminaci6n (met), s p a , lap.
ing. - muerta (an), dead rise.
-de montaje (est), erection seat, astillar, to splinter, (pi) broom; astitlarse, to
-de puente, bridge seat. spall;to splinter, (pi) broom.
-de recambio (v@, renewabIe seat. astillero m, shipyard, dockyard, naval station;
- de zaga (auto), rumble seat.
rack for pipe or bars.
-longitudinal (cn), trim. de torre (pet), finger board.
-mineral, mining region. astilloso, splintery, easily chipped; (met) spilly.
-postizo (1renewabIe 4, seat, valve insert. astrligalo m (arq), astragal.
asignacidn f, salary; appropriation. astronbmico, astronomic, astronomical.
asimetria f, asymmetry. asurcar, to furrow.
asim&trico,asymmetrical, unsyrnmetricd. atabe m (pb)(Es), cleanout opening; vent.
asincr6nic0, ashcrono (elkc), asynchronous. atabladera f , drag, road planer.
asincronismo m,asynchronism. atablar, to screed, smooth off.
asintonizar (ra), to detune. atacadera f (vol), bulling bar, tamping stick.
asfntota f (mat), asymptote. - de bloque, tamping block.
ashtbtico, asymptotic. -de barro (mid (tbn), bull, clay iron, claying
asismicidad f, aseismicity. bar.
adsmico, aseismic. atacador m,tamping stick or bar.
asistente, assistant, helper. atacamita f, atacamite (copper ore).
asnado m, mine timber. atacar (vol), to tamp, ram, stem.
asnas f, rafters. atado m, a bundle.
asnilla f , strut, shore; (bldg) (Sp) needle. atador {m)de troncos (ef), load binder, stretcher
asnillo m, carpenter's horse; shore. jack.
asociaciijn f, association, company, union. atadora (j) de listones, lath binder.
- de fabricantes, manufacturers' association. atadura f,tie, fastening.
- obrera, labor union. ataguia f, (hyd) cofferdam; (mech) guides.
- patronal, employers' association. -celuIar, cellular (sheet-pile) cofferdam.
- profesional obrera (Ch) , trade-union. -de cajbn, open caisson.
-de cofre, crib cofferdam.
asomo m (geol), outcrop. inlicr.
asotonar, to dig a celar. - de encofrado g relleno, puddle-wall wffer-
aspa f+ vane, wing, flight; (mx) blade; (min) in- dam.
tersection of two veins. - de tablestacado simple, single-wall sheet-pile
aspas, X bracing. cofferdam.
aspereza f, roughness; (conc) harshness. -encajonada, box cofferdam, open caisson.
kspero, rough; (conc) harsh. -metmca (M), cofferdam of steel sheet piling.
asperdn m, grindstone; flagstone, stone dab; ataguiar, to cofferdam.
sandstone. atajadero m (hid), small gate; ( i n ) division gate;
-de diamante, diamond wheel. diversion dam.
asperonar (M), to grind (tools). atajadizo m, baffle wall.
asperosidad f (M) , roughness. atajador m (mec), arrester.
aspersor m, sprinkler. -de goIpe de ariete, water-hammer suppre*
aspillera f, opening in a wall. sor.
aspiracih f,suction, draft. atajar, to obstruct; to dike.
-de polvo, dust exhaust. atajo m, dike; (A) cofferdam; (M) cutoff wall;
- mechnica, forced draft. trail, path; barrier.
- normal, natural draft. atalajar, to haul; to couple; to harness, hitch up.
aspirador m, suction pipe; draft tube; exhauster; atalaje m, harness; coupling; hitching up.
aspirator. ataludadora J (ca), backsloper, doper blade.
-de aserrfn, sawdust collector. atahdar, ataluzar, to slope; to batter.
atanor na, draintile. atmbmetro m, atmometer.
atapialar (Ec), to build mud walls. atmbsfera f, atmosphere.
ataque m, tamping of powder; (Pe) breaking - tipo, standard atmosphere.
ground. atmosfQricaj (ra) (M), static, atmospherics.
ataques (min), deads, rubbish. atmosf6ric0, atmospheric,
atar, to tie, bind, lash. atoaje m, towing, towage; a tow.
atarazana f, shipyard. atoar, t o tow.
atarjea f, drainpipe, small culvert; (M) s m d atoUadero m, bog; (rnachy) pocket, dead end.
sewer; (Pe) reservoir,
- domWica, house connection to a sewer. atollar, atollarse, to stick, clog, jam.
at6mic0, atomic.
atarquinamiento m, silting up, covering with
mud. atomizador m, atomizer.
atarquinarse, to silt up. -de pintura, paint sprayer.
atarrajar, t o thread, tap. atomizar, t o atomize.
atarugar, t o plug; to wedge. fitorno m, atom.
atascadero m, mudhole, bog. Itomo-gramo, gram-atom.
atascado (cab), foul. atorarse, to jam, stick.
atascamiento (m) de hielo, ice jam. atornillador m, screwdriver.
atascar, t o stop pp, obstruct; (bl)(A) t o tamp -de empuje, automatic or spiral screwdriver.
powder; atascarse, t o stick, jam; to bog atornilladora Cf) de tuercas, nut runner or
down; (eng) to staU tightener.
atasco m, jamming, sticking. atornillar, to screw; (C)t o bolt
ataujk f (AC), conduit, drain. atoro m, obstruction, jam.
ateje m, a hardwood of the West Indies. atracadero m, wharf, landing place, berth; ferry
atejo m (Col), bundle. slip.
atemperador m (aa), attemperator. - paralelo, marginal wharf.
aternperar (aa), t o temper; t o condition. atracar Iniut), t o berth, dock, bring alongside.
atenuacien f (el&), attenuation. atrapador m, trap; (ra) catcher.
atenuador m (elh), attenuator, pad; (ra)(A) -de agua, steam trap.
fader. - de mandfiulas, alligator grab.
-de ondas (ra) (A), wave trap.
at6mic0, athermic.
aterrajado c8nic0, taper thread. -de polvo, dust coIlector.
aterrajar, t o thread, tap; (fdy) to strickle. atrapadora d f ) de arena (pet), sand trap.
aterraje m (ap) (A), landing. atrapanticleos m (pet), core catcher.
aterrar, to fill with earth; t o demolish; atmame, atrapar, t o trap.
t o silt up. atraparripio m (petr), junk catcher.
aterrizaje m (ap), landing. atraque m, landing place, wharf; mooring.
-a ciegas, blind or instrument landing. atrasarse, (elec) t o lag; (rr) t o be late.
- a favor del viento, down-wind landing. atraso m (el&), lag.
- aplastado, pancake landing.
-con vdocidad critica, stall landing.
- de irnanaciijn, magnetic lag.
-histerdtico, hysteresis lag.
- de precisi6n, spot or precision landing; ac- atravesado m, (mas) (M) header, bondstone; a
curacy landing. crosswise.
-en tres puntos, three-point landing. atravesaiio m, header, cap, crosapicce; (bdg)
-planeado, glide landing. &or beam; (C) crosstie.
aterronarse, t o become lumpy, t o cake. atravesar, t o cross, pass through; t o place c r o w
atesador m, stiffener; take-up tackle. wise; (tv) to traverse.
- de correa, belt tightener. atravieso m (top) (Ch), gap, pass.
atesar, to tighten; to stiffen. atrecho m (PR), trail, path.
atibar, (rnin) t o pack, fill up; (Col) t o load, stow. atril m (lab), rack.
atices m (min)(Col), lagging, spilling. atronadura f (mad), check-
atierre m, f i b g with earth; silting up; (rnin) audibilidad f (4,mtdlbllity.
slide of waste material. audible, audible.
atierres (rnin), deads. audifono m,headphone, earphone.
atiesacadena m, chain tightener. audio a (ra), audio.
atiesador m, stiffener; take-up tackle. audioampliticador m (ra), audio or audiofre
de apoyo, (gi) bearing stiffener.
de mamparo (cn), bdkhead stiffener.
quency amplifier.
audiofxecuencia f (ra), audiofrequency.
- extremo, (gi) end stiffener. audibmetro m, audiometer.
audiBn (ra) audion,
atiesar, to tighten; t o stiffen.
atirantar, t o guy, stay; t o truss. audiooscilador m (ra), audio or audiofrequency
atizador m, poker, slice or clinker or slash bar oscillator.
firehook; stoker. audiosefial f (ra), audio signal.
atizar, to trim a fire. auditor m (M), auditor.
atizonar, to bond with headers; t o embed in a auditoria f (M), auditing.
wall. augita f (miner), augite, pyroxene.

augita-pbrfldo (geol), augitophyre, augite-por- autodinar (ra), t o autodyne.

P ~ry.Y autodino a (rrt), autodyne.
a d d o rn (ra), howl. autoelevador, self-raising.
-de border, fringe howl. autoencendido m, self-ignition.
awnentador m, aumentadora f, booster; in- autoendurecedor, self-hardening.
creaser; augmenter; m a g d e r . autoengrasador, self-lubricating.
-de presibn, pressure booster. autoenrasillante (ed), self-furring.
-de velocidad, speed increaser. autoequilibrador (el&), self-balsncing.
-de salto (hid), fall increaser. autoestable, independently stsble, self-support
aureola j (geol), contact zone, aureole. ins.
auricular m (tel), earpiece; a aural. aufoestibante (nhut), self-stowing.
-de mano (ra), hand receiver. autoestrada f (A) (M) (Es), automobile road.
auriculares (ra), headphone. autoexcitaci6n f (eIBc), self-excitation.
aurlfero, gold-bearing. autofern m (U), aut~mobileon a railroad track.
austemplado m (met), austempering. autofltrador, self-filteFjng (lens).
aostenita f (met), austenite. autofocador, autofocusing, elf-focusing.
austenftico, austenitic. autofundente, self-fluxing.
austral, southern, austrd. autogenerador, self-generative.
ausEi m (PR), a construction lumber. autogen6tic0, autogen6sic0, (geol) autogenetic.
ausuba f, ausubo m (PR) (RD), a hardwood. autogenizador rn (sol), autogenixer.
autigbico (geol) , authigenic. autBgeno (sol), autogenous.
autoabridor, self-opening. autogiro m (ap), autogiro, autogyro.
autoactuador, self-acting. aut6grafo rn (inst), autograph.
autoaeracibn f , self-aeration. autoheterodino (ra), autoheterodyne.
autoafilador, self-sharpening. autoignici6n f, self-igni tion ; spontaneous com-
autoaguzrtdor, aelf-sharpening. bustion.
autoajustadar, self-adjusting. autoigualador, self-equalizing.
autodargador, self-lengthening. autoimpedancia f ( e l k ) , self-impedance.
autoalimentador. self-feeding. autoimpulsor na (auto) (Es), self-starter.
autoa~ineamientkm,self-ah msnt.
autoamolador, self-sharpening, self-grinding.
autoindicador, self-indicating.
autoinduccibn f (el&), self-induction.
autoarrancador m, self-starter. autoinductancia f (el&), self-inductance, coeffi-
autobajador, self-lowering, cient of self-induction.
autobasculante, self-tipping, self-dumping. autoinductivo, sell-inductive.
autobias (ra), self-bim. autoinductor m (elh), self-inductor.
autobomba f , motor fire engine. autoinflamacibn f, self-ignition; spontaneous
autobote rn, motorboat, powerboat. combustion.
autobfis m,motorbus. autolavador, self-scrubbig, self-washing.
- de trole, trolley coach or bus. autoligador, self-bonding.
autolimpiador, self-cleaning.
autocalafateador, self-calking.
autocalibrador, self-cslibrating. aatolubricaci6n f, self-oiling.
autocamdon m, motor truck, autotruck. autolubricador a, aelf-oiling.
autocapacidad f (el&$, seli-capacitance. automatico, automatic.
autocarenaje m, self-docking. automezclador m (conc), truck or transit mixer.
autocargador, self-loding. automotor m, (rr) motorcar; (A) motor vehicle;
autocarril m, automobile on a railroad track; a self-rnoying, automotive.
autom6vil m, automobile.
(rr) (Ec) motorcar.
aotocartbmafo m (fma). autocrtrtograph.
a~tocatalitico(pet), autocatalytic.
de plaza (A), taxicab.
de via, automobile on a railroad track.
--ebadura f, sell-priming. automovilario a,automotive, automobile.
autoceJltrador, a d f - ~ ~ t e r i n g . automultiplicador, self-energizing (brake).
autocerrador, seKlockipg. autonafta f , motor spirit.
autocllstico (geol), autoclastic. autonivelador m (ca), motor grader.
autoclave f, autoclave; retort. autobmnibus m,motorbus.
autocoagulaci6n f, self-coalescence. autooscilaci6n f Ga) , self-~~~cillation,
autocohesor ma (ra), autocoherer. sutooscilador m (ra), self-oaciUator.
autocolimaci6n f (fma), autocollimation. autooridacibn f (quim), autooxidation.
autocornpensador, self-compensating. autopatrol m (ca) (A) (V) , motor patrol.
autoconducci6nf (el&), autoconduction. autopaWera f ( a ) , motor patrol.
autocorpolado, self-excited (oscillator). autopista f (A), automobile road.
autoconvertidor m (el&), autoconverter. autopolarizacibn f (ra)(A), self-bim.
aut6ctono (geol), autochthonous. autoportante (A), sclf-supporting,
autodepuraci6n f (r), self-purification. autopositivo (fma), Autopositive (trademark).
autodesplazable, self-moving. autopotencial m (geof), self-potential.
autodina f (ra), autodyne. autoprensor m, clamshell bucket.
autodinhnico, autodynamic. autopropulsor, self-moving, automotive.
autoprotector, self-protecting. avenar, t o drain.
a u t o p d c a c i b n f , self-purification. avenida f , flood; avenue.
autorrecocido m, sell-annealing. aventador m, blower, fan.
autorrectificador (ra), self-rectifying. -de arena, sandblast outfit.
autorreductor, self-reducing. averla f,damage, breakdown; a damaged article,
autorregadara f, street-sprinkling truck. a second; (ins) overage.
autorregistrador, self-recording. - gruesa, general or gross average.
autorregulador, self-regulating. - particular o simple, common or particular
autorroscante, self-tapping (hcrew). average.
autorrotativo, self-rotating. averiar, t o damage.
autosellador, aelf-sealing. aviar, t o equip, fit out; t o finance, advance
autosifonaje m, self-siphoning. money to.
autosostenido, self-supported. avibn m, airplane.
autotanque m (Es),tank truck. - marino, seaplane, hydroplane, flying boat.
autot6cnica f, automotive engineering. - terrestre, landplane.
autot6cnico m, automotive engineer. avfos m, tools, equipment, outfit.
autotrabador, self-locking. avisador m, indicator; warning sign ; alarm ; (ra)
autotransformador rn (elhc) , autotransformer, (Sp) monitor.
balancing coil. - de bajo nivel (cal), alarm gage.
autotransporte m, motor transport. - de incendio, fire alarm.
autotrbfico Cdac), autotrophic. aviso m, advertisement; notice; advice.
autoveMculo m (A), motor vehicle. - de embarque, shipping notice.
autoventilador, avivador m (Es), rabbeting plane; molding plane.
autovia f, automobile highway; m (A), gasoline- axial, axil, axial.
driven handcar, Bxico (Es), axial.
autovolcante, self-tipping, self-dumping. axinita f (miner), axinite.
autozorra f (A), handcar with power, axonomQtrico (dib) , axonometric.
auxiliar, n helper, assistant, auxiliary: a aux- ayacahuite m, a Mexican pine.
iliary. ayudante, lielper, assistant.
auxiliares m (tub), specials, fittings. ayui m, an Argentine wood (semihard).
avalancha f, avalanche; (A) flood. ayunque m (M), anvil.
avaliz m (A), h a c o n . ayustadera f, marlinespike.
avalorar, to appraise. ayustador m, splicer.
avaluador m, appraiser. ayustadora f, cable-splicing rig.
avaluar, t o appraise; t o evaluate. ayustar (Cab), to splice.
avaltio m, appraisal, valuation. ayuste m, splice.
avance m, (rnech) feed, advance; (tun) heading; - corto, short or tuck splice.
(rr) lead, frog distance; (se) lead, lap; - de cuatro inserci~nes,four-tuck splice.
(eleo) lead, pitch. -de maderero, logging splice.
- a mano (mec), hand feed. - de ojaI, eye or loop or thimble splice.
-angular (el&.), angular pitch. -largo, long or endless splice-
-con frente entero (tlin), full-face tunneling. azada f, spade; hoe; ( C ) ads.
- de la admisi6n (mv), admission lead. - para cunetas, drain spade.
- del encendido (mg), advancing tho ignition. -para hoyos, post spade.
-del escape (mv) , exhaust or inside lead. -para zanjas, ditch spade.
-de fase (elkc), phase lead or displacement. azaddn m, (t) hoe, grub hoe, spud; (ce) trench
-de trabajo (fc), practical lead. hoe, backdigger.
-por friccibn (mh), friction feed. -de pda, scuffle or weeding hoe.
-por gravedad, gravity feed. -meclnico (ec), trench hoe, backdigger.
-prkctico (fc), practical lead. - para arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
-te6rico (fc), theoretical lead. azadonar, azadonear, t o spade.
- g banco (tfin), heading and bench.
avantr6n m, front truck of m y piece of rolling
azdran m (cn), rudder frame.
azanca f jmin) (Es) , subterranean spring.
stock, forecarriage. azarbe m, irrigation ditch (return).
avanzada If) de onda (el&), wave front. azarbeta f, subsidiary irrigation ditch.
avanzador m, feeder. azarc6n m, red lead.
avanzar, t o advance; (mech) to feed; (tun) t o azimut m, azimuth.
drive. -asumido, assumed azimuth.
-la chispa (auto), t o advance the spark. -de cuadrlcula (fma), grid azimuth.
avejigar, to blister. - terrestre (fma), ground azimuth.
avellanado y cincelsdo (re), countersunk and -verdadero, true azimuth.
chippcd. azimutal, azimuthal.
avellanador m, countersinking bit. azoato m, nitrate.
avellanar, to countersink. azocalar (Ch), to build (a wall) with heavy baae
svellano m (A), a softwood. or water table.
avrtnamiento m, drainago, draining, subdrainage. gzoe m, nitrogen.
azogar 38 balance
azogar, t o slake (lime). bacilo m, bacillus.
azogue m, quicksilver, mercury; (M) silver ore. -coli, colon bacillus, Bacillus cola.
azogueria f, amalgamation works. bacteriano, bacterial.
azoico, (geol) azoic; (chem) nitric. bacterias f, bacteria.
azoladora f (fc), adzing machine. - autotrijficas, autotrophic bacteria.
azolar, to adz; t o dub. -coliformes, coliform bacteria.
azolvarse, t o silt up; t o become obstructed. -nitracantes, nitrifying bacteria.
azolve m, silt. bactericida f, bactericide.
azolvos m, silt; obstructions. bacteridfago m (is), bacteriophage.
azotea f, roof, flat roof, (bldg) terrace. bacteriologia f, bacteriology.
azbtico, nitric. bacteriblogo m, bacteriologist.
nziicar wa f , sugar. bacteriost8tic0, bacteriostatic.
-amarilla, brown sugar. blculo m (M), transit rod, range pole.
-aprovechable, available sugar. bachadora f (M), road-patching machine.
-blanco, white or refined sugar. bache m, rut; mudhole; pothole; (C) sump.
-concrete, concrete sugar. bacheado (m)en frfo (ca), cold patch.
-crudo, raw sugar. bachear, t o patch a road.
-de alta polarizacih, high-test sugar. bacheo m (ca), patching, filling ruts.
-de caiia, cane sugar. bad6n m, gutter; M y ; (A) paved ford.
-de centrifugal centrifugd sugar. badile jo m, bricklayer's trowel.
-invertido, invert sugar. bagacillo m (as), trash, fine-cut bagasse.
-mascabada o morena o terciada, brown sugar. bagazo mi bagasse; (rnin) mud from drill hole.
- reductor, reducing or invert sugar. bahareque m, wall of cane plastered with mud
-refino, refined or white sugar. and chopped straw.
-turbinado (C), centrifugal sugar. bahia f, bay, harbor.
azucarero m ,sugar-mill worker, sugarhouse fore- bahorrina f (dac) (M), sludge.
man; sugar technologist. bailar (auto) (A), t o shimmy.
azuchar, to shoe piles. bailoteo m (auto), shimmy.
azuche bn, pile shoe. baja f , fall, drop; discharge (employee).
azud f, diversion dam, weir. -definicidn (tv), low definition.
-de encofrado, crib dam. -frecuencia, low frequency.
-para peces, fish weir. -ley, low grade (ore).
azuela f, adz. bajada f, descent, slope, downgrade; downspout;
-curva, spout adz. (p) riser; (min) ladderway.
-de cotillo completo, full-head adz. -de antena (ra), leadin, down-lead.
-de espiga o de ribera, spur-head or ship car- -de inmundicias (pb), waste stack; soil stack.
penter's adz. -pluvial (ed), leader, downspout.
-de medio cotillo, half-head adz. bajamar f, low tide (sometimes used t o mean
- ferrocarrilera, railroad adz. ebb).
azufre m, aulphur. -mks baja, lowest low tide.
azufroso, sulphurous. -media, mean low tide.
azul rn a, blue. -media mPs baja, mean lower low water.
- de bromoclorofenol (lab), bromochlorophe- bajante mi low water; leader, downspout; (p)
no1 blue. stack; standpipe.
-de bromofenol (lab), bromophenol blue. -de aguas de lIuvia, leader, downspout.
-de bromotimol (dac), bromothymol blue. -de aguas negras, soil stack.
- de metileno (dac), methylene blue. - de aguas servidas, waste stack.
-de Prusia (dib) , Prussian blue. - de ventilacibn, vent stack.
- de timol (dac), thyrnol blue. bajar, t o lower; to descend; to drop, fall.
azulado por recocci6n, blue-annealed. bajareque, see bahareque.
amlejar, to set glazed wall tiles. bajial m, low ground subject t o overflowing.
azule jeria f , glazed tiling. bajio m, sand bar, shoal; lowland.
azulejero m, tilemaker; tile setter (wall). bajo rn, sand bar, shoal; (rnin)(M) footwall,
azulejo m, glazed tile; (A) wall tile. floor; a low;ad8 below; pr under.
- antisonoro, acoustical tile. ---- cafor de endurecimiento (ct), low heat of
azumagarse, (Ch) to rust; (lbr)(Ec) t o decay. hardening.
azurita f , azurite, blue copper ore, blue rrdwhite. -octanaje, de, low-octane (rating).
azutero m, custodian of a diversion dam or irri- bajos m, ground floor.
gation intake. bajomando m (auto), underdrive.
bajura f (PR) , lowland.
bakelita f, bakelite.
bala f , ball; bale.
babazas f, slime (wc ar rnairts). balance m, balance; (act) balance sheet.
babeta f (to) (A), flashing. -calbrico, heat balance.
babor m (ngut), port, larbwrd. --- de comprobacibn (cont), trial balance.
bacilar, bacillary. -del origeno (dac), oxygen balancc.
-de la sacarosa (az), sucrose balance. -grampa (A), clamshell or grab bucket.
- de saldos (cont), trial balance.
balanceador (m) arm6nico (auto), harmonic bal-
-volcador o de volteo, dump or contractor's
ancer. baldeadora f , flusher.
balancear, (mech) (elec) (act) to balance; balan- baldear, to bail out; to wash, flush.
cearse, to rock, roll, wobble. baldeo m, bailing; washing, flushing.
balance0 m, balancing; oscilIation, rocking, baldio m, uncultivated land; public land.
swinging; {naut) rolling. baldosa f, floor tile, paving tile.
balancfn m, working beam, balance beam; bas- - de techar (A), roof tile.
cule; handle; rocker arm; beam of a scale; - de vidriado mate, matt-glazed or dull-glazed
whifEetree; spreader; pump jack; (A) tile.
swinging scaffold; (A) eccentric-arbor -gres, clay floor tile.
press. baldosado m, tile paving.
-compensador, equalizing beam. bddosar, t o lay floor tiles.
- de bomba, pump brake. baldosin m, floor tile.
-del freno, brake beam. - de ladrillo (Col), a brick 20 x 20 x 4 cm.
-de tiempo (mg) (A), timing lever. balero m (M), ball bearing.
-tiracable (pet), spudder arm. -de rodillos, roller bcaring.
balancines de la brGjula (cn), gimbds. balicero m (lev) (M), rodman.
balancinero m (A), operator of an eccentric- balinero m, ball race; ball bearing.
arbor press. balines m,small balls (bearing); shot.
balandra j,small sailing vessel; (A) scow. balita f (F), measure of about 0.69 acre.
balanza f, scale, balance; (min) blind shaft. baliza f, buoy; survey pole; marker, beacon,
-analitica (lab), analytical balance. -a faroIa (A), light beacon.
-de humedad (ms),moisture scale. -de acercamiento (ap), approach beacon.
--- de induccibn (elEc), induction balance. - delirnitadora (ap), boundary marker.
-de plataforma, platform scale. -fija, beacon, range marker.
--de precisibn, analytical balance. -luminosa, gas buoy; light beacon.
-de resorte o de tensibn, spring balance. balizador m,buoy tender.
-de torsi611, torsion balance. balizaje m, buoying; system of beacons; Ixaconage.
balanza-balde m, weighing bucket. balizar, to buoy; t o mark with beacons.
balanza-tolva j, weigh hopper. balbn m, (Isb) balloon; balloon tire.
balao m, a Philippine lumber. balsa f, pool, pond; raft; balsa, corkwood; (A)
balastaje m, ballasting. ferryboat; (V) flatboat; (min) hanging
balastar, t o ballast. scaffold used in shaft timbering.
balastera f , ballast pit. -de clasScaci6n (cf), sorting jack.
balasto m, baliast; road metal; (U) conglomerate -salvavidas, life raft.
used for road building. balsada f, raft load, boatload.
balastrar (M), t o ballast. balsadxa f, ferry.
balata f, balata (also used for various gum-yield- balsaje m,rafting ; ferrying.
ing trees and sometimes used to mean biilsamo m (Es)(V), (Ibr) balsam.
rubber) ; (V) a hardwood; (M) brake lin- - del Canadi, Canada balsam.
ing. balsear, to raft; to ferry.
balate m, terrace; border of a trench. balseo m, rafting; (Ch) ferry.
balaustrada f, balustrade. balserg m, ferryman.
balafistre m,baluster; (Ec) bricklayer's trowel. bals6n m (M), backwater, pool.
balcBn m, balcony; (M)(Pe) sidehill. cut; (Ch) ballesta f, laminated spring.
car pIatform; (pet) derrick platform. -de arc0 o de media pinza, semiellipticd
bdconciUo m (pet), monkey board, derrick plat- spring.
form. -de cayado, threequarter elliptical spring.
balconerk f, balcony construction; balcony -doble, elliptical spring.
material. bambolear, to sway, wobMe, (auto) shimmy.
balconexo m (M), erector of iron balconies. bamboleo m, sway, swinging, wobbling, (auto)
baldada f, bucketful. shimmy.
balde m, bucket, pail. bambG m, bamboo.
--- arrastrador (A), drag scraper. banca j,bench; banking; brokerage.
-basculante, dump or contractor's bucket. bancada f, bench; (machy) bedframe, solepiece.
-cargador (ma)(A), skip loader. bed (lathe); (machy)(A) bearing; (min)
- de arrastre, dragline bucket; drag scraper. stope.
-de ascensox (B), eIe9ator bucket. b a n d m, berm, bcnch, terrace; sandbank.
-de extraccibn, mine bucket. bancarrota f , bankruptcy.
-de hormigSn (A), concrete bucket. bancaza f , bcdpl:~t,e;heavy bench.
--- de maniobra (ec), rehandling bucket. -del torno, lathe bed.
- de pozo (exc), shaft bucket. banco m, (h) bank; (geol) stratam; (ca~p)
- de transportadora (A), conveyor bucket. bench; (cons)(M) bent; (r) sand bar; lev$
- exeavador (A), digging bucket. ground.
banco 40 barco
-aserradbr, saw table. banquear, to level; to bench; (Col)(V) t o excai
-barrerrt, barrier beach. vate; (pmy) to bank (sirplane).
banqueo m, leveling, grading, benching; a bench;
-de arena, aandbank, sand bar.
-de balasto (fc), ballast pit. (pmy) banking; (Col)(V) excavation.
-de prgstamo (ot) (V), borrow pit.
-del camino (Ec), roadbed. banqueta f, berm; sidewalk; haunch, shoulder of
-de coral, coral reef.
-dede cota
- 5ja (lev), bench mark.
desperdicio (ot) (M), spoil bank.
a road ;h q u e t t e .
banquilla V) de aserrar (M), sawbuck.
banquill0 m (to), cricket, cant, saddle.
-de doblar (ref), bending table, fabricating banq* f, berm, shoulder; (A) wall footing.
bench. banquisa f (A), pack ice.
-de emisibn, bank of issue. banquito m (A), rail clip.
-de estirar, drawbench. baiiadera f, bathtub.
bailado m (A) (U), marsh, wet land.
-de grava, gravel bank,
-de hielo, ice floe. - de asfalto, asphalt-dipped, asphalt-coated.
-de intemptores (elkc) (PR),switchyard. -de dnc, zinc-coated.
-de liquidacibn, clearinghouse. - en caliente, hotdipped.
-de nivel (lev), bench mark. - en estailo, tindipped.
-de pruebas, test stand, testing bench. baiiar (pint), to dip.
-de sierra, saw table. bafIera f, bathtub.
-de solder, welding dab or table. baKo m, bath; bathtub; bathroom; coating
-de taller o de bebajo, workbench. (paint, etc.).
-bipotecario, mortgage bank. - congelador, freezing bath.
banda f, belt, band; (CA) window sash; iron -de aceite, oil bath.
tire; (M) belt course; side of a ship; (cr) - de ducha o de lluvia o de regadera, ahower
traok. bath.
-cruzada, crossed belt.
- de cadena (M), chain belt.
-de inversidn (fma), reversing bath.
-endurecedor (fma), hardening bath.
-de cuero, leather belt. -fijador (fma), fixing bath.
- del embrague, clutch band. -Marla (lab), water bath, double boiler.
- de esteras o de onrga, crawIer belt. -para tubas, pipe dip.
- de freno, brake band. bao m (an), beam, cross timber, deck beam.
-de guardia (ra), guard band. -de bodega, hold beam.
- de hale, rubber belt. -de horquilla, fork beam.
- de rlo, riverbank.
-de rodamiento, tread band (tire); (cr) track.
-del pet0 de popa, transom beam.
-maestro, midship or main beam.
-de siotonizaci6n (ra), tuning band. -sesgado, cant beam.
- de transmisibn, driving or transmission belt. barn de 10s raceles, panting beams.
- de transmisi6n libre (ra), pass or filter-
tssnsmission band.
baquelita f, bakelite.
baquelizar, to bakebe.
- del yentilador (auto), fan belt. baqueta f (vol)(Es),tamping stick.
eslabonada (M), endless belt.
lateral inferior (ra), Iower side band.
bara f, bar (unit of pressure).
baranda f, barandado m, barandaje m, barandal
- lateral superior (ra), upper side band. m, railing, haudrd, balustrade, banister.
- maciza (Es), solid tire. barandilla f , railing; sideboard of a wagon; {PR)
- porttrdora (el&), carrier band. d a b of a flat truck.
- ttansportadora, belt conveyor. - de resguardo, highway guardrail.
- V, V belt. barba Cf) de taladro, burr (steel), h.
bandaje m, tire (rubber or iron); rim. barbacana f, narrow opening in a wall; weep
, - del inducido (el&), armature band. hole; (hyd) (A) gate opening.
- maeizo, solid tire.
bandania, see mandarria.
barbeta f, lashing; (cab) seiaing, serving; (naut)
gasket, stop.
bandeador m ( C ) , tap wrench. barbetar (cab), ta serve, s e k
bandear, to sway, weave, oscillate; (Ch) to PC+ barbilla f (carp), beveled end of a timber for
forate. framing; tenon.
bandeja f, b y . barbotaje m, barboteo m (lu), splash.
- cogegotas, drip pan. barca f, boat, barge.
de burbujeo (pet), bubble tray.
de resudaci6n (pet), ~weatingpan.
carbonera, coal barge,
chata, flatboat, SCOW.
bandeo na, sway, weaving. -
de gda, derrick barge.
tanque, tank3barge.
bandera f, (rr) (surv) flag.
brtnderero n a (M), flagman. barcada f, bargeload, boatload.
banderin m,signal flag. barcaza f, lighter, barge, flatboat.
banderols f, (IT)switch target; (bldg)(A) tran- - alijadora, lighter.
som; (surv) 0ag. -perforadora, drilling barge.
- a balanch (A), pivoted transom. barco rn, vessel, boat, barge.
barco 41 barra
de carga,
de cabotaje,
o coasting vessel.
cargo boat, freighter.
-cuello-de-ganso (herr),gooseneck bar, wreck-
ing bar.
de transbordo, ferryboat.
petrolero, oil tanker.
-de alinear (fc), lining bar.
-de arco (met), arch bar.
barco-puertaf , caisson of a graving dock, caisson -de argolla (cst), eyebar, loop rod.
-de argiie, capstan bar.
gate. -de asiento (cornpuerta), seat bar.
bariciktrico, barycentric. -de atalaje, drambar.
baticentro m, barycenter. -de brida (fc), splice bar, angle bar, fishplate.
bario m (quim), barium. -de celosfa (est), lattice bar; web member.
barita f, baryta. -de conexiSn, (eng) connacting rod, pitman;
barite1 m, windlass. (elec) connection bar.
baritina f (miner), barite, barytes, barytine. -de contratensibn (pte>,counterbrace, coun-
barjufeta f , tool bag. tordiagonal.
barlovento m, windward. -de corredcra, (se) valve stem.
bar& m, varnish. -de corto circuit0 (e16e), shorting bar.
- aislador, electrio or insulating varnish. -Ade cremauera, rack bar.
-al aceite o a1 &o, oil varnish. -de cuiia (met), wedge bar.
- craso o graso, oil varnish. -de chucho (fc), bridle or switch or head rod,
- de alcohol, spirit varnish. -de distribucidn (elkc)(C), bus bar.
- de alto aceite, long-oil varnish. -de emergencia (ft), panic bar.
-de aparejo o de apresto, sizing. -de emparrillado (cal), grntc bar.
- de bajo aceite, short-oil varnish. -de empedrador, paving bar.
- de inmersibn, dipping varnish. -de enclavamiento (fc), detcctor bar.
- de intemperie, spar varnish. -de enganche, drawbar.
- de laca, shellac. -de enrejado (est), lattice bar.
- de rociar, spraying varnish. -de entibar (re), dolly bar.
- exterior o marino, spar or exterior varnish. --- de estancamiento (compuerta), seal bar.
japones,japan drier; japan vanish. -de guarnicibn, curb bar; corner bead.
- mate, flat varnish. -del inducido (el&), armature bar.
para secado a1 horno, baking varnish.
secante, drier.
-de mina (min), hand drill.
-de ojo (est) , eyebar.
barnizador m, varnisher. -de orejas (ref), lug bar.
baraizar, t o varnish. -de parachoques (auto), buffer bar.
barodinhica f, barodynamics. --- de parrilla (cal), grate bar; clinker bar.
barodinlmico, barodynamic. -de percusibq (pot), sinker bar.
bar6grafo m, barograph, recording barometer. -de recalcar, &wagebar (saw).
barograma m, barogram. -de remolque, towing bar.
baromltdco, barometric. -de rio, shoal, bar,
barbmetro m, barometer. -de rosca, threaded rod.
- aItim6tric0, altitude barometer. -de suspensibn, hanger.
- aneroide, aneroid barometer. -de taras (briscula), tare bar.
- de mercurio, mercurial barometer. -del tejido (V), (tu) web member.
- registrador, recording barometer. -de tiro o de traccibn, drawbar.
barometrdgrafo m,barometrograph, barograph. -de torsibn (auto), torque arm.
baroscopio m, bmoscope. -de trabazbn o de unibn (rcr'), bond bar
barotermdgrafo rn, barothernograph. dowel.
baroterm6metro a,barothermograph. - de ufia, claw bar, nail pullcr.
barquear, to transport by boat, to ferry. -de ventana, muntin, window bar.
b q u e r o m,boatman, ferryman, lighterman. -deformada (ref), deformed bar.
btwquin m,bellows. - desviadora (fc), deflecting bar.
barra f bar, rod; sand bar. -en U (met), U bar.
- alimentadora, feed rod. -I (mot), 1 bar.
-angular (fc), angle bar, splice bar. -imanada, bar magnet.
-anvgada (ref), corrugated bar. - indicadora (fo) , dctector bar.
-atiesadora (est), sag rod. - Esa (ref), plain or smooth bar.
- cabecero (ref), header bar. -bmnibus (elbe), buk bar.
- colectora (el&), bus bar. - para encintado, curb bar.
colectora de compensacibn, equalizer bus.
cdectora de controI, control bus.
--p a t r h , test bar.
- perforadora (pet), sinker bar.
- colectora para fallas, fault bus. -plana acanalada, channel ilat.
- colisa (mh) (A), swivel bar. - plana bruiiida, ground flat.
- comercial, merchant bar. --- plana con cantos d t fleje, band-edge flat
-eorrugada (ref), corrugated bar. - punta-de-cuiia, wedgepoint crowbar.
- -
- cuadrada giratoria (pet), grief stem, keUy.
wadrada torcida (ref), square twisted bar.
punta-de-espolbn, pinch-point crowbar.
-puqzbn (vol), punch bar.
-radial (auto), radius rod. -de columna, column drill.
-rociadora (cs), spray bar. -de corchos (lab), cork borer.
-sacaclavos, stripping bar, nail puller; wreck- -de cruz, star bit or drill.
ing or claw bar. -de cuatro alas ( ~ e t )$ow-wing
, bit.
-subtensa (lev), subtense bar. -de diamantes, diamond drill.
-T, T bar, T iron. -de discos (pet), disk bit.
-taladradora, boring bar. -de a o en cruz, star drill.
-tirante, tie rod. -de friccibn ( ~ e t )drag
, bit.
-torneada (met), turned bar. -de guia, center bit.
-tractora (fc) (mh) , drtrwbar. -de gusano, worm auger.
-trancanil (cn), stringer bar. -- de limpieza (sx), cleanout auger.
-trazadora (planinletro) ,tracing arm. -de mano, hand drill, jumper.
-tumbadora (fc), tumbling rod. -de ojo, ring auger.
-V, V bar* -de pecho, breast auger.
-Z, Z bar. -de perforacibn desviada (pet), directional
barras bit.
-de armadura, reinforcing bars. -de rodillos (pet), roller bit.
-de barreno, drill steel. -de tierra, earth auger, posthole digger, well
-de deslizarniento, guides (gate). or soil auger.
- de enlace (est) (C), lacing bars. -espiral, twist drill, auger bit.
-de yunque (az),anvil bars. -iniciadora (pet), spudding bit.
-espaciadoras (ref), spacing bars. -para berbiquf, brace bit.
-portavhstago (pet), carrier bars. -para cabillas, dowel bit.
- repartidoras (ref), distributing bars, spacing -para hoyo de poste, posthole auger.
bars. -para macho, tap drill.
barraca f , barrack, bunkhouse; warehouse, shed. -para mortajas, slotting auger.
- de hierro (Ch), hardware store. -para pozos, well drill.
-de maderas (Ch), lumber shed, lumberyard. -picadora (sx) , chopping bit.
barracbn rn, barracks. -piloto, pilot drill or bit.
barragmete m fcn). bulwark stay. -principiadora (pet), spudding bit.
barraje m,dike, barrage, diversion dam. -rompepavimento, pavement breakcr, bull-
barrales m (Ch), sideboards of a wagon. point.
barramina f (Ec) , dril1. -sacanikleos o sacatestigos, core drill.
barranca f, cliff, bluff; gorge, ravine; (A) river -salomBnica, twist drill; screw auger.
bank; (A) (U) downgrade. -tubular, core drill; calyx drill.
-abajo (A), downgrade, downhill. barrenas, drili steel.
-de falla, fault scarp. barrenador m, drill runner; auger, drill.
-de falla con erosi6n, fault-Iine scarp. barrenadora f, drill.
barranco m, precipice, cliff; gorge. -de arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
barranc6n, m,gorge, canyon. barrenar, to drill; to blast; barrenarse (tGn)(M),
barraocoso (top), broken, rough. to hole through, connect up.
barranpuilla f (M), gully. barrendera f (maq), sweeper.
barraquero m (A), warehouseman. barrendero m, sweeper (man).
barreal m,clay pit. barrenero m, drill runner.
barredera f (ot) (Ec), drag scraper. barrenillo na, boring insect.
barredor m, sweeper (xyn). -de caiia, cane borer.
-de locomotora, pilot, cowcatcher. --- de muelles, wharf borer.
barredora j (maq) , sweeper. barrenista m, drill runner.
-de goma, squeegee. barrenita U)de maao, gimlet.
- de tractor (ca), tractor sweeper. barreno m, drill; d r g hole, borehoIe; (Col) drilled
-elbctrica (M), vacuum cleaner. 1

-patrdladora (crr), patrol swccper.

-remolcada, drawn road broom.
cebada (vol)(M) missed hole.
-de alivio (min), block hole.
barrena f, drill, auger, gimlet, driU bit; crowbar. -de enlechado, grout hole.
-adamantina (M)adamantine drill.
-batidora, churn drill.
-de voladura, blasting hole.
- fallido (vol) (M), missed hole.
--- cola de pescado, fishtail bit. barrenos
-cortaniicleo, core bit. -de alivio (tbn), relief boles.
-- de arrastre (pet), drag bit. - de corte (t6n) (M), cut holcs.
---- de cable able or well or churn drill. - de cuele o de franqueo (min), cut holes.
-de canale recta, pod auger or bit. -de destrozo (min) (tfin), breakers, breaking-
-de canteador, stonecutter's or plug drill. down holcs.
-de caracol, twist drill, auger bit. - de ensanche (min) (tlin), holes for enlarging
---- de cateo, earth borer. shots.
- de cesto (pet), basket bit. -del perimetxo (thn),rim holes.
- de cincel, chisel bit. -limitadores (tro!), line holes.
barrer, t o sweep; (di) to scavenge. barros activados (dac) , activated sludge.
barrera f, fence, barrier, barricade; (rr) crossing barroso, muddy, clayey, silty.
gate; clay pit; (hyd) diversion dam. barrote m, heavy bar; grate bar; rung; (A) door
- colectora (ef), bag or sack hnom. boit; (rr) (C) angle bar; (sb) hatch bar
-corrediza (fc), sliding gate. hatch batten.
- cortafuego, firebreak, fire stop. barrotin m, batten of a hatch; hatch bar; (rr)
-de bPscula (fc), hinged and counterweighted carline; (sb) carling.
crossing gate. barya f (ffsica), barye.
- de cable (ca), cable guardrail. basa f , base, pedestal.
-de cinta (ca), traftic tape. basada j (en), launching cradle.
-de clasificacifin (ef), sorting boom. basal (V) , basal.
-de detrito (hid) (A), drift barrier. basatico, basaltic.
-de guardia (ca), guardrail. basaltiforme, basaltiforin.
- de guia (ef), sheer or fender or glancing basalto m (geol), basalt.
boom. -analcitico, analcite basalt.
- flotante, log boom. -prismltico, columnar basalt.
-guardacamino, traffic or road guard, high- J- vitreo, basalt glass, vitrobaaalt, hyalobasalt.

way guardrail. basaltoide, basaltoid, basaltiform.

-guardacruce (fc), crossing gate. basamento m, base; pedestal; (A) footing, foun-
-interceptadora (ef), catch or trap boom. dation.
-para basuras (r), drift barrier. blscula j,scale (for weighing) ; (rr) (Ec) crossing
-parahielos (r), ice screm. gate.
barrero m, clay mixer; clay pit; mudhole. -de balancin, beam scale.
barreta f, crowbar; bullpoint; small bar; (min) -de plataforrna, platform scale.
moil. -de pozo, pit scale.
- con espol5n, pinch bar. - de via, track scale.
-de pinchar (A), pinch bar. -enclavablo, dormant scale.
-de punta, bullpoint. blscula-puente m, weighbridge.
-de punta recalcada (vol) , bulge-point driv- blscula-tolva f (ag) (A), weighing batcher.
ing iron. biiscula-vagones m, car dumper.
-de soldadura (V), welding rod. bascdador m, dumper; rocker; (min) tippleman;
-de uiia, claw bar. any tipping device.
- desquiciadora (Ec), bar for loosening rock. -de caja (co), body rocker.
- pata-de-cabra, claw bar. -de carros, car dumper.
-rompedora, bit of a paving breaker, bull- bascular, to tip, tilt.
point. base f , basis; base (a11 senses); rail flange.
barretas, (M) drill steel. -compound (mh), compound rest.
barxetear, t o bar, work with a bar. -de aviacibn, air or aviation base.
barretero m, miner, drill runner in a mine; m a n -de comparacidn (lev), comparator base.
who works with a bar. -de comprobacidn (lev), check base.
barretbn m, heavy crowbar; [Col) miner's pick. -de cuchilla (motocaminera), blade base.
barrida f (ciudad), district, ward, quarter. -de bidiroaviones, air harbor, seaplane base.
barrial m, clay pit; mudhole. -de riel (fc), base of rail.
barrica f, cask, barrel. -de rodado (A), wheel base.
barricada f, barricade. -de ruedas, wheel base.
barrida f, sweeping; (di) scavenging. - de la soldadura, root of weld.
barrido m (tv) (ra) , sweep. -de tope (pet), landing base.
barriga f , bulge, belly. -naval, naval base.
barril m, barrel; measure of about 20 gal. --- negra (ca), black bwe.
- de frotacibn, tumbling barrel.
barrilada f, capacity of a barrel.
-sanitaria (ed), sanitary base.
bases del concurso, bidding conditions.
barrilete m, clamp; pawl, dog; keg. bases de licitacihn, bidding conditions, informa-
- de leva, cam clamp. tion for bidders.
barrilla f b i n ) (B),doncentrates; metallic copper basicidad f, basicity.
hixed in ore. bhsico (quirn) (geol)(met), basic.
barrio m (ciudad), district, ward, quarter; sub- basitas (geol) (A), basic rocks.
- bastards, bastard (file).
barro m, mud, clay, silt; sludge; earthonware; bastidor m, frame, bedframe; chassis; (Col) win-
adobe; (pet) slush. dow sash.
- amasado, clay puddle. - audiar (auto), subframe.
-cloaca1 (dac), sludge. - de carril (tc), crawler or track frame.
-cocido, terra cotta, burnt clay. - de puerta, door buck, doorframe.
-de barreno, drill sludge. -d e rodaje, truck frame.
- digerido (dac), digested sludge. -de rodiUos (met), stand of rolls.
-esmaltado, glazed clay or terra cotta, -de sierra para metales, hacksaw frame.
a -refractario IC), fire clay. - de ventana, window frame.
-iderior, underframe. bejuco m, rattan.
basto, rough, unfurished; coarse. be1 (el&), bel.
bastdn m, (rr) staff (block system) ; (su) proof belio rn (elbc) (A), beL
stick, sampler. benceno na, benzene.
bastrdn m, (t) spokeshave. bencidina f, benzidine.
basural sn (Ch), garbage dump. bencina f, gasoline; benzine.
basuras f, trash, rubbish, dirt, refuse; garbage; beneficiable (min) , workable.
river drift. beneflciador m, operator of a mine or smelter;
basurero rn, garbage dump. processor; cultivator.
batalla j; wheel base, distance between axles. beoeficiar, to smelt, refine; to work a mine; t o
batayota j (cn), handrail. beneficiate (ore) ; to process.
bate m (fc), tamping pick. beneficio m, smelting, ore reduction, beneficia-
batea f, trough, launder; tray, mortar tub; (V) tion; working of a mine; profit.
paved dtch; (V)paved ford; (mid batea; -de erplotacibn, operating profit.
(auto) oil pan; (A) paved gutter crossing a -de madera, lumbering.
road. -de minerales, smelting.
- de coque, coke tray (aerator). bentonita f , bentonite.
- de pilada (conc), batch box. bentodtico, bentonitic.
bateador m (fc), tamping bar, tamper. bentos (is), benthos.
bateadora f, power tamper. benzol m, ben~ol,benzene.
- unitaria, unit tamper. berbique, berbiqui sn, oarpenter's brace; RJ)
batear, to tamp (ties). crankshaft.
bateo m, tamping. -acodado, angular bitstock.
bateria f, battery (all senses). -de engranaje, angle brace.
-A (ra), A or filament battery. -de herrero o de pecho, breast or fiddle drill.
- anddica (ra), anode or plate battery. -de mairaca, ratchet brace.
-B (ra), plate or B battery. -de ribera, ship carpenter's brace.
-C (ra), grid or C battery. - para rincones, corner brace.
- compensadora (el&), floating battery; buf- -p barrenas, brace and bits.
fer battery. berdo m (qdm), beryllium.
- de acumdadores, storage battery. berlinga f, pole, round timber, spar.
-de calderas, battery of boilers. berma f (ot), berm, (rd) shoulder.
-de eamiones (M), 3eet of trucks. berroquefia f a, granite.
-de m e n t o s (ra), A or filament battery. besar, a, block and block, chockablock, two-
-de inmersidn (el&), plunge battery. blocks.
- de mazos, stamp mill. betanaftol m (qulm), beta-naphthol.
-de pantalla (ra), screen battery. betatr6n m (ra), betatron, rheotron.
-de pega (min), b h t i n g battery. betonera f (Ch), concrete mixer.
-de pisones, stamp mill. betumen m,bitumen.
- de placa (ra), B or plate or anode battery. betuminadora f (ca) (Es),bituminous distributor.
-de polarizacibn negativa (ra), bias dl. betGn m, bitumen, pitch, (C) stucco.
-de rejiua (ra), grid or C battery. -j u d a i c ~o de Judea, asphalt.
- elevadora (el&), booster battery. betunar, to coat with pitch; (C) to stuceo,
bias (ra), bias.
batey 111,ground occupied by a sugar milI and ap-
purtenances; (PR) area in front of a coun- -C o de rejilla, grid biaa, C bias.
try house. biasar (ra) (A), to bias.
batidera f, beater, m a d ; (Sp) mortar hoe. biaxil, biaxial.
batido m, (ra) beat; a hammered, wrought. bisrico (Es)(A) (V) , biaxial.
- en frio, cold-hammered. biberbn m (lab), nipple.
batidor m, beater, agitator; (A) mixer; [min) bibid na (mad), greenheart.
dolly; (met) shingler. bicable, a double-cable.
batiduras f (met), mill or hammer scale. bicarbonato m, bicarbonate.
batiente m, jamb; gate sill; lock sill; (dam) bicillndrico, (eng) double-cylinder.
apron, hearth, (dd) apron; (carp) atop bicloruro m, bichloride.
bead. -de estafio, tia or stannous chloride.
- de esclusa, miter or lock sill. - de mercurio, mercuric chloride, corrosive
batir, to beat, hammer, pound, tamp; to stir. sublimate.
batista barnizada Cais), varnished cambric. bicbncavo, biconcave, double-concave, concavo-
battimetro m, bwthometer. ooncave.
baud (tel), baud. bicbnico, biconical.
bauxita f, bauxite (aluminum ore). biconvexo, biconvex, double-oonvex.
bayoneta f, ,(mech) bayonet ; (auto) bayonet bicromato m (quim), bichromate.
gags (oil level). bicrba m (med), bicron.
bedano m,mortising chiseL bichero m,boat hook.
Beggiotoa (is), Beggiotos. bidQ, bidet m (pb), bidet.
begohmio m (el&), begohm. hidimensional, two-dimensional.
bidireccional (el6c), bidirectional.
bidbn m, steel drum; (C)drum of a hoist; a tin,
-de estaiio, tin dioxide, stalzllic oxide.
bipi6 m, bipod.
large can. bipolar, bipolar, two-pole.
biela f, (eng) connecting rod, pitman. biposte, bipost (lamp).
- motriz, connecting or main driving rod. biprima (mat), double prime (x").
-paralela o de ecoplamiento (loco), coupling biriqul nz (Ec) (AC), carpenter's brace.
or side rod. birlo ma [M), stud bolt.
bienes m,property. birrectZingu10, birectangular.
-inmuebles o ralces o aedientcs, real estate. birrefringencia f (fma) , birefringence.
- muebles, persona1 property. birrefriagente, birefringent.
-semovientes, cattle. birrotulado, two-hinged.
bienhechurfa f (C), improvements (red estate). bisagra f, hinge, butt hinge.
bifhico (el&), two-phase. - a municibn, ball-bearing hinge.
biflar (el&), two-wire, bifiIar. -acodada, offset hinge.
bifiuoruro m (quim), bifluoride. -con levante, rising hinge, skew hinge.
bifurcacidn f, junction of streams; crotch; (p) Y -de bolitas, ball-tip door butt.
branch; (rr) (C) (Sp) junction. -de fricciBn, friction hinge.
-de ramal paralelo (tub), upright Y branch. -de muelle, spring hinge.
-doble (tub), double Y branch. -de paleta o de ramal, strap or joint hinge.
-en IJ (tub), U branch. - de gasador ajo, fast-pin butt.
bifurcador m (aa), bifurcator. -de pasador suelto, loose-pin butt.
bifurcarse, t o fork, branch. -de resorte, spring hinge.
bigorneta f, small anvil; tinsmith's stake. - de superficie, flap or surface or full-surfaco
- de acandar (ch), creasing stake. hinge.
-de aririta viva (ch), hatchet stake. -de tiro ancho, wide-throw hinge.
- de costura (ch), seaming or grooving stake. -de tope, butt hinge.
-de pico, beakhorn stake. - desmontable, loosepin butt.
bigornia f , anvil. -en T, T hinge.
bigote de gato (ra) (A), cat whisker. -inerte, dead hinge.
bigotera f, (dwg) bow compass, bow dividers; -medio superficial, half-surface or half-mord
slag tap (blast furnace). tise hinge.
bigdla (ra)(A), double-grid. bisecar, to bisect.
bihilar (el&), two-wire. biseccien f, bisection.
bijkguara f, a Cuban hardwood. bisectriz f, bisector.
bilabarquin m (Ec),carpenter's horse. bisel m, a bevel, chamfer; (lbr) wane.
bilateral (el&) (mec), bilateral. -a1 hilo (mad), bevel rip.
bilis f (lab), bile. -a inglete, bevel miter.
-Iactosa, lactose bile. -de trozar (mad), bevel cutoff.
bimbalete m (M), strut; ridgepole; pump jack. biselado, beveled ; (lbr) waney.
bimetal m,bimetal. biseladora f, chamfering tool.
bimetiilico, bimctallia. biselar, to bevel, chamfer, skive.
bimBrfico (rs) , bimorph. bisilicato rn (quirn), bisilicate.
bimotor, two-motor, birnotor. bismutina f (miner), bismuthine, bismuthinite,
binario (quim)(mat), binary. bismuth glance.
binaural, binaural. bismutinita f, bismuthinite, native bismuth a d -
binocular a,binocular. phide.
biaodo nz (sa)(mat), binode. bismuto m (quim), bismuth.
binonio (mat), binomial. - blenda (miner), bismuth blende, eulytite.
i bioactivacidn f (dac), bio-sotivation. bisulfato (m) de sodio, sodium bisulphate.
bioaeracidn f (dac), bio-aeration. bisulfito m, bisulphite.
biofiltracilrn f (b),biofiltration. bisulfuro m, disulphide, bisdphide.
bioiiltro, biofilter. bita f (n&ut),cleat, bitt.
biofloculaci6n f (is), biofloo~ulation. -de'amarre, mooring bitt.
biogendtico (is), biogenetic.
bi6lisis f, biolysis.
- de remolque, towing bitt; towing post.
bitgcora f (cn), binnacle.
biolitico (dac) , biolitic. bitaduraf, turn of a rope around a, bitt.
biolbgico, biological. bite rn (A), bead (on ra board).
bioprecipitacibn f, bioprecipitation. bit6n m,bitt; double-head chock.
bioqubica f, biochemiutry. -de fondeo, riding bitt.
bioquimico, biochemical. -de remolcar, towing bitt.
biorreduccih f (dac), bioreduction. bitoque m, (MIfaucet, cock; (CA) sewer,
biosa f (ax), biose, disaccharide. bituKtico, bitulithia.
biotita f (miner), biotite, black mica. bitumastico, biturnastic.
biatrbn m (m), biotron. bitumen m. (U) (M), bitumen.
bi5xido rn (qufm), dioxide. bituzuinffero, containing bitumen.
- carb6rAc0, carbon dioxide. bitumInoao, bituminous,
bituvia 46 bow 1

bituvia f (ca), Bituvia (trademark). -conditional o facultative (fc), permissive

bivalencia f, bivalehce. blocking.
bivalente (qdm) , bivalent. -manual (fc), manual blocking.
biviario, two-lane (highway). bloquera f (Es), concrete-block machine.
bizcocho m (Col), a salmon brick. bobina f, (elec) coil; (elec) bobbin.
blanco m, gear blank; blank form; a white. -apagachispas, blowout coil.
-de antirnonio, antimony white (pigment), -captadora (ra), pickup coil.
antimony trioxide. -con nClcleo de hierro pulverizado, dust-core
-de barita (pigmento), baryta white, barium coil.
sulphate. -con temblador, vibrator coil.
- de bismuto (pigmento), bismuth white. -de acoplamiento (ra), coupling coil.
-de cinc (pigmento), zinc white. -del campo, field coil.
-de China, Chinese or zinc white. -de carga, loading coil.
-de Espa5a, whiting, Spanish white. -de cesto (ra), basket coil.
-de plomo, white lead. -de compensacibn, compensating coil.
-de yeso, whiting. -de chispas, spark coil.
blando, soft. -de choque (A) (Col), choke or impedance coiL
blandura f, softness. -de desenganche, release coil.
blanquear, t o whitewash; to bleach. -de devanado universal (A), honeycomb coil.
blanquflo m,an Argentine lumber (semihard). -de disparo, tripping coil.
blastogranitico (geol) , blastogranitic. -de encendido o de ignici6n, spark or ignition
blastoporfultico (geol), blastoporphyritic. coil.
bleck o bleque (A), a term applied t o all tar and -
de enfoque (ra) , focusing coiI.
asphalt products. -
de ensayo, exploring coil.
blenda f (miner), blende, sphalerite. -de extincibn, blowout coil.
-cadmifera, greenockite, cadmium blende. -
de inductancia, inductance coil, reactor, in-
-c6mea (MI, hornblende. ductor.
-de zinc, zinc blende. -
de mixima, overload release coiI.
-roja, ruby blende (sphalerite). -
de niicleo de hierro, iron-core coil,
blindado, armored, ironclad ; (elec) shielded. -
de oposicibn, bucking coil.
-de p a d , lattice-wound or honeycomb coil.
blindaje m, armor; (eIec) shielding; (Sp) tunnel
Lining. - de prueba, exploring coil.
-antimagn6tic0, magnetic screen or shield. - de reaccibn, choking or reactance or imped-
-cerrado (el&), interlocking armor. ance or retardation coil, reactor, kicking
-del radiador (tc), radiator guard. coil.
blondin m (Es), cableway. - de reactancia, reactance coil, inductor.
bloque rn, block. - de regeneraci6~1,feedback or tickler coil.
-amortiguador, rushion block. -de reteaci611, retaining or holding coil.
-calibrador, gage block. - de la voz (ra), voice coil.
-cornparador (lab), block comparator. - deflectora o desviadora (ra), deflecting coil.
-de barrenar, boring block. -en derivacibn, shunt coil, (inst) potential
-de batir (ch), dolly block. coil.
- --
-de casas (Plt), city block, block of houses. -excitadora, exciting coil.
-de cilindrbs, cylinder block. - exploradora, exploring or search coil, ex-
-de clavar, nailing block, wood brick. plorer. .
-de doblar (ref), bending block. -inductora, induction coil.
-de enrasiIlar (ed). furring block. -nido de abeja (ra), honeycomb coil.
-de estampar (her), swage block. - sintonizadorlt (ra), tuning coil.
-d e fallas (geol), fault block. -termica (tel), heat coil.
-de fusibles (clCc), fuse block. - tip0 canasto b(ra), basket-weave coil.
-de golpeo (pb), driving block, turnpin, tam- -vibratoria, vibrator or trembler coil.
pion. bobinado m, bobinaje m (el&), winding.
-de motor, engine block. bobinadora f, winding machine.
-de patas (fc), heel block, heel raiser. bobinar. t o wind.
-de recalcar (d),swage block. bob0 m-(PR)(V), a lumber used in building.
-de reUeno (ed), filler block. boca f, mouth, entrance; nozzle; (tun) portal;
- desabollador (ch), dolly block. (hyd) intake; (top) gap, pass, saddle; (t)
-para triscar (si), setting block. peen, nose.
-partido de enraaillar, split furring tile. - de agua, hydrant.
-portaherramienta (mh), tool block. -de aspiracibn, air inlet.
-refractario de construccibn, structural tile. -de caida (all, drop inlet,
-secciond '(fc) , block (signal). -de caIle, inlet to a storm sewer.
bloquear, to block (all senses); (M) t o chock; - de cayb6n (cn), coaling hatch.
(min) (B) to block out. -de carga, fire door of R boiler.
bloqueo m (fc)(rrt), blocking. -de cepillo, a (~narn)(V),finished with a
-absoluto o definitive (fc), absolute blocking. wooden float.
-de corttz6n (fc), toe of a frog. boj m, boxwood.
-de cornea, bellmouth. boje m, a hardwood of Cuba and Pylerto Rico.
-de desagiie, drain inlet. bola f, ball.
-rompedora, skull cracker, wrecking ball, boll
-de descarga, outlet, discharge opening.
-de entrada, intake, inlet; portal; manhole. breaker.
-de iaceadio, fire hydrant, fireplug. -y cuenca, ball and socket.
-de inspeccibn, manhole. bolas del regulador (rnv), governor balls.
-de limpieza, oleanout hole; sluiceway. bolardo m, bollard, mooring post'.
-de manbmetro, gage hatch. boleo m,boulder; deposit of boulders; (sb) cam-
-de peg, fishmouth (splice), ber, roundup.
-de pozo (pet), wellhead. boleteria f (fc), ticket office.
-de puerto, entrance t a a harbor. boletero na (fc), ticket agent.
-d e registzo, manhole, m a h e a d . boleto m, ticket.
-de do, mouth of a river. bolin m, baIl; shot.
-de safida, outlet. bolina f, sounding line; (naut) bowline.
-de tarmenta (A)(U)(Pe), inlet t o a storm- bolo m, (Ibr) (C) bole; (Ph) machete.
water sewer. dol6rnetro m (el&), bolometer.
-de visita, manhole. bol6n m, cobble, boulder; rubble stone.
-escotilla, hatchway. bolsa f, bag, sack; pocket; stock exchange:
-tip0 de hongo (aa), mushroom outlet. pocket of rich ore.
bocacalle f , street intersection. - de aire, air pocket, (eng) air lock.
bocacaz m, opening in a flume or dam. -de afacadura (vol), tamping bag.
bocal m, mouth, entrance; (top) gap; strait, nar- -de cornpensaciones ( C ) , clearinghouse.
rows (harbor) ; (~nin)pit head. -de contracciBn (met), pipe, contraction cavity.
bocallave f, keyhole; keyhole plate; (A) socket -de corteza (mad), bark pocket.
wrench. - de resina (mad), pitch pocket.
bocame jora f (min), auxiliary shaft. - de valores, stock exchange.
bocamina f, entrance to a mine. - de vilvula, valve bag.
bocana f (Col), mouth of a river. -de vapor (mgl (pet), vapor lock.
bocarte m, crusher, stamp mill; drag mill. bolsada j, pocket, cavity; pocket of rich ore.
bocartear, t o orush. bolsdn m, (geol) bolson; (min) pocket of rich ore.
bocarteo m, crushing. bolsonero (min) (B), in rich pockets.
bocateja f, &st tile in a course; hollow undcr a bomba f , pump; fire engine; bomb; (V) mudhole.
roof tile; (V) eaves. -a mano, hand pump.
bocatoma f (hid), intake. -a nafta, gasoline-driven pump.
bocazo m (vol), blowout, pop shot. - a1 vacio, vacuum pump.
bocel m,molding plane; convex molding. -a vapor, steam pump.
boceladora f, molding plane. -alimentadora, feed or boiler-feed pump.
bocelar, to form moldings. -alternativa, reciprocating pump.
bocelete m, small molding plane. -aspirante, suction pump.
boeel6n m, large molding plane; (rf)(Col) ridge -barrera, dredging or mud pump.
roll. - calorim&rica, bomb calorimeter.
'jocina f, bushing; bell end of a pipe; (auto)(ra) -centrifuga difusora, diffuser-type ccntrifugnl
horn; (C) hubcap; bellmouth; (sb) &ern pu1np.
tube; (hyd)(A) morning-glory (spillway). - centrifuga voluta, volute-type centrifugal
- d e bruma, foghorn. -DlImD.
-exponencial (el&), exponential horn. - +
colgante (exc), sinking pump.
bocina-vertedero (hid), morning-glory spillway. -- contadora, metering pump (gasoline).
bocoy m,large barrel, hogshead; (C) measure of -contra incendios, fire pump; fire engine.
about 175 gal. -chupadora, suction pump.
bochorno m, sultry weather: (rnin) (M) after- - de accibn simple, single-acting pump.
damp; chokedamp, blackdamp. -de aceleracibn (auto), accelerator pump.
bodega f, warehouse, storehouse; (naut) hold; -de aletas, vane-type rotary pump.
cellar; (Ch) boxcar. -de aletas deslizantes, sliding-vane pump.
-de herramientas, tool house. -de aspiracibn doble, double-suction pump.
-de traamo (fc), section tool house. - de aspiracih simple, single-suction pump.
bodegaje m, storage charges. warehousing. - de bdancin, beam pump.
- en hiimedo, v e t storage (battery). -de barrido (di), scavenge pump.
- en seco, dry storage (battery). - de carena, bilge pump.
bodeguero m, storekeeper. - de carrera regulabfe, variabledisplacement
bogie m (fc),truck. Pump.
- de armstre, trailing truck. - de cigueiia, crank-action pump.
-giratorio o de un solo eje, pony truck. -de cigiieiia y volante, crank-and-flynliec
- piloto, pilot truck. pump.
bogue m ( E s ) ,Boghead coal. - de cilindro corredizo (pet), traveling-cyh.
boicot, boicoteo m, boycott. der pump.
bomba boquilla

-de concreto, Pumpcrete (trademark). -inatascable, cloglem pump.

-de chorro, jet or water-jet pump. -insertada (pet), insert pump, casing pump.
-inyectora de combustible, fuel-injection
-de desplazamiento positive, positive &s-
placement purnp. pump.
- de difragma, diaphragm pump. -manual, hand pump.
-de doble efecto, double-acting pump. -medidora, memuring pump; (auto) metering
-de doble paso o de dos escalones o de dos or dispenser pump.
etapas o de dos grados, two-stage pump. -rnultigrad~al~multistage pump.
-de dosaje, measuring pump. -para pozos profundos, deep-well pump.
- de dragado, dredging pump.
-de efecto Gnico, single-acting pump.
-qufntupla, quintuplex pump.
-rarikadora ha), vacuum pump.
- de 6mbol0, piston pump. -recfproca (Pe), reciprocating pump.
-dd Bmbolo buzo o de 6mbolo macizo, plunger -recogedora (pet), pickup pump.
Pump. -reforzadora, booster pump.
-de engranaje de oreja triple, three-lobe ro- -rotativa, rotary pump.
taw pump. -rotativa de engranaje interior, internal-gear
- de estribo, stirrup pump. pump-
-de fango, mud pump. -sumergible, submersible or deep-well turbine
- de gasto variable, variabledischarge pump.
-de hgice, propeller or screw pump.
-surtidora de gasotina, service-station or gas-
-de impulso, impulse pump. oline-dispensing pump.
-de impulsor hbierto, open-impeller pump. -suspendida (exc), sinking pump.
-de impulsor cerrado, closed-impeller pump. -triple, triplex purnp.
- de impdsores opuestos, opposed-impeller bombas gemelas, duplex pump.
Pump* bombaje m, pumping.
de in& (A) (U), tire pump.
de inmersibn, submersible or deep-well tur-
bombardeo electrbnico, electron bombardment.
bornbeable, pumpable.

bine pump.
de lbbulos, lobar-type rotary pump.
de lodo, mud jack; sludge pump; dredging or
bombeado m, pumping; arching, crowning; a
arched, crowned; dished.
bornbeador m, pumpman, pumper.
mud pump; (pet) slush pump. bombear, to pump; t o crown; t o camber; bom-
- de moqero (M), plunger pump. bearse, to bulge, spring.
- de ocho ,grades, eight-stage pump. bombeo m,pumping; crowning; bulging; camber.
-de oxigeno, oxygen bomb. bombero m, pumpman; fireman.
-de paletas deslizantes, sliding-vane rotary bornbaa f, incandescent lamp; bulb.
pump. bombiUo m, small pump; (p) trap; (C) lantern
-de 'paletas scUantes, swinging-vane rotary globe; (C) incandescent lamp; ( C ) radio
Pump- 7
-de paso mIiltipIe, multiple-stage pump.
bomb6n m, pump used in sugar mills.
- de paso recto, straightway pump. bonanza f, large deposit of rich ore.
-de pique (&uto)(A),accelerator pump. bonderita f, Bonderite (rustproohg) (trade-
-de pistbn, piston pump. mark).
- de potencia, power pump (reciprocating bonderizar, to bonder& (rustproof).
bonete m (vA), bonnet.
pump driven by external power).
-de presiBn (pet), pressure bomb, bongo m, scow, flatboat.
- de resorte, spring-actuated pump. bonguero, boatman, bargeman, lighterman.
-de rodete doble, double-runner pump. bontflcacibn f , bonus; (in) (M) reclamation.
- de rosario, chain pump. b o d c a r (cont), t o credit.
-de sdvateje, salvage or wrecking pump. bonista (C), bondholder.
- de sentina, bilge pump; sump pump. bono m, (fin) bond.
de simple efecto, singleacting pump.
de succign al extremo, end-auction centrifu-
-a corto plazo, short-term bond.
- coiateral, collateral-trust bond.
gal pump. - de primera hipoteca, &st-mortgage bond.

de sucei6n lateral, sid~guctioncentrifugal - hipotecario, mortgage bond.

boquera f , head gate; sluice gate; outlet; (Sp)
-de sumidero, Bump pump. cesspool.
-de tmsiego, transfer pump. boquerel m, nozzle,
- de twbinn, turbine pump. boquerba m, large opening; (top) gap, pass.
I - de v a i v h (A), recigrocsting pump. boquete m, gap, pass; opening in a wall; (elec)(A)
- deaarenadora, sand pump. air gap.
-doble, dupbx pump. boquilla f, small opening; 'chuck,collet; socket:
-giratoria, rotary pump. bushing;nipple; nosdo; (tel) (hyd) mouth-
- impelente, force or g r e m e pump; impeller piece; (w) tip; (top) gap, pass; (mas)chink.
bnpulsora de didragma, diaphragm force
abusada (mh), spring collet, draw-in collet.
dsladora, insulating bushing.
PUP. - aspiradora, aspirating nozzle.
-de agua, needle nozzle. -de encauzamiento, levee.
--- de a d o a escuadra, squarc-ring nozzlc. -libre (hid)(cn). freeboard.
--- de anillo agudo, undercut-ring nozzlc. ---- provisional (MJ , coffcrdam.
-de Borda (hid), Borda's rnouthpiecc. bord6n m, flange of a wheel; bulb on an angle.
-de borne (elk), terminal bushing. or T.
-de brida, flanged nozzle. boreal, northern.
-de calorifero, mdiator bushing. bdrico (quirn), boric, boracic.
-de collar, ring chuck. borna (elk), sce borne.
-del electrodo (sol), electrode tip.
de engrase, oilhole.
de flujo, flow nozzle.
borne m, (elcc) terminal, binding post; a hard-
-de contacto, contact terminal.
- de forro, liner bushing. -de masa (auto), ground terminal.
-de gufa, jig bushing. borneadero rn (nbut), berth; turning basin.
-de inundacibn (na), flooding nozzle. bornear, (nnut) to swing, turn; bornearse, t c
-de manguera, hose nozzlc. warp.
-de pulverizadora, spray or airbrush ~ I O Z Z ~ Q . bornita f , bornitc, purplc copper ore.
-de quijadas convergentes (mh), collct or boro m (cluiin), boron.
draw-in or push-out chuck. borol6n m, Ilorolon (ahrnsivc) (trademark).
--- de reborde hembra (tub), outside head borra j (min), hnrrcn rock.
bushing. -de tllgodh, cotton wr-nstc; cotton linters.
-de reborde macho, inside hcad bushing. torrador m , rough draft; eraser.
-- de sujecidn (hew), chuck. -de tinta, ink erascr.
-- de tuerca fiadorn ( e l k ) , lock-nut bushing. borradura j, era.O U ~ C .
-entrante (hid), Borda's or reentrant mouth- borrar, to cimc
piece. borrasca f, :LI~ ~ulproductivcor worked-out rninc.
-fibrosa (elix) , fiber bushing. borrico m , (carp) sawhorse; donkey.
-inyectora de combustible, fuel-injection borricbn m, scaffold llorsr, large sawhorse.
nozzle. borriqglete nt, sawhorac, carpenter's horse.
-lamaarena, sandbhst nozzle. boruro m (qui:n), boridc.
-mezcladora, mixing nozzh. bosque m, forcst.
-muestreadora (vapor), sampling ILOZZIC. bosquejar, to sketch.
-para macho, tap chuck. bosquejo nz. sketch.
-para soldar (tub), soldoring bushing. bota (5) de ascensor (B), elevator boot.
-rociadora, spray nozzle. botas d e goma, rubber. boots.
-- sin cabeza, headless bushing. botada f , launcl~ing.
-sin reborde (tub), face I>ushIng botadaro m (ot), dump. - spoil
- bank.
boratera f (A) (B) (Ch), b o r a deposit. botador m, (c:up) sail set; (rc) backing4ut
borato m (qufm), borate. punch ; (sb) adbolt; tappet.
b6rax m, borax. -de vhlvula, valve tappet.
borbollar, borbotar, t o gush, boil up. botafango nt, mudguard.
borboll6n m, spring; boiling up. bctaganado 7n,cowcntchcr, locomotive pilot.
borbotso nt, gushing, bubbling, boiling ~ p . b~taguasm (cd), water table; flashing; rain shed;
b a r b o t h m, boil in sand, n spring. hood over n door; leader boot; weathering.
borda f (cn), bdwnrk; gum-ale. botaloda m ( P I { ) , inudguard.
b o d e m,edge; diko, Ievce. botaldn m, derricl. boom; (V) stnkc.
- de ataque, upstrcam or leading or entering -de pala, shovcl boom.
edge. -para cable de arrastre, dragline boom.
-de desviaci6n (irr), border cl~eck. botdonear (V),t o stake out.
- de encauzamiento, lcvce. botar, to dump; (GSC) t o waste; to launch; (re)
- de entrada, leatliug edge. to back out.
-de obturacibn, masking edgc. -al agua, t o launch.
-de retacadura, calking edge. botarel m,buttress, countei-fort.
- de salida, dowvnstrea~nor trailing or leaving botavaca ?n (PIU, (loco) pilot, cowcatclrer.
edge. botavara f, Doom, gaff; boat li0.01~;wagon pole.
- de solapa (cn), sight edge. botazo m (cn), fender, rubhing strip.
-de la soldadura, toe of wclc. bote m, boat; contdner; (M) buckct, skip; (shj
-laminndo, rolhxl edge (stccl plate). (M) dippcr.
-recortado, shearcd edgc (stecl platc). - de draga (M), dragline bucket.
bordesdora I,tube cspnndcr, bctrdiug tool, (bo) -de hta, tin container.
flue 1.01ler; (irr) ridgcr. -de paso, ferryboat.
- de discos (in.), disk ridgcr. -de valva de almeja (M), clamshell bucket,
bordear, to flango; to edga. -salvavidas, lifehat.
bordiUo m, curb, shonldcl-. -volador, flying boat.
- de labio (ca), lip curb. bote-sif6n, siphon can.
bordo pn, dike; edge; side pf a ship. bo tella f, bottle.
- de contencibn. levee, Bike. -aspiradoro (lab), tw$rator bottb.
botella brazos
-cuentagotas (lab), dropping bottle. -c6nica, nun buoy.
-de amarre o de anclaje, mooring buoy.
-de lavar (lab), wash bottle.
-de presi6n (lab), pressure bottle. -de asta, spar buoy.
-de sondeo, sounding bottle. -de campana, bell buoy.
-para filtrar, filter flask. -de cuarentena, quarantine buoy.
botero m, boatman. -de doble cono, nun buoy.
boterola f, dolly; rivet set or snap. -de espia, warping buoy.
botiquin m, medicine chest. -de gongo, gong buoy.
-de emergencia, first-aid-kit. -de medio canalize, mid-channel buoy.
-de urgencia, first-aid kit; first-aid station. -de palo o de pGrtiga, spar buoy.
boto, blunt. -de pito o de silbato o de sirena, whistling
b o t h m, button; doorknob; crankpin; (chem) buov.
bead; (lbr) knot; (M) snap team of mules -de tambor, can buoy.
or bulls; (mech) (C) boss. -luminosa, gas buoy, light buoy.
-del alumbrado (auto), light button. -sonora, bell buoy.
-de arranque, (auto) starter pedal; (elec) boya-far01 gas or lighted buoy.
starting button. boya-toneI, can buoy.
-de avance transversal (mh), cross-feed knob. boyante, buoyant.
-de bocina (auto), horn button. boyar, to buoy; to float.
-de la calefacci6n (auto), heater button. bracero m, laborer, workman.
- del cebador (auto), choke button. braga I, sling; spreader for hoisting.
- de contacto, push button; contact button. bramante (m) aislador, insulating twine.
-de embrague (mh), clutch knob. bramil m, chalk line; a line marked with chalk.
-del estrangulador de aire (auto), choke but- branca f (Col), pier, pil~ster.
ton. brancal m, frame of a wagon; (PR) wagon shaft.
-de manubrio, (eng) crankpin. brandaI m, backstay, tieback.
-de pestillo o de puerta, doorknob. branque m (cn), stem.
-de presih, push button. brasero m,brazier, fire pot, salamander.
-de la puesta en marcha (auto) (A), starter -de gasolina, plumber's torch.
button or pedal. braunita f, braunite (ore of manganese).
-de sintonizaci6n (ra), tuning knob. braza f (nhut), fathom.
-de tope (cv), button stop. brazada f (Col) (V), fathom.
-de trlfico (ca), traffic-marking button. -de piedra (M), a cubic measure used in sell-
-- partido (el&), split knob (insulator). ing building stone.
-pulsador, push button. brazaje m, depth of water.
-reflector (ca), reflecting button. brazal m, irrigation ditch.
-y tubo (elbc), knob and tube (work). brazo m, arm; leg of an angle; branch of a tree;
botones de herramentero, toolmakers' buttons. branch of a dream: mast arm.
botonera f , panel of push buttons. -, a, by hand.
bournonita f, bournonite, wheel ore. -de sdrizamiento (an), righting levcr or arm.
b6veda f. vault; arch; (geol) dome, cupola; (A) -de ataque (pl)(M), dipper stick.
crown of a road. -del cigiieiial, (eng) crank arm.
- corrida, barrel arch or vault. -de compls, leg of a compass.
-de aligerarniento, relieving arch. -del cuchardn (plL, dipper stick.
-de aristas, groined arch, cross vault. -de direccidn (auto), steering arm.
-de. centro pleno, semicircular arch. -del Bmbolo, piston rod.
-de cryceria, groin vault. -de gobierno (auto), control arm.
-de descarga, relieving arch. -de grGa, (crane) boom, jib; (de) stiffleg.
-del fog6n (enl), fire arch. -del muiidn de direcciBn (auto), steering-
-del hogar, fire arch. knuckle arm.
-- de medio cafidn, barrel arch; semicircular -- de palanca, lever arm, leverage.
arch. -de pared, well bmcket.
-de medio punto, semicircular arch. -de romana, beam of a scale.
-de panderete (Es), timbrel or Guastavinoarch. -de ruptura (auto), breaker arm.
-de segmento, segmental arch. -montador (tdn), erector arm.
-en cafidn, barrel arch or vault. -oscilante, rocker arm; (pet) swing arm.
-escarzana, segmental arch. -para Empara, lamp bracket.
-- esf&rica,dome. -para xetenida (poste), guy arm.
-rebajada, flat arch, -polar, pole arm (planimeter).
-- tabicada (Col), arch of brick laid on the flat. -rastrillador (is), raking arm.
bovedilla f, arch between ateel floor beams; -rigido, (de) stiffleg.
closed body of a truck; (sb) poop, stern -trazador, tracer arm (planimeter).
overhang, counter, fantaiI. -- volado (pte), cantilever arm.
boveddn m (Pa), clmnbcr in n mine. brazos, labor (men).
boya f, buoy ; float. -de cuchar6n a horcajadas (pl), straddletype
-cilinddca, can buoy. dipper sticks.
brazola 51 broca
brazola f, coaming; curb. -de tractores, fleet of tractors.
-de escotilla, hatch coarning. -del trlnsito (lev), transit party.
- de registro, manhole coaming. -sanitaria, sanitary squad.
brea f, pitch, tar, brea, petroleum asphalt. -topogrlfica (A), survey party.
-de alquitrh (M), coal-tar pitch. brillante, bright (wire) ; glossy (finish).
- de c a r b h o de hulla, cod tar. brillantez f (il), brilliance, luminosity, subjective
- de hulla residual, coal-tar pitch. brightness.
- de primera destilacib, straight-run pitch. brUo m, (miner) luster; (ill brightness; gIoss;
-de tierra, earth pitch. (ra) glow.
-mineral, asphalt, mineral pitch; maltha, -anacarado, pearly luster.
mineral tar. -ceroso, waxy luater.
brear, t o coat with pitch. -craso, greasy luster.
breccia f (geol), breccia. -de betiin, pitchy luster.
brecha f, a breach, opening, crevmse; (geol) -grasiento o mantecoso, greasy luster.
breccia. - grasoso (B), greasy luster.
-de dislocacidn (A), crush or friction or f a d t -mate, dull luster.
breccia. -nacarado, pearly luster.
-de fallas o de friccibn o de trituracibn, fault -resinoso, resinous luster.
or crush or friction breccia. -sedoso, silky luster.
-de talud, talus breccia. -subjetivo (il), subjective brightness, lumi-
brechacidn f (geol), brecciation. nosity, brilliance.
brechiforme, brecciated. - terroso, earthy luster.
brechero m (ec)(MI, trailbuilder. -vltreo, vitreous luster.
brechoide (B), brecciated. brinco (m) hidrlulico, hydraulic jump.
brechoso, brecciated. briqueta f, briquet.
breque m, brake; (Pe) baggage car. briquetar, briquetear, t o briquet.
brequero m (Col), brakeman. briqueteadora f, briqueting press; briquet mold.
brete rn (fc) (A), cattle pass, cattle ramp. brisa f , breeze, light wind.
briaga f, sling; (Col) hoisting rope. - el6ctrica, electric wind.
brida f , (p) flange; clamp; splice plate; bridle -ligera, light or gentle wind.
(cable) ; bridle (harness) ; (rr) splice bar; -moderada, moderate or fresh wind.
(mt) dog. brisera f (C) (PR), windshield.
-angular (fc), angle bar. brisero (Col) , windshield.
-ciega (tub), blind flange; blank flange. brisote m, strong wind.
-corrediza (tub), slip-on flange. brfstol ma (dib), Bristol board.
- curva (tub), saddle or tank or boiler flange. brizna f, splinter, chip.
-de acopIamiento, companion flange; coupling broca f , drill, drill bit; (A) driftpin.
flange. -buriladora, router bit.
- de arrastre (mh), clamp dog. -centradora, center bit or drill.
-de collar (tub), neck or collar flange. -de acanalado doble, double-flute drill.
-de copa (tub), hat flange. -de acanaiado recto, straight-flute drill.
-de deslizamiento (V), slip-on flange. - de acanalado simple, single-flute drill.
- de enchufe (tub), socket flange. - de acanaladura triple, three-fluted drill.
-de junta montada (tub), Van Stone or -de alambre, wire drill.
lapped-joint flanga. -de degrar, rca ner.
-de obtnracidn (tub), blind flange. - do avellanar, ( ountersinking bit.
- de orilicio (tub), orifice flange.
-de piso (pb), waste nut, floor flange.
-de barrena, drill bit.
-de canal de aceite, oil-tube drill.
grapa (A), lathe dog.
lisa (tub) (M), blank flange.
-de canaleta recta, pod bit.
-de cuchara, pod drill, spoon or pod bit
-loca, loosc flange. -de diamantes, diamond bit.
- para artefact0 (pb), fixture flange. -de doble corte, dual-cut drill.
-para martillar (tub), peening flange. - de espiga ahusada, taper-shank drill.
-para plato (torno), chuck plate. -de espiga recta, straight-shank drill.
- postiza (C), loose flange. -de manguito, shell drill.
-reductora, reducing flange. - de paso cotto, high-spiral or high-helix
-roscada, screwed flange. drill.
- soldada, welded fiange. -de trinquete, ratchet drilI-
-desmontable, detachable bit.
-tapadera (tub), blind flange.
-tap6n (tub), barrel flange. -destorniIladora, screwdriver bit.
bridas gemelas o de unibn, flange union, corn- -espiral o helicoidal, twist drill.
panion flames. -estrellada, star bit,
bridar, t o flange. -pasadora (eat), driftpin.
brigada f,party, squad, gang; (tk) fleet. -piloto, pilot bit.
-de campo, field forces or party. -postiza o recambiable, detachable bit,
-de dibujantes, squad of draftsmen. -salombnica, twist drill.
brocal m, rim; mouth of s shaft; curb around -de artesa, trough compass.
shaft; (M) sidewalk curb; bin) couar; -de azimut, azimuth or amplitude compass.
(exc) pit boards, well curb. -de bolsiIlo, pocket compass.
brocantita f (miner), brochantite (copper d- -de declinacibn, declination compass.
phate). de ge610g0, geologist's compass.
brocha f, brush. de inclinacibn, dipping compass, dip needle.
- de dambre, wire brush. de induccibn, induction or earth-inductor
-de blanquear, whitewash brush. compass.
- para pintura, paintbrush. -de minero, mine dial, mining compass.
--. para ventanas, sash tool, fitch. - de nonio, vernier compass.
bro&&a f, brush stroke; brush coat. -de reflexicn, prismatic compass.
bro&al m, header beam. -de selvicultura, forester's compass.
brochar, t o brush. -de senos, sine galvanometer.
broche m, hasp. - de tangentes, tangent galvanometer.
broches para correa ( C )(A), belt hooks or lacing. -de topbgrafo (M), surveyor's compass.
brochbn, whitewash brush. -girascbpica, gyrocompass, directional gyro.
broma f , teredo, shipworm. - goniom6tricaYradio compass.
bromado, worm-eaten. -maritima, mariner's compass.
bromato m (qulm), bromate. -miners, mining compass.
bromhidrato m, hydrobromide, hydrobromate. -repetidora, repeater compass.
bromhidrico, hydrobromic. -suspendida (min), hanging compass.
br6mic0, bromic. bruiiidor m, burnisher.
bromito m (puim) , bromite. brufir, to burnish, polish.
bromo m (quim), bromine. brusca f (cn), camber, roundup.
bromofenol m (is), bromophend. brusco, sharp (curve or grade).
bromuro m, bromide. bruto, gross; crude.
-metilico, methyl bromide. bruza f, coarse brush.
bronce m, bronze; brass; (min) iron pyrites. bucear, t o dive.
-al estafio, tin bronze. buceo m,diving, submarine work.
-al estaiio-plomo, leaded tin bronze. bucharda f (mam), bushhammer; crandall.
-amariIIo, brass. buchardar, to bushhammer.
-antiiicido, acid bronze. bufarse, to swell, heave.
-crornado, chromium bronte. buhardilla f, garret; (A) skylight.
-de alto plomo, high-lead bronze. buja f (tub) (maq) (MI, bushing.
-de aluminio, aluminum bronze. bujarda f (mam), bushhammer.
-de campanas, bell metal, hard bronze. buje m,bushing, sleeve.
-de cailcn, gun metal. -a1 ras (tub), flush bushing.
-de carbdn (min), coal brass or blende. -de ballesta (auto), spring bushing.
-de niquebestaiio, nickel-tin bronze. ---- de contratuerca (elk), lock-nut buslhg.
- duro, hard bronze, hard or bell metal. -de reborde (tub), shoulder bushing.
- fosforado, phosphor bronze. -de reducci6n (tub), bushing.
-hidr&ulico, hydraulic bronze. - de tubo-conduct0 (olCc), conduit bushing.
-manganGsico, manganese bronze. -maestro, master bushing.
- silicado, silicon bronze. -para manguera, hose bushing.
- Tobin, Tobin bronze. - para soldar (tub), soldering or melding bush-
bronces (fc), car byasses. ing. '
bronceado, brass-plated, bronzed. -partido, split bushing.
bronceria f, bronze work, brasswork; bronze or bujia f, spark plug; candle; candle power.
brass shop. -caliente, hot spark plug.
- de obra, s t r ~ ~ c t u rbronze
al work. -de encendido o de inflamacitm, spark plug.
broncero m, broncista m, bmssworker, bronze- - decimal (il), decimal candle.
smith. - el6ctrica, electric or Jablochkoff candle.
brookita f, brookite (titanium ore). -esf6rica (il), spherical candle power.
broqueles m (tdn) (Es), poling bowds. -fria, cold spark plug.
broquero m (mh) (M),bit dresser. - Hefner (il), Hefner candle.
brotadero m, spring (water). - hemisferica (il), hemispherical candle power.
btotar, t o crop out; t o emerge (ground water). -hora, candle-hour.
brotazbn m, an outcrop.
brote m (C), outcrop;
- internacional, international or British stand-
ard candle.
- de filtracih, seepage outcrop. -lurainosa o luminica, candle power.
broza f , brushwood; (Ch)mine waste; (Pe)(B) - mdtrica, moter-candle.
poor ore. -normal o patrhn, standard candle.
brucita f, brucite, native magnesium hydroxide. -plomada (tdn) , plumb candle.
brlijula f, compass, magnetic needle. bujk-pie, foot-candle.
- de agrirnensor, surveyor's compass, circum- bulhrcama f (en),rider.
ferentor. bulbo m, (A) bulb (lamp); (ra) (M)tube.
-a1 vado (M), vacuum tube. buscapolos m (el&), pole finder.
-de amplidcacidn (ra) (M) , amplifier. buscatubo m, pipe finder.
-de fuerza (ra) (M) , power tube. busco tn (hid), gate or lork or miter sill; toe wall.
-de presitin (rns), bulb of pressure. butano m,butane.
-eIectrbnico (M), eIectron tube. buterola i,dolly, rivet set.
-fotoeldctrico (A), phototubc, pliotoclectric buzamiento m, (geol) dip; (min) pitch.
tube. -arriba, updip.
-indicador de sintonia (ra) (M) , tuning indi- buzar (geol), t o dip.
cator tube. buzarda f (en), brcasthook.
-mezclador (ra) (M), mixer tube. buzo na, diver; plunger.
buldn m, bolt, (A) machine bolt. buzOn m, bin, bunker;letter box; (B) chute; (Pe)
-comtin, machine bolt. manhole.
-de ajuste (est), fitting-up bolt. -de compensaciSn (ag), surge hopper.
-de anclaje, anchor bolt. -de inspeccidn (al) (Pe), manhole.
-de arado, p b w bolt. -de metralla, scrap bin.
-de cabeza de hongo y cuello cuadrado, cnr- -para carbbn, coal bunker, coalbin.
riage bolt. buzones cargadores (conc), mixcr bins.
-de cabeza perdida, countersunk b d t ; flat- binonera f, (M) drain.
head stove bolt.
-de cabeza ranurada, stove bolt.
-de carroceria (A), carriage bolt.
-de eclisa (fc), track bolt. cabalgadura, pack animal.
-del Bmbolo, (cng) piston y h . cabalgar, to lttp over, ,*
-de fijacibn (A), stud bolt, setscrcm; clamp cabaliaje m (C), liorscpower.
bolt. caballeria f, a land measure about 33% acres in
-de grillote, shackle bolt. Cuba, 100 acres in Mexico, 194 acres in
-de montaje (cst), erection bolt. Puerto ltiso, about 111 acres in Central
-de ojo, eyebolt. 12inerica; saddle lmrse.
-de pistbn, (eng) piston pin. caballeriza f, stablc.
-de via (fc), track bolt. caballero m (ot), spoil bank.
-nervado (est), rib bolt. caballete m, trostle bcnt, A frame; horsehead;
-ordinario, machine bolt. (M) gantry; (A) truss; sawhorse; ridge of
-para cangilones, elevator bolt. a roof, ridgepole, ridge roll; (va) yoke;
-para peldaiios, stcp bolt. (mcch) saddle; (ca) ridge, s m d l dike; (rd)
-torneado, turned bolt. windrow.
-zurdo, bolt with left-lmnd thread. -A, A fralnc.
bidonado m, bolting, fitting up. -de 10s aguilones (cn), boom crutch.
buIonar, to bolt. -de andarnio, scaffold horse.
bullir, t o boil. -de aserrar, sawliorse.
buque m, boat, vcsscl; (CA) doorframe. -de cablevia, cnbleway towcr.
-carguero, cargo boat, freigliter. -de extraccibn (min), Ilcadframe.
-cisterna, tanker. -- de maniobra, (rr) switch stand; floor stand
-costanero o de cabotaje, oonsting vcsscl. (gate).
-fanal o faro, lightship. -de miiltiples tramos, multiple-story bent.
- frigorifico, refrigerator ship. -de piIotes, pile bent.
-petroleso, oil tanker. -en H, 13 frame.
burbuja f, blister; bubble. --- en marco, frzmcd bent.
burda f, backstay, tieback. -oscilante, rocker bcnt.
burel ?la, marlinespikc, fid. -portapoleas (pet), crow11 block.
bureta f (lab), buret. caballo m, hot-sc; horsepower; sawhorse; wood
buril m, slnall chisel, graver. roof truss.
burilada f, chisel cut. -de carga, pack horse.
buriladora f, graver; router. -de fuerza o de vapor, horsepower.
burilar, t o chisel, carve. -de fuerza a1 freno, brake liorsepower.
burlete m, weather strip; (p) joint runner, gasket. -de montar, saddle horse.
burnetizar (mad) (M) , to burnettize. - de tiro, draft horse.
burro m, sawhorse; trestle bent; (min) windlass; -el6ctric0, electric horsepower.
donkey; (sb) vang; (PR) stepladder; (C) -metrico, metric horsepower.
cheek plate. caballo-hora, horsepower-hour.
buscacloaca m, sewer-pipe locator. cabaIlos
buscador m, (inst) finder; (ra)(A) cat whisker. -a1 eje, shaft horsepower.
- de fajas (frna), strip finder. -de establecimiento (Es), installed horse-
- de visibn directa (fma), dircct-vision view power.
findcr. -de regimen (mot), horsepower rating.
buscafdlas na (clhc), fault localiaer, fauitfindcr. caball611 m, dike, levee.
buscahuella m (auto), spotlight. -desviador (ca) , water bar.
cabecear 54 cable
cabecear, t o rock; to pitch (ship); (M)to cap; cabezada f, bridle, halter; (C)headwaters; (top)
(lbr) (M) t o end-match. highest part of a region; bin) header
cabeceo m, (naut) pitching; (M) stone revet- beam; (naut) pitching.
ment. ca'bezal m, cap, header, lintel; bridle; header
cabecera f, headwall; intake; capital city. brick; (mt) headstock.
cabeceras f (Col) , headwaters. - alzador (gato) , lifting head.
cabecero m, header beam; cap, lintel; head -de balancin (pet), beamhead.
block; (mas) header, bondstone; yoke of a -de caj6n (cal) , box header.
window frame. -de cerco (cal), ring header.
-de caballete, cap of a trestle bent. -de conduct0 de servicio (el&), service head.
-de esclusa, lock head. -de conexidn mGltiple (tub), branch T.
-de pilotes, pile cap. -de control (pet), control head.
-de pozo (al), manhole head. -de choque (fc), bumper, bumping post or
-de puerta, doorhead. lintel. block.
cabecua f (elk) (U), binding post, terminal; m -de entrada (az), inlet head.
(F),foreman. -de entubamiento (pet), casing head.
cabellera f (frna), coma. -de nivelacidn (inst), leveling head.
cabestrillo m (carp), strap, diagonal tie. -de pozo, wellhead, (pet) casing head.
cabeza f, head (rivet, bolt, nail); hcad of water; -de pozo con prensaestopa (pet), bradenhead.
head of horses; (gi) ffange; addendum -de seguridad (pet), safety head.
(gear). -de sujecidn (mh), workhead.
-aveIlanada (re), countersunk head. -de taladrar (mh), boring or drilling head.
-caliente (met), sinkhead, hot top, fccd- -de torno (mh), lathe head, headstock.
head. -de tuberfa de revestimiento (pet), casing
-cilindrica ranurada, fillister head (screw). head.
-, de, on end. -de tubo de produccibn (pet), tubing head.
-de la biela, (cng) big end. -de tubos, (p) branch T; (bo) tube header;
-de botBn alto (re), acorn head, high button- (C) tube sheet.
head. -divisor (mh), dividing or index head.
-de cementacihn (pet), cementing head. -fijo (mh), headstock.
-de circulacidn (pet), circulating head. -giratorio (mh) , toolhead.
-de gmbolo, pistonhead. -mezclador (sol), mixing head.
- de empaque (pet), stuffing box. -m6vil (mh), tailstock, poppethead.
-de esclusa (hid), lock head. -obturador (pet), packing head.
-de la fCbrica (re), manufactured head. -para barrenar (mh), drilling head.
-del filtro (az),filterhead. -para tuberla de perforacidn (pet), drilling
-de golpear (pet), driving h e a d head.
-de hervidores (tau (A), header. -portacuchillas (as), adz or cutter block, cut-
-de hincado (pet), drivehead, driving cap. ter cylinder.
-de hongo, mushroom head (column) ;button- -portatronco (as), head block.
head (rivet or bolt). -transferente (as), transfer block.
- de mina, entrance t o a mine. cabezales (az), mill cheeks, housing.
-de negro (M), niggerhead, boulder. cabezo m, submerged rock, reef.
-de perforaciirn (pet), drilling head. cabezbn m, boulder, niggerhead; (Col) eddy,
I -del pilote, butt of a pile. whirlpool.
-de pozo (pet), wellhead; casing head. cabezorro m, boIt with large head.
-de remache, rivcthead. cabezote m, rubble or one-man stone, (conc)
-de seta (re), buttonhead. plum.
-de sonda (pet), driIling head. cabida f, contents; capacity, space.
-del timdn (cn), rudderhead. cabilla f, steel bar, dowel, driftbolt, treenail;
-- de tornillo, screwbead. (naut) belaying pin; pintle; (conc) rein-
-de tuberfa (pet), tubing head. forcing bar.
-de vcilvula (A), valve bonnet, -de reparticibn (ref) (M), distributing bar.
1i -embutida (re), countersunk head.
--- enca jadora (pet) (M), drivehead.
-de tensiBn (ca), tension dowel.
-estriada (ref) (V), deformed bar.
-fijadora (tornillo) (A), fillister head. u,
- U bolt.
-fuera da la cuerda (en), chordal addendum. cabilI6n m, ladder rung.
I -fungiforme, mushroom head (c5Iumn). cabina f, elevator car; (tk)(sh) cab; cabin of an
I -inferior, (gi) bottom flange. airplane.
-m a r t i ~ l a d(re),
~ driven head, cabio m, joist; trimmer beam; lintel; rafter.
--- para Nave, wrench head (bolt). cabfo m, lintel; rail of a door.
-perdida (re), countersunk head. cable m,cable, rope, line; (elcc) cable.
-superior, (gi) top flange. -acorazado (elkc), armored cable.
-trasera (perforadma), back head. -agitador (pet), jerk line.
- (Para otros tipos do cabeza vBase remachc y -- alimentador (el&), feed cable.
perno.) -antigiratorio, nonspinning wire rope.
cable 55
-armado, armored cable; multiple-conductor -do retencibn, guy cable; (bu) holding line.
cable. -de retroceso, (sh) backhaul rope; (Ig) haul-
-arrollado con encaje, (wr)locked-coil cable. back, receding line.
-atesador, tightening or take-up line. -de las tenazas (pet), tong line.
-blindado, armored cable. -de torcido conc6ntrico (elkc), concentric-lay
-c a r d (cv), track cable. cable.
-cerrado (Es) , locked-coil cable. -de traccibn, (wr) haulage cable; (cy) hauling
-cinta, flat wire rope. or endless line; (ce) dragline.
-conc6ntrico (eKc), concentric-lay cable. - de traslaciijn, (cy) hauling or endless line;
-corredor, running rope. (lg) straw or grass line.
-de abacl, Manila rope. -de vfa (cv), track or main cable.
-de aceite (el&), oil-filled cable. - de volteo (cuch), dumping line.
-de acercamiento (cv), inhaul cable. -, de un solo, (bu) singleline.
-de acero, wire rope or cable. -grtia (Es), cableway.
-de achique (pet), swabbirtg line. - guardacarretera, highway guard cable.
-de alambre, wire rope. -Manila, Manila rope.
-de alambres ajustados, (wr) locked-wire -mensajero, carrying or messenger or load
cable. cabb.
-de alambres pareados (el&), paired or non- -met5lico de alma fibrosa, fiber-core wirerope.
quadded cable. -muerto, standing rope; (pet) dead line.
- de alejamiento, (cy) outhad cabIe; (10 -para encarrilamiento (fc) , wrecking rope.
haulback. -para intemperie (el&), weatherproof cable.
- de algodbn, cotton rope. -para maniobras (fc), switching rope.
--- de almas miiltiples, multiple-core cable. -para vientos, guy cable.
-de alzar, hoisting line. -
portador, (cy) main or load cable; suspension
-de aproximacibn (cv), inhaul cable. cable.
-de arrastre, dragline, hauling cable. -preformado, preformed wire rope.
-de arrollado liso, (wr) smooth-coil cable. -protegido (elEc), shielded cable.
de avance (pl), crowd line.
de botones (cv), button line.
-rastrero, hauling cable.
-rosario (cv)(A), button line.
- de cadena, chain cable.
-de ciifiamo, Manila or hemp rope.
soltador (cuch), tripping line.
-suspendedor (pte) , suspender cable.
-de carga, load or carryihg cable. -sustentador, carrying or load cable.
-de cierre (cuch), closing or digging line. -
telefgrico, aerial tramway.
- de cola, tag line. -tractor o sin fin (cv), hauling or endless h e .
-de compensaciBn, take-up line. -transbordador, cableway.
-de conductor mGltiple (elec), multiple-con- -
trenzado (el&), stranded or braided cable.
vaciador (cuch), dumping line.
ductor cable.
de conductores de sector (el&), sector cable.
de conductores encerrados (elkc), shielded-
cableado m (cab), lay.
- corriente, regular lay.
conductor cable. --- cruzado, (cab) regular lay; pUin lay (rope).
- de conductores gemeios (elk), twin wire. - paralelo, Iang lay.
- de conductores separados (elkc), split-con- cablear (cab), t o twist, to lay.
ductor cable. cablecarril m, cableway; aerial tramway.
- de cordones planos, flattened-strand wire -coqedizo, traveling cableway.
rope. -giratorio, radial cableway.
-de corrida, running rope. cablero m (M), rigger.
- de la cuchara (pet), bailing line. cablerriel m (cv), track cable.
- de descarga (cuch), dumping or trip line. cablevia m,cableway; aerial tramway.
-de elevacib, hoisting or fall or load line. - de arrastre (ef) , cableway skidder.
-de empuje (pl), crowd line. --- de cable templado, Tautline cableway
- de espira cerrada, (wr), locked-coil cable. (trademark).
- de extraccih, cable on a mine hoist. - Aojo, slackline cableway.
-de gas (elkc), gas-filled cable. -radial, radial cableway.
- de giro (gr), sluing line.
-de henequgn, sisal rope,
-trasladable, traveling cableway.
cabo m, rope, strand; foreman; handle; cape; end
-de izar, faII or hoisting or load line. -ciego (A), cap nut.
- de labor, running rope. -de cuadrilla, straw boss, assistant foreman.
- de ladeo (t~nj (nlut), bull line. de hacha, ax handle,
- de levante (M), hoisting line. -de labor, running rope.
- de mando, operating cable. -de mecha (A), shank of a drill.
- de nudos (cv), button line. -de pico, pick handle.
- de recorrido (cv) (A), hauling or endless linc. -de pistola, pistol grip.
- de r e f e n a d e n t o , snubbing line. -de retenida, guy cable; guy strand.
- de remolque, hawser, towing line, towline;
(typo of wire rope) hawser, mooring line.
-guardacamino (ca), guardrail strand.
-ManiIa, Manila rope.
cab0 56 cdda
-mensajero, suspension or messenger strand. -de adujadas, coil chain.
-muerto, standing rope, guy cable. -de agrimensor, surveyor's chain (66 feet).
-para vientos, guy strand. -de aisladores (elkc), chain insulator, insula-
cabotaje m, pilotage; coastwise shipping, cabo- tor string.
tage. -de ajuste, toggle chain, (lg) bunk chain.
cabrestante m, winch, crab, capstan; A frame, -de amarrar, mooring chain.
breast or house derrick. -de cable o de contretes, cable or stud-link
-corredizo (hid), traveling gate hoist. chain.
-de cadena, chain block. -de distribucibn (auto), timing chain.
-manual, hand-power winch. -de dragado, dredge chain.
-para remolcar, towing winch. - de empuje (pl), crowding chain.
cabrestantero m (pet), winch-head man, cathead -de engranaje, pitch chain.
man. - de escalera, ladder chain.
cabria f, winch, capstan, windlass, crab; crane, - de edabdn con travesafio, stud-link chain.
derrick; A frame, gallows frame, house -de eslabBn torcido, twist-link chain.
derrick; (lg) jammer; oil derrick. -de eslabones cortos, close-link chain.
-chinesca, differential windlass. -de eslabones planos, flat-link chain.
-de aguilbn, jib crane. -de fondeo, mooring chain.
-de manivela, crank windlass. -de Gall, Gall's chain.
-de martinete, pileariver leads. -de Gunter, Gunter's or surveyor's chain.
-de pies rigidos, stmeg derrick. -de herramientas (pet), string of tools.
-de tres patas, shear legs, tripod demck. -de mando, transmission or driving chain.
-de vientos, guy derrick. ---- de medir, surveyor's or Gunter's chain; engi-
-izadora de compuerta (hid), gate hoist. neer's chain.
-remolcadora (tc), towing winch. -de montafias, mountain range.
-transportadora de troncos, logging arch. -de oruga, crawler belt.
cabriada f (A), truss; pile-driver leads. -de paso corto, short-pitch chain (flat link).
cabrial m, rafter. -de paso largo, long-pitch chain.
cabma f, sawhorse, sawbuck; trestle horse. -de produccibn, assembly or production h e .
cabrio m, joist; rafter. - de rocas, reef, ridge of rock.
cabribn m, chock. -de rodillos, roller chain.
cabGs m (fc)(M), caboope. -de seiiales (cn),telegraph chain.
cabuya f, sisal or hemp rope. - de transmisib, chain belt, driving chain.
cabuyP m, an Argentine hardwood. -de troncos, log boom.
cabuyeria f, rigging, outfit of ropes or cables; - enroscadora (pet), spinning chain.
ship chandlery. - lubricadora, oiling chain.
cabuyero m, ship chandler. -motora, driving chain.
cacarafia j', pitting (rust). -para hojas de ventana, sash chain.
cacaraiiado, pitted. - para ingenieros (lev), engineer's chain (100
cacera f, channel, canal, irrigation ditch. feet).
cacerola f (lab), casserole. -para neum8tic0, tire chain.
cachacera f (az), mud tank, blowup. - rotatoria, roller chain.
cachar (mad), to split; to rip. - silenciosa, silent chain.
cachaza f (az), scum, froth, foam, mud. -sin soldar, weldless chain.
cacheta f (ft), ward of s lock. - sorda, silent chain.
cacheta m, splice plate, scab, hhplate; jaw or - transportadora, chain conveyor.
cheek plate. cadenas de cola (ef),tag chains.
cachimba f, (A) shallow well, spring; (M) miner's cadenada j (lev), length of one chain.
lamp; (Pe) house connection t o a sewer. cadenear (lev), to chain.
cachimbo na, (V) nozale; (V) inlet. cadeneo m, chaining.
cachizo (mad), fit to be sawed. cadenero m, chainman.
cachorro, cachorrero rn (vou (A) (Ch),very light
- delantero, head chainman.
-basero, rear chainman.
cachucho m (Ch), bucket; coil pan in nitrate - zaguero (A), rear chainman.
plant. cadenetas f {Ch), bridging between joiats.
cachuela f (Pe). rapids of a river. cadenilla U)de tiro (el&), pull chain.
cadahalso m, shed. cadmiado, cadmium-plated.
cadalso m, scaiTold, staging. cadmio m, cadmium.
cadena f, chain; log boom; (cons) tie, brace, rein- caedizo m, lean-to; a unstable, ready to fall; de-
forcement, buttress. ciduous (tree).
-afianzada, stud-link chain. caer, caerse, to fall, drop; @fail.
-antiderrapante (M), tire chain, cagafierro m, dag, scoria.
- antideslizante, tire chain. caico na (C), reef, shoal.
-articdada, block chain; pitch or pintle chain. caida f , fdI, drop; (hyd) head; (geol) dip; (str)
- comprobada, proof coil chain. failure; (rnin) slip, fall of rock; (bldg) roof
- con juntas de pasador, pin-connected chain. leader.
cdda caja

-bmta (hid), gross he&
de arua. waterfall.
-de distribuci~in,(se) valve chest; (elec) dis-
tribution or junction box,
-de f r k h n , (hyd) friction drop.
tensi6n de la reactancia (clh), reactance
-del eje, journal box, axle box.
-del embrague (auto), clutch case.
drop, quadrature component. -de empacadura (M), stuffing box.
-efectiva (hid), effective head. - de empalme (el&), junction or splice Or
-estiitica (hid), static head. joint box.
-IR (el&), I R drop.
pluvial, rainf all.
-de empaque (MI, packing case.
-de empaquetadura, stuffing box.
-p r impedancia (e18c), impedance drop. -de enchufe (el&), receptacle, outlet.
-Gtif (hid), useful head. -de engranajes, gear case, gearbox; (auto)
caldos (min), fallen material.
caimln m,Stillson wrench; (M) ore chute; (pct) - de engrase (fc), journal box, axle bnx.
tongs. -de entrega (irr), delivcry box.
mipbn ?n (ED), a timber tree. -de escalera, stair well.
c&el m (cn), rail. -de esclusa, sluice box.
caja f, box, case; car body, truck body; (carp) -de estopas, stuffing box.
mortise, recess; (elec) cabinet; (machy) -de extraccibn, mine cage.
housing, casing; (elec) outlet box, junction -de fuego (cal), firebox.
box ; (rd) section excavated for pavement; -de gasto visible, sight-flow box.
(min) thickness of a vein; (corn) cash; safe, - de grasa, grease case.
cashbox; casllier's office; fund; (Ch) river -de herramientas, toolbox, tool chest.
bed. -de humo, smokebox, breeclhg. %

- basculante, dump body. -de incendio, hydrant.

- chica, petty cash. - de ingletes (carp), miter box.
- de abonado te16c) (agua), service box. -de jubilaciones, pension fund.
- de acceso, inspection box; (clec) pull box. -de lavado (al), flush tank.
- de la aguja (inst), compass box. -de menores, petty cash.
- de ahorros, savings bank. -de muestras (sx), core box.
-de alimentacibn (az),feed well. -de oriiicio (hid), orifice box.
-del alma (sx), core box. -de paso (el&), pull box.
- de amortizaciijn, sinking fund. -de pilada (mam), batch or mortar box.
-de arranque (elkc), starting box. -de puente trasero (auto), rear-azle housing.
-de ascensor, elevator shaft. - de la puerta (M), door buck.
-de avance (mh), feedbox. -de registro, manhole (street).
- de banjo (auto), banjo housing. -de resistencias (elbe), rcsistnncc box.
-de bbscula, scale box (weighing). -de retiros, retirement fund.
-de bobinas (auto), coil box. -de rodillos (cojinete), roller race.
-de bolas (cojinete) , ball cage, retziner. -de salida (el&), outlet or conduit box.
-- de bomba, pump casing. - de salida doble, double or two-gang outlet
-de borne (el&), terminal housing. box.
-de cadenas (cn), chain 1ocl;er. -de salida simple, single or one-gang outlet
-de cambio, (auto) gear case, gearbox; (mt) box.
speed box. - de salida triple, triple or three-gang outlet
-de cambios rtipidos (torno), quick-chanzo box.
gearbox, -de sebo (U), grease cup.
- de caracol (turb), scroll case. -de seccionaniento (el&), aectionalizing box.
-de carretilla, wheelbarrow tray. -de seguridad, safe; safe-deposit box.
-de carro, car body; wagon body. -de servicio, (elsc) service box; (iir) delivery

-de caudales, de. box.

-de cepillo (hen), plane stock. -de suffitacibn (az), sulphur box.
-de cerradura (ft), lock case. -de transferencia (co), transfer case.
- de cigiieaal (auto), crankcase. -- de transmisibn (auto), gear or transmission
-de contact0 (el&$, receptacle, socket. case.
- de contador, meter box, (elec) meter trough. -de uni6n, junction box.
-de cclntrapeso (ventana), weight box. -- de vagbn, car body.
-de cortacircuito (elk), cutout box. -de vavula, valve chest; valve box.
-de la chapaleta (v&), clack box. -de vPlvula a1 cordbn, curb box.
-- de chumacera, journal box, pillow Mock; -de vapor (rnv), steam chest.
axlo box. ---- de velocidades, (auto) gear or transmission
-d s tiecadas (el&), decade box. case; (mt) speed box.
- de darivaciBn, (elec) junction or tap box; -de ventilacibn, air or ventilation shaft.
service box; (sd) diverting box. -de visita, manhole, inspection box.
- de derrame (az), overflow box.
-del diferencial (auto), differentid cftsc or
-del volante (auto), flywheel housing.
-de volteo, dump body.
housing. -derivadora (irr), delivcry box.
caja caldear
-distribuidora (ca), spreader box, cradle. -en rosca (A), light draft.
-esparcidora (ca), spreader box. -mlximo, extreme draft.
--- espiral (turb) , scroll case. -medio, mean draft.
-estancadora (maq) , gland. -sin carga, light draft.
- fuerte, safe. calador m, calking iron; drill for taking samples.
-grasera (fc) (Ch) , journal box. -para Lrboles (for), increment or accretion
-partida, split casing. borer.
-pequeiia (Ec), petty cash. caladura f , boring.
-playa (co) (A), flat body. calafate m, calking chisel or iron.
-portacuchilla acabadora (mh), Gnishing box calafateador m, calker (man) ; calking tool.
toot -agudo, butt or sharp iron.
- portacuchilla desbastadora (mh), roughing -angostp, spike iron.
box tool. -de cubierta, dumb or deck iron.
-repartidora (irr) (M), division box. -de estopa, yarning iron.
-volcable o volquete, dump body. calafatear, t o calk; (mas) (Col) t o point.
-y espiga, (carp) mortise and tenon; (p) (M) calafateo m, calking.
bell and spigot. calaje m, (elec) angular displacement; (t) setting
caja-dique m, cofferdam. (angle).
cajear, t o mortise, recess. calamansanay m, a Philippine lumber.
cajera f, groove, channel, recess, key seat. calamina f (miner) (met), calamine.
-colectora (lu), collecting groove. calaminas(Ch) (B), galvanized corrugated sheets.
-de chaveta (maq), keyway, key seat. calandria f , (chem) calandria; (machy) calender.
--- del eje, journal box, pillow block. calaiia f (Es), guard railing, parapet, bulk- .'*
-de lubricacibn, oil. groove. head.
cajero rn, cashier; box maker. calar, n limestone quarry; v t o perforate; to
cajdn m ,packing case; caisson; bin; skip, scale- wedge; t o treat with lime; t o make core
pan; car body; locker; (Ch)(V) gorge, can- borings; t o sink (caisson); (naut) to draw;
yon; (Col) concrete forms; (elec) cabinet; a calcareous.
(Ec) box culvert. calavera f (auto) (M), taillight.
--- cargador, loading skip. calaverita f , calaverite (gold ore).
-de aire comprimido, pneumatic caisson. calca f, a copy.
-de carro, wagon body; car body. - heliogrlfica, sun print, blueprint.
-de embalaje, packing case. calcado m, tracing.
-d e madera (exc), scale box. calcador m ,tracer.
-d e volteo, dump body. calcantita f,chalcanthite, native copper sulphate.
-esqueleto, crate. calcar, to trace, copy.
-neumhtico o sumergible, pneumatic caisson. calcBreo, calcareous.
cajones de agregados, aggregate bins. calce m, wedge, liner, shim; underpinning; iron
cajonero m, (exc) man who handIes skips or tire.
scalepans, (min)bottomer, onsetter. cacico a (quirn), calcic, calcium.
cajuela f, groove, rwess. calcina f, (Sp) concrete.
cal f , limc. calcinador m, calciner; (min) ronstcr.
-adrea (Es), quicklime; high-calcium lime. calcinar, to calcine, burn, roast (ore).
-apagada, slaked lime. calcio m, calcium.
-blanca, high-calcium lime. -clorurado, calcium chloride.
-chustica, caustic lime, quicklime. calcita f (miner), calcite, cnlcspnr.
-grasa, rich or high-calcium lime. calco m,a tracing; (V) original drawing on trans-
-gruesa (A), quicklime. parent paper.
-hidratada, hydrated or slaked lime, mason's -a liipiz, pencil tracing.
hydrate. -heliogrirfico (A), blueprint.
-libre, free lime. -IitogrLfico, lithotmcing.
-muerta, slaked or hydrated lime. calcocita, calcosina f, chitlcocite (coppcr orc).
-pobre, lean or magnesium lime. calcopirita f, chalcopyrite, yellow coppcr ore,
-tal coma sale, run-of-kiln lime. yellow pyrites.
-viva, quickhnc, caustic limc. calculador m, calculating machine; estimator,
-J canto, stone masonry. cornuuler.
cala f, cove, small bay; hold of a vessel; (naut) -circular, circular slide rule.
draft; test core, test boring; test pit. -de red (el&), network calculator.
-de prueba, test-boring, boring core. calcular, t o compute, calculate; (str) (C) t o
calabozo m (C), kind of machete. design.
calabrote m. hawser. calculista, computer, estimator; (str) (C) d o
calado m, (naut) draft, depth; (C) stencil, open- signer.
work; (elec) (A) angular displacement. cPlcu10 m, computation; calculus.
- de popa, draft aft. calda f, heating; a heat (steel).
-de proa, draft forward. caldeador m, heater.
-en plena carga, load draft. caldear, t o heat; to weld.
c d d h m, an Argentine woad used for paving -a vapor de m u y baje presibn, vapor heating.
I blocks, -de punto, spot heating.
-por aire aspirado, draw-through
: -
caldeo m, heating; welding.
a mattillo, hammer welding.
a rodillo, roll welding. -por

aire soplado, blow-through hot-blast

i1 - de herrero, blacksmith welding. heating.
- por induccibn, induction heating. - por vapor de escape, exhaust-steam heating.
caldera f, boiler; tar kettle; (min) winze; (min) calefaccionar, to heat.
sump. calefaccionista m, heating contractor.
- a combustidn de aceite, oil-fired boiIer. calefactor m, heater,
-acuotubular, watertube boiler. de panel, panel radiator.
- acuotubular rlpida, express boiler. calefdn (m)eldctrico (A), electric hcater.
-de calefaccibn, heating boiler. calentada f, a heat (steel).
- de calor de desecho o de calor residual, calentado al blanco, white-hot.
waste-heat boiler. cdentado a1 rojo, red-hot.
- de colector mfiltiple, multidrum boiler. cdentador m, heater.
-a presibn, pressure feed-water heater.
- de cuatro pasos, four-pass boiler.
- de hogar contenido, integral-furnace boiIer. -a rocfo, spray-type feed-water heater.
-de hogar exterior, external-firebox boiler. -a soplo de aire, air-blast heater.
i - de paso Gnico, once-through-type boiler. - a vacio, vacuum or primary feed-water
-de retorno de llama, return-tubular boiler. heater.
-de tiro descendente, downdraft boiler. - a vapor de escape, exhaust-steam feed-water
- de tornallama, return-tubular boiler. heater.
- de tres colectores, three-drum boiler. -a vapor vivo, live-steam feed-water heater.
- de tubo directo, through-tube boiler. -atemperador (aa), tempering heater.
- de tubos a1 aire, exposed-tube boiler. -de agua de alimentaci6n, feed-water heater.
-de tubos de agua o de tubos hervidores, -de cambiavia (fc), switch heater.
watertube boiler. -de contraflujo, counterflow feed-water heater.
de tubos de hum0 o de tubos de Uama, fire-
tube boiler. -
-de chorro de aire (aa), blast heater.
de dinamita, dynamite thawer.

1 -
de tubos sumergidos, submerged-tube boiler.
-de vaclo, vacuum boiler.
et8ctrica, electric steam generator, electric
-de escape directo (oal), through or thorough-
fare heater.
-de espacio, space heater.
-de paso mGltiple,multiflo~feed-waterheater.
j - boiler.
enteriza con hogar, integral-furnace boiler. - de serpentfn, coil-type heater.
-escocesa, Scotch boiler. -de superfxie (asfalto), surface heater.
burnotubular (M) , fire-tube boiler.
lgneotubular, &*tube boiler.
instantknea o rgpida, flash boiler.
locombvil, portable boiler on wheels.
-desaereador, doaerating feed-water heater.
- inducido, induced ox draw feed-water heater.
unitario, unit or apace heater.
calentamiento (m) suplementario (sol), concur-
! - multitubular escocesa, Scotch marine boiler. rent heating.
- semifija, semiportable boiler. calentar, t o heat; calentarse, to heat up, run hot.
1 -
- tigo locomotora, locomotive-type boiler. calera f, limelciln; limestone quarry.
1 -
tubular de retorno, return-tubular boiIer.
tubular sin retorno, through-tube boiler.
caleria f, limekiln.
calero m, operator of a limekiln; a calcareous.
t - vaporizadora de mercurio, mercury boiler. calesa f ( m i d (M), bucket.
calderada f, water capacity of a boiler. calesfn m, cart, wagon; concrete buggy.
caldereria f, boilermaking; boiler shop. caleta f, cove, small bay, inlet; (PR) short street.
I cdderexo, calderista m, boilermaker.
cdderilla f (min), blind shaft.
caletero m, coasting vessel; (V)stevedore.
caleza f (Ch), ore bucket.
I caldero m, boiler; caldron; (met) ladle. . calibita f (minerd de hierro), chalybite, siderite.
II - de brea, tar kettle. calibracidn f, calibration.
- de colada, ladle. calibrador m, gage, calipers; aizer; (rr) clearance
caldo m (lab), broth. template; (rr) (V) track gage.
i - de formiato ricinolado, formate richoleate
- a cursor, slide cdiper.
con arco, wing calipers.
I - de lactosa y bilis verde brillante, brilliant -
convertible, inside and outside calipers.
de ahusamiento, taper gage.
I green bile lactose broth.
-1actosado violeta cristd, crystal violet lac- - de alambre, wire gage.
tose broth. -de Irboles, tree compass.
I calefaccidnf, heat, heating. -de cinta, feeler ribbon.
-a panel radiante, radiant-panel heating. -de corteza, bark-measuring instrument.
- a tuberia simple (ed) , one-pipe heating sys- -de C U ~ O ,socket gage.
-de engranajes, gear-tooth cdiper.
- tem.
a vacio, vacuum hmting system.
-a vapor, stcam heating.
-de espigas, dlank gage (drill).
- de mechas, drill gage.
caiibrador 60 calle
-de muescas, groove gage. -de estrfas, ,fluted reamer.
-de roscas, screw-pitch gage. calita f, calite (alloy).
-macho, male gage. caliza f, limestone.
-para dientes, gear-tooth caliper. -cavernosa, cavern limestone.
-para espesor, outside calipers; sLp gage. - magnesiana, magnesian limestone, dolomite.
-para interior, inside calipers. calizo, calcareous, containing lime.
-para planchas, sheet gage. calmar (met), to kilI, deadmelt.
calor m, heat.
calibraje m, gaging, calibration.
calibrar, t o gage; t o caliper; to calibrate. -aprovechable, useful heat.
calibre m, gage, bore, caliber; (inst) gage, jig; -concornitante (sol), concurrent heating.
calipers; (rr) (MI gage. -de desecho, waste heat.
-a colisa, slide caliper. - de fraguado (conc), heat of setting.
-a vernier, vernier caliper. -de hidrataci6n9 heat of hydration.
-americano, American or Browne and Sharpe -de humedecimiento (ms), heat of wetting.
wire gage. -de remojo (aa), heat of wetting.
-corredizo, sliding calipers, caliper rde. -de rozamiento, frictional heat.
-de altura, surface gage. -de sublimacibn (aa), heat of sublimation.
-de anillo, ring gage. -especifico, specific heat.
-de articulacibn a justable, lock-j oint calipers. -latente de fusiijn, latent heat of fusion.
-de articulacih fija, firm-joint calipers. -moderado de endurechiento (ct), moderate
-de Birmingham, Birmingham wire gage. heat of hardening.
- d e centro, center gage. -sensible (aa), sensible heat.
-de circunferencia, circumference gage. caloria f, calorie.
-de comparacibn, master or reference gage. -grande, large or great calorie, kilogram-
-de comprobacibn, check or setting gage. calorie.
-de copa, socket gage. -pequeiia, small calorie, gram-calorie.
-de dientes limpiadores (si), raker gage. cdorfa-gramo, gram-calorie, small calorie.
-de espesor, outside calipers; thickness gage. caloria-kilogramo, kilogram-calorie, great calorie.
-de estirar, drawplate. caliirico, caloric.
-de juego mhimo, not-go gage. calorifero m, radiator, heater; a giving heat.
-de juego ml'nimo, go gage. -de aire, hot-air furnace.
-de limites, limit gage. -de tuberia, pipe-coil radiator.
-de macho, plug gage. - de vapor, steam radiator; heating boiler.
-de nonio, vernier calipers. -directo-indirecto, direct-indirect radiator.
- de profundidhd, depth gage. -mural, wall radiator.
-de ranuras, groove gage. -seccionado de fundiciBn, sectional cast-iron
-de resorte, spring calipers. radiator. ,
-de superficie, surface gage. -tapado, concealed radiator.
- de taller o de trabajo, working gage. calormco, calorific.
-de tolerancia, limit gage. cdorifugo, nonconducting of heat, heat-resisting.
- de traspaso, transfer calipers. calorimetria f, calorimetry.
- de triscado (si), tooth-set gage.
determinado o especifico, definite gage.
calorimttrico, calorimetric.
calorimetro m,calorimeter.
-escalonado, step gage. -de estrangulaci611, throttling calorimeter.
-exterior, snap gage; outside caliper. -de separacibn, separating calorimeter.
-hembra, receiving gage. calorita f (aleaci6n). calorite.
- hermafrodita, hermaphrodite calipers. calorizar (met), to cslorize.
-indicador, indicator calipers; indicating gage. calota f (tGn)(A), top heading.
-interior, male gage. caloventilador m (M), heating fan.
-maestro o patrbn, master or standard gage. caluma f (top) (Pe), gap, pass, gorge.
-microm8tric0, micrometer calipers. calza f, wedge, chock, shim, liner; (str) shoe;
-normal, standard gage. (C) brake block; (t) tip.
-para guardarriel (fc), guardrail gage. calzada f, paved roadway, causeway; (A) irn-
-para troncos, log calipers. proved road; (Ph) wagon road.
-Stubs, Stubs wire gage. cdzadot m (vol) (A), tamping stick.
-trazador, marking caliper. calzar, to wedge, chock, scotch, shim; to key;
calicanto m, stone masonry. (rr) t o t a ~ n pties; (t) t o tip.
calicata j (A), test pit. calzo m, wedge, chock; shim; foot block; frictiou
caliche m, caliche (stiff whitish clayey soil); (B) block; (rnschy) shoe.
(Ch) soil that produccs sodium nitrate. - de detenci6n (fc), scotch block.
calichera f (Ch)(Pc), nitrate deposit; residue of -de puerta (ft), binder.
the caliche after production of the s a k e . calzos de estiba (C), dunnage,
calidra f (M), a special kind of hydrated lime. calzbn m (tub), Y, bifurcation.
calientarremaches m, rivet heater. callapo m, (min) (Ch) strut; (13) handbarrow.
d e n t e , hot, warm. calle f, street.
calisuar m (A), reamer. - urbanizada (Es), street paved and curbed
callej6n m, lane, alley; (top) pass. de vapox (mv), steam chest.
- del eje (cn), shaft tunnel, shaft alley. -de vertedero (hid), weir chamber.
canejuela f, small street; (M) traffic lane. -de visita, manhole, inspection chamber.
ems f, bed, bedplate; stratum; cog; cam; body -desripiadora (dac), grit chamber.
of s flat truck or car. -desviadora, diversion chamber.
-de moriero, bed of mortar. -doble (fma), two-couple or two-lens camera
- de rota, bedrock, ledge rock.
camada f, stratum, layer.
-espiral (turb), scroll case.
-estereofotogramdtrica, stereocamera.
eamag6n m, a Philippine lumber. -fotogriifica, camera.
cgmara f, chamber, room; camera; (auto) inner -granangular, ~ide-anglecamera.
tube; (min) stall, room, chamber. -hGmeda (lab), fog roonl.
- aerofotogram6trica, camera for aerid pho-
tography, aerocamera.
-limpia (al) (U) , flush tank.
--- miiltiple ( h a ) , multiple-lens camera.
- ampliadora, enlarging camera.
anublada (lab), fog room; cloud chamber.
-nbnupla (flna), nine-lens camera.
-proyectora, projection camera.
- ctiptadora (hid) {Pe) , intake chamber. -quintupla (frna), five-lens camera.
- cartogrhfica, mapping camera.
cernidora (is) (Pe), screen chamber.
-rectificadora (fma), rectifying camera.
-registradora (frna) , recordillg camera.
- compensadora (corn), clearinghouse.
cu8druple (frna), four-couple or four-lons
-separadora (hid), screen chamber.
-sbptica (dac), septic tank.
camera. -simple (frna), single-lens camera.
de aire, air chamber. -tdevisora, television camera.
- de aire comprimido, pneumatic caisson. -tomavistas (frna) , view camera.
- de hngulo encho (frna),wide-atigle camera. -triple (fma), three-lens camera.
- de aspiraciSn, (eng) suction chamber.
ds bajada (ve), downtake chamber.
camarh m, elevator car; shaft cage.
carnarSn m (Ch), wheels and axle used to handle
- de bifurcaciBn (al), junction chamber. logs.
- de calma (hid), stilling well or box.
de carga (hid), surge tank or chamber; fore-
camarote (cn), stateroom.
cambarB m (A), a softwood.
bay. eambiacorrea m, belt, shifter.
- de cascajo (dac), grit chamber. cambiador m, changer; switchman; (clec) switch;
- de comercio, chamber of commerce.
de cornpensaci611, (hyd) surge tank or cham-
(rr) (Ch) (M) switch; belt shifter.
-de calor (M), heat exchanger.
ber ; (corn) clearinghouse. -de frecuencia (ra), frequency changer.
- de la compuerta (ds) , caisson chamber. -de polos (elhc), pole changer.
- de confluencia (al), junction chamber. -de toma (el&), t a p changer.
- de copiar, copying camera.
de decantacibn, settling basin.
de torre (fc), towerman.
de velocidad, speod-changer, variable-speed
- de descompresi6n (tiin), decornprcssion transmission.
carnbiar, t o change, exchange; t o switch.
chamber. ..
- de digestibn (dac), digestion compartment,
sludge-digestion chmbor.
-engranajes (auto), to shift gears.
- marcha (maq), t o reverse; t o change speed. B

- de dosacacibo {dm), dosing chamber. cambiavia m (fc), turnout; switch; (C)(M) (PR) dl
- de empalme (el&), splicing cham bor.
-de equilibrio (hid), surge tank. -
switchman; (M) turntablo.
de aguja, point switch. !
-- de esclusa, lock chamber. -
de desvio doble, Y switch.
-- de horizonte (frna), horizon camcra. de resorte, spring switch.
- de limpia (nl) (U), automatic flush tank. -
de tope, stub switch.
.- de marrdo, control room. de traspaso doble, diamond switch, double
de mlquinas, engine room.
ds oleaje (hid), surge chamber. -
en Y, Y snitch.
- de pellcula continua (frna), continuous-strip - saltacarril, jumper switch.
camera. - tindem, tandem switch.
-de gleno (ve), plenum chamber, -tumbadora, ground throw, ground-lever
-de presibn (hid), forebay. switch.
-de pulv~izaci6n(auto) (TJ), mixing chamber. cambio m, change; (rr) switch; (auto) shift;
-de reducci6n, reduction camera. (corn) exchange.
---- de reparticidn (irr), division box. -agreo, overhead frog (trolley).
- de xetencibn (dac) (Pe), detention chamber. -corredizo (f c), slip switch.
- de rocfo (4,spray chamber.
-de salida (hid), afterbay.
-corrido (fc), flying switch.
-de aguja (fc), point or nplit or t o n y e switch
-de subida (ve), uptake chamber. -de arrastre (fc) , trailing-point awitch.
- d e trabajo, working chamber. -de banda (ra)(A), band switch or selector.
- de tranquilizacibn (hid). stilling chamber. -de bases (quim) (Pe), base exchange.
-de turbina, wheel pit. - de cruzamiento (fc) (A), slip switch.
-de turbulencia (di), turbulence chamber. -de descarrilar (fc), derail switch.


-de marcha, (eng) reversing. -cuba, tank truck.

-de rasante, break in grade. -chato, flat truck.
-de resorte (fc), spring switch. -de adrales, flat truck with racks.
-d e talbn (fc), trailing-point switch. -de auxilio, wrecking car.
-de tope (fc), stub switch. -de barandas (A), flat truck with racks.
-de tram (fc), change of line, relocation. -de caballete, straddle truck.
-de tres tiros (fc), three-throw switch. -de cama plana, flat truck^
-de velocidad (auto), gearshift. -de disparo (geof), shooting truck.
-de via (fc), switch; turnout. -de escdera, (elec rr) tower truck.
-de vla triple (fc), three-throw switch. -de estacas, stake-body truck.
-digital (auto), gearshift on the steering wheel. -de expreso, express or pickup truck.
-enfrentado (fc), facing-point switch. -de extensiijn, reach truck.
-extranjero o exterior (fin),foreign exchange. -de grGa, truck crane.
-in@& (fc)(A), slip switch. -de maroma (M), dump truck.
-quimico, chemical change. -de medio c a d , half-track.
-volumittico (ms), volume change. -de pilada o de revoltura (conc), batch truck.
-de plataforma, flat truck.
cambista m, switchman; money changer.
c&imbium m (mad), cambium. -de registro (geof), recording truck.
camboats m,an Argentine lumber (semihard). -de reparto, express or pickup or delivery
cambray m, cambric. truck.
-barnizado (ais), varnished cambric. -de taladro (geof), drill truck.
- impregnado, empire cloth, cambric insula- -de teleros o de vardes, flat truck with stakes.
tion. -de volteo, dump truck.
camelia f (met), camelia. -elevador o levantador, lift truck.
camell6n m, sawhorse; (top) ridge; Wharow, -esparcidor (ca) , distributor truck.
(irr) border. -rnaterialista (M), truck for hauling concretb
-distribuidor (hid), spreader ridge. materials.
camilla f, stretcher; hankbarrow. -mezclador (conc), truck mixer.
camhamiento (Iev)(Es), traversing. -multicelular (conc) (A), multiple-batch truck.
caminante, foot passenger. -plano, flat or platform truck.
caminero m, road workman; (rr)(A) track la- -playo (A), flat truck.
borer; a pertain,ing t o roads. -regador, sprinkler truck.
caminillo m (C), runway, footwalk. -remolcador, tow truck.
camino m, road. -tanque, tank truck.
-afirmado, paved roadway, improved road. -tractor, truck tractor.
-carretero, wagon road. ---volquete, dump truck.
-carrozable (Ec), wagon r o d . camionada f, truckload.
-de acceso, access road. camionaje m, trucking, truckage.
- de acceso controlado, controlled-access road, camionero m, truckman, truck driver; truck
through highway, parkway. owner, hauling contractor.
-de acceso ilimitado, local-service road, serv- camioneta f, light truck.
ice drive. camisa f, jacket, lagging; sleeve, bushing; drill
-de acceso limitado, through or limited-access chuck.
highway, freeway, parkway, thruway. -de agua, water jacket.
-de arrastre (ef), skid road. -d e caldera, boiler lagging.
-de fomento, feeder road. -de nudo (M),coupling sleeve.
-ds recua (V), trail. --- del pist611 (auto) (A), piston skirt.
-de remolque, towpath. -de polvo (ag), dust jacket.
- de simple vertiente, hanging road. -de vapor, stcam jacket.
-de sirga, towpath. - hGmeda (auto),wet-typo cylinder liner.
-de tierra, dirt or unimproved had. -seca (auto), dry-type cylinder liner.
-de troncos, corduroy road. cam6n m, felloe, felly.
- de un agua, hanging road. campamento m, camp.
-en balcbn, benched road. campana f, bell; anything bell-shaped; (p) hub,
- mejorado, improved road. bcll; (elec) petticoat (insulator).
-natural, unimproved or dirt road. - de dre, air chamber, air receiver.
- real o troncal, highway, main r o d . -de bucear o de buzo, diving bell.
-vecind, local or subsidiary road. -de freno (A), brake drum.
camibn m, truck. - de goteo (el&c),drip petticoat.
-a horcadas, straddle truck. -de Iodo, mud socket (drilling).
-agitador (conc), truck mixer; truck agitator. -de nieblas, fog bell.
- andamio, (elec rr) tower truck. -de pesca (pet), socket,
-automtivil, motor truck. -de soldar (tub), welding bell.
-basurero, garbage truck. -- de vidrio (lab), bell glass or jar.
- batidor (conc), truck agitator; truck mixer. -neumatica (M), pneumatic caisson.
-cisterna (A), tank truck. - y espiga (tub), bell and spigot.
campanilla Cf) eIkctrica, electric bell. -medidor de Parshall, Parshall flume.
carnpafia f, level country; field (work). -metglico superficial (elkc), surface metal
carnpista m, miner who works on shares, tributer. raceway.
camp0 m, field (all senses) ; mining camp. -para alambres (elkc), raceway, conduit;.
- de aterrizaje, landing field, airfield, airpark. -para barras conductorns (el&), busway.
- de aviacidn o de decolaje, airpark, airfield. - para lanchones, barge cand.
-de fuerzas (elkc), field of force. -troncal (irr), main canal.
- de imagen (fma), image field. -vertedor, trough spillway, chute spillway;
- de la lente (fma), field of view. spillway channel.
- de xadiaciBn (ra), radiation field. canal f, conduit, p i p , duct; channel iron; roof
-fijo (el&), stationary or constant field. gutter; groove, slot.
-gasif ero, gas field. -de aluminio (est) , aluminum channel.
-giratorio (el&), rotating or revolving field. - de bajada (ed), leader, downspout.
-petrolero o petrolifero, oil field. - de barra (est) , bar-mill channel.
- productor (pet), producing field. - de cables, cable duct.
-raso, open or flat country. -de cruzamicnto (fc), frog channel.
-visual, field of view or of vision.
can m, corbcl, bracket, bolster; column cap;
de desagiie (Pe), sewer pipe.
emasillado (cd), furring channel.
shoulder; pawl, dog. -de humo (M), flue.
cmal m, canal, channel, gullet; chute, flume, - de lluvia (to), gutter.
race; (min) ground sluice; (ra) channcl; -de pestafia, flangeway.
(elec) raceway, wireway. -de ventilaci6n, ventilation duct.
-alimentador, feeder canal, headrace. - para construccibn de carros, car-building
-asociado (ra), associated channel. channel.
- auxiliar (elk), auxiliary gutter. - para construcciones navales, shipbuilding
- cribador, screen chute. channel.
-de acceso (hid), head canaI, approach chan- -U (M), channel iron.
nel. canalado, corrugated, fluted, grooved.
- de aducciijn, headrace, head canal. canalador m, channeler; rabbeting plane.
- de agotadento, drainage canal. canaladura f, corrugation, fluting.
-de alcantarillado, drainage or sewer canal. canalera f (Es), roof gutter.
- de barras colectoras (el&), busway. canaleria f, system of ducts or ditches.
- de carga (Es), headrace, open penstock, canalero na (irr), custodian of a canal; (M) irriga-
pentrough. tion subscriber.
-de combinacibn (el&), combination raceway. candeta f, chute; groove, corrugation; roof gut-
- de conducciijn, aqueduct canal. ter, eaves trough; (A) street gutter; (conc)
--- de corriente portadora (el&), carrier chm- spout.
nel. -de aforos venturi, Venturi flume.
- de derivaciih, diversion channel. -de carga, loading chute.
- de descarga, spillway channel, wasteway; -de descarga, dumping chute.
tailrace. - de reparticibn (irr), head flume.
-de desfogue (MI, tdrace. -de toma en marcha (fc), track pan.
-de escurrimiento (ms), flow channel. - plegadiza, jackknife chute.
-de dotacian, log sluice. canalistas m (Ch), irrigation subscribers.
-de fondo abierto (el&), open-bottom race- canalizaciBn f, canalization; flume; piping; sys-
way. tem of ducts; (elec) wiring; (elec) layout
-de fuga, tailrace;spillway channel. of conduits; Ira> channeling.
- de lodo (pet), mud ditch. -de circunvalaciBn simpIe (el&), single run-
- de Uegada, headrace; channel of approach. around wiring.
- de mareas, tideway. -de desagiles, sewer system.
-de piso met&lico celular (el&), cellular- - de red doble (elkc), double-grid wiring,
metal-floor raceway. -de red simple (el&), single-grid wiring.
-de radiodifusibn, broiadcaating channel. -
descubierta (el&), exposed work.
- de riego, irrigation cand. elbctrica, electric wiring; system of conduits
- de tragda, headrace. for electric wiring.
-derivado, branch canal. - maestra, mains.
-descubierto, open ohanneL -oculta (el&), concealed work.
-desviador, diversion channel. canalizar, t o ctanalize; t o cI~annelize.
- dosificador (is), dosing flume. canalizo m,flume, channel; fairway, gut.
-en baIc6n (M), bench flume. - de control, control flume.
-evacuador, spillway channel, wastemay; (irr) -de evacuacibn, sluiceway; (irr) return ditch.
return ditch. - medidor, measuring flume.
-madre (in) (Pe) , main canal. canal611 m, flume; gutter, eaves trough; (elec)
-maestro, main canal. gutter; waste pipe; (M) chute.
-marltimo, ship canal. -armado o ensamblado (to), box or built-up
-medidor, measuring flume. gutter.
-de garganta, throat flume. -cbncavo, in-curve edger.
-de media ladera, bench flume. -convexo, out-curve edger.
-de Parshall, Parshall flume. -de acera, curb tool.
-de peldaiios, step edger.
-medidor, control or measuring flume.
-suspendido (to), hanging gutter. -en bisel, bevel edger.
canasta f, basket; (hyd) strainer. -mGltiple (as), gang edger.
canastilla f, (M) bucket; (M) car of aerial trarn- cantear, t o lay on edge; to cut stone; to pitch
ww. (stone) ;to edge.
canastillo (hid), trashrack. cantera f, quarry.
canasto m,basket; (A) small mortar bucket. -de arena, sand pit.
cancagua f (Ch), a stiff sandy soil. -de grava, gravel pit or bank.
cancarno m,eyebolt; bolt. - de lastre, ballast pit.
-arponado (M), ragged bolt. -de prdstamo (ot), borrow pit.
-de quello, shoulder eyebolt. canterfa f, stonecutting; quarrying; cut stone,
-de ojo, eyebolt. a&lar masonry ; stonecutting yard.
-de remache, rivet ringboIt. canter0 m, stonecutter, quarryman; (A) raised
cancel m, screen; (CAI partition. area held by curbs.
cancha f, yard; level tract of land; airpark; wide cantidad f, quantity.
stretch of a river; (U) path, road. -negativa, minus quantity.
- de almacenaje, store yard. cantil m,cliff.
-de aterrizaje, landing field, airfield, airpark. cantilever m, cantiIever.
- de equipo (cons), equipment yard. cantimplora f, weep hole.
-de secamiento (dac) (Ch), sludge-drying bed. cantina j, commissary store, canteen; saloon.
canchal m,deposit of boulders, (M) moraine. cantizaf m, stony ground.
canchamina f, yard around a mine shaft. canto m, edge; thickness of a board; ashlar stone;
canchaminero m (Ch), laborer in a mine y a ~ d . pebble, boulder.
canchero, yard foreman. -, de, on edge.
candado m,padlock; latch. -de corte, cutting edge.
-de aldaba, hasp lock. -laminado, rolled edge (steel plate).
-de combinacibn, combination padlock. -recortado, sheared edge (steel plate).
candela f, flare, torch.
candelero m, support, cradle; stanchion.
- rodado, boulder, cobble, pebble.
-sin labrar, rough ashlar.
candelbn m (RD), a hardwood. - vivo, square edge.
candencia f, incandescence. cantonera j, curb angle or bar, corner bead, any
candente, incandescent, red-hot. piece reinforcing a corner or edge; (Sp)
candil (m)de minero, miner's lamp. angle iron.
candileja f, (il) footlight; (rr) fusee. cantorral m, gravelly or stony ground.
canecillo m, corbel, bracket. cam f, shank, handle; shaft; (naut) tiller; cane,
canel rn (Es), cannel cod. reed; stem, stalk; rod.
caaey m, small bay; (C) bend of a river. - brava, bamboo.
canga f (A) (B), a soil containing iron. -del ancla, shank of an anchor.
cangagua f (Col), a soil used for making adobo - de azGcar, sugar cane.
brick, -de barrena, drill shank.
cangahua f (Ec), hardpan. -ds Bengala o de Indias,rattan.
cangalla f, mine refuse, tailings. -de cobmna, shaft of a column.
cangil6n m, bucket; (Col) (V) rut; (Ec) mudhole; - de mina, mine gallery.
(PR)smaU waterfall. -del timbn, tiller.
-basculante, tip bucket. - de volar, blasting hole.
-de arrastre, dragline bucket. - dulce o melar, sugar cane.
-de elevador, elevator bucket. caiiada f, ravine, gorge, gulch; (C) (PR) brook;
-volquete, dump or contractor's bucket. (A) inlet; estuary.
cangejo m (mea), m y grappling device, (pet) cailadbn, canyon, gorge.
casing spear. caiiahuate m, lignum vitae.
canguil6n m (Ch), bucket. cafiamazo m, burlap; canvas.
canilla f, faucet, spigot, bibb, cock; reel, apool. cafiamelar m, sugar plantation.
- para manga, hose bibb. caiiamiel f, sugar cane.
- surtidora, faucet. cZiamo m, hemp, jute; (CA) hemp cord; (Ec)
canoa f , flume, trough; launch, canoe; (CA) roof burlap.
gutter. - de calafatear, calking yarn.
- de empaquetsr, hemp packing.
canon m, list; rate; tax; roydty.
de arrendamiento, rental rate. -
de las Indias, jute.
- de riego, irrigation rate.
- de Manila, Manila hemp, abaca.
embreado, tarred marline.
cantal m, stony ground; wall.
cantalita f (geol), cantalite. -trenzado, braided hemp.
canteador m,canteadara f , (t) edger; edging saw; caaeria f , piping, pipe, conduit; pipework.
pitching tool. - bridada, flanged pipa.
-conductors (pet). line p i p a -de expansidn (cn), expansion trunk.
-corriente, standard pipe. -de llave, shank of s key.
-dede acueducto,
- water mains.
aduccibin, supply line, aqueduct.
-de ventilaciw, air shaft.
-electrhico (ra) , electron gun.
-de arcilla vitrificada, sewer pipe, glazed tile -lanzacemento, cement gun.
-para tubos (ed), pipe shaft.
-de barra enclavada, Lock-bar pipe ( t r a d e -perforador (pet), perforating gun.
cafiuela f (vol) (M), fuse.
-de carga, penstock, force main.
-de conducciBn (hid), aqueduct, supply line.
caoba f, mahogany.
-falsa, bastard or false mahogany.
-de duelas de madera, wood-stave pipo. caobilla f (C) (PR), an inferior variety of mahog-
-de entubacibn (pet), casing pipe. any.
-de fundicibn, cast-iron pipe.
-de fundici6n liviana, soil pipe, lightweight
caobo m, mahogany tree.
caolin m, kaolin, China clay
cmt-iron pipe. cuolinico, keolinic.
-de hierro centrifugado, centrifugal cast-iron crtolinita f (miner), kaolinite, kaolin.
capa f, layer; stratum; ply; (pt) coat; (mas)
-de hierro forjado legltimo, genuine wrought- course; coat of plaster; (min) seam, vein-
(C) slicker, oilskin coat.
-deiron pipe.
macho y campana, bell-and-spigot pipe. -acuifera, water-bearing stratum, aquifer.
-derivada, branch pipe line. -aisladora de humedad (A), waterproofing
-extrapesada, extra-heavy pipe. course.
-forzada o de presibn, pressure conduit, pen- -Appleton (ra), Appleton or F layer.
-azotada (U), scratch coat (plaster).
-maestra o matriz, mains.
-remachada en espiral, spiral-riveted pipe.
-barrera (ra), barrier or blocking layer.
-blanca (yeserla), finishing or white or putty
-roscada, scrcwed pipe.
sin costura, seamless tubing.
or skin or skim coat.
-caf 6 (M), brown coat (plaster).
-surtidora, aqueduct, supply pipe. -de acabado, finishing coat; (plaster) white
-universal, C~livcrsalcast-iron pipe. or putty coat.
-de baIdeo (ca), flush seal.
caiiero m, caiiista m, pipeman, plumber, pipe
fitter, steam fitter. -de base (ca), base course.
caEito (m)pasador, pipe slceve. -de conglomerante (ca) (Ch), binder course.
cnfio m, pipe, conduit; gutter; roof leader; small -de cubierta (ca), cover stone or coat.
stream; (pw)channel; (A) hose; (C) sump, -de deiensa o de desgaste, wearing coat or
floor drain, street inlet t o a sewer. surface.
- arenero (loco), sand pipc. -de desgrose (A), scratch coat of plaster.
-aspirante '(bm), suction pipe, (A) suction -de emparejamiento o de enrase (ca), level-
hose. ing course.
-de absorcidn (A), perforated well pipe. -de Heaviside (ra), Heaviside layer, iono-
-de acotamiento, service connection. sphere.
-de alimentaci6n, feed or inlet pipc. - de imprimacidn (pint), priming coat.
-de bajada (ed), downspout, leader. -de ladrilfos, course of brick.
- d e bridas, flanged pipe. -de ligazbn, binder course.
-de chimenea, stack. -de mortero, bed of mortar.
-de desborde, overflow pipe. -de pega (ca) (V) , tack coat.
-de drenaje, drainpipe, draintile. -de reflexibn (geof), reflecting layer or horizon.
-de expulsibn (bm)(A), discllargc pipe. -de rodamiento (ca), wearing surface.
-de impulsidn (bm), discharge pipc. -de sellado (ca), seal or carpet coat.
-de perforacibn, drill pipe; drive pipc. -de velocidad (geof), speed or velocity bed.
-de servicio (A) (C), service connection. -F (ra), F or Appleton layer.
-de subida, riser. -freltica, ground water, water table, aquifer.
-de tornillo, screwed or tlircaded pipc. --- gasifera (pet), gas cap.
-expdente, (ung) exhaust p i p ; (pu) & -pegajosa (ca) (M), tack coat.
charge pipe. -rayada, scratch coat (plaster).
-pluvial (ed), le,dcr, downspout. -sellante (4,seal coat.
caiidn m,pipe, tube; gorge, canyon; barrel of nn -superficial ( 4 , surface course.
arch; barrel of a gun; L:LITC~ of a hydrant; cap5 m (PIt), a hardwood.
(Col) tree trunk; (min) drift, gallery. capacidad f, capacity; (elec) capacitance.
-de ascensor, clcvator shaft. --- a1 ras (cc), struck caprrcity.
-de caldera, boiler tube. -asignada, rated capacity.
-de cemento, cement gun. -colmada (cc), heaped capacity.
-de columna, shaft of a column. -corporal (ra), body capacitance.
-de chimenea, chimney flue. -de asiento (ms) (M), bearing capacity.
-de escalera, stair well. -- de conduccibin, (hyd) flow capacity; (dec)
- de escoben (cn), hawsepipe. current-carrying capacity.
-de ganancia, earning power. -de tumo, shift boss.
-de modulacidn (eldc), modulation capability. -de la via, track foreman.
-de soporte del teneno, besring power of soil. -general, general foreman, walking boss.
-directa (ra), straight-line capacitance. caperuza f, pipe cap; hood.
-dispersa (ra) , stray capacitance. capialzado m,flashing over door or window.
-distribuida (ra), distributed capacitance. capilar, capillary.
-electrostitica, permittance, electrostatic ca- capitaridad f, capillarity.
pacity. capilla f, bonnet, hood, cowI.
-encubridora (pint), hiding power, covering -de vHlvrrla (mg) (Es), valve chamber.
capacity. capillo m (met), cupel.
-entre electrodes (ra) , interelectrode capac- -de prensaestopas (pet), packing gland.
itance. capital m , capital (money).
- grilla-pfaca (ra) , grid-plate capacitance. - activo, working capital; (Ch) capital assets.
-inductiva especlfica (elkc), permittivity, s p e -de explotaci611, working capital.
cific inductive capacity, dielectric constant. -en giro, working capital.
-interruptorti (elec), interrupting capacity. -ffsico (Ch) , capital assets.
--- par5sit.a (ra), stray capacitance. -integrado o realizado, paid-up capital.
- portante, carrying capacity, bearing power. -pasivo (Ch), capital liabilities.
-rebosada (V),heaped capacity. -social, capital stock.
-tgrmica, heat or thermal capacity. capital f, capital (city).
capacimetro m (A), capacitance meter. capitalista, s a, capitalist.
capacitador m (elk), capacitor, condenser. capitalizar, to capitalize.
-compensador (ra), buffer capacitor. capitan m, captain; foreman.
-de acoplamiento, coupling capacitor. - de patio, yard foreman.
-de bloaueo, blocking capacitor. - del puerto, harbor master, captain of the
capacitancG f (el&) (mec), capacitance. port.
--- acfistica (ra), acoustic compliance or capac- capitania Cf) del puerto, office of the harbor
itance. master.
-de entrada (ra), input capacitance. capitel rn, capital, column head, (conc) column
-de salida (ra) output capacitance.
,), cap.
-interelectrbdica (ra), interelectrode capac- cap6 m (auto), hood.
itance. caporal m (V) , foreman.
-lineal, straight-line capacitance. capota f, hood; auto top; cowling (airplane).
-propia, self-capacitance. capote m,hood; (Col) topsoil.
-rejilla-cttado, grid-cathode capacitance. cbpsula f,capsule, bottle cap; cartridge shell; lid,
- rejilla-placa, grid-plate capacitance. cover; (lab) dish.
-vagabunda, stray capacitance. -de carbSn (tel), carbon button or capsulc.
capacitivo (elkc), capacitive. - de evaporaci6n (lab), evaporating dish.
capacitirmetro m, (ra) (A) capacitance meter, (M) -detonante, exploder, blasting cap.
condenser meter. - detonante c'e tiempo, delay blasting cap.
capacitor m (el&,), capacitor, condenser. -fulminante,, blasting cap, exploder.
-- de dCcadas (ra), decade condenser or capac- captaci6n f, (hyd) catchment, impounding; diver-
itor. sion; (r)(A) capture; (ra) pickup.
-de placas ajustables, variable or adjustable captador (m)de polvo, dust collector.
capacitor. captar (hid), t o impound, collect; to divert.
-de placas paralelas, parallel-plate capacitor. captura f (r) , capture.
- fdtrador (ra), smoothing capacitor. capuchins f (Col), door or window latch.
-regulable, variable capacitor. capuch6n m, (auto) valve cap; (pi) driving cap;
capacho m, bucket; (sh) dipper; brick hod. chimney cap.
-- con descarga por debajo, bottom-dump capuli na (Pe), kind of timber used in mines.
bucket. car8 f, face; cheek.
-de elevador, elevator bucket. -anterior (dib) , near side.
--- de extraccibn, mine bucket. -brillante (cuero), flesh side.
-de pala, shovel dipper. -dq campana, bell face (hammer).
-de tiro, dipper of a pullshovel or trench hoe. -de la flor o de pel0 (cuero), hair or grain
- de torre (conc), tower bucket. side.
-pesador, weighing bucket. -de la raiz (sol), shoulder, root face.
-tipo cHscara de naranja (Ch), orange-peel -de rueda, tread of a wheel.
bucket. -posterior (dib), far side.
caparrosa f, copperas. caracol m, spiral; (turb) scroll case; (A) worm
Capataz m, foreman. gear.
-de brigada, squad boss. cnracter5stica f (mec) (el&) (mat), characteristic.
-de carpinteros, foreman carpenter. -anbdica (ra), plate characteristic.
-del desencofrado (mo) , stripping foreman. -de desprendimiento (ra) , emission character-
- del patio, yard foreman. istic.
-- del tramo (fc), section foreman. - de grilla (ra) , grid characteristic.
- de traspaso (ra), transfer characteristic. carbonilIa f, fine coal, pulverized coal ; cinder.
carbonita f (miner) (vol), carbo&e.
cwamero m (V), drift carried by a flood.
ceato (m)de cement0 CV), cement grout. carbonizador m, carbonizer.
earAtula f (M), dial of an instrument. cnrbonizar, to carbonize; to char.
carbodinamita f (vol), carbodynamite. carbon0 m, (chern) carbon.
carbohidrato m (is), carbohydrate. -de temple (met), temper carbon.
carbohidrbgeno m, carbohydrogen. carbondmetro m, carbonometer.
~arb6Gc0,carbolic. carbonoso, carbonaceous.
earboHneo m, carbolineum (wood presemative). carborundo m, carborundum (abrasive).
~ b o l i t fa (abrasivo), Carbolite (trademark). carburacibn f, carburetion, carburhing.
arbol6n m (abrasivo), Carbolon (trademark). - doble, dual carburetion.
carb6n m,cod; charcoal; carbon. - por agente s6Iido (met), pack carburizing.
- activado (pa), activated carbon. - por pulverizacibn, spray carburetion.
- agIomerante o aglutinante, caking coaI. carburador m, carburetor.
animal, bone charcoal, bone black.
antracitoso, anthracite.
a succi6n ascendente, updraft carburetor.
de barboteo (Es), surface carburetor.
- bituminoso, bituminous coal. - Be corriente descendente, downdraft car-
- brillante, glance cod.
- conglomerante, caking coal. de chorro, spray carburetor.
- de ampelita o de bujfa, cannel cod. -de evaporacibn, surface carburetor.
- de astilla, spIint coal. -de flotador, float-feed or constant-level car-
- de forja o de fragua, blacksmith coal. buretor.
- de gas IV), gas carbon.
de huesos, animal charcoal, bone black.
-de inyector, jet or injection carburetor.
-de pico compuesto, compound carburetor.
- de pulverizador, spray carburetor.
-de surtidor (Es), spray carburetor.
-de tiro descendente, downdraft carburetor.
earburante m, carburetant.
carburar, to carburize, carburet.
carburizador m, carburizer.
carburizar, to carburize, caseharden; to carburet.
carburo m, carbide.
- cementado, cemented csrbide.
- de hierro, iron carbide, cementite.
-de ~ilicio,silicon carbide, carborundum.
carburdmetro m, carburometer.
c h a r n o m, sump; wheel pit; (rnin) drain; (min)
r nonvoIatile coal. flume.
semibituminous coaI. - de succi6n, suction pit.
carcasa f, casing; framework.
- de motor (elbc), motor frame.
-espiral (turb), scroll case.
cBrcava f, gully, ditch, gutter.
carcavdn m (top), gorge.
carcar m (M), carcass (tire).
ehcel f, clamp, cramp: vise; fiyd) gate groove;
timber frame in a shaft; notch, (min) hitch;
(3) carcel.
- de banco, bench vise.
para sierra, saw clamp.
ammonium carbonate.
, calcium carbonate, carbonate of -para taladradora, drill or jig vise.
ciircel-hora (il) , carcel-hour.
carcoma f, wood borer, timber worm; dust made
by the borer.
-sbdico anhidro, soda ash, anhydrous sodium - -blanca (mad),white rot.
raja (mad), red rot.
carcomerse, to become worxn+&en; to decrrv; to
be undermined.
carcomida f, decay; oorroaion ; (cono) honey-
carcomido m, (Pel wormhole; a worm-eaten,
m, coal miner; coddealer; coal ban- (Ibr) wormy; corroded; decayed; honey-
carda Cf) para limes, file card or bruah.
cardln, Cardnn Ci oint).
cardiinico, Cardanic.
cardenillo cargo

cardenillo m, verdigris. -especfflca, unit Ioad.

cardiar (V), t o ream. -estltica, (hyd) static bead; (str) static or
cardinal (mat), cardinal. dead load.
carear, t o face, smooth up; t o mill. -explosiva, blasting charge.
carena I, ship repair, careening; ship's bottom. -fraccionada (est), partial loading.
carenaje m, ship repair; careenage. -fundamental (elbc), base load.
carenar, t o careen; to rep& a ship, t o dock for - hidrlulica, head.
repairs. -inductiva (el&), inductive or lagging load.
carenero m. dockyard, shipyard; graving dock. -W t e , safe or allowable load.
carenote rn'(cn), bilge keel, rolling chock. - muerta (est), dead load.
oareta f, mask, face shield. -neta (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
-antigiis, gas mask. -pagada, pay load.
-de soldador, welding mask, face shield. -permanente (est), dead load.
carga f, load, loading; freight, cargo, lading; -plena, full load.
(hyd) head; (conc) charge, batch; (elec) -por lotes, less-than-carload freight.
charge, load; (met) heat, charge; (ra) load- - por vagones, carload freight.
ing. - presumida o prevista o supuesta, assumed
-a granel, bulk cargo. loading, design load.
-absoluta (hid), absolute head. -propia (est), dead load.
-accidental, live load. remanente, residual charge, electric residue.
-admisible, allowable load. -rodante, moving or rolling load.
-d a r (ap) (A), wing loading. -tip0 (est), standard loading.
-bruta (an), dead-weight tonnage. - transversal (est) , beam loading.
--- conectada (elk), connected load. - Qtil, pay or useful load; live load.
--- de altura (hid), elevation head. - viva, live load.
-de arranque en frio (cf), pickup load, warm- cargada f, a load.
ing-up allowance, cargadero m, loading platform; freight station;
-de aspiracidn (bm), suction head. charging opening.
---- de atraque (vol) (A), stemming, tamping. cargado sobre vagbn, loaded on cars, F O B (free
-de barreno, blasting charge. on board).
-de buque, cargo. cargador m, loader; mucking machine; mucker
- de calefacci6n (aa), heat load. (man) ; (bo) stoker; (elec) charger; shipper,
-de camibn, truckload. freighter.
-de carro, wagonload; carload. - a parrilla articulada (cal), chain-grate or
-de cuchar6n, bucketful; (sh) dipperful. link-grate stoker.
--- de descarga (bm), discharge head. -autoalimentador, force-feed loader.
-de energla (hid), energy head. -de acumuladores o de baterias, battery
-de enfriamiento (aa), cooling load. charger.
-de ensago, test load. - de alimentacidn superior (cd) , overfeed
-de entrada (hid), entrance head. stoker.
-de faja (ms), strip load. -de cadena sin fin (cal), chain-grate stoker.
-de Aexidn (est), beam loading. -de cangilones o d e cubos, bucket loader,
-- de fractura, breaking load. portable elevator.
-de fricdBn (hid), friction head. -de carb6n (cal), stoker.
-de funcionamiento (hid), operating bead. - de hogar, mechanical stoker.
-de hormigonera, batch of concrete. -de hormigonera (rn~),skip loader.
-de llegada (hid), head of approach, velocity -de manclil, apron loader.
head. -de parrilla corrediza (cal), traveling-grate
-de ocupacidn (aa), occupancy load. stoker.
-de presibn (hid), pressure head. -de retorta lateral (cal), sideretort stoker.
-de prueba, test load, trial load. - de retorta finica (cal), single-retort stoker.
- de punta, (str) coiumn loading; (elec) (A) - de retortas mGltiples (cal), multiple-retort
peak load. stoker.
-de rotura, breaking or rupture load. - de tractor (ec), tractor shovel; tractor loader.
-de rueda, wheel load. - distribuidor o esparcidor, spreader stoker.
---- de seguridad, safe load. -por debajo, underfeed stoker.
-de servicio o de trabajo, working load. -portktil, wagon loader, portable conveyor.
-de succidn (brn), suction head. - sacudidor (rnz),shaking skip loadcr.
- de utensilios (aa), appliance load. cargadora f , any loading or stoking apparatus.
- de vaclo (hid), vacuum head. -de troncos (cf), logger.
- de velocidad (hid), velocity or dynamic -de tfinel, tunnel shovel, mucking machine.
.. cargamento m, load, cargo, loading.
-dinlmica, moving load; dynamic head. cargar, to load; to charge; to stoke; (act) t o
--- efectiva, (hyd) effective or net head; (tr) debit, charge.
pay load. cargo m, cargo, freight; oSce, position; (act)
- espacial (ra) , space charge. charge.
cmgdmetro 69 carretero
carg6metro m, Loadometer (trademark). -del distribuidor (mv), valve travel.
c a r e e o rn (Ch), loading. -del Bmbolo, piston stroke or travel.
carguero m, carrier; beast of burden; loader, -de encendido, (eng) ignition &w working
charger; (A) cargo boat. stroke.
carguio m, eargo, load. -de erogaciEn (bm) (A), delivery stroke.
carisdo, disintegrated, rotten. -de escape, (eng) exhaust stroke.
caries Cf) seca, dry rot. -de la excbntrica, throw of the eccentric.
carleta f, (t) file. -de expulsibn, exhaust stroke, (di) scaveng-
earfinga f (cn), mast step. ing stroke.
c a r n a b f, carnallite (ore of magnesium and -de filtracian (pa) (U), filter run.
potassium). -de fondo, groundsill.
cameta f (AC), notebook, field book. -de fuerza, power stroke.
carpa f, tent ; (Ch) tarpaulin. -de ladrillos, course of brick.
carpanel, see arco carpanel. -de la leva, lift of the cam.
carpere m (lev) (Er,), man who looks after tents. -de la marea, range of the tide.
carpeta f, coating; pavement; (U) (M) slab. -del martinete, drop of a pile hammer.
- asfCltica, sheet asphalt. -de pared (carp), wall plate.
- bitudnosa (ca), skin coat of bituminous
-de retroceso, back stroke.
-de soga (lad), stretcher course.
- de desgaste, wearing surface. -de techo, ceiling joist.
- de fundacibn, foundation slab or mat. -de tizones (lad), header course.
carpintear, t o do carpenter work. -de trabajo, working stroke (piston).
mpinteria f , carpentry; carpenter shop. -descendente, down stroke. b

- a vapor (A), shop carpentry. -motriz, (eng) workir~gor power stroke.

de armar (V),structural carpentry.
de blanco, trim, millwork.
-portacabio (to), binding rafter.
carrero m, teamster, truckman; operator of a
- de encofrado, form carpentry; form carpen- handcar.
ter shop. carreta f, cart, wagon.
- de modelos, patternmaking. -de remolque, trailer.
-de obra, structural carpentry. -volquete, dumpcart.
- de taller, shop carpcntry, millwork. carretada f, cartload, wagonload.
-mechica, millwork; ndl, carpenter shop. carretaje m, cartage, drayage.
- metuca, light ironwork in a building, espe carretal m (Es), rough ashlar stone,
cially doors and windows. carrete m, reel, coil; spool ; (elec) coil.
- naval, ship carpentry.
carpintero m, carpenter.
-de autoinducciSn (el&), self-induction coil.
-de encendido (auto), ignition coil.
- ademador, timberman. -de inducci6n (e16c), induction coil.
- w a d o r , erecting carpenter, framer. - de pellcuIa (ftna), fihn spool.
- de banco, shop carpenter.
de buque o de navio o de ribera, shipwrigllt,
---- de resistencia (e1i.c) , resistance coil.
-en derivaci6n (el&), shunt coil, (inst) poten-
ship carpenter. tial coil.
- de carreta o de prieto, wheelwright. - excitador (elkc), exciting coil.
- encofrador o de moldaje, form carpenter. -extintor de chispas (elbc), blowout coil.
- -inducido (elhe), armature coil.
- maestro, foreman or master carpenter.
modelador, patternmakcr. --- inductor, induction coil.
carraca f, ratchet brace, ratchet.
estiradora de alambres, fence ratchet.
carrada f (Es), carload; w ~ g o n l o ~ ~ d .
terminal (ais) , dead-end spool.
carreteable (ca), fit for hauling.
carretear, t o cart, haul; (ap) t o taxi.
carrasca f, carrasco m, pin oak, swamp white carretel m, reel, spool; winch head, (pet) cathead.
031;;woodland. carreteo m (ap), taxiing.
carrascal na, woodland; (Col) gravel bed. carretera f, highway, road.
canera f, strongback, waler, stringer, ranger; --- biviaria, two-lane highway.
(Col) girder; (carp) wall plate, sill; purlin; - cuadriviaria, four-lane highway.
girt; highway; (Cul) avenue; (machy) -de acceso, access road.
stroke, throw, traveIi (mas) oourse; (dock) -de accesos limitados, limited-access him-
stringpiece, backing log. way, frccwny.
- J aterrizar (sp), landing run. -
de cuatro vias, four-lane highway.
- ascendente, upstroke (piston).
de admisibn, (eng) ad~nisvion or intake
d e dos trochas, two-lane highway.
de trochas mdltiples, multilane highway.
de vla Iibre, express highway.
- de aspiracibn, (eng) suction stroke. -expresa, through or express highway, free-
- de barrido (di) , scevonging stroke.
-de compresibn, (eng) conipression stroke. -
matriz o troncal, main or through highway.
- de lo compuerta (hid), gate travel. carretera-parque (R), parkway.
de defensa (muellc), fender.
de dsscarga (lm),delivery stroke.
carreteria f , wagon shop; wlwclwright work.
carretero m, truclmion, tsn:u&x; wheelwright.
carretilla 70 carro

carretilta f, wheelbarrow; small car; hand truck; -partido (tranvia), slot r d . i

tramway bucket; cableway carriage; (rr) -Gnico, monorail.

truck; trolley; (A) (U) small wagon; (lg) -Vignola, T rail, standard railroad rail.
bummer, skidder, doily, drag cart. carriles de oruga, crawler tread.
-a horcada, straddle truck. carriles para recolocaci6n, relayers.
-alzadora, lift truck. carritada f, flangeway; treadway.
-concretera, concrete barrow. carriiano m (Ch), worker on a railroad, track-
-corrediza, I-beam trolley; cableway carriage. man.
-de atrLs (loco), trailing truck. carrileo m (V), scraping a r o d to fill ruts.
-de cuerpo de acero, steel-tray wheelbarrow. carrilera f, track; rut; (rr) (C) siding; CCoU grat-
-de equipaje, baggage truck. ing; (tc) track.
-de mano, hand or warehouse truck. -de carena, track of a marine railway.
-de riel (fc), pony car. -de &a, crane runway.
-tie suspensi611, cableway carriage. -de oruga, crawler tread.
-de via (fc), track barrow. -de transbordador, runway of a transfer table.
-eliictrica (vol), electric squib. -decauvitle, narrow-gage track.
--- elevadora, lift truck. -industrial, industria1 railway.
- pesadora, weigh larry. carrilero m (Ch), railroad worker.
-portante (fc), pony truck. csrrillo m, small cart; tackle block; I-beam trol-
-portatubos (pet), casing wagon. ley; (Sp) sheave, pulley.
-tubular, tubular-frame wheelbarrow. -de contact0 (fc el&), contact plow.
carretillada f, wheelbarrow load. carriola f (Col), purlin.
darretillero m, wheelbarrow man; (min) trammer. carrito m, small car; concrete buggy; cableway
carreto m (Col) (V), a hardwood. carriage; sliding-door hanger; traveler,
carret6n m, wagon, cart, truck; (PR) reel; (M) trolley; (lg) bummer, dolly, skidder; (ea)
concrete buggy. (V) scraper.
-corredizo, cableway carriage. -cargador (ef), loading carriage.
-cuba, tank wagon. -corredizo, cableway carriage; lathe carriage;
-de carriles o de orugas, track or crawler traveler, trolley; (lg) skidding carriage.
wagon. -de cigiiefia, small car moved by hand power.
-de remolque, trailer. -de mano, handcar.
-de volteo, dumpcart, dump wagon. -para ruedas, wheel dolly.
- hemamental, tool wagon. -portador (mh) , lathe carriage.
-regador, sprinkling wagon. carro m, car; wagon, truck, cart; automobile.
-semicarril, half-track. -aguatero, watering cart.
-tanque, tank wagon. -andamio (fc el&), tower car.
carretonada f,wagonload, truckload, cartload. -automotor (fc), motorcar.
carretonaje m, cartage, trucking, hauling. -barrenador, drill carriage; wagon drill.
carretonero m,truck or cart driver, teamster. -basculador, dump car.
carricuba m,sprinkling cart, tank wagon. -basurero, garbage car; trash car.
carril m, rail; track, traffic lane; treadway; nar- -bodega (Ch), boxcar.
row road; (V) rut. -caja (M), boxcar.
-a garganta, grooved or streetcar rail. -calichero (Ch), nitrate car.
- americano, T rail. -carbonero, coal car.
-conductor, third rail, contact or conductor -cargador, charging carriage.
rail. -cerrado, boxcar.
-contraaguja, stock rail. -correo, mail car.
-de aguja, switch or point rail. - cuba, tank car; tank wagon.
-de alambre, acrial tramway. -de aparejo o de a d o , wrecking or derrick
- de ativio (fc), easer rail. car.
-de arranque (fc), lead rail. -de aserradero, sawmill carriage.
- de bhcula, weigh rail. -de c a j b , boxcar; (C) gondola car.
-de cambio, switch rail. -de carga, freight car.
---- de canal, grooved or streetcar rail. -de costado bajable, drop-side car.
-de eremallera, rack rail. -de despejo, clearance car.
-de desecho, scrap rdl. -de do8 vertientes, gable-bottom car.
-de hongo o de path, T rail, standard railroad -de embudo (C), hopper-bottom car.
rail. -de equipajes, baggage car.
- de mueue, spring rail (frog). -de escdera (A), tower car (elcc rr).
-de puerta corrediza, track for sliding door. -de expreso, express car.
-de ranura, grooved or streetcar rail. -de extraccibn, mine car.
-de toma, third or conductor rail. - de grfia, wrecking or derrick car; crane truck
-dentado, r p 7k rail. -de hacienda (A), cattle car.
-doble T, girder rail. -de herramientas, tool car; tool wagon.
-gula, guardrail. -de rnangueras, hose cart.
-maestro, stock or running rail. -de mano, handcar, push car.
-de perforadoras, drill carriage, jumbo. -de pago, receipt.
-de plancha ( C ) ,flatcar. -de porte, freight bill; bill of lading; (A) way-
-de plataforma, flatcar. bill.
-de remolque, trailer. -de privilegio, franchise, concession.
-de riego, sprinkling cart. -de venta, bill of sale.
-de socorro, wrecking car. -dinamom&rica, dynamometer card.
-de taladros, drill carriage. -diurna (tel), day letter.
-de tolva, hopper-bottom car. -geogrfica, map.
-de torno, lathe carriage. -geogrhfica agrea, aerocartograph.
-de torre (fc el&), tower car. -hidrogrhfica, chart.
-de trampas, drop-bottom car. -magngtica, magnetio chat.
-de traslaci6~1,transfer car or carriage. -marina (A), chart.
-de voiteo, dump car. -nocturna (tel), night letter.
de vuelco, dump car; tip cart. -planialtid trica (A), contour map.
decauvih, narrow-gage dump car. cartabSn m, square; rule; gage; (dwg) triangle;
dormitorio (M), sleeping car. (str) gusset plate ; peak of a roof; (A) splay.
- elevador, lift truck. - con transportador, protractor triangle.
- entero, por, in carload lots. -corredizo, slide caliper.
- estafeta, mail car. - be inglete, bevel square.
- ganadero, cattle car, stockcar. -de profundidad, depth gage.
- gGndola, gondola car. -de rotulacidn (dib) , lettering angle.
- herramental, tool car. - dilatable (Es),bevel protractor; protractor %

- inferior, undercarriage. triangle.

-lastrero (Ch), ballast car. - para madera (A), board rule.
- motor (fc), motorcar.
-nevera, refrigerator car.
cartabonear (A), t o work with a square.
cartln m (V), a hardwood.
-pagador, pay car. cartela f, bracket, corbel, console, bolster; knee
- para trozos, sawmil1 carriage. brace, gusset.
-petrolero (Ch), tank car. - aguantadora (cn), toe bracket.
-pipa, water cart. - atiesadora (cn), tilting bracket; stiffener
- plano, flatcar. bracket; tangency bracket.
- portaherramienta (dl), tool carriage, t
-de tangencia (cn), tangency bracket.
carter m,housing, casing, cover.
- portasierras (as), saw carriage. -del diferencid (auto), differential case.
- raso, flatcar. -de engranajes (auto), gearbox.
- reja, cattle car. -del motor (auto), crankcase.
-salitrcro (Ch), nitrate cap. cartera f, (Col) notebook, field book,
- sal6n, chair car. cartografia f , cartography.
-separador, idler car. -airea, aerial photographic surveying, air-
-tanque, tank car; water cart. plane mapping.
-trailla (cc), wagon scmpcr. c a r t o g r h r , t o survey, mdse maps.
- transversa1 (mh), cross carriage. cartogrlfico, cartographic.
-tranvla o urbano, streetcar. cart6grafo m, cartographer.
-volcador, dump car; dump wagon. cart6metro m, chartometer.
carro-montacargas, lift truck. cartbn'm, cardboard, millboard, heavy paper;
carro-soporte, lathe saddle. (M) gusset plate, bracket.
carros cornpletos, por, in carload lots. -alquitranado, tar paper.
carrocerla f , automobile body (not usually -comprimido o de Fuller, pressboard, Fuller
plied to trucks); (M) truck body. board.
-de turismo, touring-car body. -de asbesto, asbestos board.
-de volteo (M), dump body. -de bagazo, colotex.
- transformable, convertilh body. -de fibra, fiberboard.
carrocero m (Es), wheelwrig1it. - de paja, strawboard.
carrosage m (auto), inclination of the fronB - de yeso, plasterboard, wallboard.
wheels. -embetunado, tar gaper.
catroza f (cn), companion, companion head. -fieltro (U), r o o h g paper or feIt.
carruaje m, any k h d of vehiolc. -piedra, papier-mlch6.
carrucha f (AC), reel; sheave, pulley. - tabla (C), wallboard.

caria f, chart, map; lcttcr, docun~ent. :artoteca f (V), map fde.

- caminera (Ch), road map. :artucho m, cartridge.
- certificada, registered Icttcr. - de dinamita, dynamite cartridge.
-cohrirn&ica (In!)), color chnrt. - de fusible (el&), fuse cartridge.
-constitutional, incorporation papers, charter, -filtrante, filter cartridge.
- de dudadanla, naturalization papers. -fusibie (elk), cartridge fuse.
--- de cr6dito simple, clean letter of credit. :artulina f , Bristol board.
- de fletamento, charter party. ;ampal m, a Verleauelan lumber.

casa f, house; 6rm. casillero m, rack (for pipe, etc.) ; ( C ) bin.

-central, main or home office. casimba f, well; spring.
-constructors, construction company. casiterita f, cassiterite (tin ore).
-de azotea, penthouse.
-de bombas, pump house.
caso (m) fortuito, force majeure, contingency,
act of God.
-de calderas, boilerhouse. casquete m, cap; shell; helmet.
-de cambio, moneyexchange office. -de burbujeo (pet), bubble cap.
-de cartas (cn), chart house. -del cabezal (torno), headstock cap.
-de comando, control house. -de espiga (ca), dowel-bar cap.
- del comando (cn) , bridge house.
-de comercio, business concern.
-de hincar (pi), drive cap.
-de soIdador, welding helmet.
-de las compuertas (hid), gatehouse. -de tubo, pipe cap.
-de departamentos, apartment house. -de uniiin (vci), union bonnet.
-de distribucihn (el&), switch house. - de la vsllvula, valve bonnet.
-de fuerza, powerhouse. -guardahumo, smoke helmet.
-de liquidaciSn, clearinghouse. -sellador ( ~ 6 )seal . cap.
-de d q u i n a s , enginehouse; powerhouse. casquijo m,gravel, gravel bar.
-de 10s molinos (aa), mill house. casquillo rn, ferrule ; gland ; sleeve, bushing ;
--- de 10s tachos (sz), boiling house. socket; pipe cap; base of an incandescent
-de tramo (fc), section house. lamp; horseshoe; (min) blasting cap, ex-
- matriz, main office. ploder.
-redonda (fc) (M), roundhouse. -abierto (cab), open socket.
cascada f, waterfall, cascade. - acufiado (cab), wedge socket.
cascadas (C) , rapids. -cerrado (cab), closed socket.
cascajal, cascaj& m, gravel pit or bed. -conectador (qlBa), hickey.
cascajero m, gravel bed; worked-out mine. -del alma (sx), core barrel.
cascajo m, gravel; quarry waste; (rr) ballast; -de bayoneta, bayonet-socket base (lamp).
(sd) grit; (A) rubble aggregate, cobbles. -de boca cuadrada, square-drive socket.
cascajoso, gravelly. -de calafateo (tub), calking ferrule.
cHscara f, casing, shell; bark. -de doce estrlas, twelve-point socket.
-de naranja, (bu) orange peel. -de empaque, packing follower.
cascardn m, shell, casing; (ar) vault; (A) deposit -de guia (mh), guide bushing.
of scale. -de m o t h , coak.
casco m, shell, casing; cask; (naut) h d ; v) -de ocho estrlas, eight-point socket.
central part of a city. -- de prensaestopa, gland.
-de buzo, diver's helmet. ---- de puente (cab), bridge socket.
-de caldera, shell of a boiler. -de rosca, screw base (lamp).
-de cojinete, bearing shell. -de soldar (tub), soldering bushing, sweating
-del radiador (auto), radiator shell. thimble.
-de soldador, welding helmet, head shield. - de tubo-conduct0 (el&), conduit bushing.
cascote m, debris, rubbish; rubble; (A) brickbat; -deslizante, slip bushing.
(exc) muck. -destornillador, screwdriver socket.
cascotear (Col), to level up with rubbish. -escalonado (cab), stepped socket.
caseoso (ms) (M), compressible, easily deformed. -escariador, reaming shell (drill).
caseta f, small building; cabin; (tk) (sh) cab. - estriado, (t) socket.
-de balanza, scale house, 'weighhouse. --- flotante, floating bushing.
-de cabezal (min) , head house. -para cabilla (ca), dowel socket.
-de control (el&), switch house. - partido, split bushing.
-de guardaagujas (fc),switchman's shanty. - por soldar (tub), welding neck; stub end.
- del guardacrucero (fc), crossing watchman's -reductor, pipe bushing.
shanty. -universal, universal socket.
-de mando, control house. casquillos (fc), car brasses.
de mando de compuertas (hid), gatehouse. castaiieteo m (herr), chatter.
-herramental, tool house. castafio rn, chestnut wood.
-telefanica, telephone booth. castafiuela f, lewis; lewis bolt; stone bolt, split
casetdn m (ds)(M) , caisson gate. bolt; (naut) cleat.
casilla f, small building, shed; privy; post-office -de cantera, lewis.
box; (loco) cab; (elec) cubicle; cabinet; castiUejo m, scaffolding, trestlework; pedestal;
(Ec) water closet; (Sp) column in a n o t e bed frame.
book. castillete m, scaffdd; trcstlo bent; A frame;
-de aceites, oil house. horse; pile-driver leads; gdlows frame; oil
-del cambiador (fc), switchman's shanty. derrick; (min) headframe.
-de compuertas {hid), gatehouse. -amado, framed bent.
-de correo, post-ofice box. - de cablevia, cableway tower.
-de herraxnientas, tool house. -de pilotes, pile bent.
- dei maquinista (loc. ;, cab. --- de transmisibn, tranumission tower.
-provisorio (pte) , falsework. cauchotar, t o treat with rubber.
castillo m, (min) headframe; (sb) forecastle. caudal m,volume of flow.
-de popa (cn), poop deck. -afiuente, runoff, inflow.
-- de proa (cn), forecastle. I -critico, critical flow.
castina f , flux. -de avenida, flood flow.
casucha f, shanty; (sh) cab. -de estiaje, low-water flow.
data f, test pit; testing, test boring, exploration. - graduado o regularizado, regulated flow.
catacllstico (geol), cataclastic. - instantheo, momentary flow.
catadora f, earth auger, any tool for exploring -medio, mean flow.
the ground. - sblido, material in suspension in a stream.
catalejo m,telescope. - subcritico, streaming flow.
catalina f (Es)(C), sprocket, gear wheel. -supercrltico, shooting or supercritical flow.
cattdisis f (qdm) , catalysis. caudaloso, of great volume, running full, in flood
catnlitico, catalytic. causticador m, causticizer.
catalizador m, catalyst, catalytic agent. causticar, t o causticize.
- de lecho fijo (pet), fixed-bed catalyst. ciustico, caustic (all senses).
- usado, spent catalyst. caritil m (AC), soldering iron.
catalizar, t o catalize. cautin m, soldering iron.
catiilogo m, catalogue. cava f, pit, excavation.
catalpa f (mad), catalpa. cavadizo, easily excavated.
catar, t o explore the ground, dig test pits; to cavador m, excavator.
sampIe. -de agujeros de posies, (t) posthole digger. 6
eatarata f, waterid, cataract; (ae) cataract. -de zanjas, trench machine, ditcher.
catarina f (M), sprocket. cavadora .f., excavator.
catarocas f (geol) (A), cahclastic rocks. -cargadora, elevating grader.
catastral, cadastral. -de arcilla, pneumatic clay spade.
catastro m, inventory of r e d estate in a district; -de capachos, bucket excavator.
census, cadastre. - de desagiies, drainage ditcher.
cateador m, prospector; sampler, trier. cavadura f, excavation, digging.
catear, t o make borings, explore the ground, cavar, to excavate, dig.
prospect ; t o sample. cavazanjas, miiquina, trench machine.
catenaria f, catenary. cavazbn f (Es),excavation.
- hidrost&tica, hydrostatic catenary, elastics. cavin m, a Chilean hardwood.
cateo m, prospecting, exploration; sampling. caverna f, cavern, hollow.
cateto m, leg of a right triangle. cavernoso, full of cavities, porous, containing
catetbmetro n (lab), cathetometer. voids.
catetrbn m (re), cathetron. caveto m,quarter-round concave molding.
catiguii m, an Argentine wood (semihard). cavidad f, cavity.
catibn m (elkc), cation, kation. cavitaci6n f, cavitation.
catibnico, cationic. cayo m, small island, cay, key; shoal.
cat6dic0, cathodic. CBZ m, flume, canal, race.
cltodo m (el6c), cathode.
- a calefaccih directa, directly heatdeathode.
- de descarga, tailrace.
-de trafda, headrace.
-de calentamienfo indirecto, indirewhg.heated - vertedor, spillway channel.
or equipotential cathode. cazaclavos m, nail puller, claw bar.
-de charm (de mercurio), pool-type cathode. cazadera f, (min) hitch.
-virtual (ra), virtual cathode. cazangueo m (M), clearing land.
catod6grafo m, catllodograph, radiograph. cazarremaches m, rivet set or snap.
catolito rn ( e h ) , catholyte. cazo m, ladle, bucket, dipper.
catbptrico, catoptric (light). - de cola, gluepot.
catraca f (A), ratchet. - de colada, pouring or charging ladle.
cauce m,clmmel, river bed. - de fundidor, casting ladle.
-de alivio, floodway. - para asfalto, asphalt dipper.
-de derivacib, diversion channel. cazoleta f, bucket of a turbine; pan; dolly; (Sp)
-de escape, tailrace. water-closet bowl.
- de evacuaci6n, spillway channel. -del diferencial (auto), housing of the differ-
-de Uegada, headrace. ential.
-libre, open channel. cazonete m,toggle.
cauci6n f, security, guaranty. cebadero m,opening for charging a furnace.
-de licitador, bid security. cebador m, (auto) priming cup; choke; (pu)
caucionar, to bond (employee). primer.
caucho m,rubber; (V)automobile tire. cebadura f, priming.
- endurecido, hard rubber. cebar, (bl) t o prime; (pu) t o pnime; (bo)to feed,
- regenerado, reclaimed rubber. chnrge; cebarse (vol) (M), t o misfire.
- ailvestre, native or wild rubber. cebo m, (bl) primer, fuse; (rd) binder; (bo)
cauchatado (A), rubberized, waterproofed. charge.
cebo central

-de gelatina (vol), gelatin primer. -de alto horno, slag cement.
-elictrico, exploder. -de bajo calor, low-heat cement.
-fdminante, blasting cap, exploder. -de calor moderado de fraguado, moderate-
-retardado, delay blasting cap. heat-of-hardening cement.
cebolla f (bm) , strainer for footvalve. -de empizarrar, dater's cement.
cedazo m, screen, sieve, strainer, riddle. -de escoria, slag cement.
-corredizo, traveling screen- -de fraguado lento, slow-setting cement.
-de arrastre, drag screen. -de fraguado riipido, quick-setting or high-
-de banda, band screen. early-strength cement.
- de disco, disk screen. -de goma, rubber cement.
-de silice, silica cement.
-giratorio, revolving screen.
- para peces (hid), fish screen. -modificado, modified cement.
- sacudidor, shaking screen. -natural, natural cement.
-yibrante, vibrating screen. -para empaquetadura, gasket cement.
ceder, t o yield, give way, fail; t o assign. -para pisos de vidrio, vault-light cement.
cedro m, cedar. -plftstico para techos, roofkg cement.
cgdda f, certificate, official document; schedule; -Portland, Portland cement.
(fin)(A) bond. -puzol5nic0, pozzolanic cement.
-de cambio, bill of exchange. -reforzado (Col), reinforced concrete.
-de investigacibn (tr) , tracer. -refractario, high-temperature or refractory
-hipotecaria (A), rnortgqe bond. cement.
cegar, t o wall up; t o plug, stop up. -resistente a 10s sulfates, sulphate-resisting
cegesimd a, centimeter-gram-second. cement.
ceiba f, ceibo m,tropical tree that yields kapok. -romano (Es), natural cement.
ceja f, flange; (M) tire bead; (C) trail, path. -sin arena, neat cement.
celador m, watchman; maintenance man. -suelto, bulk or loose cement.
celaje m (Es), skylight; transom. cementoso, cementitious.
celda f, cell; bin. cenagal m, swamp.
--- de bateria (.4). battery cell. cenagoso, swampy.
--- de energia, (eng) energy cell. cenicero m, ashpan, ashpit.
-fotoelbctrica, photoelectric ceU. cenit m, zenith.
celita f , (ct) (conc admixture) cellite. cenital, zenithal.
celoidina f (fma), celloidin. ceniza f, ash.
celosia f , (str) latticing, lacing; window blind, - de soda, soda ash, anhydrous sodium car-
lattice. bonate.
-de ventiIaci611, louver. cenizal m, ashpit, ash dump.
cilula f, cell; cubicle. ceniz&, ashes, cinders.
-fotoeliktrica (A), photoelectric cell, photo- -de plomo, litharge, lead ash.
cell. - volc8nicas, volcanic ash.
-fotoemisora, phototube. centeIleo m (ra) , flicker.
-talofido (ra), thalofide cell. centesimal, centesimal.
celular, cellular. centCsimo m a, hundredth.
celuloide m, celluloid. centihrea f, centiare, centare.
celulosa f, cellulose. centibara f , centibar.
ceblbsico, ceI1uIosic. centigrado, centigrade.
celuloso a, cellular. centigram0 m,centigram.
cementacibn f (mam) (met), cementation. centilitro m, centiliter.
cementador m (pet), cementer, cementing outfit. centimetrado (A), dividedintocentimeters(tapc) .
cementadora f, (Sp) cement gun; (pet) (Ec) centimetro m, centimeter.
cementing equipment. centinormal, centinormd.
cementar, t o cement; to carburize, caseharden. centipoise, centipoise.
cementer0 a, pertaining to cement. centner m, centner.
cementista m, cement worker, cement mason. - mgtrico, metric or double centner.
cementitn f (met), cementite. centrador m, centralizer, centering device.
cemento m,cement. -de embrague (auto), clutch pilot.
-a grmel, bulk or loose cement. -fijo (mh), steady rest.
-artifi~ial(Es) , Portland cement. centradora f, (mt) spotting tool.
-armado, reinforced concrete. centraje m, centering.
-asfiiltico, asphalt cement. -propio, de, self-centering.
-de aHa resistencia a corto plazo (M), high- central f, plant, station: powerhouse; sugar mill
early-~trengthrement. telephone exchange; a central.
-de alta resistencia inicial, high-early-strength - auxiliar, stand-by power plant.
-azucarera, sugar mill.
-de alta velocidad (M), high-early-strength -de bombeo (Col), pumping station.
cement. - de energfa o de fuerza, power plant, power-
-de alto calor, high-heat cement. house.
central 75 cerca
-de escorrentta (PR), river-run power pIant. -biselador, chamfer plane.
-de hormig6n (A), concrete-mixing plant. -bocel, plane for making half-round moldings.
-de transformacibn, transformer station, sub- -cbncavo, hollow plane.
-electrica a vapor, steam-electric powerhouse. -
station. convexo, round plane.
-de achaflanar, beveI plane.
-elect~6gena o generadora, generating or -de alambre o de acero, wire brush.
central station, electric powerhouse. -de albaiiil (V), float.
-elevadora, pumping plant; hoisting installa- -de alisar, smooth plane.
tion. -de angaletar (A), miter plane.
-hidr&ulica,water-power plant. -de astrlgalos, beading plane.
-medio encerrada (el&), semioutdoor station. -de banco, bench plane.
-telefCinica, telephone exchange.
-tbrmica, steam power phnt.
-de cantear, edge plane.
-de contrafibra, block plane.
-termoel6ctrica, steam-electric power plant.
central m (C), sugar mill.
-de costado, side plane.
-de encabezar escalones, nosing plane.
centrar, to center. -de ensambiar, dovetail plane.
c6ntric0, centraI, centric. -de grarnil, rabbet plane with fence.
centxlfuga, centrifugadora j, centrifuge, centrif- -de hie~rodoble, double-iron plane.
ugal. -de juntas, jointing plane.
centrifugar, to centrifuge. -de madera (V) , mason's float.
centrifuge a, centrifugal. -de mediacaifa, half-round or reed plane.
centripeto, centripetal. -de molduras, molding plane; beading plane,
centro m, center. -de ranurar, grooving or rabbet or plow or
- a centro, center to center. dado plane.
-de la carga o de distribucidn (el&), load ten- - de refrentar, cross-grain plane.
ter, center of distribution. -dentado, toothing plane.
-de deformacidn (fma), center of distortion. -desbastador, jack plane.
-de estacibn (fma) , camera station. -limador, shaping planer.
- de figura (mat), center of figure. -
- machihembrador, matching plane.
-de flotabilidad (an), center of buoyancy. meclnico, planer, jointer.
-de flotaci6n (an), center of flotation. -mecPnico de banco, bench planer or jointer.
- de giro, center of gyration. -m e t m o , mire brush.
-de gravedad, center of gravity. - raspador, scraper plane.
-de inercia o de masa, center of inertia or of -rebajador, rabbet or plow or sash plane.
mass. -redondo, compass plane.
-de momentos, center of moments. -universal, combination plane.
-de perspectiva (frna), perspective center. cepillo-juntera, jointing plane.
- de presibn, center of pressure. cepillo-rasqueta, scraper plane.
-de rotacibn, center of gyration. cepo m, waler, ranger, ribbon, stringpiece, strong-
-de sirnetria, center of symmetry. back; cap of a bent; stock of an anvil;
de la vista (fma), center of vision,
demogrfifico, center of population.
stock of an anchor; shell of a tackle block;
clamp, vise.
-fotogr&fico (frna), photographic or plate ten- cequiBn m (Ch) (V), irrigation canal.
ter. cera f, wax.
-geom6tric0, center of figure. - amariila (pet), yellow wax.
- momentheo, instantaneous center. -de parafina, paraffin wax.
-muerto, dead center (twist drill). - para correas, belt wax.
-substituto (fma), substitute center. cerdmica de construcci6n, hollow tile, structural
centroidal, centroidal. terra cotta.
centroide m, centroid. cerhnico, ceramic.
centropunzbn m (C), center punch. cerargirita f , cerargyrite, horn silver, native sil-
ceolita f (miner)(pa), zeolite. ver chloride.
cepa f, butt end; stump; (Ch) trestle bent; (M) cerca f, fence.
footing, cutoff wall. -alambrada, wire fence.
b cepillado par cuatro caras (mad), dressed four -alemana (C), worm or snake fence.
sides. -de estacas, paling fence,
cepillado por un canto (mad),dressed one edge. - de lienzos (C) (PR), fence built in panels be-
cepilladora f, planer, plane; jointer. tween posts.
- de banco oscilante, reciprocating-fable - de nacer, fence of wire on posts that have
planer. taken root.
-desbastadora, jack plane. - de pie (C) (PR), paling fence.
cepilladuras f, shavings. -de piedra, stone wall.
cepillar, to plane, face, dress; to brush. - defensa de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
cepillo m, plane; brush. -en zigzag, worm fence.
-acabador, smooth plane. -paranieve, snow fence.
-acanalador, fluting plane. - viva, hodge.
cercado 76 cicuta

cercado m,fence, fencing. cerrojo m, door bolt, bolt of a lock, latch; (C)
-eslabonado, chrtin-iink fencing. machine bolt.
cercar, to fence. -qcodado, neck bolt.
cerco m, fence; hoop; frame; (auto) rim; iron tire. - cilfndrico d e aplicar, barrel bolt.
-de alambre, wire fence. - de aplicar, surface bolt.
-de barril, barrel hoop. -de caja, case bolt.
-de puerta, doorframe. -de caja tubular, barrel bolt.
-de rueda, tire. -de embutir, mortise bolt, flush bolt.
-Qe ventam, window frame. -de pie o de piso, foot or floor or bottom bolt.
cerco-gula (hid), gate frame. -de resorte, latch, spring bolt.
cercha f , rib of an arch center; (Pan) (U) truss; -dormido, dead bolt.
(Col) template; screed ; (M) stair string; certeneja f (Ch),hole scoured in the bed of a
(dwg) spline; (rr) clearance gage. stream.
cerchhmetro m (fc) (A), clearance gage. certificado m, certificate.
cerch6n m,arch centering. -de acciones, stock certificate.
cerda f (inst), hair of the reticle. -de ensayo, test certificate.
cQeo a,wax, waxy. -de incorporacibn, corporation charter. incor-
ceresita f, Ceresit (trademark) (waterproofing). poration papers.
cerezo m, cherry wood. -de nacimiento, birth certificate.
cerilio m, a Cuban lumber. cerusa f, white lead, ceruse, cerussite.
cernedor m, screen, sieve. cerusita f, cerussite (lead ore).
cerner, to screen, sift. cesante a,unemployed; discharged.
cernido (m)h h e d o , wet screening. cesantear, to discharge (men).
cernidor m,screen, sieve; (Col) buddle; sifter. cesantes 3, unemployed, discharged workers.
cerniduras f, screenings. cesantia f, unemployment, discharge.
cernir, to screen; (Col) t o buddle. cesio m (qulm), cesium.
cero m,zero. cdsped m, sod, grass, turf.
ceroso, waxy. cespol m, cespul m, (pb) floor drain, cesspooI
cerrable (elkc), sealable. (sd) (M) cesspool ; (pb) trap.
cerradero m, keeper or strike of a lock; padlock cesta f, basket; bucket; strainer.
eye; staple; any locking device. - de aspiraci6n (bm), strainer for foot valve.
-angular, angle strike. -pescarripio (pet), junk basket.
cerrado, closed ; sharp (curve). cesto m, basket.
cerrador m, window shutter; locker; any closing -de la centrifuga (aa), centrifugal basket.
or locking device. -de pesca (pet), junk basket.
cerradura f (ft), lock. cestBn m, gabion, bundle of brushwood filled
-a tambor (A), cylinder lock. with stone used in bank protection or
-de aplicar (A), rim lock. stream diversion.
-de arrimar, rim lock. cestonada f, revetment of gabions.
-de caja, rim lock; safe lock. cetano m (pet). cetane.
-de cilindro, cylinder lock. cianita f (miner), cyanite, kyanite, disthene.
-de cilindro parac6ntric0, paracentric lock. cianizar, t o cyaniae.
-de combinacibn, combination lock. cianoficeas (is), Cyanophyceae.
--- de dos cilindros, duplex lock. cianbgeno m (qufm). cyanogen.
-de dos vueltas, double-throw Iock. cianuraci6n f (met), cyaniding.
-de embutir, mortise lock. cianCuico, cyanuric.
-de molinillo (Es), cylinder lock. cianuro m, cyanide.
-de muelle o de resorte, spring or snap lock. ciciclo, cyclic.
-dormida, dead lock. ciclo m (el&) (moc) (qulm), cycle.
-rebajada, rabbeted lock. -cerrado o cornpleto, closed or complete
-recercada (M), rim lock. cvcle.
cerraja f (Es), lock. - compuesto, (eng) mixed cycle.
eerrajear, t o do locksmith work. -de cuatro tiempos (mg), four-stroke cycle.
cerrajeria f, locksmithing; locksmith's shop; -de enfriamiento invertido (aa), reverse-re-
bdder's hardeare; light ironwork; iron- frigeration cycle, heat-pumping.
works. -de filtradbn (pa), filter cycle.
cerrajero m, locksmith; architecturd ironworker. - de imanacihn, magnetic cycle.
cerramiento m, closure; bulkhead; fence; parti- cicloidal, cycloidal.
tion; curtain wall; (min) dam, dike. cicloide f, cycloid.
cerrar, to close; to fasten, lock; to enclose; to cicloinversor m (el&), cycloinverter.
obstruct, block; to seal. ciclbmetro m, cyclometer.
-con Uave; to Iock. ciclbn m, cyclone.
-el trazado, to close the survey. ciclbnico, cyclonic.
eetrillada f, range of low hills. cicl6peo (mam), cyclopean.
cerrillar, t o mill, knurl. ciclbtomo (mat), cyclotornic.
cerro m, hill. cicuta f (mad), hemlock.
ciego, Mind (flange, nut, window, etc.); blank -. de prueba, test cylinder.
(flange, etc) -graduado (lab), graduate cylinder.
cielo m, ceiling; top. -maestro (auto), master cylinder (brake).
-- abierto, a, on the surface, in open cut. -prirnitivo (en), pitch cylinder.
- del hogar (caI), crown sheet. - sacantcleos, core barrel (drill).
- descubierto, a, on the surface. -triturador, crushing roll.
-rase, flat or flush ceiling, plastered ceiling. cilindros
-raso aciistico, accoustical ceiling. -de conformar, forming rolls.
cignaga f, swamp, marsh. -de enderezar, straightening rolls, (sb) man-
ciencia f , science. gle rolls.
cienegal m (PR), swamp. -de expansidn (pte) , expansion rollers.
cianrnildsimo m, one hundred-thousandth. - de forjar, forging rolls.
ciemmilirnetro m, one hundredth of a millimeter. - terminadores (met), finishing rolls.
cienmillon~simom, one hundred-millionth. cilindroide m, cylindroid.
cieno m,mud ; sludge. cilonita f, Zylonite (trademark).
- activado (dm), activated sludge. cjma f, crest, summit, peak, top.
- de acumulador (elbc), battery mud. cimacio m, ogee; (M) spillway bucket.
digerido (dac) , digested sludge.
elutriado (dac), elutriated sludge,
- vertedar, rollway (dam).
cimborrio m, dome; Imin) roof, ceiIing.
- hijmico (dac) , humus sludge. cimbra f, arch centering.
cientifico, scientific. cimbrar, t o center (arch); cimbrarse, to sway,
ciento, d e n m a, hundred. vibrate.
cierracompuerta m (hid), gate-closing device. cimbreo rn, sway, vibration.
cierrapuerta rn, door check. cimbrdn m (A), vibration.
cierre m, closure, sealing, lockin:. cimbronazo m (V), earthquake.
- a tornillo, screw lock. cimentacidn f, foundation, footing.
-del cojinete (maq), bearing sed. - de caj6n, pneumatic-caisson foundation.
-de linea (pet), line blind. -de emparrillado, grillage foundation.
- dcl trazado (lev), closure. -de zampeado, mat foundation.
- de vapor (mg) (M), vapor lock. -escalonada, stepped footing.
-dehitivo (presa) , final closure. - sobre pilotes, pile foundation.
-hidrlulico, water seal. cimentar, t o lay a foundation, to found.
- rellmpago, zipper. cimento m (geol), cementing material.
cierro rn, inclosure; fence. cimiento m, foundation, footing; foundation
cifra (f) global, lump sum (contract). material; cement.
cigiiefia f, crank; sweep; winch, windlass, cnp- -de retallo, stepped footing.
stan; (C) handcar, automobile on a rail- - ensanchado, spread footing.
road track. - romano (Pe), hydraulic lime.
ciglfeiial m, crankshaft. cimdmetro m (ra), cymometer.
- de compensaciBn, balanced crankshaft. cimoscopio m (el&), cyrnoscope.
-de cuatro codos, four-throw crankshaft. cinabarita f (Es), cinnabar.
-de dos codos, two-throw crankshaft. cinabrio rn, cinnabar (mercury ore).
d e siete cojinetes, seven-bearing crankshaft. cinc m,zinc.
equilibrsdo, balanced crankshaft. -no gastable (el&), wastclcss zinc.
- simple o de un codo, single-throw crsnk- cincado, galvanized, zinc-plated, zinc-coated.
shaft. -a fuego, hot-galvanized.
- voladizo, overhanging crankshaft. cincar, t o galvanize, aincify.
cilanco m, alack or stagnant water, backwater. cincel m,chisel, cutter, graver.
ciliado a (is), ciliate. - arrancador, floor or box chisel.
cilindrada f, piston displacement, cylinder capnc- -de flo en cruz (cantem), cross chisel.
ity. -de fundidor, flogging chisel.
cilindradora f, road roller. -de pico redondo, roundnose chisel.
cilindraje m, rolling, compacting. -de uiias (Es), stonecutter's chisel.
cilindrar, t o roll, compact. -dentado (cantero), tooth chisel, bumper.
cilindreo m, rolling. -debastador, drove chisel, hoaster, drove,
cilindrico, cylindrical. boasting chisel.
cilindro m, cyliider ;roller, roU. -hendedor, splitting chisel.
- apisonador, tamping roller; paving roller. cincelador m, chipping hammer; chipping chisel;
-compresor, road or paving roller. stonecutter.
- de bomba, pump cylinder; working barrel. cincelnr, t o chisel, carve; t o chip.
-de caldera, shell of a boiler. cincifero, containing rim, zinciferaus.
- de caminos, road roller. cincita f, aincite, red zinc ore, red oxide of zinc
- de culata en T, T-head engine cylinder. cinco sextos, fire sixths.
- de curvar, bending roll,
de frenaje, brake cylinder.
cincha f, girth, belt.
-de seguridad, safety belt.
- de laminar, roll in a steel mill. cinchar, to cinch; t o hoop, band.
cinch0 m (M), belt, hoop, band, iron tire; bin) -de guardalinea, lineman's belt.
frame for shaft timbering. -de seguridad, safety belt.
-de plomo, lead shield (far screw). -para herramientas, tool belt.
- para herramientas, tool belt. cipo m (Es), boundary monument; milepost.
cinerniitica f, kinematics. cipr6s m, cypress.
cinemiitico, kinematic. circdn m (miner) (rfr), zircon.
cinetica f, kinetics, circonia f (rfr) , zirconia.
cinitico, kinetic. circbnico, zirconic.
cinglador m, blacksmith's hammer; (met) shin- circonio m (quim), zirconium.
gler; (met) squeezer. circuit0 m (el&), circuit.
-de quijadas, alligator or crocodile squeezer. -aceptor (ra), acceptor circuit.
-rotativo o de leva, rotary or cam squeezer. -amortiguador, damping circuit.
cinglar, to shingle (iron). -an6dico (ra), anode or plate circuit.
cinguerh f (A), sheet-metal work, sheet-metal - atenuador de las altas (ra), bass-boosting
shop. circuit.
cinguero m (A), sheet-metal worker, tinsmith. -cltodo-tierra (ra), cathode follower.
cinta f, belt; tape; strip; (carp) batten, waler, -combinado, compound circuit.
ribbon; (str) girt ; sliver (rope). -compuesto (tel), cornposited circuit.
-aisladora (el&), insulating or friction or -de absorci6n (ra), absorption or tank circuit..
binding tape. -de acoplamiento por resistencia, resistance-
-barnizada (elk), varnished tape. coupled circuit.
-conectora (carp), ribbon connector. -de admisi6n (ra) (A), acceptor circuit.
-de acero, steel tape. -de aproximacibn (fc), approach circuit.
-de agrimensor, measuring tape. -de descarga (tv), discharge circuit.
-de bolsiUo, pocket tape (measuring). -de disparo (ra), trigger circuit.
-de cordones, corded tape (measuring). -de entrada, input circuit.
-de dihmetros (ef), diameter tape. - de linea (fc), line circuit.
-del embraeue. - ,clutch band. -de media onda (ra). . .. half-wave circuit.
-de empalme (el&), friction or insulating -de placa (ra), plate or anode circuit.
tape. -de plena onda (ra), full-wave circuit.
-de encajonar, box strapping. -de prueba, test circuit.
-de freno, brake band; brake lining. -de rejilla (ra), grid circuit.
-de friccibn, friction band; (elec) friction or -de salida, output circuit.
binding tape. -de sangria (ra), bleeder circuit.
-de ginero (med), cloth tape. -de via (fc), track circuit.
- de hierro, strap or band iron.
-de lienzo, linen tape.
-de via libre (fc), clearing circuit.
-de vuelta, return circuit.
-de limpieza (al), cleaning tape. -derivado, branch circuit.
---- de medir, tape line, measuring tape. -desviador (tv), deflection circuit.
-de resorte, spring-winding tape (measuring). -en puente, bridge circuit; jumper circuit.
-de selvicultor, circumference or forester's -equilibrado, balanced circuit.
tape. -fantasma, phantom circuit.
---- de tela (lev), cloth tape. - inducido, secondary circuit.
-de tela reforzada (lev), metallic tape. - inductor, primary circuit.
-de transporte, belt conveyor. -oscilador (ra), oscillatory circuit.
- de urdimbre metHlica (C), metallic tape. -oscilante barredero (m), sweep circuit.
-de vidrio (cl&c),glass tape. -receptor (ra), receiving circuit.
-fusible (elCc), fuse link. -rechazador o repulsor (ra), rejector circuit.
-metiilica (lev), metallic tape; (A)(Sp) steel -reflejo (ra), reflex circuit.
tape. -restaurador (tv), restorer circuit.
-metidica articulada (Es), chain belt. -tanque (ra)(A), t a n k circuit.
--- mBtrica, measuring tape. -trampa (ra), trap circuit.
-pescadora (el@c),fish wire, snake, pufl wire, circulacibn f, circulation.
fish tape. -a gravedad (cf), gravity circulation.
-vitrificada (el&), glass tape. -forzada, forced circulation.
cintada f (lev), tape length, tape measurement. circulador m, circulator.
cinteada f (geol), t,and, streak. circular, v to circulate; a circular.
cintero m, (Sp) hoisting line; (surv) tapeman. circulo m, circle.
-delantero, herd tapeman. -anual (mad),annual ring.
-trasero, rcar tapeman. -azimutal, azimuth circle.
cintillo m (PIt), sidewalk curb. -cenital (trhsito), verticd circle.
cintra f , rtrch'centering. -de ahuecamiento (en), dudtmdum circle.
cintrar, to centcr (arch). -de aterrizaje (ap), circle marker.
cintrel m,template for an arch. -de cabeza (en), addendum circlc.
cintura f,:throat of a chimney; belt. --- de esfuerzos, circlc of stress.
cinturbn m, bdt. -de Mohr, Mohr's circle,
-de pie (ms) , ioe .circle. -de cedazo, screen classifier.
-de punto medio (ms) , mid-point circle. -de paletas o de rastrillo, rake classifier.
. -de talud (ms),slope circle. -de rastro de vaiven, reciprocating-rake clas-
-primitive (en), pitch or rolling circle. sifier.
-taquimarico (inst), stadia circle. -de rebose, overflow classifier.
circumpolar, circumpolar. -de taza, bowl classifier.
circunferencia f , circumference. -en espiral (arena), spiral classifier.
-de ahuecamiento o de r a h (en), dedendum -hidriiulico, hydraulic classifier, jig.
or root circle. cIasificar, to classify, grade; to screen; t o rate.
-de base (en), base circle. cllstico (geol), clastic.
-de rotura, circle of rupture. clavador m, (SUP) (Ec) stake driver.
- de tensi6n (A), circle of stress. -de cabillas, (t) driftbolt driver.
-primitiva (en), pitch circle. -de pernos, bolt driver; spike driver.
circunferencial, circumferential. - de postes de cerco, fence-post driver.
circunscribir (mat), t o circumscribe. clavaestacadas m, sheeting hammer.
cisco m, wal dust, culm, slack; (V) cinders. cjavar, to nail, spike; to drive piles; (sh) t o crowd.
-de coque, coke breeze. - a m e (pi)(C), t o drive t o refusal.
cistema f , tank, cistern. -hasta el rebote (pi), to drive t o refusal.
citacihn Cf) a licitadores, c a l l for bids, invitation clavazh f, stock of nails.
t o bidders. clave f, key, keystone; (conc) bonding key;
citara f, brick wall 1 brick thick; (Col) partition quoin; (V) lintel; (dwg) legend.
wall. -de trabazbn (conc), bonding key.
citarilla f, thin partition wall; {M) thin partition c1aveUino m, a South American lumber.
block. clavera f , nail hole.
citarBn m, (C) wall 2 bricks thick; (Col) header. clavete m, small nail, tack.
citrato (m) ferric0 ambnico (lab), ferric ammo- clavetear, to tack, nail.
nium citrate. clavija f, pin, peg, dowel, driftbolt; cotter; pin-
ciudad f, city. tle; (elec) plug; (elec) stud.
ciudadela f (cn) (A), bridge deck. -a cuchiia (el&), knife plug.
c i z d a f, a shear. -de la cigiiefia, (eng) crankpin.
-de dentar (si), gummer shear. -de conexidn (elkc), terminal stud; attach-
- de escuadrar, squaring shear. ment plug.
-de guiUotina, guillotine or gate shear. -de contact0 (el&), plug.
-de palanca, lever or alligator &ear. -de correccidn (inst), adjusting pin.
-hendedora, splitting shears. -de desconexih (el&), disconnecting plug.
-mdltiple, gang shear. -de divisi6n (mh), index pin.
-para chapa, sheet-metal shear. -de dos patas, cotter pin.
--- para metralla, scrap shear. -de escala, ladder rung.
-para planchas, plate shear. -de expansi6n (M), expansion bolt.
cizallador m, shearer (man). -de idinidad (el&), infinity plug.
cizdamiento m, shearing stress; shearing. -de piso (tslbc), floor plug.
cizallar, to shear. -de trepar, pole step.
cizalfeo m, shearing; shearing stress. -hendida, cotter pin, split pin, spring cotter.
Aara f (A), spacing, span. -sincronizadora (el&), synchronizing plug.
claraboya f , skylight; transom; clearstory. -tandem (el&), tandem-blade plug.
-de bbveda, vault light. clavito m, brad, small nail, tack.
- sin masilla, puttyless skylight. -cortado, cut finishing nail.
claridad f, (il) brightness; (tv) (Sp) brilliance. -de cabeza cbnica, flooring brad.
clarificador m , clarifier. -de Paris, wire brad.
- de batea (pa), tray clarifier. -para contramarcos, casing nail.
- de batea miiltiple (pa), multiple-tray clarifier. clavo m, nail, spike; (rnin) chimney; (min) (M)
-intermitente, intermittent clarifier. rich body of ore.
clarificar, t o clarify. - agrio, bright nail; (C) cut nail.
clarifloculador m (is), Clariflooculator (trade- -arponado de techar, harbed roofing nail.
mark). -comiin de alambre, common wire nail.
clarigestor m (is), Clarigester (trademark). -corriente, common nail.
claridn m,crayon. -cortado, cut nail.
claro mi clear space; clear span, bay, opening; a -cuadrado (C), cut nail.
bright (wire) ; clear (glass) ; light (color). -de alarnbre, wire nail.
- de cornpuerta, gate opening. -de barquilla, boat spike.
---- de puente, span of a bridge. -de cabeza acopada, cupped-head nail.
-de puerta, doorway. -de cabeza embutida o perdida, countersunk
-de ventana, window opening. nail.
dasificador m (is)(min) (ag), classifier; screen. -de cabeza exc6ntrica, offset-hed nail.
-cbnico, cone classifier. - de chilla, lathing nail.
- de arrastre, drag clmsifier. -d t doble cabeza, double-headed nail.
-de embarcaciones, boat spike. -de empotramiento (V),house connection t o
-de 610 de cincel, chisel-point nail. a sewer.
- de fundiciBn, foundry n d . -de presihn, depressed sewer.
-derivada, branch sewer; lateral sewer.
de listonaje, lath nail.
de muelle, dock spike.
de punts de aguja, needlepoint nau-
-domiciliaria, house sewer.
-emisaria, outfall sewer.
- d e p u n b diamante, diamond-point naiI. -escalonada, flight sewer.
- de punts ercgntrica, side-point nail. -interceptadora, intercepting sewer.
--- maestra o mfixima o troncal, trunk or main
-de punta roma, blunt-point nail.
- de ripiar, shingle nail. sewer.
- de rosca, screw nail, drive screw. -ovoide, egg-shaped sewer.
-pluvial, storm sewer.
-de techar, roofing nail.
-de tinglar, clout nail. -secundaria, submain sewer.
- de d a , track spike. -tubular, pipe sewer.
-unitarih (C) (A), combined sewer.
-do 1pulg, twopenny nail.
-de ll/a pulg, threepenny nail. cloacal, pertaining t o sewerage.
-de 1% pulg, fourpenny nail. cloaquista wa (A), man who lays sewer pipe.
-de 13/s pulg, fivepenny nail. cloche rn (V), clutch.
-de 2 pulg, sixpenny nail. cloque m, grapnel, grappling iron.
-de 2lA pulg, sevenpenny nail. cloraci6n f, chlorination.
-de 2% pulg, eightpenny nail, -a1 punto de saturacibn (is), break-point
-de 23/4 pulg, ninepenny nail. chlorination.
- de 3 pulg, tenpenny nail. -con residuo combinado aprovechable (pa),
-de 31/4 pulg, twelvepenny nail. combined residual chlorination.
-de 31/2 pulg, sixteenpenny nail. - con residuo libre aprovechable (pa), free
-de 4 pulg, twentypenny nail. residual chlorination.
-de 4% pulg, thirtypenny nail. -simple (pa), plain chlorination.
---- de 5 pulg, fortypenny nail. clorador m,chlorinator.
- de 61/2 pulg, atypenny nail. - a1 vack, vacuum chlorinator.
-de 6 pulg, sixtypenny nail. - de alimentacidn directa, direct-feed chlo-
-de 8 pulg, eightypenny spike. rinator.
-espaiiol ( C ) ,cut nail. - de mano, manual chlorinator.
-fechado, dating nail. -de vacio visible, visible-vacuum chlorinator.
-franc&, wire nail; (C) finishing nail. cloramida f (qdm), chloramide.
-harponado, barbed nail. cloramina f (pa), chloramine, ammonia chlorine.
-inglEs (C), cut nail. cloraminacidn j,chloramination.
---- lancer0 (M) , toenail. doramoniar, to treat with chloramine.
- marcador (min), spud, spad. clorar, to chlorinate.
clorato m (qulm), chlorate.
-para bisagra, hinge nail.
-para hormigbn, concrete nail. clorhidrato m, hydrochlorate.
--- para lanchbn, barge spike. clorhldrico, hydrochloric.
-para remachar, clinch nail. clbrico, chloric.
--- rielero, track spike. clorificar, t o chlorinate.
clavo-pija, fetter-drive lag screw. clortxnetro m,chlorimeter.
clavo-tornillo, drive screw. clorinacibn f , chlorination.
clica f (ft) (A), keeper of a lock. clorinador rn, chlorinator.
clima m,dimate. clorinar, t o chlorinate.
clirna artificial (M), air conditioning. dorindmetro m, chlorometer.
clim&tico,climatic. clorita f (miner), chlorite.
climatologia j,dirnatology. clorltico, chloritic.
clinbgrafo na, clinograph. cloritizacibn f, chloritization.
clinometria -f.. clinometry. clorito m (quirn), chlorite.
clin5mstro m, clinometer, slope level, angle clorizacibn f, chlorination.
meter. clorizador m, chlorinator.
clfnquer m (M), clinker. clorizar, to chlorinate.
clisimetro rn (M), slope gage. cloro m, chlorine.
clistron m Ira), klystron, - amoniacal, proceso ( ~ a ) chlorine-ammonia
ciitbanetro m, clinometer. process.
clivaje m (geol), cleavage, stratification. ---- combinado disponible, combined available
-de disyuncibn, fracture cleavage. chlorine residual.
-de flujo, flow cleavage. -libre disponible, iree available chlorino re-
cloaca f, sewer: sidual.
-colectora, intercepting sewer. -residual o restante (pa), chlorine residual.
--- de alivio o de rebose, relief or overflow ecwer. ~Ioroalirnentadorm (pa), Chlorofceder (trade-
-de descarga, outfall sewer. mark).
--del edibcio, house drain. cloroamonIaco m (is), chloramine.
clorocresol 81 cod0
clorocresol m (is), chloroc~~sol. cobreado, copper-plated.
clorofenol m (is), cl~lorophe~~ol. cobreria f , copper work; copper shop.
cloroficeas (is), Chlorophyceae. cobrero na, coppersmith.
clorofiIa f, chlorophyll. cobrizado, copper-plated.
clorometria f , chlorometry. cobrizo, containing copper; copper-colored.
clor6metro m, chlorometer. coca f, kink.
cloroplatinato m, chloroplatinate. cocciBn f, baking, roasting, burning (brick).
- de amonio (lab). ammonium chloroplatinate. coceo m (M), thrust.
-potisico (is), potassjum chloroplatinate. cocer, t o bake; to boil.
cloroso, chlorous. cociente m,quotient.
clorurar (qufm) (met), to chloridize. -diferencial, differential coefficient or q u o
cloauro m, chloride. tient.
- kurico, gold chloride. coco m (is), coccus.
- de amonio, ammonium chloride, sal ammo- cocobolo m, cocobolo (hardwood).
niac. cocodrilo m (mec), grab; squeezer.
-de cal, chloride of lime, Heaching powder. cocha f (B)(Ec), lake, pond.
- de hidrbgeno, hydrogen chloride, hydrochle coche m, (rr) car, coach; closed automobile.
ric acid. -automotor (fc), motorcar.
-sBdico, sodium chloride, common salt. -comedor, dining car.
coagulaci6n j, coagulation. -de estacidn (auto), station wagon.
-de flujo ascendente (is), upflow coagulation. - de observacibn, observation car.
coagulador m, coagulator. - de pasajeros (Ch), passenger car.
coagulante m, coagulant; a coagulant, flocculent. -de remolque, trail car.
coagular, to coagulate; to clump; coagularse, t o - de tranvia, streetcar, trolley car.
coagulate, form doc; t o clot, clump. -de turismo (auto), touring car.
colgulo m,floc, coagulurn, clot. -dormitorio, sleeping car.
coaltar na (Es), tar, pitch. - motor, (rr) motorcar.
coaltarizar, to coat with pitch. - sal611, chair car.
coaltitud f, coaltitude, zenith distance. cochecito lateral, sidecar (motorcycIe).
coasegurador m, coinsurer. cochera f, carbarn; garage.
coaxial, c o d , coaxial. cocher6n m,enginehouse, roundhouse.
cobaltifero, containing cobalt. cochinilla f (mad), wood louse.
cabaltina, cobaltita j (miner), cobaltite, cobd- cochino m (met), pig.
tine. cochitril m, crib.
cobalto m, cobalt. cochura f, baking, roasting.
-arsenical (miner), smaltite. coda1 m, strut, spreader, spur, trench brace;
-gris, smaltite, gray cobalt. frame of a saw; t r y square.
cobaltoso, cobaltous. -del eje (cn), shaft strut.
cobcrtizo m, shed; penthouse; (Col) lean-to; (ap) codaste m (cn), sternpost; stern frame.
hangar. - popel, ruddcrpmt, sternpost.
-de trasbordo, transfer shed. - proel, stempost, propeller post, body post.
-de trenes, train shed. codeclinacidn f, uodeclination, polar distance.
-para carros, carbarn, car shed. codera f (nhut), breast fast.
- para nieve, snowshed. cddigo m, code.
cobertura f, cover, covering. - de edificacibr, building code.
cobijadura J (geol) (A), overthrust; alluvial ac- - de sefiales, signal code.
posit. Cddigo ElBctrico Naciond, National Electrh
cobola f, a Costa Rican pine. Code.
cobre m. copper. cbdigo Morse (tel), Morse code.
-abigarrado, bornite, purple copper ore. codillo m, knee, elbow, bend.
-amarillo (miner), copper pyrites, chalcopy- c o d h e r o m (pet), codimer.
rite. cod0 na, (cons) knee; (machy) crank; (p) elbow,
-ampolloso, blister copper. bend.
-aiiilado, covellite, indigo copper; azurite, -abierto, long elbow.
blue copper ore. -angular, miter elbow.
-azul, azurite, blue copper ore, blue malachite. -ceaado, short elbow.
-de acarreo (geol), drift copper. -cornpensador, expansion bend.
- del chtodo (met), oathode copper. -con base o can soporte, base elbow.
-de cementacibn, cement copper. -con derivacibn o con sdida lateral, side-oub
- gris, tetrahedrite, gray copper ore. let elbow.
- negro, blister or black copper.
-piritoso, copper pyrites, chalcopyrite.
-con fomo o de copa, bossed elbow.
-de campanas, bell-and-spigot quarter bend.
- rojo, red copper ore. cuprite. -de curva dargada o de radio largo, long-
- tenaz, tough-pitch capper. radius elbow.
- verde (miner), malachite, green malachite. -de doble ramal, double-branch elbow.
- vitreo, vitreous copper, torbernite. -de enchufes, sockehnd elbow (for welding).
-de inglete, miter elbow. -de deformacidn (m), deformation coeffi-
-de orejas, drop elbow. cient .
-de palanca (maq), crank. -de derrame (hid), runoff coefficient.
-de pendiente o de rosca inclinada, pitch -de descargue (hid), coefficient of discharge.
elbow. -de d e s l i z a ~ e n t o sliding
, factor (dam).
-de reduccibn, reducing elbow. -de desviaei6n (ra), deflection factor.
-de retorno unido, return bend-close type. -de diagrams, (eng) diagram factor.
-de servicio, service or street elbow. -de dilatacibn, coefficient of expansion.
-de tangente larga, long-tangent elbow. -de dispersidn (el&), leakage factor.
-de toma particular, service elbow. -de elasticidad, modulus of elasticity.
-d t tres salidas, three-way elbow. -de entrada (ve), coefficient of entry.
-de uni6n, union elbow. -de escamas (pa), coefficient of scale hard-
-de I/e, eighth bend. ness.
-de %, quarter bend. -de escorrentla (hid), runoff coefficient.
-de 6ys0, sixty-fourth bend. -de escuadreo (an), block coefficient, coe5-
- de ll'/ao,thirty-second bend. cient of fineness of displacement.
-de 221/2", sixteenth bend. -de escunimiento super6cial (hid), surface
-de 4b0, eighth bend, 45' elbow. runoff coefficient.
-de 60, sixth bend. - de explotacidn (fc), operating ratio.
-de ?a0, sfth bend. -de extincibn (quim), extinction coefficient,
-de lSOo, return or half bend. specific absorption index.
-doble, offset; return bend; three-way -de liltracih (rns), coefficient of percolation.
elbow. -del fltro (fma), filter factor.
-en escuadra, right-angle bend. -de finura, coe5cient of fineness.
-en octavo, eighth bend. -de flecha (est), deflection coefficient.
-en U,return bend. -de friccidn o de frotamiento, friction factor,
-falso (as), false knee. coefficient of friction.
-macho y hembra, service or street elbow. - de fricciBn de deslizamiento, coe5cient of
-obtuso (A), eighth bend. sliding friction.
-para baranda, railing elbow. -de gasto (hid), coefficient of discharge.
-para inodoro (pb), closet bend. -de hinchamiento (ms), coefficient of swelling.
-recto con desplazamiento, single-offset quar- - de inflacib (ms) (A), coefficient of swelling.
ter bend. -de luminosidad (il), luminosity factor.
-reductor, taper or reducing elbow. -de modulaci6n (elkc), modulation factor or
-suave, long-radius elbow. index.
coeficiente m,coefficient. - de mortalidad, death rate.
-completo de traspaso d s calor (aa), over-811 -de operaci6n (fc), operating ratio.
coefficient of heat transfer. - de pandeo (est), buckling coefficient.
- de absorcib (bptica), absorption factor, co- -de permeabilidad, (hyd) percolation coeffi-
efficient of absorption. cient ; (srn) coefficient oi permeability.
-de acidez (geol), acidity coefficient, oxygen - de Poisson, Poisson's ratio.
ratio. -de precipitaci611, rainfall coefficient.
-de acoplamiento (el&), coupling coefficient. -de producci6n, load factor (compressor).
-de afluencia (hid), runoff coefficient. - de productividad (pet), productivity index.
-de amortiguacibn, coefficient of damping -de propulsibn (an), propulsive coefficient.
(vibration). -de reactancia (el&), reactive factor.
-de amortiguacibn viscosa (ms), coefficient of - de tectificaci6n (re), rectification factor.
viscous damping. - de recuperacibn o de rechazo (pi), coefficient
-de amplificacibn (ra), amplification factor or of restitution.
constant. --- de recuperacihn elbtica (ms) , coefficient of
-de aprovechamiento (elkc), load factor. elastic recovery.
-de aspereza (hid), caeficient of roughness. - de red eribn, (ra) reflection coefficient; (il)
-de autoinducciBn (elkc), coefficient of self- reflection factor.
induction, self-inductance. - de relajamiento (met), relaxation factor.
-de caida de tensiBn (el&), drop factor. -de remoldeo (ms), remolding index.
-de cambio de volumen (rns), coefficient of -d e rendimiento (aa), coefficient of perform-
volume change. ance.
-de cargamento (tr), load factor. - de resistencia, coeficient of strength.
-de caudal (hid), coefficient of discharge. ---- dt restitucibn (ms) (fma), coefficient of resti-
-de compactaciBn (ms), coefficient of consoli- tution.
dation. -de retardo, (hyd) coefficient of retardation;
-de conductividad termica, coefficient of ther- (wp) drag coefficient.
mal conductivity. -de retraso (hid), coefficient of retardation.
-de consolidacibn, (ca) coefficient of shrink- -de riego, duty of irrigation water.
age, shrinkage factor; (sm) coefficient of -- de rozamiento, coefficient of friction.
consolidation. - de rugosidad (hid), roughness coefficient.
coeficiente cola
-de seg.uridad, factor of safety. -de bolas con adaptador, adapter-type ball
-de sequedad (ir), wilting coefficient. bearing.
-de superficie (ng), surface coefficient, sur- -de bolas con andlo de resorte, snap-ring-
face-area f actor. type ball bearing.
-de trabsjo, factor of safety. --- de bolas de contact0 angular, angular-coc-
tact ball bearing.
-de transmisi8n1 (ht) coefficient of transmis-
-de bolas de empuje, thrust-type ball bear-
sion; (il) transniissioll factor.
-de traspaso superficial de calor (aa), film ing.
coefficient of Imtt transfer.
--- de bolas de empuje doble, two-direction
- diel8ctric0, dielectric constant.
thrust ball bearing.
-de bolas de proteccidn doble, double-
-espumante, foaming coefficient (water). shielded ball bearing.
-resistivo (elbc)(A), cocfficicnt of resistance. -de bolas de proteccidn simple, single-shielded
-uniforene (rns)(C), uniformity coefficient. ball bearing.
coeficientes del AImirantazgo (an), Admiralty -de bolas doble, double-row ball bearing.
constants. -de bolas radial, radial ball bearing.
coercitividad f (el&), coercivity, coercive force. -de bolillas, ball bearing.
cof a f (cn), top, crow's-nest. - de casco recambiable, replaceable-shell
cofactor T I , (mat), cofaclor. bearing.
cof lsico, cophnsal. -de cola, tail bearing.
cofre m, box; crib; bin; (A) concrete form; (auto) -de collares, coHm bearing.
(M) hood. -de descanso, pillow block.
cogedero m ,handle, grip; bail. -de doble efecto, two-direction (roller) bear-
-indicador de tensibn (Icv), tension handle. ing.
spring bdancc. -de efecto simple, single-direction (roller)
cogegotas m, drip pan. bearing.
coger, to grasp; to collect; to close up, obstruct; - de empuje, thrust or axid bearing.
(mas) (Col) (V) t o point. -de engrase autornhtico, self-lubricating bear-
cog0110 m, small end of a pole or pile. ing.
coherencia f (mat), coherence. -de fila Crnica, single-row (ball) bearing.
coherente m ,binder; a cohesive, coherent. -de filas miiltiples, multirow (bdl) bearing.
cohesibn f, cohcsion, bond. -de guia, pilot or guide bearing.
- aparente (ins), apparent cohesion. - de manguito, sleeve bearing.
-verdadera (ms), true cohesion. -de piedra (inst), jewel bearing.
cohesivo, coht%lve.' -de resorte (mh), spring die.
co5esor m (ra), coherer. -de rodillos ahusados, tapered roller bearing.
cohete m (min), blasting fuse; blast hole; (RP) -de rodillos esfGricos, spherical roller bearing.:
dynamite cartridge. -de rodillos rectos, straight roller bearing.
cohetear (rnin) (M), t o blast. - de rolletes, roller bearing.
coigiie m,a South An~ericnnsoftwood. -de rolletes cbnicos, tapered roller bearing.
coihue m, a Chilean hnrdwood. -de roscar, die for threading, screw plate.
coincidencia f, coincidence. --- de suspensibn, suspension bearing.
coincidente, coincident. -de terraja, die for threading.
coincidir, to coinc-idc; to match (rivet holes). -de tope (U),thrust bearing.
cojear, (eng) to knock. -enterizo, unit or solid pillow block.
cojin m,cushion, pad; pillow block. -exterior, outt mrd bearing.
- dei embrague, clutch cushion.
-de vacio (conc), vacuum mat.
-flotantk, floating bearing.
-partido, split pillow block.
-roscado para soldar (tub), u-clding pad. -piloto, pilot bearing.
' cojinete m, bearing, pilIow block, journal box; --- radial, radial or annular bearing.
bushing; (th) die, -radioaxial, radial-thrust bearing.
-a municiones, ball bearing, ---- recalentado, hot bearing.
- a rulemgn, roller bcnring. cok m, coke.
-acabador (rs), sizcr die. - de petrbleo, petroleum coke.
-autoalineador, self-aligning bearing. -de retorta, gas coke.
-autolubricador, oilless or self-lubricating -para altos hornos, blast-furnace coke.
benring. cola f, glue; tail; (t) tang, fang, shank; stub,
-axial, asid or thrust bearing. stump.
-cerrado, solid hearing. -aislante, insulating glue.
--- e6nic0, cone bcnring. - animal o de huesos, animal glue.
-de agujas, nccdlo bearing. -de agua fria o de caseina, cold-water 01
-de alineamiento, nlignmcnt bearing. casein g l u ~ casein
. ccnlent.
-de anilfo esfirico, aylie~iral-racebearing. - db barrena, s1l:uik of 3 drill.
-de asiento (.\I, stcp bearing. - - .de carpintero, joiner's glue.
- de bancada, b:tac or ~nainbcming. -de golondrina (carp) (lccc), swdlowtail,
-d e bolas axid, thrust-type ball braring. dovetail.
cola 84 colocadora

-de martillo, peen of a hammer, -de corriente (elkc), current collector.

-de milano o de pato, dovetail. -de desagiie, (pb) main soil pipe, house drain
-de pescado, isinglass; fish glue; fishtail (bit). (Pe) sewer.
-de rata, rattail (file); driftpin. -de escamas (pet), scale trap.
-marine, marine glue. -de espumas (dac). scum collector.
-para madera laminada, glue. -de fango, mud trap.
colas (min), tailings, chats. --- de grasa, grease trap.
colada f , (met) melt; (conc) pour; (conc) lift; -de humedad, moisture separator or trap.
(conc) batch. -de lodos, sludge collector.
-de prueba, trial batch. -de pbrtiga (fc el&), pole trolley.
coladera f , strainer; (M) (PR) leaching cesspool; -de polvo, dust collector.
(M) sewer, drain. -de sedirnentos (cal), mud drum.
coladera-punta, well point. -de tormentas (Es), storm sewer
coladero m (min), winze, ore chute. -de tubos, manifold header.
colado en el lugar (conc), poured in place. -de vapor (loco), steam drum.
colador m,strainer. -pant6graf0, pantograph trolley
-a presih, pressure strainer. -pluvial, storm-water sewer.
-de cailo pluvial (to), leader strainer. -sanitario, sanitary sewer.
-de cesta, basket-type strainer. ---visitable (Es), sewer large enough for a man
-de coque, coke strainer. t o enter.
-de lodo (pet), mud screen, shale shaker. colector-cabezal, header of a boiler.
-para hojas (hid), leaf screen. c6lera (m) asiltico, Asiatic cholera.
colagbn m (M), conduit, canal. colero m, gluepot ; (min) (M) (Pe) labor foreman.
colanilla f, door bolt. coleta f, burlap.
colapez f , isinglass; fish glue. colgadero m, hanger.
colapsible (M), collapsible. colgadizo m, shed, lean-to; a hanging, suspended.
colapso m (M), failure, collapse. colgador rn, hanger.
colar, t o pour; to strain; to cast; (tun)(M) t o -autoalineador, self-aligning hanger.
drive, bore; to sink (shaft): colarse, t o -de artefact0 (el&), fixture hanger.
seep, percolate; to sift. -de cable, (cy) fall-line carrier; (elec) cable
-e n basto, to rough-cast. hanger.
colatitud f , colatitude. -de canalbn (to), gutter hanger.
colato de sodio (lab), sodium cholate. -de mensajero (elk), messenger hanger
colcBtar m (abrasivo), colcothar, rouge. -del revestidor (pet), liner hanger.
colcha f (ais), quilt, blanket. -de tubo, pipe hanger.
colchado m (cab), lay. -de vigueta, joist hanger.
-a la derecha, right lay. . colgante m, hanger, pendant; a suspended, hang-
-a la izquierda, left lay. ing.
-corriente o cruzado, regular or plain lay. -de servicio (elk), service drop.
--- lang o paralelo, lang or cable lay. ---- giratorio, swivel hanger.
colchar, to lay rope. colgar, to hang.
colch6n m,cushion, mattress; (elec cab) bedding. coli-aerbgenes (is), coli-aerogenes.
-amortiguador (hid) (Col), stilling pool. colibacilo m (is), colon bacilIus, Bacillus coli.
-de agua, water cushion, stilling pool. coliforme, coliform (bacteria).
-de barro (hid), clay blanket. colillas f (min), tailings.
-de cieno (dac), sludge blanket. colimacibn f , collimation.
-fiitrador (pa), Glter blanket. colimador m, collimator.
-hidrlulico (M), stilling pool. colimetria f (pa) (U), coliform density.
colear, t o yaw, buck; (auto) to shimmy. colina f,hill.
coIectivo m (tr) (A), small public bus. colineacibn f (mat), collineation.
colector m,collector; catch basin, trap; intercept- colineal, collinear.
ing sewer; (irr) return ditch; (clcc) corn- colisa f , slide; (eng) link.
mutator; (elec) collector; (rnin) collector; -de Stephenson (mv), Stephenson link.
(p) (Pan) manifold. cofisibn f, collision.
-cloacal, main sewer. colmado, heaped up.
-de aceite, oil trap; drip pan; (auto) oil pan. colmataci6n f, colmataje rn, filling; earth fill;
-de aguas blancas (A), storm-water sewer. (A) silting up.
-de aim, air trap. colocabilidad f (conc) ( h l ) ,plsceshility.
-de aire comprimido, air receiver (compres- colocado en frio (ca), cold-laid.
sor). colocador m, setter, placer, positioner; (sa) set-
-de alivio (M), relief sewer. works.
-de arc0 (fc elkc), bow trolley. -de ladrillos (C), bricklayer.
-- de avenidas (Es), storm scwer. -- de vagones, car spotter.
-de barro, mud trap, catch basin. -- de via (rnaq), track layer.
-de cascajo, grit collector. colocadora f , setter, placer.
- de condensado, condensate or steam trap. -neumktica, pneumatic concrete placer.
colocar 85 combustb1eo
colocar, to place, locate, set; to invest. -zunchada (conc), hooped column.
colodibn m, collodion. columnar (geol) (miner), columnar.
colofonia f, resin. columnata f, row of columns, coIonnade.
cologaritmo m, cologarithm. columpio m, bascule, any device with a swinging
coloidal, colloidal. motion.
coloide m, colloid. coluvial (geol), colluviaI.
colonia f, (PIE) sugar plantation; (A) iarm; (lab) collado m,hill; saddle, gap, pass.
colony. collar m (mec), collar, collet.
color m, color. -de bolas, ball race (bearing).
color de recocido, temper color. - de cementar (pet), cementing collar.
amarilIn, yellow. -de circulacibn (pet), mud collar.
amardlo claro, light yellow. -del exc6ntrico (mv), eccentric strap.
arnaritlo de paja, straw color. -de hincar (pi), drive sleeve.
amarillo oscuro, dark yellow. - de mHstil (cn), mast collar.
amadlo paido, faint yellow. -de perforaci6n (pet), drill collar.
azul, blue. -de terraja (mh) (A), threading die.
azul brillante, bright blue. -de tope, stop collar.
azul oscuro, dark blue. -de vaciado (tub) (V), joint runner.
azul puro, fulI blue. -micrombtrico, micrometer collar.
,blanco, white. - para rueda (fc), wheel seat.
castciio amarillento, brown yellow. -poratescobillas (elbc), brush ring.
castaiio purpiireo, purple brown. collarin m,collar.
castaiio rojizo moteado, spotted red brown. - de empuje, thrust collar.
cereza claro, light cherry. -del prensaestopas, gland.
nesro rojizo, black red. collera f (fc) (A), a length of track between two
pajizo oscuro, dark straw. pairs of opposite joints.
pajizo phlido, pale straw. coma f (fma), coma.
pGrpura, purple. comalSn m (elbc) (C), come-along clamp.
rojo cereza medino, medium cherry red. comando m,control.
rojo cereza oscuro, dark cherry red. -a distancia, remote control.
rojo cereza puro, full cherry red. -digital, finger-tip control.
rojo de sangre oscuro, dark blood red. comarca f, region, territory.
salmSn, salmon. comba f, warp, wind, bulge; camber; (rd) crown;
salm6n claro, light salmon. (Pe) maul, sledge; (auto)(A) caster; (ra)
color patrbn, standard color. (Sp) antinode, loop.
colorante m, coloring matter. - de canto (mad), crook.
colorimetria f, colorimetry. -de plano (mad), bow.
colorimEtrico, colorimetric. combada de oxigeno disuelto (is), oxygen sag.
colorimetro m,colorimetcr. combadura f, warping, bulging; camber; sag.
colpa f , coppcras; (min) (Pe) a silver ore. combar, t o camber; to bend; (Ch) to strike with
columna f, column. a maul; combarse, to sag, warp, bulge;
- cerrada. box column. (na) t o hog.
-combinada, combination column. combersa f (to) (A), valley.
---- compuesta, (str) built-up column; (conc) combds m, waist of a ship.
composite column,- combinacihn f (mat) (qulm), combination.
-de agua (fc), water column. combinado qulmicamente, chemically combined.
-de asiento esf8ric0, round-end column. combinador m (elhc), controller.
--- dc batras Z, 2-bar column. - de gobierno, master controller.
-de burbujeo (pet), bubble column. -magnbtico, full-magnetic controller.
--- de caja, box column. combinarse. (qulm), t o combine.
-de celosia, latticed column. combo m, maul, sledge.
-de direccih (auto), steering column. comburente m a, combustible.
-de equilibrio (hid), surge tank. combustibilidad f, combustibility.
-de extremo fijo, fixed-end column. combustible m, fuel; a combustible.
-de fraccionamiento, fractionating tower. -de seguridad, safety fuel.
-de fundicib, east-iron column. -tipo, reference fuel.
-de plancha y iingulos, plate-and-angle col- combusti6n f, combustion.
umn. -a presibn invariable, constant-prcssuro com-
-de planchas atlesadoras, battened column. bustion,
-escalonada (est), stepped column. ---. a volumen constante, constant-volume com-
--- fgnix, Phoenix column. bustion.
-H, H column. - espontdnea, spontaneous combustion.
-Lally, Lally column. -fraccionada, fractional combustion.
-positiva (el&), positive column. -fumivora, smokeless combustion.
-reguladora (hid), surge tank, standpipe. -retardada, afterburning.
-tubular, steel-pipe column. combust6leo m, fuel oil,
combust6leo 86 compreso
- d e calefaccihn, furnace oil. -interior, inside cahpers.
-Diesel, Diesel oil. -micrombtrico, micrometer calipers.
-- para buques, bunker oil. -para huecos, inside calipers.
comejen m, termite. -portallpiz, pencil compass.
comerciabIe, marketable; merchantable (grade). -universal, universal compasses.
cornisaria f, commissary. compensaci6n f, compensation; balancing; take-
cornisariato m (Ec), commissary. UP.
comisario (m) d e averias (seg), average surveyor. -
de bajos (ra), bass compensation.
comisiSn f, commit tee, commission ; (surv) (C) -de la brcjula, compass compensation.
party, corps; (corn) commission. -de la pendiente (fc), grade compensation
-de estudios (C), survey party. (for curvature).
compacidad f (ot) (V) (PIX), compaction, com- -d e tierra (ra) (Es), counterpoise.
pactness. -de tierras (ot), balancing cuts and fills.
compactacibn f, compacting, consolidating. -por accidentes d e trabajo, workmen's com-
compacto, compact, dense. pensation.
compafiia f, company, corporation. compensador m, compensator (all senses) ; equal-
-a n h i m a , ptock company, corporation. izer, adjuster.
-aseguradora, insurance company. -
armbnico (auto), harmonic balancer.
-colectiva, partnership. -d e arranque (el&), starting compensator.
-fiadora, bonding company. -de freno, brake adjuster.
-por acciones ( C ) ,stock company. -d e impedancia (elkc), impedance compen-
comparador m, comparator; cornparer. sator.
-d e banco, bench comparator. -de pdrdida de tensibn (elkc), line-drop com-
-d e bloque, block comparator. pensator.
-d e color, color comparator. -de ruedas (auto) (A), wheel balancer.
-de pie, pedestal comparator. -elevador (el&), balancer-booster.
comparPgrafo m (fma), cornparagraph. compensar, t o compensate (aU senses); to bal-
cornpartidor m (A), official charged with the dis- ance, equalize.
tribution of irrigation water. competencia f, competence, fitness, capacity;
cornpartimiento m,compartment, (rr) stateroom. competitive bidding, competition; (r) com-
-de calderas (cn) (A), boiler room. petence.
-de mando (co), driving compartment. competente (geol), competent.
-de mlquinas (cn) (A), engine room. complejo m a, complex.
cornparto m (irr) (A), division box. -fundamental (geol), basal complex.
comphs m, compass, dividers, calipers. complementario (mat), complementary.
-con arco, wing compass or dividers; quadrant complemento m (mat), complement.
compass. complexo a, complex.
-d e agrimensor, surveyor's compass. componente m f, component (all senses); (chem)
-de biseccibn, bisecting dividers. constituent.
-de calibres (Es), calipers. -desvatada (elk), wattlcss componcnt.
--- d e corredera (Es), slide caliper. -electromagndtica (ra), magnetic component.
-d e cuadrante (Es), wing compass or dividers. -en fase (elbc), inphase component.
-d e divisibn, dividers. -harm6nica ( e l h ), harmonic component.
-de divisidn a resorte, hairspring o r spring -negativa de secuencia (elkc), negative se-
dividers. quence component.
-d e espesor, calipers, outside calipers. -nula de secuencia ( e l k ) , zcro sequence com-
-d e espirales, volute compass. ponent.
-d e exterior, outside calipers. -positive de secuencia (elkc), positive se-
-de gruesos, calipers, outside calipers. quence component.
-d e mar. mariner's comDass. -vatada (elkc), active or inphase component.
-- de marcar, scribing compass. componer, t o repair, overhaul.
-de muelle, bow pencil or pen or dividers. composiciBn f (quim) (mat), composition.
-- de precisidn, hair compass, hairspring di- composturas f, repairs.
viders. compound a (mv) (elk), compound.
-de proporci6n, propnrtionnl dividers. -cruzado, cross-compound.
-de punta fija o de punta seca, dividers. -en t h d e m , tandem-compound.
-- de reduccibn, proportional dividers. compoundaje m , compounding.
--- de regla (B), beam compass. comprador m, buyer.
-d e trazar, draftsman's compass. compregnado, compregnated (plywood).
---- de tres piernas, triangular compass. compresibilidad I, compressibility.
-de vara, beam compass, trammel. compresible, compressible.
-- desiizante, beam compass. compresimetro m (A), compression gage.
-divisor, dividers, compresidn f, compression.
-giratorio, rotating or drop spring or rivet -- de dos etapas, two-stage compression.
compass. compresivo, compressive.
-hermafrodita, hermaphrodite caliper. compreso, compressed.
compresSmetro m, compression gage, compres- -de desagiie o de evacuacibni sluice or waste
someter. gate.
compresor m, compressor. -de deslizamiento, sliding gate.
-de bngulo, angle compressor. -de doble cuiia, double-disk gate (valve).
-de a d l o (herr), piston-ring compressor. --- de esclusa, sluice gate; lock gate, floodgate.
-de chorro (aa),jet compressor. -de guillotina, shear gate; sliding gate.
-de un grado, single-stage compressor. -de limpia, sIuice gate (dam).
-de volumen (ra), volume compressor. -de marea, tide gate, floodgate.
- en linea recta, straight-line compressor. -de orugas, caterpillar or Broome gate.
.- muItigradua1, multistage compressor. -de paso, shutoff gate.
compresores gemelos, duplex compressor. -de perforaci6n (pet), drill gate.
compresora f, compressor. -de postigo (turb), wicket gate.
-a correa, belt-driven compressor. -de purga, sluice gate.
-a motor, motor-driven compressor. -de retencihn, backwater gate.
-axid, axid-flow compressgr. -de rodamiento, roller gate.
-centrifuga de aletas radiales, radial-blade -de rodillos, fixed-wheel gate, truck-type
centrifugal comprcssor. gnte; Stoney gate; coaster gate.
- de aletas corredizas, sliding-vane rotary -de ruedas fijas, fixed-wheel gate.
compressor. -de sector, sector gate; drum gate.
- de cinco grados, five-stage compressor, -de sector rodante, rolling sector gate.
- elevadora, booster compressor. -de segmento, segmental or Tainter gate.
-rnfivil, portable compressor. -de servicio (irr), delivery gate.
-neumgtica (M), air compressor. -de tablero engoznado, hinged-leaf gate,
-rociadora, spraying compressor. shutter weir.
-rotativa, rotary compressor. -de tambor, drum gate.
compresorista m , operator of a compressor. -de tiro, damper (flue).
comprimible, compressible. -de tolva (ag), bin gate.
comprimir, t o compress, compact. -de toma, intake or head gate.
comprobaciSn Cf) del t r h s i t o (Ec), tracing (a -de urgencia, emergency gate.
shipment). -de vag6n (Es), truck-type or fixed-wheel
cornprobador m, checker; tester. gate.
-de contadores, meter tester. - deflectora (aa) , deflecting damper.
:omprobante m, voucher. --- derivadora (irr), delivery gate, turnout, divi-
-de venta, bill of sale. sion gate.
cornprobar, t o check, verify; t o prove. - desarenadora, sand or sluice gate.
compuerta j; (hyd) gatc; (bldg) half door; (tk) -descargadora, sluice or waste gate.
gate; (V) bulkhead in n concrete form. - deslizable (A), coaster gate.
-abatible (co), down-folding gate. -desripiadora (Ch), sluihe gate,
-acuiiada (vb),wedge gate. -desviadora, diversion gato.
- aforadora, metergate. -elevadora o levadiza, rising gate.
- basculante, tilting gate. -estranguladora (aa), throttling damper.
-Broome, Broome or caterpi1la.r gate. -flotante (ds), caisson.
- cilindrica, rolling or roller gate; ring gatc. - medidora (irr), metergate.
-de abanico (ha), Tainter or radial gatc. -partidora (irr) , bifurcation or division gate.
-de abatimiento, bear-trap gate; drum gatc. -piloto, fdler gate.
- de aguja, needle valve. -radial, radial or Tainter gate; (min) arc gate,
- de aletas ajustables (a$, mu1tiple-louver -radial inferior (min), underswung arc gate.
damper. -radial superior (min), overhung arc gate.
-de alzas, bear-trap gate, roof weir. -rodante, roller gatc; rolling sector gate.
-de anillo, ring gate. -trasera (co), tail gate.
-de anillo corredor (Col) , ring-follower gate. -- trasera cargadota, tail-gate loader.
-de anillo estancador, ring-sczl. gate. -tubular (Es), gate valve,
-de anillo seyidor, ring-foIIower gate. compuertas
- de arco (min), arc or radial gate. -de demaslas, spillway gates.
-de arco inferior (min), underswung arc gatc. -de derrame, spillway or crest gates.
-de arc0 superior (rnin), ovcrhung arc gate. -del umbral, crest gates.
-de arranque, head gate. compuesto m, a compound; a compound. (str)
-de basuras, sliimming gnte. built up.
-de biIurcaci6n (irr), bifurcation gatc. -aditivo (quZm) , addition compound or
-de buzdn (ng), bin gate. product.
- ds csbecero, hcad gate. -aislador, i n d a t i n g compound.
-de cierre anuhr, ring-seal gatc. -de -cortar (mh), cutting compound.
-de cizaIla, shear gate. -de curaciSn (conc), curing compound.
- de cola (co), tail gate.
-de cufia, mcdge gate (vdvc).
- de enfriamiento, c o o h g compound; (mt)
cutting c o m p o u ~ d
- de chapdeta o d e chamera, flap gate. -de pulir, lapping or buflin~compound.
compuesto 88 condensador
-de retacar, calking compound. -fresco, green concrete.
-de seilar (elBo), sealing compound. -graso, rich concrete.
-de soldar, soldering paste; brazing com- -grueso, harsh concrete..
pound. -magro o pobre, lean concrete.
- de tarrajar, thread dope. -premezclado, ready-mixed or plant-mixed
-desincrustante, boiler compound. concrete.
- impermeabilizador, waterproohg com- -premoldeado, precast concrete.
-reforzado, reinforced concrete.
- inflamable (vol), flash compound. -simple, plain concrete.
-para banda, belt dressing. -tieso, stiff concrete.
-para cable, cable compound or dressing. -trabajable, workable concrete.
- para enchuf es (tub), joint compound.
para engranajes, gear compound.
concurrente (mat) (seg), concurrent.
concursante, bidder.
-para roscas, thread paste. concurso m, meeting, assembly.
-para t e d n a d o r de cable (el&), pothead -de acreedores, creditors' meeting.
compound. -de cornpetencia (A), competitive bidding.
- quimico, chemical compound. concusi6n j, concussion.
-sellador de juntas (ca), joint-sealing com- concha f , shell, casing; boiler scale; (V) mill
pound. scaIe; (V) scale of rust; (ce) (M) scalepan,
eomputador m (inst) (M), computer. . skip.
computar, to compute, calculate. -
de almeja, (bu) clamshell.
computista m, computer. conchabador m {A), labor contractor.
cSmputo m, computation. conchabero m (Col), taskworker, pieceworker.
comunicaci6n f, communication. conchifero, containing shells.
concadenamiento m, linkage. conchudo, shelly, shaly.
concavidad f, concavity. condensable, condensable.
cdncavo m, cdncava f, cavity, hollow. condensacidn j, condensation.
edncavo a, concave, dished. condensado m, condensate.
cirncavo-convexo, concave-convex. condensador m (mec)(el&) (fma), condenser,
concentracibn f, concentration. (elec) capacitor.
-en seco (min), dry concentration. - a vacio, vacuum condenser.
-hidrogenibnica (pa), hydrogen-ion concen- -acorazado, shell-and-tube condenser.
tration. - atmosfQico (aa) (rfg), atmospheric con-
- por venteo (rnin), dry blowing. denser.
concentrado m, a concentrate; u concentrated. - cerhnico (el&), ceramio capacitor.
concentrador m,concentrator. - compensador (ra) , balancing condenser.
eoncentrar, to concentrate. -de acoplamiento (ra), coupling capacitor or
concentricidad f , concentricity. condenser.
conci5ntric0, concentric. -de aire (elkc), air condenser.
concesibn f, concession, grant ; (mech) allowance. -de bajas pdrdidas (ra), low-loss condenser,
-social, corporate franchise or charter. - de bloqueo (el6c), stopping or blocking con-
concesionar (M), to grant a concession. denser.
concesionario m, holder of a c o n d o n , licensee, - de casco, shell-and-tube condenser.
grantee. - de contrafiujo (a)counterflow
, condenser.
conconete m {M),rrmall irrigation ditch. -de comentes opuestas, countercurrent con-
concordancia Cf) de fases (elbc), phase coinci- .. denser.
dence. - de comentes paralelrrs, parallel-flow con-
concrecibn f (geol), concretion. denser.
concrecional, concretionary. - de C~OITO, jet condenser.
concrecionar, to sinter. -de chorro mWtiple, multijet condenser.
concretar, to concrete. - de dBcadas (ra), decade condenser or capaci-
concretera j (C) , concrete mixer. tor.
concreto m, (cons) concrete; (su) concrete, con- - de derivacibn (ra) , by-pass condenser.
crete sugar. - de doble ffujo, double-flow or two-pass con-
- a soplete (AC), gunite. denser.
- acorazado, armored concrete. - de electrolito pastoso, dry electrolitic capac-
-agrio, harsh concrete. itor.
- aguado, sloppy concrete. - de filtro (ra), Bter capacitor.
- armado, reinforced concrete.
-cicl6pe0, cyclopean concrete.
- de iaundacibn, fiooded condenser.
-de inyecciih, jet condenser.
-de cenizas, cinder concrete. -de pasaje (A), by-pass condenser.
- de davar, nsiline concrete, Nailcrete (trade- -de paso (elkc), by-psss condenser.
mark). -de paso mClltiple, multiflow condenser.
- de escoria~l,slag concrete; (C) cinder con- -de placa (el4c). plate condenser.
crete. -de reflujo, d u x condenser.
-en masa, m w concrete. - de rejitla (ra), grid condenmr.
condensabr 89 conductor
-de roclo, shower condenser.
de superficie, surface condenser.
-de captacib (Pe), intake pipe.
-de cuatro pasos (el&), four-way cable
-de un paso, single-flow condenser. duct.
-de vapor acuoso, vapor condenser.
fractionating condenser.
-de desagiie, sewer, drain.
-de desembanque (presa), siIt sluice.
-matiple (ra), gang condenser. -de desfogue (hid), sluiceway, wasteway.
-neutralizador (ra), neutralizing capacitor. -de entrada (ds), filling culvert.
-patrbn, standard capacitor. -de espuma (as), foam canal.
-radiaI, radial-flow condenser. -
de evacuaci6n, outlet pipe; sluiceway.
-regulable (el6c), variable or adjustable con- -de fibra (elec), fiber conduit, fiber-duct race-
denser. way.
-rotatorio (el&), rotary or synchronous con- -
de humo, flue.
denser. - de impulsi6n (hid), force main.
- sintonizador (ra) , tuning condenser. -de irrigaciba, irrigation canal.
- sumergido (aa)(rfg), aubmerged condenser. -de servicio (el&), service conduit.
- variable (ra), trimmer or variable condenser. -de tormenta (Es)(A), storm-water sewer.
condensar, to condense. -de troncos (ef), log slide, dry slide, slip, log
condensita f (elkc), Condensite (trademark). chute.
conduccidn j, conduction; transportation, cart- - de vaciamiento (ds), emptying culvert.
age ; (auto) driving. -de ventilacibn, ventilation duct.
- de calor, thermal conduction. -de via tnica (el&$, single-duct conduit.
- delantera (auto) (M), front drive. -eductor (aa), exhaust duct.
- dectrol5tica (quim) , electrolytic conduction. -elbctrico, electric conduit, raceway.
- final (auto) (M), final drive. -fibroso flexible (el&), loom, flexible tubing.
- rasante (PR), gravity conduit. -forzado (hid), pressure conduit, penstock.
conducir, to carry, conduct, convey; (auto) to -m e t a c o flexible (el&), flexible metallic con-
drive. duit, flexible raceway.
conductancia f, conductance. - me t u c o supeficid (elkc), surface metal
-anSdica (ra), plate conductance. raceway, metal molding, wireway.
- de dispersih (clh), leakage conductance, - mfiltiple (elkc), multiple-duct conduit.
leakance. -para barras colectoras (el&), busway.
- de entrada (ra), input conductance. -para hielo (hid), ice chute.
-de grilla (ra), grid conductance. - para zdcalo (el&), baseboard raceway.
- electrSdica (ra), electrode or grid or plate - pluvial, storm-water sewer; roof leader.
conductance. -por gravitacih (hid), gravity conduit.
- especsca (is), specific conductance. -portacable (el.&), cable duct.
- molar ( d m ),molar conductance, molecular -simple (el&), sindeduct conduit.
-sin fondo (el&), open-bottom raceway.
- unitaria de convecciBn (sa), unit convection - superficial de alambrss (el&), wireway, sur-
conductance, film coefficient for convec- face raceway, molding.
tiou. -superficial de madera (elk), surface wooden
conductibilidad f, conductivity. raceway, wood molding.
-caloriiica, thermal conductivity. -surtidor, supply pipe.
conductividad f, conductivity, conductom&rico (qulm), conductometric.
- magnetics, magnetic conductivity, perme- conduct6metro rn, conductometer.
ability. conductor m, (elec) conductor; (rr) conductor
- molecular, molecular conductivity, rnoIar (auto) driver, chauffeur; (Sp) motorman
conductance. operator of a machine; conveyor, carrier
- tirmica, thermal conductivity.
- (w) lead; a (elec) conductive.
a tierra, ground wire, grounding conductor.
conductivo (el&), conductive.
conduct0 m, conduit, flume, aqueduct; duct; -a tierra de la red, system grounding conduc-
flue; chute; (elec) conduit. tor.
celular (el&), conduit (street).
d e abastecimiento (hid), supply line, aque-
-compuesto (elBc), composite conductor.
-de alimentacih, feed wire, feeder.
duct. - de arrastre, drag conveyor.
- de aceite, oil duct or gmnve; oil pipe. -de artesas, pan conveyor.
- de aduccidn, supply line, aqueduct, supply -de bagadlo (az), trash conveyor.
pipe; supply duct. - de bagazo (ad,bagasse carrier.
- de alambres, wireway, raceway, electric con-
-de bateas, pan conveyor.
-de caAa (az), cane carrier.
- de arcilla dtrificada, clay conduit. - de cinta en espiral, ribbon conveyor.
- de banqueta (hid), bench flume. - de contact0 (el&), contact conductor.
-de barro vitrificado, vitrif ed-tile conduit. -de correa, belt conveyor,
- de basuras (hid), trash chute. -de cubeias, bucket conveyor or elevator.
- de caja (hid), box flume. -de cubiletes ( C ) ,bucket conveyor.
- de calibradbn (hid), rating flume. - de entrada (sl6c), lead-in wire.
conductor 90 conmutador
-de entrada de ser~icir, (el&$, service en- -particular (tub) (el6c), house connection.
trance conductor. -perfecta a tierra (el&), dead earth or ground.
-de estera (C), apron conveyor. -por enchufe, (elec) plug connection; (p) bell-
-de gusano, screw conveyor. and-spigot joint.
-d e husillo (C), spiral conveyor. -trilngulo-estrella (elCc), delta-star connec-
- de locomotora, engine driver, locomotive tion.
-trilngulo-trihgulo (elkc), delta-delta con-
-de obras (A) (Ch), construction manager; nection.
resident engineer. configuracidn f (quim) (top) (mat), configuration.
-de paletas, flight conveyor. confitillo m (M), pea gravel or stone.
-de rastrillo ( C ) ,drag conveyor. conflacidn f , smelting, ore reduction.
-de retorno, (elec) return conductor; (ce) re- confluencia f , confluence, junction of streams;
turn conveyor. (rr) junction.
-de segment0 (el&), segmental conductor. confluente m a, tributary, confluent.
-de tabmas, slat or flight conveyor. confocal, confocal.
- de toma (el&), collector conductor. conformador m, grader, road shaper; driftpin;
-de tornillo (C), screw conveyor. (mt) shaper; contour machine; forming
-espiral, screw or spiral conveyor. machine.
conductores de compensacidn (e1C.c). compensa- -de bastidor inclinable, leaning-frame grader.
tory leads. - de motor, motor grader.
conductores de derivacibn (elkc), shunt leads. - de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader.
condulete m (el6c)(V), Condulet (trademark). conformadora f, grader; shaper; former.
conectador m, connector; (elec) outlet. -de arrastre, pull grader.
-de elementos, cell connector. -de caminos, road scraper or grader, sub-
-de manguera, hose connector. grader.
-el6ctrico de carriles (fc), rail bond. -elevadora, elevating grader.
conectar (rnec)(el6c), t o connect. conformante (mat), conformal.
conector m , connector (all senses). conf onnar, to shape.
-a presiBn (el&), pressure or solderless con- confome m, approval; a (math) conformal.
nector. ~ongelar,congelarse, t o freeze.
- a tierra (elQc),grounding connector.
-angular (carp), elbow connector.
conglomer~dico(geol)(A), comglomeratic.
conglomerado m (geol) , conglomerat,e; a con-
-cerrador (elk), locking connector. glomeratic.
-corrugado (carp), corrugated joint fastener. -de boleos, boulder conglomerate.
-de a d o dentado (carp), toothed ring con- - de chinos, cobble conglomerate.
nector. -de fallas, fault conglomerate.
-de anillo partido (carp), split-ring connector. - de granito (A), granolithic (floor)
-de bridas, flanged connection. - de pefias (V), cobble conglomerate,
- de caja (elkc), box connector. -de peiiones (V), boulder conglomerate.
-de cordbn (clkc), cord connector. -de trituraci6n, crush conglomerate.
-de derivacih (elkc), tap connector. - fundamental, basal conglomerate.
-de entrada (tub), service or house connection. conglomerante m, binding material.
-de perno partido, split-bolt connector. conglomer8tic0, conglomeratic.
-de rosca, threaded connection. conglutinador m ,coalescer.
-de torones (cab), strand connector. conglutinarse, t o coalesce, coagulate, cake.
-ele (carp), elbow connector. congosto m, canyon, gorge; pass.
-en cruz, cross connector. congruente (mat), congruent.
-sin soldadura (elk), pressure or ~olderless conicidad /, taper; conicity.
connector. cbnico, conical.
conexi611 f, connection, joint. c6nicobelicoidal, conico-helicoidal, spiral bevel.
-de campo o de montaje (est), field connection. conifera f (mad), conifer,
-de estrella (el&), star or Y or wye connec- conifsro, coniferous.
tion. coniforme, cone-shaped.
--- de rosca, threaded connection. conjugado, conjugate.
- domiciliaria (tub) (e1i.c) , house service. conjuntadot-disruptor m (auto), make and break,
-empernada, bolted connection. conjunto m (rnec), assembly.
- en cascada (elkc), cascade connection. - de fusible, fuse unit.
-en delta (el&), delta conncction. -de la impulsi8n final, final-drive assembly.
-en serie paralelo (el&), series-parallel or -de varias salidas (el6c), multioutlet asscm-
multiple-series connection. bly.
-en T (el@c),branch or T joint, T or Scott - motriz (auto) (A), power plant.
connection. conmutador m (el&), transfer or changeaver
-en triiingulo (el&), delta connection. switch; commutator.
-en V (el&), V or open-delta connection. --- a1 vaclo (ra), vacuum switch.
-estrella-estrella (el&), star-star connection. -antena-tierra (ra), lightning switch.
- nara tuberfa, pipe coupling; pipe fitting. ---- de bandas (ra) (M) , band selector or switch.
-do cilindro,
de drum switch. consemador rn (elkc), conservator, expansion
custro terminales, four-way switch.
de cuchillas, knife switch.
de derivaciones, tap switch.
consemadora f (maq), maintainer.
- caminera, road maintainer.
- de cuchiIlas mfltiples, multiple-blade main-
gobierno, master switch. conservar, to maintain.
polos, reversing switch. - la derecha (ca), to keep to the right.
consignacibn f, consignment, shipment ; appro-
- , en, on consignment.
consignador m, consignor.
consignar, to consign.
consignatario m, consignee.
cummutate; to. throw over (elec consistencia f, consistency.
consistente, consistent (material).
consistdmetro m, consistency meter, consistom-
consola f , bracket, console.
-colgante, shaft or drop hanger.
- de andamiaje, scaffold bracket, builder's
-para poste, post hanger,
consolidar, to compact, consolidate; consoli-
darse, to settle, become compact.
erizacitjn, spray cone. consoliddmetro m, consolidometer.
nimiento (conc) (M), slump cone. consonancia f (el&), consonance, resonance.
consonante (elk), consonant, resonant.
constant&n, constantana, constantano na f , con-
stantan (alloy).
constante f a, constant.
- de amortiguacihn (el&), damping constant.
- de elasticidad, spring constant (vibration).
- del elemento (as), cell constant.
- de fase (ra), phase or wave-length constant.
-de gravitacibn, gravitationd constant.
-de refraccibn, constant of refraction, specifio
refractive power.
- de rejilla (6ptioa). gratidg constant.
- del reticulo (lev), stadia-interval factor.
-de sintonfa (ra), tuning constant.
-de tiempo (el&), time constant.
-taquim6 triea (lev), stadia constant.
constantes de calibraci6n (fma), calibration con-
constitucibn f (geol)(qufm), constitution.
constitutive, constitutive.
constituyente m (qufm), constituent.
canstriccibn f, constriction.
construccibn f, construction; structure.
- a tope, end construction (hollow tile).
- de combustidn lenta (ed), slow-burning or
mill construction, heavy timber construc-
- de puentes, bridge building.
board of health. -esquelitica (ed), skeleton construction
(walls carried on frame).
- incombustible, fireproof construction.
- naval, shipbuilding.
- por etapas, stage construction.
- resistente at fuego, fire-resistive construc-
- reticulada, framed structure.
-Seale (cab), Seale construction.
- vial, road building.
---- Warrington (cab), Warrington construction
eoosbnrctor rn, con~tructor. -de fiujo o de gasto, flowmeter.
- de ascensores, elevator constructor. -de frecuencia, frequency meter, (ra)
quency indicator.
-de buques, shipbuilder.
-de carros, carbuilder. -de helice, propeller meter.
-de rasantes (ec), Gradebuilder. -de kilometraje, speedometer.
- de veredas (ec), trailbuilder. -de motor (elkc), motor meter.
- naval, shipbuilder; naval architect. -de orificio con placa delgada, thin-pIate ori-
-vial, road builder (man). fice meter.
constructors (f) de caminos (ec), Roadbuilder. -de paletas, vane meter (water).
constmido en el lugar, built-in-place. -de prueba, testing meter.
construir, t o construct, build, erect. -de radiacidn (ra), radiation counter.
consultor m, consultant; a consulting (engineer). - de reloj, clock meter.
consumidor m, consumer. -de revolturas (conc), batch meter.
consumo m, consumption; (elec) current drain. -de tantos (M), batch meter.
-unitario, specific consumption. - de tarifas mC11tipIes o de tipo mGltiple (elh),
contabilidad f, accounting. multirate meter.
contabiista, contable, accountant. - de tiempo, timing device.
contactador m ( e k ) , contactor. - de turbina, turbhe-type meter.
eontacto rn, contact (all senses). -de vatio-horas, watt-hour meter.
--- corredizo (elbc), sliding contact. - de v'oltamperios reactivos, varmeter.
- de inversian (el&), reverse contmt. -de volumen (hid), volume or quantity meter.
- de resorte (elkc), spring contact. de vueltas, revolution oounter, speed indica-
- de rosca (el&), screwed contact. tor.
- de tope (el&), butt contact. - indicador, indicating meter.
-perfecto a tierra (elkc), dead earth or ground. - indicador de sintonizacidn (ra), tuning
- por humedad (el&), weather contact. meter.
- rodante, rolling contact. - integrador a intervalos, intermittent inte-
-rozante (elkc), sliding contact. grating meter.
contactos del distribuidor (mg),distributer points. - maestro, master meter.
contactos del ruptor (mg),breaker points. -positivo (hid), positive or displacement
contactor m, contactor. meter.
- de enfriamiento superficial (aa), surface- - piiblico o titulado, certified public accountant.
cooled contactor. -registrador de demanda, recording demand
-- de leva, cam contactor. meter.
- de reposicibn (el&c),reset contactor. - removible (elkc), detachable or socket-type
coniador m, accountant; meter; counter. meter.
-a cantidird, quantity meter. -tipo ilativo, (hid), inferential meter.
-a carga diferencial (hid), head meter. - vertedor (hid), weir meter.
-compuesto (agua), compound meter. contaduria f, accounting; accounting ofice.
-de altura, altimeter. contaminacibn f, contamination.
-de amperios-horas, amperehour meter. contaminador m, contaminant.
-de grea variable (hid), variable-area meter. contaminar, t o contaminate, pollute.
-de caldera, boiler (steam) meter. cont6n m, curb
---- de constricciijn (hid),
. . . constriction meter. contenido m , content.
-de consumo, service meter. contera f, ferrule ; pile shoe.
-de corriente, (hyd) current meter; (elec) contingen$as f, contingencies.
ampero-ho& meter. continuante m (mat), continuant.
-de costos, cost accountant. continuidad f, continuity.
- de choque (hid), impact meter. continuo m (mat), continuum; a continuous.
-de demanda mfixima, demand meter. contorneador rn (rnh), router.
-de desplazamiento (agua), displacement-type contornear, to saw around, cut a profile; to rout;
meter. t o trace a contour; t o scribe; t o strea~nline.
-de disco rotatorio, rotary-disk metcr. contorno m, outline, contour.
-de Gmbalo, piston-type water meter. - bafiado (hid), wctted perimeter.
---- de enchufe (el&), socket-type or detachable -de deslizamiento (ms), shear pattern.
meter. -de inundaci6n (hid), flowage line.
- de energia dssvatada (el&), reactive kva contra, anainst, counter, opposite to.
meter. contra-amperios-vueltas f,back ampere-turns.
- de estacionamiento (auto), parking meter. contraaguja m (fc), guardrail a t a switch.
-de expansidn de la arena (pa), sand-expan- contradabeo m (sol), prespringing, initial distor-
sion recorder. tion.
- de exposiciones (frna), exposure counter. contraalcancia f (min) , counterchute.
- de factor de potencia (el6c), power-factor
contraantena f (ra), counterpoise.
contralrbol m, countershaft.
- de factor de reactancia (el&), reactivefactor
contraataguia f, secondary cofferdam: buttress
t o strengthen a cofferdam.
contrabalancear, to counterbalance. contraensayo m, check analysis.
contrabalancin m, balance bob. contraerse, to contract, shrink.
contrabalanza f, counterbalance. contraescal6n m (es), riser.
contrabisagra f, leaf of a hinge. - atiesador, false riser.
de jamba, jamb leaf.
de puerta, door leaf.
contraescarpa f (hid), hearth, apron, countcw
contrabordo m (M), curb. contraestampa f (est) , dolly, bucker.
contraboterola f (re), dolly, hoIder-on. contraestay m (nsut), preventer.
contrabeveda f, inverted vault or arch. contraexplosi6n f (auto), backfire.
contrabranque n (cn), apron, stemson. contrafianza f, indemnity bond.
coatrabrazo m (auto), drag link. contrafibraf, cross grain.
contrabrazola f (cn) ,headledge. contrafilo m (herr), back edge.
~ontrabridaf, counterflange; follower (Dresser contrafldn m (min), counterlode, countervein.
coupling). contraflechaf, camber.
contracabeza f, lip forming . flangemay of a contraflujo m, reverse current, countercurrent,
grooved raiL counterflow, eddy.
contracalibre m, mating gage. contrafondo m (A), front,
contracanal m, branch canal. contrafoso m, counterdrain.
contracaii6n m (rnin) (M), drift in the footwall. contrafrente m (A), back.
l (f o) , guardrail.
~ n t r a c a r r im contrafriccibn, antifriction.
- de resalte (fc), easer rail.
contraccibn f , contraction.
contrafuego, fireproof, fire-resisting.
contrafuerte m, counterfort, buttress; (top) spur;
- completa (hid), full contraction. (MI abutment.
- eliminada (hid), suppressed contraction. -de gravedad, massive buttress (Ambursen
-lateral (hid), end contraction. dam).
- por desecaci6n (conc), drying shrinkage. contragaleria f (min), countergangway.
- superficial (hid), surface contraction.
contracercos m, door and window trim.
contragolpe m, return stroke (piston) ; kickback.
contragrada f (es), riser.
contracielo m (min) (M) , raise, upraise. contragradiente f, reverse grade.
- de acceso, manway raise. contraguia f, stiffener for elevator guides; (hyd)
-escalonado, stope raise. steel lining in gate guides; counterguide.
- piloto, piIot raise.
ramal, branch or cutout raise.
contrahierro m (cepillo), top iron, frog.
contrahilo m (mad), end grain; cross grain.
- ventilador, ventilation raise. contrahuefla f (es), riser.
contraincendios, fireproof, fire-resisting; for fire
contracimiento m, wall or paving to protect a
foundation. fighting.
contraclave f, voussoir next to the keystone. contraladeo m (est), sway brace.
contraclavija f, gib, key, fox wedge. contralecho m (M), lower bed of an ashlar stone.
contsacodaste m (cn), propeller post, sternpost. contralecho, a (mam) {Es), laid with natural bed
contracodo m (tub), S bend. verticaI.
contraconducto (min), counterchute. contralistonado na (ed), counterlathing.
contracorazBn m {fc), wing of a frog. contralor m, controller, auditor; (elec) (A) con-
contracorricnte f, countcrcurrent, eddy, revem troller.
current; a contracorriente, upstream. contraloria f, auditing; auditor's office.
contracuaderna f (cn), reverse frame. contramaestre m, foreman; master mechanic;
contracuchilla f, fixed hlado of a shear. (naut) boatswain.
contracuneta f, intercepting ditch at tog of a contfamanhela f, drag link.
slope, counterdrain, berm ditch. contramarcar, to matchmark,
contracuiia f, gib. contramarcos mydoor or window trim.
eontracuwa f, reverse curve. contramarcha f, (eng) reverse, reversing.
eontrachapada, madera (M), plywood. contramarchar, (eng) to run in reverse.
contrachaveta f, gib. contramarea f, tidal countercurrent.
contrachoque m, bumper, buffer. eontramartillo m (re), dolly, bucker.
contradegiiello m (her), bottom fuller, contramatriz f, top die.
contradep6sito m (Es), reservoir below a dam. contramecha f, counterbore.
contraderivaci6n f {elkc), back shunt. -piloto, counterbore pilot.
contradiagoaales f, (tu) counterbracing. contradna f, adit; drift connecting two mines.
contradique m,supporting dike, spur dike, coun- contramotor m,opposing motor; haulback motor.
terdike; (A) cofferdam. contramuro m (A) (Col), wall built against
contradurmiente m (cn), clamp. another.
contraeje m, countershaft, jackshaft; tail shaft. contraonda f (ra) (A), back wave.
- de velocidades (auto), transmissioil counter- contrapar m, eaves board; rafter.
contrapaso no (Pe) , stair riser.
Contraelectrornotriz, counter electromotive. contrapeado m (Es), plywood.
contraembalse m (A), equdiaing reservoir. contrapeldaiio m (es), riser.
contraempuje m,counterthrust. - de rigidez, false r k r .

contrapendiente f, reverse grade, acclivity; (Es) contratapa f, auxiliary top or cover.

(A) downgrade foiIowing an upgrade. contratar, to contract (a job).
contraperno (V), stop screw. contratensibn f (elkc)(A), counter electromotive
cbntrapesador (m) de ruedas (auto), wheel bal- force.
ancer. contraterraplkn m (A), any structure to hold a fill.
contrapesar, t o counterweight. contratiro m, back draft ; (rnin) (M) auxiliary
contrapeso m, counterweight; counterpoise, (ra) shaft.
balancing capacity. contratista m, contractor.
- de las tenazas (pet), tong counterbalance. -acarreador, hauling contractor.
- de ventana, sash weight. -calefaccionista, heating contractor.
contrapilastra f, astragal, molding covering a -camionero, hauling or trucking contractor.
door joint. -de la comisaria, commissary contractor.
contrapiso m, subfloor; (A) (rd) subgrade. - de edificacih, building contractor.
contraplas~f , anchor plate. -electricista, electrical contractor, electragist.
contraplacado m, plywood. - general, general contractor.
- metklico (A), plymetal.
superprensado, superpressed or high-density
-sanitaria (ed) , plumbing contractor.
contrato m, contract.
-a costo mtis bonorario, cost-plus or fee
contraplancha f, (str) splice plate; (w) backing contract.
strip. -a destajo, taskwork contract; (Ec) unit-
- de escurrimiento (to), counterflashing. price contract of limited extent, duration,
contrapolea f (Es) , tail pulley. and number of men employed.
contrapozo m (min), raise, upraise. -a precio deterdnado, fixed-price contract.
contrapresa f, (Sp) downstream cofferdam; {A) -a precio global o a suma alzada, lump-sum
stilling-pool weir. contract.
contrapresi6n f, back pressure. -a precios unitarios, unit-price contract.
contraproducente, unprofitable. -de enganche, contract for furnishing work-
contraprueba f , check test. men.
contrapuerta f, lining inside of firebox door; -de fletamiento, charter party.
storm door. - de trabajo, employment contract.
eontrapunta f (mh), back center; tailstock, pop- -pot medida, unit-price contract.
pethead. contratope m, rear stop, back bumper.
con cono, cone center.
palanca de mano (mh), hand-lever tail-
contratorcimiento m (sol), counterdistortion.
contratuerca f, lock or set or jam nut; nut lock;
stock. (U) lock washer.
contrapunz6n m, counterpunch. contramapor m, back-pressure steam.
contraquebranto m (cn), hog frame, longitudinal contravkstago m, piston tail rod.
trussing. contravena, cantraveta f (min), counterlode,
contraquilla f (cn), keelson; false keel. countervein.
contrarrampa f (Es) (A), upgrade following a contraventamientos m (U), wind bracing; guys.
downgrade. contraventana f, window shutter; storm sash.
tontrarrasante m (C), adverse grade. contraventanas a prueba de incendio, fire shut-
contrarregueta f, subsidiary irrigation ditch; ters.
ditch connecting ends of parallel irrigation contraventat, to brace; t o guy.
ditches. contraventeo m,wind bracing; set of guys.
contrarremachador m (re), holder-on, dolly. -de portal, portal bracing.
contrarremachar, to clinch; {re) to buck up. contraviaje m (Col), skew, bevel.
Contrarrestar, to resist (stress) ;t o counteract. contravidriera f, window blind; storm sash.
contrarriel m (fc) , guardrail. contravidrio m, glazing molding.
contrarroblbn m, burr, riveting waidher. contraviento m, a guy; wind bracing.
contrarroblonador m (re), holder-on, bucker, contravoltaje m (A), counter electromotive force.
dolly. contrete m,stay bolt; (Ec) shore, strut.
contrarroda f (cn), stemson, apron. control m, control.
- a cable (tc), cable control.
contrarrotacibn f , counterrotation.
contrasalmer m, arch stone next to the skewback.
contraseguro rn, reinsurance.
- a cristal (ra), crystal control.
--- a distancia, remote control.
contrastar, t o assay; to compare with rr standard -a1 tacto, finger-tip control.
(weights and measures).
contraste m, an assay; comparison with a stand-
- automitico de volumen (CAW (ra), auta-
mstic volume or automatic gain control.
ard; (tv) contrast.
contrata f , a contract.
de avenidas (r), flood control.
de las bajas (ra), bass control.
contratajamar m (pte), downstream nosing.
contratdadrar, t o counterbore.
de brillo (tv), brightnesu control.
de contraste (tv), contrast control.
contratabdro m, counterbore. - por tensiBn regulable (el&), adjustable-
contratalud m, counterslope, (rd) foreslopc. voltage control.
contratante 8 , contracting party. - remoto, remote control.
controlador 95

controlador m, controladora f , controller (all coplln m (C), a coupling.

senses). coque m, coke.
- de gasto (pa), rate controller. -de alquitrln, pitch coke.
-de velocidad, speed controller. -de alto homo, blast-furnace coke.
controlar, to control; t o check, verify. -de fundicibn, foundry coke.
controler m (el&), controller. -de gas o de retorta, gas coke.
convecciSn f, convection. -de petr61e0, petroleum coke.
convective, convective. coquificar, coquizar, t o coke.
convector m (el6c) (cf), convector. coquimbita j (miner), coquimbite, white c o p
convenio m,agreement, contract. peras.
convergencia f, (surv)(math) convergence, con- coral m, coral.
vergency; (auto) toe-in. corPLico a (V), coral.
convergente, converging. coralifero, coraligeno a, coral.
conversi6n f (mat) (el&), conversion. coralina f, corallin; a coral.
converser m, conversora f, converter (all senses). coraza f, armor, protective covering.
convertible, convertible. -
reticulada (el&), basket-weave armor.
convertidor m (el&) (met), converter. -trabada (el&), interlocking armor.
-Bessemer, Besserner converter. corazBn m, core; heartwood; (rr) frog, (A) frog
- de arc0 (elkc), arc converter. point.
-de fases (el&), phase converter. -con carril de muelle engoznado (fc), hinged-
- de frecuencia (el&), frequency changer or spring-rail frog.
converter -con insertados de acero endurecido (fc),
-de onda Ira), wave converter. anvil-faced frog.
-de refuerzo, booster converter. -con pat8 de liebre m6vil (fc), spring-rail frog.
-de torsif~n,torque converter. -de arcilla (hid), puddle core.
-e n cascada (el&), cascade converter. -de cable, (wr) center strand, core.
- pentarrejilla (ra), pentagrid converter. -
de plancha (fc), plate frog.
- rotativo (elbc), rotary or synchronous con- -de prueba (sx), drill core.
verter. -de punta m6vil (fc), movable-point frog.
convertir (quim) (el&) (met), t o convert. -de riel fijo '(fc), fixed-rail frog.
convexidad f, convexity. -de rieles ensamblados (fc), built-up frog.
convexo, convex. - medio (fc), crotch frog.
convoy m, (A) (M) (Sp) railroad train. - rojo (mad), red heart.
coordenadas f, coordinates. corazonar (sx), t o core.
- cartesianas, Cartesian coordinates. corbata f, (sb)(A) collar; (auto)(M) canvas pro-
en el espacio, space coordinates.
esfbricas, spherical coordinates.
tector of inner tube.
corchado m (cab), lay.
- planas polares, plane polar coordinates. - cruzado, regular lay.
- terrestres (fma), ground coordinates. -directo, lang lay.
coordinat6grafo m, coordinatograph. corcheta f (Es), rabbet in a doorframe.
coordinathetro m (fma), coordinatorneter. corchete m, cramp; catch, latch; belt clamp.
copa f, cup; anything cup-shaped. corcho na, cork.
- de inflamaci6n (di), ignition cup. cordaje m, cordage, rope.
- enfocadora (ra), focusing cup. cordel m, rope, cord; belt course; a. measure of
copador rn (herr) , fuller ; creaser. length (20.35 m); a measure of area (414
- inferior (her), bottom fuller. centiares); formerly in Cuba a measuring
- superior (her), top fuller. tape.
copal m, copal. --i de marcar, chalk line.

Copete m, crest. cordeleria f, rigging; rigging yard; ropewalk;

copia f, copy. cordage.
- a1 carbBn, carbon copy. cordelero m, ropemaker; (surv) (C) tapeman,
- a1 ferroprusiato, blueprint. chainman.
-azuI, bIuer>rint. cordeda f, storehouso for rigging.
-de contrtcio (frna), contact print. cordillera f, mountain range.
- heliogrlfica, blueprint, sun print. -divisoria, divide.
- negrosina, vandyke print. cordita f, cordite (explosive).
copiloto m (fma), copilot. cord6n m, cord, st8rnndof rope; belt lacing; side-
copilla f , sinall cup. walk curb; (str) chord, flange; [mas) course.
- de aceite, oil cup. belt course; (p) spigot end ; (carp) (w) bead,
-de cebar, priming cup. (A) (C) mountain chain ; (A) (Ch) windrow.
- de engrase, grease or oil cup, Iuhricator. -comprimido (viga) , cornprossion flange.
-de grasa, grease cup. -de alambre, wire strand.
copla f (Ch), a coupling. -de alambre con eje fibroeo, fiber-center wire
coplano m, (pmy) coplane; a coplanar. strand.
- biisico (frna), basal coplane. -de aadariveles, (wr) tramway strand.
cople m,a coupling. - de cerros, range of hills.
-de lbpara (el&), lamp cord. -sin fin, endless belt.
-de oropel (el&), tinsel cord. -transmisora, driving or transmission belt.
-de servicio recio (el&$, hard-servim cord. -transportadora, belt conveyor.
-de suspensidn (el6o), drop cord. -trapezoidal, V belt.
-de tradapo (sol), overlap bead. correaje m, belting.
-de vereda, curbstone, sidewalk curb. - articulado de cuero, leather link belting.
-guardapretil Cpte), barrier curb. - compuesto, composition belting.
-inferior, (tu) lower chord, (gi) bottom flange. - de dambre tejido, woven-wire belting.
-para correa, belt lacing.
para tranvias, (wr) tramway strand.
de cuero cnrdo, rawhide belting.
de suela, leather belting.
-p]ano, (wr) flattened strand. correcci6n f, correction; (inst) adjustment.
-reflector (ca), reflecting curb. - de estaci6n (lev), station adjustment.
- sobrepasable (ca), surmountable curb. -de 10s lados (lev), side adjustment.
-superior, (tu) upper chord, (gi) top flange. -del poligono (lev), figure adjustment.
coribronce m (M) ( B ) , chalcopyrite (copper ore). - por flecha (lev), correction for sag.
carinden m (miner), corundum, corindon. -prismoidal (ot) , prismoidal correction.
cornamusa f (en), cleat, bitt. wrredera f, track, slide; (V)screed; slide valve;
- de guia, chock. skid; (surv) target; (inst) cursor, slide;
- de remolcar, towing bitts. (mas) screed board; door hanger; (naut)
- escotera, chock, snatch cleat.
someana f (geol), hornfels. -
log line; (mt) ram; (r) (A) rapids.
a municiones, ball-bearing hanger (door).
corneta U)de niebla, foghorn. - de cablevla, cableww carriage.
cornija f, cornice. -de calibre, slide of a caliper rule.
wrnijal m, corner post. -de cuadrante oscilante (mv), slide block.
cornij6n m, street corner of a building. -de gula (ef), fender skid, sheer skid,
cornisa f, cornice; (pet) (V) crown block. glancer.
cornisa, en (ca) (V),built up on a sidehill. - de mira, target of a level rod.
wmis6n m, street corner of a building; (M)cop- - de parrilla, gridiron valve.
ing. -de regla, slide of a slide d e .
torolario m, corollary. -de Stephenson (mv), Stephenson link.
ccsrona f, annular space; ring gear; (elec) corona; - reguladora del cortavapor (mv) , cutoff or
crest (dam) ; (auto) rim; tubular drill bit; expansion valve.
crown of s road; (pet) (V) crown block. correderas, guides; skids.
cortante (pet), boring head.
de arco, crown of an aroh.
de compuerta (hid), gate guides.
de la cruceta (mv), crosshead guides.
-de diamantes, diamond bit. corredero, corredizo a, sliding, traveling.
-de rodillos (cojinete), roller race. corredor m, passage, corridor; broker.
- dentada, sprocket, gear; crown wheel; ring -de aduana, customhouse broker.
gear; calyx. -de cambios, foreign-exchange broker.
- fija (turb), speed ring. - de linea (pet), line walker, pipeline inspec-
-para municiones, shoMriU bit. tor.
coronacih f, crest. - de maquinania (cons), equipment broker or
coronadora f (lab), capping machine. dealer.
coronamiento m, crest, coping, top. -de via (fc) , trackwalker.
coronar, to top out; t o cap. -maritime, ship broker.
corporaci6n f, corporation. corredura f, flaw;overflow.
corral m, corral, yard for stock. corregible (inst), adjustable.
- de almacetlamiento, stora yard. carregir, to correct; (inst) to adjust.
-de maderas, lumberyard. correlacidnf (geol) (mat), correlation.
COffdhlm,yard, store yard. correntada f, corrental rn, swift flowof a river.
corrasidn f (geol), corrasion. correntillneo (M) ,streamlined.
correa f, belt, shrap; purlin, girt. correntimetro m, current meter.
-alisadora (ca) , hishing belt. correntdn m (PR),strong current.
- articulada, link or chain belt. correntoso, flowing strongly, torrentid.
-c6ncavq trough belt. correBn m, heavy strap or belt, (M) clevis.
-conductora, belt conveyor. correoso, tough.
-comgada, cog belt. correr, to run; to flow; to travel, slide; correrse
-cruzada, crossed belt. (pint), to sag.
- de cadena, chain belt. -niveles, to run levels.
-de siete capas, seven-ply belt. -una Unea (lev), to run a line.
- de trdas, whipcord belt. cotrespondencia f (frna) , correspondence.
- dentada, cog belt.
en aspa, crossed belt.
corretaje m, brokerage.
comda f, run, travel; (rnas)(Ch) course; (min)
- en cuiia, V belt. (Ch) outcrop; (min)(M) strike of a vein;
en V-mGltiple, multip1.V belt.
seleccionadora, sorting belt.
(mid (B) drift; (surv) a run (of levels).
corrido, continuous; lineal, running.
corriente 97 cortador
corriente f, current, flow; stream, river; electric -sinusoidal (el&), ainusoidd or simple hap
current; (C) slope of a roof; Q regular, com- monic current.
mon, standard, plain. -subglvea (r), underflow.
-abajo, downstream. -subsiguiente (elkc), follow current.
-alterna (c.a.), alternating current (a.c.). -subterrinea aislada (r), subsurface perched
- alterna simple, singlephase current. stream.
- alternada, alternating current. -termica, thermocurrent.
-anhdica (ra), anode or plate current. -terminadora (elEc), finishing rate or current,
- arriba, upstream. -
vaga o vagabunda (el&), stray current.
- avanzada (el&), leading current. -vatada (el&), active or watt current.
-baja (r), low water. -
vectorial (elk), vector or coniplex sinusoida!
-catddica (ra), cathode current. current.
-con rotor fijo (mot), blocked-rotor current. corrientes dispersas (el&), leakage current.
- con rotor libre (mot), free-rotor current. corrientes terrestres (goof), earth currents.
-conductiva (el&), conduction current. corrimiento m, sliding; landslide; run; (elec)
- continua (el&$, continuous or nonpulsating creepage; (geol)(A) thrust.
direct cur'rent. -
de fase Ira) (A), phase shift.
- cruzada, crosscurrent.
-de adelanto (el&), leading current.
corroer, to corrode.
corromper, (M) to pollute, contaminate.
- de atraso (e16c), lagging current. corromperse, t o rot, decompose.
- de cierre (elcc), sealing current. corrosible, corrodible.
- de desplazamiento (el&), displacement or corrosibn f , corrosion.
dielectric current. - con esfuerzo, stress corrosion.
-de disparo (el&), dropout current. corrosividad f, corrosivity.
- de escape o de fuga o de falla (elkc), leakage corrosive, corrosive.
or fault current. corroyente, corrosive; abrasive.
-de funcionamiento (el6c), pickup current. corrugacibn f, corrugation; rut.
- de gilla (ra) (A), grid current. wrrugado, corrugated.
- del haz (ra), beam current. corta f, cutting; (lg) felling.
-de ionizaci6n Jra), gas or ionization cur- cortaalambre m, wire cutters, nippera.
rent. cortaarandelas m, washer cutter.
- de la marea, tidal current, tide. cortabarras m,bar cutter.
-de placa (ra) , anode or plate current. cortabilidad f (met), cuttability.
- de rayos anBdicos (ra), anade-ray or positive- cortabulones, cortacabillas m, boltcutter.
ray current. cortacable m, wire-rope cutter.
--- de rejilla (ra), grid current. cortacadena m, chain cutter.
- de remolino (A), eddy current. cortacafio nt, pipe cutter.
- desvatada (elec), wattless or idle current. cortacircuito m (el&), circuit breaker, awitch,
-desviada (el-&), stray current. cutout; cutoff.
- directa (c.d.1, direct current (d-c.). -de disparo instantheo, instantaneous-trip
- directa con fluctuaciones (el&), ripple cur- circuit breaker.
rent. - de fusible, fuse cutout.
.- ef ectiva (el&), effective or root-mean-square -de fusible de calda, dropaut fuso cutout.
current. -de-fusible de expulsi611, expulsion cutout,
-en triingulo (elk), delta current. - de fusible restablecedor, reclosing fuse cut-
- en vacio (elbc), no-load or idle or reactive out.
current. -de tiempo, timedelay circuit breaker.
- espacial (ra), space current. -para sobretensiones, overvoltago cutout.
-especifica (el&), current density. - termico, thermal cutout.
-freLtica (r), subsurface flow, water-table cortaclavos m,nail clippers.
stream. cortacorrea m, belt cutter.
-inductiva (el&), induced current. cortacorriente (elk), current breaker.
-invariable o permanente (elEo), constant cortacristal m, glass cutter.
current. cortachapa m, sheet-metal cutter.
---- momenttnea (el&), transient current ; in- cortada f (exc), cut, through cut.
stantaneous current. cortadera f, blacksmith chisel.
-momenthnea mkirna (eEc), rated short- - en caliente, hot chisel.
time current. cortado a medida, cut to length.
-oscilatoria (clhc), oscillating current. cortado a troquel, die-cut.
- pariisita (cEc), eddy or parasitio or Foucault eortador m, cutter, clipper; (sa) slasher.
-a diamante (mh), diamond cutter.
-portadora (elk), carrier current. -de agujeros ciegos (elkc), knockout cutter.
-putsativa (el&), pulvating current. -de banco, bench cutter.
-reactiva (el&), idle or reactive current.
-retrasada (el&),
-de brecbas (ec) Gradebuilder, trailbuilder.
-de cable, wire-rope cutter.
- . . laming
-- - current.
-sangradora Ira), bleeder current,. -de carb6n (min), coal cutter.
-de carriles (fc), track chisel. -cenado, (Ec) cut more than 2 m deep.
-de hoja met&lica, sheet-metal cutter. -con arco de carbbn, carbon-arc cutting.
-de malezas, bmsh or weed cutter. -con arco metHLico, metallic-arc cutting. ~

-de raices (ec), root cutter. -de acabado (mh), finishing cut.
-de ramas (ef), h o t t e r , limber, knot bumper, -de cuiia ( t h ) (min), wedge cut, V cut.
busher, swamper. -de desbaste, roughing cut.
- en caliente, hot cutter. -de empotramiento, fixed-end shear (stress).
-en frio, cold cutter. -de pluma (carp) (A), bevel cut.
-miiltiple, gang cutter. -de pr6stamo. borrow pit.
cortadora f, cutter, chisel. -de prueba (mh), trial cut.
-de engranajes, gear cutter. -en bdc6n (M), sidehill cut.
-de rmuras, slot or keyway cutter. -en bisel, bevel cut.
cortadura f, cutting, shearing; shearing stress. -en caj6n (exc) (A) (M), through cut.
-con arco metuco, metal-ara cutting. -en trinchera (A), through cut.
- de penetraciSn, punching shear (stress). -especi6lc0, specific shear (stress).
-esquilante (mh) (A), shearing cut.
-doble, double shear (stress).
-horizontal, horizontal shearing stress. -longitudinal (dib), longitudinal section.
-oxiacetilinica, oxyacetylene cutting. -pasante (exc), through cut,
-por llama, flame-cutting. -perimetral (A), perimeter shear.
-simple, single shear (stress). -piramidal (tGn) (rnin), pyramid cut.
cortaduras, cuttings. -tipico (dib), typical section.
cortaespoleta m, fuse cutter. -transversal, cross section.
cortafierro m, cold chisel. -X (cristal ra), X cut, Curie cut.
cortafiletes, mlquina, thread-cutting machine. -Y (cristd ra), Y cut.
cortafrio m, cold chisel or cutter. -y relleno, cut and fill.
- con punta rbmbica, diamond-nose chisel. corteza f, bark; crust; rind (sugar cane).
-de herrero, cold cutter. cortina f, curtain; (hyd) core wall, (A) cutofr
- quitarrebabas, burr chisel. wall; (M) dam, nonoverflow dam.
-ranurador, cape chisel. - de acero articulada, rolling steel shutter.
cortafuego m,fire wall or stop; (elec) fire cutoff. - de agua, water curtain.
-de arcos mutiples (M), multiple-arch dam.
eortahierro m, cold chisel or cutter.
-de ranurar, cape chisel. - de cabeza (M), roundhead-buttress or d i e
-para canaletas, lantern chisel. mond-head-buttress dam.
cortahoyo lateral (pet), side rasp, side hole cutter. -de enrocamiento (M), rock-fill dam.
cortaladrillos m, front chisel, bricklayer's chisel. - de inyecciones, grout curtain.
cortamatas m, brush or bush hook. -de machones (M), buttress dam.
cortamecha m (vol) , fuse cutter. -enrollable, rolling shutter.
cortametal, sierra, hacksaw. -impermeable, (hyd) core wall.
cortamuestras m, sample cutter. - m e t a c a de enrollar, rolling steel shutter.
cortante, cutting, sharp. -vertedora (M), spillway dam.
cortanGcleos m, core bit or drill. cortina-puerta, rolling steel door.
cortaperno m, boltcutter. corto, short.
cortar, to cut. -circuito (elbc), short circuit.
-a1 hilo (carp), t o rip. -circuito cabal, dead short circuit.
cortarraices m, (t) root cutter. - circuito directo, dead short circuit.
cortarremaches, rivet buster or cutter. cortocircuitadora f, short-circuiting device.
cortarriel m (fc), track chisel. cortocircuitar (A), t o short-circuit.
cortarroscas f, threading machine. comndita f (rfr), Corundite (trademark).
cortatraviesa m (fc), tie cutter. corundo m, corundum, native alumina.
cortatubo m, pipe cutter; tube cutter. corvadura f, curvature.
- de caldera, boiler-tube cutter. coma, bent, curved.
-de pozo (pet), casing cutter. cosecante m, cosecant.
- de tres cuchillas, thrce-wheel pipe cutter. CoSehO m, cosine.
- verso, coversed sine, versed cosine.
cortavapor m (mv), cutoff.
cortavidrios m, glass cutter. coser, to make a seam; to lace (belt).
cortaviento m, windbreak, windshield. cosinusoide f (Es), cosine curve.
cortavolandera m, washer cutter. cosm6tico m, belt dressing.
corte rn a cut; a section; cutting edge; shearing coso m, wood borer, timber worm.
atress. costa f, coast, shore.
- a faldeo simple (A), see corte a ladera entera. -de barlovento, weather shore.
- al hilo en bisel (mad), bevel rip. - de sotavento, lea shore.
-a ladera entsra, cut on a hillside for full -marftima, seacoast.
width of roadbed. costado m, side.
-a media galeria (A), aidehill cut with over- -vapor, free alongside (E'AS).
hanging roof. costal m, bag, sack.
- a media ladera, sidehill cut. costalera f (MI, burlap.
costanera f,slope; Obr) slab; (carp) scab, flitch, -irrevocable, irrevocable credit.
cr6ditos pasivos, liabilities.
crema de altmina (lab), alumina cream.
taining t o the coast; sloping. cremallera f, rack, rack rail, cograil.
-de girar (gr), swinging rack.
- en segmento, segment rack.
-reguladora (di), control rack.
- y pifi6n rack and pinion.
costilla f, (str) rib; (tun) poling board; (bldg) cremona f, large door bolt.
furring strip; lagging strip (arch); (Col) crenbtrix (is), crenothrix.
creosota f , crcosote.
creosotado a presibn, pressure-creosoted.
creosotar, to crcosote.
crepitacibn f , crepitation, crackling; (ra)(A) mcr
efectivo, actual cost. torboating
-en plaza, market price.
-m l s honorario fijo, cost plus fixed fee.
cresa I, maggot.
cresol m (quim), crcso1.
-miis porcentaje, sost plus percentage. cresolftalel'na j (lab), cresol phthalein.
-m l s sob re cost^ (M),cost plus fee. cresta f , crcst.
-menos depreciacibn, cost less depreciation. -de lo corriente anbdica (ra), peak plate cur-
-de gas (pet), gas cap.
- divisoria (top), divitlo.
-normal (hid), standard crest.
-vertiente o vertedora (hid), spillway crest.
cresterla f (top), ridge, watershed line.
cresthn m,outcrop; (top) crest.
creta f, chalk.
cretlceo, chalky, cretaceous.
eretiicico (geol), Cretaceous.
creybn (m)de marcar, marking or lumber crayon
criadem rn (min), seam, vein, deposit.
-de rnosquitos, mosquito-breeding area.
-de petrbleo, oil pool.
criba f, screen, strainer, grizzly, riddle; cribbel.
- corrediza, traveling screen.
-de ala, wing screen. . $

- de aspiracidn (bm), strainer for foot valve.

- de barrotes, bar screen.
-de cesta, basket screen.
-de correa, band screen.
- de jaula, cage screen.
-del lodo (pet), shale shaker, mud screen.
-de persiaaa (pozo), shutatorscreen.
- de' tambor, drum screen.
-de vaiven, shaking screen.
-giratoria, revolving screen.
-graduadora, gradation screen.
-hidraulica (min), jig.
-lavadora, scrubbing or washing screen.
f, cotunnite, native l e d chloride. -para basuras (hid), trash screen.
cribado m, screening.
-con lavado, wct scroening.
-en seco, dry screening.
cribador m, sifter, screen tender.
cribadora f , screen.
cribar, t o screen.
t) (A), cracking. cribdn m, grizzly.
cric m, jack, crick: ratchet.
- de cremallera, ratchet jack.
-de palanca, lever jack.
-de tornillo, screw jack. jackscrew.
f (r), flood, rise. -hidrbulico, hydraulic jack.
criofilico (is), cryophilic.
cribgeno, cryogenic.
criolita j, cryolite (aluminum ore).
criptocristalino 100 cruzamiento
criptocristalino (geoi), cryptocrystdinb. -inferior, undergrade crossing.
criptol m (elk), kryptof. -superior, overhead crossing.
cript6n m (quim), krypton. cruces de rigidez (M), bridging (wood floor).
crique m, (A) ratchet; pawl; jack; (CA) brook. crucero m, batten, crosspiece; (elec) crossarm;
criseno m (pet), chrysene. (p) cross; (rr) frog; crossing frog; road
crisbcola f (miner), chrysocolla. crossing; cleavage (stone); (rnin) cross
crisol m, crucible, melting pot; hearth of a fur- heading, crosscut ; cross timber; (miner)
nace. cleavage.
crisolada f, charge of a cmcibIe. - a nivel, grade crossing.
crisotilo m (miner), chrysotile (asbestos). - basic0 (miner), basal cleavage.
cristal m, glass; flint glass; a pane of glass; crys- - ciibico (miner), cubic cleavage.
tal. -de carril continuo (fc), continuous-rail frog.
-armado, wire g h s . - de combinacidn (fc), a set of slip switches
-cilindrado, plate glass. and movable-point crossings.
-de corte A T (ra), AT-cut crystal. -de puntas movibles (fc), movable-point
-de reloj (lab), watch glass. crossing.
-de roca, flint glass; rock crystal. -en hoja de trdbol (ca), clover-leaf intersec-
-de seguridad, nonshattering or safety glass. tion.
-deslustrado o esmerilado, ground glass. -embridado (tub), flanged cross.
-estriado, ribbed glass. -para soldar (tub), welding cross.
-irrompible (M), safety or nonshattering -reductor (tub), reducing cross.
glass. -roscado (tub), screwed cross.
cristalinidad f, crystallinity. cruceros laterales (est), lateral bracing.
cristalino, crystalline. cruceta f, crossarm; crosshead; crosspiece.
cristalizador m, crystallizer. -abierta o de alas (mu), wing-type crosshead.
-al vacIo (az), vacuum crystallizer. - atravesada (el&), buck arm, reverse arm.
cristalizar, t o crystallize. -cerrada (mv), box-type crosshead.
cristalobllstico (geol) (miner), crystalloblastic. -de cabeza (mv), crosshead.
cristalografia f, crystallography. -de cuatro espigas (el&), four-pin crossarm.
cristalogrlfico, crystallographic. -de poste (elk), crossarm.
cristoldn m,crystolon (abrasive). -del timan (cn), crosshead.
criterio m, criterion. crucetas, X bracing; bridging (wood floor).
critico, critical. cruciforme, cruciform.
crocidolita f, crocidolite, blue asbestos. crudeza j, hardness of water.
crocoita f, crocoite, red lead ore. crudo, crude; raw (untreated) ; hard (water).
croche m (V), clutch. crujia f, corridor, passage; (bldg) (M) bay.
cromado, chromium-plated. crujido m, creaking, crackling.
cromatar, to chromate. cruz f, (p) cross; (rnin) crossing of twb veins.
crom5tica f, chromatics. -con salida lateral (tub), side-outlet cross.
crom&tico, chromatic. -de campanas (tub), all-bell cross.
cromato m,chromate. - de curva abierta (tub), long-sweep cross.
-de bario, barium chromate or chrome. -de limpieza (tub). blowoff cross.
-de plomo, lead chromate, (miner) crocoite -de San Andres (Es) (V), X bracing.
cromel m, chrome1 (alloy). -- de seis pasos (tub), double cross.
crdmico, containing chromium, chromic. -embridada (tub), flanged cross.
cromita j,chromite (chrome ore). -,en, a t right angles.
cromito m (qufrn), chromite. - f l a r (inst), cross hairs.
cromo m, chromium, chrome. -intercaladora (tub), cutting-in cross.
crom6foro na (el&) (qufm), chromophore. -para escalera (tub), stair-railing cross.
cromog&nico,crom6geno (is), chromogenic. -para lavabo (pb), bmin cross.
crom6metro m,chromometer. -para soldar (tub), welding cross; solder-joint
cromoniquel, chrome-nickel (steel). cross.
crontifero m (el&), chronopher. -para tabiques (tub), partition cross.
cronografia f, chronography. --- reductora (tub), reducing cross.
cronogrlfico, chronographic. -reticular (inst), cross hairs.
cron6grafo m, chronograph. -roscada (tub), screwed cross.
cronometria f , chronometry. -sanitaria (tub), sanitary cross.
cronombtrico, chronometric. cruzada f (min) , crosscut.
cronBmetro m, chronometer. cruzadilla f (AC), grade crossing.
cronoscopio m (elkc), chronoscope. cruzamiento m, crossing; (rr) crossing frog, frog.
croquis m, sketch. -abreo, aerial frog (trolley wire).
cruce m, crossing; (rr) crossing frog; (P) cross. - con cambiavia (fc), slip switch.
-a nivel o d e v h , grade crossing. -de c a d engoznado (fc), swing-rail frog.
-- caminero, highway or grade crossing. -de plancha (fc), plate crossing, plate frog.
- en arco (tub), crossover. -enlazado (fc)(C), slip switch.
-en tribol (ca), clover-leaf intersection. -ensamblado (fc), built-up frog.
cruzamiento 101 cuarto
-remachado (fc), riveted plate crossing. -armado (rnin), truss set.
cruzar, to cross; t o place crosswise. -calculador (el&), calculating board.
cuacuaversal (geol), quaquaversal. -con mando de frente (el&), live-front switch-
cuaderna f, frame (especially of a ship). board.
-invertida (cn) (A), reverse frame. -corredizo (el&), draw-out-type switchboard.
-maestra, midship frame. -de carretillas (elbc), truck-type switchboard.
cuadernas (en) -de conmut-dores (el&), switchboard, panel
-de escuadra, square frames. board.
-de 10s receles, panting frames. - de contador (el&), meter panel.
-inclinadas, inclined frames. -de distribuciik, suitcliboard.
-sesgadas, cant frames. -de enchufes {tel), plug switchboard.
cuadernal m, tackle block; (M) block and tackle. - de entibacibn (min) (tlin), drift frame, square
cuaderno m, notebook, field book. set.
-de hojas sueltas, loose-leaf notebook. -de estacibn (fc) (A), widened right of way t o
-de nivelacibn, level book. include a station with its sidings, etc.
cuadra f, stable, box stall; city block, square; a - de frente rnuerto (elitc), dead-iront switch-
measure of length-150 auras in Chile and board.
Argentina, 100 naras in Uruguay, Para- -de fusibles (elEc), fuseboard.
guay, and Ecuador. -de gobierno, control board.
- de popa (an), quarter. -de instrumentos, instrument board.
-de proa (an), forward quarter. - de propuesta, bidding schedule.
cuadradillo na, grillage. -de puerta, doorframe.
cuadrado m,square; (math) square; a square. -de pupitre (el&), desk switchb~ard.
cuadral m, knee or diagonal or angle brace. -de sefiales, sigilal board.
cuadrangular, quadrangular. -estadimBtrico (lev), stadia tnblo.
cuadrPngulo m, quadrangle; a quadrangular. -indicedor, annunciator.
cuadrantal, quadrantal. - provisional (min), false set.
cuadrante m, quadrant; dial of an instrument. -rigido (est) (U), rigid frame.
- azimutal, azimuth dial. culdruple m, (pet) fourblc; a quadruple.
-oscilante (mv), Stephenson link. culdruplex (elkc), qusdruplex.
cuadrar, (math) (carp) to square. cu5tdruplo m a, quadruple.
cuadrbtico, quadratic. cuajada f, a Costa Ricm lumber.
cuadratura f, squaring; measuring areas; (math) cuajarl m ( C ) , rt mood used for construction.
(elec) quadrature. cuajarse, t o coagulate, clot; t o cake.
- de espacio (el&), space quadrature. cuaiitativo, qunlitativo,
-de tiempo (el&), time quadrature. cuantiar, to appraise.,
c.~adrl'cdaf, grillage; anything in checkerboard cuantitativo, quantitative.
pattern. cuantdmetro m, quantometer.
-de azimut (fma), aaimuth grid. cuarcifero, quarteiferous.
-de perspectiva (fma), perspective grid. cuarcita f, quartzite. quartz rock.
-de tanteo (fma), trial grid. cuarcltico, quartzitic.
- de trazar (frna), plotting grid. cuarta f, quart; quarter; lineal memure of
cuadricuIado m. checkerwork; a in squares.
cuadricular, v t o graticulate, mark off i~ squares; - cafia, quartcr round.
a in squares. cuarteadura f, crack, split.
cuadrifllar (A), f our-wire. cuartear, t o split; t o divide into blocks; t o quar-
cuadrdiitero m a,quadrilateral. ter; cuartearse, to crack, split, (Ibr) to
cuadrilongo, rectangular. check.
cuadrilla f , gang, party, squad. cuartel m, barracks; city district; (sb) hatch
-aserradora (of), saw crew. cover.
-caminera, road gang. cuarteo m,crack, fissure; splitting, dividing into
-de arrastre (ef), skidding crew. parts, quartering; (min)(M) piecework.
- de colocacidn (cone), placing gang. cuarterh m, panel; (M) measuro of 25 liters,
-de dibujantes, squad of draftsmen. (Ch) diagonal brnco in a partition.
-de perforacibn (pet), drilling crew. cuarteta f (C), a measure of area, about 2 acres.
- de reparaciones, repair gang. cuartillo m, a liquid and dry measure having
-de salvamento, wrecking gang. various values; in Argentina about 1 US
- de aanitacibn, sanitary squad. q t ; in Mexico about 15i q t dry and about
- de tramo [fc), section gang. % q t liquid; in Spain about 1 q t dry or
- de tumba (ef), felEng crew. liquid; in Costa Rics 4.6 liters.
-de urgencia (fc), wrecking crcw. cuarto m, quarter; room; a quartcr.
cuadriviaria a (cn) , four-lane. -bocel, quarter-round ~nolding.
cuadro m, square; timber frame; table of figures, - de calderas, boiler room, fireroom, bb)
tabulation; (elcc) switchboard; (tv) frame; stokehold.
(min)(B) shaft; (rnin) case, frame, set. -de cafiz, qunrter round.
- anunciador, indicator board. -de gd6n, quart.
cuarto 102 cuchara
-de mando, control room -de la bovedilla (cn), poop deck.
-de mfiquinas, engine room. -de castillo (cn), forecastle deck.
-de 10s tachos (ax), pan room. -del cilindro (mv), cylinder lagging.
-de vuelta, quarter turn. -del diferencial (auto) (U),differential hous-
-h i h e d o (lab), fog room. ing.
-oscuro (fma), darkroom. -de escotilla (cn), hatch cover.
cuartbn m, girder, large beam, timber; (C)parceI -de filSn (min), hanging wall.
of land; (min) boulder; (M) flagstone. -de las lanchas (cn), boat deck.
cuarzo m, quartz. -de lona, tarpaulin, canvas cover.
- bastardo, bastard or bull quartz. -de 10s mamparos (cn), bulkhead deck.
-citrino, citrine quartz, -de motor (auto), hood.
cuarzo-monzoIlita, quartz-monzonite. -de paseo (cn), promenade deck.
cuarzoso, quartzose. -de popa (cn), after deck.
cuaternario m (mat), quaternion; a (math) (geol) -del puente (cn), bridge deck.
quaternary. -del sollado (cn), orlop, orlop deck.
cuaternio m (mat), quaternion. -de tuberia, pipe insulation.
cuaterno (mat), quaternary. -de un agua, lean-to roof.
cuatrifilar a, four-wire. -flotante, floating roof (tank).
cuatro m a,four. -guardanieve, snowshed.
-capas, de, four-ply. -rasa (cn), flush deck.
- codos, de, four-throw (crankshaft). cubierto m, cover, roof, shed.
- etapas, de, four-stage. cubilete m (lab), beaker.
- inserciones, de, four-tuck (splice). cubilote m (met), cupola.
-pasos, de, four-way (valve). cub0 nz, pail, bucket, skip; cube; cubical con-
- pisos, de, four-story (building). tents; hub; socket; boss; brick hod; (math)
-tiempos, de, four-cycle (engine). cube; (Ch) volume of excavation or con-
-vias, de, four-lane (highway). crete.
cuatropear (M), t o break joints. -de aguilh, boom bucket (paver).
cubaf, tank, vat, tub; cask; tank car; bucket of -de almeja, clamshell bucket.
a turbine; conveyor bucket; stack of a -de andarivel, tramway bucket.
blast furnace. -de arrastre, dragline bucket.
-del flotador, float chamber (carburetor). -de bayoneta, bayonet socket.
cubaje m, volume, cubical contents. -de desmontes, volume of excavation.
cubertura f, cover; (auto) cowl. -de extraccibn, mine bucket.
cubeta f, bucket, pail; basin; leader head; water- -de garras (pet), spider.
closet bowl; (A) spillway bucket; keg; tub; -de la helice (cn), propeller boss.
cuvette; (geol) (V) basin. -de incendio, fire bucket.
- autoprensora, cIamshell bucket. - del inducido (el&), armature hub.
-del carburador (mg), doat chamber. -de pala, shovel dipper.
- de elevador, elevator bucket. -de rosario, elevator bucket.
-del termbmetro. bulb of a thermometer. - de trallla (ec), bowl of a scraper.
-sacalodo, sand pump. -volcador o de volteo, tip or dump bucket.
-volcadora, dump or contractor's bucket. cubreasiento m (auto)(M), scat cover.
cubeta-draga, dragline bucket. cubrecadena m, chain guard.
cubetada f, bucketful. cubrecostura m (cn), scam strap.
cubicaciSn f, cubical contents, cubagc; computap. cubrechasis m (ra), chassis cover.
tion of volumes. cubrejunta m, splice plate, butt strap, fishplate,
cubicaje m, cubical contents, volume, cubage, scab; astragal; (sb) edge strip, seam strip,
displacement. seam strap; (p) joint runner.
cubicar, to cube; t o compute volumes; (min) to -longitudinal (cn), seam strap, edge strip.
block out. cubreneumhtico m (auto), tire covcr.
ctibico, cubic, cubical. cubreplaca m (est), cover plate.
cubiculo m (el&), cubicle. cubrerrueda m, mudguard.
cubierta f, cover, covering, lid; roof, roof cover- cubretablero na (auto), cowl.
ing; (sb) deck; (str) cover plate; (rnech) cubrir, to cover.
casing, hood; (A)(U) tire shoe; (exc)(M) cuchara f, spoon; bucket: dipper, scoop, ladle;
overburden; face slab (dam). (mx) (A) skip loader ; (A) (C) mason's
-de aire Libre (cn), weather deck. trowel; posthole shovel; (pet) bailer;
-a copete o a cuatro aguas, hip roof. molder's spoon; (turb) bucket.
- a dos aguas, peak roof. -agarradera, grab bucket, clarnshcll.
-biol6gica (is), biological film, -automiitica, clamshell.
-corrida (cn), flush deck. -cogedora (Es), grab bucket, clamshell.
-de abrigo (cn), shelter deck. -de albailil, trowel.
-del alcazar. (cn), quarter deck. -de arrastre (Es), drag scraper.
-de arqueo (cn), tonnage deck. -de biela (auto), connecting-rod dipper.
- de bordo libre (cn), freehoard deck. -de colar, ladle,
103 cuentapasas
-de cuatrd gajos (M), orange-peel bucket. -para ingletes, miter knife.
-de cuerno (lab), horn spoon. - para masilla, putty knife.
-de desnatar, skimming ladle. +- para yeseros, wail scraper.
-de fundicibn, casting ladle. -quitahielo, sleet cutter.
-de polvorero (vol), blasting spoon. -separadora (top) (U),divide.
-de vaciar (fund),pouring ladle. -zanjeadora, ditcher.
-desabolladora (oh), spoon. cuchillas de cafia (as), cane knives.
-limpiapozos (pet), cleanout bailer, swab. cuchillo m, knife, blade; scraper; (Col) rafter;
-muestreadora (sx) ,sample spoon. (top) ridge.
-para horadar, tunneling scoop. - a dos nPanos, drawknife.
hogos, telegraph or post spoon. - de vidriero, putty knife.
tdadradora (mh), shell bit. - para rayos, spokeshave.
- vertedora (pet), dump bailer. - perimetral, cutting edge (caisson).
cuchara-draga (Ec), dragline bucket. cuchilla-serrucho, saw knife.
cucharada f, bucketful, (sh) dipperful. crrchilldn m (Ch), broadax.
cuchareo na (pet), bailing. cuele m (min) , driving (drift), penetration ;sink-
cucharin m (A), pointing trowel. ing (shaft) ; ( h l ) blasting hole.
cucharbn m,bucket, dipper, scoop, skip; scraper. cuelga f, (Col) (Ch) slope, grade (especially river
- aplanador (pl), skimming dipper. or canal).
- bivaho (M), clamshell bucket. cuelgaballesta m (loco) (auto), spring hanger.
-cargador (ms) , skip loader, charging skip. cuelgacable m felcc), cable hanger.
- cogedor, scraper bucket, scraper. cuelgamuelle m (auto) (A), spring hanger.
-de almeja excavador, digging clamshell. cuelgatubo m, pipe hanger.
-de aimeja para remanejo, rehandling clam- cuello m, collar, neck, throat; (machy) journal;
shell. gland (stuffing box); (Col) collar beam;
-de arrastre, dragline bucket; drag scraper. (pet) pipe coupling.
- de botalbn, boom bucket (paver). -de cisne o de ganso, gooseneck.
- de colada, ladle. -de empuje, thrust collar.
- de conchas de almeja (M), clamshell bucket. - tc6rico (sol), theoretical throat.
- de descarga por debajo, bottom-dump or - Venturi, Venturi throat.
drop-bottom bucket. -verdadero (sol), actual throat.
-de draga, dredge dipper; dragline bucket. cuenca f, basin, drainage area, watershed; val-
- de extraceibn, ore or mine bucket. ley; (geol) trough, grabon.
-de gajos de naranja (MI, orange-peel bucket. - alimentadora &id) (A), watershed, catch-
-de gafios (M), grab bucket. ment area.
-de garras o de mordazas, clamshell bucket. - carbonifera, cod basin.
-de granada, orange-peel bucket. -cerrada (geol), closed basin. .
-de maniobra, rehandling bucket. - colectora o de captacibn, drainage or catcn-
- de pala, shovel dipper. meht area, watershed.
-de quijadas, clamshell or grab bucket. - de drenaje (A), drainage area.
-de trailla (ec), bowl of a scraper. --- de fallas (geol), graben, fault trough.
-de tres gajos, three-blade orange-peel bucket. - de retencibn, detention basin.
-de un cable (ec), single-line bucket. -de sedimeatacih (geol), sedimentary basin.
-de valvas de almeja (M), clamshell bucket. - fluvial, river basin.-
- desencapador (pl) , skimmer scoop.
-excavador, digging bucket.
- hidrogrbfica o tributaria, watershed, drain-
age area.
-para cajhn, caisson bucket. -hullera, c o d basin.
- para muestreo, sampling scoop. -- imbrlfera (A) (U), drainago area, water-
-para remanipuleo, rehandling bucket. shed.
-prensor (M), grab bucket. -petrolifera, oil pool.
- recogedor, scraper bucket. -pluviom6trica (Col), catchment area, water-
- tipo casco de naranja, orange-peel bucket. shed.
- volcador, dump bucket. -recolectora (A), drainago area, watershed.
cuchilla j, blade, knifo, cutting tool; wall scraper; cuenco m, pool, basin.
moldboard; (Pan)road scraper; (top) (Col) -amortiguador (hid), stillixg pool.
(V)ridge. -de esclusa, lock chamber.
- de acepillar, planer knifo. cuenta Cf) de gastos, expense account.
- de arado, colter. cuentas a cobrar, nccounts recoivable.
- de cepillo, plane iron. cuentas por pagar, acrounts payable.
- de contact0 (el&), blade of s switch. cuentaemboladas m., piston-stroke counter.
- de dos mangos, drawknife. cuentagotas m (la?>),dropping tube.
- de interruptor (el&), switch blade. -de enzrnse, sigl~t-fecdlubricator.
-- de moldurar, molding knife. cuentakilbmetros m , speedometer (kilometers).
-de rajar (si),slitter knife. c u e n t a d l a s m, spcedomcter (miles).
- empujadora o niveladora (ec), bulldozer, cuentapasos m, pcdoneter, odometer, passom
Bullgrader, Roadbuilder ; mold board. eter.
cuentarrevoluciones cuprosilicio

cuentarrevoluciones m, speedometer, tachom- culata f, butt; haunch; (ge) cylinder head; yoke,
eter, revolution counter. (Col) rear wall; (C) (PR) side wall.
cuentavuettas m, tachometer, counter. --- abovedada (mg), domed head.

cuerda f, cord, line, rope; chord; cord of wood; -- antiturbulente (mg), nonturbulent head.
(gi) flange; (PR) land measure of about -de tubos, pipe header.
1 acre; (M) screw thread; (Ee) beam, --- de turbulencia (mg), high-turbulent head.
joist; (sb) ledge. -en F (mg), F head.
-d e algodbn, cotton rope. -en L (mg), L head.
-d e alinear o de marcar, chalk line. --- en T (mg), T head.
-de cbllamo, Manila rope. culatazo m, kick, recoil.
---- de correa, belt lacing. culateo m, backlash, recoil, kick.
-d e plomada, plumb line. culatii m,shank.
-de seKal, signal cord. culombimetro my coulomb meter, coulometer. -
---- inferior, (tu) lower chord, (gi) bottom flange. culombio m ( e l k ) , coulomb.
-izquierda (M), left-hand thread. culote m, base, butt, bottom.
-larga (fc) , long chord. cdtivadora f (ec), cultivator.
-mecha (vol), fuse. cumarona f (pint) (ais), curnar, coumarone resin.
---- para ventanas, sash cord. cumbre f, crest, summit, ridge, peak, top.
-superior, (tu) upper chord, (gi) t o p flange. cumbrera I, ridge; cap; ridgepole; ridge cap,
cuerillo m , a Costa Rican lumber. ridge roll; crown of an arch.
cuerno m, horn. -para poste (el&), ridge iron.
-de amarre (el&), outrigger. cumulante m (mat), cumulant.
-de arco (elkc), arcing horn. cumulative, cumulative.
-de colgadores (cv), horn of a cableway car- cuna f (mec), cradle.
riage. -de botadura (cn), launching cradle, sliding
-de yunque, horn of an anvil. wava.
cuero rn, bather. cuneta f, ditch, gutter; (na) waterway.
-crornado, chrome-tanned leather. -de escape (ca), rundown, escape gutter.
-crudo o verde, rawhide. -de guardia, intercepting ditch, counterdrain,
-d e cochino, pigskin. (rd) berm ditch.
--- d e montafia, mountain leather (asbestos). cuneteadora f (maq) (A), ditcher.
-de suela, sole leather. cuiia f, wedge, chock; key, gib; frog of a plane;
-de vaca, cowhide. paving stone; gad; (pet) slip.
cuerpo m, body; corpa, party. -aislante ( e l k ) , insulating wedge.
-central (cn), middle body. -con agujas, plug and feathers.
-compuesto (qulm), chemical compound. -de cantero, stone wedge.
-de agrimensores, survey party. -del colector (el&), commutator bar.
-de arco, arch ring. - de grada (cn), a slice.
-de bomba, pump barrel; pump casing. --- de talla transversal (pet), crosscut slip.
-de cabrestante, barrel of a capstan. -de trozador (ef), bucking wedge.
-de caldera, boiler shell. -de tumbar (ef),falling wedge.
-de carretilla, wheelbarrow ;ray. -enteriza (vb),solid wedge.
-de columna, shaft of a column. -para hender, splitting wedge.
-de Bmbolo, piston barrel. -para' tuberfa (pet), casing slip.
--- de fundicidn guarnecido de bronce (d), iron -partida (vd), split wedge.
body bronze-mounted. -sacamecha (mh), drift or center key. ,
---- de ingenieros, engineer corps. cuiias gemelas (M), gib and cotter.
-de polea, shell of a tackle block. cuiiar, t o wedge.
-de popa (an), afterbody. cuiiero m, (C) keyway, key seat; (pet) man who
-de proa (an), forebody. places wedges.
-de remache, shank of a rivet. cufiete m, keg.
-de la vCilvula, valve body. cuota (f)de agua, water rate.
-dividido (bm), split casing. cuota de flete, freight rate.
-espiral, (turb) spiral casing, scroll case; (pu) cupla f, a coupling; (A) torque.
volute casing. -antaghica (A), countertorque,
---- maestro (an), middle body. -de reduccih, reducing coupling.
-mineral, ore h d y . -momento (A), torque.
-muerto, deadman; (pw) permanent moor- cup0 m , tax rate; quota.
ing. cupbn m, coupon; (U) short rail.
-simple (quCrn), clement. cfiprico, copper-hearing, cupric.
cuesco m ,core. cuprifero, copper-bearing.
cuesta f , slope, hill, grade. cuprita j,rod copper, cuprite, ruby copper ore.
-abajo adv, downgrade. cupromanganeso rn, cuprornartganeue (alloy).
-arriba adv, upgrade. cuproniguel m (aleacihn), nickel bronze, cupro-
cueva f, cave; cellar. nickel.
cuezo m, hod, mortar box: trough, basin. cuprosilicio rn, cuprosilicon (alloy).
cuproso, copper-bearing, cuprous. -de transicibn, (rr) transition or easement
.clipula f, dome, cupola; (geol) (B)IV) dome. curve.
-de arena (loco), sand dome.
-de caldera o de vapor (loco), steam dome.
-de velocidades en una vertical (hid), verti-
cal-velocity curve.
cam f (conc), curing. -de 45" (tub), eighth bend.
cur5 m, s Central American hardwood. -de 90 (tub), quarter bend.
curacibnj, (conc) curing; (lbr) seasoning; (mct) -de 180" (tub), half bend.
aging. -cl&stica,elastica, elastic curve.
- hGmeda (lab), fog curing. -en U (tub), U bend.
curado m, curing. -en U ancha (tub), return bend-open type.
- id agua (conc), water curing. - en U con desplazamiento (tub), sinde-offset
- con saturacih (lab), fog curing. U bend.
- en masa, mass curing.
curat, (conc) to cure; (Ibr) to season.
-en U con doble desplazamiento (tub), dou-
ble-offset U bend.
curiche m (B),lake, pool. -en U estrecha (tub), return bend-close type.
-en U para soldar (tub), welding return.
currentiheo, streandined.
curso m, stroke, throw, course, travel; (sb)
-entrGpica, entropy diagram.
-estrecha o forzada o fuerte, sharp curve.
- del Lmbolo, piston travel. -hipsom6trica (A), contour line.
-inversa, reverse curve.
- fluvial o de a ~ ~watercourse,
3 , stream.
cursor m, (machy) slide; indicator (slide rule). -irregular (dib), French or irregular curve.
- del objetivo (inst), objective sKde. -isbbata, depth contocr.
- en itngulo (mh), angular slide. -isocora, isochor.
- portaherramienta (mh), toolslide. -loxodrbrnica, rhumb llr-c, losodrornic curve.
- transversal (mh), cross slide. -senoidal, sine curve.
-suave, easy curve.
curtido d cromo, chrome-tarmned.
curtido d roble, oak-tanned. -tip0 hoz (pet), sic!:le bend.
curtidurla, curtiembre f , tannery. -vertical cdncma (c~L).sag vertical.
cwupaina, curupay m, a South American hard- -vertical de cumbre (ca), summit vertical.
wood. czmas
m a f , curve, bend. -dcl arquitocto naval (dib), ship curves.
-abierta, (rr) easy curve; (p) long sweep. -f:ciiticas, ground-water contours.
-adiabHtica, adiabatic curve or line, a d b -para via (dib), railroad curves.
batic. curvd~srrasm, bar bonder.
- aguda o bruscrr, sharp curve. cumaci5n f, curvature.
-cerrada, (rr) sharp curve; (p) short weep. curvadora f, bonder.
-compensadora con doble desplazamiento curvar, to bend, c u ~ e .
(tub), d o u b l e 4set expansion U bend. ccrvorricles m, rail bender.
-compensadora en U (tub), expansion U bend. c'matubos m, pipe bender.
-compuesta, compound curve. curvatura f, curvature; bending
-de acuerdo, (rr) transition curvo: &asadrail) -escdsr, scalar or specific curvature,
ramp, easement. --- por arrugas (tub), wrinkle bending.
-dc altura-gasto (r), stage-discbrge curve. -por plicgues (tub), crease bending.
-de cabidas (hid), capacity curve. eurvigrafo ma (C), French or irremlar curve.
-de dcformaci6n-esfuerzo, deforsuation or curvilineo, curvilinear.
stress-strain curve. curvlmetro m, curvonieter.
-de dilstacibn (tub), expansion bond. curvo, curved.
- de enlace, (rr) transition curve; junction ciispide f, crest, apex, peak, vertex; cusp.
curve; (handrail) ramp, easing. cuyl m (C), a hardwood.
- de gastos (hid), flow curve.
- histiresis (elbc), hysteresis loop.
de nivel, contour line.
de odgeno colgante (is), oxygen sag.
de paso (tub), crossover.
chacarrandd, chacarrandh, cbacarxanday, Ven-
ezuelan lumber.
- de paso con salida atrks (tub), back-outlot
chatIrro m (AC), machete, knife.
chaflh m,bevel, chamfer; (M) knee brace; (rf)
- de persistencia (hid) (A), duration curve. cricket. cant.
- -abierto (cn), open bevel,
- de pie (tub), base elbow.
de recomdo-tiempo (vibracih), travel-time -- cerrndo (cn), closed bevel.
de remanso (hid), backwater curve.
de retorno abierto (tub), return bend-open
chaflanador m, lwveling tool.
chaaanar, to chamfer, bevel.
chalana f, scow, lighter, flatboat.
-cisterna, tank barge.
- type.
de retorno cerrado (tub), return bend-close -de compuerta, dump scow, hopper barge.
- type.
do ribera, flowline (reservoir).
- paso (V), Ferryboat.
chalcocita f , chdcocite (oopper ore).
chalupa f , launch, boat, small vessel; (M) ore chapeado m, veneering; plywood.
bucket, skip. -de l a t h , brass-plated.
chamnrasca f, brushwood. chapear, to veneer; to line with metal; (C) (PR)
chamba f, (Ec) sod, turf; (Col) ditch; (M)occu- t o clear land, grub.
pation. chapeo m (C), clearing, grubbing.
chambear, (Col) t o dig trenches; @c) t o sod. chapera f (Es), ramp of boards with cleats.
chambranas f (carp), trim. chaperla f, plate work; sheet-metal work.
chamburgo m (Col), pool, backwater. chaperno m, a Central American lumber.
champa j (A), sod (especially that used to rein- chapista m,sheet-metal worker, tinsmith.
force border of irrigation ditch). chapisterfa f,sheet-metal work.
&-pan m. large flatboat. chapistero m, sheet-metal worker, tinsmith
chanca j, crushing- tinker.
&mt.&o m, crushed stone. chapita f, brass check.
-sin cribar, crusher-run aggregate. chapitel m, capital (column).
chmcadora f, crusher. chapoteo rn, splash.
- de cilindros, roll crusher. chapuro m (AC), asphalt; tar.
- de cono, cone crusher. chaquear (A) (B), t o clear land.
-de discos, disk crusher. chapueta f, casing;jacket.
-de mandibulas o de quijadas, jaw crusher. -de agua, water jacket.
- de martillos, hammer mill. -de caldera, boiler lagging or insulation.
- giratoria, gyratory crusher. -de cilindro, cylinder lagging.
-reductora, reduction crusher. - de polvo, dust jacket (screen).
chancar, to crush. chaquiro m, a Colombian pine.
chanchorona f, an Argentine wood (semihard). charca f, charco m, pool, pond, puddle.
chanfle m, bevel, chamfer; (A) quarter round charcal m (AC), pond.
(concave). charnela f, hinge, knuckle, articulated joint.
chanflear, to bevel. -de direccibn (auto), steering knuckle.
chango m (pet) (M), derrickman. -de piso, floor hinge.
changote m,steel billet, bloom. char01 m, a coating; varnish; patent leather.
chanto m (Es), flagstone. -japonbs, japan.
chapa f, sheet, plate; veneering; (C) brass check charolar, to varnish, japan; t o coat.
door lock; (auto) (C) license plate. charpado m (carp), scarf.
-abovedada o combada, buckle plate. -en catiente, hot-scarfed.
-acanalada o corrugada, corrugated sheet. charpar, to scarf.
-aplomada o emplomada, terneplate. charguear (rnin), t o bale out, unwater.
-calada, perforated plate. charquero m (rnin), drainage ditch.
-canaleta (A), corrugated sheet. charral m (AC), thicket, underbrush.
- de caldera, boiler plate. chasis m (auto) (ra), chassis; (pmy) plateholder
-de cinc, sheet zinc. chasquear (maq), t o clatter.
-de circulaci6n (auto) (C), license plate. chata f , flat truck; flat barge.
-de guarda (puerta), finger plate. -alijadora, a lighter.
-de nudo (est), gusset plate. -barrera, mud SCOW.
- del ojo, keyhole escutcheon. chatarra f, junk, scrap iron.
-de palastto, plate steel; sheet iron. chatarreria f, junk shop or yard.
-de pared (elk), wall or switch plate. chatarrero m,junk dealer.
- de patente (auto), license plate. chato, flat.
-de relleno (est), filler plate. chauti m (M), clay.
-de unibn, splice plate. chautoso (M), clayey.
-desplegada, expanded metal. chaveta f, cotter, key, gib, wedging piece.
-escamada (U), checkered plate. - cbncava, saddle key.
-estampada, stamped or pressed metal. -de cabeza, gibhead key.
- estriada, checkered plate. -embutida, sunk key.
-etiqueta o de identidad, name plate. hendida o de dos patas, cotter pin, cotter.
-lisa, flat sheet metal. -y contrachaveta, gib and cotter.
-matricula (auto), license plate. chavetero m (U), key seat.
- m e t a c a , shect metal; (C) sheet brass, chaza f, (Pe) inner basin of a port; (Ch) cooper's
-nodal (est), msset plate. driver.
-ondulada, corrugated sheet metal. chazo m (Col), nailing block, wood brick.
para Uave {elQc),switch or wall plate.
plomo-estaiio, terneplate.
checar (M), to check; to crack.
chedita f, cheddite (cxplosive).
-rayada, ribbed plate. cheje m (AC), Link.
-tubular kal), tube sheet. cheque m, check; (C) check valve.
chapdeta f, flap valve; clapper of a check valve. -aprobado o certificado o intervenido, ccrti*
chapapote m (M), tar; asphnlt. fied check.
chapapotear, to coat with tar. -de viajero, trsvcler's check.
chaparrbn m, cloudburst, downpour. -propio o de administracibn, cashier's check.
chisporroteador m (vol), spitter.
chisporrotear, t o spark; (bl) t o spit (fuse).
chisporroteo m, (elec) sparking; (w) spatter,
chiva m (rnin)(M), claw bar.
chivato m (B), helper, apprentice.
chocar, to collide; (naut) to foul.
min) , small bucket. choco m (Ch), stump.
ratchet; electric buzzer; (B) jack- chbf er, chauffeur.
chompa f (V), churn or hand drill.
chompin m (V), h a d drill.
chop0 m, poplar.
choque m, impact, shock, collision.
me; strong draft of air; chamber in - de agua o de ariete, water hammer.
-el8ctric0, electric shock.
chorizo m, mud wall; mixture of mud and straw
for pIastering a wall.
chorreadero m (min) (M), ore chute.
chorrear, to spout, gush; to drip.
chorreo m, spouting, gushing.
chorro m, jet; stream.
-contraldo (hid), vena contracts.
-de arena, sandbIast.
-de marcha en vacio (mg), idling jet.
-de municiones o de perdigones, shot blast.
-de vapor, steam jet.
weatherboarding, clapboarding ;lath- choy m (M), kind of soft shale.
ehozo m, shed, shanty.
chubasco m,squall, shower.
chuchero m (fc) ( C ) , switchman.
chucho m, (rr) switch; (elec) switch; (rr)(C) sid-
ing; (rr) (C) turnout.
-biselado (fc), lap switch.
-de aguja (fc), point or split switch.
-de arrastre (fc), trailing switch.
-de cuchilla (el&) (C), knife switch.
- de.descarrilar (fc) , derail switch.
-de tope (fc), stub switch.
-de tres tiros, three-throw switch.
-enfrentado o en contrapunta (fc), facing
-muerto (fc) (C), dead-end siding.
chulano m (rnin), upward drill hole.
chumacera f , bearing, pillow block, journal box;
slotted thumbtack. rowlock (boat).
-a rodillos, roller bearing.
-anular, annular or radial bearing.
-de balines, ball bearing.
-de bolas encerrada, doublt+shieIded ball
(C), crib, cribwork. bearing.
Argentine lumber (semihard). -de camisa, sleeve bearing.
-deI contravlstago (mv), tail bearing.
-de empuje, thrust bearing.
-del tim6n (cn), rudder bearing.
-exterior, outboard bearing.
(el&), quenched spark. -partida, split bearing.
-recalentada, hotbox, hot bearing.
chumba f, chumbe m (rniner)(B), zinc blende
chumero, chunero m (AC), helper, apprentice.
chupadero m, suction pipe.
chupador m, (pu) strainer for foot valve; (lab
nipple; (pet) swab.
chupar (bm), to suck, draw.
c h u p b rn, plunger; (A! ( C ) foot valve.
chum m, pike pole; (Ch) crowbar.
dacita 108 defasaje
dacita f (geol) , dacite. decagonal, decagonal.
dacitico, dacitic. decPgono m, decagon.
dactilhgrafa f, typist. decagramo m, decagram.
dactilografista m f , typist. decalado, decalaje m (eldc)(herr), angular dis-
dactilbgrafo m, typewriter; typist. placement.
dado m, die; (mas) small pier; capstone; (M) decalador (m) de fase (el&), phase shifter.
jackbit. decalaje de escobillas (elk), brush shifting.
- de barrena (M), jackbit. decalescencia f, decalescence.
- de operacidn (v&) (V), operating nut. decalescente, decalescent.
-de resorte (rs), spring or prong die. decalina f, decalin, decahydronaphthalene.
-de roscar, die. decalitro m, decaliter.
dados declmetro m, decameter.
-de amortiguamiento (hid), baffle blocks. decano m (quirn), decane.
-deflectores (hid), baWe piers or blocks, den- decantabie (hid), settleable.
tals. decantacih f (hid), sedimentation, settling, de-
-para torndlos (rs), bolt dies. cantation; pouring.
-para tuberia (rs), pipe dies. -contracorriente (is), countercurrent decan-
daga f (PR), machete. tation.
dagame m, a hardwood of Central America and decantador m, settling tank, catch basin, (sw)
the West Indies. silt basin; (su) settler.
dala f, date, spout. trough; (M) slab. -de arena, sand trap or separator, catch basin.
dama f, dam of a blast furnace; (A) mound of decantar, t o deposit silt, settle; to pour; to drain
earth left under an engineer's stake. off.
damar m,dammar. decapitacidn f (geol) (A), stream capture.
damero-estampa (A), swage block. decarbonatador m (mg), decarbonator.
daiiar, to damage. decarbonatar (M), t o decrtrbonate.
daiio m,damage. decarbonizar, t o decarbonize.
daiios y perjuicios (leg), damages. decarburacidn f (M), decarburation, decarboni-
dar, to give. zation.
-alcance, to overtake. declrea f , decare.
-bocazo (vol), to blow out. decauville, narrow-gage (especially portable
-contra, to collide with, strike against. track and side-dump cars).
-contramarcha o contravapor (msq), to rc- deceleracibn f, deceleration, negative accelera-
verse. tion, retardation.
-cuele (tGn)(M), t o drive. deciamperio m, deciampere.
-cuerda (inst), t o wind. decilrea f, deciare,
--- d s baja, to discharge (men); (Ch) t o scrap. decibelimetro m, decibel meter.
-en un bajo (niut), t o run aground. decfbelo m , decibel.
-fondo (nLut), to anchor, drop anchor. deciestereo m, decistere.
-fuego, to put off a blast; to blow in a furnace. decigram0 m, decigram.
-inter& (A), t o bear intcrcst. decilitro m, deciliter.
-manija (auto)(A), to crank. decimal 8 a, decimal.
-manivela (auto), to crank. -periddico o repetidor, recurring or periodic
-mechazo (vol), to misfire. decimal.
-presibn (cd), to get up steam. decimitrico (ra), decimetric.
-vapor (cal), t o steam. decimetro m, decimeter.
-viaje, t o taper, decimo m a, tenth.
-- vueltas, t o revoIve, slue. decinormal, decinormd.
daraf (elkc), daraf. declinaci6n f (brfijula), declination, variation.
dardo m (pet), dart. declinatorio m, declination compms.
dkrsena f, basin, dock, inner harbor. declinhgraf o, declinograph.
-de flote, wet dock, basin. declinbmetro m, declinometer.
--- de maniobra, turning basin. declive m, slope, grade, incline, pitch.
-de marea, tidal basin. -de subida, upgrade.
-- para embarcaciones menores, marina, boat declividad f , slope.
haven, boat harbor, declorinaci6n f (Pe), dechlorination.
dato m,datum. decolaje m (ap), takeoff.
datos, data. decolar (ap), t o take off.
datolita j (miner), datolite, hurnboldtite. decrecer, t o ebb (tide); t o fall (level of river); t o
davina f , miner's safety lamp. decrease.
dgbil, weak. decrement0 m, decrement.
debilitar, t o yeaken. decrimetro m, decrerneter.
decaamperio m ,deca-ampere. decrepitacih f, decrepitation.
decada f, dcc-xde. dedal m, cap, ferrule.
decaedro m ,decahedron. dedo (m) de contact0 (elkc), contact finger.
decaestereo rn, ducastere. defasaje m (elk) (A), phase difference.
defecacidn f, defecation. delantero m, (st) nosing; a front.
defecador m, defecator. delator de fallas (elbc), f a d t localizer.
dcfecante m, defecant. delegado m, delegate (union).
defecar, to defecate. deletbreo, deleterious.
defect0 m, defect, flaw. deleznable, unstable (ground), crumbly, brittle
defectuoso, defective. (soil).
defensa f, guard, fender, protection. delemamiento m, slaking (soil).
- de la escotilla (cn), coarning. delfin m, mooring post, dolphin, pile cluster.
- de ormas, shore protection. delga f, thin sheet ; commutator bar.
- fluvial o de riberas (r), bank protection. delgadez f, slenderness.
- maritima (A), sea wall. delgado a, thin, light.
deficit m, deficit; shortage. delicuescencia f, deliquescence.
defiariciBnf (fma) (tv), definition. delicuescente, deliquescent.
- amplia (tv), high definition. delineacifin f, delineation.
- escasa (tv) , low definition. delineador, delineante m,draftsman, designer.
definitive, final, definitive. delinear, to design, draw.
deflrici6n f (geol), deflation. ddlta m (r), delta; f (elk), delta.
deflagrador na (Es) , blasting machine. deltaico, deltaic.
deflagrar, t o deflagrate. demanda f, demand, load.
defleccidn f (est) (ra) (Es)(A), deff ection. -bioqtlimica de oxigeno (is), biochemical oxy-
defleccionnr (est) (A), t o deflect. gen demand.
deflectiimetro m,deflectometer. - de cloro (is), chlorine demand.
deflector m, baWe, deflector; bucket (dam). -de recalefacciih (aa), reheating load.
- de aceite (lu), oil thrower. -de transmisidn (aa), transmission load.
- de descargs, bolt plow. - m h a (elkc), peak load.
- fumfvoro (cf), smokeless arch. - por aparatos (aa), appliance load.
- separador, separating baffle. -For infiltraci6n (aa), leakage load.
-por ocupaci6n (aa), occupancy load.
deflegmador m, deflegmator.
deflegrnar, t o deflegmate. demarcaci6n f, laying out; (A) fencing.
deflsxih f, (str) (surv) deflection. demerit0 m (cont), depreciation.
- de la aguja, magnetic deviation. demodulacidn f (ra), demodulation.
defioculante m (is) (M), deflocculmt. demodulador m (ra) (A), demodulator.
defloculsr (C) (M), to dc!loccuI~te. demofedor m, building wrecker.
deforestar, to deforest. demoledora f, demolition tool.
dcformaciBn f , d c f o r m h m . strain; distor'don.
' demolcr, t o demoGsh, raze, (bldg) wreck.
-anellsticn (A), plastic flow. demolici6n f, wrecking, demolition.
- armbnica (rn), harwonic distortion. demora f,delay; (rr). demurrage; (naut) bearing
-de amplitud-frecuencia (ra), attenuation dis- -del envolvcnte (ra) , envelope delay.
tortion, amplitude-frequency distortion. demulsibilidsd f , demulsibility.
-de corte, shearing strain. demulsionar, demulsificar, desemulsionar, to
-del envolvente (ra), envelope distortion. demulsify.
-ds fase (ra), phase dia:ortion. dexidriticismo m. (sol), dendriticisrn.
- en frlo, cold tlofnrmntion. dendrdmetro m (ef), dendromctcr.
- lindera o de r i t e (nls), boundary deform* denominador 9n, denominator.
tion. densidad f, density.
- plana, plane dcformntion. - de corriente (el&), current density.
-plhstica, plastic deformation, (A) plastic flow. - de flujo dielictrico, electric induction, dieleu
deformar, deformarse, t o deform, distort. tric flux density.
deformbmetro m, deformeter. -de %ujo magnbtico, magnetic flux density
degausaje m (cn) , degaussing. magnetic force or intensity.
degeneraciBn f (ra), degeneration, negative or -en masa (ms), bulk density.
inverse feedback. densificacibn f (rns), densification.
degollsdura f (lad) (Es), vertical joint. d e n h e t r i a f, densimetry.
degradable, erosilde (soil). densimetrico, densimetric.
degradacidn f, erosion; disintegration; (chem) densimatro m, densimeter; hydrometer.
(geol) degradation. densitbetro m,densitometer.
degradador m (rnam), mortar chisel. denso, dense, thick; (conc) (A) stiff.
degradar, (ellem) (geol) t o degrade; (mas) t o rake dentado m, toothing, indentation, (hyd) dental
joints. (conc) bonding key; a dentated, toothed
degiiello (m) inferior (her), bottom fuller. indented.
degtiello superior (her), top fuller. dentador m (si), gummer.
delantd m (mec)(auto) (hid), apron. dentar, t o tooth, notch, indent.
- de embarcar (ap), loading apron. dentellado, tootlled, notched, dentated.
---de soldador, welder's apron. dentellbn m, cutoff wall (darn); toothing of a
- impermeahilizantc (M), face slab of a dam, brick wall.
delantera f , front end, front part. denudacibn f, denudation.
denuncia 110 . derrame
denuncia m (min), denouncement. derecho m, grant, concession; law; a straight;
-de accidente, accident report. right (hand).
denunciar (min) , to denounce. -de bosque o de monte, timber rights.
departamento m, compartment ; department; -de paso o de via, right of way.
apartment; (rr) statcroorn. derechos, taxes, duties, fees; rights.
- de calderas, boiler room. --- aduaneros o arancelarios, customs duties.
-de caminos, highway department. -consulares, consular fees.
dependencia f, branch office; department, bu- -de agua, water rights.
reau. - de almacenaje, storage or warehouse charges.
deplecidn f (,4), depletion. -de anclaje, anchorage dues.
deposiciirn f (met) (sol) (gcol), drposition. -de atraque, wharfage.
-electrolltica, electrodeposition. -de baliza, beaconage.
-electrdnica (met), sputtering. -d e barrera (ef) , boomage.
depositacibn f (hid) (A), sedimentation. -de depbsito, storage dues.
depositar, t o deposit; depositarse, to settle -de entrada o de importacibn, import or cus-
(dregs). toms duties.
depdsito m, storehouse, warehouse; store; bin; -de esclusa, lockage, locking charges.
tank; reservoir; sediment, precipitate; de- -de exportacitin, export duties.
posit; (gcol) deposition. -de faro, lighthouse dues.
-alimentador, distributing reservoir. -de griia, cranage, crane charges.
-duvial, alluvial deposit. -de lanchaje, lighterage.
-cornpensador, regulating reservoir. -de mineraje, mining royalty.
-compresor, pressure tank. -de muelle, wharfage.
-d e acarreos (hid), silt deposition. - de patente, patent royalty.
-d e acumulacibn, storage reservoir. -d e puerto o d e quilla, harbor dues, keelage.
-d e aduans, customs warehouse. -de remolque, towage, towing charges.
-d e aire comprimido, air receiver (compres- -de riego, irrigation rights; irrigation dues.
sor). -de salida, export duty.
-de bnldeo (al), flush tank. -de salvamento, salvage.
-de captacibn, impounding reservoir. -de tonelaje, tonnage dues.
-de carbbn, coalbin. -petroIeros, oil rights.
-de carga (hid) (Es), forebay. -portuarios, port charges, harbor dues.
-de compensacibn, (ag) surge bin; (hyd) rcg- deriva f, (naut) (geop) (pmy) drift; (naut) leeway.
d a t i n g reservoir. derivacibn f, diversion; by-pass; branch, service
-de detenci6n, detention basin. connection; overflow; (elec) shunt; (math)
-de distribucibn, distributing reservoir. derivation.
-de explosives, magazine. -central (ra) , center tap.
-de incrustaciones, deposit of scale. -corta (el&), short shunt.
-de Iimpia (al) (Es), flush tank. -del abonado (elk), servico connection.
-de locomotoras (fc), enginehouse, round- -d e cable partido (elkc), split cable tap,
house. -d e enrollado mtiltiple (el&), multiple-wrap
-de maderas, lumberyard. cable tap.
-de minerdes, mineral deposit. -d e nudo (elbc), knotted t a p joint.
-de rebose (ng), overflow bin. -d e servicio (tub), house connection or serv-
-de retencidn (dac) (Pe), detention basin. ice.
-decantador o d e sedimentacibn, settling - enrollada (elk), wrspped tap joint.
basin. -Iarga (clCc), long shunt.
-fiscal, government warehouse. -maestra (elk), master service.
-franco, warellouse in a free port. -particular (tub), house service.
-regulador, regulating reservoir; standpipe. derivada f (mat), derivative.
-unitario (sol), rate of deposition. derivado m, (chcm) derivative; branch.
depreciaci6n f,depreciation. derivados de coque, coke by-products.
- acumulada, accrued depreciation. derivador (m)de seguridad (vol), safety shunt.
-d e desuso (el&), shelf depreciation. derivar, to divert; (elec) t o shunt; to branch off;
depreciar, depreciarse; t o depreciate. (naut) t o drift; (clec) (chem) t o derive.
depresibn f, (top) depression, hollow; gap, pass; -las juntas (Ch), t o break joints.
(hyd) (V) (Pe) drawdowa; @wv) deprcs- derivativo a (qufm) (mat), derivative.
sion. deriviimetro 7n (fmn), drift meter.
depresor m, depressor (all senses). derramadero m, (hycl) apron; spillway; (M) val-
deprimido m (hid), drawdown. ley of R strenn~.
depurador m , cleaner, purifier; filter. derramamiento m (hid), runoff.
-centrifuge (m), centrifugal cleaner. derramarse, to overflow; t o run off.
-de cok, coke scrubber (gas). derrame m ,(hyd) runoff, flow, &ucnt, overflow:
-de vapor, steam scrubber or purifier. (bldg) water table; splay of a window or
depurar, to purify. doorjamb; (C) drip, overhang.
dcrecha f, right hand. -- s6lida (ti) (.I),silt h a d .
derrapada 111 desatascaf

derrapada f (auto) (M), skid, skidding.

derrapar (auto) (M), t o skid.
-cloacal, sewer; Bewerage.
-de azotea (pb), roof drain.
derretido m, (su) a melt; (cons) grout; a melted, -de desperdicios (hid) (M), wasteway.
molten. -de fondo, sluiceway, undersluice.
- de cemento, (C)cement grouting. -de piso (pb), floor drain.
denetidor m, melter. -domiciliario (pb), house drain.
derretir, to melt, fuse; derretirse, to melt, thaw; -atrante (pa), filter drain.
t o fuse. -inferior, subdrainage, underdrainage-
derribasrboles m (tc), treedozer. -pluvial, storm-water sewer.
derribador m, felling ax; building wrecker. -superiicial, surface drainage.
derribar, t o wreck, demolish; to fell. desahogado (hid), unsubmerged.
derribo m, wrecking, demolition, felling. desahogador m,relief valve or trap.
derribos, building rubbish, debris. desahogar, to vent, relieve pressure; (Fp) to
derrisco m (top) (C), gorge. drain.
derrocadora f (A), rock breaker. desahogo rn, vent, discharge, relief of pres-
derrocarniento my demolition; (A) rock excava- sure.
tion. besahuciar, (Ch) (Ec) to discharge (men).
derrocar, to tear down, demolish desahucio m, (Ch)(Ec) discharge (men) ; (Pan)
dertochar, to waste. exhaust.
derroche m, waste. desaire m (A), venting.
derrota f, ship's course. desairear, to deaerate.
derrotero m (n8ut) , course, route. desaislacidn j, removal of insulation.
derrubiar, t o erode, wash away. desajustarse, t o get out of order.
derrubio m, erosion, undercutting, scour, under- desajuste m, bad order, breakdown.
mining; material eroded. desalabear, to straighten.
-glacial (A), glacial drift. desalineado m ,drift (rivet) ;a out-of-be, untrue,
derrumbarse, to fail, collapse; t o slide (earth). unfair (hoies).
derrumbe m, fall, failure; slip, landslide; cave-in; desalinearse, t o get out of line.
(sm) slump, flow; (min) cave, run. desalmacenar, to take out of a warehouse.
- por deslizamiento (muro), sliding failure. desalojamiento m (M), displacement.
- por volcamiento (muro), tilting failure. desalojar, to dislodge, clear away.
desabollador m y tool for straightening sheet desamoldar (conc), t o strip forms.
metal. desanchar (min)(M), to resue.
desabollar, t o straighten out dents or bulges. desanche m (min) (M), resuing.
desabsorci6n f , desorption. desangramiento m (conc) (M) , bleeding.
desaceitado, lacking lubrication. desaparejar, t o disnlantle, strip, unrig.
desacelerar (M), to decelerate. desapernar, t o loosen bolts; t o remove bolts.
desacentuador m (ra) , deaccentuator. desaplomado, out-af-plumb.
desacidificar, t o neutralize acids. desapretar, to loosen.
desacoplar, t o uncouple, disconnect; (ra) t o desapuntaIar, t o remove shores.
decouple. desarbolar, to dismast.
desacople m,~mcouplimg,throwout. desarborizacidn f, deforestation.
desacoplo, desacoplamiento m (ra), decoupling. desarenador m, sand trap, grit ohamber, catch
desactivar, t o deactivate. basin, (sw) silt basin; sluiceway, sand
desacuiiar, t o remove wedges; to unseat. sluice.
desadoquinar, to tear up pavement. desarenar, to remove sand, desand.
desaereadoi mydeaerator. desarmable, collapsible, detachable, demount-
desaaado, (t) dull. able.
desamarse, to become dull. desarmado, knocked down, dismantled.
desaforrar, to remove sheathing; (cab) to un- desarmador m, (Ec) claw bar, stripping bar; (M)
serve. screwdriver.
desagarrar, to relewe a clamp or clutch. -de cruz (MI, screwdriver for recessed-head
desagotar, t o unwater, drain. screws.
desagote na ( C )(M), unwatering, draining. desarmar, to dismantIe, disassemble; (fo) to
desagregacih f, disiniegration. strip,
desagregado, disintegrated. desarme na, dismantling.
desagnrpaci6n f (ra) , debunching. desarraigador m (ec), rooter.
desaguable, drainable. desarreglado, out-of-order.
desaguadero m, drainpipe, drain; (M) sewer. desarreglo m, bad order.
desaguador m, a drain; drainer; dewaterer. desarrollar, to unroll; to develop.
-de basuras (hid), trash sluice. desanollo m, development.
desaguadora (j')de sbtanos, cellar drainer. - de potencia, power development.
desaguar, to drain, unmater; to discharge; des- desarticular, to disjoint.
aguarse, to drain, drain off. desasfaltar (pet), t o remove asphalt, densphalt
desaguazar, to drain. desasiento m, unseating (pressure).
desaglie m,drainage; a drain, drainpipe; gutter. desatascar, to r%movean obstruotion.
desaterrar 112 descomposiu6n
desatmar, t o remove eat; to clean up rubbish; descantilldn m (Col), template; straightedge.
(mid to remove deads. descapotar (Col), to strip topsoil.
desatierre m (min), removal of rubbish; a dump. descarbonatar, to decarbonate.
desatorar, to remove obstructiom; to clear away descarbonizador m (as), decarboniqer.
spoil or ~ b b i a h . descarbonizar, t o remove carbon; to decarbonize.
desatoraillador m (AC), screwdriver. descarburar, t o decarbonize.
desatornillar, to unscrew. descarga j, unloading, dumping; (hyd)discharge,
desazolvar (M), to remove silt. outlet; (machy) exhaust; (elec) discharge.
desazolve m (M), desilting. -esponthea (el&$, self-discharge, local ac-
desazdrar, t o desulphurize, (pet) sweeten. tion.
desbacterizacibn f (A), stefiation. -inferior, bottom a ~ m p(car).
desbalanceo m (V), unstable equilibrium. -lateral, side dump (car).
desbanque m, (M)stripping top soil; (Ec) side- -luminiscente (el&), glow discharge.
hill excavation. - oscura (elk), dark discharge.
desbaratar, to wreck, demolish. -radiante (el&$, brush discharge.
desbarate nr (Ch), rubbish from a demolished - superflcid (el&), surface leakage.
building. -trasera (co), rear dump.
desbarbador m,chipping chisel. descargadero m, unloading platform.
desbarbadora f, snagging wheel; chipping ham- descargador m, (hyd) wasteway, outlet, escape;
mer. (eIec) lightning arrester; (elec)(steam) dis-
desbarbar, to chip, trim, smooth off, mag. charger ;unloader (compressor).
desbarnizar, ta remove varnish. - a disco (el&), disk discharger.
desbarrar, to remove sludge or silt. -de acumulador, battery discharger.
desbastador m, hewer; any trimming or shaping - de carros, car unloader.
tool; ($8)trimmer; dresser. - de chispa apagada (ra), quenched gap.
debastar, to dress roughly, trim, soabble, snag; -de fondo (presa), sluiceway, silt sluice.
to hew. -electrostiitico, electrostatic arrester.
desbaste m,hewing; mughdregsing. descargadora de vagones, car unloader.
desbisagrar, to unhinge. descargar, t o unload; to discharge; (eng) to ex-
dasbocarse, (machy) t o race; (bl)(Pe to blow haust; descargarse, to discharge; to run
out. down (battery).
desbordarse, to overflow. desclsrgo m,unloading; (corn) discharge.
desboscar, to cut down trees, deforest, clear. descargue m, unloading.
desbosqne m, clearing (land), cutting trees. descarrilador nr (fa), derail switch.
desbroce m, clearing (land), grubbing, (lg) descartilarse, to run off the track.
ewamping; brushwood, b r a n c h . descarrilo m (A), derailment.
desbmzador m (ef), swamper, busher. descascarqe, $0 spall, scale, flake.
desbrozar, to clear (land), to grub, (lg) to swamp. descebarse (bm),to lose prime.
desbrour m, clearing (Land); brushwood. descentrado, out-of-line, off-center, eccentric.
desbutanizador m (pet), debutanher. descimbrar, t o strike centers (arch).
descabezamiento m, tension on a rivet; cutting descimentar, to undermine.
off rivethead. descincado m, de~incification.
desc-, to clean mortar from brick. desclavador m, claw bar, nail puller.
descalcador m, reeming iron, ravehook, ripping desclavar, to pull nails.
iron. desclavijar, t o remove a pin or cotter.
descalcar, to remove calking. desclorar, tb dechlorinate.
descalce m,removing wedgw; undermining. desdorinaci bn f , dechlorination.
descalibraddn f (M),faulty calibration. desclorinador m, dechlorinator.
descalwu, to remove underpinning; to remove descoagulante, dot-disaolving.
wedges or chocks; to undermine. descobrar, to ,decopperiee.
descamador m (hem), scaler. descohesidn f.decoherence.
descamarae, to s d e off. dsscohesor m' (ra), decoherer.
descaminarse, to run off a road. deacolchar (cab), to unlsy.
descamino m, running off a road. d e s w h t a r , to desilt.
descansadillo, desc~nsapidm (auto), footreat. descoloracibn j (pa), color removal.
descansillo nz, stair landing. descoloranle m, decolorizer.
descanso m, bearing, pillow block;stair landing; deswlorar, t o remove color, bleach, Becolorbe.
level stretch in a steep stream; (Ch) wafer descombrar, to muck, remove spoil, clean up.
closet ; (str) (A) bearing. descombro m, muck, excavated material, rub
-de bolas, ball bearing. bish.
-ds rodamiento o de rodilloe, roller bearing. descomponer, to decompose; to break down; to
deseansoe, (rr)(Pe) car brasaw. take apart; (math) to resolve; descom-
descantoar, to chamfer, splay; to round off. poneree, to decompose, decay, rot; to get
d s s c a ~ t i U r d oj,~(t)
~ chipper. out of order.
descantillrtduras I. chipa, sp&. descomponible, decomposable.
deseantillar, to chip off, apall; to bevel the edges descomposici6n f, decomposition.
-de fuerzas, resolution of forces. - de tintoreria (is), dye wastes.
-t6rmica (pet), cracking. desembaldosar, t o take up tilo pavement.
desembalsar (A4), t o discharge from a reservoir.
descompostura f, bad order, breakdown.
descompresi6n f, decompression. desembancar, to remove silt.
descompresor m, decompressor. desembanque m,silt removal.
descompuesto, out-of-order; disintegrated. desembarcadero m, landing place, wharf.
desconcentrador m,deconcentrator. -flotante, landing stage dr Aoat.
desconchamiento (m) a soplete (met), flame- desembarcar, t o unload; t o disembark.
scaling. desembarco, desembarque m, unloading; de-
desconchar, t o strip o f f ; (met) t o chip, scarf; barkation.
desconcharse, to s p d , scale off; to exfo- desembarrar, to clear of mud or silt.
liate, flake. desembocadura f, outlet, mouth, outfall.
desconectador WZ, disconnect, disconnecting desembocar (r), to discharge, empty.
switch, disconnector. desemboque m, mouth, outlet.
- fusible, disconnecting fuse.' desembragar, t o release n clutch.
desembrague m, clutch release, throwout.
desconectar, t o disconnect; (elec) t o cut out.
iesconexi6n f, disconnecting. - por sobrecarga, overload release.
a tensi6n mEnima (el&), undervoltage re- desempaiiador m, windshield cleaner.
lease. desempapar, t o desaturate.
descongelacidn f (aa) , defrosting. desempaquetar, t o remove packing.
descongelador m, defroster. desempatar, to disjoint, take apart.
descongelar, t o thaw. desempedrar, to tear up paving.
descontacto m (M), breaking contact. desempernar, t o remove bolts.
descontaminaci6n f, decontamination. desempleo m, unemployment.
descontinuidad f, discontinuity. desemplomar, t o remove lead.
descontinuo, discontinuous. desempotrar, t o loosen something fixed or em-
descorregido (inst), out-of-adjustment. bedded.
descortezador m (ef), barker, rosser, peeler, spud- desenastar, desencabar, t o remove a handle.
der. desencadenar, to remove chains.
descortezadora f , bark mill. desencajar, to throw out of gear, unmesh, dis-
descortezar, to strip bark; t o strip topsoil. joint.
descostrador m, boiler compound. desencapadora f (ec), stripping shovel, skimmer
descostrar, t o remove scale; descostrarse, t o scoop.
spall; to scale. desencapar, to strip (topsoil).
descrecer, (ti) to ebb; t o fall (level of river). desencapillar, t o strip, unrig, dismantle.
descripcib f (lev), description. desencastrar, t o free something embedded; t o
descuajar, to grub. . disconnect a mortise joint.
descua j e m, grubbing. desencebarse (bm) (Es) , t o lose prime.
descubierto, exposed, open. desencespedar, t o strip sod.
- ,al, above ground, in sight, in the open air,
in open cut.
desenclavar, t o pull nails; to release a clutch.
desenclavijar, t o remove a dowel or pin.
descubridor (m) de tubos, pipe locator. desencofrar (conc), t o strip forms.
deschavetar, t o remove a key or cotter. desencolar, to rcmove gluing or sizing.
desdoblar, to straighten out, open up, take apart. desencorvar, t o straighten.
desecaci6n f, drying, desiccation; (lbr) season- desenchufar, to unmesh; t o unsocket; t o unnest.
ing; (M) drainage. desenergizar, t o , le-energize,
desecador m, drier, dehydrator, desiccator. desenfangar, to c'csilt, rcmove mud.
- a rocio (aa), spray brier. desenfocado, out-of-focus.
-de cienos (dac), sludge drier. desenfrenar, t o release brakes.
-de contacto (aa), contact drier. desengalgar, t o remove a chock or wedge.
- de tambor rotativo (aa), rotary-drum drier. desenganchar, t o unhook, disconnect, disengage,
-instantiineo, flash drier. release, uncouple.
desecante m a, desiccant. desenganche m, unhooking, uncoupling; (elec)
desecar, to dry, season, desiccate; (M) t o drain, release.
dewater. -de retraso (elkc), time rclcase.
desecativo m ,drier. desengoznar, to unhinge.
desechar, t o scrag. desengranar, to throw out of gear, disengagej
desecho m, scrap, junk; (surv) offset; (rd) de- unmesh.
tour. desengrasador na, grease remover.
desechos, spoil, wasto, rubbish; scrap; rejects desengrasar, t o degreaue.
(screen) ; (min) deads; (min) tailings, cfists. desengrase m, dcgreasing.
-de curtido (is), tannery wastes. desengrilletar, to inlshackle.
-de chancado, crusher waste. desenjarciar, to unrig.
-de fundicih, foundry scrap. desenladrillar, to take up brick pavement.
- de hierro, scrap iron. desenlame m (MI, removal of mud.
- de lavanderfa (is), laundry was$es. desenlodar, t o desilt, remove mud.
I desenlosar
desenlosar, t o take up flagstones. desgracia f, accident.

desenmangar, t o remove a handle or haft. desgrasar, to degrease.

desenmohecer, to clean off rust. desguace m (mad), rough-dressing .
desenraice m, grubbing. dcsguarnecer, t o strip off fittings, dismantle.
desenraizadora f (ec), rooter. desguarnir, t c unreeve; t o strip rigging.
desenraizar, t o grub. desguazar (mad), to rough-dress.
desenrollar, to unreel, unwind, uncoil, unspool. deshacerse, to disintegrate.
desenroscar, t o unscrew. deshelador m, deicer.
desenrosque m, unscrewing. -de dinamita, dynamite thawer.
desensamblar, to knock down, disassemble. deshelar, t o thaw; to deice; t o unfreeze; deshe-
desensibilizador m (fma) , desensitizer. larse, to thaw.
desensibilizar (fma), to desensitize. desherrar, to strip ironwork.
desensortijar, to remove kinks. desherrumbxar, t o clcan off rust.
desentablar, to strip off boards. deshidratador m, dehydrator, dewaterer.
desentarimar, t o rerno1.e planking. -d e gas (pet), knockout.
desentarquinar, t o desilt. deshidratar, to dehydrate, dewater.
desentechar (AC), to unroof. deshidrogenacibn f , dehydrogenation.
desentejar, t o strip off roof tiles. deshidrogenar, to dehydrogenize,dehydrogenate.
desentornillar, to unscrew. deshielo m, thawing, thaw.
desentubar, t o remove boiler tubes. deshierbar, to grub.
desenyerbar, to strip, remove grass. deshierbe m, gmbbing.
desenyesar, to tear off plaster. deshiiachador (az), cane shredder.
desequilibrado, unbaIanced. deshincar, t o pull (piles).
desequilibrio m, unstable equilibrium, unbal- deshojador m (hid), leaf screen.
ance. deshollinador m, soot catcher.
- de impedancia (ra), mismatch., deshollinar, to remove soot.
desescamador m ,scaling chisel deshumectador m (aa), dehumidifier.
desescamar, to remove scale. deshumectar, deshumedecer (aa), todehumidify.
desescarchador m, defroster. deshumedecedor m (aa), dehumidifier.
desescombrador (m) de alcantarilla, c d v e r t -d e rocio, spray-type dehumidifier.
cleaner. deshumidificar (A), to dehumidify.
desescombrar, t o clear away rubbish; t o muck. desifonar (A), to siphon.
desescombro m , cleaning up; mucking. desigual, unequal.
desespumar, to remove scum. desigualdad f, inequality.
desestafiar, t o detin. desimanador m, demagnetizer.
desexcitar, to de-energize. desimanar, desimantar, t o dcmagnetize.
desfasado, desesfaje m (el&), phase displace- desincrustador m, boiler-tube cleaner; scaling
ment; (ra) outphasing. hammer.
desfasador m, phase shifter. desincrustante rn, boiler compound.
desfasamiento m (eI6c), phase difference. desincrustar, t o remove scale.
desfatigar, to relieve stress. desinfectante m a, disinfectant.
desferrificar, desferrizar, to deferrize. desidectar, to disinfect, sterilize.
desfibradora f , shredder, disintegrator. desinflado, flat (tire).
desfiladero m (top), gap, pass, defile. desinflar, to deflate.
desflemadora I,dry kiln. desintegracidn f, disintegration; (pet) cracking.
desfloculador m (is), deflocculator. --- catalitica, catalytic cracking.
desflocular, to defiocculatc. -tbrrnica, thermal cracking.
desflorarse (V), to disintegrate, break up. desintegrador m, disintegrator; (pet) cracking
desfogar, t o vent; (hyd) t o drain off, sluire. unit.
desf ogue m, relief (pressure) ; vent; outlet; (hyd) -de caiia (az) (C), cane shredder.
(M) wasteway, sluice. desintegrar, to disintegrate.
desforestacidn f, deforestation. desintonizar (ra), to detunc.
desforrador de cable (e16c), rahle stripper. desionizar, to deionize.
desforrar, t o remove sheathing or h i n g . desisobutanizar (pet), t o deisobutanize.
desfrenar, to rclcase brakes, desjuntar, t o disjoint, take apart.
desganchar, t o unhook. desladrillar, t o tcar up brick paving.
desgarrador m, ripper (road). deslamar, t o desilt, remove mud; (min) to d e
desgarrarniento m, (est) crippling; (V) shattcr- slirne,
k g , breaking up. deslastrar, t o remove ballast.
desgarrbn m ,rent, tcar, cut. deslatar, to strip off lat,hs or battens.
desgasificador m, degasifier. deslavable, erosible, erodible.
desgasificar, to degasify. deslavar, to erode, wash away; to wash, rinse.
desgastar, to erode, wear, abrade; desgastarse, desIave m, erosion; croded material; (min) tail-
to wear, wear out. ings.
desgaste m, erosion, abrasion, wear, detrition. deslelr, to dilute.
desgoznar, to unhinge. deslindar, to mark bortndaries; t o survey.
deslinde 115 desplantar
deslinde m, marking boundaries. Besnivelarse, t o get out of level.
deslingar, t o unsling. desnudo, bare (wire).
desliz m, slipping, skip. desocupacih f, unemployment.
deslizaderas f , slides; (hyd) gate guides; (sb) desocupadog the unemployed.
slippers; (lg) slip skids. desadorante m, deodorant.
deslizadero m, chute; (sb) slipway, launching desodorar, desodorizar, t o deodorize.
way. desoxicolato de sodio (lab), sodium desoxy-
deslizamiento pI6stico (A), plaatic flow. cholate.
deslizar, t o slide, slip; (rr) to creep (rails). desoxidar, to deoxidize.
deslubricado (A), lacking lubrication. desoxigenar, t o deoxygenate, deoxidize.
deslumbramiento m, glare. desozonizar, t o deozonize.
deslustrado, dull (finish) ; ground (glass). despachador m, sender; dispatcher.
desmagnetizador m, demagnetizer. -del petr61e0, oil dispatcher.
desmagnetizar, to demagnetize, deenergize. -de trenes, train dispatcher.
desmangar, t o remove a handle. despachante de aduana, customhouse broker.
desmaniguat ( C )(PR), t o clear land. despachar, t o ship; t o fulfill (an order).
desmantelar, t o dismantle. despacho m, office;shipping, shipment ;dispatch.
desmejorar, to damage, impair; desmejorarse, -de billetes, ticket office.
t o deteriorate. -de equipajes, baggage room.
desmenuzable, friable; unstable. -de telegrafos, telegraph office.
desmenuzadora f,pulverizer, crusher, shredder. - telegrlfico, telegram.
desmenuzar, t o crush, pulverize; desmenuzarse, despachurramiento m (est) , crippling.
t o crumble, disintegrate. despalmador m, dockyard.
desmezclado (conc), separated, unmixed. despalmar, t o clean a vessel's bottom; t o rough-
desmineralizador m (pa), demineralizer, dress.
desmineralizar, t o demineralize. desparafinaje m (pet), dewaxing.
desmochar, t o cut off, crop; (Col) t o unroof. desparafinar (pet), to dewax, remove paraffin.
desmochos m (met), crop. desparedar, to throw down a wall.
desmodulacidn f (ra), demodulation, detection. desparramador m, distributer; spreader.
- por rejiIla, grid detection. desparramar, to spread.
desparrame m,spreading (fill).
desrnodulador m (ra), demodulator.
desmoldador m, stripper (forms). despasar (cab), to unreeve; t o fleet.
desmoldar, t o strip forms. despasioso (r), sluggish.
desmontable, detachable, removable, c d a p s - despedazado, shattered, broken.
ible, demountable. despedida f, discharge (men).
desmontado, knocked-down, dismantled. despedir, t o discharge (men), lay off.
desmontador m, demounter. despegar, to separate, detach, disunite; despe-
- de aeumlticos (herr), tire remover. garse, t o take off (airplane).
despegue m, separation, detachment; take-off
desmontaje m, dismantling, demounting, dis-
assembly, teardown. (airplane).
desmontar, t o dismantle, disassemble, take despejar, to strip (topsoil), clear; (math) t o
apart; t o demount; t o clear (land); to ex- solve for.
cavate, dig, cut. despeje m (mh) (A), clearance.
desmontttvslvulas m,v h lifter. despejo m, clearing, stripping; clearance.
desmonte m, clearing; excavation, cut; dirt mov- despensa f, storeroom.
ing. despensero m, stc rekeeper.
- y terraplin, cut and fill. despefiadero m, cliff, precipice.
desperdicio m, spoil, excavated material; waste.
desmontes (min), deads.
- de cantera (Ch), quarry refuse. desperdicios, wastes.
desmoronadizo, crumbly, easily disintegrated, -aurancikceos (is), citrus wastes.
unstable (soil). - de algodBn, cotton waste.
desmoronarse, t o crumble, disintegrate. - de cantera, quarry spalls; quarry waste.
desrnultidicaci6n f, reduction (gear). -de hierro, junk, scrap iron.
desmultiplicador m. reduction gear. - de lana, wool waste.
desmurar, t o wreck walls. -industriales (is), industrial wastes.
desnatador m, skimmer, (su) foam scraper. desperfecto na, damage, injury.
desnatar, t o skim, remove scum. despezar, to taper.
desnevado m, a thaw. despezo m, taper, (fdy) draft.
desnitrificar, t o denitrify. despido m (Ec), discharge (employee).
desnivel m, difference of elevation, fall, drop, despiezo m, taper; (Col) laying out or bonding of
(hyd) head. stones in masonry construction.
- bruto, gross head. despilar, to remove pillars in a mine; to remove
-de funcionamiento, operating head. shores.
-efectivo, net or effective liead. despilarar (min), t o throw down pillars.
-Gtil, useful head. desplantar (M), to excavstc; to set, place, ley
desnivelaciBn f, difference of clov'ation, out.
desplante 116 desviacibn
desplante m (M), excavation; subgrade. destapar, to uncover, strip.
desplayado m , flats left by receding water. destechar, to unroof.
desplazador m (mec), displacer. destejar, to remove roof tiles.
-de engranajes (auto), gearshift. destellador nt (elkc), flasher.
desplazamiento m,(geol)(elec)(prny) (na)(se) dis- destemplar, t o anneal; destemplarse, t o lose tem-
placement; (rr) (U) change of line, reloca- per.
tion; (surv) offset; (mt) setover; (ra) drift. destemple m, annealing; (pt) distemper.
-cargado (an), loaded displacement. destilacibn f, distillation.
-de construcciirn (an), molded displacement. - a1 vacio, vacuum distillation.
-de fase (el&), phase displacement or differ- -intermitente (pet), batch distillation.
ence. -pirogenica (pet), cracking djstillation.
-de paralaje (fma), parallactic displacement. destiladera f , destilador m,a still.
-de relieve (fma), relief displacement. destilado m, distillate.
-en plena carga (an), loaded displacement. des tilar, to distill.
--- en rosca o sin carga (an), light displacement. destileria f, distilling plant; (pet) Yefinery.
-sin plancheado (an), molded displacement. destinatario m, consignee.
desplazar, t o displace. destitucibn f, discharge (men).
desplegador m (herr) , spreader. destituir, to discharge (men).
despliegue m, unfolding; spreading. destorcer, t o untwist, (cab) unlay.
-en abanico (geof), fan spread. destornillador m ,screwdriver; wrench.
--- en cruz (geof), cross spread. -a crique, ratchet screwdriver.
desplomar, to batter, incline; desplomarse, t o -acodado o descentrado, offset screwdriver.
get out of plumb; t o collapse. -automLtico, spiral screwdriver.
desplome m, batter; (M) overhang; collapse; -de berbiqui, screwdriver bit.
(conc) slump. -de golpe o de percusih, impact screwdriver.
despiomo m, deviation from the vertical. destornillar, t o unscrew.
despojado (maq) , backed off. destrabador m (pet), bumper jar.
despojar, (mech) t o back off; b e t ) t o strip. destral m, hatchet.
despo jo m (mec), backing off. destripador m (as), cane shredder.
despojos, debris, rubbish, spoil. destrbgiro, clockwise.
- de albailal, sewage. destroncar, destronconar (M) (V) , t o clear land ;
-de hierro, scrap iron, junk. to pulI stumps.
despolarizador, despolarizante rn (el&), depo- destroncadora f (ec), treedozer; stump puller.
Iarizer. destronque m, clearing, grubbing; stump pulling.
despolarizar, t o depolarize. destrozar, to destroy; t o shatter.
desprender, t o detach, unfasten; to give off, destruccibn f, destruction.
emit; desprenderse (ot) to slip, slide, sag, destructor m, destructor, destroyer.
slough. -de basuras, refuse destructor.
desprendible, detachable. -de malezas, weed killer.
desprendimiento m, loosening; (ra) emission; -del vSrtice (hid), whirlpool breaker.
landslide, slip; (sm) slump, flow. destruir, to destroy, demolish; destruirse (mat),
-de rejilla (ra), grid emission. to cancel.
-termiBnico (ra) , thcrmionic emission, Edi- destufaci6n f (pet), sweetening.
son effect. destufador, desulfurador m (pet), sweetener,
despropanizadora f (pet), dcpropaniscr. sweetening still.
despulido, ground (glass). desulfurar, to desulphurize, desulphurate, (pet)
despumaciSn f , skimming; despumation. sweelen.
despumador m (is), foam collector. desusarse, to become obsoleto.
despuntes m, cuttings; short ends of bars or desuso m,obsoleteness.
&apes. desvanecedor m (ra), fader,
desquebrajada (M), shattered (rock). desvanecimiento (ra), fading.
desquiciar, t o unhinge; t o dislodge, break loose. desvaporar, to let off steam.
desquijerar, to tenon. desvaporizar, t o devaporize.
desraizar, to grub. desvatado, desvatiado (clkc) , wattless.
desrecalentador m, desuperheater. desvegetacibn f (M), stripping of vegetation.
desrielar, to dwnil. desventador m, vent.
desripiador m (dac) , grit chamber, desventar, to vent.
desripiar, to remove g r n v ~ l . desviacibn f, diversion; deviation (compass) ;d o
desroblar, desroblonar, to cut out rivets. flection (angle) ; (surv) departure; (1 d) dp.
desrocamiento m (A), rock excavation. tour; (str)(C) deflection; (pet) drift
destajador m,striking hammer. (machy) runout; (clcc) dlspla cemrnt
destajero, destajista m, pieceworker; (min) (brush), shift; displacement (crank) ;
tributer. (ra) drift, deflection.
destajo m,tmlcwork, piecework; (rnin)tribute, -del arco (sol), arc blow.
destapadero rn (el&), knockout. -de las escobillas (mot), brush displacement
- a palanquita, pry-out. or shift.
-electromagndtica (ra), electromagnetic de- detonacien f, detonation; (auto) knocking, pink-
flection. ing.
dasviadero m (fc), siding; turnout. dctonador m, blasting machine; blasting cap,
desviador m, deflector, b d e ; diversion dzm; detonator, exploder.
diverter; by-pass. -comiin, blasting cap.
- d e correa, belt shifter. -de explosibn demorada, delay blasting cap.
-del rayo (auto), headlight deflector. - eldctrico, exploder.
desviaje m, diversion. -eldctrico de tiempo, delay electric blasting
desviar, t o divert; to deflect; (rr) to switch; cap.
desviarse, t o deviate; to branch off. -instantgneo, instantaneous blasting cap.
desvio m, diversion; by-pass; (rr) siding, turn- -retardado, delay blasting cap.
out; (rd) detour; (ra) drift. detonadora f, blasting machine.
-de atajo (fc), catch siding. detonancia f (mg), knocking, detonation.
-de las escobillas (elk) (A), brush shifting. detonante, highly explosive, detonating.
-de frecuencia (ra), frequency drift. detonar, to detonate, explode.
-muerto, dead-end siding, spur track, stub detritico (geol), detrital,
track. detrito (m)de falda (A), talus.
- transversal (fc), crossover. detritor m (dac), Detritor (trademark).
-volante (fc), flying switch. detritos m, detritus, (tun) muck.
desvibmetro m (pet), drift meter. deuda f, debt.
desvitrificacih f, devitrification. -a largo plazo, long-term debt.
desvoicanarse (Col), to collapse; to be de- -- consolidada, funded debt.
stroyed. -fiotante, floating debt.
desvolvedor m, t a p wrench; (Sp) moiilcey devanadera f, reel, spool.
wrench. devanado m (el&c),winding.
desvdcanizador m, devulcanizer. -amortiguador, damper or amortisseur wind-
desvulcanizar, to devulcanize. ing.
desyerbador m, grubber. -anular o de anillo, ring winding.
desyerbar, t o grub. -de arranque (mot), starting winding.
desyerbe m, grubbing. -de cadena, chain winding.
desyuye m (A), grubbing. -de canto, edge winding.
detallar, t o d e t d . -de compensacibn, compensating winding.
dctalle m, detail. -de cuerdas, chord or short-pitch or frac-
deteccibn f (ra)(M), Jetection, demodulation. tional-pitch winding.
-por diodo, diode detection. -de espiras mtiltiples, banked winding.
-por placa, plate detection. -de fase partida, split-phase winding.
- por xejilla, grid detection. -dc marcha o de trabajo (mot), running wind-
-por viilvula termibnica, tube detection. ing.
detectador m (elbc) (Col), detector. -de tambor, drum winding.
detector m, (elec) detector; (rr)(A) detector bar. --- diametral o de paso entero, full-pitch wind-
-a diodo (ra), diode detector. ing.
-a ley de cuadrados (ra), square-law detector. -en derivncibn, shunt winding.
- a viilvula, vacuum-tube detector. -en jauls, squirrel-cage winding,
--- de cristales (ra), crystal detector or rectifier. -en paralclo, parallel or multiple winding.
-de escapes o de fugas, leak or water-waste -en serie, series or wave winding.
detector. -en zigzag, zigzag winding.
- de gas (pet), gas detector. -eetabilizador, stabilizing or tertiary winding.
- de polarizaci6n negativa de re jilla Ira), grid- -imbricado, lap or rnultiple winding.
bias detector. - inducido, armature winding.
-lineal (ra), linear or plate detector. - ondulado, wave or undulatory winding.
-termidnico (ra), vdve detector. - regdador, regulating winding.
detector-zapata (fc) (A), detector bar. - reticulado, basket winding.
detencibn f, stop, delay, standstill, (moch) dwell. -simple, single winding.
detenedor ma (mec) , arrester, catch. devanador m, reel, spool.
-de ariete, water-hammer suppressor. devanadora f, winding machine; reel.
-de llamas, flame arrester. devanar, to reel; to wind.
-de polvo (aa), dust arrestor. , devatado (el&) (A), watklesa,
deterioro m, wear and tear; deterioration. dextrbgiro, dextrogiratorio, turning clockwise.
determinacibn U) en blanco (lab), blank deter- .
dextrorrotatorio (as), dextrorotatory
dextrorso, clockwise; toward the right.
determinacibn bidrogeni6nica, hydrogen-ion dc- deyecci6n f (geol), debris.
termination. deyecciones humanas, human excrement, fecal
determinado (mat). determinate. matter.
determinante m j (mat), determinant. dfa m, day.
-continuante, continuant. -de la marea, tide day.
- cumulante, cumulant. -de pam, payday.
-feriado, holiday. dibujador, dibujante m, draftsman.
-hfibil (A), working day. dibujar, to draw, draft.
-laborable o fitil, working day. -en escala, t o draw t o scale.
dfas de gracia (tr), days of grace. dibujo m, drawing, plan; design, pattern.
diabasa f (geol), diabase. - a mano alzada (C), freehand drawing.
diabiisico, dirtbasic. -a mano libre o a pulso, freehand drawing.
diablo m, (M)(A) rail bender; (Col) jack; (Ch) -acotado, dimensioned drawing.
(M) pair of wheels for moving logs; (Sp) -de construcci6n en f&brica,shop drawing.
warehouse truck; (pet) (M) go-devil. - de detalle, detail drawing.
diaclasa f (geol), diaclase. -de ejecucibn o de trabajo, working drawing.
diaclasado, fractured, diaclastic. -de Ilneas, line drawing.
diaesquistoso (geol), diaschistic. -de montaje, erection plan.
diafonia j (tel), cross talk. -de rodamiento (auto), design of the tire
dilf ono m, diaphone (siren). tread.
diafragma m, diaphragm; (bdg) (M) backwall. -de taller, shop drawing.
-iris, iris diaphragm. -en perspectiva, perspective drawing.
diagBmetro m (elitc), diagometer. -lavado, wash drawing.
diagonal f a, diagonal. --- patr6n, standard plan or drawing.
diagonales cruzadas, X or diagonal bracing. dibujos del contrato, contract plans.
diagrhfico, diagraphic. dicacico a, dicalcium.
dilgrafo m, diagraph. dicalita, Dicalite (trademark), diatomaceous
diagrama m, diagram. silica.
-de acumdaci6n (hid), mass diagram. dicloramina f (qufm), dichloramine.
-de code (ms), shear pattern. diclorodifiuorome tano rn (rig), dichlorodifluoro-
-de fuerzas, force diagram. methane.
-del indicador, (eng) indicator diagram. dicromato pottisico, potassium bichromate.
-de volfimenes (ot). mass diagram. dieciseisavo m, one-sixteenth.
-estereogrkfico (geol), block diagram. dieldctrico m a,dielectric.
-vectorial, vector diagram. diente m, tooth, cog; (conc) bonding key; (hyd)
diagrlmatro m,diagrammeter. cutoff wall. toe wall; (hyd) dental.
dillaga f (miner), diallage (pyroxene). - americano (si), great American tooth.
dialagita f (geol) , diallagite. - biselado (si), gullet tooth.
diamagntXco, diamagnetic. - cepuado (en), machine-cut tooth.
diamagnetism0 m, diamagnetism. -cornfin (si), peg or common or tenon or plain
diamante m,diamond. tooth.
- borde o negro, bort, black or carbon dia- - cortante (si), cutting tooth.
mond. :- de diamante (si), diamond tooth.
-cortavidrio o de vidriero, glazier's diamond. - de empotramiento (hid), cutoff wall.
diamantina f, diamantine (abrasive). - de envolvente normal (en), involute stand-
diametral, diametrical, diametral. ard tooth.
&&metrom, diameter. -de envolvente truncado (en), stub involute
-conjugado, conjugate diameter. tooth.
--- de huella (M), tread diameter (sheave). -de lanza (si), lance tooth.
-del paso (rs), pitch diameter. - de lob0 (si), gullet tooth.
-de rodamiento, tread diameter (sheave). - en M (si), lightning tooth.
- exterior, outside diameter, (th) major di-
-fresado, machine-cut tooth.
limpiador o raspador (si), raker or drag
-miiximo (rs), major or outside diameter tooth.
(screw); full diameter (nut). - postizo (si), bit, inserted tooth.
-mayor (ra), major diameter. ---- tip0 campebn (si), champion tooth.
-menor (rs), minor diameter. -triangular (si), mill tooth.
-minim0 (rs), minor or core diameter (screw) ; dientes de choque (hid), baffle piers or blocks.
inside diameter (nut). diezmildsimo m, one ten-thousandth.
-primitive (rs)(en), pitch or effective di- diezmilimetro m,one- tent!^ of a millimeter.
ameter. diezmiuondsimo m, one ten-millionth
dianegativa f (ha), dianegative. dif lsico (e1i.c) (A), two-phase.
dianegativo a (frnn), dianegative. diferencia f (mat), difference.
diapositiva f, diaposit ive. - de tensibn (el&), electric potential differ-
diapositivo a, diapositive. ence.
diario m, log book; (act) journd. - en mls, p h s difference.
diastasa f (is), diastase. -en menos, minus difference.
diatom&ceo, diatomaceous. diferenciable (mat), differentiable.
diatomea j,diatom. dif erenciaci6n f , differentiation.
I diatomita f, diatomite, diatomaceous or infuse diferenciador m (ra) , differentiator.
rial earth; diatomite (explosive). diferencial f , differential (all senses); (M) chain
'1 dibromoquinona f (is), dibromoquinone. block ; a differential.
: 1
jI j .
I! 1
-de cuatro sathlites (auto), four-pinion dif- dinamo-motor, motor generator.
ferential. dinamoel6ctric0, dynamoelectric.
dlferir, to defer, pwtpone; extend, prolong; t o dinamom6tric0, dynamometric.
differ. dinamSrnetro m, dynamometer.
&fraeci6nj, diffraction. - a fricci6n de agua, water brake.
difractar, to diffract. - de aletas. fan-brake dynamometer.
difundir, t o diffuse. -de corriente parlsita, eddy-current brake.
Bifusibilidad j, diffusibility, (conc)(chem) dif- - de fricdirn fliiida, fluid-friction dynamom-
fusivity. eter.
difusibn f, diffusion; (ra) broadcasting. - de retraso magn6tic0, magneticdrag brake.
difusivo, diffusive. -de torsibn, torsion dynamometer.
difuso, diffused. -de transmisibn, transmission dynamometer.
difusor m (dac), diffuser, disperser. - el&ctrico de cuna, electric-cradle dynamom-
-oscilante (dac), swing diffuser. eter.
difusora f (ra), broadcasting station. - friecional, absorption dynamometer.
aigestibn f , digestion. -hidrhlico, hydrodynsmn~ometcr.
- be1 fango o de 10s lodos (dac), sludgo diges- dinamotor m (elbc), dynamotor.
tion. dinatr6n m (ra), dynatron.
-por etapas (dac), stage digestion. djnodo m (ra), dynode.
digestor m, digester. dintel m, lintel, cap, doorhead.
-de basuras, gnrbage digester. dintelar, t o place a lintel.
- de cicnos (dac), sludge digester. diodo m (el&), diode.
dilatacih f, expansion, enlargement. di6psido m (miner), diopside (pyroxene).
dilatador, dilatante, dilatant. dioptra f, sight of an instrument; alidade.
dilatancia f, &1at ancy. dioptria f, diopter (unit of lens power).
W d a r , dilatarse, to dilate, expand. di6ptric0, dioptric.
dilatbmetro m, dilntomctcr. diorita f (geol), diorite.
dilucibn f, dilution. - miciicea, mica diorite.
diiuente m, diluent; (pt) thinner. -nefel'dca, nephelite-diorite.
dilufdo, dilute, thin, wcslr. -orbicular, corsite, napofeonite.
diluir, to dilute; to cut back (asphalt). dioritico, dioritic.
dilutor m , diluter. diBxido m (qdm) , dioxide, bioxide.
diluvial (geol), diluvial. -carbhico, carbon dioxide, carbonic-acid gas.
diluvio m, flood; heavy rain. -de azufre, sulphur dioxide, suIphurous anhy-
diluvibn m (geol) , diluvium. dride.
dimensidn f, dimension (all senses). -de silicio, silicon dioxide, silica.
- a escala, scaled dimension. diplex (rs), diplex.
-acotada, figured dimension. diplococos (is), diplococci.
-extrema, over-all dimension. dipolar, dipolar.
dimensional, dimensional. dipolo m a (el&), dipole.
dimensionar, to proportion, dimension; to size. -magn6tic0, magnetic doublet or dipole.
dimetilico, dimetallic. dipolos entongados, stacked dipoles.
dimetilketol (az), dimethyl kctol. dipotfisico a, dipotmsium.
dina j, dyne. diquue m, dike, levee; dam; (geol) dike, rib; (A)
dinlgrafo m, dynagraph. dock; (C) (Sp) dry dock.
dingmetro m, dynameter. -a cabeza redonda (A), round-head-buttress
dinamla f , dyne. dam.
dinhmica f, dynamics. -a contrafuertes, buttress dam.
dinHmico, dynamic. - a gravedad, gravity dam.
dinamita f, dynamite. -a vertedero, spillway or overflow dam, weir.
-rmoniacal, ammonia dynamite. -aligerado (A), hollow dam.
-corriente, straight dynamite. -ds afloramiento, stibsurface dam,
-de alto arnoniaco, high-ammonia dynamite. - de arco mGltiple, multiple-arch dam.
-de baja densidad, low-density dynamite. -de ataje (A), cofi'erdarn.
- de base explosiva, extra dynamite. -de aterranliento (A), desilting dam.
-Be nitroglicerina, nitroglycerin dynamite, - de captacibn, impounding dam.
- gelatina, gelatin dynamite. -de carena o de buque, dry or graving dock.
- para explotaci6n forestal, logging dynamite. -de cierre, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam.
--- para sism6graf0, seismograph dynamite. -de contenci6n de arrastres, desilting dam.
dinamitar, to blast. -de defensa, levee, dike.
dinamitero m, hlaster, p o w d e r ~ a n . -de desvfo, diversion dam.
-sismico (geof), seismic shooter. -ds embalse o de represa, impounding or
dinamo m j, dynamo. storage dam.
- dinamom&rico, electric-cradle dynamom- -de encauzamiento, levee.
eter. -de escollera o de enrocamiento, rock-fdl dam.
dfnamo-freno, eddy-current brake. -- de pula, training dike.
dique disparo

-de machones de cabeza redonda, round- -explorador o de orificios (tv), scanning disk.
head-buttress dam. -motor (auto), driving disk.
- de retardo, retard, current or stream retard. -para engranaje, gear blank.
-de retencibn, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam; -para tuberia (pet), casing disk.
check. disconformidad f (geol), disconformity.
-de ribera (U), levee. discontinuidad f, discontinuity.
-de tierra, earth or earth-fill dam. discontinue, discontinuous.
-&e utilization matiple, multiple-purpose discordancia f (geol), unconformity, discordance.
dam. discordante (geol), unconformable, discordant.
-de zanja, ditch check. discreto a ( m d ) , discrete.
-derivador o de toma, diversion dam. discriminacih f (ra), discrimination.
-distribuidor (A), diversion dam. discriminador m (ra) , discriminator.
-en arco, single-arch dam, arch dam. discriminante m a (mat), discriminant.
-flotante, floating dry dock. discurrimiento m (U), flow.
-insumergible, nonoverflow or bulkhead dam. disector (m) de imiigenes (tv), image dissector.
-lateral, saddle dam; wing of a dam. disenterla f, dysentery.
-marginal, levee. -amibiana, amoebic dysentery.
-nivelador, diversion dam. -bacilar, bacillary dysentery.
-provisorio, cofferdam, temporary dam. disefiador m, designer.
-repartidor (A), diversion dam. diseiiar, t o design; t o sketch.
-seco, dry or graving dock. diseiio m, design; sketch.
-seco de carena, graving dock, graving dry disgregaciBn f, disintegration, separation.
dock. disgregador m, cutterhead (dredge).
-sumergible o vertedor, spillway dam, weir, -de cienos (dac), sludge disintegrator.
overflow dam. disilicato m (quim), disilicate.
-iajamar (A), cofferdam. disilicico, disilicic.
-tipo muro alivianado (A), roundhead-but- disimetria f, dissymmetry.
tress dam. disim6tric0, unsymmetrical.
direcciBn f, management; manager's office; (A) disimilaci6n f (is), dissimilatlbn.
department, division, section; board of disipacibn de placa (ra), anode dissipation.
directors; address; (auto) steering; direc- disipador m, (hyd) disperser; a dissipative.
tion; instruction; (geol) strike. -cEe energia (hid), energy disperser.
-de edificacih, building department. - d6 neblina (ap), fog disperser.
-de vialidad, highway department. disipar, to dissipate (heat), disperse.
-general, headquarters. dislocacibn f, a slide; (geol) dislocation, heave,
-reversible (auto), reversible steering gear. offset; fault.
direcciond, directional. -ascendente (geol), upthrow.
directiva f, board of directors. -descendente, downthrow.
directividad f (ra), directivity. -longitudinal (A), strike fault.
directivo m ,director (member of the board). -rumbeante (A), strike fault.
directo, direct; straight. -transversal, cross fault.
director m , director, manager, chief; (ra) direc- dislocado (geol), faulted, displaced.
tor. disociaciBn f (quim), dissociation.
-de obras, construction manager. dis6dico a (quEm), disodium.
-ejecutivo, executive director. disoluble, dissoluble.
-general, general manager. disoluci6n f, solution ; disintegration; dissolution.
directorio m, board of directors. - de sal, m6todo de (hid), chemical or titra-
directrices f (turb), guide vanes. tion or salt-dilution method.
directriz f, dircctrix; arch template; (turb) guide -disolutivo a, solvent.
vane. disolutor m (az), rnelter.
dirigir, t o manage, direct; (auto) to steer; t o di- disolvente m, solvent, dissolvent; a dissolvent.
rect (letter). disolver, disolverse, t o dissolve.
disaciirido m (lab), disaccharide, biose. disonancia f (elbc), dissonance.
disco m, disk. disparada f (maq), racing.
-alimentador (mh), dial feed. disparador m, tripper, reiease; blaster, powder-
-analizador (elk), scanning disk. man; (geop) shooter.
-centrador con ranura, crotch center (lathe). -de electrones, electron gun.
-compensador (bm), balance disk. -de tensidn nula, no-voltage release.
-dei bmbolo, pistonhead. disparadora f (pet), blasting machine.
-de esirelIa (ra) (Es), spider. disparar, t o trip, release; t o explode; (bl) t o
-de levas, cam ring. shoot, fire, p u t off; dispararse (maq), t o
-- de mando del embrague (auto), clutch- race.
driving disk. disparejo, uneven.
-del nonio (inut), vernier plate. disparo m, discharge, explosion; (hl) shooting
-de taladrar, drill pad (lathe). trip.
- distribuidor (rnv), wrist plate. --- en abanico (geof), fan shooting.
&spersador na (dac), disperser. distorsionar (M), to distort.
-de chorro, jet disperser. distribucibn f, distribution.
dispersibn f, dispersion; (elec) leakage; (elec) --- del encendido (mg), ignition timing.
dissipation. -de sector (mv), link motion.
- anbrnala (tv) , anomnlous dispersion. -por circuit0 cerrado (elbc), loop distribution.
- anormd (tv) (Es), anomalous dispersion. -por derivaciones miiltiples (el&), tree sys-
electrSdica (ra), eIectrode dissipation.
magngtica, magnetic leakage, leakage flux. - tem of distribution.
por parrilIa (elec), network system of dis-
- sbnica de la niebls (ap), sonic fog dispersal. tribution.
- t6rmica de la niebla (ap), thermal fog dis- - Stephenson (mv), Stephenson's link motion.
persal. distribuidor m,distributor (all senses) ; spreader;
&spersivo, dispersive. (se) slide valve; (turb) speed ring; (reinfl
disperwr m (dac), disperser, diffuser. distributing bar; (p) manifold.
- de energla (hid), energy disperser or dissipa-
-a presibn (ca), pressure distributor.
-cilfndrico o de dmbolo (mv), piston valve.
- tipo de hongo (aa), mushroom air diffuser. - de encendido (auto), distributor, timer.
distribuir, to distribute.
&sposici6n f, disposd; disposition, arrangement.
- del agua de cloacas, sewage disposal. distributive, astributive.
- del albafial (C), sewage disposal. disuelto m (quim), solute; a dissolved.
- de las baswas, garbage disposd: refuse or dispuncih f (geol), fracture.
waste disposal. disyuntor m (elk), circuit breaker, disjunctor,
&spositivo m, device, appliance, fixture, mech- cutout.
anism; arrangement, layout; facility. -de contracorrientes, reverse-current circuit
- de evacuacibn (hid), outlet works: blowoff breaker.
arrangement. -de dos vias, double-throw circuit breaker.
- de gobierno (tc), control or power contrd -de m-a, overload circuit breaker.
-de mlnima tensiGn, undervoltage circuit
- de mando, control mechanism. breaker.
-de retroceso, (en3 reversing gear. -de tapbn, plug cutout.
-de seguridad, safety device. -de via Cinica, singl+throw circuit breaker.
de sobrecorriente (el&), overcurrent device.
derivador (vol), shunt attachment.
-en aceite, oil circuit breaker.
-en el aire, air breaker.
dispositivos divergencia f, divergence; (auto) too-out.
-de distribucibn (el6c), switchgear. divergente, divergent, diverging.
- de salida (hid), outlet works. divergir, to diverge.
- de servicio (el&), service equipment. dividend0 rn (mat)(fm) , dividend.
-de toma (hid), intake works. divisas f, foreign exchange or currency.
-pnra torno, lathe attachments. divisible, divisible.
disrupcibn f, disruption. divisi6n f, (math)(rr) division; (mech) indexing.
disruptive, disruptive. -continental, continental divide.
distancia f, distance. -diferencial (maq), differential indexing.
-cenital, aenith distance. -simple (maq), direct indexing.
-de agrupacih (ra), drift space. divisor m, (math) divisor; (dwg)(A) dividers.
- de decolaje o de despe y e (hp), take-off dis- -de fase (el&), phase splitter.
tance. -de frecuencia (el&), frequency divider.
- de enfoque (fma), focal length. -de fuerza (auto), power divider.
-de internrpci6n (elkc), break distance. -de muestras (lab), sample splitter,
- de visibilidad (ca), sight or visibility dis- - de voItaje, voltage or potential divider.
tance. divisora (f) de tensihn, voltage or potential
- disruptha (el&$ spark gap. divider.
- entre ejes, wheel base. divisoria f (top), divide.
-explosiva (el&), spark gap. -continental, continental divide.
- exterior (fc), external distance. -de las aguas, divide, ridge.
-focal posterior (fma), back focal distance. - de las aguas frelticas, ground-water divide.
- polar, polar distance, codeclination. divorcio (m) de las aguas (top), divide, ridge.
-progr esiva (Lev), cumulative distance. dobla f (Pe), night shift.
- tangencial (fc), tangent distance. dobladillo m (ch), hem.
- taquidtrica, stadia distance. doblado, bent.
- aI fuego o en caliente, hot-bent.
distanciamiento rn, spacing, pitch.
distanciorn8tric0, telemetric. -en frio, bent cold.
distancidmetro m (Es)(A), telemeter. doblador m, (t) bender; ( 4 doubler.
distorsi6n f , distortion. -de frecuencia (ra), frequency doubler.
- de atenuaci6n-frecuencia (ra) , attenuation -de rieles, rail bendcr.
or amplitude-frequency distortion. -de tubos-conductos (elQc), hickey, conduii;
- del campo (elkc), field distortion.
de retardo (ra), delay distortion.
dobladora f, bending machine.
dobladora 122 duraldo
-de chapas, cornice brake. -a balde (A), clamshell dredge.
doblar, to h n d ; to double; to snub (belt); (auto) -a cuchara, dipper dredge.
t o turn -ambulante o andadora o caminante, walking
doble, double, duplex. dragline.
ash, muro de, wall 2 bricks thick.
campana (tub), double hub.
-aspirante o a succihn, suction or hydraulic
dredge, sand dredger.
- citara, wall 2 bricks thick. -cavadora, dragline excavator; slackline ca-
- dechetro (A), a rule 20 crn long. bleway.
- efecto, de, double-acting. -de almeja, glamshell dredge.
-de arcaduces o de cangilones o de escalera o
-escuadra (dib), T square.
- e*afuerte (tub), doubleextra-strong. de rosario, ladder or bucket or elevator
- fond0 ('cn), double bottom.
- dredge.
-T, I beam; (p) cross- de arrastre, slackline cableway, slackline-
-trenza, double-braid (insulation). dragline; power drag scraper.
-twno, double shift. -de bomba centrffuga, suction dredge.
doblegarse (est), to buckle. - de cucharh, dipper dredge.
doblete m (el&) (fmza), doublet. -de cuehartin de quijadas, clamshell dredge.
doblez nz, bend, kink. - de palanca (M), dipper dredge.
documentos de embarque, shipping documents. - de tolvas, hopper dredge.
dBne m, dolly; rivet set. - de valvas de almeja (M), cIamshel1 bucket.
doladera f, broadax; howel. dragado {m)hidrlulico, hydraulic dredging.
dolador m, stonecutter; hewer; trimmer. dragadora f, dredge.
dolar, to hew; to trim. dragaje m, dredging.
dolerita f (geol), dolerite. dragalina f (Es), dragline,
- traqultica (geol), trachydolerite. dragalinea f (M), dragline excavator.
dolobre m, stone hammer ; spalling hammer. dragar, to dredge; (naut) to drag.
dolomfa f (geol) (miner), dolomite. dren m, drain.
dolomita f (M), dolomite. - inferior, underdrain.
dolomitico, dolomitic. drenabilidad f, drainability.
dolomitizar, to dolomitize. drenable, drainable.
dominante (mat) (el&), dominant. drenaje m, drainage.
domo m (arq) (geol)(miner), dome. - d e poblaciones, sewerage.
- de vapor (loco), steam dome. drenar, to drain.
- salino (geol), salt dome. dualina f, dualin (dynamite).
donqui m (AC), cargo hoist, winch, ductibilidad f (A) (M) , ductility.
donsantiago m, rail bender. dfictil, ductile.
dormido na,mudsill, sleeper; (sb) deadwood. ductilidad f, ductility.
dorso m, back edge, heel. ductilbrnetro m, ductilometer.
dos aguas, a, peaked (roof). ducto (m) de cables (M), cable duct.
dos bocas, de, doubleended (wrench). ducha f , shower bath.
dos capns, de, two-ply; two-coat. duela f, stave.
dos colas, de, double-tang (file). -para piso (M), flooring board.
dos etapas, de, two-stage (pump). duelas para cielo (M), ceiling.
dos tandas, de, double-shift. dueleria f, set of staves; hewing, trimming, rough-
dos vueltas, de, double-throw (lock). dressing.
dosadara f (A) (Pe), dosing or proportioning ap- dulcs, fresh (water) ; soft (steel); (chem) sweet.
paratus. dulcita f (lab), dulcitol, dulcite.
dosaje m, mixture, proportioning. dulzura f (Po), softness (water).
dosificaci6n f, dosing; (conc) proportioning, mix- dulzwar, t o remove salt (water).
ture. duna f, dune.
dosificador m, proportioner, dosing apparatus; dunita f, (geol) dunite; dunnite (explosive).
(conc) (A) batcher. duodecimal, duodecimal.
dosificar, to proportion a mixture. duodiodo m (ra), duodiode, double diode.
dotaci6n f, duty (water), irrigation requirement; duolateral (ra) , duolateral.
supply; crew, personnel. duotriodo m (ra), duotriode, double triode.
- corriente (auto) (mag), standard or rcgular duplicador (m) de voltaje (re), voltage doubler
duplicadora f (mh), duplicator.
-de agua {U), water supply. diiplice, duplex, double.
-mitaria de riego (irr), water duty, allow- duplo m,double.
ance per unit of area. duque de Alba, (pw) cluster of piles.
dovela f, voussoir. durabiIidad f , durability.
--- de ladrillo, arch brick. durable, durable, sound.
dovelaje m, set of arch stones. duraci6n Cf) de semicio, service life.
dovelar, to cut arch stones. duradero, durable.
dozavado, twelve-sided. duralita f, Duralite (trademark).
draga f , dredge; dragline outfit; drag. duraluminio m, duralumin (alloy).
duramen m, duramen, heartwood. edafolbgico, edaphological.
dureza f, hardness; hardness of water. edificacibn f, building; a building.
- a indentaubn, indentation hardness.
Brinell, BrineE hardness.
e a c a d o r m, builder.
ed&ar, t o build, construct, erect.
- carbonatada o de carbonates (pa), carbonate
edificatorio, pertaining t o building.
edificio m, a building.
carbonatica (pa) (V), carbonate hardness.
del escleroscopio, scleroscope hardness.
- de administrscibn (ap), administratior
- de jab6n (pa), soap hardness. - de combustibn lenta, slow-burning building
- de sulfatos (pa), sulphate hardness.
escleromi5trica (miner), bcratch or sclero-
scope hardness.
(mill construction).
de madera, frame building.
incombustible, fireproof building.
- no carbonatada (pa), noncarbonate hard- educcibn f, eduction; (eng) exhaust; (pu) dis-
ness. charge.
durmiente m, mudsill, groundsill, ground plate, eductor m, eductor, exhauster; steam ejector.
solepiece; (hyd) gate sfl; (rr) tie, crosstie; eduIcorar (A), to soften (water).
(sb) clamp. ef ectivo (rnec) (el&), effective.
- de aguja (fc), switch tie. efecto m (rnec) (el&), effect.
- de caballete, sill of a trestle bent. - ametralladora (ra) (A), shot effect.
de cambio o de chucho (fc), switch tie.
de grGa, derrick sill.
-de arc0 (ms), arching effect.
-de borde (ra), fringe effect.
- de palo (f c), pole tie. - de chimenea (aa), stack or chimney effect.
- de puente (fc), bridge tie. -de parpadeo (ra), flicker effect.
durmientes de desvio (fc), switch timber. -doble, de, double-acting.
durmientes de grada (cn), ground ways. -Edison (ra), Edison effect (thermionic emis-
duro, hard. sion).
- a1 rojo, red-hard. -Jode (el&), joulean effect.
dur6rnetro rn, durometer. -Kelvin (el&), skin or Kelvin effect.
-pelicular (el&), skin effect.
- simple, de, single-acting.
-termoel6ctric0, thermocurrent, thermoelcc-
ebanista m, joiner, cabinetmaker. tric effect.
ebanisteria f, joining, cabinetmaking; (V) trim, - Gnico, de, single-acting.
millwork. -Gtil de transmisibn, transmission efficiency.
6bano m, ebony. --- volante (ra), flywheel effect.
ebonita f, ebonite, - Volta (elbc), contact tension, Volta effect.
ebonizar, to ebonize. efectos ,
ebullicibn f, ebullition, boiling. -elBctricos (C), electrical supplies.
e c h e t r o m, clinometer. - marinos, marine hardware or supplies.
eclisa f (fc), splice bar, fishplate. - sanitarios (C), plumbing fixtures.
- angular o cantonera, angle bar. eficaz, effective.
de alivio o de resalte, easer joint bar.
de deslizamiento, creeping plates.
eficiencia f, efficiency.
eficiente, efficient.
- elBctrica (Ch), rail bond.
eclisar, to place splice bars.
eflorescencia f, efflorescence; (min) (Pe) outcrop.
eflorescerse, t o effloresce.
economato m, commissary store. efluente m, effluent, outflow.
econ6metro m, econometer. efluvio m (elkc), effluvium,
economia f, economy; saving. efusivo (geol), effusive, extrusive.
economists de petrbleo, petroleum economiet. egi6n m (M), scab, cleat, chock, bracket.
economizador m, economizer. egreso m, egress, exit.
-de combustible, fuel economizer. eiddgrafo m (dib), eidograph.
- de petrMeo, oil saver. eje m,axis; shaft, axle, sheave pin; core.
economizador (a) de trabajo, Taborsaving. -- acandado, spline shaft.
ecuacidn f, equation. -acodado o cigiieiial, crankshaft, crank axle.
- de estado (aa), equation of state.
de primer grado, simple equation.
-auxiliar, countershaft.
-barichtrico (est), ccntroidal or gravity axis.
ecuador m (geog)(mat), equator. - cardhico, oardan shaft.
echado m (geol)(M), dip. -cornpensador, compensating axle.
e c h r (exc), to cast. -completamente flotante, full-floating axle,
- a andar, (machy) t o start. -de ajuste (as), sat shaft.
- a pique (nhut), to wreck; t o sink. -de atrhs, rear axle.
-abajo, t o wreck, demolish. -de cambio (auto), shifter shaft.
-carbbn, t o stoke. -de c6fiamo (cab), hemp center.
-el nncla, to drop anchor. -de carretbn, axletree.
-el escandallo, to take soundings. -de centro bajo (auto), drop-center axle.
- un remiendo, to patch. - de colimaci5n, line of collimation,
-do contrapunta (mh), tailstock spindle. -de 10sagregados (conc), aggregate process-
-de coordenadas, axis of coordinates. ing.
-de direccidn (auto), steering shaft. -de maderas, woodworking.
-de doble reduccidn (auto), double-reduction elaborar, to work (material), process; to manu-
facture; (Ch) to fabricate.
-del bmbolo, (Sp) piston rod; (auto) piston pin. elastancia f (el&), elastance.
-especlfica, elastivity.
-de la exdntrica, eccentric shaft.
-de exc6ntricas (mg)(A), camshaft. elasticidad f, elasticity, resilience, spring.
- elgctrica, electric elasticity, elastivity.
-de la helice (cn), propeller shaft.
-de henequ6n (cab), hemp center. elistico m, (auto) a spring; a elastic.
-de impulsibn, driving shaft or axle. elastita f, Elastite (trademark) (expansion
-de inclinacibn (frna), axis of %at. joint).
-de levas, camshaft.
-de linea, line shaft.
ele f , angle iron; pipe elbow.
-cerrada, short elbow.
-de mando, driving axle. -con derivacit~n,side-outlet elbow.
-de base, base elbow.
-de manivelas (C), crankshaft. -de curva abierta, long-radius elbow.
-de mornentos, center of moments.
-de oscilaciSn, axis of oscillation. -
-de lomo, bossed elbow.
-de propuIsi6n (auto), propeller shaft. de reduccibn, reducing elbow.
-de sierra, saw arbor, saw mandrel. electricidad f, electricity.
-de transmisi8n7 driving or h e or transmis- - -dingmica, dynamical or voltaic electricity.
estltica, statical electricity.
sion shaft.
-de vaina, quill shaft. electricista m, electrician.
-de la via (fc), center line of track. -de obras, erecting or installing electrician,
-de visacibn (lev), line of sight. wireman.
-delantero, front axle. elihtrico, electric.
-director, steering axle. electrifkar, electrizar, to electrify.
-dividido, split shaft. electroacero m (M), electric steel.
-exterior (trdnsito), outer spindle. electroacGstico, electroacoustic.
-fibroso, fiber center (wire strand). electroafinidadf, electroaffmity.
-fiducid (fma), fiducial or plate or photo- electroanllisis m, electroanalysis.
graph axis. electroanalizador m, ebctroanalyzer.
-flotante (auto), floating axle. electrobomba f, motor-driven pump.
-fuera de bordo (cn), tail shaft. electrocapifar, electrocapillary.
-impulsado, driven shaft. electrocinbtico, electrokinetic.
-interior (trhnsito), inner spindle. electrocloraci6n f, electrochlorination.
-intermedio o de transmisih intermedia, electrocomunicaci5n f, electrocommunication.
electrocorrosidnf, electrolytic corrosion.
countershaft, jackshaft.
-libre (est) (A), axis of inertia normal to Iat- electrochapeado m, electroplating.
electrodeposici5n f, electrodeposition, electro-
-loco, idler shaft. plating.
electrodinfamica f, electrodynamics.
-maestro (maq), line shaft.
-magdtico, magnetic axis. electrodinlmico, electrodynamic.
- materid (est)(A), axis of inertia parallel to electrodinamdmetro m, electrodynamometer.
electrodo m, electrode.
-mayor, major axis. -acelerador (ra), accelerating electrode.
- menor, minor axis. -baiiado {sol), washed or bare or lightly
-momentaneo, instantaneous axis. coated electrode.
-motor, driving shaft, driving or live uxle. -cubierto (sol), covered electrode.
-muerto, dead axle, (tk) trailing axle. - de calomelanos, calomel electrode.
- neutro, neutral axis. -de enfoque (tv), focusing electrode.
- oscilante, rockshaft. de placa, plate electrode.
-partido, split shaft. - de tierra, grounding electrode.
-polar (frna), polar axis. -desnudo (sol), bare or lightly coated elm-
-portahdIice (cn), propeller shaft. trode.
- separador, isolating shalt.
-sismico, seismic axis.
-revestido con fundente (sol), flux-coated
- tres cuartos flotante, three-quarter-floating - semirrevestido (sol), semicoated electrode.
axle. electrodes coplanos (ra), mplmar electrodes.
- vivo (M), live axle. electroesherardizaci6nf (met), electrosherardi~
eje-balancln, rocking axle.
eje-mandril (A), lathe mandrel. electroestktica f,electrostatics.
ejsrcicio m, fiscal year. electroestltico, electrostatic.
ejiBn m, scab, cleat, chock, bracket. electrofdtracibnf (gcof), filtration.
elaboraci6n f, manufacture, fabrication, process- electr6fono m, electrophone,
ing. electrofbresis f , electrophoresis.
electroforjado eliminador
electroforjado, electrofraguado, Electroforged electrotermdstato m, electrothermostat.
(trademark). electrotitulaciBn f, elcctrotitration.
electrofusidn f, electrofusion. elemento m, (chem) element; (elec) element,
e l e c t r o g d ~ b k o electrogalvanic.
, cell; (str) member.
electrogalvanizar, to electrogalvanize. -de acumulador (elcc), storage cell.
electrogenerador m, electric generator. - de cadmio (elkc), cadmium or Weston cell.
electrbgeno, generating electricity. - de caldeo, heating element.
electrogrlfico, electrographic. - del objetivo (fma), lens element.
electrohidrhulic~,electrohydraulic. -de resistencia (el&), resistor element.
electroimhn m, electromagnet. -motor (tel), motor element.
electrolero m, electrolier. -obturador (pet), pack-off element.
electrdlisis f, electrolysis. -testigo (eMc), pilot cell.
electrolitico, electrolytic. elementos de urgencia (elhc), emergency cells.
electrBlito m, electrolyte. elementas bidrlulicos, hydraulic elements.
electrolizar, to electrolyze. elevaci6n f , elevation, altitude; (dwg) elevation;
electroldn m, Electrolon (trdemarIi)(abra~ive). lift.
electromagndtico, electromagnetic. - acotada (top), spot or figured elevation.
electromagnetismo m, electromagnetism. - delantera, front elevation.
electromeclnica f , electromechanics. -desarrollnda, developed elevation.
electromec5nico m, worker on electrical machin- -en cortc, sectional elevation.
ery; a electromechanical. -en el extrcmo, end elevation.
electrometalurgia j, electrometallurgy. -lateral, side elevation.
electrornetria f, electrometry. - posterior, rear elevation.
electrom6tric0, electromctric. elevado m (M) (PR), elevator.
electrhmetro m, electrometer. eIevador m,elevator, lift ; hoist ; booster.
- de balanza, balance or absolute electrometer. - cargador, elevating charger.
- de cuadrante, quadrant electrometer. -del aguilbn (pl), boom hoist.
- de torsibn, torsion electrometer. -de autom6viles, automobile lift.
electromotor m,electric motor; a electromotive. -de bagacillo (as), trash elevator.
electromotriz, electromotive. - de baldes (V)(B), bucket elevator.
elcctrom6vil m, electric automobile; a (A) motor- -de caja de carnib, truck-body hoist.
driven. -de cangilones o de capachos, bucket eIeva-
electrirn m,electron. tor, ladder.
electronegativo, electronegative. - del carbdn animal (sz), char elevator.
electroneum5tic0, electropneumatic. -de carga, freight elevator.
electrdnica f, electronics. - de cenizas, ash hoist.
elcctrbnico, electronic. - de cienos (dac), sludge elevator.
electro6smosis f, electroosmosis. -de la compuerta (hid)(M), gate hoist.
electroosm6tic0, electroosmotiu. -de correa, belt elevator.
electropolar, electropolar. -de cristal (auto), window opener.
elcctropositivo, electropositive. -de G U ~ O S ,bucket elevator.
electropropulsiBn 1 (an), electric drive. -de cuezos, hod hoist or elevator.
eloctroquimica f, electrochemistry. -de efecto direct0 (co), direct-lift hoist.
electroquimico, electrochemical. -de la potencial (el&), booster.
electrorreceptivo, electroreceptive.
electrorreducci6n f, electrorednction.
- de leva y rodillo (oo), cam-and-roller hdst.
-de tensidn (el&), booster.
electtorrefinacihn f, electrorefining, electrolytic - de tuberia (pet), tubing elevator.
relining. elevador-reductor (elEc), reversible booster.
elcctroscbpico, e~ectroscopic. elevadora (f) conformadora (M), elevating
electroscopio m, electroscope. grader.
eIectrosemtiforo m (A), electrically operated elevar, to elevate, hoist, raise.
semaphore. -a1 cuadrado (mat), t o square.
electrosidemrgiaf, electrometallurgy of iron and -a potencia (mat), t o raise t o a power.
steal. elevatorio a (Pe), elevating, raising.
electrbsmosis f , electrosmosis, electroosmosis. eliminacibn f, elimination.
eledtrosoldadura f, electric welding. - de las basuras, garbago disposal.
electrostltica f, electrostatics. - de olores (is), odor removal.
electrostiXco, electrostatic. - de sabor (pa), taste removal.
electrotecnia f, electrical engineering, elactro- eliminador m, eliminator.
technology. -de aceite, oil separator or eliminator.
electrot6cniea f, e l e c t r o t e c ~ c s ,eledricaI engi- -de antena tra), antenna eliminator OF
neering. adapter.
electrotecnico m, electrical engineer; a electro- -de arena (ec), sand eliminator.
technical. - de baterias (ra), battery eliminator.
electrotfmnica f, electrotherrnics. - de golpe de ariete, water-hammer suppres-
electrot6rmic0, electrothermal, electrothermic. sor.
126 embrague
-d e remanso (hid), backwater suppressor. embetunar, t o impregnate with pitch; t o bitu-
elinvar m, elinvar (alloy). minize.
elipse f , ellipse. embisagrar, t o hinge.
eiipsbgrafo m, ellipsograph. emblandecer, emblandecerse, t o soften.
elipsoidd, ellipsoidal. embtecar (A), t o treat with tar or asphalt.
elipsoide m, ellipsoid. embobinar (el&) (M), t o wind.
eliptico, elliptical. embocadero m, embocadura f , mouth, outlet.
elongaci6n f , elongation. embolada f, piston stroke; piston displacement.
elongiimetro m (Es), extensometer. dmbolo m,piston.
elutriaci6n f , elutriation. - amortiguador, damping piston.
elutriador m,elutriator. -buzo de empaque central (bm), center-
elutriar, t o elutriate. packed or inside-packed plunger.
eluvial (geol), eluvial. -buzo de prensaestopa exterior (bm), outsidea
eluvibn na (geol), eluvium. end-packed plunger.
emanacibn f, (chem) emanation; (bl) fumes. -cornpensador, balance piston; (turb) dummy
embadurnar, t o butter (brick). piston.
embalaje m, packing (for shipment). -de cierre hidrlulico, nater-packed piston.
embalamiento m, (eng) racing, run-up. -de cubeta, cup-type piston.
embalar, to pack; to bale; (machy) t o race, spin; -de disco, disk piston.
embalarse, (machy) t o race. -distribuidor (mv) , piston valve.
embdastar, t o ballast. -economizador (auto), economizer piston.
embddosar, to pave with tile; t o flag. -equilibrador (brn), balancing piston.
embalsadero m, marsh; pool. -macizo, plunger, ram.
embalsado m (A), marsh; pool. dmbolos opuestos, opposed pistons.
embalsar, t o impound, dam, pond. embolsador m, bagging machine, cement packer.
embalse m, impounding (water); reservoir; (Sp) embolsar, t o p u t in bags.
dam. embonado m (V), leveling course of mortar under
-de acumulacibn (A), st'orage reservoir. roof tiles.
-de almacenamiento o de reserva, storage embonar, t o repair; t o reinforce.
reservoir. embono m (cn), liner, filler.
-de aprovechamiento mGltipIe, multipurpose emboque m, mouth.
reservoir. emboquillado m, mouth, portal; (mas) pointing
-de compensaci6n, equalizing reservoir. or chinking joints.
-de detenciijn, detention basin. emboquillar, t o splay; (mas) t o point or chink
-de retencibn, flood-control reservoir. joints.
-de uso simple, single-purpose reservoir. embornal m, scupper.
-+ regulador, regulating reservoir. embotar, t o blunt, dull.
-retardador, retarding basin or reservoir. embragar, t o throw in a clutch; to sling.
ernbancamiento m (Ec) , embankment. embrague m, clutch.
embancarse, to silt u p (reservoir). -a flirido (auto) (A), fluid drive.
embanqne m, silting; deposit of silt; (Ec) em- -amortiguador, cushion clutch.
bankment. - de anillo, rim or ring friction clutch.
embanquetar (M), t o lay a sidewalk. -de avance o de marcha (pl), travel clutch.
embarbillar (carp), t o join, frame, assemble. -de banda o de cinta, band clutch.
,. embarcacibn f , boat, vessel. - de cojln, cushion clutch.
--- de alijo, lighter. - de compresiSn, compression clutch.
embarcadero m, loading platform, wharf; ferry; -de direccibn, steering clutch.
ferry slip; (ig) yard, landing. -de disco flotante, floating-disk clutch.
-flotante, landing stage. --- de disco seco, dry-disk clutch.
embarcador m, shipper; shipping agent. -de disco Gnico, single-disk clutch.
embarcar, t o ship; t o load. -de discos miiltiples, multiple-disk clutch.
embarnizar, t o varnish. -de expansibn interior, internal-expanding
embarque m,shipment, loading. clutch.
embarrado m, mud plastering; rough ~ l a s t e r i n g . --- de frotamiento, friction clutch.
embarrancarse, t o stick in the mud; (naut) to -de garras, claw or dog clutch.
run aground. --- de giro (pl), swinging clutch.
embarrar, to plaster with mud; t o rough-plaster; -de manguito, sleeve or coupling clutch.
t o pug. -de mordazas o de quijadas, jaw clutch.
embarrilar, tn pack in barrels. -de placa seca, dry-plate clutch.
embarrotar (niiut), t o batten. -de placa triple, three-plate clutch.
embasamiento m, footing; base course, plinth -de platos, disk or plate clutch.
course. - de rodillos, roller clutch.
embayonetar (est) (A), t o crimp. -de rueda libre (auto), overrunning or frce-
embeber, to imbibe; (Col) t o embed. whecling clutch.
embecadura f , spandrel (arch). -dentado, toothed o r dental clutch.
embestida f (pl), crowding. -- deslizante, slip clutch.
embrague 127 emparrillado
-espiral, coil clutch. -cubierto (el&), shielded joint.
-maestro, master clutch. -charpado (el&), scarf joint.
embreadora f (cn), pitch payer. -de aletas (el&), lug splice.
embrear, to coat or impregnate with tar. -de compresiSn (el&), compression splice.
embridar, to flange. -de cruz (el&), cross joint.
embrochalar, t o frame with a header beam. -de derivacihn (elhc), tap joint or splice.
embudador m, 02 hole t o hold a funnel.
embudiforme (A), funneI-shaped.
-de enrollado miiltiple (el&), multiple-wrap
cable splice.
embudo m, funnel; leader head; (M) (C) hopper; -de enrollado simple, single-wrap cable splice.
(C) bin; (top) hollow.
acodado, offset funnel.
- de espiga y mortaja (carp), mortise-and-
tenon joint.
- de abatimiento de presicn, cone of pressure - de reducci6n (el6c), reducing joint.
relief (ground water). -de solapa, lap joint.
- de azotea, leader head. - de vias (fc), junction.
- de caiIa (ar), cane hopper. - derecho (elk), straight-line splice.
-de depresiBn del nivel freltica, cone of water - doblsdo (el&), back-turn splice.
table depression.
ensacador (az) , bagging bin.
- en cruz de enrollamiento paralelo (elcc),
double cross joint.
.- separador (lab), separatory funnel. -invisible (ca), blind intersection.
-sumidera (hid) (A), shaft or glory-hole spill- - largo (cab), long or endless splice.
way. - para artefact0 (el&), fixture splice.
embujar (mas) (C)(A), to bush. -para manguera, hose coupling.
embulonar (A), t o bolt. -retorcido (el&), twist splice.
embutidera f, rivet set; nail set. - termoel6ctric0, thermojunction.
embutido, countersunk; embedded; flush. empalomado m (Es)(Col), diversion dam of dry
-y emparejado (re), countersunk and chipped. masonry.
embutidor m, nail set; pile follower; rivet set, empalletado (m) de choque, fender or collision
driving die; punch. mat.
- de tapones (fc), tie-plug punch. empandarse, t o deflect, sag.
embutir, to embed; t o countersink; (carp) t o let empanelado m (V), paneling.
in. empantanar, to swamp, submerge; empanta-
emergencia f, emergence; emergency. narse, t o stick in the mud, bog down.
emisario m, outlet, outfall. empafietar, to plaster.
emisiSn j (ra), emission. empaiiete m, plaster, stucco.
- espectral (il), spectral emission. empapar, t o soak, saturate.
emisividad f , emissivity. empaque m, gasket, packing, oakum; (elcc cab)
emisor m (ra), transmitter, emitter. bedding; (str) filler plate.
emisora f , broadcasting station. -acopado, seating cup (oil-we11 pump).
emitir, t o emit; (ra) to broadcast, beam. -de cara completa (tub), full-face gasket.
empacable, nestable. -de cojfn (el&), cushion gasket.
empacar, t o pack (for shipment). - de hule.con insercidn de tela, cloth-insertion
empadronar, to take a census; to register irriga- packing.
tion subscribers. - de viistago, rod packing.
empajar, t o cover with straw. -para calafatear (M), calking yarn.
empalizada f, paling fence. ernpaquetadura f , packing, gasket.
empalizadas (A), trench sheeting. - con inserci6n de dambre, wire-insertion
empalmador m, conncctor, clamp; splicer. packing.
empalmadora Cf) de correa, bclt lacer. -de c&Kamo,hemp packing.
empalmadores (m) para correa, belt clamps or - de cinta, gasketing tape.
hooks. -de cuero crudo, rawhide packing.
empalmar, to splice, join, connect. -de laberinto, labyrinth packing.
empalme m, (carp) joint; (elec) splice; (rr) junc- -de lino, flax packing.
tion; (cab) splice; (p) coupling, joint; - del lodo (pet), mud seal.
(mech) connection, joint; (rd) intersec- -de mecha, wick packing.
tion, junction. - laminar, sheet packing.
- a cola de rata (elec), rat-tailed joint. --- metllica fibrosa, fibrous metallic packing.
-a media (carp), halved joint. -retorcida, twist packing.
-a rosca, threaded connection. -tubular, tubular gasketing.
- a tope, butt joint. empaquetar (mec), t o pack.
- amilanado o de cola de milano, dovetail emparchar, to patch.
joint. emparedar, to wall up.
- biselado, miter joint. emparejadora f, straightedge, screed.
- borde ( C ) , butt joint. emparejar, to grade, level off; (rr) to surface;
- britania (el6c), Britannia joint, (re) to chip; t o screed; to rough-plaster.
-carretero, road interfiection. emparrillado m,grillage, grating, grate, grid; (rr]
- corto (cab), short splice. gridiron tracks.
emparrillado 128 encalar
-de bhscula, tilting grate. -de almeja, bull clam shovel.
-de gngulo, angledozer.
-de piso, floor grating.
-oscilante, shaking grate. -de trailla, scraper phsher.
empastar, to paste; (M) t o grssa. -niveladora, bulldozer, Bullgrader, Road-
ernpatar, to splice, join. builder.
empate m, joint, splice, seam. empujar, to push.
-a inglete, miter joint. empujatierra f, bulldozer.
-de solapa, lap joint. empuje m, thrust, push, pressure; bearing (rivet
-de tope, butt joint. or pin) ; (sh) crowding.
-para cadena, connecting or repsir link. -a cable (pl), cable crowd.
- para cinta (lev), tape splice. -de cadena (pl), chain crowd.
-hidrostfitico (pet), water drive.
empatillar (A), t o splice, join.
empavonado, blue (steel). -por gas (pet). gas drive.
empedrado m, stone pavement. empuiiadura Cf) d e pistola, pistol grip,
empedrador m, paver. emulsificadora f, emulsifier.
smpedrar, to pave with stone. emulsificar, t o emulsify.
empegar, t o coat with pitch. emulsi6n f, emulsion.
empelotarse ( C ) , to spall. -de penetracihn (ca), penetration or quick.
empemar, t o bolt, spike, doweI, pin; (str) t o fit breaking emulsion.
UP. emulsionadora f, emulsifier.
empilar (V), to pile, pile up. emulsionar, to emulsify.
empinado, steep; high. emulsivo, emulsive.
ernpinarse, t o slope up; t o stand a t a steep slope. emulsoide m, emulsoid.
empino m, crown of an arch. emulsor m, emulsifier; (hyd) (Sp) air lift.
emphico, empirical. enaguazar, t o flood; t o saturate.
empizarrar, t o roof with slate. enajenacien (f) forzosa, expropriation, condem-
ernplantillado m (Ch), floor paving. nation.
emplasto m, patch (tire). enchanchar, t o widen.
emplazamiento m (PR), location, site. enangostar, to narrow.
emplazar (A), t o set, place, locate. enarcar (Es), t o arch.
empleado m,employee; office employee. enarenaci6n f , sanding; plastering of lime and
emplear, to employ. sand.
empleo m, employment. enarenar, to sand; to deposit sand, silt up.
emplomado, poured or coated with lead. enastar, t o put a handle on.
emplomador m, leadworker. encaballar, t o lap.
emplomadura f, leadwork. encabar (C) (PR), t o put a handle on.
emplomar, t o lead. encabezado m (PR), foreman.
empolvarse, t o become dusty. encabezador m, heading tool.
empotrado, embedded; fixed (beam). -de pernos, bolt-heading tool.
-Dor una extremidad. fixed one end. -de remaches, rivet header.
empotramiento m, abutment; embedding; (p) (V) encabezamiento m, heading; title of a drawing.
branch outlet; (V) service connection to a -en frio, cold-heading (bolt).
sewer. encabezar, t o cap; t o place on end; to frame end
ompotrar, t o embed, to fix in a wall; (carp) to let to end; to head (bolts),
in; (B) t o mortise. encabillar, t o dowel, pin.
smpotre m (V),house connection t o a sewer; t a p encabriar, t o place rafters.
in a main. encachado m, (tun) lining; paving of s cuIvert;
ampozarse, to form pools, become stagnant. {C)riprap.
empresa f, undertaking, enterprise; company. encachar, to line with concrete; t o riprap; t o
-constructors, construction company. pave a stream bed or culvert.
-de acueducto o de agua potable, water com- encadenado m, (mas) bond; (A) bracing; (V)
pany. buttress, retaining wall.
-de servicios pf~blicos, pubIicutility com- encadenar, t o chain; to brace; to buttress; (mas)
pany. to bond.
-de transporte, carrier, transportation corn- encajable, nestable.
PmY. encajar, to rabbet; to gear; t o fit.
-Badora, bonding company. encaje m, rabbet, recess; socket; fitting; (Col)
-fiscal, a government enterprise. gear; (Sp) bell end of a pipe.
-, por, by contract. -chaflanado (Col), bevel gear.
empresas municipales, municipal utilities. encajonado m, cofferdam ; boxing; a narrow, con-
empresario m, contractor; employer. fined by steep hillsides.
amprdstito m, borrowed 611; s loan. encajonar, t o box, pack; to cofferdam; to con-
empujador m,pusher. fine; encajonarse (r), t o run in a canyon.
-de carros, car mover or pusher. encalado m (V), finishing coat of plaster, whitr:
-de tubos, pipe pusher. or skim coat.
empujadora f,pusher. encalar, t o treat with lime; t o whitewash.
encalladero 129 enchavetar
encalladero m, shoal, sandbank. encespedar, to sad, turf, grass.
encallar, t o run aground, strand. encima f (quim), enzyme; adu overhead, on top.
encamaci6n f (min), timbering; lagging. encina f , encino m, oak.
encamisar, t o place lagging, lining, sleeve, or encingar (Ch),t o place galvanized sheet-metal
bushing. work.
encanalar (Es),t o conduct (water) ; ta canalize. encintado m, curb; (elec) taping.
encanalizar (Es), t o canalize. encintar (elkc), t o tape.
encandkmiento m (auto) (M), glare, dazzling. enclavamiento m, nailing, spiking; (mech) (rr)
encafiada f (B), canyon. (elec) interlocking.
encaiiado m, (Sp) gutter; (Sp) conduit; 0 -de aproximaciBn (fc), approach locking.
framework of cane. -de tiempo (fc), time locking.
encaiiar, t o pipe; t o drdn. -de trhfico (fc), traffic locking.
encape m (min) (B), overburden. -de tramo (fc), section locking.
encapillar (t6n) (min) , to enlarge a heading. -de trazado (f c) ,route locking.
encapsular (lab), t o capsule. -indicador (fc), indication locking.
encarcelar, t o clamp. enclavar, t o nail, spike; t o lock, interlock; to
encargado m, man in charge. drive (well); enclavarse, to lock.
- del trdnsito (lev), transitman, instrument- enclavijar, to dowel, pin.
man. encobrado, copper-plated; copper-bearing.
- de via (fc), roadmaster, supervisor. encobrizado, copper-plated.
encofrado m, forms; plmking, sheeting, framing;
encarriladera f (fc), wrecking frog, rerailing
device. cribwork.
encarrilador m, wrecking frog, car replacer. -deslizante, traveling forms.
encarrilar, to rernil, place on the rails. encofrador m,form carpenter.
encarrujamiento m (cab), kink. encofrar, (conc) t o form ; t o plank.
encasquillar, to bush; t o ferrule; to shoe horses. encoger, encogerse, t o contract, shrink.
encastillada, castellated (nut). encolado m (pint), sizing.
encastrar, t o embed; to let in; (wr) t o socket. encoladora f, gluing machine.
encastre m, groove; socket; insert; (U)recess. encolaje m, sizing; gluing.
- ebierto (cab), opon socket. encolamiento m (A), glue, cementing material.
-acufiado (cab), wedge socket. encolar, to glue; t o siee.
- cerrado (cab), closed socket. encorchetar, to clamp.
-cerrado para puente (cab), closed bridge encordar, to lash (occmionaIIy means to reeve).
socket. encorozar, (Ch) to smooth up a wall; (Col) t o
con gancho (cab), hook socket.
gancho giratorio (cab), swivel-hook
a 1 in between beams on a wall.
encorvado en frio, pent cold.

- sotlket.
de muiibn (niut), gudgeon, gudgeon socket.
-de puente (cab), bridge socket.
encorvador (m) de rieles, rail bender, jim-crow.
encorvar, t o bend, curve; encorvarse, to deflect,
-escalonado (cab), stepped socket. encostillado m, lathing; lagging in a mine or tun-
- giratorio (cab), swivel socket. nel.
encostrarse, t o form scale.
encauchar, t o treat w i t h rubber.
encauzar, t o guide (stream), t o canalize. encribado m, cribwork, blocking.
encenagamiento m (A), deposit of mud. edcristdado m,glaring.
encendedor m, (bl) (di) igniter; (ge) sparker, encrucijada f,street intersection, road crossing.
igniter; (ra) ignitcr, exciter. -con glorieta, rotary intersection, road crom
- a hilo cdiente (vol), hot-wire fuse lighter. ing with traffic circle.
-de mecha (vol), fuse igniter. encuadrado m (tv), framing.
- de tiempo (vol), delay igniter. encuadrar, to square; to frame.
encender, t o ignite; encenderse, t o ignite, take encubado m (rnin), cribbing, tubbing.
fire. encuelladero m (pet), monkey board.
encendido m, ignition; (bl) (Sp) firing. encuellador m (pot), man who couples pipe, den
- a cabeza ardiente, hot-bulb ignition. rickman.
-anticipado, preignition. encuentro m, joint; junction; intersection.
- doble, dual ignition. encuesta Cf) sanitaria (V), sanitary survey.
-espontkneo, self-ignition, spontaneous i d - encuilar, to wedge, key.
tion. enchapado con cadmio, cadmium-plated.
-por compresibn, compression ignition. enchapado de plomo, lead-coated.
-pot chispa, spark ignition. enchapar, to veneer; to line with sheet metal;
- por tubo incandescente, hot-tube ignition. b\) to plate; (conc)(V) to build up by
encepar, to place a cap or headcr. plastering.
encerado m, tarpaulin, oilskin. enchaquetado, jacketed.
encerar, t o make stiffer (mortar). encharcado, swampy.
encerrable, (elec) sealable. encharcarse, to become swampy, form pooh
encerrado, enclosed; sealed. (sd) t o pool.
encerroiamiento m (fc), interlocking. enchavetar, to key,
:hinar, to pave with cobbIes. -hidrlulica, water power.
.huchar (fc)(C), to switch. -inversa, reverse power.
:hufar, to telescope; t o nest; t o mesh; to pIug -permanente, firm or primary power; primary
in. energy.
:hufe m, bell end of a pipe; beU-and-spigot -primaria, firm power; primary energy.
joint; (elec) plug; (cab) socket. -provisoria, dump power; secondary power.
. abierto (cab), open socket. - rsdiante, radiant energy.
cerrado (cab), closed socket. - secundaria, secondary energy; secondary or
de aprieto (mh), grip socket. surplus power.
de campana, (p) bell-and-spigot joint ; (pet) - t bmica, steam-generated power.
bell socket. energizar, t o energize.
. de pesca (pet), overshot. en6simo (mat), nth (power).
de euente (cab), bridge socket. enfajinado m (r), fascine work, bank protection
. desdojador (pet), releasing socket. of branches; (M) stone riprap.
desprendedor (pet), releasing socket or over- enfangar, to cover with mud; enfangarse, to silt
shot. UP-
fusible, fuse plug. enfardadora V) de sacos, cement-bag baler.
hembra, bell end of pipe. enfermedad V) hidrica (Ec) (V), water-borne
macho, spigot end of pipe; (elec)(A) plug. disease.
g corddn o y espiga (tub), bell and spigot, enfermedad profesional, occupational disease.
hub and spigot. enferradura f, ironwork; (Ch) reinforcing steel.
lentado m, (conc) keyway; (mm) toothing; enfiilar, to line up, align, range.
(hyd) toe wall; a toothed, dentated. enfocar, to focus.
Lentar, to key, tooth; t o mesh. enfoque m, focusing.
Lerezador m, straightener; rectifier. -a gas o idnico (ra), gas or ionic focusing.
de cocas, (wr) kink iron. enfoscado m (M), coat of plaster.
de diamante, diamond dresser. enfoscar, t o patch or fUwith mortar.
de pozos (pet), hole conditioner. enfrenar, t o brake.
de ruedas (auto). wheel straightener. enfrentado y perforado (tub), faced and drilled.
lerezadora f, straightener; rectifier. enfrentar, t o face.
lerezar, to line, straighten; (elec) t o rectify; enfriadero m, cooler.
(pmy) (A) t o rectify. enfriado, cooled.
licamiento m, dike, levee. -a liquido, liquid-cooled.
licar, t o build dikes. -por agua, water-cooled.
Loble m (min), shift of double length. -por aire, air-cooled.
loclinal m (geol) , endoche; a endoclinal. enfriador m , cooler; coolant; (pet) chiller.
lodino (ra) (Es) , endodyne. -intermedio, intercooler.
loenzima f (is), endoenzyme. -unitario (aa) , unit cooler.
lolado m (ed) (Ch), soffit of s door or window enfriamiento m, (eng) (ac) cooling; refrigeration.
opening. -atmosfkrico o evaporativo, atmospheric or
lopwksito (is), endoparasite. evaporative cooling.
Luido m (A), brush coat of grout or a water- -de elaboracibn, process cooling.
proofing material; finishing coat of plaster. -de punto (aa), spot cooling.
lulzar, to soften (water); to sweeten (oil). - de rocfo, spray cooling.
Lurecedor m, hardener (all senses). -de superficie (aa), surface cooling.
Lurecer, to harden; to indurate; endurecerse, -indirect0 (aa), indirect cooling or refrigera-
to harden, get hard. tion,
- a martillo, to hammer-harden. enfriar, to cool; enfriarse, t o cool, cool off.
lurecido, hardened. enfurgonar (PR), t o load a box car.
- a1 aire. air-hardened. engalabernar (Col), t o fra~netimbers together.
- a rnartillo, hammer-hard. engalgar, to chock, scotch.
- superficialmente (met), casehardened enganchador m,coupler;labor agent; (Ig) hooker,
furecimiento m, hardening; hardness. hook tender; (min) bottomer, onsetter.
- de trabajo (met), work hardness. -de correa, belt stud.
- por deformacihn (met), strain hardening. enganchar, t o hook, couple, engage; to employ,
- por inducci6n (met), induction hardening. t o recruit labor.
- por precipitaci6n (met), precipitationharden- enganche m, coupling, coupler; hooking on;
ing. hitch; recruiting (labor).
xgia f, energy, power. -completamente flotante, full-floating hitch.
- absorbida, input. -de gaucho, snatch hitch
- continua, firm power; primary power. - de garras, jaw or M.C.B. coupler.
- de base (U), firm power; ~ r i r n a r ypower. -de vuelta, anchor hitch.
- de deformaci611, strain energy. -giratorio, swivel hitch.
- de salida, output. -para remolque, towing hitch; trailer hitch.
- especifica (hid), specific energy. -universal, universal hitch.
- firme (M), firm power. engargantar, to mesh, engage,
engargoladora 131 enlace
engargoladora f, matcher, groover. -intermedio o loco, idle gear.
engargolar, to groove; to make a male-and-fe- -maestro, master gear.
male joint.
engarzar, t o hook, couple.
-moldeado, molded gear.
-multiplicador, increasing gear, over-gear.
engasamiento m (pet) (M) , gassing. -planetario o satUte, planetary gear.
engastador (m)de tornillo, screw chaser. -receptor (A), driven gear.
engastar, to embed, incase. -recto, spur gear.
engaste, setting, bedding. -reductor, reducing gear.
engatillar, t o clamp, cramp. -sol, sun gear.
engendrador m (mat), generator. -t d a d o , cut-tooth or machine-cut gear.
- de engranajes, gear generator. -trabador (auto), locking gear.
engendrar (mat), t o generate. -transmisor, drive gear.
engomado, rubberized; gummy [oil). engranajes (mh)
engomarse, t o gum (oil). -de cambio r&pido,quick-change gears.
engoznar, to hinge. -de reversi6n (A), change gears.
engramar, to grass, sod. -traseros, back gearing.
engrampar, t o clamp; t o stapIe. engrmar, t o gear, engage; engranarse, t o mesh,
engranado directamente, direct-geared. engage; (A) t o seize, stick.
engranaje m, gearing; a goar. engrane m, gear; meshing; (machy) (A) seizing.
- angular o cbnico, bevel gear. engranzar (A), t o surface with gravel or crushed
- citindrico, spur gear. stone.
- circumferential, girth gear. engranzonar (V),t o surface with gravel.
-c6nicohelicoidal, spiral bevel gear. engrapadora j, any clamping device.
- de aumento, increasing gcar. engrapar, to clamp, cramp.
- de avance, feed gear. engrasadera f, grease cup.
de baja (auto), low gear.
de cambio (de velocidad), change or chmge-
engrasador m, grease cup; grease gun; oiler.
-a pistola, grease gun.
speed gear. -de compresiBn, grease cup.
- -
de contramarcha (auto), reverse gear.
de corona, crown wheel; face gear.
de dientes escalonados, stepped or stag-
de gotas visibles, sight-feed lubricator.
-de pistSn, grease gun.
engrasaje m, lubrication, greasing.
gered-tooth gear. engrasar, to greaae, lubricate.
- de dientes helicoidales angulares, double
helical gear.
engrase m,lubrication, greasing.
-por anillos, ring lubrication.
- -
- de dientes postizos, mortise gcar.
de distribucih (mg), timing or distributer
gear. -
por gravedad (auto), gravity lubrication.
-por mecha, wick lubrication.
por presibn, forced lubrication.
- de espina de pescado, herringbone gear. engravar, to surface with gravel.
de Ginebra, Geneva motion.
de giro (gr), bull gear.
engravillar, to surface with grits or atone acreen-
- de inglete, miter gear. engredar, to treat with clay.
de inversibn (mh), tumbler gear.
de linterna, pin gear.
de 16bulos, lobe gear.
engrilletar, t o attach a socket, clevis, or shackle.
engrosar, to upset (bar) ; engrosarse, t o swell.
engrudo m, belt dressing; paste.
de mando, driving gear.
de manguito, quill gcar.
enguijarrar, to surface with gravel; t o pave with
-de marcha atrls o de retroceso (auto), rt+ enhuacalado m, (M) cribwork; crating.
verse gear. enhuacdar, t o crate.
- de paso corto, he-pitch gear. enhuecar, to hollow out.
- de reduccibn simple, single-reduction gear- enjarciadura f , rigging.
ing. enjarciar, to rig.
- de reversa (auto) (M), reverse gear. enjarje m (lad), toothing.
-de rosca o de tornillo sin fin,worm gear. enjaular (min), to load in the cage.
-de rotacidn (gr), swinging gear. enjuagar, t o rinse; ( C ) t o flush; (M) t a backwash
- de transposici8n, transposing gear. (filter).
-de triple reduccitin, triple-reduction gear. enjugador m (pet), stripper.
-desplazable, sliding gear. enjunque m, pig-iron ballast, kentledge.
-diferencial planetario, planet differentid. enjuta f, spandrel (arch).
- doble helicoidal, herringbone gear. enjutado m (Es),spandrel fiuing.
- en bisel, bevel gear. enjutar, to dry.
- espiral, spiral or helical gear. enjuto, dry; (conc) lean.
-fresado, machine-cut gem. enlacar (M), to shellac.
-helicoidal, helical or worm gear; screw wlleel. enlace na, interluckinp; lacing: Enkage; bond;
- hipoidal, hypoid gears. (rr) crossover; (rr) ladder track; (p) con-
- impulsado o mandado, driven gcar. nection.
- impulsor o motor, drive gear, driver. -- dorniciliario (tub) (A), house connection.
enlaces ensayar
enlaces de correa, belt lacing. enrejar, t o place gratings or grills; (str) to Iace,
enladrillado m, brick paving, brickwork; brick- lattice.
laying. enrejillado m, grating, grid.
-reforzado, reinforced brickwork. enrieladura f, rail laying; rails in place.
enladrillador m, bricklayer; brick paver. enrielar, to lay rails; to put on the rails.
edadrillar, to lay brick, t o pave with brick. enripiar, t o surface with gravel.
enlagunar, to flood, inundate. encocamiento m, rock fill, stone r$rap; enrock-
enlajar, t o lay flagstones. ment.
enlamar, to cover with silt. - acomodado, rock fill hand-placed.
enlatar, t o roof with tin; t o lath; t o lag; to cleat. - vertido, rock fill dumped, dump fill.
enlazadora (f) de correas, belt lacer. -volteado (M), rock fdl dumped.
enlazar, to join, connect, splice. enrocar, t o fill with rock; to riprap.
enlechar, t o grout. enrojecido a1 fuego, red-hot.
enleglimar, t o cover with mud; enlegamarse, t o enrollable, rolling (shutter).
silt up. enrollado m (elk), winding.
enlistonado (m) meWco, metal lathing. enrollador m, reel; (met) coiler.
enlistonar, t o lath; t o cleat, batten; to lag. enrollamiento m (eIQc),winding.
edodamiento m, silting up; covering with mud; -apilado (A), banked winding.
(machy) fouling. -superpuesto (A), banked winding.
enlodar, to place mud; t o seal with mud; enlo- enrollar, t o wind, reel, coil.
darse, t o become muddy. enromar, to blunt, dull.
enlodazar, to cover with mud. enroscar, to thread; to screw up.
enlosado (m)hueco (V), hollow-tile construc- enrosque m, threading; screwing up.
tion. ensabanado m, scratch coat of plaster.
enlosador ma, tile paver. ensacar, t o put in bags.
enlosar, to pave with flam or tiles. ensamblado, dovetailed, built-up, framed.
enlozar, t o enamel, glaze. ensamblador m, joiner; framer.
enlucido m, plaster coat; sidewalk finish. ebsambladora f, assembling machine.
enlucidor m, plasterer. ensambladura f, joint.
educir, t o plaster. -a cola de milano, dovetail joint.
edlantar, to put a tire on; t o rim. -a media madera (carp), halved joint.
enmaderacih f (Ch), boarding, forms. -a tope, butt joint.
-de zanjas, trench timbering. -de caja y espiga, mortiseand-tenon joint.
enmaderador m,timberman, shorer. -de inglete, miter joint.
enmaderar, t o plank, board, timber. -de lengiieta, tongue-and-groove joint.
enmadrar (Col), to confine a river, canalize. -de pasador, pin-connected joint.
enmangar, to put a handle on. -enrasada, flnsh joint.
enmasiuar, t o putty. -solapada, lap joint.
enmechar (carp) (M), t o rabbet; t o mortise. -saldada, weldment.
enmendar, to fleet,(tackle) ;t o revise (plans). ensamblaje m, assembling, joining, joint, fram-
enmiendrr (j)de planos, revision of plans. ing.
enmohecerse, t o rust. -a medio inglete, half-miter joint.
enmoatado, wooded (country). -charpado, scarf joint.
enmuescar, to notch, mortise. -de lengfieta postiza, splined or loose-tongue
enmurado, built into a wall. joint.
enquiciat, to hinge. -de media madera en bisel, beveled halving.
enrajonar, t o build a wall with rubble; to riprap; -de rebajado dentado, tabled joint.
(C) to chink joints. -selective (maq), selective assembly.
emallado m (Col), tie beam of s wood truss. ensamblar, t o assemble, frame, join, connect.
enramado m, mattress of branches. ensamble m, joint, assembly.
enrarecer, t o rarefy. ensanchador m, widener; reamer, broach, drift;
enrasador de tierra (irr), land plane. (bo) tube expander; (str) driftpin; (pet)
enrasar, to make level, grade; to rough-plaster; enlarger.
to screed, smooth u p ; t o fur; to dub out. - de enarecad de expansih (fc), rail-joint
enrase m, leveling up, grading. expander.
emasillado m, furring; f d h g on top of floor - de fondo (pet), underreamer.
-de neumhticos (auto), tire spreader.
enrejado m, (atr) grillage; (6tr) latticing, lacing; ensanchadora Cf) de caminos, road widener.
(hyd) trash rack, bar screen; grizzly; (V) ensanchadora-acabadora, widening finisher.
(Col) lap of roof tiles; a foul (rope) ; (M) ensanchar, to widen, enlarge; t o ream.
kinked. ensanehatubos m. pipe expander.
-de dambre, wire netting, wire mesh. ensanche m, widening, extension, enlargement.
- del radiador (auto), radiator shutter. ensardinado m (Ch), rowlock, course of brick on
-simple (est), lacing. edge.
enrejalar (Col), to lay brick with open spaces ensayador m, assayer, tester; testing machine.
kween. ensayar, to assay, test.
entoscar (A), to fill or surface with tosca.
entrada f, entrance; (hyd) intake, inlet; (rd) a p
proach; (min) entry; (com) cash receipts;
point of a drill or reamer; (conc) embedded
end of a beam; encased part of a lock.
-de operacibn, operating income.
entradas brutas, gross receipts.
-a la traccibn, tensile test. entradas y salidas, receipts and expenditures.
-dede arrastre
adherencia (ref), puu-out test.
(is), elutriation test.
entramado mi floor framing, framework; stud-
ding; cribwork; (Col) grillage.
- continuo (est) (A), continuous frame.
entrante na, recess, rabbet, step; (top) hollow; a
entrecanal f, space between canals; spacing of
grooves or corrugations.
entrecarril m (fc) (V), gage.
- cornpensador (fc), expansion gap.
entrecavado, partly excavated.
entrecierre m, interlock; partial closing.
entrecinta f, (tu) collar beam.
entrecortezaf, bark showing in interior of timber.
entrecruzado, intercrossed.
entrecubiertas m (cn) , between decks.
entrediente m (si), gullet.
entredds m ( C ) , Wer, spacer, separator; pipe
ve, small bay, embayment. entreeje m, distance between axles, wheel base.
entrefino, medium-fine.
entrega f, delivery; (Col) the part of a beam em-
bedded in a wall.
entregar, to deliver; to embed.
entrehierro m (elhc), clearance, air gap.
-para ondas, surge gap.
entrejuntar, to put together, assemble, fit up.
entrelaminado (geol), interbedded.
entrelazar, to interlace; t o interlock; t o hook up
(power plants).
entremezclar, to intermix.
nthdpy, heat content. entrenzado m Iest), lacing, latticing.
mortise, notch, groove, dap; (mas) entrepafio m, panel; shelf.
entreperffl m. (Es),distance between cross s e e
entrepilastra f, spacing of pilasters.
entrepiso m, (bldg) mezzanine; (M) (A) (V)upper
floor; (A) floor structure (in a reinforced-
,eg$arquinamientom, deposit of mud or silt. concrete or steel-frame building the wear-
entarquinarse, to silt up (reservoir). ing surface is piso, the cinder-concrete fill
entarugar, to plug; to lay wood blocks. contrapiso, and the floor structure en-
entechar, to roof. trepiso); (mi.) intermediate gallery be-
entejar, t o lay roof tiles. tween two main levels.
entenalla para empalmar (C), splicing clamp. - de losa plana (A), flst-slab (concrete) floor.
-nervurado (A), ribbed floor.
a n t e d a s f, small vise.
antepar (A), to sod. entrepuentes m (cn), between decks.
%nt&rico (is), enteric. entrerranuras m (A), space between grooves,
enteritisf (is), enteritis. land.
enterizo, in one piece, solid, integral. entrerriipido, medium-fast.
entero m,integer. whole number; a whole, inte- entreneborde (maq), interflange.
gral, complete. entrerrenglonar (tv), to interlace.
entibado m, timbering; cribwork, blocking. entrerrieles ma (fc) (Es), distance between tracks.
entibador m, timberman; (re) bucker, dolly. entrerrosca f (tub), nipple.
entibadora U)neumhtica (re), holder-on. - con tuerca, hexagon-center nipple.
entibw, to timber, shore, prop; (re) to buck up. -corta, short nipple.
entibo m, shore, prop. -de largo minimo, close nipple.
entintar (dib), to ink in. -larga, long nipple.
entizar (Ch) (Pe) to plaster, -para tanques, tank nipple (special thread).
entorniltar, to thread. entresecado, partly seasolled.
entresuelo 134 equipo

entresuelo m, mezzanine; (min) (M) intermediate epidiorita f (geol) , epidiorite.

gallery between two main levels; shallow epidoto m, epidota f (miner), epidote.
basement. --- calizo, lime epidote, zoisite.
entresurco m, spacing of furrows. -mangan6sic0, piedmontite, manganese epi-
entretenimiento m (Es), (machy) maintenance. dote.
entreviilvula (ra), intervalve. epipolar (fma), epipolar.
entreventana f , mullion, pier between windows. epipolo m (fma;, epipole.
entrevia f (fc), gage; (Sp)(C) space between 6poca f (geol), epoch.
tracks. - de crecidas, flood season.
--- angosta, narrow gage. -de Iluvias, rainy season.
-normal, standard gage. -de magras (A), season of low water.
entrevigado nz, space between beams. -de sequia, d r y season.
entrevigar (Es), t o fill in between beams. epsomita f,epsomite, native Epsom salt.
entroncar (fc), t o join, make a junction. eptodo m (ra) (Es), heptode.
entranque m, (rr) junction; (C) sewer or water equiLngulo, equiangular.
connection t o a main. equiaxil, equiaxial.
entropia f , entropy. equicohesivo (met), equicohesive.
entubacibn f, piping, tubing, wcll casing; (M) equidepresibn f (fma), equidepression.
piping (earth dam). equidimensional, of equal dimensions, equiaxed.
entubado (m) de pozos, well casing. equidistancia f , spacing, pitch; equidistance.
entubar, t o pipe; entubarse (M), t o pipe (carth equidistante, equidistant.
dam). equidistribucidn f (M), equal distribution.
entuercadora f (herr), n u t runner or setter or equigranular, equigranular.
tightener. equiliitero, equilateral.
enturnecerse, t o swell. equilibrador m,balancer; equilibrator.
enturbiarse, t o become turbid. equilibrante m, equilibrant.
envagonar (Pe)(PR), t o load a car. equilibrar, t o balance, counterbalance; t o equil-
envarillado rn, (A) grill; (A)(M) concrete rein- ibrate.
forcement. equilibrio m, equilibrium, balance.
envasar, t o pack (for shipment). -a1 deslizamiento (Col), stability against slid-
envase m, packing, boxing; a container. ing (dam).
enve jecimiento m, aging (all senses). -de calor, heat balance.
-por sumersibn (met), quench aging. -de oxigeno (is), oxygen balance.
-por deformacidn (met), strain aging. -de sucrosa (az), sucrose balance.
envergadura f (ap), span or spread of an air- -dinTimico, dynamic or running balance.
plane. -estable, stable equilibrium.
enverjado m (est) (Es), latticing; web member. -estbtico, static or standing balance.
enviajado m, skew. - indiferente, neutral equilibrium.
enviar, t o send, ship, forward. - inestable, unstable equilibrium.
envigado m,floor framing, system of beams. - pliistico (ms), plastic equilibrium.
envigar, t o set beams. equilibristato rn (fc), equilibristat.
envfo m, shipment. equimolecular, equimolecular.
envoltorio m (A), housing, container. equinoccio (m) otoiial, autumnal equinox.
envoltura f, casing, jacket, housing; lagging. equinoccio vernal, vernal equinox.
-de guitarra (auto), banjo housing. equipar, t o equip, f i t out.
-- de neumktico (M), tire shoe. equipo m, equipment, plant, outfit, rig; kit;
envolvente m, casing, jacket; (math) envelope. gang, shift.
---- aislador, insulation, lagging. -Basificador (ag) , screening equipment.
--- de caldera, boiler shell; boiler lagging. ---- de dia, day shift.
-del embrague (auto) (U),cllitch housing. -de dosificacidn (conc), batching plant.
-del volante (auto), flywheel housing. -- de emergencia, wrecking gang.
enyerbar, t o sod, grass. -de ingenieros, engineering party or corps.
enyesado m, plastering. --- de machaqueo, crusher p h t .
enyesador m, plasterer. --- de noche, night shift.
enyesar, t o plaster. - - de ocasiSn (ec), used equipment.
enzarzado m, frame of stakes and header uscd in -de perforacibn, drilling rig.
river-bank protection. -de reparaciones, repair gang.
enzima f (quim), enzyme. -de trabajo, construction plant.
enzimico, ensymic. -de tumbadores (ef), falling crew.
enzolvar (hid)(M), t o silt up. -de urgencia, wrecking crew.
enzunchar, t o hoop, band. -dragador, dredging equipment.
eblico (geol), aeolian. ---mudador de tierra, earth-moving equipment
eosina j (is), eosin. -normal o de norma (auto), standard equip
eosinato m (lab), eosinate, eosate. ment.
epicentral (geol). epicentral. --- proporcionador (conc), batcher plant.
epicentro m,epicrnter. - rodante (fr:), rolling stock, equipment.
-suavizador, softening plant (water). -de plomada (hid), plumb-bob @;age.
equipotencial, equipotential. -de sueldos, wage scale.
equivalencia f, equivalence. -fluviomGtrica 0 hidrombtrica, stream or
equivalente m a, equivalent. staff gage.
-centrifuge de humedad (ms), centrifuge - fraccionaria (dib), fractional scale, repre-
moisture equivalent. sentative fraction.
- de humedad en el campo (ms)(C), field -griifica (dib), graphic scale.
moisture equivalent. - platino cobalto (pa), platinum cobalt scale.
- meciinico del calor, mechanical equivalent -real (cn) , accommodation ladder.
of heat. - registradora diferencial (hid), recording dif-
era f , paved or graded area, working area; mix- ferential gage.
ing board, -salmonera (hid), fishway, salmon ladder.
erecci6n f, erection. escala-transportadora, protractor scale.
erector m,erector, steclworker; erector (optics). escalador m (A), escalator.
ergio m, erg. escaladores, climbers. ,
erigir, t o erect, set up, build. escdddn m, scale of wages; register of employees.
eritrina f (miner), erythrite, cobalt bloom. escalar, u (dwg) to scale; a scalar.
eritrosina f (lab), erythrosin. escaleno (mat), scalene.
erogacih f, expenditure; (pu) (A) delivery. escalera f, stair, stairway, ladder.
- de combustible (A), fuel consumption. -de caracol o de husillo, spiral stairway.
erosidn f, erosion. -de cuerda, rope ladder.
erosional, erosional. -de escape o de salvamento, fire escape.
erosionar, t o erode. -de escapulario, ladder fixed in a shaft or
erosivo, erosive. manhole.
erriitico (geol), erratic. -de ganchos, hook ladder.
error m (mat), error. -de ida y vuelta o de media vuelta, half-turn
-de cierre (lev), error of closure. stairs.
-restante (mat), residual error. -de largueros corredizos, extension ladder.
- sistemltico (mat), constant or systematic -de mano, ladder, stepladder.
error. -de papagayo, pole with peg steps.
erstedio m (el&) (A), oersted. -de peces (hid), fishway.
erupci6n f, eruption. -de portaldn (cn), accommodation Iadder.
eruptive, volcanic, eruptive. - de tijera, stepladder; trestle ladder.
esbeltez V), relacidn de (est), slenderness ratio. -mechnica o m6vi1, escalator.
esbozar, to sketch. -rampante (A), ramp with cleats, chicken lad-
esbozo m, sketch. der, crawling board,
escabroso, rough, rugged (ground). -rodante (A), escalator.
escafandrista m,diver. -sin fin (C), escalator.
escafandro m, diving suit. -voladiza, hanging stairs.
escafiar, t o trim brick. escalerilla f, rack (for pinion); car step.
escala f, ladder; scale (of a drawing); scale -para cables (clbc), cablo rack.
(draftsman's) ; gage; port of call. escalerista m (A), stairbuilder.
--- absoluta (temperatura), absolute or Kelvin escalero m (Es), man who reads the stream gage.
scale. escalimetro m, escal6grafo m (dib)(A), triangu-
-de aguja (hid), point gage. lar scale.
-de arquitecto (dib), an architect's scale (feet escalinata f, small stairway; outside stairway.
and inches). e s h e e (Ch), manhole steps.
-de cable, rope ladder. escaldn m, step, rung, stair tread; gradin; (em)
-de calado (nhut), draft gage. bench; (dd) aitar; (min) stope.
--- de cinta (hid), tapo gage. -de banco (min), underhand stope.
-de dureza, scnlc of hardness. -de barra, manhole step.
de emergencia, fire escape. -de cielo (min), overhand stope.
de esclusas, flight of locks. -de denudaci6n (geol) (A), escarpment pr*
---- de flotador (hid), float gage. duced by erosion.
-de gancho (hid), hook gage. -de fractura (geol)(A), fault scarp.
-de garfios, honk lxlrler. escalonado, stepped ; graded (gravel).
- de gat0 (ngut), rope or Jacob's ladder.
-de graduacih total (dib) , chain scale.
escalonamiento m, steps; (elec) notching; (ag)
rock ladder.
-de ingeniero (dib), an engineer's scale (deci- escalonar, to form in steps; (surv) to offset.
m al) escama f, boiler scale, scaIc of rust, flake.
-de Listones, cleat ladder. escamaciones f, incrustations, scale.
-de mareas, tide gage. escamarse (Pe), t o form scale, scale off.
- de millas, scale of miles. escamoso, scaly, flaky;(geol) platy.
- de octanos, octane scale. escandallar, to take soundings.
-de peces o de pocillos (hid), h h ladder, fish- escandallo m, sounding lead.
way. escantiUar, to gage, to measure; to lay out.

escanfillhn m, stiaightedge, screed, strickle, escarpia f, spike; (surv) spad; (Sp) staple.
screed board; rule; gage; template; level -con bIo de cincel, chisel-pointed spike.
board; (rr) gage bar. -cortada, cut spike.
-de Birmingham, Birmingham wire gage. -de fdo paralelo, reverse-point spike.
-de bisel, miter rod. -de madera, tie plug, wooden spike.
- para puntas (mh), center gage. -de via, track spike.
-para roscas, screw-pitch gage. escarpiador m (fc), spiker.
-Tibratori0 (pav), vibrator screed. escarpiar, to spike.
escape m, leak; exhaust; ou let; escapement escarzano, segmental (arch).
(rr) (M) siding; (pu) slip. escasear (Es), to bevel.
-de fondo (Col), sluiceway (dam). escatoi m (i), skatole.
-de incendio (M), fire escape. escayola f,scagliola; (Col) white coat of plaster.
-de rejilla (ra)(A), grid leak. escltr6grafo m (pet), sclerograph.
escapolita f (miner), scapolite, wemerite. esclerom&trico,sclerometric.
escarabajo m, beetle; (fdy) air hole. escler6metro m, sclerometer,
- de corteza (mad), bark beetle. escleroscopio m, scleroscope.
-de podricibn seca (mad), powder-post beetle esclusa f, sluice; air lock; navigation lock.
escaramujo rn, barnacle. -contra la marea, tide lock.
escarbador m, plugging chisel. -de cuenco, navigation lock.
-de juntas, bricklayer's jointer. -de desviaciSn, diversion sluice.
escarbar juntas (lad), t o rake joints. -de emergencia, emergency lock.
escariado m,reaming, broaching. - de escape (thn), escape lock.
-de desbaste, rough reaming. -de salida, tail lock.
-de supedcie, surface broaching. -en T (ttn), T lock.
- rGstico (A), rough reaming. -neumiitica, air lock.
escariador m, reamer. -para armadfas (r), log sluice.
-acabador, finishing reamer. -para escombros (ttn), material lock.
- acanalado o arrugado, fluted reamer. esclusa-hospital, hospital or medical lock.
- ahusado o cSnico, taper reamer. esclusada f, lockful, volume of water in a lock.
-ajustable, expansion reamer. esclusaje m, lockage; sluicing.
-centrador, center reamer. esclusar, t o lock (vessel) ; to sluice.
-cillndrico, straight reamer. esclusero m, lock tender.
-corona (A), shell reamer. escoba f, broom.
-chato, flat reamer. -caminera, road broom.
-de cabeza cortante, rose reamer. -de arrastre, drag broom.
- de canal espiral o de estrfas espirdes, spiral-
fluted reamer.
-de caucho, squeegee.
-de piazava, bass broom.
- de empuje, push broach. - meclnica, swccper, power broom.
- de espiga cilindrica, straight-shank reamer.
-de espiga c6nica, taper-shank reamer.
escoben m (cn), hawsehole.
escobilla f, brush; (elec) brush.
-de estrias rectas, straight-fluted reamer. -de alambre, wire brush.
-de fondo (pet), underreamer. -de alambres (elkc), wire commutator brush.
-de lamo, ridge reamer. -de carbdn (el&), carbon brush.
-de mandril, chucking reamer. - de prueba (el&), piiot brush.
-de pared d e pozo (pet), wall scraper. -de tela metfrlica (elkc), wire-gauze brush.
-de trinquete, ratchet reamer. -desincrustadora (cd), flue brush or cleaner.
-desbarbador o quitamebabas o de rebaba, --- grafitica (elbc), graphite brush.
burring reamer. - limpidimas, file card or cleaner.
-escalonado, stepped or roughing reamer. - limpiatubos (cal), flue brush or cleaner.
-esfirico, ball reamer. escobillhn m, boiler-flue cleaner; push broom;
-estructural, bridge reamer. ( p e t ) swab.
-hueco, shell reamer. escobina f, chips, sawdust, f i g s .
-paralelo, straight or full-bottoming reamer. escoda f,stonecutter's hammer.
escariadora f, broaching machine, reamer. escodar, to cut stones.
escariar, to ream, broach. escofina f,rasp, rasp-cut file; (C) bastard file.
escarificador m, harrow, scariiicr, ripper, rooter --- bastarda, bastard file.
-de dientes, tooth harrow. -cortapared (pet), side rasp.
-de discos, disk harrow, -de herrador, farrier's rasp.
escarificar, to scarify, harrow. - de picadura simple, float-cut file.
esearpa f, batter; escarpment; (M) sidewalk. - dulce, smooth rasp.
-de f ractura (geol)(A), fault scarp. -encorvada, riffler.
escarpado, stcep; hat tered. -para madera, wood rasp.
escarpar, to escarp, sloya. escofinar, to rasp, file.
escarpe m,scarp, eucarpmcnt; (M) batter; (hyd) escollera f , rock 611; riprap; breakwater.
apron; (A) scarf. ---- acomodada o a mano, rock iill placed by
e s ~ a r n ~ml o. r a w . hand.
escollera 137 escudete
---- arrojada o vertida o a grmeI o a piedra per- escotilla f,shaft (elevator); hatchway, trap door.
dida, rock fill dumped. -de bodega (cn), cargo hatch.
eacollerado m, rock fill, riprap. - de calderas, boiler hatch, fiddley.
escollo m, reef ; (M) breakwater. -de camarote, companion hatchway, booby
escombramiento m (V), dirt moving. hatch:
escombrar, t o muck, remove spoil; t o clean u p - de miiquinas, engine hatch.
rubbish. - de muestrear (dac), sampling hatch.
escombrera f, dump, spoil bank; spoil, muck. escotillh m,trap door, hatchway.
escombro (m) glacial (A), glacial drift. -de cargar, loading trap.
escombros, spoil, muck, rubbish, debris, dirt; escotillones de acera, sidewalk doors.
quarry waste; (min) deads; river drift. escrepa f (ot) (M), scraper.
esconce m (Es), rabbet. -de arrastre, drag scraper.
escopladura f, chisel cut. -de empuje, bulldorer.
escopleadora f, mortising or gaining machine. -de empuje en Pngulo, angledozer.
-de broca hueca, hollow-chisel mortizer. -de ruedas, wheeled scraper.
escopleadura f, notch, mortise; chiseling. -fresno, fresno scraper.
- con llama de gas, flame-gouging. - hidrhulica, hydrardically operated scraper.
escoplear, t o mortise, notch, dap; to chisel. escritorio m, desk; (A) (Ec) office.
escoplo m, chisel, socket or framing or mortising escritura f, contract; deed; policy; legal instru-
chisel. ment.
-ancho de torno, slick chisel. -de constitucibn, corporation charter.
-angular, corner chisel. -de fundacidn, incorporation papers, certifi-
-biselado, bevel chisel. cate of organization.
-calafateador de estopa, yarning chisel. -de propiedad, title deed.
- con rabo, tang chisel. -de seguro, insurance policy.
-de acabar, finishing chisel. -de venta, bill of sale; (C) deed.
-de descortezar, bark spud. -matriz, notary's original document.
-de ebanista, cabinet chisel. -piiblica, contract registered with the official
- de espiga hueca, socket chisel. notary.
-de mano, pocket or paring cILiseI. -social, incorporation papers; partnership
-de torno, turning chisel. agreement.
-de vidriero, glazier's chisel. escrfipulo m, pennyweight.
-degradador, mortar chisel. escuadra f, square; angle iron; (dwg) triangle;
-para bisagras, butt chisel. knee, corner brace, gusset plate; (sb)
-perforador, chisel bit. bracket, beam knee; (Ch) gang (men).
-ranurador, cope chisel. -,a,, square, a t right angles.
- separador, parting chisel. ---- abordonada o con nervio (est), bulb angle.
escoplo-punz6n, firmer chisel. -de agrimensot (Es) (A), goniometer.
escoraje m (ds), shoring. -de ajustar (carp), framing square.
escorar, (dd) t o shore; (ti) to reach the low point. -de dihmetros (carp), center square.
escor as f (ds) , shores. -de ensambladura o de unibn (est), gusset
escoria f, slag, clinker; (A)(C) cinders. plate.
- de cemento, cement clinker. - de espaldbn (carp), t r y square.
-de fragua, anvil dross, hammer slrtg. --- de espejos (lev), angle mirror.
-d e fundicibn, slag. -de inglete (carp), miter square.
- de hulla, clinker. -de reflexidn (Es), reflecting goniometer.
-flamentosa, mineral mod. -en T (dib), T square.
escorias de alto horno, blast-furnace slag. -falsa (carp), bevel square.
escorial m, slag dump; deposit of volcanic ash; - ,fuera de, out of square.
lava bed. -para cabrios (carp), rafter square.
escoriar, escoriarse, t o slag, clinker. -prisma (lev), angle prism.
escorificador rn, scarifier. -rebordeada (est) (A), bulb angle.
escoriiicar, t o reduce to slag, clinkor, scorify. -universal de dibujo (Es), drafting machine.
escorredero m (Es), drainage ditch. escundxa-transportador (dib) (A), bevel protrac-
escorredor m (Es), drainage ditch; sluice gate. tor.
escorrentla f, (hyd) (PR)(Pe) runoff. escuadras del cordirn, (gi) flange angles.
escota f, stone hammer; miner's pick. escuadras de eqsamblaje (est), connection
escotadura f , notch, recess: opcning, trap door. angles.
- de aforo (hid), gage r d c ! ~ escuadrar, to square.
sscotar, t o notch, cut out. escuadreo m ,squaring; sectional area.
escote m, notch. escuadria j,a section; sectional area.
-de descarga, (M) measuring weir. escuchador (m)de prueba (ra), monitor.
escotera f (nhut), chock. escude te m, (tun) shield; (str)(Sp) gusset plate:
---- con rodillo, roller chock. (hw) escutcheon plate; (elec) canopy;
-de espiar, warping chock. (elec) wall plate, faceplate.
-d e remolcar, towing chock. - de borrar (dib), erasing shield.
escudete 138 esmerilador

-d e cerradura, rose (lock). -- d e tensibn, tensile stress.

-de expansi611, expansion shield (bolt). -de trabajo, working stress.
-de pulsador ( e l k ) , push-button plate. ---- de traccihn, tractive effort; tensional stress.
-de receptiiculo (elQc),receptacle plate. -de traccidn diagonal, diagonal tension.
escuiiilla f , rose (lock). -de tronchadura (Es), shearing stress.
escudo m, shield; escutcheon plate; (elec) canopy. --- d e zuncho, hoop or tangential stress.
-de gerforacibn, tunnel shield. -dielbctrico, electric or dielectric stress.
-ensnnchador, expansion shield (bolt). --- electrostltico, electrostatic pressure or stress.
escudriiiamiento m (tv), scanning. -e n la fibra, fiber stress.
escurrente m, effluent. -especffico, unit stress.
escurrideras f (M), water running off from h i - -flexor (est), bending stress.
gated land. -limite de trabajo, aliowable working stress.
escurridero m, drain hole, outlet; weathering; -lindero, boundary stress.
drip; leak. -principal, principal stress; (A) diagonal ten-
escurrimiento m, (hyd) runoff; (M) piping (earth sion.
dam) ; (elec) creepage. -rasante, (Sp) longitudinal shear; (M) shear.
-critic0 (hid), critical Aow -restante, residual stress.
-especifico (irr), specific yield. -tangential, tangential or shearing stress;
-plhtico, plastic flow, (conc) creep, time hoop stress.
yield. -tractor, tensile stress; tractive effort.
-pluviomktrico (Col), runoff. -unitario, unit stress,
-shlido, silt runoff. ezguazable (r), fordable.
escurrirse, t o run off,drain; to leak. esherardizar (met), t o sherardize.
esencia f, essence; (Sp) gasoline. e s l a b h m, link.
--- d e petrhleo (Es), gasoline; kerosene. -con mallete o de travesafio, stud link.
--- de trementina, oil of turpentine. --- de acoplamiento (ra), link coupling.
-minerd, (Sp) mineral oil; mineral spirits. -- de ajuste, hunting link.
esencid, essential. - de arrastre (auto) (M), drag link.
esfalerita f (miner), sphalerite, zinc blende. --- de compostura, missing or repair link.
esfeno m, esfena f (miner), sphene, titanite. -de retencibn, grab link, slip grab.
esfera f, sphere; dial of a gage. -de seguridad (turb), breaking link.
esfericidad f, sphericity. -de solapa, lap link.
esfbrico, spherical. -fusible (el&), fuse link.
esf eroidal, esf eroedrico, spheroidal. -giratorio, swivel.
esferoide rn, spheroid. -interruptor ( e l k ) , disconnecting link.
esferoidizar (met), t o spheroidize. -pivotante, swing link.
esferbmetro m, spherometer. --- reparador, connecting or chain-repair link.

esforzar (U), t o stress. eslabonamiento m, Linkage.

esfuerzo m,stress; effort. eslinga f, sling.
--- admisible, safe or allowable stress. -de brida de dos partes, two-lea bridle sling.
--- compuesto, compound stress. -de brida doble, double bridle sling.
--- cortante d e penetracibn, punching shear. -de cables miiltiples, multiple-part sling.
-cortante doble, double shear. --- de cadena, chain d i n g .
--- cortante simple, single ~ h e n r . --- de doble suspensi611, basket hitrh.
- de adhesi6n (ref), bond stress. -de igualacih, equalizing sling.
- de aplastamiento, crushing stress. --- estranguladora, choker sling or hitch, anchor
-de apoyo, bearing stress (beam). hitch.
--- de cizallamiento, shearing stress. -sin fin, endless-rope sling.
---- de compresibn, compressive stress. eslingaje rn, slinging charge (ship's cargo).
-d e contraccibn (conr), shrinkage stress. eslingar, t o sling.
-de corte perimetrico, perimeter shear. eslora f ( n h t ) , length.
-de dobladura (rat)), hending stress. --de clasificacibn, classification length.
- de empuje, bearing stress on rivets or pins. -- de flotacibn, water-line length.
-de extensihn, tensional stress. -entre perpendiculares, Icngth between per-
--- de flexi6n (est), bendlnp: strrss. pendiculars.
- -- del hincado (pi), d r i v h g stress. -total, over-all length.
--de impact0 d e rodaje (ap), rolling impact esmaltar, t o enamel.
stress. esmalte m, enamel.
---- d e limite (nis), boundary stress. -de asfalto, filled asphalt, asphalt cnamcl.
-de manipulaci6n, handling stress. esrnaltina, esmaltita f (miner), sm:dtite.
-d e montaje (pte), ercction stress. esmeril m, emery.
-de prueba, proof strcss. esmerilado m ,grinding.
---- de rotacibn, torsional stress. ---- a1 airc o sin puntas, centerIess grinding.
-de ruptura, breaking stress, ultimata or rup- -en hiimedo, wet grinding.
ture strength. esmerilador m, emery whecl, grindcr.
-de seguridad, safe stress. - - d e viilvulas, valve grinder.
esmeriladora espiga
esmeriladora f, grinder; honing machine. -romboidal, rhomb spar, dolomite.
-de banco, bench grinder. espltula f, mason's float; trowel; putty knife,
-de pie, pedestal grinder. spatula; molder's spoon ; (auto)(M) tire
-de roscas, thread grinder. iron.
-de velocidad graduable, adjustable-speed especialidades (f) para vapor, steam specialties
grinder, especikacidn f , speciiication.
para brocas, bit grinder.
para mandril de torno, chucking grinder.
- modefo o normal, standard specification.
especikar, to specify.
-sin centros, centerless grinder. especflico, specific.
esmerila je m, grinding. especimen m, specimen.
esmerilar, t o grind; to polish with emery. espectral, spectral.
esmitsonita f, smithsonite, zinc spar. espectro m, spectrum.
espaciado m, spacing, (re) pitch. -de faja, band spectrum.
espaciador m, separator, spacer, packing block. - de frecuencias portadoras (elhc), carrier
- del balancin (pet), beam spacer. spectrum.
-de barras (ref), bar spacer. -lineal, line spectrum.
-del empaque, packing spacer. e~ectrofotoellctrico,spectrophotoelectric.
%spacial, spatial. espectrofotomltrico, spectrophotometric.
espaciamiento m, spacing; extent, space. espectrofotBmetro rn, spectrophotometer.
espaciar, t o space; (mech) t o index. espectrbgrafo m,spectrograph.
espacio m, space. espectrometria f, spectrometry.
-libre, clearance. espectrdmetro m, spectrometer.
- libre labial (A), lip relief (twist drill). espectromicroscopio m, spectromicroscope.
-muerto, clearance. espectrorradiom6tric0, spectroradiometric.
-nocivo, clearance (cylinder). espectrorradidmetro m (il), spectroradiometer.
-oscuro catBdico (el&), cathode or Crookes espectroscopia f, spectroscopy.
dark space. espectrosc6pic0, spectroscopic.
espadilla f , (conc) (A) blade tamper. espectroscopio m, spectroscope.
espadin m (fc) (Es), switch blade. -monocromltico, monochromator.
espdda f, back. especular, specular (iron).
- con espalda, back t o back. espejo m, mirror; (Pan) stair riser; (C) seat of a
espald6n m,shoulder, heel. slide valve.
espafioleta f, door bolt. -de agua, water surface.
esparavel m, plasterer's hawk, mortarboard; - de falla o de friccibn (geol), slickenside.
plasterer's float. -de horizonte (inst), horizon glass.
esparcidor m,spreader, finisher. - de popa (cn), escytcheon.
-corredizo (dac) , traveling distributer. -retroscdpico o retrovisor (auto), reasvision
-de asfalto, asphalt spreader. mirror.
-de cascajo (ca), chip spreader. espejuelo m, (Ch) fine gravel, grits; (PR) a hard-
-de fiormigbn, concrete spreader. wood; (miner) selenite, (Ch) calcite.
-giratorio, rotary distributer. espeque m,lever, handspike.
esparcidora f, spreader, finisher. espera f (carp), dap, notch, rabbet, mortise,
- acabadora, spreader-finisher. gain.
-de cola, glue-spreading machine. espesador na (is), thickener.
esparcimiento (m) de banda {ra)(A), band - de batea, tray thickener.
spread. -de cieno (dac), sludge thickener.
esparcir, to spread, distribute. espesar, t o thicken.
espiurago m, pin, peg; (w)stud; (C) stay bolt; espesartita f (geol), spessartite.
(A) stud bolt. espeso, thick, heavy, dense.
esparramar (A), t o spread. espesor na, thickness, gage (sheet), depth (slab).
csp&tico, spathic, sparry. -de arc0 (en), circular thickness.
espato m (miner), spar. -de cuerda (en), chordal thickness.
-adamantino, adamantine spar, corundum. espesura f, density; thickness.
- azuI, blue spar, lazulite. gspetbn rn, poker; iron pin.
-bruno, brown spar (dolomite or magnisite). espia f, warping cable; (mech) telltala
-calc6reo o calizo, calcite, calo-spar, calcare- espiar (nhut), t o warp.
ous spar. espiche m, peg, dowel.
-de hierro, siderite, sparry iron. espidbmetro m (M) , speedometer.
- de Islandia, Iceland spar (calcite). espiga f, pin, peg, needle, dowel, (sb) setbolt;
-de manganeso, manganese spar (rhodonite tenon; (t) shank, fang; (p) spigot; (re)
or rhodochrosite) shank.
--- fsrrifero, siderite, sparry iron, chalybite. - ahusada (herr), taper shank.
-fluor, fluor spar, fluorite. -cilindrica (herr), straight shank.
-lustroso, satin war- (calcite or gypsum). -con oreja, lugged shank.
-pardo, brown spar, dolomite, magnesite. - cuadrada chica, square taper shank,
-pesado, heavy spar, barite. -de aislador (elk), insulator pin.
espiga 1

-de balsar, raft dog.
de la bisagra (ft), hinge pin.
esqueleto m, crate; blank form; (conc) coarse
aggregate; (str) frame skeleton.
-de la excdntrica (mv), eccentric pin. esquema m, sketch, plan, diagram ; scheme, plan.
-a l h b r i c o (elkc), wiring diagram.
- de reborde (barrena), lug shank.
-de las cargas, load diagram.
de la vhlvula (Es) ( C ), valve stem.
- estriada, fluted shank (drill). esquemiitico, diagrammatic, schematic.
- &a, guide stem. esquifada j, vault, groin4 arch.
- para trinquete, ratchet shank. esquife m, skiff; barrel arch; (M) scalepan, skip.
- pareja, straight shank (drill). esquilar (mh) (A), t o shear.
- roscada, dowel screw.
eampana o y enchufe (tub), bell and spigot.
esquileo m (A), shearing.
esquina f, corner.
espigadora f, tenoner; (pav) dowel-setting ma- esquinal m, knee brace; corner post.
chine. esquinera f, corner post or piece; knee brace,
- doble, double-end tenoner. gusset.
- simple, singleend tenoner. esquirol m, strikebreaker.
esquisto m, shale, slate, schist.
espigar, to dowel, pin; t o tenon; t o shank.
espigcin m, jetty, wing dam, pier dam, spur dike; - aluminoso, alum shale or schist.
pier, dock. - arcilloso, clay slate, killas.
espigueta f , blasting needle. - clorftico, chlorite schist.
e s p i f l a f , herringbone (bond). - de barro, mudstone.
espilita f (geol), spilite. - micbceo, mica schist.
espina f, barb; thorn; splinter. -petrolifero, oil shale.
- de arenque o de pescado, herringbone (gear). - talcoso, talc schist.
espinazo m, (Col) crown of a barrel arch. esquistoideo, schistoid.
- de pescado, herringbone. esquistosidad j, schistosity.
esquistoso, slaty, shaly, sclnistic, schistose.
espinela f (miner), spinel.
espinillo m,an Argentine hardwood. esquistosomas (is). schistosomes.
espinter6metro m (elbc), measuring spark gap. esquistosomiasis f (is), schistosomissis.
espiocha f.mattock, pick. esquizomicetos (is), schizomycetes.
1 espira f , turn, loop; spiral estabilidad j, stability.
-cerrada (cab), locked coil. -- al deslizamiento o a1 resbalamiento, stabil-
espiractor ma (pa), Spiractor (trademark). ity against sliding (dam).
espirat f a, spiral; (miner) gyroidal. - a1 giro o a1 vuelco, stability against overturn-
- de diez cuerdas (ca), ten-chord transition
ing (dam).
de volumen (ct), constancy of volume.
- de transicidn (ca)(fc), transition curve. estabilizaci6nv) de suelos, soil stabilization.
estabilizador m, estabilizadora f, stabilizer.
espirilos m (is). spirilla.
I espiritu (m) de petraeo, mineral or white spirits. - de arco (sol), arc stabilizer.
estabilizar, t o stabilize.
espita f, cock, faucet; spout.
1 - de prueba (cal), try cock. estable a, stable.
-- de purga, drain cock. estnblecimiento m, (A; (u)(Ch) plant, inatalla-
espoleta f, (elec) (bl) fuse; (auto) (U') hood. tion.
- de tiempo, time fuse. - de aguas corrientes (A), matemorks.
-elBctrica (vol) (M) , exploder. - de depuracibn (A), purification plant.

- fulminante (M). blasting cap. - del puerto, establishment of the port.

espol6n n,cutwater; wing dam, jetty, pier dam, - sidertirgico (A), steel mill.
groin; mole; starling, fender; (top) spur. establo m, a stable.
espolvorizar, to spray with powder. estaca f , stake, paling; pile, sheet pile.
esponja f, sponge. - de cerca, fence post.
esponjamiento m, swelling. - de declive (M), slope stake.
esponjarse, to swell. -de rasante, grade stake.
esponjoso, spongy. - directriz, guide pile.
esporas j (is), spores. - indicadora (lev), witness stake.
esporifero, containing sporea, spore-forming. -limitadora de talud, slope stake.
esporulacibn f (is), sporulation. - volada ( t ~ n )spile.
esporulario, sporular. estacas de avance (tfin), poling boards, spilling.
espuela f , spur; (rr) siding; (C) climbing iron; estacada j, sheeting, sheet piling; fence.
(t) point, tooth. - flotante, log boom.
espums f , scum; foam, froth. estacar, t o stake out.
-apagadora, firc foam. estaci6n f , station, plant ; season; survey station.
espumadera f, skimmer; spray nozzle; ~ O C Q ) - cabecera (fc) (A), terminal. station.
acum cock. - carbonera, coaling station.
espumadora j, foam generator. - central (elkc), central station, generating
plant, powerhouse.
espumante m (min), frother.
espumar, to foam; to froth; (bo) to prime. - de aforos (hid), gaging station.
espurio (ra) , spurious. - de bombeo, pumping plant.
de carga, freight station.
de fuerza, power plant, powerhouse.
-de empuje, pushdown machine.
-de vuelta, twist-type machine.
-- de machaqueo (Es), crushing plant. estalladura f, (auto) blowout;-(bl) blast, shot.
_, de radiofacsimile, facsimile broadcast sta- -de roca (min), rock burst.
tion. estallar, to explode, burst.
I-- de secas, dry season. estambor m (en), sternpost.
_, de servicio, service station. estampa f, (re) dolly; (bs) swage; rivet set; stamp
- da toma (fma), camera or exposure station.
de transbordo (fc), transfer station.
de collar, collar swage.
inferior, bottom swage.
- de bmsformaci6n a1 aire libre (elkc), out- -superior, top swage.
door substation. estampas de empatar, seaming dies.
-- del transit0 (lev), transit point. estampado profundo, deep drawing.
- de viajeros, passenger station. estampadora f, stamping machine.
- depuradora, purification plant. estampar, t o stamp; t o swage.
$fasora, broadcasting station.
f erroviaria, railroad station.
-en caliente, t o hot-swage.
eptancado, stagnant; dammed.
- fiItradora, filter plant. estancamiento m, damming; backing up (wa-
- fluviomdtrica o hidrometrica (hid), gaging ter) ; waterproofing.
estancar, t o dam; t o make watertight; estan-
genpratriz, central station, powerhouse.
gravim6trica (gcof), gravity station.
carse, to back up (water), t o stagnate.
estanco, watertight, airtight, weathertight.
lluviosa o pluvid, rainy season.
naval, naval station.
-a1 aceite, oiltight.
-a1 agua, watertight, waterproof.
- pluviom6trica, rain-gaging station. -a1 aim, airtight.
- radiofato, radio range station. -a1 gas, gastight.
- recolectora (pet), gathering station. -a1 goteo, driptight.
-transmisora (ra) , sending station. -a la humedad, moisturetight.
c:tscionadento nz, (auto) (ap) parking; (cone) -a Uamas, flametight.
(-.1)curing; (Ibr) (M)(A) seasoning. -a1 polvo, dust-tight.
estacionar, (auto) to park; (A) to berth (ship); -a1 vapor, steamtight, vapartight.
(A) (M) t o season (lumber) ; (surv) (Sp) t o e s t h d a r (V) (M) , standard.
set up. estandardizaci6n (M) (A) (V),standardization.
estacionario, stationary. estannato m (quim), stannate.
estacBn m, large stake; piIe; (M) pole. esthnnico (qulm), stannic.
estacha f, hawser, towline. estannita f (miner), stannite, tin pyrites.
estadal m, a measure of length about 3.3 rn; a estannito na (quim), stannite.
square measure about 11.2 sq m; (M) level estannoso (quim), stannous.
rod. estannuro m (qulm) , stannide.
-de cxredera, level rod. estanque m,reservoir, basin.
-enrollable, flcxiblc level rod. - almacsnador, storage reservoir.
- estadimgtrico, stadia rod. -amortiguador, stilling or cushion pool.
estadalero m (M), rodman (level). -de acumulacidn (A), storage reservoir.
estadia f, stadia. -do clarificaci6n o de deposicitin, wttling
estadia f , demurrage; stay; (naut) lay days. tank or basin.
estadilgrafo m (inst). stadiagraph. -de distribucih, distributing reservoir.
estadim9tric0, a, stadia, stadiametric. -de enfriamiento, cooling pond.
estadio m, stadium; furlong, -- de lixiviacibn, leaching tank.
estadihetro na, stadiometer. -de rociada, spray pond.
estadistica j. statistics. -decantador, settling basin.
estado m, state, condition; (r) stage; statement, -mezclador, mixing tank.
report; staff; state (US, M, etc.); (meas) -para colas (min), tailings pond.
2 varas. -regutador, regulating reservoir.
-de cuenta, statement of account. -sGptico, septic tank.
- de pago, estimate for payment (contract). estanquedad f, watertightness.
estafilococos Oab), staphylococci. estanquero m, reservoir attendant.
e s t d m (C), stay. estantal m (Es), buttress, pilaster.
estajar (est), to crimp. jstante m, post, upright; buck.
estaje m, (str) crimping; (CA) piecework, task- -de probetas (lab), test-tube rack.
work. -para cerca (V), fence post.
estajear (AC), to do work by the task or piece sstanteria f, shelving, rack.
system. :stailado, tin-plated.
estajero m (XC), taskworker, piecoworker, sstafiador, estafiero m, tinworker.
estalagmbrnetro m (lab), stalagmometer. staiiadura f, tinwork.
estallabilidad f, explosibility. ?stafiar, to tin; to tin-plate; to solder; t o blanclb
estallable, explosibie. ,steiilfero, containing tin.
cstdhdora f, blasting machinc. :stafio m, tin.
estopa I
-de acarreo o de placer (miner), stream t i n estereografia f (dib), stereography.
(cassiterite). estereogrhfico (fma)(dib), stereographic.
--- emplomado, terne (plate). esteredgrafo m, stereograph.
- en lingotes, pig tin. estereograma m, (pmy) stereogram; (geol) block
--- fosforado, phosphor tin. diagram.
-lefioso (miner), cassiterite, wood tin. estereolevantamiento rn, stereosurveying.
-piritoso (miner), stannite, tin pyrites. estereometria f (mat), stereometry.
-vidrioso (miner), tinstone, cassiterite. estereom&trico, stereometric.
estafioso (quim), stannous. esterebmetro m, stereometer.
estaquear, t o stake out. estereomicrdmetro m, stereomicrometer.
estaqueo m, staking out. estereoplanigrafo m (frna), stereoplanigraph.
estaquero m (lev), axman. estereoscopia f (fma) , stereoscopy.
estaquilla f, peg, pin, dowel; stake. estereoscbpico, stereoscopic.
- de aislador (el&), insulator pin. estereoscopio, estere6scopo m (frna), stereo-
---- de nivel, grade stake. scope.
estaquillar, to stake out. estereosimplex (frna), stereosimplex.
estarcido m ,stencil. estereotelCmetro m (frna), stereotelemeter.
estarcir, t o stencil. estereotomia f , stereotomy (stonecutting).
estltica f , statics; (ra) (M) (C) static. estereotopogriifico (frna), stereotopographic.
-grlfica, graphical statics. estereotopdgrafo m (frna), stereotopograph.
estiticamente indeterminado, statically indeter- estereotopdmetro m (fma) , stereotopometer.
minate. estereotrazado m (fmn), stcreoplotting.
estktico, static. estereotrazador m (frna), stereoplotter.
estlticos m (ra) (A), static. --- radial, stereo-radial plottcr.
estatizar (Ch), t o convert t o government owncr- est6r2, sterile, (pet) d r y (well).
ship or operation. esterilizador rn, sterilizer, sterilizing agent.
estator m (eMc) (turb), stator. esterilizar, t o sterilize.
estatSscopo, estatoscopio m (V), statoscope. esterilla f, mesh; matting.
---- registrador, recording statoscope. --- de alambre, wire mesh.
estaurolita f (miner), staurolite, cross-stone. -de aterrizaje, landing m a t (airfield).
estay rn, stay; stay bolt. estero n, estuary, inlet; (A)(M) swamp; (V)
este ??a, east. pond; (Ch) smell stream.
esteatita f (miner), steatite, soapstone. estiaje m, (r) Iow water; (A) low tide.
estefanita f, stephanite, brittle silver ore. estiba f, stowage; (A) loading.
estei m (C), stay. estibador m, stevedore, longshoreman, dock
estelita f (met), stellite. la borer.
estemenara f (cn), futtock, estibar, t o stow; t o load cargo.
estemple m, timber bent in a mine or tunnel; estibnita f (miner). stibnite, gray antimony.
strut, stull, sternple. estilete &, style, pencil of a recording instru-
-d e alas, wing stull. ment; (dwg) stylus, tracer.
--- e n V invertido, saddleback stull. estilo m, style, gnomon.
estenodo (ra), stenode. estiUadura f (PR), split, crack; spall.
estenbgrafo, estenbgrafa, stenographer. estillarse (PR), t o crack; t o spall; t o splinter.
esteo rn (M), strut, shore. estimacibn f , an estimate, estimating.
estepa I, steppe, tract of arid land. -grosera (A); rough estimate.
estera f , mat; (mech) apron; (C) slat conveyor. estimador m. estimator.
---- de aterrizaje (ap), landing mat. estimar, t o estimate, appraise.
-de refuerzo (aonc), mesh reinforcement. estimativo, estimated.
-de tablillas ( C ) ,slat conveyor. estirado, drawn (tubing) ; expanded (metal) ;
--- para voladuras, blasting mat. stretched.
esteras, crawlers, caterpillar tread. -en caliente, hot-drawn.
esterbbn m, Sterbon (abrasive)(trademark). -en duro, hard-drawn.
estkreo m (med), stcre; a stereoscopic, stereo. -en frio, cold-drawn, hard-drawn.
estereoautbgrafo m (frna), stereoautograph. estirador m, stretcher.
estereocartdgrafo m (frna), stereocartograph. estiraje m, stretching.
estereocomparador m (frna), stereocornparator. estiramiento m (A) (V), elongation.
estereocompardgafo m (frna), stereocompara- estirar, t o draw, stretch.
graph. - por p r e s i h , t o extrude.
estereofbnico (ra), stereophonic. estireno m, styrene.
estereofotografia f (frna), stereophotography ; estivadot m (A), stevedore.
stereophotograph. estivaje m (A), stowing, stevedoring.
estersofotograma m, stereophotogram. estoe f, slack tide, stand of the tide.
estereofotogrametria f, stereophotogrammetry. estopa f, oakum, calking yarn: (C) cotton wasta
estereofotogram6tric0, stereophotogrammetric. - alquitranada (M) , tarrcd mnrlinc.
estereogonidmetro rn (fma), stereogoniometer, -de acero, stccl wool.
stereoscopic goniometer. -de dgodhn, cotton waste.
estopa 143 eucalipto
- de lana, wool waste. estrobo m, grommet; becket; (C) sling.
-- de plomo, lead wool. estroboscBpico, stroboscopic.
estopar, to pack. estroboscopio m (ra), stroboscope.
estopera f (C)(RI), stuffing box. estrobotr6n m (ra), stro botron.
e;topero m ,calking iron or chisel. estroncio m (qufm), strontium.
estoperol m ,wick; (ILI) spike; (Sp) clout nail. estropajear (M), t o mop.
estopin m (vol), exploder. estropajo m, mop.
estorbar, t o obstruct, be in the way. estropeado, broken down.
estrada j, paved roadway, causeway. estropeo nr, damage; rough handling.
estrangulador m, throttle; (auto) choke; (lg) estructura f, structure; (conc) forms; (geol)
choker. formation.
- de aire (auto), choke. -abajo (pet), downstructure.
--- de botbn (auto), push-button throttle. -armada o reticulada, framed structure.
-manual, hand throttle. -arriba (pet), upstructure.
estrangulamiento m (top) (A), gap, pass. --- costrosa (sueko), crusted structurc.
estrangular, t o throttle; t o wiredraw (steam); --- de migas (suelo), crumb structure.
(auto) t o choke. --- de terroncillos (suelo), cloddy structure.
estratificaciSn f , stratification, stratum, bedding. -esquelbtica, skeleton construct ion.
- cruzada (geol), cross-bedding. -harinosa (suelo), floury or fluffy structure.
-entrecruzada (A), cross-bedding. -inferior, substructure.
estratificado, stratified. -superior, superstructure.
estratigrafia f , stratigraphy. estructuras de descarga (hid), outlet works.
estratigrkfico, stratigraphic. estructuraci6n f (U), construction.
estrato m, stratum. estructural, structural.
estratbmetro m (sx), stratameter. -comerciable (mad),merchantable structural.
estratosfera f, stratosphere. -de coraz6n (mad), heart structural.
estrave m (cn), forefoot. -de primera calidad (mad), prime structural.
estrechar, t o narrow; estrecharse, t o contract, estrujar, t o extrude.
narrow. estuacidn f (mr), flood, rising.
estrecho m, strait, gut, neck; gap, pass; a nar- estuarino (gcol), estuarine.
row, close; sharp (curve). estuario m, estuary, inlet.
-de la marea, tiderace. estucar, t o stucco.
estrechura j (top), gap, narrows. estuco m, stucco.
estrella f, (mech) star, spider, yoke; (elec) star. estuche m, case, box.
--- polar, north star. estudiar, t o study; t o plan, design.
estrellado, (Ibr) checked; (miner) stellate. estudio m, study, consideration; designing, plan-
estremat6grafo m (fc), stremmatograph. ning, devising; survey; design.
estrenar (raaq), to run in. -de desperdicios de agua, water-waste survey.
estreno nL (maq), running in. ---- de trazado, location survey.
estreptococos m (lab), streptococci. -definitivo (fc) (M) , find location.
estria f, groove, Aut ing; (gcol) stria. -geoelectrico, geo-electric survey.
- de lubricacibn, oil groove. -gravimdtrico (geof), gravity survey.
-pitom6tric0, pitometer survey.
estriaci6n J (gcul) , st rint ion.
estriado, fluted, ri hbed ; checkered (plate) ; ser- -sanitado, sanitary survey.
rated (gasket) ; knurled. ---- sismogrlfico, seismograph survey.
estriadora f , machine t o cut grooves; kriurling estufar (mad) (M), t o season, kiln-dry.
tool. estuque m, stucco.
estriadura f, fluting; (geol) striation. estuquista m, plasterer, cement mason.
estriar, to g;oove, flute, knurl, score. esviaje rn, skcw.
estribacibn f , counterfort; (top) spur. esviar, t o skew.
estribar en, t o rest on, ahut against, be based on. etapa f , station, stop; stage of the work; (machy)
estribo m, a b u t ~ n c n t ;buttress; (reinf) stirrup, stage.
hoop; (hlclg) joist hanger, bridle iron; -amplificadora (ra), amplifier stage.
(auto) running board; (rr) car step; stirrup -- de entrada (ra), input stage.
(saddle). --- desmoduladora (ra), demodulator stage.
-de aguilbn (gr), boom bail. -detectora (ra), detector stage.
-de la biela (pet), pitman stirrup. -impulsora (ra) (A), driver stage.
---- de Aeje (ref) (A), hoop. -mezcladora (ra), niixer stage, first detector
-de mkstil (gr), mast bail. -preamplificadora (ra), driver stag?.
---- de pared (ed), wall hanger. etapas mirltiples, de, multiple-step.
--- de tiro ( e l k ) , pulling-in iron. Btet m (quirn) (fisica), ether.
---- e n U, CT sbijtment. -de petrbleo, petroleum ether.
estribor rn (ntiut), starboard. eternita f , Eternit, (trademark).
estringa f (M), stringer. etilo m, ethyl.
estrobar, t o place grommets; to furnish with a etiqueta f , label, tag.
becket. eucalipto m, eucdyptus.
eudiSmetro 'PIL (lab), eudiometer. -de cable aflojable o de cable abreo, slack-
eupateoscopio rn (aa), eupatheoscope. line cableway, slackline-dragline.
eutCctica f, eutectic. -de cable d e arrastre, s l a c k h e cableway or
eut4ctico a, eutectic. excavator.
eutectoide (met), eutectoid. -de cable d e traccibn, dragline excavator;
evacuador m, (hyd) wasteway, escape, (A) spill- power scraper.
way; (mech) evacuator. -de capachos o de rosario, bucket excavator.
evacuar, t o empty, exhaust, evacuate; (sw) t o -de cuchara, power shovel.
carry off, discharge. -de mordazas (Es), clamshell bucket.
evduacidn f, valuation, appraisal; evaluation; -de tiro (A), backdigger, pullshovel.
computation. -de torre, tower excavator.
svaporacibn f, evaporation. -de tractor, tractor shovel or excavator.
waporador m, evaporator. -de zanjas, trench digger, ditcher.
-a temperatura alta, high-heat-level evapora- -elevadora (M), elevating grader..
tor (245 F). -explanadora (Es), elevating grader.
-a temperatura baja, low-heat-level evapora- -funicular, slackline cableway.
tor (210 F). -neumgtica, clay digger, pneumatic clay
-de culidruple efecto (az), quadruploeffect spade.
- evaporator. -para profundidad (A), ditcher. backdigger.
-de efecto mGItipSe (az), multipleeffect evap- -telef6rica de caballetes, trestle excavator.
orator. excavar, t o excavate, dig.
-de rejilla, grid-coil evaporator. excedente m (cont) , surplus.
-d e tubos acodados, bent-tube evaporator. excdntrica f (maq), eccentric.
-instantiineo, flash evaporator. excentricidad f, eccentricity; (mt) setover.
evaporadora f , evaporator, (lab) evaporating excEntrico a, eccentric.
dish. exceso ( m ) esf6rico (mat), spherical excess.
evaporar, evaporarse, t o evaporate. excitacidn f ( e l k ) , excitation.
evaporative, evaporatorio, evaporative. -compuesta, compound excitation.
evaporimetro m, evaporation tank, evaporirneter, -e n derivacib, shunt excitation.
atmometer. -en serie, series excitation.
evaporizar, evaporizarse, t o evaporate. -por choque (ra), impact or shock excitation.
evaporhmetro m, evaporometer, atmorneter. - propia, self-exci tation,
evapo-transpiracibn f (irr) , evapotranspiration. - pulsativa (ra), impulse excitation.
eventualidades f , &ontingencies. excitador m (elkc), exciter.
exactitud f, accuracy. -piloto, pilot exciter.
exaedro m, hexahedron. excitar, t o excite, energize.
exagond, hexagonal. excitatriz f, exciter.
exkgono m, hexagon ; a hexagonal. excitrbn m (el&), Excitron (trademark).
exanitrodifenilamina f, hexanitrodiphenylarnine exclusa f (hid), lock; sluice.
(explosive). excrecibn f,excretion.
exapolar (el&), six-pole. excrementicio, excremental, excrementitious.
exaracibn f Igeol) (A), glacial erosion. excrement0 m, excrement.
excavaci6n f, excavation, cut, digging. excretorjo (is), excretal.
-a cielo abierto, open cut. excretos m, excreta.
-a granel (M), mass excavation. excusado m, water closet. toilet room, privy; (V)
-a media falda o a media ladera, sidchill cx- toilet, water-closet ( h t u r e ) .
cavation. exfiltracibn f, exfiltration.
-de corte pasante, through cut. exfoliacibn f , scaling, exfoliation.
-de ensayo, test pit or excavation. exfoliar, t o exfoliate.
-en balcdn (M), aidehill excavation. exhalar, t o emit vapor.
-en masa, mass excavation. exhaustar (C) (PR), to e x b u s t .
-en zanja, trench excavation. existencia, en, in stock.
excavador m, excavator (man), digger. existencias f, stock, storage.
-de agujero, (t) posthole digger. exodo m (ra), hcxode.
excavadora f (ec), excavator; (A) (M) (Col) power exoenzimas f (is), exoenzymes, ectoenwmes.
shovel. ex6gen0, exogenic, exogenous.
-a cangilones, trench machine, bucket ex- exolbn rn, exolon (abrasive).
cavator. expandidor r n , expander.
-acarreadora, carryall scraper. -de aros de Bmbolo, piston-ring expander.
-ambulante, traveling excavator. -para tubos (A), boiler-tube expander.
-ambulante de cable de arrastra, walking expandir, to expand.
dragline. expansible, expansible.
-cargadora '(M) , elevating grader. expansih f, expansion.
-de arcilla, pneumatic clay spade. expansionarse (C)(Es) , to expand.
- de arrastre, power scraper. expansivo, expansive.
-de cable, cab1ev;ay excavator. expansor n (A) (M), expander.

expansor extracorta $
-- de aros, piston-ring expander. explotable, workabIe.
-de volumen (ra), volume expander. explotacidn f , operation, working; (min) a work-
expedid~rm,shipper; shipping agent, forwarder.
expediente m, file of papers, docket. -fiscal (Ch), Government operation.
- de construccibn (A), documents of an appE- -forestal, logging.
-hidrlulica (rnin), hydraulicking.
cation for building permit.
=xpedir, to ship, forward. -maderera, logging, lumbering.
expeler, to eject, expel. -particular, private operation.
expeasar (M), to pay the cost of, finance. explotador m, operator of an enterprise.
experiencia f, experience; experiment, test. explotar, to operate, work; to exploit; (A) (C)to
experimentado, experienced, expert. explode ; (M) to blast.
experimentador m, experimenter. exponential (mat), exponential.
experimental. exponente m, exponent.
experimentar, to test; to experiment; to experi- exposici6n f (frna), exposure.
ence. exposimetro m (fma) (V) , exposure meter.
experiment0 m, experiment. expreso m (tr) , express.
experticia f {V), expert testimony or advice. - abreo, air express.
experto na a, expert. exprimir, to express, press out.
expIanaci6n f, grading; subgrade, roadbed. expropiaci6n f, expropriation.
explanada 5, level space. expropiar, to expropriate, condemn.
explanadora f, grader; scraper. expuesto (fma), exposed.
- caminera, road grader. expulsanClereos m (pet), core pusher.
- cargadora o elevadora, elevating grader. expulsian f, expulsion, ejection; (eng) exhaust;
- de armaz6n inclinable, leaning-frame grader. (pu) discharge.
-de arrastre, pull grader. expulsor na, expeller.
- de cuchilla, road scraper, blade grader.
-de empuje, bulldozer.
exsicacidn f, exsiccation.
extendedor m, extendedora f, spreader.
- de motor, motor grader. -de balasto (fe), ballast spreader.
- de rueda recta, straight-wheel grader. -de cuchilla (ca) , blade spreader.
- de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader. -de tornillo (ca), screw spreader.
extender, to stretch; to spread; to lay out; to
explanar, to level, grade.
explayar, to extend in area. swage (saw); to draw (check);to draw u p
exploracih f , exploration, ~rospecting ; (tv) (contract).
scanning. extensibadad f, extensibility.
-a salto de lhea (tv)(Es), line-jump scan- extensible, extensible.
ning. extensi6n f, extension; tension; (A) elongation.
- alterna de lineas (tv) (Es), alternateline -de avenamiento (hid) (Col), drainage or
scanning. catchment area.
-cercana o fina (tv), close scanning. - de plazo, extension of time (contract).
-elkErica (geof), electrical prospecting. extensdmetro m, extensometer.
- entrelazada (tv), interlaced or alternabline extensor m,extension piece.
scanning. - de cubiertas (A), tire spreader.
-geofisica, geophysical survey. exterior, externo, outside, external, exterior.
-progresiva (tv), progressive or sequential extinci6n f, extinguishing, extinction.
scanning. extinguidor m,extinguisher ; (elec) quencher.
- sfsmica, seismic prospecting. - a espuma, frarn fire extinguisher.
- sismogriifica, seisnlograph survey. - aprobado, labeled fire extinguisher (ap-
explorador m, prospector; (ra) exploring coil, proved by Underwriters).
explorer; {tv) scanner. extinguir, to extinguish.
explorar, to explore. extintor m,extinguisher.
exploratorio, exploratory. - a granada, grenade fire extinguisher.
-de incendio, fire extinguisher.
erploslmetro m (rnin) (al), Explosimeter {trade-
nlark). extirpador m (ec) (Es),rooter.
explosiBn f, exp~osion. extra, extra.
-de retroceso (auto) (A), back&e. -mejor del mejor (alambre), extra best best
explosive m a, explosive. (EBB).
- aprobado o permisible, permissible explosive. -select0 [mad), extra select.
-deflagrante, deflagrsting explosive. extra-aha (ra), ultrahigh (frequency).
- destructor o instanthneo o violento, high or extraccih j, removal of ore from a mine, win.
ning, exploitation; yield, output of a mine.
disruptive explosive.
- detonante, detonating explosive. (tun) mucking; (su) extraction.
-1ento o no detonante, low or nondetonating - de agregados (conc) , aggregate procuring.
explosive. -de ralz (mat), extraction of a root.
-lento detanante, low powder. extracelular (is), extracellular.
explosor m, exploder ; (A) (M) (8p) blasting ma- sxtracorriente f (el6c) , extra current.
chine; (elec) spark gap. ~xtracorta(ra) , ultrashort (wave).
extractivo factor
extractivo ,(M), extractive. fabriquero m (Es) , manufacturer.
extractor m ,extractor, puller. f a c s w e , facsimil m, facsimile.
-de buje, bushing puller. factor m , factor (all senses) ; (rr) (Sp) freight or
-de cojinetes, bearing puller. baggage agent.
--- de engranaje, gear puller. -cornpensado de fltracibn (hid), weighted
-de grasa, grease extractor. filtration factor.
-de muestras, sampler, -contra el deslizamiento, sliding factor (dam).
-de neblina (pet), mist extractor. -de absorci6n, absorption coefficient.
-de nficleos, core extractor (drill). -de abultamiento (ms), bulking factor.
-de piiibn, pinion puller. -de amortiguacibn (rns)(el6c), damping fac-
-del revestidor (pet), liner puller. tor.
-de ripio (pet), junk catcher. -de amplificacibn, magnification factor (vibra-
-de rueda (auto), wheel puller. tion).
--- de vdlvulas, valve remover. ---- de amplitud (elkc), ampIitude or crest o r
extradbs m, extrados. peak factor.
extraelevada (ra), ultrahigh (frequency). -de grea super6cial (ag), surface-area factor,
extraer, t o extract; t o puH (piles). surface coefficient.
extrafino, extra-fine, -de capacidad (elkc), capacity or use factor.
extraflexible, extra-flexible, extra-pliable. -de capacidad d e la estaci6n, plant capacity
extrafuerte, extra-strong, heavy-duty. factor.
extragrueso, extra-thick, extra-heavy. -de carga (elEc), load factor.
extraible (min) , minabIe. -de carga de la planta, plant load factor.
extraliviano, extra-light. -de carga de la red, system load factor.
extrapesado, extra-heavy. -de deformaci6n (elkc), distortion factor
extrapolacibn f , ext.rapolation. (wave).
extrapotente, high-power. -de demanda (elbe), demand factor.
extrarresistente, extra-strong. -de desviacibn ( e l k ) , deviation factor.
extraviarse, t o get out of line. -de diaf onia (ra), cross-talk factor.
extremidad f , extremo m ,end. ---- de dispersibn ( e l k ) , leakage o r dissipation
extremo a extremo, out-to-out, o v e r - d . factor.
extremo (m)muerto, dead end. -de disponibilidad (el&), availability factor.
extrusive (geol) (M), extrusive. -de diversidad (el&), diversity factor.
e x u d a c i h f (ca), bleeding. -de eficiencia eritgmica (il), erythema1 factor.
exudar, to exude. -de empuje (ms), earth-pressure factor.
eyector m, ejector, eductor. -- de encaramiento (aa), exposure factor.
-a chorro de agua, water-jet eductor. -de escaIa (fma), scale factor.
-a chorro de vapor, steam-jet ejector. -de escufrimiento (hid) (Col), runoff coeffi-
-cebador (bm), priming ejector. cient.
-condensador, ejector condenser. --- de espacio (el&!), space factor.
-de agua a vapor, steam-operated water ejec- --- de estabilidad (ms) (el&), stability factor.
tor. ---- de evaporacibn (call, factor of evaporation.
-de aguas negras, sewage ejector. --- de explosivos (exc), powder factor.
-de cenizas (en), ash ejector. -de filtracibn (hid), creep ratio, percolation
-de fusible (elk), fuse ejector. factor.
-del Htro (fma), filtcr factor.
-de flexibn, bending factor, l m - r ~distance.
---- de funcionamiento, operation factor.
fkbrica f , factory, mill, shop; plant; masonry; a -de gasto, load factor (water meter).
building. -de infiltracih (an), leakage factor.
-central ( e l k ) , central station. -de marea, tidal constant.
- de acero, steelworks. --- de mieles (aa), molasses factor.
-de azticar, sugar mill. - de percolacih (hid), filtration factor, creep
-d e canteria, ashlar masonry. ratio.
-de cemento, cement mill. -de potencia (el&), power factor.
-de electricidad, electric power plant. -de produccibn, out,put factor.
- d e gas, gasrvorlis, gas plant. -de propagacidn (ra), propagation or transfcr
--- de hierro, ironworks. factor.
-de ladrillos, brick masonry; brick factory. -de reflexi6n (il),reflectance, reflection factor.
-de piedra bruta, rubble masonry. - de reflexi6s espectral, spcctral reflection fac-
-de silleria, asliiar masonry. tor.
-- generatriz, central statiorl, powrhousc. - de reflexibn especular, regular reflection fac-
-sideriirica, steel mill. tor.
fabricacibn j, fabrication, manufacture. -de rendimiento, pcrformarlce factor, load
fabricante m, manufacturer, fabricator. factor (compressor).
fabricar, t o fabricate, manufacture; t o construct; - de resistencia (ms), bearing capacity factor.
to process. - de rigidez, stiffness factor.
factor 147
-de seguridad, factor of safety. fajinada f , revetment of brushwood.
-de seguridad final,ultimate factor of safety. fajinante m (Pan)(F), common laborer.
-de simultaneidad (elkc), demand factor. falca f (cn), washboard, wasteboard.
-de transmisibn difusa (il), diffuse transmis- - falda f, slope, hillside.
del Bmbolo, piston skirt.
sion factor.
-de transmisibn directa (i), regular transmis- faldear, to make a sidehill excavation.
sion factor. faldeo m, sidehill cut; slope of a hill.
-de transmisibn espectral (il), spectral trans- - a media ladera (A), sidehill cut and fill.
mission fsctor. - simple (A), cut for full width of roadbed.
utilizaci611, (elec) utilization factor; (tr)
factor. -
fald6n m, slope of a roof; (mech) skirt.
del vertedero (hid) (PR), spillway apron.
-gravado de percalacibn (hid), weighted filtra-
tion factor.
falencia f (A) (Ch), bankmptcy.
f alsa
factorla f, factory; agency; (Ec) foundry. -acacia (mad), locust.
-naval (Es), shipyard. -escuadra (carp), bevel square.
factorial (mat), factorial. -escuadra en T, T bevel.
fnctorizar (mat), to facto~ise. - explosidn (auto) (A) (U), backfire.
fsctura f, bill, invoice. - lengiteta (carp), spline.
-comercial. commercial invoice. - quilla (cn), false keel.
- consular, consular invoice. falsarregla f (carp), bevel square.
- de embarque, shipping memorandum. falseado (maq) , out-of-line, untrue.
- simulada o pro forma, pro forma invoice. fdsear, to bevel; falsearse, CV) to buckle, sag,
fscturar, to bill, invoice; to enter on a bill of give way.
lading; to check baggage. falseo m, beveling, bovel.
facultative (is), facultative. falsete m, chamfered corner.
fachada f, facade, front of a building. falso, false.
- de caldera, boiler front. - chasis (auto) (U), subframe.
fadbmetro m, Fadeometer (trademark). - flete (nAut), dead freight.
faena f, work; (Ch) gang, shift. -pilote, pile follower.
faenero m, common laborer. falla f, failure, breakdown; (geol) fault ; (elec)
faetBn m, (ce) carrying scraper; (cone) buggy; fault, failure.
(auto) phaeton. - aeostada (geol), thrust or overthrust fault.
faja f, strip, belt, band; (rd) lane; (ra) channel. - corriente (geol), strike fault.
- central (cz), separation strip, parkway. - de estratificacibn (geol), bedding fault.
-de aceleracih (ca), accelerating lane. -de tiro (vol), misfire.
- de apoyo, column strip (flat-slab construc- - diagonal (geol)(A), inclined fault.
tion). - distribntiva o escalonada (geol), step or dis-
-de aterrizaje, flight strip, flightstop, landing tributive fault.
strip, airstrip. - escarpada (geol) (M), fault scarp.
- de comunicacibn (ra), communication band, - estructural, structural failure.
-girada (geol), rotary or pivotal fault.
band of emission.
- de control (fma), control strip. - giratoria (geal) , rotational fault.
- de deceleracibn (ca). decelerating lane. - invertida (geol), reverse fault.
- de doblar (ca), turning lane. - poi deslizamiento (muro), sliding failure.
- de estacionamiento, (rd) parking lane; (ap) - por empuje (geol) (M), tIlrust fault.
parking apron. - por empuje irierior, underthrust fault.
-de frecuencias, radio channel, frequency - por volcamieuto (rnuro), tilting failure, overa
band. turning.
-de frecuencias de b i t e (rrt), frequency - r d c a d a (geol), branching fault.
range. -secundaria (elhc), secondary fault.
-de guardia (ra), guard band. -
-de ondas (ra), wave band.
-de pasar (ca), passing lane.
- simple (geol), normal fault.
transversal (geol), dip or cross fault.
fallado, faulted.
-de servicio (ra), service band. f a l l d e n t o m, faultage, faulting.
-de transid611 (ca), transition strip. fallar, to fail; (ge) to miss.
-diPisora (ca), parting strip, parkway, separa- falleba f, door bolt, cremone or espagnolette bolt.
tion strip. - de emergencia o de salida, exit or panic bolt.
-expropiada (fc), right of way. failido (vol) (M), missed (hole).
-lateral (ra), side band. fallir (V), (corn) to fail.
-libre (ra) , clcnr chmnel. f d o m ( C ) ,flaw, defect; (met) blowhole.
-volada (fma), flight strip, fanal m, lamp, lantern, (Sp) headlight.
fajado m, mine timber. - de arrumbarniento (ap), bearing projector.
fajadora f (ca), striping machine. - de aterrizaje (sp), landing light,
fajar, to band; to stripe. -de destellos, flashlight (lighthouse).
fsjina f, fascinc, bundle of bruahwood, fagot; - de trlfico, traffic light.
work, task. - giratorio, revolving light (lighthouse).
-trasero o de cola, taillight. farolero m, lamp tender.
fanega f, a dry measure having many different farolito sefialero (auto), stop light.
values between 50 and 150 liters; (M) land farolito trasero (auto), taillight.
measure of about 8.8 acres. fase f (el&) (quim) (met), phase.
fanegada, fanega de tierra, land measure of -avanzada (e16c1, leading phase.
various values: (Pe) 1.6 acres, IV) 1.7 -continua {quim), continuous phase.
acres. -dispersa (quim) , dispersed phase.
fangal m,marsh, bog. --- opuesta (el&), opposite phase, antiphase.
fanglomerado m (geol) , fandomerate. -partida (el&), split phase.
fango m, mud, muck, silt; sludge. -retrasada (el&), lagging phase.
-activo (dac), active sludge. fases desequilibradas (el&), unbalanced phases.
-mineral (min), slimes. fases equilibradas, balanced phases.
fangos activados (dac) , activated sIudge. fasbmetro m (elk), phase meter.
fangoso, silty, muddy. fastial, see hastial.
fanotrbn m (ra) , phanotron. fatiga f, stress; fatigue.
faquia (carp) (V) , batten. -admisible, allowable stress.
faraday (elkc), faraday. -con corrosibn, corrosion fatigue.
farhdico (elEc), faradic. --- cortante o a1 corte, shearing stress.
faradimetro m (el&), faradmeter. -de apoyo, bearing stress (beam).
faradi0.m (elkc), farad. -de compresidn, compressive stress.
faradizacih f, faradization, farsdism. -de contraccih, contractile stress.
faraUbn m, cliff, bluff, headland; (min) outcrop. -de empuje, bearing stress (rivet).
farda f (carp), (Col) dap, notch, gain, rabbet; -de flexibn, bending stress; bending fatigue.
(Sp) mortise. -de metales, fatigue of metals.
fardo m, bale, bundle. -de ruptura, breaking stress, ultimate
farero m (pet), derrickman. strength.
faro m ,lighthouse, beacon; headlight. -de seguridad o de trabajo, safe or working
-alternante, alternating light, stress.
--- buscador (auto), spotlight. - de tensi6n o de traccih, tensile or tensional
-de aeropuerto, airport or airport-location stress.
beacon. -especaca o unitaria, unit stress.
-de banquina (auto) (A), spotlight. -principal, principal stress, (A) diagonal ten-
-de destellos, flashing light. sion.
-de direcciBn (ap), bearing projector. -superficial, surface fatigue.
-d e luz continua, fixed light. fatiglmetro m (M), strain meter.
-de peligro (ap), hazard beacon. fatigar, t o stress.
-de perforacibn (M), oil derrick. faz f, front, face.
---- de ruta, course light. -de laboreo (rnin), working face.
-de ruta agrea, airway beacon. fecal, fecal.
-flotante, lighlship. fecaloide (is), fecaloid.
--- giratorio (ap) , rotating heacon. f eldespktico (geol) , feldspathic.
--- localizador o de identificacidn o de ref- feldespatizacibn f, feldspathization.
erencia (ap) , Iandmark heacon. feldespato m (miner), feldspar.
-localizador de pista (ap), runway localizing --- calizo, lime feldspar.
beacon. -de barita, baryta feldspar, hyalophane.
-marcador (ap), marker beacon. -de cal; lime feldspar, anorthite.
-omnidirectional (ap), omnidirectional be* 7 potksico, potash feldspar, orthoclase.
con. -sbdico, soda feldspar, albite.
---- para niebla (auto), fog light. - vitreo, sanidine, glassy feldspar.
-titilante, flashing beacon. felsita f (geol), felsite, petrosilex.
far01 m,lantern, lamp. felsitico, felsitic.
---- de acercamiento (ap), approach light. fenestra f (Col), window.
-de aterrizaje (ap), landing light. fenestraje m , fenestration.
--- de cambio (fc), switch lanip. f h i c o , carbolic, phcnic.
-de enfilacibn, range light. fen01 m (qufm), phenol.
-de frente, headlight. f enolftaleina f (is),phenolphthalein.
-- de marcha a t r b , backing light. fenblico, phenolic.
-de pista Cap), contact or runway light. fenolizar, t o phenolize, phenolate,
-de reflector contenido (auto), sealed-bcam fendmeno m, phenornenon.
headlight. fenosafranina f (fma), phenosafranine,
-de seiial (fc), signal lamp. ferberita f, ferberite (tungsten om).
-de trifico, traffic light. fermentador m (lab), ferrncnter.
-delimitador (ag), boundary light. fermentar, t o ferment.
-trasero o de zags (auto), taillight, tail f erodo, Ferodo (trademark) (brake lining).
lamp. ferrato m (qulm), ferrate.
farola f, large lantern or light, headRght. fgrreo, containing iron, made of iron, ferrous.
ferreria f 49 fieltro
ferrerfa f, ironwork; iron shop. ferrovial, to railroads.
ferrete m, steel marking stamp. ferroviario m, railroad man; a railroad.
ferretear, to bind with iron; to mark with a steel fenuglneo, containing iron.
stamp. ferruginoso, ferruginous.
fefieteria f. hardware; hardware store; ironwork. ferrumbre f {C), rust.
- de edificacih, builder's hardware. ferrumbroso (Ch), rusty.
- de posteria, pole-he hardware. firula f, ferrule; tap (water main).
- gruesa, heavy hardware. -embridada (tub), floor plate.
- marina, marine hardware. fiador m,fastener, retainer, toggle, catch; bonds-
- para ebanisteria, cabinet hardware. man, surety, guarantor.
ferreter0 m, hardware dealer. -acodado, elbow catch.
femicilnico, ferricyanic. - atravesado (cadena), toggle.
f 6rric0, ferric. - de boterola, rivet-set retainer.
ferrifero, containing iron. -de cadena (cn), chain stopper.
ferriprusiato m ( C ) , blueprint. - de freno, brake dog.
ferrita f (geol)(met), ferrite. -de tuerca, nut lock.
ferrltico, ferritic. -de ventana, window fastener, sash fast, win-
ferritizacidn f , ferritization. dow lock.
ferrito m (qulm). ferrite. fianza f, bond {surety).
- dicdcico (ct) , dicalcium ferrite. -de alrnach, warehouse bond.
- de averias, average bond.
ferroacero m, semisteel.
ferro-barco (fc) (A), car float. -de cumplimiento, performance bond.
ferroaleaciBn f, iron alloy. - de fidelidad, fidelity bond.
f erroalurninato tetraciilcico rn (ct) , tetracdcium - de licitador, bid bond.
aluminoferrite. -de pago, payment bond.
ferroaluminio m, ferroaluminum. fibra f, fiber; vein (ore) ; grain (wood).
ferroaluminosilicato m, fcrroduminosilicate. -atravesada, cross grain.
ferroboro m, ferroboron. -coda, shortled (pine).
ferrocarril m, railroad, railway. -de plomo (M), lead wool.
-aGreo, elevated railway. - extrema, extreme fiber.
- de circunvalacibn, belt line. -h a , h e grain.
-de cremallera, rack railway. gruesa, coarse grain.
- de via angosta, narrow-gage railway. -larga, longleaf (pine).
- de via normal, standard-gage railway. -m l s alejada, extreme fiber.
-5scal o del estado, government railroad, -recta, straight grain.
state railway, -vulcanizada, vulcanized or hard fiber.
- funicular, cable railway. fibras de vidrio, fiber glass.
- aubterrheo, subway. fibrina f (is), fibrin.
- troncal, trunk-line railway. fibrocemento m, fiber cement.
- urbano, street railway. fibroso, fibrous.
fsrrocarrilero m, railroad man; a pertaining t o ficticio (el&), fictitious.
raibilrods. ficha f, brass check; card; (elec) base plug; (A)
ferrocerio m, fsrroceriurn (alloy). (M) surveyor's pin, marking pin; (A) door
ferroconcreto, ferrohormig6n m, reinforced con- butt.
crete. -de cuchillas paralelas (el&), parallel-blade
ferrocromo m,ferrochromium. plug.
ferrofbsforo m, ferrophosphorus. -de trabajo (V),time sheet.
ferroinductancia f (el&), ferroinductance. -hembra (eldc) (A), jack.
ferroinductivo, ferroinductive. -t h d e m (clbc), tandem-blade plug.
ferroinductor m, ferroinductor. fichero m, card index.
ferromagnesiano, ferromagnesian. fidelidad f (elkc), fidelity.
ferrornagnBsico (A), ferromagnesian. fiducial (mat), fiducial.
ferromagnCtico, ferromagnetic. fiebre Cf) tifoidea, typhoid fever.
ferromanganeso m, ferromanganese. fieltro m, felt.
ferromotibdeno m, ferromolybdenum. -antisonoro, acoustical felt.
ferronfquel m, ferronickel. -asfaltado, asphalt felt, roofing felt.
ferroprusiato m (C), blueprint. -calorlfugo, Firefelt (trademark).
ferrorreactancia f (elkc), ferroreactance. -de aislacibn, insulating felt.
ferrorreactor m (elk), ferroreactm. -de asbesto, felted asbestos.
ferrorresonante (elkc), icrroresonanf. -de calafatear, calking felt.
ferrosilicio m, ferrosihon (alloy). -de crin o de pelo, hair felt.
f erroso, ferrous. -de empizarrar, slating felt.
f errotitanio m, ferrotitanium (alloy). - de hilacha o de trapo, rag felt.
ferrotungsteno m, ferrotungsten. -embreado, tarred felt.
ferrovanadio m, fcrrovanadiurn. - filtrador, filter felt.
fe%%Ovla f, radrosid. - impermeable, roofing or waterproofing felt,
-para subrasantes (ea), subgrade felt. -intermitente (dac), intermittent filtration.
fierro m, iron. -por etapas, stage filtration.
-angular, angle iron. fltrado m, filtrate.
-canal, channel iron. filtrador m, filter.
-dulce (Pe), wrought iron. fltraje m (A) (C), filtration.
-forjado, wrought iron. fltrar, t o filter; filtrarse, t o seep, leak.
-fundido, cast iron. filtro m (hid) (elbc), filter.
-soldado (Ch) , wrought iron. -a gravitacibn, gravity filter.
-viejo o de desecho, junk, scrap iron. -a presiSn, pressure filter.
fierros, (CA) tools. -a1 vacfo, vacuum filter.
figueroa f, an Ecuadorian lumber. -acGstico (ra), acoustic filter.
figura f (dib), figure. -con sobrecarga (ms), loaded filter.
fija f, trowel; (Pe) blade tamper. -de banda (ra), band or band-pass filter. -
fijacibn f, fastening; (chem) fixation. -de bolsa (met) (aa), bag filter.
fijado m (fma) , fixing. -de borde, (eng) edge filter.
fijador m,fastening, binder, keeper; (pmy) fixer. -de canecillo (az), cantilever filter.
-de tuercas, nut runner or setter. ---- de carbbn animal (az) , char filter.
fijar, to fasten; t o fix. -de cortina automgtica (aa), multipanel or
fijo, stationary, fixed. automatic-curtain air filter.
m a f, row, h e , range. -de cuerdas .(dac), cord filter.
-divisoria (top) (V) , divide. -de direccidn (ra), directional filter.
filament0 m, filament. -del efluente (dac), effluent filter.
filamentoso, Hamentous. -de entrada (geof), input filter.
filhstica f, marline, calking or rope yarn. -de escurrimiento, trickling filter.
-alquitranada o embreada, marline. -de faja (ra), band or band-pass filter.
-de plomo, lead wool. -de fuerza bruta (ra), brute-force filter.
fletaje m (A), threading. -de gravedad, gravity filter.
mete m,thread; fillet. -de guarapo (az), juice strainer.
-a la derecha, right-hand thread. -de luz (fma), filter.
-a la izquierda, left-hand thread. -de malla (auto), filter screen.!
-bastardo, bastard or buttress thread. -de paso alto (ra), high-pass filter.
-de tornillo, screw thread; bolt thread. -de paso bajo (ra), low-pass filter.
-de tornillo sin fin, worm thread. -de peso de banda (ra) (A), band-pass or band
-de tubo, pipe thread. filter.
-insertado, screw-thread insert. -de pulsaciones (ra) (A), ripple filter.
-macho, maIe thread. -de rascadura (ra) (Es), scratch filter.
-matriz, female thread. -de regadera, sprinkling filter.
-Sellers, Sellers' thread. -d e resistencia-capacidad (ra) , resistance-
-tallado, cut thread. capacity filter.
-trapezoidal, buttress thread. -de ruido de piia (ra), scratch filter.
-triangular, V thread. -de salida (geof), output filter.
-troquelado, pressed thread. -de tambor, drum filter.
- Whitworth, Whitworth thread. -de todo paso (ra), all-pass filter.
iileteadora f, threading machine; chasing tool. -de un cuarto de onda (ra), quarter-wave
filetear, to thread, chase. filter.
fileteo m, threading. - desaceitador, oil-removal filter.
W t a f (geol)(miner), phglIite. -desbastador (pa) (A), roughing filter.
flo m, cutting edge; (top) ridge. -desferrizador (pa), iron-removal filter.
-de cincel, chisel point. -desodorizador (pa), odor-removal filter.
-de corte, cutting edge. -eliminador (ra), band-elimination flter,
mdn m, vein, seam, lode, (min) reef. -goteante (M) , trickling filter.
-atravesado, cross vein or lode. -intennitente de arena (dnc), intermittent
-ciego, blind vein or lode. sand filter.
-compuesto, compound vein. -invertido (hid), inverted or reverse filter.
-de contacto, contact vein. -pasa-altos (ra)(A), high-pass filter.
-- en cufia (min), gash or rake vein. -pasa-bajos (ra) (A), low-pass filter.
--- escalonado, step vein. -percolador (dac), trickling or percolating
-inclinado, rake vein. filter.
-paralelo (a la estratificacZn), bed or bedded -rapid0 de arena ( ~ a ) rapid , sand filter.
vein. -rociador (dac), sprinkling filter.
-principal, master or champion or motherlode. -rotativo (az), rotary-leaf or rotary filter.
-sin afloramiento, blind vein. -seco (aa), dry-type filter, air mat.
-transversal, cross vein or lode. -suavizador (pa), softening filter.
fdtrabilidad f, filtmbility. Gltro-prensa de alimentacih central, center-
flltrable, filtrable. feed filter press.
filtracidn f, filtration; seepage, creep; leak. hanciar, to finance.
Bnancista m, financier, financial backer. flexor a, bending.
h e z a f,fineneas. flexura f, flexure, bending; (geol) (4folding.
finito, finite, floculacibn f, flocculation.
fino, fine. floculador m (is), flocculator.
finos m, fines. floculante m, flocculant.
h u r a f, fineness, grain. flocular, to flocculate; a (C)AoccuIent.
- del molido (ct), fineness of grinding. ffoculentoa,flocculent.
firme m, roadbed, foundation course; a firm, flSculo m,ffoc.
solid, stable, compact. flocus m (pa) (Pe) , floc.
fiscal, pertaining t o the treasury or the govern- flogopita f, phlogopite, brown mica.
ment; fiscal. flojadad f, slack; looseness.
fiscalizacih f,control, supervision, inspection. flojo, slack, loose; unstable (ground).
fiscalizador m, inspector, supervisor. flor de, a, flush with, level with.
fiocalizar, t 3 control; to inspect. flor de agua, a, awash.
6sco m, national treasury. flor de lluvia (A), shower head.
ii;ica f , physics. flores
-de suelos, soil physics. -de antimonio (miner), antimony bloom,
fisico m , physicist; a physical. white antimony, valentinite.
fiail, fissile. -de cinc, zinc oxide, flowers of zinc.
fisilidad f (geol) , fissility. --r de cobalto, cobalt bloom, erythrite.
fisura f, seam, fissure. -de nlquel, nickel bloom, annabergite.
fisurarse (A) ( h l ) , t o crack. flota Cf) de madera (Pan), mason's float.
fito, see hito. flotabilidad f, buoyancy.
fitoplancton m (is), phytoplankton. -de reserva (an), reserve buoyancy.
fiagelos m (is), ff agella. - de servicio (an), working buoyancy.
flama f, flame. flotable (r), navigable for rafts.
flamante, brand new, unused; spick and span. flotaci6n f, (naut) (min) flotation; buoyancy.
flambear, to buckle; t o deflect. -selectiva (min) , selective or differential
flambe0 m, buckling, deflection. flotation.
flanco m, side; slope of a wall; (geol) limb; (t) flotador m,float.
(th) (gear) flank; sidewall (tire). -de bastdn (hid), rod float.
flanche (pet) (V), flange. -tubular (hid), tube float.
flanquear, t o flank. flotaje m, flotation, floating.
flatachar (A), to trowel; t o float. flotante m, float; a floating.
flatacho m (-4), mason's float; trowel. flotar, to float.
flecha f, deflection, sag; middle ordinate; rise fluctuacibn f (ra) , fluctuation.
(arch); crown (road); pole (wagon); (M) fluencia j (Es) (Pe), flow.
shaft, axle; (M) spade of a concrete vibra- fluidal (geol) (A), fluidd.
tor; (A) derrick boom. fluidez f, fluidity, liquidity.
-de propulsibn (auto) (M;, propeller or drive fluidificante m, 'flux.
sl1dt. fluidificar, t o liquefy, flux, fluidize.
-motriz (auto) (M), propeller shaft. fluidlmetro m, fiuidimcter.
flechita f (dib), arrowhead. A&do m, fluid; a fluid; (geol) fluidal.
fleje m, band, iron strap, hoop; (met) strip. -de cortar, cutting fluid.
fletador m, freighter, charterer. -de perforacibn (pet), drilling fluid.
fletamento, fletamiento ,m,charter, a.ffreight- -edriador (met), quench fluid.
rnent. fluidbmetro m, Fluidometer (trademark) ; (C)
fletante m, one who owns any means of transport flowmeter.
for hire (boats, trucks, beasts of burden, fluimetro m (Ch), flowmeter.
etc.), fluir, to flow, (pt) t o sag.
Aetar, t o charter, hire; t o freight, affreight. -en frb, to cold-flow.
fiete m ,freight; freight rate; freight charges. flujo m, flow; flux; (met) creep.
-debido o por cobrar, freight collect. -- de arc0 (sol), arc stream.
- pagado, freight prepaid. -de dispersib (el&), leakage flux.
-de la hdlice (ap), propeller wash.
fletero m, freight carricr; owner of means of
transport for hire. -de la marea, flood tide.
flexarse, to bend, deflect. -electrostHtico o el8ctric0, electric or electro-
flexibilidad f , flexibility, pliability. static flux.
Aexible, flexible. -eritgmico (ill, erythema1 flux.
fleximetro m (Es), dcflectomctcr. --- inductor o rnagpiitico, magnctic flux.
flexih f , bending. flexure. -laminar (hid), laminar or viscous flow.
- compuesta, compound flexure. --- luminoso, luminous flux or power; floodlight.
- pura o simple, pure bending. -turbulent0 (hid), turbulent or sinuous or
flexional, flexural. tortuous flow.
flexionarse, to deflect, bend, buckle. -viscose (hid), laminar or viscous or stream-
flexOwetro m, flexometer. line flow,
flujdmetro m, fluxmeter. -de la rosca, root of thread.
fliior m (qufm), fluorine. -de la soldadura, root of weld.
-espato (miner), fluor spar, fluorite. -doble (cn), double bottom.
fluoracibn f, fluorination. -rotativo, revolving fund.
fluorapatita f (miner), fluorapatite. fondos, funds.
fluorescencia f, fluorescence, (pet) bloom, (pet) f bnico, phonic.
cast. fonoadaptador m (ra), phono adapter.
fluorescente, fluorescent. f onocaptor m (el6c). phonbgraph pickup.
Audrico (quim), fluoric. fonoelbctrico, Phonoeleotric (trademark).
fluorita, fluorina f (miner), fluorite, fluor spar. fondforo (tel), phonophore.
fluoruro m; fluoride, fluorate. fonolita f (geol), phonolite, clinkstone.
flus m, flue, tube. fo~bmetrom, phonometer.
-de acero enterizo, seamless tubing. fontaneria f, pipework, piping, plumbing. .
-de caldera, boiler tube. fontanero m, pipeman, plumber.
fluseria f, set of boiler tubes. foquito m (A), small incandescent lamp.
fluvid, pertaining to rivers, fluvid. forcejear, t o force.
fluvio-eSlico (geol), fluvio-aeolian. forcita f (vol), forcite.
fluvioglacial (geol), fluvioglacial. forestacibn f (M), forestation.
fluvibgrafo na (hid), recording stream gage; flu- forestal, pertaining t o forests.
viograph. forja f , forge; forging.
Auviolacustre (geol), fluviolacustrine. -con martinete, drop-forging.
fluviomarino (geol), fluviomarine. -- con martinete a vapor, steam-hammer forg-
Auvidmetro m (hid), current meter; fluviograph; ing.
flowmeter. -con mat& abierta, smith or open-die forg-
-registrador, recording current meter. ing.
fluviovolcinico (geol), fluviovolcanic. -con presidn o de prensa, press-forging.
fluxdmetro m, (A) fluxmeter; (M) flushometer. -de banco, bench forge.
fluyendo, flowing. -de herrero, blacksmith forge.
focal, focal. -de recalcar, upsetting forge.
foco m, focus; focal point. -de soldar, welding or brazing forge.
-catddico (ra), cathode spot. -de tiro hacia abajo, downdraft forge.
-elGctrico (A) (MI, incandescent lamp. forjabilidad f, malleability, forgeability.
- incandescente (M) (Col) (Pan), incandescent forjable, malleable, forgeable.
lamp. forjado, forged, wrought.
-piloto (M), pilot lamp. -a martinete o a troquel, drop-forged.
-principal (inst), principal focus. -en caliente, hot-forged.
--- real, real focus. -en frio, cold-forged.
-virtual, virtual focus. forjador m, blacksmith, forge smith.
fogbn m, firebox, furnace. forjar, t o forge; to rough-plaster; (Col) t o fill be-
fogonadura f (cn), mast hole. tween beama on a wall.
fogonazo (m)de retorno (sol), backfire. -a presidn, to press-forge.
fogonera ( f ) automiitica, mechanical stoker. forma f, form, shape; (conc) form; (Col) roof
fogonero, foguista, m (cal), fireman, stoker. truas.
foguear (M), to stoke a furnace. formabilidad f, formability.
fogueo m (M), stoking. f ormacidn j (geol), formation, country; (elec)
foliacibn f (geol), foliation. forming.
foliado, foliated. formador m, shaper ; former.
fomentar, to promote (a project). formadora Gf) de engranajes, gear shaper.
foment0 m,development; promotion. formaldehido m, formaldehyde.
fomita f, foarnite (fire extinguisher). formaleta f , small form, centering, form for con-
fon, phon (unit of loudness). crete pipe; (C) straightedge.
fondaje m (hid) (C), sediment. formar, t o form.
fondeadero rn, anchorage, berth. fbrmica f (el&), Formica (trademark).
fondear, to anchor, drop anchor. formdn m,chisel, mortising or firmer or framing
fondeo m, anchoring, mooring. chisel.
fond0 m ybottom, far end, base, bed; fund; depth; -con chanfie, cant chisel.
(tv) background. -de Bngulo, corner chisel.
-- de amortizacibn, sinking fund. - de cubillo, socket chisel.
-de b a d , barrelhead. -de cuchara, bent; entering chisel.
- de la caldera, boiler head. - de espiga, tang chisel.
-del cilindro, cylinder head, back cylinder -de 610 oblicuo, aide or skew chisel.
head. -de punta de lanza, spear-point chisel.
- del imbolo, pistonhead. -de punta redonda, roundnose chisel.
-de laboreo (t6n) (min), working face. -de tornero, turning chisel.
- de renovacibn, repIacement fund. fdrmulaf , formula; (A) blank form.
-del rio, river bed. - de Chdzp (hid), Ch6zy forrnula.
-de Manning (hid), Manning's formula. fosterita f (ais), Pbsterite [trademark).
-del prismoide, prismoidal formula. fot m (il), phot.
la seccidn media (ot) , average-end-area fotoactivo, photoactive.
fotoadreo (M), pertaining to aerial photography.
(pi), dynamic formula.
(pi), static formula.
fotoalidada f (frna), photoslidade.
fotobulbo m (A), phototube.
formulario m,blank form. fotocalcar, to blueprint.
- de contrato, contract form.
de h n z a , form of surety bond.
f otocalco m,sun print; photographic copy; p h o t e
- de propuesta, Kidding form or blank, pro- -azul, blueprint.
posal form. - blanco, white print.
fornalla f, firebox, furnace; (C) ashpit (furnace). fotocarta f, photomap. '
fornaza f, small furnace. fotocartografia f, photographic mapping, photo-
forrar, to line, sheath, cover, ceil, coat, face. lag. mapping.
forro m, lining, lagging, sheathing; bushing. fotocartbgrafo m, photocartograph.
- aislante, insulation. fotochtodo m (ra), photocathode.
- centrifugado (tub), spun lining. fotocelda f (M) (A), photoelectric cell.
- de cilindro, cylinder liner. fotocdlula f, photocell, photoelectric cell.
- de cojinete, bearing sleeve, bushing. fotocUn6metro m, photoclinometer.
- de chimenea, flue lining. fotoconductividad f (el&), photoconductivity.
-de chumacera, bushing, liner. fotoconductivo (ra), photoconductive.
- de freno, brake lining. fotocopia f, photocopy, blueprint.
- hiimedo (di), wet-type cylinder liner. -azul, blueprint.
-blanca, white print.
forms de zanja, sheeting, sheet piling..
f orsterita f (miner), forsterite (magnesium sili- -negra, blackprint.
cate). -parda, brownprint.
fortalecer, to strengthen. fotocopiar, to blueprint, make a photocopy.
fortaleza f, strength. fotocroquis (fma), mosaic, photosketch.
f orWcaci6n f (ruin), system of supports, timber- fotodesintegracibn f, photodisintegration.
ing. fotoelasticidad f, photoelasticity.
fortificar, to strengthen, brace, buttress, shore. fotoellstico, photoelastic.
forzar, to force. fotoelectricidad f, photoelectricity.
fosa f, pit; drain; (met) sow. fotoel8ctric0, photoelectric.
- de excreta, cesspool. fotoelectr6n m, photoelectron.
- sdptica, septic tank. fotoemisivo, fotoemisor (ra), photoemiasive.
fosfatar, fosfatizar, to phosphate, phoaphatize. fotoesthtico (M), photostatic.
fosfiitico, phosphatic. fotoestere6grafo m (frna), photostereograph.
fosfato m, phosphate. fotefono m,photophone.
fosfito m, phosphite. fotoginico, photogenic.
f6sfor m (ra), phosphor. fotbgeao m, photogen (oil).
fosforado, phosphated. fotogoniometrfa f (frna), photogoniometry.
fosforar, fosforizar, to phosphorate, phosphorize, fotogoniiimetro m (frna), photogoniometer.
fosforescencia f, phosphorescence. fotogabado rn, photoengraving.
fosforescente, phosphorescent. fotografia f , photography; a photograph.
fosforescer, to phosphoresce. - compuesta (frna), composite photograph.
fosfbrico, phosphoric. fotogratlar, to photograph.
fosfodta f (geol) (miner), phosphorite. fot6grafo (frna), photographer, cameraman.
f6sf0ro m, phosphorus; (ra) (Sp) phosphor. fotogama m (frna), photogram.
fosforoso, phosphorous. fotogrametrla f, photogrammetry, photographic
fosfuro rn, phosphide. surveying.
foso m,trench. ditch, pit. - aerea, acrosurveying, aerial photogram-
- colector (pet), gathering pit. metry.
- de abastecimiento de combustible (ap), fuel- -cercana, close photogrammetry.
ing pit. - poi imagen Gnica, single-image photogram-
-de aserrar, saw pit. metry.
- de caldeo (met), soakiig pit. -por irniigenes dobles, two-image ghotogram-
- de cenizas, ashpit. metry.
- -terrestre, terrestrial photographic surveying.
de cintura, marginal or intercepting ditch.
de colada (fund), casting pit.
del lodo (pet), mud ditch.
fotogramtrico, photogrammetric.
fotogrametnlsta m, photographic surveyor, pha-
-de prBstamo (ot), borrow pit. togrammetrist.
- de recalentar (met), soaking pit. fotogrhetro m, photogrammeter, phototheodo-
-de servicio (ap), service pit. lite.
- fotoionizacibn f, photo-ionization.
de succidn (bm), suction pit.
de volants, flywheel pit.
sdptico Bs), aeptic tank.
fotolaboratorio m, photographic laboratory.
fotolhmpara f (A), photoelectric cell.
f recuencia I

fotoluminiscencia f, photolurninescence. -escalonada (geol)(A), step fault.

fotomapa m,photoplan, photomap. -mellada (miner), hackly fracture.
fotomecbnico, photomechanical. fracturar, to fracture.
fotometria f, photometry. fragata f (C), boxcar, car body.
fotomitrico, photometrical, photometric. frsgil, brittle ; frail.
fotgmetro na, photometer, (V) exposure meter. fragilidad f, brittleness ; frailty.
-de dispersibn, dispersion photometer. -cftustica, caustic embrittlement.
-de globo, sphere photometer. -en caliente, hot-shortness.
-integrador, integrating photometer. fragmentacibn f, fragmentation.
-por destellos, flicker photometer. fragmentar, to break up, shatter.
fotomicrograffa f, photomicrography. fragmentario, fragmentoso (geol), fragmentaI.
fotomicrBgrafo m, photomicrograph. fragua f, forge; blacksmith shop; (ct) setting.
fotomicroscopio m, photomicroscope. -baja, bloomery.
fotdn m (6ptica). photon. -de recalcar, upsetting forge.
fotoperspect6grafo m (fma), photoperspecto- -de soldar, welding or brazing forge.,
graph. -h a 1 (ct), final set.
fotoplano m (fma), photoplan. -inicial (ct), initial set.
fotorreproduccidn f, photoreproduction. fraguado m, forging; (ct) setting.
fotorresistencia f, photoelectric resistance, pho- -t6rmic0, thermosetting.
toresistance. fraguador m ,blacksmith, forge smith.
fotorrestituci6n f (frna), photorestitution. fraguar, to forge; (ct) t o set; t o cure (asphalt);
fotorrestituidor m (frna), photographic restitu- (Col) t o grout.
tion machine. fragiie m,setting, set.
fotosensible, photosensitive. franco, open, free, clear; exempt.
fotosintesis f (qufm), photosynthesis. --a bordo o sobre vagdn (FAB)(tr), free on
fotosint6tic0, photosynthetic. board (FOB).
fotostatar, to photostat. -bordo (an) (A), freeboard.
fotosthtico, photostatic. -de averfa simple (seg), free of particular
fot6stato m, photostat. average.
fototaquimetria (Ea), photogammetry. -de derechos, duty-free.
fototaquEmetro m, phototheodolite with stadia -de porte, prepaid (carriage).
hairs. -fuera del buque, free overside.
fototelegrafia f, phototelegraphy. -sobre muelle (tr), free alongside (FAS).
fototeodolito m (frna), phototheodolite. franja f, strip, band.
fototopografia j, photographic topography, pho- -capilar (A), capillary fringe.
togrammetry. franklinifa f , franklinite (ore of manganese).
fototopogrlfico, phototopographic. franquear, to span, clear; to clear away.
fototop6grafo m,phototopographer. franqueo m, postage; prepayment; clearance,
fototriangular, t o phototriangulate. (machy) relief, backing-off ; (tun) (min)
fototubo m,phototube, photoelectric tube. unkeying.
-a gas, gas or soft phototube. -lateral, side clearance.
-multiplicador, multiplier or electron-multi- -superior, headroom, vertical cIearance.
plier phototube. franquicia f, franchise; tax exemption.
fotovhlvula f (A). phototube. frasco m, flask, bottle, vial.
fotovoltaico, photovoltaic, photoelectric. -de filtrar, filter flask.
f otrdnico (il), Photronic (trademark). - gotero (lab), dropping bottle.
fracasar, t o be unsuccessful; t o fail; t o be -separador (lab), parting flask.
wrecked. frasquito m (lab), vial.
fracas0 m,failure; breakdown. fratacho m (A), mason's float.
fracci6n f, fraction. fratls m, plasterer's trowel, mason's float.
- continua, continued fraction. fratasar, to trowel, t o float.
- impropia, improper fraction. frehtico, phreatic, subsurface.
-propia, proper fraction. freatimetro m (A), device for gaging ground
- xepresentativa (dib), representative frac- watcr.
tion, fractional scale. freatofitas f (hid), phreatophytes.
fraccionado, fractional, divided; broken. frecuencia f , frequency (all senses).
fraccionador m (pet), fractionator. -amortiguadora (ra), quenching frequency.
fraccionamiento de viscosidad (pet), viscosity -angular o de radihn (ra), angular or radian
breaking. frequency.
fraccionar, t o break down, divide into parts; t o -audible (ra) , audio frequency.
fractionate. -critica (flsica), threshold or critical f r e
fraccionario, fractional. quency.
fractura f, fracture, breaking. -de corte (ra) (A), cutoff frequency.
-astiUosa (miner), splintery fracture. -de cuadro (tv), frame frequency.
- concoidea (miner), conchoidal fracture. - de imagen (ra), imago frequency; (tv) pic-
- de copa (met), cup fracture. Lure frequency.
frecuencia fresar
-de linea (tv), h e frequency. -muerto, dead front (switchboard).
-de visi6n (ra), video or visual frequency. -viva, live front (switchboard).
-heterodina o de pulsacibn (ra), beat or frentear, to face, mill, machine.
heterodyne frequency. frenteo m, facing, milling.
- nominal, rated frequency. frentero m (min), miner employed a t the work-
- patren, standard frequency. ing face.
-portadora (el&), carrier frequency. frentista m JA)(U), cement mason for stucco
---- portadora fijada o. portadora asignada (rz), work,
center or resting frequency. frebn (rfg), Freon (trademark).
-propia (ra) ,natural frequency or wave length. fresa f , bit, milling tool, miller; ( C ) reamer; (A)
-superelevada (ra) , superhigh frequency. countersinking bit.
-ultraelevada, ultrahigh frequency. -cilindrica helicoidal, slabbing cutter.
- vocal (ra)(A), voice frequency. - cola de pescado, fishtail cutter.
frecuencfmetro m, frequency meter. -cortadora, cutter bit.
-de lengiietas, vibrating-reed frequency -de corte lateral, side milling cutter.
meter. - de cuchillas postizas, inserted-blade cutter.
-heterodino, heterodyne wavemeter. - de dientes escalonados, staggered-tooth cut-
-registrador, frequency recorder. ter.
fregadero m (pb), sink. -de dientes grandes, coarse-tooth cutter.
fregador m (Pan), sink. - de disco, side cutter.
frenada f (A), braking. -de espiga, end mill.
frenaje m, braking. -de ranurar, gaining head.
- de recuperacidn o da regeneracibn, regenera- -de refrentar, face cutter.
tive braking. -de roscar, thread milling cutter, thread-out-
-reostiitico, resistance or rheostatic braking. ting tool.
frenar, to brake. -desbastadora, roughing or stocking cutter.
frenero m, brakeman. -en cruz (pet), cross cutter.
freno m, brake. -escariadora, end mill.
-a corrientes pariisitas, eddy-current brake. -escariadora hueca, shell end miU.
-al card6.n (auto) (A), trrtnsmission brake. -estriadora, fluting cutter.
-al vacio, vacuum brake. -madre, hob.
-aerodinkmico, air brake (airpIane). - mdltiple, gang cutter.
-de aceite, oil brake. -partidora, parting tool.
-de aire, air brake. -perfilada, profile or formed cuttef.
-do almohadillas, block brake. -perfilada simple, ffy cutter.
- de automultiplicacibn de fuerza, self-ener- -ranuradora, cotter mill.
gidng brake. -recorkadom, cutting-off tool (lathe).
-de banda o de cinta, band brake. -rotativa de ranurar, dado or grooving or
-de circulo completo, full-wrap brdic. gaining head.
-de direccihn, steering brake. -semiesf6rica, rose mill or cutter.
-de discos miiltiples, multidisk brake. fresas de disco acopladas, straddle mill.
-d s doble zapata, two-shoe brake. fresa-taladradora, boring and turning m u .
-de electroimhn, electromagnetic brakc. fresabilidad f, machinability.
- del ernbrague (auto), clutch brake. fresable, machinable.
- de estacionamiento (auto), perking brake. fresado m, milling.
-a gas, ga9 or flame machining.
-de expansib interior, internal-expanding
brake. -a mlquina, machine-cut.
-de friccibn, friction brake; Prony brake. -angular, angular milling.
-de patin (fc), slipper brake. -de frente, face milling.
-de pedal o de servicio (auto), foot or service -en espiral, spiral milling.
brake. --- y taladrado (tub), faced and drilled.
-de seguridrtd o de urgencia, emergency fresadora f, mifling machine; hobbing machine;
brake. shaper; (C) reamer; (A) countersinking bit.
- de timbn (cn), rudder brake. -acepiltadora, planer-type milling machine,
- dinamom&rico, dynamometer or Prony rotary planer, planomiller, milling planer.
brake. - de banco, bench miller.
-manual, hand brake. - de desbastar, rougher, roughing reamer.
- medidor de potencia, absorption dynamom- - de engranajes, gear miller or hobber.
eter, -de puntqs, spot-facer.
-neumiltico, air brake. - de roscar, thread milIer.
- para puerta, door check. -de superficie, slab miller.
-para levas, cam cutter.
frente na, face, front, ( n ~ i n )heading.
-corrido (min) , longwall. -ranuradora, spline milling machine.
-de ataque, working face, forebreast. fresar, to face, mill, machine; t o hob; (C) to
---- de manzana, city block (distance between ream; (A) t o countersink.
streets). -la cara de atrfis, to back-face.
fresar 156 funcionar
-para las tuercas, t o spot-face. -de fase, out-of-phase.
fresno m (mad), ash. -de juego (C), out-of-gear.
friabilidad f, friability; brittleness. -de linea, out-of-line.
friable, brittle; friable. ---- de redondo, out-of-round.
friccibn f, friction. -de servicio, out-of-service.
--- cinetica, kinetic or sliding friction. -de toma, out-of-gear, unmeshed.
-de arranque, starting or breakaway friction. fuerte, strong, powerful; sharp (curve); heavy
-de deslizamiento, sliding friction. (grade).
-de rodamiento, rolling friction. fuerza f, force, power.
-de zafar, breakaway friction. -a1 freno, brake horsepower.
-estltica, static or starting friction. -a vapor, steam power.
-pelicular (A), skin friction. -caballar, horsepower.
frigocentral f (A), refrigeration plant. -capilar, capillary force.
frigorifico m, cold-storage plant ; meat-packing -centrifuga, centrifugal force.
plant; a frigorific. -coercitiva (elkc), coercive force.
frigorigeno, producing cold. -continua, firm or primary power.
frisado m, (V) same as friso. -contraelectromotriz, back electromotive
friso m, wainscot, dado; (V) scratch coat or force.
brown coat of plaster. -de agua, water power.
frogs f (Col), rubble filling between ashlar faces. -de arrastre, tractive force.
frogar (Col), to fill joints; t o grout the stones in -de brazos, hand power; man power.
a wall. -de elevacibn, lifting power.
frontal a, front, head. -de liltracibn (ms), seepage force.
frontera f (Es), front wall. -de levantamiento, uplift (dam).
frontis m, fascia; fapade. -de sangre, animal power.
frontispicio m,fapade, front wall. -discontinua, dump or secondary power.
front6n m, pediment; (min) working face, fore- -electromotriz, electromotive force.
breast. -electromotriz aplicada, impressed or applied
frota f, cement mason's float. electromotive force.
frotador m, rubber; (elec)(U) contact brush. -hidrgulica, water power.
frotamiento m, friction, chafing, rubbing. -hidromotriz (A), water power.
-de deslizamiento, sliding frictiorl. -indicada de caballos, indicated horsepower.
-de rodadura, rolling friction. -magnetics, magnetic strength or force or
frotar, to rub; t o chafe. intensity.
ftalato de potasio (lab), potassium phthdate. -magnetomotriz, magnetizing or magnetomo-
ftiilico (quim), phthalic. tive force.
fucsina f (is), fuchsin. -mayor, force majeure, act, of God.
fuego m, fire. -motriz, power, motive power.
fuellar, to blow with a bellows. ---- permanente, firm or primary powcr.
fuelle m, bellows, blower; connection between -portativa (ra)(A), carrier power.
car vestibules; (C) automobile top; bel- -primaria, primary power.
lows of a camera. -provisoria, dump power.
fueate f,fountain; spring; source. -termoelectromotriz, thermoelectrornotive
-aceleradora (mg) , accelerating well. f orcc.
-artesiana, artesian spring. -tractora, tractive force.
-de abastecimiento o de provisiiin, source of fuetazo m,whipping of a cable.
water supply. fugas f, (hyd) leakage; (elec) fault.
-de afloramiento, gravity spring. fulcro m,fulcrum.
- de beber, drinking fountain. fulgor azul (ra) (A), blue glow.
--- de carga, feed well. fulguracibn f, fulguration.
-de contacto, contact spring. fulgurita f (geol) (vol) , fulgurite.
-de energia A (B, C)(ra), A (B, C ) power fulmicot8n m, gullcotto11.
supply. fulminante m, blasting cap, exploder, detonator.
-de fisura, fracture or fissure spring. fulminar, to cause t o explode; t o discharge.
-de hondonada, depression spring. fulminate m, fulminate.
-desarenadora (A), sand trap. fulminico, fulrninic.
-luminosa (il), luminous source. fumifugo, smokeless.
-surtidora, source of supply. fumivoro, smokcconsuming, smokeless.
fuentes fluviales, (PR) water resources. funci6n f (mat), f~rnrt,ion.
fuera ndv, out, outside. -de simple valuacibn, single-valued function.
-de ajuste, out-of-adjustrnent. -de valuacidn mfiltiple, multiple-valued fmc-
-de aplomo, out-of-plumb. tion.
-de bordo, outboard. --- escalar, scalar function.
-del camino, off-the-road (hauling). ---vectorial, vector function.
-de centro, off-center, out-of-center. funcionamiento rn, operation.
-de escuadra, out-of-square. funcionar, t o run, work, operate,
funcionario m, official, officer. fuselado m yfairing, streamlining; a streamlined.
funda f, case, sheath. fuselaje m, fuselage.
- de cemento (PR), cement bag. fusetrdn (el&), Fusetron (trademark)(time-lag
- de neumiitico (auto), tire cover. fuse).
- para herrarnientas, tool roll. fusibilidad f, fusibility.
fundacidn f , foundation. fusible m,fuse; (C) rail bond; a fusible.
-corrida, continuous footing. -de acci6n retardada, time-delay ox time-lag
- de cajbn, pneumatic-caisson foundation. fuse.
- ensanchada, spread footing. -de bayoneta (C), knife fuse.
--- escalonada, stepped footing. -de cartucho a casquillo, ferrule-type car-
fundamental f, (ra) fundamental; a fundamental tridge fuse.
(all senses). -de cartucho a cuchillo, knife-blade-type car-
fundamentar, to lay a foundation. tridge fuse.
fundamento m, foundation, footing; (geol) base- - de cinta, link or strip fuse.
ment. -de cuchilla, knife fuse.
fundar, t o found. -de desprendimiento, drop-out, fuse.
f undente m, welding compound, flux. - de recierre, reclosing fuse.
- para soldadura, soldering or welding flux. -de tap6n, plug fuse.
- para soldadura de l a t h , brazing flux. -de tiempo, time-lag fuse.
funderia f, foundry; casting. -renovable, renewable fuse,
fundible, fusible. fusiforme, fusiform, spindle-shaped; stream-
fundici6nf,foundry; casting; a casting; smelting lined.
works. frisidn f, fusion.
- a1 coque, coke iron. fusionar (A), t o fuse.
-a p r e s i h o a troquel, die-casting. fuslina f (Es) (A), smelter.
- arggntea, silvery iron. fuste m, shaft of a column; shank of a rivet or
- atruchada, mottled iron.
-blanca, white cast iron, white iron.

-bruta (A), pig iron.

-centrifugada, centrifugal casting.
-de acero, steel casting; steel foundry. gabari, gabarit, gabarito m (fc), cIearance gage;
-de aleacibn, alloy cast iron. track gage.
-de hierro, iron founding; iron foundry; cast gabarra f, scow, barge.
iron. -de griia, derrick barge.
-de hierro gris, gray-iron casting. gabarraje m,lighterage,
- de hierro maleable, wrought-iron casting. gabarrero m, bargeman.
-de l a t h , brass casting; brass foundry. gabera f (Col) , brick mold.
-de liga, alloy cast iron. gabinete rn, laboratoxy, office, study; (rr) state-
- de segunda fusibn, gray cast iron. room, (rr) (M) drawing room; (ra) (M)
- escoriosa, cinder pig iron. cabinet.
- gris, gray-iron casting; foundry pig. gabi4n, m (r), gabion.
-maleable, malleable ctasthlg, malleable cast gablete m, gable.
iron. gkbrico, gsbbroic.
-truchada, mottled iron. gabro m (geol), gabbro.
fundido, cast; fused, melted. gafa f, cant hook; (C) gaff.
- centrifugamente, centrifugally cast.
en arena, sand-cast.
-de palanca, cant hook.
gafas de soldador, welding goggles.
- en bloque (auto), cast-in-block. gaita f, a Puerto Rican lumber.
-en foso de colada, pit-cast. gajo m, leaf of an orange-peel bucket; branch
fundidor m, foundryrnan, founder; melter. mountain chain.
fmdir, t o cast; to melt, smelt; t o blow out (fuse) ; gal (geof), gal.
fundirse, t o melt, fuse. galactita f, fuller's earth.
fungicida m, fungicide. galiipago m, centering (arch); saddle; pig, ingot,
fungiforme a, mushroom (column head). sow; (sb) hatch batten.
fungistfitico, fungistatic. galena f, galena (lead ore).
funicular mycable railway; a funicuIar. gal6nic0, galenic.
- aereo, aerial tramway. galeota f (cn), carling, beam carlino, girder.
furg6n m, baggage car; truck with closed body, galera f, wagon, van; jack plane; (CA) shed,
van; (M)boxcar; (A) baggage, express, or shanty.
mail car. galerada f, wagonload.
-de carga (A), freight car. galerfa f, gallery, heading, (rnin) drift.
-de cola, caboose. -captante (hid), collecting gallery.
- de equipajes, baggage car. - centrica de avance (tbn), center drift.
furgonada f, carload, truckload. - de agotadento (min) draining adit.
furnia f ( C ) ,sump. - de arrastre (rnin), hadageway; slushint.
furo ?n,orifice; (top) channel. drift.
galeria 158 gancho
de ataque (tiin) (min), heading. -de cuerda, string galvanometer.
-de avance, heading; pilot bore.

-de dinamitero, blasting galvanometer.

-de avance superior (tbn), top heading. -de espejo o de reflexibn, reflecting galva-
-de captaci6n (hid), infiltration or collecting -denometer.
gallery. senos, sine galvanometer.
-de carga (rnin), loading drift. -de tangentes, tangent galvanometer
-de coleccibn, galvanoplastia f, galvanoplastics, electrotypy,
(hyd) colecting gallery; (min)
gathering drift. electrometallurgy.
- de desarrollo (rnin), development drift. galvanopliWico, galvanoplastic.
- de descarga, sluiceway (dam). galvanoscopio m, galvanoscope.
- de direccibn, (tun) advance heading; (min) gallego m (az)(C), cane leveler or kicker.
driftway. galleta f, cement pat; soil cake; target (rod).
- de empino (tbn), crown drift. galletera f, kind of brickmaking machine.
-de escombrar (min), mucking drift. gallito m (M), faucet, bibb.
-de evacuacibn (hid), sluiceway, undersluice, gallbn m, sod.
silt sluice. gama j,range, limits.
-de extraccih (rnin), adit. -de onda (rs) (A), wave band.
-de pala de arrastre (rnin), sIushing drift. gambota f (cn), counter timber.
- de revisi6n, inspection gallery. gambusino m,skilled miner; prospector.
-de servicio (rnin), service drift. gamella f, yoke for oxen; plasterer's hawk;
-de servicios (Es), street tunnel for pipes and trough; washtub; (Ch) chute; (rnin)
conduits. pan.
-de sondeo, exploration gallery. - de lavar (min), washtrough.
-de toma (hid), intake tunnel. -fija (rnin), sleeping table.
- desarenadora (presa), silt sluice, under- gamma f, gamma.
sluice. ganancia f, profit, earnings; (ra)(A) gain.
-filtrante, filtration or infiltration gallery. -bruta, gross profit.
-inferior de avance (tbn), bottom drift or -Liquida, net profit.
heading. ganancias
-lateral de avance (ttin), side drift or heading. - de explotacihn, operati~gprofit.
galerna j, galerno m, gale. -no distribuidas, undivided profits.
galer6n m (M) (AC), barracks; shed. -y pbdidas, profit and loss.
galgas f (M) , calipers. gancho m, hook.
galibador m (cn) , loftsman. - agarrador (ef), rafting dog, tail hook; grab
galibar, to work t o a template. hook.
g a b 0 m, template, jig; straightedge; clearance -centrador (pet), wall hook.
diagram. ---- de abrazadera, clevis hook.
-de ajuste (cn), lofting template. -de amarrar, mooring hook.
-de caja, box jig. - de arrastre (co) (tc), pull hook.
-de fijacibn, holding jig. - de cable de izar, hoist hook.
- de indinmitin, slope gage; (sb) declivity -de carga, cargo hook.
board. -de cerrojo, safety hook (hoist).
-de muiiones (mh), trunnion jig. -de clavija, pintle hook.
-de perfil normal (fc), clearance gage. - de deslizamiento, slip hook.
-de silletas (fc), tie-plate gage. - de disparo, trip hook.
-para guardacarril (fc), guardrail gage. -de estibador, box hook.
galan m ,gallon. --- de estibar, cargo hook.
-imperial, imperial gallon. -de estrangulaci6n (cab), choker hook.
gdpbn m,storehouse, inclosed shed, shanty. -de gaza, (lg) choker hook.
- de cargas, freight shed. - de grillete, clevis hook.
-de removido (A), transfer shed. - de maderero, dog hook.
galponista m (A), erector of iron sheds. -de mosquethn o de resorte, snap hook.
galvlnico, galvanic. - de m o t h , hook of the fall block, hoist hook
galvanismo m, galvanism. -de ojo, eye hook.
galvanizacibn (f) por inmersidn en caliente, hot -de pared (pet), wall hook.
or hot-dip galvanizing. - de retenci6n de cadena, grab hook.
galvanizado a1 fuego o en caliente, hot-galva- --- de seguridad, safety hook.
nized. -de traccibn, pull hook, (lg) draw hook.
galvanizar, to gaIvanize. - -- de volteo (M), cant hook.
galvano-recocido, galvannealed. -giratorio, swivel hook.
galvanometria f , galvanometry, -para trozas, swamp hook.
galvanom6tric0, --- sacatapa, manhole hook.
galvanbmetro m, galvanometer. -soltador, release or pelican hook, (1s) dump
-amortiguado, deadbeat galvanometer. hook.
-de aguja, needle galvanometer. - y hembra o y picolete, hook and keeper, hook
-de bobina mbvil, moving-coil galvanometer. and eye.
ganchos -diferencial (M) , differential hoist.
- -igualadora, equalizing sheave.
- de correa, belt hooks or clamps.
de fardo, bale hooks.
-escaladores, climbing irons. -posterior (pet), heel sheave.
- gemelos, match or sister hooks.
-para b i d h , can hooks.
garrucho m, cringle.
gas m, gas.
-acetileno, acetylene gas.
gandingas f (min), concentrates. -cIoacal, sewer gas.
ganga I,wvm. - comburente, combustion gas.
- cuarzosa, vein quartz. -combustible, fuel gas.
gbguil m, dump scow. -de aceite ( C ) , oil gas.
ganzCa f, false key, picklock; skeleton key; (Sp) -de agua, water gas.
hook wrench. -de aire, air gas.
garabatillo m, small vise, clamp. -de alto horno, blast-furnace gas.
gmabato m,grapnel, grappling iron. - de alumbrado, illuminating gas.
garaje m, garage. -de boca de pozo, casing-head gas.
garandumba f (A), barge, lighter. -de carbbn, coal gas.
garante m ,guarantor, bondsman. -de cieno (dac), sludge gas.
garantla f, guaranty. - de desperdicio, waste gas.
garantizar, t o guarantee. -de digestibn (dac), digester gas.
garbancao m, (M) buckshot coal; (Sp) fine -de Ia formaci6n (pet), formationa1 gas.
gravel, grits. -de homo de coquizacidn, coke-oven gas.
garbanzo m (M), pea coal. -de hulla, coal gas.
gartio m, hook, (C) gaff ; cant hook. -de 10s lodos (dac), sludge gas.
g a d o s de trepar, climbing irons, climbers. -de 10s pantanos, marsh gas.
garganta f , (mech) groove, channel;. (top) gap, - de madera, wood gas.
narrows, gorge ; gullet (saw) ; (w) (mech) -de petr61e0, oil gas.
throat ; (tun) (A) bench. -licuado de petr6le0, liquefied petroleum gas.
- deI Venturi, Venturi throat. -natural, natural or casing-head or oil-well
gkgol m,groove, notch, gain. gas, green gas.
garita f, cab of a shovel or truck; watchman's - pobre, producer or generator gas.
-residual o seco (pet), dry or residue gas.
box; (A) elevator car.
-de mastit (cn) , crow's-nest. -rico, illuminating g m .
- de sefiales (fc), signal tower. - verde (pet), green or natural gas.
- de soldar, welding booth. gases de desecho, waste gases.
- de vista completa (pl), full-vision cab. gases de escape, exhaust gases.
garitea f (Ec), flatboat. gasa (f) de darnbre, wire gauze.
garlancha f, spade; (Col) blade tamper. gaseiforme, gaseous, gasiform.
garlopa f, jack or jointing or fore plane. gaseoso, gaseous.
garlopin m, jack or fore or trying plane. gasero, gasfiter, gasista m, gas fitter, pipeman.
garnierita f , garnierite (nickel ore). gasfiterla f, pipework, gas fitting.
garra f, clutch, catch, claw, grip. gasifero, containing gas.
- de cable (el&), cable grip. gasificar, to gasify.
- de compresi6n, compression clutch. gasoducto m (A), pipe line for gas.
de friccibn, friction clutch.
de seguridad, safety clutch.
de zapata (or), grouser.
gasBgeno m,gazogene; gas producer.
de acetileno, acetylene generator.
-de tiro descendente, downdraft producer. 3

garras para correa, belt hooks or clamps or lacing. - escoriiicador, slagging producer.
garrancha f (Col), hook. gasoleno m, gasoline.
garrapato m (A), a hardwood. gasdleo m, gas oil.
garrocha f (M), pike pole. gasolina f , gasoline.
garrote na, (Ch) (M) brake. ---- de alto octanaje, high-octane gasoline.
garroter0 m (M), brakeman. - de alta volatilidad, high-test gasoline.
garrucha f, sheave, pulley; (M) tackle block. - de destilacidn directa, straight-run gasoline.
agarradora, grip sheave.
cabecera (pet), crown aheave.
de destilacidn final, end-point gasoline.
estabilizada, stripped gasoline.
cerradora (cuch), closing sheavc.
de bisagra (M), snatch block.
mezclada, blended gasoline.
natural, natural or casing-head gasoline.
- de cadena, chain block or hoist. -reformada, cracked gasoline.
gasolinera f, (M) filling station; (C) gasoline
--- de la cuchrra (pet), sand sheave.
-del entubado (pet), casing sheave. launch.
-de garganta farpada, pocket or chain wheel. gasornetria f, gasometry.
-de guia, guide or deflecting sheave, fair-lead gasom6tric0, gasornetric.
block. gasbmetro m, gasometer, gas tank; gas meter.
- de rayos, spoke sheave. gastable, erosible (soil).
-deslizante, sliding or fleeting sheave. gastar, to wear, wear out, wear away; to use u p
-desviadora, deflecting or knuckle sheave. to spend; gastnrse, to wear, wear out.

gasto m,volume of flow, discharge; expenditure; gausio, gaussio m (el&), gauss.

consumption; wear. gavera f, (Pe) form for mud wall; (Col) brick
-critico, critical flow. mold; (V) box for measuring concrete ag-
- de crecida, flood flow. gregates.
-de derrame (hid), runoff rate. gaveta f, drawer, locker, (auto) glove compart-
- instanMneo, momentary flow. ment.
-s6lido (hid), bed load, material in suspension. gaviete m (n&ut),cathead.
- supercritico, supercritical flow. gavilh m, center screw of a carpenter's bit;
gastos, charges, costs, expenses. tholepin.
- de administracibn, administration expenses. gavi6n m (r), gabion.
- de conservacibn, maintenance charges. gaza f,loop; (cab) bend; (reinf) hook; (lg) choker.
-d e embarque, shipping charges. gel-cement0 m (A), cement gel.
- de establecimiento (Es), capital or fixed gelatina f, gelatin.
charges. - emoniacal (vol), ammonia gelatin.
- de explotaciGn, operating expenses. - aprobada (vol), permissible gelatin.
- generales, general expense, overhead. - explosiva, explosive or blasting gelatin, gel-
- imprevistos, contingencies. atin dynamite.
gata f, (naut) cat; (Ch)(Pe) jack; (Ch) crank. - explosiva corriente, straight gelatin.
gatillo m, cramp; pawl, dog, trip, trigger, latch. - nutritiva (is), nutrient gelatin.
- con anillo, ring dog. gelatinbar, t o gelatinize.
- de banco (cn), slab dog. gelatinoso, gelatinous.
- de descarga, trip latch. gell m,an Ecuadorian lumber.
gelignita j, gelignite, gelatin dynamite.
gatillos con cadena, chain dogs.
gat0 m, jack; (M) rail bender; (Col) bridging be- gema f (carp), wane.
tween joists. gemelo, twin,duplex, double.
-a crique, ratchet jack. gemelo (m)de ballesta (auto), spring shackle.
- acodador, shoring jack.
ademador, shoring jack; mine jack.
gemelos de campaiia, field glasses.
genemotor m (ra), genemotor.
- alzatubos (pet), pipe jack. generador m, generator.
- autobajador, self-lowering jack. - a1 arco (ra), arc generator.
- corredizo, traversing or wheeled jack. - a viento (el&), wind charger, wind-driven
- de auxilio, wrecking jack.
- de cadena, chain jack. asincrbnico, induction generator.
- de cremallera, ratchet or rack-and-pinion -compound plano, flat-compound generator.
jack. -de acetileno, acetylene generator.
- de garaje (auto), service jack. - de armbnicos, harmonic generator.
- de gusano, screw jack. -de colectores mBltipIes, multicommutator
-de husillo ( C ) ,screw jack. generator.
-de lodo, mud jack. - de corta derivacign, short-shunt generator.
- de manivela, windlass jack. -de espuma, foam generator.
--- de oreja, claw jack, ground-lifting jack. -de gas, gas producer,
-de palanca, lever jack. -de imanes permanentes, permanent-magnet
- de perforador (pet), oil-well jack. generator.
- de pie alzador, foot-lift jack. -de ondas (el&), surge or impulse generator.
-de sefiales (ra) , signal or all-wave generator,
---- de puente, bridge jack.
-de remolque, towing jack. all-wave oscillator.
- de rosca o de tornillo, screw jack, jackscrew. -de sobrecorrientes (el&), surge generator.
- de tirar, pulling jack. -de tensi6n constante, constant-potential gen-
- de tornillo corredizo, traversing screw jack, erator.
swing jack. -de tercera escobilla, third-brush generator.
- de tornillo engranado, geared screw jack. - de toda onda (ra), signal generator, dl-wave
-de tornillo invertido, inverted screw jack. generator,
- de velocidad regulable, variable-speed jack. -de v5lvula (ra), tube generator.
de via, track jack.
empujador de tubos, pipe pusher.
-de velocidad gobernada (fc), controlled-
speed generator.
- encarriiador (fc), wrecking jack. - entrerrbpido, medium-speed generator.
-bidr&ulico, hydraulic jack. - magnetoelbctrico, magneto, magnetoelectric
- levantatubos (pet), casing jack. generator.
- minero, mine jack, ---tipo paraguas, umbrella-type generator.
- para carrete, cable-reel jack. generador-volante, flywheel generator.
- para muiiones, journal jack. generar, to generate.
- para postes, pole jack. generattiz f, aeneratrix; (elec) generator.
g6nero m, fabric, cloth; carcass (tire).
--- para zanja, trench jack, adjustable trench
brace. genol m (cn), futtock.
- puntal, trench jack. geodesia f, geodesy.
gausiano (mat), Gaussian. geodhico, geodetico, geodetic, geodesic.
geodesta 161 gdndola
geodesta m, geodesist. glicol m (qdm), glycol.
geoel$ctrico, geo-electrical. - de etileno, ethylene glycol.
geofisica f, geophysics. -etilgnico dinitrato (vol), ethylene glycol di-
- elictrica, electrogeophysica. nitrate.
geofisico m, geophysicist; a geophysical. glic6lic0, glycolic. I
ge6fono m, geophone. globo m (a),globe.
geofotogrametrf f, terrestrial photogrammetry. globular, globular.
geografico, geographical. gldbulo m,globule.
geohidrologia I,geohydrology. gldbulos reflectores (ca), reflector beada
geologia f, geology. glorieta f , t r a c circle.
geolClgico, geological. glosador m (M), auditor.
ge6logo m, geologist. meis m (geol), gneiss.
-consultor, consulting geologist. gn6isic0, gneissic.
-petrolero, petroleum geologist. gneisoide, gneissoid.
geometrfa f, geometry. gnomon m, gnomon; carpenter's square.
- analitica, analytical or coordinate geome- gnomdnico, gnomonic.
try. goa f, pig (iron), bloom ; sow.
-descriptiva, descriptive geometry. gobernalle rn (cn), rudder.
-tridimensional, solid geometry. gobernar, t o control.
geom6tric0, geometric, geometrical. gobierno m, government; management, direo
geostgtico, geostatic. tion; control.
gerencia f, mmager's office; administration, - a distancia, remote control.
management. goetita f, goethite (iron ore).
gerente m. manager. gola f, ogee; (A) saillway bucket.
-de compras (M), purchasing agent. golfo m, gulf.
-suplente, acting mamger. golilla f, washer; (Ch) pipe flange; (Sp) slew6
germen m, germ. collar.
germicida, germicidal. -de cojinste, bearing race.
gestor na, promoter; agent, representative. golpe m, blow, shock; (eng) stroke; (C)throw.
gibsita f (miner), gibbsite. -de ariete o de agua, water hammer.
gigante m, giant, monitor. -de aspiraciijn, suction stroke.
gilbertio m (el&), gilbert. -de compresibn, compression stroke.
girable, rotatable. -de compuerta (M), water hammer.
giraescariador m,reamer wrench. -de expulsiijn, exhaust stroke.
giramachos m, tap wrench. - de retardo, backlash.
girar, t o revolve, turn, slue, swivel, swing, rotate; - de retroceso, return stroke; bacJrhh.
t o draw (draft). -el6ctric0, electric shock.
-loco, t o spin (wheels). golpeador m, striker (with a hammer).
giratorio, revolving, gyratory, rotary. golpear, to strike, pound; (eng) to knock.
giro m, revolving, sluing; turn; (machy) revolu- golpeo m,striking, pounding; (eng) knock.
tion; overturning (clam); (sh) swinging; -por encendido, spark knock.
(corn) a draft; trade, line of business. golpetear, (eng) to knock, hammer.
-a la derecha (auto), right turn. golpeteo m, knocking, pounding, (tel) thump.
- a la izguierda (auto), left turn. -del Gmbolo, piston slap.
gollete m, (mech) throat, neck; journal.
--- a la vista, sight draft.
-de maderas, lumber business. goma f, gum; rubbor tire; eraser-
girogravilladora f (Es), rotary gravel screen. - aisladora (el&), splicing gum.
gir6metro m, gyrometer. - de balbn, balloon tire.
girbn m, strip of wood, scantling; (Pe) length of -de borrar, eraser.
a city block. - de la caiia (an), cane gum.
girasc6pic0, gyroscopic. -dc cuerdas, cord tire.
giroscopio m, gyroscope. -de empalme (elbc), splicing gum.
girostiitica f, gyrostatica. -de tela, fabric tire.
girostiitico, gyrostatic. -ellstica, rubber.
gir6stato nt, gyrostat. - esponjosa de borrsr (dib), sponge rubber.
gis m. crayon. -floja, flat tire.
glacial, glacial. -laca, shellac.
glaciar m,glacier. -mineral, mineral rubber.
glaciofluvial (geol), glaciofluvial. -recuperada, reclaimed rubber.
glacis m,glacis. gomaguta f (dib) , gamboge.
gllrndula f , occasionally used meaning packing gomar, to treat with rubber.
gland. gomerla f (A), tirerepair shop.
glaseado na, glazing; a glazed. gomero (m) vulcanizador (A), tire vulcnnher.
glicerina f , glycerin. gomoso, gummy.
glicerol m (qdrn), glycerol. g6ndola f, (rr) gorldola car; (ce) (M) narrowgage
glicina f (fmal, glycine. dump car; omnibus.
gonidgrafo na (Es), plane table. -de pureza (met), fineness.
goniometria f , goniometry. -de velocidad, rate of speed.
goniom6tric0, goniometric. -, de un (brn), single-stage.
goniSmetro m, goniometer, angle meter. -el6ctric0, electrical degree.
- de aplicacibn, contact goniometer. -iinico, de, single-stage.
- de refleccih, reflection goniometer. graddmetro m, gradometer.
graduable, adjustable.
gordo, (cone) rich; hard (water); oily; bulky.
g o r r h m, gudgeon; male pivot; journal, trunnion; graduacidn f , gradation, graduation, grading;
kingpin. (Ec) grading, leveling; (machy) staging.
-del eje, journal. - cetlnica, cetane rating.
-de manivela motriz, crankpin. -de presibn (turb) , pressure staging.
gorupo na, hawser bend. -de velocidad (turb), velocity staging.
gota f, drop; (pt) tear. -octiinica, octane rating (gasoline).
goteadero m, drip. graduador m, gage; graduator; adjuster.
gotear, t o leak; t o drip. graduadora f (mh) , graduator.
goteo m, leakage, leaking; dropping. graduar, t o graduate; t o classify; (ag) to grade;
gotera f, leak; (Ec) gutter; (top)(Sp) channel. (mech) t o index; (Ec) t o level, grade; t o
gotero m, drip (sill) ; weep hole. adjust; (machy) to stage.
g o t e r h m, condensation gutter (skylight) ; drip. griifica f, graphics; diagram, graph.
gozne myhinge, strap hinge. -del indicador, (eng) indicator card.
-amortiguador de piso, checking floor hinge. -de las mareas, tidal graph.
-de paleta, strap hinge. -psicrorn6trica, psychrometric chart.
-de piso, floor hinge. graficismo m (Es) , graphics.
-de placa, plate hinge. grPfico m, diagram, graph, chart; a graphic,
-en T, T hinge. graphical.
grabador m, grabadora f, graver, cutting tool. -fluviom6trico o hidrkulico, hydrograph.
grabar, t o engrave; t o carve. grafio m, stonecutter's chisel; (M) ruling pen,
grada f, step; gradin; stepladder; harrow; ship- grafitar, t o apply graphite; t o graphitize.
way, slip; (rnin) stope; (dd) altar; (lg) grafitico, graphitic.
jumbo, go-devil; (bldg)(V) wall plate. grafitizar (A), t o apply graphite; t o graphitize.
-d revds (min), overhand stope. grafito m, graphite.
-abierta (rnin), open stope. - escamoso, flake graphite.
---- de astillero, shipway, launching way. -fabricado, artificial graphite.
-de dientes, tooth harrow. grafitoso (V), graphitic.
--- de discos, disk harrow. grafombtrico, graphometric.
--- de espiguilla (min) , herringbone stope. grafdmetro m,graphometer.
-de halaje (cn), slipway. grafostltica f, graphostatics.
-de relleno (rnin), filled stope. grafosthtico, graphostatic.
-derecha (min), underhand stope. Gram-negativo (lab), Gram-negative.
-tarnal (rnin), branch stope, stope cutout. Gram-positivo (lab), Gram-positive.
gradacibn j, (pmy) gradation ; (ag) (Col) grada- grama f , grass.
t ion. gramil m, (carp) marking or scratch gage; router;
gradar, t o harrow. (Sp) gage line of rivets; (str)(M) gage dis-
graderia f, series of steps; stdiurn, grandstand. tance.
gradiente m f, grade, slope, gradient; (Ch) u p -doble, mortise gage.
grade. -para bisagras, butt gage.
-de la energia, energy gradient. - para mortajas, mortise gage.
-de potential, potential gradient. -para rebajar, rabbet gage.
-de la presibn (ms), pressure gradient. gramilar, to mark out, lay out.
-de tensidn (el&), voltage gradient. g r a m i h (qidm), gram ion.
--- de velocidad (hid), velocity gradient. gram0 m, gram.
-gravimetrico (geof), gravitational gradient. gramo-metro, gram-meter.
-hidr$ulico o piezom8tric0, hydraulic gradi- gramocaloria J (M), calorie, small or gram cal-
ent. orie.
gradilla j, brick mold; stepladder; (lab) tube grampa f, clamp, clip, cramp; staple.
rack. - a cadena, chain vise.
gradino m, stonecutter's chisel, graver. de elhstico (auto), spring clip.
gradi6metro m ,gradiorneter. - de guardacarril (fc), guardrail clamp.
grado m, grade, class, rate; (machy) stage; --- de mariposa, thumb clamp.
(math) degree. - para cable, cable clip; cablo clamp.
-antidetonante, antiknock rating (gasoline). -para cerca, fence staple.
-de agudeza (fc) (V), degree of curve. --- para manguera, hase clamp.
-de calor, degree of heat. --- para moldes, forrn clamp.
--- de curvatura (fc), degree of curve. grampas para correa, belt clamps or ho3ks or
-de latitud, degree of latitude. lacing.
-de octano, octane rating (gasoline). granada (j)extintora, grenade fire extinguisher,
granadill~m (V), a hardwood. -de cuerda (elhc), cord @;rip.
grandla f, granulated metal; shot. -del freno (pet), brake staple.
- de carbSn (tel), carbon granuies. -de madera, hand screw, carpenter's clamp.
grananguIar, wide-angle (camera). -de prueba (el&), test clip.
granate m, garnet. -de tensidn (elk), strain clamp.
granatiero (geol) , containing garnet. -golpeadora @et), drive clamp.
grancillas f, stone screenings. -para cable, cable clip; cable clamp.
granef, a, loose, in bulk. -para pendientes (el&,), grade clamp.
granetazo m, punch mark. grapas para banda, belt hooks.
granete m, punch, center punch. g r a p h rn, cramp iron, clamp, dogbolt.
- a campana, bell or df-centering center -de hincar (ts), sheeting cap, plank cap.
punch. grasa f, grease; slag.
- espaciador o de resorte, locating center -animal (lu), animal fat.
punch. - de cerdo, lard.
granetear, to mark with a center punch. -de copa, cup grcase..
granipbfido m (geol) (V), granophyre. -de j a b h de aluminio, aluminum-soap grease.
granitico, m i t i c . -de jabdn de cal, lime-soap grease.
granitifero, grdtiferous. - grafitica, graphite grease.
granitiforme, granitiform. -Iubricailte, cup or lubricating grease.
granitita f (ged), granitite. -michcea, mica grease.
granitizacibn f, granitisation. -para cabIe, cable compound, rope grease.
granito m, granite. -para caja de engranajes, tr'msmission grease.
- pot&ico, potash granite. -para copilla de presibn, cup grease.
granitoide na, granitoid. -para ~ j e s ,axle grease.
iranitoideo a, granitoid. -para engranajes, gcar compound.
granitullo m (A), small granite paving block. -para inyzctor, gun grcase.
graniza f (A), grits, small gravel. -vegetal, vegetable fat.
granizo m,hail. grasera ( j ) de compresi6n, grease cup.
grano m, grain; grain (weight). grasero m (MI, slag dump.
- abierto (C), coarse grain. grasiento, greasy, oily.
- cerrado, close grain. graso, oily; (conc) rich; fat (mixture).
- fro, h e grain. grata f, rasp; wire brush.
-gordo (C), coarse grain. gratificacibn f, bonus t o a n employee.
- grueso, coarse grain. grauvaca f (geol), gmywecke.
granoblhstico (gcol), granoblastic. grava f , gravcl. I

granodiorita f (geol), granodiorito. - de boleos, boulder gravel.

granoffrico, granophyric. -de cantera o de mina, pit gravel.
granofiro m (geol), granophyre. -de guijas (V) , grand0 gravel.
granogabro m (geol), grmogabbro. --- de playa, beach gravel.
granolitico (pav), granolithic. -en bruto (M), pit-run gravel.
granolito m, granolith. -fluvial, river gravel.
granosidad f, granularity. -graduada, graded gravel.
granoso, granular. -provechosa (min), pay gravel.
granudo (Es) (M), granular. -sin cribar o tal como sale, run-of-bank or
grandaci6n f, granulation; (ag) (A) grading. unscrccncd gravel.
granulado, granulated. gravadora f (Es),gravel screen.
granulador m, granulator. gravedad f , gravity.
granuladora f (A), sand crusher or roll. - especifica, specific gravity.
granular, granular. gravera f, gravcl pit or bank.
granulita f (geol), granulite. gravffico (M), gravitational.
grandltico, granulitic. gravilla f, fine or pea gravel: grits.
grnnulitizacidn f , granulitization. gravilladora f [Es) , gravel screen.
gr5nulo m, gmnule. gravimetria f, gravimetry.
grandornetria f (M), grading, graduation. gravim6tric0, gravimetric.
granulom4tric0, granulombtric. gravfmetro m, gravimcter, gravity meter.
granulosidad f , granularity. gravitacih f,gravitation, gravity.
granuloso, granular. gravitational (M), gravitational.
granza f, stone screenin@; (C) gravel; (A) gravitar, to gravitate.
crushed stone. gravitbmetro m, gravitometer.
granzdn m, stone screenings; gravel, grits; (V) -registrador, recording gravitometer.
run-of-bank gravcl. gravoso (M), gravelly.
grapa f, clip, clamp, cramp; staple; (aa] dog. greda f, loam, clay, marl, fuller's earth.
-de anclaje (clCc), dead-end clamp. -arenosa, sandy loam.
---- de aserradero, mill dog. gredal m, clay pit.
-de banco, bench clamp. loamy.
-de calda (as), drop dog. union; craft union trade, craft.


--- del oficio, craft union. grisi3 m (min), firedamp.

-industrial, industrial union. grisGmetro rn, testing device for firedamp.
-obrero, trade-union; labor union. grisunita f, grisounite (explosive).
grenoquita j, greenockite (cadmium ore). grisuoso, containing firedamp.
gres rn, pug, clay mixture for making sewer pipe, grisutina f, grisoutine (explosil-e) .
brick, etc. grosor m, thickness; (ag) coarseness.
--- vidriado, glazed tile (pipe), glazed terra grGa f, crane; derrick; hoist.
cotta. -alimentadora (fc), water crane.
greta f ( M ) , litharge. --- amontonadora, tiering or stacking crane.
grieta f, crack, seam, chink; (lbr) check; (geol) -arrumadora, stevedoring or roustabout or
joint. cargo crane.
-capilar, hair crack. -atirantada, guy derrick.
-de contracciSn, shrinkage crack. -automSvi1 o autocami6n (U), truck crane.
-de desecaci6n (mad), season check. --- con pie de gallo (M), stifneg derrick.
-pasante (mad), through check --- corredera o corrediza, traveling crane; trav-
-termica (vi), fire crack. eling derrick.
grietarse, t o crack. -de aguilbn, derrick; jib cranc.
grietoso, cracked, seamy. -de armador, erector's derrick.
grifa f , (Ec) pattern, template; (A) straighten- -de arrastre (M), dragline excavator.
ing tool. -de a u d i o (fc), wrecking crane.
griferia j, stock or assortment of cocks o r bibbs. --- de bote (cn), davit.
grifo m, cock, faucet, bibb; (Pe) hydrant. -de brazo, jib crane.
-de aparejamiento (auto), priming cock. -de brazos rigidos, stiffleg derrick.
-d e cierre automktico, self-closing faucet. ---- de cabalIete, gantry crane.
-de cilindro, cylinder cock. -de cable radial, radial cableway.
-de compresi611, compression cock. -de cable trasladable, traveling cableway.
- de corporaci611, corporation cock. -de cadena (A), chain block, differential
- de desagiie, mud or drain cock. hoist.
-de camibn. truck crane.
--- de desahogo, blowoff cock.
--- de descarga del sedimento, m u d valve. -de carriles, crawler or caterpillar crane.
-de despunte (az) (C), sampling cock. -de colurnna, pillar crane.
--- de detenci6n (Es), check valve. --- de contravientos de cable, guy derrick.
-de flotador (pb) (Es), float valve. -de edificaci611, builder's derrick.
-de macho, plug cock. --- de esteras (C), crawler crane.
-de mar (cn), sea cock or valve. -de grada, shipbuilding crane.
-de prueba (cal), t r y or gage cock. -de martillo, hammer-head crane.
-de purga, drain or blowoff cock. -de m h s u l a , bracket crane.
-de resorte, spring faucet. --- de montaje, erectors' derrick.
-de tres conductos, three-way cock. -de muelle, dock or wharf crane.
-descompresor (auto) (Es) , priming cock. -de orugas, crawler crane.
-indicador de nivel, gage cock. -de palo, gin pole.
-para inr endio, fire plug. --- de pared, wall or jib crane.
-para manguera, hose bibb. -de pescante, jib crane.
---- purgador de espumas, scum cock. -de piernas rigidas (M), stiffleg derrick,
grilfa f (A), grill, grate; (elec) grid. -de pdrtico o d e portal, gantry or bridge or
--de control (ra), control grid. portal crane. ,
-supresora (ra) , suppressor grid. -de poste, pillar crane; gin pole.
grills-pantalla (ra), screen grid. -de puente, traveling crane; bridge crane.
grillaje rn (A) (Cd), grillage. -de retenidas, guy derrick.
griller0 m (A), grate cleaner. -de rotaciSn completa, crane; (ce) whirler.
grillete m, shackle; sockct; cIcvis. -de salvamento (fc), wrecking crane.
--- abierto (cab), open socket. --- de tijeras, shear legs, shears.
-cerrado (cab), closed sockct. -de torre, tower derrick.
-con perno roscado, screw-pin sllackle. --- de tractor, tractor crane.
--- d e guardia (ef), eye-guard shackle. -de transbordo (fc), transfer crane.
- de media vuelta, half-turned shaclile. -- de tripode, tsipod derrick.
-de m o t h , block shackle. ---- diferencial, differential hoist.
- de perno ovalado, oval-pin shaclilc. -fija, derrick.
--- de puente (rnb), bridge socket. -gigante, titan cranc.
-- de resorte, snap shackle. -hidrhlica o hidrante (A), (rr) water crane,
--- de seguridad, safety shackle. track standpipe.
-e n horquilla (cab), open socket. -locomotora o locombvil, locomotive crane.
-escalonado (cab), stepped socket, --transportadora de troncos, logging ardl.
- forma c o r a z h , heart sltacklc. -- viajera, traveling derrick.
---- giratorio, swivcl shackle. grfia-pont6n, derrick barge, floating crane.
-para ancla, bending or anchor shackle. gruesa f, a gross.
grueso guardspolvo
grueso m, thickness; a thick, dense, heavy, guardacambio m (fc), switchman.
coarse; hard (water) ; harsh (concrete). guardacamino m, road or highway or traffic
grujidor m, nippers. guard.
grumo m, floc, clot, bunch. guardacanto m, curb bar; corner bead, nosing;
grupo m, group; set, battery. (plywood) banding, railing.
- cornpensador (el&c),balancing set. guardacarretera m, highway or road or traflic
- de cabeza de pozo (pet), wellhead assembly. guard.
- de calderas, battery of boilers. - de placa, steel-plate highway guard.
- de carga, battery-charging set. - de resorte, spring-steel highway guard.
- de motor y generador, motor generator set. -de tiras mGltipIes, lnultistrip highway
- del obturador (fma), shutter assembly. guard.
- del veniilador, fan assembly. guardacarril m (fc), guardrail.
- electr6geno o generador, generating set. guardaclrter m, crankcase guard.
motobomba, pump and engine.
motopropulsor, electric drive; (auto) (A)
guardacellisca m (el&), sleet hood.
guardacenizas m, ashpan.
power plant. guardacomejen m, termite shield.
- motor (auto), power plant. guardacorrea m, belt guard.
guabiroba f, an Argentine lumber (semihard). guardacrucero m (fc), crossing watchman.
guachipelin m (AC), a hardwood. guardacuerpo m, railing.
guadafia (f)para arbustos, brush scythe. guardachispas m, spark arrester.
guafe m (C), small wharf. guardachoques m (auto), bumper.
guaico, see huaico. guardadikena m, custodian of a dock or basin.
glddera f, s t d r string, stringer, carriaga; guardaderrumbes m, structure for protection
(machy) shroud. against cave-ins.
-- de cont&n (es), curb string, closod string. guardadique, custodian of a dam.
- del motbn, cheek of a tackle block. guardaenmanaje m, gear guard.
-- de pared (es), wall string. guardaescalh m (es) (A), safety trend.
gualdrln m, weather strip. guardaestanque m (Ch), reservoir custodian.
gualtaco m (Ec), a hardwood. guardafango m, mudguard.
gualle m (Ch), a hardwood. guardafarol m, lamp guard.
guanteletes m, gauntlets. guardafierros m (M), tool keeper.
guantes (m) de soldador, welder's gloves. guardafiltro m, filter attendant.
guaracfi m (Col), basalt. guardafreno m (fc), brakcman.
guaral m (Col) (V), light rope. guardafuego m, (for) fireguard; (elec) fire cutoff;
guarapariba f (V), cedar. a fire-resisting.
guarapo m (az), juice. guardagalpdn m (U),storekeeper.
- alcalizado, limed juice. guardaganado 'm (fc), cattle guard; (loco) (M)
- crudo, m i U or raw juice. pilot, cowcatcher,
guaraturo m (V), flint; quartz. guardagrasa m,grease retainer.
guarda f, guard; ward of a lock or key. gusrdaguia (m) de v5Ivula (auto), valve-guide
guarda m (fc), conductor, brakeman, guard. keeper.
- forestal, forest warden. guardaherramientas m, tool keeper.
guardaaguas m (ed), flashing. guardahielo m (hid), ice apron.
guardaagujas m (fc), switchman. guardahilos m (el&), lineman.
guardaalmacen m, storekeeper. guard&ormigas m, ant guard.
guardaaludes na, shed t o protect railroad track guardahumo m, smoke helmet; smoke stop.
from IandsMes. guardajunta m (crt), joint shield.
guardaanimales m (fc), cattle guard. guardalado m, parapet, railing.
guardaarenas m,sand trap, catch bssin. guardallmpara f, lamp guard.
guardabanda m, belt guard. guardalastre m (fc) (Ch), curb t o retain ballast.
mardabandera m (lev), flagman. guardalineas m, lineman.
guardabarrera m (fc), crossing watchman, gate guardalodos m, mudguard.
tender. guardalluvia m, hood over door or window.
guardabarro m, mud y a r d , (auto) fender. guardamano m (sol), handshield.
guardaborde m, curb bar. guardamina m , mine guard.
guardabosque m, forest warden. guordamonte m, forester, forest warden.
guardabrisa m, windshield; (C) windbreak. guardamotor m, protective device for a motor.
guardacabio m (ed), caves board. guardamuela m, guard over a grinding wheel.
guardacable m, cable guard. guardanieves m, snowshed.
gunrdacabo wa (cab), thimble. guardaojal m, metal grommet.
-de estacha, hawser thimble. guardaph jaros m (eke), bird guard.
- dt igualazibn, equaliring thimble. guardspi& m (fc), foot gunrd.
- de maderero, logging thimble. guardapolea m, pulley gunrd.
-entsrizo, solid thimble. gusrdapolvo m, dust guard; dust seal or shield;
- terminal (el&), dead-end thimble. overalls; (Sp) flashing or hood over door
wardacadona m, chain mard. or window.

guardaposte guimbalete

guardaposte m, wheel guard; strain plate; guy guatambii m, a South American wood.
shim. guaya f (V), wire rope.
guardapretil m (pte), curb t o protect parapet. guayabi, guayaibi m, a South American hard-
guardapuente m, bridge guard. wood.
guardapuerta f, storm door. guayackn m, guayaco m, lignum vitae, guaiacum.
guardarradiador m (auto), radiator guard. guayarote m (PR), kind of cedar.
guardarrana m (fc), guardrail at a frog. guayo m (C) (Ch) , a hardwood.
guardarratas m (ngut), rat guard. gubia f , gouge (carpenter's and ironworker's).
guardarraya f (M) {C) (PR) , boundary monu- -acodada, bent gouge.
ment; boundary line. -con espiga hueca, socket gouge.
guardarretenida m (el&), guy guard; guy-wire -con rabo, tang gouge.
protector. -de maceta, firmer gouge.
guardarriel m (fe),guardrail, guard timber, guide -de mano, paring or scribing gouge.
rail. -de torno, turning gouge.
-exterior (fc), guard timber. gubia-punz6n, firmer gouge.
guardarrienda f (A), guy guard. guia f, (mech) guide, fairleader; (bl) fuse; (geol)
guardarrosca m, thread protector. branch vein; (min) leader; (rr) waybill;
guardarruedas m ,wheel guard ; (V) guardrail. (rr) timetable; permit.
guardasierra m, saw guard. -colorimdtrica (lab), color chart.
guardasillas f, chair rail. -de campaiia (A), waybill.
guardatestigo m (sx), core barrel. -de carga (tr), waybill.
guardatiempo m (Ec), timekeeper. -de cortar a1 hilo (em), rip gage.
guardatierra m (M), wing wall. -de depdsito o de almacbn, warehouse
guardatoma m (hid), intake custodian. receipt.
guarbtrdn m (A), brakeman, conductor. -de embarque (A), bill of lading.
guardavaca f (fc), cattle guard. -de equipaje (fc) , baggage receipt.
guardaventana f, window guard; storm window. -de espigar, doweling jig.
guardaventilador m, fan guard. -de l36n (min), pay streak; leader
guardavia m (fc), trackwalker; (A) crossing -de limar (si), filing guide.
watchman, flagman. -de ondas (ra), wave guide.
guardaviento m,windshield. -de rotular (dib) , lettering guide.
guardavivo rn, corner bead, curb bar, edge pro- - de sierra, saw guide or gage.
tector. - de trozar (em), cutoff gage.
guardavolante m, flywheel guard. - de trozar ingletes, miter cutoff gage.
guardera f ( C ) ,shield; (machy) shroud. - de la vavula, valve guide.
-contra horrnigas (C), ant guard. -del vlstago de Bmbolo, piston-rod guide.
g u a r d i h m (Ec) (U), watchman, custodian, p* -en V, V way.
liceman, - para biselar, chamfer gage.
guardin m (cn), rudder chain or cable. guias
guaribo m (M), a softwood. -colgantes (pi), swinging or hanging leads.
guarismo m, figure, number, cipher. -del contrapeso (asc), counterweight rails.
guamecer, to trim, fit out; t o stucco; to line -del martinete, pile-driver leads.
(brake) ; to bush (bearing). guiabarrena m (pet), whipstock.
guarnecido m , stucco, (A) brown coat of plaster. guiacuchilla j (el&), blade guide.
-de bronce, w i t h brass trimmings. guiadera ( j ) de cojinete, bearing race.
guarniciSnj, packing; gasket;lining; (carp) trim; guiaderas, guides.
(M) curb; (mech) insert. guiar, to guide; (auto) to drive.
-de amianto, asbestos packing. guiasondas m (pet), whipstock.
-de cerradura, lock trim. guija f , pebble.
--- del embrague, clutch lining. guijarraf m, gravel bed.
-de freno, brake Iining. guijarrefio, guijarroso, guijefio, guijoso, gravelly.
---- de m o t h , strap of a tackle block. guijarrillos m, pebbles.
-de sellar (el&), sealing gasket. guijarro m, pebble, cobble, boulder.
- espirdoide, labyrinth packing. guijo m, gravel; (~nachy)journal, gudgeon; (su)
guarniciones, fittings, trimmings. (C) roll shaft; (Ph) a construction lumber.
--- de conducto (elkc), conduit fittings. guillame m, rabbet plane, fillister.
-de grapa (elAc), clamp fittings. - de acanalar, fluting plane.
--- divididas (clec), split fittin~s. - de costado, side fillister.
-terminales de conducto (elk), raceway ter- -de inglete, chamfer plane.
minal fittings. - hembra, hollow plane.
guarnir, t o recve; to rig; to trim. -macho, grooving plane.
guarrusca f (Col), machete. guillotina f , a shear; double-hung window.
guata f , (Ch) buckling, warping, deflection; (A) --- de palanca (M), lever shear.
cot ton waste. -para pernos (M), bolt clippers.
guataca f (C), hoe. guimbalete m, pump jack; cornice brake; sweep
-neumhtica ( C ) ,clay spade, air spade. of a bit brace.
guimbarda 167 hectovatio
guimbarda f, rabbeting or router or housing -de marina, ship carpenter's ax.
plane. -de media labor, half broadax.
guinchador na (A), hoist runner, hoisting engi- -de monte o de tumba, falling or felling ax.
neer. -mecanica, power ax, wood splitter.
guinchar (A), t o handle (cargo) with a hoisting -para descortezar, peeling ax. -
engine. hachador m (A), axman.
guinche m (A) (U) (Col), hoisting engine, winch, hachagubia f (M), ax used in mine timbering.
windlass ; crane. hachazo m, blow of an ax.
- carril, Iocomotive crane. hachazuela j (M), adz.
- colgante, trolley hoist. hachear, t o hew, cut with an ax.
- corredizo, traveling hoist. hachero wa, axman, woodcutter.
-del ancla (cn), anchor winch. hacheta f, hatchet.
-de compuerta, gate hoist. hachbn m (fc), fusee.
- de mano. windlass. winch. bachuela f, hatchet; (C) adz.
-locom6vi1, locomotive crane: -ancha, broad or shingling hatchet.
-trasladable (A), traveling hoist. - de banco, bench hatchet.
guinchero m (A) (Col), hoist runner. -de entarimar, flooring hatchet.
giiinchero m ( C ), hoist runner. -de listonador, lathing hatchet.
guinda f (C), slope of a roof. -de martillo, hatchet with hammer face.
guindnleta f, small rope, cord. ---- de media labor, half or lathing hatchet.
guindaleza f, hawser. -de oreja o de uiia, claw hatchet.
guindaste m (AC), jib crane. hachurar (dib) (Ch), t o hatch.
guindo m, an Argentine lumber (semihard). hachuras f (dib)(Ch), hatching, hachures.
guindola f, boatswain's chair; life preserver. halador (m) de vagones, car puller.
gui6n m, (L4) an upright; stake for sighting; (Ch) halaje rn, hauling, haulage.
raster. halar, t o haul, pull.
giiiris m, mining expert. halavagones m, car puller.
guirnalda f (nLut), fender, rubbing strip, dolphin. halita f, halite, native or rock salt.
gunita f, gunite. halo m (fma), halation.
gunitista m, cement-gun worker. hangar m, hangar; (A) warehouse, shed.
gusanillo rn, gimlet, twist drill. -de nariz (ap), nose hangar.
gusano m, drill bit; worm; (V) spiral reinforce- hardenita f (met), hardenite.
ment. harina f (ca), flour.
gusto m, taste. -f6si1, fossil flour, kieselguhr, diaton~aceous
gutapercha f, gutta-percha. earth.
gutaperchado (A), rubber-covered. -mineral (ca) , mineral filler.
harinoso, floury (soil).
harm6nico m a (el&) (mat), harmonic.
harnear (Col) (Ch), t o sift, screen.
haber m, (act) credit. harnerero m,screcn tcnder.
habIlitacibn f, outfit, equipment; fitting out. -harnero m, screen.
habilitado m (Es) (V), o5cial who handles money, -corredizo, traveling screen.
paymaster. --- de alas, wing screen.
habilitar, to equip, fit out. rig. -giratorio, revolving screcn.
hacer, t o make; to do. -vibratorio, sl~akingscreen.
-agua (nhut), t o leak. hastial m, front wall; gable, pediment; (Bp) side
- asiento, to settle. wall of a brick sewer,
-efectivo, to cash, collect. -de piso (min) (B), footwall.
-escala en, to call at, stop at. -de techo (min) (B),hanging wall.
-estacibn (lev), t o fix a transit point; t o set hastiales (min), side walls of a gallery.
up the trmsit. haya f , beech.
-masa (el&), to ground. haz m, bundle; fagot.
-quiebra, to go into bankruptcy. -de marcha (auto), driving or country beam.
-saltar (vol), t o fire, shoot. -de radio, radio beam.
hacienda f , treasury; landed estate; works, plant; -de rayos, bundle of light rays, cone of rays.,ion, farm; (A) cattle, livestock. -de trlfico (auto), traffic beam (of light).
- de azficar (PR), sugar mill. -electrbnico, electron stream; radio beam.
-luminico, bundle of tight rays.
-de beneficio o de fundicibn, smelter.
-de cianuracibn, cyanide plant. hnz f, surface; facade.
--- ptiblica, public treasury. hebra f, main (wood) ; vein of ore; thread; (cab)
hacinador m, stacker. (Ch) strand.
hacinar, t o stack, pile. hectlrea f , hectare.
hacha f, ax. hectogram0 m, hectogram,
-ancha, broadax. hectolitro rn, hcctoliter.
-de dos iilos, double-bit ax. hect6metro m, hcctonretcr.
-de mano, hatchet, hand ax. beetovati0 m, hcctowatt,
hecho berramientas

hecho, made. hendidura f, split, crack, seem, (Ibr) check.

-a mano, handmade. henequen nt, sisal, henequen.
-a mlquina, machine-made. henrio m (elk), henry.
-en sitio, built-in-place. heptano m (quim), heptane.
hechura f, workmanship, making. heptodo m (ra), heptode.
hechurar (A), to make. heptdxido n (qulm), heptoxide.
helada f, frost. herido m (Ch), a trench.
heladera f , refrigerating plant; icebox. hermanar (mec), t o mate.
helar, helarse, to freeze. hermeticidad f, watertightness.
helero m, glacier. herm6tic0, watertight, airtight, hermetic.
heliantina f (lab), helianthin, methyl orange. - a1 aceite, oiltight.
helice f, screw propeller; helix. -al agua, watertight.
-de aletas fijas (turb), fixed-blade propeller. -a la luz, lighttight.
--- de aletas regulables (turb), movable-blade - d polvo, dust-tight.
propeller. -al vapor, vaportight, ateamtight.
hdlices gemelas, twin screws. hermetizar (A), t o make tight. waterproof.
hglico, helical. herrador m, horseshoer, blacksmith, farrier.
helicoidal, helicoidal. herradura f , horseshoe.
helicoide m, helicoid. herraje na, ironwork, hardware.
helicbptero m, helicopter. -de 10s aseguradores (ed), underwriters'
helio m (qusm), helium. hardware.
heliografia f, heliography; blueprint, sun print. herrajes, iron fittings.
heliogrhfico, heliographic. -del aguilbn, (de) boom irons.
helibgrafo m, heliograph, heliotrope. -de griia, derrick fittings.
heliograma m, heliogram. -de posterla, pole-line hardware.
heliostfitico, heliostatic. -marinos, marine hardware.
heIi6stato m, heliotrope, heliostat. -para casquillo, socket attachments.
heliotropista m, operator of a heliotrope, -para construcciones (A), builder's hardware.
heliotropo m, (inst) heliotrope; (miner) helio- herramentaje m, outfit of tools.
trope, bloodstone. herramental m, toolbox; kit of tooIs.
hematita, hematites f, hematite (iron ore). herramentero m,tool boy.
hematites parda, brown hematite, limonite. - llevabarrenas, drill nipper.
hematites roja, red hematite, hematite. herramentista m, operator of a machine tool.
hematitico, hematitic. herramienta f, tool.
hembra f , pipe cap; nut; a (mech) female. -abocinadora, flaring tool.
-de cerrojo (ft), kceper, staple, bolt socket, -acabadora (rnh), finishing or necking tool.
lock strike. -acodada (mh), bent or offset tool.
-de cerrojo de aplicar, surface strike. - alisadora (mh), smoothing tool.
-de cerrojo de arrimar, rim strike. - amolada (mh) , ground tool.
-de cerrojo de embutir, mortise strike. -calzada (mh), tipped tool.
- de fleje acodado, strap staple. -ceatradora (mh) , centering tool.
-de gorr6n (nitut), gudgeon. -cortadora, cutting tool.
-de terraja, die for male thread. -de ahuecar (mh), trepanning tool.
-de tornillo, nut. -de caja (mh), box tool.
hembras del timBn (cn), rudder gudgeons. -de cuchillas postizas (mh), inserted-cutter
hembrilia f, eyebolt. tool.
hemicelulosa f (is), hemicellulose. -de filetear, chasing tool.
hemiciclo m, hemicycle. - de Do ancho (mh), broad-nose or stocking
hemicristalino, hypocrystdine, hemicrystalline. tool.
hemielipsoidal, hcmiellipsoidal. - de pesca (pet), fishing tool.
hemihidrato m (quim) , hemihydrate. -de punta simple (mh), single-point tooI.
hemimorfia f (miner), hemimorphism. -de puntas miltiples, multipoint cutting tool.
hemimbrEco, hernirnorphic. -de recortar (mh), cutting-off tool.
hemimofita f (miner), hemimorphite, calamine. -da refrentar, facing tool.
bemisf8ric0, hemispherical. -descentrada (mh), offset tool.
hemisferio m,hemisphere. -desviadora (pet), deflecting tool.
henchidor m, (wr) filler wire. -esquilante (mh) (A), shearing tool.
henchimiento m (cn), boss. ---- manual, hand tool.
hendedor m, splitter; (lg) froe. - mecknica, machine tool; power-driven tool.
hendedura f , split, crack, crevice; (lbr) check; -moleteadora, knurling tool.
(min) cleat; cleavage. -percusora, percussion tool.
-- de desecacibn, season oheck. -ranuradora (mh), slotting or splining tool.
hender, to split, rive; (Ibr) to rip; henderse, to --- rebajadora (mh), cutting-down tool.
split, (lhr) t o check. --- tajante (mh) (A), cutting tool,
hendibilidad f , fissility. herramientas
bendible, easily split, fissile, cleavable. -de dotaci6n (auto), tools supglied with the car,
herramientas 169 hidrolitico
-de fogdn (cd), fire tools.
-de fragua, blacksmith tools.
hidratado, hydrated; hydrous.
hidratador m, hydrator.
-de percusibn (pet), cable tools. hidratar, to hydrate.
-de yunque, anvil tools.
-deflectoras (pet), deflecting too1.x hidrato m, hydrate.
- de calcio, calcium hydrate or hydroxide.
-torneadorns, lathe tools. -de cloro, chlorine hydrate.
herranza f (Col), blacksmith work. -de sodio, sodium hydrato or hydroxide,
herrar, t o shoe horses, do blacksmith work. caustic soda.
b e n e r h f, blacksmithing; blacksmith shop; iron- hidrhlica f, hydraulics.
work. -aplicada, applied hydraulics.
- artistica (-4), ornamental ironmorIr. hidraulicidad f , hydraulicity.
- de iingulos (cn), anglesrnithi~g. hidrhdico m, hydraulic engineer; a hydraulic.
- de obra, structural ironwork. hidraulista na (Es), hydraulic engineer.
herrero m,blacksmith. hldrico, hydric.
armador, iron erector. hidri6dico (qufm) , hydriodic.
cmocero, blacksmith for wagons. hidroarenisca f (Es) , an artificial sandstone.
- de arte, maker or erector of ornamental
hidroavibn m, seaplane, hydroplane, flying boat.
hidrobarametro m, hydrobarometer.
- de grueso, structural ironworker ; black- hidrobiologia f, hydrobiology.
smith. hidrobiol6gic0, hydrobiological.
- de obra, structural-iron erector, steelworker. hidrobrbmico, hydrobromic.
her- m,iron rust. hidrocaliza f (Es),an artiGcinl limestone.
herrumbre f, rust. hidrocarbonato m, hydrocarbonate.
herrumbroso, rusty. hidrocarburo m, hydrocarbon.
hertziano (el&), hertziaa. hidrociiinico, hydrocyanic.
hertzio m,hertr (unit of frequency). hidrocianuro, hydrocyanide, hydrocyanate.
hervidero m, water leg of a boilcr. hidrocinBtico, hydrokinetic.
hervidor m, small boiler; water leg. hidroclorato m, hydrochlorate.
-de aceite, oil boiler. hidroclbrico, hydxochloric.
- de inmersih (el&), immersion heater. hidrocloruro m, hydrochloride.
hervir, t o boil. - de bencidina (is), bensidine hydrochloride.
hervor m, boiling, ebullition. -de hidroxilaminrt (is), hydroxylamine hydro-
hesita f (miner), hessite, telluric silver. chloride.
heterodina f (ra), heterodyne. hidrocodimero m (pet), hydrocodimer.
heterodinaje m (ra) (A), heterodyning. hidrodiiusi6n f, hydrodiffusion.
heterodinar, t o heterodyne. hidrodinarnica f, hydrodynamics.
heterodino a, heterodyne. hidrodin&mico, hydrodynamic; streamlined.
heterogheo, heterogeneous. hidroeleckicidad f, hydroelectricity.
heterostbtico, heterostatic. hidroel6ctric0, hydroelectric.
heterokbfico, heterotrophic. hidtoertfactor m, centrifugal drier, hydroextrac-
heumita f (geol), heumite. tor.
hcxa$drico, hesahedral. hidrtiflo, absorbent, bydropldic.
hexaedro m, hexahedron. hidr6fono m, hydrophone.
hexaflsico, six-phase. hidroformaci6n f (pet), hydroforming.
hexagonal, hexagonal. hidrdforo m, hydrophore.
hexhgono m, hexagon; a hexagonal. hidrcfugo m, waterproofing componnd; a water-
hexahidrnto rn (quim), hexahydrate. proof.
hexahidrico, hexJlydric. hidrogenado, hydrogenous.
hexametafosfato m, hexametaphosphate. hidrogenar, to hydrogenize, hydrogenate.
hexametilentetrmaina f (is), hexarnethylenetet- hidrogeneraci6n f (el&$, hydrogeneration.
ramine. hidrogenibn m,hydrogen ion.
hexfmgulo, hexangular. hidr6geno m, hydrogen.
hexano m (quirn), hexane. -sulfurado, sulphureted hydrogen, (min)
hexapolar (el&), six-pole. stinkdamp.
hexavalente (quim), hexavalent. hldrognosia f, hydrognosy.
hexodo m a (ra) (tel), hexocle. hidrogrnfla f , hydrography.
hialino a, hydine. hidrografiar, to make a hydrographic survey.
hidobasalto m (geol), hyalobasalt, basalt glass. hidrogrlfico, hydrographic.
hibrido (el&) (geol), hybrid. hidrbgrafo m, hydrograph; hydrographer.
hicoria f , hickory. -de retroceso, recessional hydrograph.
hidrdcido m,hydracid. -unitario, unit hydrograph, unitgraph.
hidrante m, hydrant. hidrograma m (A) (M), hydrograph.
-anticongelante, antifreezing hydrant. hidrolasa j (is), hydrolase.
-de incendio, fire hydrant, hidr6lisis f (quirn), hydrolysk.
hidratable, hydrstable. hidrolita f , hydrolyte.
bidratacidn f, hydratioxr. hidrolitico, hydrolytic,

hidrolizar, to hydrolyze. -al coque, coke iron.

hidrologia f , hydrology. ---- at molibdeno, ferrornolybdenum.
hidrolbgico, hydrologic. -- a1 nlquel, ferronickel.
hidrologista m,hydrologist; hydraulic engineer. -al titanio, ferrotitanium.
hidrblogo m,hydrologist. -acanalado, corrugated iron.
hidrombtico, hydromatic. -acerado, semisteel.
hidromechnica f, hydromechanics. -afinado, refmed iron.
hidromeciinico, hydromechanical. -alfa, alpha iron.
hidromensor m, stream gager. -angular, angle iron, (sb) angle bar.
hidromensura f , stream gaging. -arsenical, arsenopyrite, mispickel.
hidrometalurgia f , hydrometallurgy. ---- batido, wrought iron.
hidr6metra m (Es), stream gager. -beta, beta iron.
hidrometrla f,measurement of flow, stream gag- -casual (ct) (az) , tramp iron.
ing; (A) ( C ) hydrometry. -cochino, pig iron.
hidrom6tric0, hydrometric. -colado, cast iron.
hidrdmetro m, stream gage, current meter; (A) -crornado, (miner) chromite.
(C) hydrometer. --- crudo fundido, chill cast pig.
hidromotor, hydromotor. -cuadrante (Es), Phoenix-column segment.
hidroneumhtico, hydropneumatic. -de canal, channel iron.
hidroplano m, seaplane. -de carbSn vegetal, charcoal iron.
hidroprensa f, hydropress. -de cepillo, a plane iron.
hidroquinona f, hydroquinone. -d e desecho, scrap iron, junk.
hidroseparador m, hydroseparator. -de doble afinacibn, double-refined iron.
hidrosilicato m, hydrosilicate. -de fragua, wrought iron.
hidroso, hydrous. -de fundicibn, cast iron.
hidrostktica f, hydrostatics. -de lingote, ingot iron; pig iron.
hidrostiitico, hydrostatic. --- de marcar, a branding iron.
hidrostato m, hydrostat. -de paquete (Es), ingot iron.
hidrosulfato m, hydrosulphate. -de parrilla, grate bar.
hidrosulfito m, hydrosulphite. -d e primera fusibn, pig iron.
hidrosulfuro m, hydrosulphide. -de recalcar, calking tool.
ltidrotaquimetro m, hydrotachymeter. -delta, delta iron.
hidrotasimetro m,hydrotasimeter. -doble T, I beam.
hidrotecnia f, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering. --- dulce, wrought iron; ingot iron.
hidrot6cnico m, hydraulic engineer; a hydro- -dulce de fusibn, malleable cast iron.
technical. -e n bruto, pig iron.
hidrotermal, hidrotbrmico, hydrothermal. -ele (A), angle iron with unequal legs; a n y
hidrotimetria f, hydrotimetry. angle iron.
hidrotim6tric0, hydrotimetric. -esp5tic0, spathic iron, siderite.
hidrotimetro, hydrotimeter. -especular, specular iron, spiegeleisen.
hidrotita f, Hydrotite (trademark) (pipe joints). -espinela (miner), iron spinel, hercynite.
hidrotratador m , Hydrotreator (trademark). -fangoso, bog iron ore, limonitc.
hidr6xido m, hydroxide, hydrate. -- forjable, ninllenble iron.
-- chlcico, calcium hydroxide or hydrat,e, -forjado o fraguado, wrought iron.
slaked lime. , -forjado Jegitimo, genuine wrought iron.
-de duminio, aluminum hydroxide, (miner) --- fundido o moldeado, cast iron.
gibbsite. -gamma, gamma iron.
-d e magnesia, magnesium hydroxide, (miner) -guardaborde, curb bar.
brucitc. --- 1, I beam.
-de potasio, potassium hydroxide, caustic --- laminado, rolled iron.
potash. -magdtico, magnetite, magnetic iron ore.
--- de sodio, sodium hydroxide, caustic soda. ---- mangan6sic0, f~rrornangancse.
hidrodl m, hydroxyl. -ondulado, corrugated iron.
hidroxilar, to h y droxylatc. -pantanoso, snnmp ore, limonite.
hidroyector rn, ejector. -pardo (miner), limonite, Lrown hematite.
hidruro m, hydride. -perflado, strucbturalshapes.
hielo m, ice. ---- semiacerado (Pe), senlistepl
-de anclss (hid), anchor ice. -soldador, a soldering iron.
---- de cloro (pa), chlorine ice or hydrate. -T, T iron, T bar.
-- de chispas, frazil ice. - tableado (Es), flat iron.
--- de fondo, anchor ice, ground ice. --- U, channel iron.
flotante,, drift ice. -U cuadrndo, square channel.
-seco, dry ice. -vaciado, c3ht iron.
bierro m, iron; iron of a plane; any iron imple- ---- viejo, swap, junk.

ment. ---2,Z bar.

-al carbdn de leiia, charcoal iron. hietal, h ~ ~ c t apluvial.
hietografk f, hyetography, science of rain dis- -de tablestacas, sheeting hammer.
tribution. hincadura u) de pilotes, pile driving.
bietbgrafo m ( dl ,
hyetograph. hincapilotes m (A), pile driver.
hietologfa f (mrl), hyetology. -de calda, drop hammer.
hietol6gic0, hyetological. hincar, (pi) t o drive; (mt) t o bite, cut, sink.
hiethmetro nz, hyetometer, rain gage. - a rechazo, to drive t o refusal.
hietometrBgrafo mi hyetometrograph, self-reg- hincharse, to swell; (rd) t o mushroom.
istering rain gage. hinchazdn f , swelling, bulking.
higiene f, hygiene. hiperbola f, hyperbola.
- pfiblica, public health. hiperb6lic0, hyperbolic.
bigibnico, hygienic. hiperboloide m, h yperboloid.
higienista, hygienist. hipercompound (el&), overcompounded.
higienizar, t o make sanitary, hygienize. hip~restltico(A) (V), statically indeterminate.
higrtigrafo m (mrl), hygrograph. hipereutectoide (met), hypereutectoid.
higromekle f (mrl), hygrometry. hiperfocal, hyperfocal.
higrom6tric0, hygrometric. hiperfrecuencia f (ra) , hyperfrequency.
higr6metro m, hygrometer. Hpersensibilizado, hypersensitized.
- de cabello, hair hygrometer. hipocicloide f, hypocycloid.
- registrador, hygrograph. hipoclorador m, hypochlorinator.
higroscopicidad f, hygroscopicity. hipoclorito m, hypochlorite.
higroscbpico, hygroscopic. hipocloroso, hypochlorous.
higroscopio m (mrl), hygroscope. hipocristafino, hypocrystallino.
bigrost&ticaf , hygrostatics. hipoeutectoide (met), hypoeutectoid.
higrtistato m (aa) , hygrostat, humidistat. hipoidd a (maq), hypoid.
higrotbrmico, hygrothermnl. hipomdvil (A), horse-drawn.
higrotermBgrafo m, hygrothermograph. hiposulfito (m) de sodio, sodium hyposulphite,
higuerbn m, a South American softwood. hypo.
hijuela j, subsidiary irrigation ditch; branch hipoteca f, mortgage.
sewer; small vein of ore. -posterior, junior mortgage.
hila f (Es), a measure of irrigation water (about -refundente (C), refunding mortgage.
10% liters per sec). hipotecar, t o mortgage.
hilas f ( C ) , cotton waste. hipotenusa f, hypotenuse.
hilacha V) de algodbn, cotton waste. hipiitesis f, hypothesis.
hilacha de acero, steel wool. hipsografia f, hypsography.
hilada f , layer, course, (conc)_lift. hipsogrlfico, hypsographic.
-atizonada o de cabezal (rnam), header course. hipsbgrafo m, hypsograph.
-de coronaci6n (rnam), coping. hipsornetrla f, hypsometry.
- de faja (mam), stretcher course. hipsom6tric0, hypsometric.
-voladiza (rnam), corbel course. hips6metro m, hypsometer.
hilaza Cf) de asbeato, asbestos yarn. histeresfmetro m (elk), hysteresis meter, hgster-
hilera f, purlin; ridgepole; (mas) course; (met) esimeter.
wire-drawing plant; kind of brickmaking histBresis f, hysteresia.
machine. - dielbctrica, dielectric hysteresis or absorp-
-a diamante (met), diamond dies. tion.
hilo m, wire; thread; (M) strand; (C) screw -ellstica o meclnica, mechanical or elastic
thread; small vein of ore. hysteresis.
- de contact0 (elbc) (Ch), contact wire. -magnitica, magnetic hysteresis or friction.
- de guardia (el&$, guard wire. - viscosa, viscous hysteresis, magnetic crcep-
-de masa (auto), ground wire. ing.
- de plomada, plumb line. hister6tic0, hysteretic.
-de vexas, sail twine. histograma m, histogram.
-de Wollaston (inst), W o l h t o n wire. hita f, brad, finishing nail.
-fusible (el&), fuse wire. hito m, survey monument; guidepost.
- piloto, pilot wire. - de Ilmite, boundary monument.
hilos hiten m (min), driftbolt, spike,
- aplastados (cab) (M), flattened strand. hocino m, gorge, narrows, canyon.
-del reticula o en cruz (inst), crose hairs. hodbgaf o rn, odograph.
-estadirn6tricos (M), stadia wires. hodbmetro m, odometer.
- taquimEtricos, stadia wires. hogar m, fu~nrace,firebgx.
- taquim4trieos desvanecedores, disappearing - abierto, de, open-hearth (steel).
stadia hairs. - escoriador, slag hearth.
binca, hincada f (pi), driving. boja f , leaf; sheet; ply; blade; pane (glass), light;
hincador na, driver. w.'ndowsash; leaf of a door; leaf of a spring
- de postes de cerco, fence-post driver.
-de tubo, pipe driver.
(A) l w d of a twist drill.
-ancha, de (Srbol), broadleaf, deciduous.
hincadora f, driver. - batiente, casement saah, hinged window.

--- calibriidora, thickness gage, feeler. hondura f, depth; (top) depression.

--- corta, sllot~tleaf (pine). hongo m, (bldg) mushroom head of a column;
-de aluminio, d u n l i ~ i u mfoil. (str) button head of a rivet; (rr) head of a
-de' balance (.\), balance sheet. rail ; fungus.
--- de computaciones, work sheet. hongos, fungi.
---- .ie cuchillo, knife hlade. honorario m, fee.
--- de elastico, leaf of a spring. hora f, hour.
- - - d e empuje (ec), bulldozer, Bullgrader, Rosd- horas extraordinarias, overtime.
huilrkr. horadador m, driller.
- -- de empuje a cable, cnble-controlled bull- horadar, t o drill, bore, perforate; (tun)(A) to
domr. drive.
de empuje angular, trnilhuilder, Roadhuilder, horado m, drilled hole, through hole.
angIedozcr, Bullgrader, Gradebuilder,Doze- horca f , gallows frame; fork.
caster. borcajadas, a, straddling.
-de estaiio, tin foil. horcajo m, confluence, junction of streams; yoke;
--- de estaiio emplomado, terneplate. fork.
-- de lata, tin plate. horizontal, horizontal.
--- d e latbn, shcct brass. horizontalidad f , horizontality.
-- d e madera, veneer. horizontalizar (V) , to make horizontal.
d e oro, gold leaf or foil. horizontar (Es), t o level, make horizontal.
---- d e pedido (V), order blank. horizonte m, stratum, horizon.
---- d e plomo, lead foil. -acuifero, water-bearing stratum.
- d e ruta (br), way bill. -artificial (inst), artificial horizon.
de sierra, saw blade. -de correlaci6n (geof), correlation horizon.
--- de tribol (m), clover-leaf (intersection). --- de imagen (fma) , horizon trace.
-- larga, longleaf (pine). -de refiexidn (geof), reflecting layer or hori-
--- maestra, n u i n leaf (spring). zon.
-methlica, sliect rnctal; mctal leaf, foil. -imaginario (geol), phantom horizon.
--- niveladora (ec) , scraper blade. -real, true horizon.
-para taludes (ca), doper blade, backsloper. -sensible o visible, apparent or local or visible
-- punzante (ec) , Stingcr blade (trademark). horizon.
-topadora ( c c ) , bulldozer. horma f,mold, form; dry wall; (Col) bed of sand
hojalata f , tin plate; sheet mctal. under tile pavement.
---- a1 coque, coke tin plate. hormiga Cf) blanca, termite, white ant.
hojalateria f, tinsmithing, sheet-metal work; hormig6n m, concrete.
stiect-rmtal shop. -acorazado, armored concrete.
hojalatero m, tinsmith, sheet-metal worker. ---- armado, reinforced concrete.
hojarasca f , dead leaves, trash, rubbish. -bituminoso, bituminous concrete.
hojear (M), t o slice a log for veneering, -ciclbpeo, cyclop~anor rubble concrete.
holgura f ( ~ n n q i play.
, - - clavable o clavadizo (A), nailing concrcte.
holodristico (geol), l~oloclastic. -de acero (Es), facing concrete.
hoI6fan0, IIolophane (trademark). -de alquitr&a, t a r concrete.
hol6metro ~ n iiolometer,
, pnntometer. --- de aserrin, sawdust concrcte.
holost6ric0, Irolostcric. -de carbonilla (A), cinder concrcte.
holozoico (is), holozoic. --- de fkbrica (A), ready-mixed concrete.
hoUEn m , soot, lampblack. - - elaborado, ready-mixed concrete.
hollinarse, t o foul (spark plug), t o become sooty. -en masa, mass concrete.
hollinero m, soot catcher, chimney cap. --- enjuto o magro, lean concrete.
holliniento, sooty. -gordo o graso, rich concrete.
hombre viejo m (fc) (C), old man, rail bender. -mosaico, road surface made by binding mac-
hombrillo 7n, bench on a sidehill; shoulder of a adam with cement grout.
road. -pobre, lean concrete.
hombr o m (carp), shoulder. -reforzado, reinforced concrete.
homoclinal m (guol), !I xnocline; a homoclinal. -simple, plain concrete.
homogeneidad f , homogeneity. -~ O S C O(A), harsh concrete.
homog8ne0, homogcncous. hormigonada f , a pour, a lift.
homogenizar, t o hornogerlize, hormigonado aparte (PR), precast.
hom6loga f (met) (quirn), homologue. hormigonaje m, concreting.
homologia f, homology. hormigonar, t o concrete,
horn6log0, hnmologous. hormigonera f , concrete mixer.
homopolar ( e l k ) , hornopolar. - ambulante (A), transit mixer.
homosista, homoseismal, coseismal. -tiutombvil o de camibn, transit or truck
honda f, sling. mixer.
hondo m, depth; bottom; a deep, low. -- no volcable, nontilting mixer.
hondonada f (t,op), low land; (IT) saddle, depres- -para edificacibn, building mixer.
sion. -- pavimentadota, puving 111ixer.
-por cargas, batoh mixer. --- de recalentsr (met), soaking furnace,
-remolcable, trailer mixer. -de reverbero, reverberatory or air furnace.
- volcadora, tilting mixer.
bormigueros m (conc), honeycomb.
-de soldar, welding furnace.
-de zamarras (met), bloomery.
bornablenda f (miner), hornblende, amphibol2. --- incinerador de basura, garbage incinertor.
-esquistosa, hornblende schist. -para machos (fund), core oven.
hornablBndico, hornblendic. -para subproductos, by-product coke oven.
hornablendifero, containing hornblende. -peribdico, periodic kiln.
hornablendita f (geol), hornblendite. -Siemens-Martin, open-hearth furnace.
hornada f, (met) a melt; (conc)(A) a batch. horqueta f , yoke; fork of a road; fork of a stream.
hornaguera f, cod. -de trole, trolley harp.
hornalla f (A), brickkiln; furnace. --- y tornillo exterior (v&), outside screw and
hornaza f, small furnace. yoke.
hornfelsa f (geol), hornfels. horquilla f , fork; yoke; clevis; wishbone (con-
hornillo m, small furnace, fire pot; (rnin)(Sp) struction).
chamber for a blast. -con guardacabo (el&), thimble clevis.
-de destemplar, annealing furnace. -de anillo, clevis ring.
-de estafiador, tinner's furnace. -de balasto (fc), ballast or stone fork.
- para soldar, plumber's furnace, gasoline -de cambio (auto), shifter yoke or fork.
torch. -de correa, belt fork.
horn0 m,furnace, kiln, oven. -de desembrague (auto), clutch-release yoke.
-a petrbleo, oil furnace. -de pletina (elQc),bent-strap clevis.
-abierto (met) (C), open hearth. -estructural, bridge clevis.
- convertidor (met), converting furnace. -guardacable (elk), thimble cIevis.
-crematoria, incinerator. -para medidor (agua), meter yoke.
-de arc0 voltaico (met), electrioarc furnace. -para riel, rail fork.
- de balanceo, rocking furnace. -portaaislsdor, insulated fork or clevis.
- de base corrediza, car-bottom furnace. - terminal (el&), dead-ending clevis.
-de caja, box-type furnace. -universal (el&), universal clevis.
- de cal, limekiln. horquillado, forked.
-de calcinar, calcining furnace. horsteno m (geol), chert.
de calentadores el8ctricos, resistor furnace.
de calor ascendente, updraft kiln.
de calor descendente, downdraft kiln.
horteg6n m (PR), a hardwood.
hoya f, basin, drainage area, watershed.
-de inundacibn, ilooded area.
- de cLmara miiftiple, chamber kiln (brick).
de carbBn animal (as), char kiln.
-bidrogrhfica o hidroldgica o surtidora o tribu-
taria o de captacihn o de drenaje, catch-
--- de carga completa, batch-type furnace. ment or drainage area, watershed.
- de carro, car-type furnace. hoyada f (top), depression.
- de cementar (met), cerncntation furnace. hoyador m (C), posthole digger.
-de cemento, cement kiln. ho yar (C) (Ch), to dig holes.
-de cocer, baking oven. hoyo m, hole, pit.
- de cok, coke oven. -de colada (fund), casting pit.
-de cornbustidn arriba, overfired furnace. -de disparo (geof), shot hole.
-- de combustitin lateral, side-fired furnace. -- de poste, posthole.
-de combustih por debajo, undcrfir~dfur- - para cenizas, ashpit.
nace. hoz f, (t) sickle; (top) pass, defile, gap.
- de conductor, conveyor furnace. huacal m, crate; (M) cribwork.
-de copela, cupeling furnace. hudco m (A)(Pe), obstruction in a river made
-de crisol, crucible or pot furnace. by material wlzshed from the hills.
-de cuba o de cubilote, shaft furnace. huaipe m,cotton waste.
-de ensayar, assay furnace. - mineral, mineral wool.
-de escorificaciBn, slag furnace. huairona f (Pe),limekiln.
-de forjar, forging furnace. huaro m (Pe), cable ferry.
-de foso, pit furnace. buebnerita f, huebnerito (tungsten ore).
-de fundicih, smelting furnace, (M) blast hueco m,void, h o h v , cavity; a hollow.
furnace. - del ascensor, e l e ~ a t o rshaft.
-de hogar abierto, open-hearth furnace. - de escalera, stsir well.
--- de hogar de rodillos, roller-hearth furnace. huelga f , strike.
-dc hogar rotatorio, rotary-honrth furnace. -patronal, lockout.
-de induccibn, induction furnace. huelgo m (maql , play, allowance.
-de ladrillos, brickkiln. -negative, negative allowanco.
-de manga, cupola furnace. -positive, poqitive allowance, notlltul zone.
-de mufla, muffle furnace. huelguista, striker.
-de nikleos, core oven. huella f , stair tread, run: trail, track, rut; width
-de pudelar (met), puddling furnace. of tread of a vehicle; (miner) streak; (Sp)
-- de quema (U), incinerator. $road of a tire.
--- antirresbaladiza o de seguridad (es), safety hundir, to sink; hundirse, to settle; to sink, foun-
tread. der; to cave in.
huincha u) aisladora (Ch), i n s d a t h g tape. huracln m ,hurricane.
huincha de acero (Ch)(B), steel tape. hurg6n m, slice bar, poker, clinker bar, fire hook,
huinchada f (Ch), tape measurement. slash bar.
huinche m (Chf , hoisting engine. hurgonear, to trim a fire.
-a bencina, gasoline hoist. husillo m,shank; stud, mandrel, spindle, sheave
-de buque, cargo hoist. pin; small drum.
-d e cablevia, cableway engine. -de la contrapunta (mh), tailstock spindle.
---- d e extraccibn, mine hoist. -de perilla, knob spindle.
-de tambor Gnico, single-drum hoist. -de torno, lathe spindle.
huinchero m (Ch), hoist runner, hoisting engi- -fijo (mh), dead spindle.
neer. -giratorio (mh), live spindle.
huingaro m (M), pick. -simple, de (mh), single-spindle.
hule m, rubber; oilcloth. huso m,drum, winch head.
hulla f , coal. -de torno, lathe spindle.
-aglutinante, caking coal.
-antracitosa, anthracite.
---- bIanca, water power (white coal).
--- brillante, hard coal. ibirainl m, ibiraperb m, ibirapitl m, ibirard m,
-conglutinante, caking or coking coal. South American hardwoods.
-- de caldera, steam coal. icnograffa f, ichnography, ground plan.
-de fragua, blacksmith coal. icnogrlfico, ichnographic.
-grasa, soft cod. iconornetria f, iconometry.
-magra, noncoking coal. iconbmetro m, iconometer.
-seca, dry or nonvolatile coal. iconoscbpico, iconoscopic.
hullera f, coal mine, colliery. iconoscopio m, iconoscope.
-a tajo abierto, strip mine. idear, to design ; t o plan.
hullero m, coal miner; a pertaining t o coal. idiost6tico (el&), idiostatic.
hullifero, coal-bearing. idocrasa f (miner), idocrase, vesuvianite.
humato (m) de calcio, calcium humate. idoneidad f, competence, capcity.
humear, to smoke, emit smoke; t o fums. igarapes m , branches of a river (especially the
humectar, to wet, dampen, moisten. Amazon).
humedad f, humidity, dampness, moisture. igneo, igneous.
-absoluta (rnrl) (aa), absolute humidity. igneotubular (cal), fire-tube.
-capilar, capillary moisture. ignicibn f , ignition.
- de cantera, quarry water. -a contratiempo (auto), backfire.
-por compresibn, compression ignition.
-d e equilibria (mad), equilibrium moisture
content. -por chispa, spark ignition.
-equivalente de campo o del terreno (rns), ignifugar (Es) , to fireproof.
field moisture equivalent. ignifugo, fire-resisting.
-- equivdente de centrifuga (ms), centrifuge ignitor m (ra), ignitor.
moisture equivalent. ignitr6n m (el&), ignitron,
-especsca (aa), specific humidity, humidity igualacih (f) de impedancia (ra), impedance
ratio. matching.
-relativa (mrl) (aa), relative humidity. igualador m, equalizer.
humedecedor m, humidifier; dampener. - de atenuacibn (ra), attenuation equalizer.
-a vapor, steam humidifier. -de caminos, road planer.
-de artesa, pan humidifier. -de dientes (si), jointer.
humedecer, t o humidify, dampen, moisten. -de gasto, flow equalizer.
h9rned0, wet,, damp. -de retraso (ra), delay equalizer.
humero m,flue; breeching, smokejack. igualar, to equalize; to level, smooth off; t o joint
hGmico, humic. (saw).
humidificador m (A), humidifier. igualdad f, equality; uniformity; evenness;
humidificar (A). t o humidify. (math) equation.
humidistato m (aa), humidistat, h ygrostat. ilmenita f (miner), ilmenite.
-de accidn graduada, gradual-acting humid- iluminacidn f, illumination; lighting.
istat. -de cgtodo frio, cold-cathode lighting.
- - positive, positive or quick-acting humid- -de caveto o por bovedilla, cove lighting.
istat. -difusa, diffused ilIumination.
hum0 m, smoke; fume; (min) damp. - proyectada, floodlighting; spot lighting.
--- de acetileno, acetylene black. - unitaria, specific illumination.
humotubular (M), firotube (boiler). iluminador m, illuminator, illuminarlt; a illumi-
humps m ,(min), chokedamp, blackdamp. nant.
humus m,'humus. iluminar, to light, illuminate-
hundido m (geol)(M), dip. ilriminbmetro m (ill, iiluminometcr, luminomcter.
imadas 175 incendiario
h a d a s f (cn), launching ways. irnponente, investor.
imagen f (tv) (fma), image. importe m, amount; price, value.
- falsa o fantasma (tv) , ghost image. imposta f , skewback; impost; (Sp) belt course.
latente (frna), latent image. impotable, impotable.
- real (bptica), real image.
virtual (dptica), virtual. image.
im6n m, magnet.
impregnado de aceite, oil-impregnated.
impregnar, to impregnate.
impresiSn f,print; printing.
- amortiguador o frenante, damping magnet. - a contacto, (photo) contact printing; contact
- anular, ring magnet. print.
-apagador, blowout magnet.
- a proyeccidn (frna), projection printing.
compensador, compensating magnet. -azul, blueprint.
- de herradura, horseshoe magnet. -fotogrlfica, photoprinting; photoprint.
- inductor, field magnet, -sepia (frna), sepia print.
- laminado, compound magnet, magnetic bat- impreso (rn) litogriifico, lithoprint.
tery. impresora f, printing machine.
- levantador, lifting magnet. -a contacto, contact printer.
imanacibn f, magnetization. -reductora (fma), reducing printer.
- transversal, cross magnetization. -restituidora (frna), restitution priuter.
imanador rn, magnetizer. - transformadora (fma), transforming printer.
imanar, imantar, to magnetize. imprevistos m,contingencies.
imbibicidn f, imbibition. imprimador m (pint) (ca), primer.
imbornal m, scupper; sewer inlet. imprimar, t o prime.
imbornales de varenga (cn), limber holes. improbacibn f, disapproval, rejection.
imbricado, imbricated, lapped. impuesto m, tax.
impaccibn f, impact. - a la renta, income tax.
impact0 m, impact. - sobre ventas, sales tax.
- de aterrizaje (ap), hnding impact. impulsar, to drive, actuate, operate.
impactor m, impactor. impulsiBn f, discharge; impulse; drive; monlen
impalpable, impalpable. turn.
impar, uneven (number), odd. -a barra de acoplamiento (loco el&), rod
impedancia f (elbc), impedance. drive.
amortiguada, blocked or damped impedance. - a horquilla (loco elec), yoke dzive.
anbdica o de placa (ra), plate or anode im- - a vanina (loco el&), quill drive.
pedance. -a varillaje (loco elkc), linkage drive.
-caracteristica o de sobretensibn, character- -de cadena, chain drive.
istic or surge impedance. -final (auto), final drive.
- cinetica (tel),motional impedance. -
por agua (pet), water drive;
-de entrada (rs), input impedance. por correa, belt drive.
-de sslida (ra), output impedance. -por cuatro ruedas, four-wheel drive.
- de traspaso, transfer impedance.
-electredica (ra), electrode impedance.
-por maroma, rope drive.
irnpulso rn, impulse; momentum.
-equilibrada (ra) , matched impedance. impulsor m, impeller, (pu) runner; tappet.
- propia (A), self-impedance. -abierto (bm), open impeller.
-reflejada, coupled or reflected impedance. - de admisiSn simple Ibm), single-inIet impel-
- terminal, terminating impedance. ler.
impedancias conjugadas, conjugate impedances. -de bujes, bushing driver.
impederreventones m (pet) (V), blowout preven- - de paletas alabeadas (bm), warped-vane
ter. impeller.
impedbmetro m, impedance meter, impedometer. -de la v&lvula (mg), tappet rod.
impeler, t o drive. --- encerrado (bm), shrouded or fully enclosed
impenetrable a1 polvo, dust-tight. impeller.
impermeabilidad f, impermeability, watertight- - semiencerrado (bm) , semiencIosed impclIer.
ness. impulsores opuestos (bm), opposed impellers.
impermeabilizaci6n f, waterproofing, damp- impurezas f, impurities.
proofing. impurificar, to contaminate.
impermeabilizador m, waterproofer. inaccesible, inaccessible.
impermeabilizante na, material. inactivacibn f (quf xn), inactivation.
impermeabilizar, t o waterproof. inactive, inactive.
impermeable, impermeable, impervious, water- h a l h b r i c o , wireless.
tight. inanublable, shadowproof.
impermeables m, oilskins, waterproof clothing. inastillable (vi) , nonshattering, splinterproof.
Xmpetu m, impetus. inatascable, obstructionproof. clogless (pump).
impetuoso (r), flashy. incandescencia f, incandescence.
implementos m, tools. incandescent%, incandescent.
implicit0 (mat), implicit. incapacidad If)absoluta, total disability.
impolarizable, nonpolarizing. incendiario 111. (vol), squib.
-de cambio (fc) (A), switch signal.
incendio m, fie.
incidencia f (mat), incidence. -dedeviation
cambio de frecuencia
(ra), frequency-
incidente a (mat), incident.
-del canal (ra), channel indicator.
incienso m, a South American hardwood.
incinerador m, incinerator.
-de car&tula,dial indicator.
-de carga, load indicator; (auto) battery gage.
-de basura, destructor, garbage incinerator.
-de cieno (dac), sludge incinerator. -de caudal (hid), flow indicator.
-de hogar multiple, multiple-hearth inchera- -de columna (tub), post indicator.
tor. -de consistencia, consistency meter.
incinerar, t o incinerate. -de convergencia (auto), toe-in gage.
incipiente, incipient.
-de deriva (fma) , drift indicator.
inciso, incised.
-de desviacicn (pet), drift indicator.
inclinable, tilting, inclinable. -de direccibn, direction indicstor, (ap) direc-
inclinacian f, dip, grade, inclination, slope, pitch. tional marker.
rake; (pmy) tdt, tip. -de escapes, leak detector.
-magnbtica, magnetic dip or inclination. -de esfuerzo, stress meter.
inclinarse, to slope, rake; (geol) to dip. -de estabilidad (pa), stability indicator.
inclinbmetro rn, clinometer, inclinometer; dip -de exceso de velocidad, overspeed tachom-
meter. eter.
inclusi6h f (mec) (sol)(geol) , inclusion. -de f d t a de oxigeno (dac), oxygen-demand
- de escoria (sol), slag inclusion. meter.
-de fases (elkc), phase indicator.
-gaseosa (sol), gas inclusion. -de flecha, deflection gage.
inclusive, inclusive.
incbgnita f, unknown quantity. -de foco de! far01 (auto), beam-indicator
incoloro, colorless. light.
incombustibilizacibn f, fireproohg. -de fuga (el&), fault localizer.
incombustible, fireproof, incombustible. -de gasolina (auto), fuel gage.
incompresible, incompressible. -de gasto (hid), rate-of-flow gage, flow indica-
incondensable, incondensable. tor.
~conductible,nonconducting. -de golpeo, (eng) knock meter.
mcor gelable, frostproof, nonfreezing. -de humedad, moisture meter.
inconsistente, unstable (ground), hose, not com- -de humo, smoke detector.
pacted. -de inclinacibn, inclination gage; (pmy) tilt
incorporar, incorporarse, t o incorporate. indicator.
-de llama, flame detector.
incorrosible, rust-resisting, rustproof, nonrust-
ing. - de nivel, level gage; (bo) gage glass.
-de pdrdida de carga (hid), loss-of-head gage.
incremental, incremental.
incrementar, to increase. - de pgrdida por histeresis (elbc), hysteresis
increment0 rn, increment; (ra) gain.
- para calibre (rs), gage increment. - de pdrdidas a tierra (el&), ground or leakage
-para paso (rs). pitch increment.
incrustaci6n f (cal), scale, incrustation. - de peso, weight indicator.
incrustado, embedded; incrusted. -de peso suspendido (pet), line scale.
incrustante m, incrustant; a scale-forming. -de pH (is), pH indictttor.
i n c r ~ s t a r to
, embed; to form scale. - de polos (elk), pole or current-direction in-
incubaci6n f (is), incubation. dicator.
-de presibn, pressure gage.
incubadora f , incubator.
incumba f (Col) , skewback. - de profundidad (pet), depth meter.
incurrente (hid), influent. -- de radio de viraje (auto), turning-radius
indemnidad f, indemnity. gage.
indemnizacih f, indemnit,~, indemnscation, -
- de rayo (auto), beam-indicator light.
da relacibn, ratio gage, ratiornetrr.
camp msation.
indemnizar, t o indemnify. - de sentido, (elev) direction indicator; (ra)
sense finder.
indentacibn f , indentation, dentation.
indentar, t o indent, to form teeth. - de sintonizacibn (ra), tuning indicator,
.- de suma, summator.
indesarreglable, foolproof.
iodeterm'nado, indeterminate. - de techo (ap) , ceiling-height indicator.
indicacibrr J ' (iilst), reading. -- de tensibn, tension indicator; (clcc) voltage
indicador 7n, indicator, gage; an~lur~ciator;
(chem) indicator.
indicstol , sign. -de tierra (elk), ground detector.
- continuo de estabilidad (pa), continuous -de tito, draft gage.
de toruibn, torsion meter.
btab2ity 'Indicator.
- de aceite, oil gage. - de tuberla, pipe locator.
-de vacio, vacuum gage.
-de agujeros, hole spotter. - de velocidad, speedometer; speed indicator;
--- de alineacibn, alignment gage.
--de af:uebradizaci6n, emhrittlement detector. velocity gage.
-ds velocidad admisible (fc), speed-limit indi- -de tiro, draft inducer.
-giratorio, revolving field.
- de viraje (auto), turn indicator.
d e viscosidad, viscosimeter.
-variable, variometer, variable inductor.
industria f, industry.
- de vuelo (fma), flight indicator. -azucarera, sugar industry.
- integrador, integrating indicator. -extractiva, (Ch) mining industry; (M) min-
- para campaneo (fc), ring sign. ing, petroleum production, lumbering.
- para silbato (fc), whistle sign. -maderera, lumber industry, lumbering.
- registrador, recording gage. industrial m,manufacturer; a industrid.
- totalizador, integrating indicator.
hdice m, (math) (mech) (inst) index; (inst) hand.
industrializacibn f, industrialization; (V) manu-
facture, production.
- antidetonante, antiknock rating. ineficiente, inefficient.
- cethnico, cetane number. inelirstico (M) , inelastic.
coliforme (is), coliform index.
de acidez, acid number or value.
inercia f, inertia.
inerte, inert.
- de cobre (quim), copper index or number or inertes m (conc), aggregates.
value. inescarchable, nonfrosting.
- de compresih, (srn) compression index; (ge) inestabilidad f, instability.
inestabilizar, t o destabilize.
compression ratio.
- de concentracibn (ms), concentration index. inestable (est) (quim) , unstable.
- de duraza, hardness number. inestanco, not watertight.
- d e escurrimiento (hid) (Col) , runoff coefi- inexacto, inaccurate.
cient inexplosible, nonexplosive, explosionproof.
- de fijacibn (est), restraint index. infeccidn f, infection.
- de %ujo (ms),flow index. infeccionar (Pe), t~ contaminate, pollute.
- de hinchamiento (ms), swelling index. inieccioso, infectious.
-de intemperismo, weathering index (coal). inferior, lower, bottom; inferior.
- de rigidez (est), stiffness index. i a t r a c i 6 n f, (hyd) inatration, percolation, (ac)
-de sedimentacidn (dac), sludge index. leakage, infiltration, inleakage.
- de tarjetas, card index. infinidad f, infinity.
- de tenacidad, toughness index. * infinite, infinite.
- octPnico (mg), octane number or index. inflador m, tire pump.
-plhstico, plasticity index. inflamabilidad f, inflammability.
indicios m (quim), traces. inflamable, inflammable, ignitible.
indirecto, indirect. inflamacidn f. firing; (eng) ignition.
indisoluble, indissoluble. -de chispa, spark ignition.
indivisible, indivisible. ---- espontlnea, spontaneous combustion or igni-
indol na (is), indole. t ion.
indos m (hid) (V) , invert. -por bola caliente, hot-bulb ignition.
induccidn f (el6c), induction. -por tubo incandescente, hot-tube ignition.
-de incrernento, incremental induction. inflamar, to ignite; inflamarse, t o takefire,ignibA
-el&ctrica, electric induction, dielectric flux inflar, to inflate.
density. inflexih f, contraflexure.
-electrost&tica, static or electrio or electro- influencia f (elk), influence.
static induction. influente (hid), ir~fluent.
-f6rrica o intrlnseca, intrinsic or ferric induc- influjo m ,inflow; flood tide.
tion. informaci bn f, information ;report ; investigation
-magn8tica, magnetio induction or flux den- informe m, report.
sity. infracci6n j,infringement (patcnt).
-propia (A), self-induction. infradino (ra), infradyne.
- remanente, residual induction. infraestructura f, substructure; (rr)(A) roadbed.
inducido m (el&), armature. inframedida, undersize.
- a1 tambor, drum armature. infranormal (A), undersize.
--- de a d o , ring armature, gramme ring. infrapuesto, underlying.
-de barras, bar-wound armature. infrarrojo, i n f m d , ultrared.
- de devanado cerrado, closed-coil armature. infrasSnico (m), infrasonic.
-de disco, disk armature. infratamail0 (M) , undersize.
inducir (elk), t o induce. infrayacente (V) , underlying.
inductancia f (elkc), inductance. infringir, to infringe (patent).
-de sintonizaciiin (ra), tuning inductance. infundible, infusible, infusible.
inductividad f (elbc), inductivity. infusorio, infusorial.
inductivo, inductive. jnfusorios m, infusoria.
inductbfono m (tel), induotophone. ingl m, an Argentine lumber (semihard),
induct6metro m (cl6c), induotometer. ingeniar, to devise, design, engineer.
inductor m, (elec) field, inductor; a inductive. ingenierfa f , engineering.
- do niicleo de aire, air-core inductor. -de carnpo, field engineering.
-de iluminaciBn, illuminating engineering. -en caliente, hot-dipping.
-econbmica, engineering economics. -en frio, cold-dipping.
-marina, marine engineering. -regenerativa (met), regenerative quenching.
ingenieril a (M) (C), engineering. inmiscibilids , \ f , immiscibility.
ingeniero m, engineer. inrniscible, ii..miiscibl~-.
---- agrdnomo, agricultural engineer. inmovilizador m, locking device.
-asesor o consultor, consulting engineer. inmuebles m, real estate.
-automotor (A), automotive engineer. innavegable, not navigable.
-auxiliar, assistant engineer. inoculacibn f (is), inoculation.
-civil, civil engineer. inodoro rn, water closet (fixture) ; (V) trap; a
-consejero ( E S ), consulting engineer. inodorous, odorless.
-de alumbrado, illun~inatingengineer. -a la turca (A), hole in floor with places for
-de minas, mining engineer. feet.
-de montes, forester, forestry engineer. -de borde lavador, flushing-rim water closet.
-de ~ v e (Ec),l levelman. -de evacuacidn sif6nica (A), siphon-jet water
- de sanidad, sanitary engineer. closet.
- de suelos, soils engineer. -de sifbn inyector o sifbnico de chorro, si-
-del trknsito, transitman. phon-jet water closet.
-diseiiador, designing engineer. -de tolva larga, long-hopper closet.
-electricista, electrical engineer. inorglnico, inorganic.
-encargado, engineer in charge. inosita f (lab), inositol, inosite.
-fiscal (Ch), government engineer. inoxidable, rustless, rust-resisting, nonrusting.
-forestal, forester. inquilinato In, leasehold.
-hidrhlico, hydraulic engineer. inscribir (mat), to inscribe.
-jefe 0 mayor, chief engineer. inscripciones (dib) (C), lettering.
-Iocalizador, layout engineer. inseguro, unsafe.
-matriculado, licensed engineer. insercidn f, insertado m, insert.
-meclnico, mechanical engineer. lnsertadora (f) de v5lvulas, valve-inserting ma-
-minero, mining engineer, chine.
-naval, marine engineer. insert0 m,insert; a inserted.
-paisajista, landscape engineer. insolubilidad f , insolubility.
-petrolero, petroleum engineer. insoluble, insoluble.
-principal, chief engineer. insolvencia f , insolvency.
-proyectista, designing engineer. insolvente, insolvent, bankrupt.
-residente, resident engineer. insonoro, soundproof.
-sanitario, sanitary engineer. inspecciik f, inspection.
-tasador, valuation engineer. inspeccionar, to inspect.
-trazador, locating engineer; layout engineer. inspector m, inspector.
-vendedor, sales engineer. -adjunto (V), assistant inspector.
-vial, highway engineer. inspirador m (mec) , inspirator.
ingenio m, mill, plant; sugar mill; (min) smclter. instabilidad f,instability.
--- azucarero, sugar mill. instable, unstable.
inglete m,miter. instalacihn f, installation; an installation, a
ingrediente m,ingredient. plant.
ingreso m,ingress, entrance. - colectora (pet), gathering plant.
ingresos, revenue, receipts, earnings, -cribadora, screening plant.
inhabilitado, out-of-order, broken down. -de aforo (r), gaging station.
inhalador m, inhalator. -de calefacci6n (ed), heating system.
inhelable, frostproof. -de construcci611, construction plant.
inherente (el&), inherent. -de fuerza, power plant.
inhibidor m Quirn), inhibitor. -de tratamiento, processing plant.
inhibitorio, inhibitive. -depuradora, purification plant.
ininflamable, noninflammable. -dosificadora (conc), batching plant.
ininvertible, nonreversible. -evacuadora (pet), disposal system.
injerto nz (tub), T; Y; branch. --- generadora, electric power plant.
-a gasto cornpleto (hid), full-flow tap, pipe -sanitaria (ed), plumbing.
tap. --- siderfirgica, st,eelworks.
-a presibn, pressure tap. - suavizadora, water-softening plant.
- de brida (hid), flange tap. instalaciones portuarias, port works.
-de radio (hid), radius tap. instalador m,erector.
-doble (tub), cross. -de cafierfa, pipelnan, plumber.
-doble oblicuo, double Y branch. - de lineas (clEe), Lineman.
-oblicuo, Y. -electricista, installing or erecting clectricim.
-recto, T. ---- sanitario, plumber.
inmanchable, stainless (steel). instalar, to install, erect, place, set.
inmersibn f, immersion. instantfineo, instantaneous; raomentary.
instrumental m, set of instruments; a instrumen- int erceptado m (mat), intercept.
tal. interceptador m, interceptadora f, interceptor
instrumentalhta m, instrument maker. (all senses).
instrumentista m, (surv) instrumentman; (Sp) interceptar, to intercept.
instrument maker. intercept0 (m) estadimetrico (lev), stadimetris
instrumento m, instrument. interval.
- grPfico o registrador, recording or graphic interceptor m, separator, trap.
instrument. - a vado, vacuum trap.
- indicador (eEc), indicating instrument. - basculador, tilting trap.
- investigador (ra), tracing instrument. - de aceite, oil trap.
instrumentos de agnimensura, surveying instru- - de agua, steam trap.
ments. -de agua a balde invertido, inverted-bucket
instrumentos de dibujo, drafting instruments. steam trap.
insulita (As), Insulite (trademark). - de agua a flotador, float trap.
insumergible, nonoverflow (dam). - de agua tip0 impulso, impulse steam trap.
integracibn f (mat), integration. - de aire, air trap.
integrador m,integrator, totalizer. -de arena o de cascajo (al), sand or grit
intdgrafo m, integraph. catcher.
integral f (mat), integral; a unit, whole, integral. - de escamas (condensador), scale separator.
integrar, to integrate. - de espumas, scum trap.
htegro, entire, whole, complete. - de grasa, grease trap.
intemperie f , bad weather. -elevador, lifting trap.
, a la, outdoors, exposed to the weather. - separador, separating trap.
intemperismo m, weathering. intercierre m (M), interlock.
intemperizacibn f , weathering. intercolumnio, intercolunio m, intercolumnia-
intemperizarse, to weather. tion, column spacing.
intensidad f, intensity. intercomunicador m (tel), intercommunicator.
- aparente deI haz (il), apparent beam candle intercondensador m, intercondenser.
power. interconexidn f, interconnection.
-de bujla, candle power. intercostal (cn), interco3al.
- del campo de perturbaciones (ra), noise field interdigitacidn f (geol), interfingering.
intensity. intereje m, distance between axles, wheel base
- de c a m p elgctrico, electric intensity or field (auto).
strength or force. interelectrbdico, interelectrodb.
- de espacio libre (ra), free-space intensity. interenfriador m, intercooler (compressor).
-de olor (Pa), threshold number. interenfriamiento m, intercooling.
-especifica de radiacihn (il), radiance, specific intergs m, interest.
radiant intensity. -devengado, accrued interest.
-luminosa horizontal (2) , mean horizontal - punitorio, penal interest.
candle power. interestratilicado (geol), interbedded, interstrat-
-luminosa unitaria (il) , specXc luminous in- Xed, interleaved.
tensity. interetapa (ra), interstage. '
-magnbtica, magnetic intensity or force or interfacial, interfacial.
flux density. interfhsico (el&) (A), interphase.
intensificador m, intensifier (all senses). .
interfaz f, interface
interaccih f, interaction. interferencia f (me(:) (el&)(ra), interferenoe.
intercalacidn f (geol), intercalation. - de la frecuencia imagen (tv), image interfer-
intercalado (geol), interbedded. enoe.
intercalar (el&), to cut in. -entre 10s canales (ra), interchannel interfer-
intercambiabudad f, interchangeability. ence.
intercambiable, interchangeable. intederomtrico, interferometric.
intercambiador m, interchanger. interferdmetro m, interferometer.
-de aniones (el&), anion exchanger. interfirrico, interferric.
- de calor, heat exchanger or interchanger.
-de cationes (el&), cation exchanger.
interflexibn (fma), flare.
intergrado (turb), interstage.
- de hidrogeniones (pa), hydrogen-ion ex- intergranular, intergranuIar.
changer. interior m a,inferior, inside.
- de iones (elk), ion exchanger. interlaminado, interlaminated.
intercambio m, interchange. interlinear, to interline; (tv) to interlace.
- de bases (quim), base exchange. intermedio a, intermediate.
-en hoja de trebol (ca), cloverleafinterchange. intermitencia f (pet), intermitting
-por dos cuadrantes (ca), two-quadrant or intermitente, intermittent; (C) reciprocating.
semiclover~eafinterchange. intermodulacih f (elkc), intermodulation.
intercepciirn, interceptaciBn f (hid), interception intermolecular, intermoleculzr.
(rainfall intercepted by and evaporatzd intermoler, to intergrind.
from plants). inferno, interior, internal.
interperibdico 180 invalidez
interperi6dico (ra) (A), interstage. --- de puesta a tierra, ground switch.
interpolador m (tel), interpoiator. -de reloj, time switch.
interpolar, u t o interpolate; a (elec) interpolar. -de resorte, snap switch.
interpolo m (el&), interpole. -de ruptur* brusca, quick-break switch.
interranura f (mec), land. -de rupturs Gnica, single-break switch.
interrefrigerador m, intercooler. -de seguridad, safety switch.
interregional, interregional. -de separacih, disconnect switch.
interrupcibn (j) a1 aire ( e l k ) , air break. -de servicio, entrance or service switch.
interruptor m (elec), switch; circuit breakei-; re- -de transferencia, transfer switch.
lease; interrupter; (ra) chopper. --- de tres cuchillas, triple-throw switch.
-a1 sire, air-break or air switch. -de uso general, general-use switch.
-a distancia, remote-control switch. -de via mfiltiple, multiposition switch.
-a flotador, float switch. -de via finica, single-throw switch.
-a motor, motor-operated switch. -de volquete, tumbler or toggle switch.
--- aislador, isolating switch. -desconectador, disconnect switch.
--- anticapacitancia (ra), anticapacitance switch. -desionizador, deion circuit breaker.
-automltico, circuit breaker. -electrolitico, electrolytic interrupter.
-automPtico del campo, field-discharge switch. -embutido, flush switch.
-automPtico de cuba inerte, dead-tank circuit -en aceite, oil or oil-break switch.
breaker. -en mercurio, mercury switch.
-automhtico de reloj o cronombtrico, auto- -fusible, fuse.
matic time switch. -giratorio, turn or revolving or dial switch.
-de aislador ladeante, tiking-insulator switch. -horario, time switch.
-de aplicar, surface switch. -indicador, indicating switch.
-de arranque, starting switch. -instantiineo, quick-break switch; momen-
-de artefacto, appliance switch. tary-contact switch.
-d e botbn, push-button switch. -maestro, main or master switch.
-de campana, canopy switch. -momentiineo, momentary-contact switch.
-de carnpo, field switch. -para baja carga, underload switch.
-de carga minima, underload switch. -pendiente o suspendido, pendant switch.
-de circuit0 (A) (M) , circuit breaker. -protector, circuit breaker.
-de clavija, plug switch. - seccionador, section switch.
-de contacto, contact breaker. -separador, isolating switch; disconnecting
-de contacto instantiineo, quick-make switch. switch.
-de contacto miiltiple, multiple-contact - silenciador (ra) , muting switch.
switch. intersecar, intersecarse, t o intersect.
-d e contactor, contactor or unit switch. interseccidn f, int.ersection.
-de cordbn, pull switch, intersectar, intersectarse, t o intersect.
-de corddn pasante, through-cord switch. intersolapar, t o interlap.
- de corriente, current breaker. interstitial, int!erstitial.
-de cuchillo. knife switch. intersticio rn (turb), clearance.
-de cuernos apagaarcos, horn-gap switch. intersticios, interstices.
-de chorro de mercurio, jet interrupter. interurbano, interurban.
- de descarga de campo, field-discharge switch. interval0 m, (elec) gap; (math) interval.
- de desenganche libre, trip-free circuit -de reposo (tel) , spacing interval.
breaker. intervaldrnetro m ( f ~ n a )intervalometer,
, intervd
-de desviacidn, diverter switch. regulator.
-de disrupci6n en el aire, air-break switch. intervalvular (ra), intcrtube, intervalve.
---- de doble ruptura, double-break switch. intervisibilidad f (ca) , intervisibility.
- de dos vias, double-throw switch. interyacente, interjacent.
--- de enchufe o de ficha, plug switch. intomable (A), impotable (water).
- de excitaci6~1, field breaker or break-up intradbs m, intrados.
switch. intradosal, intradosal.
- de leva, cam switch. intransitable (cn), unfit for trafic, impassable.
-de limite, limit switch. intrinseco (mat) ( e l k ) (il) , intrinsic.
-de linea, line breaker. intrusiBn f (geol) , intrusion.
-de llave, key switch. intrusionar (geol) (V), to intrude.
-de mando, control switch. intrusiva f (gcol) (V) , intrrlsion.
- de minima, no-load circuit breaker. intrusivo (geol), intrusive.
- de navaja (M), knife switch. inundable, subject to inundation.
-de palanca, knife switch; lever switch. inundacidn f, inundation, flood.
-de palanca rotativa, dial switch. -- de avenida, shcctflood.
-de parada (asc), stopping switch, inundador m (M) , inundator (simd).
-de pedal, foot swilch. inundar, t o inundate, flood.
- de portarreceptor (tel), hook switch. inutilizado, broken-down, out-of-order.
- de posici6n ~ G l t i p l e rnultipositio11
, sv,itch. invalidez (j)absoluta, tntal disability-
invalidez 181 isohieto
invalide~relativa, partial disability. ionosfera f (ra), ionosphere, ionized or Heaviside
invariante f a (mat), invariant. layer.
invencibn f,invent0 m, invention, device. ionosf6ric0, ionospheric.
inventat, to invent. iridescencia f, iridescence.
inventariar, t o inventory. iridescente, iridescent..
inventario m,inventory. iridio m (quim), iridium.
inventor m, inventor. iridosmina f (miner), iridosmine.
invernada f (V), heavy rain. irisacibn f,irisation.
invernazo m (PR), rainy season (July t o Septem- irracional (mat), irrational.
ber). irradiacibn f , irradiation.
inversamente proportional, inversely propor- -espectral (il), spectral irradiation.
tional. - unitaria, specific irradiation.
inversidn f,investment ;reversing ; inversion (all irradiador acClstico (ra) (A), acoustic radiator.
senses); (pmy) reversion. irradiar, to irradiate.
- de esfuerzos, reversal of stresses. irreversible (mec) (el&), irreversible.
- de fase (el&), phase reversal or inversion. irrevocable, irrevocable (credit).
- de marcha, (eng) reversing. irrigable, irrigable.
inversionista, investor. irrigacibn f, irrigation.
inverso, inverse, inverted. -con liquid0 cloaca1 (dac), broad irrigation.
inversor m, reversing mechanism; (elec) inverter, -por corrugaciones, corrugation irrigation.
reverser. -por cuadros rebordeados, block or check
- de fase (ra)? phase inverter. system.
invertible, reversible. -por surcos, furrow irrigation.
invertido m (d), invert. -por tuberia superficial, surface pipe method.
invertimiento m (hid)(Pe), discharge, outfall. -subterriinea, subsurface irrigation.
invertir, to invert; t o plunge (transit); to reverse -superficial, surface irrigation.
(engine); (pmy) to revert; (hyd)(Pe) t o dis- irrigador m. irrigator.
charge, empty; to invest. irrigar, t o irrigate.
investigacik~f, investigation; research; explora- isentxBpico, isentropic.
tion. isla f , island.
-de la seiial (ra) , signal tracing. - de gufa (ca), directional island.
iwolutometrk f , involutometry. - de seguridad o de refugio (ca), traffic island,
inyecci6n f, grouting, injection. refuge.
- de barro, mud-jacking; clay grouting. isobara f (rnrl), isobar.
- directa (di), direct or solid injection. isoblrico, isobaric.
-piloto (di), pilot injection. isobnrom~trico,isobarometric.
- por bomba de resorte {di), spring-~ressure isbbato, isobath.
injection. isobela f (elk), isobel.
-por etapas, stage grouting. isobujia f (il), isocandle.
inyecciones isocentro m, iiocenter.
- cementicias (A), grouting. isoclinal m (geol), isocline.
-de colchtm, blanket grouting. isoclinico, isoclinal, isoclinic.
-de consolidacibn, consolidation grouting. isoclor (quim) , isochlor.
- de cortina o de pantalla, curtain grouting. isocora f (quim), isochor.
inyectador m (cd), injector. isocromltico, isochromatic.
inycctar, t o inject; t o grout. isbcrona f, isochrone.
inyector m (cal), injector. isocronismo m, isochronism.
-aspirsnte, lifting injector. is6crono a,isochrone, isochronal, isochronic.
-autoajustador, self-adjusting injector. isodiabltico, isodiabatic.
-autom5tic0, restarting or automatic injector. isodinftmico, isodynamic.
-de barro o de lodo, mud jack; mud gun. isodinas f, isodynamic lines.
- de cemento o de lechada, grout machine. isoelQctrico, isoelectric.
- de chorro doble, double-jet injector. isoelectr6nic0, isoelectronic.
- de grasa, grease gun. isoestltico, isostatic.
-- de tubo doble, double-tube injector. isoestlrico (qufm) (rnrl), isosteric.
-de tub0 Gnico, single-tube injector. isof ase, isophase.
- sin aspiracih, nonlifting injector. isBgala f (geof), isogal.
iodado, iodato, ioduro, etc., see yodado, yodato, isdgama f (gcof), isogam.
yoduro, etc. isbgonas f , isogonic lines.
ion m (quim), ion. isbgono, isogbnico, isogonic.
-de hidrbgeno, hydrogen ion. isografia f , isography.
-oxfdrilo, hydroxyl ion. isogriifico, isographic.
ibnico, ionic. isdgrafo m (inst), isograph.
ionizador m ,ionizer. isograma m (mat), isogram.
ionizar, to ionize. isohieta, isoieta f (mrl), isohyet.
ionbmetro m, ionometer. isohieto, isohyetal.
isolador 182 jornada
isolador m (Ec), insulator. --- de cadeneo (lev), chaining pin.
isolantita (ais) , Isolantite (trademark]. -de mira, level rod.
isolux (il), isolux. jalonar, t o run a survey h e ; to set mileposts.
isomCtrico, isometric. jalonero m, rodman.
isometrBgrafo m, i s ~ m e t r o ~ r a p h . jamba f, jamb.
isornbrfico, isomorphic, isomorphous. jambaje m, door o r window frame.
isomorfismo m (quim) (miner) (mat), isomor- jamesonita f, jamesonite, feather ore.
phism. jangada f, raft.
isomorfo m, isomorph; a isomorphic. jaquelado m, checkerboard pattern, checker-
isooctano m (quim), isooctane. work.
isopacas f (geol), isopachous lines. jarabe m (az), sirup.
isopigcica f, isopiestic line. jarcia f, Manila rope, sisal rope; rigging, cordage.
isopluvial (mrl) , isohyetal, isopluvial. -de acero (C), wire rope.
isdptico (mat), isoptic. -trozada, junk.
isorradial (frna) , isoradial. jarja f (Col), double skewback.
isbsceles, isosceles, jaspilita f (gcol), jaspilite.
isosismico, isosista, isoseismic. jaula f , cage (shaft) ; cattle car; crate; (V) crib.
isost$tico, isostatic. -de ardilla, squirrel cage (motor).
isoterma f, isotherm. -de bolas, ball cage, retainer.
isotermo, isotCrmico, isothermal, isothermic. -de cojinete, bearing cage.
isotropia f (mat), isotropy. --- de extraccibn, mine cage.
isotrbpico, isbtropo, isotropic. jefatura f, headquarters; division, department.
isoyeta f (mrl) (Ch), isohyetal line. -forgnea (M), field or provincial headquarters.
isoygtico (M) , isohyetal. jefe m,chief.
istmo m,isthmus. -de adquisiciones (Ch) , purchasing agent.
itabirita f (geol) , itabirite. -de brigada (lev), chief of party.
itabo m (V), bayou, inlet. -de carpinteros, carpenter foreman.
itacolumita f (geol), itncolumite. -de compras, purchasing agent.
iterativo (mat), iterative. -de construcci~in,construction manager, su-
ivirapere, ivirapita, iviriraro, South American perintendent.
lumber. --- de cuadrilla, squad boss; chief of party.
izador rn, hoist; elevator. -de dibujantes, chief draftsman.
-de barriles, barrel elevator. -de equipo (lev), chief of party.
-del botalbn (pl), boom hoist. -de estacibn (fc), stationmaster.
-de compuerta (hid), gate hoist, -de estudios, chief of surveys; chief designer.
--- planetario, planetary hoist. -del lomo (fc), humpmaster.
izaje m, izamiento m,hoisting. -de maquinaria, master mechanic, chief engi-
izar, t o hoist; t o heave. neer.
izquierda f , left hand. -del muelle, dockmaster.
izquierdo a, left, left-hand. -de obras, works or project or construction
-de oficina, office manager.
-de operarios, labor foreman.
jaba f , crate; basket; gabion. -de patio (fc), yardmaster.
jabalcdn m, strut, trench brace. -de proyectos, chief designer.
jabalconar, t o shore, brace, prop. -de servicio (M) , purchasing agent.
jabi m, a Cuban lumber. -de taller, shop foreman, mastcr mechanic.
jabBn (m) de Castilla, csst:l L e soap. -de traccihn (fc) (Ch), superintendent of nio-
jabonaduras f (lu), suds. tive power.
jaboncillo m, steatite, soapstone. -de trlflco, traffic manager.
jacal m (M), shanty, tool house. -de turno, shift boss.
jacarandh m, a South American hardwood. -desmoldador (rno) , stripping foreman.
jCcena f,girder; header beam; (Sp) truss. -ingeniero, chief engineer.
-compuesta, built-up girder. -meciinico, master mechanic.
--- de a h a llena, plate girder. ---- montador, foreman erector.
-de celosia, lattice girdcr. jema f (carp) (Es), wane.
-maestra, girder. jeniquCn m (C), sisal, henequen.
-triangulada, lattice or Warren girder. jeringa f, syringe.
jagtiel m (Pe)(B), cistern. -de grasa, grease gun.
jaharrar, t o plaster, rough-plaster. -para aceite, oil gun.
jaharro m, plastcr, plastering, rough plastering. jibaracb m (r) (C) , outfall of flood waters, flood-
jalar ( h l ) , to haul, pull. way.
jalatocle m (M), eroded soiI carried t o a strea.m. jinetillos m (cv) , faltline cwriers.
jalea (j)mineral, mineral jeily. jir6n m (Pe), city block; street.
jdes m (min), tailings. jornada f, day's work; shift.
j a b m,milepost, rnilcstone; (surv) rod, pole. -del a t r o (pa), filter run.
-doble, double shift. -de lengiieta postiza (carp), feather joint.
-simple, single shift. -de montaje, field joint.
jornal m, wagel day'a wages, (C) body wage. -de pasador, pin joint.
-,a, by day's work, by the hour. -de plegado saIiente (ch), standing seam.
jornalar, to employ by the day. -de puente (fc), bridge joint.
jornalero m ,workman, laborer. -de reborde (lad), bead joint.
joule m (elbc), joule. -de sanidad, board of health.
jdcaro m, a West Indian hardwood. -de superposici6n, lap joint.
juego mi a set; (machy) throw; (machy) play, -de trabajo (conc), construction joint.
clearance, lash. -de tramo (fc), block or insulated joint.
- balanceador (elkc), balancing set. -de tres traviesas (fc), three-tie joint.
- de cambio (fc)(M), switch and frog. -degradada (lad), raked joint.
-de cerrndura (ft), lock set. -directiva, board of directors.
- de funcionarniento (maq), running clearance. -embadurnada (lad), buttered joint.
- de laminadores (met), roll stand. -enchufada, (p) bell-and-spigot or malw
-de la leva, lift of a cam. and-female joint.
-de motor y dinamo, motor generator set. -enrasada, flush joint.
- de nuez, bdl-and-socket joint. -escalonada (fc), stop or compromise splice
-de planos, set of plans. -escarbada (lad), raked joint.
- en vacfo, lost motion. -esfgrica, ball joint.
- generador, generating set. -esquinada abierta (sol), full-open corner
-lateral, side play. joint.
- longitudinal, end play. -esquinada medio abierta (sol), half-open
-muerto o perdido, lost motion, backlash. corner joint.
- terminal (mec) (A), end play. - flotante (fc) (Es), suspended joint.
jug0 m, juice. - giratoria, swivel joint.
juil m (M), driftpin. -metaloplbstica, metallic gasket.
julio m (el&), joule. -montada, lap joint.
juli6metro m, joulemeter. - muescada (ca) , key joint.
junta f , join*, connection, spIice; gasket; com- -plomads (tub), flush joint.
mission, council, board; meeting. -raspada (lad), raked joint.
- a1 aire (fc), suspended joint. - resbaladiza, slip joint.
-a inglete, miter joint. - seguida, continuous joint (not staggered).
-a media madera (carp), halved joint. -simulada (pav), dummy joint.
-a tope, butt joint. -sofapada, lap joint.
- apoyada (fc), supported joint. -suspendida reforzada (fc), bridge joint.
-atornillada, screwed coupling; threaded joint. -tomada (mam) (A), pointed joint.
-cardhnica, universal or cardan joint. -universal, universal joint.
-constructiva (conc)(A), construction joint. Junta Nacional de Aseguradores, National
-corrediza, slip or expansion joint. Board of Fire Underwriters.
- de accionistas, stockholders' meeting. juntas
-de aceite, oil joint. -a rosca (tub), screwed joints.
-de acreedores, creditors' meeting. -alternadas, broken or staggered joints.
-de anillo (tub), ring joint. - empelladas (lad), push or shove joints.
-de asegwadores, board of underwriters. -llenas (lad), flush joints.
-de asiento (mam) (V), bed joint, -remetidas (lad), raked joints.
- de bisagra, hinged joint. juntar, t o splice, join, couple.
- de bola, ball joint. juntear, to joint; to fill joints.
-de canto (sol), edge joint. junteo m, jointing.
-de codillo, toggld joint. juntera f, jointing plane; jointer, buzz planer.
-de colado (oonc), construction joint. -de duelas, stave jointer.
--- de comercio, board of trade. juntuta f, joint, splice.
- de compensacih o de dilatacibn, expansion - de pestaiia, flanged coupling.
-montante, vertical joint; field joint.
-de construccibn, construction joint. -para manguera, hose coupling.
-de contraccign, contraction joint. justipxeciador m, appraiser.
-de cuatro bulones (fc), four-bolt splice. justipreciar, t o appraise, rats.
-de cubrejunta, butt joint.
-de charnela, hinge or knuckle joint.
-de directores, board of directors.
-de doble cubrejunta, double-butt-strap joint. kapok m, kapok.
-de entrepafio, panel point (truss). kenotrono, kenotrdn na (ra), kenotron.
-de hule, rubber gasket. keratbfiro m (geol), keratophyre.
-do interrupcidn (conc) (A), comtruction kerita f (ais), kerite.
joint. kern (mat), kern.
- de lechada (lad), dipped joint. kernita f , karnite (borax ore).
kerSgeno m (pet), kerogen. laboratorio m, laboratory.
keros6n m, kerosina f, kerosene. -de campo, field laboratory.
kersantita f (geol), lrersantite. -de ensayo, testing laboratory.
kianizar, t o kyanize. -de investigaciones, research laboratory.
kieselgur m, kieselguhr. laboratorista m (U) (hf), laboratory worker.
kilaje m (A), weight in kilograms. laborear, to reeve; t o work.
kililrea f, kiliare. laboreo m, reeving; working; (rnin) a working.
kiloamperio m, kiloampere. -a cuadricula, bord-and-pillar mining.
kilobara f , kilobar. -de grada (rnin), stoping.
kilocalorla f, kilocalorie, great calorie. --- de subniveles, substoping, drift or sublevel
kilociclo m, kilocycle. stoping.
kilodina f, kilodyne. -en avance (rnin), advancing system.
kiloergio m, kiloerg. -en retirada (rnin), retreating system.
kiIogrdmetro m, kilogram-meter. -hidrdulico, hydraulicking, sluicing.
kilogram0 m, kilogram. -por cuadros (rnin) , panel working.
kilojulio m, kiloj o d e . laborer0 m (min) (Chj , heading foreman.
kilolibra f, kip, kilopound, 1000 lb. labra f, working, cutting, stonecutting.
kilolfnea f (el&), kiloline, kilomaxwell. labrabilidad f, machinability.
kilolitro m, kiloliter. labrable, machinable.
kilometraje m, distance in kilometers. labrado m, dressing, machining; (rnin) (M) a
kilom8tric0, kilometric. working; a dressed ;wrought; manufactured.
kilbmetro m, kilometer. -a escoda (mam) , hammer-dressed.
kilovatiaje m, power in kilowatts. -a mano, hand-tooled,
kilovatio m, kilowatt. -cuatro caras (mad), dressed four sides.
kilovatio-hora, kilowatt-hour. -por llama, flame-machining.
kilovoltamperio m, kilovolt-ampere. -por un canto (mad), dressed one edge.
-reactivo, kilovar, reactive kilovolt-ampere. -por una cara (mad), dressed one side.
kilovoltimetro m, kilovoltmeter. labrador m, worker.
kilovoltio m, kilovolt. labrar, t o work; t o till; t o dress, face. mill; t o
kinescopio m (tv), kinescope. carve, tool; t o manufacture.
konimetro m (rnin), konimeter. -en caliente, t o hot-work.
kovar (aleaci6n) , Kovar (trademark). -en frio, t o cold-work.
-toscamente, t o rough-dress.
laca f, lacquer; shellac, lac.
-blanqueada, bleached shellac.
laberintico a, labyrinth, labyrinthine. -japonesa o negra, japan.
laberinto m (mec) , labyrinth. Iacar, t o shellac.
llbil (quim) (ra) , labile. Iacmoide m (lab), lacmoid.
labio m,lip, edge. lactasa f (is), lactase.
-cortante, cutting- edge - (drill). lactosa f (is), lactose.
labor j, work, labor; (rnin) a working; cultiva- lacustre, lacustrine.
tion; (meas) 177.14 acres; (Sp) 1000 brick ladeado, out-of-plumb.
or tile. ladearse, to tip, get out-of-plumb; t o tilt; (M)
--- a cielo (rnin) , overhand working. t o warp.
-a cielo abierto, open-pit dining. ladeo m, sway, tilting, sidesway; (pmy)(Es)
-a trav6s (rnin), crosscut. banking.
-con pilares en retirada (rnin), retreating ladera f, hillside, slope of a valley.
system. ladero m (f c) (M) , siding.
-con pilares y clmaras (rnin), pillar-and-stall Iado m, side; (M) leg of an angle.
mining, chamber working. -recto (mat), latus rectum.
---- de anchur6n y pilar (rnin) , room-and-pillar ladrillado m, brick pavement; brickwork.
mining, chamber working. ladrillador m, bricklayer.
-de bancos (rnin) , underhand stoping. ladrilIal m, brickyard.
-de cantera (min), open-pit work. ladrillax m, brickyard ; bri ckkiln; v to Jay brick,
-de desanche (rnin)(M), resuing. pave with brick.
-de frente corrido, longwail mining. labrillejo m, briquet.
-de frente escalonado, breast stoping. ladrillera f, brickmaking machine; (Ec) brick
-de realce o de testeros, overhand stoping. mold.
-en rebajo, underhand stoping. ladrilleria f, brickyard.
-por lajas (rnin), slabbing, slashing. ladrillero m, brickmaker.
labores hulleras, coal workings. ladrillo m, brick.
laborabilidad f (conc) (A) (V), workability, -a1 hilo, stretcher.
laborable, tillable, arable; (conc) (A) (V) work -a tizBn, header,
able. -- aislador, insulating brick.
laborador rn, worker, laborer. - alabeado, arch-burned brick (warped in
laborar, t o work; t o till. burning).
-alivianado, hollow brick. -tolete (Col), brick 26 x 13 x 6 or 7 crn.
-aplantillado (Es), radial brick.
-iispero, rough-face brick.
-vidriado a sal, salt-glazed brick.
-atizonado, header, ---- a sardine1 o de canto, brick laid on edge, row-
-cocido, well-burned brick. lock.
-cornfin o corriente, common briclr. -de testa, brick laid on end, soldier course.
-crbmico, chrome brick. -parados (M), soldier course, brick on end.
-cmdo, unburned brick. ladr6n m, (hyd) sluice; (dd) culvert; ( C ) over-
-de alta alfimina, higbalumina briclc. flow pipe.
-de admisibn (ds), filling culvert.
alta cochura (Es), well-burned brick.
fiilyfo entrante redondo, internal-bull-
- de desagiie (ds), emptying culvert.
lago m, lake.
-de arco, arch brick, voussoir. lagrimal m, weep hole.
-de asta, header. laguna f, lake, pool, lagoon.
-de barro blando, soft-mud brick. - de decantacidn (min), tailings pond.
-ds barro duro, stiff-mud brick. -de enfriamiento, cooling pond.
-de cat y arena, sand-lime brick.
campana, clinker brick.
lagunato m (C), pool, pond.
laine m (C), Iiner, shim.
-de canto de bisel, featheredge brick. laja j, flagstone, slab; layer; stratum of rock;
-de cara chncava, cove stretcher. spall.
-de cara peinada, tapestry brick. lajeado (M) (U), laminated.
-de clave, key brick.
cuello, neck brick.
lajilla f (V) , shale.
lajoso (U) ,laminated.
-de cufia (rfr), wedge brick.
-de esquinrt redonda, bullnose brick.
lama f, mud, silt; ore dust; (min) tailings, slime;
(M) loam.
-de esquisto, shale brick. lamelar, laminated.
- de extremo cbncavo, cove header.
fachada o de paramento, face or front
liimina f, sheet, plate; (geol) lamina; (min) slab;
(Pan) (M) sheet metal.
brick. -acanalada (MI, corrugated iron.
-de fuego, firebrick. -acuifera, water-bearing stratum, ~ a t etable.r
-de jamba, jamb brick. -adherente (hid), clinging nappe.
-de lechos cortados por alambre, side-cut - asfgltica, sheet asphalt.
-de ballesta, spring leaf.
-de magnesita, magnesite brick. -de fibra (M), fiberboard.
-de manguito, sleeve brick. -de goma, sheet rubber.
-de miquina o de prensa, pressed brick. -
-de muelle (A), spring leaf.
estaiiada, tin plate.
-de m5quina hilera, wire-cut brick.
-de pinta, well-burned brick. - vertiente (hid), nappe (spillway).
-de sMce, silica brick. laminacidn f , lamination.
-de soga, stretcher. laminado m, laminate; a rolled (steel) ;laminated;
-escoriado, clinker brick. -
(geol) tabular.
-esmaltado, enameled brick. -
a troquel, die-rolled.
-frotador, rubbing brick. en caliente, hot-rolled. '
-glaseado, glazed brick. - en duro, hard-rolled,
-hueco de enrasiflado, furring brick. - en frlo, c~ld~rolled.
-mate, matt-face brick. laminador m,ralling mill; roll; lamiaator.
-moldeado en arena, sand-struck briclr. - acabador, finishing roll.
-oblicuo (rfr), skew brick. - continuo, continuous mill.
-para jaquelado, checker brick. -
de grueso o de lupias, blooming mill.
-pavimentador, paving brick. -
de planchas, plate mill.
-prensado a msquina, power-pressed brick. -
de reducci6n en frlo, cold-reduction miU.
-prensado en seco, dry-pressed brick. de roscas, thread roller.
-recio, common brick. - de temple, temper mill,
-rccocho, well-burned brick. - de tira en caliente, hot-strip mill.
-recortado, wire-cut brick. - de tochos, billet mill.
-refractario, firebrick. - desbastador, puddle train or rolls; blooming
-refractario aislante, insulating firebrick. mill,
-reprensado, repressed brick. - enderezador (cn), mangle rolls.
-requemado, clinker or overburned brick. laminar, .a t o roll (steel); to laminate; a lam-
inated, laminar.
-rosado, salmon or underburned or soft-
burned or pale brick. laminilla f, scale (rust), flake.
- santo, hard-burned brick; overburnod brick. - metmca, metal foil.
-sficocalc~reo,sand-lime brick. laminita f, shim, small plsto.
- sin cocer, adobe brick. lampa j,large shovel.
- superrefractario, superduty firebrick. lampada I, shovelfuL
- tablbn (Col), brick 25 x 25 a 5 cm. lampara f, lamp.
-a gas (elkc) (A), gas-filled lamp. lanzaarena m,sandblast outfit.
--- biposte (elkc), bipost lamp. lanzador m (min), nozzle, monitor.
-de alto (auto), stop light. -de electrones (ra), electron gun.
-de arco, arc lamp. -de remaches (herr), rivet passer.
-de cPtodo caliente, hot-cathode lamp. -de troncos (sa), kicker.
-de chtodo frio, cold-cathode lamp. lanzadora u) de arena (fund), sand slinger.
-de contraste, comparison lamp. lanzamortero m (M), cement gun.
-de cuarzo, quartz lamp (mercury vapor). laiia f, clamp, cramp, dogbolt.
--- de descarga luminosa (elite), gas-discharge laiiar, to clamp.
lamp. lapa f, barnacle; (rnin)(Pe) footwall.
--- de despejo, (auto) clearance lamp. lapacho m, a South American hardwood.
-de plomero, blowtorch, gasoline torch. lapicera f (auto) (U), high-tension conductor.
-de proyecci6n (elbe), projector lamp. lapicero m (dib), pencil holder of a compass.
---- de prueba, test lamp. lipiz rn, graphite, black lead; pencil; lead for pen-
- de seguridad, safety or miner's or DaYy cil or compass; (elec) carbon point, carbon
lamp. pencil.
---- de soldar, blowtorch. -de maderero, lumber crayon.
-de t h t a l o , tantalum-filament lamp. -de tiza (A), marking crayon.
-de tungsteno, tungsten-filament lamp. -rellenable, refillable pencil.
-de vapor de mercurio, mercury-vapor lamp. lapizar, to draw with a pencil.
- de vapor de sodio, sodium-vapor lamp. laquear, to lacquer.
-electrbnica (A), electron tube. Iargada f,distance, length.
--- fotoel6ctrica (A), photoelectric cell. largo m, length; (tel) (A) dash; a long.
-inundante, floodlight, flood lamp. -de pandeo o sin apoyo (est), unsupported
---- n e b , neon lamp or tube. length.
--- plomada (min), plummet lamp. -desarrollado, developed length.
-proyectante, searchlight, floodlight, flood ---- total, over-all length.
lamp. largos corrientes, stock or standard lengths.
--- testigo (el&), pilot lamp or light. largor m, length.
lamparilla f, small lamp; incandescent lamp. larguero m, stringer, girt, purlin; waler, ranger,
lampazo m, mop, swab. strongback; sill; skid; pile cap; stile of a
lampear, t o shovel (with lampa). door; (rnin) (tun) wall plate.
lampero m, shoveler. -central (puerta), muntin, mullion.
lampSn m (Ec) , long-handled shovel. -del bastidor (auto), side rail.
IamprSfiro m (geol), lamprophyre. --- de bisagra o de suspensi8n (pnerta) ,hanging
lana f,wool. or hinge st&.
-de asbesto, mineral wool. -del casco (cn), shell stringer or longitudinal.
-de cristal o de vidrio, glass wool. -de cerradura (puerta), lock stile.
- de escoria, slag or mineral wool. --- de encuentro (puerta), meeting stile.
--- de madera, wood wool. -- de escalera, stair string.
--- de plomo, lead wool. largura f , length.
-mineral, mineral or rock or slag wool. larval, larval.
-pGtrea, rock wool. larvas f,larvae.
lance m (M), a melt (steel). larvicida m, larvicide.
lanceta (f) d e oxfgeno (sol), oxygen lance. lasca j, spall.
lancha f,launch, lighter, scow; flagstone, slab. lascar, to spall; (cab) to slack off, pay out.
-automotrit, motorboat, motor launch. lastra f, slab, flagstone.
- barrera, mud scow. lastraje m, ballasting.
-carbonera, coal barge. lastrar, to ballast, weigh down; t o surface with
--de descarga automltica, dump scow. gravel.
-encajonada, covered Lighter. lastre m, (rr)(naut) ballast; (Ec) road metal;
--- plana, deck barge. (Ch) gravel.
-salvavidas, lifeboat. ----de agua, water ballast.
lanchada f, bargeload. lastrear (Ch), to ballast.
lanchaje m, lighterage. lastr6n m , large flagstone.
lanchar m, flagstone quarry. lata j, a tin, tin can; (C) tin plate; lath, batten
lanchero m, boatman, lighterman. (mas) dmhy.
lanchBn m, lighter, hargc, scow, flatboat. latente, latent.
-alijador, lighter. lateral m, (p) lateral, Y; a lateral, side.
-carbonero, coal barge. -de reduccibn (tub), reducing Y or lateral.
d e arrastre (ef), pullboat. laterla f,tin plate.
-de cubierta, deck barge. Iaterita f (geol), lateritc.
-petrolero, oil barge. lateritico, lateritlc.
lanchonero m, lighterman, boatman. laterizacih f, laterization.
lama f, nozzle, giant, monitor; wagon pole; (A) latero m, tinsmith.
slice bar, (A) clinker bar; pikc pole. lritex rn (nis'l, latex.
htigazo m,whipping of a cable. lechadear, to grout.
l a m a f , lath. lechado m, grouting.
latita f (geol), latite. lecho m, bed, stratum; (min) floor.
latitud f , latitude. -arnortiguador (hid), stilling pool, tumble bay.
- geodbica o geogr8fica o topogrhfica, geodetic - bacteriano (dm), septic bed.
or geographical or topographical latitude. - de cantera, natural bed of a stone.
latitudes y desviaclones (lev), latitudes and de- -de la carretera, subgrade, roadbed.
partures. - de contact0 (dac), contact bed.
latitudinal, latitudinal. -de la corriente, stream bed.
kt6n m, brass; a large o m ; (PR) iron water pail; -de creciente (r),flood plain, bed of the atream
(min) plank.
cobrizo, red brass.
corriente, yellow brass. -
at maximum.
-de fundacibn, foundation material or bed.
de oxidacih (dac), oxidizing bed.
- de aluminio, aluminum brass. -del rfo, river bed.
-naval, naval bra= (62% copper, 37% zinc, -de roca, bedrock, ledge rock.
1% tin). -de la via (fc), roadbed, roadway.
- para soldar, brazing brass. -desecador o secador (dac), drying or sludge
rojo a1 plomo, leaded red braas.
semicobrizo, semired brass. -
atrante o percolador (pa), filter bed.
- sillcico, silicon brass.
latonado, brass-plated.
lechosidad f (V), laitance.
ledita f (tub), Leadite (trademark).
latoneria f, brasswork ; brass shop. ligamo m, mud, silt, (min) slime.
latonero na, brassworker; (Col) (V) sheet-metal legdn m, grub ax; grub hoe; (C) spade.
worker, tinsmith. legra f, reamer, broach; reerning iron.
laurel m, a South American lumber. leguario m (Ch), milestone.
laurilo m (lab), lauryl. leido m (inst), reading.
lava f,lava; (min) washing. lejia f, lye.
lavabo m, washbasin, lavatory. lemniscata f (mat), lemniscate.
lavadero m, washer; lavatory, washbasin; wash- lengua f, tongue.
tray, washtub; washroom; place where -de carpa, kind of chisel.
gravel is washed for gold. -de pgjaro, taper file.
- de pared, wall-type washbasin. - de vaca, pointing trowel.
- de pie, pedestal washbasin. lengiieta f, tongue, lug; (rr) switch point or
lavado (m) contracorriente, countercurrent wash- blade; (rr) point of a frog; (carp) spline,
ing. feather; (mech) key, spline.
Iavador m, washer. -ahusada, taper spline.
-de arena tag), sand washer or tank. -calibradora, f hickneas gage.
-de calls, street washer. -paralela, feather key, spline.
-de cascajo (dac), grit washer. -postiza, spline, feather key, loose or slip
-de gas, gas scrubber. tongue.
-de paletas, paddle-type sand washer. - y ranura, tongue and groove.
- rociador (aa), spray air washer. lenta quemadura, de, slow-burning.
lavadora f, washer. lente m f, lens (optical) ; lens (geol).
- de c a r b b , coal washer. - autofltrador, self-filterkg lens.
-de impresfones (fma), print washer. -colectora o convergente, converging Iens.
lavaduras f, washings. - condensadora, coqdenser, condensing lens.
favaje m, washing; (di) (A) scavenging. -de ampliacibn (fma), enlarging lens.
lavamanos m, washbasin, lavatory. -de elaboraciBn, process lens.
lavar, to wash. -divergente, diverging or negative lens.
lavatorio m, lavatory; washbasin. -Fresnel (ap), Fresnel lens.
-de arrimar, wall-type lavatory. -objetiva (inst), object glass.
Xgvico, lavatiu, lavic. -ocular (inst), eyepiece, eyeglass.
laya f, spade. - telefotogriifmo, telephoto lens.
-de descortezar, bark spud. lenteja f, disk; (gsol) lenticle, lentil.
laxo m, loop, tie; Ilg) choker. lenticular, lenticular.
- de goteo (el&$, drip loop. lento, slow.
- de histkesis (el&), hysteresis loop. leila f, firewood.
-de cuerdas, cordwood.
lazulita f (miner), lazulite, blue spar.
lectura f (inst). reading. M a r , to cut wood.
-de atris (lev), backsight. leflo m, log, timber.
- de mira, rod reading. leptbmetro m, leptometer (viscosity).
- estadim6trica, stadia readhg. lesna f, awl, bradawl.
-frontal, foresight. de dibujante, pricker.
lechada f, grout; slurry; (C)whitewash; (Pe) -de marcax, scratch or marking awl.
Iaitance. -para correas, belt awl.
- do cal, milk of lime; (V) whitewash. --- para puntillas, bradawl.
-e .

letra lija
letra j,draft, bill, document. liar, to tie, bundle.
-de cambio, bill of exchange. lfber m, inner bark, bast,.
letras de identificacibn (ra) (tell, call letters. libra f , pound.
letrero m, sign; (dwg) title. - de ensayador, assay pound.
letreros (dib) (M), lettering. -esterlina, pound sterling.
letrina f, latrine, privy; (C) cesspool. librapi6 mi foot-pound.
leva f, pawl, dog, catch; cam; ( C ) lever. librar, t o free; (com) to draw.
-de a d m i s i h (mg), admission cam. libre, free.
-de cara, face cam. -al costado vapor, free alongside (FAS).
-d e disco, edge or disk or plate cam. --- a bordo (LAB), free on board (FOB), loaded
-del encendido, ignition cam. on cars.
-de escape, exhaust cam. -de averia particular (seg), free of particular
-de tambor, drum or barrel cam. average.
levadizo, lift (bridge), rising, lifting. -de derechos, duty-free.
levador m,cam. -de impuesto, tax-exempt.
levaje m, lifting. libremente apoyado (est), simply supported.
levantaaguja m (inst), needle lifter. libreta f, notebook.
levantacoches m, automobile lift. -de campo, field book.
levantador m.lifter. elevator. -de jornafes, time book.
-de banderols, transom lifter. -de medici6n (ef), scale book.
-de resorte de vllvula (mg), valve-spring re- -de tiempo (M), time book.
mover. -de trazado (lev), transit notebook.
levantaescobillas m (elkc), brush lifter. libretin (m) de jornales (V), time book.
levantamiento m, survey; raising, lifting; (geol) libro m, book.
upheaval. -de caja, cash book.
-altimetrico, topographical survey. -diario, journal.
-capilar (A), capillary rise. -mayor, ledger.
-de localizacibn (M), location survey. licencia f, license, permit; leave of absence.
-de planos, surveying, mapping. -de manejar (auto), driver's license.
-de ruta, route surveying (reconnaissance, -para edificacibn, building permit.
preliminary survey, and location survey). licenciar, t o license.
---- estadimMrico, stadia survey. licitacibn, bidding, taking bids.
-fotogrkfico, photographic mapping. licitador, licitante m, bidder.
-geodksico, geodetic surveying. licitar, t o bid in competition; t o take bids.
-gravim&trico, gravity survey. licor m (quim), liquor.
, -ordinario o planimetrico o plano, plane sur- licuacibn f, liquefaction; (met) liquation.
vey ing. licuar, t o liquefy.
--- taquim6tric0, stadia survey. licuefaccih f, liquefaction.
levantar, t o hoist; t o survey; to heave, lift. lidita f, ((miner) lydite, touchstone; lyddite (ex-
-una planimetria, to make a survey. plosive).
-una topografia, t o make a topographical lienza (j) metdlica (lev), metallic tape.
survey. lienzo m, facade, front wall; bay of a wall; pancl
-vapor ((2). t o get up steam. of a fence: fabric, cloth.
-melo (ap), t o take off. liga f , alloy; binding material; bond; flu.
levantarrieles m,levantavia m, track jack. -de asbesto, asbestos bonding.
levantavilvula m, tappet, push rod; valve lifter. -metiilica, alloy.
levantaventana embutido, flush sash lift. -para frenos (V), brake fluid.
levante m, raising, hoisting; (conc)(A) a lift. ligado con agua, water-bound (macadam).
Ieve, light, easy (grade). ligador m, binder.
levigar, to levigate. -asfiiltico (ca), asphalt binder.
levBgiro, turning anticlockwise, levorotary. ligadura f, tie, lashing; rail bond; (reinf) (V) cob
levorrotacibn f, levorotation. umn hoop,
levorrotatorio (az), levorotatory. - a bobina de reacci6n (fc), impedanceor renct-
ley f, law; (met) fineness, grade. ance bond.
--- de Coulomb, Coulurnb's law, law of electr* ligante m (ca), binder.
static attraction. ligar, t o bond, tie; t o alloy.
-de Faraday, Faraday's law, law of electrw ligaz6n f, tie, fastening; (mas) bond; (rr) rail
magnetic induction. bond; (V) stile of a door.
---- de la inversa de 10s cuadrados (ffsica), in- - de impedancia (fc), impedance or reactance
verse-square law. bond.
--- senoidal, sine Iaw. ligero, Iight, thin.
-tangencial, law of tangents. lignina f , lignin.
leyes de Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff's laws, laws of elec- lignitico, lignitic.
tric networks. lignitizar, t o lignitize,
legenda f (A) (dib), legend. lignito m, lignite.
lezna f , awl, bradawl. lija j, sandpaper.
lija limpia
-de carborundo, carborundum paper. -de columna, pillar shaper.
-esmeril, emery paper. -de corte de retroceso, drawcut shaper.
lijadora f, sandpapering machine, sander. -de maniveIa, crank shaper.
-de banda o de cinta o de correa, belt sander. limaduras f, filings.
-de colurnna, column sander. -de acero, steel grit.
-de disco, disk sander. limaUa f, filings,
-de husillo oscilante, oscillating-spindle san- limar, t o file; to shape.
der. limatBn m, rasp, coarse He; (Ch)hip or valley
-de rodillas, roll sander. rafter.
-de tambor, drum sander. limbo m (inst) (geol). limb.
lijar, t o sandpaper.
lima f, it) file; (rf) hip or valley, hip or valley -azimutal, h k z o n t a l limb, lower plate (tran-
rafter. sit).
- ahusada, taper file. - graduado (trdnsito), graduated limb.
-ahusada delgadisima, double-extra-slim file. limbo-lndice (inst) (V), graduated limb.
- ahusada extradelgada, extra-slim taper file. limera f (cn), rudderhole.
-- basta, rough file. limitacorriente m (elec), current limiter.
-bastards, bastard file. limitador m, (hyd) spillway; (clec) limiter; (auto)
-cillndrica, round file. fuel or speed regulator; (mech) a stop.
- cuadrada puntiaguda, entering or square -de amplitud (ra), amplitude limiter.
taper file. - del campo visual (fma), field stop.
- de aguja, needle Me. -de luz (fma), aperture stop.
- de canto liso, safe-edge or side file. -de pic0 (ra), peak limiter.
-de cerrajero, warding or key file. - de ruidos (ra), noise limiter.
- de cola de rata, rattail file. -de tensi6n (el&), voltage limiter.
- de cuchilla, hack or knife file. - en cascada (ra), cascade limiter.
-de cuHa con canto redondo, great American -horario (eltic), time switch.
file. limitadora f (ra), limiter.
- de doble tda, double-cut or crosscut file. Ymite m, boundary, limit.
-de dos colas, double-tang fXe. -de aguante, endurance limit.
- de ebanista, cabinet file. -de agudeza (fc), limiting curvature.
- de espada, featheredge me. -de continuaci6n (M), endurance limit.
-de hender, slitting fie. -de contraccidn o d e encoghiento (ms),
-de navaja, knife He. shrinkage limit.
-de picadura cruzada, doublecut He. -de elasticidad, elastic limit.
-de picadura simple, single-cut file. - de escwrimiento (A), yield point.
- de segundo corte, second-cut file. -de estabilidad (elha), stability limit.
-de talla mediana, middle-cut iile. -de estabilidad momentgnea, transient sta-
-de tornero, lathe file. bility or transient power limit.
-delgada, slim file. -de expansiirn lineal (ms) , lineal-expansion
- dulce, fine or snlooth file. limit.
-encorvada, riffler, bow file. -de floculacibn (is), flocculation limit.
-entrefina, second-cut file. -de fluencia (A), yield point.
- finkima, superfine file. -de fluidez (ms), liquid limit.
-k l s i m a puntiayda, crochet file. -de fiujo (met), creep limit.
-hoya (to), valley. -de hidrataci6n, hydration limit.
- musa, single-cut file; smooth filo. - de hinchamiento, swell limit (soil).
- ovalada, crossing or double-half-round file. -de lubricacibn, lubrication limit (soil).
-para entredientes (si), gulleting file. -eliistico aparente, yield point.
-para paletones, warding file. -liquid0 (ms), liquid lirpit.
-paralela, blunt &. -pllstico o de plasticidad (ms), plastic limit.
- paralela de un canto liso, pillar file. limftrofe a, boundary, limiting.
- plana para sierra, mill filo. limnlgrafo m, water-level recorder.
- puntiaguda, taper fie. limnimi5tric0, limnimetric.
- ranuradora, ootter or slotting fle. limnimetro m, stream or staff gage, limnimeter.
- sorda. dead-smooth or dead fle.. - Urnnita f , limnite (iron ore).
- s u p e r h a , s u p e r h e fie. LimnBgrafo na, limnograph.
- tesa (to), hip, angle rafter. limnologfa f, limnology.
-triangular, cant or three-square or lightning limo m, mud, silt.
file. lim6n m,stair string, carriage; wagon abaft.
-triangular achatada, cant or barrette file. Iimonita f, limonite, brown hematite, brown iron
lima-cuchillo, slitting or knife file. ore, (miner) brown ocher.
limador m, filer. limonitico, limonitic.
limadora f, shaper; power file, saw-filing tool. limoso, silty, muddy.
- de cabeza m6vi1, traverse or traveling-head limpia f, cleaning,
- par chorro de arena, sandblasting.
limpia 190 lista

---- por llama (pint), flame-priming. flame-clean- -de propiedad, property or building line.
hg. ---- de punteria ( ~ n s t )line
, of s ~ g h t .
-por vapor, steam-cleaning. --- de punto y raya o de puntos y trazos (dib),
Limpiador rn, cleaner, (tun) ~rlucker;(pet) stnp- dot-and-dash line.
per. -de puntos (dib), dotted line.
-al vacio o de succibn, vacuum cleaner. -de rayas o de trazos (dib), broken or dash
--- de barrenos (min), scraper. line.
-del cable (pet), h e wiper. -- de trhnsito (ca), traffic lane.
--- vortiginoso (an), vorticose cleaner. -- de transporte de energia o de transmisi6n
fimpialimas m , file cleaner or card. (elbc), transmission line.
limpianieve m, snowplow. - decauville, portable or industrial track.
Empiaparabrisas m, windshield wiper. -derivada, branch line.
fimpiaparrilla m (cal), d c e bar. -f6rrea o ferroviaria, railroad track, railroad.
fimpiapozo m (pet), swab, bailer. -- fundamental, ground line (perqpective).
limpiar, t o clean; t o strip. clear. -interrumpida (dih), dotted or broken line.
Limpiarrejas m (hid), rack cleaner or rake. -limitrofe, boundary line.
limpiatubos m, pipe-cleaning nlarhine; (bo) t nhe --- Uena (dib), full or solid h e .
cleaner, flue scraper; (pet) swab, bailer, -media, center line.
pipe wiper. -municipal, building line.
limpiavra m (fc), locomotive pilot. -perdida (lev), random line.
Limpiavidrio rn (auto), windsliield wiper. --- piezomEtrica, hydraulic grade line.
limpieza f, cleaning, clearing, stripping. -- primitiva (en), pitch Iinc.
Limpio, clean. --- puntada o punteada (dib), dotted line.
linaza f,linseed. -quebrada (dib), dash or bmkcn line.
lindante, bordering, abutting. --- troncal (fc), trunk line.
linde m, Undero m, boundary, border, property ---- visual (Icv)(A), line of sight.
line. lineas
l i e a j, line, track; one twelfth of an in&. --- d e equidepresibn (fmn), equideprcssion lines.
--- aclinica, aclinic h e , magnetic equator. --- de influencia, influence lines.
--- bksica, base line. - de vuelo (frna), flight lines.
-continua o corrida (dib), full h e . -trigonomGtricas, trigonometric functions.
-de acondicionamiento (aa), condition line. lineal, linear, lineal, linear.
-d e acortamiento (lev), cutoff line. linealidad j,linearity.
---- de aguas minimas, low-water mark, linei5metro m, lincarneter.
---- de arranque, spring line (arch). lingote m (met), pig, ingot; bloom, billet.
--- d e aviacidn, airline ; airway. lingotera f, mold for pig iron, billet mold.
d e bajamar (mr), low-water mark. lingue m (Ch), a hardwood.
---- de base, base line. linguete m, pawl, dog.
--- de cargas (ra), load line. liniero m (C), lineman.
-de las cargas (dib), load Line. hno m , canvas, sailcloth; linen, flax.
- de circulaci6n (ca)(M), traffic lane. --- de calcar, tracing linen.
-de colado (conc), l i f t line. lintel m , lintel.
---- de colimacibn (lev), line of collimation. linterna f, lantorn, lamp, (Ch) porket flashlight;
-de corriente (top), vallcy line, thnlwcg. roof monitor; (rncch) cage.
- de cota (dib), dimension line. -avisadora, signal light.
-del chaflgn (en), bearding line. --- para machos (fund), core barrel.
- de deriva (fma), drift line. --- trasera (auto), tailliglit,, tail lamp.
-de dislocacibn (geol), fault line. linternilla f (AC), transom.
de distancia (frna), distnnre line. linternhn m, rlearstory; big lantern; monitor.
-- d e edificacihn, 1,uildmg line. lifiuelo m, strand of rope.
- de eje, axis, center line. lipasa f (is), lipme.
-- de energia (hid), encrgy line. liquidador m, liquictittor; (chcm) liqucficr; (coni)
- de escuadria (mam), piteh line. (Ch) rcceivcr.
-- de exploraci6n ( t v ) , sc*anning line. -de averias (seg) , average adjustcr.
-- de fe (lev) (Es), center 11neof l~vcl-rodtarget. liquidar, t o liquidate; t o liquefy; I~quidarse,t o
-- de flotacibn con carga (an), load water h e . liquefy.
-- de fuerza (elkc), linc of forcc. liquidez f , liquidity.
-- de fuga (dih), ~ a n i s l i i ~ line.
lg liquid0 m ,liquid; n l i c l r d ; (corn) n ~ t .
-de imposta, s p r i r ~ g11nc (arch). liquidos cloacales crudos (.4), raw sewage.
-de marcar, chalk line. Tiquidos residuales (.2), scwngr.
-- de marea alta, high-water malk. liquid6metro m ,liquidometer, liquid-levd grtgc.
-de meandro (lev), r n e a n d ~ rline. lisera f, berm.
-de mira (Icv), h n c of sight. lisimetro m , lysirrieter.
-- de montaje, proclurtinn or asseinldy linr. lista f, list; strip.
--- de nivelacibn, a line of luvcla. -- de embalaje o de 10s bultos, p a ~ l t i n glist.
-- de pago (exc), pay line. , --- de partes (nlaq), p a r t libt.
lists losar
- de r%yafM), pay roll.
lisado (min), in thin layers.
-decGpoda, decapod locomotive.
-decauville, contractor's narrow-gage locomo-
lister0 m, timekeeper. tive, dinkey.
]isto de maquinaria (C), machined, milled, faced. -el6ctrica de combinacibn, combination elec-
list6n m,lath, cleat, batten, slat; lattice bar. tric locomotive.
- cubrejunta, aatragal (door). -mastodonte, mastodon locomotive.
- de cierre, sealing strip. -micado, mikado locomotive.
- de defensa, wearing strip. -mogol, mogul locomotive.
- de enrasar (ed), furring strip.
para clavado, nailing strip.

-petr6leo-el&trica, oil-electric locomotive.

locomotora-alijo, locomotora-tgnder, tank loco-
- para tejado (to), gage or tiling lath. motive.
- separador (ventana), parting strip or slip, locom6vil f , locomobile, boiler and engine on
pendulum. wheels; a portable, movable, locomobile.
- voladizo (ttln), spile. lodazal m, marsh, bog.
- yesero, lath. lodo m, mud; sludge.
listones de avance (th), poling boards, spilling, -de cal (pa), lime sludge.
f orepoling. - de perforacibn, drill sludge, drilling mud.
listbn-@a, screed, ground. -digerido (dac), digested sludge.
listonado m, lath, lathing. -hGmico (dac), humus sludge.
- metiilico, metal lath. -mineral (min), slime.
- metZllico costillado, ribbed metal lath. lodos activados (dac), activated sludge.
listonador, listonero m, lather. lodoso, muddy.
ustonar, to lath; to place cleats or battens. loes m (geol), loess.
listoncillo m, lath. logarhnico, logarithmic.
listoneria f, lathing. logaritmo wa, logarithm.
litarge, litargirio m, litharge. -comtin u ordinario, common logarithm.
litera f, bunk, (rr) berth. -hiperb6lico o natural, hyperbolic or natural
ltio na (quim), lithium. logarithm.
litoclasa f (geol), lithoclase, natural fracture. -neperiano, Napierian logarithm.
Litofiswas f (geol), lithophysae. -vulgar (Pe) , common logarithm.
litogafla f, lithograph; lithography. loma f, ridge, hill; (rf) (C) hip.
l i t o g d a r , to lithograph. lomada f (A), hill, ridge.
litogrlfico, lithographic. lomera f, ridgepole.
IitologIa f, lithology. lomerb m (M), range of hills.
litol6gic0, lithalogical. lomo m, ridge; shoulder of ,a road; (mech) boss;
iitornarga f (miner), lithomarge (kaolin). (geol) hogback; (irr) border.
Ptopbn, litopono m, lithopone. -de agua subterritnea, ground-water ridge.
litoral m, coast, shore: (geol) littoral; a littoral. -de perro (V), crown of a road; coping on a
litraje m (A), volume in liters. wall.
litro na, Llter. - de sierra, rib of s backsaw.
liviano a, light {weight). lona f, canvas, sailcloth; (M) (A) tarpaulin.
lixiviador m, lixiviator. - engomada (A), tarpaulin.
lixiviar, to leach, lixiviate. loncha f, flagstone.
loHn m (F), land measure of about 3000 square loneta f, cotton duck.
feet. longfmetro m (M), measuring tape.
lobos m (met), salamander, bear, shadrach. longitud f , longitude; length.
lbbulo m (mec), lobe, lug; (M) flange. -de onda lined (ra), straight-line wave
local m, site; room; a Iocd. length.
localizaci6n f, location, site; laying out, placing. -de pandeo, unsupported length (column).
localizador m,localiaer. -geod6sica o geogiifica, geographical or geo-
localizar, to lay out, locate, place. desic longitude.
loco, loose (pulley). - total, overall length.
Iocomotor a, locomotive, self-moving. longitudinal, longitudinal.
locomotora f, locomotive. longrina f, cap; bridge stringer.
- a bencina, gasoline locomotive. loro m (A), a hardwood.
- a vapor, steam looomotive. losa f, dab, floor tile, flagstone.
-articulada, Mallet or articulated locomotive. -celular (V), hollow building tile.
-cientopib, centipede locomotive. -con armadura cruzada (conc), two-way slab.
- de acumuladores, storage-battery locomo- -- de cubierta, deck dab (hollow dam).
tive. -de refuerzo (A), drop panel (flat slax.
- de smpuje, pusher engine. -hongo (ed) (A), flat slab.
-de maniobras o de patio, switching or drill - nervada (conc), ribbed slab.
or yard engine. -perimetid (M), slab supported 04 four sides
- de recorrido, road engine. -pIana (ed), flat slab.
-de turbina con engranajes, geared-turbine losado m, tile floor.
locomotive, losar, to tile (floor).
losetxi 192 Iuz
foseta f, Roor tile; small dab. lumbricoide (ia), lumbricoid.
losilla f, briquet. lumen m (il), lumen.
lote m, lot; batch; (A) (Col) tract of land. lumen-hora, lumen-hour.
-de vagcin (A), carload lot. lumenmetro m (il) (Es),illuminometer, luminom-
lotear, t o bundle, bunch; t o lay out in lots. eter.
loteo m, laying out in lots. lumilina, Lumiline (trademark).
lotificaciijn f (M), division into lots. lumimetro (A), illuminonlcter.
LoxodrSmico, loxodrolnic. Iuminico, pertaining t o light.
loza f, porcelain; (C) flat tile. luminifero, luminiferous.
lubricacibn f , lubrication. lurniniscencia f,lun~inescence,glow.
--- a inundacibn o por inmersi6n, flood lubrira- -azuI (ra), blue glow.
tion. --- azulina (ra) (Es), blue glow.
-- a plena presibn o de presibn completa, fuII- ---- catbdica (ra) , cathodoluminescence.
pressure lubrication. luminiscente, luminescent.
--- a salpic6n o por salpicaduras, splash lubrica- luminosidad f, luminosity, brilliance.
tion. --- catbdica, cathode glow.
-de goteo, drop-feed oiling. -remanente o residual (ra) , afterglow.
--- forzada, force-feed oiling. luminoso, luminous.
--- por anillo, ring oiling. luminotecnia f , illuminating engineering.
-por mecha, wick lubrication. luminotdcnico m, illuminating engineer.
Iubricador m, lubricator. lunaciijn f , lunation.
--- a lodo (pet), mud lubricator. lunar, lunar.
-de dimentacibn regulable, adjustable-feed luneta (f) fija (mh)(A), steady rest.
Iubricator. luneta mbvil (torno), follonw rest.
-de alimentaci6n visible, sight-feed lubricator. lunicorriente f (nu), lunlcurr ent.
lubricante, lubrificante m, lubricant. lupa f (A) (V) (Es), magnifying glass.
lubricar, Iubrificar, t o lubricate. Iupia f , bloom (steel).
lubricidad f, iubricit y. --para forjar, forge bloom.
lubrificador m,Iubricator. Iurte m, avalanche, landslide.
lucarna f (A), louver ; dormer window. lustre m, gloss; glaze; (miner) luster.
lucera f, skylight. lutita j (M)(V), shale.
lucerna f , (rf) tnonitor, louver; (C) skylight; dor- lux rn (il), lux, meter-candle.
mer window. luz f,light; span, opening; clearance; (bldg) bay.
lucernario m, (rf) monitor, louver; clearstory; --- a distancia (auto) (A), country or running
(C) skylight. beam.
iuces f, lights. -alternante (ap), alternating Iight.
--- de balizamiento (op) (ap) , range lights. ---- brillante (C), kerosene (really a particular
-d e estacionamiento (auto), parking lights. brand).
--- de pista (ap), contact lights. -cenital (Col), skylight.
- de rodaje (ap), taxi lights. --- clara (C) , clear span.
--- de ruta, course lights (airway). -de acceso o d e aproximaci6n (ap), approach
-del tablero (auto), panel lights. light.
--- de triifico (ap), traffic-signal lights. - de aterrizaje (ap), landing light.
luceta f, skylight; small window; transom. -- d e aviso, warning light.
lucros (m) y daiios, profit and loss. -de bciveda, vault light (sidewalk).
luchadero m, journal box; journd. --- de cabeza, headlight.
ludimiento m (pet), gall. --- de calcio, calcium light, limelight.
ludir, to abrade, chafe, rub. -de ciilculo (V)(A), e f f ~ c t i v eor design span.
lugar m, space; sitc; a room. ---- de contact0 (ap), contact light.
-ciego (re), blind spot. -de cruce (auto)(A), traffic beam, antiglare
-de estacionamiento, parking space. light.
-georn6tric0, locus. -- de cuidado (A), warning light.
luir, t o abrade, wear away. - de d e m a r c a c i h (ap), bounclary light.
lumbre f, light; skylight; transom. -de destellos, flashing light (lighthouse).
-- del agua, water surface. --- de identificacibn (np) , identification linllt.
lurnbrera f, opening; shaft; skylight; cnginc -de marcha, running hght; (auto) driving
port; (M) louvcr. light, country beam.
- de admisicn, steam or intake or admission --- de matricula (auto), license-plate light.
port. - de parada (auto), stop 11ght.
- de a s p i r a c i h (bm), suction port. -- de pase (auto), passing or traffic beam.
-de cubierta (cn), bull's-eye, deadlight. - de pie (ap), pedestal light.
- - de escape, exhaust or relief port. -- de prueba, test light.
-sangradora, bIeeder port. - de reverso (fc), hack light.
lumbreras de toma (hid), intake openings. -- de sentido de aterrizaje (ap), landing-direc-
lumbreras provisionales, diversion openings tion light.
(dam). -de techo, ceiling light, (auto) dome Iight.
luz Ilave
-de triifico (ca), tr&c light. -ciega, blank (key).
-de zaga (auto), taillight. -colgante, pendent, switch.
-efectiva, effective span. -conmutadora, change-over switch.
-franca (C), clear span. -de adjustador, machine wrench.
-giratoria, revolving light (lighthouse). -de alivio, snifting valve.
-indicadora, indicating light.
-Libre, clear span.
-de Bngulo, angle valve; offset or obstruction
-neta, net opening,
-piloto, pilot light (burner). -d6 arco, keystone.
-de armador, construction wrench.
-relhmpago (faro), flashlight. -de artefacto, appliance switch.
-trasera, taillight. -de berbiqul, brace wrench.
-de boca, open-end wrench.
-de boca sencilla, end or engineer's or set-
screw wrench.
llaga f (mam), crack; (Col) vertical joint. -de bola, ball valve.
llama f, flame. -de bridas, flanged valve; flange wrench.
- aeroacetilgnica, air-acetylene fIame. -de cadena, chain wrench or tongs.
-earbonizadora (sol), carboniaing flame. -de caja o d e casquillo o de copa, socket or
del arco (sol), arc flame. box wrench.
oxidante, oxidizing flame. -de caiio, pipe wrench.
- reductora, rcducing flame. -de cebar, priming cock.
Uamar a concurso o a licitacitin, t o call for bids. -de cierre, stopcock.
namperas (rnin)(B), mass of material that baa -de cilindro (mv), cylinder cock.
slid, talus. -de cinco vfas, five-way cock.
Uampo m (Ch)(B), finely broken ore. -de cincha, girth pipe wrench.
llana f, plain; plasterer's trowel, mason's float. -de cola, fitting-up or spud wrench.
- acabadora, finishing trowel. -de comprobacibn (cal), t r y or gage cock.
-de compuerta, gate valve.
-acodada o de Lngulo, corner or angle trowel.
-de cuneta, gutter tool. -del conmutador, switch key.
- de enlucir, plasterer's trowel. -de contador, meter cock.
- de jaharrar, browning trowel. -de corden pasante, through-cord switch.
-rde juntar, jointing tool. -d e l a corporacidn, corporation cock
- de madera, mason's float. (water).
-de correa, strap wrench.
llanada f, flatland, level ground.
llanadora f (A), grader. -de croche (V), ratchet wrench.
llanca f (Ch), a copper ore. -de cuatro pasos o de cuatro ~alidas,four-way
llano m, flatland;a even, flat, smooth. cock.
llanta f, iron tire, tire rim; tread; rubber tire; -de cuatro puntos, four-point switch.
steel flat. -de cuatro vias (eldc), four-way switcb.
-articulada, crawler belt. -de cubo, socket wrench; box key.
- de costado blanco, white-side-wall tire. -de cuiia (mec), taper key.
-de refaccibn o de repuesto, spare tire. -de chicharra, ratchet wrench.
-de volante, flywheel rim. -de choque, impact or pneumatic wrench.
- desmontable, demountable rim. -de decantacibn, drain cock.
--- maciza, solid tire. -de desagtie, drip or drain cock, petcock.
-sin pestaila (loco), blind or blank tire. --- de dobfe curva, S wrench.
llantas de oruga, crawler tread, caterpillar -de doble entrada (M), doubleended wrench.
mounting. -de doble juego (A), double-throw switch.
llantera f (M), tire iron. -de dos bocas, double-ended wrench.
Uanura f, plain, flatland; (C) tread of a wheel. -de dos golpes, double-break switch.
- costanera, coastal plain. -de eclisas (fc), track wrench.
-del rio, valley flat or floor, bottom land. -de embutir, flush switch.
llaucana j (Ch), miner's crowbar. -del encendido (auto), ignition switch.
Uave f, key (lock); wrench; (mech) key, wedge; -de escape, exhaust valve; Howoff cock, pet-
valve, cock, bibb, faucet; (elec) key, small
switch; (mas) header, bondstone; key- -de espiga, pin wrench.
stone; (min) (Sp) crib; (com)(A) good will; -de flotador, float valve, ball cock.
(min) section of ground left in phco t o sup- -de gancho o de horquilla, spanner or hoo
port roof. wrench.
-a botbn o a pulsador, push-button switch. -de gancho con espiga, pin spanner.
- a crique, ratchet wrench. -de golpe o de impacto, impact wench.
- a palanca, Iever switch. -de humero, damper.
-acodadao angular, offset wrench; angle valve. -de lengiieta (el+%), strap or tapping key.
- ahorquillada, fork wrench. -de leva, cam switch.
-botonera (A), push-button switch. -de llanta metBlica (auto), rim wrench.
- cerrada, box wrench. -de macho, plug valve or cock,
-de manguera, spanner or hose wrench; hose --- roncadora, snifting valve.
-selectora, selector swtch.
--- de rnaquinista, engineer's wrench. ---- suspendida, pendent switch.
-del maquinista (loco), engineer's brake valve. -telegrlfica, telegraph key.
-de mar (en), sea cock. -tubular, socket wrench.
-de martillo, slugging or striking wrench. --- universal, monkey wrench.
-de media vuelta, stopcock; plug valve. Ilave-tenedor, fork wrench.
-de mordaza, alligator or bulldog wrench. llavin m,key, latchkey.
--- de nivel o de prueba (cal), gage cock. Uena f (M), flood.
-de palet6n (ft), bit key. llenaderas f (pet), loading rack.
---- de paletdn entallado, warded key. Uenador m, (str) filler plate; (pt)(V) filler.
-de paso, by-pass valve; stop, cock, stopcock; -de acumulador, battery filler.
shutoff or line valve; master key. llenante f, Aood tide.
-de pata, crowfoot wrench. llenar, t o fill.
-de pernete, pin wrench. llenos (mj de popa (cn), buttocks.
- de pico de loro, Stillson wrench. llevabarrenas m, nipper, drill-steel carrier.
-de punz6n, needle valve. Uevar, t o carry, convey.
-de purga, blowoff valve, drain cock, petcock. -a cabo, t o carry out, execute, h i s h .
--- de retencibn, check valve; shutoff cock. -en suspensi5n (r), t o carry in suspension.
-de seguridad, safety valve. -intereses, t o bear interest.
- d e servicio, service cock; faucet; house valve. -la contabilidad, t o keep t h e accounts.
- d e supervisidn (tel), monitoring key. -una poligonal (lev), t o run a traverse.
--- de torsibn, torque wrench. lloradera f, leak.
-- de trabazBn (conc), bonding key. IIoradero m, weep or drain hole; leak; spring
--- de tres conductos o de tres pasos, three-may (water).
valve. llover, t o rain.
- de tres puntos o de tres vias o de triple juego lluvia f , rain, rainfall; (A) shower bath, shower
(el&), three-way or three-point switch. head.
--- de trinquete, ratchet wrench. lluvioso, rainy.
- de tuercas, wrench.
- de un polo, single-pole switch.
-dentada, alligator or bulldog wrench.
-desahogadora, air cock. macaco m (pi), striking plate, bonnet, hood,
- - desconectadora, disconnect switch. dolly ; pile follower.
--- en T (vA), T wrench. macLdam m,macadam.
-esclusa (A), gate valve. --- a1 agua, water-bound macadam.
---- espaiiola (C), open-end or engineer's wrench. --- alquitranado, t a r macadam.
--- espitera (A), cock wrench. -asfaltado, asphalt macadam.
-falsa, false key, picklock, skeleton key. -de penetracibn, penetration or oil maradam.
-ferrocarrilera, track wrench. -enlechado, grouted or cement-bound mac-
--- forma S, S wrench. adam.
---- goteadora, drip cock. -bidr6ulic0, water-bound macadam.
-goteadora de alimentacih visible, sight-feed -ligado con tierra, soil-bound macadam.
valve. ---- seco, dry-bound mzcadsrn.
-indicadora, indicator cock. macadamizar, t o macadamize.
-- indicadora de tensidn, tension wrench. macadiin m, macadam.
inglesa, monkey wrench. macana f, spade.
-inversora, reversing switch. maceracidn f,maceration.
-maestra, (hw) master or pass key; corpora- --- compuesta (ax), compound maceration.
tion cock (water). --- verdadera (az), true or bath rnacerntion.
-mezcladora (pb), mixing valve. macerador rn, macerator,
-- momenthnea, momentary-contact switch. macerar, t o macerate; (A) t o slake (Lime).
-- municipal, corporation cock (water). maceta f , maul, hammer, mallet.
--- neumiitica, pneumatic percussion wrench. - de aforrar, scrving mallet.
-Bptica (fma), opt,icnl switch. ---de calafatear, calking rriallct, hawsing or
-para boca de agua, hydrant wrench. reeming beetle.
- para bujias, spark-plug wrenr:h. -de hojalatero, tinner's mallet.
-para hidrante, hydrant stop; hydrant wrench. macetear, t o strike with a maul,
-para levantavhlvulas, tnppet wrench. macet6n m (M), stone sledge.
-- para mandril (mh), chuck wrcnch. macizar, t o fill in, make solid.
--- para robinete, cock wrench. macizo m, bulk, mass; n massive, solid, heavy.
- para salmuera, brine cock. -de anclaje, deadman, anchorage, anchor log
---- para tornillo de presihn, setscrew wrench. macizos desviadores (hid), deflector, blacks.
-para tubas, pipe or Stillson wrcnch. macrocristalino (goo]), rnacrorrystalline.
-para tuercas y caiios, combination wrench. macroestructura f, macrostructure.
-reguladora, pressure-regulating valve. macrdgrafo m., macrograph.
rnacroslsmico, macroseismic. machos de aerie, a r i d tapa
macrosismo na, macroseiam, major earthquake. machbn m, buttress, pier, countentort; shaft,
machacadora f, crusher. gudgeon; (A) strut; (V)concrete column
- de carbtin, c o d breaker. in a brick wall.
- de discoa, disk crusher. - de gravedad, maasive buttress (Ambursen
- de mandfbulas, jaw crusher. dam).
- de martillos, hammer mill.
giratoria, gyratory crusher.
reductora, reduction crusher.
mach'iia f, rammer, tamper.
rnachote m (M), blank form.
machacamiento m, crushing; (M) crushing stress. machucar, to pound.
machacar, to crush; to pound. machuelar (M), to tap.
machado m, hatchet. machuelo m, tap.
machaqueo m, crushing; pounding; (Sp) cruahed - arrancasondas, screw grab or bell.
stone. madera f,wood, lumber, timber.
machar, to hammer, break with a hammer. - aI coraz6n (Es), quarteraawed Iumbr.
machete m, machete, bush knife; (in Cuban sugar -a1 hilo (Es),tangent-sawed lumber.
mills machetes are revolving cane knives). - alburente, sapwood.
machetear, to cut with a machete. -anegadiza, wood heavier than watm.
machetero m (Iev)IEc), man who clears ground -cepillada, dressed lumber.
with a machete. - compensada o contrachapada o contrapeada
machihembra f (A), jointing plane. o contraplacada, plywood.
machihembrado (mad),tongued and grooved, - curada, seasoned lumber.
matched . - de aeaneo, driftwood.
- a1 tope, end-matched. - de barraca, yard lumber (all stock aizes bas
- y rebajado, matched and plowed. than 6 in. thick).
machihembrador m, machine for cutting tongue -de construccibn, structural timber.
i and groove. -de corazbn, heartwood.
machimbre m, a tongued and grooved board. -
de demolidtin, aecondhmd lumber.
de deriva (M), driftwood.
machina f, pile driver; shear legs; (C) wharf
crane. - de estfo, summerwood.
machinal m, putlog; (carp)(A) knee, corbel, -de hierro, ironwood.
bracket. - de huo, lumber dressed four sidea.
macho m, dowel; pintle; mandrel, shaft,journal, - de invierno o de primavera, springwood.
spindle; gudgeon; sheave pin; sledge harn- - de pdpa, pulpwood.
mer; pier, buttress; (fdy) core; (t) tap; (p) - de raja, split timber.
spigot end; (geol) dike; (va) plug; spud -de savia, sapwood.
(vibrator) ; (min) unproductive vein; a - de sierra, sawn lumber.
(mech) male. - desecada, seasoned lumber.
- acabador, finishing or sizer tap.
-ahusada 0 cbico, taper or entering tap.
- dura, hardwood.
-en pie, standing timber.
- eilIndrico, straight or bottoming tap. - en rollo, logs.
- corto, stub tap. - enchapada (C), plywood.
-de aterrajar, tap. - fresca, green lumber.
- de barrena (M), shank of a drill. - labrada, dressed or surfaced lumber.
- de espiga acodada, bent-shank (tapper) tap. - laminada, plywood.
-de expansi611, collapsible tap. - laminada con a h a madza, lumber-core ply-
- de fragua, blacksmith sledge. wood.
- de gancho, hook tap. - Iaminada imprepadd, Compreg, pregwood.
-de husillo, spindle staybolt tap. - lamidada sin a h a , $-veneer plywood.
- de imdn (el&), plunger. - limpia, clear lumber
- de llave, plug of a cock. - mdtilaminar o terbada, plywood.
-perBlada, worked lumber.
--- de peines insertados, inserted-chaser tap.
- de perno, bolt tap. - por elaborar, factory or shop lumber.
de pesca (pet), fishing tap.
de roscar o de terraja, tap.
- renacida, second-growth timber.
-residual (M), scrap wood, wood wmh.
- de timbn ( n h t ) , rudder pintle. - roIliza o rtistica, logs, unsawn lumber.
-de ties oxificios (d)three-port
-desbastador, roughing tap.
, plug. -
sana, sound lumber.
serradiza, timber f i t to be sawed.
-escalonado, step tap.
- maestro de roscar, hoh or master tap.
- tierna, sapwood; green lumber.
tosca, rough lumber.
-para tuberla, pipe tap. - troceada (A), cordwood.
- para tuercas, nut or tapper tap.
paralelo, straight or plug tap.
verde, green lumber.
vkgen, virgin timber.
- g campana (tub), bell and spigot, - viva, standing timber.
- y hembra, male and female, box and pin; (p) madesable, fit to be sawed.
maderada f,raft, float; timber grillage.
I: (C) bell and spigot,
maderaje, maderamen m, timberwork, wood- -dternador, magneto alternator.
work; falsework. -de volante, flywheel magneto.
maderar, t o cut trees for lumber. magne toel6ctric0, magnetoelect ric.
madererla f , lumberyard. magnetoestriccibn f , magnetostriction,
maderero m, lumber dealer, lumberman, lumber- magnetoestrictivo, magnetostrictive.
jack, logger. magnetbfono m, magnetophone.
maderil (A), pertaining to lumber* magnet6grafo m, magnetograph.
maderista na, lumber dealer. magnetometria f, magnetometry.
madero m,log; a timber. magnet6rnetro m, magnetometer.
-cachizo, log fit to be sawed. magnetomotriz, magnetomotive.
-de empuje (fc), push pole. magnetoscopio m, magnetoscope.
-de escuadria (M), squared timber. magnetrh m (ra) , magnetron.
- rollizo, log- -de Bnodo hendido, split-anode magnetron.
-de cavidad resonante, resonant-cavity mae-
maderos de estibar, dunnage. -
madre f, bed of a river; main irrigation ditch. netron.
rnadrej& m (A), pool formed by overflow of a magnificaci6n f (dptica), amplification, magnifi-
river. cation.
madrepBrico a. coral. magnificar, t o magnify.
madrina f, shore, brace; stringer. magnitud f, magnitude.
madurar, to age; (wp) to ripen (filter). magnolia, magnolia (wood) ; magnolia metal.
maduro, ripe (filter). magro, (conc) lean; low (water).
maestra f, (p) a main; (mas) screed, ground; magujo m, ravehook, reeming iron.
(bidg) girder; draft (stonecutting); (min) mainel m, mullion.
maio timber. maja f , majadero m (lab), pestle.
-vibradora (ca) (Es) , vibrating screed. majar, t o pound, crush, break.
maestranza f , machine shop. majomo m (V), a softwood.
maestrear (mam), to set grounds; to screed. malacate m, hoisting engine, winch, hoist, crab;
maestro m, journeyman, master workman; a (A) turret (lathe).
main, principle, master. -a correa, belt-driven hoist.
-aguafiSn (Es), hydraulic engineer. --- corredizo, traveling hoist.
-albaiiil, master mason. -de amarre (cn), mooring winch.
--- de obras, construction manager, superin- -de arrastrar (tc), towing winch.
tendent, builder. -de arrastre (ef), yarding engine.
-de taller (Ch), master mechanic. -de buque (cn), cargo hoist.
- de via (fc), roadmaster. -de camihn, truck winch.
-en plomerfa, master plumber. -de colisa (mv), link-motion or reversible
-mayor, mmter workman; building superin- hoist.
tendent; man licensed to direct construc- -de con0 de fricci6nYcone-friction hoist.'
tion but not to desicn. -de la cuchara (pet), sand reel.
-mec%nico,master mechanic. -de dos tambores, double-drum hoisti~lgen-
maestros constructores de carros, master car- gine.
builders. -de escotilla (cn), hatch winch.
magazin m (voI)(U), magazine. --- de espiar (cn), warping winch.
magistral m (met), magistral. -de extraccibn, mine hoist.
magma m (geol), magtna. -de friccibn de banda, band-friction hoist.
-basfdtico, magma basalt. -de hincar, pile-driver engine.
magmltico, magmatic. -de mando (tc), power control winch.
magnalio m, magnalium (alloy). -de molinete (ef), spool donkey, gypsy yarder.
magnavoz m (M), loudspeaker. -de pozo (min) , shaft hoist.
magnesia f, magnesia, magnesium oxide. - de tambor simple, single-drum hoist.
magnesiano, magnesian. -de tractor, tractor hoist.
magnCsico a, rnagneuiurn, magnesic. -estibador, cargo hoist.
magnesio m, magnesium. -para ancla (cn), anchor winch.
magnesita f , magnesite, native magnesium car- -para cablevia, cabIeway engine.
bonate. - para excavadora funicular, slackline engine.
magngtica f, magnetics. -para tuberfas (pet), calf wheel, casing spool.
magn8tic0, magnetic. - situador (fc),spotting winch.
magnetism0 m, magnetism. rnalacatero m, hoist runner.
-remanente, residual magnetism, remanence. malaquita f, malachite (copper ore).
-subpermanente, subpermanent magnetism. malaria f, malaria.
magnedta f , magnetite, magnetic iron ore, load- malaxadora I (M), pugmill.
stone. maleabilidad f, malleability.
magnetizable, magnetizable. maleabilizar, to mallenblcize.
magnetizar, to magnetize. maleable, malleabIe.
magneto / m , magneto, magneto altltcrnator; (Ch) malecbn m, sea w d , bulkhead, mole; dike; (A)
magnet. jetty; ( C ) heavy wall.
malezas f, underbrush ; weeds. -de manguito (A), compression coupling.
malquita f (geol), rnalchite. -para mechas (A), drill sleeve or socket.
maltasa f (is), maltase. manchones de unibn (A), flange union.
maria f, mesh, screen; network. mandado, driven, actuated; controlled.
- ancha, coarse mesh. -a mano, hand-operated.
- angosta, h e mesh. -a piloto, pilot-operated.
- de alambre, wire mesh or fabric. - a potencia, power-controlled, power-oper-
- de barras (ca), bar or rod mat. ated.
- de cerca, woven-wire fencing. -a vacfo, vacuum-operated, vacuum-con-
-de nervadura, rib lath. trolled.
- metllica, wire mesh. mandar, to send; to control, drive, actuate.
- rbmbica, diamond mesh. mandarria f, maul, sledge.
mallete m, mallet; stud of a chain link; wedge, -de Ieilero, wood chopper's maul.
chock; (Ec) dap, notch. -de marinero, ship or top maul.
-de calafate, calking mallet. mandibula f,jaw.
mallo m, wooden maul. mandil m, apron.
marnpara f , screen, partition. -dimentador, apron feeder.
- de estancamiento (hid), core wall. mando m,drive, qperation, control.
mamparo m, bulkhead; (hyd) (A) core wall. -a distancia, remote control.
- celular (A), cellular core wall. -a la izquierda (auto), left-hand drive.
-a mano, hand control.
-contraincendio, fire wall.
- de abordaje (cn), collision bulkhead. -a punta de dedo, finger-tip control.
- de bovedilla (cn), poop bulkhead. -a sinfin, worm drive.
-de las calderas (en), boiler-room bulkhead. -de enganaje, gear drive.
-de corrimiento (cn), wash bulkhead. -de potencia, power control.
-de las mdquinas (cn), engine-room bulkhead. - de relaci6n ajustable, variable-ratio drive.
-del prensaestopas (en), afterpeak bulkhead. -digital, finger-tip control; (auto) (A) gear-
-divisorio (cn), partition bulkhead. shift on the steering column.
-encerrador de escotilla (cn), trunk bulkhead. -doble (auto), dual drive.
mampostear, to build with masonry. -exterior, de (elkc), externally operable.
mamposterirt f , masonry, stonework. -final (auto), final drive.
- a hueso, dry masonry. -hidrlulico (auto), fluid drive.
-ciclSpea, cyclopean masonry. -por b o t h , push-button control.
-concertada o de piedra bruta, rubble ma- mandbn m (min) (M), foreman.
sonry. mandril m, mandrel, spindle, arbor; driftpin;
-de cascote (Col), rubble masonry. broach; boring tool; (mt) mandrel; (mt)
-de sillares, ashlar masonry. chuck; (pi) core, mandrel.
-de sillares sin hiladas, broken-range work. -ahorquillado, fork chuck.
--- en seco, dry masonry. -automktico para macho, automatic tapping
-hidrhulica (C), stone masonry laid in cement chuck.
mortar. -cortador, cutting drift.
-hormigonada (Es), cyclopean concrete. -de boquillas con barra tractara (A), draw-in
mampostero m, stonemason. collect chuck.
mampuests f (mitm), a course. -de bordear (cal), tuba beader.
mampuesto m, block of stone; (conc) plum. -de' broca, drill chuck.
manadero m, spring (water); surface seepage of -de copa (mh), pot chuck.
oil. -de ensanchar (est), driftpin.
manantial ?n,spring ( ~ a t e r.) -de expansibn, (bo) tube expander; (mt) ex-
-artesian0 o surtidor, artesian spring. panding or cone mandrel.
-ascendente, artesian spring; contact spring. -de mano, (A) t a p wrench.
-de fslla o de fisura o de grieta, fracture or -de pGas o de puntas (em), prong or spur
fissure spring. chuck.
-de hondonada o de valle, depression spring. --- de quijadas convergentes, draw-in or collet
-de ladera, gravity or contact spring. or push-out chuck.
- descendente, depression or gravity spring. - de tornillos, bell or cathead chuck,
-de torno (mh), mandrel; chuck.
-rebosante o de estrato, gravity spring.
-resurgente o de desbordamiento, contact -de tuerca, nut mandrel.
spring. -escalonado, step chuck.
manar, t o flow out. -flotante, floating chuck,
mancba f, stain, spot. -para mechas, drill chuck.
- azul (mad), blue stain.
del catodo (ra), cathode spot.
mandriladora f, broaching machine.
rnandrilar, to bore; t o roll (boiler tubes); to drift
- oscura (tv), dark spot. (holes); to broach.
manchSn m, patch; (A) shaft coupling. mandrin m (est), driftpin.
-de acoplarniento (A), coupling flange. mandrinar, to drift (rivet holes); to roll (boiler
-- de mando (auto)(A), driving flange. tubes) .

manea f (M) , brake. -para freno neumLtico (fc), brake hose.

maneador m (f c) (M) , brakeman.
-para vapor, steam hose.
manecilla f, hand of a gage; small lever, handlo. mangueta f , door jamb; lever.
--- de admisihn (auto), throttle lever. manguito rn, sleeve, pipe c o u p h g ; bushing;
manejabilidad f (conc), workability. socket; small handle; chuck; thimble; quill.
manejable, workable. -aislante, insulating sleeve or coupling.
manejar, to handle; t o manage; (auto) t o drive; -de acoplamiento, sleeve coupling.
(eng) to run, operate. -de algodbn (elk), cotton sleeving.
mane jo m, handling; management; operation; -de asbesto (el&), asbestos sleeving.
(auto) driving. --- de broca, drill socket.
-a distancia, remote controI. -de cable, thimble.
- a1 tact0 (A), finger-tip control. -de cilindro, cylinder sleeve.
-del colector (elkc), commutator shell.
-de materiales, material handling.
-doble, dual operation. -de compostura, repair sleeve.
maneia f, contact finger. -de derivacibn (tub), tapping sleeve.
rnanga f, hose; (mech) sleeve; (naut) beam; --- del eje, asle sleeve.
breadth; (conc) (A) elephant-trunk chute, -de empalme, splicing sleeve, (elec) connector.
(rr) (A) approach to a loading platform for -de estrangulacih (cab), choker sleeve.
cattle. -de expansih, expansion shield.
-de arqueo (an), register beam. -de expansidn para pija, lag-screw shield.
-de compresibn (tub), compression sleeve ---- de madera, wood bushing.
(coupling). -de motbn, coak.
-de construccidn (an), molded breadth, -de soldar, (elec) wiping sleeve; (pet) weIding
- de lona (conc), canvas trernie. sleeve.
- de reparacibn (tub), repair sleeve. -de tuberia de hincar (pet), drive coupling.
-maestra (an), midship beam. -de tuerca, sleeve nut.
-total (an), extreme breadth. -de unidn (elbc), splicing sleeve; coupling
mangas de soldador, welder's sleeves. sleeve.
mangaje m (Es), length of hose. -enroscado, threaded coupling.
rnanganato m , manganate. - excentric0 (tub), eccentric coupling.
mangan&sico, manganessero, containing man- -para manguera, hose coupling.
ganese, manganiferous. - para recalcar, calking anchor (for machine
manganese m,manganese. screw).
-gris, manganite, gray manganese ore. -para soldar (tub), welding sleeve.
-negro, black manganese, pyrolusite, -para taladrado (tub), tapping sleeve.
mangbnico, manganic. - para tuberia subfluvial, river sleeve.
manganina f (aleacih), manganin. -portabrocas, drill chuck.
manganita f, manganite, gray manganese ore. - portaherramienta (mh), chuck.
manganito m (quim) , manganite. -reductor, reducing sleeve.
manganoso, manganous. -roscado con trinquete, steamboat ratchet. I

mangar, t o put s handle on. - sujetador (el6c), hickey.

mangaveleta f (ap), wind sock. - tensor, sleeve nut.
rnanglar m, mangrove swamp. -tipo condensador (elk), condenser bushing.
mangle m, mangrove. manigero m (Es), labor foreman.
mango m, shank, handle, grip, haft. manigua f (C), underbrush.
-cilindrico, straight shank. manigueta f, handle, sash lift.
-cbnico, taper shank. manija f, handle; clamp; hand of a gage; sash
--- del cazo o del cuchar6n (pl), dipper stick. lift, (A) door pull; (A) doorknob; (auto)
-de girar, turning handle. (A) (U) starting crank.
-de palanca, lever handle. - con cerradura (auto), locking handle.
-de pistola, pistol grip. - de admisibn (auto), throttle lever.
---- de sermcho, saw pad. -de cambio (rnh), change-gear lever.
--de T (vB), T handle. -de ignicidn (auto), spark lever.
-para pico, pick handle. -de la media tuerca (mh), half-nut lever.
mangos de cucharbn (pl), dipper arms. -inversora del avance (mh), feed-change
mangote m, chuck. Icver, feed-reversing handie.
manguardia f, wing wall; buttress. -para machos, tap wrench.
manguera f, hose; inner tube. -para rrobinetes, cock wrench.
-alambrada o armada, wire-wound or armored manijero m, foreman.
hose. manijbn m, heavy handle.
- aspirante o de succibn, suction hose. manilla f, hand of a gage.
-de incendio, fire hose. maniobra f , operation; control; handling; (rr)
-de soldador, welding Iiosc. drilling,
--- entotchada, wire-wound hose, -a distancia, remote control.
- neumbtica, air hose. - a mano, hand operation.
- para chorro de arena, sandblmt hose. - mfiltiple, gang operation.
maniobrabilidad f (ec), maneuverability. manto m, stratum; Cgeol) mantle; (geol) nappe.
msniobrable, maneuverable. -de corrimiento (geol), name.
maniobrar, to operate, handle; (rr) to drill. -freiitico, water-bearing stratum.
manipdacibn f, handling, manipulation; (ra) (tel) -hidrPulico (C), water-bearing stratum.
- keying.
catddica (ra), cathode or center-tap keying.
- sobreescwrido (geol), overthrust.
manuabilidad f (conc) , workability.
- interpuesta (ra), break-in keying.
manipdador m, manipulator; telegraph key.
manuable, handy, easily handled; (conc) work-
manipular, to handle; (ra) to key. manual m, handbook; a manual, hand.
manipuleo m, handling. manubrio m, crank, handle.
manivela f, crank; handle. - de la excentrica (mv), eccentric crank.
-de arranque, starting crank. - saliente, overhung crank.
-del avance transversal (mh), cross-feed knob manufactura f, manufacturing, manufacture; (V)
or h m d e . fabrication.
-de barra corrediza (hen-},sliding-barhandle. manufacturar, to manutacture; to fabricate;
- de bola, ball crank. to process.
- de cabilla {hem), pin handle. manufacturer0 m, manufacturer.
-de disco, crank ask, disk crank. manutencih f, maintenanm.
-divisara, index crank. manzana f, city block; (C)(PR) hub; land meas-
-motriz, driving crank. ure: (A) about 2.5 acres, (CA) about 1%
-volada, overhung crank. acres.
mano f, hand; (pt) coat. mamanillo nz, becket of a tackle block.
-,a, by hrtnd. manzano m, apple wood.
-aprestadora o de aparejo o de fondo, priming ma56 m (Ch), a softwood.
or filler coat. mapa m, map.
-del almirez o del mortero (lab), pestle. - bbico, base map.
-caminero, road map.
-de ballesta (auto), dumb iron.
-de campo, field coat. -catastral, real-estate or cadastral map.
-de obra, labor; workmanship. -de vuelo (fma), fight map.
-de taller, h o p coat. -estadbtico, spot map.
manobre m, hod oarrier. -hibrogr&fico, chart.
manomhico, manometric. -maestro, master map.
mandmetro m, preMure or ateam gage, manom- -meteorolbgico, weather map.
eter. -planim6trico, b e map.
-al vaclo, vacuum gage. -topogriifico, contour map, topographical
-compuesto, compound manometer. plan.
-de aceite, oil-pressure gage. -vial, road map.
-de agua, water manometer. mapoteca f (A), collection of maps, place where
-de alarma (cal), darm gage. maps are kept.
-de Bourdon, Bourdon gage. maqueta f (Es) (M) CV) , model.
-de cornpreai&, compressometer, compres- mgquina f, maahine, engine.
sion gage. -a nafta, gasoline engine).
-de diafragma, diaphragm gage. - a petde0, oil engine.
-de mercurio, mercury manometer. -a vapor, steam engine.
-de tubo U, U-tube manometer. -borradora (dib) , erasing machina
- marcador o registrador, recording gage,
-para neumfiticos, tire gage.
- calculadora, calculating machine.
-condengadora, condensing: ensfie.
manomdvil m (A), hand truck. -de acanalar, channeling machine, channeler.
manoplas f (ad), gauntlets. -de aceite, oil engine.
manbstato m, manostat. -de aire catiente, hot-air engine.
mansard m (Col), truss of a gambrel roof. -de amantiltar, (de) l a g engine.
mansarda f, gambrel or mansard roof. - de avance 0 d e empujs (pl), crowding
manta f, tarpaulin; (rain) thin bed of ore; (ill engine.
quilt, blanket. - de balanch, beam engine.
manteado (min), in flat beds. -de ciclo compuesto, mixed-cycle engine.
mantenddn f, maintenance (equipment or per- - de combu~tibn,internal-combustion engine.
-de cuatro correderas (mv), four-valve engine.
-de via (fc), maintenance of way. - de dibujar, drafting machine.
mantenedor na (maq), road rnaintainer. -de elevacibn, a hoist; (sh) hoisting engine.
mantener, to maintain. -de enclavamiento (fc), interlocking machine.
-la derecha (ca), to keep to the right. -de encorvar, bending machine.
mantenimiento m, maintenance. -de eruoscst, bolt-and-pipe or threading
manteo m (geol) (U), bedding. machine.
mantillo m. humus, vegetable mold. -de enaayo, testing machine.
mantilloso, containing humus. -de escape libre (mv), noncondenaing engine
mantisa f, mantissa. -de escribiir, typewriter.

-de expansidn triple (mv) , triple-expansion -indice, witness mark.

engine. -registrada, trademark.
-de explotacidn forestal, logging engine. marcas
-de extraccidn, mine hoist. -de colimacibn (inst), collimating marks.
-de giro (gr), sluing or swin&g engine. -de embarque, shipping marks.
-de imprimir (dib), printkg machine. -fiduciales (fma), fiducial marks.
-de influencia (elk), influence machine, elec- -guias, erection marks; matchmarks.
trostatic generator. -registradoras (fma) , register marks.
-de inyectar cemento, grout machine- marcacibn f , marking; compass bearing.
-de maniobras (fc), drill engine, yard locomo- -magnetics, magnetic bearing.
tive. -radiogoniomCtrica, radio bearing.
-de prueba, testing machine. -red, true bearing.
-de sumar, adding machine. marcador m, marker; (lg) spotter; Og) fitter;
-detonadora o estalladora, blasting machine. (Ch) device for measuring irrigation water.
-Diesel, Diesel engine. -de astrhgalos (mam), beading tool.
-dobladora, power bender, bending machine. -de caminos, road sign or marker.
- equilibradora, balancing machine. -de estacas (lev), stake marker.
-heliogrhfica, blueprint machine. - de sincronizacidn (auto), timing marker.
-insertadora de vZdvulas, valve-inserting ma- - de tiempo (C), timekeeper.
chine. -delimitador (ap), boundary marker.
- izadora, hoisting engine, hoist. -enterrado (ap) , flush marker.
- motora de 10s molinos (az), mill engine. -tip0 abanico (ap), fan marker.
--- motriz, prime mover. marcar a fuego, to brand.
-para voladuras, blasting machine. marcasita f (miner), marcasite, white iron py-
-perforadora (pet), drill rig. rites.
-reforzadora (loco), booster engine. marco m, frame; yoke; (rnin) set; standard of
--- rohtladora (dib), lettering machine. size for timber; measure of irrigation water
-sopladora, blmt or blowing engine. used in South America.
- tBrmica, heat engine; (M) internal-combus- -a caj6n, doorframe with trim both sides.
tion engine. -adaptador (fma), adapting frame.
-timoneadora (cn), steering engine. -armado (min), truss set.
-tipo de barril, barrel engine. -ceiiido (A), frame formerly used t o measure
-tomamuestras, sampling machine. irrigation water. (It was a full square
mlquina-herramienta, machine tool. while the marco de tajo was open a t the
mhquina-tender, tank locomotive. top.)
maquinal, mechanical. - de buz6n (Pe), manhole frame.
maquinar (M), t o machine. -de compuerta (hid), gate frame.
mapuinaria f, machinery. - de extensibn, extension frame (hacksaw).
-caminera, road machinery, road-building de la helice (cn), stern frame.
equipment. - de lima, file holder.
-de construcci6n, construction plant or equip- -de medici6n (fma), measuring frame.
ment. -de pares (rnin), rafter set.
-- de extraccibn, mining machinery. -de pozo, manhole frame; shaft frame.
-de moler (az), milling machinery. -de puerta, doorframe, door buck.
-- de ocasihn, used machinery. --- de registro, manhole frame.
-- explotadora de madera, logging machinery. -de segment0 (min), segment set.
--- para labrar madera, woodworking machin- -de serrucho, hacksaw frame.
ery. -de sierra, saw gate or frame.
- vial, road-building equipment. --- de tajo (A), measuring weir formerly used for
maquinismo m (Es), mechanization. irrigation water.
maquinista m, hoist runner, operator of an en- -de ventana, window frame.
gine, locomotive engineer. -en A (M), A frame.
- conductor (A), loco~notiveengineer. -fundamental (A), bedhme.
-- de arrastre (rnin), h d a g e m a n . -rigido (est), rigid frame.
-de extracciSn (min), hoistman. --- y tapa, frame and cover.
-de tractor, tractor operator, cat skinner. marcha f, movement; progress; (machy) running;
-naval, marine engineer. (auto) (M) self-starter.
-titulado, licensed engineer. -a rueda libre (auto), freewheeling.
mar m f, sea. -atrris, backing up; (machy) reversing.
-- de fando, ground swell. -de ensayo, trial run.
- encontrado, cross sea. -en vacfo, idling, rurlning with no load.
maraca f (bm) (V) , foot valve and strainer. -muerta, lost motion, backlash.
maratla f, jungle. marchar, t o go, move, function; to progress.
marca f. brand, make; mark. (machy), to run, operate.
-de comercio u de fgbrica, trademark, marea f, tide.
-de fuego (A), branding iron. -a sotovento, lee or leeward tide.
-alta o Ilena, high tide. marrltno na, timber of a mine-ahaft frame; (Col)
-alta media, mean high water. mudsill, sleeper.
-ascendente o creciente o edtrante o llenante
o montante, flood tide.
marro wa (M), maul, striking hammer.
martellina f, bushhammer; martoline; cran8d.I.
-baja, low tide. martellinar, to bushhammer.
-de apogeo, apogean or neap tide. martensita f (met), martensite.
-de perigeo, perigean or spring tide. martensitieo, martensitic.
-decreciente o descendente o meriguante o martiUar, to hammer.
saliente o vaciante, ebb tide. martillazo m,blow of a hammer.
-diurna, diurnal tide. martilleo wa, hammering; (ge) knocking.
-escorada, extreme low tide. -hidrhlico, water hammer.
-media, mean tide. m a d l o m, hammer.
-rnuerta, map tide; b k tide, stand of the -burllador, scaling hammer (air).
tide. -cincelador, chipper, chipping hammer.
-viva, spring tide. - con bolita, bd-peen hammer.
rnareamotriz a, tide-power. -de adoquinador, paver's hammer.
marecanita f (geol) , rnarekanite. - de ajustador, machinist's hammer.
marejada f, surf, swell, heavy sea. - de boca cruzada, cross-peen hammer.
- de reflexitin, standing wave. -de boca derecha, straight-peen hammer.
maremoto m, bore (tidal), eagre, tidal flood. -de boca ed6rica o de bola, ball-peen hammer.
mareogfifico, marigraphic. - de caida libre (pi), drop hammer.
-de cdafatear, calking hammer.
mare8grafo na, marigraph, recording tide gage.
mareograma m, marigram. -de cantero, stonecutter's hammer.
mareBmetro m, tide gage. -de cara de campana, bell-faced hammer.
narfil m, ivory. -de carpintero, claw or carpenter's or nail
marga f, marl; loam. hammer.
margarodita f, margarodite (mica). - de cotillo plhtico, plastic-tipped hammer.
margen na f, riverbank; margin. -de chapista (auto), ding hammer, blackjack,
-de seguridad, margin of safety. bumping hammer.
- libre (hid) (M), freeboard. - de dos bocas, peen hammer.
-de dos cotillos, double-face hammer.
marginal, marginal.
margoso, marly; loamy. -de enladrillador, brick hammer.
mrimba f (M), corduroy road. - de forja o de fragua, blacksmith or forge
marinaf,seacoast ;seafaring; marine, ships; navy hammer.
personnel; (pw) marina -de fundidor, flogging hammer.
-de guerra, navy. -de herrador, farrier's hammer.
-mercante, merchant marine. - de hojalatero, tinner's or raising hammer.
-para hidroaviones, air harbor, seaplane b e . - de lefiador, wood chopper's mad.
marinar, to man a ship. - de madera, beetle, wooden maul.
marineria f, ship's crew. -de marcar (ef), marking hammer, log stamp.
mariner0 m, s e a m , sailor; a mawor+&. - de orejas, claw hammer.
merino, marine, nautical. - de orejas rectas, ripping hammer.
h p o s a j, butterfly (valve); (M)wing nut; -de pala, pneumatic clay spade, air spade.
(auto) throttle.
de aceleracihn (autm), throttle, zu3nelerator.
de peas, peen hammer.
de pefia blanda, soft-tipped hammer.
- del cebador (auto), choke valve. -de p e b cruzadao de peiIa traneversal, cross
-regulador de tiro, butterfly damper. peen hemmer.
maxisma f, tideland, salt marsh. -de peiIa dentada (cantero), tooth ax.
&timo, marine, maritime. -de pefla derecha, straight-peen hammer.
marjal m, marsh. - de peiia doble, double-peen hammer; peen
marlita f, marlite. hammer (stone).
- de peaa plLstica, plastic-tipped hammer.
marmaja f (M), marcasite, iron pyrites.
narmiia f , small furnace, tar kettle, small - de picepedrero, stonecutter's or knapping
-de gigante (geol), pothoIe. -de pizarrero, dater's hammer.
m ~ om,l marble. - de realce (min), stoper.
marmoleria f, marbIe shop; marble work. -de recalcar (si),swaging hammer.
mttrmolero, marmolista m,marble setter or con- -del nrptot (auto) (U),breaker arm.
tractor. -de trisear, snw-setting or blocking hammer.
mnrmolete m (V), kind of limestone. - de uiia, claw or nail hammer.
nnrmolina f (A), marble dust. -de m a recta, ripping hammer.
mama f (A), marl. -desabollador (eh), pecking or bumping ham-
maroma f , cable, rope. mer.
marquesina f , locomotive c a b marquee. -desincrustador, maling hammer.
marqueterfa f, marquetry; cabinetmaking. -- escarpiador (fc), spiking hammer, spike
marra f, sledge, maul. mwl.
-hincador de tablestacas, sheeting hammer. -superiores, higher mathematics.
-macho, sledge hammer. matemltico, mathematical.
-neumltico, air hammer; jackhammer. materia f , matter; material; subject.
--- para bordear (cal), flue-beading hammer. -mineral, mineral matter.
-para descantillar, chipping hammer. -prima, raw material.
-para puntillas, brad hammer. material m, material; (elec) equipment ; (A)
-para virotillos, stay-bolt hammer. masonry.
-perforador, jackhammer. - aglomerante, binding material.
-picador, paving breaker; pneumatic mining -de desecho, scrap.
tool. -en bruto, raw material.
-remachador o roblonador, riveting hammer. ---- filtrante, filtering medium.
-rompedor, concrete buster. -fraguante (terreno), cementing material.
martillo-cincel, chipping hammer. -mBvil (fc), equipment, rolling stock.
martillo-estampa, button set, rivet set; set ham- materides de fabricaci6n (C), building mate-
mer. rials.
martillo-pil6n, drop or trip hammer. mafo m (A), a hardwood.
martillo-sufridera (re), holding-up hammer. matorral m, underbrush, thicket.
martinete m, pile driver, pile or drop hammer. matraca f, ratchet.
-a vapor, steam hammer. -invertible, reversible ratchet.
- de blscula, tilt or helve hammer. matraz m (qufm), m a t r w .
-de caida (pi), drop hammer. -de lavado (lab), wash bottle.
- de doble efecto, double-acting steam ham- matrices escalonadas, step dies.
mer. matrfcula f , license (engineer's, auto, ete.).
-de movimiento diferencial, differential-act matricuhio, registered, licensed.
ing steam hammer. matriz I,die, mold, form ; (mech) (math) matrix;
- de simple efecto, single-acting steam ham- (bs) sow; a main, principle; (mech) female.
mer. -acabadora, shaving die.
-forjador, trip or forging hammer. -bruitidoia, burnishing die.
mPs, plus; more. -colocadora (mh) , gage die.
masa f, mass, bulk; (elec) ground. -combinada, combination die.
-pldstica (A), mastic, r o o h g cement, asphalt - compuesta, compound die.
putty. -de alcantarillado (Ch), trunk sewer.
masacocida f (az) , massecuite. - de bombear, bulging die.
mdscara f , mask. -de cizalla, shearing die.
-contra el polvo, dust mask. -de comparacibn, master die.
- de cabeza (sol), head shield. - de corte, cutoff die.
mlsico a (A), mass. --- de divisi611, index die.
masicote m, massicot, unfused lead monoxide. -de doblar compuesta, compound bending die.
masilla f , putty; (V) mastic. -de doblar simple, plain bending die.
-de asfalto, asphait putty. - de embutir o de formar, drawing or forming
-de asiento, bedding putty. die.
-- de borde, back putty. -de estampa, stamping die.
- de cal, Iime putty. -de neumiitico, matrix (tire mold).
-de calafatear, calking compound. -de punzonzar, blanking die.
-de cara, face putty. -de reduccibn, reducing or redrawing die.
-de limaduras de hierro, iron-rust cement. -de relieve, embossing die.
-de vidriero, glazier's putty. -de remachar, riveting die.
masillo rn (C), pl'wter. -de tamaflo, gaging block (driU).
mastelero m (cn), topmast. -encabezadora, heading die.
masti1 m, mast; (U) transmission tower. -maestra, master- die.
-de carga (cn), cargo mast. -mGltiple, gang dies.
mktique m , mastic; (M)(V) putty. --- partida, split die.
-asf&Itico,asphalt putty; asphalt mastic. -perforadora, perforating or piercing die.
-de asbesto, asbestos pIaster. -- rebordeadora, curling die.
mata f (met), matte. --- recortadora, trimming die.
matas f, brush, undergrowth. matriz-patr611, master die.
matacLn m (Col), cobblestone. matrizar, t o form with a die, die-cast.
matachispas m, spark arrester. m6ujo m ,rasing iron; ravehook.
matafuego m, fire extinguisher. mdximo m a, maximum.
matar, (rarp} to bevel; to round off; (met) to --- camiin divisor, greatest common divisor.
kill, deadmelt; to skikc (lime); (elec) t o -magnetic0 keof), magnetic high.
disconnect. maxwell 7n (el&), mawelio (A), mgxwel (Pe),
- Ias aristas, t o bevel the edgcs; to round off. maxwell.
matatena f (M) , cohblc; pebble. maxwell-vuelta, reaxwell-turn.
mate na (fma), matte. mayocol m (MI, foreman.
matemlticas f, mathematics. mayblica f (A), glazed tile.
mayor valk, unearned increment; good will. -de algod6n (vol), cotton fuse.
mayoral m (Pe), foreman. -de avance lento (vol), slow-burning fuse.
rnayordorno m, foreman; janitor. -de cuchara, spoon bit.
maza f , drop hammer; pile hammer; stamp; -de discos, disk bit.
crushing roll; mallet, striking hammer; -de electricista, electrician's bit.
-de expansibn, extension bit.
- hub.
bagacera o de descarga (az), bagasse or back
or discharge roll.
-de explosih (vol), detonating fuse.
-de niicleo &lido (vol), solid-core fuse.
caiiera o de alimentacifm o de entrada (am), -de pdlvora suelta (vol), loose-powder fuse.
-de punta chata, flat drill.
feed or cane roll.
de martinete, drop hammer. -de seguridad (vol), safety fuse.
-del timbn (A), rudder stock.
de molino o de trapiche (az), mill roll.
de rueda, hub.
de vapor (A), steam hammer.
-detonante (vol), detonating fuse.
-espiral, twist drill.
- desmenuzadora ( a d , crusher roll.
mayor o sobrepuesta o superior (az), top or
-extractors, tap or screw extractor.
-forrada de cints (vol), tape fuse.
upper roll. -salombnica, twist drill.
- para hincar postes, post maul.
trituradora, bucking hammer.
mecha-macho (tub), combined tap and drill.
mechazo m (vol), misfire.
mazacote m (Es), concrete. mechero.m, burner; (Col) plumber's torch.
mazari na (Col), paving tile. - Bunsen, Bunsen burner.
maze m, maul, sledge, beetle, mallet. mechinal m, weep hole; putlog hole; putlog.
- de calafate, hawsing mallet. medano m, sandbank, sand dune.
media f (mat), mean.
mazoneria f (Es), stone masonry.
mazonero m (Es), mason. -aritm6tica, arithmetical mean.
mazote m (C), drop hammer. -asta, muro de, wall brick thick, tier, withe.
meadero m (Es), urinal. -banda (co) (M), half-track.
mebdrico a (M), meandering (stream). - bu jia hemisf6rica, mean hemispherical can-
meandro m, meandering of a stream. dle power.
mechnica f, mechanics; machinery, mechanism. -citara, wall % brick thick. .
- aplicada, applied mechanics. - cuchara (M), semiskilled mason.
- de ondas (fisica), wave mechanics. -diferencial, arithmetical mean.
- de 10s suelos, soil mechanics. -falda, a, sidehill (cut).
mcchico m, machinist, mechanic; a mechanical. -galerfa (ca) (A), sidehill rock cut with over-
- electricista (A), electrical repairman, electri- hanging roof.
cian. -garlopa, short jack plane.
- jefe, master mechanic. -geom&tricn,geometric mean.
- reparador, repairman. - ladera, a, sidehill, half cut and half a.
mecanismo m, mechanism, gear. - luna, shank (inserted-tooth saw).
-de ataque (PI) (M), crowding gear. -madera, a, halved (timber joint).
- de avance, feed mechanism; (sa) feed works; - marea, half tide.
(sh) travel mechanism. - marea muerta, mean neap tide.
-de control (el&), switchgear. -marea viva, mean spring tide.
- de desenganche, releasing gear. -ordenada, middle ordinate.
-de direccidn (auto), steering gear. -oruga (co) (M), half-track.
-de distribucibn (mv), valve gear. -planta (an), half-breadth plan.
- de empuje (pl), crowding gear. -proportional, geometric mean.
- de giro (gr), bull gear. -suela (pet), half s o h
-de inversi6n, reversing gear. -tuerca, half nut.
-de maniobra, operating mechanism. mediaagua f,lean-to, roof sloped in one direction.
- de marcha (gr), traveliria gear. mediacafia f, half-round.
- de reposicihn (rogulador), restoring mech- mediana f a,median. !
anism. medianera f, party wall.
-de timoneo (cn), steering gear. medianerla f, partition; party wall.
-relojero, clockwork.
-servomotor, servomechanism.
rnediar, (Ec), to measure.
mediatriz f, median line.
mecanizar, t o mechanize. medicibn f, measurement; mensuration.
mecanbgrafo, mecanbgrafa, typist. - de comprobacibn (lev), tie or check distance.
mecate m (M), ropo. -en corte (ot), place measurement, measure-
meeha f , fuse; wick; drill bit; (C) oxyacetylene ment in cut.
torch. -en la obra, measurement in place.
- aceitadora, oiling wick. medicioaes de referencia (lev), ties, reference
- Bickford, Bickford fuse, safety fuse. meamrements.
- centradora, center bit or drill. medida f, measure, measurement; rule, measur-
cillndrica, straight-shank twist drill.
~6nica(A), taper-shank twist drill. -
ing tape.
agratia, land measure.
medida 204 mensajero
-con cafibrador, caliper rule. medio m, middle; mean; a half; mean; a&
-- de longitud, long measure. half.
---- de superficie, square measure. -abrir, a, half-open.
-de tabla o para madera, board measure. -acabar, a, semifinished,
-para troncos, log measure. -angular, subangular.
medidor m , m2ter; batcher, measuring device; -bocel, half-round convex molding.
gage; sizer; (lg) scaler; (surv) tapernan. -caiicn, a, semicylindrical.
-a inundacibn, inundator (sand). -corte, a, halved (timber joint).
-de abonado, service meter. - de cultivo (lab), culture medium.
-de audibilidad (ra), audibility meter. -de dispersibn (qulm), dispersion medium.
-de brillo, glossmeter. -de enfriamiento, cooling medium.
-de buzamiento, dip meter. -llenar, a, half-full.
- de capacitancia (elkc), capacitance meter. -meclnico u oficial, semiskiled workman.
-de capilaridad, capillometer. -ovalado, half-oval.
-de cargas (conc), batcher. .; -proporcional, mean proportional, geometric
-de combustible (auto) (M) , fuel gage. mean.
-de consistencia, consistency meter. -punto, de, semicircular (arch).
-de corriente (hid), current meter; flowmeter. medio-tillado (C), fourpenny nail.
-de de[oormacidn, strain gage or meter. medir, to measure.
-a pasos, t o pace.
-de detonacidn (geof), detonation meter.
-de disco, disk meter (water). -en el lugar, t o measure in place.
.- de esfuerzo, stress meter. m6dula f (mad), pith.
-de exposicidn (fma), exposure meter. megabara f, megabar.
-del factor de deformacidn (ra), distortion- megaciclo m (ra), megacycle.
factor meter. megadina j,megadyne.
-de flujo, flowmeter. megaergio m, megaerg.
-de gasto (hid), flowmeter; rate recorder. megaf aradio m, megafarad.
-de golpeo, (eng) knock meter. megiifono m, megaphone.
-de gravedad (geof), gravity meter. megalinea f (el&) ,: megaline, megamaxwell.
--- de hierro mdvil (elk), moving-iron meter. meg5metro m, megameter.
-de humo, smoke meter. megamperio m, megampere.
-de iluminaci6n, light or illumination meter. mdgano n ~ sand
, dune, sandbank.
- de inclinacibn (fma), tiltmeter. megasismico, megaseismic.
-de intensidad luminosa (il), brightness megasismo m, megaseism, violent earthquake.
meter. megavatio m, megawatt.
-de maderas, dimensjon gage. megavoltio m, megavob.
- de modulacibn)(ra], modulation monitor or megohmio m, m e g o h ~ .
meter. megohmibmetro m, megohmmeter.
.- de nevada, snow gage; snow sampler. megohmita f (ais) , megohmit.
-de ondas (ra), wavemeter. megbhmmetro m,megohmmeter, megger.
-de pelicula (fma), film-metering device. megotalco m (ais), megotalc.
-de pH (is), pH meter. hydrogen-ion meter. mejor del mejor (alambre), best best (BB).
- de pies-bujias (il), foot-candle or sight mcter. me jorador m (conc)(M), admixture.
-de presidn de aceite (auto) (M), oil-pressure mejorar, to improve.
gage- i' meladura f (az), $mp.
-de profundidad, depth gage, sounding Line. mellfido, mellfiro m (geol), melaphyre.
- de remolinos (hid), swirl meter. melanterita f, melanterite, native copperas.
-de resalto (hid) (M) , standing-wave flume. melaza f (ax), sirup, molasses.
-de roscas, screw-pitch gage. melinita f, melinite (explosive).
- de temperatura (auto) (M), temperature in- mella f, notch. nick.
dicator. - de calibracidn, gaging notch.
- de tensi6n miirima felEc), crest voltmeter. mellar, t o notch, nick;: (t) (C) to dull.
---- de torsibn, torque meter. membrana f, membrane.
- de troncos (ef), scaler. memoria f, report; (min)(M) pay roll.
- de velocidad, speedometer. mena f, ore.
- de visibilidad (fi) , visibility meter. -de 10s pantanos, bog iron ore, limonite.
- de voltaje, voltmeter. menestral m (Es), mechanic, artesan.
- para canal611 (hid), flume meter. menestrete m (Es), claw bar.
- por peso (ag), weighing batcher, weigh hop- mengua f, low water; (lbr)(M) wane.
menguante f (mr), ebb.
- por tihrlacibn (qdm), titrimeter. menguar (mr), to ebb, fall.
- por volumen (ag), volume batcher.
-registrador, recording meter.
menisco m ,meniscus.
menos, minus.
-Venturi, Venturi mcter. mensajero m, messenger cable; a carrying, car-
-vertidero (Pe), measuring weir. rier, messenger.
medidora V) de piladas (conc), batcher. -enlazador (elk), lacing messenger.
m$nsula f, bracket, console, corbel; column cap; mesita (f) de control (fma), control stand.
haunch (Ambursen dam). mesofilico (is), rnesophilic.
- de garrucha (gr), sheave bracket. mesot6rmic0, mesotermal, mesothernld.
-del mLtil (a), mast bracket. metaantracita f, meta-anthracite.
mensular, to bracket. metabasita f (geol), metabmite.
mensura f, measurement. metabisul6to (m)de potasio (fma), potmsium
mensurar, t o measure. metabisulphite.
rneoUar (m) de ciiiiamo (A), caUring yarn, pack- metabofismo m (is), metabolism.
ing. metaborato m (quim), metaborate.
meollo m,pith. metachtrico, metacentric.
meple m, maple. metacentro m (an), metacenter.
mercaptln, mercaptano m (quir&, mercaptm. metaclasa f (geol), metaclase, rock showing
merciiptido (m) de sodio, sodium mercaptide. cleavage.
rnerced f, concession, grant. metadina f (ra), metadyne.
-de aguas, concession for the use of water. metafosfato m (quim), metaphosphate.
- de tierras, grant of land. metaf osfdrico (quim) , metaphosphoric.
mercurid, mercurial. mhtal m,metal; (C) brass, bronze; (M)ore.
merctlrico, mercuric. -amarillo (C), brass.
ncrcurio m, mercury, quicksilver. -antifriccibn o blanco, Babbitt or bearing
-argenteo, argental mercury. metal.
- cbrneo, horn quicksilver. -bgsico (sol), base or parent metal.
-fulminante, mercury fulminate. -de aporte (sol), filler metal, adding material.
mercurioso, mercurous. - delta, delta metal.
meridian8 f, meridian line. -desplegado, expanded metal.
meridian0 m, meridian; a meridional, meridian. -duro, hard metal, hard bronze, bell metal.
-de gula (lev), guide meridian. -en bruto, ore.
-verdadero, true meridian. -en polvo, powdered metal.
meridional, southern; rneridiond. -estirado, expanded metal; drawn metal.
merun m, marline. -expandido (V) (Es), expanded metal.
merma f, shrinkage; leakage. -monel, monel metal.
mesa f , plateau, tableland; table; stair landing; -Muntz, Muntz metal.
wall plate. -no ferroso, nonferrous metal.
- colimadora (fms), coTlimrating table. -patente (C), Babbitt metal.
-concentradora, concentrating table. -pulverizado, powdered metal.
-corrediza (mh), traveling tablo. metdada f, metal content of ore.
-de acepilladora, platen of a planer. metmca f, metallurgy.
-de agua (Pe) (V), water table (ground). metiilico, metallic, metal.
-de ayustsr, splicing bench. metalifero, containing metal, ore-bearing.
- de calcar (dib) , tracing table. metalista m, metalworker.
- de chkulo, computer table. metalisterla f, metalwork, metalworking.
-de control, operating table, control d e ~ k . metalizar, to metaliae.
-de dibujo, drawing or drafting table. metdografIa f, metallography.
-de ensayos de escurrimiento, flow table. metalogrlfico, metallographic.
-de entradas, an office in every Government metaloide m, metaloid.
department where all documents are re- metalurgia f, metallurgy.
ceived for mbsequent distribution. metaliirgico m, metallurgist; a metallurgical.
-de escogido (miner)(V) , sorting floor. metalurgista m, metallurgist.
- de flujo, flow table. metam813co (geol), metamorphio.
-de operaciones (pa)(Pe), operating table. metamorfismo m (geol), metamorphism.
-de s u j e c i b (mh), work table. -de carga o de presibn, static metamorphism.
--- de trabajo, workbench. - de contacto, contact or local metamorphism.
- de traslacibn, transfer table. -de dislocacibn, dynamic metamorphism.
--- durmiente (min), sleeping table. -geot8rmic0, thermal metamorphism.
-giratoria, (rr) turntable; (mt) swivel table; -hidrot6xmic0, hydrothermal metamorphism.
(pet) rotary table. -regional, regional metamorphism.
- medidora, sizing table. metamorfizado, metamorfoseado, metamor-
- muestreadora, sampling table. phosed.
- oscilatoria o sacudidora o trepidante, shak- metamorfosis f (quim), metamorphosis.
metanitrofenol m,metanitrophenol.
ing or concentrating table.
- rotativa (mh), revolving table. metano m, methane, marsh gas.
- rotatoria, turntable; (pet) rotary table. metanol m, methanol.
mesada f, monthly rate of pay. metandmetro nb, methanometer, gas detector.
mesana f (cn), mizzenmast. metapolo n a (fma), metapole.
mesero .om, employee paid by the month. metadlicato (m) de sodio, sodium metasilicate.
rneseta f , plateau; stair lmdiiig. metasilicico, metasilicic,
mesilla f , window sill; stair landing. metasom5tic0, metammatic.
metasomatismo 206 microfotogrametr'a
metasomatismo m (geol), metasomatism. -de macldam bituminoso, bituminous mixer.
metatitanato m (quim), metatitanate. -en camibn, truck or transit mixer.
metatrbfico (is), metatrophic, saprophytic. -enyesadora, plaster mixer.
metehico, meteoric, meteorological. - no basculante, nontilting mixer.
meteorizacibn f, operation of atmospheric phe- -para rerniendos e n caliente (ca), hot-patch
nomena; (V) (Col) (M) weathering. mixer.
meteor0 m, storm, any atmospheric phenom- ---- por cargas, batch mixer.
enon. -transportable, portable mixer. I
meteordgrafo m (mrl), meteorograph. mezcladura (f) a mano, hand mixing.
meteorologia f, meteorology. mezclar, t o mix; (pt) t o temper.
meteorol5gic0, meteorological. -e n el lugar o en sitio, to mix in place.
meteorologists, meteorhlogo m ,meteorologist. mezclilla f (V), paste of neat cement.
metilar, t o methylate. ---- de cal (V) , lime putty.
metilato (m) de sodio, sodium methylate. mezclote m, (Col) lime mortar containing cut
metileno m (qufrn) , methylene. straw for first coat of stucco; (V) mud
metilfenol m (quim), methylphenol. plaster with or without lime.
metilico, methylic. mho m (el&), mho.
metilo nz (qulim), methyl. miarolitico (geol), miarolitic.
--- de naranja (is) (Es), methyl orange. miascita f (geol) , miaskite.
metodo de cero (elkc), zero or null or balanced mica f,mica.
method. -- blanca, white mica, muscovite.
metol m, metol. -dilatada (ais), expanded mica.
metol-hidroquinona (fma), metol-hydroquinone. --- esquisto o pizarra, mica schist.
metrado m (Pe), schedule of quantities. --- negra, biotite, black mica,
metraje m, distance in meters; area in square -parda, brown mica, phlogopite,
meters; volume in cubic meters; measure- mic5ce0, micaceous.
ment, metering. micacita f , mica schist, micacite.
rnetralla f, scrap iron. micanita f (ais), Micanite (trademark).
metrar, Co meter, measure. micarta f (ais), Micarta (trademark).
mbtrico, metric. micasquisto m, mica schist.
metro m,rule, scale; (meas) meter. micra f (med), micron.
-contador (C), meter (water). microamperimetro m (el&), microammeter.
--- corrido, lineal meter. microamperio m, microampere.
-cuadrado, square meter. microaniilisis m, microanalysis.
-cfibico, cubic meter. microanalitico, microanalytical.
-de bbj, boxwood rule. microbalanza f, microbalance.
-de cinta, cloth tape. microbar6grafo m, microbarograph.
-de tramos o plegadizo, folding rule. microbaterla f ( e l k ) , microbattery.
metro-bujia (il) , meter-candle, lux. microbiano, micr6bic0, microbic, microbian.
metrofotografIa f , photographic surveying. microbicida m (A), bactericide.
metrologia f, metrology. microbio m, microbe.
metrolbgico, metrological. microbiologia f, microbiology.
metropolitano m, city tunnel, subway. microbiol6gic0, microbiological.
mezanina f (Col), mezzanine. microcldstico (geol), microclastic.
mezcla f , mix. mixture; mortar. microclina f (miner), microcline (feldspar).
--- a brazos (conc), hand mixing. rnicrococo m (is), Micrococcus.
-de p r t ~ e b ao de tanteo, trial mix. microcolorimetro m (is), microcolorimeter.
-delgada o pobre, lean mixture. microcristal m, (geol) microcrystal, microlite.
- despolarizante (el6c), depolarizing mix. microcristalino, microcrystalline.
- en camino (pav), road mix. microelectroscopio m, microelectroscope.
- en frio (pav), cold mix. microesf erulltico (geol), microspherulitic.
--- en planta (pav), plant mix. microestnlctura f, microstructure.
-grasa (conc), rich mixture. microfaradio m (el&), microfarad.
mezclable, miscible. rnicrofelsita f (geol) , rnicrofelsite.
mezclado (m) e n sitio (pav), mix in place; road mitrofisica f, microphysics.
mix. microflora f (is), microflora.
mezclador m, mixer, (su) mingler. micr6fono m, microphone.
-de agua, water blender or mixer. - a carbbn, carbon microphone.
-de cienos (dac), sludge mixer. -de cinta o de velocidad, ribbon or velocity
-instauthneo o relibpago, flash mixer. microphone.
mezcladora f, mixer. -da condensador, capacitor or condenser mi-
-ambulante, traveling mixture. crophone.
---- basculante o inclinable o volcable, tilting - de llama, flame microphone.
mixer. -electroest8tic0, condcnser microphone.
--- caminera o pavimentadora, paving mixer. microfotografla j,m i ~ r o p h o t o g r a ~ h y .
- de lechada, grout mixer or machine. rnicrofotogrametria I, ~licrophotogrammet,ry.
microfot6metro m, microphotometer. M a m p e r i o m, milliampere.
microgalvanSmetro m, rnicrogalvanometcr. mililrea f (med), miIliare.
micrografia f, micrography; micrograph. miliatmhsf era, milibara j, millibar.
microgrhfico, micrographic. milicrijn m, millimicron, rnillicron.
micrbgrafo m (inst), micrograph. milifaradio m, millifarad.
micrbgramo m, microgram. milifot m (il), milliphot.
microgranitico, rnicrogranitic. miligal (geof), milligd.
dcrogranito, microgranite. miligramo m, milligram.
microgranular, microgranoso, microgranular. milihenrio m (el&), millihenry.
dcrohenrio m (el&), microhenry. d a m b e r t (il), millilambert.
microhmio m (elk), microhm. mililitro m, milliliter.
microindicador m, microindicator. m (il), millilux.
microlita f (miner), rnicrolite. milimetrado, divided into millimeters.
microlito m (geol), microlite, microcrysta.1. d i m e t r a j e m, length in millimeters.
microlitro m (rned), microliter. m e t r o m, millimeter.
microlux m (il), microlux. plilimicrdn m, millirnieron.
micromanipulador m (lab), micromanipulator. miliohmimetro m,milliohmmeter.
micromanbmetro m, micromanometer. miliobmio m, milliohm.
micromedici6n f, micromeasurement. milipulgada f, mil, 0.001 in.
micrdmetro m. micrometer. -circular, circular mil.
- de chispas (el&), spark micrometer. -cuadrada, square mil.
- de medida externa, outside micrometer cali- milisegundo m,millisecond.
per. a v a t i o m,milliwatt.
- de profundidad, micrometer depth gage. rnilivoltlmetro m, millivoltmeter.
-de roscas, screw-thread micrometer. milivoltio m, millivolt.
-lineal, linear or scale micrometer. milonita f (geol), mylonite.
- para interiores, inside micrometer. milonltico, mylonitic, cataclastic.
micromho (el&), micromho. miUa f, mile.
micromicrofaradio m, micromicrofarad. - cuadrada, aquare mile.
micromicr6n m (med) , micromicron. - de estatuto (M), statute mile.
micromicrovatio m, rnicromicrowat.t. -legal inghsa o terrestre, statute mile.
micro~etro m,micromillimeter. -marina o maritima, nautical or sea or geo-
micromineralogfa f, micromineralogy. graphical mile.
micrdn m (med), micron, micrometer. - niiutica (M), nautical mile.
microonda j (ra), microwave. mitlaje m, mileage.
microorganismo m (is), microorganism. mimbre m, mimbrera f, willow.
micropegmatiti f (geol), micropegmatite. mina f, mine; underground chamber or passage;
microporoso, microporous. (A) blast hole; (A) graphite, lead of a
micropulgada f, microinch. pencil.
microscopia f,microscopy. -de aluvibn, placer.
microscbpico, microscopic. -de arena, sand pit.
microscopio m, microscope. -de balasto, ballast pit.
microsegundo m,microsecond. - de grava, gravel pit or bank.
microsfsmico, microseismic. - de pejrhleo; deposit of oil.
microsismo m, microseism, faint earthquake - en labor (V), mine being worked.
shock. -hullera, coal mine.
microtelgfono m, microtelephone. minable, minable.
microvatio m,microwatt. minado rn, mine working.
microvoltSmetro m, microvoltmeter. nlinador m, miner.
nzicrovoltio m, microvolt. minar, to mine; t o undermine.
miel j, molasses; honey. mineraje m,mining.
- findo de purga (az),blackatrap, h a 1molas- mineral m,ore, mineral; mining district; mine,;a
- ses. mineral.
miembro m, member, piece. - bajo de ley, low-grade ore.
-del alma (tu), web member. -de dta ley, high-grade ore.
-supexabundante (est) (M) , redundaat mern- -de contacto, contact mineral.
ber. -de maquila, custom ore.
migajdn m (M), loam, topsoil. -graso, rich ore.
migmatita f (geol), rnigmatite, injection-gneiss. -pobre, low-grade ore.
migraci6n f (pet), migration. -verde de plomo, green h a d ore, pyromor-
-de 10s iones, ion migration. phite.
mil (m) circular (A) {C), circular mil. mineralizador m, m i n e r d ~ e r .
mil-pie, mil-foot. mineralizar, to mineralize.
milhsimo m a, thousandth. minerdogla f, mineralogy.
-- circular (Col) (C), circular mil. mineralbgico, mineralogical.
miliamperimetro m, milliamrneter. mineralogist^, mineraIogkt.
208 moldes
minerfa f, mining. -de brillantez (tv), brilliance or intensity
miner0 m, miner; a pertaining t o mines. modulation.
-de contracieh, raiseman. -de fase (ra), phase modulation.
-de cuarto (M), shift boss. -de frecuencia, frequency modulation.
-mayor (M),foreman. -de placa (ra), anode or plate modulation.
mingitorio m, urinal (upright). -en rejilla (ra), grid modulation.
C .
m a, minimum. modulado en amplitud (ra), amplitude-modu-
-cornfin mfiltiplo, least common multiple. lated.
-magngtico, magnetic low. modulador m (ra) , modulator.
mfnimos cuadrados, least squares. -a vklvula, vacuum-tube modulator.
mini0 m, red lead ; rninium. -equilibrado, balanced modulator.
-de plomo (A), red lead. modular (ra), to modulate.
minuendo m (mat), minuend. m6dulo m, modulus; (mech) module; (hyd) mod-
minutas j, (surv) notes. ule; (geol)(V) mode.
-taquimgtricas, stadia notes. -adiabiitico de volumen, adiabatic bulk
minuto m. minute (arc and time). modulus.
mifiSn m (Es), slag; (min) iron ore. -ciilcico, lime modulus.
mira f, level rod; target (rod); a sight; stream --- de corte, modulus of shear (vibration).
gage- -de elasticidad de volumen, bulk modulus of
-angular, angle target. elasticity.
-atriis, backsight. -de elasticidad en corte, modulus of elasticity
-de cinta (lev), tape rod. in shear, coefficient of rigidity.
-de corredera, target rod. -de h e z a (ag) (A), fineness modulus.
-de delante o de frente, foresight. -de finma, fineness modulus.
-de enchufe, telescoping level rod. -de incompresibilidad (ms), modulus of in-
-de espalda, backsight, plus sight (level). compressibility.
-de estadia, stadia rod. -de rebote, modulus of resilience.
-de nivelar, level rod. -de resistencia o de la seccidn (est), section
-de tablilla (lev) (Es)(C) , target rod. modulus.
-extendida (lev), high rod. long rod. -de rigidez, modulus of rigidity.
-limitadora de taludes, slope-stake rod. -de ruptura, modulus of rupture.
-microrn6tricay micrometer target. -de volumen, bulk modulus.
-parlante, speaking rod. modulBmetro m (ra) (A), modulation monitor or
-puntual (A), transit rod. meter.
-taiquim&trica,stadia rod. mof eta f (min) , afterdamp.
miriagramo m,myriagram. mofle m (auto) (M) , muffler.
miriHmetro m, myriameter, 10,000 m. moho m, rust; mold, mildew.
miriavatio m, myriawatt. mohosearee (Pe), t o rust.
mt-illa f , small opening in a boiler door; small mohoso, rusty; musty, moldy.
window; (surv) target; (inst) peep sight. moj6n m, monument, landmark; milestone;
miriiraque m (A), locomotive pilot, cowcatcher. (surv) (A) hub, transit point.
miscibilidad f, miscibility. -testigo o de referencia (lev), witness corner,
miscible, miscible. reference monument.
misplquel m, mispickel, arsenopyrite. mojona f, land survey, setting of monuments.
mitad f , half; middle. mojonamiento m (lev), monument :t t'ion.
mitrt i'L), t o miter. mojonar, t o set monuments.
rnoco ZZ,slag. molabe m (F), a construction lumber.
mocha f (C) (M), kind of machete. mold (quim), molal, molar.
mocheta f, splay of a window jamb; (Col) rab- molar m, (Col) rubble stone, foundation stone:
bet; (Sp) poll of an ax. a (chem) molar,
mochila f, tool bag. moldado en frfo, cold-molded.
modelador, modelista m, patternmaker. moldaje m, forms, forming.
modelaje m, shaping, forming; patternmaking. moldar, to form; to mold.
modetar, t o form, shape. molde m, form; mold; pattern.
modelerfa f (Ch) , pattern shop. -de cuxvar, bending form.
modelo m, model; pattern; standard; blank form. --- de matrizar, die mold.
-a escda, scale model. -deslizante (COIN),slip form.
-de contrato, form of contract. - para conten p cuneta, curb-and-gutter form.
-de fianza, form of bond. -para recauchado (auto), recapping or rc-
-de gufa, working model. treading mold.
-de proposiciirn, bidding form. moldes (cone), forms.
moderador ?n (rnec), moderator. - corredizos, traveling forms.
modulaciBn f, modulation. -dejados en obra, forms left in place.
-cruzada Ira), cross modulation. -ensambiados en obra o hechos en sitio, forms
-de absorciiin (ra), absorption modulation. built in place.
- de amplitud (ra) , amplitude modulation. - forrados de metal, motd-lined forms.
moldes 209 monocloramina

-faminados o contraplacados, plywood forms. -de paletas, propeller-type current meter.

-de POZO
moldeado m, forming; a formed.
- en caliente, hot-forming. -magnetic0(elbc), manhole capstan.
(hid), electric current meter.
-en frlo, cold-forming. molino m, mill. grinder.
-en el lugar (cone), cast in place. -a martillos, hammer mill.
-en el terreno (pi), cast in place. -a tambor, tumbling barrel.
moldeador m ,molder; foundryman. -balero (M) ,ball d.
moldeadora f (fund), molding or sand-packing -chileno, Chile mill, edge mill.
machine. - de amasar, pugmill.
moldear, to cast; to mold; to form. -de arcilla, pugmill, clay mill or mixer.
moldeo m, forming, centering; casting. -de arena, aand roll.
- centrlfugo (tub), centrifugal casting. -de bolas, ball mill.
- en arena, sand-casting. - de cabillas, rod mill.
- en matriz, die casting. -de cilindros, crushing roll or d l , roller d.
- de frotamiento, attrition mill.
rnolduta f, a molding.
- cbncava, cove molding. - de mazos, stamp mill.
- de gufa, window stop. -
de piedras, pebble mill.
- escurridera, drip molding. de rodillos, roll crusher.
- para tomacodentes (el&c),plug-in strip.
moldura-conduct0 (elbc), wood molding, surface
-de rulos (M), roll crusher.
-de tres mazas (aa), three-roller mill.
wooden raceway. -de tubos, tube mill.
molduradora f , machine for making wood mold- -de viento, windmill.
ings; molding plane. -desleidor (ct), wash mill.
- exterior, outside molder. - MdrELulico, water mill.
- interior, inside molder. -mGltiple (w),multiple mill.
-triturador, crushing mill or rolla.
moldurar, to mold; t o shape into moldings.
moldnrera f,machine for making wood moldings; molo m (Ch)(V), breakwater, sea wall,jetty.
(A) press for making tiles. -de abrigo (Ch), breakwater.
moldurero m (M), molding maker. molturar (Ea), to grind (sugar).
moldcula f, molecule. mollej6n m, grindstone.
molbcula-gramo, gram molecule, mole, mol. momento m, moment; (C) momentum.
molecular, molecular. -de adrizamiento (an), righting moment.
moledot m, grinder. -de empotramiento (est), fixed-end moment.
de arcilla, clay mill.
de basura, garbage grinder.
-de estabilidad, resisting moment.
-de fijacibn, restraining moment.
- de cedduras (dac), screenin@ grinder. -de flexibn, bending moment.
- de tubos, tube mill. -de inercia, moment of inertia.
-de torsidn de parada (mot), staZling torque.
moledora f, grinder.
- de arena, sand roll or crusher. -de vuelco, Gverturning moment.
- de bolas, bail grinder. -esthtico, static moment.
- de cabillas, rod mill. -
- flector (A) {Es),bending moment.
- de b o s , fine grinder.
molej6n m (C), reef, ridge of rock.
flexionante (M), bending moment.
-flexor, bending moment.
moler, to grind; to comminute. -mlnimo de torsidn de aceleracidn (mot).
rnoleta f, (met) muUer; (A) dresser (emery pull-up torque.
wheel) ; knurhg tool. - resistente, r~sistingmoment.
- de diamante, diamond dresser. - torsional de r6gimen, rated torque.
moleteador m (A), dresaing tool; knurl. monacita (miner), monazite.
moletear, to mill; to knurl. monitor m, @yd) monitor, giant; (ra)(A)(Sp)
molibdato m (quim), molybdate. monitor.
- ambuico (I&), ammonium molybdate. rnono4cido m a,monoacid.
molibdenita f , molybdenite (molybdenum ore). monoamihico a, monoammonium.
molibdeno n, molybdenum. rnonoatdmico, monatomic, monoatomic.
molfbdico, rnolybdic. monobhsico (qulm) , monobasic.
molibdita f (miner), molybdite, molybdio ocher. monobiselado a,single-bevel
molibilidad f , grindability, monobloque, monobloc.
molido m,grindihg~ monocable a, single-cable.
molienda j, grinding, milling. monoc&lcico a, monocalcium, monocalcic.
- en seco, dry grinding. monocarbonato m, monocarbonate.
molinero m, millworker, monocard m, monorail.
molinete m, turnstile; (hyd) curmnt meter; (eng) monodclico (elk), monocyclic.
winch head, gypsyhead, niggerhead. monoeillndrico, singlecylinder.
-acopado o de cubetas, Price or cup-type cur- monoclinal, (geol) monoclinal ; (miner)(A) mon*
rent meter. clinic.
- acGstico, acoustic current meter. monocllnico, morroclim (miner), monoclide.
-contador o hidrom8tric0, current motor. monocloramina f , monochloramine.
2 10 mordaza
monocloroac6tico, monochloroacetic. - de escarir I rt 7acl i ; ~ gfixture.
monocontrol m (ra) (A), single-dial control. - de orugas crawler or caterpillar mounting.
monocrombtico, monochromatic. -- de suspensiBn (fma), suspension mount.
monocular (inst), monocular. rnontante m , post, u p r g h t , stud; jamb, guide;
monodisco, single-disk. stire; vertical member of a truss; mullion,
monofase (A), single-phase. sash bar ; transo~n.
monofilsico (elkc), single-phase, monophase. -cornijal, conier post.
monofilar, single-wire. -de la cerradura, lock stile (door).
monohidrato m (qulm), monohydrate. -de contencihn (cal), buckstay.
monohidrico, monohydric. -de encuentro, meeting stile (casement).
monolitico, monolithic. --- de escala, ladder stling.
monolitizar (A), t o solidify, make monolithic. -de guia (mh), guide post.
monolito m,rnonoiith. -de puerta, hanging stile; jamb.
monomagn6sico a (quIm), monomagnesiu~n. -extremo, (tu) end post.
monometllico, monometallic. -guiacable (elbc), guide rack.
monomineral (geol) , monomineral. montantes del camarin (asc), rar rails.
monomio m (mat), monomial. montantes de guia (asct, rails (car and counter-
monomolecular (qulm) , monomolecular. weights).
monomotor, single-motor. montafiaf, mountain; (Pe) (P11) forest; (min)(M)
mononitrato m (quim), mononitrate. country rock.
monopasto m, single-sheave block. montafioso, mountainous.
monopolar ( e l k ) , single-pole, monopolar. montar, t o erect, assemble, mount, set.
monopotasio a, rnonopotassium. ---- en caiiente, t o shrink on.
monorriel m, monorail. rnontaraz m, forest warden.
monosaclrido m (az), monosaccharide. moatarrhn m (Col), forest.
monoscopio m (tv), Monoscope (trademark). montasacos m, bag elevator.
monoseiial (ra) , single-signal. montatrozas m (as), log haul-up rig.
monosilicato rn. monosilicate. montavagones m,, car elevator.
monosilicico (quim), monosilicic. monte m, mountain; woodland, forest, uncleared
monosimdtrico (miner), monosymmetric, mono- lend.
clinic. -alto, forest.
monosddico a, monosodium. -bajo, underbrush.
monosulfuro m, monosulphide. -tallar, forest fit for cutting into timber.
monbtono (mat), monotonic. montea f, stonecutting; camber, rise of a n arch;
monotubo (pi), Monotube (trademark). full-size drawing.
monovalente (qulm), monovalent, univalent. montear, t o lay out, t o make a working drawing
monovalvular (ra) (A), single-tube. of; t o arch, vault.
monbxido (m) carbbnico, carbon monoxide. montera f, skylight; (min) overburden; (min)
mondxido de estaiio, tin monoxide, stannous (Sp) roof timber.
oxide. montlculo m, mound, bill.
monta f, (mech)(C) lap. mont6n m ,pile, heap; (M) windrow.
montaautombviles m, automobile lift; automo- -de acopio o de almacenamiento, stock pile.
bile iack. montura f, saddle; mounting, setting; erection,
montabarco m,device for raising boats in a canal. assembly.
montacarga m, material hoist; windlass, winch, monzonita f (geol) , monzonite.
hoisting engine. mora f (A)(V), a hardwood used for construc-
-colgante, trolley hoist. tion.
-de acera, sidewalk elevator. moral m, morera f (mad), mulberry.
--- de cadena, chain hoist or block. morbilidad f (is), morbidity, morbility.
-d e cajbn, skip hoist. mordaza f, clamp, jaw; (rr)(C) splice bar; (C)
-para arrastrar (tc) , towing winch. pipe vise.
--- para edificacibn, builder's hoist. -aisladora (elkc), cleat insulator.
montacarros m, elevator for automobiles. -angular (fc) (C), angle bar.
montacenizas m, ash hoist. -de amarre, splicing clamp.
montado a horcajadas (mec) , straddle-mounted. - de articulaci6n, hinge jaw.
montado e n bronce. bronze-mounted. -- de ayustar, rigger's vise.
montador m, erector, steelworker. -- de cable, cable clamp.
electricista, installing electrician. - de contact0 ( e l k ) , contact clip.
-jefe, foreman erector. - de interrupcih (elk), break jaw.
montadura f , ~nounting,setting, erection; (bo) a -de placas (cab), plate clamp.
setting. -de via (fc), rail brace.
montaje m, erection, mounting, installation; (mt) - para cabo de retenida (elkc), guy damp.
fixture. - para tuberia subfluvial, river clamp.
a1 aire (pte) (Ec), cantilever method of erec- -para tubos (pet), pipe grip.
tion. -tirador de alambre, come-along clamp (line
-de divisibn (mh), index fixture. man).
mordiente 211 motor
mordiente m, (rd) curb; (maa)(C) toothing, motomezclador m (conc) , truck mixer.
bonding key. m o t h m, block, pulley.
morena f (geol), moraine. -con gancho rlgido, stiff-hook block.
basal (A), ground moraine.
central, medial moraine.
-con ganchos gemelos, match-hook block.
- con ojal giratorio, swivel-eye block.
- frontal, terminal moraine. - de amantillar, (de) topping block.
- glacial, till, glacial till.
interna o del fondo, ground moraine.
- de aparejo, tackle block.
-de cinco garruchas, five-sheave block.
- lateral, lateral moraine. - de cola, tail block.
- terminal de retroceso, recessional moraine. -de cuerpo ?errado, secret block.
mor6nic0, morainic, morainal. -de dos garruchas, double block.
morfologia f (geol), morphology. -de dos ruedas (A), double block.
morfolbgico, morphological. -de gancho, fall or hoisting ar hook or load
morillo m, mudsill; deadman. block.
morrjllo m, cobble, boulder, rubble stone, nigger- - de gancho libre, loose-hook block.
head. -de garruchas mGltiples, multkheave block.
morro m, headland; mass of masonry; (hw) ward -de izar, load or fall block, (pet) traveling
of a lock. block.
morsa f, vise. - de muesca ancha, wide-morth block.
- de hgulo, angle vise. -de rabiza, tail block.
-de mano, hand vise. -de t e n s i b , tension block.
-de mlquina-herramienta, machine vise. -de tuberfa (pet), tubing block.
-de pie, leg vise. - diferencial, differential hoist.
-giratoria, swivel vise. -doble, double or two-sheave block.
- paralela, parallel vise. -fijo, standing blook.
mortaja f, mortise, socket. - giratorio, swivel block; monkey block.
- ciega, stub mortise. \r
-sencillo, single block.
-p espiga, mortise and tenon. -viajero (pet), traveling block.
mortajadora f , mortising or gaining machine. -volante, fly block.
rnortajar, to mortise. motones de compensacibn (ef), heel blocks.
mortalidad f, mortality. motonave f, motor ship.
mortero m (mam) (lab), mortar. motoneria f, set of tackle blocks.
- a6reo (Es), nonhydraulic mortar. motoneta f (M), small motor vehicle.
- bastardo, (V) mixture of 1cement to 6 sand motoniveladora f (ca), motor grader.
for scratch coat; (M) mortar gaged with motopatrullera f (ca) (A), matoz patrol.
plwter of Paris. motopavimentndora f, self-propelling paving
.- con maja (lab),mortar and pestle. mixer.
-- de fraguado a1 aire (rfr), air-setting mortar. motopropulsor, gnipo, electrio drive.
- de fragusdo a1 fuego (rfr), heat-setting mor- motor m, motor; engine; 9 driving, motive.
-a bencina (Ch), gaaoline engine.
- hidrlulico (M), cement mortar. -a combustibn interna, internal-combustion
- lanzado (M), gunite. engine.
moskico m, mosaic; (M)(A)(Pan) floor tile; -a chorro, jet motor.
a mosaic. -- a nafta, gasoline engine,
- fotogrfico, mosaic of aerial photographs.
-regulado (fma), controlled mosaic.
-a petriileo, oil engine.
- abierto, open motor.
mosaiquista m, mosaio laycr. -acorazado, enclosed motor.
mosaista na (A), floor-tile layer. -blindado, totally enclosed motor.
mosquetbn m, snap hook. -compound, compound-wound motor.
mosquitero m, mosquito acreen or net. -compound awmulativo (A), cumulative
-a guillotina, vertically sliding mosquito compound motor.
screen. -con decalaje de escobillas, bru~h-shifting
mosquito m,mosquito. motor.
mBtil (is), motile. - de aceite, oil engine.
motilidad j, motility. -de agua, water motor.
motobomba f , pump and engine. -de aaillo o de anillos rozantes o de n r o
motocabrestapte m (Es), power winch. corredizo, slip-ring motor.
motocaminera f , motor grader, road patrol. - de arranque (auto). starting motor.
motocami6n m,motor truck. -de arranque con capacitor, capacitor-start
motocompresor m,motor-driven compressor. motor.
motoconformadora, motoexplanadora f (ca), -de arranque con reactor, reactor-start motor.
motor grader. - de arranque con repulsibn, repulsion-start
motogasafina f, motor fuel. motor.
motogenerador m, motor generator. -de arranque con resistencia, resistance- tart
motogrtla f, truck crane. mot or.
motbmetro m (auto), motometer. - de capacitor, capacitor motor.
motor 212 mula
-de carburaciijn 0 d e combusti6n, internal- motorriel 'm (fc)(Ch), track velocipede with
combustion engine. power.
-de cuatro tiempos, four-cycle engine. mototrallla f (ot), self-powered scraper, tractor-
--- de devanado cumulative, cumulative com- scraper.
pound motor. motramita f, ~nott,ramite(vanadium ore).
- de devanado diferencial, differential com- movedizo, movable, unstable.
pound motor, mover, t o move, drive, actuate.
---- de disco o d e plato, face-type motor. movible, movable, mobile, portable, (lab)
-de dos tiempos, two-cycle or two-stroke- motile.
cycle engine. movido a eorrea, belt-driven.
-de esencia (Es), gasoline engine. movido por motor, motor-driven.
-de explosi611, gasoline engine. mbvil, portable, movable, mobile.
--- de fase partida, split-phase motor. movimiento m, movement, motion.
-de fuera d e abordo, outboard motor. -de tierras, dirt moving.
-de gas, gas engine. -de vaivbn, reciprocating or swinging rnove-
---- de hist6resis, hysteresis motor. ment.
-de inducci611, induction motor. -perdido, lost motion.
-de inducido de barras o de inducido de muca f (M), kind of stone used for buiIding.
jaula o d e jaula de ardilla, squirrel-cage or mucheta f (A), jamb.
bar-wound motor. muebles (m) para baiio (M), plumbing fixtures.
-de inducido devanado, slip-ring motor. muela f, grindstone, whetstone, grinder; flat-
-de marcha (auto) (M), starting motor. topped hill; (C) pawl, dog.
-de marcha lenta, slow-speed motor. -acopada, cup wheel.
-de partida (A), servomotor. -de esmeril, emery wheel.
---- de plato rebordeado, flange-type motor. -de recortar, cutting-off wheel.
- de potencia fraccionada, fractional-horse- -para engranajes, gear grinder.
power motor. -pulidora, polishing wheel.
--- de presiBn constante, constant-pressure- -ranuradora, spline grinder.
combustion engine. muellaje m, wharfage, dock charges.
- de puesta e n marcha (auto), starting muelle m, spring; wharf, dock, quay, mole, pier;
motor. (rr) platform; (Ig) yard, (Ig) landing.
-de reaccibn, reaction motor. -antagonists, recoil or reactive or antagonistic
- de reluctancia, reluctance motor. spring.
-de r e p u l s i b compensada, compensated re- -carbonero, coal wharf, coaling station.
pulsion motor. -de abrigo, breakwater, jetty.
-de rotor devanado, wound-rotor motor. -d e ballesta o de hojas, laminated spring.
- de tres etapas, three-cycle engine. -de comprksi6n, compression spring.
-de velocidad adjustable o regulable, adjust- -de medias pinzas o de pincetas (auto) (U),
able-speed motor. three-quarter elliptical spring.
-de velocidad constante, constant-speed -d e reclamo (A), recoil or return spring.
motor. -de retorno, retraction or return spring.
-- de velocidad variable, varying-speed or -de transbordo, transfer platform or wharf.
polyspeed motor. --- embarcadero, loading wharf.
--- de velocidades mtiltiples, multispeed motor. -en espiral, spiral spring.
-de viento, wind motor; windmill. -saliente (op) , pier.
-de volumen constante, constant-volume- -tensor, tension or extension spring.
combustion engine. muerto m, deadman, anchorage.
--- Diesel compteto, full-Diesel engine. muesca f , notch, mortise, groove, dap, gain,
-en derivacibn, shunt-wound motor. (min) hitch.
-- en serie, series-wound motor. - de chaveta, keyway.
-- en V (auto), V motor. -y espiga, mortise and tenon.
--- invertible, reversible motor, muescadora f,. (min) hitch cutter; (lg) notcher,
-prirnario, prime mover. undercutter.
--- sin cigiiefiales, cranklcss engine. muescar, t o notch, mortise, groove, dap.
supersincsbnico, supersynchronous motor. muestra f, sampIe.
---- t6rmic0, heat engine. --- de sondaje (sx), core.
tipo repulsi6n-inducci6n, repulsion induction -fortuita o sin escoger, grab sample.
motor. muestrario m, collection of samples, set of drill
motor-convertidor, rnotor converter. cores.
motor-generador, motor generator. muestreador m, sampler.
motor-serie, series-wo~indmotor. - de tierra, soil sampler.
motor-shunt, shunt-wound motor. muestrear, t o sample.
motorista m, motmrnlan; antornobilist; chauffeur; muestreo m, sampling.
(U) operator of a crane or hoist. mufla f , block and fall; (met) midfle.
-adjustador (ii), engine repairman. -- con cadena, chain block,
motorizar, t o motorize. mula j, mulo m, mule.
mdato 213 muro
mulato m (min), name used locally for various -del cigiieiial, crankpin.
silver ores. mufi6n m,gudgeon, journal, pivot, trunnion.
nuleta f. m y crutch-shaped device; (va) T -del cigiiefial o de la manivela, crankpin.
wrench. -de direccibn, steering knuckle.
- para poste (hem), deadman. -de rueda (auto), wheel spindle.
mulctero m ,mule driver. muiionera f, socket; journal box, bearing; (naut)
muletilla f (rnin), T-headed nail used in survey- gudgeon.
ing. muradla f, wall.
multa f,penalty, fine. -de mar, sea wall.
multar, to penalize, impose a penalty. murallbn m, heavy wall.
multibanda (ra), multiband. -de defensa, sea wall, bulkhead.
multicanal (ra), multichannel. -de ribera, dike; sea wall; wall for bank pro-
multicapa, multilayer. tection.
multicelular, multicellular. murar, to wall.
multicbntrico, rnulticentric. murete m, light wall.
multidigestidn f (dac), multidigestion. -cortaaguas (hid), baffle or cutoff wall.
multidirreccional, multidirectional. -de guardia (ca), guard wall.
multielectrbdico (ra) , multielectrode (tube). -deflector (ca), deflector barrier.
multiespiral (tv), multispiral. -interceptador (hid), cutoff wall.
multiestabilizador m (pet), mdtistabilizer. -separador (ca) , barrier.
multietapa (ra) , multistage. muriltico, muriatic.
multifaja (ra), multiband, multichanne1. muriato m (qulrn), muriate, chloride.
multifhsico (el&), polyphase. -de amoniaco, ammonium chloride.
multifdar, multiple-wire, mukiwire. muro m, wall; (min) footwall.
multifrecuencia (el&), multifrequency. -a prueba de incendio, fire waU.
multigama (ra) (A), multiband. -alero (pte), wing wall.
multigradual, multistage, multiple-stage. -colgante (geol), hanging well.
multlmetro m (e16c), multimeter, multipIe- -contrafuego o cortafuego, fire wall or stop.
purpose tester. -de acompafiamiento o de ala (pte),wing wall.
multimotor, multiengined. -de a h a (hid), core wall.
multinomio m, multinomial. - de apoyo, retaining wall; bearing wall.
multiparcelar, consisting of several parcels -de asta, wall 1 brick thick.
(land). -de asta y media, wall 1% bricks thick.
mCltiple m, a manifold; a mdtiple, multiplex. -de atraque, quay wall, bulkhead.
-de admisibn, intake manifold. - de cabecera o de cabeza, headwall (culvert)
-del agua (di), water manifold. -de carga, bearing wall.
-de escape, exhaust manifold. -de catorce (M), waU % brick thick.
-efecto, de, multiple4Tect. -de cerca, stone fence or wall.
multiplicacibn f, multiplication. -de cimiento, foundation wall.
multiplicador m (mat) (clhc) , multiplier. -de contencih a gravedad, gravity retaining
-de frecuencia (elkc), frequency multiplier. wall.
-de fuerza a1 vaclo, vacuum booster. -de cortina, (hyd) core w d ; (bldg) curtain
multiplicadora electrbnica, electron multiplier. wall.
multipiicando m, multiplicand. - de chicana o de desviacih (hid), baffle wall.
multiplicar, t o multiply. -de defensa, wing wall; aea wall; parapet.
multiplice a, multiple. -de dentell6n o de guarda o de guardia, cutoff
miiltiplo m. multiple. wall (dam).
-comdn, common multiple. - de encauzamiento o de encauce o d e gula,
multiploar (elQc), multiple-pole, multipole. river wall. training wall.
multir-adial, multiradial (drill). -de enclavamiento (hid) (C),core wall.
rnultirrejilla (ra), multigrid. -de enjuta, spandrel wall (arch).
multisim6tric0, multisymmetrical. -de fachada, front wall.
multitubular, multitubular. -de flanqueo (r) (M) , training wall.
multiunitario. multiunit. - de impedir (hid) (M) , baffle wall.
multivllvula (ra), mukitube. -de margen (r), training wall.
multivelocidad, multivelocity. -de media asta, wall % brick thick.
multivibrador m (ra), multivibrator. - de muelle, sea wall, bulkhead, quay wall,
multivoltaje, variable voltage, rnultivoltage. -de obstruccibn (hid), baffle w d .
nunidonera f (V), ball bearing. -de pie, toe wall, (A) cutoff wall (dam).
municioncs f, ahot, small balls. - de piedra seca, dry wall.
-de remate (V),headwall (culvert).
municipal, municipal.
muiioca f , poppet of a lathe; crankpin. -de retencibn, retaining wall.
-corrediza (torno), tailstock, poppethead. -de revestimiento, facing or breast wall
-fiia (torno), headetock. -de ribera, bulkhead, sea wall; river wall.
muiieco m, (V) swivel; (CA) a hardwood. -de salto, deflector (spillway).
mufiequilla f, pin, sgindle. -de sost& retaining wall.

-de sostenidento, retaining wall; ( C ) bearing -de anilina, aniline black.

wall. -de carbbn, carbon black.
-de sostenidento empotrado (A) o de soste- -de gas (M), gas or carbon black.
nimiento en mensula (A), cantitever retain- --- de humo, lampblack, carbon or gas black.
ing wall. -de llmpara (Es), lampblack.
-de tres astas, wall 3 bricks thick. -de ma*, ivory black.
-de ventiocho (M), wall 1 brick thick. -de plomo, graphite, black lead.
-de vuelta (A), return or w h g wall. -jap6n, japan.
-desviador, deflector wall. negrosina f, vandyke print.
-divisorio, partition wall. neis m (geol), gneiss.
-en seco, dry wall. ngisico, gneissic.
- pncofrado 0 encribado, crib wall. n e b m (qufm), neon.
neopreno m ,neoprefie.
--- impermeabilizador o nuclear o p a n t a h (hid),
core wall. neovolchnico (geol) , neovolcanic.
-maritimo (M), sea wall. ndper (mat), neper.
-medianero, party wall. neperiano (mat), Napierian.
-nervado, buttressed wall. nervado, ribbed.
-refractario, fire wall. nervadura f, rib, counterfort; (rf) purlin; (rnin)
-ribere50 de contencibn, bulkhead. leader.
muscovadita f (geol), muscovadite. aervio m, rib, counterfort; (str) web; stay; (rf)
muscovado m (az), muscovado. purlin.
muscovita f (miner), muscovite (mica). nervura f (A), rib.
muselina f (ais) , muslin. nervurado (A), ribbed.
nesslerizar (is), to nesslerize.
neto a, net.
neumhtica f, pneumatics.
nabo m, spindle. neum5tico rn, pneumatic tire; a pneumatic.
nacer (r), to rise, originate. -acordonado, cord tire.
nacientes f,headwaters; (C) outcroppings. -bal6n, balloon tire.
nacimiento m, (r) headwaters; (Sp) spring line -de costado blanco, white-side-wall tire.
(arch). -de orejas, lug tire.
nadir m, nadir. -de recambio, spare tire.
-fotogrlfico (fma), plate nadir point, photo- -de tal6n, clincher tire,
graphic nadir. -de tejido, fabric tire.
nadiral, nadiral. hidrom5tic0, hydromatic tire.
nafta f, gasoline, naphtha; (Sp) petroleum. -para todo tiempo, all-weather tire.
-de alto octanaje, high-octane gasoline. neumlticos gemelos, dual tires.
-de aviacibn, aviation gasoline. neutral, neutro s a, neutral (all senses).
naftalina f, naphthalene. neutralizador m, neutralizer.
napa f , sheet of water, nappe. -de atracci6n local, magnetic compensator.
-acuifera (Pe), ground water. neutralizar, t o neutralize.
--- frehtica, ground water, water table. neutrodino (m), neutrodyne.
nariz (j)del husillo (mh), spindle nose. neutrBn m (qufm) , neutron.
narria f, sled, log boat; road drag; cart. nevada f, snowfall.
nata f, Iaitance, scum. nicromio m, Nichrome (alloy) (trademark).
nlutico, nhutical. nicho m,- niche. (tun) manhole; (elec) cubicle;
nave f , ship; (bldg) bay; (C) shed. (rd) pothole; (elec) cabinet.
navegable, navigable. -del tiinel (cn), tunnel recess.
navegacih f, navigation, -pope1 del tfinel (cn), stuffing-box recess.
--- costanera, coastwise shipping. --- proel del tfinel (cn), thrust recess.
-- fluvial, river navigation. nido (m) de abeja, honeycomb (all senses).
naviero m,shipowner. niebla f, fog.
navfo m, ship. ---- de adveccibn, advection fog.
neblina f , mist, fog. -de radiacih, radiation fog.
necton (is),nekton. -de la sotdadura, welding haze.
nef elina, nef elita f (miner), nepheho, nephelite. nieve f, snow.
nefelinita f (geol), nephelinite. - carbbnica, dry ice.
negativa f (fma) (M),negative. niple m (tub), nipple.
negativo m, (pmy) negative; a negative. -corto, short nipple.
negatrbn m (ra), negatron ; electron. -de asiento (pet), seating nipple.
negociado m,bureau. department, division. -de botella, bell nipple.
-de patentes, patent ofice. --- de largo minimo o de rosca corrida, close
negrillo m (min), black silver, stephanite. nipple.
negro na a, black. - - -- de tanque, tank nipple.
-bueno, el (C), (str) old man; Or) rail bender, -de unibn, union nipple.
jim-crow. -elevador (pet), lifting nipple.
niple 215 niveladora
-estrangulador, choke nipple.
-largo, long nipple.
-de aire o de butbuja, spirit level.
-de anteojo corta, dumpy level.
-para manguera, hose nipple. -de apogos en Y, Y level.
-para soldar, soldering or welding nipple. -de base, (r) base level; (tv) pedestal level.
- reductor conc6ntric0, concentric reducing
-de bolsillo, pocket level.
-de comparaci6n, datum.
nfquel m, nickel.
- arsenical, niccolite, arsenical nickel.
-de control (inst), control level.
de cuerda, a line level.
niquelado, nickel-plated. -de equilibria (pozo), standing level.
niquelffero, containing nickel. -de hormigonado (conc), lift h e .
dquelina f, (miner) niccolite, copper nickel; -de horquetas, Y level.
niclceline (alloy). -de intensidad de sonido (m), loudness leveL
niquelocre m, nickel ocher, annabergite. -de mano, hand or Locke level.
~ s f a(mad), tupelo, black gum, bay poplar. -del mar, sea level.
nitidez f (tv) (fma) definition.
,), -de mira (lev), rod level.
nitradora f, nitrator. -de negro (tv), black level.
nitral m,nitrera f, nitrate bed. -de nonio, vernier level.
nitrar, to nitrate. -de pendiente, slope gage.
nitratha f, nitratine, caliche, native sodium ni- -de peralte (fc)(Ch), a track level.
trate. -de perpendlculo, plumb and level.
nitrato m, nitrate. -de plomar (lev), rod level.
-de soda, sodium nitrate, nitrate of soda. -de portadora (ra) , carrier level.
nitreria f, nitrate reduction works. -de potencia (el&), power level.
nitrico, nitric. -de prisma, prism level.
ni-cacibn f, nitr~fication. -de referencia, datum plane; (rs) reference
nitrificador m, nitrifier. level.
nitrito m, nitrite. - de respirad6n (act), breathing line (5 feet
nitro m, niter, saltpeter. above floor).
-potiisico, potash niter, potassium nitrate. -de ruido (ra), loudness level; noise level.
- sbdico, soda niter, sodium nitrate.
nitroalgodh m, nitrocottan, gunootton.
-de seAal (ra), signal level.
- de torpedo, torpedo level.
nitroalmid6n m (vol), nitrostarch. - de via, a track level.
nitrobacterias f, nitrobacteria. -franc& (M),Y level.
niirobenceno m, nitrobensene. - fre&tico,ground-water level, water table.
-geod6sico (inst), geodetic level.
nitrobenzol m, nitrobenzol, nitrobensene.
nitrocelulosa f , nitrocellulose. -medio del mar, mean sea level.
nitrogelatina j (vol), nitrogelatin. - montado o montante (inst), striding level.
nitfogenado, nitrogenous. - para constructor, a builder's level.
nitrogenar, to nitrogenize. -para j a l h (lev), rod level.
nitr6geno m, nitrogen. - rigido, dumpy level.
-albuminoideo (is), albuminoid nitrogen. -taquimgtrico de mano, stadia hand level
- amoniacal (is), ammonia nitrogen. nivelacidn f, leveling; grading.
-de nitrates, nitrate nitrogen. - barombtrica, barometric leveling.
nitroglicerina f, nitroglycerine. - compuesta, compound leveling.
- gelatinada (vol) , gelatinized nitroglycerine. -de precisitin, precise leveling.
nitr6metro m, nitrometer. -taquimbtrica, stadia leveling.
nitronaftalina f, nitronaphthalene. -trigonom6trica, trigonometric leveling.
nitrosaci6n f, nitrification. nivelada f (Es), (surv) a sight.
nitroso, nitrous. - de adeIante o de frente, foresight.
nitrosomonas f (is), nitrosomonas. - de atrls o de espalda, baoksight.
aitrosulfiirico, nitrosulphuric. nivelador m, (surv) levelman; (ce) grader.
nitrotolueno m, nitrotoluol m, nitrotoluene, ni- -de arrastre, pull grader. r
trotoluol. -de cafia (as), cane leveler or kicker.
nitruraci6n f (met), &riding. niveladora f, grader, road scraper.
nitmro m, nitride. -automotriz, motor grader.
nivel m, grade, levcl, elevation; (inst) level. -cargadora o elevadora, elevating grader.
- aptomador o de albaiiil, plumb and level, -de arrastre, drawn or pull grader.
mason's level. - de cuchilla o de hoja, blade grader.
-basculante (inst), tilting lcvel. -- de empuje angular, trailbuilder, bullgrader
- caballero (Es), striding level. angledozer.
-con plomada, plumb lcvel. -de patrulla, patrol grader.
-de Abney, Abney level. -de rueda recta, straight-wheel grader.
-de agricultor, farm level. -de ruedas inclinables, leaning-wheel grader
--- de agrimensor o de anteojo, orlgineer's level. - de subrasantes, subgrader.
- de agua (inst), water level. -empujadora, bulldozer.
- del agua, water level (pond). - exacta, finegradty,
niveladora oblicuo
-para ensanche de caminos, road widener. -testigo (sx), boring or sample core.
nivelar, to level, grade; to run levels; (rr) to SUP nudill0 m, plug; nailing block set in masonry;
face. (rf) (V) collar beam.
niveleta f (Es), T-shaped rod for sighting in nudo m, knot (rope) ; (lbr) knot ; (tu) panel point,
points on a grade. connection ; (p) coupling; (naut) knot,
nivel6metro m, Levelometer (trademark). (top) junction of mountain ranges; (su)
nivomitrico (A), pertaining t o measurement of node of cane.
snow. ---apretado (mad), sound or fast h o t , inter-
nivdmetro m (A), snow gage. grown knot (live branch j.
nobleza f , richness (ore). -blando (mad), rotten knot.
noctovisidn f (tv) , noctovision. -corredizo (cab), running knot or bowline;
nodal (mat), nodal. slip or sliding knot.
nodo m, (math)(elec) node; (str) (A) (M) panel -de 10s aseguradores (el&), underwriters'
point. knot.
-de corriente (elk), current node. -de presilla (cab), b o w h e knot.
-de salida (fma), emergence node. -de rizos (cab), reef or flat or square knot.
-de tensiirn (elbc), voltage node. -derecho, flat or reef knot; carrick bend.
nodulaciSn f, nodulation. -encajado (mad), encased knot (dead branch).
nodular, nodular. -flojo (mad), loose knot,.
' nddulo m (geol), nodule. -llano (cab), flat or reef knot.
nogal m (mad), walnut. -sano (mad), sound or tight or red knot.
-americano, hickory. ---- vicioso (mad), unsound or loose knot.
-blanco, butternut, white walnut. nudoso (mad), knotty.
nombre (m) de fiibrica, trade name. nuez f, drill chuck; ball-and-socket.
ndmina f , payroll, list, statement. numerador m, numerator; numbering machine.
nomogrlfico, nomographic. numtkico, numerical.
nomograms m, nomograph, nomogram, align- nfimero m,number.
ment chart. - atbmico, atomic number.
nonio m, vernier. -cetlnico, cetane number.
-retrbgrado, retrograde vernier. -cuiintico, quantum number.
nonius m (Es), vernier. -de emulsi6n a vapor, steam emulsion number
noray m, mooring post or bitt, bolIard. (oil).
nordeste m a , northeast. -de fiibrica (maq), shop or factory number.
noria f, well; chain pump; bucket elevator; any- -de indice Diesel, Diesel index number.
thing operated by endless chain; (C) pool. -de masa [qdm), mass number.
-elevadora o de cangilones, bucket elevator. -de neutralizacibn, neutralization number
norma f, norm, standard, pattern. (oil j-
normal f a, standard, normal; (math) normal, -de precipitacih (quim), precipitation num-
perpendicular. ber .
normalidad f (quim) , normality. -de Reynolds (tub), Reynolds number.
normalizar, to standardize; to normalize (iron). -de saponilicacidn (qulrn), saponification
noroeste m a, northwest. number.
norte m a, north. -de serie (maq), serial or shop number.
--- de brirjula, compass north. -de tinte (lab), dye number.
-magnitico, magnetic north. -de transferencia (qufm), transport or trans-
-verdadero, true north. ference number.
novaculita f (geol), novaculite. -de viscosidad, viscosity number.
nuclear, nuclear, nucleal. -de yodo, iodine value or number.
nGcleo m, core; nucleus; (elec) kernel. -pH (is), pH number.
-- celular, cellular core wall (dam). numulitico (geol), nummulitic.
--- de i r e (el&), air core. nutacibn f, nutation.
-de srcilla (hid), puddle core.
---- de cable metaco, independent wire-rope
--- de ciiiiama (cab), hemp center. iiandubay m, a South American hardwood.
-de cordirn met&lico o de torbn de alambre, fiir6 m, an Argentine lumber (semihard).
(wr) wire-strand core.
-de cuerda (cab elkc), rope core.
-del inducido (elkc), armature core.
-de perforacidn, drill core. obenque m, guy; abenques (cn), shrouds.
-de p6lvora (mccha de yol), powder train or objetivo m, object glsss, objective.
core. -gran angular (fma), wide-angle lens.
-del radiator (auto), radiator core. obliculngulo, oblique-angled.
-del transformador, transformer core. oblicuar, to cant, skew.
-Bbroso, (wr) fiber core. - "
oblicuidad f, skew. obliauitv.
- magnWco, core of a magnet. oblicuo, oblique, skew.
obligaciones 217 ofertante
obligaciones, liabilities. -de la gasolina (auto), throttle.
obligacionista, bondholder. -de hojas paralelas (frna), pardel-leaf shut-
~bligado(C), tight, strained, forced. ter.
obra f , work; job, project; structure. -de laminillas (frna), laminated shutter.
- blanca (carp) (A) (U),trim, millwork. - de laminillas giratorias (frna), rotating-leaf
- caminera, road work.
de mano, labor; handwork. -
de laminillas radiales (frna), radial-leaf shut-
- de tierra, dirt moving, earthwork.
extra (C), extra work. -
de persiana (fma), louver shutter.
- falsa, (Mg) (C) (M) falsework; (cone) (C) -de plano focal (fma), focaI-plane shutter.
- forms.
limpia (V), masonry or woodwork not pIas-
de produccibn (pet), production packer.
de traslado (pet), crossover paoker.
dentro del objetivo (frna), between-the-lens
-muerta, (sb) upper works; &yd)(sb) f r e e shutter.
board; (pet) deadwood. obturar, to stop up, plug, seal; (auto) to throttle.
-viva, (na) submerged part of a s s p ; (mech) obtus&ngulo,obtuse-angled.
(C) moving parts. obtuso, obtuse.
obras, works, jobs.
de acueducto o de agua, waterworks.
de aduccidn (hid), headworks, intake works,
ocasih, de, secondhand, used; at a bargain.
occidental, western.
ocdano pn; oaean.
headrace, approach canal. oclusidn j,occlusion.
- de arranque 0 de cabecera (hid), headworks. oconita f (ais), okonite.
- de arte, structures dong a railroad, canal, or ocote m (M), pine.
highway. ocozol m (mad), gum.
- de captacibn (hid), impounding works; (Pe) ocre m,ocher.
headworks, intake. -amarillo (miner), yellow ocher or earth,
- de excedencias (hid) (M), spillway struc- limonite.
ture, wasteway. - azul, mineral blue, armrite.
- de toma (hid), intake works, headworks.
fiscales (Ch), public works.
-colorado (miner)(pigmento), red ocher.
-de antimonio, aqtirnony ocher, native anti-
- Jigeras (cn), upper works. mony oxide.
- portuarias, port works. - de niquel, annabergite, nickel ocher.
-negro, bhck ocher, wad, bog manganese.
-pbblicas, public works.
- viales, road work. octagonal, octagonal.
octigono m, octagon; a uctagonal,
obrador m, workman; workshop; working plat-
form; (A) constluction plant. octal (ra), octal,
obraje m,working, manufacture; workshop; (A) octanaje m, octane xating.
lumber camp. octlinico, a octane.
obrajeria f (B), lumber shed. octano m, octane.
obrajero m, foreman; (B) W e d workman; (A) octante na (mat) (inst), octant.
lumberman. octava f (ra), octave.
obrar, to work; to construct, make. octavalente (qufm), octavalent.
obrero m, workman; Laborer. octavo m, one eighth.
- de la vla (fo), trackman, track laborer. octodo m (ra), octode.
- diestro, skiUed workman. octagonal, octagonal.
- electricista, electrician's helper; any elec- octQgonom, octagon.
octosa f (aa), octoae.
trical worker.
observaci6n f, observation. ocular m, eyepiece, ocular; a ocular.
observador m,observer. -reticulado, filar eyepiece.
obsidians f, obsidian, volcanic glass. -simple, simple eyepiece (invertid image).
obsidianita f (geol) , obsidianite. - tenestre o de imagen recta, terrestrial or
obsolescencia f (Ch), obsolescence. erecting eyepiece.
obsoleto (C), obsolete. oculto (elk), concealed.
obstruir, t o obstruct, block. ocupacibn f, occupation, job, trade.
obturado por aire, airbound. ochava f , beveled corner of a building a t street
obturador on, plug, stopper; (pb) trap; (auto) intersection.
choke; (pet) packer; (prny) shutter, stop; ochavado, octagonal.
(auto) throttle. ochavar, to make octagonal; (A) to bevel the
-central (fma),between-the-lens shutter. corner of rt building.
-del aire (auto), choke. oddgrafo m, odograph.
- de cement0 (pet), cementing plug. od6metro m, odometer, hodometer.
-de circulacibn (pet), circulation packer. odontbgrafo m,odontograph.
- de cortinilla (frna), louver shutter. oersted m (elbo), oerated.
- de diafragma iris (frna), iris-diaphragm shut- aeste rn,west.
oferta f, bid, proposal, tender.
- ter.
de flujo (pet), flow packer. ofertantc (A), bidder.
oficial onda 1
oficial m, officer, of6cial; journeyman, worker at olor m, odor.
a trade (skilled, semiskiued, or helper olorimetro m, odorimeter, odorometer.
according to locality) ; a official. olla f, pot, dish. I
-carpintero, journeyman carpenter, -de remolino (r), pothole. I
-major, chief clerk. -para fundir, melting pot. !
oficina f, office; workshop; (Ch)nitrate works. -para soldadura, solder pot.
- central o matriz, headquarters, main office. ollao m,grommet hole in canvas, eyelet grommet.
-de beneficio o de fusibn, smelter. olleta f (top), pothole.
- de campo, field office. ombr6grafo m, recording rain gage, ombrograph, I
- meteorol6gica, weather bureau. ombrhmetro m, rain gage, ombrometer.
- salitrera (Ch), nitrate works. dmnibus m, bus, omnibus.
-, barra (elec), bua bar.
oficinista, office employee.
oficio m , trade, occupation; official letter. -de trole, trolley coach. I .
oficios de edScaci611, building trades. omnfgrafo m (tel), omnigraph. I

ofita f (geol), ophite (diabase). omnfmetro m (lev), omnimeter. I

6hmic0, ohmic. onda f, wave; (elec) surge, impulse.
ohmlmetro, ohmihmetro, 6hmmetro m, ohm- -acGstica, sound wave.
meter. -amortiguada (el&), damped wave. I
ohmio m (el&), ohm. -celeste o de cielo (ra)(A), sky or indirect or I
ohmio-milla, ohm-mile. ionospheric wave.
-conductora (ra) (A), carrier wave. I
ojada f (Col), skylight; putIog hole.
ojal m, loop; grommet; eyelet. - continua interrumpida (ra), interrupted con- I
-con tuerca, eye nut. tinuous wave.
-de arandela, washer grommet. -corta, de (ra) , short-wave.
- de candado, padlock eye. -cuadrada (ra), square wave.
-de pGas, teeth grommet. -de compresi6n o de empuje (vibracidn), push
-para cable, thimble; grommet. or compression or P wave.
ojalador m (Ec), punch. -de corte (vibracihn), shear or transverw or
ojete m, ear (elec rr); eyelet. S wave.
ojillo m, eyelet, eye, grommet. -de dilatacih (geof) , dilational wave.
-de platillo, pad eye, eye plate, -de explosi6n (geof), blast wave.
- giratorio, swivel eye. -de frecuencia acirstica, voice-frequency elec-
ojiva j, ojive, rib of a groined arch. tric wave.
ojo m ,eye; opening, span, bay. -de llamada (ra), calling wave.
-de agua, spring. -de oscilaci6n9oscillating or gregarious wave,
- de buey, bull's-eye; porthole, air port. - de reposo (ra), spacing or back wave.
-da la cerradura o de la llave, keyhole. -de retroceso (explosive), retonation wave.
-de la escalera, stair well. -de seiial (ra), signal wave.
-de puente, bridge span, bay of a bridgo. -d e tierra (ra), ground wave.
- el6ctrico (Es), electric eye, photoelectric cell. -de trabajo (ra)(A), signal wave.
-mHgico (ra) (M), magic eye, tuning indicator -de translacibn, translatory wave.
tube. -diente de sierra (ra), saw-tooth wave.
- tip0 de azuela (herr), adz eye. -dirigida (ra), guided wave.
-tip0 de hacha (herr), ax eye. -eI6ctrica o hertziana, electric or hertzian
ola f, wave. wave.
---- de fondo, ground swell; ground roller. -entretenida (ra) (A), c o n t h ~ o u wave.
-estacionaria o de interferencia, standing -espaciadora (tel) (A), spacing wave.
wave. -espacial (ra) (A), sky or indirect or iono-
olaje m, wave action, waves, wave motion. spheric wave.
oleada f, big wave; surge; swell. -extraelevada (ra) (A), ultrashort wave.
oleaginoso, oleaginous. - fija, standing wave.
oleaje m , wave action, waves; aurge, hydraulic - insertada (ra) , insert wave.
bore. -limltrofe (geof), hntmdary wave.
oIeato aluminico, aluminum oleate. -marcadora (tcl) , marking wave.
6ko m, oil. -modulada por llave (elk), telegraph-modu-
oleoducto m, pipe line for oil. lated wave.
oleBmetro m,oleometer. ---- oscilatoria (elk), oscillatory surge.
oleoneurn&tico, oleopneumatic. -plana (ra) , plane wave.
oleosidad I (lu), oiliness. --- polarizada horizontalmente (ra) , horizon-
oleoso, oily. tally polarized wave.
oligisto m,oligist, hematite, specular iron ore. -portadora o transportadora (elk), carrier
-midceo, micaceous iron ore, hematite, wave.
-rojo, red iron ore, hematite. -refleja o reflejada (ra), reflected or indirect
oligoclasa f (miner), oligoclase. wave; echo.
oligoclasita f (geol), oligoclasite. -senoidal o sinusoide, sine wave.
olmo m, elm. --- se~aradorattel), spscing or back wave.
- seisrnia ray. I oceja f,lug, lobe, flange; fluke of an anchor; claw
sonora, wave.
sostenida (ra), continuous wave.
terrestre Ira), ground wave. -
of a hammer; (elec rr) ear.
-de alimentacidn (fc el&), feeder ear.
de anclaje, (eleo) outrigger; (elec rr) strain
- transversal (vibracibn), shear or transverse ear.
or S wave. - de empdme (fo el&$, splicing em.
ondgmetro m (ra), wavemeter. -de traccih (or), grouser.
de absorcibn, absorption wavemeter.
heterodino, heterodyne wavemeter or fre-
- tensora (fc elk), strain ear.
orejeta V) de nteda (auto), wheel lug.
quency meter. orejeta de soldadura, solder lug.
ondImetro m (A) (Ed, wavemeter. orgbnico, organic.
ondfigrafo m (el&), ondograph. organismo m, orgmism.
ondograma m (el&), ondogram. Brgano m (mec), part, piece, member, device,
ondoscopio rn (el&), ondoscopo. appliance.
ondulaci6n f, undulation. 6rganos
ondulado, corrugated; wavy. - de desprendimiento (elkc), r e l e d g gear, '
ondulatorio, undulatory. trip mechanism.
onza f, ounce. -
- liquida, fluid ounce. -
de mando de la villvula, valve gear.
de maquinaria, machine parts.
oolita f (geol), oijlite. -de regulacibn, regulating mechanism.
opacador m (auto)(U), dimmer. organoldptico (is),organoleptic.
opacidad f, opacity. orientacidn f, (surv) (ohern) (miner) (math) orien-
opaco, opaque. tation; (pmy) heading.
opalescencia f, opalescence. -de base (fma), b a d orientation.
opalescente, opalescent. -relativa (fma),relative orientation.
operable a mano, manually operabIe. orientador m, orientator.
operacibn f , operation, working.
operaciones de campafia o de campo, fieId work.
operaciones de escritorio o de gabinete, office orificio m, orifice, hole.
work. -dargado (est),slotted hole.
operaciones de taller, shopwork. -de admisibn, (eng) intake port.
operador m, engine runner, operator; workman; - de aristas vivas o d e borde d a d o (hid),
(A) telegraph operator; (surv) (Sp) (A) in- sharp-edged orifice.
strurnentman; (Sp) tool. -de drenaje, weep or drain hole.
operar, to run, operate, work. -de entrada fedondeada {hid), rounded-ap
operario m, workman, laborer, operative; engine proach oritice.
runner. - de escape, (eng) exhaust part.
operario-herrrrmentista, machinist, operator of a -de estrangulacidn, throttling orifice.
machine tool. -de purga, drain hde.
oposicidn f (el&), opposition. -de revisibn, inspectim hole,
opresor m, setscrew; (M) cable clip. -gula, pilot hole.
- de cub0 rmurado, fluted-socket setscrew.
-de macho corto, half-dog-point setscrew.
- sin contracci6n (hid), suppressed orifice.
-sumexgido (hid), submerged brace.
-de macho largo, full-dog-point setscrew. origen m (lev) (mat), origin.
- de punta ahuecada, cup-point setscrew. orma f, edge; (r) bank, sho~e;(rd) shoulder.
- de punta c6nica, cone-point setscrow. -cortante, cutting edge.
-de punta chata, flat-point setscrew. -de acera, curb.
-de punta ovalada, oval-head setscrew. -del camino, roadside.
-hueco, socket or hollow setscrew. -del mar, seacoast.
-sin cabeza, headiess setscrew. o r h m, rust.
6ptic0, optical. orina f, orines m, urine.
bptimo, optimum. orinal, oxinario m, urinal.
oquedad f, cavity, hollow; (M) porosity, - de pared, wall urinal.
orden f, order, command. -de pie, pedestal urinal,
- de compra, purchase order. -recto, stall urinal.
orden m, order, succession, sequence. orinola f (F), urinal.
- alternado (sol), wanderine; sequence. orinque m, buoy rope.
-de aterrizaje (ap), landing sequence. orla freltica (A), oapillary fringu.
- de encendido (mg), firing order.
-de retroeeso (sol), step-back sequence.
oro m, gold.
-corrido (Gh),alluvia1 gold.
-equilibrado (sol), balanced sequence, orogrbiico, orngraphic.
ordenada f, ordinate, off set. ordgrafo m (lev), orograph.
- media, middle ordinate. orohidrografia f, orohydrography.
ordenanzas (f) de edifimdSn, building lam or orohidrogrCfico, orohydrographio.
code. ordmetro m, orometer.
orear (C), t o ventilate; to aerate. orticdn m (tv), Orthicon (trademark),
orticonoscopio m (ra), orthiconoscope. Ovolo m,quarter round.
ortoaluminato (m) de calcio, calcium orthoalu- oxalato m, oxalate.
rninate. -de amonio (is), ammonium oxaIata
ortoclasa f (miner), orthocItbse. -potlsico, potassium oxalate.
ortoclasita f (geol), orthoclasite. oxllico, oxalic.
ortocllstico, orthocIastic. oxiacetilihico a, oxyacetylene.
ortocrornltico, orthochromatic. oxicloruro (m) d e plomo, lead oxychloride.
ortofira f (geol), orthophyre. oxidabilidad f, oxidizability.
ortofosfato c81cic0, calcium orthophosphate, bone oxidable, oxidi*able.
phosphate. oxidacih f , oxidation, rusting.
o r t o e e i s m (geol), orthogneiss. -fraccionada, fractional oxidation.
ortogond, orthogonal, right-angled. oxidante m, oxidant.
ortogrlfico (mat), orthographic. oxidat, to oxidize; oxidarse, to rust.
ortosa f (miner), orthocIase, orthose. oxidasa f (is), oxidase.
ortosilicato ( m ) de calcio, calcium orthosilicate. Bxido m. oxide.
odosilicico, orthosilicic. -carb6nic0, carbonic oxide, carbon monoxide.
ortotolidina f (quim), orthotolidine. -cdprico, copper or cupric oxide, (miner) ten-
orugas f, crawler tread, caterpillar mounting. orite.
oscilacitin f, oscillation. - cuproso, cuprous oxide, red oxide of copper,
-amortiguada, damped oscillation. copper suboxide.
-forzada (elbe), forced oscillation. - de calcio, calcium oxide, quicklime.
- parksita (ra) , parasitic oscillation. - de cinc, zinc oxide, (miner) zincite.
-de hierro, iron oxide.
oscilador rn (mec) (elec)(ra), oscillator.
-a cristal (ra), crystal oscillator. -de magnesio, magnesium oxide, magnesia.
-a vhlvula, vacuum-tube oscillator. -fLrrico hidratado, hydrous ferric oxide.
-autocontrolado, self-excited oscillator. -ferrosof6rrico o magn6tic0, ferrosoferric or
-barredero (ra), sweep oscillator. magnetic iron oxide.
-d e acoplamiento electrdnico (ra), electron- -hidrico, hydrogen oxide, water.
coupled oscillator. -rojo de cinc, zincite, red zinc ore, red oxide
-de audiofrecuencia (ra), audio or a u d i o f r ~ of zinc.
quency oscillator. oxidrili6n m, hydroxyl ion.
-de bloqueo (ra), blocking oscillator. oxidrilo m, hydroxyl.
-de desviacijn vertical, vertical-deflection oxigenar, to oxygenate.
oscillator. oxigeno m, oxygen.
-de frecuencia variable, variable-frequency oxihidrato m, oxyhydrate.
oscillator. oxihidrico, oxyhydric.
-de parrilla, grate rocker. oxiliquido m, liquid oxygen.
-de prueba (ra), test or all-wave oscillator. oxinitrato rn, oxynitrate.
-de pulsaci6n (ra), beat osciIlator. oxisal f, acid salt.
-de relajamiento (ra), relaxation oscillator. oxisulfato m,oxysulphate.
-de toda onda (ra), signal or all-wave oscilla- oxisulfuro m,oxysulphide.
tor. oyamel m, a Mexican pine.
- piezoel6ctric0, piezo oscillator. ozonador, ozonizador m (pa), ozonator, ozonizer.
-tip0 explosor (el&), spark-gap oscillator. ozonar, ozodicar, ozonizar, to ozonize, ozonate.
oscilar, t o oscillate, swing. mono m, azona f , ozone.
oscilatorio, oscillating. ozonometria f,ozonometry.
oscilografia f , oscillography. ozonSmetro m, ozonometer.
oscilogrMico, oscillographic. ozonoscSpico, ozonoscopic.
oscilbgrafo, oscillograph. ozonoscopio m, ozonoscope.
--- electrbnico, cathode-ray or electronic oscil-
oscilograma m, oscillogram.
osciloscopio m , oscillnscope. pabeflBn m, bellmouth; tent, canopy; 0auto
-de rayos cat8dicos, eathodway oscilloscope. hood; (Ch) shed.
osmio m (quim), osmium. - dormitorio (PR), bunkhouse.
osmondita f (met), osmondite. pabilo m, wick; packing; ( C ) calking yarn.
bsmosis f, osmosis. paca j, bale.
osmdtico, osmotic. pacana (mad), pecan.
osteocola f, animal gIue. pacarh m, a South American lumber (sernihmd),
otero m, hill, knoll. paco m (miner), paco.
ovado, 01-atme, oval. pacurf m (A), a hardwood.
oval a, oval. paflbn m, softit.
ovalado, oval, dotted (hole), pagador m, paymaster.
ovalizar, to make oval. pagadurla f, paymaster's office.
h a l o m, oval. pagari m, (corn) note.
ovoide, egg-shaped, ovoid. pago m, payment.
Pa20 231 pdanquita
- a1 contado, cash payment.
a cuenta, payment on account.
-para puntear (A), spade.
-punta corazdn (A), round-point shovel.
- anticipado, advance payment.
aplazado, deferred payment.
-punta cuadrada, square-point shovel.
-rasadora, skimmer SCOOP.
palla f, boiler (small). -redonda, round-point shovel.
pailerla f, (C)boiler shop, boilermaking; (M) -retroexcavadora, dragshovel, puIlshovel.
coppersmith shop. pullscoop.
pauero m (C), boilermaker. -topadora (A), bulldozer.
-transportadora, carrying or Carryall or haul-
painel na,' panel.
paisajista m, landscape engineer or contractor. ing scraper.
paja f, straw. -volcadora (A), %rag scraper.
- de agua, measure of water equaI to 2 cu crn
per sec plus. (In some places K6 of a
-zanjadora, ditching shovel, trench. hoe.
pala-draga, pala-grGa rastrera, dragline excava-
marco.) tor.
- de madera, excelsior.
pajareque m (V)(AC), see bahareque.
palada f , shovellul.
paladio na (qdm) , palladium.
pajuela f (vol) (M), fuse. palagonita f (geol), palagonite.
pala f , shovel; blade; paddle ; scraper. palanca f, lever, crowbar; arm of a couple; pur-
a cuchara (A), power shovel. chase; (A) steel billet.
- a guinche (A), cable-operated scraper. - acodillada o angular, bell crank.
a vapor, steam shovel. -de acoplamiento (A), clutch lever.
---- aplanadora (A), skimmer scoop. -de adrizamiento (an), righting arm or lever.
- carbonera, scoop or coal or fire shovel. - de aguja (fc), switch lever.
-con balde de arrastre (A), dragline excava- -de balancin, rocker lever.
tor. - de cambio, (rr) switch lever; (auto) gearshift
-con empuiiadura de estribo o con puiia de lever; (mt) quick-change or change-gear
asa, D-handle shovel. lever.
- cuadrada, squarepoint shovel. - de cambio de marcha, reversing lever; gear-
- de arrastre, drag or slip scraper; trench hoe, shift lever.
pullshove1, backdigger. - de contramarcha o de inpersitin, reversing
de arrastre giratoria, rotary scraper.
de azadbn, backdigger, pullshovel. -
de chucho (fc), switch laver,
-de bencina, gmoline shovel. - de detencidn, braking lever, sprag.
- de buey o de caballo, drag or slip scraper. -de distribucih (mg), timing lever.
de cable de arrastre, dragline excavator.
de carnib, truck shovel.
- del freno, brake lever,
-de fricci6n, friction-clutch lever.
-de cub0 (A), scoop shovel. -de gancho, oant hook, peayy.
- de cuchara, scoop shovel, coaI scoop. - de Ieva, cam lever.
de chuzo (min), round-point shovel.
de empuje recto (V), bulldozer.
- de mando, control lever.
-de maniobra, operating lever; (rr) switch
- de fogonero, coal scoop.
de fuerza o de potencia, power shovel.
-de mango largo, long-hmdled shovel.
lever; handspike.
-de Ia media tuerca (mh) , half-nut lever.
-de quijada (cn), wheeze bar.
- de palear (A), square-point shovel; shovel of -del regulador (loco), throttle lever.
-de tumba (fc), ground. or tumbling lever.
any type as opposed to a spade.
- de punta (Es) ,round-point shoveL - de vaivgn, rocker arm.
- de reverso abierto, hollow-back shovel, -de vslvula (mg), valve lever, rocker arm.
---de reverso liso, plain-back shovel. -de velocidades (auto), gearshift lever.
- de ruedas, wheeled scraper. -disparadora, tripping lever.
- del tim6n (cn), rudder blade. - en T, T crank.
-de tiro (ec), dragshovel, pullshovel, trench -inversora del avance (mh), feed-reverse
hoe. lever.
-de traccihn, traction shovel. - oscilante, rocker lever.
- de tractor, tractor excavator or shovel. -ruptora (auto), breaker wm.
-desencapadora, stripping shovel. palangaria f , washbasin; water-closet bowl.
-empujadora, dozer shovel. palanque m (M), barring, working with a bar.
- excavadora (Es), power shovel. palanguear, to pry.
-flotante, dipper dredge. palanquero m, (Ch) brakeman; (Col) timberman.
- fresno, fresno scraper. pdanqueta f, handspike; small lever.
-bidrhulica de arrastre, hydraulic scraper. palanquilla f, (A) (Sp) steel billet.
-meclnica, power shovel. pdanquita f, small lever.
-neumatica, pneumatic clay spade, air spade; - de desembrague (auto), clutch-release lever.
(A) pneumatically operated scraper. -de desenganche, trip lever.
-niveladora, skimmer scoop. - del encendido (auto), spark lever.
-oval (M) , round-point shovel. -de estrangulaciBn o del obturador (auto),
1 -para hogos, posthole or telegraph shovel. throttle lever.
-del interruptor (elh), switch lever or key. paludismo m, malaria.
palastrear, t o trowel. palustre m, trowel; a swampy, marshy.
palastro m, plate steel; sheet metal; steel slab. palustrear, t o trowel.
-de ensamble, gusset plate. palustrillo m, pointing trowel.
-de hierro, sheet iron. pallete m (nAut), fender mat, cargo mat.
-en bruto (met) (est), steel slab. pampa f , flat country, prairie, pampas.
-ondulado, corrugated sheets. pamper0 m (A) (U) , thunderstorm, line squall.
palafistre m, trowel. pan m, a cake or lump of anything, a pat.
palconcellos m (hid) (A), stop logs. - de c a r b h , coal briquet.
paleador m, shoveler. - de hierro, pig of iron.
paleadora f (Pe) , power shovel. -de tierra, soil cake.
palear, t o pound; to shovel. panales m (conc), honeycomb.
palendra f (Col), shovel, spade. pancromktico, panchromatic.
paleo m, shoveling. pancromatismo m, panchromatism.
palero m, shoveler; (min) timberman. pancho m (pi) (Ch), drop hammer.
paleta f, small shovel; b l ~ d etrowel;
; blade t a m p panda f (C), sag; warp.
er; pallet; paddle; (turb) wicket, vane; pandear, to buckle, sag, bulge.
(turb) bucket; (mech) pallette. pandeo m, buckling, sagging, bulging.
-acabadora, finishing trowel. panderete m, course of brick laid on edge; wall
-de amasar, gaging trowel. of brick on edge; wall 1 brick thick.
-de la hglice, propeller blade. panel m, panel; bay of a building.
-de madera (mam) , float. ---- del despachador (asc), starter's panel.
-de regulacibn, wicket of a turbine, guide - de instrumentos (auto), instrument board.
. -.-.. -deprimido (ed conc), drop panel.
-de yesero, plasterer's paddle. panela f (V), panel; flat tile; brown sugar.
--- directriz o guiadora (turb), guide vane, panino m (min) (M), country rock.
panizo m (Ch) (B), gangue.
wicket gate.
-esparcidora (ca) spreader-finisher.
-espumadora (az), foam scraper.
panne f, breakdown, engine failure.
panorlmico, panoramic.
paletada f, trowelful. pantalla f, screen; (inst) sunshade; (hyd) core
paletador (conc), spader. wan, cutoff wall, face slab (dam); (w) face
paletazo m, stroke of a trowel. shield.
paletbn m (Have), bit, web. --- actistica (ra), baffle.
palm m,spade. -antideslumbrante (auto), glare shield.
-neumgtico (V), clay digger, air spade. - antidifusma (il), spiil shield.
paliza f (Ec), split-cane base for mud plaster. ---- central hueca (hid), cellular core wall.
palizada f? fence, palisade, stockade; trestle bent. -carrediza (hid), traveling screen.
-para nieve, snow fence. -de agua (cal), waterwall.
palma, palmera f, palm. -de aguas arriba, deck (Ambursen dam).
palmejares (cn), cargo battens. --- de arcifIa (hid), puddle core; clay blanket.
p-er m (A), micrometer crtlipcr. --- de color, color screen.
palmito m, palmetto. -de impermeabilizacih, core wall (dam).
palo m, pole, log, timber, mast, staff. -de rebote (is), baffle.
- amargo (A), a hardwood. -electrostltica (ra), electrostatic shield.
- blanco, whitewood, poplar.
--- brasil, brazilwood.
-Paraday (elk), Faraday cage, electrostatic
-de arnarre, mooring post. -- magngtica, magnetic screen or shield.
---- de hierro, ironwood, breakax. -rnosaica (tv), mosaic.
- de hierro blanco, white ironwood, Madeira -nuclear (hid), core wall.
wood. -plana (A), flat slab (dam).
-de interruptor (el&), switch stick. pantano m, lake, reservoir; swamp, bog, marsh.
- de lama, lancewood. -de reserva, storage reservoir.
-de mesana (cn), mizzenmast. -regdador, regulating reservoir.
-de rosa, rosewood. pantanoso, swampy, marshy.
--- de trinquete (en), foremast. pantelegrafo m, pantelegraph, facsimile tcle-
-- macho (cn), pole mast; lower mast. graph.
--- rniirmol, a hardwood. pantogriifico, pantographic.
-mayor (cn) , mainmast. pantSgrafo m, pantograph.
-piedra (A), a hardwood. pantbmetaa f, pantometer.
-santo, lignum vitae. pantometrfa f, pantometry.
palometa f (B), wall bracket. pantomdtrico, pantometric.
palomilla f, wall bracket ; bearing, journal box. pantbmetro m, pantorneter; bevel square.
-de batandilla, handrail bracket. pantoque m (cn), bilge, turn of the bilge. I
-de pared (elk), house or wall brackct. pant6scop0, pantoscopio m, pantoscope.
--- para davar (el&), drive bracket. panza f, belly of a vessel; entnsjs of a column.
paltidico, malarial. - de pescado, fish belly, bulge.
paHetada f (Col), batch of mortar. paribola f,parabola.
paHete m (Col), mortar, plaster, stucco. parabSlico, parabolic.
paiio m, panel; cloth; (A) sash of a double-hung paraboloide m, paraboloid.
window. parabrisa m, windshield.
- de liltro. filter cloth. paracaidas m, safety device on an elevator; para-,
p a 0 1 m,storeroom; bin. chute.
- de carbbn ( C ) , coalbin. paracarbonilla m, cinder trap.
papdote m (M), w i n d d . parac8ntric0, paracentric.
papel m, paper. paraclasa f (geol), thrust, fault.
- aceitado (ais), oiled paper. paracolon (lab), paracolon.
- aislador, insulating paper. parachispas m, spark arrester.
- alquitranado, tar paper. parachoque m, bumper, buffer.
- asbestino, asbestos paper. parada f, a stop; obstruction; (hyd) diversion
- brillante (fma) , glossy paper. dam; shutdown, (elec) outage; (M) shift
- carbdnico (A), carbon paper. (men), gang, crew.
- congo (lab), Congo paper.
- cuadriculado, crosssection or graph or co-
ordinate paper.
paradera f (hid), sluice gate.
paradero m, railroad station; stopping place:
parking space.
- chupbn, blotting paper. paradiclorobenceno m, paradichl&obenzene.
- de calcar, tracing paper. parado, steep.
- de carbSn, carbon paper. parador m (mec), stop.
- de cartucho (dib), cartridge paper. parafango m, mudguard.
- de cuiaciBn (cone), curing paper. p a r a h a f , paraffin.
-de ciircuma (lab), turmeric or .curcuma parafinado, parafh-dipped, treated with par-
paper. affin.
- de dibujo, drawing paper. paraflnicidad f, parafinicity.
- de edifrcaciGn, building paper. parafinico, paraffinic.
-de ensayo, test paper. parafinoso, containing ptaraizin.
-de esmeril, emery paper. parafuego m, fire stop.
- de estaiio, tin foil. paragneis m (geol), paragneiss.
- de liltrar, filter paper. paragolpes m, bumper, buffer; bumping post;
-de granate, garnet paper. fender pile; door stop.
-de lija, sandpaper. -de empuje (tc), push bumper.
- de lija de pedernal, flint paper. paraguas para a'grimensbr, surveyor's um-
-de Manila, Manila paper. brella.
-de ozono (lab), ozone paper. parahielos m (hid), ice screen,
- de pescado (el&), fish paper. parahusar, t o drill (metal).
-de revestimiento, sheathing or building parahuso m, hand drill for metals.
paper. paraiso m, a South American hardwood.
--- de tornasol (lab), litmus paper. para1 m, post, upright, pole; (sb) ground way.
- de vidrio, glass gaper. paraEctico, parallaetic.
-embreado, roofing or tar paper. paralaje f , parallax,
-heliogrMco, blueprint paper. -estereosc6pica absoluta (fma), absolute
-- indicador o resctivo, test paper. stereoscopic parallax.
-para juntas, gasket paper. paralela f (mat), parallel.
----- para perfiles, profile paper. paralelas de cruceta (rnv), crosshead guides.
-para subrasante (cn) , aubgrade paper. paralelar, to parallel.
-parafinado (ak),paraffined paper. paralelepipedo m, parallelepiped.
-sellado o timbrado, sthmped paper (official). paralelismo m, parallelism.
-semilogarhnico, sernilogarithmio paper. paralelo m, (geog) (math) parallel; a parallel.
-tela (dib) (Col), tracing paper. paralelogramo m,parallelogram.
-yodatado (lab), iodate paper. paralizar, t o stop, shut down. :
papeIote m (auto)(M), throttle valve. paralurte m, shed for protection against land-
paquete m, package; (met) billet. slides,
pat m, (fin) par; (math) (mech) (elcc) couple; parallamas m, flame arrestor or check; f i e stop
(bldg) rafter; (eleo) cell; team of horses; a or wall.
equal; even (number). paramagn6tic0, paramagnetic.
- de arranque, starting torque. paramagnetisrno myparamagnetism.
- de fuerzas, couple. paramentar, to face.
-elbctrico, electric moment ; electric cell, paramento m, face, surface; (C) hanging ledge.
-estereoscbpico (fma), stcrco pair. paramera f, region of paramos, bleak country
-magn8tic0, magnetic couple. paramBtrico, parametric.
-motor o de rotacibn, torque. parlmetro m (mat), parameter.
- tbrrnico, thermocouple, thermopnir, thermo- piiramo m, high plateau, paramo.
electric couple. paranieve, snow fence, snow trap.
parabalmcin m (pet), headache post. paranitrofend (lab), paranitrophenol.
pasador Pa
parante m (A), post, stud, scsffold pole; vertical parquear, to park.
member of a truss. parqueo m, parking.
parapectina I (as), parapectin. parquerizar (met), to parkerise.
parapeto m, parapet. parrilla j, rack, grating, grate, grid ;gri2:zIy; (ad)
parar, to stop, shut down. gridiron ; (elec) grid, network; (rd) CM) btlr
pararrayos m, lightning arreater or rod. mat.
-a pilas de aluminio, aluminum-cell arrester. - articulada, chain grate.
-de antenas o de cuernos, horn-type arrester. -contra basuras (hid), trashrack.
-de capa de 6id0, oxide-am arrester. - corrediza o viajera, traveling grate.
- de entrehierro mtltiple, muhigap arrester. - de blscula, dumping grate.
-d e expulsibn, expulsion-type arrester. -de hogar, grate.
-de peine, combtype arrester. -del radiador (auto) (A), radiator grille.
- de v&Ivula, valve-type arrester. - escalonada o de grada, step grate.
parhito m a, parasite, (elec) stray. -oscilante, rocking grate.
-paifidico, malaria parmite. - sacudidora, shaking grate.
parlsitos atmosfikicos (ra), atmospherics, static. parte m, report, communication.
parasol, visera (auto), sun visor. -del accidente, accident report.
pafata f, terrace. parte f, part; (leg) party.
paratrdflco (is), pmatrophic. partes
paraQso m, gimlet, carpenter's brace; mandrel. - alicuantas, aliquant parts.
paraviento m, windshield. -dicuotas, aliquot parts.
pararial, par axial. - contratantes, contracting parties.
parcela f, parcel of land. - de repuesto, repIacement parts, spares.
parcelar, to divide into lots. parteaguas m, (top) divide, ridge; (irr)(M)divi-
parcial, partial. sion box; (bdg)(M) nosing (pier).
parchar, to patch. -continental, continental divide.
parche m, patch. parteluz m, mullion; muntin, sash bar.
parch0 m ( C )(PR), patch. partlcula f, particle.
parecillo m,rafter. - alfa, alpha particle.
pared f , wall. particdado, particulate.
-acerada, faced wall. partida f, item; lot, shipment, consignment; (act)
-apifionada (Col), gable wall. entry.
-cargada o de apoyo, bearing wall. -global, lump-sum item (contract).
-cortafuego o contra incendio, fire wall. partido, split, divided.
-de arrimo, curtain wall; partition. partidor m (irr), device for proportional division
-de graviUa o de pedregullo, gravelwall (well). of water over a diversion dam; division
- de partici6n (Col), partition. . ' box; (va) spreader.
- de relleno (dl, curtain or panel or filler or -' del fango (rnin), sludge splitter.
-de muestras, sample splitter.
enclosure or apron wall.
-desviadors (hid), baffle wall. - de n6cleos (min), core splitter.
-divisoria o de separacibn, division wall, par- - de tensidn (el&), voltage divider.
partidora Cf) de hormigbn, concrete or paving
-divisoria parafuego, fire partition. breaker.
-encerradora o de cerramiento, enclosure wall. -de pavimentos, paving breaker.
-enchapada o revestida, veneered wid. pasa j (nav), channel, fairway, gut.
-maestra, main or bearing wall. pasabanda (ra) (A), band-pass (filter).
-medianera, party wall. pasacorrea nz (Ch), belt shifter.
pared6n m, thick wall; (M) cliff. pasada f (cal) (sol) (met), pass.
pareja f, team of horses; (pt)(C) priming coat. pasaderlr f, walkway, footbridge, catwalk; (rr)
- auxiliar, snap or snatch team. (A) overhead crossing.
gasadizo m, passage, corridor, aisle, hallway; cat-
parejo, even, ffuah.
parihquima m, pith of sugar cane. walk.
pargasita f (miner), pargasite, hornblende. -del ascensor (A), elevator shaft.
parhilera f, ridgepole; (V) framework of a peaked pasador m, pin, cotter; door bolt; track bolt; tie
roof. rod; driftbolt; (Sp) dowel.
parihuela f, handbarrow; (1g) ranking bar. -ahusado, taper pin, driftpin.
parknte m (ra), loudspeaker. - antilevadizo (bisagra), nonrising pin.
-de bobina rnbvil, dynamic or moving-coil - de aletas (U), cotter pin.
loudspeaker. - de articulaci6n, wrist pin.
paro m, shutdown; breakdom; strike; lockout. - de banco (cn), slab pin.
-forzoso (C), lockout. - de bisagra, hinge pin.
-obrero, strike. ---- de cabo, marlinspike, fid.
-patronai, lockout. - del cigiiefial, crankpin.
parpadear, to flicker (light). - de la cruceta, crosshead pin.
parpadeo na (ra), ficker. - de cuero (Ch), leather belt lacing,
parqueadero m (auto), parking dace. - de chaveta, cotter pin.
pasador 225 patrdn
-de eje (auto), axle pin. pastilla f , soil cake; cement pat.
-det 6mbol0, piston pin, (auto) gudgeon pin. pastbn m (conc)(A), batch.
-de embutir, mortise door bolt, flush bolt. pata f, leg of a bent; dredge spud; grouser; shank;
-de enganche, coupling pin. wing rail of a frog; (mech) foot; (rr) flange
-del erc8ntric0, eccentric pin. of an angle bar.
-de grilleta, shackle bolt. -de cabra, sheepsfoot (roller); crowba;r; claw
-de horquilla, clevis pin. bar.
-fijo o inaflojable, fast pin (butt). - de &age, dredge spud.
-hendido, cotter pin. - de gallha (mad) (Es), starshake.
-suelto, loose pin (butt). - de galfo (mec), crowfoot; (M) stifaeg (der-
pasahombre m (A), manhob. rick).
pasaje m, passage money, fare; nptrrows, strait; - de ganso, notch; crowfoot; bridle (mooring).
passage. corridor. -de liebre (fc), wing rail of a frog.
pasajero m, passenger. - de oveja (Ec), sheepsfoot (roller).
pasamano wa, handhil, banister; gangway. - de piijaro (cal), crowfoot brace.
pasaporte m, passport. - de vaca, neat's-foot (oil).
pasaport6 m (PR), keyhoIe saw. -inclinada (cb), batter post.
pasarela f, footbridge; (A) walkway. - rigida, (de) stifleg.
- de servicio, operating bridge. patagua f (Ch), a softwood.
- puente, footbridge. patarrgez m, guy, backstay.
patecabra, rodillo (PR), sheepsfoot roller.
pasatiempo m (Ch), timekeeper.
pase m (fc), pass. patecabras f {Ec), crowbar.
paseo m,(PR) shoulder of a road ; (Sp) sidewalk. Patentar, to jiatent.
pasero m (Col), ferryboat ; ferryman. Patente f, patent; grant; license, permit; conces-
pasillo m, walkway, corridor, aisle, passageway. sion.
pasividad f (qufrn)(el&), passivity. - solicitada o en tramitad6nr patent. applied
pasivo m (cont), liabilities; a passive (all senses).
paso m, step, pace; paasage; step, stair tread, run; pates de redstro (Es), manhole steps.
ladder rung; (top) pass; ford; (mech) pitch, patilla f (cn) , skeg.
lead ; (cab) tuck. - pa- m, shoe; brake shoe; (eke) contact shoe;
- a nivel, grade crossing. skid, slide; base of a rail; v e r ; (M)
- aparente (rs), apparent pitch.
- flange; (M) leg of an angle,
circunferencial, circular or arc pitch.
de arroiiamiento (elbc) , winding pitch.
del colector paotagrafo (fo elkc), pantograph
pan or shoe,
- de batea (V), paved ford. - de contacto (fc el&), trolley s b .
de buzdn (Pe), manhole step. -
de la cruceta, (eng) crosshead shoe.

de kalibraci6n (di), metering paasage.
del colector (elkc), commutator pitch.
de cuerda (en), chordal pitch.
de toma (elkc), trolley or third-rail shoe.
patines de gufa (asc), glride shoea.
pktina f (met), patina.
- de fltraciBn (hid), path of seepage. patinada f, patinazo m, skid.
-de hojarasca (Ed), trash chute. patinaje na, skidding, slipping.
- de hombre, manhole. patinar, to skid, slip; (met) to patinire.
- de maderas (hid), log sluice. patio na, inner court (houp); (mtl) yard; (rr)
- de plmeo Cap), glide path. yard.
-diarnetral (en), dimetral pitch. -
- de'almacenaje o de dspbsito, store yard.
- inferior, undergrade crossing, underpass. de clasidcacidn o de seleccibn (fc), claasifica-
-normal (en), normal pitch. tion or sorting yard. -
-para poste, pole step. -de entrega (fo), delivery yard.
- polar (el&), pole spacing or pitch. - de limpia (fc), car-cleaning yayd.
-por debajo (fc), undergrade crossing. -de lomo (fc), hump or summit yard.
- por encima (fc) , overhead crossing. - de llegada (fc), recaiving yard.
-regulable (turb), variable pitch. -de maniobra por gravedad (fc), gravity yard
-superior, overhead crossing, overpass. - de reserva (fc), storage yard.
-trasero (el&), back pitch (armature). -de retencidn (fc), hold yard.
pasta f, paste, pulp. - de salida (fc), departure or forwarding yard.
-arcillosa (M), clay puddle. patitas ( f ) de carnero, sheepsfoot (roller).
-cementicia (A), cement paste. patbgeno m (lab), pnthogen ; a pathogenic.
-de cal, lime putty or paste. patrbn m, standard; template, pattern, jig; em.
-de cemento, cement paste. ployer; (Col)(B) foreman; (A) landlord.
-de cierre (elEc), sealing cornpund. - de agujerear, drilling template.
- de esmeriI, emery paste. - de ancho (fc), track gage.
-de soldar, soldering paste. - de frecuencia (ra), frequency standard.
- para correas, belt dressing. - d s montaje, assembly jig.
-- para vllvulas, valvegrinding compound. -de peralte (fc), gage for auperelevation
pasteca f , snatch block, guide or lead block. stepped level board.
-de una sola gualdera, cheek block, -de tatadrar, drill jig.
patrones 226

patrones de color (lab), color standards. pehu6n m, Chilean pine.

patronita f, patronite (vanadium ore). peinazo m (puerta), rail, ledge.
patron0 m,employer. -de la cerradura, lock rail.
patrulla f , gang, squad; patroI. -inferior, bottom rail.
-caminera (maq), road patrol. -intermedio, cross rail.
patrulladora f (maq), road patroI. -superior, top rail.
-automotriz, motor patrol. peine m, screw chaser, die for threading; groov-
-de remolque, trailer patrol. ing tool; (elec) comb, collector; (A) pin.
pavimentacibn f, paving, pavement. -para hembras, inside chaser.
pavimentadora f,paving mixer. -para machos, outside chaser.
-de tambor doble, dual-drum paver. peirgmetro m , peirameter.
-reacabadora, retread paver. peladilla f (Es), ~ e b b l e small
, cobble.
pavimentar, to pave. pelarse, to scale off.
pavimento m, pavement. peldaiio m, step, tread, ladder rung.
pavbn, pavonado, blue (steel). -de poste, pole step.
peaje m, toll. -de registro, manhole step.
peaten m, foot passenger, pedestrian. -de seguridad (es), safety tread.
pectina f (lab), pectin. pellcula f, pellicle; (pmy) film.
pectidco, pectinous. -bioldgica (is), biological a m .
pechblenda, pechurana j, pitchblende (ore of -e n carrate (fma), roll film.
radium and uranium). - superficial (hid), surface film.
pedaceria (f) de fierro (M), tramp iron. pelicular, pellicular.
pedal m, pedal, treadle, foot lever. pelo m, hair; fiber, filament; (inst) cross hair.
-del acelerador (auto), accelerator pedal. -de agua (A), water level or surface.
-de arranque (auto), starter pedal. -de camello, camel's hair.
-de desembrague o del embrague (auto), p d o s de l a estadia (lev), stadia hairs.
clutch pedal. peloro m (lev), pelorus.
- de 10s frenos (auto), brake pedal. peltre m, spelter, zinc.
pedernal m, lint ; niggerhead (stone). pellada f (Col), trowelful of mortar or plaster.
pedestal m, pedestal. pellejo m ( C ) , hard skin or film.
-,colgante, shaft hanger. p e b m (Ch), a hardwood.
-de apoyo o de asiento (pte), bearing shoe. penacho m (elk), brush discharge.
-de armadura (est) , truss shoe. pendiente m (rnin), hanging wall; a hanging.
-de chucho (fc), switch stand. pendiente f, grade, slope, gradient; (A) (C) (Ch)
-d s chumacera (rnaq) , bearing pedestal, (Sp) downgrade.
-de maniobra, (hyd) gate stand, floor stand; -abajo, downgrade,
' (rr) switch stand. - arriba, upgrade.
-de oscilacidn (pte), rocker. -asistente, assisting gradient.
-indicador de maniobra (hid), indicating -baromgtrica, barometric gradient.
floor stand. -critica, critical grade or slope.
pedido m , order, requisition; demand. -de la energia, energy gradient.
pedologia f, pedology. -de flotacibn (hid), flotation gradient.
pedhmetro m, pedometer. - de frotamiento (hid), friction slope.
pedraplgn m, rock fill; riprap. -de limite, limiting grade.
pedregal m, gravel bed ; stony ground. -de temperatura (mrl), temperature gradient.
' pedreg6n m (Ch), boulder. --- de vaiv&n (fc), switchback.
pedregoso, stony. -determinante o dominante, ruling grade.
pedregullo m ,gravel, broken stone, coarse aggre- -en descenso, downgrade.
gate, road metal. -e n subida, upgrade, adverse grade.
-de ladera (A), talus. ---- fuerte, steep or heavy grade.
pedrej6n m, boulder. -hidrlulica o piezombtrica, hydraulic slope or
pedrera f , quarry. gradient.
pedrero rn, stonecutter; (Ch) stony mound. -leve o ligera o suave, light or easy grade.
pedricero m (rnin), packer, pnckbuilder. -magnetics (geof), magnetic slope,
pedriscal m (M) , riprap. -reguladora (M) , ruling grade.
pedriza f, stony ground; gravel bed; quarry; (Sp) ---- transversal (ca), crossfsI1.
dry wall. -virtual (fc),virtual grade.
pedrusco m ,boulder, bIock of stone; (M) cohble. pendola f, hanger; (tu) queen post; (tu) kingbolt;
pega f , pitch, mastic, cementing material; (rnin) pendulum.
n, blast. -extrema, (tu) hip vertical.
pegada f ( M ) , blast, shnt. pendolbn nt, hanger; (tu) king post.
pegador m (rnin), blaster. -lateral, (tu) queen post.
pegajoso, sticky, gurnrny, tacky, (min) fitchery. - rey (Col), king post.
pegar, to stock, glue; ( m h ) to fire a blast; pendular, pendulous, pendular.
pegarse, to cohere, cake, stick, bind, (rnin) pendulo m, pendulu~n;a hanging, pendant.
t o fitcher. -de torsibn, torsion pendulurn.
-hidrom6tric0, hydrometric pendulwn. perceptor on, perceptor.
penellanura, peneplanicie f (geol), peneplain. perclorato m (quh), perchlorate.
penesismico, peneseisrnic. percltirico, perchloric.
penetrabilidad f, penetrability. perclor6n (pa), Perchloron (trademark).
penetrable, penetrable. p e r c l o m m, perchloride.
3enetracibn f, penetration, punching (shear). percolacidn I (hid), percolation, seepage, creep,
- invertida (ca), inverted penetration.
- atration.
afluente, influent seepage.
penetrador m (inst), penetrator.
penetrbmetio m, penetrometer. - efluente, effluent seepaga.
peninsula f , peninsula. - inferior, underseepage.
psdplttno m (M), peneplain. percolador m, filter.
pentaclorofenol m, pentachlorophenol. percolarse, to seep, percolate.
pentaf hsico (elbc), five-phaae. percr Bmico (qdm) , perchrornic.
p e n t d a r , five-wire. percusidn f, percuwion; (str) impact.
pentagonal, pentaganal. pereusor m, jar (well drilling); (A) percussion
pentdgo~lom, pentagon. drill.
pentagraa, pentarrejilla f (ra), pentagrid. - de pesca (pet), fishing jar.
pentano m, pentane. percutor m, any striking device; (A) striking
pentapolar (elgc), five-pole. plate.
gentatrbn (xa), pentatron. percha f, pole, rod; (meas) (A) rod; (Col) scaffold.
pentavalente (qufm), pentavalent. - de carga (cn), cargo boom.
pentodo m (ra), pentode. perdida f, loss.
pentosa f (az), pentose. - al fuego (ct) (Es), loss on ignition.
pentosana f (az), pentosan. - de carga (hid), loss of head.
-de carrera (rnaq), backlash.
penttixido m, pentoxide.
de nitrtigeno, nitrogen pentoxide, nitrio an-
de entrada (hid), entrance loss.
de salida (hid), exit lose.
pena f, rock, cliff; peen of a hammer; (V) cobble. - en el cobre (el6c), copper loss.
peiIascal m, mass of rock, clirtr; (V) cobble gravel. - en la conduckibn (hid), conveyance loss.
peAasco na, cliff, large rock. - en las escobillas (el&), brush loss.
pefiascoso, rocky. -en el nClcleo (el&), core loss.
peiIBn m, mass of rock; boulder; cliff. -
por cojinetes (maq), bearing loss.
por chisporroteo o por salpica@ura (sol),
peiional m 0 ,boulder gravel.
pebn mi laborer; (mech) journal, spindle; (min) spatter loss.
- strut, shore. - por choque (hid), shock loss.
carnineto, road workman. -por ignicidn (ct), loss on ignition,
- cementista, cement mason's helper. -por remolino (hid), eddy loss.
- de a l b a , mason's helper, hod carrier. perdidas en vacio (el&), no-load losaes.
- del botadero (ot), dumpman. perditancia f (el&) (A), leakance.
- de carphtero, carpenter's helper. p e f l m, profile, section; a rolled steel shape;
-de rnoldes (ca), form setter's helper. (geop) log.
- de muella, dock laborer, stevedore. - aerodinbico, streamlining.
-de pico y pala, common laborer. -alzado (A), distorted-acdc profile.
-de via (fc), trackman, track laborer. - angular, steel angle.
- electricista, electricianis helper. - carid en C (est), C channel.
- entibador, tiinberman's helper. -cornpensado (ot), balanced profile.
- vial, road laborer. - del avance del trabajo, progresa profile.
peonada f , a day's common labor; (A) gang of - de canal, channel iron.
laborers. - de construccidn, structural shape, rolled
peqnaje m, c o m m o n labor; gang of laborers. steel section.
pepita f,nugget. -de gola, agee.
peptizar (is), to peptize, -de gravedad, gravity section (darn).
peptona f (is), peptone. -del rasante (fc), grade pro&.
pergcido m (qulm), paracid. -de velocidad (fc), velocity profile,
petal m, pear wood. -doble T, I beam.
perdtaje m (fc) (V) , superelevation. -edafol6gic0, soil profile.
peraltamiento m, a~~erolevation, banking (curve). - en escuadra, ateel angle, angle iron.
perattar, to raise; to bank (curve); (rr) to super- -estructurd, structural shape.
elevate. -exterior (an),outboard profile.
peralte m,raising; (rr) superelevation; rise of an -gravim6trico (geof), gravity profile.
arch; (rd) banking;depth of a girder; cam- -I, I beam.
ber; (st) rise. - interior (an), inboard protile.
-ef ectivo (est) (M), effective depth. -laminado, rolled steel section.
peralto m, rise (arch); rise (step); (V)height; - magdtico (geof), magnetic profile.
(C) depth of a beam. - natural, natural-scale profile.
p e r c h m (Ch), rust. -normal (est), standard section.
-sobrealzado (A), distorted-scale profile. -de realce (min), stoper.
-T, T iron. -de tierra, earth auger or drill.
-transversal (lev), cross section. -de torre, tower drill.
-W, steel channel, channel iron. -de tripode, tripod drill.
-U para construccidn de cmos, car-building -giratoria o de rotacih, rotary drill.
channel. -horizontal (min) drifter.
-U para construcciones navales, shipbuilding -inicial (pet), spudding unit, spudder.
channel. -neumiitica, air drill.
-2, Z bar. -para pozo angosto (pet), slim-hole rig.
-Zor6s, trough plate. -vertical (min) , stoper.
perfiles corrientes, regular structural shapes. perforar, to drill, bore, perforate; (tun) to drive.
perfiles de ala ancha, wide-flanged sections. perforatubos (pet), casing perforator.
pe&-barra, bar-size section. perforista m, drill runner, driller.
perfilacibn Cf) continua (pet), continuous profil- performancia f (Es), (mech) performance.
ing. periclasa f, periclase, periclasite, native magnesia
perfilado m,fairing; a outlined, shaped; stream- periclinal (geol) , periclinal.
lined. peridotita f (geol) , peridotite.
- en frIo (met), cold-forming. peridoto m (miner), peridot, chrysolite.
periferia f, periphery.
perfiladora f, shaper; profiling machine.
perfilaje elictrico (geof), electric logghg. perifgrico, peripheral.
perfilar, t o shape, form; t o outline, rout. perifonear (ra) , t o broadcast.
pe-ero na (Ec), engineer who takes cross sec- periforme, pear-shaped,
tions with hand level. perigallo m. (de) topping lift.
perfildgrafo m, profilograph. perigeo m, perigee.
perfildmetro m (inst), Profilometer (trademark). perilla f, knob, doorknob.
perforaci6n f, drilling, boring, perforation; drill -de sintonizacibn (ra), tuning knob.
hole; rivet hole. -partida (elkc), split knob.
-a balas, shot drilling; (pet) gun perfora- perim6tric0, perimetric, perirnetrical.
tion. perhetro m, perimeter, girth.
-a mano, hand drilling. -mojado (hid), wetted perimeter.
-con corazbn, core grilling. periodicidad f, periodicity.
-con lavado, waah boring. peribdico, periodic.
-con salida, through hole. periodo m (maq) (el&), period; cycle; stage.
-de disparo (geof), shot hole. -de retencibn (pa), retention period.
-de ensayo (pet), wildcat well. - de rodaje (auto) (A), running-in period.
-de llmite (exc), line drilling. periscbpico, periscopic.
-de prueba, test boring. periscopio m,periscope.
-exploradora, exploration drining. peritaje m, expert testimony, expert appraisal,
-normal (mec), standard drilling. work of an expert.
-para inyeccidn, grout hole. perito m, expert; appraiser; arbitrator; (rnin)
- sin salida, blind hole. skilled miner; a expert, skillful.
perforaciones de cuele (rnin)(Es),cut holes. perla U)aisladora (elk), insulating bead.
perforaciones de cufla (min) (th),cut holes. perlita f (met) (geol) , pearlite, pcrlite.
perforacorchos (lab), cork borer. perm m (el&), perm, maxwell per ampere-turn.
perforador m, perforator; driller; (C) borer (in- permanencia f (mat), permanence. .
sect). permanganato m (qulm), permanganate.
-de caw (C), cane borer. permeabilidad f, (hyd) permeability; (elec) per-
perforadora f, drill. meability, specific perrneamce.
-a bala, shot drill; (pet) gun perforator. permeable, permeable, pervious, porous.
-a brazo, hand drill. p e r m e h e t r o m (elbc), permeameter.
-a cable, well or cable or churn drill. - de carga constante, constant-head permeam-
-de carretilla, wagon drill. eter.
- - - .

-de cateo, prospecting drill. - de carga descendente o de carga variable,

-de columna, column drill. variable-head or falling-head permeameter.
-de corona, core drill. permeancia f (el&), perrneance.
--- de diamante, diamond drill. permiso m, permit, license.
-de galeria (rnin) (M), drilter. - de ausencia, leave of absence.
-de grenalla (A), shot drill. - de edScacihn, building permit.
-de hoyos para postes, post-hole digger. - de exportaci5n, export permit.
-de mano, jackhammer; hand drill. -de paso, (V) right of way.
--- de martitlo, hammer drill. permitancia f (el&), permittance, electrmtatir:
-de municibn o de perdigones, shot drill. capacity.
-de percusibn, percussion or hammer-type permitibilidad f (el&) (Es), permittivity.
drill. permitividad f (elkc), permittivity, specific induc-
- de piso, sinker drill. tive capacity.
-de pozos, well or cable drill. p r m i t i ~ o(el&), pcrmittive.
permutable, interchangeable; (math) permut- -de puente, bridge bolt.
-de puntal, stay bolt.
&mutaci6n f (mat), permutation. -de punto, stitch bolt.
permutador m (elkc), permutator; change-over -de ranura, slotted or stove bolt.
-de remiendo, boiler-patch bolt.
- switch.
tGrmico, heat exchanger.
pernerla f, stock of bolts.
-de retencib (mh), gage pin.
-de rosca continua, full-threaded bolt.
pernete m,peg, pin, bolt, gudgeon. -de sujecibn, anchor bolt; (A) setscrew.
pernio m,hinge. -de techo, roof bolt.
peraltrico (qdrn) , pernitric. -de v h (fc), track bolt.
perno m, bolt, spike, pin, stud; (V) door bolt. -dentado (A), ragged bolt.
agarrador, clamp bolt.
ajustado, turned bolt.
-fabricado en f r h , cold-made bolt.
-flotante del Bmbolo, floating piston pin.
- arponado, ragged or swedge or fang bolt.
aterrajador (f c) (,4), screw spike.
-forma U, U bolt.
-hendido, split or lewis or fox bolt.
- cabezorro, lewis bolt; ragged bolt.
ciego (M), drift bolt.
-hueco, hollow-head setscrew.
-maestro o pinzote, kingbolt.
- clavado (M), driftbolt. -maquinado (M) ,turned bolt.
- cornfin, machine bolt. -nervado, rib bolt.
- con cuello de aleta, fin-neck bolt. -ordinario, machine bolt.
de acciBn rhpida, quick-acting or fitting-up -para cangilones, elevator bolt.
bolt. -para cruceta (elbc), crassarm bolt.
- de acoplamiento, coupling pin, drawbolt. -para llantas de hierro, tire bolt.
- de ajuste (est), fitting-up bolt. -para peldafios (es), step bolt.
de anclaje o de cimiento, anchor or founda- -pasante, through bolt.
tion bolt. -portaescobilla (el&), brush-holder stud.
-de arado, plow bolt. -prisionero, stud bolt, tap bolt; (M) anchor
- de argolla, ringbolt; eyebolt.
de armella o de clncamo, eyebolt.
-de articulacibn, (tu) pin.
-rayado, rib bolt.
-real, kingbolt.
-de cabeza chataranurada,flathead stovebolt. -recalcado, upset or reduced-shank bolt.
- de cabeza de hongo ranurada, roundhead -sin tornear, unfinished bolt,
stove bolt. -torneado, turned or machined bolt.
-de cabezn de hongo y cuello cuadrado, car- - zurdo, bolt with left-hand thread.
riage bolt. per01 m (Col), large-headed nail.
-de cabeza hembra, isternal-wrenching bolt. perolero m (V), tinsmith.
-de cabeza perdida, conntersudc bolt ;f l a t h e d peroxidar, to peroxidize.
stove bolt. per6xido m, peroxide.
- de carruaje, carriage bolt. perpendicular f a, perpendicular.
-de castaiiuela, lewis bolt.
- de popa (an), after perpendicular.
de cerradura, spindle of a lock. -de proa (an), forward perpendicular.
- de coche (M), carriage bolt. - media (an), mid perpendicular.
- de collar, collar pin. perpendicularidad f, perpendicularity.
- de cuiia, wedge bolt. perpendlculo m, plumb bob; pendulum; perpen-
- de charnels, swing bolt. dicular.
- de chaveta, key bolt. perpiaio na (mam) ,-header, bondstone, perpend.
- de eclisa (fc), track bolt. perrillo m (PR), machete.
-de erecci6n o de montaje (eat), fitting-up or perro m, (mech) dog, pawl; (C) clamp; (C)(M)
erection bolt. cable clip.
- de expansibn, expansion bolt. -de abrazadera Q de brida (mh), clamp dog.
-de fiador, toggle bolt. - de seguridad, safety lathe dog.
-de fijaci6n (A), setscrew, stud bolt. - de torno, lathe dog.
- de fuste pleno, full-shank bolt. -impulsor (mh), driver.
- de fuste reducido, reduced-shank or upset persiana f, window blind, shutter; louver; (auto)
bolt. radiator shutter.
- de gancho, hook bolt. persistencia f (ra), persistence.
- de grillete, shackle pin or bolt. personal m, personnel, crew.
de guardacabo, thimble-eye bolt.
de horqueta o de horquilla, fork bolt.
- de campafia, field forces.
personero m, official representative, attorney in
- de muesca, stove or slotted bolt.
-de ojillo, eyebolt.
fact; a city official who frequently directa
most of the city's business.
- de ojo con resalto, shoulder eyebolt. perspectiva f , perspective.
-- de ojo para dos crueetas IelCc), double-arm-
ina eyehlt.
a vista de piijaro, bird's-eye perspective.
cBnica o lineal, conic or linear perspective.
-de orejas, wing bolt. - de d9s puntos, angular or twepoint perspec-
-del p i a t h , piston pin. tive.
-de tres puntos, oblique or three-point per- -especiho en masa (ms), bulk or mass spe-
spective. cific gravity.
-paratela o de punto Qnico, parallel or one- -especaco real (M), absolute specific gravity.
point perspective. -estktico o muerto o propio, dead weight, dead
perspectividad f, perspectivit~.
perspectivo a, perspective. -sinload.
acojinar, unsprung weight.
perspectbgrafo rn (dib), perspectograph. -unitario, unit weight.
perspectograma rn, perspectogram. pestafia f, flange, rib, shoulder; fluke of an
persulfuro m (qdm), persulphide. anchor; (auto) tire rim.
pertenencia f (min), a claim. -fdsa (fc), false flange.
pBrtica f, perch (9.7 feet). pestaiiador m, flanger; (rr) flangeway scraper;
pertiga f, pole, rod; (meas) rod, (sml) beading machine.
-del trole, trolley pole. pestaiiadora f, flanging machine; cornice brake.
pertrechar, t o supply, equip. ptstillo m, latch, catch; bolt of a lock.
pertrechos m, tools; supplies. -acodado, elbow catch.
pexvibracidn f (conc) (A), internal vibration. -de friccidn, friction catch.
peryddico (quim), periodic. - de resorte, spring latch, latch bolt, night
pesa f, a weight; counterweight. latch.
-corrediza, jockey weight. pesuiia f, sheepsfoot (roller).
pesas de balanza (lab), balance weights. petanque, petlanque m (min) (M), silver ore.
pesas de contrapeso, counterbalance weights. petardear (auto), to backfire.
pesaltido m (A), acidimeter. petardeo m, (auto) backfiring; (ra) sputtering.
pesada f, pesaje m, weighing. petard0 m, (bl) exploder, detonator, blasting
pesado, heavy. cap; (rr) torpedo.
pesador m., pesadora f, weigher. peteberi m, a South Americanlurnber (semihard).
pesadora de piladas (conc) , weighing batcher. peterreo m (ra), sputtering.
pesantez f, weight, heaviness; gravity. pet0 m (herr) (Es) , peen.
pessr, t o weigh. -de popa (cn). poop, stern overhang; transom
pesasales m, salinometer, salimeter. frame, stern frame.
pesca f (pet), fishing. p&treoa, stone, stony.
pescabarrena m (pet), bit hook. petrograffa f, petrography.
pescacable rn (pet), rope spear, Ghing tool for petrogrlfico, petrographic.
cable. petrdgrafo m, petrographer.
pescacuchara rn (pet), bailer grab, boot socket, petrolar (ca), t o oil.
bootjack. petrolato m, petrolatum.
pescadespojos m (pet), mousetrap. petr6leo m, oil, petroleum.
pescador (m) a pestillo (pet), bootjack, latch - a granel, oil in bulk. \ ,
jack, boot socket. -bruto, crude oil; oil in bulk.
pescadora f , any fishing tool. -combustible, fuel oil.
pescaespigas m (pet), pin socket. -craso, crude oil; fuel oil.
pescaherramientas m ( h l ), socket, fishing tool, -crudo, crude oil.
-abocinado (M), horn socket. -de alta gravedad, high-gravity oil.
pescante m, jib, boom, mast arm, cathead, out- -de alumbrado, kerosene.
looker; cab of a truck; (C) (U) driver's seat. -de asfdto, asphalt-base oil.
-hidrLulico (fc), water crane. -de carga, charge stock (refinery).
-locombvil, locomotive crane. -de esquisto, shale or schist oil.
pescaniicleo na (pet), core catcher. -de hogar o de horno, fuel or furnace oil.
pescar, to fish for, grapple for; (elec) to fish. -de parafina, paraffin-base oil.
pescarripio m (pet), fishing tool, junk catcher. -digfano (M), Light oil.
pescasondas m (pet) (M), socket, fishing tool. -Diesel, Diesel oil.
-de media vue.-ta, half-turn socket. -duke, sweet oil.
pescaviilvdas m (pet), valve spear. -insuflado o soplado, blown oil.
~oscavkstagom (pet), overshot. -lampante, kerosene.
pesebre m, stable, stall. -p a r h o s o , paraffin-base petroleum.
pesebrera f , stable. petro!ero m, tanker, tank steamer; oil-field
peso m, weight; a scde. worker; a pertaining to oil.
-at8mic0, atomic weight. petrol'iero, oil-bearing, petroliferous.
-bruto, gross weight. petrolifico, petrolific.
--- de embarque, shipping weight. petrolitico, petrolithic,
-de joyeria, troy weight. petrolizador m, oil sprayer, road oiler.
-de resorte, spring balance. petrolizar, to oil (road), coat with oil; to petro-
-de trabajo (ec), operating weight. lize.
--- d i n h i c o , live or moving load. petrologia j,petrology.
-especfflco, specific gravity; unit weight. petrolbgico, petrologic, p~trological.
-especifico aparente, apparent specific grav- petrblogo m, petrolngist.
ity. petrosilex m (geol), petrosilex, fclsite.
petrosillceo, petrosiliceous. -de cantera, quarry pick.
pez f, pitch, tar. -de la carga (elbc), peak load.
- de aiquitrhn, coal-tar pitch. -de cateador, prospector's pick.
- griega o rubia, rosin. -de la crecida, peak of a flood.
- mineral, asphalt. -de cuervo, ravehook, ripping iron.
pezdn m, journal, pivot; pin of a key. -de dos codes, mill pick.
pezonera f, linchpin. -de flauta (carp) (A), scarf.
pezoso, containing pitch.
pezufia f, sheepsfoot (roller).
-de minero, drifting or miner's pick.
montafia, mountain peak.
pica f, pike, pick; trail; line cleared through -de pata, duck-bid (point).
woods. -de punta y cotillo, poll pick.
- de espuela, pickaroon. -de punta y pala, contractor's pick, pick-
- de gancho, cant dog, peavy, hookaroon. mattock.
-de gancho de espiga hueca, socket peavy. -de punta y pisbn, railroad or tamping pick.
- de gancho de grapa, clip peavy. -do rotular (dib), lettering nib.
picacho m,poll pick; (A) mountain peak. -fenocarrilero o pisbn, railroad or tamping
picada f, survey line, line of stakes; staking out; pick.
path; (A) ford; (A) a boring. -minero, miner's pick.
picadera f (A), pitching tool. -momentPneo (elbc), instautaneous peak.
picaderos m (cn), keel blocks. -regador, ,spray nozzle.
- laterales, bilge blocks. -soldador, welding. tip.
picado m, (C) (PR) path, trail; (auto) (A) knock- picofaradio m (el&)(A), micromicrofarad.
ing; a pitted (steel) ;worm-eaten (lumber). picolete m, staple; keeper of a luck.
picador m, worker with a pick; operator of a picoloro m (C), StiIlson wrench..
pneumatic tool; miner; f3e cutter. picdn (m) de cantera, quarry pick.
picadora f (hem), chipper. picotaf, peak; pick; pike.
- de arcilla (ca), clay shredder. picrato m (qulm), picrate.
- de costeros (mad), slab chipper. picrico, picric.
picadoras de caHa (az), cane knives. picrita f (geol), picrite heridotite).
picadura f, puncture; pitting; cut of a He; rough- picuta f (Ch), pointed spade..
ening of concrete surface. pichancha f (M), strainer.
- bastards, bastard cut (file). pichipdn m (mad)(V) , yellow or pitch pine.
-cmzada, double cut (file). pie m, leg of a bent ; (min) strut; ,(meas) foot (in
- de gusano, wormhole. some countries pie ia of a vara).
- dulce, smooth cut (file). - corrido, running foot.
-cuadrado, square foot,
-gruesa, rough cut (file).
- simple, single cut (file). -cuadrado de tablab board foot.
-sorda, dead-smooth cut (6le). - cdbico, cubic foot. .
picaduras, pitting; (gl) sand holes. - de agua (V), hydrant.
-de alzar (gato), lifting foot.
picafuego m, poker, fire hook, clinker bnr.
picapedrero m, stonecutter. -de amigo, shore, prop.
picaporte m, latch, thumb latch. - de la biela, (eng) s m d end; (auto) bottom
- de arrimar, rim Iatch. end.
- de embutir, mortise latch. - de cabra, pinch bar, crowbar; claw bar;
- de resorte, spring latch. sheepsfoot (roller); (Ch) tripod of poles
picar, to pick; to brcnk, knap, crush; to chop; to filled with stone used as a buttress in
open up (lode); (conc) to roughen; to pit stream diversion.
(rust); to punoture (tire); picarse, to b e - de gallo, (lbr) heart shake; (min) diagonal
come pitted (rust). brace; (de)(M) stdileg; (hyd) see pie de
picaza f, grub ax. cabra (Ch).
picea f, spruce. -de liimpaxa (elkc), lamp base.
-albar, white spruce. - de liimpara de dos clavijas, bipost lamp base.
- del PacEco, Sitka spruce, tideland or yellow -de lampara de dos espigas, bipin lamp base.
- de molino (A), hand p u p .
- roja, red spruce. - de rey, foot rule; gage.
picn6mefxo m (lab), pycnometer. -de roda (cn), forefoot, gripe.
pico m, pick, pickax; peak; apout, nozzle; nib, -de tabla, board foot.
tip; beak of an anvil; (min)(M) sledge. - de talud, toe or foot of slope.
,a, steep. -derecho, stud, upright, leg of a bent, post,
-bate, tamping pick. column, stanchion.
-carrilano (Ch),tamping or railroad pick. -frontal, front foot (real estate).
-con martillo, poll or rniner's pick. -por segundo, foot-second.
-con pala y hacha, mattock. pie-acre m (hid), acre-foot.
- con punta y corte, contractor's pick.
-cortador, cutting tip.
pie-bujfa m (il), foot-candle.
pie-lambed m (il), foot-lambert.
-de acuiiar, tamping or railroad pick. pie-libra m, foot-pound.
pie-dipulgada (m) circular (elkc), circular mil- piedra-boIa (M) , boulder.
foot. , piedrecillas, piedrecitas, piedrezuelas f, pebbles,
piedra f, stone, rock. pie1 f , skin, hide; leather.
-d a d e r a o aguzadera, whetdone, oilstone. pierna f, post, upright, leg; leg of an angle.
- alumbre, alum stone, alunite. pieza f, piece, part, member; room.
-comprimida (est), compression member.
-amoladera, grindstone.
-angular, cornerstone; quoin. -de acordamiento, transition piece.
-aparejada, hand-placed rock fill. -de acuerdo (tub), fitting; transition piece,
-arcillosa, clay stone. - de armadura (est), web member.
-arenisca o arenosa, sandstone. -de enrejado, web member; lattice bar.
-asentadora, oilstone, whetstone. -de miiquinas, engine room.
-azul, bluestone; (M) b e s t o n e . -de prueba, test piece.
-berroqueiia, granite. - de puente (M), floor beam (truss bridge).
-braza (M), one-man stone. -de repuesto, spare or replacement part.
-bruta, rubble; (min)(M), country rock. -de trabajo (A), workpiece.
-cachumba (C), native calcium sulphate. -fija de contacto (el&), stationary contact
-calckrea o caliza, limestone. member.
-conglomerada, conglomerate. -mdvil de contacto, moving contact member,
-cSmea, hornstone. -polar (el&), pole piece.
-de aceite, an oilstone. -sanitaria (V), plumbing fixture.
-de afilar, grindstone, whetstone, sharpening piezas de reserva, spare parts.
stone, hone. piezodiel6ctric0, piezodielectric.
-de dbardilla, copestone, coping stone. piezoelectricidad f, piezoelectricity.
-de arena (Col), sandstone. piezoel6ctric0, piezoelectric.
-de asiento, bearing stone, bridge seat. piezdgrafo rn, piezograph.
-de baldosa (M), flagstone. piezograma m (A), pieiograph.
-de campana, clinkstone, phonolite. piezom6tric0, piezometric.
-de canteria (Es)(M), granite. piezdmetro m, piezometer.
-de corddn, curbstone. piezooscilador m, piezo oscillator.
-de cuiIa para afilar, slip stone. piezorresonador m, piezo resonator.
- de chuz, cross-stone, staurolite. pigmento m (pint), pigment.
-de earners, emery stone. -blsico, basic or body pigment.
-de grano (M), granite. -de la bilis (lab), bile pigment.
-de guarnicidn (M), curbstone. -de color, color pigment.
-de igualar (si), jointer stone. - de extensibn, extending pigment, cxtcnder.
-de jabbn, talc, soapstone. pigote m (met), pig.
-de molino, millstone, buhrstone. pija f, lag or coach screw.
-de remate, coping stone. -de cabeza roscada, hanger lag screw.
-de repasar, oilstone. -de ojillo, screw eyebolt.
-de sapo (A), mica. -de ojo, lag-screw eye.
-de silleria, ashlar stone. -para clavar, drivetype or fetter-drive lag
-de talla (M) (U), ashlar or cut atone. BCreW.
--- de toque (miner), touchstone. - punta cbnica, cone-point or fetter-drive lag
-en bruto, rubble stone. screw.
-fltradora, filter stone. -punta de gusanitlo, gimlet-point lag screw.
- franca, stone easily worked, freestone. pila f , fountain, trough, basin; water tap; pile,
-fundamental, cornerstone; starting point of heap; trestle bent; (bdg) pier; (elec) bat-
a survey. tery, cell; (geol) pothole.
-imln, lodestone, loadstone, magnetite. - Clark (el&). Clark cell.
-India, India oilstone. - de acopio, storage pile.
-labrada, cut stone, ashlar. - de bicromato (elk), bichromato cell.
-miliaria, milestone. -de carga, counterfort.
-ollar, serpentine. -de cilindro de carbbn (el&), carbon-cylinder
-para, brownstone. cell.
-partida, broken stone. -de circuit0 cerrado (el&), closed-circuit bat-
-pasante (mam), header, bondstone. tery.
-pez, retinite. -de dos liquidos (el&), two-fluid cell.
-picada, crushed or broken stone. -de estribaci6n (pte), abutment pier.
-p6mez, pumice, pumice stone, pumicite. -de existencia, stock pile.
-pulidora, polishing stone, stone for grinding -de gas (el&), gas cell.
corn mu tat or^. -- de gravedad (elk), gravity or crowfoot cell,
-rodada, boulder, cobble, pebble. de Grove (elkc), Grove ccll.
-sonora. phonolite, clinkstone. -de Leclanchd (elkc), LecIanch6 cell.
-vaciada, artificial stone. -de pilotes, pile lent.
-viva, ledge rock. -- de puente, bridge pier.
piedras de acarreo (peol) (M), erratic blocks. - de selenio (elk), selenium cell.
-de vaso poroso (el&), porous-cup cell.
detonadora, blasting battery.
piloto m, pilot.
pina j, felly, felloe.
-electrolftica, electrolytic cell.
fotoelctica, photoelectric cell, electric eye.
pinabete m, fi,yellow pine; hemlock.
pinar m, pine forest.
-h b e d a (el&), wet cell. piacel m,brush.
Lalande (el&), Lalande or caustic-soda cell. -de pel0 de camello (dib), camel's-hair brush.
(tel), local battery.
(el&), standard cell.
(el&), reversible cell.
para pintura, paintbrush.
pincelada f, brush stroke; brush coat.
pinchadura f (suto) , puncture.
- seca, dry battery or cell. pinchar, to puncture; to tap; (A) to pry with a
- termoeldctrica, thermopile, thermocoupl~.
voMaica, voltaic pile, electric column.
pila-estribo (pte), abutment pier.
bar, to pinch.
pinchazo m (auto), puncture.
pinch m (Es), tool boy, nipper.
pilada f, batch. pingo m (Ec), strip of wood, lath, batten.
pilar m, pier, buttress; column, pillar, standard; pino m, pine; a ateep.
(rnin) pillar, stoop.
pilastra f, pilaster; counterfort; (CA) bridge pier.
pileta f,sink,basin, trough; pool; (A) washbasin.
- abete o abeto, spruce; spruce pine.
albar, white pine.
-derce, tamarack or lodgepole pine.
- de cocina, kitchen sink.
de lavar, washbasin, washtub.
-amarillo, yellow pine.
-araucano, Chilean pine.
- de patio (A), floor drain with trap, cesspool.
de sedimentacibn, settling basin.
austral (M), southern or longleaf pine.
bastardo, bastard pine.
pildn m, basin, watering trough; (A) dredge spud; -colorado (Pan), yellow pine.
tower, trestle bent; (C)(M) drop hammer; -de California, redwood.
pylon; (V)a hardwood. - de hoja corta, shortleaf pine.
- de gavedad (M), drop hammer. - de hoja Iarga, longleaf or Georgia or heart
- de vapor (M), steam hammer.
de noruega, Norway or red pine.
pilotaje na, (cons) piling; (naut) pilotage, harbor
dues. -del PacfGco, Douglas fir, yellow fir.
- de retencibn, sheet piling. - de tea, yellow or pitch pine.
pilothxico (geol) , pilotaxitic. -gigantesco, redwood.
pilotarftico (geol)(A), pilotaxitic. -marltimo o rodeno, cluster or red pine.
pilote m, pile. -oregdn (A) (Pe), Douglas fir.
- amortiguador, fender pile. -plateado, white pine.
- resinoso, pitch pine.
-cornpuesto, composite pile.
-con resistencia de punta, point-bearing pile. -rojo, redwood; red or Norway pine; red & ;
- de alas, wing pile. red spruce.
- de amarrar, dolphin. -spruce (A), a European spruce lumber.
- de anclaje, anchor pile. pinotea m, yellow or pitch pine.
- de arena, sand pile. pinta f,pint.
- de botbn, button-bottom pile. pintar, to paint.
-de bulbo, bulb pile; button-bottom pile. pintor m, painter.
- de carga, bearing pile. pintura f, paint, painting.
- de cimiento, bearing or foundation pile. -a1 agua, cold-water paint, kalsomine.
-de columna, end-bearing pile. -a la agugda (Es), cold-watsr paint.
- de defensa, fender pile. - al alquitriin, bituminous or coal-tar paint.
- de desplazamieato, displacement pile. -a1 barniz, varnish paint.
-a la cola, cold-wlrter paint, k h m i n e .
-de disco, disk pile.
- de enflaci611, range pile.
- a grafito, graphite paint.
- de ensayo o de prueba, test pile. -d Meo, oil paint,
-a prueba de la broma, teredoproof paint.
-d s friccibn, friction pile.
- de gda, guide pile. - a prueba de vapor, steamproof paint.
-de pedestal, pedestal pile; bulb pile. - el temple 0, cold-water paint.
- ds rosca, screw pile. -aluminica, aluminum paint.
-en H, H pilo (steel). antihumedad, dampproof paint.
-encerrado, cased (concrete) pile. - antincrustante, antifouling paint.
- enlistonado, lagged pile. -contrafuego, fire-resisting paint.
- inclinado, batter or spur or brace pile. -de aceite, oil paint.
- para subpresi6n, tension or upUt pile.
de agua f h (M), cold-water paint.
-paragolpes, fender pilo. de bafio o de h e r s i b n , dipping paint.
- - de cal, whitewash.
prevacirtdo, precast concrete pile.
-sustentador, bearing pile. - de rociar, spraying paint.
- tip proyectil, projectile-type oomposite pile. -
en obra, field painting.
-vaciado en sitio, concrete pile cast in place. grafitada, graphite paint.
pilotes de palastro, steel sheet piling. - hecha o preparada, prepared or ready-mixed
pilotear (M), to drive piles. paint.
-impermeabilizadora, dampproofing paint. piquetero m, tool boy in a mine.
-marina, marine or deck paint. piquetilla f, gad, wedge.
-mate, flat paint. piramidado (Es) , pyrarnidd.
-para intemperie, outdoor paint. piramidal, pyramidal.
-primaria, priming coat. piriimide f,pyramid.
-vidriada, enamel paint. -fotogriifica (frna), photograph pyramid.
piranol m ,pyranol.
pinturerla f (A), painting; paints; paint shop.
pinula f, sight of an instrument; (C) blacksmith piranBmetro m, pyranometer.
tongs. pirargirita f , pyrargyrite, ruby silver ore.
- de deriva (fma), drift sight. pirca j, dry wall; stone wall.
phulas para nivel, level sights. pircada f, dry masonry.
pinza f, clamp, clip. pircar, to build a dry wall.
-ajustable (A), slipjoint pliers. pirheIi6metro m, pyrheliometer.
-de contact0 (el&), clip. pirita f,pyrite, iron pyrites.
pinzas, nippers, pliers, tongs, Gab) forceps. ---,arsenical, arsenical pyrites, arsenopyrite,
-cargadoras (pet), carrying tongs. mispickel.
- con code adelante, end-cutting pliers. -blanca, marcasite, white iron pyrites.
---- cortantes o de No, cutting pliers. ---- capilar, capillary pyrites, millerite.
-cortantes a1 costado, side-cutting pliers. -cobriza o de cobre, copper pyrites, chalco-
-de combinaciSn, combination pliers. pyrite.
- de gasista, gas pliers. -cornfin, iron pyrites, pyrite.
-de lagarto, alligator grab. -de cobalto, cobalt pyrites, linnaeite.
-punzadoras, punch pliers. -de estaiio, tin pyrites, stannite.
pifia f, knob; plug; hub; wall knot. -de fierro (M) P e ) , iron pyrites.
pifitin m, pinion; (Sp) sprocket; (Col) gable wall; - de hierro, pyrite, iron pyrites.
-magnetics, pyrrhotite, magnetic pyrites.
(Ch) (Col) pine.
-con gualderas, shrouded pinion. - marcial, iron pyrites.
-c6nico o de kngulo, bevel pinion. piritas, pyrites.
-de accionarniento o de mando, driving pin- piritico, pyritic.
ion. piritizar, t o pyritize.
-de arranque (auto), starter pinion. piritoso, containing pyrites, pyritic.
-de ataque (C), driving pinion. pirlln m (Col), doorsill, saddle, threshold.
-de comando (U), driving pinion. pirobitumen m, pyrobitumen.
-de cuero verde, rawhide pinion. pirobituminoso, pyrobituminous.
- de linterna, lantern pinion. pirocllstico (geol) (M), pyroclastic.
-deslizable o desplazable, sliding pinion. piroconductividad f , pyroconductivity.
-diferencial, (auto) pinion gear. piroelectricidad f, pyroelectricity.
-doble helicoidal, herringbone pinion. piroelkctrico, pyroelectric.
--- loco, idler pinion. pirofosfato (m) tetrasbdico, tetravodiurn pyro-
-motor, driving pinion. phosphate.
-recto, spur pinion. pirofosfbrico, pyrophosphoric.
piocha f, miner's pick. piroghlico, pyrogallic.
piocho m (C), mattock. pirogena f,pirogeno m, pirbgeno m, pyroxene.
piog&nico,piBgeno (lab), pyogenic. piroghico (geol) , pyrogenic.
piola f, houseline; twine, string; (A) light rope. pirolusita f,pyrolusite (manganese ore).
pipa f , cask, hogshead. piromagn6tic0, pyromagnetic, thermomagnetic.
-de riego, watering cart. pirometaIurgia f , pyronletallurgy.
pipeta f (lab), pipet. pirometrico, pyrometric.
-de absorcGn, absorption pipet. pirbmetro m, pyrometer.
-medidora, measuring pipet. piromorfita f, pyromorphite, green lead ore.
- para muestreo, sampling pipet. piroquimico, pyrochemical.
: pique m, (Ch) tunnel haft, mine shaft; well; (A) pirosulfGrico, pyrosulphuric.
path. trail; (auto) (A) pickup, acceleration. piroxena f , piroxeno m, pirBxeno m , pyroxene.
-, a, very steep; vertical. piroxenita f (geol), pyroxenite.
-de popa (an), run. piroxilina J, pyroxylin (explosive).
--- de proa (an), entrance. pirquin m (B), piecework, contract work.
- , echar a (nbut), to sink.
- , irse a (n&ut),t o founder, sink.
pirquinear (Ch), to work a leased mine.
pirquinero m (Ch)(B), contractor for mine work;
piqueador m (min), striker (with a hammer). tributer.
piquear (min), t o striko a drill with a hammer. pirrotita, pirrotina f (miner), pyrrhotite, mag-
piquera f, burner; t a p hole; iron runner, outlet netic pyrites.
of a blast furnace. piso m, floor, story; (tun) bench; roadbed; bob
piquetaf, pick; mattock; mason's hammer; stake. tom.
piquetaje m, staking out. -alto, upper floor or story.
qiquete m, stake; survey pole; picket. -bajo, ground or first floor.
piquet60 m, slaking; piling; pile driving. --- de gklibos (cn), scrive board.
-de panilla We), grid floor.
del valle, valley flat or floor.
-de tejar, roofing date.
-gredosa, clay alate.
-metaco celulsr (ed), cellular metd floor.
-monolltico, concrete floor having finish cast
pizarral m, slate quarry.
pizarreilo, pizarroso, slaty, s h e .
integrally with slab. pizarrero m, dater.
-pegado (ed), stuckdown &or. placa f, plate, slab, sheet.
pisofita f , pisolite (limestone). - abovedada (est), buckle plate.
pis611 m, rammer, tamper; ram, atamp.
- - atiesadora (eat), batten or stay plate.
- de martillo, hammer tamper. - cdentadora (lab), hot plate.
- para moldes (ca), form tamper. - de agua (cd), water leg.
saltarln, a heavy tamper operated by power. - de apoyo (eat), bearing plate.
pisonador m, pisonadora f , tamper. - de arrastre (ef), skidding pan.
- de impacta, impact tamper. -de asbesto, asbestos board.
- de relleno, backfill tamper. - de asiento, bearing or wall or base plate, bed-
pisonadura f, tamping, rmmhg. plate; (rr) tie plate.
pisanar, pisonear, to tamp, compact, ram. - de base, bedplate, base plate.
pisoneo m, tamping, ramming.
pista f (ap), runway, landing strip; taxiway.
de borne (el&), terminal plate.
de burbujeo (pet), bubble tray.
- cerrada de rodaje, stub-end taxiway. - de cabeza (cal), crown sheet.
- de atedzaje, runway, landing strip; fight -de cara (est), skin plate, faceplate.
-de centrar (inst), shifting plate.
strip, airstrip.
de decolaje, runway.
de despegue, runway, landing strip.
- de contacto, (pmy) focal-plane plate, con-
tact glass; (elec) contact plate.
- de maniobras o de rodaje, tmiway. -
- de contraccidn (ca), contraction plate.
- para aterrizaje dego, instrument runway. de contravientos (g), guy cap or spider.
- periferica de rodaje, peripheral taxiway. -de cuarzo (ra), qumtz plate.
pistas gemelas o pardelas (ap), dual runways. - de cubierta (est) (tub), cover plate.
pistola f, pistol; paint sprayer; (M) jackhammer; - de cuiia, liner ; shim.
(min) small drill hole. -de choque, buffer plate; (hyd) baffle plate.
- de arena, sandblast nozzle. - de choque desviadora, defleeting baffle.
- de barrenacibn (M), jaakhammer. - de choque separadora, separating b a e .
- de cement0 (M), cement gun. -de chucho (fa), headchair, headshoe*
de grasa, grease gun.
de lavar (auto), flushing gun.
- de defensa, wearing platie: Crr) tie plate.
-de desconexibn (pet), breakout plate.
- de perforacih (pet), gun perforator. -
de divisibn (mh), index base or plate.
- de rociar (Ch), spray gun. de empalme (est), gu& or connection plate.
- lubricadora, grease or oil gun. - de ensamblaje, (atr) hinge plate; gusset
- neumhtica (M) , jackhammer. plate; ( c a ~ flitch
) late.
- pulvefizadora, spray gun, airbrush. - del fabricante (maq), name or shop plate.
- remachadora (M) , riveting hammer. -do Sjacibn, clamp plate.
- rompedora (M), paving breaker.
pistolero na (M), operator of a jackhammer.
-de frotamiento, wearing plrste.
-de fundacibn, barre plate; bedplate.
pistoleta f (dib)(A), E'rench or irregular curve. - de ganchos (tub), hook plate.
pistolete m, nozzle; (rnin) small drill hob. -de giro (Es), turntable.
pistolln m, pistol grip. -de gufa (hid), deflector, ba0e.
pistan m, piston; (Ch) giant, monitor. - de huelias (lab), streak plate.
- de achique (pet), swab, cleanout b:ailer.
economizador (auto), econoder piston.
-de inspecci6n (auto), inspection plate.
- de interruptor (el&), switch plate.
pistonada f, piston stroke. - de junta (est), splice or &usset plate.
pistoneo m, piston slap. -de matriz colocadora (rnh), gage plate.
pita f, pita, maguey ; ( C ) sisal, - de nudo (est), gusset or connection plate.
pitada f, blast of a whistle. - de ntimero, (auto) license plate.
-de o d c i o (hid), orXce plate.
pitar, to whistle.
pitmasa f (cn), horse iron. - de paramento, face slab (dam).
pitazo m, whistle signal, blast of a whiatle. - de pasador (est), pin plate; hinge plate.
pito m, whistle. -de piedra, flagstone.
pit6metro m, pitometer, - del plano focal (fma), focal-plane or contact
p i t h m, nozzle, spout; screw eye. plate.
-atomizador, spray nos& - de presidn (fma), pressure plate.
pivotaje m, pivoting. -de recubridento (est), faceplate.
pivotar, to pivot. - de xelleno (est), filler plate,
pivote m, pivot. - de retenida (elkc), guy plate.
- de direccidn (auto), kingpin,knuckle pin. - de rozamiento, rubbing or wearing or ch&g
pizarra f, slate, shale; bulletin board. plate.
- anfibblica (Es), hornblende schist. - de sefial (fc), switch target.
- de distribucibn (C), switchboard. - de sujeci6n (mh), faceplate.
-de tope, buffer plate. -de canto laminado (met), mill-edge plate.
-de tubos (cal), tube sheet, flue plate. -de canto recortado, sheared-edge plate.
-d e cubierta (est), cover or flange plate.
-de uni6n, splice plate, fishplate, scab; gusset
plate. -d e desgaste, wearing plate.
--- de vacio (fma), vacuum plate. - de doblar (tub), bending slab.
-de via (fc), tie plate. -de escurrimiento (to), flashing.
-deflectora (hid), bafBe plate. -de escurrimiento superior, counterflashing,
-delantal, skirt plate. cap flashing.
-difusora (dac), diffuser plate. -de fondo, bedplate.
-distribuidora (aa), distributor plate. - de fundacicn, floor slab (dam); foundation
-elevadora (fc), riser late. slab; base plate.
-embutida (Es), buckle plate. -d e guia del bagazo ( a z ) , turnplate, trash
-empastada (el&), pasted plate. turner, dumb turner.
--- escurridiza (to), flashing. -de inglete, miter rod (plasterer).
-esparcidora, diffuser or spreader plate. -de orificio (hid), orifice plate.
-fotomecknica, process plate. -de rigidez (est), batten or stay plate.
-&atoria, (rr) turntable; (mt) swivel late. -de traviesa (fc), tie plate.
-guardaposte, strain plate (pole line). - de trituracibn (min), bucking board.
-lavadora (aa) , scrubber plate. -de unibn (est), splice plate; gusset plate.
- Iisa (conc) (V) , flat slab. - estriada, checkered plate.
- muerta (cal), dead plate. -giracarro (rnin) , turnsheet, turnplate.
-muerta (cal), dead plate.
-nervada, ribbed plate.
-nodal (est), gusset plate. -nervada, ribbed plate.
-ondulante u oscilante (maq), wobbler, swash - trancanil (cn) , stringer plate.
plate. -universal (met), universal-mill plate.
-portatubos (cal), tube sheet. - Zor6s (est), trough plate.
-presionante (auto) (A), pressure plate. planchada f, slab; gangplank; (Ch) staging, plat-
-quitagotas (aa) , eliminator piate. form.
- revestidora (tiin), liner plate. -de carga, loading platform.
-sensible (fma), sensitive plate. plancheado m (cn), plating.
--- sufridera (her), swage block. -a tingladillo, clinker system.
- tubular (cal) (M), tube sheet. -del casco, shell plating.
-volada, cantilever slab. -de 10s mamparos, bulkhead plating.
placas -endentado, in-and-out system.
-costillas o de avance (tbn) , poling plates. -enrasado, flush plating.
-efiminadoras (as), eliminator plates. planchear (en), to plate.
placa-marca (maq) , name plate. plancheta f (lev), plane or traverse table.
place1 m (r), sand bar. -de pinulas, traverse plane table.
placer m, placer; sandbank. planchista m (Es), sheet-rnetal worker.
--- con montera, buried placer. planchita f, shim, small plate.
-de bajlo, river-bar placer. -de retenida, guy shim (pole line).
----de banco, bench placer. planch6n m, slab, sheet; (Col) barge.
-de playa, beach placer. planchuela f, steel flat, fishplate; plasterer's
placeta f (Ch), flat place on a hillside. trowel.
plaf 612 na, soffit. -de pasador, (tu) pin plate.
plagioclasa f (geol)(miner), plagioclase. -de perno, washer.
plagioclasita f (geol), plagioclnsite. planear, t o plan; t o glide (airplane).
plagibfido m (geol), plagiophyre. planeo m,planning; gliding (airplane).
plan m ,plan, scheme, design; (Ch) flatland; bot- plane6metro m, planeometer.
tom level in a mine. planetario, planetary (gear).
-, de (V), on the flat. planialtimetrja f, contour map; topographical
-de trabajo, construction program. survey.
plana f, (bs) flatter; (M) trowel; (C) mason'a planicie f (top), plain.
float; (A) cooper's plane. planificar (Ec) (M), t o plan.
planada f (Ec), flat country. planlgrafo m (dib), planigraph.
plancton m (is), plankton. planilla f , tabulation, list, schedule.
plancha f, plate, sheet, slab; gangplank; (C) -del avance del trabajo, progress schcdule.
flatcar. - de envasamiento, packing List.
-abovedada (est), buckle plate. -de flujo, fiow shcct.
-atiesadora (est), tie plate. - de materiales, bill of material.
- cizallada, sheared plate, plate with sheared -de pago, payroll; estimate for payment.
edges. planimetrar, to measure wit,h a planimeter.
-de ala, (gi) cover plate. planimetria f, planirnetry; plane surveying, m a p
-de alma (est), web plate. ping; ground plan, map.
-- de asfalto, asphalt smoother. - , en, in plan.
-de base, base plate. planim6trico, planimetric, plane (surveying).
planfmetro m, planimeter.
-compensador, compensating planimeter.
-meddora de tantos (conc), batching plant.
-mezdadora de cemento, cement-blending
-de disco, disk planimeter.
-de regla, r u b planimeter. - plant.
motriz (auto), power dmt.
-polar, polar planimeter. -picadora ( a d (C), crushing planf-
-rodante o de rodillos, rolling planimeter.
plan0 m, plan, drawing; plane; (M) floor of a
-piloto, pSot plant.
-quebradora, crushing plmt.
mine working; a flat,levd, plane. -revolvedor~(conc)(M),mixing plant.
- acotado, topographical plan; dimensioned
-selecoionadora (ag) , screening plant.
-suavizadora de agua, water-softenmg plant.
altirnbtrico, topographical pIan, contour map.
anterior (frna), front plane.
-vista, top view, plan.
plantar, to place, set; t o set up, erect.
- a d , blueprint. plantel m (A), equipment, plant.
- b6sico o de base (frna), ground plane. planteles de eonstnrcciBn (A), construction plant.
catastral, real-estate map.
,de, on the flat.
planteo m, layout, arrangement.
plantilla f, pattern, jig, template; screed, (mas)
- de clivaje (geol), cleavage plane. ground ; subgrade; (M) invert ; (dwg)
- de colado (conc), fill plane, lift line. Rench curve.
- de comparaci6n (lev), datum plane. -curva (dib) (A), irregular curve.
- de deslizamiento (ms), slip plane. -del canal, bottom, floor.
- de ejecucibn, working drawing. -
de clavar (ed),flooring sleeper.
- de estratiflcaci6n (geol), bedding plane. de corredera, slotted template.
- de fslla (geol), fault plane or surface. - de curvar, bending jig.
- de formacih (fc), subgrade, roadbed. -de cumas (Es){C), Frenah curve, irregulrar
- de hendidura, plane of cleavage. curve.
- del horizonte (frna), horizon plane. -de devanado (el&), winding former.
de imagen (frna). image or picture plane.
del meridiano, meridian plane.
-de espesor, thickness gage, feeler.
-de filetear, screw chaser.
- -
de la perspectiva (dib), perspective plane.
de ref erencia (lev), datum plane.
de resbalamiento (geol), fault plane.
de guia, jig.
-de mano (fma),hand template.
-de montaje, assembly jig.
- de situacien o de ubicaciGn, location plan.
de taller, shop drawing.
- de muescar, gaining template.
-de prueba (cn), check template.
- de visaci6n (lev), plane of sight. -de radio, radius gage.
- focal (frna), focal pbne. -de rotular (dib), lettering guide.
- fundamental (frna), ground plme. - de soldador, welding jig.
- hidrogrkfico, chart. - de taladrar, drilling temphte.
- maestro, master plan. -de talud, slope gage,
- nodal (frna), nodal plane. - de yeso, floating screed;
- principal (ms) (frntl) ,principal plane. -mechica (fma) , mechanical template.
-mecbica desamable (fma), spider tem-
-rasante (Es) (,4), subgrade.
- tipo, standard plan.
- plate.
- topogrfifico, contour map,topographical plan. mWtiple (rnh), combination jig.
-para brocas, drill-grinding gage.
plano-cbncavo, plano-concave.
plano-convexo, plano-convex. -para 0lete o par& roscas, thread or screw-
plano-paralelo, plano-parallel. pitch gage.
planoteca f (V), plan file. - para puntas (mh), center gage.
- rayadora (ca), scratch template.
planta f, plant, equipment; ground plsm; (bldg)
floor, (C) (A) story ; (min) bottom. - sujetadora para soldar, welding fixture or jig.
- a h , upper floor or story. plantillero m, patternmaker.
- baja, ground floor. plaquear (M) , t o veneer.
- clasificadora (ag), screening plant. plaqueta f (fc) (M), tie plate.
- de agua potable, waterworks. plaquita f, shim, small plate.
- de fuerza, powerhome, power plant. plasma f (miner)(el&), plasma.
- deI piso (ed), floor plan. plasmdiisis f (ia), p1asmotys.k.
- de repuesto, spare equipment. plaste m, (C) mastic, putty; (gt) sizing.
-de reserva, reserve equipment. plastecer, to coat with mortar; (bw) t o butter
- depuradora, purification plant. (pt) to sire.
-depuradora de aguas cloacales, sewage-dis- pllstica f , plwtica.
posal plant. plasticador m, plasticator.
-desintegradora (pet), craoking plant. plasticidad f, plasticity.
-estabilizadora (pet), stabilizing plant. plasticimetro m, plasticimeter.
- filtradora, filter plant. plhstico m a, plastic.
-generadora, electric power plant, generating plasWcante m (pint), plasticizer.
station. plastificar, t o plastiche.
-hormigonera (conc), mixing plt~~lt. plastocemento m (M), plsstic cement.
plastdmetro 238 pliegue
plastSmetro m ,plastometer. -de mordazas independientes, independent
plastrdn m (4), bed of mortar; footing. chuck.
plata f , silver. - de Petri (is), Petri dish.
-agria (miner), argent.ite, silver glance. -- de torno, faceplate (lathe), chuck.
--- alemana, nickel or German silver. -divisor (rnh), index or dividing platc.
-cdrnea (miner), cerargyrite, horn silver. -giratorio (pet), rotary table.
-- fulminante, fulnlinating silver. - motor (auto) ( M ) , driving flange.
-gris (miner), argentite, silver glance. -para bvalos (mh), oval or elliptic chuck.
-negra (miner), black silver, stephanite. -universal, universal chuck.
-niquel, nickel silver. platos difusores (dac), splash plates.
--- roja clara, light red silver ore, proustite. plato-manivela, disk crank.
-roja oscura, dark red silver ore, pyrargyrite. playa f, beach; (rr) y a r d ; (geol) playa.
-vltrea, argentite, vitreous silver, silver ---- de carga, loading yard; freight y a d .
gIance. -de clasificaci6n, classification yard.
platabanda f , splice plate, fishplate, scab; (str) -de descarga, delivery yard.
(A) cover plate; (V) slab; (hl) lintel; flat ---- de distribuci6n ( e l k ) , switchyard.
arch, platband. -de estacionamiento (auto), parking space.
platachar (Ch), t o trowel; t o float. -de llegada (fc), receiving yard,
pratacho m (Ch), mason's float. -de maniobras, drill or switching or classifica-
plataforma f, platform; roadbed, subgrade; (Sp) tion yard.
(M) (Ec) (CA) flatcar ; (top) (A) plain. -de rio, sand bar.
-continental, continental plateau. -secadora (dac) (A), sludge-drying bed.
-de carga, loading or charging platform. playo (A)(Ee), flat.
-de descarga (op), relicving platform (bulk- plaza f, small park; yard; market.
head). -de acopio, store yard.
-de pista (ap) (A), apron. -de doblado (ref), bending yard.
-de transbordo, transfer platform. -de estacionamiento (auto), parking space.
-de Ia via (fc), roadbed, subgrade. -de moldaje (conc), form yard.
-giratoria, turntable. plaza m, time, period, term.
platea f (hid), hearth, apron, floor, mat. pleamar f, high tide (sometimes used meaning
plateado, silver-plated. flood tide).
platillo m, smaU plate; disk; washer; pipe -m8s alta, highest high tide.
flange- - -media, mean high water.
-ciego, blind flange; blank flange. -media m l s alta, mean higher high tide.
- de balanza (lab), scalepan, balance pan. plegable, folding; pliable.
-de piso (tub), floor flange. plegadizo, folding.
-de presidn (auto), pressure plate. plegador m, folder, bender.
-de rosca, screwed flange. - de c!ipsulas (vol), cap crimper.
-de techo (tub), ceiling plate. --- de tubos, pipe crimper.
--- de transmisibn (auto), driving flange. plegadora Cf) de palastro (ch), cornice brake;
-postizo (C), loose flange. folder.
-soldado, welded flange. plegamiento m (geol) , fold.
-suelto, loose ffange. plegar, t o fold, bend ; t o snub (belt).
platillos compaiieros o gemelos, flange union. plena admisiSn (turb) , full admission.
platina f , steel flat; (rr) tie plate; (p) flange; plena carga, full load.
platen. plena flotaciGn, de, full-floating.
-de correders (fc), riser plate. plena velocidad, full speed.
platinar, to platinize. plenamar f, high tide.
platfnico, platinic. pleno m, plenum; a full, complete.
platinifero, containing platinum. pletina f, bar, flat, small plate; flange; shim.
platinita f , platinite (alloy); (miner) platynitc, ---- de relleno (cst), filler platc.
platinite. pliego m, folder; file of papers; document2.
platino m, platinum. -de condiciones, specifications, bidding condi-
datinos (auto), contact points. tions.
-del distribuidor, distributor points. -de licitaciijn, information for bidders; bid-
---- del ruptor, breaker points. ding form.
platinoide m, platinoid ( d o y ) . -de proposiciones, bidding form.
platinoso, platinous. pliegue m, ply, sheet; fold, bend; (geol) fold, pli-
plato m,plate, disk; web of a wheel; faceplate of cation, drag.
a lathe, chuck. -anticlinal, upwarp, anticlinal fold.
-campana (A), bell chuck (lathe). -cerrado, c.losed or isoclirial fold.
-combinado, combination chuck. -compuesto, compound fold.
-con ajuste espird, scroll chuck. -de arrastre, drag fold.
-de agujero simple, bar chuck. -echado, overfold.
-de h g u l o , monitor chuck. -en abanico, fan fold.
-del guarapo (az),juice pan. -inclinado, inclined fold.
239 polea
- invertido, overturned fold.
isoclinico, isoclinal or closed fold.
-registrador, udomograph, hyetograph.
registering rain gage.

- recostado, recumbent fold. pluviosidad f (Col), rainfall.
recumbente (V),recumbent fold.
bmbado, overturned anticline, overfold.
sinclinal, downwarp, synclinal fold.
pluvidso, rainy.
poblaci6n f, population; town, small city.
poblado m, village ; (tun) ( m i 4 (M) layout of
- yacente (A), recumbent fold.
plinto m, baseboard; plinth.
holes for a blast.
poblador m (tbn)(rnin) (M), shift boss; blaster,
pliodinatr6n m (ra), pliodynatron. man who lays out the blast holes.
pliotrbn m (ra), pliotron. pobre, poor; lean (concrete) ; low-grade (ore) ;
plisamiento m (geol), fold. (auto) lean (mixture).
plomada f, plumb bob, plummet. poceria f, well drilling or digging.
pfomar, to plumb. pocero m, well clriuer or digger.
plombagina f, graphite, plumbago. poceta f, sump, pool.
plornear (MI, to plumb. pociUo m, sump, catch basin, catch pit.
plomeria f, plumbing; leadwork. poder m, power, strength; authority; power of
plomero m, plumber. attorney.
- contratista, plumbing contrctor. - diel6ctric0, dielectric strength.
- iicenciado, licensed plumber.
plomlfero, containing lead.
- resolutivo (inst), resolving power.
poderosp', powerful.
plomo m, lead; plumb bob. podbmetro m, podometer, pedometer.
- ,a, plumb, vertical. podtin m, pruning hook; grub hoe; mattock.
- amarillo, wulfenite, yellow lead ore. podrici6n f, rot, decay, (lbr) dote,
antimonioso, antimonial or hard lead. - azul (mad), blue rot, bluing.
- blanco (M), white lead.
de gallpago o en lingotes, pig l e d .
- blanca (mad), white rot.
-fungosa (mad), butt rot.
de hilacha, lead wool.
en hojas, sheet lead.
- hfuneda, wet rot.
parda (mad), brown rot.
- esponjoso (elk), lead sponge. - seca, dry rot.
- pardo, pyromorphite. podrido, rotten, putrid.
- rojo, crocoite; (M) red lead.
tetraetilo, tetraethyl lead, ethyl fluid.
podtfmiento m, rot, rotting.
podrirse, to rot, decay.
- verde, green Iead ore, pyromorphite.
plomoso, containing lead.
podsol m, podsol (soii).
podsblico, podsolic.
plotear (V), to plot, plat. polainas If) de soldador, welder*^ leggin@.
pluma f, pen; boom; gin poIe; (Col)CV) water polar, polar.
service connection; (PR) faucet. polaridad f, polarity.
- de agua, (Col) (V) (C) water tap or service;
(Plt) bibb, faucet.
directa, straight polarity.
invertids, reversed polarity.
- de cart6graf0, mapping pen. polarimetria f, polarhetry.
-de cuervo (dib)(M), crow-quill. polarim6tric0, polmimetric.
- de dibujo, lettering pen. polarlmetro m, polarimeter.
- de @a, derrick or cram boom. polarisc6pic0, polariscopic.
- de gala, shovel boom. polariscopio m, polariscope.
- para cable de arrastre, d r a g h e boom. - de cufia simp1e;sirrgIe-wedge polariscope.
plumbato na (qulrn), plumbate.
plCrmbico (quim), plumbic.
- de doble compensaci611, double-compeneat.
ing polariscope.
plumblfero, containing lead. - de penumbra, half-shadow polarisoope.
plumbito (m)sdfico, sodium plumbite. - de triple campo, triplefield polariscope.
plumilla f, orowquill, h e pen; (C) cotter polarita f (dac), polarite.
~ I U Svalla f (cont), good will; unearned incre-
polarizacidn f, polariaation.
- negativa de rejilla (ra), grid bias.
plana, de, plane-polarized.
pluttinico (geol), plutonic, abyssal. polarizador m,polarir6r.
pluvid, pertaining to rain, pluvial, hyetd. polarograffa f, polarography.
pluvimetro, see pluvibmetro. polarogrlfico, polarographic.
pluvioconducto rn (Pe), storm-water sewer. polar6grafo m,polrmgraph.
pluvioducto rn (A), storm-water sewer. polea f , pulley, sheave.
pluviografla f (mrl), pluvjography, - acanalada, sheave.
pluviogrfico, pluviographic. - ajustable para velocidad, variable-speed
pluvibgrafo m, recording rain gage, phviograph. pulley.
pluviograma m, pluviogrsm. - conducida (A), driven pulley.
pluviometria f, pluviometry. - conductors (A), driving pulley.
pluviombtrico, phviometria. - de aparejo, tackle block.
pluvibmetro m,rain gage, pluviometer, hyetom- -de cabeza (pet), crown sheave.
eter. -de cadena, pocket wheel, sprocket, chain pulley
-de.cara bombeada, crown-face pulley. polipasto,. polispasto m, tackle, block and fall,
-de cola, tail pulley. -
diferencial, differential hoist.
-de cono, cone pulley.
-de contacto, trolley wheel. polipolar (A), multipole.
-de deaviacibn, guide pulley. poIisintitico, polysynthetic.
-de friccibn, friction gear or p d e y or wheel. polisulfuro m (qufm), polysulghide.
-de fundicibn, cast-iron pulley. politbcnico, polytechnic,
-de garganta, sheave. politr6pico (mat), polytropic.
-de gravedad, tension or idler p d e y . polivalente (quim), multivalen t , polyvalent.
-de gula, idler or guide pulley; knuckle polivinilo m (qulrn), polyvinyl.
sheave. p6liza f (seg), policy.
-de pestafla, flanged p d e y . - de averfas, average policy.
-de tensibn, tension or jockey pulley. -flotante, floater policy.
-de transmisibn, driving pulley. polo m (el&) (mat), pole.
-de transportador, conveyor p d e y . - auxiliar (el&), commutating pole, interpola
-de trole, trolley, trolley wheel. - consecuente (el&), consequent pole.
-diferencial, differentid hoist, chain block. - del campo (elk), field pole.
-enteriza, solid pulley. - de compensaci6n o de conmutacibn, inter-
-equilibrada, balanced pulley. pole, commutating pole.
-escalonada, sped cone, cone or stepped - saliente (el&), salient pole.
pulley. polonio m (qufm), polonium.
--- falsa, dumb sheave. polucidn f , pollution.
-dja, fixed or tight or fast pulley. polucionar (Pe), t o pollute.
-hlbrida (M), mule pulley. poluto, polluted.
-impulsada, driven or tail pulley. polvo m, powder, dust.
-loca, loose pulley; idler pulley. - blanqueador (A), bleaching powder.
-motriz o impulsora, head or driving pulley. -bronclneo, bronze powder.
-muerta, idler pulley. -de az6car, sugar dust.
-mtiltiple, stepped pulley. - de barreno, drilling dust, bore meal.
-para ventam, saah p d e y . - de carbbn o de hulla, coal dust.
-partida, split pulley. - de cinc, zinc dust.
-portasierra, bandsaw pulley. - de diamante, diamond powder.
-de elaboracibn, process dust.
-quitahido (f c elh), almt wheel
-ranurada, sheave. - de esmeril o de lijar, flour of emery, emery
-tensora, idler or tension pulley. powder.
-viajera (pet), traveling block. - de madera (vol), wood flour or meat.
poliatbmico, plyatomic. - de, piedra o de trituracibn, c d e r or stone
polibasico (quirn), polybasic. dust.
polibasita f, polybasite (dver om). -de roca (geol), rock ffour, glacial meal.
polic6ntric0, polycentric. -fundente, welding powder.
policfclico (elbc) (qufm), polycyclio. - metfico, metal powder.
policillndrico, multicylinder. pblvora f, powder, gunpowder.
polic6nic0, polyconic. - de grano gordo, pellet powder.
poli4dric0, polyhedral. -de mina (A), blasting powder.
poliebo m, p l y hedron; a polyhedral - destroncadora (vol) , stumping powder.
poliostireno m, polystyrene. - detonante, blasting or detonating powder.
polietileno m,polyethylene. -
fulminante, fulminating powder.
gigante, giant powder (dynamite).
polifassado (A), polyphase.
polifisico (el&), polyphase, mdtiphaee. - negra, blasting or black powder.
/ polilBlar, multiple-wire, multiwire. -para voladura, blasting powder.
polifoto (eIbc), polyphotd. -para zanjeo, ditching powder.
poligonaci6n f (lev), survey by a series of pob- polvorazo m (Ch), a blast.
gons. polvorero, polvorista m, bIaster, powderman.
poligonal j, (aurv) traverse; a polygonal. polvoriento, pulverulent, dusty, floury (soil).
pollgono m, polygon; a polygonal. polvorin m, magazine; fine blmting powder.
-de fuerzaa, force polygon, polvorlzar, aee pulverizar.
-funicular, funicular polygon. polvoscopio m, dust-counter.
poligonometrfa f (lev)(Ee),deterrnination of areas. pomela f (A) (U) (Ch), kind of hinge.
polilla f, (M) termite. p6mez j, pumice.
- 64 mar (M), marine borer. porno m (A), doorknob.
poncelet (elbc), poncelet.
wlfrnetro m (mrl), polmeter.
polhotor, multiengined. poncelet-hora, poncelet-hour (360,000 kilogram
polInm, roller; (ce) &id; (rr)(C) crosatie; ground- meters per hour).
siU; nailing strip on I beam. ponchadura f (auto) (M), puncture.
polines de desvlo (fc)(C), switch timber. ponchar (auto)(MI, t o puncture.
pobomio (mat), pol~momial. pondaje m (hid) (A), pondage.
panderal, ponderal, gravimetric. portabureta f, buret ch-w.
poner, to put; (inst) to set; (surv) to set up. portacable m, csble hanger.
- a andar (maq), to start. portacadena nL (lev), chainman.

a tierra (elhc), to ground.
el freno, to set the brake.
en circuit0 (elh), to switch on.
portachmara m (fma), camera frame or s u p
portacanal bn m (to), gutter hanger-
- en marcha (maq), to start. portacandado m, hasp.
- en obra, to erect, install.
en punto, t o adjust, set.
pongo m 0 , gorge of a river with rapids. -
de charnela, hinge hasp.
portacafio m,pipe hanger.
de resorte, spring hanger.
poniente na, west. portacarbbn m (el&), carbon holder.
&tear, to bridge. portacarrete m (fma), reel holder.
k n t e k e l o m,&alI bridge. portacltodo m (ra), cathode holder.
pontbn m, pontoon, ponton (military); scow, portacinta f (lev), tape holder.
lighter; (Col)(V) box culvert; (Sp) large portacojinete mi diestock, die head; bearbg
oulvert. block.
- de fango, mud scow. portaconductor m (eli?c),conductor holder.
- de &a, derrick boat.
de transbordo, ferryboat.
portaconea f, belt support.
portacristd na (m), crystal holder.
popa f ( c 4 , stern. portacruceta f (elk), pole gain.
- , a, aft.
de, a, aft of, abaft.
portacuchilla m (mh), cutter bar, ada block, cut-
terhead, cutter block.
pope1 a (cn), after. -de caja, box tool.
popdostdad f , (Col) popdation. - de casquillo, bushing box tool.
por ciento, per cent. portacuchillas de machihembrar, matcher head.
porcelana f, porcelain. portacumulador m, battery carrier or hanger.
- circbnica (ais), sircon porcelain.
de mullita (ais), muUite porcelain.
portachapa (m)de patente (auto), license bracket.
portachuelo m (top), gap, pass, saddle.
- para alta tensibn, high-voltage porcelain. portada f, gate; (nlin) timber frame in a
porcelanita f (geol), porcelrtnite. heading.
porcentaje m, percentage. portadado m (M), diestock.
porfidico, porphyritia portadiferencid m (auto), differential carrier.
poddita f (geol), porphyrits. portador m (com) , bearer.
pbrfido m (geol), porphyry. pottadora f (el&), carrier.
- augitico, augitophyre, augh-porphyry.
cuarzoso, quarts porphyry.
- de imagen (tv), image carrier.
-flotante (ria), floating carrier (system).
- de diorita, dioriteporphyry. portaelectrodo m,electrode hoNer.
portaempaquetadura 7r4, packing gland.
porffrico (A), porphyritic.
por6rits J (geol), porphyrite. portaemulsibn f (fms), emulsion carrier.
porfiritico (M), porphyritic. portaengranajes m (cn) , planet carrier.
pormillonaje na (Es), parts per million. portaequipajes m, baggage rack.
pororoca m (mr), pororoca. portaescariador m, chuck for reamer.
porosidad f, porosity. portaescobittas m (el&), brush holder or socket
poroslmetro m, porometer. -regdable, brush rocker.
p r o s m, pores. portaestacas m (lev)(Ec), =man, stake carrier.
poroso, porous. portaestampa f, t ie holder.
porqueta f (mad), wood louse. portafarol m, la11 p bracket,
porra f, mnul, sledgo. portafreno m (nuto), brake support.
porrilla f, htmd or drilling hammer. portafresa m (mh), mill holder.
portn f (cn), port; porthole. portafusible m (el&$, cutout base, fuse block or
- de carb6n, coaling port. holder.
- -de derivad6n, branch cutout.
- de carga, cargo port.
sspla (A), porthole.
gortaaislador m (cMc), insulator bracket.
portaguantes m (nuto) L4), glove compartment.
portah6lice m (cn), propeller shaft.
portaalambre m (elhc) , wireholder. portahembra f, screw plate.
pattaalegrador m, reamer chuck. portahenamienta m, toolholder, chuck.
portaartefacto m (el6c), fixture stud or strap. -de charstela (nlh), clapper box.
portabandera m (lev), rodnmn, flagman. - mliltiple (mh), gang tool.
portablurenas f, drill chuck or holder. portahilo m (elk), wireholder.
portabarrsra nl (ca) , guardrail support. portahusillo m (mh), spindlehead.
-de rssorte, spring support for guardrail. portairnagen m (ha), image carrier.
portabolas m. ball or bearing race. portainstrumento m (lev), instrument carrier.
-de empuje, thrust bdl race. portal m, portd; gate.
portabombillo m (elkc) ( C ) , lamp socket. porta16mpara m,lamp socket: lamp holder.
postabroca m. drill chuck or holder, gad. - colganta (elk), pendent lamp holder,
-con nbrazadera do cordih, cord-grip b e t
portabulbos m (ra) (M), chassis.
portalhpara 242 poste
---- de aplicar o de superficie, surface-mounting portatestigo m, core barrel (drill).
lamp holder. port5til, port IF.
-de bayoneta, bayonet lamp socket. portatobera , I. . u l e holder.
-de cadena, chain-pull lamp holder, p d portatrabajo rn, work holdcr.
socket. portatraviesa m (fc), tie carrier.
-de intemperie, outdoor lamp socket. partatroncos m, sawmill carriage.
-de llave giratoria, key socket. portatrozas m (M), cant hook, peavy; timber
--- de media pulgada, candelabra lamp holder. carrier.
--- de rosca, screw lamp socket. portatubo m, pipe hanger; (ra) socket.
-en miniatura, miniature lamp holder - de ganchos, hook plate.
in.). portafitil rn, toolholder.
-mediano, medium lamp holder (I in.). portavklvula m (ra), socket.
-mogol, mogul lamp holder (1% in.). -de discos, wafer socket.
-sin llave, keyless socket. portaviistago m (pet), stem holder.
-tip0 Edison, Edison base or screw shell. portaventanero m (Es), maker of doors and win-
portallpiz m, pencil point (compass); ~ e n c i l dows.
chuck. portavidrio rn (sol), lens holder.
portalente m (fma), lens cone or holder. portavista m (fmn), view holder,
portalima f , file carrier or holder. portavoz rn, megaphone.
portalinterna f , lamp holder. portazgo m (ca) , toll.
portal6n rn, gangway; door in the side of a ship; porte m, freight, carriage; (naut) burden; carriage
door in a boiler setting. charges.
portallanta f, tire holder or rack. -a pagar, freight collect.
portamacho, portamachuelo m, t a p bolder. -bruto (an), dead-weight tonnage.
portamadera rn, sawmill carriage. -debido (A), freight collect.
portamandril m (torno), chuck plate. -efectivo (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
portamapas m, m a p case. -pagado, freight prepaid.
portamisti1 m (gr), mast step. porteador m (tr), carrier.
portamatrlcula m (auto), license-plate bracket. porteaje m (r) (M), portage.
portamatriz f , die holder or set. porteo m (M), cartage, transportation.
portamechas m, drill chuck. portezuela f , small door, gate; (top) pass.
portamensajero m (elk), messenger hanger. portezuelo m , handhole; (top) pass, gap, saddle;
portamezcla f, plasterer's hawk. gorge.
portamina m (dib) (A), pencil point for compass. pbrtico m, gantry; portal; trestle bent; (str) mill
portamira m (lev), rodman. bent; rigid frame.
-de nivel, level rodman. -de claro miiltiple (est), multiple-span bent.
portamoleta f, handle for dresser or rnuller. - de dos aguas (est), peaked bent.
portaneumktico m, tire rack, spare-tire holder. - dentado, saw-tooth bent.
portanonius m (Es) , vernier support. portillo m, opening in a wall, weep hole; gate;
portaiiola f, porthole. small sliding gate in a lock gate.
portaobjetivo m (fma) , Iens holder. - de evacuaciSn (hid), sluice gate.
portaocular m (frna), eyepiece holder. -de flotacibn de maderas, log sluice.
portapantalla m (elbe), shade carrier. -de limpieza (presa), sluiceway, undersluice.
portapatente f (auto), bracket for license plate. port611 m, opening; largc door; gate; (rr) crossing
portapeine m (herr) , chaser holder. gate.
portapelicula f (fma),film holder. portuario, pertaining to ports.
portapieza m, work holder. posarse, to settle (sediment).
portapipeta f (lab), pipet stand. posiciBn f, position; placing.
portaplaca f (fma), plateholder, plato carrier. posicionador m, welding positioner.
-- de nfimero (auto), license-plate bracket. positivo m (fma), positive; a positive.
portaplantilla m ,template holder. positrbn m, positron, positive electron.
portaplato m (torno), chuck plate. ~ O S O Sm, sediment.
portapoleas m (pet), traveling block. posrecocer (met), t o postanneal.
portaposte m, post bracket (railing). postaci6n f (Ch) (B), pole line.
portaprobeta f (lab), test-tube support. postamoniaci6n (pa), postammoniation.
portapira f (as), dog socket. postcalentamiento m, postheating.
portapunz6n m ,punch holdcr. postcIoraci6n f (is), postchlorination.
portaquicionera, portarrangua f (gr) , foot block. postcondensador m, aftercondenser.
portar, to carry. poste m, post, pole, stud, column, stanchion.
portarreceptor m (tel), receiver support or hook. -aguantador, drilling post.
portarreflector m (clhc), shade carrier, reflector -c a r t a b h (fc), clearance post.
holder. - de agua potable, drinking fountain.
portarretorta f , retort stand. - de alambrado, fence post (wire fence).
portarrodillos m,cage of a roller bearing. -de alumbrado, lighting standard, lamppost,
portarrueda 7n (auto), spare-wheel rack. -de amarre, mooring post, dolphin, snubbing
portatdadro m. drill stand. post.
243 pozo
anclaje (el&), anchor pole. -apareate, apparent power.
busco, miter post (nav lock). -calentadora, heating power.
cabria (ec), gin pole. -caloriiica, heating power; calorific value.
cambiavia (fc), switch stand. -constante (elhc), firm or primary power.
celosfa, latticed pole. -consumida, input.
cerca, fence post. -de anexibn (el&), connected load.
conexibn (elhc), binding post. -de cinco medios (mat), five-halves power.
divisiSn (f c) , division post. -de despegue (ap), take-off rating.
farol, lamppost. -de entrada, input power.
gato (ec), jack leg. -de friccibn, friction horsepower.
guia, guidepost. -desvatada (elk), reactive or wattless power.
incendio, fwe hydrant, fireplug. -dos-tercios (mat), two-thirds power.
liimpara, lamppost. -efectiva (elkc), active or true power.
d a , milepost. -ficticia (el&), fictitious power.
muelle, bollard, mooring post. -firme (elBc) (M) , firm power.
-frigorffica, cooling power.
quicio, quoin post (nav lock), b
de &nci6n (el&), strain pole.
de tope (fc), bumper, bumping post.
-hidrgulica, water power.
-indicada, indicated horsepower; rating.
de tramo (fc), section post. -instalada, installed capacity.
-instanthnea o momentinea (elAc), instants-
en A (U), A frame.
enrejado o de rejilla, latticed pole or column.
extremo, (tu) end post.
neoua power.
-lumfnica (il), luminous power or flux.
- &a, gin pole; pedestal crime. -menos diez (mat), minus ten power.
- indicador (tub), indicator post. -motora o motriz, motive power.
-nociva (A), friction horsepower.
kilorn6tric0, post marlchg distance in kilo-
meters. -permanente (el&), 6rm or primary power.
maestro (pet), samson post.
d a r , milepost. '
-provisional o temporaria (el&), dump power.
-pulsativa (el&), pulse power.
- para guardacamino (ca), guetrdraiI post. -reactiva (el&), reactive power.
- parabalanctn (pet), headaohe' post. -r e d (elbe), true or active power.
poriaherramienta abierto (mh), open-side -receptora (ra) (A), receptive power.
toolpost. -secundaria (el&), surplus or secondary
portaherramienta rev6lver (mh), turret tool- power.
post. -tractora, tractive force.
-surtidor (U), public water tap. - ties-medios (mat), three-halves power.
- telegriifico, telegraph pole. - tit& useful power.
posteo m (min), setting stemples, posting. potencid m f, potential; a potential.
posterla f, posting; pole line, line of posts. - capilar, capillary potential.
postformacih f, postforming. -cero (elk), zero potential.
postigo m, hinged panel in a door; small hinged -de descomposici6n (elk), decomposition
window; shutter; (turb) wicket. potential.
postizo, detachable, demountable, removable. -de gravitaciSn, gravitational potential.
postmineral (geol) , postminerd (fault). - de placa (ra), plate potential.
postor m, bidder. potenciom8tric0, potentiometric.
postpais na (A), backlands. potencibmetro m, potentiometer.
pbstrefrigeracidn f , aftercooling. - de conductor corredizo, slide-wire potenti-
postrefrigerador m, raftercooler. ometer.
postulado m, postulate. -registrador, rc :ording potentiometer.
postura f, bidding; a bid. - sangrador (rc), bleeder potentiometer.
potabilidad f, potability. potente, powerful; (geol) deep (vein). I

potabilizar (A) (C), t o make potsble. poundsf, poundal (unit of force).

potable, potable. poyo (m) de ventana, curtain wall under a win-
potamo1ogla f, potmology. dow; window sill.

potasa f, potash.
cgustica, caustic potssh, potassium bydrox-
pozd m, catch basin, sump; curb around a well
or shaft.
pozo m,well; pit; shaft; (ab) trunk.
pothico a,potassium, potassic. - a bomba (pet), pumping well.
potasio m, potassium. -abisinio, Abyssinian or driven well.
pote (m) para cola, gluepot. - absorbente, absorbing well; seepage pit; (C)
potea f @s), lute, moldrng clay; putty. cesspool.
- de estaiio, putty powder, tin putty.
potencia f , power; (math) power; (rnin) thickness
- ahogado (pet), drowned well.
amortiguador (hid), stilling well.
of s vein. - artesiano, artesian well.
- n plena carga (mot), full-load horsepower. - ascendente (A), semiartcsian well.
- al freno, brake horaepower. - brotante (pet), flowing well; spouter.
-aqtiva {el&c),true or active or actual power. - ciego, blind drain; blind shaft, winze.
-cfavado, driven well. -de salida de aire (min), upcast.
-- con filtro de gravilla o con forro de grava 0 -d e sondeo, test pit.
con pared de pedregullo, gravel-wall well. -d e subida (tfin), uptake shaft.
- chino (M), dug well. --- de tornamesa, turntable pit.
- de acceso, manhole, rnanway. -de tubo, driven well; drilled well.
-de aguas claras (pa) (C), clear well. -de visita, manhole; inspection well.
---- de aire, air shaft. - descubridor (pet), discovery well.
-de alivio (presa), pressure-relief well. -desviador (al), diversion manhole o r cham-
-de alquitriin, tar well (gasworks). ber.
-de arena (ot), sand well. --- exploratorio (pet), wildcat well.
-de arrastre, inclined shaft, adit. -a t r a n t e , gravel-wall well; (ea) filter well.
-de ascensor, elevator pit. -hincado, driven well.
---- de aspiracidn, suction pit, wet well. --- horadado, drillell well.
-de auxilio (pet), relief well. -inclinado (tfin), adit.
-de avance (tGn), pilot shaft. -indio (M), well driven by hand.
---- d e avanzada (pet), outpost. -Iavaaor (all, flush tank.
-de bajada (tGn), downtake shaft. -maestro (rnin), main shaft.
-& brocal (Pan), dug or draw well. -negro, cesspool.
-de caida (aI), drop manhole, wellhole. -para tuberia (ed), pipe shaft.
-de cala, test pit. -petrolifero, oil tvell.
-de calma (hid), stilling well. -piloto (tiin), pilot shaft.
-d e cateo, test pit; test well, (pet) wildcat -seco (pet), dry hole or well.
well. -semisurgente, semiartesian well.
-de cienos (dac), sludge well. -- s&ptico,septic tank.
-de cigiieiia, (eng) crank pit. -silenciador, muffle pit.
--- de colecciSn, seepage or collecting welI. --- sumidero, wet well; (A) cesspool.
-de confluencia (al) , junction manhole. -surgente, artesian or flowing well; spouter.
-de decantaciSn, settling basin. -tolva (rnin) , main shaft.
-de desarrollo (pet), development well. --- tubular, driven well; drilled well.
-de empalme (elkc), splicing chamber. -vertedero (hid), shaft spillway.
-d e ensayo, test pit. pozuelo m, sump.
-de entrada, entrance well, manhole; inlet practicaje m, pilotage.
well, receiving basin. practicar, t o make, do, perform, execute,
-de escalera, stair well, wellhole. practico m, pilot; (min) expert; (bldg) mechanic,
-de escaleras (rnin) , ladderway. practical man.
-de escotilla (cn), hatchway trunk. pradera f, prairie, meadow.
-de evhcuaci6n (pet), disposal weU. prada m (ca), parkway.
-de excreta, cesspool. preaeracibn f, preaeration.
-de expansibn (cn), expnnsion trunk. preaereador rn, preaerator.
-de exploracibn, test pit; test well. preaislado, preinsulsted.
-de explosibn (geof), shot hole. preamplificador (ra), preamplifier.
-de extracciSd, mine shaft for hoisting. prearmado, preassemhled.
--- de inyeccibn, (pet) input well; (M) grout prebarrenado (mad), prebored.
bole. prebombeo m (sol), prcspringing, initial distor-
-de izar, hoistway. tion.
-d e lhmpara (al) , lamphole. precalafateado, precalked,
--- de lastre (Ch), ballast pit. precalentador m, preheater.
-de limnimetro, gage well. -de dos pasadas, two-pass preheater.
-de lirnpieza (al), flushing manhole, auto- -de placa, plate-type preheater.
- matic flush tank.
de linea o de paso (A), line manhole.
-de locomotora (fc), engine pit.
-recuperador, recupei-ative preheater.
-regenerador, regenerative preheater.
precdentar, to preheat.
---- de luz, light shaft. precargado, preloaded.
- de mina, mine shaft. precaucidn f,caution (Qign).
--- de observacibn, ohservntion well. precesihn f , precession.
-de percolacidn, leaching cesspool; (ea) filter preciador rn, appraiser.
well. preciar, t o appraise.
-de petrdleo, oil well. precinta f , precinto m, strap, band; seal.
-de prueba o de reconocimiento, test pit; test precintas (cab), parceling.
wcll. precintar, t o strap; t o seal; (cab) to parcel.
- de recogida, sump. precio m, price.
--- de registro, manhole. --- alzado, lump sum.
-de rernolino (r), pothole. -cornpetidor o de cornpetencia, competitive
- de restablecimiento, recharge well (ground prim.
water). - corriente o de plaza, market or currcnt price.
- de r e v i s i h , inspection well or pit. --- de compra, purchase price.
precio 245 presa
-de factura, invoice price. -de bsnco, bench vise.
- minimo fijado, upset price.
3 pot unidad, unit price.
-de canecillo (az), cantilever press.
-de columna, column press.
precipicio m, cliff, precipice. -de cremallera, rack-and-pinion press.
precipitable, precipitable. -de curvar o de doblar, bending press.
precipitacibn f, precipitation; rainfall. -de chapa caliente, hot press.
- pluvial, rainfall. -de estampar, stamping press.
- presumida (hid), assumed rainfall, design -de estirar, stretching press.
-de excentrica o de leva, cam press.
- storm.
qdxnica, chemical precipitation.
precipitado m, precipitate.
-de filtrar, filter press.
-de forjar, forging press.
precipitador m (mec), precipitator.
- -de formar, forming press.
de p~lvo,dust precipitator. -de hojas fijas (az), stationary-leaf press.
precipitente m (quim), precipitator, precipitant. -de husillo, arbor press.
precipitar, t o precipitate, deposit. -de madera (carp), hand screw.
precipitrbn (aa), Precipitron (trademark). -de palancas acodillqdas, toggle press.
precisibn f , precision, accuracy. -de pedal, foot press.
precloracib, preclorinacidn f, prechlorination. -de placas y cuadros (az), plateand-frame
precolar (cono), to precast. press.
precombadura f (sol), precarnber, - de rbtula, toggle press.
precombusti6n f, precombustion. -de soldar, press welder, brazing clamp.
precgmpresih f, precompression. -de taladro, drill press.
precompreso, prewrnpressed. -de tornillo, vise; screw press; clamp screw.
precondensador m,precondenscr. -de troquelar, stamping press.
mconsolidacibn f (ms) , preconsolidation. -de volante, ily press.
!recordillera f, hills at the base of a mountain
range, foothills.
-dobladora, crimping or bending press.
-enderezadora, straightening or gag press.
precurvar, t o precurve (rail). -enfardadora, b&g press.
predepurador m, precleancr. - escariadora, broaching press.
predesinfecciBn f (pa), predisinfection. -estrujadore, extrusion press.
predesmenuzadora f, precrusher. -forzadora, f arcing press.
predio m, real estate, landed property- - hidriruli~a,hydraulic or hydrostatic press;
preencendido m,preignition. (Sp) (Ec) hydraulic jack.
preenfriador m (aa), precooIcr. -ladrillera, brick press.
preenfriar, to precool. - moldeadora, molding. press.
preensamblado m, preassembly. - para briquetas, briqueting press.
-para cafios, pipe vise.
preestirado, prestretched.
preevaporador m, pre-evaporator. -para sierra, saw vise or damp.
prefabricado, prefabricated, (lbr) prefrarncd. - perforadora, piercer press.
prefatiga f, initial stress, prestress. -punzonadora, blanking or punch or draw
prefatigado, prestressed. press.
prefijo m (ra), prefix. - rebordeadora, flanging press.
preatracibn f, prefiltration. -recalcadora, upsetting press.
preiiltro m, prefilter. - sacaperno, bolt press.
prefloculaci6n f (is),preflocculation. -sujetadora (nlh), vise chuck.
prefocar, t o prefocus. -taladradora, drill press.
preformado (cab), preformed. prensado en calicnte, hot-pressed.
prehidratado, prehydrated. prensado en frlo, cpld-pressed.
preignici6n f, preignition. prensador m, press operator, pressman.
prelubricacibn f, prelubrication. prensaestopas m (mv) (vh), stuffing box.
premezclado (conc), premixed (ready-mixed, - de laberinto, labyrinth stuffing box.
central-mixed, transit-mixed, or shrink- prensahilo m (elk), cleat insul&tor.
mixed). prensar, to press.
premineraf (geol), preminerd (fault). prensista m (M), operator of a press.
premio m, bonus. prerrefxigeracih f, precooling.
- de seguro, insurance prcmium. prerrotaciBn f, prerotation.
premoldeado, precast,, prernolded. presa f, dam; (M)reservoir; (Sp) flume; *%p3
prendas Cf) de protecci6n (sol), protective cloth- irrigation ditch.
ing. -a panilla (A), diversion dam with bar screens
prensa f, press, vise, clamp; (Sp) jack. on the crest.
-a bisagra, hinged vise. - aligerada (A), cellular gravity dam; holIow
- a cadena, chain vise. dam.
- combadora (est), gag press. -aliviadero, spillway dam.
-conformadora, forming press. -Ambursen, Ambursen or flat-slab buttreas
- de ayustar, rigging screw. dam.
- de balancln, eccentric-shaft press, -auxiliar. saddle dam; cofferdam.
presa 246 privilegio
--- captadora de acarreos, debris barrier or dam. -asignada, rated pressure.
-cilindrica, rolling or roller d u n . -de aplastamiento (tub), collapsing pressure.
- de abatamiento, shutter dam. --- de apoyo, bearing pressure.
-de agujas, dam of needle beams. -de asentamiento (hid), seating or face pres-
---- de almacenamiento, storage dam; (M) stor- sure.
age reservoir. -de contraste (A), test pressure.
-de alzas, hear-trap dam; roof weir. -de1 criadero (pet), reservoir pressure.
- de ejercicio (hid) (U), service pressure.
--- de aprovechamiento miiltiple, r n ~ l t i ~ l e - ~ u r---
pose dam. -de ensayo o de prueba, test pressure.
-de arco, arch or single-arch dam. -de estallido, bursting pressure.
-de arcos mGItiples, multiple-arch dam. -de impacto, impact or dynamic pressure.
--- de aterramiento, desilting weir. -de levantamiento (hid), uplift pressure.
.-- de bbveda simple, single-arch dam. -de rechazo, refusal pressure (grout).
-de cajbn, crib dam. -de regimen, working or rated pressure.
-de cilindro, roller dam. -de trabajo, working pressure.
-de contencibn, nonoverflowor bulkhead dam. -de veIocidad, velocity pressure.
-de ciipula, dome dam. -electrostltica, electrostatic stress or pressure.
-de derivacibn o de desviaciSn, diversion dam. -manornbtrica, gage pressure.
-de detencibn, check or barrier dam. -media efectiva, mean effective pressure.
-de doble aprovechamiento, d u a l - p ~ & ~ o s o -no equilibrada, unbalanced pressure.
dam. presionar (A), t o press.
-de durmientes (Es), stop-log dam. pr6stamo m, borrowed fill; borrow pit; a loan.
--- de embalse, impounding or storage dam. presuponer, to estimate.
-de enchuffado (M), crib dam. presupuestar (A) ( C )(M), to estimate; to budget.
-de enrocamiento o de escollera, rock-fill dam. presupuesto m, estimate; budget.
-de gravedad, gravity dam. pretil m,parapet; (Cli) dike; (V) cliff.
-de machones, buttress dam. pretilero m (M), mason.
-de machones de cabeza redonda, roundhead- pretratamiento m, pretreatment.
buttress dam. pretratar, t o pretreat.
-de machones de cabeza r6mbica, diamond- prevaciado (conc), precast.
head-buttress dam. prima f,premium ; bonus; a (math) prime (x').
-de pantalla plana, Ambursen or flat-slab but- - de seguro, insurance premium.
tress dam. -p multa, bonus and penalty.
-de rebose, overflow or spillway dam, weir. primario, primary (all senses).
-de reguIarizaci6n, regulating dam. primer a u d i o , first aid.
---- de retencibn, bulkhead or nonoverflow dam; primer detector (ra), first detector, mixer stage.
impounding dam. primera curacibn, first aid.
-de roca suelta (Pe), rock-fill dam. primera destilacibn, planta de (pet), topping
-de sedimentacibn, hydraulic-fill dam. plant.
-de terraplen, earth or earth-fill dam. primera mano, (pt) priming coat.
- de tramos abovedados, multiple-arch dam. prisionero m, setscrew, stud bolt, tap bolt, cap
-derivadora, diversion dam. screw.
-en arco, single-arch dam. -de cabeza hueca, socket-head cap screw.
-insumergible, bulkhead or nonoverfiow dam. -de collar, collar stud.
-maciza, gravity or solid dam. -de macho, tap-end stud bolt.
-mbvil, movable dam. -de punta ahuecada, cup-point setscrew.
-niveladora, diversion dam; Og) splash dam. - de punta cbnica, cone-point setscrew.
-para escombros, debris dam. - d e punta ovalada, round-point setscrew.
-sumergible o vertedora, spillway or overflow -de resalto, shoulder stud.
dam, weir. -de rosca continua, conthlous-thread stud
presa-bbveda, single-arch dam. bolt.
presada f (Es), reservoir. --- de rosca doble, double-end stud bolt.
presaturado, prcsaturated. -encajado, hollow setscrew.
prescripciones Cf) generales (V) (U), general -espigado, pivot-point setscrew.
specifications. prisma m, prism.
presedimentacidn f (is), presedimentation. -de reconocimiento (fma), reconnoitering
presedimentado, presettled. prism.
preselector m (elkc), preselcctor. -Porro, Porro prism (optics).
presero m, custodian of dam or reservoir. - recto, right prism.
preservative m a,preservative. prismbtico, prismatic.
presilla f , clip, clamp; loop, bight. prismoidal, prismoidal,
- aislante, cleal in~ulat~or. prismoide m, prismoid.
- -- de prueba (elkc), test clip. privada f , privy, water closet.
---- para vidrio, glazing clip. privilegiado, patented.
presi6n f, pressure. privilegio m, franchise, concession; patent, copya
-a reventar, bursting pressure. right.
-de invenci6n, patent. promediar, to average.
proa f (cn), bow, stem, prow. promedio m, average, mean.
- , de, fore, forward. -aritmbtico, arithmetical mean.
- de, a, forward of. -cornpensado o pesado, weighted average.
probador m, tester; testing machine. -geomGtrico, geometric mean, mean propor-
- de acumuladores, battery tester. tional.
- de centro (mh), center indicator. prominencia f (top), ridge, hill, elevation.
- de la compresibn, compression tester. promontorio m, promontory.
- de contadores, meter prover.
del estrato (pet), formation tester.
de inflamacidn (pet), flash tester.
promotor, promovedor m, promotor.
promover, to promote (a project).
propagacidn f, propagation.
- d e mandmetros, gage tester. propano m (pet), propane.
- de nevada (hid), snow sampler. propiedad f, property.
- de tensi6n (el&), voltage tester. - aditiva (quim), additive property.
- de viilvulas (ra), tube tester. - inmuebfe o rru'z, real estrtte.
probadora d f ) de cemento, cement-testing ma- - limitrofe, abutting property.
chine. -mueble, personal property.
probar, to test. propietario m, owner.
probeta f, test piece; test tube; buret. propilita f (geol) , propylite.
- graduada (lab), graduate. propilitico, propylitic.
problema m, problem. propilitizacidn f (geol),propylitization.
-de dos puntos (lev), twepoint problem. proponente, bidder.
procedimiento m, process, method, system, pro- proporcibn f, proportion.
cedure. proporcionador m, proportionex.
proceso m (M) 0 (8).process, processing. proportional, proportional.
procurrente rn, peninsula. proporcionalidad f , proportionality, proportion-
produccidn f, production; product, throughput. ability.
- afluente o brotante (pet), flush production. proporcionar, t c proportion,
- de fuerza, power development. proposici6n f, proposal, bid ; proposition.
- de zona mClltiple (pet), multizone produc- propuesta f, bid, proposal, tender. I

tion. - a precios unitarios, unit-prim bid.

- en masa o en serie, mass production. -a suma alzada, lump-sum bid.
producir, to yield, produce. - deseqabrada, unbalanced bid.
productive, productive. propulsidn f, propulsion, drive.
product0 m, product, yield, production, through- -a cadena, chah drive.
put ; profit ; revenue, income; (math) - de engranrtjes, gear drive.
product. -delantera (auto), front drive.
- bmto, gross proceeds. -por correa, belt drive.
- de desecho, waste product. propulsionar (A), to drive, propel, actuate.
-escalar (mat),scalar product. propulsivo, propulsive.
- llquido, net proceeds. propulsor m, propeller; impeller; 0 blower; a
-neto fuera de la operacibn (fc), nonoperating: propulsive, drivhg.
income, promatear, to prorate.
- secundario, by-product. prorrateo m, proratbg.
-vectorid (mat), vector product. pr6rroga Cf) de phzo, extension of time (con-
groductor m, producer. tract).
-de esporas (lab), sporeforming. prorrogar, to extend, prolong.
proel a (cn), fore, forward. prospecciBn f (Es)(V) (COB,prospecting.
prof e s i h f (Ch) , occupation, trade. prospectar (min) , t o prospect.
profesionists (M) , professional man. proteccidn f, protection.
profundidad f, depth. protector m (mec) (elkc), protector ; a protective.
- efectiva, working depth (gear). -de 18mpara, lamp guard. .
-media, mean depth. - de la red (elk), network protector.
- neutra o n o d (bid), normal or neutral proteger, to protect.
depth. proteico (is), proteic, proteinaceous.
prafundizar, to deepen. protefna f (is), protein.
profundo, deep. protocloruro m (quim) , protochloride.
progresidn f (mat), progresion. protegeno (geol), protogenic.
-aritm6tica, arithmetical progression. protomena f (geol) , protore.
-geom&trica,geometrical progression. prothn m (ra), proton.
progresiva f, station on a, survey line. protoplasma rn (is), protoplasm.
-completa, full station (1110feet). protosulfuro m (quim) , protosulphide.
-fraccionada, plus station. prototipo m, prototype.
prols tn,mooring, head fast; mooring bitt. protbxido (m)do hierro, ferrous oxide.
prolongador m, extension piece. protozoarios, protozoos m (is), protozoa.
prolongar, to prolong; (dwg) to produce. protuberancia f, (mech) boss.
protuberancia 248 pueble 1
-de aguas s u b t e r r h e a s , ground-water mound. -agua, waterproof.
-para conexibn roscada (tub), tapping boss. -aire, airtight.
proustita f, proustite (silver ore). -Ucalis, alkaliproof.
proveedor m, supplier; (Ec) storekeeper, com- --- atollamiento, nonsticking.
missary man. -bala, bulletproof.
proveeduria f (Ec), commissary. -calor, heatproof.
proveimiento (m) d e agua, water supply. -cellisca, sleetproof.
provento m, receipts, income. ---- congelacibn, frostproof.
provisidn If) d e agua, water supply. -chispa, sparkproof, nonsparking.
provisorio, provisional, temporary. -elementos, (C) weatherproof.
proximidad f (ra), proximity. -- entremetido, tamperproof (cable).
progeccidn f,projection; designing. -error, foolproof.
-- central, central or gnomonic projection. -explosiones, explosibn-proof.
-- de Mercator, Mercator's projection. ---- fuego, fireproof.
---- en perspectiva, perspective projection. -gas, gasproof.
-normal (.A), orthographic projection. -golpes, (elec) shockproof.
---- ortogonai, orthographic or orthogonal p r e -goteo, dripproof, leakproof.
jpction. -grasa, greaseproof.
--- p l a k 6 t r i c a (A), horizontd projection. -humedad, dampproof, moistureproof, mois-
proyectacibn f (A), design, designing. ture-repellent.
proyectar, t o design, plan; t o project. -impericia, foolproof.
proyectista, designer. -incendio, fireproof.
proyecto m, design, plan; a project, development. -intemperie, weatherproof.
-de ejecucibn, detail design. -interferencia atmosf erica, (ra) staticproof.
-de fuerza hidr8ulica, water-power project. -ladrones, burglarproof.
--- de ley, bill, proposed law. --- lirna, ae-hard.
proyector m , searchlight, spotlight; projector. -luz, lightproof.
-ampmcador (fma), enlarging projector. -Uamas, flameproof.
-corrector (fma), correcting projector. -lluvia, raintight.
-de compensaciBn (fma), e q u a z i n g projector. -moho, rustproof.
--- de control de trhfico (ap), tr&c-control pro- -oleaje, (elec) surgeproof.
jector. --- pinchazo, punct ureproof.
-de direcci6n (ap) , directional floodlight. -polvo, dustproof.
-de exploracibn (tr), scanning head. -rayos, lightningproof.
-de mano (ap), pistol light. -resbalamiento, slipproof.
-de orientacidn (ap), bearing projector. -ruidos, noiseproof, soundproof.
- trazador (fma), tracing projector. -salpicaduras, spf,?shproof.
proyectoscopio m, projectoscope. -tormenta, stormproof.
prueba f,tcst; tcst piece. -terremotos, earthquakeproof,
---- nl choque, impact test. -vapor, steamproof.
---- a la ebullicidn, boiling test. pmebatubos m (pet), casing tester.
-a1 freno, brake test. prusiato m (qdrn), prussiate.
-a tizBn (ed), brand test, - de potasio, prussiate of potash, potassium
---- de agrietamiento (met), cracking test. cyanide.
--- de campo, field test. prtisico (qulm) , prussic, hydrocyanic.
-de desuso (clPc), shelf tcst. psamita f (gcol), psarnrnite, sandstone.
--- de doblado, bcndicg test (bar). psefita f (geol), pxphite.
-de emulsificacibn a vapor (pet), steam emd- psefitico, psephitic.
p i o n test. psicrbgrafo m (aa), psychrograph.
-d e Aexibn con pIantilla, guiclcd-bend test. psicrom6tric0, psychrometric.
-de flexi6a libre, freebend tcst. psicrbmetro m, psychrometer.
---- de fluidez, pour test. -I de aspiraci6n (mj, aspirated psychrometer.
-de intemperismo, e-posure or meathering -de honda (Es), sling psychrometer.
trst. - giratorio (as) (mrl), sling psychrometer.
- d e laze (elh), Imp test. psilomelano m (miner), psilomelane.
-d e mancha (ca), stain or pat stain test. psoforn6tric.0, psophometric.
-de meLla, nick-break tcst. psofbmetro m (tell, psophometer.
-- de pliegue e n frio, cold-bending test. p6a f, barb, (lg) mff.
-de sondaje, test-boring core, pucelana f,pozzolnn.
-da triifico acelerada (ap), accelerated traflic puchada f (Col) , grout.
trst. pudelador m, puddler.
-d e tres aristas, t h r e d g e bearing test. pudelaje m, puddling.
-. en flbrica, mill test. pudelar, t o puddle (iron).
-pur plegado, bending test. pudinga f {geol), conglomerste.
prueba de, a, proof against. pudrirse, etc., variants of podrirsa, etc.
-Bcidos, acidproof. pueble m (M), working force, gang, shift.
pueblo puertaventana
pueblo m, vilIage, town; people. -rodante, transfer table; (A) (Pan) traveling
puente m, bridge; (naut) deck; (carp) cap, crane, bridge crane.
header, putlog. - superior o volante (cn), flying bridge.
acueducto, aqueduct bridge. -suspendido, suspension bridge.
- arqueado, arch bridge.
basculante, lift or bascde bridge.
-transbordador, transfer bridge; ferry bridge,
aerial ferry, transporter bridge.
- cantilever, cantilever bridge. - volado, cantilever bridge.
- carretero, highway bridge. puente-blscda, weighbridge.
- colgante, suspension bridge. puente-canal, flume; aqueduct.
- corredizo, transfer table; ferry bridge. puente-&a corredizo (A), traveling crane.
- c h a l b (M) ,ferry bridge. puentecillo m, culvert, small bridge.
- de alcantarilla, culvert bridge. - del hogar (cal), h e bridge.
- de arco, arch bridge. puerte f, door; gate.
de armadura, truss bridge.
de arqueo (cn), tonnage deck.
a bisagra, hinged door.
a caj6n (A), hollow door.
- de ascensibn vertical, vertical-lift bridge. - arrolladiza, rolling door.
- de atracar o de espiar (cn), warping bridge. -barrera levadiza (fc), crossing gate.
de barcas, pontoon bridge. - caediza, drop or trap door.
de bbvedas, arch bridge. -colgante, hanging or sliding door.
-de caballetes, trestle bridge. -contrafuego o a prueba de incendio (ed), fire
- de calzada (V), highway bridge. door.
- de capacitancia (elBo), capacitance bridge. - corrediza, slidkg door.
-de ce1osEa (Ec), truss bridge. -de busco, mitering gate flock).
- de cornando o de mando (cn), bridge. -de cerco, gate:
-de hilo y cursor (el&), slide-wire bridge. - de cortina arbculada, rolling steel door.
- del hogar (cd), bridge wall, 6re or flame -de charnels, hinged door.
bridge. -de entrepaflos, framed or panel door.
- de impedancia (el&), impedance bridge.
-de inductancia (eIQc),inductance bridge.
- de esclusa, look gate.
-de existencia, stock door.
- de mmicbra o de servicio, operating - de fuego o del hogar o de homo (cal), fire
bridge. door.
-de medida ell?^) (A), Wheatstone bridge. -de golpe, gate that closes by gravity.
-de paso a trov6s, through bridge. - de guillotina, vertically sliding door.
-de paso superior, deck bridge; overhead - de hombre (M), manhole.
-de peaje, ton bridge.
- de mano derecha, right-hand door (hinges at
right when door is pushed open).
-de peatones, footbridge. -de mano Izquierda, left-hand door.
-de piIotaje, pile bridge. -de peinazos y riostra, ledged and braced
-de pontones, pontoon bridge. door.
- de pbrtico (A), rigid-frame bridge. -de rejilla, slat door.
- de suspensibn, suspcnsion bridgc. -de tesoro, vault or safe door.
-de tablero inferior o de via inferior, through -de tolva, bin gate.
bridge. - de vaivb, double-swing door.
-de tablero superior o de via superior, deck - ensamblada, framed or panel door.
bridge. - entabferada (M), panel door.
-de tramo mfiltiple, multiple+pm bridge. - astanca (cn), watertight door.
- de trasbordo, transfer table; bridge mane. -forrada de hajalata, tinolad door.
-de vigas compuestas, girder bridge. -gemela, double door.
-de Wheatstone (el&); Wheatstone bridge. -giratoria, revolving door.
- delantero (auto), front ado. - incombustibls, (bldg) fire door.
-en esviaje, skew bridge. -levadiza, lift or rising door.
-f erroviario, railroad bridge. - lisa o ilana, flush or sazlitary door.
- giratorio, swing bridge, drawbridge; turn- -rnetillica a cajbn, hollow metal door.
table. -mosquitera, screen door.
- giratorio de apoyo central, center-bearing -oscilatoria, double-swing door.
draw. - pabellbn, canopy door.
-giratorio de apoyo circunferencid, rim-bear- -persiana, slat door.
ing draw. -plegadiza, folding door; accordion door.
-levadizo, lift bridge, drawbridge. - plegadiza horizgntd, jackknife door.
- levadizo rodante, r o w lift bridgo. - romanilla (V), slat door.
-magn6tic0, magnetic bridge, - ventiladora (min), gage door.
-oblicuo o sesgado, skew bridge. -zaguera (co) (Es), tail gate.
-para sefiales (fc), signal bridge. puerta-reja, door or gate of open ironwork.
- portaescobilla (elbc), brush yoke. puerta-ventana, French window or door.
- posterior o trasero (auto), rear axle. puerta-vidriera, glass door.
- recMcador (elk), bridge rectifier. puertaventana f (Es), window shutter.
puerto 250 punto
puerto m, port, harbor; (top) gap, pass, saddle. -de 10s dedos, a, finger-tip (control).
---- aBreo (M), airport. --- de espuela (herr), spur point; spur center
-de aviacih, airport. (lathe).
--- de escala, port of call. -de flecha (dib), arrowhead.
-de matricula, port of registry. -de Paris, common wire nail.
--- fluvial, river port. -de Paris de 8 pulg, wire spike, 80 d wire nail.
-franco, free port. -de torno, lathe center.
-rnaritimo, seaport. -d e trazar, marking awl.
puesta f, setting, plncing. -de vidriar, glazier's point.
--- a punto, adjusting. -enclavadora (fc), detector point.
-a ticrra (el&), ground connection. -fija (torno), dead center.
-e n rnarcha (maq), starting. -giratoria (torno), live center.
--- en obra, placing, erection, i n s t a h t i o n ; (C) -norte (inst), north point.
delivered on the job. --- para hormigbn, concrete nail.
-e n servicio, putting into service. -para machimbre, flooring nail.
puesto a bordo, free on board (FOB). -r6mbica (herr), diamond point.
puesto sobre vagbn, loaded on cars. -rompedora, bullpoint.
pujamante m (Ec). chisel. -seca (dib), needle point for compass.
puIgadaf, inch (or %6 of a vara). -sur (inst), south point.
-circular, circular inch. -viva (mh) (A), live center.
-cuadrada, square inch. puntas de chispa (el&), sparking points.
-de agua, water-inch; (ac) inch of water. puntal rn, shore, strut, prop, spur, compression
-de minero, miner's inch. member; (elcc rr) push-off; dredge spud;
pulgada-libra, inch-pound. (sb) depth of hold; (sb) stanchion.
pulgada-yarda (ca), irlch-yard. -de alero, eaves strut.
pulicln m (Es), turning chisel. -de arqueo (cn), register depth.
pulidor (m) de madera (A), spokeshave. -de colisibn (pte), collision strut.
pulidora f, polisher; buffer. -de construcciBn (an), molded depth.
pulimentadora j, lapping or buffing machine. -de draga, dredge spud.
pulimentar, to polish ; t o buff; (va) t o grind. -de invertido (tim), invert strut.
pulir, t o polish; t o finish; t o surface. -inclinado, raking brace.
pulmotor m, pulmotor. punteado (M), pitted (rust).
pulps f , pulp. punteria f (Iev), sighting.
pulperia f (Ch), commissary. puntero m, point chisel ; bullpoint; hand (gage).
pulpero m (V) , commissary man. punterola f, miner's pick; bullpoint.
pulsacibn f, pulsation, (elec) pulse; (elec) surg- puntiagudo, sharp, pointed.
ing; (ra) beat. puntilla f, finishing nail, brad; (C) common wire
-borradora (tv), blanking pulse. nail; (min) poling board.
pulsador m, pulsator; push hutston. --- de mhquina, machine brad.
pulsar, to pulsate. -de Paris, wire brad.
pulsativo, pulsating. -francesa, finishing nail.
pulseta f (M), churn drill; sounding rod. -para contramarcos, casing nail.
pulso, a, by hand; (dwg) freehand. -para entarimado, flooring brad.
puls6metro m (bm), pulsometer. puntillado (dib), stippled.
pulverizador rn, pulverizer; atomizer, sprayer. puntista m, (min) laborer who works with a bar;
-de pintura, paint sprayer. (su) panman.
pulverizar, t o atomize; t o comminute; t o pulvcr- punto m, point.
ize; t o grind (ore). -a punto, point-trppoint.
pulverulento, pulverulent. -accidental (dib), accidental point.
pulla f (Col), kind of machete. --- caliente (di) (met), hot spot.
puna f, high plateau. -caracteristico (bm), design point.
punceta (j)de calafatear, calking chisel. -cedente, yield point.
punci6n f (V), punching. -de acercamiento (fc), fouling point.
punta f, point, nib; nail; bullpoint; cape, head- -de alimentacibn (elk), feeding point.
land. -- de anilina (pet), aniline point.
-acopada (torno), cup center. -- de arranque, starting point.
- --coladora, well point. --- de burbujeo, bubble point.
-, de, on end. --- de carnbio, (rr) point of switch (theoretical)
-de aguja, (rr) switch point; needle point (surv) burning point.
(compass). - d e cartabbn (fc), clearanre point.
-de alambre (Ch), wire nail. - de centello (M), flash point.
-de barreta, moil point (pneumatic tool). -de combustih, fire point (oil), burning
-de cabeza perdida, brad, finishing nail. point.
-de cajonero, box nail. -de comienzo (fc) (M), point of cnrve.
-det corazbn (fc), point of frog (actual); point -de comprobacibn (lev), control point.
of tongue. -de condensacibn, dew paint.
punto 251 pweza
- de congelaci6r.1, freeaing or ice point; pour
point (oil).
-nodal anterior o de incidencia (frna), inci-
dent or front nod4 point.
- de corazbn (fc), point of frog (theoretical). - nodal imagen, rear nodal point.

de cota llja (lev), bench mark.
de la curva (fc)(ca), point of curve.
de curva compueata, point of compound
objeto, front nodal point.
nulo (geof), null point.
obligado (lev), control or governing point.
- curve.
de chucho (fc), point of switch.
- posterior o de salida (frna), rear nodal point,
nodal point of emergence.
de deformacibn, yield point, elastic limit.
de derretimiento, melting point.
- principal (frna), principal point, optical cen-
- de destilacibn, distillation point (oil).
de disparo o de explosiBn (geof), shot point.
-terrestre de referencia (frna), ground con-
trol point.
- de ebullicibn, boiling point. -topogr&ficode referencia, bench mark.
- de encendido, ignition point. - trigonom6trico (V), triangulation station.
- -
de encuentro, (tu) panel point.
de escantillbn (fc) , gaging point.
de espiral (fc), point of spiral.
V (frna), nadir or V point.
-Y raya o y trazo (dib), dot and dash (line).
puntos cardinales, cardinal points.
- de espiral-curva (fc), point of spiral-ccrvc. punt06 del distribuidor (auto), distributor points.
- de estacidn (lev) (Es), transit point. punzado en caliente, hot-punched.
- de exploracibn (tv), scanning spot.
da exposicibn (frna), exposure station.
punzador m, puncher (man).
punzadora f, punching machine.
- de fluidez, pour point. -de palanca, lever punch.
- de fuga (dib), vanishing point. punzadura I, puncture.
- de fusibn, melting point. punzar, to punch.
- de g%libo{fc), clearance point. punz6n m, punch, bullpoint; gadding pin; (va)
- de goteo, dropping point. needle; pile spud.
- de hielo, freezing point. -aflojador, starting punch.
de ignicibn, ignition point. - ahusado, taper punch.
- de imagen (geof), image point. -autocentrador, self-centering center punch.
- de inffamacibn, flashor ignition point. -botador, pin punch. .
- de inflexihn, (str) point of contrdexure, in- -centrador o de centrar, center punch.
-cortador, cutting punch.
flection point; (rr) (rd) break in grade.
- de interruptor (el&), switch point. -de agujeros ciegos (el&), knockout punch.
-de llama, fire point {oil), burning point. -de broca, bit punch (drill).
- de marca (lev), station.
---- de nivelacidn (V), bench mark.
-de marcar o de puntear, center or prick
-de obscuridad (pet), cloud point. - de plegar, bending punch.
-de partida (lev), starting point. -de resorte, spring punch.
- de rasante (lev), grade point. -de rieles, track punch.
-de reblandecimiento, softening point. -de tierra, soil punch.
-de recocido, annealing point. -de tornillo, screw punoh.
- de ref erencia (lev), reference point; datum -de trazar, scriber.
point. -de velero, sail make^'^ awl.
- de rocio, dew point. -formador o troquelador, forming punch.
-de solidi6caci6n (qufm) , setting point. -miiltiple, gang punch,
- de tangencia (fc) (oa), point of tangency, tan- -para clavitos, brad punch.
gent point. --- para clsvos, nail set.
-de termino (fc) (M), point of tangency. -para correas, belt punch.
- de trabajo (ra), operating or quiescent point. -para empaquetadura, gasket pupch.
- de tramo, (tu) panel point. -para espigas, shank punch (drill).
- de trdnsito (lev), transit point. -sacaclavos, box chisel.
- de trocha (fc), gaging point. punzbn-estampa, steel marking stamp.
- de la vista (dib), vanishing point. punzbn-mandril, drift purich.
- dominante (lev), control point. punzonador m, punch.
- flducial {frna), fiducial point. - a pdanca, lever punch.
-fijo altimbtrico, bench mark. punzonadora ( f ) mGltiple, block or gang punch
-fijo de nivel, bench mark. punzonar, to punch.
- focal primario (frna), primary focal point. pufio m, grip; doorknob; handle.
-idamador, flash point. pupila f (6ptica), pupil.
-muerto, dead end; (end dead center; he) -de entrada, entrance pupil.
mid gear; (auto) neutral position; (ra) -de salida, exit pupil.
dead spot. pupitre m, desk (switchboard).
-muerto del sector (rnv), mid gear. -de distribucibn, control dcsk, benchboard.
-nuerto inferior, bottom dead center. - de instrumentos, instrument desk.
- muerto superior, top dead center. puquio m (Ch)(Pe), spring (water).
- =&a1 (frna). nadir point, V point. pureza f, purity.

purga f,draining; venting; blowoff. -. d e malezas, weed burner.

-de mena (hid), sand sluice. -de Ilama hueca, hollow-flame burner.
purgador m, blowoff, drain cock, mud valve, pet- -de llama plana, flat-flame burner.
cock ; purger. -de mezcla interna, inside-mix burner.
purgar, to drain; t o cleanse; to vent; (call (MI t o --- de petr6le0, oil burner.
blow off; (ac) t o purge. -de premezcla, external-mixing burner.
purificador m, purifier. -de surtidores miiltiples, multitube burner.
purificadora If) de aceite, oil reclaimer. -de tub0 transversal, cross-tube burner.
purificar, t o purify. -de turbulencia, turbulent burner.
purina f (lab), purine. -meciinico, mechanical-atomizing burner.
piirpura ( f ) d e bromocresol (lab), bromocresol -para combustibles mtiltiples, multifuel
purpIe. burner.
n i i r ~ u r ad e metacresol (lab), metacresol purple. -rotatorio a motor, motor-driven rotary
putrefaccibn f, putrefaction, decay. burner.
-hiimeda (mad), wet rot. quemadura f, burning; burn.
putrefactivo, putrefactive. quemar, t o burn; quemarse, t o burn up, burn
putrescibilidad f, putrescibility. out (bearing).
putrescible, putrescible. querargirita f (miner), cerargyrite, horn silver.
pfitrido, putrid. querat6firo m (geol), keratophyre.
puzolana f, pozzolan. querosene m (A), kerosene.
puzoliinico, pozzolanic. quiastolita f (mincr), chiastolite, made.
quicial m, doorjamb; hanging stile; quoin post.
quicialera f, doorjamb.
quicio m, pivot; hinge; (C) doorsill.
quebracho m, cluebracho (hardwood). -dentado (hid) (C), dentated sill.
quebrada f, brook; small valley, ravine, gully, quicionera f, socket; step bearing; (de) foot-block
draw; gorge. casting.
quebradizo, brittle, friable, (lbr) brash, (met) quiebra f, crack; bankruptcy, failure.
short. quiebmhacha m, breakax, ironwood.
-a1 frio, cold-short. quiebramar m, breakwater.
-e n cafiente, hot-short. quiebravirutas m (mh), chip breaker.
quebrado m, (math) fraction; (C) channel be- quijada f, jaw, cheek.
tween reefs; a broken; bankrupt; (top) -de arranque del cigiieiial (auto), crankshaft
hilly, broken. starting jaw.
-propio, proper fraction. quijera f (carp)(Col), shoulder; cheek, side face.
quebrador m, crusher. quijero m (Es), slide slope of an irrigation ditch.
quebradora f,crusher. quijo m (min), quartz containing gold or silver.
-d e carbhn, coal breaker. -de hierro, gossan, iron hat.
-d e cono, cone crusher. quilatador m, assayer.
-d e impacto, impact breaker or mill. quilatar, t o assay.
-de mandfbula o de quijadas, jaw crusher. quilate m, carat.
-d e martillos, hammer mill o r crusher. quilogramo, quilbmetro, etc. (Es), same as kilo-
-d e roles (M), roll crusher. gramo, killmetro, etc.
-giratoria, gyratory crusher. quilla f , keel.
-reductora, reduction crusher. -de balance, bilge keel, rolling chock.
quebraja f , break, crack. -de rolido (A), bilge keel.
quebrajar, quebrajarse, to crack, split. -interna (A), keelson.
quebrantable, brittle. --- lateral, bilge keel.
quebrantadora f , crusher; paving breaker. quimbo m (PR), machete.

-de mandibulas, jaw crusher.
giratoria, gyratory crusher.
quebrantaolas m, breakwater.
qulmica f,chemistry.
-geolhgica, geochemistry.
quebrantapavimentos m (Es), paving breaker. qulmicarnente puro, chemically pure.
quebrantar, t o crush, break. quimico m, chemist; a chemical.
quebranto m (an), negative or hog sheer; hog- -azucarero, sugar chemist.
ging. -geolSgico, geochemist.
quebrar, t o crush, break, rupture; t o fail, become quimihidrometria f, chemihyclrometry.
bankrupt. quimilurniniscencia f, chemiluminescence.
puebraza (f) de hierro (A), steel wool. quim6grafo rn, kymograph.
quemador m, burner. quimosintetico (is), chemosynthetic.
-a chon0 de vapor, steam-atomizing burner. quimotaxia f (is), chemotaxis.
-a ventilador, fan-blast or low-pressure quincha f , lathing of cane or small branches used
burner. as foundation for mud or cerrient plaster-
-antidestumbrante (ap), nonglere burner. ing; (A) window sill.
-de alta presibn, high-pressure burner. quinta rueda (co), fifth wheel.
-de arcilla (pet), clay burner. quintal m, quintal (100 ib).
quintal radioingeniero
- mitrico, metric quintal (100 kilos). -de giro, radius of gyration; turning radius.
quintalaje m (Ch), weight in quintals. -de inertia, radius of inertia.
quintante m (inst), quintant. -de viraje, turning radius.
quintillh m, quintillion. -hidrHuIico medio, mean hydraulic radius,
quinto m a, fifth. hydraulic mean depth.
quiselgur m (geol), kieselguhr (porousdiatomite). -hidrfiulico principal, major hydraulic radius.
quiste na (ia), cyst.
quisticida, cysticidal. - vector, radius vector.
quita y pon, de, detachable. raGo f, radio.
quitabarniz m, varnish remover. -brdjula, radio compass, direction finder.
quitabujes m, bushing puller. radio-compb m (A), radiogoniometer, direction
quitacostra m. scale remover. fiuder.
quitador m, remover, puller, extractor. rarlioactividad, radiactividad f, radioactivity.
- de cienos, sludge remover. radioactivo, radixtivo, radioactive.
-de neumiiticos, tire tool. radioacfistica f , radioacoustics.
quitaespumas m, scum remover. radioampli3cador nz (A), amplifier.
quitadeve m,snowplow. radioanalizador m (A), analyzer.
- de alas, wing snowplow. radioantena f (A), antenna.
-de camibn, snowplow wings, truck snow- radioarmador m (A), radio mechanic.
plow. radioaxial, radial-thrust (bearing).
-de cuchillas laterales, wing snowplow. radiobaliza f, radio range beacon.
-de vertedera, moldboard snowplow. a seiiales iguales, equisignal radio range
-rotatorio, rotary snowplow. beacon.
quitapiedras m (loco), pilot, cowcatcher. radioblindado (el&), radio-shielded.
quitapintura f , paint remover. radioblindaje rn, radio-shielding.
quitaptin, de, detachable, removable. radiobulbo m (A), electron tube.
quitar, to remove, take away, extract, take off, radiocanal m, radio channel.
strip. radiocomunicacidn f,radio communication.
quitarrebabas m,burr chisel; burring reamer. radioconductor m, radioconductor.
quitatenazaa rn (ef), grab skipper. radiocontrol m,radio control.
radiodetector m, radiodetector.
radiodifundir, to broadcmt.
radiodifusih f, broadcasting.
rabera f , It) tang; breech (tackle block). radiodifusora f, broadcwting station.
rcbiSn m, rapids; riffle. radiodinlmico, radiodynamic.
rabiza f, end of rope; tail of a block. radioelbctrico, radioelcctric.
rabo m, shank, handle, tang, fang; breech radioelemento m, radioelement.
(tackle block). radioemisih f , broadcasting.
-de rnta (cab), pointing. radioemisora f, broadcasting station.
mccl m (an), run, entrancc. radioescucha m (m), monitor; radio listener.
--- de pcpa, run. radioespectro m, radio epectrwn.
-de proa, entrance. radioestacidn f , radio station.
racional (mat), rational. radiofacsimile m, facsimile broadcasting.
racha f, slab of wood; splinter; crack, split. radiofaro m, r d o beacon; radiophare.
rada f, roads, anchorage, roadstead. -de alineacibn, radio range beacon.
radar, radar. -de aterrizaje (ap), landing beacon.
radiacih f, radiation ( d l senses). -de equiseiial, equisignal beacon.
- de extensi6n (cf), extended radiaiion. -marcador o de orientacibn, radio marker
-espuria (ra), spurious radiation. beacon.
-primaria (cf), prime radiation. radiofbnico, radiophonio.
- X, X radiation. radi6fono m, radiophone.
radiador m, (auto) (ht) (ra) radiator; {ra) trans- radiofotografia f, radiophotography.
mitt er. radiofrecuencia f,radiofrequency.
-de detas y tubos (auto), fin-and-tube radia- radiog6nic0, radiogenic.
tor. radiogoniometrh j, radiogoniometry, direction
-de colmena o de panal, honeycomb radiator. finding.
-de tubos achatados (auto), flat-tube radiator. radiogoni6metro m, radiogoniometer, direction
radial, radial. fmder.
radian m (mat), radian. radiogrefia f, radiograph, X-ray photograph,
radiancia f, radiance, specific radiant intensity. skiagraph, shedowgraph; radiography; ra-
radiante m, radian; a radiant. diotelegraphy.
radiar, t o radiate; (ra) t o broadcast. radiogrdar, to radiograph; to radiotelegraph.
radical m a (mat) (quim), radical. radiogr&o, radiographic.
radier m (hid)(Ch), floar, mat,apron, hearth. radidgrafo m, radiograpk.
radio m, radius; radium. radiograms m, radiogram.
-atdmico (quh), atomic radius. radioingeniero m, radio engineer.
radioinstalador 254 ranuradora
radioinstalador m (A), installer of radio equip- rajas (min) (M), lagging, spilling.
ment. ra jable, rajadizo, easily split, fissile.
radiolarios m (is), Radiolaria. rajadura f , crack, fissure, split.
radiologia f , radiology. rajar, t o split, rive; (pi) t o broom; rajarse, to
radidlogo m, radiologist. split, crack; (pi) to broom.
radiolumiaiscencia f , radioluminescence. rajatocones m (ec), stump splitter.
radiomec5nico m, radio serviceman. rajatubo m (pet), casing splitter.
radiornensaje m, radio message. rajo m (Ch) (B), excavation, cut.
radiornetalografia f, radiometallography. rajdnm, rubble stone, (conc) plum; (C) brickbat.
radiometria f, radiometry. ralo, light, thin (liquid).
radibmetro m, radiometer. rama f , branch, a r m ; leg of a n angle; (rr) flange
radiomicrdrnetro m, radiomicromcter. of a splice bar.
radioonda f (A), radio wave. rarnas desiguales, unequal legs (angle).
radiooperador m (A), radiotelegrapli operator. ramas iguales, equal legs.
radiopaco, radiopaque. ramal m, branch, arm; strand of rope.
radiopropalar (A), to broadcast. -a 45" (tub), Y.
radioquimica j, radiochemistry. -a 90" (tub), T.
radiorientador m, radio direction finder. -cerrado (fc), loop line.
radiorreceptor m, receiving set, radio receiver. -cloaca1 (A), branch or lateral sewer.
radiorreparador m (A), radio repairman. - de falla (geol) , branch fault.
radioscopia f, radioscopy. -de servicio (tub), service connection.
radioscopio m,radioscope. ---- de 180' invertido (tub), vent branch.
radios6nic0, radiosonic. -T (tub), T branch.
radiotecnica f , radiotechnology, radio engineer- -Y (tub), Y or wye branch.
ing. ramalla f , brushwood.
radiot6cnico m,radio engineer. rambla f , ravine; brook; avenue.
radiotelefonema m (A), radiotelephone message. rarneadora f (Ch). tie-tamping machine.
radiotelefonia f, radiotelephony. rameo m (Ch), tamping (ties).
radiotelefonista, radiotelephone operator. rarnificarse, t o branch off.
radiotelEfono m, radiotelephone. ramita df) de fl6n (rnin), smalI branch of a lode,
radiotelegrafia f, radiotelegraphy. leader.
radiotelegrlfico, radiotelegraphic. ram0 m, branch, section, division.
radiotelegrafista, radiotelegraph operator. ramojo m,brushwood.
radiotelegsama m, radio telegram. rampa f , ramp, slope, grade, incline, (A) (Sp)
radiotrasmisi6n f, radio transmission. upgrade.
radiotrasmisor m. radio transmitter. -autoactuadora o de gravedad (rnin), self-
-a chispa, spnik transmitter. acting or gravity or go-devil plane.
radiotriangulador m (A), radial triangulator. -de acceso (ca), accommodation ramp.
radiotricista m (A), radio mechanic. -salmonera (hid), fish ladder, fishway.
radiotrbn m, radiotron. rana f (fc), frog.
radiotubo m (A), electron tube. -con carril de muelle, spring-rail frog.
radiov&lvula f (A), electron tube. -de punta movible, movable-point frog.
radiovisidn f , radiovision. -encarriladora, wrecking frog.
radiovisor m, radiovisor. rancho m, ranch; shanty; camp; mess, board,
raedera j, scraper; (hyd) trashrack rake; ration.
straightedge, screed. ranchbn m (PR), mess hall, boardinghouse.
-de cienos, sludge scraper. ranfla f , ramp; (C) chute.
-con vuelo (ca) , bullnose screed. rango (m)de ondas (ra) (A), wave band.
raedor m (herr), scraper. rangua f, socket; step bearing, pivot bearing;
-de tinta, ink eraser. (de) foot-block casting.
raer, t o abrade, scrape; to scrccd. ranurn f, groove, slot, keyway, channel, rabbet,
rafa f , (Sp) cut for intake of subsidiary irrigation dado.
ditch; (min) skewback cut in rock; (V) - colectora (lu), collecting groove.
(Col) reinforcement of a mud wall. - de aceite, oil groove.
rail m (fc), rail. -de ataguiamiento (hid), stop-log groove.
mfz f, root; (math) root; (reinf)(V) dowel, bond -de chaveta (maq), keyway.
bar. - de engrase o de lubricacih, oil groovp.
-cuadrada, square root. -de pestaiia (fc), flangeway.
-cuadrada de la media de 30s cuadrados, -en T, T slot.
root-mean-square. - motriz (mh), driving slot.
-cGbica, cube root. -para aro (rng), piston-ring groove.
-de la rosca ( A ) , root of thread. -y lengueta (mad), tongue and groove.
- de la soldadura, root of weld. ranuradora f, gsrooving machine or tool; slottirlg
-quinta, fifth root. machine.
raja f, crack, fissure, split;, chip; (Ibr) - de manivelas, crank dotter,
check. -para t o r d l o s , screw-slutting cutter.
ranurar, to groove, slot, channel, rabbet. rastra f, dragging; road drag or hone or planer,
riipida f (M), chute, flume. stoneboat ; harrow; (lg) jumbo, go-devil,
-para troncos, log chute. log boat, travois; sled; (MI groundsill.
rapidez f, speed. -de arpillera (ca), burlap drag.
rapid0 (hid), chute, drop. -de cuchillas, blade drag.
- a

en cascada (al)(Es), stepped chub. -de dientes o de clavos, peg-tooth or spike

- en pendiente, sloping chute. tooth harrow.
-de dientes de resorte, spring-tooth harrow.
rgpidos, rapids.
rarefaccibn f, rarefaction. -de discos, disk harrow.
rarefacer, r a d c a r , to rarefy. - de escobas, broom drag.
ras m, level, surface, plane. rastrear, to rake; to harrow; (rd) to drag.
- ,aI, level full, struck off.
de, al, Bush with.
rastrel m, straightedge, screed board; screed
rasador m, straightedge, screed board. -acabador (ca), finishing screed.
rasadora f (ec)(U) (V), skimmer scoop. -vibratorio, vibratory screed.
rasante f, grade line, subgrade. rastreo m,dragging.
- con, flush with. rastrillador m, raker (man).
-dominante, ruling grade. rastrillera f, slip scraper.
- undulada, rolling grade. -de ruedas, wheeled scraper.
rasar, to level, smooth off, strike off. rastrillo m, rake; harrow; road drag; ward of 3
rascaceite, aro, scraper ring (piston). lock; grizzly; check dam ; (h yd) trashrack
rascacenizas m, fire rake. rake; (loco) pilot; (hyd)(A) cutoff w d l
rascacielos m,high building, skyscraper. (V) slip scraper; (C) drag conveyor.
rascadera I, scraper. -de asfaltador, asphalt rake.
rascador m, scraper. -de estancamiento (hid) (A), cutoff wall.
- de pared (pet), wall scraper. -de malezas, brush rake.
- de parrilla (cal), clinker bar. -de ruedas (V), wheeled scraper.
rascar, to scrape, roughen. -de tracci6n (V), drag or dip scraper.
rascatubos m (cal), tube scraper. -limpiador (hid), rack cleaner or rake.
rasero m, straightedge, screed board. -para matas (ec), brush rake.
rasgador m (ec), rooter, ripper. -portacables (elkc), cable rack.
- de cahle, cable ripper. rastro m, rake, harrow; cutoff wall (dam); (C
- hidr Pulico, hydraulic ripper. junk yard.
- rotativo, rotary ripper. rastr6n m (A), drag scraper.
rasgadora f, rooter, ripper. rata f (Col) (V) , rate.
rasgar, to rip, tear. ratear, to prorate.
rasgueo m (dib), shading. rateo m, prorating; (auto) (A) missing, misfire.
rasilla f (Es),thin brick used for furring or for ratonera f (pet), rathole.
paving. raudal m, stream, torrent, raco.
raspa f,rasp, coarse fle. raudales, rapids.
raspacojinetes m , bearing scraper. raudaloso (A), in flood, running full.
raspadera f, spokeshave. rauU m, a South American softwood.
raspador m, rmp, scraper, buffer (tire); steel raya f, line, dash; boundary; (M)(B) day's
eraser; (pet) stripper. wages; (M) (B) payroll; (miner) (A) (B)
- de banco, bench scraper. streak.
- de eilindro, roll scraper.
de neumiiticos, tire buffer.
rayas de triifico (ca), traffic stripes.
rayado m, ruling; rifling; (dwg) hatching; (M)
- de tinta, ink eraser. laborer; a fluted, scored, ribbed.
-para correas, belt scraper. -de guia (ca), traffio atriping.
raspadora Cf) de barros, sludge scraper. --- en espiral, rifled.
raspadura f, scraping; abrasion. rayador m, grooving tool; (M) timekeeper; pay-
raspante m a, abrasive. master ; (dwg) section-liner.
-de acero, crushed steel. rayadora f (ca) , striping machine.
raspaparedes m (pet), wall scraper. rayar, to groove, scratch, score; {M) to pay off
raspapintura m, paint scraper. (dwg) to hatch; to rule.
raspar, to scrape, rasp, buff (tire). rayente a, abrasive.
- las juntas (mam), to rake jointa. ray0 m, ray;spoke; stroke of lightning;radim.
- Jfa, alpha ray.
raspatubos m, tube cleaner ; bet) go-devil, casing
scraper. -canal (ra), positive or canal ray.
rasqueta f (hen), scraper; shave hook. - cathdico, cathode ray.
- de ebanista, cabinet scraper. - de aterrizaje (ap) , landing beam.
-para cubiertas, deck or ship scraper. - de imagen (fma), image ray.
-para tubos de caldera, tube scraper. -de planeo (ap), glide beam.
- triangular, painter's triangle. - del radio, radio b e m .
rasquetear, to scrape; to roughen. -electrbnico, eleotron beam.
rasqueteo m, scraping. - gamma, gamma ray.
-localizador (up), Iocalizer beam. rearborizacidn f, reforestation.
-medular (mad), medullary or pith ray. reaseguro m, reinsurance.
-positivo (ra), positive or canal ray. reaserradero (m) sin fin (em), band resaw.
-tangenciaf, tangent spoke. reata f (M) (B), small ropo.
-visual (lev), line of sight. rebaba f, burr (steel); fin, rough seam; (w) flnsh,
rayos principales (fma) , principal visual rays. h.
rayos ultravioleta, ultraviolet rays. rebabadora f, chipping hammer.
rayos X, X rays. rebabar, t o trim s casting; (th) t o burr.
ragbn m, rayon. rebabeadora f (M) , chipping hammer.
razbn f, ratio, rate. rebajada f , recess, offset, (str) copc.
-agua-cemento, water-cement ratio. rebajado m, (prny) weakening; a recessed, offset;
-de absorcibn (il), absorption ratio. cut back (asphalt) ; segmental (srch) ; (Ibr)
-de contraccidn (ms), shrinkage ratio. plowed.
-de delgadez (est), slenderness ration. rebajador m, rabbeting plane; gummer (saw);
-+de engranajes, gear ratio. (pmy) weakener.
--- de salario, rate of pay. rebajadora f, router.
-de transformacidn (elbc), transformer ratio. -de mica ( e l k ) , mica undercutter.
-inversa, inverse ratio. rebajar, t o cut down, relievo, rabbet, scarf, shave
-social, partnership, firm; firm name. off, back off; t o offset; t o neck down; t o cut
-trigonom&trica, trigonometric function. back, dilute; (str) to copo; (pmy) t o
reaccibn f , reaction (all senses). weaken.
-del apoyo (est), end reaction. rebaje m, a cut.
-quimica, chemical reaction or change. -de cabeza (min) (M), overhand stope.
reaccionar, t o react. -descendente (min) (M), underhand stope.
reacerar, t o retempcr (iron). rebajo m, offset, rabbet, scarf; groove, recess.
reacondicionador m (pet), hole conditioner. - del cielo (min) (M) , overhand stope.
reacondicionsr, t o recondition; t o dress (grinder). rebalsa f, pool, pond.
reactancia f ( e l h ) , reactance. rebalsar, to dam, impound, pond; (A) (Ch) (Pe)
-capacitiva o de capacidad, capacity or capac- t o overflow; rebalsarse, t o back up, form
itive reactance. a pool.
-de dispersibn, leakage reactance. rebalse m, impounding; (Ch) (Pe) overflow.
-momentknea, transient reactance. rebanado m (min), slicing.
reactivacihn f, reactivation. rebanador rn, slirer.
reactivador m, reactivator. rebarba (C), see rebaba.
reactividad f, reactivity. rebasar, t o ovcrflow; t o pass, go beyond.
reactivar (quim) (ra), t o reactivate. reblandecer, t o softcn; t o cut back (asphalt)
reactivo m, reagent; a reactive. reblandecerse, t o softcn.
-depresivo (min), depresiant. reblandecimiento d e agua, water softening.
reactor m, (clec) reactor, impedance coil; (pet) reborde m, edgc; dike; flange; (hyd) sill; (w)
reactor. overlap, roll.
-de alimentador, feeder reactor, -de acera, curb.
-de arranque, starting reactor. -de la campana (tub), huh bead.
-de barras colectoras, bus reactor. -del macho ( t u b ) , spigot h a d .
-de filtro (ra), filter chokc. - deflector (hid), deflector sill.
-de saturacibn, saturating reactor. -- dentado (hid), dentntcd sill.
-en derivacibn, shunt reactor. rebordeador m (cn) , f l : u ~ ~turner
r (n~nn).
--- e n paralelo, parallcling reactor. -de tubos (cal), fluo bcndcr.
-limitador d e corriente, current-lin~itinpreac- rebordeadora f, flanging tool.
tor. rebordear, to flange.
-sincronizador, synchronizing reactor. rebosadero m, spillway; overflow pipe; (Ch)
readoquinado m, repaving. irregular dcposit of om.
reaeraci6n f , rcaer Rt 'Ion. rebosar, t o overflow.
reafilar, t o rcsharpcn, rcgrind. rebose m, spillway; ovcrflow.
reafirmado m (ca), resurfacing, repaving. reboso m (V), ovorfiow, flood.
real (m) de agua (min), a n old measure of water rebotar, to rcbound.
based on s pipe the sizo of a real (shout rebote m, rcbound, reailicnce.
3 cu in. per scc). -elhstico, elastic resilience.
reaice m ,raising; raised work (hyd) flashboard; -final, ulti~nnto~~esilience.
(min) rising drift, overhand stope; (C) rebufo m, rccoil.
supcrelc~ationof a curve. recalcado (m) en frlo, cold-upsetting.
realera f (AC), kind of marheto. recalcador 7n, calker (man) ; swage (saw).
realimentacibn f ( c l h ) , fccdback. recalcadora f, upsetting nirtchine.
-ltctistica (ra), acoustic fcedbaak or regcncm- -de traviesas (fr.), tie tamper.
tinn. recalcar, t o calk; ( ~ t r ) to
. upset; (rr) to t a m p
- estabilizada (ra), stabilized fccdback. (mas) t o point; t o swage (saw).
-negativa (ra), negative feedback. recalce m, underpinning, wedging.
recalefacclbn f (C) , superheating. -del condensado, condensation receiver.
recalentador m, superheater; reheating pan -de crlstal (ra), crystal receiver.
(asphalt). -de ondas cortas (ra), short-wave receiver.
- cornpensador, compensating-type s u p m -de pmeba (ra), monitoring receiver.
de convepibn, oonvection superheater.
de paso dnico, single-pass suporheater.
-de toda onda (ra), all-wave receiver.
-midatura (ra), midget receiver.
- monitorio (ra) (Es), monitoring receiver.
- de vuelta mfltiple, multiple-loop super-
- telefbnico, telephone receiver.
recerrador m (elkc), recloser.
encima de 10s tubos, overdeck superheater.
entre tubos, interdeck superheater.
receso m (Col), recess, setback, rabbet.
recial m (T), rapids.
recalentar, to superheat; to overheat; to reheat; recibidor (m) de aire, air receiver.
recdentarse (maq), to run hot, heat up. recibo m (oom), receipt.
recalentb m, overheating. recierre m, reclosing.
recalescencia f (met), recaleacence. redo, strong; coarse.
recalescente, recalesccnt. recipients m, container, vessel; air reoeiver,
recalibrador m,recalibrntor. pressure tank; battery jar.
recalibrar, to recalibrate. - de acetileno, acotylone cylinder or bottle.

recalzar, to underpin. de aire, air receivor (compressor).

recalzo m, underpinning; outer felloe of a whwL recfproca j (mat), reciprocal.
rechmara f (M) ( C ), boiler breeching. reciprocidad f (quim) (el&$,reciprocity.
recambiable, replaceable, renewable. rectproco a,reciprocal.
recambio m,re-exchange (all senses). recirculacidn f, recirculation.
recambios (maq), spare parts, replacements. reclamacidn f, claim.
recapar (auto) (C), to recap. redoracibn f (pa), rechlorination.
recape (auto) ( C ), recapping. redutamiento m, recruiting (labor).
racarbonacibn f (Pe) , recarbonation. recoba f (A), arcade over s sidewalk (sornetimea
recnrbonatacidn f, recarhnation. recova).
recarbonatador m, recarbonator. recoccibn f, annealing.
recarburador m, recarburizer. recocer, to anneal.
recarburar (met), to recarburize. recocido m, annealing.
recarga f, recharging. -azul, bluo-annealed.
recargar, (moch) (elcc) to recharge; to apply a - brillante, bright annealing,
surcharge (money). -complete, full anneding.
recargo rn (corn), surcherge. - en cofre, box annealing,
recargue m, recharge; surcharge; superimposed -
- negro, black a n ~ e a h g ,
por tratamiento, procesll annealing.
racata f (A), recess. recocho (lpdrillo), well-burned, hard-burned.
recattin m (Col), whoel guard. recodo m, bend.
racauchaje m (auto), recapping, rotreading. recogedero m, collecting basin; drainam area.
recauchar, recauchotar, to recap, retread. recogador m, colleatar.
recauchutaje m (auto) (A), retreading, recapping. -de aceite, drip pan. "
recebar, (rd) to spread binder; to surface with - de cieno, sludge colleotor.
gravel. - de espurnae (dac), $cum collector.
recebo m, road gravel, somninga, hoggin, binder. -dempiedra8(draga), rock trap.
recepcidn f, acceptance (of the job); (ra) recop -de virutas, ehip pan.
tion. recogegotas nz, drip pan, sofa.
-dafinitiva, find acceptance Gob). recogemuestrae m, thicf t u b , sampler.
-heterodina o de batido (m), beat or hetero- recogida f (Es), watorcourao, ohnnnel.
dyne reception. -de basuras, garbage collection.
-homodina (ra), homodyng or zero-hat ro- recof ector (m) de lodos (dac) , sludgo collector.
ception. recolocable (fc), fit for track.
recept&culom (e16c), rscoptacle; jack; (A) lamp recombinaci6a f , recombinntion.
socket. recompresibn f , rocompression.
-a t o r d a d o o de caja roscada, screw-shcll reconcentrado m (M), s concentrate.
receptacle, reconcentrat, to conce!~trate.
-de aguja, pin jsck. reconocer, to inspcct; to mnko a rcconnaissanco
-de clavija, plug receptacle. reconocimiento m,reconnaisuance, exploration.
- embutido, flush reccptaclo. reconstrucci&nf, rocolrstruction.
rcconstruir, to ~~ocoiistruct, rebuild.
receptor m, receiver (all sotises) ; (pb)(tel) (ma)
receptor. recorredor (m) de la lines (clEc), littaman.
- de aire, air receiver (compressor).
de alta fldelidad ( r ) , high-fidelity receiver,
-de bandas mClltiplea (ra), multihnd ro-
recotredor de via (fc), trackwalker.
recorrido m, route, path, travel, run; (eni
-de aterrizaje (up), landing run.
- ceiver.
de cabeza (tol) (ra) , headphone. - de dsspegue (ap), takwff run.
recorrido 258 red
-del Bmbolo, piston stroke or travel. recubrimiento m,lap, overlap; facing, covering;
-de fltraci6n (hid), path of seepage, line of road surfacing; coating; (reinf) embed-
creep; (sm) flow line. ment.
--- de planeo (ap), glide path. --- ancho (auto), full capping.
-muerto (mh) , overtravel. -angosto (auto), top capping.
recortado a la orden, cut t o length. -de adrnisidn (mv) , steam lap.
recortador (m) de pernos, boltcutter, bolt clip- -de escape (mv), exhaust lap.
per. -- interior ( m v ), inside lap.
recortadora f, cutter, shear; shaper; (sa) trirn- -longitudinal (fma) , end lap.
mer. -transversal (fma) , side lap.
recortar, t o cut, cut off, cut away; (str) t o recubrir, t o cover; t o sheath; t o lap; (auto) t o
cope. recap.
recorte m, cutting, a c u t ; (str) cope; b i n ) cross- recuesto m, slope; (min) dip; (geol) hade.
cut. reculada j, recoil, kickback.
-en bisel, bevel cutoff. recular, t o recoil, kick back.
recortes, cuttings, chips. recule m, recoil.
recostado (geol), recumbent. recufiar, t o wedge; t o excavate rock by wedging.
recostar (min) , t o dip. recuperable, recoverable.
recristaIizacibn f, recrystallization. recuperacibn f,recovery; (ac) regain ; (ra) pickup,
recta f , straight line; (rr) tangent. -d e ntcleos (sx) , core recovery.
rectangular, rectangular. recuperador m, recuperator; (lu) reclaimer.
rectkngulo rn, rectangle; a right-angled. recuperar, t o recover; t o reclaim.
rectificable (inst), adjustable. recursos m,resources.
rectificacibn f , rectification. -acuiferos (Pe) , water resources.
-por aplastamiento, crush-dressing. -hidriiulicos o hidricos, water resources.
-por curva anbdica (ra), anode-bend rectitica- -petroleros, oil resources.
tion. rechancar, t o recrush.
rectificador m, rectifier (all senses) ; grinder, hon- rechazador m (mec) (ra), rejector.
ing machine. rechazar, t o reject.
-de alto vacio (ra), high-vacuum rectifier. rechazo m, rejection; recoil; (Col) dislocation of
-de h o d o s mftltiples (ra), multianode rec- a lode.
tifier. -horizontal (geol)(A), shift.
-de cilindro, (eng) cylinder hone. -vertical (gcol) (A), throw.
-de cobre ( e l k ) , copper-oxide rectifier. rechazos, rejects (scrcen).
--- de disco seco (el&), dry-disk rectifier. rechina m o t h , a, chockablock, two-blocks, block
-de engranajes, gear grinder. and block.
-de gas (ra), gaseous rectifier. rechinado m (maq) , squeaking.
-de herramientas, tool grinder. rechinar, t o squeak; (rnachy)jC) to chatter.
--- de media onda (el&), half-wwe rectifier. red f, net, netting; network, system.
-de mercurio (ra), mercury-arc rectifier. -caminera, system of roads.
--- de onda completa, full-wave rectifier. -cloacal, sewer system.
-de Bxido de cobre, copper-oxide rectifier. -de aguas corrientes, water system.
-de puente (el&), bridge rectifier. --- de alambre, wire netting or mesh.
-de ruedas abrasivas, wheel dresser. - de antenas, curtain antennas.
-de selenio (el&), selenium rectifier. -de base (lev), base net.
--- de v&lvulas, valve grinder. -de carga o de estibar (nsut), cargo not.
-- de vapor d e mercurio (ra), mercury-vapor -- de celosia ( e l k ) , lattice nern-ork.
rectifier. -de distribucihn (el@c)(ngua), distribution
-termi6nico (ra), thermionic or vacuum-tube system.
rectifier. -de energia, power system.
-Tungar (ra) , Tungar rectifier. -de escurrimiento o de flujo o de percolacibn
rectificadora f, rectifier; grinder, dresser. (hid), flow net.
- de barrenas, drill grinder. -de niveIaci6n (lev), level net.
-de dientes postizos, inserted-tooth grinder. -de saneamiento, sewerage or drainage sys-
de Cmbolos, piston grinder. tem.
-de fresas, cutter grinder. -doble de alcaatarillado, separate sewerage
---- de machos, t a p grinder. systcrn.
-de mesa, bench grinder or dresser. -en pi (elkc), pi network.
- de puntas, center-type grinder. -equilibradora (el&), bala~ichgnetwork.
---- de roscas, thread grinder. -ferroviaria, railroad s y s t ~ l .
- sin puntas, centerless grinder. -neutra secundaria ( e l k ) , secondary neutral
rectificar, t o rectify; t o rebore (cylinder); to grid.
true up. -tubular, l a y o ~ l of
t piping.
rectilineo, rectilinear. -Gnica de alcantariuado, combined sewerage
recto, straight; right (angle). system.
recuadro m, {ar) panel; (tu)(M) punel. -vial, system of roads.
rederretido 259 refrentado
rederretido m (az),remelt. refltraci6n f (a), refiltration.
redevanar, to rewind. refinacidn f, refining.
rediente m (conc), bonding key. r e h a d o a fuego, fire-refined.
rhdito m, proceeds, revenue. refinador m,reber.
redituar, to prodime, yield. r e h a r , to refine.
redoblar, to clinch. refinerla f, refinery.
redobldn m, clinch n d ; (rf) (Col) flashh%
redoma f (lab), flask, balloon.
- azucarera, sugar refinery.
de petrhleo, oil refinery.
redondear, to round off. r e h e r o m, refiner.
redondela f (A), washer. refino, rebed.
redondeo m, rounding off. reflectancia f (il), reflectance.
redondez f, roundness. reflectbmetro m,reflectometer.
redondo, round. reflector m, searchlight, headlight; reflector; a
reduccibn f, reduction (all senses); reducer. reflecting.
- en f rIo (met), cold reduction. - angular (il), angle reflector.
reducido na (tub), reducer. - buscacampo (ap), bearing projector.
reducir, (chem) t o reduce, resolve; (math) to -buscahuella (auto), spotlight.
reduce, to aolve (equation). -de campana (il), dome reflector.
reductasa f (is), reductase. - de resorte (il), snap-on reflector.
reductivo, reductive. - de ojo de buey (ca), bull's-eye redlector.
reductor m,reducer; (chern) reduntor; reducing reflectoscopio m, reflectoscope.
valve. reflejador na (A), reflector.
- ahusado o cdnico (tub), taper reducer. reflejar, to reflect.
-de basuras, garbage grinder. reflejo m, reflection; a reflex, reflmted.
-de luz (auto), dimmer. refleian f,reflection.
- de ruidos (ra), noise-reducing. - anormal o esporsidica (ra), abnormal or qm-
-de tensi6n (el&), negative b t e r . radic reflection.
-de velocidad a engranaje c6nicohelicoidal, -difusa o irregutat (a), WUBB or irregular
spiral-bevel-gear speed reducer. reflection.
- de velocidad a engranaje helicoidal de tor-
nillo sin fin, helicd worm-gear speed re-
-especular o regular (il), regular or epecular
or mirror reflection.
ducer. -mixta (ill, spread or mixed reflection.
-de velocihd a engranaje recto, spur-gear reflexividad f, reflectivity.
speed reducer, refluir, to flow back; to ebb, f d .
- de velocidad a motor, motorbed speed re- reflujo m, ebb tide; reflux.
ducer. reforestacidn f, reforestation.
- soldable (tub), welding reducer. reformacian f (pet), reforming, cracking.
reductora f (fma), reducer. -catdftica, catalytic reforming or cracking.
redundmte (est), redundant. - thnica, thermal reforming.
reedillcar, to rebuild. reforrador (m) de frenos, brake reliner.
reembolsar, to reimburse. refonar, to reline.
reembolso m, reimbursement. reforzado, reinforced.
reempaquetar, to repack. reforzador m, booster (all aenses).
reempedrar, to repave. -de freno, brake booster.
reemplazable, renewable. - de presibn, pressure booster.
reemplazar, to replace, renew, substitute. - de salto (hid), fall increaser.
reeneauchadora f (auto), recapping mold. reforzar, to reinforce; to strengthen; (elec) to
reencauchar (auto), to retread, recap. boost.
reencauchutaje m (auto) (Ec) , retreading>recap- refosforkzacibnf (met), rephosphorbation.
refraccidn f, refraction.
reezlsayar, to reteat. -
difusa [il) , diffuse refraction.
irregular (il), irregular or apread refraotin.
reentrante, re-entrant.
reenviar, to forward. refraccionar bet), to refractionate.
reesmerilable, regrinding (vaIve). refractar, to refract.
reestampar (re), to recup. refractario, fire-resisting, refractory.
refaccidn f, (Ch) (Ec)(CA) repairs; (M) spare refractividad f, refractivity.
part, replacement ; (PR) hancing. refractornetrla f , refracto&etry.
refaccionar, (Ch) (Ec) (CA) to repair; (PR) (C) to refractom6tric0, refractometric.
refract6metro m, r~fractorneter.
refaccionarfa f (M),shop where spare parts are -
azucarero, sugar refractometer.
de inmersibn, immemion refraetometer.
refaccionista (C) , hancial backer. refractor m, refractor; refracting teleaoope.
refeccionar, to repair. refraagibiLidad f, refrangibility.
refecciones f , repair parts, repair6 refrangible, refrangible.
remetear, to rethred. rsfrenar (cab), to snub.
rembn, de, obliquely, on the skew. refrentado m, facing; a f a d .
refrentador (m)de vslvulas, valve grinder. -de soldadura, weld recorder.
refrentar, to face, grind, mill. -de temperatura, temperature recorder, re-
ref rigeracidn f , refrigeration; (ac) (end cooling. cording temperature gage.
-por absorcibn, absorption refrigeration. --- de tiro, draft recorder.
--- por i r e , air cooling. -grlfico, autographic recorder.
refrigerado por aceite, oil-cooled. registrar, to record, register, enter; t o examine;
refrigerador m, cooler, refrigerator. to check (baggage).
refrigerante m, refrigerant; (auto) radiator; a registro m, record, log; opening, handhole, man-
refrigerant. hole, inspection box.
refrigerar, t o cool; to refrigerate. - de chimenea, damper.
refringencia f,refringency. -de empalme o de encuentro (al), junction
refringente, refringent. manhole.
refringir, to refract. -de hombre (M), manhole.
refuerzo m, reinforcement. - de inspeccibn, manhole.
-de malla soldada, welded wire reinforce- -de Empara (al), lamphole.
ment. -de fimpieza, handhole, cleanout hole.
-negativo, reinforcement for negative bend- -de mano, handhole.
ing moment. -de nieves (al), snow manhole.
-positive, reinforcement for positive bending -de tiro, damper.
moment. -de vhlvula, valve box.
refqgio m, (rd) traffic island; ( t n ) niche. -de visita (al) (Es), manhole.
refulado m (A), hydraulic w g . -electrogrlfico (pet), electric logging.
refdar, refoular (A), to pump dredged material. -grhfico, a graph.
regable, irrigable. -hidrodtrico, stream-flow records.
regadera f, subsidiary irrigation ditch; (pb) -manual (Pe), handhole.
shower h e d ; (sk) sprinkler head; coal registros
miner's pick. -de gasto, stream-flow records.
-automiitica, automatic s p d l e r , sprinlcler -de perforacibn, log of borings.
head. -pluviom6tricos, rainfall records.
regadio rn, irqigation. regla f, rule, scale; straightedge, level board,
regadios, irrigated lands. screed board; rule, precept.
regadizo, irrigable. -de cajera, key-seat rule.
regador rn, one who irrigates; (Ch) measure of -de ciilculo, slide rule.
irrigation water about 15 liters per sec. - de chlculo taquirn6tric0, stadia slide rule.
regadora f, sprinkler. -de calibrar, slide caliper rub.
regadura f, sprinkling; (min) undercutting. -de contracci6n (fund), shrink or contraction
regala f (cn), plank-sheer, plate-sheer, gunwale. rule.
regalia j; bonus; (M) (A) royalty. -de curvas (dib), ihegular or French curve.
regantes, irrigation subscribers. -de enrasar, straightedge, screed board.
regar, to sprinkle, spray, water; t o irrigate; (Col) - de Fleming (el&), Fleming's rule.
to wreck, demolish; (min) t o undercut. -de gancho, hook rule.
regata f, (irr) small subsidiary ditch; (bldg) (Col) --- de la mano derecha (el&), right-hand rule.
raglet. - de la mano izquierda (el&), left-hand rulc.
regat6n m ,ferrule; nozde; (Col) pile shoe. -de Maxwell (el&), Maxwell's law.
regeneracidn f (elk), regeneration, feedback. -de senos, sine bar.
-acGstica (ra), acoustic feedback or regenera- -de tres, rule of three.
tion. --- de tres dedos (el&), Fleminn's rule.
-negativa (ra), degeneration, negative feed- -flexible (dib), spline, curve rule.
back. - para apreciar troncos, log or scale rule.
regenerador m, regenerator; a regenerative. --- para madera, board rule.
--- para onda portadora (elkc), carrier repeater. -plegadiza, folding rule.
regenerar, t o regenerate (all senses). -plomada, plumb rule.
regenerative, regenerative. -recta, straightedge.
regente m (min) (B), general foreman. -T, T square.
rigimen (m) hidrlulico, hydraulic regimen. reglas paralelas, p a r d e l ruler.
registrador m (mec) , recorder. regla-cinta, tape rule.
-de carga (elbc), load recorder. reglable, adjustable.
-de demanda (elCc), demand register. reglaje m, regulation, adjustment.
-de esfuerzos, stress recorder. reglamentar, to regulate.
-de flujo (hid), flow recorder. reglamento (m) de edscacibn, building code.
-de gasto milxima (al), maxim~m-flowgage. reglar, to regulate; to rulc.
-de marcha sin fuerza (clbc), coasting re- reglilla f, slide of a slide rule.
corder. reglbn m, straightedge measuring rod.
-de nivel de lIquido (dac), recording liquid- regolita f (god), regolith, mantle.
level meter. regomar (auto), to retread.
- de peso, ~veightorneter. regresibn f (mat), regression.
regreso m,return. -disperser (hid), difiusing regulator.
reguera f , irrigation ditch; sprinkler; drip. -recargado, loaded or Porter governor.
reguio ma (Ec), irrigation. -reductor de la presibn, pressurereducing
regulable, adjustable ; controlIable. regulator.
regulaci6nf, regulation, governing; (eng) timing.
- a tercera escobilla (el6c), third-brush regula-
-registrador, recording regulator or control-
tion. regular, .p to regulate, govern; a w d a r .
- de las crecidas (r), flood control; flood rout- regularizar (r) , to regulate.
ing. regulo rn (met),regulus.
- de las vUvuIas (auto), vahe timing.
regulador m, governor, regulator, adjuster, con-
rehabiter, to recondition, overhaul,
rehervidor m, reboiler.
troller; throttle valve. rehervir, to reboil.
- a presidn de aceite, oil-pressure governor. rehinchar, to fill, backfill,
- a toma o deja, hit-and-miss governor. rehinchido na (Col), rubble filling in a wall with
- a vacio, vacuum governor. .
axial, shaft governor.
centrffugo, centrifugal or flyball governor.
ashlar faces.
rehincho m, filling, backfilling.
rehundir, t o deepen, cut down.
-del agua de alimentacihn, boiler-feed regula- reina f (Col), (tu) queen post.
tor. reja f, rack, grating, grill, griUe; plowshare;
-de agujas (fc), switch-point adjuster. colter.
de nire (auto), choke.
de Irbol, shaft governor.
de barraa, bar screen.
sacudidora, shaking screen.
-de banderols, transom operator. rejado m,grating.
- de bobina m6vil (el&), moving-coil regula- rejal m,checkerboard pile of brick to dry.
tor. rejalgar m (miner), redgar.
- de bolas, ball governor. rejera f (niiut), mooring line, pdnter.
- del eampo (el&), field regulator. - de Dopa, stern fast.
-de carga (el&), load regulator. -de proa, bow fa&, head fast, painter.
- de la contrapresih, back-pressure regulator. -de tray&, breast fast.
- de correa, belt take-up. rejiIla f, rack, grating, grid, grille, bar screen.
-de corriente (el&), current regulator. -aceleradora (m), accelerating grid.
-de disparo, disengagement governor. -amortiguadora (hid}, stilling rack.
- de estrangulaci6n o de gollete, throttling -atrapadora (cal), trap grate.
governor. -coladera o contra basuras (hid), trashrack.
-de frecuencia, frequency regulator. -de carga espacial (ra), spacwhmge grid.
- de gasto, rate-of-flow controller. - de control (ra), control gi-id,
-de gasto cioacal, sewer regulator. -de difraccih, diffraction grating.
-de humedad, humidity controller. -de espumas (dac), scum grid.
- de induccibn, induction regulator. - de flujo mClltiple (el&), multiflow grid.
- de inercia, inertia governor. - de inyecci6n (ra), injection grid.
-de juego, slack adjuster. -de paletas (is)(Es), wing screen.
- del lodo (pet), mud conditioner. -
del radiador (auto), radiator grille.
- de mariposa, throttle valve. de seguridad, safety grsting (floor).
-de nivel (pa), level control. - de sumidero (d),catch-bash p t i n g .
-de nivel de llquido (dac), liquid-level con- - de supresib (ra), suppressar &id.
troller. -de ventilacibn, louver; ventilation gritl.
- de pdndulo chico, Watt or conicd-pendu- - libre (ra), floating dr free gfid.
lum governor. - para maletas, baggage rack.
- de presidn, pressure regulator. - para peces (hid), fish scree&.
- de resbalamiento (elk?),slip regulator. rejilla-pantalla (w), screen grid.
-d e resorte, spring governor. rej6n m (M),rubble stone; spd.
-de temperatura, temperature regulator. rejonear (M), to chink (dry wall).
- de t e n s i h (oltk), voltage or potential regu- rejuntador m,pointing trowd;
rejuntar (rnam), to point, fWjoints.
-de tiro, damper, draft controller; damper rejuvenecWento m (geol), rejuvenation.
regulator. re1 (elh), rel, unit of reluctmce.
- de traslapo (fma), overlap regulator. relaci6n f, relation, ratio; report.
-de vacfo, vacuum regulator. - agua-cemento (conc) , water-cement ratio.
-de vapor, (se) governor. -crftica de huecos (ms),critical void ratio.
- de varillas cruzadas, crossed-arm governor. - de absorcih (il), absorption ratio.
-de volante, flywheel governor. - de aguante, endurance ratio.
-de voltaje, voltage or potential regulator. - de arnortiguacibn (el&) (mec), damping
-del volumen del flujo, rate-of-flow control- ratio.
ler. - de amplitud (elk), amplitude ratio.
-diferencial o dinamom6tric0, differential or - de atenuaci6n (ra), attenuation ratio.
dynamometria governor. - de calor sensible (aa), sensibleheat factor.
-de carbbn animal (az), char capacity, bone- -de tiempo fijo, definite-time relay.
black ratio. -de tierra, ground relay.
-de compresibn, compression ratio. -de transferencia, power-transfer relay.
-de consistencia (ms), consistency index. -de via (fc), track relay.
-de contracci6n (ms), shrinkage ratio. --- diferencial, differential or balanced relay.
---- de convexidad (sol), convexity ratio. -disparador, trip relay.
-de depSsito (sol), deposition efficiency. -enclavador o fijador, locking relay.
- de desdacidn (elk), deviation ratio or fac- -para cambio de fase, phase-rotation relay.
tor. -para puesta a tierra, ground relay.
-de engranajes, gear ratio. -para sentido de corriente, reverse-current or
---- d~ esbeItez test), slenderness ratio. current-directional relay.
-- dc? escala (firm), scale fraction. -para sentido de fuerza, power-directional
---- de faoe (clbc), phase relation. day.
--- de floculaci6n (pa), flocculation factor or -para sentido de sobrecorriente, directional
ratio. overcurrent relay.
- de fusi6n (sol), melting ratio. -polarizado, polarized or polarity-directional
--- de huecos (rns), pore or voids ratio. relay.
--- dc humedad, (ac) humidity ratio, specific -protector, protective relay.
humidity; (sm) moisture index. -t6rmic0, temperature or thermal relay.
---- de impedsncia (elkc), impedance ratio. relajarniento m (met) (ra) , relaxation.
-de oxigeno (geol), oxygen ratio, acidity co- -del esfuerzo, stress relaxation.
efficient. -de tensidn (A), stress relaxation.
-de recuperacih (ms), recovery ratio. relaje (m) del embrague (auto)(A), clutch re-
-de resalto, projection ratio (culvert). lease.
-de retroceso aparente (an), apparent slip relaminado, rerolled (steel).
ratio. relibpago m, Lightning.
---- de retroceso r e d (an), true slip ratio. relampaguear, to flash.
-- del talud, rate of slope, slope ratio. relampagueo m, flashing.
-de torbellino (hid), swirl ratio. relato m,report; statement.
---- de transformacidn (el&), transformer ratio. relator m, reporter, relator, spokesman (usually
-de vueltas ( e k ) , turn ratio. attached to a board or commission and
-gas-petrbleo, gas-oil ratio. frequently is a technical consultant).
-hemisf 6rica (il), hemispherical ratio. reIavador m, rewasher.
--- modular, modular ratio. relaves m (min), tailings.
-sefial a ruido (ra), signal-noise ratio. re16 m (el&), relay (see relai).
-seiiaI-imagen (tv), image ratio. relejar, t o taper, slope; to step back (wall); to
-silice-sesquibxido (ms), silica-sesquioxide batter.
ratio. releje m, taper, batter, step-back; (Pe) (B) tim-
relai, relais m (el&), relay. bering or masonry support in a mine.
-a presibn, pressure relay. relentido m (Es), slowing down.
--- avisador, alarm relay. relevador rn, release, tripping device; (elec) relay
--- ayudante, auxiliary relay. (see relai).
-de accibn retardada, timing relay. relevamiento m, topographical survey; (A) (U)
-de aleta, vane-type relay. survey.
---- de baja tensibn, undervoltage relay. -nivom6tric0, snow survey.
-de cierre, closing relay. -planim6trico (A), plane survey.
--- de corriente ba ja, undercurrent relay. -taquimgtrico (A), stadia survey.
-- de corriente inversa, rcversc-current or cur- relevar, to take topography; to release.
rent-directional relay. relevo m, relief, shift (men); (mech) relief.
-de direccih~,directional relay. -de terreno, topography.
-de distancia, distance relay. relieve m, relief (map) ; relief (cutter).
-de equilibria de fase, phase-balance relay. relinga f, boltrope, rope reinforcing edge of
-de fase abierta, open-phase relay. canvas.
-de gasto, flow relay. reliz m (M), pIane bounding vein of ore or fault;
---- de inversidn de fase, reverse-phase or p h a s e landslide.
rotation relay. -del alto (M), hanging walI.
--- de l h e a , line relay. -del bajo (M), footwall.
-de maniobra, control relay. relocalizaci6n f, relocation.
-de potencia, power relay. reloj m, watch, clock.
-de potencia baja, underpower relay. -de agua ( C ) . water meter.
-de retardo, timc-delay relay. -de arena, sandglms.
--- de sincronizaci6n, synchronizing relay. - de gas ( C ) , gas meter.
-de sobrecarga, overload rclay. -de segclndos muertos, stop watch.
-de sobrecorriente, overcurlent relay. -fechador, time starrlp.
-de sobretensih, overvoltage relay. -marcador de tiempo, time clock.
-de tensibn, voltage relay. -para sereno, watchman's clock.
relojero, mecanisma, cbckwork. rematar, to finish, top out; to auation; to take
reluctancia f (el&), reluctance, magnetic resist- bids; to foreclose.
ance. remate m, competitive bidding, auction: Cop,
- especIfica, reluctivity, spediu reluctance,
magnetic resistivity. -
crest, &ling piece; (M)pile cap.
de torre (pet), masthead.
reluctifidad f (el&), rehctivity, specif% reluc- rematista (Pe), bidder.
tance. rernedir, to rememure.
rellano m, stair landing. remendador (m) de mangueras, hose mender.
reltenador m, (rd) filler; I&} m e r pLate. remendar, t o patch; to repair.
rellenadora f (ec), backfiller. remesa f, shipment; remittance.
rellenar, to b a c w , a, rem; (cab) to worm. remezclar, to remix.
relleno m, backfilling, fdhg, fill, earth fill; filler; remezdn m (Col) (Ec), light earthquake.
(cab) worming; (elec aab) bedding. remiendo m, patch; repair.
de tope (Ec), backtill.
para hendeduras (ca), crack Hler.
- en frlo (oa), cold patch.
remocibn f, (M) discharge (men).
remachacar, to recrush. - de tierra, dirt moving.
remachado m, riveting. remodelar, (A) (C) to remodel.
-a mano, hand riveting. remojar, to wet, moisten, drench, soak.
- a solapa, lap-riveted. remoleador m, a tug.
-- a tope, buttriveted. remolcar, to tow.
de montaje, field riveting.
de taller, shop riveting.
remoldabilidad f (cono), remoldabifity.
remoldeo m, (conc) remolding; (am) amem,re-
remachador m, riveting hammer; riveter. molding.
- de apretura (Ch), pneumatic holder-on. remoledor (m)tub&=, t u b mill.
- de presibn, rivet squeezer. remoler, to regrind; to grind.
remachadura f, riveting. remolinar (r), to eddy, swirl.
-a presibn, squeeze or press riveting. remolino m,eddy, whirlpool; whirlwind; (di) air
- d4 puntos, stitch riveting.
- awirl; (min) pocket of om.
- en caliente, hot riveting. de f ondo (hid), bottom roller.
-en frla, cold riveting.
- en obra, field riveting.
- de viento, whirlwind.
remofque m,towing; trailer; tuw.
remachar, t o rivet; to clinch. - de plataforma, platfatzit trder.
remache m, rivet. - de volteo, dump trade?.
- abocardado, countersunk rivet.
ciego, blind rivet.
para cami6il, truok trailer.
para catrete (elbc), cable-reel firah.
-de argolla, rivet ringbolt. -para postes, pole trailer.
-de cabeza achatada, flathead rivet. - tanque, t d tritiier,
-de cabeza cillndrica, machine-head rivet. - tip0 cue110 d%den&,g m n d frailer.
-de cabeza chanfleada (A), pmhead rivet. - volcador, dump trailer;
-de cabeza de b o t h o de hongo, buttonhead removedor (m)de pintwa, paint mimow.
rivet. removible, removable.
de cabeza de cono, steeplehead rivet.
de cabeza de cono truncado, conehead rivet.
rendija f, craok, crevice.
rendidento m, efficiencu, cmtput, yield, duty;
-de cabeza embutida, countersunk rivet. (hyd) runoff; revexme, earnings.
- de cabeza rasa, flush rivet. - an'idico o de placa Ga), plate efEciency.
- de cabeza segmental, trusehead rivet. -aparente (maq), sppsrent efficiency.
-de campo o de montaje, 6eld rivet. -cuwtico (ra), quantuin efficiency.
- de cierre, closing rivet. -de humedecimiento (aa),humidifying effi-
- de hilvkn (M), stitch rivet. ciency.
-de hojaiaterfa, timer's rivet. -de la red (el&), system efficiency.
- de ojo, rivet eye kolt.
de punto, stitch rivet.
-de reflexibn, refleotive efficiency.
- de rBgimen, rated e6ciency.
-de redoblar, clinch rivet. - de vatihoras (eEc), energy or watt-how
- de taller, shop rivet. effi~iency.
- de tuerca, Rivnut (trademark). -
- de voldos, volt efficiency (battery).
- flojo, looae rivet. diario (maq), &day egciency.
remanddar, to rebore (cylinder); to reroll - econbmico (elec), commercial e5ciency.
(boiler tubes).
remanejar, remanipular, to rehandle.
- especitlco, specific yield (groundwater); BW
cific capacity (pump).
remanejo, ramanipuleo myrehandling. - luminoso o luminico, luminoua eftidmay,
remanencia f, remanence, residual magnetism. - seguro, safe yield (ground water).
remanente, residual, remanent. -tot4 (maq), over-& efficiency.
remansar (Es),to dam, impoud; remansarsa, rendir, t o produce, yield.
to back up (water). redforme, redform.
remanso m, backwater, e t ~ g n m water,
t pool. renovable, renewable.
ramatante @a), s u ~ c e ~ fbidder.
ul renovacibn f, renewal, replacement.
renta f,income, revenue; rental. repisa Cf) de ventana, window stool or sill.
--- bruta, gross income. replanteador m, layer-out.
rentas de explotaciBn, operating revenue. replantear, to lay out.
renvalsar (Es), t o rabbet. replanteo m, laying out.
renvalso m (carp) (Ea), rabbet. replegable, folding, retractable.
rebforo m (el&), rheophore. replegador m (en), flange turner (man).
re6metro m, (elec) rheometer ; (hyd) current replegadora f (cn), joggling machine.
meter. repoblacih Cf) forestal, reforestation.
reostiitico, rheostatic. reporte m (M), report.
re6stato m (elk), rheostat. reposadero m, reposadera f,settling basin, sump.
-de agua, water rheostat. reposarse, t o settle (sediment).
-de manque, starting rheostat. reposici6n j,replacement; (elec) reset.
-de rejdla, grid rheostat. -manual (elkc), hand reset.
-regdador del campo, field r h w t a t . reposiciones (maq), replacement parts.
reoslriccibn f (elkc), pinch effect. reposo m,settling. depositing sediment.
reotano m, rheotan (alloy). repotenciar (A), t o recondition an engine.
rebtomo m (elbc), rheotome, interrupter. represa f, dam; reservoir; damming, impound-
reotr6n m (ra), rheotron, betatron, induction ing; (M) (V) lock; check in a canal,
accelerator. -de almacenamiento, storage reservoir.
re6tropo m (el&), rheotrope. -derivadora, diversion dam.
reoxigenacidn j,reoxygenation. -insumergible, nonoverflow dam.
reparaciones f, repairs. -sumergible, spllway dam, weir.
reparador m, repairman, serviceman. represar, to dam, impound.
-de Iineas (el&), lineman. reproduccibn f, reproduction.
reparar, to repair. reproductor m (ra) (fma), reproducer.
reparo m. repair, repairing; protection, defense; -de imlgenes (tv), image reconstructor,
obstruction. repuestos m, spare parts.
reparticidn f , distribution; division, section, de- repulsibn f (el&), repulsion.
partment. repulsor m (ra), rejector.
-de las cargas, load distribution. repuntar, (r) to begin to rise; (ti) to turn, begin
-de costos, cost distribution. t o ebb or flow.
-de 10s esfuerzos, stress distribution. repunte (m)de la marea, slack tide, turn of the
-de las presiones, distribution of presrmres. tide.
-lineal, straight-line distribution. requemado, overburned.
repartidor m, (t) fuller, spreader; any distribut- requiebro m, recrushing.
ing device; (A) official charged with distri- requintar, (CA) t o tighten; (IT) (MI t o tamp ties
bution of irrigation water. (M)to wedge.
-de carga (elbc), load dispatcher. rerradiaci6n f, reradiation.
repartidora f (hid), distributor. rerroscar, to rethread.
reparlir, t o distribute. resaca f, surf, ground roller, undertow, outgoing
re parto m,distribution ; real-est ate development, wave, backwash; (A) deposit of silt; (M)
suburb. dry bed of a stream.
-de las aguas (top) (Col), ridge, divide. resaltar, t o project.
repasadera f (carp), finishing plane. resalte m, projection.
repasar, to review; to revise; (th) to chase; (mas) resalto m , projection, salient, step, offset ; (surv)
(C) to point; (pet) to recycle. offset; (hyd) deflector sill; hydraulic jump,
repaso m,review, revision; (pet) recycling. -dentado (hid), dentated sill.
repavimentar, to repave. -hidrhulico, hydraulic jump.
repecho m, ramp, incline. resanar, (rd) to mend; (cone) to patch and point.
repelente m u, repellent. resbaladera j,slide.
-a1 agua, water-repellent. -del ancla (cn), billhoard.
-a1 fuego, fire-resistant. resbaladeras (mh), ways.
repeler (elec), t o repel. resbaladero m (min), ore chute.
repelo m (mad), crooked grain; cross grain. resbaladizo, slippery, (rd) slick.
repeloso, cross-grained; crooked-grained. resbalamiento m, sliding, slipping; skidding
repellador m ,plasterer. landslide; (A) shearing stress.
repellar, t o piaster, stucco. - g giro, sliding and overturning (dam).
repello m, stucco, plaster. resbalar, to slide, slip. skid.
-aciistico, acoustic plaster. resbalo m, steep slope.
-de asfalto, asphalt putty. resbal6n m,landslide; (rnin) fault; (auto) skid.
repetidor m (tell (mat) (met), repeater. resbajoso, slippery.
-de rcgeneracih, regenerative repeater. rescatar, to salvage, recover.
repicar ( ~ o n c )t.o
, roughen with a pick or ham- resecar, t o dry; to drain.
mer ard chisel, reseccibn f (lev), resection.
repiquetear (marl), to cl:rt,t,er, chatter, --- en espacia, space resection.
repiquetco 7n f r n q ) . v h n t t e r i n ~ . -plana, ularie resection.
reseccionar 265 resistente
reseccionar (lev), to recross-section.
resecuente, resequent.
-comutadora (el6e), load-shifting resistor.
-de agua (elkc), water rheostat.
reseguro m, reinsurance. -de alta frecuencia (ra), high-frequency or
reserva f, reserve. radiofrequency resistance.
-conectada a la barra colectora (el&), spin- -de arranque, starting resistance.
ning reserve. -de carga, (ra) load resistor; (M) compressive
-de fiotabilidad (an), reserve buoyancy. strength.
-de la red (el&), system reserve. -de carga de placa (ra), plate load resistance.
- fuera de funcionamiento (el&), cold reserve. -de columna, (str) column strength; (pi) point
- fuerit de servicio (el&), hot reserve. resistance.
reservas (min), reserves. -de compensaci6n (ra), ballast resistor or
-petrolfferas, oil reserves. tube ; (A) bleeder resistance.
- probadas (pet), proven reserves. - de contact0 de escobilla (elk), brush-con-
reservorio, reservatorio m, reservoir. tact resistance.
-de almacenamiento, storage reservoir. -de dispersibn (el&), leakage resistance.
- de distribuc%n, distributing reservoir. -de drenaje (ra), bleeder resistor.
-regulador, regulating reservoir. --- de frotamiento o de r o d e n t o , frictional
resfriar, to cool; (met) to chill. resistance.
resguardo m, guard; shelter; (corn) collateral; -de materiales, strength of materials.
clearance; (hyd) freeboard; (M) voucher. - de placa (ra), plate or anode resistance.
- para caminos, highway guard (cable). -de poiarizaci6n negativa (ra), bias resistor.
- para enchtado, curb nosing. -de puesta en marcha, starting resistance.
residencia f (M), resident engineer's o5ce. - de punta (pi), point resistance.
residual m a, residual. - de radiofrecuencia, radiofrequency or high-
residuo m, residue; sludge; (math) remainder. frequency or effective resistance.
-de cloro (pa), chlorine residual. - de r e m (ra), grid re'sistor, grid leak.
- de cloro combinado disponible, c o m b i i -del suelo, bearing power of the soil.
avdable chlorine residual. -de velocidad (fc), veladty resistance.
-de cloro Libre disponible, free available -del viento, wind d a n c e .
chlorine residual. - decada (ra), decade resistance.
- elbctrico, electric residue, residual charge. -derivadora (rs), shunting maistor; (A)
residues, rubbish, garbage; (min)tailings; (geol) bleeder resktor,
residual soil. - dielbetrica, elect* or &electric or disruptive
- arcillosos, residual clay. strength; dieleatric rigidity.
- cloacales, sewage. - dinarnica de placa (fa), dynamic or alternab
-de cantera, quarry ap&. ing-current plate resistSam.
- de chancado, stone screenings. -direccioaal (forja), ditiectionality.
- de hierro, scrap iron, junk. -efectiva (ra), effective or radiofrequency
resiliencia f (C) ,resilience. resistance.
resina f, resin, pitch. -especifica, unit strength; (elec) resistivity,
resinibicar, to xesinify. specific resistance.
resinoide m, resinoid. - M,ultimate Strength.
resinoso, resinous. - frictional (aa),.skiaor frictionid resistance.
reshtesis f , resynthesis. -frontante (M), frictional resistance.
resistencia f, resistance, strength; (elm) resist- - hidrhulicn (el&)+water rhwsbat.
ance, resistor. -indicadora (elkc), load-indicating resistor.
-al aplastamiento, crushing strength. -limitadora de wrriente (elhe), current-limit-
- a1 eizallamiento o a la cortadura, shearing ing resistor.
strength or resistance. - magn&ica, reluctance, magnetic +stance.
-a la compresibn, compressive strength.
-al desgarramiento (est) , crippling strength.
magnetiea especdfica, reluetivity.
mecbica final (ais), ultimate mechanical
-a la extensibn, tensile strength. strength.
-a1 fallar, breaking or ultimate strength. -
- r e 4 (elk), ohmic or true resistance.
-a la fatiga, fatigue resistance. reductora de ka (el&), dimming resistor.
- al Aambeo (M),column strength. -sangradota (m), bleeder resistor.
- a la flexi6n, bending strength. -
superfidsl, (el&) (cf), surfwe resistance.
-a la hactura o a la rotwa, breaking strength. tensora (M),tensile strength.
- a punto cedente, yield strength. -t-ca
total (cf), o v e r d l thermal resist
-a reventar, bursting strength.
- al mdamiento, rolling resistance. resistendas de inerda (fc),inertia resistances.
- a la torsibn, torsional strength. resistencia-fltro (ra), 6lter &tor.
- a la traccih, tensile strength.
aisladora, electric or dielectric or insulating
resistente, strong, resistant.
- al agua, water-resistant.
strength. -al do:, heat-resisting.
- amortiguada (ra), blocked resistance. -a la fatiga (met), fatiguwdsthg.
- autorreguladora (ra), ballast resistor. -a Ja friacibn, antifriction.
resistente retenidas
-aI fuego, fire-resisting. resquicio m,crack, crevice, split, chink; (top) (M)
-a la intemperie, weather-resisting. gorge.
-a la podricibn, rot-resistant. resta f, subtraction.
resistividad f (clbc)(cf), resistivity, spec& r e restante m, remainder; a remaining, residual.
&stance. restar, t o subtract.
-de volumen, volume resistivity. restaurador m (ra) , restorer.
---- magnbtica, magnetic resistivity, specific re- restinga f, ledge of rock, reef; sand bar.
luctance. restirador m (M), drafting board.
resistivo (eEc) , resistive. restitucibn f (geof) (frna), restitution.
resistor m (elkc), resistor. restituidor m (fma), restitution machine.
-amortiguador, damping resistor. restituir (fma), t o restitute.
resnatrdn rn (ra), resnatron. resto m (mat), remainder.
resolver (mat), to solve. resudamiento m, sweating, condensation; seep-
resolladero m, vent; (C) point where under- age, slight leakage.
ground stream emerges. resulfitacibn f (az), resulphitation.
resonador m,resonator; (tel) sounder, receiver. resultante f a, resultant.
-agrupador, buncher, buneher rosonator. resumidero m,catch basin, sump.
-colector, catcher, catcher resonator. retacador m ,calker.
-piezoeldctrico, piezo resonator. -de relleno, backfill tamper.
resonancia f, resonance. retacar, to calk; to tamp; (min) t o pack behind
-de fase o de velocidad (elkc), phase or veloc- the Iagging.
ity resonance. retallar, t o offset, step.
-natural (el&), natural or period resonance. r e m o m, offset, setback, setoff.
resonante, resonant. -de derrame (ed), water table.
resonar, t o resonate. retama f (A), a hardwood.
resorte m ,spring (steel). retaque m, calking; packing; tamping.
--- antagonista, resisting or antagonistic or re- retardacidn f, deceleration; retardation; lag.
lease spring. retardador m, retarder (all senses).
- de anillo, hoop spring. -de incendios, fire-retardant.
-de ballesta o de hojas, laminated sprmg. -de troncos (ef), deadener.
-de espira cbnica, volute spring. -- de vagones, car retarder.
-1de retroaccibn, antagonistic spring. retardamiento m, lag.
-de tirabuzbn, spiral spring. retardar, t o retard; t o decelerate.
-de torsibn, torsion spring. retardo m, deceleration; delay; (eng) lag.
-espiral, coil or spiral spring. -de la explosibn (vol), firing delay.
-recuperador, recoil spring. -de la inflamacibn, ignition lag.
--- retenedor, retainer spring. -de la inyeccibn (di), injection lag.
-retractor o de retorno o de retroceso, rctract- -de tiempo, time lag.
ing or return spring. -viscoso (pa), viscous drag.
-tensor, tension or extension spring. retazos m , scrap.
resorteo ?a (M), resilience. - de fundicibn, casting scrap.
respaldar, t o back up, support. retemplar, t o rehmper.
respaldo m, back; (min) wall of a vein; (w) back- retiin m, pawl, catch, dog, fastener.
ing strip; shoulder of a road. -de aceite, oil retainer.
-alto (min) , hanging wall. -de la barrena, steel retainer (drill).
- - b-js (min), footwall. - de bolas, ball retainer (bearing).
respiracib f (transformador), breathing. - de cadena (cn) , chain stopper.
respiradero m, air inlet, air valve, vent, breather; -de engrase (M), grease seal.
ventilation shaft. -de Iubricacidn (M), oil seal.
-- del sifbn crown vent. - de resorte, spring catch.
respirador m, respirator. -de seguridad, safety catch.
resplandor m (il), glare. -de tuerca, nut retainer.
responsabilidad f, responsibility; (leg) liability. -de vavula, valve retainer.
-civil, civil liability, (ins) public liability. - de vidrio, glazing molding.
-contingente, contingent liability. -etenci6n (f) especifica (irr), specific retention.
responsabilidades ante terceros, public liabil- 'etenedor m (mec), retainer.
ity. - de cement0 (pet), cement retainer.
responsabilidades de patrones, employers' lia- - del empaque, packing retainer.
bility. - de grasa, grease retainer.
respuesta f (ra), response. -- de puerta, door holder.
---- de faja, flat or band-pass response. .etenida f, guy, tieback, (elec rr) bridle, (sb)
-de frecuencia, frequency response. vang.
--- indebida, spurious response. - a tierra (elk), down guy, anchor guy.
resquebrajar, resquebrajarse, to crack, split. -a h e a (elbc), span guy.
resquebrajo m ,crack, split, fissure. - - final (el&), head guy.
resquebrar, resguebrarse, to crack, split. betenidas de linea ( e l k ) , line guys.
retentividad 267 revoque
re tentividad f (e&c), retentivity. revelador na, (pmy) developer; (elec) detector.
.reticula f, retfculo m (inst), cross hairs, reticle. -de grano fino, he-grain developer.
reticulaciSn f (fma), reticulation. revelar (fma), to develop.
reticulado m, framework; (A) truss; a framed. revenci6n f (A), saturation, waterlogging.
- de alambre, wire mesh. revenido (A), waterlogged.
reticular, reticular, framed (structure). revenidento m, cave-in; (A) waterlogging;
reticulo estadirn8tric0, diaphragm with stadia (conc) (M)slump ; ( m i 4 draw.
wires. revenir, (Sp) to anneal; revenirse, to cave,
retintin my (eng) knocking. slump.
retirado m (Col), setback, offset, recess. reventadero myrough ground; (min) outcrop.
retiradar m (as),receder. reventar, t o burst, explode, blow out; reventarse,
retirar 0 ,to retract. to burst; (bl) to go OH.
retitulacidn f, back-titration. reventazdn f, blowout ; (top) (A) spur; breaker
retorcer, retorcerse, to twist. (wave).
retorcido m (cab), lay. reventen m,blowout, expbion; (min) outcrop;
- a la derecha, right lay. (M)chalk line.
- rt la izquierda, left lay. reverberadox myreverberator.
- corriente o regular, regular lay. reverberar, to reverberate.
- en caliente, hot-twisted. reverberatorio, reverberatory.
- en frlo, cold-twisted. reverbero m, reverberation; reverberator.
- paralelo, lang lay. reversibilidad f , reversibility.
retorno m, return. reversible, reversible.
- a masa (el&), ground return. reversidn f (tr4nsito) (Es), plunging.
retorta f, retort. reverso m, back, rear side.
retraccih f , retraction. revds m,back, reverse side.
- de fraguado (conc) (Es),shrinkage in setting. revesa f, countercurrentj, eddy.
rsvesar, to eddy.
retract& retrafble, retractible.
retranca f, brake. revestido de cemento, ceme&Iined.
retrancar, to brake. revestidor m (pet), liner.
retranque m (Col), skew, bevel. revestimiento m, linirig, facing, sheathing, sur-
retranqueo m (Es), braking. facing; investment, coating; revetment.
retranquero m, brakeman. -aerocelulttr, air-aell pipe covering.
retransmisidn f (ra) , retransmission. - calorifugo, heat indatioh.
retransmisora f, retransmitting station. -de embrague, clutch facing or Iining.
mtrasador m (fma) , restrainer. -de talitdes, slope paving, riprap.
retrasar, to retard. -de zanjas, trench sheeting.
retraso myretardation, delay; (elec)(hyd) (ti) lag. -por rotaci6n (tub), spun lining.
- de la escobilla (el&}, brush lag. - sordo, soundproof sheathing.
- de fase (elkc), phase lag. revestir, to line, face, surface, ceil, coat.
retrazado m (fc)(ca), relocation. rsvirado, twisted.
retrazax (lev), to retrace. reviro m (an), flare.
retrete na, water closet, toilet room, latrine, privy. revisador nay inspector; auditor.
-a la turca, hole in floor with phces for feet. revisar, to inspect; to audit, cheek,
reMbuci6n V) fija (Ec), fixed fee. revisibn f , inspection, review, examination.
retriturar, to recrush. - aduanera, customs inspectidn.
retroacci6n f (ra), retroaction. - de cuentas, audit.
retroactive (ra), retroactive. revisor (m)de cuentas, auditor.
retroalimentacidn f (el6c), feedback. revivScaci6a f (qufm), revivification.
retroarco m (ra), arc-back. revocador myplasterer.
retroceder, to recede; (auto) t o back up. revocdr, t o plaster, stucco.
retrocesi6n f (hid), recession, retrogression. revoco m,stucco, plastering.
r etroceso m, backward motion; (elec) (hyd)retro- revoltura j, mixture; (conc) batch; (M)mortar.
gression. - de comprobaci6n o de contxaensayo (conc),
- de la llama, (auto) backfiring; (w) flashback. check batch.
retroexcavadoraf, dragshovel, backdigger, trench - de tanteo, trial batch.
hoe. revoluci5n f (mas), revolution.
retrbgrado, retrograde. r evolvedora f (cone) (M) ,h e r .
retrolectuta f, bncksight (leveling).
retromarcha f (maq), reversing, backing.
retrovisor (auto), rear-vision (mirror).
de cami6n, truck or transit mixer.
de lechada, grout mixer.
intermitente, batch mixer.
retrovisud f (lev), backsight. - paPimentadora, paving mixer.
retundir (mam) (Col), to point. revolver, to revolve, turn; to turn over, mix;to
reubicacih j, relocation. agitate, stir.
reunibn f , meeting. revogue m yatucco, plaster.
- a pred&n (A), gunite.
revancha f (hid), freeboard.
revelado nr (fmd, developing. - antisonoro, acoustic plaster.
revoque 268 robinete
--- rfistico, rough plaster. --- de guerra (seg), war risk.
revueIta f, winding; a turn. -de incendio, fire hazard or risk.
reg m, (tu) (Col) king post. -marftimo, marine risk.
, reyectador m (ra) (M), rejector. rifle m, riflle.
rezaga f (t6n) (M) , muck. rigidez f, stiffness, rigidity.
rezagador, rezaguero m (tlin) (M), mucker. -a la flexibn, flexural rigidity.
rezagadora f (tQn)(M), mucking machine, tun- rigido, rigid, stiff.
nel shovel. rigola f (Es), small trench, drain.
rezago m, salvage material; (-4) scrap; (min) ore rima f (C) (M), reamer.
left in a mine. rimar (C) (M) , to ream.
rez6n m, grappling iron. rimero m, pile, stack.
rezumadero m, cesspool; sump; seep. rincbn m, corner, angle (interior); groin.
rezumarse, t o percolate, seep, ooze. --- vivo, square root (angle).
ria f, estuary, creek. rinconera f, corner, angle; corner bracket; corner
- riacho m, small stream. piece.
riachuelo, small river, creek. riiiBn m, haunch (arch).
riada f, flood. ria m, river, stream.
ribazo m ,steep riverbank. ---- abajo, downstream.
ribera f, riverbank; shore, beach, foreshore. -arriba m, headwater; adu upstream.
riberano, ribereiio, riparian. -consecuente, consequerlt stream.
riberanos, riberefios m, ripmian owners. -d e marea, tidal river.
ribero m, dike, levee. -flotable, river navigable for rafts only.
ribete m, curb bar, corner bead, any protecting -subsecuente, subsequent stream.
strip. riolita f (geol), rhyolite.
ribeteadora f (ch), beading machine. riostra f, brace, shore; stay bolt; tie beam.
riego m, irrigation; sprinkling. -angular, angle or knee brace.
-con xebordes, border irrigation. riostras
-de aguas negras (dac), broad irrigation. -contracimbreo o contraladeo, sway bracing.
-de liga (ca) (A), tack coat. -cruzadas, X bracing; bridging (wood floor).
-intermitente (dac) (Es), intermittent filtra- -de contratensibn (pte), counterbracing.
tion. -del portal ( ~ t e )portal
, bracing.
-por surcos, furrow irrigation. -laterales, lateral brscing.
-subterrkneo (dac), subsurface irrigation. riostrar, t o brace; to stay.
riel m, rail; (hw) track; (met) ingot. ripia 5, shingle; (Col) shavings.
-acanalado, streetcar r d , girder rail. ripiador m, shingler.
- conductor, third rail. ripiar, t o shingle; t o surface with gravel.
---- contraaguja, stock rail. ripio m, gravel; brickbats; spalls, chips; (pet)
- de ala, wing rail (frog). junk.
-de bo? (fc), toe rail (frog). ripioso, gravelly.
-de cambio, switch rail ar point. risco m, cliff, crag.
-de canal o de garganta o de ranura, grooved rislrnetro m (hid), rhysimeter.
or streetcar rail. ristrel m, scantling, batten, lath, any strip of
-de contacto inferior (el6c), underrunning wood.
third rail. rivera f, brook, small stream.
-de contacto superior, overrunning third rail. robadera f (Es), drag scraper.
-d e desecho, scrap rail. robar (Col), (mas) t o rake joints; (carp) t o bevel.
- de doble hongo, double-headed rail (Euro- robfn m, rust.
pean). robinete m, valve, cock; bibb, faucet.
-de guIa, (rr) guardrail; (elev) guide rail. -con tope y desagiie, cock with check and
- de hongo o de path, T rail, standard railroad drain.
rail. -de cabeza en T, T-head stopcork.
- de punta, switch point. --de cabeza plana, ifathead stopcock.
-de tglfer, tram rail. -de cilindro, cylinder cock.
- de toma (elfic), third or conductor rail. -d e compresibn, colnpression cock.
--- de tranvla, streetcar rail. -de comprobaci6n (call, try cock,
---- dentado, rack rail. -- de copa, (eng) priming cup.
-doble T, girder rail. -de cordbn, curb cock (water service).
--- Vignoles, T rail, standard railroad rail. -- de cuatro salidas, four-njay cock.
rieles -de derivacibn, service stop.
-de arranque (fc), lead rails. -de descarga, blowoff cock.
-del camarin (asc), car rails. -d e dos vlas, two-way cock.
-del contrapeso (asc), counterweight rails. -de empaque acanalado, channel-packed or
rielera j (met), ingot mold. IT-packed cock.
rielero m (fc), track laborer, trackman. --- de prueba (cal), try nr gage cocsk.
rienda f, (A) guy. --- de purga, blowoff or drain or drip cock.
riesgo m, risk, hazard. -de resorte, spring-loaded rock.
robinete !269
-de triple paso, three-way cock. -suelta, loose rock.
-empaquetado de asbesto, asbestos-packed -trapeana, traprodk, trap.
-libre 0,
-verde (geol), greenstone.
unmdtered water-service connec- -virgen (Es),ledge rock.
tion. - viva, ledge rock,
-municipal, corporation cock (water service). rocaa de cubierta (pet), cap rock.
-para G r a n t e , hydrant stop. rocalla f, pebbles; stone chips, spalla; talus.
- salmuera, brine cock.
purgador de espumas, scum cock.
rocalloso, rocky.
roce m, friction; (Ch) clearing (land).
robineterfa f, stock of valves; valve making. - resbdadizo, slidiig friction.
robinia f (mad), locust. - rodadero, rolling friction.
roblar, to clinch, rivet. roceda j, clearing (land).
loble m, oak (and other hardwoods). rociador m, spraying nozzle.
- albar, white oak. - autom8tlc0, automatic sprinkler.
- amarillo, yellow or chinquapin oak. -de brea, tar spray.
- blanco de pantano, swamp white oak.
carrasqueiio, pin oak.
-de pintura, airbrush, paint sprayer.
rbciar, to sprinkle, spray.
- castaflo o montasds, chestnut oak. rocio mydew; light shower; spray; sprinkling.
- colorado, red or turkey or Spanish oak.
negral, black oak.
-de enfriamiento, cooling spray.
-metfilico, metal spraying, metalizing.
- p e w (A), a hmdwood. rocoso, rocky.
- vivo o siempre verde, Live oak. roda f (cn), stem.
- de popa, sternpost.
roblSn m, rivet; (Col) ridge roof tile.
- de wbeza chata, flathead rivet. - lanzada, clipper bow.
de cabeza redonda, buttonhead rivet.
de cierre, closing rivet.
rodada f, rut, wheel track; treadway.
rodado m, cobble, boulder; (min) nugget; run-
- de montaje o de obm, field rivet.
-de taller, shop rivet. - ning gear; tread of a wheel; a rounded.
tipo oruga, crawler tread.
- embutido, countersunk rivet. rodadura f, rolling; rut; tread af s wheel; (lbr)
robtonado m, riveting.
- rr mano, hand riveting. -
- de traccibn, traction tread (tire).
- con recubrimiento, lap-riveted. pasante (mad), through @bake.
- de simple uaibn, stitch riveting.
en obra, field riveting.
rodaja f , sheave; s m d wheel, caster.
rodaje m, tread d a wheel;*smallwheel; set of
ioblonrrdor A,riveter; riveting hammer. wheels; (ap) taxiing; (Pe)tax on vehicles.
roblonadora Cf) neumMca, air riveting hammer. rodamen m, wheels and a&; (SP)roller bearing.
roblonadura f, riveting. rodadento m, a bearing; revolving, rolling.
- de campo, field riveting. -
- de'bolas, b d l bearing,
-de puntos, stitch riveting. de rodillos, roller bearing.
- sencilla, single riveting. rodapi6 m (Col) (V), baseboard.
rodaplancha f , ward of a key,
roblonar, to rivet.
robrar, to rivet, clinch. rodar, to revolve, roll.
roca f, rock. rodeo m, detour; traverse of a closed m e y .
- asbestina, asbestos rock. rodera f, rut.
-calc$rea, limestone. rodete m, rotor, impeller, (pu)(turb) runner;
- conglomerada, conglomerate. ring; (surv)(Sp) cloth tape that winds
- de caja (min), country rock.
into a case.
- de respaldo (geol) (min), wall rock. ncuiiado (Es),ring of segmontd tunnel lin-
- dewmpuesta, disintegrated rock. ing.
- desecba, rotten rock. --- de giro ( g r ) , b d wheel.
-fiador, ward
- determinante (pet), key rock. of a lock,
-impulsor, pump runner.
-en banco, ledge rock.
-en pedrapl6n, rock fill. rodilfaje m' (Ec), rolling, compacting.
- encajonante (min) (B), country rock. rodillar, to roll, compact.
- fija, ledge or solid rock. rodill6 m, roller.
- filoniana, dike rock.
a vapor, steam roller.
- firme, lodge rock; sound rock.
- activo (as), live roll.
- fioja, loose rock.
albardillado, troughing idler, concave roller.
- maciza, solid rock.
- alimentador o de avance, feed roll or roller
- madre (min), country rock.
apisonador o compresor, tamping roller.
- muerta, rotten rock.
aplastador (mh), crusher roll.
- pctiolifera, oil rock.
de bachear (ca), patch roller.
- picada, crushed stone.
-resca (Col), ledge rook. -
de discos, disk roller.
de empatar, (sml) seaming roll.
- - de imbibicibn (sz),imbibition roller.
- rodada, boulder.
mna, sound rock. - de leva, cam follower; oarn roller.
rodillo 270 rosca
-de neumiiticos, rubber-tired roller. romanilla f (V), slat construction (door or win-
--- de pie de cabra o pata de cabra, sheepsfoot dow).
or tamping roller. rombal, rhmbico, rhombi?, diamond-shaped.
-de retorno (correa) , return idler. rombo m,rhombus, rhomb, diamond (sl~ape) .
--- guia, guide roller or pulley. romboidal, rhomboidal.
--- inerte (as), dead roll. romboide m (mat), rhomboid.
---- loco, idler roller or pulley. romo, blunt, obtuse.
--- moleteadar, knurl roller. rompealud m, structure t o check slides of e w t h
--- para maderos, timber dolly. or snow.
-para remiendos (ca), patch roller. rompeastillas m (em), chip breakcr.
--- pata d e oveja (Ec), sheepsfoot or tamping rompecollares m (herr), collar buster.
roller. rompedera f, blacksmith's punch.
--- patecabra (PR), sheepsfoot roller. rompedor m, breaker, crusher.
--- tensor, tension roller, idler pulley. -circular (-4), gyratory crusher.
--- transferente (as), transfer roll. -de caminos, road ripper, rooter.
--- triturador, crushing roll. --- de concreto, concrete or paving breaker.
rodilios -de espuma (dac), scum breaker.
-de c a r d (tc), track rollers. -de machos (fund), core buster.
-de dilatacibn (pte), expansion rollers. --- de vacio, vacuum breaker.
-de encorvar, bending rolls. -neumPtico (M), paving breaker.
-de enderezar, straightening rous. rompedora f, breaker, buster, paving breaker.
-d e formacihn (met), sizing or forming -a cilindros, crushing roll, roll crusher.
rolls. -de escorias (herr) , clinker breaker.
- desbastadores (met), roughing rolls. -de q a n o , bullpoint.
rodio m (quim), rhodium. rompehielos m, icebreaker, nosing of a pier.
rodocrosita f (miner), rhodochrosite, manganese rompehuelga m (PR) (C), strikebreaker.
spar. rompernachos m (fund), core buster.
roentgen, roentgen (unit). rompeolas m, breakwater, jetty.
roentgenizacih f, roentgenization. rompepavimentos m, paving breaker.
roentgenografia f, roentgenography. rompepiedras m, stone crusher.
roentgenograms m, roentgenogram, radiograph. romper, to break, crush, rupture.
roer, t o erode, corrode. -juntas, t o break joints.
rojo m a, red. romperremaches Tn, rivet buster.
-apagado, dull red. romperrocas m (Es), rock crusher.
-cereza, cherry red. rompevientos m,windbreak.
-de alizarins (is), alizarin red. rompevirutas m, nick in edge of drill t o break u p
-de clorofenol (is), chlorphenol red. cuttings.
--- de cresol (is), cresol red. rompiente m, reef, s l ~ o a lnosing
; on a pier; surf,
-de fen01 ( i s ) , phenol red. breaker.
-de metilo (lab), methyl red. rompimiento m (min), breaking through. 1
-de pulit, rouge. ronda f, round of a watchman, beat, patrol.
--. de tolil (is), tolyl red. rondana f, washer, burr.
rol m (M), roller. --- de presihn, lock washer.
-de pago (Ec), payrou, rondefa f , washer.
rola f (V),log for the sawmill. roiiada f, grommet.
roladora f (M) , roll, roller. roqueiio, rocky.
rolar (MI, to roll. rosa (f) de 10s vientos, rosa niiutica, compass
roldana f,pulley, sheave; washer; spool insulator; card or rose.
(C)tackle block. rosario m, chain pump; bucket elevator; bucket
-aisladora, spool insulator. chain.
-de polea (M), sheave. -de cangilones (M), bucket elevator.
-para ventana de guillotina, sash pulley. rosca f, thread; (p) nipple; {M) nut; (Sp) (Cd)
--- plana, cut or flat washer. arch ring.
rolear (V), t o cut into logs. -a la derecha, right-hand thread.
rolido m (nSut) (A), rolling. --- a la izquierda, left-hand thread.
rolo m (Pan), rollcr. - aplanada, flat-top thread.
rollete m, srnall roller; small wheel, caster, -autotrabadora, self-lucking thread.
--- de gcia, stay or guide roller. --- c6nica, taper t h e a d .
rollizo m, log. -corrida (tub) (C), nipple.
roUo m, log; roller; roll, coil. --- cortada, cut thread.
-de alimentacibn, feed rolbr. --- cruzada, crossed thrend.
romana I, scale, steelyard. -- cuadrada doble, double square thread.
-d e plataforma, platform scale. --de gas o de tubo, gas or pipe thrcad.
-de via, track scale. -de gusano, worm thread.
romaneaje m, weighing. -de paso ancho, coarse thread.
romanear, t o weigh. -- de perno, bolt thread.
rosca 271 ruedas
-de tornillo, screw thread. -de deslizamiento, sliding friction.
-de 2 g 0 , acme thread. -de rodadura o por rotacien, rolling %tion.
-doble (tub) (A), short nipple. -estltico, static or starting friction.
-esmerilada corriente, commercid-ground -superficial, skin friction.
thread. rozar, t o rub; to clear (land); (min) to undercut,
-esmerilada de precisibn, precision-ground cut away; rozarse, to drag (brakk).
thread. rubidio m (qufm), rubidium.
-gruesa, coarse thread. rueda f, wheel; (turb) runner.
---- hembra o matriz, female or internal thread. - acanalads, double-flangcd wheel
- inserta, screw-thread insert. -achatada, flat wheel.
- interior (vft), inside screw. - aislante (vh), nonheating wheel.
-internaciond, internationd thread. - articulada (auto) (-4), independent wheel.
labrada, cut thread. -catalina (Es), sprocket.
--- laminada, rolled thread. -conductarn (loco), leading wheel.
-macho, male thread. - cbnica, bevel wheel.
-m8trica, metric or international thread.
- de agua, water wheel.
pareja, double thread. -de amolar, grinding wheel.
-prensada, pressed or rolled thread. -de avance a mano (mh), carriage or apron
- sencilla (tub) (A), close nipple. handwheel.
- tipo estribo (A), buttress thread. -de banda, band wheel, pulley.
-trapezoidal, buttress or bastard thread. -de bruilir, polishing wheel.
- truncada, truncated thread. - de cadena, sprocket, chain pulley.
- Whitworth, Whitworth thread. -de cadena enterha, solid sprocket.
-zurda, left-hand thread. -de cadena partida, split sprocket.
roscador m, threading machine. -de cangilones, bucket wheel.
roscadora Cf) de tuercas, nut-tapping machine. -de direccih, steering wheel.
roscar, t o thread, tap. -de engranaje, gear wheel.
-a macho, to tap. -de estrella, star wheel.
roseta f, (elec) rosette; (hw) escutcheon plate. -de garganta, sheave.
-fusible, fusible rosette, -de giro (gr), bull wheel.
rostrar (M), t o face (stone). -de lndice (tel), finger wheel.
rota f, roten m, rattan. -de linterna, lantern wheel.
rotacib f, rotation, revolution. -de mano, handwheel.
-dextrorsa, clockwise rotation. -de mano del taMero (mh), apron or carriage
- magnitica especifica, specific magnetic rota- handwheel.
tion. -de manubrio, crank wheel; handwheel.
-sinistrorsum, anticlockwise rotation.
rotational, rotational.
- de pccho (hid), breast wheel.
-de plato (auto), disk wheel.
rotkmetro m, rotamoter. -de ray06 de aiambre (auto), wire wheel.
rotar, to roll; t o rotate. -de reborde, flanged wheel.
rotative, rotatorio, rotary, revolving, rotative. -de recambio (auto), spar0 whoel.
rotiferos na (is), Rotifera. -de recortar (mh), cutoff wheel.
rot0 m, (Ch) unskilled laborer; a broken. -de tornillo sin fin, worm wheel.
rot6metro m,rotometer. -de traccit~n,traction wheol.
rotonda f, (rr) (A) roundhouse. --- del trinquete, ratchet or dog wheel.
rotor m, (elec) rotor; (turb) runner. -dentada, gear; sprooket; chain pulley; cog-
- bobinado o devanado o de arrollamiento
(mot), wound rotor,
-directriz, (turb) peed ring; Ooco) leading
-de barras (mot), bar-wound rotor. wheel.
-en jaula de ardilla (mot), squirreI-cage -eblica (Es) , windmill.
rotor. -esmeril, emery wheel.
rbtula f, hinge joint ; knuckle. - exc6ntrica, c a m or eccentric wheel.
rotulaci6n f, lettering on a plan; hinge joint. - gufa, guide wheel, idler.
-hidrkulica, hydraulic turbine, water wheel.
xotular (dib), t o letter.
rbtdo, tag, label; sign.
rotura f. fracture, breaking, rupture.
- independiente (auto), independent wheel
roturador na (min) (B), breaker. - libre (auto), freewheeL
roza f, clearing (larid) ; (rnin) undercutting; -loca, idler wheel.
[mas)(Col) bonding recess; (C) a land -Ilena, disk wheel.
measure about 1.2 acres. - pulimentadora, buffing wheel.
rozadera f, rubbing plats. -rectificadora, grinding wheel.
rozador m ielEc), wiper. -voladora (C),flywheel.
rozadora f (Es), pneumatic mining tooI. ruedas
rozadura f, friction, rubbing, chahg. -acopladas (loco), coupled wheeIs.
- directoras (auto), front or leading or steer-
xozamiento m. friction, rubbing.
-cingtico, kinetic or sliding friction. ing wheels.

-gemelas auto), dual wheels. sacaescariador m, broach puller.

-motrices o propulsoras, driving wheels. sacaescarpias m (fc), claw bar.
rueda-cedazo, screen wheel. sacaespigas m (pet), pin socket.
rueda-cuchilla, cutter wheel (pipe)- sacaespoleta, sacafusible m (elkc), fuse puller.
ruedatubos m ,pipe roller. sacaestopas m, tool for pulling out packing,
rufa f (Pe), drag scraper. sacafiliistica m, ravehook.
ruido m, noise. sacagomas, palanca (auto), tire iron.
ruidos de fondo (ra), background noise. sacalodo m, sIudger, sand pump.
rulemiin m (A), roller bearing. sacamacho m, tap extractor; (pet) pin socket.
- de municiones (A), ball hearing. sacamanguito m, sleeve puller.
sacamechas m, drill-bit extractor; drift key, cen-
ruleta f, (A) measuring tape that winds into a
leather case. ter key.
- de tela, cloth tape. sacamuestra m,sampler; (pet) core barrel.
sacanGcleo m (sx) (pet), core lifter or extractoi:
rule m, (Sp) (M) roller; (A) transition curve.
rumbatrbn m (ra), rhumbatron. or barrel.
rumba m, direction, route, course; compass bear- -de pared (pet), wall sampler.
ing; (geol) strike; rhumb. sacapasador m, tool for pulling cotters.
-cornputado, calculated bearing. sacaperno m, bolt press.
--- de atriis, back bearing. sacapilotes m, pile puller or extractor.
- de brGjula, compass course. sacapintura m, paint remover.
-del fil6n (geol), bearing. sacapiii6n m,pinion puller.
-de frente, forward bearing. sacaprisionero m,stud puller.
--- inverso (lev), reverse bearing. sacapuntas m (M), pencil sharpener.
--- rnagnbtico, magnetic bearing or course. sacar, t o pull out, draw, extract, take away.
-radiogoniombtrico, radio bearing. -a flote, to float (stranded vessel).
-verdadero, true bearing. --- a licitacibn ptblica (A), t o call for bids.
ruptor m (auto), breaker. -beneficio o ganancia, to derive a profit.
ruptura f , rupture, breaking, failure. -patente, to take out a patent.
riistico (A), rough, unfinished. -un boleto (fc), t o buy a ticket.
ruta f, route. -una muestra, t o take a sample.
- atirea, airway. sacarlmetro m (az) , saccharimeter.
sacarocarbonato m (az), sucrocarbonate.
sacarosa f, saccharose, sucrose.
sacampias m, shingle chisel.
sabaleta f (to) (C) , flashing. sacarrueda 7n (auto), wheel puller.
sabana f, flat country, plain. sacasondas m, drill extractor.
sabanalamar f (C), low land frequently flooded sacataph m (el&), plug puller.
by the sea. sacatestigo m, core barrel (drill).
sabanazo m (C), small stretch of flat land. s a c a t o r ~ o m,
s screw extractor.
sabic6 m, a hardwood (like mahogany). sacatrapos m, tool for extracting waste from car
sabin m (unidad de absorci6n achstica), sabin, boxes.
sabine. sacatubos m, tube puller or extractor.
sabldn m, coarse sand, grits. sacatuerca m. nut extractor.
sabor m, taste. sacavolante m (auto), steering-wheel puller.
sabulita f, sabulite (explosive). saccarato m,saccharate. ,
sPbulo m, grits, h e gravel. saccaretina f ( a ~,)saccharetin.
sabuloso, gravelly, sandy. saco m, sack, ban.
sacaalma m (sx), core extractor. sacudida j, shaking.
sacaarena m, sand pump. - elictrica, electric shock.
sacaarmellas m, staple puller. - sismica, earthquake.
sacabarrena m. drill ejector; drill extractor. sacudidor m, shaker.
sacabarro na (min), scraper, --- para cedazos, sieve ~hrzker.
sacabocado m,hollow or socket punch, dinking -para sacos, sack shaker.
die. - transportador, shaking conveyor.
-a golpe, socket punch, any hollow punch for sacudidora j,shaker.
striking prith a hammer. -del cargador (ma), skip shaker.
-a tenaza, revolving punch. sacudir, to shake.
sacabroca m, drill extractor. saetin m, chute, flume, headrace; finishing nail,
sacabujes m, bushing extractor. brad.
sacaclavos m, nail puller; box chisel. safranina f (is), safranin.
--- de horquilla, claw bar. sagita f , middle ordinate; rise of an arch.
sacacubo m (auto), hub puller. sajarrear (Col), t o rough-plaster.
sacaculata m (auto), cy linder-head puller. sal f, a salt; ( C ) scale, incrustation.
sacachinche rn (dib), tack lifter. -Lcida, acid salt.
sncador (m) de muestras, sarnpler. -- amonlaco, sal ammoniac.
sacaengraaaje m, gear puller. - amortiguadora, buffer salt.
sal 273 sardine1
-comiin, common salt, sodium chloride. saltacibn f (r), saltation.
mina o de piedza o de roca, rock s d t , saltadura f (Es), spall, chip.
- f,
gerna, rock salt.
sdtamonte m ( a ~(C), ) grasshopper conveyor.
saltar, to come loose; to explode; t o blow (fuse).
-,hacer (vol), t o blast.
- de calderas, boiler room. saltarregla f, bevel square.
- de dibujo, drafting or drawing room. saltear, to break (joints), stagger.
- de espera (fc), waiting room. saltillo m (cal) (C) , bridge wall.
- de g a b o s (cm), mold loft. salto m, (hyd) head, fall; (hyd) drop structure;
- de mando o de maniobra, control room. (min) slide, displacement ; (geol) throw.
- -aprovechable o disponible (hid), available
- de mkquinas, engine room.
de proyectos (V),drafting room.
salado, salt, brackish.
-bruto, gross head.
salamandra f (ec), salamander. -de agua, a water power, waterfall.
salary saladar m (A) (Ch), salt desert. -de arc0 (elkc), arc-over.
salario m, wages, salary. -hidrkulico, hydraulic jump.
salazdn f, (A) salinity. -horizontal (M) , offset.
salbanda f (geol), gouge, fault clay, selvage, sal- - neto, net or effective head.
band. - Cltil, useful head.
salchicha f (vol), fuse. salubridad f, health.
sdchich6n m, fascine, bundle of branches. salvabarros m, mudguard.
saldo (corn), balance. salvador m (n6ut), wrecker.
- acreedor, credit balance. salvamento, salvataje na, salvage, wrecking.
-deudor, debit balance. salvar, t o span; t o salvage; (C) to pave.
saledizo m,projection, ledge; (surv) offset; a pro- salvarruedas m, wheel guard.
jecting, overhanging, salient. salvavidas m,life preserver.
s a l i c ~ c osalicylic.
, salvavidrio m, window guard.
salicina f (lab), salicin. sallerios (min) (B),material that has slid down,
salida f, outlet, mouth, outfall; (elec) outlet; talus.
(mid outcrop; (bldg) exit. s h a g 0 m, sapwood.
- de albafial (M), house connection t o sewer. sandalias Cf) de asfdtador, asphalt sandah.
-de desaglle, blowofl; sluiceway. saneamiento m, drainage, sewerage; sanitation.
- del guarapo (ar),juice outlet. sanear, to drain; t o sewer.
- de incendio (M), f i e escape. sangradera f, drain.
salideros m, leakage. sangrado m (conc) (M), bleeding.
ealiente m, projection, lug, salient; a projecting, sangrador m (ra), bleeder.
, . salient. sangradura f,drainage, draining; bleeding.
salifero, containing salt. sangrar, t o drain; to bleed; t o tap (furnace).
salina f, salt mine; (A) salt desert; (M) salt sangre, a, by animal power.
marsh. sangria f, drain, trench; drahage; bleeding.
salinidad f, salinity. sanidad f, sanitation ; soundness.
salinizacibn f, salinization. sanidina f, sanidine, glassy feldspar.
salino, saline. sanidinita f (geol), sanidinite.
salinbmetro m, salimeter. sanitacidn f (C) , sanitation.
sdirse, to leak. sanitario m, saritarian ; (V) plumbing fixture
- de madre (rl. t o overflow. (V) toilet; J sanitary.
- fuera de Gea, t o get out of line. sano a, sound.
salitral m, nitrate bed; a nitrous. santiago m (A), rail bender.
salitre m, natural sodium nitrate; saltpeter. santorina, Santorin tpozzolan).
salitrera f, deposit of nitrates; d t desert. aapo m (fc), frog.
salitroso, nitrous. -con riel de muelle (M), spring-rail frog.
s h e r m, skewback, springer. - de punta movible, movable-point frog.
salmiac m, sal ammoniac. -ensamblado, built-up frog.
s a h u e r a f, brine. -media, crotch frog.
salobre, bfackish. saponificable, saponifiablo.
salobridadf, salt content, brackishness. saponificador m, saponifier.
salombnico, spiral. saponificar, to saponify.
sddn m. room; (min) chamber, stall, room. saponita f, soapstone.
-de espera (fc), waiting room. saprofitico (is), saprophytic.
sdpicadero m, splashguard, (auto) mudguard; saprdfito m, saprophyte; a saprophytic.
(sd) splash plate. saprogenico (is), saprogenia.
salpicadura f, (lu) splash; (w) spatter, splatter. saprolita f (geol), saprolite.
salpicar, to splash; (w) to spatter, saprozoico (is), saprozoic.
salpicbn m, splash, spatter. saquisaqui m (V),kind of cedar.
salpique m (lu), splash. sardipel m. (bw) rowlock; (C) walkway; (Col)
saltacarril m (fc) (Es), jump frog. sidewalk curb; (Pel crown of an arch,
sargento 274 seiectivo

sargento m, clamp, vise.

-de cadena, chain vise.
-de madera, hand screw, carpenter's clamp.
I sector rn, sector.
-de acercamiento (ap), approach sector.
-- de camp. 1~3marcha (nlv), Stuphenson !:111<.
dentado, . r v ::e'tr.
sarro m, incrustation, boiler scale.
sarta f, string, series, line, set.
- de entubado (pet), casing string.
I --
secular, sect-'

- de pesca (pet,), fishing string.

-de produccibn (pet), flow string.
I secundario m a, secondary.
sede (j) central (.4),I~eadquartws.
sedimentable, settling, set tlcnl)le (solids'r.
-vgstago (pet), drill string.
sasasa f (V), kind of sandstone.
I sedimentacibn f , sediment ation, set tlirir, 5lltirlg
sat6lite m, satellite (gear). sedimentador rn (pal, settler.
satinado m (ft), satin finish. sedimentar, t o deposit s d t ; t o cause to settle; to
satinador m , polishing tool. puddle (pal-th) .
saturable, saturable. sedimentario, ,-rdirnei~ tary.
saturacidn f , saturation. sediment0 rn, sediment. silt,
--- de tensibn, voltage saturation. segmental, segment sl.
saturador rn, saturator. segment0 m, segnien:.
saturante m, saturant. -- colector ( e l k ) , comlnutator segment.
saturar, t o saturate. -de contact0 ( e l k ) , cnz:tnr-t segrnent.
sauce m, willow. de brnbolo, piston ring
savia f,sap. segregacibn f (conc) (met 1, segrea a t 'mn.
sazonar (mad), t o season. segregador ,rn) de gas ( g e ~ )gas , anchor.
scheelita I,scheelite (tungsten ore). segueta f, compass or keyliole or fret saw; (V)
sebe f (hid), wattle, hurdle. hacksaw.
sebo m, tallow. -- mechnica (M), power saw
seca f , drought. - - para arco (M), hacksaw blade.
secadal m,barren land, desert. para fierro ( h i ) . hachsaw.
secadero m, dry kiln; (sd)(A) sludge-drying bed.
secado a1 aire, air-dried, air-seasoned.
secado a1 horno, kiln-dried.
secador m, drier.
1 seguidor m (mec), follower.
--- d a la leva ( ~ n g )cum
segunda mano, de, sccondiiand.

segunda marcha (auto) (Ec), second speed.

---- a1 vacio, vacuum drier. segundo m a, second.
-del carbdn de hueso (az), char drier. --- administrador (C), assistant manager.
secadora f , drier. -capataz (U), subforeman.
-- de impresiones (fma), printdrying machine. -carpintero (Es), carpenter's hclper.
---- de pelicula e n rollos (fma), roll-film drier. -ingeniero e n jefe, assistant chief engineer.
secaje m (mad) (M), seasoning. -superintendente, assistant super intendent.
secamiento m ,drying; siccation. -travesaiio (auto). second cross member.
secano m, (r) sand bar; unirrigated farm land. segundos d e viscosidad Saybolt, Saybolt sec-
secante f, (math) secant; (pt) drier; siccative. onds.
-externo, external secant. segur f , a x ; sickle.
secar, t o dry ; to season ; secarse, t o d r y out, be- segureta f , hatchet.
come dry. seguro rn, (mech) pawl, dog, latech, stop; insur-
seccibn f , section. ance.
-compuesta (ot,), compound cross section. --- contra accidentes, accident insurance.
-de tres niveles (ot), three-level section. --- contra incendio, fire insurance.
-libre, (rr) clearance. -contra responsabilidad civil, liability insur-
-maestra (an), xnidship section. ance.
-normal o tipo, standard section. - contra responsabilidades del contratista,
-- transversal, cross or transverse section. contractor's liability insurance.
secciones conjugades, conjugat,e sections. -contra responsabilidades de patrones, em-
seccionado, sectional, in sectio~rs. ployer's liabilit y insur an,ce.
seccionador m ( e l k ) , section or isolatirlg switch. - de compensaci6n, compensation insurance.
sectional, sectional. --- de responsabilidad pfiblica, public liability
seccionar, to sertion; t o cross-section; to section- insurance.
alize. - - - maritimo, marine insur:mce.

seco, dry. -obrero, workmen's Insurance.

-al horno, ovendry. --- para cornpensaciBn de obreros, workmen's

-y suelto (ag), dry Ioose. compensation insurance.

secoya f , redwood. seis, six.
secretaria f, secretary's ofice; government de- seisavado, hexagonal.
partment. selecdbn de engranajes, gear selection.
secretario m, secretaria f , secretary. seleccionar (U) , t o select.
- interino, -na, acting secretary. selectancia, selectividad f (ra), selcctsnce, selec-
sectil (rniner) , sectile. tivity.
sectilidad f , sectility. selectivo, selective {gear).
select0 (mad), select. semieje m, semiaxis; (auto) axle shaft.
selector m (elt5c)(mec), selector. semielaborado, semihished.
- de corriente (el&), current selector. semielistic0 m (A), semielliptical spring.
- de faja (ra), band selector or switch. semieliptico, semielliptical.
- de octano (auto), octane selector. semiempotrado (viga), semifixed, restrained.
- de ondas (ra), wave trap. semiencerrado, semienclosed.
- de paradas (asc), stop selector. semiesfera f, hemisphere.
- de pulsacih (ra), pulse selector. semiesf&ico, hemispherical.
- de puntos (frns),point selector. semiexploratorio (pet), semiwildcat.
- de rapidez (fma), speed selector. semiitjo, semiportcable; semifixed (beam).
- tip0 de cuadrante, dial selector. semiflotante (maq), semifloating.
selenio m (qdrn), selenium. semifltlido, semifluid.
selenita f (miner), aelenite (gypsum). semigelatina f, semigelathe.
sclenito m (quim) , selenite. semigraso (carb6n), sernibituminou~.
seleniuro m (quim), selenide. semihachuda f,half hatchet.
selva f , forest.. semihidrHulico, semihydraulic.
selviitico, pertaining to forests; wooded. semiincombustible (ed), semifireproof.
selvicultor m, forester, forestry engineer. semiindirecto (il), semi-indirect.
selvicultura f, forestry. semiinfinito, semi-infinite.
sellado m, seal. sealing. semilogarltmico, semilogarithmic.
- de arrastre (ca) , drag seal. semiluz f, semispan.
- de penetracih ( c z ) , penetration seal. semillero m (az), seeder, seed tank.
semimagnfitico, semimagnetic.
selladora f (ca) (A), seal coat.
sellaporos m (pint), filler. semimate (a), semimat.
sellar, t o seal, close. semimetiilico, semimetallic.
seUo m, seal. semionda f (ra), half wave.
- a presibn, pressure seal. serniperiodo m (A), hemieycle.
- de grasa, grease seal. semiport&til,semiportable.
- de lubricacih o de aceite, oil seal. semiprotegido, semiprotected.
-hidrtulico def eje, shaft seal. semirrasante, semiflush.
semuoro m, semaphore. semirrcdondo, hdf-round.
sembrar. t o seed, sow. semirrefinado, semirefined.
semejanie (mat); similar. semirrefractario, semirefractory.
semejante (m)hidrlulico, semejanza hidr&ulica, semirremolque m, semitrailer.
hydraulic similarity. semirrevestido, semicoated (electrode).
semiacabado, semifinished. semirrlgido, semirigid.
semiacero m, semiateel, ferrosteel, high-strength .semisecciSnf, half seetion.
gray iron. semisurgente, semiiwtesim.
semiacoplado m (A), semitrailer. semitractor rn (co), half-track.
semiajustable, semidjustable. semovientes, stock (horses, mules, etc.).
semi5ngufo m, semiangle. senario (mat), senary.
semiantracita f, semianthracite. senarmontita f, ssenarmontite (antimony ore).
semiarco m,semiarch. sencillo, single, simple.
semilrido, semiarid. senda f, path.
semiasf dtico, semiasphalt. senderar, t o cut a path.
semiaustenltico (met), semiaustenitic. sendero m, path, footpath, trail.
semiautomdtico, semiautomatic. seno m, sine; slac r of rope, sag, bight.
semiballesta f (A), semielliptical spring. - de onda, trm ,gkof a wave.
semibastardo, semibastard (file). - hiperbSlico, hyperbolic sino.
semibituminosa, semibituminous. - logarltmico, logarithmic sine.
semibbeda f, semisrch, semivault; niche. -
- natural, natural sine.
verso, versed sine.
semicantilever, scmicantilever.
sernicaiiBn m, half of barrel arch. senoidal a, sine.
semicarril m (co), half-track. sensibifidad f , sensitivity, (inst) sensibility, XI+
semiciclo m (el&), hemicycle. sponsiveness, smallest reading.
semicilintlrico, semicylindrical. - de desviacihn (ra), deflection sensitivity.
semicircular, semicircular. - luminosa (ra), luminous sensitivity.
senicircufo m, semicircle. sensibilizado (fma) , sensitized.
sernicircunferencia f, sernicircumference. sensible s la luz, photosensitive, light-sensitive
semiconductor (elh), semicanducting. sensible a la presibn, pressure-sensitive.
semicoque m, semicoke. sensitividad f, sensitivity.
semicristalino, semicrystalline. sensitornetria f, sensitometry.
semictibico, semicubical. seasit6metro m (fma) , sensitometer.
semicuerda f, semichord. sentamiento m, settlement.
semidilmetro m, semidiameter. sentarse, to settle, sink.
semi-Diesel, semi-Cissel. sefitazbn W L (Cb), slide in a mine working.
sentido serradizo 1
sentido m ,direction, (ti) set. -atravesable (ca), crossable or surmountable
sentina f, drain, sink; (sb) bilge. separator.
sefial f , signal, sign. - basculante, t,ilting steam trap.
-avanzada o de avance (fc), distant or ad- --- centrifuge centrifugal separator.
vance signal. -ciclbnico, :yclane separator.
-avanzada de curva (ca), advance turn -- con Aotador de bola, ball-float steam trap.
marker. - de absorcibn, absorption steam separator.
--- de advertencia, warning sign. -de aceite, oil separator.
--- de brazo roto (fc), smashboard ~ignal. -de agua, steam trap.
-de cambio o de chucho (fc), switch signal. -de agua con retorno, return trap.
---- de cautela, caution sign. -de agua - sin retorno, nonreturn trap.
--- de control (ca), control sign. -de aire, air valve or separator.
---- de destellos (ca), flasher. -- de amplitud (tv), amplitude or synchroniz-
- de destino (ca), destination sign. ing separator, clipper.
--- de direccidn (ca), direction sign. ---- de arena, sand separator or collector.
- de disco (fc), disk or banjo signal. --- de barras (ref), bar spacer.
-- de disco oscilatorio (fc), wigwag signal. -de cubeta abierta, bucket or open-float trap.
-- de distancia (fc), distant signal. - de cubeta invertida, inverted-bucket steam
-de doblar (ca), turn marker. tra~.
-de enfrenamiento (auto), brake signal. -de espumas (dac), scumboard, scum re-
--- de entrada, (rr) home signal; (ra) input mover or trap.
signal. ---- de esquistos (pet), shale separator or shaker.
-de guitarra (fc), banjo or disk signal. -de frecuencias (tv), frequency separator.
-de la imagen (tv), picture or video signal. -de gasolina, gasoline trap; gasoline strainer,
--- de lomo (fc), hump signal. ---- de grasa, grease trap.
-de nieblas, fog signal. -de impact0 (vapor), baffle-plate or impact
-d e parada, stop signal. se~arator.
--- d e precaucibn, caution signal. -de impulso, impulse steam trap.
---- de pnieba (ra), test signal. -de malla, mesh-type steam separator.
-- de ruta (ca), route marker. -de la parafina (petj, wax stripper.
-de salida (ra), output signal. -de polvo, dust collector or separator.
-d e sentido (co). directional signal. -de rejilla, gridiron steam separator.
-de tramo (fc), block signal. -de sedimentos, sediment trap or separator.
de video (ra), video or picture signal. -de sincronizacidn (tv) , impulse separator;
---- enana (f c) , dwarf signal. amplitude separator.
-local (fc), home signaI. -de vapor agotado, exhaust-steam separator.
--- para cruce (fc), crossing signal. -eyector, ejection trap.
-parksita (ra) , interfering signal. -sobrepasable (ca), crossable or surmount-
-probadora (ra) , test signal. able separator.
seiiales separadora f, separator, classifier.
-de bloque (fc), block signals. - de lutita (pet) (V), shale shaker, mud screen.
-de carretera o d e trhfico, traffic or highway sepia f (dib), sepia.
signs. septentrional, northern.
-enclavadas o entrelazadas (fc) , interlocking septicidad j, septicity.
signals. septico, septic.
- Q (ra), Q signals. septizacibn j,septicization.
sefialaciBn f (ca), marking, signs. sequedad f, dryness, drought.
---- seiialador, seAalero m, signalman. sequero rn, barren Iand, desert.
seiialar, to signal; t o place signs. sequfa f, drought.
sefializacibn f, system of signs; (rr)(Ch) opera- sereno m, watchman; dew.
tion of signals. serie f (e16c) (mat) (quim) (gcol), series.
sefiorita f (V), chain block, differential hoist. -acetilgnica, acetylene series.
separable, detachable, separable. -electroquimica o electropotencial, clcctro-
separaci6n f, separation, spacing, pitch; (geol) motive or electrochemical or electropoten-
separation; (miner) parting. tial series.
-de empleo, discharge. -parafinica, paraffin series.
---- de niveles, grade separation. serpear, serpentear (r), to meander.
-estratigrifica (geol), stratigraphic separation serpenteo m. (auto) shimmy.
or throw. serpentin m (tub), coil, worm.
-neta ( a d , clean separation. -atemperador (aa), tempering coil.
-transversal (mad), cross break. -calentador, heating coil.
separador m, separator; spreader, sparer, pack- -enfriador o de refrigeracibn, cooling coil.
i r ~ gblock; (mt) stripper; ball cage (bear- serpentina f, (p) coil; (gcol) serpentine; worm
ing) ; trap. (still) -
- a contracorriente, reverse-current steam -de atemperacibn (aa), temycring coil.
separator. serradizo (mad), fit t o be sawed.
serrador sierra
serrador m, sawyer. seudhpodos na (is), pseudopodia.
serraduras f, sawdust. sexagesimal, sexagesimal.
serrania,'j ridge, watershed line, mountain range. sexagonal, hexagonal.
serrar, t o saw. sextante m,sextant.
serreria f, sawmill. -de bolsifIo o de caja, pocket sextaxit.
serrezuela f, small saw. -hidrogrkfico, surveying sextant.
serrfn m , sawdust. sicomoro m (mad), sycamore.
serr6n m, large-toothed saw. sideral, sidbreo, sidereal.
serrote m, two-man saw. siderita, siderosa j (mineral de hierro), siderite,
serruchada f, stroke of a handsaw. chalybite, sparry iron.
serruchar, to saw; t o hacksaw. siderotecnia j (Es), siderurgy.
serrucho m, handsaw; crosacut saw. siderurgia f , siderurgy.
-braguero, pit saw. sideriirgico, siderurgical.
- calador de metales, keyhole hacksaw. siembra f, seeding.
- de calar, coping or jig or compass or pad saw. Siemens-Martin a (met), open-hearth.
- de cortar a inglete, miter saw. siena f (dib) , sienna.
- de cortar metales, hacksaw. -natural, raw sienna.
- de corte doble, double-cut saw. -tostada, burnt sienna.
- de costilla, backsaw. sienita f (geol), syenite.
- de estuquista, plasterer's saw. sienodiorita f (geol), syenodiorite.
- de hncer espigas, dovetail saw. sierra f, saw; mountain range.
- de hilar, hand ripsaw. -a1 aire, pit saw; bucksaw.
- de lomo c6ncav0, hollow-back saw. - a mfquina (A), power saw.
-de lomo recto, straight-back saw. -alternativa, two-man saw; reciprocating saw.
- de lomo reforzado, backsaw. - bracera, handsaw; two-man crosscut saw.
-de machihembrar, dovetail saw. -cabriUa, whipsaw.
-de punta o de pufial, compass or keyhoIe or -caladora, keyhole or jig or fret or coping or
pad saw. scroll saw.
- de triple oficio, tripleduty saw. -cillndrica, barrel or crown or tube saw, saw
-de trozar, hand crosscut saw. drill.
-para astilleros, docking saw. -circular, circular or buzz saw.
- para modelador, patternmaker's saw.
-para pisos, flooring saw.
-circular oscilanbe, drunken or wobble saw.
-circular para hendec, circular ripsaw.
- puntiagudo, keyhole or compass saw. --- colgante, swing saw.
serventla f (C), easement, right of way. -comba, bilge saw.
servicio m, service; duty; (A) water closet. -con armazbn, bucksaw, mill saw.
-de corta duracih, short-time duty. - con &a, gage saw.
-domestico o domiciliario (tub), house con- -con sobrelorno, backsaw.
nection or service. -continua, band saw,
- pesado, heavy duty. -cortametal, hacksaw.
-simple, de, single-duty. -de alambre, wire saw (for stone).
scrvidumbre f, right of way, easement. -de arco, hacksaw; bow saw.
- de aguas, concession for use of water. - de cadena, chain saw.
-de cantear, edging saw.
-de paso, right of way.
-de via (fc), right of way. -de cantero, stone saw.
serviola f, hoisting beam, cathead - de cinta o de cwdda, band aaw.
servocilindro m, S e N O cylinder. - de columpio, swing saw.
senofreno m, servo brake. - de cortar a lo largo, ripsaw.
servomecanismo m,se~omechankm. -de cortar en fAo (met), cold saw.
servomotor m,servomotor. -de costilla, backsaw.
- para el arranque (mv),barring engine. -de chiquichaque, two-man crosscut saw.
-de &entea postizos, inserted-tooth saw.
servorregulador m,servoregulator.
sesenticuatroavo m, one sixty-fourth. -de dimensitin, dimension saw.
sesgadura f , skew. - de disco (M), circular saw.
sesgar, to 'skew; to chamfer, bevel. - de hender o de Mar, ripsaw.
sesgo m, skew. - de hender en bisel, bevel ripsaw.
- abierto (cn), open beveI. - de lomo, baokaaw.
- cerrado (cn), closed bevel. - de lomo c6ncav0, hollow-back saw.
sesil (is), sessile. -
- de mano, handsaw.
de montaraz (A), bucksaw.
sesquibxido, sesquioxide.
-de hierro, ferric oxide. - de municiones, shot saw (stone).
sesquisilicato m, sesquisilicate. - de phdulo, swing saw.
seta Cf), cabeza de (re), buttonhead. -de punta, compass or keyhole saw.
seto m, fence, wall. - de reaserrar, resaw.
seudocoloidal (is), pseudocolloidal. - de recortar, cutoff saw.
seudam6rfico (miner), pseudomorphic. - da talar o de tumba, felling or falling saw.
sierra sin

---- de tapcn, plug saw. silencioso m (A)(U), muffler; a silent.

-de tiro, dragsaw. silero m, silo.
--- de trasdhs, backsaw. silicacibn f , silication.
-- de traves, crosscut saw. silicatado, silicated.
de trozar e n bisel, bevel cutoff saw. silicato m, silicate.
-de vaivbn, shuttle saw. -blsico de calcio, basic calcium silicate.
-eljptica 0 ex&ntrica, wobble or drunken saw. -de soda, silicate of soda, sodium silicate.
--- en caiiente (met), hot saw. water glass.
-enteriza, solid-tooth saw. -dicClcico (c t), dicslciuni silicate.
--- huincha, band saw. ---- tric5lcico (ct,), tricalcium silicate.
--- levadiza de recortar (as), jump saw. sflice f, silica, silex, silicon dioxide.
---- mecknica de guias, muley saw. --- gelatinosa, silica gel.
--- mirltiple, gang saw. siliceo, siliceous.
-neumgtica, air-driven saw. siIiceobiturninoso, siliceobitumin~u~.
-para contornear, turning saw; compass or jig silicico, silicic.
saw. silicio m, silicon.
-para ingletes, miter-box saw. siliciuro rn, silkide.
--- para listones, lath mill. silicbn m (ais), silicone.
---- para lupias (met), bloom saw. silicosis f, silicosis.
-para metales, hacksaw. silicoso (&I) (Pe) , siliceous.
---- para rajar, ripsaw. silo m.,silo, bin.
--- perforadora, hole saw. silvanita f (niiueral de oro y plata), sylvanite,
-ranuradora, grooving saw. graphic. t'ellurium.
-sin fin, band saw. silvicultor m, forester, silviculturist.
-- topadora, butting saw. silvicultura f,forestry, eilviculture.
--- tronzadora, two-man crosscut saw; dragsaw. silla f , saddle; chair; (rr) tie plate; (mt) saddIe.
-trozadora, bucking saw; crosscut saw. -colgante, shaft hanger.
sif6n m. siphon; trap. -de asiento (fc), tic plate.
--- aliviadero, siphon spillway (dam). -de ballesta, spring ?eat.
---- alternante, alternating siphon. - de campana (pb), saddle hub.
-con orificio de Limpieza (pb), handhole trap. -de derivacidn (agua), service or tapping
---- de artefact0 (pb), fixture trap. saddle.
-- d e campana, bell trap. -de detencibn (fc), anticreeper.
--- de limpieza automiitica (al), automatic flush -de montar, saddle (riding).
tank. -de respaldbn (fc). rail brace.
- de servicio (pb), house trap. -para soldar (tub), welding saddle.
-- desconectador (pb) (U), house trap. sillar m, a n ashlar st,one.
-dosificador (is), dosing siphon. --de arranque, skewhack.
--- en D (tub), D trap. sillarejo m, small a s l h r masonry.
-e n P, P trap. -de concreto, concrcte block.
- en S, S trap. sillerfa f, ashlar Iimsonry.
- - en S a 4s0, x-8 trap. silleta f, a bearing; (rr) tie plate.
-- e n S a 90, half-S trap. -de apoyo (fc), plate.
--- e n W, running trap. -de empuje (fc) (*%I,rail brace.
---- vertedero (hid), siphon spillway. sillin rn (mec), support, saddle, chair.
sifona je 7n,siphoning, siphonage. sima f,chasm, cavern.
sifonar, t o siphon. simbiosis f (Inbj , symbiosis.
sif 6nic0, siphonic. simbibtico, symbiotic.
signo m,sign, mark, signal, symbol. sfmbolo m, symbol.
- - de curva (ca), turn marker. -quhnico, chemical symbol.
- - de diferencial, differential sign. simbolos convencionales, conventional signs,
- de l a integral, sign of integration. sirnetria f, symmetry.
menos, minus sign. simGtrico, symmetricnl.
-- radical (mat), radical sign. similitud f (mat.), sitnilit.urlo.
signos convencionales (dib), conventional signs. simonizar, t o sirrlonize.
signos para montaje, ercction marks. simpltica, sympathetic (~4hrati011).
silanga j (P), gut, strait, rhannel. simpierbmetro rn (hid), sy~npiesomcter.
silbato m , whistle. simple, single; simple.
silbido m, whistle signal; (elec) hissin;: (arc), -efecto, de, single-acting.
whistling. ---- vertiente, de, single-pitch (roof).
-heterodino (rrt), heterodyric whistle. sirnulthneo (mat), simultaneous.
silenciador m , silencer, muffler. sin cocer, unburned (brick).
--- de admisi6n (auto), intake or suction si- sin condensaci611, (erig) milc con den sing.
lencer, irktake rnufRer. sin eostura, (p) seaniless.
- - de escape, exhaust silencer, muffler. sin chispas, sparkless.
- de ruidos (ra), noise silencer. sin dimensi6n (mat), nondimensional.
sin 279 sobrecarga
sin empapuetadnra, packless. -de dos componentes, two-point seismograph.
sin escala, sin parada, nonstop. ---- de reflexibn, reflection seismograph.
sin fin, endless. -de refraccian, refraction seismograph.
sin hilos, wireless. dsmograma, sismogramo m, seismogram.
Sin humo, smokeless. sismologfa f, seismology.
sin retorno, nonreturn (trap}. sismolbgico, seismological.
sin rieles, trackless (trolley). sismbloga m, seismologist, seismographer.
sin soldar, weldless, solderless. sismombtrico, seismometric.
sincllstico (mat), synclastic. sismdmetro m, seismometer.
sinclinal m (geol), syncline; a synclinal. sismometrbgrafo rn, seismometrograph.
sinclinorio m (geol), synclinorium. sismoscopio m, seismoacopo.
sincr6nico (elkc), synchronous. sismotectbnico (geol), seismotectonic.
sincronismo m, synchronism. sistema m, system.
sincronizador m, synchronizer. -a vacfo (cf), vacuum system.
-separador (tv), amplitude or synchronizing -audiofrecuente (ra), audio system.
separator, clipper. -caminero o vid, system of roads.
sincronizar, to synchronize. -cegesimal, centimeter-gram-second (em)
sincrono, synchronous. system.
sincroscopio m, synchroscope. -cloacal, sewer system, sewerage.
sindicalismo m, unionism. -de acueducto o de agua potable o de aguas
sindicar, t o syndicate; to unionize. corrientes, water system, waterworks.
sindicato m, syndicate. -de alumbrado o de iluminacibn, lighting
-gremial, trade-union, labor union. system.
-industrial, industrid union. -de antenas (ra), antenna array.
-obrero, labor union. -de aterrizaje a ciegas (ap), blind-landing
aindicatura f, receivership. System.
sindico m, (fin) receiver. --- de bloque (fc), block system.
sinergismo m (is), synergism. -de corriente ascendente (ve), upward sys-
sinfin (m)y rodillo, worm and roller. tem.
singendtico (min) , syngenetic. -de energle o de fuerza moMz, power system.
siniestra f, left hand. -de laboreo (min), meChad of working.
siniestro m, damage, loss; shipwreck; a left-hand. -de piso (ed) (M), floor system.
siniestrbgiro, siniestrbrsum, counterclockwise. - de tuberfa Gnica (cf), one-pipe system.
sinterizaciBn f (V), sintering. -de vapor descendente (cf), downfeed system.
sintesis f, synthesis. -ferroviario, railwsy system.
sint6tic0, synthetic. -metrico, metric system.
sintetizar, to synthesize. -polifhsico equilibrado (el&), balanced poly-
sintol m, synthol (fuel). phase system,
sintonia f (ra), syntony, resonance; tuning. -separative (al), separate system.
aintonizable (ra), tunable. - unitario (al), comhined system.
sintonizaciSn f (ra), syntonization, tuning. sitio m,site; (M) area of 4338 acres.
-aguda, sharp tuning. situaci6n f, site, location; condition.
-aplastada o plana, flat or broad tuning. situador m, spotter.
- selectiva, selective tuning. - de barrena, hole spotter (d1-31).
sintonizador m, tuner. -de vagones, car spotter.
- de cuarto de onda, quarter-wave tuner. situar, to locate, place; (auto) (ap) to park.
sinusoidal, sinusoidal. smithsonita j (M), smithsonite (zinc ore).
sinusoide f (mat), sinusoid. sobradillo m, hood over door or window, pent-
sirca f (Ch), vein of ore. house.
sircar (Ch), t o strip the overburden from a vein. sobreacarreos m (ot), overhaul,
sirena f, siren. sobreacoplado (el&), overcoupled.
sirga f , hawser; towing. sobreagrupaci6n f (ra), overbunching.
sirgar, to tow. sobrealimentacibn f (mg)(di), supercharging,
sisal m, sisal. sobrealimentador m, supercharger.
siseo m (sol), hissing, sobreamortiguado, overdamped (vibration).
sismicidad f , seismicity. sobreancho m, extra width; (rr) widcning of gage
slsmico, seismic. on curves.
sismo m, seismism; earthquake. sobrearco m, relieviug arch.
- final, aftershock. sobrecalentador m, superheater.
sobrecdentar, to overheat; to superheat.
-- preliminax o precursor, foreshock.
- tect6nico o de dislocacibn, tectonic earth- sobrecapa f (exc), ovcrbwden.
quake. sobrecapataz m, general foreman.
sismocronbgrafo m, seismochronograph. sobrecarbonizado ( a d , overburned (char).
sismografia j, seismography. sobrecarga f , surcharge; overload; live load,
sismogrFifico, seismographic. (elec) overcharge; (exc) overburden.
Gisrnbgrafo m, seismograph; seismo~rapher. - admisible, pernlissible overload.
sobrecarga 280 soga

--- de corta duraciSn, short-time overload. sobresaIir, t o overhang, jut out, project.
--I m6vi1, moving load. sobresaturado, supersaturated.
-recurrente, recurrent overload. sobrestadia f (fc), demurrage.
sobrecargar, to overload; t o surcharge; (elec) t o sobrestante m, foreman; (A) (U)engineers' r e p
overcharge. resentative on the work, inspector.
sobrecarrera f (maq), overtravel. -de taller, shop foreman.
sobrecejo m (Col) , lintel. -de tramo (fc), section foreman.
sobrecorrecci6n f, overcorrection. -de turno, shift boss.
sobrecorriente f (el&), overcurrent. - de via (fc), track foreman.
sobrecortador m (tiin), overcutter. -general, walking boss, general foreman.
sobrecosto m (M), fee on cost-plus contract. -montador, erection foreman.
sobredimensionado (A), oversize. sobresueldo m, extra pay.
sobredoblar, t o overflex. sobresuspendido (auto), overslung.
sobredosi6caci8n f (pa), overdosing. sobretamaiio m, oversize.
sobreedifict~,t o build on top of. sobretecho m, monitor, clearstory.
sobreelevacibn f, superelevation; increase sobretemperatura f , (elec) overtemperature; (A)
height. superheat.
sobreenfriar, t o supercool; to overcool. sobretensi6n f (elkc), overvoltage.
s~brees~urrimiento m (geol)(A), overthrust: sobretiempo m, overtime.
sobreesforzar (U) (M), t o overstress. sobretono m (ra) , overtone.
sobreesfuerzo m, overstress. sobretratamiento m (pa), overtreatment, excess
sobreespesor m,excess thickness. treatment.
sobreexcavacidn f, overexcavation. sobreumbral m (Col), lintel.
sobreexcitaci6n f, overexcitation. sobrevega f (PIt), highest part of tract of low
sobreexpansih f, overexpansion. land.
sobreexposici6n j (fma), overexposure. sobrevelocidad f, overspeed.
sobreerpuesto, overexposed. sobreverterse, t o overflow.
sobrefatiga f , overstress. sobrevidriera j, window screen; window grill;
sobrefatigar, to overstress. shutter.
sobrefrecuencia f (el&), overfrequency. sobrevoltaje m,overvoltage.
sobrefusitin f, superfusion; supercooling. sobrextra fuerte, double-extra-strong.
sobreguia f (min), intermediate level. socalzar, to underpin.
sobreinclinaci6n f (fma), overtilt. socarrdn m, eaves.
sobreinflar (auto), to overinflate. socarrena f, space between roof beams.
sobreintensidad f (el&), overvoltage. socava f , undermining.
sobrejunta j, splice plate, fishplate, scab, butt socavacih j, undermining; piping (earth dam) ;
strap. washout; (w) undercut.
sobrejuntar, t o splice with butt straps, t o scab. socavadora f (hem min), undercutter.
sobrelecho m, lower bed of ashlar stone; (Col) socavar, t o undermine; (hyd) to scour, undercut;
upper bed. t o excavate; (mt)(A) t o back off.
sobremando m,sobremarcha f (auto), overdrive. socavbn m, adit, drift, gallery; cavern; (C) pit.
sobremedida f, oversize. -de cateo, prospecting tunnel.
sobremodulaci6n f '(ra), overmodulation. -de desagiie, drain gallery, draining adit.
so bremonta f (sol), overlap. socaz m, tailrace.
sobrenadante, supernatant. sociedad f, society; company, corporation ; part-
sobrenadar, to float. nership.
sobreneutralizacibn f (ra) , overneutralization. -anbnima, stock company, corporation.
sobrepaga f, extra pay. -aseguradora, underwriters, insurance com-
sobrepasable (ca), surmountable (curb). paw.
sobrepasar, t o overtop. -colectiva o cornanditaria, partnership.
sobrepeso m, overweight. - de responsabilidad limitada, limited-liability
sobrepiso (Vj, top course of floor. company.
sobreplan j (cn), rider. -obrera, labor union.
sobreplegamiento m (geol), overfold. -POT acciones, stock cr~mpany.
sobreponer, to cap, lap, wlperimpose. soclo m (M), footing.
sobrepotencia f (elk), overpower. soco m (Col), journal, gudgeon, pivot; stump.
sobreprecio m, surcharge, additional price. soda (f) clustica, caustic soda.
sobrepresibn j, excess pressure; (V) pressure. sddico a, sodium, sodic.
sobrepuerta f, hood over door; transom bar. sodio m, sodium.
sobrequilla (cn), keelson. sofito m, soffit.
-central, middle-line keelson, vertical keel. soga f, rope; (rnns) ~tretcher.
-de pantoque, bilge keelson. -acalabrotada, cable-laid rope.
--- lateral, side keelson. - de cableado corriente, pltlin-laid rope.
-transversal, cross keelson. -de canto (lad), bull stretcher.
sobrerrajado m (min) (B), overbreak. -de cuatro torones con alma, shroud-laid rope
sobresaliente, projecting, overhanging. -- de cuero crudo, hide rope.
281 soldadwa
-de torcido apretado, bard-laid rope.
-de torcido flojo, soft-laid rope. -compuesta, composite weld.
arco de hidr6geno at6mic0, atomic hy-
-p tizdn (mam), stretcher and header; thick- ---condrogen welding.
ness of 1% bricks. -con cubrejunta, strap weld.
sogueria j,outfit of ropes, rigging; ropewalk. -con electrodes de carbbn, carbon-arc weld-
soguero m, ropemaker. ing.
solado m, pavement, floor, -con energia acumulada, shred-energy weld-
solador m, paver, tile layer. ing.
soladura f, paving. -con Mete, Met weld.
solapa f, lap. -con fundente protector, flux-shielded weld-
solapadura f, lap. ing.
- lateral (fma), side lap. -con nticleo iicido, acid-core solder.
-longitudinal {fma), end lap. -con nflcleo de resins, rosin-core solder.
solapar, t o lap, overlap. -con proteccib gaseosa, gas-shielded weld-
solaque m (B), mortar made of brick dust. , ing.
solar m,plot, lot; v t o pave, Boor; a solar. -con reborde, bead weld.
- gerrno (C), vacant lot. -con recalcadura, upset butt welding.
solarizaci6n j (fma), solmization. - de aluminio, aluminum soldering.
soldabilidad f, weldability. - de arc0 con l a t h , arc brazing.
soldabIe, weldable. -de arc0 de carbbn, carbon-arc welding.
soldado, welded, soldered. - de arc0 metiWco, metal-arc welding.
-a solapa, lapwelded. -de arc0 protegido, shielded-arc welding.
- a tope, butt-welded. -de arista o de cantos, edge weld.
- por recubrimiento o por superposicibn, lap- -de arriba, overhead weld.
welded. - de bisel o de chaflh, bevel or groove weld-
soldador m, welder; soldering iron. ing.
- de cobre, soldering copper. -de bronce (A), brazing.
soldadora f , welding outfit. -de capas mirltiplers, rnultilayer welding.
- de banco, bench welder. -de contacto, contact or touch welding.
- de costuras, seam welder. -de cordbn, bead weld,
-de puntos rnatiples, multipoint or multiple- -de costura, seam welding.
spot welder. -de cuiIa, plug weld.
- por presih, press welder. -de chaflgn sencillo en V, single V-groove
- por puntos, spot welder. weld.
soldadurr f, welding, soldering; solder; welding -de electrodo cubierto, covered-electrode
compound; a weld. welding.
-a1 arco, arc welding. -de enchufe (tub). . ,. CUD weld.

-de esphrragos, stud welding.


-a cadena, chain welding. -

-a contraccibn, shrink welding. -de espiga, pin welding,
-a doble bisel, double-bevel weld.
-a gas, gas welding.
- de estampado, mash welding.
-de estafio, soft solder.
- a horno (tub), furnace weld. -de fondo abierto, open-root weld.
-a la inversa, backhand welding. -de f ondo cerrado, .closed-root weld.
-a m d o , hammer weld. -de forja, forge or hammer or blacksmith or
-a nudo (pb) (A), wiped joint. roll welding.
- a pulsacibn, pulsation welding. - de forja a mano o del herrero, blacksmith
-a resistencia con salientes, projcctian wcld- welding.
ing. -de forja con laminador, roll welding.
-a resistencia por induccidn, induction resist- -de hojalatero, timer's solder.
ance welding. -de impaqio, percussive welding.
-a rodlllo, roll welding. -de inducciijn, induction welding.
-al sesgo, scarf weld. - de l a t h , brazing; brazing solder; hard solder
-a soplete, torch welding. -de llama mWtiple, multiple-flame welding.
-a termita, therrnit weld. - de mmtaje, field weld.
-a tope con arco, flash butt welding. - de muesca, deft or slot welding.
-a tope con recalcado, upset butt welding. - de niicleo, cored solder.
-aeroacetil6nica, air-acetylene welding. - de obturacib o de sello, seal welding.
-alternada, staggered intermittent weld. - de paso mWtiple, multipass weld.
-aluminot6rmica, therxriit or aluminothermia -de paso simple, single-pass weld.
welding. - de plata, silver solder; silver brazbg.
-amarilla, hard solder. - de plomero, plumber's solder.
-angular, corner weld. -de prueba, test weld.
-autbgena, autogenous wclding. - de ranura, slot or groove weld.
-automhtica _nor puntos, progressive spot --- de ranura biselada, bevel-groove wcld.
welding. -de ranura en J, J-groove weld.
-blanca, soft solcb. - de ranura en X, double V-groove weld.
- 7

sonda I

-de ranura recta, square groove weld. solera f , sill, solepiece: (min) boleplate; (carp)
-de ranura. simple, single groove weld. wall plate; (dd) floor; (hyd) invert; a stpel
flat; (M) floor tile; (rr) (A) guard timber;
-de resalto, projection welding.
(rd) curb, (Ch) sidewalk curb.
-de resistencia a tope, resistance butt weld- - de calzado (ca) (A), subgrade.
-- de fondo, sill, ground plate, groundsill.
-de retroceso, back-step welding. - de puerta, saddle, threshold, doorsill.
-- de rev&, backhand welding. -d e ventana, window sill.
-d e solapa, lap weid, lap-welding. -del vertedero (hid), spillway crest.
-de tapbn, plug weld. -dentada (hid), dentated sill.
-d e tejido o de vaivgn, weaving. -inferior (carp), sill, soleplate.
-d e tope, b u t t welding, butt or jam weld. - superior, cap, wall plate.
-directa, forehand welding. soleria j, pavement : paving material.
-err ilngulo exterior, corner weld. solevamiento m (geol), upheaval, upthrust.
-e n dngulo interior, fillet weld. solicitaci6n f , stress.
solicitar, to stress.
-en posicidn plana, downhand welding.
-en serie, series welding. solicitud f , application; requisition.
-en T,T-joint weld. solidez f , solidity.
solidificar, t o solidify.
--- en h e s psiciones, three-position weld. sdlido m a, solid.
-en v simple, single-V b u t t weld. sblidos sedimentables (dac), settleable solids.
-esquinera, corner weld. soliflucci6n f (ot) , sloughing, solifluction.
-estancadora, seal weld. solivio m (hid), uplift, upward pressure.
-fuerte, brazing or hard solder; brazing. solsticio (m) hiemal, winter solstice.
-fuerte a1 arco, arc brazing. solsticio vernal, summer solstice.
-fuerte a1 homo, furnace brazing. soltadizo, removable, collapsible.
-f u e ~ t ae soplete, torch brazing. soltador (m) de barrena (pet), bit breaker.
-- fuerte con i n m e r s i h , dip brazing. soltar, t o loosen, release, let go.
-fuerte d e resistencia, resistance brazing. solubilidad f, solubjlity.
-fuerte For induccibn, induction brazing. solubilizar, t o solubilize.
-fundente, welding compound. soluble, soluble.
soluci6n f, solution.
-hidromhtica, hydromatic welding. -acondicionadora (bm), priming solution.
-intermitente, intermittent ~ e l d . -amortiguadora o retardadora, buffer solution.
-mstiple a resistencia, multiple resistance -doctor (pet), doctor solution.
welding. --- estabilizadora (C) , buffer solution.
-miiltiple de puntos, multiple spot welding. - indicadora, indicator solution.
-oblonga, slot weld. -rnadre, stock solution.
-ondulada, ripple weld. -normal o patrbn, normal or standard solu-
-oxhidrica a1 arco, atomic hydrogen welding. tion.
-oxiacetilhica, oxyacetylene weldmg. solucionar, t o solve (problem).
-oxihidrSgeno, oxygen-hydrogen welding. solvente m, solvent.
-para resistencia, strength welding. sollado m (cn), lowest deck, orlop.
- glana, flat weld; downhand wcldmg. sombra f , shadow, shade.
-por arc0 metUico, metallic-arc welding. sombreado m (dih), shading.
-por fusidn, fusion welding. sombrerete na, hood; cap; coping; cowl; (pi)
-por inmersibn, dip brazing. driving cap; (va) bonnet.
-por laminador, roll weIding. -del eje (auto), hubcap.
-por pasos longitudinales, pass wclding. -del mkstil (gr), mast top.
-por pasos transversales, build-up M-clding. sombrero m, (M) hubcap.
--- por percusibn, pcrcusslve welding. - de hierro (min), iron hat, gossan.
-punteada o por puntos, spot or tack or inter- sombrdgrafo m. (Es), shadowgraph.
mittent mdding. sonador nz (tel), sounder.
-repetida, repetitive welding. sonda f, drill, earth auger; sounding rod or line;
(geog) sound; (riaut) fathometer; (su)
-salteada, skip weld, staggered jnterrnittent
welding. proof stick; (A) thickness gage.
-sin presibn, nonpressure welding. - de cable, cable drill.
-sobrecabeza, overhead weld. -- de consistencia, consistency gage.
-tierna, soft, solder. ---- de corona o de nficleo, core drill.
-ultrarrkpida, ultraspced welding. -de corona dentada, calyx drill.
soldaje m, wclding. -- de cuchara o de tierra, earth auger.
soldar, t o weld, solder, brazr, sweat. -de diamantes, diamond drill.
-- con l a t h o con soldadura fuerte, t o braze. --- d e granalla o de municiones o de perdigones,
-en fuerte, t o braze. shot drill.
--- de percusibn, percussion drill.
solenoibl, solenoidal,
solenoide m, solenoid. - de prospecci6n, prospecting drill.
-de rotacibn, rotary drill. -de rodillos, expansion bearing, roller support.
-locombvil, traveling or wagon drill. -exterior, outboard bearing.
-neumftica, air drill. -para inducidos, armature stand.
sondador na, sounder. soquete m (Ch), socket.
-de cieno (dac), sludge sounder. sorbita f (met), sorbite.
sondaje na, boring, drilling, sounding. sorbitico, sorbitic.
- a chorro (Pe), wash boring. sordina f, muffler, silencer, any soundproofing
-a diamante, diamond drilling. device.
-con corazbn o de testigo, core drilling.
-de exploracibn, test boring.
sordo, soundproof.
sorra f ( n h t ) , gravel ballast.
sonddeza f, sounding line. sortija f, hoop, ring.
sondar, sondear, to make borings, t o drill; to sosa f, soda.
take soundings. sosquln m (ed) (C), corner which is not square.
sondeador m, drill runner; man who takes sound- sosten m, small pier, support.
ings. - de cable (cv), fall-rope carrier.
sondeadora f, drill; sounding line. -de crisol (lab), crucible holder.
sondeo m, boring; sounding; drilling. sostenedor (m)d e tuberla (pet), casing suspen-
- hidriWico (M), wash boring. der.
sondista m (Es), drill runner. sostener, to support.
sbdco, sonic. sostenimiento m,support; (C)(M)maintenance.
sonido m, sound. sots m (Ch), foreman.
son6grafo m, sonograph. sotabanco m, skewback; (Col) penthouse (roof).
sondmetro m, sonometer. sbtano m, cellar, basement; (M) cave in lime-
sopalancar, to raise with a lever. stone formation; (pet) cellar.
sopanda f, knee-brace strut; (C) truss rod. sotavento m, lee, leeward.
sopapa f, pump valve. sotechado m, shed; penthouse, bulkhead.
sopladero m, vent, air hole. soterramiento m, (p) bury; (min) cave-in.
soplado m (rnin), cavity in a vein. soterrar, t o bury, put under ground.
soplador m, blower, ventilator. sotominem m (rnin), subforeman.
-de aserrln, sawdust blower. sotornuracibn f , underpinning.
- de forja, forge blower. -preensayada, pretest underpinning (pat-
-de nieve, snow blower. ented).
-de vapor, steam blower. sotrozo m, linchpin.
sopladura f, blowhole (casting). speiss (met), speiss.
soplar, to blow. standardizar (Ch), t o standardine.
soplete m, blowtorch, blowpipe, welding torch; suaje m (M), a swage.
(bo) (A) oil burner. suave, smooth; soft (water); mild (steel) ; easy
-atomizador, paint strayer. (curve) ; light (grade).
-cortador, cutting torch. suavizador m, water softener.
-de arena, sandblast. - a presibn, pressure softener.
- de gasolina, plumber's or gasoline torch. -a via caliente, hot-process softener.
-de hidrbgeno at6mic0, atomic hydrogen -de cal-bario, lime-barium softener.
torch. -
de cal-sosa, lime-sods softener.
- de perdigones, shot blast. de ceolita, zeolite softener.
-lanzallamas (V), plumber's torch. - de combustible, fuel dope.
-oxiacetifihico, oxyacetylene torch. -por precipitacibn, precipitation softener.
-oxhldrico, oxyhydrogen blowpipe, suavizar, to soften (water); t o flatten (slope).
- perforador (sol), oxygen lance.
soldador, welding torch.
subacido m, subacid.
sublcueo, underwater, subaqueous.
sopletear (A), t o use a blowpipe or blowtorch ; t o subadministrador m, assistant manager.
weld with a torch; to solder. subalimentador m (el&), subfeeder.
sopleteo m, blowing, blasting. subalmadn; substoreroom.
sopletero m, operator of paint spray or oxyacet- subalterno m a, subordinate, assistant.
ylene torch or sandblwt; (A) man who subillveo, subsurface, below river bed.
tends oil burners. subangular, subangdar.
soplo m, blast. suh&ngulo (m)de desviacibn (lev), subdefleotion
-de arena, sandblast. angle.
- de ventilador, fan blast. subarea f, subarea.
-magndtico, magnetic blowout. subarmbnica f (el&), subharmonic.
-magndtico del arc0 (sol), arc blow. subarrendar, t o sublease, sublet.
soportar, t o support, carry. subarrendatario m, subtenant.
soporte m, aupport, bearing, standard. subarriendo m, sublease.
-colgante, hanger, shaft hanger, door hanger. subarteaiano, subartesian.
--- cornbinado o compuesto (mh), compound subasta f, competitive bidding; auction.
rest. subastar, to take bids; t o auction.
-de curia, knife-edge bearing subatmosf Grico, subatmospheric.
subusina 285 superconductividad
subusina f (el&) (A) (U), substation. ---- de hierro, iron sulphate; ferrous sulphate,
subvenci6n f, subvention. ferric sulphate.
subvertical f (est), subvertical. -de plomo, lead sulphate, (miner) anglesite.
subyacente, underlying. -manganoso o de manganeso (is), manga-
succi6n f , suction. nese or manganous sulphate.
-a1 extremo (bm), end suction. sulfhidrato m, hydrosulphide, h y d r o ~ u l ~ h a t e ,
-lateral (bm), side suction. sulphhydrate.
succionador m ,sucker: (pet) swab. sulfhfdrico, hydrosulphuric.
succionar, t o suck. sulfitacidn f (as), sulphitation.
sucrato m (as), sucrate, saccharate. sulfitador m (az), sulphitor.
sucrocarbonato m (az), sucrocarbonate. sulfito m, sdphite.
sucrosa f, sucrose, saccharose, sulfocarb6nic0, sulphocarbonic.
sucursal f, branch of a business house. sulfocianuro (m)de potasio (is), potassium sul-
sud m, south. phocyrtnide or thiocyanide.
sudamiento m, sweating, condensation. sulfoaacibn f, sulphonation.
sudeste m a, southeast. sulfonaftalelna f (lab), sdphonphthalein.
sudoeste m a,southwest. sulfonato m, sulphonate.
suela f, leather; base, sill; (str)(Ch) cover sulfdnico, sulphonic.
plate. sulfosal f, aulpho salt.
-del freno, brake shoe. sdfurar, t o sulphurize.
sueldo m,salary, wages. sulfdreo, sulphurous, sulphureous.
suelo m, floor; Cfround, soil; bottom; (ra)(Sp) sulftirico, sulphuric.
ground. sulfur0 m, sulphide.
-falso, filled ground. - de cadmio, cadmium sulphide, (miner) green-
- fungiforme (ed) (A), flat-dab construction. ockite.
-residual o sedentario, sedentary or residual -de plomo, lead sulphide, (miner) galena.
soil. sulfuroso, sulphuraus, (pet) sour.
sufridera f (est), dolly, die, bucker. suma f, sum, summation; addition.
-acodada, straight gooseneck dolly. -akebraica, algebraic sum.
-de palanca, heel dolly, dolly bar. - alzada o global, lump sum.
-de pipa, gooseneck dolly. - georn&ica, geomet~calor veotor addition.
-de resorte, spring dolly. -vectorial, vector sum.
-maciza, club dolly. sumadora f, adding machine; summator.
sufridor m, holder-on man in a riveting gang. sumar, t o add; to recapitulate.
sufrir, t o carry, support; (re) to buck up. sumergencia f (M) (Pel, submergence.
suiche m, (elec) switch ; (rr) (Col) switch. sumergible, overflow (dam) ; submergible, (elec)
sujecitin j, fastening; (A) constraint (beam). imrriersible.
sujetaalambre na, wire holder or clip. sumergir, to submerge; sumergirse, t o be over-
sujetacable m, cable clip; (pet) wire-line anchor. topped; to sink.
sujetador m ,fastener, clip, clamp, anchor. sumersih f, submersion, submergence; (pt) dip-
- de barrena, steel holder (drill). ping; (met) quenching.
-de clavo, nail anchor. sumidero na, sump, catch basin; cesspool; sink.
- de conduct0 (elbe), conduit clip. -ciego, blind drain. soakaway.
-de tuberia (pet), tubing catcher. -de piso, floor drain, cesspool.
-para rectificar, honing fixture. suministrador m,supplier.
sujetadora f, clip, clamp, fastener. suministrar, to furnish, supply.
sujetaexc6ntrica m (mh), eccentric chuck. suministro (m) de agua, water supply.
sujetafreno m, brake hanger. suministros, supplies.
sujetafiisible wa (elbc), fuse clip. suncho m (V) (U),hoop.
sujetagrapa m, clamp holder. superacabado m,superhish.
sujetahilo na (elhc), binding post; cleat insulator; superacabadora f, superhisher.
wiring clip. superalcalino, supe~alkaline.
sujetamacho m, tap chuck. superavenida f (M), flood of unusual volume.
sujetaposte m, post holder (railing). superhit m (cont), surplus.
sujetarriel m, rail fastening. supercalentador m, superheater.
sujetatubos m. pipe clamp. supercalentar, t o auperhemt.
sulfanMco, sulphanilic. supercalor m,superheat.
sulfatar, t o sulphate. supercapilar, supercapillar y.
sulfato m, sulphate. supercargador m (M), supercharger.
- aluminico o de alumido, aluminum sul- supercarretera f , superhighway.
phate, filter alum. supercentrifuga f , supercentrifuge.
-alumfnico potbsico, po&h alum, potassium supercloracidn, superclorinaci6n j, superchlorina-
aluminum sulphate. tion.
-ambnico, ~mmoniurnaulphato. supercampresibilidad f, supercompressibility.
- supercompresi5n f , ~upercompression.
- bhrico, barium sulphate, (minor) barite.
de calcio, calcium sulphate, gypsum. ~u~erconductividad f, superconductivity.
superconsolidacidn (ot), supercompaction. supresidn Cf) de la frecuencia portadora (ra),
superconstruccibn f , superstructure. carrier suppression.
supercontrol m (ra) , supercontrol. supresor m ,suppressor.
superelevacibn f, superdevation. -de chispas (elbc), spark killer or condenser.
superentender, t o superintend, supervise. - de ecos (tel), echo suppressor.
superestructura I, superstructure; (sb) upper -de oleaje o de ondas (hid), surge suppressor.
works. -de ruidos (tel), noise killer.
superficial, superficial, surface. sur m, south.
superficie f , surface, area. surcado (m) en contorno, contour plowing.
-aerodinhmica, airfoil. surcador m, lister.
---- alabeada, warped surface. surcar, t o plow, furrow.
-bafiada (cn), wetted surface. surco m, furrow, r u t ; groove.
-cal6rica o de caldeo, heating surface. surgente, surging; (hyd) artesian.
-de apoyo, bearing area. surgidero m (nkut), anchoring ground.
-de desague, drainage area, watershed. surgir, (hyd) t o surge, spout; (naut) to anchor.
-de deslizamiento (geol) (A), slickenside. surqueo m (M), furrowing.
-d e dislocacibn o de falla o de fracturacih surtidero m, supply line, conduit.
(geol), fault plane. surtidor m, jet; supply pipe; spout, nozzle; filling
-de dispersibn (il), scattering surface. station,
-de evaporacibn, surface of evaporation. ---- auxiliar (auto), supplementary jet.
-de redirecci6n (il), redirecting surface. -cornpensador (auto), compensating jet.
-de revolucibn, surface of revolution. -de aceleraci6n (auto), accelerating jet.
-de rodamiento, wearing surface (tire). -de baja (auto), low-speed jet.
-de solapa (cn), faying surface. -de gasolina, metering pump for gasoline; fill-
-especlfica (et), specific surface. ing station.
-mojada (en), wetted surface. -de poder (auto) (A), power jet.
-pelicular (hid), surface film. -principal o de potencia (auto), main or power
-por labrar (mh), work surface. jet.
-primitiva (en), pitch smface. -suplementario (auto), supplementary jet.
supersno, superfine. surtir, to furnish, supply; t o spout, spurt.
superfraccionador m (pet), superfractionator. susceptancia f (el&), susceptance.
superg6nico (geol) , supergene. susceptibilidad f (elk), susceptibility.
superheterodino (ra), superheterodyne. suspender, t o hang, suspend.
superindice m (mat), exponent. suspensiBn f , suspension.
superintendencia f, sup&intendence. -cardknica, Cardanic suspension.
superintendente m, superintendent. -catenaria compuesta, compound catenary
--- auxiliar, assistant superintendent. suspension.
-del patio (fc) , yardmaster. -catenaria doble, double catenary buspension.
-interino, acting superintendent. -con ruedas independientes (auto), independ-
superior, upper, top. ent wheel-suspension.
supermedida f, oversize. - en cuatro puntos (auto), four-point mount-
superoxidaciih f , superoxidation. ing or suspension.
superponer, t o superpose. suspense, suspended, hanging.
superposici6n f, superposition; (pmy) lap, over- -, en (hid) (A), in suspension.
lap. suspensoide m (quim), suspensoid.
-lateral (fma), side lap. suspensor m, hanger.
-longitudinal (fma), forward lap. -del balacin d e freno (fc), brake hanger.
superpotencia f (el&), superpower. -de cable (cv) , fall-line carrier.
superprensado, superpressed (plywood). - de carrito, t,rolley hanger (door).
superpresidn f , (bo) superpressure. - de conduct0 (el&), conduit hanger.
superpuesto m ,overlap; a superposed. - de muelle, spring hanger.
superregeneracidn f (ra), superregeneration. -de puerta, door hanger.
~ u p e r r e ~ e n e r a t i v(ra),
o supcrregenerative. -para cable mensajero, messenger hanger.
supersaturar, t o supersaturate. sustentacibnf (ap), wing lift, buoyancy.
supersensible (frna), supersensitive. -hidrCulica, buoyancy.
rupersincr6nic0, supersynchronous. sustentar, t o support.
mpersbnico (ra), supersonic, ultrasonic. sustraccidn f, subtraction.
supervigilador m, supervisor, director, inspector. sustractivo, subtrac,tiva.
supervigilancia f , supervision. sustraendo rn (mat), subtrahend.
supervisar (M) (Ec), t o supervise. sutileza f (ct), fineness.
supervisidn f, supervision.
auperyacente, overlying, superincumbent.
suplementario (mat), supplementary.
suplemento m (mat), supplcmcnt. T f , (p) T; T (steel); (dwg) T square.
suposicibn f, assumption. -abordonada o con bord6n o con nervio (est),
supratarnado rn (M), oversize. bulb T, deck beam.
-angular (tub), miter T. -delantal, skirt board.
-con cruce en arc0 o con curva de paso (tub), -multilaminar, plywood.
crossover T. --- portamezcla, plasterer's hawk.
-con salida lateral (tub), side-outlet T. -taquim&rica, stadia table.
-con toma auxiliar lateral (tub), side-inlet T. -tinglada (Ch) , clapboard.
-con uniBn (tub), union T. tablas
-de aterrizaje (ap), landing T. -basculiantes automhticas (hid), automatic
-de campanas (tub), all-bell T.
-de conexiirn redondeada (tub), sanitary T. flashboards.
- de corddn doble, double-beaded ceiling or
-de cuatro pasos (tub), four-way T. siding.
- de cuerpo corto (tub), short-body T. -de fibra (C), fiberboard.
- de curva simple (tub), single-sweep T. - pluviales, louver boards.
-de dibujante, T square. -rebordeadas, beaded lumber.
---- de orejas (tub), drop T. -solapadas, weatherboarding, clapboarding.
-de ramal reductor (tub), reducing-outlet T. tablacho m (hid), small gate.
- de reducci6n (tub), reducing T. tabladillo, tablado m, boarding, board platform.
-de rincirn vivo (tub), miter T. tablaje m, boarding.
- de servicio (tub), service T. tablazo m, mesa, flat-top hill; flat stretch of a
-de silla, saddle T (water main). river.
- de vientos (ap), wind T. tablaz6n f, planking; stock of planks.
- desviadora (cf) , flow-directing T. -del f rente (min), breast boards.
-macho y hembra (tub), service T. tablear, to saw into boards; t o screed.
-mGltiple (tub), branch T. tableo m, sawing into boards; screeding.
-para escalera (tub), stair-railing T. tablero m, switchboard; (carp) panel; (bdg)
-para inodoro (tub), closet T. floor; (hyd) leaf of a gate; (M) panel of a
-para insertar (tub), cutting-in T. truss; (Sp) slab,
- para lavabo (tub), basin T. -de anuncios, bulletisboard.
- pendiente (tub), drop T. -del ascensorista (asc), operator's panel.
T-Y (tub), T-Y branch. -de bornes (elbc), terminal board or block.
tabica f, fascia board, bargeboard, vergeboard; -de carretera (M), +highwaysign.
stair riser. -de conmutadores, switchboard.
tabicar, to wall up; t o partition. -de consumo propia, station-power switch-
tabicbn m, thick partition. board.
tabique m, partition; (Ch) mud partition rein- -de cortacircuitos, panel-board.
forced with wood frame; (Col) thin brick -de control, switchboard, panel board.
wall with wood reinforcing; (C) stair riser; -de dibujo, drawing or drafting board.
(M) flat brick; (Ec) eaves; (CA) lintel; -de distribucib, switchboard, distribution
fascia board. switchboard.
-aislador (el&), barrier. -de fluidez, flow table.
- de canto (A), partition of brick on edge. - de fusibles, fuseboard.
-de desviaciirn horizontal (pa), round-the-end -de gobierno o de mandq control panel.
baffle. -de instrumentos, instrument board; (auto)
-de desviacidn vertical (pa), over-and-under dash.
baffle. -de torno, apron of rt lathe.
-de grasa (A), grease retainer. -rebajado (ed) (MI, drop panel.
- desviador o interceptor (hid), baffle wall. - termind (el&), terminal board.
-impermeabilizador (hid), core wall. tableros de cierre (hid), stop logs.
-sordo, wall with air space, tablestaca f, sheet pile; (min) poling board.
tabiqueria f, layout of partitions. -de alas, steel sheet pile with center flange.
tabiquero m, partition builder. -de tablones ensamblados, Wakefield pile.
tabla f , board; width of a board; (str) cover plate; -en Y, Y pile.
flat stretch of a river; table, tabulation. -en Z, 2-type steel sheet piling.
-aisladora, insulating board. -maestra, maater pile.
- de aforrar ( n h t ) , serving board. tablestacas
-de agua (C), water table (ground). -de a h a combada, arched-web sheet piling.
- de alto (min) (M) , hanging wall. -de alma profunda, deep-web sheet piling.
-de bajo (min) (M), fo wall. -de alma recta, stwight-web sheet piling.
- %
de banquillo o de eh Bn (to), cant strip,
cantboard, saddle board.
-entreltrzadas o de enlace, interlocking sheet
-de chiila, clapboard. tablestacado m, sheet piling,
- de dibujo, drafting board, -de traba, interlocking sheet piling.
-de materiales, bill of material. tablestacar, t o sheet-pile.
- de pie (andamio) , toeboard. tableteo m (ra)(A), rnotorboating.
- de piezas de repuesto, list of parts,
de quitap6n (hid), ff ashboard.
tablilla j, batten, slat, lath, thin board, cleat; (V)
flat roof tilc; (Sp)(C) level rod target.
+- de z6cal0, baseboard. -aislante, insulating board.
tablbn m, plank; (V) 1 hectare. -de columna, post drill.
tabldn-llana (M), straightedge, strickle, screed ---- de plantillas, jig borer.
board. -matiple, gang drill, multiple-spindle boring
tablonaje m, planking. machine.
tabocha (Col), (t) plane. -radial, radial drill.
tabulacidn f (M) (PR), tabuIation. tdaciradora-torneadora, boring and turning ma-
tabular, v (PR)(M) to tabulate; a (geol) tabular. chine.
tacana f , (A) a silver ore; (B) berm, bench, culti- taladrar, t o drill, bore.
vated terrace. taladro m, drill, auger, carpenter's brace; driU
tacanear (A), to tamp; to crush. hole, bolthole; (min) (CA) adit.
taco m, plug, bung; chock; heel (dam); (fo) - a mandril, chucking drill.
spreader; (bl) stemming, tamping; lug on -a municiones o de granalla, shot drill.
auto tire. -alternativo o de empuje, push or reciprocat-
-de remachar, holder-on, doUy. ing drill.
-de rienda (A), deadman for guy. -angular, corner brace.
tacos del ruptor (auto)(U), breaker points. -anular o de alma, core drill.
tacirgrafo m, tachograph, recording speedometer. -de ajuste lateral, traverse drill.
tacograma m,tachogram. -de banco, bench drill.
tacbmetro m, tachometer, speed gage. -de cadena, chain drill,
tac6n m, rail brace; chock; heel (dam). -de carreta, wagon drill.
taconear, to tamp (powder); (Ch) t o fill. -de diamantes, diamond drill.
tacbscopo m, tachoscope. -de mano, hand drill.
tacha f, small nail; pan, vat. -de pecho, breast or fiddle drill.
tachero m, tinsmith; (su) panman, sugar boiler. -de pedestal, column drill.
tacho m, pan, bucket. -de percusibn, hammer drill.
-a1 vacio, vacuum pan. -de piso, floor-type drill.
- de calandria o de serpentin o de tubos (az), -de poste, post drill.
calandria pan, coil pan. --- de rotacibn, rotary drill.
-de presibn (az), pressure pan. -de tierra, earth auger. -
-de punto (az), strike pan. -de torrecilla, turret drill.
-de rederretido (ax), remelt pan. -de trinquete, ratchet drill.
tachuela f, tack, small nail. -de tubo, calyx drill.
-centradora (dib), center tack. ---- explorador, prospecting drill.
-de punto o para estaca (lev), stake tack. -mfiltiple, gang drill.
-fechadora, dating nail. -neumltico, air drill.
tajada f, cut, slice; (M)section. -ovalado, slotted hole.
tajadera f, cutter, chisel, cold set; rivet buster; -para carpinteros, carpenter's brace.
hardy; slitter; (M) hacksaw; (M) howel. -para macho, tap drill.
-de yunque (her), hardy. -para rieles, track drill.
-en caliente, hot cutter or chisel. -- para robldn, rivet hole.
tajado m (min), slicing. ---- piloto, pilot drill.
tajadora f , cutter. -ranurador, cotter drill; traverse drill.
tajafhpiz a,pencil sharpener. -sacaniicleo, core drill.
tajamar m, cutwater, breakwater, jetty, starling; --- salornbnico, twist drill.
nosing of a pier, ice apron; (Ch) sea wall; -sensible, sensitive drill.
(A) basin. -sobre ruedas, wagon drill.
tajar, t o cut, notch. -testigo (PR), core drill.
tajatubo m (pet), casing splitter. -tubular, core or calyx drill.
tajea f, culvert, drain. taladro-sierra, saw drill, tube saw.
tajear (min) (Pe), to stope. talanquera f , picket fence; ( C ) gate.
tajeo rn (min)(Pe), stoping. talar, to fell (trees).
tajo m, cut, excavation, trench; wooden block. talasdmetro m, tide gage, thalassomcter.
-a media ladera o en balcBn, sidehill cut. talco m, talc.
-abierto n descubierto, open cut. talcoso, talcose.
-pasante, through cut. talio m (qulm), thallium.
tala f, cutting of trees, felling; (V) ax; (A) a taliza f (C), spacing strip in a pile of lurriber.
hardwood. talocha f (Es)(M), mason's float.
talacha f , talaeho m (M), pick, mattock. talbfido m (ra) , thalofide.
taladora f, tree-felling machine. talbn m, heel (dam) ; flange or lug on a tire; bead,
taladra f , ship auger. molding; ogee; stub, coupon, ticket.
taladrable, drillable. -de la aguja (fc), heel of switch.
taladracorchos m (lab), cork borer. -de cable (el&), cable lug.
tdadrado m, bore. --- de X a escala (dih), subdivided end unit of a
taladrador m, driller, drill runner; boring ma- scale.
chine. -de expreso, express receipt.
taladradora f,drill press, boring machine or tool. --- de tierra { e l k ) , ground lug.
-terminal (elb), terminal lug. -dc la maza (az), roll shell.
talpetate m, (geol) talpatste; (CA) limestone -de retenciln, (de) holding or dumping drum.
used for road surfacing; (CA) hardpan. -de tracci611 o de traslaci6n (cv), hauling or
talque m (rfr), tasco. endless or fleeting drum.
talquita f (geol), talc schist. -de vapor (cal), steam drum.
talud m, slope, batter; talus, -elevador (ec), hoisting drum.
-- de aguas, upstream slope (dam). -giratorio descortezador, barking drum.
- de reposo (ot), natural slope. tambores de giro (pl), sluing drums.
-de seguridad o de trabajo (ot), safe slope. tambre m (Col), dike, diversion dam.
- detritico, talus. tambuche m (cn), booby hatch, companion
- exterior (ca) , backslope. hatchway.
-interior de la cuneta (ca), foreslope, side tamidina f (elkc), tamidine.
slope. tamiz m, screen, sieve.
-natural, slope of repose, natural slope. -vibrador, shaking screen.
tdudar, to slope. tamizaci6n por via hfimeda, wet screening.
talweg (Pe), thalweg. tamizador m, screen, strainer, sifter.
tdla f, cut. tamizar, to screen, sift,
-basta o gruesa, rough cut (file). tampan m (quid(A) ( C ), buffer.
- bastarda, bastard cut (file). tanato m, tannate:
-cruzada, double cut (file). tandaf, gang, shift; (irr) turn; (pet) run.
-duke, smooth cut (file). tandem m, (su) tandem, m i l train; a tandem.
-e n t r e h a , second cut (He). - moledor (az) , mills.
-simple, single cut (file). tandeo m (irr), distribution of water by turns.
-sorda, dead-smooth cut (file). tangencia f, tangency.'
- superfina, superfine cut (fle). tangencial, tangential.
tallador m,cutter. tangente f a, tangent.
-de engranajes, gear cutter. -de atrhs (lev), back tangent.
-de ranuras, slot cutter. -de frente (lev), forward tangent.
- de roscas, threading machine. tdnico, tannic.
-de vidrio, glass cutter. tanino m, tannin.
talladorn f (canterla), milling machine. tanque m,tank.
tdlar, u to cut, carve, dress; (mech) t o generate; - a1 vacio, vacuum tank.
a fit for cutting into lumber. -abastecedor (az), ~ h a r g etank.
taller m, shop, mill, factory; (Sp) mine working. -aforador (hid), gaging trink.
-agremiado o excIusivo, union or closed shop. - aforador de orificios mtiltiples, multiple-
- de doblado, bending shop. orifice gaging tank.
-de forja, blacksmith or forge shop. - aforador de vertedero, weir gaging tank.
-de fundiciiin, foundry, casting shop. -alcahador (az), Iiming tsnlc.
-de larninacibn, rolling mill. -alimentador (az), feed we4, charge tank.
-de mednica, machine shop. -almacenador, storage tank.
-de modelaje, pattern shop. -amortiguador (hid), stilling pool.
-de servicio, service station. - asentador o de decantacihn, settling tank.
-franco, open shop. -autom4tico de inundacibn (al), automatic
-meclnico, machine shop. flush tank.
-sidertirgico, steel mill. -automotor (Col), tank truck.
tallerista m, shopworker. -carbonatador (ao), carbonation tank.
tallista m, wood carver; cutter, engraver. -colador, straining tank.
-de piedra, stonecutter. - de acero empernado, bolted steel tank.
tallo m, (t)(M) shank. -de bafiar, dipping tank.
tamafio m, size. -de compensaci6n (hid), surge tank,
-corriente, stock size. -de compresi6n, air receiver, pressure tank.
- efectivo, effective sine. -da corriente radial (dac), radial-flow tank.
-entero o natural o real (dibj, fun size. -de corriente transversal (dac), cross-flow
-normal o modelo, standard size. tank.
tambor m, drum, reel; (SU) shell of a mill roll. -de dosificaciBn (dac), dosing tank.
-clasificador, revolving screen. -de equilibria (cn), trimming tank.
-cribador (hid), wheel screen. -de expansibn (el&), expansion tank, con-
- de compensaci6n (bm), balance drum. servator.
-de doble cono (mz); doubte-cone drum. -de flotaci6n de grasas (dac), grease-flota-
- de enfriamiento, cooling drum. tion tank.
-de enrollar, wincling drum. -de flujo espiral (dac), spiral-flow tank.
--- de exploracibn (tv), drum scanner. - de inmersibn, dipping tank.
-de frenaje, snubber. -de lastre (cn), ballast tank.
-del freno, brake drum. -de lavado automsltico (al), automatic flush
- de friccibn, friction drum. tank.
-- de izar, hoisting drum. -de mediciiin (pet), gage tank.
tanque 290 ., tarco

-de oleaje o de osciiacitin (hid), surge tank. tapia f , mud wall; unit area of mud wall about
-de recolecci6n (pet), gathering t.ank. 50 square feet; (C) brick wall.
de remolque, tank trailer. --- acerada (Col), mud wall with cement stucco.
- de reposo o de sedmentaci6n, settling -real, wall of mud and lime mixture.
basin. tapiador, builder of mud walls.
---- de reserva (al), stand-by tank. tapial m , form for mud wall; mud wall.
-de reveiar (fma), developing tank. tapialera f, (Ec) mud wall; (Sp) wall form (mud
--- de rocio, spray pond. or concrete).
-de ruptura de carga (hid) (V), surge tank. tspialero m (Ec), mud-wall builder.
-defecador (az), defeeator. tapiar, to wall up; t o build mud walls.
--- depurador (pet), scrubber tank. tapieria f, mud-wall construction.
-detritor (dac), detritus tank. tapiero m (Col), builder of mud walls.
-Emscher (dac) , Emscher tank. tapita V) de viilvula, valve cap (tire).
-forrado de caucho, rubber-lined tank. tap0 m , (A) plug; (in) (M) small diversion dam.
-forrado d e vidrio, glass-lined tank. -de limpieza (A), washout plug.
-hidrogenador (pet), hydrogenator. tapbn na, plug, stopper, bung; bulkhead.
-igualador (hid), surge tank. --- adaptador (hen), adapter plug.
-inyector de Lcido, acid egg, blow case. -atacador (vol), tamping plug.
-medidor, measuring tank. -ciego (pet), bull plug.
-receptor de aire, air receiver. -de avellanar o de cabeza hueca (tub), coun-
-remolcado, tank trailer. tersunk plug.
-sdptico (dac), septic tank. -de cabeza cuadrada (tub), square-head plug.
-sulfitador (az), sulphitation tank. -de cementacidn (pet), cementing plug.
-t6rmic0, thermotank. -de contact0 (el&), attachment plug.
-tip0 Imhoff (dac), Imhoff tank. -de cristal o de vidrio (lab), glass stopper.
tanquerla f (C), group of tanks. - de cub0 (auto), hubcap.
tanquero m (A), tanker. -de evacuacibn o de limpieza o de purga,
tantalio, thntalo m (quim), tantalum. drain plug, washout or cleanout plug.
tantear, t o t r y out; t o look over the ground; (Ch) -de grasa, grease plug.
t o make a n approximate estimate. -de prueba, test plug.
tanteos (m), por, by trial and error. -de receptlculo ( e l k ) , receptacle plug.
tanto m, so much; quantum; (cor~c)batch. - de tope, stop plug.
tapa f , cover, lid, cap; cylinder head; (p) cap. -desconectador (elk), disconnect plug.
-ciega ( e l k ) , blank cover. -. encendedor o incandescente (di), glow plug.
-de barril, barrelhead. -fusible fusible plug; (elec) plug fuse.
- de buzbn (Pe), manhole cover.
-del cilindro, cylinder head, front cylinder
---- giratorio, s w k e l plug.
-hembra (A) (Col), pipe cap.
head. -macho, (A) pipe plug; (pet) bull plug.
-de cojinete, bearing cap. - obturador (tub), blanking plug.
--- del distribuidor (auto), distributor cap. -para traviesa (fc), tie plug.
-de la escotilla, hatch cover. -roscado, screw plug.
-de municiones (lab), shot cap. taponar, t o plug.
-de radiador (aut.o), radiator cap. taponear (MI, t o plug.
-de registro, manhole or handholc cover. taqueador m, tamping bar for powder; (Col)
-del respiradero (pb), vent cap. blaster.
---- del tambuche (cn), companion, companion taquebmetro 7n (Lcv), tachyrneler, tacheometer.
head. taquete (m) de plomo, lead shield (for screw).
-de tubo, pipe cap. taquetes (Chl), bridging between wood joists.
-de u n i h (v&), union bonnet. taquigrafo, taquigrafa, stenographer.
-hembra (A), pipe cap. taquilita f (geol), tachylite.
-para soldat (tab), welding cap. taquilla j, rack of pigeonholes; plug switchboard;
tapabarro m (Ch), mudguard. (rr) ticket office.
tapacubo m (auto), hubcap. taquillera f , any cellular construction.
tapadera f , cap, cover, lid. taquillero m (fc), ticket agent.
tapadero m, plug, stopper. taquimecandgrafo, stenographer-typist.
tapador m, plug, stopper; packer; cover; sealant. taquimetria f, stadia survey; tachymetry.
-de vidrio (lab), glass stopper. taquimbtrico, tachymetric.
tapagoteras m (A), waterproofirlg material, roof- taqufmetro m, tachymeter; stadia transit.
ing cement. tara ,f, tare.
tapajunta m, splice plate, butt strap, scab; as- tarabilla f , latch, catch; (C) turilbuckle.
tragal; (M) water stop (in a joint). tarabita f, rope ferry.
tapalodo m (PR), mudguard, fender. taraje m, weighing light; tare weight.
tapaobjetivo m (fma) , object-glass cap. tarar, t o weigh before loading; t o tare, weigh
tapaporos m (pint), primer, filler. light; (A) t o gage, measure for capacity
tapar, t o cover; t o plug. (A) t o rate.
taparrueda m (auto) (Col), fender, mudguard. tarco m (A), a wood (semihard).
291 tejado
tarea f , taskwork, piecework; job, task; shift -de rosca, sorewed T.
(men) ; (machy)(C) duty; (DR) 6.28 ares; teca f, teakwood.
(C) 69 sq m. tecla f, key of adding machine, typewriter, etc.
-de leila ( C ) ,cord of wood. teclado m, keyboard.
tarifa f , tariff, rate; fare, tecle m, single-whip tackle; (Ec) chain block.
-adnanera, schedule of customa duties. -de cadena (Ch), chain block.
- de carga, freight rate. t6cnica f, technique; engineering.
-de demanda, demand charge. - del autombvil, automotive engineering.
tariiicaciih f, rate making. -electr&nica,electronics.
tarima f, platform, bench, stand, rack; (tk) bunk. -frigoriiica, refrigerating engineering.
tarjero (lev)(M) , note keeper. -hidrgulica, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering.
tarjeta f, card; (hw)(A) surface latch. tccnicismo m (M), technology.
-Indice, index card. ticnico na, expert, technician; a technical.
tarquin m,mud. - agricola, agronomist, agricultural engineer.
tarraja f, bolt-and-pipe machine, stock, thread- -de azbcar, sugar technologist.
ing machine. -electricista, electrical engineer.
tarrajadora f, threading machine; tapper. -en hormigbn, concrete technician
tarrajar, t o thread. -forestal, forestry engineer.
-con macho, to tap. - vial, highway engineer.
tarrajear (Pe), to thread. tecnoIogIa f, technology.
tarugo m, wooden pin, plug, bung; wood paving -de 10s suelos, soil technology.
block. tecnolbgico, technological,
- de barrera (ef), boom pin. tecnblogo (m)de concrete, concrete technologist.
-de cubierta (en),deck plug. tecorral m (M), dry wdI, stone fence.
-de traviesa (fc), tie plug, wooden spikq. tectbnica f (geol), tectonics.
-ensanchador (pb), turnpin, tampion. tectbnico, tectonic.
-para davado, nailing plug. techado m, roofing, roof covering; a roof.
-para escarpia (fc), spike dowel. - armado, built-up roofing.
tarvia f (ca), tarvia. -felpa ( C ) , roofing felt.
tas m, small anvil.
-de estampar, swage block.
- prearmado o preperado, ready or prepared
or composition roohg.
tasa f, rate; valuation; rating. techador m, roofer.
-de agua, water rate. techar, to roof.
-de inter&, rate of interest. techo na, ceiling; roof; shed; (ap) ceilmg.
- de mortalidad, death rate. -a cuatro aguas, hip roof,
tasacibn f, appraisal, valuation; rating. -a dos aguas o a dos pendientes, peak roof.
tasador m, appraiser. -a simple vertiente o de rigua simple, lean-to
-de averia beg), average adjuster; or single-pitch roof.
-de gozos, well rater. -absoluto (ap), absolute ceiling.
tasar, to appraise; to tax; to rate. -dentado o de dientes de sierra, saw-tooth
tasca f (Pe), wave, breaker. roof.
tase6metro m, taseometer. -en caABn, barrel roof.
tasimetria f, tasimetry. -flotante o de pontb, floating roof (tank).
tasimGtrico, tasimetric. - mediaagua, lean-to roof.
tasimetro m, tasimeter. -raso, flat ceiling.
tasmanita f (geoI) (miner), tasmanite. techumbre j, roof, ceifing.
tatare m,a South American lumber (semihard). -rampante, lean-to roof.
tautdcrono (mat), tautochronous. teflgrama m (mrl), tephigram.
taxear (ap), to taxi. tefrita f (geol), tephrite.
taximetro m, taximeter. teipe (m9 eldctrico ( C ) ,insulating tape.
taza f , basin, bowl, bucket; (turb)(pu)(Po) teja f , roofing tile.
bucket. -canalh, gutter tile; pantile.
-a la turca (Es),see inodoro a la tprca. - cornijal, corner tile.
-del carburador, carburetor bowl. -de batto, clay tile.
-de cojinete, bearing cup. - de cimacio, pantile.
-de encastre, basket of a wire-rope socket. -ds maderw, shingle.
-de grasa, grease cup. - estructural (C), structural title.
-de inodoro, water-closet bowI. -lomada, ridge tile.
-de rueda (auto)(U), hubcap. - vierteaguas, flashing tile.
-de vertedero (kid), spillway bucket. teja-canal, teja-cobija, roof tile laid with con-
--- engrasadora o lubricadora (MI, oil cup. cave surface upward.
- Petri (is), Petri dish. tejadillo m,shed; penthouse; (M)monitor (roof)
tazBn m, large basin, stilling pool; (ea) bowl of a tejado m, roof, tile roof.
scraper; (V) bowl of deep well. -a cuatro aguas, hip roof.
t e f, (I>)T; (str) T bar. - a doa aguas, peaked roof.
--- de bridas (tub), flanged T. - a un agua, lean-to roof.
tejador teletransmisor
tejador m, tiler, tile layer. tefefbnico, telephonic.
--- de ripias, shingler. telefonista, telephone operator.
tejarnani, tejarnanil m, shingle. telefono m, telephone.
tejar, n brickyard; tileworks; v t o roof with tiles. -de cabeza, headphone.
tejaroz rn, eaves. --- de disco selector, dial telephone.
tejavhn m (M), shed. telef on6grafo m, telephonograph.
tejavana f, building roofed with tiles without telefonograrna m (A), telegram received by tele-
ceiling. phone.
tejeria f , tileworks. telefoto, telephoto.
tejero m, tilemaker; tile setter, tiler. telefotografia, telephotography.
tejido m, fabric; mesh; (V) web of a truss; (w) telefotogriifico, telephoto, telephotographic.
weaving. telefotbmetro m, telephotometer.
-de acero, wire cbth. telegrafia f, telegraphy.
-de alambre, wire mesh or fabric; wire cloth. -aliimbrica, wire telegraphy.
-de alambre soldado, welded steel fabric. -de frecuencia aciistica, voice-frequency car-
-de bronce, brass wire cloth. rier telegraphy.
-de cernir, bolting cloth. -miltiplex, multiplex telegraphy.
-de cesto (elkc), basket-weave (armor). -sin hilos, wireless telegraphy.
-de filtrar, filter fabric. telegrafiar, t o telegraph.
-de refuerzo, mesh reinforcement. * telegrfifico, telegraphic.
-de saco, bagging, burlap. telegrafista, telegraph operator.
-de vidrio, glass cloth. teligrafo m, telegraph.
tejo m, bearing, pillow block; (lbr) yew. -autogriifico, facsimile telegraph, telauto-
tejoleta f, broken tile, brickbat. graph.
tejuela f, small tile; piece of tile; brickbat. telegrUono m, telegraphone.
tejuelo m, small tile; socket; pillow block, step teleimpresor m, teleprinter.
bearing; gear blank. teleindicador m, telegage, remote gage.
tela f, cloth; (C) a tracing; a South American teleingeniero m (A), television engineer.
-alambrada o methlica, wire cloth or fabric.
teleinterruptor m (el&), remote-control switch.
-de acero o de rnalla, wire mesh or cloth. telemanBmetro m ,telemanometer.
-de asbesto, asbestos cloth. telemecfinica f, telemechanics.
-de calcar, tracing cloth. telemeciinico m (A), television mechanic.
-de dibujar, drawing cloth. telemecanismo m, telemechanism.
- de iiltro, filter cloth or fabric. telemedicibn f, telemetering.
-de pedernal, flint cloth. telemetria f, telemetry.
-esmeril o lija, emery cloth. telemfitrico, telernetric.
- mosquitera, mosquito screening.
-para gallinero, chicken wire.
telimetro m, telemeter.
- de corriente, current-type telemeter.
- para perfiles, profile cloth. --- de impulso, impulse-type telemeter.
telarafia f (ra) (A), spider-web antenna. -de relaci6n directa, direct-relation telcmeter.
telauthgrafo m, telautograph. -de relacibn inversa, inverse-relation telem-
teleaparato m (A), television equipment. eter.
telearmador m (A), television rnechanic. -de tensiBn, voltage-type telemeter.
telebulbo m (A), television tube. teleob jetivo (fma), teleobjective.
teleciencia f (A), science of television; science of teleoperador m (A), operator of television equip-
telecommunication. ment.
telecomunicaci6n f, telecommunication. telera f, jaw of a vise; (str) hinge plate; (Col)
telecontrol m, remote control. cramp, clamp.
telectroscopio m, telectroscope. telertin, teleran (television-radar air naviga-
teledifundir, t o telecast, broadcast by television. tion).
teledifusibn f, television broadcasting. telero rn, stake of f a t truck or flatcar.
teledinlmico, teledynamic. telerreceptor m, television receiver.
teleemisora f (A), television transmitter. telerregulacidn j,remote control.
teleequipo m (A), television equipment. telerreparador m (A), television mechanic.
teleferaje m, transportation by aerial tramway. telescopiar, t o telescope.
telef6ric0, sistema, telpher system; aerial tram- telescSpico, telescopic; telescoping, nesting.
way. telescopio m,telescope.
telefonema m (Es) (A), telephone message. teleseiial f, television signal.
telefonia f, telephony. teleslsmico, teleseismic.
-- a onda acbstica, voice-frequency telephony. telestereoscopio m ,telestereoscope.
-allmbrica, wire telephony. teletecnico m, television engineer.
-de aha frecuencia, high-frequency telephony. teletermBmetro m, telethermometer.
-por corrientes portadoras n por onda porta- -- registrador, telethermograph.
dora, carrier-current telephony; line radio. teletipo, teletype.
-sin hilos, wireless telephony. teletransmisor rn, television transmitter.
teletransmisorista (A), operator of a television -para crisol (lab), crucible tongs.
station. tenalla f (M), vise.
teletricista m (A), television mechanic. tenaz, tough.
teIetubo m (A), television tube. tenaza f, claw, clamp; (carp)(A) matched joint.
televisar, to televise. -de cadena, chain wrench or tongs.
teIevIsiBn f , television. -de fulminantes (vol), cap crimper.
televisor m, televisor; a television. tenazas, cutters, pliers, tongs, nippers, pincers.
telzvisora f, televisor. -atornilladoras, pipe tongs, (pet) buckup
t6lfer m, telpher. tongs.
telf eraje m, t elpherage. -de banco (vol), bench crimper.
telferar, to move by telpher. -de chpsula (vol), cap crimper.
telferico a,telpher. - de contrafuerza (pet), backup tongs.
teliirico, telluric. -de corte, cutting pliers or nippers.
telurio m (qulm), tellurium. - de disparo, piledriver nippers.
telururo m, telluride. -de forja o de herrero, blacksmith tongs.
tembladero m, bog, marsh. -de soldar, welding or brazing tongs.
temblador rn (mg), trembler, vibrator, make-and- -de triscar, saw set.
break. -desconectadoras (pet), breakout tongs.
temblor m, earthquake, earth tremor. -para carriles (fc), rail tongs.
tdmpano (na)de hielo, ice floe, iceberg. - para detonador (vol), cap crimper.
temperador (m)d e &re (A), air conditioner. -para maderos, timber carrier.
temperatura f. temperature. -para roca, rock grab.
-absoluta de ebullicibn, absolute boiling -para tirar remaches, passing tongs.
point. -para traviesas (fc), tie tongs.
-de acercamiento (aa), approach tempera- -para trozas (ef), skidding tongs.
ture. -para tuberia (pet), casing or carrying tongs.
-de ampolleta hfimeda (aa), wet-bulb tern- tendal m, tent, awning; (Col) rafter, upper chord
perature. of roof truss.
- de ampolleta seca, dry-bulb temperature. tendedor m, placer, layer, extender.
-de roclo, dew point. -de balasto (fc), ballast spreader.
-de saturacidn (mrl) (as), saturation tempera- -de moldes (ca), form setter.
ture, dew point. -de tuberk, pipe layer.
-efectiva de compdidad (aa), comfort line. tendedora Cf) de rieles (fc), rail-laying machine.
- Umite Iinyector), breaking or limiting tem- tendel m, chalk line; bed of mortar. mortar joint.
perature. tinder na (fc), tender, tank.
tempestad f, storm; whole gale. tender, to spread, stretch; to lay (rails); t o set
templa f, (conc) batch; (su) strike. (forms); to pull (wires); to spread plaster.
tempIabilidad f (met), hardenability. tendido m, line; stretch, run; dope of a roof; coat
templadera f (irr) (Ed,division sate, hcad gate. of plaster; (A) brown coat; a sloping
templado m,tempering, quenching. gently.
-a1 aeeite, oil-tempered ; oil-quenched. -de carfiles, rail laying.
-a llama, flame-hardened. -de tnberk, pipe lines.
-a salmuera, brine-quenching. - el6ctric0, electric wiring.
-en fragua, flame-hardened. tenedero m (nhut), holding ground, anchorage.
- superbcialmente, chilled (iron); casehard- tenedor m,holder; fork.
ened. - de accioaes, stockholder.
templador m, turnbuckle. -de balasto o para piedra (fc), ballast fork.
--- para banda, belt tightener. -de bonos, bondholder.
tempfar, to temper, quench; to stress; t o haul - de libros, bookkeeper.
taut. - de pbliza, policyholder.
temple m,temper, tempering. tenedurh If) de libros, bookkeeping.
-blando, soft or dead-soft temper. teneria f , tannery.
- con rotaci6n. spin-hardening. tensicmetro m, tensiometer.
- duke, mild temper. tensibn f, (str) (elec) tension; (A) stres~.
-extraduro, very high temper. -acelerante (ra), acceleration or beam volt-
-mediano, medium temper. age.
-por laminacibn en frio, temper rolling. -anbdica directa (ra), forward anode voltage.
-suave, low or mild temper. -anddica inversa (ra), inverse anode voltage.
-superficial, easehardening: chilling. - aplicada (elkc), impressed voltage.
- vivo, high temper. -capilar, capillary potential.
temporada f, season. -circunferencial, ring tension.
-de aguas, rainy season. --- critica de rejilla (ra), critical grid voltage.
-de secas, dry season. -de adherencia (ref)(A), bond stress.
tenacidad f , toughness, tenacity. -de asentamiento o de cierre (elbc), sealing
tenacillas f, pliers, pincers, tweezera. voltage.
,- de corte a1 lado. side-cutting pIiers. -- de audiofrecuencia (ra), audio voltage.
-d e circuit0 abierto, open-circuit voltage. tequio m (min)(M), quantity of work t o be done
-d e compresibn (A), compressive stress. in 1 day.
-de contact0 ( e l k ) , contact potential. terceadora f (V), concrete mixer.
---- d e corte, cutoff voltage; (A) shearing stress. tercear (V), t o mix concrete.
-de desenganche, drop-out voltage. terceo m (V), mixing, mixture, proportions;
--- de entrada, input voltage. batch.
-de equilibrio del electrodo, equilibrium elec- tercer riel, third rail, contact or conductor rail.
trode potential. terceria f,arbitration.
-de funcionamiento (elk), pickup voltage. tercero m, arbitrator, third party.
-de placa (ra), anode or plate voltage. terciado (mad), laminated, ply.
-d e reactancia, reactance or choking voltage. terciar, t o arbitrate; (M)(C) t o dilute.
- de regimen, rated voltage. tercio m, one third; a third.
-de rejilla (ra), grid voltage. ---- central o medio, middle third (dam).
-de resbalamiento (A), sheasing stress. teredo m (C), teredo, shipworm.
--- de rotura, ultimate tensile strength. termal, thermal.
--- de salto, flashover voltage. t8rmic0, thermic, thermal.
-de servicio, working or operating voltage. terminado m, finish.
-de torsiijn (A), torsional stress. -a1 frio, cold-finished.
-de tracciSn (A) tensile stress. terminador m , finisher; terminator; a finishing.
-diagonal, diagonal tension. -d e cable (elkc), cable terminator; pothead.
-diente d e sierra (ra), saw-tooth voltage. -d e i r e s ramas (el6c), three-conductor pot-
-disruptiva, disruptive or puncture or break- head.
down voltage. terminadora f , finishing machine.
-especifica, unit tensional stress. terminal m, (elec) (rr) terminal; a terminal.
--- final, cutoff or final voltage. -a6reo (elbc), air terminal.
-inversa mlxima (ra), peak inverse potential. -de derivacibn (el&), service head.
-magnbtica, magnetic strain. --- de oreja ( e l k ) , lug terminal.
-m o m e n t h e a , instantaneous voltage. terminar, t o finish (job); t o finish (surface); t o
-nula (el&), zero potential. terminate, dead-end.
-principal (A), principal stress. t6rmino m, terminus, terminal; finish, comple-
-superficial, surface tension. tion; (math) term; boundary monument.
-tangencial (A), shearing stress. -de extrerno cerrado (fc), dead-end ter-
-virtual, virtual or effective volts. mind.
tensionar (A), t o stretch, pull taut. -de paso continuo (fc), through terminal.
tenso, t a u t . -medio, average.
tensor m, turnbuckle, sleeve nut; tension mem- termibn m (fisica), thermion,
ber; guy. termibnica f, thermionics.
--- de armadura, truss rod. termibnico, thermionic.
-de cadena, chain-tightening device. termita j (sol), thermit.
-de cinta (lev), tape stretcher. ---- de forja, forging tllermit.
-de correa, belt tightener; idler pulley. -para fundicibn, cast-iron thermit.
---- d e doble grillete, shackle-and-shackle turn- -simple, plain thermit.
buckle. termoamperlmetro m, thermoammeter.
-de dos ganchos, hook-and-hook turn- termobarbgraf o m , thermo barograph.
buckle. t e r m o b a r h e t r o m, thermoharorneter.
--- d e horquilla y ojo, jaw-and-eye turnbuckle. termocatalitico, tl~ermocatalytic.
-d e manguito, sleeve nut. termocinemiitica f , thermokinematics.
-d e ojillo doble, eye-and-eye turnbuckle. termoclinal m, thermocline, temperature gra-
--- de resorte (lev), tension handle, spring bal- dient.
ance. termocompresor m, thermocompressor.
-de tornillo, turnbuckle. terrnoconductor m , thermoconductor.
tentemozo m , shorc, prop, strut. terrnocortacircuito m, thermo-cutout.
teAidura f, stain (wood). termocupla f, thermocouple.
teodolito m, theodolite, transit. termodetector m (ra) , thcrmodetector.
-altacimutal, aItazirnuth instrument. termodinhmica f , thermodynsmics.
-de trtnsito (Es), engineer's transit. termodinamicista, thermodynamicist.
-repetidor, repeating transit. t e r m o d i n h i c o , thermodynamic.
-taqulmetro, stadia transit. termoeIhstico, thermoelastic.
teorema m, theorem. termoelectricidad f,thermoelectricity.
teoria f. theory. termoef8ctric0, thermoelectric.
-cuhntica o de 10s tantos, quantum theory. termoelectromotriz, thermoelcctromotive.
-electrbnica, electron theory. terrnoelemento m (elkc), thermoclcment.
tepe m, sod, turf. termofilico (is), thermophilic.
tepetate m , (M) hardpan, conglomerate; (min) termbfono m, thennophooe.
country rock, attIe; caliche; volcanic tuff. termogalvanbmetro m ,thermognlvanorneter.
tequezquite m (M), native sodium carbonate. termbgeno, termogbnico, thermogenic.
tem6grafo 295 tester0
term6grafo m, therrnograph, recording ther- -de cojinete o para dados, diestock.
mometer. -y dados, stock and dies.
termogama m, thermogram. terrajadora f, threading machine.
termoguarda m, thermoguard. -para tuercas, nut-tapping machine.
termoide, Thermoid (trademark). terrajar, to thread, cut threads, tap; (C) to
temointegrador m (aa), therrnointegrator. screed.
termointerruptor m (el&), thermostat-controlled -con macho, to tap.
switch. terrapldn m, earth fill, earthwork, embankment.
termoidnico, thermionic. - de desperdicio (M), spoil bank.
termoluminiscencia f, thermoluminescence. - prestado, borrowed fill.
termomagn8tic0, thermomagnetic, pyromagnetic. terraplenaje m, earth filling.
termom6tric0, thermometric. terraplenar, to fill with earth.
termbmetro na, thermometer. terrateniente, landowner.
- de ampolleta hfimeda, wet-bulb thermom- terraza f, terrace.
- mangum, mangum terrace (check soil ero-
-de ampolleta seca, dry-bulb thermometer. sion).
-de cuadrante, dial thermometer. terrazadora f, terracer,
-de fronda (V) , sling thermometer. terrazar, to terrace.
-de resistencia, resistance thermometer. terra20 m, terrazzo.
-para punto de condensacibin (aa), dew-point terremoto m ,earthquake.
thermometer. terreno m, land, ground, soil; terrain; (geol) ter-
-registrador, recording thermometer. rme.
-seco, dry-bulb thermometer. -accidentado, rough ground, hilly country.
termometrdgrafo m, thermometrograph. -aportado (Es), alluvial soil.
termornotor m, heat engine; a thermomotive. -de acarreo, alluvial soil.
termomultiplicador m, termopila f (el&), ther- -de cimentacibd, foundation material.
mopile, thermobattery, thermomultiplier. -de recubrimiento, overburden.
termopar m, thermocouple. - de relleno, filled ground, made land.
termopermutador m, heat exchanger. -de trHnsito (Es), hardpan, shale.
termopl&stico, thermoplastic. -de transporte (PC),alluvial soil.
termorreactivo, heat-reactive. -echadizo, refuse dump.
termorreduccidn f (quirn) (met), thermoreduc- - ejidal, public or community land.
tion. -escabroso, rough ground.
termorregulador m (cf), thermoregulator, -falso, filled ground; unstable ground.
termorruptor m, Thermo-ruptor (trademark). - flojo, unstable soil, loose ground.
termosifbn, thermosiphon. -ganado, reclaimed land.
termostltico, thermostatic. -hullero, coal field.
termbstato m, thermostat. -marginal, marginal land.
-combinado, compound or combination ther- -movedizo o corredizo, running ground.
mostat. -primitivo, original ground.
-de accidn mGItiple, multiple-point or multi- -quebrado, rolling country; broken ground.
ple-insertion thermostat. -sano, solid ground.
-de acciBn simple, unit or single-point ther- -sedentario, sedentary soil.
mostat. -suelto, looso ground (not requiring blast-
-- de conducto, insertion or duct thermostat. ing).
-de dos temperaturas, dual or high-low ther- tGrreo, earthy.
mostat. terrero m, dump, spoil bank.
-de inmersibn, immersion-type therrrrostat. terrestre, terrestrial.
-de servicio simple, single-duty thermostat. terrdn m, clod, lump.
-de superficie, surface-type thermostat, -de lodos (dao), sludgo cake.
-intermedio o de acci6n graduada, intermedi- terroso (miner), earthy.
ate or graduated-acting thermostat. tertel ,rn ((Ch), hardpan.
-maestro o pitoto, mmter or pilot thermostat. tesar, to tighten, haul taut.
-positive, positive or quick-acting thermostat. tesefado, tessellated (floor).
-reajustable a distancia, submaster or remote teso, taut.
adjustable thermostat. tesoro (m) de seguridad (A), vault, safe.
terrnotector m,Thermo-tector (trademark). testa f , face, frcmt, head.
termotensidn f (met), thermotension. - , de, on end,
termouni6n f (elCc), thermojunction. testera f, front, front wall; header.
ternario (mat)(quirn) (met), ternary. -de caldera, boiler front.
terracear (M}, t o terrace. -del cilindro, cylinder head.
terracerias f (M) (V), earth fill, earthwork. testero m, front, end piece, end wall; (min) over-
terracota f, terra cotta. hand or back stope.
terrado m,flat roof: terrace. -abovedado (min), domed or pyramid stope.
terraja f, stock (for dies); threading machine; - de techo plano (rnin), flat-back stope.
(xnet) strickle. - escdoaado (min) , rill stope,

testigo tinglado

testigo m, sample, specimen; (surv) reference tierra f, earth, soil, land, ground, dirt; (elec)
point. ground.
-de perforacibn, driII core. -alcalina (qufm) , alkaline earth.
-perito, expert witness. --- aluvial, alluvium.
testimonio (m) pericial, expert testimony. -cocida, terra cotta.
tesura f, stiffness, tautness. -de b a t h , fuller's earth.
tet6n m, lug, boss. -d e labor, cultivated land.
tetraborato m (quim), tetraborate. -de ladrillos, brick clay.
tetrabromuro m, tetrabromide. -diatomlcea, diatomaceous earth.
tetracilindrico, (eng) four-cylinder. -elgctrica, ground connection.
tetracloruro m, tetrachloride. --- endurecida, hardpan.
tetraedrico, tetrahedral. -franca (M), topsoil.
tetraedrita f, tetrahedrite (ore .of silver and cop- -hiimica (U), topsoil.
per). -infusoria, infusorial earth.
tetraedro m (mat), tetrahedron. -mantillosa o negra, topsoil, loam.
-indicador de viento (ap), wind tetrahedron. -pesada, heavy spar, barite.
tetraetilo (quirn), tetraethyl. -reformada (M), reclaimed land.
tetrafiisico ( e l k ) , four-phase. -refractaria (A), fire clay.
tetrafilar (el&), four-wire. -rescatada (M), reclaimed land.
tetragonal, tetragonal. -suelta, loose or unstable ground.
tegrlgono m, tetragon; a tetragonal. -transportada, filled ground.
tetranitrodiglicerina f (vol), tetranitrodiglyc- -vegetal, topsoil.
erin. tierras raras, rare earths.
tetrapolar, four-pole. tieso, stiff, taut, tight; (conc) stiff.
tetrationato m (lab), tetrathionate. tif6n m,typhoon.
tetravalente (quim), quadrivalent, tetravalent. tija f (Es), shank of a key.
tetril m, tetryl (explosive). tijera f, shear; sawbuck; small ditch.
tetrilo m (qufm), tetryl. -a pedal, foot-power shear.
tdtrodo m (ra), tetrode. -guillotina, power shear.
tetrosa f (az), tetrose. -meclnica, shear.
textolita f (plhstico), Textolite (trademark). - para pernos, bolt clipper.
textura f,texture. -universal, universal shear.
-flGida (geol), fluidal or flow texture. tijeras, shears, snips; sawbuck; shear legs.
textural, textural. -de banco, bench shears.
teyolote m (M), small stone for filling joints in -d e golpe, anvil cutter.
rubblc work. - de hojalatero, snips, tinsmith's shears.
-para poste, pole buck.
tezontle m (M), volcanic stone used for building.
ticholo m (U), small tile for floor or flat roof. tijeral m (Ch), roof truss.
tiempo m ,time; weather; (eng) cycle, stroke. tijerales, X bracing.
-aparente, apparent or solar time. -verticales, sway bracing.
-astronbmico, astronomical or mean solar tilita f (geol), tillite.
time. tilo m, linden, basswood.
-civil, civil time. tillado m, board floor; (C) eightpenny nail.
-de a d m i s i b o d e aspiracibn (mg), admission timba f ( C ) , a timber.
or intake or suction stroke. timbradora f (Es), brick press.
-de compresi6n, compression stroke. timolftaleina f (is), thymolphthalein.
-de escape, exhaust stroke. timbn m, rudder; wagon pole; plow beam; (auto)
-de intercepcih (geof), intercept time. (C) steering wheel.
---- doble, double time; (M) double shift. -compensado, balanced rudder.
-extra, overtime. - mecQnico (cn), gyropilot, mechanical steer-
-medio solar, mean solar time. ing device.
-motor o de trabajo (mg), working or power -suspendido (cn), underhung rudder.
stroke. timonear (nitut), t o steer.
-normal, standard time. timoneo m (niut), steering.
-sencillo (M), single shift. timonera f (cn), pilothouse, wheelhouse.
-sideral, sidereal time. timpa f,hearth, grate; (met) t y ~ n p .
-solar, solar or apparcnt time. timpano m, spandrel wall; gable.
-verdadero, t r u e or solar or apparent time. tina f, bathtub; vat, tub.
-y medio, time and a half. -d e lavar, laundry tub, washtray.
tiempos de propagacidn (geof),travel times. tinacts m, vat, tub.
tienda f, tcnt ; storc; awning. tinaja f (M), natural reservoir.
-de costados verticales, wail tent. tincal rn, tincal, tinkal, native borax.
tiendetubos m (ec), pipe layer. tingladillo (m)ahusado, bevel siding.
tienta f , earth auger, sounding rod; feeler gage. tingladillo, de, clapboarded ; (naut) clinker-built.
tientaaguja /, sounding or boring rod. tinglado m, shed, shanty, lean-to, open shed.
tientaclaro j,feeler gage. -del pozo (min), head house.
tinglar, to clapboard; t o do clinker work (boat). -de articulacibn de resorte, spring-hinge rul-
tinguaita f (geol), tinguaite. ing pen.
tinta f, ink. -del comp&s,pen point.
- a prueba de agua, waterproof ink. -de fuente, fountain ruling pen.
- china, India ink.
tinte m, stain; dye.
-doble, railroad pen.
-loco, contour pen.
- a1 agua (pint), water stain. -para detalles, detail pen.
- a1 akohol, spirit stain. -para puntear, dotting pen.
- a1 bleo, oil stain. -para rayado, hatching pen.
- indicador (lab), indicator dye. tiramollar, to fleet (tackle).
- inhibitorio (lab), inhibitive dye. tiranta f (Col), tie rod, tie beam.
tinte-velocidad (hia) , dye-velocity (gaging). tirante m, tie rod, guy, tension member; stay
tintinear (maq), t o rattle, chatter, clatter. bolt; beam; depth of water; a taut.
tintineo m. clattering; knocking. - crltico (hid), critical depth.
tintitaco m (A), a hardwood. -d e agujas (fc), switch rod, tie bar, bridle rod.
tintofotbrnetro m, tint photometer. -de annadura, truss rod, hog rod.
tintometria f, tintometry. -de caldera, stay bolt.
tintdmetro m,tintometer. -de radio (auto), radius rod.
tintura f , stain; tincture. - de suspensiih, hanger.
tiiiuela f, teredo, shipworm. -I o doble T, I beam.
tiocianato (m)de potasio, potassium thiocyanate. -ojalado o de ojo, loop rod.
tiocianuro m, thiocyanide, sulphocyanide. tirantes, traces (wagon).
tiosulfato m, thiosulphate. --- de giro (gr), sluing rods.
tiotrix (is), thiothrix. -de moldes, form ties.
tipa f , a South American hardwood. tiranteria f, framework, floor framing.
tipo m, standard; rate; type, kind. tirantez f, tightness, (cab) strain.
-de carnbio, rate of exchange. tirantillo m, scantling, &mallbeam.
- de flete, freight rate. tirar, t o pull, drag, draw; t o throw, throw away;
- del mercado, market rate. t o blast; to dump; (exc) to waste; to draw
-de sueldo, rate of pay. (stack).
tfquet m (PR), ticket. tiratr6n m (ra), thyratron.
tiquete m (AC), ticket. tiravavula m, valf e rod.
tira f, a length (pipe); strip, stripe; (rr)(C) tiravira f , parbuckle, (18) crosshaul, (lg) crotch
lead. chain.
- aislante (elbe), insulating strip. tireta df) de correa, belt
-bordeadora (ca), curb strip. tirita f (elbe), Thyrite (t
-calibradora, feeler gage. tiro m, (mech) draft; (bl) a shot; (tun) shaft; s
-central (ca), center strip. length; flight of stairs; (surv)(A) course;
-de banquillo (to), cant strip, arris fillet. (Col) hoisting line.
-de cuero para correa, leather belt lacing. -aspirado, induced draft.
-de distancia o de separacibn, distance strip. -ciego (min), winze, mill.
- de pelicula (frna), film strip. - de alcancla (min), chute raise.
-de relleno ( c t t ) , filler or expansion strip. -de arrastre (min)(M), adit, inclined shaft.
-de respaldo (sol), backing strip. -de destrozo b i n ) (Es), enlsrging shot.
--- mosaica (fma) , strip mosaic. - de ensanche (t6n), enlarging shot.
-protectora, guard strip. -de escalera, &ght of stairs.
-y empuje (ra) (A), push-pull. -de escombros (min), waste raise.
tirtlba f. lift of concrete, course of masonry; a -de franqueo (thn), unkeying or cut or bear-
stretch, length; (Ec) haul. ing-in shot.
tiraderas f, traces (wagon). -de mina, mine shaft.
tiradero m, spoil bank, dump; (C) snatch team. - de recueste (min)(M), adit, inclined shaft.
-de troncos (ef), log dump. -..descendate, downdraft.
tirador m, handle, door pull. doorknob; puller. -forzado, forced draft.
-de alambre, wire puller, come-along clamp. -inclinado (rnin) (ttin), adit, inclined shaft.
-de cable (el&), cable puller. - inducido o por aspiraci611, induced draft.
-de ciata pescsdora (el&), fish-wire puller. -ncrrwal, natutal draft.
-de puerta, door pull. -ventiladar, ait. or ventilation shaft.
--- de uniones, coupling puller. tir6n m (cab), strain.
tirufondo m, wood sorew, screw spike, wood tironear, to drag, labor, hdd back, work with an
screw with square head; (C) (A) lag screw. effort.
- para via (fc), screw spike. titlnico (quirn), titanic.
titanifero, containing titanium, titaniferous.
titaje m (mec), draft.
-descendente, downdraft. titanio m, titanium.
-forzado, forced draft. titracicn f, titration.
- inducido, induced draft. titulable, titrable.
tiralixreas m,drawing pen. titulacibn a punto final, end-point titration.

tilulador m, titrator. ---- d e piso (conc), floor or ground hopper.

titular, t o titrate. -de revoltura (conc), batch hopper.
titulo m , (dwg) title; (leg) title; (fin) bond; li- -d e torre (conc), tower hopper. I

cense. - dosificadora o medidora (conc), batcher.

-- de acciones, stock certificate. --- ensacadora (as), bagging bin.
tiza f , chalk. igualadora (ag), surge hopper.
tizar (Ch), t o design, draw. -pesadora (conc), weighing batcher.
tizate m (M), chalk. ---- receptora, receiving hopper.
tizbn m, (mas) header, bondstone; brand. -y tuberia (conc)(A), tremie.
---- a sardine1 (lad), bull header. tolvas cargadoras (conc), mixer bins.
-falso, blind or false header. toma f , intake; water t a p ; (elec) outlet; (elec) tap.
toa f , hawser, rope. -d e aire (carburador), air inIet.
toar, t o tow. -de corriente ( e l k ) , current t a p , outlet, t a p ,
toba f, tufa. plug cluster; current collector.
--- calclrea, calc-tufa. ---- de embutir (elkc), flush outlet.
--- de cenizas, volvanic tuff. -- de enchuf e ( e l k ) , plug receptacle.
-sillcea, siliceous sinter. -de escape (aa), exhaust inlet.
toblceo, tuffaceous. --- de juntas (mamj (A), pointing joints.

tobagln m (M), chute. -de manguera, hose connection, hose bibb.

tobar (Col), t o tow. -d e potencia, power take-off.
tobera f, nozzle, tuyere. -d e receptltculo ( e l k ) , receptacle outlet.
-atomizadora, spray nozzle. -d e tierra (ra) (A), ground connection.
-de aguja, pintle nozzle. -directa (auto), dlrect drive, high gear.
-de aspiracibn, suction nozzle. -particular, service connection (water).
-de choque, impingement nozzle. tomacorriente m ( e l k ) , outlet, tap.
- de doble vllvula, double-valve nozzle. -a tierra, ground outlet.
- de estrangulacibn, throttling nozzle. -con interruptor, switched outlet.
-de labios, lip nozzle. -de clavija, plug receptacle.
---- de orificio Gnico, single-orifice nozzle. --- de pared, wall outlet.
-de orificios mfiltiples, multiple-orifice nozzIe. -de techo, ceiling outlet.
-engrasadera, grease-gun nozzle. -de utilidad o para uso general, convenience
-lanzaarena, sandblast nozzle. outlet.
---- lanzamortero, cement-gun nozzle. ---- ernbutido, flush outlet.
-pulverizadora, spray nozzle. ---- mural, wall outlet.
-plana, nozzle plate. -para artefact0 particular, special-purpose
tobo m (V), bucket; (sh) dipper. nutlet.
toboso, tuffaceous. -tapado, capped outlet.
tach m, stump. tomadero m, inlet, intake.
tochirnbo m (Pe), smelting furnace. tomador ( m )de tiempo, timekeeper.
tocho m (met), billet. tomafuerza f, power take-off.
toda veIocidad, full speed. tomamuestras m ,sampler, sampling machine.
todo vapor, full steam. tomar, to take; (mas) (A) (Pe) to pc~irlt;(p)(A)
todouno rn, run-of-mine cod. (re)t o fill joints.
tofo rn (Cli), fire clay. tbmbolo m (nbut), tombolo.
tojin m (V), tapered insert t o leave hole in con- tomero m (A), man who looks after intakes of
crete or mud wall. irrigation subscribers; also called tomero
tojino m, bitt, cleat; chock. repartidor.
toldilla f (cn), poop deck. tone1 m ,cask, hogshead, barrel.
toldo m, tent, awning; (U) auto top. -de ertraccibn, ore bucket.
tolerancia f , tolerance. -- de riego, sprinkling cart.
-de frecuencia {ra), frequency tolerance. tonelada f , ton.
-de laminaci6n (met), rolling tolerance. -bruta, long or gross ton.
-en m h ,plus tolerance. -corta, net or short ton.
- en menos, rriinus tolerance. -- d e arqueo o de registro ( a n ) , register ton
-equivalente e n el Pngulo (rs), equivalent (100 cubic feet).
angle tolerance. -de carga (an), dead-weight ton (2240 Ib).
-- equivalente para paso (rs), equivalent lead -- de desplazamiento (an), displarenierit ton
tolcrancc. (2240 lb).
- extrema para dihmetro primitive (en), ex- -d e ensayador, assay ton.
treme pitch-diameter tolerance. -- farga, Iong or gross ton.
tolete m,tholcpin; (Col) common brick. - metrica, metric ton.
tolva f , hopper, bin; (Pe) t r e n ~ i c ;{rnin) glory - neta, net or short ton.
hole. toneladas de porte, tons capacity.
---- cribadora, screening hopper. tonelada-milla, ton-~nilc.
--- de carga, charging or londing hopper. tonelaje m ,tonnage.
-- de extraccihn ( ~ n i n ) glcry
, hole, rriill hole. - de carga (an), cargo dead-weight tonnage.
-neto de registro (an), net registered tonnage. toria f (quim), thoria, thorium dioxide.
-oficial (an), registered tonnage. toriado (elbc), thoriated.
t o t a l de registro (an), gross registered ton- tori110 m, driftbolt, dowel, (sb) setbolt.
nage. - en angulo recto, dogbolt.
tonelkmetro m, metric ton; (Ch) meter-ton. torio m (qufm), thorium.
toneleria f, cooperage. torita f (miner) (explosive) , thorite.
tonelero m, cooper. tormenta f , storm.
tonga, tongada f, layer, stratum, tier. tornado m, tornado.
tdnico (ra), tonic. tornallamas m, fire bridge, bridge wdl.
topadora f, butter, butting saw ; (ce) bulldozer. tornamesa f , turntable.
- angular, angling-type bulldozer, angle- tornapunta f, spreader, brace, strut, spur.
dozer, gradebuilder, Roadbuilder, trail- tornasol m, litmus.
builder, Bullgrader, Dozecaster. tomavia f (fc), turntable.
- de cable, cable-controlled bulldozer. torneado m, turning (lathe).
-empujadora, bulldozer. -cbnico, taper turning.
- hidrlulica, hydraulically operated bulldozer. torneador (m) de rodillos (mh), roller turner.
- recta, bulldozer. totneador desbastador, rough turner.
topar, to strike against, butt into, collide with; torneadora f, turning machine or tool, cutter bit.
to make a butt joint. torneaduras f, lathe cuttings, chips.
tope m, butt; lug; bumper, buffer; stop, check; tornear, t o turn on a lathe; to machine.
butt end; (min) face of a heading; (sb) torneo m,turning.
masthead. tornerla f , lathe work; lathe shop, turnery.
- , a, butt t o butt. tornero m, lathe operator, turner; hoist runner.
-amortiguador, shock-absorbing bumper. - mechico (A), lathe operator.
- de banco, bench stop or hook. tornillar (C), t o bolt.
- de carro (mh), carriage stop. tomillerla f, stock of bolts or screws.
-de direccibn (auto), steering stop. tornillo m, screw, bolt; vise.
-de fdetear o de rosca (mh), thread-cutting -a charnels, hinged vise.
stop. -ajustado, turned bolt.
-de puerta, doorstop.
-de retencidn o de vla (fc), bumping post.
- albardillado sin fin, hourglass Tiorm, Hind-
ley's screw,
-ret8n de bolas, thrust ball bearing. -alimentador, feed screw; (pet) temper screw.
topes del t i m h (cn), rudder stops. -aterrajador (A), tap bolt, tap screw.
topera f (M), subdrain. - compuesto, compound or differential screw.
topo m, (M) drainage ditch; (Pe) about % acre. -con aletas de resorte, sprhg-wing toggle
topografla f, topography; surveying. bolt.
topogrkfico, topographical. - c m cono de expansibn, conehead toggle bolt.
topbgrafo na, topographer; (M) transitman; (A) -corrector (inst), adjusting screw.
(Col) surveyor. -de ajuste, setscrew; adjusting screw.
topologia f (mat), topology. - de apriete, setscrew.
topolbgico (top), topological. -de aproximacibn (inst), slow-motion or tm-
torbellino na, whirlpool, eddy. gent screw.
torca f (top), depression, basin, sunken area. - de armar, erection bolt.
torcedor (m) de alambre, wire twistc~r. -de avance, lead screw; feed screw..
torcedor de manguitos do unibn (eitc), sleeve -de avance transversal (mh), cross-feed
wrench or twister. screw.
torcedura f, twist; kink. -de ayustar, rigger's vise, rigging screw.
torcer, to twist. -de banco, beach screw; bench vise.
torcido m, (cab) strand; (cab) lay; a twisted. -de brida (fa), track bolt.
-a la derecha, right lay. -de cabeza, cap screw.
-a la izquierda, left lay. -de cabeza de arandela, washer-head screw.
-achatado, flattened strand. -de cabeza de h ~ n g 0 rouadhead
, bolt; mush-
-apretado, de (cab), hard-laid. room-head screw.
-corriente, regular lay, -de cabeza en cmz, recessed-head screw.
-en cafiente, hot-twisted. -de cabeza perdida, dathead screw; flathesd
-en frlo, cold-twisted. stove bolt.
-encontrado (M), regular lay. -de cadena, chain vise.
-flojo, de (cab), soft-laid. -de caja, box vise.
-lang, Iang lay. -de carruaje (M) ( C ) ,carriage bolt.
-paralelo (M), lang lay. -de casquete, cap screw.
-regular, regular lay. -
- de coche, coach screw; (M) carriage bolt.
de coincidencia (inst), tangent screw.
torddgrafo m, torsion meter.
torcretadar m, cement-gun worker. - de collar, collar screw.
torcretar, to place gunite, do cement-gun work. -de compresibn, compression screw.
torcretizar (Col), to do cement-gun work. -de corxeccibn (inst), adjusting screw.
torcreto rn, gunite; shotcrete. -de descanso, setscrew,
-de eclisa (fc), track bolt. --- tangencial (inst), tangent screw.
-de empuje, thrust screw. -tangentimetro (inst) (V), tangent screw.
-de enfoque (inst), focusing screw. ---- tapbn o trabante, setscrew.
-de estufa (M), stove bolt. ---tensor, turnbuckle; take-up screw.
-de expansibn, expansion bolt. -tipo pulgar (A), thumbscrew.
- de fiador exc&trico, tumbling toggle bolt. ---- tirafondo (A), lag screw.

-de fijaci6n, setscrew; clamp screw; lock- --- torneado, turned bolt.
screw. -transportador, screw conveyor.
-de gancho, hook bolt. ---- y yugo exteriores (A), outside screw and
-de herrero, blacksmith vise. yoke.
-de hincadura (A), drive screw. -zurdo, left-hand screw.
--- d e mano, hand vise or screw. tornillos calzadores o niveladores (inst), leveling
-de miquina (M) (C), machine bolt. screws.
-de mariposa o de orejas, thumbscrew, wing tornique m (C), turnbuckle.
screw. torniquete m, turnbuckle; turnstile; fence
-de meclnico, machinist's vise. ratchet; tourniquet.
-d e mordazas, jaw vise. -de alambrado, fence ratchet.
-d e movimiento lento (inst), slow-motion -de aparejador, rigging turnbuckle.
screw. --- de doble grllete, shackle-and-shackle turn-
-d e ojo, eyebolt- buckle.
-d e paso diferencial, differential screw. -de dos ganchos, hook-and-hook turnbuckle.
-de pedal, foot vise. --- de dos horquillas, jaw-and-jaw turnbuckle.
-d e pie, leg vise. --- de gancho y ojo, turnbuckle with hook and
-d e presibn, setscrew; (inst) clamp screw. eye.
-d e ranuras cruzadas, cross-slotted screw. -de manguito, pipe turnbuckle, sleeve n u t o r
-de reborde, collar screw. turnbuckle.
-d e rosca doble, double-thread screw. -de ojillo doble, eye-and-eye turnbuckle.
-de seguridad o de traba, lockscrew. -tubular, pipe turnbuckle.
-de sujecibn, anchor bolt; setscrew; clamp torno m, lathe; hoist, hoisting engine, (pet) cat-
screw; (elec) terminal screw, binding post, head; drum, reel; (A) vise.
binding or clamping screw. -a1 aire, face lathe.
-de tope, shoulder or stop screw. -a malacate (A), turret lathe.
-de via (fc), track bolt. -arrastrador de carros, car puller.
-embutido, countersunk bolt or screw; safety -combinado (mh) , combination lathe.
setscrew. -con cabezal de engranajes, geared-head
-esp&rrago,stud bolt. lathe.
-- exterior y caballete (v&), outside screw a n d -con cambio rlpido de engranajes, quick-
yoke. change gear lathe.
-fiador, setscrew; stud bolt. -corredizo, traveling hoist.
-fijo (V), setscrew. -de aire, pneumatic or air hoist.
-forzador, forcing screw. -de Brboles miiltiples, multiple-spindle lathe.
-garfiado (Pe), rag or swodge bolt. -de bancada, bed lathe.
-graduador, adjusting or temper screw. --- de bancada escotada o de bancada partida,
-levantaaguja (inst), needle lifter screw. gap lathe.
-limitador, stop screw. -de banco, bench lathe.
-maestro (as), kingbolt. -del cable sacanGcleos (pet), coring reel.
-maquinado (M), turned bolt. --- de columna, column lathe.
-micrombtrico, rnicro~neterscrew. - d e conformar o de chapista, spinning Iathe.
-opresor, setscrew; t a p bolt, stud bolt. -d e con0 escalonado, corw lathe.
-para madera, wood screw. - de despojar, backing-off lathe.
-para metales, machine screw. - de engranaje o de engranajes reductores,
- para serruchos, saw clamp or vise. back-geared Iathe.
-para tubos, pipe vise. - de escote, gap lathe.
-paralelo, paralIel vise. --- de espiar, warping drum.
.-- pasante, through bolt. -de extensibn, extension lathe.
-patrbn (mh), lead screw. --- de extraccibn, mine hoist.
- platinado (auto), platinum-tipped screw. -- de filetear, chasing or srrew-cutting lathe.
-prisionero, setscrew; grub screw. -- de herramentista, toolroorn lst,he.
- prisionero de punta ahuecada, cup-point - de herrero ( A ) , hlacksmlth wse.
setscrew. ---- de Iatonero, fox or brassworker's Iathe.
prisionero encajado, hollow or safety set- -de mandril, chucking lathe.
screw. -de mano, hand or speed lath^,
-ranurado sin cabeza, grub screw. -- de modelista, patternmaker's lathe.
- seguro, lockscrew. -de pedal, foot lathe.
- sin fin, worm. -d e pie ( A ) , leg vise.
- sujetador, setscrew, binding screw. -de precisibn, precision lathe.
torno 301 trabajar
-de pulir, buffing or polishing lathe. -desasfaltadora (pet), deasphalting tower.
-de relojeria, watchmaker's lathe. -despentanizadora (pet), depentanising tower
-de remolcar, towing winch. -enfriadora o refrigeradora, cooling tower.
-de roscar, chasing or threading or screw-cut- -inalambrica o radiodifusora, radio tower.
ting lathe. -montacarga (ed), hoisting tower.
-de torrecilla, turret lathe. -petrolera, oil derrick.
-de tuberia (pet), casing spool. -rociadora, spray tower.
-desbastador, roughing lathe. -terminal, terminal tower; (cy) tail tower.
-elevador o izador, hoisting drum, hoist. torres gemelas, twin towers.
-meclnico, lathe. torre-tanque (A), standpipe, surge tank.
-para barras, bar-stock lathe. torrecilla f (mh), turret.
-para ejes, axle or shafting lathe. torrefacci6n f, torrefaction.
-para lingotes, ingot lathe. torrencid (r), torrential, flashy.
-para madera, woodworking lathe. torrente m,torrent, flood, turbulent stream.
-para tallador de herramieatas, toolmaker's torrentera f, gully eroded by storm water.
lathe. torrentoso (r) (Pe)(V), torrential, flashy.
-revdlver, turret or capstan lathe. tdrrero m (pet)(M), derrickman.
-sin contrapunta, face lathe. -wardacambio (fc), towerman.
-iinico, de, single-drum (hoist). torrontero m (Es),dump, spoil bank; deposit left
-universal, universal lathe. by a flood.
tor0 m (mat), torus. torshetro, torsidmatro m, torsion meter, torsim-
toroidal, toroidal. eter, torsiometer.
toroide m (mat), toroid. torsi611f, torsion; twist.
toran m, (cab) strand. - de frenaje, braking torque.
- achatado, flattened strand. -de marcha (auto), driving torque.
-aplanado (M) , flattened strand. -de reposicibn, restoring torque.
-de barbetar, seizing strand. -derecha (cab), right-hand lay.
- guardacamino (ca), guardrail strand. -izquierda (cab), left-hand lay.
- mensajero, messenger strand. torsional, torsional.
-para tranvias, tramway strand. torta f, pat, cake, briquet; (M)coat of plaster.
torpedear (pet) (M), to torpedo, dynamite. - de cachaza o del 3ltro-prensa (as), press or
torpedo m, (rr) torpedo; (auto) cowl. filter-press cake.
torquetador m (U),cement gun. -de cieno (dac) (B),sludge cake.
torre f, tower; (mt) turret; (C) stack, chimney. - de Mtro (dac), filter cake.
- de absorcibn (pet), absorption column or tortada f , (Col) bed of mortar; (M) plaster coat.
tower. tortol, tortor m, stick or bar for twisting wire ties;
-de anclaje, anchor tower. Spanish windlass.
-de Bngulo (el&), corner or angle tower. tortuga f (M), handhole plate; handhole frame.
---- de baliza lap), beacon tower. tortugo m (PR), a construction lumber.
- de borbotaje a de bwbujeo (pet), bubble torzal m, twist; (M) strand.
tower. - empaquetador, twist packing.
-de cabeza [cv), head tower. tosca f , hardpan; in local usage, many different
-de coIa [cv), tail tower. kinds of earth or rmk; in Uruguay, mate-
-de control o de gobierno o de mando (ap), rial resulting from disintegration of bed-
control tower. rock of that country,
-de destilacibn, distillation tower. -estimacien (M), rough estimate.
- de elaboracidn (pet), processing tower. tosco, coarse, rough ; (conc) harsh.
-de enfriamiento atmod6ric0, atmospheric fosquiUa (A), s fine-grained compact subsoil.
cooling tower. tostar (met), t o roast.
-de enfriamiento de tirq meclnico, mechani- totalizador m,totalber.
cal-draft or forced-draft or induced-draft totalizar, t o totalize.
cooling tower. toxicidad f, toxicity.
- de equilibria (hid) (Col), surge tank.
--- de expansih (pet), flash tower.
t6xlc0, toxic.
tom f, stump: log.
-de extensiBn (pet), telescoping derrick. traba f, tie; ohook; (mas) bond; obstruction.
-de fraccionamiento (pet), fractionating -flamenca (lad), Flemish bond.
tower. -por gas (pet), gas lock.
-de miiquina (cv), head tower. trabado m, lock, interlock.
-de observaciSn (lev), observing tower. -por aire (tub), airbound.
-de perforaciBn o de tdadrar (pet), derrick. trabador m , locking device; (A) saw set.
-de primera destilacih (pet), #tripping tower. -del diferenciaI (auto), differential lock.
- de retenciih (elcc), strain tower. trabadura f , bonding, bond.
- de seiiales (fc), signal tower. trabajabilidad f (conc), workability.
-de sulfitacibn (az), sulphur tower. trabajable, workable.
-de toma (hid), intsko tower. trabajador m, workman, laborer.
-de transmisibn (elkc), transmission tower. trabajar, to work.
-en vacio (maq), t o idle. -d e carriles o de orugas o de esteras o d e
trabajo m, work, job; labor; duty; stress. lagarto, crawler or caterpillar or track-type
-a destajo o a tarea, piecework. tractor.
-a jornal, day Iabor. --- de neum&ticos,rubber-tired tractor.
-a medida, piecework, taskwork. -de ruedas, wheeled tractor.
-a trato (Ch), taskwork. -empujador, push tractor.
-continuo (elbc), continuous duty. -grha, tractor crane, boom tractor.
-de campaiia o de campo, field work. -para f&bricas,industrial tractor.
-d e corta duracibn (elkc), short-time duty. -suplementario de tiro, snap tractor.
-de desmontes, dirt moving, excavation. tractorista m, tractor operator, cat skinner.
-de gabinete, office work. traficable (ca) (V), passable, usable, transitable.
---- de operacibn (eibc), operntu~gduty. triifico m, traffic.
--- d e taller, shopwork. -atravesado, cross traffic.
-de via (fc), trackwork. -automotor, motor traffic.
- extraordinario, extra work. - caminante o de peatones, pedestrian traffic.
-intermitente ( e l k ) , intermittent duty. -unidirectional, one-way trafic.
-liviano de arranque, light starting duty. fragaluz m, skylight; transom; small window.
---- manual, manual labor, hand work. -lateral, clearstory.
-- mfnimo, least work. traganieves m (al) (Es), snow manhole.
-- periddico ( e l k ) , periodic duty. tragante m, flue, breeching; smokejack; air shaft;
-- ~ e s a d ode arranque, heavy starting duty. throat, charging opening; (C) sump; (C)
--- virtual, virtusl work. catch basin.
trabalinguetes m (pet), pawl catcher. -de cloaca, sewer inlet.
trabanca j (~nin)(Es),timber frame t o support -de piso, floor drain.
roof. tranla f (ec), scraper.
trabante m ,tie rod, stay bolt. -acarreadora, carrying or Carryall scraper.
trabar, t o fasten; t o lock; t o join; t o jam; (mas) --- automotriz, self-powered scraper, tractor-
t o bond; t o set (saw) ; trabarse, t o jam; scraper.
(cab) t o foul; (rnin)t o fitcher. -cargadora, scraper-loader.
t r a b a z h f, (mas) bond; (str) web of a truss. -d e arrastre, drag or slip scraper; power or
--- cruzada, cross bond. cable scraper; semitrailer or drawn-type
-- de tizones en espiguilla, herringbone bond. carrying scraper.
--- flamenca u holandesa, Flemish bond. -de cable, cable scraper, scraper bucket;
---- inglesa, English bond. cable-operated carrying scraper.
-- ordinaria, American or common bond. -de cable de arrastre, power scraper; cable
trabe f, beam, girder. excavator; slackline scraper.
-armada (M), plate girder. --- de ruedas, wheeled scraper.
---- compuesta, built-up girder. --- de volteo, rotary scraper.
--- de a h a llena, plate girder. -fresno, fresno scraper.
-de celosfa, lattice girder. -giratoria, rotary scraper.
--- d e rigidez, stiffening truss. -hidrbulica, hydraulically operated scraper.
---- doble T, I beam. -- meciinica, power drag scraper.
- remachada, riveted girder. -rodante, wheeled scraper; carrying scraper.
trabilla f (est), anchor. -semirremolque, semitrailer or self-powered
-de fleje, strap anchor. scraper.
traca j (cn), strake, wale. -sin fondo, bott,omless scraper bucket.
-- de aparadura, garboard strake. -transportadora, hauling or carrying scraper.
-de cinta, sheer strake. traillar, t o grade with a scraper.
de costado, side strake. traje (m)de buzo, diving suit.
--- d e fondo, bott,om strake. traje de fajina (A), overalls.
-de pantoque, bilge strake. trajin m, carriage, transportation.
- dt trancanil, stringer strake. tralla f , whipcord.
--- perdida, fractional strake. trcrma f (cab), lay; construction.
---- subcinta, topside strake. -a l a derecha, right lay.
traccidn j,tension; traction, pull; hauling. -a l a izquierda, left lay.
-a sangre, animai traction. -corriente o en cruz, regular lay.
-inversa, reverse lay.
---- diagonal, diagonal tension.
-especifica, unit tension. lang, l a n g Ixy.
-magngtica, nlsgnetic traction. -Seale, SeaIc construction.
tractive, tractive. tramo m, bay, span, panel; (st) flight; strand
tractolina f,tractoline. (belt); (rr) block; length, run, stretch, (r)
tractomotriz (Ch), tractive (power) reach.
tractor m , tractor. ---- d s anclaje (pte), anrhor arm.
-agricola, farm tractor. - de armadura, panel of a truss.
-caminero, highway tractor. -- de instalacih (tuh), laying length.
-- de camibn, truck tractor. -d e retorno (corren), return s t r a n d .
- de servicio, service bay (powerhouse).
giratorio (pte), swing span, drawspan.
transbordador m, transfer or traverse table:
ferryboat; ferry bridge; float bridge; crane
-levadizo (pte), drawspan.
suspendido (pte), suspended span. -
ror transferring loads.
agreo, cableway.
-volado (pte), cantilever span. transbordar, to transship, transfer.
trampa f, trap; trsp door; (rr)(A) derailing transbordo m, transshipment, transfer.
transceptor m (ra) , transceiver.
basculadora, tilting steam trap.
compuesta, compound steam trap.
transconductancia f (ra), transconductance, mu-
tual conductance.
- con flotador 8.e bola, ball-float steam trap. - rejilla-placa, grid-plate transconductance.
- de aire, air trap. transcristalino (met), transcrystalline.
de alivio (cf), vent trap.
de arena, sand trap.
transductor m (elkc), transducer.
transfinite (mat), transfinite.
de botella (tub), bottle trap,
de campana (tub), bell trap.
de carbonilla, cinder trap.
transformacibn f, transformation; (pmy) rectifi-
transformador m (elkc) (fma), transformer.
- de cargar (ec), loading trap. - a prueba de intemperie, outdoor transformer.
- de cubo invertido, inverted-bucket steam -acoplador (ra), coupling transformer.
trap. -acorazado, shell-t ype transformer.
- de flotador abierto, bucket steam trap, open- -aumentador, booster transformer.
float trap. - autoprotector, self-protecting transformer.
- de flujo a nivel (tub), running trap. -de baja tensibn, low-voltage transformer.
- de gas, gas trap. -de corriente, current transformer.
- de goteo, drip trap.
-de hojas (hid), leaf catcher.
- de corriente canstante, constant-current
-de impulso, impulse steam trap. -de corriente oscilante, oscillation trans-
- de llamas, flame trap. former,
-de onda (ra), wave trap. -de desenganche, tripping transformer.
-de orificio, orifice steam trap. -de doble devaaado, two-windhg trans-
- de pote (tub), pot trap. former
- de retorno directo, direct-return steam trap. -de energfa a de fuerza o de potencia, power
-de sedimentos, dirt trap. transformer. -
- de tambor (tub), drum trap.
-elevadora, lifting trap.
-de enfriamisnto propio por aire, self-air-
cooled transformer.
- estratigrafica (pet), stratigraphic trap. -de enssya, $e~tjngtransformer.
-paranieve (ca), snow trap. -de enttada (ra), input transformer.
- sin retorno, nonreturn stcam trap. -de fase, phasing transformer.
-de impulso, impulse transformer.
trampilla f, trap door; bin gate.
-guardaolor (dac), stench trap. - de intensidad, current transformer.
trampolin m. (Ig) springboard; (hyd) energy dis- -de medida, instrument transformer.
perser. - de nGcleo, iron-core transformer.
trancanil m (cn), stringer; waterway. -de nCtcleo de aire, air-core transformer.
trancar, t o dam; to obstruct, block; (CA) t o -de nGcleo y bobiaa, oore-and-coil trans-
lock. former.
trancha f, tinsmith's stake; (A) cutter, black- - de paso aito (A), step-up transformer.
smith's chisel. -de paso bajo (A), atepdown transf~rmer.
tranque m, (Ch) (B) dam; (G) brace. -de placa (rs), plate transformer,
-a gravedad, gravity dam. -de poder (A), power transformer.
-auxiliar, saddle dam; cofferdam. -de potencid o de tensibn, potential or volt-
- de arc0 miiltiple, multiple-arch dam. age transformer,
-de embalse, impounding dam. - de salida (ra), output transformer.
- de escollera, rock-fill dam. - de sintonizaci6n dobh (ra), double-tuned
-de tierra, earth or earth-fill dam. transformer.
-derivador, diversion dam. -de sintonizacidn sencilla (ra), simple-tuned
- en arco, single-arch dam. transformer.
- insumergible, nonoverflow or bulkhead dam. - de tensibn constante, constant-potential or
- provisional, cofferdam. constant-voltage transformer,
- sumergible, spillway dam. -de triple devanado, three-winding trans-
- tip0 Ambursen, Ambursen or slab-and-but-
tress darn,
-disminuidor (A), stepdown transformer.
- vertedero, spillway dam. -distfibuidor, distribution transformer.
-elevador, step-up or booster transformer.
tranquera f , gate (fence); paling fence.
- de cruce (fc), crossing gate. - en aceite, oil-immersed transformer.
tranquero m (ed), out stone for jamb or lintel. -enfriado par aceite a presibn, forced-oil-
tranquil m,plumb line. cooled transformer.
transadmitancia f (ra) , transadmittance. - enfriado Par aire, air-cooled transformer.
transformador 304 transportador
--- entre etapas (ra), interstage transformer. -znonocromfitica (tv), monochrome transmis-
-entrevhlvula o intervalvular (ra), intervalve sion.
transformer. -mGltiplex (ra), multiplex transmission.
--- erizo, hedgehog transformer. -planetaria, planetary transmission.
-- estitico, static transformer. -por correa, belt drive.
-igualador, balancing transformer. -por engranajes, geared transmission.
- multiplicador (A), step-up transformer. -por onda portadora ( e l k ) , carrier transmis-
--- para bhveda, vault transformer. sion.
-para parrilla, network transformer. -regular (il), regular transmission.
-para puesta a tierra, grounding transformer. -selectiva (auto), selective transmission.
--- rectificador, rectifier transformer. transmis6metro m (ap), transmissometer.
-- reductor, step-down transformer; choke transmisor m (tel) (ra) (mec), transmitter; a
transformer. transmitting.
-- regulador, regulating transformer. -a tub0 de vacio (ra), vacuum-tube transmit-
-rotatorio o sincrBnico, rotary transformer, ter.
synchronous converter. -de corriente portadora (elbc), carrier trans-
-seco, dry or air-cooled transformer. mitter.
-sintonizado, tuned transformer. -de chispas (ra), spark transmitter.
transformar, t o transform; (pmy) t o rectify. -de media onda (ra), half-wave radiator.
transgresibn f (geol), transgression. -de ond'a corta (ra), short-wave transmitter.
transgresivo (geol), transgressive. -de varias etapas, multistage transmitter.
transici6n f, transition. -por arco (ra) , arc transmitter.
-de puente (el&), bridge transition. transmisorista m (A), radio operator.
transitable (ca), fit for traffic, transitabb. transmitencia f (il), transmittance; transmit-
transitar, t o travel over, t o transit. tancy.
trhnsito m transit; traffic; transition; (inst) transmitir, t o transmit.
transit. transmutacibn f , conversion, transmutation.
-cornfin, plain transit. -quimica, chemical change.
-de agrimensor, engineer's or surveyor's transparencia (f) magnbtica, magnetic transpar-
transit. ency.
-de anteojo lateral, side-telescope transit. transparente, transparent.
-de bolsillo, pocket transit. transpiracihn f, transpiration.
-para edificacidn, builder's transit. transponer, t o transpose.
--- para minas, mine transit. transportabilidad I, portability.
-para rnontafias, mountain transit. transportable, portable.
-para reconocimiento, reconnaissance transit. transportacibn I , transportation.
-repetidor, repeating transit. transportador m, conv,&or, carrier; traverser ;
- taquimdtrico, stadia transit. protractor.
- vial, road traffic. -a gravedad, gravity conveyor.
-acanalado, troughing conveyor.
translador m (elec), translator.
transldcido, translucent. -alimentador (ec), feed conveyor.
transmisibilidad f, transmissibility. - de aguilbn, boom conveyor.
transmisible, transmissible. -de arrastre, drag conveyor.
transmisidn f, (mech) (elec) (auto) (ra) (ac) trans- -de artesas o de bateas, pan conveyor.
mission. --- de banda o de cinta o de correa, belt con-
-a cardan, shaft drive. veyor.
-a facsimile (ra), facsimile transmission. -de cable, cable conveyor.
-a portadora suprimida (ra), supprcssed- -de cable aireo, cableway.
carrier transmission. --- de cadena, chain conveyor.
-a rayo (ra), beam transmission. -de cangilones o de cubos, bucket conveyor.
-acopada, cup drive. -de cangilones pivotados, pivoted-bucket con-
- compuesta, compounding trana~nission. veyor.
- de banda lateral Gnica (ra), single-side-band --- de correa articulada o de mandil, apron con-
-de cadena, chain drive. ---- de entrega (ec), delivery conveyor.
-de cambios (ic) (A), switch-operating system. - de escala (dib), scale protractor.
-de limbo, limb protractor.
-de contramarcha, (eng) reverse drive. -de listones, slat conveyor.
-de engrane constante, constant-mesh trans- --- de paletas o de rastras, flight conveyor.
mission. -de regreso (oc), return conveyor.
-de velocidad regulable, variable-speed trans- -de rodillos, roller conveyor.
mission. -de tornillo, screw conveyor.
-difusa (il), diffuse transmission. -d e ~ransbordo,transfer conveyor.
--- en grupo, group drive. -de tres brazos, three-armed protractor,
-final (auto), final drive. -delantal (B), apron conveyor.
- hidrlulica (auto), fluid drive. --- hacinador, stacker conveyor.
transportador 305 traviesa
-helicoidal, spiral or screw conveyor. traslapos (mad), s b b .
-movible, portable conveyor. trasluciente, translucent.
-sacudidor, shaking conveyor. trasminacidn f, seepage.
-telfbico, trolley conveyor, telpher. trasmisividad f, transmissivity.
trasmitencia f, transmittancy.
transportador-saltarregla, bevel protractor.
transportat, t o transport, carry, convey, haul; trasmutacidn f, conversion, transmutation.
(surv) to plat. traspalable, spadable (sludge).
transporte m, transportation, hauling, had; traspalar, traspalear, to shovel.

(eleo) transmission.
adicional (ot), overhaul.
automotor, motor transport.
traspaleo m, shoveling.
traspasar, t o assign; to transfer.
traspaso m, (mech) transfer; (leg) assignment.
- de fuerza, power transmiasion.
ferroviario, railroad transportation.
-de calor, heat transfer.
-doble (fc), double crossover, diamond
- Auvial, river transportation. switch
- hidrdulico, sluicing, hydraulicking. traspoptin na (auto), folding seat.
- maritimo, ocean transportation. trasportar, see transportar.
- motorizado, motor transport. trasquilar (mh) (A), t o shear.
- vial, highway transportation. trasroscado (M), crossed (thread).
transportista m,shipping agent, forwarder; haul- trassolera f (hid), downstream apron.
ing contractor. trastejador m, tile layer.
transposici6n f (qulm) (elhc), transposition. frastejar, to lay roof tiles; t o repair a tile roof.
transrectificacih f (el6c), transrectification. tratado m, treatise.
transrectificador m (el&), transrectifier. -a1 caideo, heat-treated.
transversal m f , (Sp) (Ec) cross section; a trans- -a presiBn, pressure-treated.
verse. -en frio, cold-treated.
transverso, transverse. tratador m (dac)(pet), treater.
transvertidor m (el&), transverter. -de aceife, oil treater.
tranvia m, street railway; streetcar; tramway. tratamiento m, treatment.
- abeo, aerial tramway. -antisonoro (ed), acoustic treatment.
tranviario, pertaining to street railways. - por llama, flame-treating.
trapa f, traprock. -thmico, heat treatment.
trHpano m, drill. tratar, to treat (water, timber, etc.); to nego-
trapeano, trap (rock), trappesn. tiate; t o procesg; t o discuss, treat, deal
trapecial, trapezoidal. with, write about.
trapecio m, trapezoid. tratero m (Ch), tmkworker.
trapezoidal, trapezial. trato m,arrangement, agreement.
trapezoide mi trapezium. -- , a, by contract.
trapiche m, machinery for grinding sugar cane; - colectivo, collective bargaining.
(Ch)(Pe) ore crusher. traversa f, bolster; backstay.
trapichear (A)(M)IC), to grind (sugar). travertino m (geol), travertine.
trapichero m,operator of sugar-mill machinery. traves, a, adv, across.
traquetear (maq), to chatter. travbs, de, adv,across.
traqueteo m, vibration, trembling, chattering. trav6s de, a, p, across, through.
traquiandesita f (geol), trachyandesite. travBs de la fibxa, a, across the grain,
traquibasalto m (geol), trachybasalt. travds del hilo, a, across the grain.
traquita f (geol) , trachyte. travds de la line 1, a (el&), across-the-line.
traquitico, trachytic. travesaiio m, car, header, spreader, batten, cross-
tras m, trass. piece, bolster; (f C)(C) crosstie; (rnt) cross-
trasbordar, t o transship, transfer. rail; (bdg) floor beem; (auto) cross mem-
t r a s c a n t b na, trascantonada f , wheel guard. ber; rail of a door or window.
trascendental (mat), transcendental. -de acuiiamiento (arco) , striking plate.
trascolar to seep, percolate. - de encuentro (ventma), meeting or check
trasdbs m, extrados. rail.
trasdosear, t o back up, support in the rear. -d s tope, buffer beam.
trasegar, to transfer liquid to another container.
trasera f, back, rear.
- partido (cb), split cap.
travesaiios corredizos (hid), stop logs.
trasero a, back, rear, hind. travesero nz, cap, batten, cleat, crosspiece.
trasIaci6n, trasladacicn f (mec), translation.
trasladable, movable, traveling.
- portapoleas~(pet),orown block.
trasladadora Cf) de via (fc), track shifter. travesfa f (tv) , traversing.
trasladar, to transfer, shift, traverse. traviesa f, (rr) crosstie; batten, cap, header, sill
traslado (m) de tierra, earth moving. (elec) crossarm.
traslapar, to lap, overlap. -aserrada por cuartos, quarter tie.
traslape (m)lateral (M), side lap. -de las agujas, head tie.
traslape por cabeza (M), end lap. - de albura, sap tie.
traslapo rn, lap, overlap. -do busco, gate sill (lock).
traviesa 306 triedro

-de cambio o d s chucho, head block, switch --de sondeo, boring outfit, drill rig.
tie, -- d e timoncto i c n ) . steering gear.
-- de freno, brake beam. . - d e tracci< i dr::ft :::ear.
-- de media luna, poIe tie, half-moon tie. -- d e viajeros, passenger train.
-- de palo, pole or slabbed or rifle tie. desplazable (auto), sliding gear.
-de parrilla, bearing bar (grate). --- direct0 o expreso, express or through train.
-- de puente, bridge tie. -generador (eltc), generating set.
--- desbastada o doIads, split or hewn tie. - laminador, r o h g mill, roller train.
traviesas d e desvio, switch timber. -local u Bmnibus, local or way train.
travieso a, transverse, lateral. --- postal, mail train.
trayecto m , stretch, section. rodante, running gear; (A) rolling stock.
trayectoria f , trajectory, path. --- trasero, rear asseml-~ly.
traza f , line, location; design. trencilla (f) d e asbesto, asbestos braid.
-y nivel, line and grade. trencha f, ripping chisel
trazas (quim) [M), traces. trenero m (Ch), t r il~nnmn.
trazado m, line, route, location; traverse. trenista m ( M ) , trainman.
-cerrado, closed survey, loop traverse. trenque m (E31, jetty, spur dike.
--- definitivo (fc), final location, location survey. trenza j, braid ; s t r a n d ; braided wire.
-estereosc6pic0, stereoscopic platting. -- de a l g o d h , cotton braid.
-taquimgtrico, stadia traverse. - simple, single trr~iid(wire covering).
trazador m, one who lays out work; (surv) trav- trenzado m , (rabj (M) lay; braid; u braided,
erseman; marking awl. straltded.
-de curvas de nivel (fms),contour finder. ---- de asbesto (ais), xshestos braid.
-de facsimile (ra), facsimile recorder. - lang (cab) (M), lang lap.
trazadora f, plotting machine; tracer. -normal (cahj ( M ) , regular lay.
-estereoscbpica, sterescopic plotter. trepaderas f , trepadores .m, climbers.
trazar, t o locate, lay out; t o traverse; t o plan, trdpano m , drill: plisll hrace; (A)(.&) drill bit;
design, d r a w ; t o plat; t o scribe. (rnin) trepan.
-a l i n e a c i h (lev), t o run a line. -- de percusi6n, percussion drill.
trazo m, line, location; (dwg) dash; (dwg) trace. d e sondar, earth auger. :
- de fuga (dib), vanishing trace. trepar, to bore, drill; t o climb.
- del imagen (fma), picture trace. trepidacibn f, vibration.
-d e sierra, saw cut. tresbolillo, al, staggered.
-Heno (dib) (Es), full or solid line. trespatas m. (C), tripod.
-y punto, d o t and dash (line). triqmidotrifenilo m (lab), triamidotriphenyl.
trazumo m (M), seepage. triangulacibn f,txiangulation.
trebol m (ca), clover-leaf (intersection). -- a plantilla ( h a ) , template triangulation.
trecho m, stretch, section, distance. -estbrea, aerial triangulation.
trefilado, stranded (wire). - grlfica, graphical triangulation.
trefilerh f (Es), wire drawing. -nadiral (f~nit) , nadir-poin t triangulation.
treintaidosavo m, one thirty-second. -radial analitica (frna), analytic radial tri-
trementina f , turpentine. angulation.
tremolita f ( ~ n i n c r )tremoiite
, (amphibole). -radial por fajas (frna), strip radial triangula-
t r e n m , train; equipment, outfit. tion.
-de aterrizaje triciclo (ap), tricycle landing triangulado, triangular.
gear. triangulador m ,triangulator.
- - d e auxilio, wrecking train. triangular, v t o triangulate; a triangular.
-d e carga, freight train. trihngulo nz, triangle; a triangular.
-de conservaci6n, work train. -de impedancias ( e l k ) , impedance triangle.
-- de construcciBn (M), construction plant or -oblicu~ngulo,oblique-angled triangle.
equipmcnt. -rectlngulo, right triangle.
-de dragado, dredging equipment. triaxial, triaxil, triaxial.
-de engranajes, gear train, gearset, cluster tribiisico, tribasic.
gear. tribbmetro m, tribometer.
-d e ensamblaje, assembly line. tributario m a, tributary.
--- de escalas, local or way or accommodation triclllcico, tricalcium, tricalcic.
train. trichtrico, three-centered.
---de fuerza (auto) (M) , power plant. triciclico, tricyclic.
---- de machaqueo, crushing plant. triclinico, triclino, triclinal (miner), triclinic.
- - de molinos (az), mill train. tricloramina f ( q u h ) , trichloramine.
- - de ondas (clco), wave train. tricloroac6tic0, trichloroacetic.
-. de perforacibn (pet), drill rig. tricloroetileno m (aa) , t,rirhloroethylene.
-ile rodaje, running gear; cableway carriage. tricloruro m ,trichloride.
-de rodillos, roller train. tridimensional, tridimensional.
-- de ruedas (fr.) , truck. triGdrico, trihedral.
- de socorro, wrecking train. triedro m (n~stt),t.rihedron.

trifase (A). three-phase. trisecar, to trisect.

triflsico (elbc), three-phase. trisecci6n f, (math) trisection; (pmy) three-point
trifedmetano m (lab), triphenylmethane. resection.
triilar (elkc), three-wire. trisector m, trisector.
trifluoruro m (qulrn), triffuoride. trisilicat~m (quim), trisiilicate.
trifurcacien f, trifurcation, trisillcico, trisilicic.
trigonal, trigond. trisulfuro m,trisulphide.
trigonometrfa f, trigonometry. triturable, crushable.
ttigonom6tric0, trigonometric. triturador m, crusher.
trigonemetro m, trigonometer. trituradora j, crusher, triturator, shredder, corn-
aiihidrato m,trihydrate. minutor, disintegrator.
trihidrico, trihydric. - de anillos, ring crusher.
trillar (PR), t o pave a road. -de basuxas, garbage grinder.
trill0 m, trail, path. -de carbhn, cod breaker.
trimet&Lico,trimetauc. -de cerniduras (dac) , screenings grinder.
trimetileno m, trirnethylene. -de cilindros o de rodillos, crushing roll,
trim8tric0, trimetric. roller mill.
trinca f, lashing, seizing, mousing. -de cono, cone crusher.
trincar, t o lash; (cab) t o seize. -de finos, sand roll or crusher.
trincha f, chisel. - de impacto, impact breaker or mill.
trinche m (ec) (Ec), ripper. -de madera, hog.
trinchera f, trench, ditch, deep cut. -de mandibulas o de quijadas, jaw crusher.
- de prBstamos (PR), borrow pit. - de martillos, hammer crusher, hammer or
trincheradora f, trench machine; trench hoe. impact mill.
trincherar, t o ditch, dig trenches. -de reduccihn, reduction crusher.
trincho m - ( ~ o l )parapet.
, -giratoria, gyratory crusher.
trineo m, ded; (lg) bob, dray, scoot. triturar, t o crush, stamp; to triturate, commi-
- de aparejo (ef), rigging sled, dogboat. nute.
- de arrastre (ef), yarding sled, dray. trivalente (qufm), trivalent.
-doble (ef), logging sled, two-sled, wagon sled. triviario (ca), three-lane;
trinitrato m, trinitrate. trizarse (A), t o cra
trinitrobenceno m, trinitrobenzene. troca f (M), truck,
trinitrotoluene m, trinitrotohene. troceo m, crosscutt
trinomio, trinomial. trocoide m (an), tro
trinquete m, pawl, dog; ratchet. trocha f, trail; (rr) traffic lane; (tc)
triodo m (ra), triode. (auto) tread, gage.
-gaseoso, gas triode, thyratron. -ancha, wide gage.
triodos gemelos (ra), twin triode. - angosta, narrow gage.
triosa f (az), triose. -de aceleracibn (ca), aocelerating or speed-
tribxido na, trioxide. change lane.
- de arshico, arsenic trioxide, white arsenic. - de deceleraci6n (ca), deceleration or speed-
tripa f , gut (lacing) ; (auto) (V) inner tube. change lane.
tripi8 m, tripod. -normal, standard gage.
triple efecto (az), triple effect. -para pasar (ca), passing lane.
triple efecto, de, triple-acting. trole m, trolley; (PR) street railway; (PR) street-
triple oficio, de, triple-duty. car.
triplero m (a%)(C), operator of a triple-effect pan. -cargador, (meoh) trolley; (cy) (Ch) oableway
triplice, triple, triplex. carriage.
triplificador (m) de frecuencia (ra) , frequency trhlebus m,trolley coach or bus.
tripbr. tr6mel m (min), trommel.
tripode na, tripod. trompa f, noszle; (loco) pilot ; (conc) elephant-
- de alzar, shear legs. trunk chute; (ea)(Ec) bulldozer; (met)
trip01 m, rottenstone, tripoli, tripolite. trompe.
tripolar, three-pole, tripolar. trompeta f, bellmouth,
tripotlsico a (qdm) , tripotassiurn. trompo m, shaper, machine for making wood
triptdfano m (lab), tryptophan. moldings; (surv) (M) hub, peg, stake; (pb)
triptona f (is), tryptone. (A) (Ch) turnpin.
tripulaei6n f, crew. tronada f (vol)CM) , s shot.
tripulante m, member of the crew. tronador (M) de minero, miner's squib,
tripular, to man. tronador el6ctrico (vol), electric squib.
trirrectlngulo, trirectangular. tronar, (bl)(M) to shoot, fire; (auto)(M) t o blow
trirrotulado, three-hinged. out.
triscado m, set (saw). troncado, truncated.
triscador m (herr), saw set. troncal, main, trunk.
triscadora (f) mechnica, saw-setting machine. tronco m, log, tree trunk, bole; team of horses
triscar, to set a saw. frustum; (Sp) stem of a key.
tronco 308 tub0
- aserradizo o por aserrar, saw log. -- de pared delgada, thin-wall or electrical
cabecero (ef), head block.
- metallic. tubing.
-- de ancla, log anchor, deadman. - de pared Lruesa, thick-walled pipe.
- de barrera (ef), boom stick. de perfor %,l f r il' pipe.
- de cono, truncated cone. - - d e platini;, plpe.
- - de pirlmide, truncated pyramid. - - de p r e s i h , pressllrc pipe, h y d ) penstock.
troncoc6nic0, troncbnico (A), in form of trun- -- de produccibn (pet), fiow h e .
cated cone. -de retorno (cf), r e t u ~n piping.
tronchador m, cutter. -- d e revestimiento, casing pipe.
tronchar, t o cut, chop. -- de tama, int uke pipe; service connect ion.
tronera f, opening in a wall; [M) flue, chimney; ---- de tornillo, screwed or threaded pipe.
(Col) shaft, manhole. --- de unibn de enchufe, bell-and-spigot pipe.
tronquista m, teamster. -- eldctrica metllica, electrical metallic or thin-
tronzador m ,large crosscut saw. wall tubing.
tronzar, t o cut off; to crosscut. -- enteriza, seamless tubing.
troostita f (met), troostite. -escariada y mandrilada, reaniad and drifted
tropero m (A), hauling contractor. pipe.
troposfera f , troposphere. -- estirada, drawn tubing.
troque m, (M) truck; (CA) logging wheels. -- extraliviana, lightwerght or extra-light pipe.
troquet m, die. -- forrada de caucho, rubber-lined pipe.
-cortador, cutting die. -- forrada de vidrio, glass-linec! pipe.
---- d e acabar, finishing die. -- forzada, pressure conduit, penstock.
-de forjar, forging die. --- madre o maestra, a main.
-progresivo, progressive die. -mercante (TJ), merchant pipe.
troqueladora f, stamping press. --- mfiltiple de toma, intake manifold.
troquelar, to stamp, form in a die; (M) t o wedge. -remachada en espiral, spiral-riveted pipe.
troquero, troquista m (M), truck driver. -universal, Universal cast-iron pipe.
trotil m, trotyl (explosive). -vkstago (pet), drill pipe.
troza f, log. tnberia-iltro, strainer, well point.
trozador m ,two-man vrosscut saw ; (Ig) bucker, tubero m, pipeman, pipe or steam fitter.
crosscutter. fubificacibn f (MI, piping (earth dam).
trozar, t o cut into logs; t o cut off; t o crosscut. tuba m, pipe, tuhe; (ra) tube, valve.
trozo m, chunk, piece. -0.1 vacio, vacuum tube.
trucha f , winch, crab; jib crane. -abastecedor, supply pipe.
truua f, trowel. -acodado, a bend.
trumao m (Ch), disintegrated volcanic rock. -ahorquillado, Y branch.
truncar, t o truncate. --- aislador, tube insulator.
tuberculaci6n, tuberculizacibn f, tuberculation, --- amortiguador ( t ~ )damping
, tube.
pitting. -amplificador (ra), amplifier tube.
tub6rculo m, tubercle. -arenero (loco), sand pipc.
tuberia f, piping, pipe, pipe line; tubing; pipe- -ascendente, riser.
work. -aspirante, suction pipe; (turb) draft tube
-alimentadora, feeder pipe. -calador (ad (.4), tube sampler.
--- colectora (pet), gathering lines. -capilar, ca.pillary tube.
---- conductora (pet), line pipe. -colador, screen pipe.
-corriente de rosca, standard screwed pipe. -con aletas, finned tube.
--- de ademe (M), well casing. -convertidor Ira), converter tube.
- de arcilla vitrificada, sewer pipe. -Crookes (elkc), Crookes tube.
-de barra de cierre (A), lock-bar pipe. -cuentagotas (lab), dropping tube.
-de barra de seguridad (Col), lock-bar pipe. -d e absorcibn (lab), absorption tuhe.
-- de barra enclavada, lock-bar pipe. --- d e acuerdo o de ajuste, transition piece, re-
-d e bridas, flanged piping. ducer. , ,
---- de carga (hid), penstock. -de aduccibn, supply pipe.
-de conduccibn, line pipe; supply main. -de agua (cal), water tube.
-de costura engargolada, lock-seatn pipe. --- de albaiial, sewer pipe.
--- de duelas de madera, wood-stave pipc. -d e alivio, vent pipe.
-de enchufe y cord6n, hell-and-spigot pipc. ---- de alto vacio (ra), high-vaouurn tube.
-de entronque ( C ) ,water service. -d e arcilla glaseada, glazed tile pipe.
--- de frenaje (fc), train or brake pipe. --- d e avenamiento, drainpipe, draintile.
--- de fundicibn, cast-iron pipe. -de bajada o de descenso, downspout, leader,
-de hierro centrifugado, centrifugal cast-iron down pipe; (pb) stack.
pipe. -de baldeo (pb), flush pipe.
-de hierro negro (V), soil pipe. -- - de barro esmaltado o vidriado, glazed tile
---- de hormigbn centrifugado, centrifugal con- pipe.
crete pipe. - de Bourdon, Bourdon tube.
- de junta flexible, fl exible-joint pipe. -- de burbuja (inst), bubble tube.
t uerca

- de caldera, boiIer tube or flue. -electr&dco, electron or radio or high-vac-

de captacidn (is) (Pt?),intake pipe.
de cloaca, sewer pipe.
de cola (pozo), tail pipe. -
uum tube.
- electrdnico en cascada, cascade tube.
embudado (lab), funnel tube.
- de desagiie, waste pipe, drainpipe. - embudado de seguridad, safety funnel tuba.
de desagiie sadtario, soil pipe; waste pipe.
de descarga luminiscente (ra), glow-dis-
- entrante (hid), reentrant tube.
-estirado, drawn tubing.
charge tube. -estuche para nficleos (M), core barrel (drill).
- de desviaciba (ra), deflection tube.
de dos electrodos (ra), two-electrode tube.
evacuador de inodoros (pb), soil pipe.
expelente (bm), discharge or delivery pipe.
de dos elementos (ra), two-element tube.
del eje de h6lice (cn), stern tube.
-flotador (hid), tube float.
- fotoelectrico, photoelectric tube, phototube.
- de enlechado, grout pipe. - gaseoso (ra), gas-filled tube.
de ensayo, test tube.
de entrada, inlet pipe; penstock.
- gotero, drip pipe, drainpipe.
hervidor (cal), water tube.
- de equilibria, surge tank, standpipe.
de escape, exhaust pipe, outlet.
igudador (cf), balance pipe.
Lenard (el&), Lenard tube.
- de estrangulaci6n (auto), choke tube. -limitador de tensidn (ra), voltage-limiting
- de evacuaci6n, soil or waste or sewer pipe.
de expulsidn, exhaust pipe; discharge pipe;
-mezclador (ra), mixer tube.
(elec) expulsion tube. -montante, riser,
- de fuerza (elhc), tube of force. -mfiltiple (ra), multiple-unit tube.
de gas de tres elementos (ra), threeelement -mGItiple de admisibn, intake manifold.
gas tube. -mftltiple de escape, exhaust manifold.
- de Geissler, Geissler tube. -multiplicador (ra), multiplier tube.
- de grilla-pantalla (ra) (A), screen-grid tube. -n e b , neon tube or lamp.
-de haz electrbnico (ra), beam tube. -Nessler (lab), Nessler tube.
- de hincar, drive pipe. -para cultivos (lab), culture tube.
- de hum0 o de llama (cal), fire tube. -portafusible, fuse tube.
-'de imagen (tv), picture tube. -portalente (fma), lens cone.
-de impulsih, discharge or pressure pipe. -portatestigo, core barrel (drill).
- de inversibn (lab), inversion tube. -receptor (ra), receiving tube.
-de llegada, inlet pipe, -reforzado por recalcadura, upset pipe.
-de muestreo, tube sampler. -revestidor (pazo), casing.
-de neumhtico (auto), tire tube. -sin costura, seamless tube.
-de nivel (inst), level vial or tube. -soldado a solapa, lap-welded pipe.
-de nivel de agua (cal), gage glass. -soldado en espiral, spiral-welded pipe.
-de oscildgrafo (ra), oscillograph tube. -soplador, blast pipe.
-de paso, by-pass. -termibnico, thermionic or electron tube.
-de Pitot, Pitot tube. -tirante, tubular stay.
-de plomo, lead pipe. -U, U tube, manometer.
-de potencia (ra), power or output tube. -Venturi, Venturi tube.
-de purga, bleeder or blowoff pipe. ---vertical de evacuaci6n (pb), waste stack;
-de ragos catbdicos, cathode-ray tube. soil stack.
- de rayos X, X-ray tube. -vibrador, vibrator tube,
-de rebose, overflow pipe. tubo-conducto, conduit; raceway, electric con-
-de rejilla luminiscente (ra), grid-glow tube. duit.
-de safida, outlet pipe. -flexible (el&), flexible metal conduit.
-de seguridad (lab), safety tube. -rfgido (el&), rigid steel conduit.
-de sondaje (en), sounding pipe. tubo-embudo (cono)(M), tremie.
- de subida, riser. tubo-trompa (Pe), tremie pipe.
-de succibn, suction pipe; draft tube. Wbuladura f, tubing, piping; (lab) tubulure, tu-
-de toma (C), suction pipe. bulature, tuhulation.
-de Torricelli, Torricellian tube. tubular, tubular.
-de torsi8n, torsion tube. tubulura f (lab), tubulure, tubulature.
-de tres electrodos (ra), threeelectrode tube. tueca f, tueco m (mad), hole made by wood borer
-de viento (met), blast pipe. tuerca f, nut; (p) lock nut,
-despumador, scum pipe. -a capuchen (A), sleeve nut.
-desviador, by-pass.
- acabada, full-hished nut.
-agarradera, clamping nut.
-detector (ra), detector valve or tube. - ahuecada, recessed nnt.
-difusor, diffuser tube.
-disector (tv), dissector tube.
- ajustadora, adjusting nut.
-almehada, castelated nut.
-duke (ra) (Es) , soft tube. - autotrabadora, self4ocking nut.
-eductor, (pet) eductor tube; (pu) eduction - ciega, blind or cap or box nut.
-con base, flange nut.
tuerca turbina

- con g.uardacabo, thimbleeye nut. -provisorio, (hyd) diversion tunnel; (rr) pio-
--- cbnica, cone n u t . neer tunnel.
- corrediza, traveling nut. --- vertedor (hid), tunnel spillway.
--- de aletas o de mariposa, ~ i n or
g t h u m b nut. tungstato rn (quim), tungstnte.
--- de apriete (U), lock nut. tungstenifero, containing tungstcn.
---- de argiie, capstan nut. tungstenio m (M) (V), tungsten.
---- de barra, bar nut. tungsten0 m, tungsten.
-de clavar o de golpeo (est), driving nut. -toriado (ra), thoriated tungsten.
-de cubo, hub nut. tGngstico (quim) , tungstic.
-de maniobra, operating nut. tupi m, vertical-shaft machine for making wood
-de ojo, eye nut. moldings.
-de ojo para retenida, guy-eye or thimble-eye tupia f (Col), dam, dike; obstruction.
nut. tupiar (Col), to clam; to obstruct.
-de orejas, wing or thumb or fly or finger nut. tupici6n f, clogging, choking.
--- de prensaestopas, stuffing or packing nut. tupido, dense, thick, close-grained.
--- de presi6n, jam nut. tupir, t o pack, calk.
-d e puiios, lever nut. tupista m, operator of a tupi, molding makcr.
-de rebajo, recessed nut. turba f,peat, turf.
-d e reborde, flange nut.. turbal m, turbera f , peat bed.
-d e retencibn, retaining nut. turbias f (hid), silt, suspended matter.
-d e seguridad o de sujecibn, lock or jam or turbidez, turbiedad, turbieza f , turbidity.
check nut. turbidimbtrico, turhiditnetric.
-de tope, stop nut. turbidimetro wt, turbidirneter.
-de traba. lock nut. tiirbido, turbid.
-de unibn, coupling n u t ; union nut. turbina f, turbine.
--- encastillada o entallada, castellated or --- a vapor, steam turbine.
slotted nut. -a vapor de mercurio, mercury-vapor turbine.
-estriada o rayada, milled nut. -axial, axial-flow or parallel-flow turbine.
-fiadora, lock or jam or set nut. ---- centrifuga, outward-flow turhine.
--- forzadora, forcing nut. -centripeta, inward-flow turhine.
--- guia (est), pilot nut. -compound cruzada, cross-compound turhine.
-limitadora, stop nut. --- con divisibn de corriente, divided-flow tur-
---- manual, thumb nut. bine.
-- partida, half nut. -d e acci6n (hid), impulse or Pelton-type tur-
-prensada en caliente, hot-pressed n u t . bine.
--- punzada en frio, cold-punched nut. -d e agua, hydraulic or water turbine.
--- semjacabada, semifinished nut. --- d e c k r n a ~ aabierta (hid), open-fl ume turbine.
-T, T nut. ---- d e ciclo abierto (gas), open-cycle turbine.
-- tapa, cap nut. --- d e contrapresibn, back-pressure turbine.
tufa f , tufo m, tufa, tuff. -d e chorro libre, impulse t,urbine.
tuflceo, tufaceous. -d e doble efecto, double-flow turbine. I
tulipa j, bell end of a pipe; bellmouthed opening. -de efecto simple, single-flow turbine.
tulipero m (mad), whitewood, tulip. --- d e envoltura doble, double-case turbine.
tumba f , felling (trees). - d e expansidn miiltiple, nlultistage turbine.
tumbaitrboles rn, tree-fclling machine. - d e expansibn simple, single-stage turbine.
turnbador m , tumbler (lock); dumper, tripper; -d e extraccibn, extraction or bleeder turbine.
tipping device; (lg) faller. -d e gas de ciclo completo, complete-cycle gas
-de Lrboles (ec), t,reedozer. turbine.
-de clavija, pin tumbler (lock). ---- d e gas de ciclo regenerador, regenerative-
-de palanca, lever tiimbler. cycle gas turbine. !
tumbadora f (hcrr), faller. -d e gas de ciclo simple, simple-cycle gas tur-
tumbar, t o throw down, fell (trees!; (A) (Ch) t o bine.
get out of plumb. -de grado Gnico, single-stage turbine.
tumbe m (min) (M), throwing down the ore. --- d e hGlice, propeller turbine.
t h e 1 m ,tunnel. de impulsi611, impulse or (hyd) Pclton-type
-a presidn (hid), pressure tunnel. turbine.
--- auxiliar, pioneer tunnel. - - de presibn doble, mixed-pressurc turbine.
-conducto, water or flow tunnel, - de presiBn variable, variable-pressure tur-
---- de derivacibn (hid), diversion tunnel. bine.
-d s desviacidn ( M ) , diversion tunnel. -d e reaccibn, reaction or (hyd) Francis-type
---- del eje (cn), shaft alley or tunnel. turhine.
-de extraccibn (rnin), adit. - de reentrada, re-entry turbine.
-de herradura, horseshoe-shaped tunnel. - de servicio, house turbine. i
-de voladura (rnin), powder drift, coyote holc. -- helicoidal, helical-flow ti~rbine.
---- forzado (hid), pressure tunnel.
-piloto, pilot tunnel, advance heading.
Kaplan, Raplan turbine.
-- mixta, mixed-flow turbine. I
--- pardef a, axial-ff ow or parallel-flow turbine.

- radial, radial-flow turbine.

superpuesta, topping or top or superposed
-almenado o dentado (hid), dentated sill.
-de audibidad
or of hearing.
(ra), threshold of audibility
turbine. -de compuerta (hid), gate sill.
-tangential, tangential-flow turbine (steam); - de puerta, saddle, threshold, doorsill.
(hyd) impulse or Pelton-type turbine. - de sensacibn (ra), threshold of feeling.
m b i n a r ( C ) , t o centrifugalize, centrifuge. -de ventana, window sill.
brbio, turbid. - deflector (hid), deflector sill, baffle wall.
brbibn m, squall, heavy shower. - derramador (hid), spillway lip or crest.
~ r b o a e r e a d o rm, turboaerator. -desviador (hid), deflector sill.
furbodternador m (el&), turboalternator. - difusor (hid) (M), deflector sill.
turboaspirador, turboeductor m (ve), turboex- - limitador o vertedor (hid), spillway or weir
hauster. crest.
turbobomba j, turbopump. umbralado m (Col), lintel.
turbocompresor m, turbine-driven compressor, umbralar, t o place a lintel or sill.
turbocompressor. undulado, corrugated; wavy; undulating.
turboexcitador m (el&c),turboexciter. undulatorio, undulatory.
turbogenerador m (el&c),turbogenerator. uniaxial, unidxico, uniaxial.
turbogrupo m IEs), turbogenerator. unicelular, unicellular.
turbomezclador m, turbomixer. midad f, unit; (math) unity.
turbomotor m, turbomotor. -absoluta (med), absolute unit.
tarbonada f, squall, heavy shower. - angstrom (il), angstrom unit.
turboso, peaty. -britknica de calor, British thermal unit.
turbosoplador m, turboblower. -controladora o de control meciinico (tc) ,
turbosupercargador m, turbosupercharger. power control unit.
turboventilador rn, turbofan. -de calefaccibn, unit heater.
turbulencia f , turbulence. -de cristal (ra), crystal unit.
turbulento, turbulent. - de fuerza o de potencia, power unit.
turgita f, turgite, hydrohematite (iron ore). -- de gobierno a cable (tc), cable cotltrol unit.
turno m,shift (period of work). -de gobierno por potenoia o por fuerza (tc),
-de colada (conc), batch. power control unit.
- de d h , day shift. -derivada (fisica), derived unit.
-de fundicibn (met), a heat. -fundamental (ffsica), fundamental unit.
- de noche, night shift, -gravimetrica (geof), gravity unit.
- de trabajo, shift. - mfiltiple, de, multiple unit.
-iinico, single shift. -tgrmica inglesa, British thermal unit.
turril m CB),barrel. unidades electroestdticas, electrostatic units.
turri6n m, gudgeon; peg; crankpin; driftpin. unidimensional, one-dimensional.
tuya f (M), cedar. unidirectional, in one direction, unidirectional.
uniflar, one-wire, unifilar.
unif ormar, to standardize.
uniforme a,uniform.
uai f (tub) (C), Y branch. uniformidad f, uniformity.
ubicacidn f, location, site. unilateral (rnaq) (mat), unilateral.
ubicador (m) de escapes, leak detector. unimotor, single-engine.
ubicador de tuberla, pipe finder. unibn f , joint, coupling, connection; (p) union.
ubicar, t o locate. -a medio corte (carp), halved joint,
uddmetro m, rain gage, udometer. --- a tope, butt joint.
ultimar, t o finish. -cardhn, universal joint.
ultraacfistico Ira) (A), supersonic, ultrasonic. -circular o de circunferencia, girth or circum-
ultraalta, ultraelevada, ultrahigh (frequency). ferential joint,
ultraaudidn (ra), ultraudion. -corrediza, slip or expansion joint.
ultrab&sico (geol), ultrabasic. -de anillo y ranura (tub), ring-and-groove
ultracorta, ultrashort (wave). joint.
ultradino (ra), ultradyne. -de arista (sol), edge joint.
ultrafltraciBn f, ultrafiltration. -de bisel, miter joint.
ultrafiltro m, ultrafilter. -de bridas, flange union, flanged connection.
ultramicr6metro m, ultramicrometer. -de cubrejunta, butt splice.
ultramicroscopio m,ultramicroscope. -de charnels, hinge or knuckle joint.
nltrarriipido, ultrahigh-speed, ultrafast. -de deslizamiento, telescope or sliding joint.
ultrarrojo, infrared, ultrared. -de dilatacibn, expansion joint.
ultrasbnico (ra)(A), supcrsonic. -de empaque (tub), lip union.
ultravioleta, ultraviolet. -de enchufe (tub), bell-and-spigot joint.
ulla I (B), soft coal. -de gozne, hinge joint.
ullita f (B), hard coal. -- - de manchones (A), flange coupling.

umbrrrl napsill, threshold, door saddle; (M) lintel. -de medio inglete, hslf-miter joint.
-d e montaje (eat), field joint or splice. -neumhtica, compressor plant. I
-de pestafia o de platinas (tub), flange union. -sideriirgica, steelworks.
-de reborde (tub), lip union. -t6rmica auxiliar, steam stand-by plant.
-de reducci6n (tub), reducing coupling. -transformadora, substation, transformer sta- 1
--- d e solapa, lap joint. tion.
-de taza (tub), cup joint.
-e n L (tub), union elbow.
uso m, use.
--- , de, used, secondhand.
-e n T (tub), union T. -- consuntivo (irr), consumptive use.
-gemela (tub), Siamese connection. -y desgaste, wear and tear.
-giratoria, swivel joint. ustible, combustible.
-macho y hembra (tub), male-and-female usuario m, user, consumer.
union. utensilio m, utensil; appliance; tool.
-para banda, steel belt lacing. Gtil m, tool.
-para sofdar (tub), welding union. --- perforador (Es), drill bit. 1
-preparada, (ci p) prepared joint. Gtiles, tools, equipment.
---- resbaladiza, slip joint. -de dibujo, drafting instruments; drawing I

-roscada (tub), threaded coupling, screw materiales.

joint; screw union. --- d e escritorio, office equipment; ofice sup- I
-sobre tres durrnientes (fc), three-tie joint.
-soportada (fc), supported joint.
-d e extraccibn (pet), fishing tools.
-suspendida (fc), suspended joint. -de laboratorio, laboratory equipment. I
-telescbpica, telescope joint. -de sondeo, drilling tools.
-universal, universal joint. utilaje m (A), outfit, equipment,, tools.
unionism0 m, unionism. utilero m, tool keeper.
uniparcelar, consisting of 1 parcel (land). utilidad f, utility; profit.
uniperi6dic0, uniperiodic. -gruesa, gross profit.
unipolar (el&), single-pole, unipolar. -libre, balance of income.
unipotencial (el&), unipotential. utilidades, earnings, profit.
unir, t o couple, connect. --- incorporadas, corporate surplus.
unisimbtrico, unisymmetrical. -llquidas, net earnings.
unitario, unit, unitary. utilizacibn f , utilization.
zinivaciado, (ci p) Monocast (trademark). utillaje m, outfit of tools.
univalente (quim), univalent, utillar, t o tool, equip with tools.
universa1, universal.
untadora f, greasing tool.
ufiaf, claw, pawl, lug, grouser; fluke (anchor).
uiieta f, stonecutter's chisel. vacia f (geol), wacke.
uranina f (is), uranin. -gris, graywacke.
urani~litaj (miner), uraninite (radium and ura- vaciada f, dumping; (met) a melt; (conc) a pour.
nium). va'ciadero m, (hyd) sluiceway, escape; (Sp) weir;
uranio rn, uranium. (ea) spoil bank, dump; (pb) slop sink;
uranita f (miner), uranite. (fdy) gate.
urbanism0 m , (Ch) city planning; urbanization; oaciado m, casting, pouring, dumping; (M) ex-
(V) real-estate development. cavation; a cast, poured, dumped.
urbanista m (A), city planner. --- a cera perdida, lost-wax casting.
urbanizaci6n j, urbanization; city planning; (V) -d e precisibn, precision or .lost-wax casting.
(Pan) real-estate development. -e n caliente (ca), hot-poured.
urbano, urban. -e n foso de colada (tub), pil-cast.
urbanologia f, city planning. -- e n sitio (conc), poured in place.
urbe j, large city. -lateral, side dump (car).
ureasa $ (is), urease. -por at&, rear dump.
urinario m, urinal, -por debajo o por el fondo, bottom dump.
urquinaza f (V), pulverized brick used as color- vaciador (m)de carros, rsr dumper.
ing matter in mortar. vaciamar, vaciante f , ebb tide.
urundel, urunday, urundeg m, South American vaciar, t o empty, evacuate; t~ pour, cast; to
hardwoods. dump; t o hollow out; (M) to excavate.
usado, used, secondhand. vaclo m, vacuum, void; a empty.
usina f (A) (U) (B), powerhouse; plant; factory. ---- de escdera (M), stair well.
----a vapor, steam power plant. -- , en (maq), idle, light, with no load.
de bombeo, pumping station. vacuo m, vacuum.
-- de gas, gasworks, gas plant. vacuola f (is), vacuole.
-de punta (A), peak-load powerhouse. vacu6metro rn, vacuum gage.
---- de purificacibn (pa) (U), purification plant. vadeable (r), fordable.
-elevadora, pumping plant. vadear, to ford.
--- hidriiulica, water-power plant. vadera I, ford.
-- mareamotriz (A), tidal powerhouse. vado m, ford; shoal.
vadoso a, shallow, shoal; (geol)(A) vadose. -de cresta, peak value.
vagara f (cn), ribband; ceiling plank. -de desecho, scrap value.
vagbn na, car, freight car. -del escurrimiento (ms), flow value.
- automotor (fc)(V) , motorcar. -de recuperacibn, salvage value.
- barrenador (ten), drill carriage, jumbo. -en plaza, market value.
batea (Es), gondola car.
cama (Es) , sleeping car.
-extrinseco (cont), good will.
-rezago, salvage value; (A) scrap value.
- carbonero, coal car.
cerrado o cubierto o de caj6n, boxcar.
valoracibn, v&rizaci6n, valuaci6n f, appraisal
- cisterna (Es), tank car. valorar, t o appraise, value.
- correo, mail car. valores, securities; bonds.
- cuadra, cattle car, stockcar. -crlticos de la cohesiSn (ms) , critical cohesion
- cuba, tank car. values.
- de blscula, dump car. - realizabjes, liquid assets.
- de carga, freight car. valuador m,appraiser.
-de cola, caboose. valuar, to appraise, rate.
-de equipajes, baggage car. valva f (Es), leaf of a clamshell bucket.
- de hacienda (A), cattle car, stockcar. -de almeja (M), (bu) clamshell.
- de medio cajbn o de medio costado, gondola vllvula f (hid) (elk), valve.
car. -a la cabeza, valve-in-head.
- de mercanclas, boxcar. -a gas (ra), gas tube.
- de mineral, ore car. --- a Uave, wrench-operated valve.
-de pasajeros (Ch), passenger car. -a mercurio (ra), mercury-vapor tube.
- de plataforma, flatcar. -- a prueba de amodaco, ammonia valve.
-de reja (Ch), stockcar, cattle car. -a1 vacio (fa), vacuum tube.
-de remolque, trailer. -- acodillada, angle valve.
- de trampilla, dropTbottom car. -aisladora (ra), isolator valve.
-de viajeros, passenger car. -- aliviadora de explosiones, explosion-relief
-de volteo, dump car. valve.
- descubierto (Es) , flatcar. -amortiguada de retenciih, cushioned check
- encajonado, boxcar. valve.
-frigorifrco (M) (Es), refrigerator car. -amortiguadora, (eng) cushion valve; (tv)
-grGa, derrick or wrecking car. damping tube.
- jaula, stockcar. -- amplificadora (ra), amplifier tube.
-motor (fc), motorcar. -amplificadora por haces (ra), beam-power
-para recipientes, container car. tube.
- plano o raso, flatcar. -angular, angle valve.
-angular de contrapresi611, angle baok-pres-
-postal, mail car.
-rtstaurante, dining car. sure valve.
-tanque, tank car. -angular de retencihn, angle cheek valve.
- tolva, hopper-bottom car. -antimicrof6nica. (ra), antimicrophonic valve.
- volquete o volteable, dump car. -atemperadora (of), tempering valve.
vagonada f, carload. -atmosf6rica, internal safety valve.
vagonero m, trainman. -balanceada o compensada, balanccd valve.
vagoneta f , industrial car; soalepan; tramway - baldeadora (pb),flush valve.
bucket. -bigrilla (ra) (A), double-grid tube.
- basculante, dump car. -blanda (ra)(A), soft tube.
-de segrnento, rocker dump car, -c h a r a (tv), camera tube.
-de plataforma, flotoar. -catddica (tv), cathode-ray or picture tube.
-decauvdle, narrow-gage car. - cillndrica, cylinder valve or gate.
-volcadora o de volteo, dump car. -con asiento de recambio, renewable-seat
vagra f (en)(A), longitudinal stiffening member. valve.
- del pantoque, bilge keelson. -cbnica, cone valve.
vaguada f, channel, watercourse. -conversora (ra) (A), converter tube,
vahos m, fumes. -corrediza, (se) slide valve; (pet) traveling
vaivin m,swinging or reciprocating movement. valve.
valencia f (el&) (qulm), valence, valency. -checadora (M) , check valve.
-polar, electrovalence, polar valence. - de accibn rhpida, quick-acting valve.
-residual, residual or auxiliary valence. -de aguja, needle or pin valve.
valiza (0,see baliza. - de d a , wing valve.
valor m,value. - de alarma (roc), alarm valve.
-a la par, par value. -- de aleta, butterfly valve.
-absoluto (mat), modulus, absolute value. -de alivio, safety valve; relief or vacuum-
-antidetonante, knock rating (gasoline). breaking valve.
- cal6ric0, fuel value. -- de alivio para expansibn, expansion-relief
--- calorifico, heat value. valve.
-de alta impedancia (ra), high-impedance ---- de dardo (pet), dart valve.
tube. -de derivacibn, by-pass valve.
--- de alto vacio (ra), high-vacuum or electron --- de desahogo, relief or safety valve.
tube. --- de desahogo a la atmbsfera, atmospheric re-
--- de ampolla metllica (ra), metal-envelope lief valve.
tube. -de desrtire (A), vent valve.
--- d e hngulo, angle valve. ---- de descarga, blowoff or exhaust or unloading
-d e hngulo horizontal, corner valve. valve; (ra) discharge tube.
-d e asiento cbnico, cone valve. -de desvio, offset valve.
-de aspersibn (pb) (Es), flush valve. --- de diafragma, diaphragm valve.
-d e aspiracibn, admission valve; (pu) foot -de disco, disk valve.
valve. --- de disco tapbn, globe valve with pIug-type
-de barra, bar-stock valve. disk.
-def barrido (di), scavenging valve. -de disparo, pop or pop safety valve.
-d e baterla (ra), battery tube. -de distribucihn (pet), manifold valve.
-d e bola, ball valve. --- de doble disco, double-disk gate valve.
-de bola y asiento, balI-and-seat valve. --- de dobIe gdpe, double-beat valve.
--- de bridas, flanged valve. -d e doble rejilla (ra), double-grid tube.
-d e buje mSvii (A), needle valve. -d e dos campanas, hub-end valve.
---- de cabeza de hongo ( C ) ,poppet valve. -d e Bmbolo, piston valve.
-de caja de hierro, iron-body valve. -d e enchufe y cordbn, valve with bell-and-
-d e camisa, sleeve valve. spigot ends.
-d e campana, cup valve. -d e erogacibn (bm) (A), discharge valve.
-d e carrete, spool valve. -d e espiga (M), needle valve.
-d e cltodo caliente (ra), hot-cathode tube. ---- d e estrangulacibn, throttle valve.
-de cltodo de charco (ra), pool tube or tank. - de expulsibn, discharge valve; blowoff valve.
-de cebado, primer valve. -de Aotador, float valve.
-de cierre, shutoff valve, stopcock. -d e frenaje (fc), brake valve.
-d e cierre riipido, quick-acting valve. --- de fuerza (ra), power tube.
-d e cierre vertical, poppet or lift valve. -de garganta, throat vaive.
-de codo, angle valve. -de globo, globe valve.
-de columpio, swing check valve. -de globo tip0 aguja, needle-point valve.
-de compoundaje (brn), compounding valve. -de gozne, flap or check valve.
-de compuerta, gate valve. -de guardia, guard valve.
---- de compuerta acufiada, wedge-gate valve. -de guillotina, guillotine valve.
-de compuerta con abrazadera, clamp gate -de insertar, inserting valve.
valve. --- de interrupcibn (PC),shutoff valve.
-de compuerta con llave auxiliar, gate valve - de inyeccibn, injection valve.
with by-pass. ---- de lengiieta, feather valve.
-de compuerta plana, parallel-slide gate valve. -de limpieza automltica, flush valve, flush-
-de compuerta tipo cremallera, rack-type gate ometer.
valve. -de mando, pilot valve; control valve.
-de contraflujo, reverse-flow valve. --- de manguito, sleeve valve.
-dd contrapresibn, back-pressure valve; back- -de maniobra, control valve.
water valve. -d e mariposa, butterfly valve.
-de copa, cup valve. --- de mu variable (ra), variable-mu tube.
-de corredera, (se) slide valve; (hyd)(Sp) -de ocho patas (ra), eight-prong tube.
gate valve. -de orejas, wing valve.
-d e corte remoto (ra), remote-cutoff tube, -de pantalla (Col), gate valve.
supercontrol tube. -de paso, by-pass valve; shutoff or line valve.
- de cortina (Col), gate valve. -de paso recto, straightway valve.
---- de cortina e n cufia, wedge-gate valve. -de pasos mtiltiples, multiple-way valve.
-de cruz, cross valve. ---- de pedal (pb), foot valve.
---- de cuatro pasos, four-way valve. -de pie (bin), foot valve.
-d e cuatro patas (ra), four-prong tube. -de pist6n, piston valve.
-de cue110 (C), throttle valve. --de placa, plate valve.
-de cuerpo de fundicibn, iron-body valvc. - - de platillo, tappet valve.
-d e cuiia, wedge-gato valve. -de poder (ra) (A), power tube.
-d e chapaleta, flap valve. de potencia (ra), power tube.
do charnela, flap or clack or awing check --- d e presibn, pressure valve.
valve. -de pulverizacibn, spray valve.
-d e charnela de disco exterior, open flap -de purga, blowoff valve.
valve. - - de purga d e agua, water-relief valve.
-de charnela d e disco interior, enclosed flap --- de rayos X, X-ray tube.
valve. --- de reduccidn de presibn, pressure-reducing
de cheque ( C ) , check valve. valve.
-de rejilla blindada (ra)(Es), screen-grid -para manguera, hose valve.
-pentarreja (ra), pentagrid converter.
rejilla-pantalla (ra), screen-grid tube. -piloto, pilot valve.
-de resuello (A), air valve. -pivotada, pivot or butterfly valve.
-de retencien, check or backwater valve. -plana (Ch), gate valve.
-de retenci611 a bisagra, swing check valve. - preamplificadora (ra), driver valve.
-de retenci6n a bola, ball check valve. -protectora (ra), protector tube.
-de retencibn de vapor (cd), nonreturn or -purgadora de sedimentos, mud valve.
stop-and-check valve. -receptora (ra), receiving tube, valve receiver.
-de rosca, threaded valve. -rectangular (A), angle valve.
-de seguridad de carga directa, dead-weight - rectificadora (ra), rectifying tube.
-de seguridad de disparo, pop safety valve. -
safety valve. reductora, reducing valve.
-reesmerilable o refrentable, regrinding
-de seguridad de palanca, lever safety valve.
-de seguridad de Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom
-reguladora, pressure-regulating valve; gov-
safety valve. erning valve.
- de seguridad de resorte, spring safety valve. -reguladora de gasto, flow-control valve.
- de sifbn para aire, siphon air valve. -reguladora da nivel, altitude valve.
-de solenoide, solenoid valve. -respiradera, vent vdve.
-de succibn, suction or admission valve. -sanitaria, sanitary valve.
- de tap@ plug valve. -~electora,selector valve.
-de traspaso, crossover valve. -sin asiento, seatless valve.
- de tres pasos, three-way valve. -termibnica (ra), thermionic valve, vacuum
- de tubo movible, tube valve. or electron t u b .
-de vastago corredizo, sliding-stem valve. -tipo bellota (ra), acorn tube.
-de via franca, full-way valve. -tip0 hongo, mushroom valve.
-desviadora, by-pass valve. -transmisora (ra), t~ansmittingtube.
--- detectora (ra), detector valve or tube. -vertical de retencibn, vertical check valve.
-dura (ra) (A), hard tube. -viaj era (bm), traveling valve.
-electrhica o el&rice, vacuum or electron vHlvulas gemelas, twin valves.
tube. viilvulas laterales (mg), Side valves.
-electroqulmica, electrochemical valve. valla f, fence, barrier, barricade; hurdle.
-emisora (ra), transmitting tube. - de cable (ca), cable guardrail.
- en la culata, valve-in-head. -paraarena (fc), sand fence.
-en escuadra, angle valve; corner valve. -paranieves, snow fence.
-en S, offset d y e . vallado m, fencing; (PR) brushwood, drift car-
-equilibrada de aguja, balanced needle valve. ried by a flood. %

-equilibradora, balancing valve. vallar, to fence.

-escalonada, offset valve. valle m, valley.
- esclusa, sluice valve; (A) (U) gate valve. -colgante, hanging valley,
-esf&ica, globe valve. -subsecuente, subsequent valley.
-estranaadora, choke or throttle valve. vanadato m (qulm), vanadate.
- fija (pet), st anding valve. vanddico, vanadic.
-flotadora (Pe), float valve. vanadinita f (miner), vanadinite.
-forrada de caucho, rubber-lined valve. vanadio m, vanadium.
- gaseosa (ra), gas or gassy or gaseous tube. van0 m, opening in a wall; (bldgj bay.
-globular, globe valve. -de elevador (M), elevator hatch.
-horizontal de retencibn, lift or horizontal -de la h 6 k e (w), aperture, propeller open-
check valve. ing.
-impulsora (ra), driver tube. -de puerta, doorway.
-intermitente (pet), intermitter valve. - de ventana, window opening.
- labrada de barra, bar-stock valve. vanos de derivacien (press), diversion or closure
-rnaestra, master valve. openings.
- mezcladora, (pb) mixing valve; (ra) mixer vanos de toma (hid), intake openings.
vapor na, steam; vapor; a steamer.
-moduladora, (ht) modulating valve; (ra) - acuoso, water vapor.
modulator tube. -agotad0 o perdido o de escape, exhaust
-motriz (ra) (Es), driver tube. steam.
- multietectrodo (ra), multielectrode tuhe. - de carga, cargo boat, freighter.
-multiplicadora (ra), multiplier tube. - de elaboracibn, process steam.
-multirrejilla (ra), multigd tube. -recalentado, superheated steam.
-noddn (ra), Nodon valve. - tanque, tanker, tank steamer.
-oscilante, rocker valve. - vivo, live steam.
-para Brbol de navidad (pet), Christmas-tree vapora f,steam launch; (PR) steam engine.
valve. vaporar, to vaporize.
-- para cieno, mud valve. vaporhetro m, vaporimeter.
vaporizacibn (j) instantlnea, flash vaporization. --- deformada (ref), deformed bar.
vaporizacibn intermitente, batch vaporization. -Aotadora, rod float.
vaporizador m, vaporizer, carburetor. -fundente o soldadora, welding rod.
vaporizar, to vaporize. -levantavllvula (mg), tappet rod.
vaporoso, vaporous. -luminosa (Es), light ray.
vapuleo m, whipping (belt or cable). -polar, pole arm (planimeter).
vaqueta f , sole leather. --. sedimentadora (lab), puddling roc.
vara j,measure of length varying slightly in dif- -tirante, tie rod.
ferent countries but usually about 0.84 rn; varillas tiracable (el&).
. ,. conduit rods.
rod, pole, staff. varillado m, rodding.
-de agrimensor, sight rod, range pole, tran- -seco (ag), dry-rodded.
sit rod. varilladora f (conc), rodding machine.
-de sondeo, sounding rod. varillaje m, system of rods; linkage.
-de trocha (fc), track gage, gage bar. varillar, to rod.
-portabriijula (lev), Jacob's staff. varioacoplador m (ra), variocoupler.
varada (nbut), running aground. variocGpler (ra)(M), variocoupler.
varaderas f (cn), skids; ground ways. vari6metro m ( e l k ) , variometer, variable induc-
varadero m, shipyard; shipway, launching way. tor.
varado, aground, stranded. varistor na (elkc), varistor.
varal m, stake of flatcar or flat truck. vaselina f, Vaseline.
varar, to ground (vessel) ; vararse, to strand, run vasija f (min) (Es), skip.
aground. -de extraccibn, ore bucket.
vareamiento m (conc) (M), rodding. vaso m, basin, reservoir; vessel, receptacle, bat-
varej bn m (min)(M), pole lagging. tery jar; (lbr) vessel.
varenga f (cn), floor timber; floor board; floor -captador de arrastres (hid), debris basin.
(frame). -de almacenamiento, storage reservoir.
-a marco, open floor (beam). --- de detenciik, detention basin.
-llena, solid floor (beam). -de presibn (az), pressure pan.
varengaje m (cn), floor boarding. -de seguridad (az), save-all, catchall.
varhorhetro m (el&), var-hour meter, reactive -de vapor (az), vapor cell.
volt-ampere-hour meter. -poroso (elQc),porous cup.
variable f a, variable. -regulador, regdating reservoir.
-dependiente, dependent variable. vlstago m, stem, shank, rod, spindle.
-independiente, independent variable. -corredizo o ascendente (v6), traveling spin-
variacidn f (mat) (eIkc) (rnec), variation. dle, rising stem.
-angular (el&), any l a r variation. -de corredera (mv), valve stem or rod.
-de la aguja, compass variation. -del bmbolo, piston rod.
-diurna, diurnal variation. -de Ia exciktrica, eccentric rod.
-en menos, undersize variation. -de succibn (pet), sucker rod.
-secular, secular variation. -del t i m h , rudder stock.
variador m, variator. -de la vPlvula, valve stem.
-de velocidad, speed variator. -fijo o no ascendente o sin levantamiento
variante f, (math) (lab) variant; (rr) change of (vh), stationary spindle, nonrising stem
line; alternate (specification). -guia, guide stem; (eng) tail rod.
varilla f, rod, bar, stem. -pulido (pet), polished rod.
-a tierra (el&), grotlnd rod. --- saliente (vs), rising stem.
-agitadora (lab), stirring rod. vatiaje m (elkc), wattage.
-atacadera (vol), tamping pole; tamping vatihora m,watt-hour.
stick. vatihorkmetro m, watt-hour meter.
-calibradora, rod gage. vatfmetro m, wattmeter.
- compactadora, tamping rod. -dinamom6tric0, dynamometer wattmeter.
-corrugada iref), corrugated bar. -registradar, recording wattmeter.
-de avance (rnh), feed rod. vatio m, watt.
-de la corredera o del distribuidor (mv), ---- aparente, apparent watt.
valve stem or rod. -efectivo o eficaz, true watt.
-de bombeo (bm), sucker rod; pump rod. --international, international watt.
-del &mbolo,piston rod. vatio-hora m, watt-hour.
-de empuje, push rod, (ge) tappet rod. vatiosegundo m,watt-second.
-de la excentrica (mv), eccentric rod. vectSgrafo m (elkc), vectograph.
-de radio (auto), radius rod. vector m (mat), vector.
-de refuerzo, reinforcing bar. vectorial, vectorial.
-de sondear, sounding rod. vega f, flat lowland; (C) cultivated land.
-de succibn (bm), sucker rod. vehicular, vehicular.
-de tensihn, tie rod; tensim bar. vehiculo m (tr) (pint), vehicle.
-de vlilvula, valve stem. -automotor, rnotor vehicle.
-de traccibn, drawbar; (pet) rod line. -- motorizado (M), motor vehicle,
vejiga 317 verfiscopo
vejiga f, blister. -corrediza, sliding sash.
vela f, watchman; candle. -de contrapeso o de guillotina, double-hung
veladm m, watchman. window.
velero na, sailmaker. -giratoria, pivoted window.
veleta f (ap), wind vane. -metaica hueca, hollow metal window.
velo m (fma), veil. -romanifla (V), window shutter of slats.
velocidad f, velocity, speed.
- admisible (hid), permissible velocity,
-saliente (acero), projected window (ventila-
tor sEdes vertically while swinging in or
- caracterlstica, specific speed. out).
- con plena carga, full-load speed. ventanaje m,fenestration, window arrangement.
- crftica, critical velocity; (ap) stalling speed. ventanal, large window; window opening.
- de acceso (hid), velocity of approach. ventanerla f, fenestration; set of windows.
- de aflujo (hid) (Es),velocity of approach. ventanero m ,man who makes or sets windows.
- de alejamiento o de salida (hid), velocity of v e n t a r r h m, gale.
recession or of retreat. venteada, venteadura f (mad), shake.
- de aproximaci6n (hid)(M), velocity of ap- ventear (V), t o guy.
proach. venteo rn, vent.
- de ascenso, (eng) hoisting speed. ventilacihn f, ventilation.
- de ataque (pl), crowding speed. -por aspiracihn, exhaust ventilation, draw-
- de crucero (auto) (A), cruising speed. through system.
- de descenso, lowering speed. - por presih, forced ventilation, blow-through
-de despegue (ap), take-off speed. system.
- de embalamiento, (eng) runaway speed. ventifador m, ventilator, fan, blower.
- de equilibrio (fc), free-running or balancing -a jaula de ardilla, squirrel-cage or multi-
speed. blade fan.
-de funcionamiento o de trabajo, working -aspirador, exhaust fan; aspirating ventilator.
speed. - axial, axial-flow fan.
-de llegada (hid), velocity of approach. - centrlf ugo, centrifugal fan.
- de marcha o de recorrido o de traslaci6n (ec), -continuo de caballete, continuous ridge ven-
traveling speed. tilator.
-de pasaje o de travesia (is),flowing-through - de aletas aerodin&micas, airfoil fan.
velocity. -de aletas planas, straight-blade fan.
- de regimen, working or rated speed, (rd) de- -
de campana, muahroom ventilator.
de capucha osdlante, swing-cowl ventilator.
sign speed.
- de sal, procedimiento de {hid), salt-velocity - de cono, conical-plate f&n,
method. -de cumbrera, ridge ventilator.
-de sedimentacidn (pa), settling velocity, - de desplazamiento, displacement or volu-
-de sincronismo (mot), synchronous speed. metric ventilator.
-de sobremaado (auto), overdrive speed. -de doble cono, double-cone ventilator.
-de viaje (auto), cruising speed. - de enfriamiento, cooling fan.
-especffica, specific speed. - de estrella, spider-type fan.
- excavadora (pl}, digging speed. -de hglice, propeller-type fan.
-laminar (hid), laminar velocity, - de tiro forzado, forced-draft fan.
- sin carga (mot), no-load speed. - eductor, exhaust fan, exhauster.
-unitaria, rate of speed. - multipaleta (M), multiblade fan.
-virtual, virtual velocity. - para caballete, ridge ventilator.
velochetro m, speedometer; velocimeter ; (A) (V) -reforzador (aa), booster fan.
current meter. -secador, drying fan.
velocipede (m)de via, track velocipede. --- separador de polvo, dust-separating fan.
vel6metro m,velometer; (Sp) wind gage. -soplador, blower.
vena f, vein, lode, seam. -tipo hongo, mushroom ventilator.
-contralda (hid) (A), vena contracta. - tubo-axil, tubeaxial fan.
vencido, overstrained; broken down; (corn) due, -volum6tric0, volumetric or displacement
accrued. ventilator.
vendaval m, strong wind. ventflar, t o ventilate.
venero na, a pipe (earth dam); spring (water) ; ventilas f (C), dunnage.
sand boil; (min) vein, lode, lead. ventisca f, snowdrift.
venida f, flood, freshet. ventisquero m, ice field; glacier; snowdrift.
venora f , stone set in bottom of irrigation ditch ventosa f, air valve, vent.
to fix grade. -a1 vaclo, vacuum valve.
ventana f, window, window sash. Venturi m (auto), Venturi throat, choke tube.
-a balancin o de fulcro, pivoted window. venturimetro rn (hid), Venturi meter.
-a banderols (A), window hinged at bottom. Vera f, edge, border; (Col) (V) a hard and heavy
-a bisagra, casement or hinged window. wood.
-abatible, drop or descending window. -vial, shoulder of a road.
-batiente, casement window. veriiscopo m, verascope (camera).
ver de via

verde, green. vertedor-sifbn, siphon spillway.

-brillante (lab), brilliant green. verter, t o pour; t o dump; verterse, t o spill over.
-d e bromocresol (lab), bromocresol green. vertical f, vertical line; a vertical.
verdln m , mold, mildew; verdigris. verticalidad f , verticality. .
verdugada f, verdugo m , course of brick in a wall v6rtice m, crest, peak, vertex; (surv) corner.
of stone or mud. - de cierre (lev), closing corner.
verdunizacibn f (pa), verdunization. -- testigo o de referencia (lev), witness corner.
vereda f , path, footpath, trail; sidewalk; (rr) vertido m (conc), a pour.
platform. vertiente f, slope of a roof; slope of a valley;
veredbn m, broad sidewalk. watershed ; a drip ; (Ch) spring; (Sp) brook.
verga f (cn), yard; gaff. veslcula f (geol), vesicle.
verificacibn f , verification; (inst) adjustment.. vesicular (geol), vesicular.
verificar, t o check; (inst) t o adjust. vespasiana f (A) (Ch), upright urinal.
veril m, shoal, reef. vestfbulo m (ed) (fc), vestibule.
verja f, grating, grille; railing, (A) fence. vestidura f, lining; (carp) (C) trim; (auto) (C)
vernier m, vernier. upholstery.
verruga f (met), blister. vestigios m (qulm), traces.
vertedera f , moldboard; blade of a bulldozer or veta f , vein, seam; grain of wood; (met) seam.
road scraper. --- atravesada (min) , cross vein.
vertedero m , (hyd) spillway, weir, wasteway; -crucera, (min) cross vein; (lhr) cross grain,
(ea) dump; (pb) slop sink. -de contact0 (min), contact lode.
-aforador, measuring weir. - derecha o recta, straight grain.
-ahogado o anegado, submerged weir. -madre (min), main lode.
-Cipolletti, Cipolletti weir. -transversal (min) , counterlode, cross lode.
---- cornpleto, free weir. vetarrbn m (min), large vein.
-con cresta redondeada, round-crested weir. veteado, veined, banded, streaked.
-de aforo en V, V-notch weir. --- de arena (conc)(A), sand streak.
-d e basuras (C), garbage dump. vetear (pint), to grain.
---- de bocina, morning-glory spillway, bell- via f,route, way; road; (rr) track.
mouthed weir. -acudtica, waterway.
-de cresta afilada (Pe), sharp-crested weir. --- a k e a , aerial cableway or tramway.
-de cresta curva, round-crested weir. -ancha, wide-gage track.
---- de cresta plana o de cresta ancha, flat- -angosta, narrow-gage track.
crested or broad-crested weir. -apartadera, siding, side track.
-de derivacih, diversion weir. -armada (Es), portable track.
-d e l a efluente (dac), effluent weir. -carretera, highway.
-d e lLmina adherente, full-apron spillway. --- corriente (fc) (V) , standard-gage track.
--- de pared delgada, sharp-crested weir. - - de acarreo, wagon road.
-de pared espesa, broad-crested weir. -de acomodacibn, sorting track.
-d e pozo o de pozo acampanado, shaft or -de agua, waterway.
glory-hole spiHway. -de ancho normill, standard-gage track.
-de rebalse (Ch), wasteway, spillway. --- de arrastre (ef), skidding or snaking trail
-do saetln, trough or chute spillway. drag or gutter road.
-d e umbra1 agudo, sharp-crested weir. -d e aterrizaje (ap), landing strip.
--- fijo, open spillway (nn gates). d e bkscula, scale track.
---- incompleto, submerged weir. --- de cable, cableway.
-lateral, side-channel spillway, -d e carena, marine railway.
-libre, free weir; open spillway. -de carga, loading trwk.
medidor, measuring weir. -- de circunvalaci6n, belt line, loop.
-m6vi1, spillway with gates. -de enlace, crossover; ladder trark.
-rozador, skimming weir (water supply). -- de escala, ladder track.
-sin contraccibn, suppressed weir. ---- de escape, t u r n o ~ for
~ t derailing.
--- sumergido, submerged weir. -d e extremo cerrado, dead-end track.
-triangular, trinnguIar or V-notch weir. --- de galpbn, house track.
vertedor m, pouring device; (hyd) spillway, weir, -de garganta, gantlet track.
wasteway. --- de grfia, crane runway.
-con contraccith, contracted weir. -de intercambio, intcrc:hunge track.
-- de asfalto, asphalt pouring pot. - de levantamiento (ed), hoistway.
-de cresta delgada, sharp-crested weir. - de llegada, receiving track.
-de cresta libre, open spillway (no gates). - de maniobras, drilling track.
-- d e demasias, spillway, wasteway. -- de navegacibn interior, inland waterway.
-d e entalladura triangular, triangular-notoh -d e paso (fc), c3rnssover;passing siding.
weir. - de patio o de playa, yard track.
-d e espumas, scum weir. -- de pestaiia, Amgcn--ay.
-d e sobrantes (M), wasteway, spillway. -- de planeo (ap), glide path.
-trapezoidal, Cipolletti weir. -de recorrido, running or main track.
- de resema, storage track.
de triifico (ca), traffic lane, trafficway.
vidriado m, glazing.
vidriar, t o glaze (window); to glaze (tile).
-- de transbordo, transfer track. vidriera f,window, window sash.
- de traspaso (fc), crossover. vidrieria f, glazing; glass shop-
- , de una sola, single-track. vidriero m,glazier.
-- decauville, narrow-gage or industrial or vidrio m, glass; pane, light of glass.
portable track. -a prueba de bala, bulletproof glass.
en zigzag, switchback.
estrecha, narrow-gage track.
-acanalado, ribbed or fluted glass.
- ahurnado, smoked glass.
- f6rrea troncal, trunk-line railroad. - alambrado o armado, wire glass.
- ferroviaria, railroad. - antideslumbrante, glare-reducing glass.
- fluvial, waterway, navigable atream. -armado pulido, ~olishedwire dass.
- franca, clear track; open road. -cundrado, plate glass.
- funicular, cable railway. -comdn doble, double-thick window glass.
- hGmeda (quim), wet process.
-industrial, industrial track.
- cornfin sencillo, single-thick window glass.
-de cilindro, cylinder or rolled glass.
-lateral, siding. -
de nivel (cal), gage glass.
- libre, clear track. de piso (A), vault light.
- maestra, ladder track. -de reloj (lab), watch glass.
--- muerta o perdida, dead-end track. -de seguridad, safety or nonshatterhg glass.
- permanente (fc), permanent way. - de soldador, welding lens.
- seca (quim), dry process. -deslustrado o despulido o esmeriIado, ground
-sencilla o simple, single track. or frosted glass.
- tranviaria, streetcar track. - estriado, ribbed glass.
- traslapada, gantlet track. -fibroso, fiber glass.
- dnica, single track. -inastillable, nonshattering glass.
- y obras, way and stuctures. -laminado, rolled glass; multilayer glass.
- Iiquido, water glass.
vias de parrilla, gridiron tracks.
viaduct0 m, viaduct. -mate, mat-surface glass.
- de caballetes, trestle. - prismdtico, prism glass.
vibgraf o na (ca), viagraph, roughometer. -rayado, ribbed glass.
viajable (ca), transitable. -reforzado, wire glass.
viaje m, trip, voyage; (C) bevel, chamfer, skew. -simple, single-thick glass.
- libre (maq), play, lost motion. -soluble, water glass.
vial a,pertaining t o roads. -soplado, blown glass.
vialidad I, road engineering, road construction, - translGcido, obscured glass.
' system of roads. - tratado, processed glaas,
vidticos m, fixed sum per day allowed for travel- -volcbnico, pitchstone, volcanic glass.
ing expenses. vidriosidad f (met), cold shut.
vibracidn f, vibration. vidrioso, vitreous.
-amortiguada, damped vibration. viejo, el, old man, drilling post; rail bender.
-armBnica forzada, forced harmonic vibra- viento m, wind; guy.
tion. -de alambre, guy wire.
-libre; free vibration. vientos reinantes, prevailing winds.
-simpiitica, sympathetic vibration. vierteaguas m, (bldg) flashing; (elec) rain shed.
vibrador m, vibrator, (A) buzzer. - inferior, base flashing.
- de arranque (el&), starting vibrator. -superior, cap flashing.
-de cuchar6n (mz), skip shaker. viga f, beam, girder, joist.
-de eje flexible (conc), flexible-shaft vibr~tor, -acartelada o consola, cantilever beam.
-de pala (conc), spade vibrator. -armada, trussed beam; built-up girder; (A)
-de plataforma (conc),platform vibrator. lattice girder.
-de tamices, sieve shaker. -armada en celosia (V), lattice girder.
- de vastago flexible (A), flexible-shaft vibra- - atiesadora, stiffening beam.
tor. - atirantada, trussed beam.
-superficial (conc), surface vibrator. -canal, channel iron.
vibradora f, vibrator. - cepo, spreader for hoisting.
vibrax, to vibrate. - compuesta o de alma llena, built-up or plate
vibratorio, vibratory. girder.
vibri6n (is). vibrio. - continua, continuous beam.
vibrbgrafo, vibrdmetro m, vibrograph, vibrorn- - de a h a abierta o de celosla o de enrejado,
lattice girder.
vibroscopio m, vibroscope. - de alma doble o de caja, box girder.
vi-ciado (ve), vitiated. -de asiento, (ce) skid.
vicio m, defect, flaw. -de enrejado de barras, bar or trussed joist.
video a (tv), video. - de entrepiso (V), floor boam.
PideofrecueaciaJ (tv), video or visual frequency. - de freno (fc), brake beam,
viga 320 volante
--- de hongo, deck beam, bulb T. virus m, virus.
-de losa o de placa (conc), T beam. viruta (f) de acero, steel wool.
-de palastro (V) (M), plate girder. virutas, shavings, cuttings, turnings.
-de rigidez, stiffening beam. ---- de sierra, sawdust.
-de tablero (pte), floor beam. -de taladro, drill cuttings, swarf.
-d e tablero inferior, through girder. visar (lev), t o sight.
-doble T, I beam. viscosidad f , viscosity.
-embragada, trussed beam. -Saybolt, Saybolt viscosity.
-embutida o empotrada o encastrada, fixed viscoslmetro m, viscosimeter.
beam. viscosina f (aa), Viscosine (trademark).
-ensamblada, built-up girder. viscoso, viscous, thick.
-Aotante, log boom. visera f (auto), sun visor.
-H, H beam. visibilidad f, visibility.
-I de ala ahusada, sloping-flange I beam. visiofrecuencia f (tv), video frequency.
--- I de ala sin ahusar, parallel-flange I beam. visitable (al), accessible.
-igualadora, equalizing beam. visitrdn (il), Visjtron (trademark).
-L (conc), L beam. visor m (fma), finder, view finder.
-laminada, rolled beam, I beam. vista f, view.
-maestra, girder. --- anterior o delantera o frontal, front view.
-para junta (ca), expansion-joint beam. -de extremidad, end view.
-portagriia, crane girder. -desde arriba o por encima, top view.
-restringida o semiempotrada, restrained or -en corte, sectional view.
semifixed beam. -fantasmagbrica o translficida, phantom view
-reticulada, lattice girder. -lateral o de lado, side view.
-sostenida, simply supported beam. -posterior, rear view.
-T (conc), T beam. -recortada, cutaway view.
-tensora, tie beam. -transparente (A), phantom view.
-tubular, box girder. visto bueno, n approval, OK; a approved, OK.
-U, channel. visual f, (surv) a sight; a visual.
-voladiza, cantilever beam; overhanging --- a la espalda, backsight.
beam. -adelante o a1 frente, foresight.
vigas horizontales de cierre (hid), stop logs. -aditiva (nivel), backsight, plus sight.
vigia f, reef of rocks; lookout, watch (usually m). -desviada, side shot (stadia).
vigilador m (M), watchman. - inversa, backsight; plus sight (level).
vigilante m, watchman; policeman. -por restar (nivel), foresight, minus sight,
-tecnico (Pe), inspector. -rasante, grazing sight.
Pigota f (cn), deadeye. visualidad f (ca) (V), visibility.
viguerfa, vigueteria f,set of beams, floor framing. viter m (A), molding plane; molding.
vigueta f, beam, joist, purlin; (C) rafter; (V) pole, vitola f , ring gage.
round timber. vitreo, vitreous.
-cabecero, header heam. vitrificar, to vitrify.
-d e alma abierta o de celosia, lattice or open- vitriofido, vitrhfiro m (geol), vitrophyre.
web joist. vitriol0 m, vitriol.
-de canal, channel iron. -azul, blue or copper vitriol.
--- del eje (auto), axle I beam. ---- blanco o de cinc, white or zinc vitriol.
-I, I beam. vitrita f (ais), vitrite.
-prensada, I beam of "metal lumber." viviendas f, housing.
vigueta-escuadra, angle iron. vivo, sharp (edge).
vilorta f, hoop, ring, collar; washer. voladizo m, outlooker, outrigger, corbel, canti-
vinal m (A), a hardwood. lever; a overhanging, projecting.
vinatera f (niiut), becket, strap. volado, overhanging, projecting, corbeled.
vincular (conc)(A), to bond. volador m, cantilever beam, outlooker; column
vinilita f, Vinylite {trademark) (plastic). cap; (tun) needle beam,
viileteado (fma), vignetted. voladora f, flywheel.
violacibn Cf) de patente, patent infringement. voladura f , blasting, a blast.
violado o violeta cristal (lab), crystal violet. - con adobe, mudcapping.
violado genciana (lab), gentian violet. -de chmara, chamber blast.
viraje m, turning, swinging, sluing. -de prueba, test shot.
virapitl m, virard m, South American hardwoods. -difundida o propagada, propagation blasting
virgen f (maq), support, standard, headstock, - par tbneles, coyote-hole blasting.
housing. -sin barreno, mudcap blast.
vlrgenes (az), mill cheeks or housing. volandera f (mec), washer.
virola f , collar, hoop, ring, ferrule. volante m, flywheel, handwhcel, steering wheel
virotillo m, strut, brace, stud; stay bolt. (C) written order.
-d e tubo, pipe separator. -de direccihn, steering wheel.
virtual, virtual. -de inercia, inertia wheel.
-de maniobra, handwheel, steerhg wheel. voItamperfmetro m, wattmeter, volt-ampere
-portasierra, band-saw pulley. meter.
volante-manubrio, handwheel. voltamperio m, volt-ampere.
volar, to blast; t o overhang, project. voltamperios reactivoa, reactive volt-~mperes,
- sin barrenar (vol), to mudcap, bulldoze, wattless power.
plaster, doby. volteador m, dumper.
vol'atil, volatile. - de carros, car tipple.
volatilidad f, volatility. -de trozos (as), canting machine, log turner.
volatilizar, t o volatilize, vaporize; volatilizarse, voltear, to dump; to overturn.
to vaporize. volteo m, dumping; overturning.
volatizar, t o volatilize. - a1 frente, front dump.
volcadero m, tipple. - por debajo, bottom dump,
volcador m, dump truck or car; car dumper; - por detrls, rear dump.
(min) tippleman; tumbler of a lock. voltiamperfmetro m, voltammeter.
-de vagones, car dumper. voltimetro m, voltmeter.
- hidriiulico, car or truck withhydraulic dump- -de bobina mbvil, moving-coil voltmeter.
ing device. -de cresta (A), crest voltmeter.
voIcttrniento m, overturning. - de hilo caliente, hot-wire voltmeter.
volcln m, volcano ; (Col) flood. -de picos, peak voltmeter.
-de lodo (pet), mud volcano. -de tubo electrbnico, vacuum-tube voltmeter.
volcanicidad f, volcanicity. voltio m, volt.
volchnico, volcanic, igneous. - electrBnico o equivalent%,electron or equiv-
volcsnismo m, volcanism. dent volt.
volcanizaciBn f, volcanization. -international, international volt.
volcar, t o overturn, dump. voltio-amperio, volt-ampere.
volea f, whiffletree. voltio-miliamperimetro, volt-milliammeter.
volframifero, containing tungsten. voltio-ohmmetro na, volt-ohmmeter.
volframio m, tungsten, wolfram. volumen rn, volume.
volfrarnita f, wolfram, wolframite (tungsten ore). volum6tric0, vohmetric.
volquear, volquearse, t o tip, overturn, dump. voldmetro m, volumeter.
volquete m, dump car or truck or oart; dumping; voluta f, volute.
any dumping device. voIvedor m, tap wrench; screwdriver.
- a1 extremo, end dump. volver, t o turn, turn over, invert.
-lateral, side dump. vorHgine f , whirlpool.
- para carros, car dumper. vdrtice m, whirlpool, vortex.
voltaico, voltaic. vortiginoso, vertical, vorticose.
voltdsmo m, voltaism. vuelco m, overturning' dumping.
voltaje m, voltage. vuelo m, projection, overhang, corbeling; (st)
-crftico, critical potential or voltage. nosing; (pmy) flight.
-de alimentaci6n de retroceso (ra), feedback -de prueba (fma), trial flight, dry run.
voltage. - extremo (fc), end overhang (ear on curve).
-- de arco, arc voltage. -medio (fc) , middle overhang.
-de audio (ra), audio voltage. vuelta f, turn, bend; (machy) revolution; (cab)
-de carga, impressed voltage. hitch, wrap, bend; (r) oxbow; (ab) camber,
-de circuit0 cerrado o de servicio, closed-cir- rbundup.
cuit or working voltage. - a la derecha (ca), right turn.
-de disparo, drop-out voltage. -a la izquierda (ca), left turn,
-de grilla (ra), rid voltage. -cerrada, sharp turn.
- de iuminiscencia (ra), glow potential. - completa, de (pl), full-revolving.
-de neutrdizacibn (ra), neutralizing voltage. -corrediza o estranguladora (cab), choker or
- de oposicibn, bucking voltage. anchor hitch.
- de pantalla (ra), screcn voltage. -de braza, timber hitch.
-de placa (ra), plate voltage. - de cabo, hitch.
--- de salto, flashover voltage. -de escota (cab), sheet bend.
- dentado, saw-tooth voltage. - de orientaci6n (ap). procedure turn.
-disruptive, breakdown voltage. -B ( 4 , U turn,
-- efectivo, effective volts, root-mean-square vulcanismo m (geol), volcanism; plutonism.
voltage. vulcanita I,vulcanite, hard rubber.
- efectivo de arco, true arc voltago. vulcanizador m, vulcanizer (man and machine).
- final, cutoff or final voltage. vulcanizar, to vulcanize.
-impreso, impressed voltage.
- silenciador (ra), squelch voltage,
roltam6tric0, vokametric.
volthnetro m, voltameter. waca f (geol), wacke.
-- de peso, weight voltameter. waipe m,cotton waste.
- de plata, silver voltameter. warrenita f (C), Warrenite (pavement).
wat m (Es), watt. -especular (miner), selenite.
wattaje m (A), wattage. -mate, plaster of Paris.
watthorimetro m (M), watt-hour meter. ---- negro, patent, or hard wall plaster, rough
weber, weber (unit of magnetic flux). alaster for 'first coat.
willemita /, willemite (zinc ore). yes6n rn, chunk of plaster.
winche m (M) (V) (C), hoisting engine. yodado, containing iodine.
winchero m, hoist runner. yodato m (qufm), iodate.
wolframifero, containing tungsten. ybdico. iodic.
wofframita f,wolframite (tungsten ore). yodo m, iodine.
wulfenita f, wulfenite, yellow lead ore. yodometria f (is), iodometry.
yodom6tric0, iodometric.
yodurar, t o iodize.
yoduro m,iodide.
xairo (Col), skew, oblique. -de hidrbgeno, hydrogen iodide, hydriodic
xantato m (qulm), xanthate. acid.
xlntico, xanthic. -d e plata, silver iodide, (miner) iodyrite.
xenom6rfic0, xenomorfo (geol), xenomorphic. -mercfirico, mercury or mercuric iodide.
xilana f (az), xylan. -potlsico (is), potassium iodide.
xileno m (is), xylene. yohidrico (qufm),hydriodic.
xilbfago m ,wood borer (insect). yolombo m (Col), n local lumber.
xilbmetro m (ef), xylometer. yugo m, yoke.
xilonita f , Xy lonite (trademark) (celluloid). -de freno (fc) ( C ), brake beam.
-escoc6s (maq), Scotch yoke.
yugumentado (Col), coupled, spliced.
yungas f (Ch)(Pe)(B), humid valleys of the
Y f (tub), Y, lateral. Andes.
---- con toma auxiliar lateral, side-inlet Y. gunque m, anvil; striking plate.
- de bridas, flanged Y. - de banco, bench anvil.
--- de ramal invertido, inverted Y. -de tornillo, anvil vise.
--- de ramal paralelo, upright Y branch. --- inferior del martinete, anvil block of a steam
--- d e reduccibn, reducing lateral or Y. hammer.
-- doble, double Y branch. yunta f , team of bullocks, yoke of oxen.
-enroscada o de t o r d o , screwed Y. yuntero m, driver of a bullock team.
--- ramal, Y branch. yute m, jute, (M) burlap; (Col) calking yarn.
- soldable, welding Y. -sanitario (tub) (C), calking yarn.
yacal m, a Philippine lumber. yuyos m, weeds.
- - m (A), a hardwood.
yacente m (rninj, floor of a vein; footwail of a
yacimiento m, bed, deposit. 2,barra o perB o bierro, Z bar.
---- de contact0 (min), contact deposit. zabordar ( n h t ) , t o run aground, strand.
-hullero, coal field. zaboyar (niarn) (Col), t o point.
-petrolifero, oil field. zafar, t o loosen, free, clear; t o lighten (vessel);
yaguaratay m (A), n hardwood. to cast off (cable); zafarse, to come loose,
garda j (rned), yard. . t o slip off (belt).
-- cuadrada, square yard. zafra f, (su) grinding season; (su) crop; (rnin)
--- cfibica, cubic yard. gangue; refuse, rubbish.
garda-estaci6n (ot), y ard-station. zafrero m, common laborer in a mine.
yardaje m , yardage. zaga f (auto), rumble.
yelmo rn, helmet. zaguln m (ed), vestibule; hallway.
yerba f, grass. zaguero a,rear, hind, tail.
yesar, yesal m, gypsum quarry. zahones m , overalls.
yesca j, punk, tinder. zahorra f (nQut),ballast.
yeseria f , plastering; gypsum kiln. zamarra f, bloom (steel), slab; (met) salaman-
yesero rn, plasterer; dealer in plaster or gypsum. der, hear, shadrach.
yesifero, containing gypsum. zampa f (Es), bearing pile.
yeso m ,gypsum, plaster, plaster of Paris. zampeado m (hid), floor, hearth, mat, apron;
--- anhidro, anhydrous or dead-burned or hard- foundation course.
burned plaster. zampear (hid), t o pave.
-- arenoso, gypsum sand. zampeo m (hid) (M), apron, hearth, floor.
- - blanco, finishing plaster. zanca f, stair string, carriage; shore; scaffold
-- de enlucir Q de estucar, gypsum plastcr. pole.
-- de Paris, plaster of Paris. zanco (m) de andamio, soaflold pole.
-- .- de vaciar, casting plaster. zancudo m, mosquito.
-duro, cement plaster, patent or hard wall zanja j, trench, ditch; (Ec) wall, fence; (YR)
plaster. gully.
-cenicera, ashpit. zenit m,zenith.
-de circunvalaci6n, marginal ditch. zenital, zenithal.
-de descarga (fc), outfall ditch. zeolita f (miner), zeolite.
-de exploraciirn, test trench. - ferrica, iron zeolite.
-de prBstamo (ot), borrow pit. - manganesica, manganese zeolite.
-de talbn, heel trench (dam). -sbdica, sodium zeolite.
-interceptadora (hid), cutoff trench. zeolitico, zeolitic.
-maestra, main ditch. zebn (il), Zeon (trademark).
zanjadora f, ditcher, trenching machine; trench zeta (est)(A), Z bar.
digger (pneumatic) ; trench hoe, backdig- zigzag, en, staggered.
ger. zigzaguear (auto), t o shimmy.
-de aguil'on, boom ditcher. zigzagueo m (auto), shimmy.
-de cuchilla, blade ditcher. zilonita f (bptica), Zylonite.
- de rosario, ladder-type trencher. zimasa f (is), zymase.
- tipa de rueda, wheeEtype ditcher. zimot6cnico (dac) (U), bacteriological.
zanjar, zanjear, to trench, ditch. zimot6rmic0, zymothermic.
zanjeador m, ditch digger. zinc m, zinc.
zanjeadora f (ec), ditcher. zincaje m, zinc work; galvanizing.
zanjeo m, ditching, ditch digging; (min) under- zincffero, containing zinc.
hand stoping. zincoso, zincous.
-propagado (vol), propagated ditching. zingueado (A), galvhnized.
zanj6n m, large ditch; gorge. zingueria f (A), galvanized sheet-metal work,
zapa f, trenchhg; digging; undermining; miner's zinc work.
pick; (min) intermediate gallery. ziper m, zipper.
zapador m (Pan), spud of a concrete vibrator. zirconato m (qulm), zirconate.
zapadora f (ec), excavator. zirconio m, zirconium.
-para arciIla, pneumatic clay spade. ziszLs, en, staggered.
zapapico m, mattock. zbcalo m, base of a wall; footing, foundation; base
zapar, to undermine; to excavak of a machine; baseboard; sill; (auto) apron;
zapata f, shoe; brake shoe; brake block; tread (surv) (Col) (V) monument; (A) cutoff wall
plate; (min) head timber; (carp) foot block; (dam) ; (ra) socket.
(ce) skid; (V)(A)(C) footing; (Ch) rail -continentat (A), continental shelf.
ffange; set shoe (welt) ; (sb) skeg. - de compuerta (hid), gate sill.
-de asiento (pte), bearing shoe. -de discos (ra), wafer socket.
-de cementacibn (pet), cementing shoe. - sanitario (ed), sanitary base.
-de clavar o de hincar (pet), drive shoe. zocollar (Ec), t o clear land.
-de contacto (elBc), contact shoe. zona f, zone.
-de k cruceta (mv), crosshead shoe. - de acercamiento (ap) , approach zone.
-de curvar (tub), bending shoe. -de aproximacibn a ciegas (ap), instrument-
-de freno (fc), brake shoe. approach zone.
-de oruga, crawler shoe, track pad. -de cizallamiento (geol) (V), shear zone.
-de pilote (M), pile shoe. -de comodidad (aa), comfort zone.
- del polo (elEc), pole shoe. -de contacto (geol), contact zone.
-de toma (fc el&), contact plow. -de dislocaqi6n (geol) (B), f auk zone.
-detectors (fc)(A), detector bar. -de.espera (ap), turning zone, waiting area.
- encajadora (pet), drive shoe. -de inundaciirn, flooded area; flood pl&.
- flotadora (pet), float shoe. -de sombra (geof), shadow zone.
-fresadora (pet), milling shoe. -de transicih (geol), transition zone.
-guIa (pet), guide shoe. ---- de trituraci6n (geol), crush zone.
zapatas de guia (am), guide shoes. -de via (fc), right of way.
zapatilla f, leather washer, gasket; (carp) foot -f allada (geol), fault zone.
-libre ap), clear zone.
zapato m (mec). shoe.
zaranda f , soreen, sieve, riddle.
-nivo Btrica, snow course.
-petrolif era, oil zone.
-lavadora, wet-process screen. zonga f (Col), a rubble stone.
-vibratoria, vibrating or hak king screen. r
zonificacibn f, zoning (city).
zarandar, zarandear, to screen, sift. zonizaci6n f (A), zoning.
zarandeo m, screening, sifting. zooglea (is), zoogloea.
-grosero (A), rough-screening. zooplancton m (is), zooplankton.
zarandero m, screen tender.
zarda f (A), kind of bit for well drilling. zoquete m, chock, foot block, shim, sprag,
zarpa f, footing; berm; projection of wall footing. scotch; (Sp) wood paving block; (rnin)
zarpar, to weigh anchor. sprag; (V) nailing block set in masonry.
zarzo m, (hyd) hurdle, wattlo; (bldg) batter zoquitero m (M), mason's helper, hod carrier.
board; (min) roof timber. Zores, plancha (est), trough plate.
zata, zatara f (Es), r d t . zorra f , hand truck; s n d l car; (A) timber dolly.
-a bomba (fc)(A), handcar worked by hand zumbador na (el&), buzzer.
power. zumbido m, humming; (tel) singag.
-de levante (V), portable elevator. zumo de caiia, juice of sugar cane.
-de via, handcar. zunchamiento m (ra) , strapping.
-para dephitos, warehouse truck. zunchar, to band, hoop.
-playa (A), small flatcar. ---- en caliente, to shrink on.
-volcadora, small dump car. zuncho na, band, hoop; (C) rim of a wheel; (C)
zubia f, channel; pool; swamp. iron tire.
zueco m, pile shoe; (A) "snowshoe" for walking -de aguildn (gr), boom band.
on fresh concrete. -del inducido, armature band.
zuela f (AC), adz. -de pilote, pile band.
zuelear (AC), to adz. -neumgtico (C), pneumatic tire.
zulacar, zdaquear, to pack joints with mastic. -para embutidor (pi), follower band.
zulaque m, mortar or mastic for filling pipe -para poste (el&), pole band.
joints. zurdo (rs), left-hand.
A.B.C. accident
B.B.C. process (sd), precipitaci6n por adici6n de -ratib (il), relaci6n o raz6n de absorci6n.
alurnbre o carb6n con arcilla a las aguas -separator (steam), separador de absorcibn.
negras . -tower (pet), torre de absorcibn.
A battery (ra), bateria A o de filamentos. -tube (lab), tub0 de absorcibn.
A frame, cabria., cabrestante, caballete, castillete, - wavemeter (ra), ondfLmetro de absorci6n.
a r m a s h A, (U) poste en A. absorptive, absorbente.
A power supply (ra), fuente de energfa A (para absorptivity, absorbencia.
calentar el c8todo). Abt rack (rr), cremallera doble de dientes alter-
abaft (sb), d v a popa; pr a popa de. nados.
abampere (elec), absmperio. aburton (naut), atravesado.
abate (met), reducir el temple. abut against, empotrar en, apoyarse en, estribar
abcoulomb (elec), abculombio. en, adosar a.
abelite (explosive), abelita. abutment, empotramiento (terreno) ; estribo
aberration (optics), aberracidn. (estructura), ( M )contrafuerte; (mec) tope.
abfarad (elec), abfaradio. -pier, pila-estribo, pila de estribacidn.
abhenry (elec), abhenrio. abutting property, propiedad limhrofe, terreno
abmho (elec), abmho. lindante.
Abney level, i v e l de mano con clin6metr0, nivel abvolt (elec), abvoltio.
de Abney. abysmal (geol), abismd, abisal.
abnormal reflection (ra), reflexih anorrnal o abyss (geol), abismo.
esporftdica. abyssal (geol) , plut 6nic0, abisal, abismal.
abohm (elee), abohmio. Abyssinian well, pozo abisinio o clravado.
about-sledge (bs), macho, mandarria, porra, acajou (lbr), caoba ; anacardo.
combo. acanthite, etcantita (mineral de plata).
abrade, raer, desgastar, ludir, luir. Accelator (wp) (trademark), accelador.
abrasion, abrasih, desgaste, raspadura. accelerant (chem), catalirador, acelerante.
- test, ensayo de desgaste por roaamiento. accelerate, acelerar.
abrasion-resisting, resistente a la abrasibn. accelerated tra5c test (ap), prueba de trafico
abrasive, s abrasivo; a abrasivo, rayente, ras- acelerada.
pante, desgastante. accelerating
abreuvoir (mas), junta entre sillares. -electrode (ra) (tv), electrodo acelerador.
abrupt (top), barrancoso, escarpado, quebrado, -grid (ra) , rejilla aceleradora.
escabroso. -jet (auto), surtidor de aceleracidn.
abscissa (math), abscisa. -lane (rd), faja o trocha de aceleracibn.
absolute, absolute. -well (ge), fuente aceleradora.
- blocking (rr) , bloqueo abisoluto o definitivo. acceleration, aceleraci6n.
-boiling point, temperatura absoluta de ebu- - of gravity, aceleraci6n de la gravedad.
ILci6n. -voltage (ra) , tensi6n acelerante.
-electrometer, electr6metro de balanza. accelerator, (auto) acelerador, mariposa de ace-
-galvanometer, galvan6metro de unidad leracidn ; (mam) acelerador del fraguado ;
absoluta. (quim) acelerador, catalizador; (roc) ace-
-humidity (ac) (mrl), humedad absoluta. lerador; (fma) acelerador.
-scale (temperature), escda sbvoluta o de -pedal (auto), pedal o b o t h del acelerador.
Kelvin. -pump (auto), bomba de aceleraci611, (A)
-specific gravity, peso especifico absoluto, (M) 6omba de pique.
peso especifico real. accelerogram, acelerograma.
-value (math), m6dulo. valor absoluto. accelerograph (earthquake), aceler6grafo.
-viscosity, coeficiente do viscosidad. accelerometer, aceler6metro.
absorb, absorber ; amortiguar (choque). AccelofiIter (sd) (trademark), accelofiltro.
absorbable, absorbible. accentuation (ra), acentuacidn.
absorbency, absorhencia. accentuator (ra), circuito acentuador.
absorbent, s absorbente; a absorbente, hidr6filo. acceptance (corn), aceptaci6n.
absorber, absorbedor, (A) absorsor; amortigua- -tests, pruebas de recepci6n.
dor (cheques). acceptor, (corn) aceptador, aceptante; (ra) (quim)
absorbing well (ed), pozo absorbente. aceptor.
absorptance (il), coeficiente de absorcibn. -circuit (ra), circuito aceptor, (A) circuit0 de
absorptiometer, absorci6metro. admisi6n.
absorption, (qulm) absorcih, absorbencia; (mec) access fitting (elec), accesorio de acceso.
arnortigumniento; (el&) absorci6n. access road, carnino de acceso, (Es) camino de
-circuit (ra) , circuito de absorci6n. entrada.
-coefficient, coeficiente o factor de absorci6n. accessibility, accesibilidad.
-column (pet), torre de absorci6n. accessible, accesible, (al) visitable.
-control (ra), control por absorci6n.
-current (elec), oorriente de absorci6n. accessories (machy), accesorios, aditamentos.
-dynamometer, dinrtm6metro frictional. accident, accidente, desgracia, (nhut) siniestro.
-insurance, seguro contra accidentes.
--- factor, coeficiente o factor de absorcibn.
accident 328 actinography
-prevention, prevencl6n de accidentes, pre- -sodium carbonate, carbonato 4cido de sodio,
cauciones contra accidentes, evitacidn de bicarbonato de soda.
aecidentes. --- steel, acero Bcido.
-report, informe sobre accidente, memoria de acid-core solder, soldadura con niicleo Bcido.
accidente, (Ch) denuncia de accidentel acid-resistant, antibcido, resistente a1 Acido.
parte del accidente, (M) reporte de acci- acidic, acidificador ; persiliceo.
dente. acidify, acidificar.
accidental (math) (physics), accidental. acidimeter, acidlmetro.
-point (dwg), punto accidental. acidity coefficient (geol), coeficiente de acidez,
accidented (top), accidentado. relaci6n de oxlgeno.
acclimatize, aclimatar. acidize, tratar con Bcido, acidificar, acidular,
acclivity, pendiente en subida, contrapendiente. (pet) cargar con Bcido.
accommodation acidproof, a prueba de Acidos.
-ladder (sb), escalera de portalbn, escala real. acidulate, acidular.
-ramp (rd), rampa de acceso. acierage (met), aceraci6n.
-train (rr), tren de escalas. acierate, acerar.
accordion door, puerta plegadiza. acknowledging circuit (rr), circuit0 para pre-
accountant, contador, contabilista, contable. venci6n de frenaje automittico.
accounting, contabilidad. aclastic (optics), aclasto, aclLstico.
-office, contadurfa. aclinic line, linea aclinica, ecuador magnktico.
accouplernent (carp), acoplamientrr. acme thread, rosca de 29'.
accretion (geol)(for), acrecimiento, acrecencia. acmite (miner), acrnita (piroxena).
-borer (for), calador para Brboles. acorn head (re), cabeza de b o t h alto,
accrued depreciation, depreciaci6n acumulada. acorn tube (ra), vblvuIa tipo bellota.
accrued interest, inter& acurnulado o devengado acoustic, acfistico.
o vencido. -compliance (ra) , capacitancia aclistica.
accumulative error, error cumulativo. -current meter (hyd), molinete aciistico.
accumulator, (d6c) acumulador; (mec) acumu- -feedback (ra), realimentacih o regeneraci6n
lador, amortiguador. acdstica.
accuracy, precisibn, exactitud. -filter (ra), filtro aciistico.
acentric (mech) , achntrico. -plaster, repello aciistico, revoque antisonoro.
acetaldehyde (lab), acetaldehido. -radiator (ra), transmisor, (A) irradiador
acetate, acetato. aciistico.
-green, pigmento de acetato de plomo. -regeneration (ra), regeneraci6n o realimen-
acetic, ac6tico. taci6n aclistica.
acetin, acetina. -treatment (bldg), tratamiento antisonoro,
acetol, acetol. medidas aciisticas.
acetone, acetona. acoustical
acetylene, acetileno. -ceiling, cielo raso achstico.
-black, humo de acctileno. -felt, fieltro antisonoro.
-bottle, v6ase acetylene cylinder, -- tile, azulejo antisonoro.
-burner, mechero o quemador de acetileno. acoustics, acdstica.
--- cutting, cortadura oxiacetilknica. acre, acre.
-cylinder, cilindro para acetileno, recipiente acre-foot, acrcpi6, pie-acre.
de acetileno. acre-inch, acrepulgada.
-generator, generador o gas6geno de acetileno. acreage, Area en acres.
-light, far01 o lampara de acetileno. acrorneter, ole6metr0, acr6metro.
-series, serie acetilbnica. across, adv transversalmente, dc travka, a travbs;
--- torch, soplete oxiacetil6nico. pr a trav6s de.
-welding, soIdadura oxiacetilhica. -the grain, a travEs de las fibrau, a travQs de
acetylenic, acetilhico. la hebra.
acetylide (ehem), acetiluro. across-the-line starter (elec) , arrnncador a
achromatic, acrom&tico. travbs de la llnea.
acid, s Bcido; a (qulm) Bcido; (geol) persilfcico. across-the-line valve, vQlvula de cierre.
---- brittleness (met), fragilidad Qcida. act of God, fuerza mayor.
-bronze, bronce anti8cido. acting manager, administrador interino, gercnte
-cell (elec), acumulador Acido de plorno. suplente.
-feeder, alimentador de Leido. acting secretary, secretario interino.
actinic, actiniro.
- ground glass, vidrio despulido por Acido. actinism, actinismo.
-metal, aleaci6n antihcida.
actinium (chem), actinio.
-number or vaIue, Zndice de a d e z . actinodielectric, actinodiel6ctrico.
--- process (met), procedimiento Bcido. actinoelectricity, actinoelectricidad.
---- proportioner, dosificador de Bcido. actinogram, actinogmma.
-reaction, reaccibn Acids. actinograph (pmy), actin6grafo.
--- salt, sal Scidn, oxisal. actinography, actinografla.
actinolite 329 adsorbent
actinolite (miner), actinolita, actinota (anflbol). ad joiner (surv), propietario colindante.
actinology, actinologlmt. adjust, (inst,) corregir, verificar; (lev) ajustar;
actinometer (pmy), actin6metro. (maq) arreglar, poner en punto, ajustar;
actinometric, actinom6triw. (maq) regular; (leg) ajustar, asesorar.
actinometry, actinornetria. adjustable, regulable, graduable, ajustable,
Actinomycetales (sen), Actinomicetales. (mst) corregible.
actinophonic, actinof6nico. - capacitor (elec), vkase variable capacitor,
action, rnovimiento, funcionamiento; acci6n; -resistor (ra), resistencia graduable, resistor
impulsi6n. ajustable.
activable (sen), activable. adjustable-blade turbine, turbina de 6labea
activate, activar. regulables.
activated sludge (sd), cieno activado, lodos o adjustable-feed lubricator, luhricador de alimen-
barros o fangos activados. taci6n regulable.
activator (chem), activador. adjustable-speed motor, motor de velocidad
active, activo. regulable o ajustable.
-component (elec), componente vatada. adjustable-voltage control, control por tensidn
-current (elec), corriente activa o vatada. regulable.
-- materials (elec), materiales activos, adjuster, (mec) ajustador, regulador, compensa-
-power (elec), potencia activa o efectiva. dor; (seg) asesor, ajustador.
-- sludge (sd), fangos biol6gicamente activos. adjusting, ajustaje, regulaci6n, arreglo; correc-
actual, real, verdadero. ci6n.
-capacity, capacidad real. - nut, tuerca ajustadora.
-cost, costo efectivo. -pin (inst), clavija de correcci6n.
-power, potencia real o activa. -screw, tornillo de ajuste; (inst) tornillo d e
actuate, mover, impulsar, actuar, accionar. correcci6n.
actuator, actuador, (Es) actuante. -tool, ajustador.
acute angle, Angulo agudo. adjustment, (meo) ajuate, reglaje, regulacih;
acute-angled, acutitngulo. (inst) correcci6n, verificacih.
acyclic (elec) , unipolar, aclclico. adjutage, tub0 de salida, regulador de descarga,
ad valorem, ad val6rern. p i t h , surtidor.
adamantine a (miner), adamantino. admedium lamp base, pie de 16mpara poco m&s
-drill sonda de municiones, (M) barrena grande que el mediano.
adamantina. administration building (ap), edificio de admi-
-spar, corind6n. nistracibn, edificio central,
adamellite (geol), adarnelita. administration, by, por administraci6n.
adapter, (med) adaptador; (lab) alargadera; administration expense, gastos de adrninistra-
(ra) adaptador. ci6n.
-plug (t), tap6n adaptador. admiralty brass, v6me admiralty metal.
adapter-type ball bearing, cojinete de bolas con Admiralty constants (na), coeficientes para 1s
adaptador. potencia requerida en mfiquinas marinas,
adapting frame (pmy), marco adaptador. coeficientes del Almira~tazgo.
Adcock antenna, antena Adcock. admiralty metal, deaeibn de 88% cobre, 10%
add, sumar; agregar. estaiio, 2% cinc.
addendum (gear), cabeza. admission (eng) , admisi6n, aspiracidn.
-circle, circunferencia o circdo de cabeza. - cam, leva de admisi6n.
adding machine, rnZtquina de surnm, sumadora. - lead, avance de la cadmisi6n.
adding material (w), metal de aporte. -port, lumbrera de admisibn, orificio de aspi-
addition, adicidn, suma. raci6n.
-agent (elec), aditivo. - stroke, carrera de admisibn, tiempo de
additive, e (pet) aditivo; a aditivo. aspiraci6n.
adhere, adherirse. - valve, vfilvula de admisi6n o de a s p i r a d n o
adhesion, adhesibn, adherencia. ; de toma.
adhesive a, adhesivo, adherente, admittance (elec), admitancia.
adiabatic, a adiabAtica, ourva o linea adiabAtica; admixture, (conc) agreaado en polvo, aditivo,
a adiabhtico. (M) adicionante, (A) adicional, (A) mejo-
-- bulk modulus, m6duloadiab6ticode volumen. rador; (conc) compuesto imperrneabiliza-
--- curve or line, curva adiabSttica, adiabstica. dor; (ca) material estetbilizador, aglome-
-- gradient, gradiente sdiabAtico. rante; (pet) agregado coloidal.
adiactinic, adiactfnico. adobe, adobe, barro.
adiathermic, adiat6rmico. -brick, adobe, Iadrillo sin cocer.
edit, socavbn, tiro inclinado, poao de arrastre, -brickyard, adobera, adoberja.
(min) galerfa de extracci6n. (rnin) con- -mold, adobera.
trsmina. - structure (soil), estructura barrosa que se
adjacent angles, bngulos adyacentcs. agrieta a1 secarse.
adjacent-channel selectivity (ra), selectividd -wall (mud $aced in forms), tapia, tapial.
contra canales adyacentes. adsorbent, aduorbente.
adsorber 330 agar-agar

adsorber (ac), adsorbedor. aerogenes (sen), aer6genos.

adsorption, adsorci6n. aerogenic, aer6geno.
advance, 8 (rnec) avarice; v (rnec) avanzar, aerogram, aerograma.
adelantar. aerograph (ra), aerrjgrafo.
-heading (tun), galeria de avance o de direc- aerographic, aerogrfifico.
ci6n. aerography, aerografla.
-payment, adelanto, pago anticipado. aerohydrodynamic, aerohidrodinfimico.
--- resistance wire, alambre de aleacidn cobre- aerolite, (geol) aerolito; (alloy) aerolita.
niquel pars calentador el6ctrico. aeromagnetic survey, levantarniento magn6tico
-signal (rr), sefial avanzada o de avance. aQreoo aerornagu6tico.
-the spark (ge), adelantar o avanzar la chispa. aerornechanical, aerornec&nico,
-turn marker (rd), seiial avanzada de curva. aeromechanics, aeromechica.
-warning sign (rr)(rd), seiial avanzada de aerometer, aerrjmetro.
advertencia. aerometry, aerometria.
-yard (rr) , patio de salida. aeromotor, aeromotor.
advancing system (min), laboreo en avance, aerophone, aer6fono.
explotacibn sin galerla preparatoria. aerophore (rnin), aer6fora.
advection (mrl), advecci6n. aerophotocartographg, aerofotogrametrla.
advective, advectivo. aerophotogrammetric, aerofotogramBtrico.
adverse grade, pendiente en subida. aerophotogrammetry, aerofotogrametrfa.
advertise for bids, anunciar o avisar la licitaci6r1, aerophotographic, aerofotogr6fico.
llamar a concurso. aerophotography, aerofotografia.
advertisement, anuncio, aviso. aeroplane mapping, aerofotogrametria.
adz, 8 azuela, (C) aaada; v hzolar, aparar. aeroprojection (pmy), aeroproyecci6n.
-block (ww), cabezal portacuchillas. aeroprojector (pmy). aeroproyector.
-eye (t), ojo tip0 de azuela. aerosimplex (pmy), aerosimplex.
-handle, mango o cab0 de azuela. aerosol (ac) , aerosol.
adzing machine (rr), azoladora. aerostatic, aerosthtico.
aeolian (geol) , e6lico. aerostatics, aerostbtica.
aerate, airear, aerar, aerear. aerosurveying, aerofotogrametria, fotogrametria
aeration, aeracih, aereacibn. a6rea.
aerator, aereador. aerotechnical, aerotQcnico.
aerial, 8 (ra) antena; a abreo. aerotopograph (prny), aerotop6grafo.
--- cableway, cablecarril, cablevla, vfa de cable, aerotriangulation, aerotriangulacibn.
andarivel. affination, afinaci6n.
-ferry, puente transbordador. affinity (chem), afinidad.
-frog (elec rr), aguja d r e a ; eruzamientoa6reo. affluent n, afluente, tribntario.

- r
- apping, aerofotogrametrla.
hotogram, aerofotograma.
-photographic survey, fotogrametrfa aErea,
afflux (hyd), aflujo.
afforestation, planfiaci6n o plant10 de bosques,
affreightment, fletamento, fletamiento.
-photography, aerufotograffa. aft (sb), a popa.
-skidder (lg), cablevia de arrestre. --- of, a popa de.
-topography, aerofototopograffa. after, a (cn) popel, de popa; adv despu6s; pr
-- tramway, tranvla a6re0, andarivel, cable despues de.
telefcrico, aerovla de cable, funicular aCreo, -deck (sb), cubierta de p o p .
(A) alambrecarril. -- perpendicular (na), perpendicular de popa.
---- triangulation, aerotriangulaci6n. afterbay (hyd), chars de salida.
aeriform, aeriforme. afterbody (na), cuerpo de p o p .
aerify, aerificar. afterburning (ge), combusti6n retardada.
aerobacter (sen), aerobacter. aftercondenser, postcondensador.
aerobe (sen), aerobio. aftercooler, postrefrigerador.
aerobic, mr6bico. aftercooling, postrefrigeracih.
aerobiosis, aerobiosis. afterdamp (rnin), mofeta, (M) bodlorno.
aerocamera, chrnara aerofotograrn6trica. aftergases (min), gases de explosih o deincendio.
aerocartograph (prny), carta geogrhfica a6rea; afterglow (ra), luminosidad rcmanente o residual.
aerocnrtcigrafo. afterpeak (sb), parte m&s a popa, de la bodega.
aerocartography, cartograffa abrea.
Aerocrete (trademark), aerocreto, (Col) aero-
-bulkhead (yb), mamparo xr&s a popa, mam-
paro del prensaestopas.
aftershock, tembbr secundario, sismo final.
aerodrome, nercidrorno, aeropuerto.
aerodynamic, aerodin8mico. against the current, a contracorriente.
aerodynamicist, aerodinamicista. against the grain, contra la fibra, a contrafihra,
aerodynamics, aerodinhica. a contrahilo.
aerofiiter, aerofiltra. agar (sen), agar.
aerofiltration, aerofiltraci6n. agar-agar, agar-agar.
age-harden 331 air
age-harden (met), endurecerse por envejeci- -drill, barrena neumZitica, perforadora de
miento. a&, sonda meum5ttica.
agency contract, contrato de agencia. -duct, conducto de ventilacidn o de aire.
agent, agente, representante; apoderado; (qulrn) -engine, motor neumltico.
agente. -express (tr) , aeroexpreso, expreso a6reo.
agglomerate, s (geol) aglomerado; v aglomerar. -filter, depurador o filtro de aire.
agglutinate, aghtinar. -furnace (met), horno de tiro natural.
aggradation (geol), agradaci6n. -gage, man6metro de aire.
aggregate, (conc) agregado, hido, (A) inerte;
(ca) hido, agregado; (geol) agregado.
-gap (elec), entrehierro, interval0 de aim, (A)
-bins, dep6sitos para agregados. -gas, gas de aire.
- processing, tratamiento del agregado por -grinder, amoladora neumhtica.
lavado, clasificaci6n, chancado, combina- -hammer, martillo neumktico.
ci6n, etc., elaboraci6n de 10s agregados. -harbor, base o apostadero de hidroaviones,
-- productioq, producci6n de agregados. marina para hidroplanos.
- proportioning, dosificaci6n o proporciona- -hoist, malacate neum&tico,torno de aire.
miento de agregados. -hole, respiradero; (fund) escarabajo, sopla-
aggregate-handling plant, instdacih pars el dura.
manejo de agregados. -hose, manguera para aire comprimido, man-
Aggremeter (trademark), medidor de agregados. guera neumhtica, (A) cafio de goma para
aging, (met) curaci6n. envejeeimiento; (el&) sire.
envejecimiento. -injection (di), inyecci6n por aire comprimido.
-test, ensayo de envejecimiento. - intake, toma de aire, respiradero, boca de
agitate (mech), agitar. aspiraci6n.
agitator (mech), agitador, batidora. -leak (elec), pbrdida por el aire.
agreement, convenio, acuerdo, trato. -lift, elevador de agua por aire.
agricultural drain, desagiie inferior o del subsuelo. -line, lhea recta; tuberla de aire.
agricultural engineer, agr6nom0, ingeniero -lock, (t6n) esclusa de aire, esclusa neumitica,
agr6nomo. a n t e c b a r a de compresi6n; (ma& bolsa de
agronomist, agrbnomo, t&cnicoagrfcola. aire.
aground (naut) , varado, encallado. -mat (ac), filtro seco para aim.
ahead, adelante. - motor, motor neum8tico.
ailsyte (geol), ailsita. - photography, aerofotograffa.
air, aire. -pocket, bolsa de aire.
-base, base de aviaci6n, aerobase; (fma) -port, orihio de ventilacibn, respiradero,
distancia entre puntos de exposicibn. sopladero; (cn) ojo de h e y , porta.
-beacon, baliza de aeronavegacih -pressure, presi6n del aire, presi6n neum4tica.
-blast, chorro o soplo de aire. -pump, bomba de vadlo; bomba compresora
-brake, (fc) freno neumltico o da aire; freno de aire; elevador de agus por aim; (auto)
aerodindmico (svidn) . bomba para neurn6ticos; bomba neumC
- break (elec), intemupcih a1 aire. tica, bornba a aire comprimido.
-breaker (elec), disyuntor en aire. -receiver, tanque receptor de &re, tanque de
- chamber, ckmara o campana de airc. coinpxesi6n. dep6sito de &re, (CE) cam-
-check (ht), ventosa, respiradero. pana para aim.
- chuck, mandril neumltico. -scrubber, depurador del aire.
- circuit breaker, disyktor a1 aire. -separator, separadora de aire; separadora por
- circulator, circulador de aire. aire.
-cleaner, depurador o limpiador de aire. -shaft, pozo de ventilaci6n o de a h , caja de
-clutch, embrague neumhtico. ventilaci&n,tiro ventdador, tragante, chi-
-cock, IIave de alivio de aire, vQvula purga- menea de aire.
dora de aire. -space, hueco, espacio vacfo.
- compressor, compresora de aim, (M) com- -spade, pala neumitica, martillo de pala,
presora neumhtica. ~apadoraneumhtica, (V) palin, (C)gu*
-condenser, (el&) condensador de aire; (mec) taca.
condensador de enfriamiento por aire. - station (pmy), punto a6reo de exposici6n.
-conditioner, acondicionador de aire, (A) - survey, levantamiento a6reo de planoa.
temperador de aire. -swirl (di), remolino.
-- conditioning, acondicionamiento de a h , (A) - switch (elec), interruptor a1 aim.
aeroacondicionarniento. - tempering, atemperaci6n del aire.
-cooling, enfriamiento por aim; enfriamiento - terminal (elec), terminal abreo.
del aire. -tools, herrarnientas neumbticas.
- core (elec), n6cleo de aire. -transportation, tranaporte a&eo, (M) aer*
- course (min). conducto de ventilaci6n.
- crossing (min). cruramiento de aire. -trap, tramps o colector o interceptor de aire.
- drain, ~onductode aire o de ventilacidn. -valve, v8lvula de a h , ventosa, respiradero.
air 332 all-over
-vent, respiradero, aspirador de aim, ventosa, alarm
venteo, aopladero. -gage (bo), man6metro de alarrna; avisador
-washer, depurador del aire, lavadora de de bajo nivel.
aire. -relay (elec), relai avisador o de alarma.
-well, pozo d e ventilaci6n o de aire. -valve (sk) vAlvula de alarma.
-winch, malacate neumBtico. alaskite (geol), alasquita (granito) .
air-acetylene welding, soldadura aeroacetil8nica. albedo (pmy), albedo.
air-actuated, impulsado por aire comprimido. albite (miner), albita (feldespato).
air-blast heater, calentador a soplo de aire. albolite (mas), albolita.
air-blast tr~nsformer, transformador enfriado por albumin glue, cola de albrimina.
soplo de aire. albuminoid, s albuminoide; a albuminoideo.
air-blown asphalt, asfalto refinado a1 aire. -ammonia (sen), arnoniaco albuminoideo.
air-borne (ac), llevedo por el aire. -nitrogen (sen), nitr6geno albuminoideo.
air-break switch, in+#erruptora1 aire. albumose (sen), albumosa.
air-cell pipe covering, revestimiento aerocelular. alburnum (lbr), alburno, albura. .
air-condition v, acondicionar el aire. Alclad (trademark), duraluminio revestido de
air-cooled, enfriado por aire. aluminio puro.
air-core transformer, transformador de nficleo alcohol, alcohol.
de i r e . Alcumite (alloy)(trademark), alcumita (87.5%
air-dried, secado a1 aire. cobre, 7.5% aluminio, 3.5% hierro).
air-driven, impulsado por aire comprimido. aldohexose (su), aldohexosa.
air-entraining (conc), arrastrando aire. alemite fittings, accesorios para engrasc
air-hardened, endurecido a1 aire. "Alemite. ' '
air-line oiler (drill), nceitera de linea. alemite gun, pistola para engrase "AIernite."
air-locked, obturado por aire. aleotropic, anisotrbpico, anis6tropo.
air-operated, neurnitico, impulsado por aire alga (sen), alga.
comprirnido. algae, algas.
air-release valve, vsllvula de alivio, ventosa. algaecide, algecida.
air-seasoned, secado a1 aire. algal, alghceo.
air-setting mortar (rfr), mortero de fraguado a1 algebra, Algebra.
aire o a temperaturs baja. algebraic, algebraico.
air-slaked, apagada a1 aire (cal); descompuesto alidade (surv), alidada.
en el aire (roca). align, alinear, enderezar, enfilar.
airbound, obturado o trabado por aire. aligner, alineador.
airbrush, pulverizador, pistola pulverizadora, aligning tool, alineador.
rociador de pintura. alignment, alineacih, alineamiento, endereza-
airdrome, v6ase airport. miento; (ra) sincronizaci6n, alineacibn.
aifield, campo de aviacibn, cancha de aterrizaje. -bearing, cojinete de alineamiento.
-mat, estera de acero para pistas de aterrizaje. - chart, nomograma.
-gage, calibrador o indicador de alineaci6n.
airfoil, superficie aerodinslmica.
-fan, vcntilador de aletas aerodinLmicas. -tester (mt), probador de alineaci6n.
airline, h e a o empresa de aviaci6n. aline, alinement, v8ase align. alignment.
airometer, contador de aire. alite (ct), alita.
airpark, campo d e aviacih, cancha de aterrizaje, alive (elec), cargado.
aeropuerto menor. alizarin red (sen), rojo de alizarina.
airplane, a v i h , aeropkno. alkalescence, alcalescencia.
-mapping, cartografia akrea. alkalescent, alcalescente,
airport, aeropuerto, aer6drom0, campo o puerto alkali, Qlcali.
de aviacidn, campo de sterrizaje. -soil, suelo que contiene sales solubles.
-beacon, faro de acropuerto. alkali-resisting paint, pintura antialcalina.
-of entry, aeropuerto aduanero. alkaIimeter, alcalimetro.
-traffic control, control de las llegadas y salidas alkalimetry, alcalimetria.
de 10s aviones. alkaline, alcalino.
airproof, herm6tico. -cell (elcc), acumulador alcalino.
airstrip, pista o faja de aterrizaje. -earth (chern), tierra alcalina.
airtight, a prueba de aire, hermbtico, estanco al alkalinity, alcalinidad.
aire. alkaliproof, a prueba de Blcalis.
airway, ruta d r e a , aerovfa; (ra) fnja dc fre- alkdize, alcalizar.
cuencias; (min) conduoto de ventilaci6n.
alkyfize, alquilar, alquilizar.
-beacon, faro de ruth ahea.
aisle, pasillo, pasadizo. all-bell cross (p), cruz dc campanas.
Ajar metal, metal antifricci6n de cobre, estafio, all-bell T (p), T de campanas.
plomo y arshico. all-day efficiency, rmdimiento diario.
A j a r powder, explosivo uaado en minas. all-heart tie b-), traviesa sin albura o de coraz6n.
akerite (geol), aquerita. all-over landing field, carngo para aterrizaje en
alabandite (miner), alabandina, alabandita. todas yartes.
all-pass 3 13 aluminum
all-pass filter (ra), fiItro de todo paso. altar (dd), escalbn, grada.
all-ups (min), todouno, carbbn como sale de altazimuth instrument, teodolito altacimutal,
mina (sin cribar). alteration, (ed) reedificacibn, refeccicin; (geol)
all-veneer plywood, madera laminada sin alma. dteraci6n.
all-wave antenna (ra), antena de toda onda. alternance, alternancia.
all-wave oscillator (ra), oscilador o generador de alternate, s (especificaci6n) variante, alternativa;
toda onda. v alternar.
all-way airport, aeropuerto para aterrizaje y -angles, &ngulosalternos.
despegue en todos sentidos. alternate-line scanning (tv), exploraci6n entre-
all-weather airport, aeropuerto de todo tiempo. lazada, (Es) exploracibn alterna de lfneas.
&weather road, camino siempre transitable. alternating
dl-wheel drive (auto), impulsi6n sobre cuatro
- current (a.c.), corriente alterna o alternada
o tilternante (c.a.).
allanite (miner), alanita. -device (sd), dispositivo de alternacibn.
Allan'smetal,aleaci6n de 55% cobre y 45% plomo -light (pw) (ap), 1115 o faro alternante.
allernontite (miner), alernontita, antimonio --- siphon (sen), sif6n akernante.
arsenical. - stress, esfuerso alternante.
alleviator (hyd), aleviador. alternation, alternaci6n, (el&) (A) alternancia.
alley arm (elec), cruceta exchtrwa. alternator (elec), alternador.
digator (lg), rastra; bote que puede moverse - transmitter (ra), alternador-transmisor.
sobre el terreno. altigraph, dtlgrafo, altimetro registrador.
-clip, pinza. altimeter, altlmetro.
- grab, pinzas de lagarto, atrapador de mandi- altimetrical, dtim8trico.
bulas. dtimetry, altimetrh.
-shear, cizalla de palanca. altitude, altitud, altura, elevaci6n.
-squeezer (met), cinglador de quijadas o de -angle (surv), hngulo vertical.
palanca. -barometer, bardmetro o aneroide altim6trico.
-wrench, llave dentada o de mordaza. -gage (ht), indicador de nivel del agua.
alIogenic (geol), d6geno. -valve, v4lvula controladora de nivel.
allowable load, carga Emite o admisible o de altogether coal, todouno, carMn cDmo sale de la
seguridad. mina (sin cribar).
allowable working stress, esfuerzo limite de Aludur, aleacidn de duminio con magnesio y
trabajo, fatiga de trabajo admisible. silicio.
allowance (mech), concesih ; tolerancia; so- alum, alumbre; aulfato de alwinio.
breespesor. -pot (wp),tatlque dimentador de alumbre.
alloy, s aleacibn, liga, aligacibn, (U) aleaje; zr -rock, alunita, piedra de dumbre.
alear, ligar. -shale or schist, esquisto alurninoso.
-cast iron, fundicihn de aleacih o de liga. -stone, alunita, piedss de alumbre.
-steel, scero de aleacidn o de liga. alumel, aleacidn de nlquel (3 pates) y aluminio
alluvid, sluvial, aluvional. (1 parte).
-cone, con0 ahvial. alumina, dfirnina.
-deposit, aluvih, dep6sito aluvial, terrcno de -brick, ladrillo refmtario de albmina.
aluvibn, terreno de acarreo, acarreo fluvial, -cream (lab), crema de altlmina.
(Pe) terreno de transporte. aluminate n (chem), aluminato.
-fan, cono o abanico aluvial. aluminic, alurnlnico.
-tin, estaiio de acarreo (crtsiterita). aluminiferous, aluminffera.
alluviation, acumulaci6n aluvial. aluminite (miner), aluminitrt.
alluvion, avenida, inundacibn, aluvi6n. aluminium, aluminio.
alluvium, aluvibn, tierra aluviai, acarreo fluvial. aluminize, aluminizar.
Alnico (trademark), aleacidn de acero 50%. aIuminoferric, aluminof6rric0,
alumiiiio 20%, niquel20%, y cobalto 10%. aluminosilicate, aluminosilicato.
alongside (naut), a1 costado; abarloado. aluminothexmic, aluminot6rmico.
aloxite (abrasive), aloxito. -welding, soldadura aluminot6rmica o de
alpax (alloy), alpax. termita.
alpha, alfa. duminothermics, duminothermy, alumin*
-brass, aleaci6n de 64% cobre con 36% cinc. tcrmia.
-iron, hierro alfrt. duminous, alurninoso.
-methyl naphtha1ene, alfametilnaftalina, alfa- aluminum, aluminio.
metilnaftaleno. -brass, l a t h de aluminio.
-particle, partlcula alfa. -bronze, bronce de aluminio.
-ray, rayo alfa. - foil, hoja ds aluminio.
alpha-naphthol, alf a-naftol. -hydroxide, hidr6xido de aluminio. (miner)
alpha-naphthglarnine acetate, acetato de alfa- gibbuita.
naftilamina. -oleate, oleato alunlfnico o de aluminio.
Alphaduct conduit (tradcrnark) (elec), tuberia -oxide, 6xido de aluminio, alfimina.
flexible no rnettilica. - paint, pintura alumlnica
aluminum 334 anaIyst
-powder, polvo de aluminio. amorphous, amorfo.
-shapes, perfiles de aluminio. amortisseur winding (elec), devanado arnortigua-
-steel, acero a1 aluminio. dor .
-sulphate, sulfato de aluminio {alumbre de amortization, amortizaci6n.
filtro). amortize, amortizar.
aluminum-base alloy, aleaci6n a base de alu- ampelite, ampelita, esquisto carbonoso.
minio. amperage (elec) , amperaj e.
aluminum-cell arrester (elec), pararrayos a ampere (elec), amperio.
pilas de aluminio. ampere-foot, amperio-pie.
aluminum-soap grease, grava de jab6n de alu- ampere-hour, arnperio-hora.
minio. -- efficiency, rendimiento en amperios-horas.
alundum (rfr) , alundo. -meter, contador de amperios-horas o d e
alunite (miner), alunita. corriente.
amacratic lens, lente amacrAtico. ampere-turn, amperio-vuelta, amperivuelta.
amalgam (met) (miner), amalgama. amperemeter, amperimetro. ,
amalgamate, amalgamar. amphibian n a (ap), anfibio.
amalgamation process, beneficio por amalga- amphibole (miner), anffbol.
maci6n. amphibolic, anfibdico.
amalgamator, amalgamador. amphibolite (geol), anfibolita.
amatol (explosive), amatol. amphoteric (chem), anf6tero.
amberite (explosive), arnberita. amplidyne (ra) , amplidina.
ambit, contorno, fimbito. amplification (optics) (elec), amplificaci6n.
American bond (bw), trabaz6n ordinaria (1 - constant, coeficiente o constante de amplifi-
hilada de tizones con 5 hiladas de sogas). caci6n.
American deal (European term), pino blanco -factor (ra) , coeficiente de amplificaci6n.
americano. amplifier (elec), amplificador.
American gage (wire), calibre americano, calibre -stage (ra), etapa amplificadora.
de Brown y Sharpe. -tube (ra) , t u b 0 amplificador, vhlvula amplifi-
amianthus (miner), amianto. cadora.
amicron (chern), :rrnicr6n. amplify (elec) , amplificar.
amide (chem) , anlida; amido. amplitude (math) (elec) (ra) , amplitud.
amidships adv (st,), al centro del buque. -compass, brlijula de azimut.
amino acid (sen), aminobcido. -distortion (ra), distorsi6n d e arnplitud.
p-aminodimethylaniline (wp), paminodirnetil- -factor, factor de amplitud.
aniIina. -limiter (ra), limitador de arnplitud.
ammeter (elec), amperfmetro, amperbmetro. - meter, vibdmetro.
ammonal, explosivo de nitrato de amonio con -separator (tv), e p a r a d o r de amplitud.
aluminio pulverizado. amplitude-frequency distortion (ra), deforma-
ammonia, amoniaco. ci6n de atenuacidn-frecuencia, distorsi6n
-alum,alumbre de amonio. de amplitud-frecuencia.
-condenser, condensador de amoniaco. amplitude-modulated (ra), modulado en am-
- dynamite, dinarnita arnoniacal. plitud.
-feeder (sen), alimentador de amonfaco. ampoule, ampolleta, ampolla.
-fittings (p), accesorios a pmeba de amonfaco. amygdaloid n, roca amigdaloide.
--- gage, mandmetro de presi6n de amoniaco. amyl alcohol, aIcohol amllico.
-gelatin (bl), gelatina amoniacal. amyl xanthate, xantato de amilo,
--- nitrogen (sen), nitr6geno amoniacal. amylase (sen), amilasa.
-permissibles (bll. explosives amoniacales anabolic (senj, mab6lico.
aprobados. anaclinal (geol), anaclinal.
-valve: vtilvula a rrrueba de amoniaco. anaerobe (sen), anaerobio.
ammoniacal, amoniacal. anaerobic, anerbbico, anaer6bico.
ammoniation, amoniaci6n. anaerobiosis, anaerobiosis, anerohiosis.
ammoniator (wp), smoniador. anaerogenic (lab), anaerogknico.
ammonification arnmonization, amonizacih. anaglyph (pmy), nnliglifo.
ammonium, amonio. anaglyphic (prny), nnaglffico.
-acetate, acetato am6nico o de amonio. anaglyphoscope (prny), anagiifoscopio.
-chloride, cloruro am6nico o de amonio, clor- analcime, analcite (miner), analcima, analcita.
hidrato de amoniaco. analcite basalt, basalto analcltico.
-molybdate (lab), molibdato am6nico.
---nitrate, nitrato am6nico o de amonio. analcitite (geol), analcitita.
-sulphate, sulfato am6nico a de amonio, anallatic lens, lente analbtico.
(miner) ~nascagnita. anallatism (surv), analatisnlo.
amoeba (sen), arniba, ameba. analogue, anblogo.
amoebic, a d b i c o , ambiano. analogy (math), analogia.
-dysentery, disenterla amibiana. analysis, anhlisis.
amoebicide n a, amibicida. analyst, analizador, analista.
analytic angle
enalytic radial triangulation (pmy), triangula- -brace, (cons) cuadral, riostra angular; esqui-
ci6n radial analftica. nal, riostra diagonal; (carp) berbiqd d e
analitico. engranaje, berbiqui para rincones.
-balance (lab), bdanza analitica o de an& -butt weld, soldadura a tope en ingulo.
lisis o de precisi6n. -check valve, vilvula angular de retenci6n.
a n d y t i ~(,
~ geometria analitica. -compressor, compresor de hgulo.
analyze, analizar. - coupling, acoplamiento angular.
analyzer (ra) (mech), analizador. -cutter, mhquina cortadora de hierros angu-
anchor, s (n&ut) ancla, Ancora, anclote; (cons) lares.
trabilla, sujetador, ancla; v (nhut) anclar, -iron, hierro angular, AnguIo de hierro, fierro
ancorar ; (n4ut) fondear; (cons) suj etar, angular, angular, (Es) cantonera, (C)
trabar, asegurar, anclar. anguIar ele.
- arm (bdg), tramo de anclaje. -meter, clin6metro; gonibmetro.
-bolt, perno de anclaje o de fundaci6n o de - mirror (surv), escuadra de espejos.
sujeci6n, tornillo de anclaje, (M) perno -of advance (Be), 4ngulo de avance.
prisionero. -of arrival (ra), Ebngulo de llegada.
-buoy, boya de anclaje. -af attack, Bngulo de ataque.
- guy, retenida con ancla de tierra. -of beam (ra), 4ngulo de rayo.
-hitch, enganche de vuelta; (cab) vuelta -of coverage (pmy), h g u l o de vista.
estranguladora o corrediza, eslinga estran- -of crab (pmy), Angulo de deriva.
guladora. -of deflection, 4ngulo de desviacidn o de
- ice, hielo de fondo o de anclas. desvio.
-log, macizo de anclaje, muerto, morillo. -of departure (ra), 4ngulo de salida.
---- maker, ancorero. -of depression (surv), 4 n d o de depresih,
-pile, pilote de anclaje. h g u l o descendente.
-- plate, placa de sujecidn, contraplaca, -of elevation (surv), 4ngulo vertical o ascen-
--pole, poste de anclaje. dente o de elevaci6n.
-ring, arganeo. -of emergence (geop), 4ngulo de sdida.
-rod (pole line), barra de stncla. -of friction, Stngulo de fricci6n o de rozamiento
-- shackle, grillete para mcle. o de reposo.
-shop, ancoreria. - of glide (ap), Bngulcr de planeo.
-tower, columna o torro o mhstil de anclaje. -of internal friction, &ngulo de fricci6n in-
--- winch (sb), malacate para ancla. terior o de frotamiento interno.
anchorage, (niut) fondeadero, ancladero, tene- -of intersection (rr), hgulo de interseccitin
dero; ( n h t ) anclaje, ancoraje; (cons) o de contingencia.
anlarre, sujecihn, anclaje; (pte) macizo de -of keenness (mt), Angulo de filo o de l a
anclaje, muerto. herramienta.
-dues, derechos de anclaje. -of lag (elec), h g u l o de retraso o de atrtraso.
anchored bulkhead, entablonado de contenci6n -of Iead (se), &ngulode avance.
con tirantes. ---- of radiation (ra), &n@;ulode radiaci6n.
anchoring ground, fondeadero, ancladero, tene -of relief (mt), Bngulo do rebajo.
dero, agarradero; aportadero. -of repose or of rest, hgulo de fricci6n o de
andalusite (miner), andalucita (silicato de alu- reposo, t d u d natural.
minio) . - of shearing resistance (sm), Bngulo de re-
sistencia al corte.
anelectric, anelhtrico. -of skew, 4ngulo de sesgo o de esviaje.
anemogram, anemograma.
anemograph, anemdgrafo.
- of strike (geop), 4ngulo de rurnbo.
-of view (prny), 4ngulo de vista.
anemographic, anemogrAfico. -af wall friction (am), hngulo de fricci6n del
anemometer, anem6metr0. relleno con el muro.
anemornettic, anemom&trico. -of wrap, A n d o de contacto entre polea y
anemometrograph, anemometr6grafo. correa.
anemomdry, anemornetria. -pillow block, caja de ahumacera mgular.
anemoscope, anemoscopio. --- plate (rr), vknse angle bar.
aneroid barometer, bardmetro aneroide. -prism (surv), esouadra prisma.
aneroidograph, aneroid6grafo. ----rafter, lima tesa.
-reflector (il), reflector angular.
angle, Angulo; (cst) hgulo, escuadra, vigueta-
escuadra, perfil angular, (M) viga angular,
( C ) angular ele.
-rib (groid, arist6n.
strike (lock), cerradero angular.
-target (surv), mira o oorredera, angular.
-- back-pressure valve, vsllvda angular de ---- tower (elec), torre de fingulo.
contrapresi6n. -trowel, Uana acodada.
--bar, (fc) eclisa de dngulo, barrw angular, -valve, v4lvula angular o aeodillado o de
brida angular, eclisa cantonera, (C) mor- codo, llave de ingulo.
daza, ( C ) barrota; (cn) Bnguln de hierro. -vise, tornillo ajustable, cslrcel o morsa de
-- bead (bldg) , cantonera, guardavivo. hgulo.
angle 336 anticorrosive
-weld, soldadura en Angulo. -battery, braterta anddica o de placa.
-wrench, gave acodada. -bend (ra), curvatura de la caracteristica
angles back to back (str), hgulos espalda con an6dica.
espalda. -circuit, circuit0 an6dico o de placa.
angledozer (ce), hoja de empqie angular, (A) -converter, convertidor para voltaje an6dico.
topadora angular, (M) escrepa de empuje -detector (ra), detector de itnodo.
en hgulo. -dissipation, disipaci6n de placa.
anglesite, anglesita (minerd de plorno). -drop, cdda de t e n s i h a1 Anodo.
anglesmithing (sb), herreria de 6ngulos. -impedance (ra), impedancia an6dica o de
angling bulldozer (ce), hoja de empuje angular, placa.
topadora angular. -voltage, tensi6n an6dica o de placa.
angstrom unit (il), unidad angstrom. anode-bend rectification (ra), rectificacidn por
angular, angdar, anguloso. curva an6dica.
-acceleration, aceleraci6n angular. anode-ray current (ra), corriente de rayos anb-
-advance (se), hngulo de avance. dicos.
-bitstock, berbiqul acodado. anodic, anbdico.
- displacement, calrtje, desviacih angular. anodize, anodizar.
-frequency (ra), frecuencia angular o de anolyte (elec), anolito.
radi4n. anomalous dispersion (tv) , dispersi6n anbmala,
-gear, engranaje c6nico o angular; engranaje (Es) dispersi6n anorrnal.
helicoidal. anomaly (all senses), anomalia.
-lead, Angulo de avance. anopheles (mosquito), anofeles.
-length (ra), largo en radianes. anopheline, anofelino.
- magnification (pmy), ampBaci6n angular. anorthite (miner), anortita (feldespato).
- parallax, paralaje angular, Bngulo paralh- anorthosite (geol), anortosita.
tico. anotron (ra), anotr6n.
-perspective, perspectiva angular o de dos ant guard, guardahormigas, (C) guardera contra
puntos. hormigas.
- pitch (elec), avance angular. antagonistic spring, resorte de retroacci611, muelle
-slide (mt), cursor en Bngulo. antagonista.
angular-contact bearing, cojinete de contact0 antalkdine, antialcalino.
angular. antechamber (di), anteciimara, cAmara de pre-
angularity, angulosidad. combustibn.
anhydride (chem), anhldrido. antenna (ra), antena.
anhydrite (rniner) , anhidrita (sulfato anhidro de - adapter, adaptador o eliminador de antcna.
oalcio). -array, antenna direccional.
anhydrous, anhidro, snhldrico. -coil, bobina del circuSto de antena.
aniline, anilina. - coupler, acopIador o acoplamiento de antena.
- black, negro de anilina. - eliminator, eliminador o adaptador de antena.
-point (pet), punto de anilins. -gain, rendimiento de antenna direccional.
animal n a, animal. -reflector, antena de reflexitin o de inversidn.
- charcoal, mb6n animd o de huesos. anthracene (chem), antraceno.
-fat (lu), grasa animal. -oil, aceite antracknico.
-glue, cola animal, oateocola, cola de huesos. anthraciferous (geol), antraeffero.
-traction, tracci6n a sangre. anthracite coal, antracita.
anion hhem). a n i h . anthracitic, nntracftico.
anisometric, anisom6trico. anthracitaus, antracitoso.
anisotropic, anisotr6pic0, anisbtropo. antianopheline, antianofelino.
ankaramite (geol), ancaramits. antibiosis (sen), antibiosis.
ankaratrite (geol), ancaratrita. anticapacitance switch (ra), interruptor antica-
annabergite (minor), mabergita (arseniato hidra- pacitancia.
tad0 de nlquel). anticatalyst (chem), anticatalisador.
anneal, recocer, destamplar, (Es) revenir. anticathode (ra), anticAtodo.
annealing, destemple, recocido, reeocci6n. antichlor (chem), anticloro.
-furnace, homo de recocer, hornillo de des- anticlastic (math), anticlbstico.
templar. anticlinal, anticlinal.
-point, punto de recocido. anticline (geol), anticlinal,
annual ring (lbx), aniUo anual. anticlinorium, anticlinal mfiltiple o compuesto,
annular, andar. (A) anticlinorio.
annunciation (elec) , indicaoi6n.
annunciator, indicador, anunciador, cuadro in- anticlockwise rotation, vkase counterclockwise
dicador. rotation.
-wire, alambre de anunciador (alambre fo- anticoagulant, anticoagulante.
r d o dc algoddn parafinado). anticoherer Ira), anticohesor.
anodal, anddico. anticondensation, antioondensaci6n.
anode (elec), Bnodo. anticorrosive, anticorrosivo.
anticreeper applied
anticreeper (rr), abrazadera antideslizante, anda antistripping compound (rd) , compuesto ad-
de vfa, d l a de detencibn. hesivo.
antidazzle, antideslumbrante. antisymmetrical, antisimbtrico.
antidetonant (ge), antidetonante. antlerite, antlerita, sulfato de cobre nativo.
antifading Ira), antidesvanecedor. anvil, (her) yunque, bigornia, (MI ayunque;
antifoam (bo), antiespuma. (inst) tope, quijada fija.
antifouling (pt), antincrustante, antidptico. -bars (su), barras de yunque.
antifreeze, anticongelante. -beak, pico o cuerno del yunque.
antifriction, antifricci6n, contrafriccibn. - block hammer), yunque inferior del
antigen (lab), antigeno. martinete.
antigenic (lab), antig6nico. -chisel, tajadera de y u q u e .
antiglare (gl) , antideslumbrante, (A) antivaho. - cutter, tijeras de golpe.
antihalation (pmy), antihalo. --- dross, escoria de frapua.
antihum (elec), antizumbido. - stock, cepo del yunque.
antihunt (elec), antifluctuaci6n. -tools, herramientas de yunque.
anti-icer, anticongelador. - vise, yunque de tornillo.
anti-incrustator, antincrustante. anvil-faced frog (rr), c o r a z h con inserciones de
anti-induction (elec) , antiinductivo. acero endurecido.
antiknock (ge), antidetonante, antigolpeteo. apatite (miner), apatitrt.
-rating, grado antidetonante. aperiodic (elec), aperi6dico.
antilogarithm, antilugaritmo. aperiodicitp, aperiodicidad.
antimalaria, rantipal6dico. aperture, orificio; abertura; (cn) vano para
antimicrophonic valve (ra), v4lvula antimicro- h6lice.
fbnica. - stop (pmy), limitador de luz.
antimonate (chem) , antirnoniato. aphanite (geol), afanita.
antimonial, antimonial. aphanitic, afanltico.
-lead, plomo antimonial o antirnonioso. aphthitalite (miner), aftitalita, glaserita, arca-
antimonic, antirn6nico. nita.
antimonide, antimoniuro, aphtit (alloy), aftita.
antimonious, antimonioso. aplite (geol), aplitrs.
antimonite, (qulm) aniimonito; (miner) anti- aplobasalt (geol), aplobasdto.
monita, estibnita. aplogranite (geol), aplogrqnito.
antimoniureted, antimoniado. apochromatic lens, lente apoe~om&tica.
antimony, antimonio. apogean tides, mareas muertas o de apogeo.
-blende, quermesita, antimonio rojo. apomecometer (surv), apornecbmetro.
-bloom, antimonio blanco, flores de anti- aporhyolits (geol)+aporiolita.
monio. apothem (math), apotema,
-crude, sulfur0 de antimonio. apparatus, aparato,
-glance, estibnita. -dew point (ac), punto de interseccibn (di-
- glass, vidrio de antimonio. agrams) de la line& de acondicionamiento
-ocher, ocre de antimonio, cervantita. con l a ourva de saturaoih.
-white, tri6xido de antimonio. apparent, aparente.
antinode (ra) , antinndo, (Es) comba. -beam candle power, intensidad aparente del
antinormal, antinormal. hag.
antioxidant, antioxidante. -cohesion (wI), ooheddn aparente,
antiparallel (math), s antiparalela: a antipa- -elastic limit b i t e aparente de elmticidad.
r alelo. - horizon, horisonte sensible o visible.
antiparasitic (elec), antiparisito. - inductance (elec), inductancia aparente.
antiphase (elec), antifase, fase opuesta. -pitch (th), paso aparente.
antipriming (bo) , antiebullicivo. -power, potencia o vatiaje aparente.
antiresonance (ra), antirresonancia. -slip ratio (na),relaci6n de retroeeso aparente.
antirust, antioxidante, anticorrosive. - specific gravity, peso especffico aparente.
antiscale compound (bo), antincrustante, deain- -time, tiempo aparente, tiempo solar.
crustante. -watts, vatiaje o potencia aparente.
antiseismic, antisisrnico. apple wood, manzano.
antiseize, antiaferrador, (A) antiengrane. Appleton layer (ra) , capa Appleton, capa F.
antiseptic, antis6ptico. appliance, dispositivo, artefacto, aparato, arti-
antiserum (lab), antisuero. ficio, 6rgano.
antishort (elec) , anticorto-circuito. -load (ac), demanda por aparatos, carga de
antisiphon, antisifonaje. utensilios.
antiskid, antideslizante, antipatinador. -switch (elec), interruptor o Nave de art*
antislip, antirresbaladizo. facto,
antisplitting device, dispositivo antirrajadura. -wire (elec), alambre para artefactos.
antisqueak, antirrechinante, antichirrido. applicator (rd) (lab), aplicador.
antistatic (ra), antiestfttico. applied, aplicado.
applied architect
-- electromotive force, fuerza electromotriz aqueous, acuoso, 4cueo.
apIicada. aquiclude (geohydrology) , acuicierre, acuiclusa.
--- finish (conc), revoque, estuco. aquifer, capa clcuifern o frehtica.
-hydraulics, hidr&ulicaaplicada. aquifuge ( g e ~lytirnlogy),
, acuifuga.
---.mechanics, mec4nica aplicada. araban (su), arabana.
appraisal, vaIuaci6n, tasacibn, apreciaci6n, arabinose (su), arabinosa.
avallio, valorizaci6n, aforo. Aragon spar, aragonita.
appraise, apreciar, tasar, valuar, justipreciar, arbitrary (math), arbitrario.
aforar , vaIorar, avaluar. arbitrate, arbitrar, terciar.
appraiser, tasador, apreciador, avaluador, jus- arbitration, arbitraje, arbitracih, arbitramiento,
tipreeiador, aforador. tercerla.
apprentice, aprendiz, (A) cadete. arbitrator, Brbitro, arbitrador, tercero.
apprenticeship, aprendizaje. arbor (machy), Arbol, eje; portaherramienta.
approach n, acceso, (M) aproches, (Col) aproche; -- press, prensa de husillo.
aproximaci6n. arc, s (mat) ( e l k ) arco; v (el&) former arco.
-beacon (ap), baliza de acercamiento. ---blow (w), soplo magn6tico del arco, desvia-
--- channel (hyd), canal de Ilegada o de acceso. ciirn del arco.
-circuit (rr), circuit0 de aproximaciSn. ---- brazing, soldadura fuerte a1 arco, soIdadura
-light (ap), far01 de acercamiento, Iuz de de arco con l a t h .
aproximaci6n, lua de acceso. -converter, convertidor de arco.
---locking (rr), enclavamiento de aproxima- --- cutting, cortadura por arco el6ctriro.
ci6n. -flame (w), llama del arco.
--- temperature (ac) , ternperatura de acerca- -furnace, homo de arco.
miento. -- gate (minj, compuerta radial o de arco.
-zone (ap), zona de acercamiento. -generator (ra), generador a1 arco.
appropriation, suma consultada o presupuesta, -- lamp, lampara de arco.
asignacih, consignacih, (C) apropiaci6n. -lighting, alumbrado por Ismparas de arco.
approval, aprobacidn, visto bueno. ---- of meridian, arc0 d e ~neridiano.
approved, aprobado,zvisto bueno. --- pacifier (w), apaciguador de arco.
approximate a, aproximado. -pitch, (en) paso circunferencial.
approximation, aproximacibn. --- wencher, apagador de arco.
appurtenances, accesorios, aditamentou. -resistance (elec) , resistencia a1 arco.
apron, (hid) zampeado, platea, acolchado, de- -stabilizer (w), estabilizador de arco.
rramadero, escarpe, (C) vertedero; (presa -- stream (w), flujo de arco.
hueca) losa delantera, paramento exterior, -surfacing (w), revestimiento con arco e1d.c-
(U) carpeta posterior; (ds) batiente; (auto) trico.
zbcalo, delantal; (rnec) mandil, placa de- - torch (w), antorcha de arco elbctrico.
Iantal; (cn) albitana, contrabrsnque, con- -transmitter (ra), transmisor por arco.
trarroda ; (geol) cono aluviak; (ventana) -welder, soldador de arco; (maq) soldadora
guarniciijn debajo dc la repisa; (espig6n) de arco.
piso fuera del galpcin; (torno) placa frontal -welding, soldadura por arco o de arco.
del carro corredizo, tablero; (ap) faja de arc-back (ra), arco inverso, retroarco.
estacionarniento (frente a 10s hangares), arc-over n, salto dc arco.
explanada, (A) plataforma de plsta. arcade, arcada, arquerla, (A) recoba.
-conveyor, transportador de mandil o de arch, s arco, bdveda; v arquear, abovedar, abom-
banda ariiiculada, (C) conductor de estcra. bar.
--- feeder, alimentadora, mandil alimentador, -bar, barra arqueada o de arco.
- handwheel (lathe), rueda de mano del ta- -barrel, caiibn, esquife.
blcrn, rueda de avanee a rnano. -brick, ladrillo dc arco, dovela de ladrillo.
- loader, cargador de mandil. -bridge, puonte arqueado o de arco o de
-- track (pier), via a lo largo del espigdn fuera b6vedas.
del galp6n. - centering, cimbra, cerchbn, formaleta, ga-
-wall, antepecho, pared entre piso y repiva de Upago.
la ventana. -culvert, alcantarilla arqucada.
apyrous, incombustible. - dam, preaa en arco o de arco simple, presa-
aqua fortis, agua fuerte, icido nitrico. bbveda, (M) cortina en arco.
aqua regia, agua regia. -rib (bdg), nervadura de arco.
aquagel (pet), acuagel. -- ring, cuerpo de arco, (Es) (Col) rosca.
Aquastat {trademark), (M) aquastato. - sheeting, dovelas interiores o de at&.
aquatic, acuAtiw. -stone, dovela.
aqueduct, acueducto, conducto, (Col) conduc- -thrust, empuje del arco.
ci6n. ---truss, armadura en arco.
-bridge, pucnte acueducto. arch-burned brick, ladrillv alabeado.
- canal, aanal de conducci6n. arched web (sp), alma combada.
aqueoglacial (geol), Acueoglacial. arching effect (ea), arqueamiento, efecto de arco.
aqueoigneous (geol), Acuaolgneo. architect, arquitecto.
architect's 339 asbestos
architect's scale (dwg), escala de arquitecto (en -hose, mangera alambrada.
pies y pulgadas). array (ra), antena direccional.,
architectura1, arquitectdnico. arrested anticline (geol), anticfinal interrumpido.
architecture, arquitectura. arrester, (elbc) pararray-; (elk) chispero, para-
archway, vano arqueado. chispas; (rnec) detenedor.
arcing contact (elec), contact0 del arco. arris, arista, canto vivo.
arcing horn (elec), cuerno de arco. -fillet (rf), vBase cant strip.
are, Area.
area, Area, superficie; (ed) v6ase areaway.
- gutter (rf), canal6n en V.
arrival platform (rr), andkn de llegada.
-meter, contador de carga constante y Area arrow (surv), aguja de cadeneo.
variable. arrowhead (dwg), punt8 de flecha, flechita.
areal, de Area. arsenate, arseniate (chem), s arseniato; u arse-
areaway, poxo fuera del sdtano para dar acceso, niar.
luz, o ventilacih arsenic n a, arsgnico.
arenaceous, arenoso, arenisco, arenbeo. -glass, vidrio arsbniw.
areometer, arcbmetro. -trioxide, triijxide de srsenico, ars6nico
areometric, areom4trico. blan co.
areometry, areornetria. arsenical, arsenical, ars6nico.
argentd, arghteo, argentino. -antimony, alamontita, antimonio arsenical.
-mercury, mercurio argenteo, (M) mercurio -copper, aleaci6n de cobre con pequeiia canti-
argental. dad de arsbnico.
argentic (chem), arg6ntico. - nickel, nfquel arsenical, niquelina.
argentiferous, argentifero. -pyrites, arsenic0 piritoso, arsenopirita, pirita
argentite (miner), argentita, plata grk. arsenical.
argentous (chem), argentoso. arsenide, arseniuro.
argillaceous, argilliferous, arcilloso. arsenious, arsenioso.
argilloarenaceous (geol), arcilloarenoso. -oxide, tridxido de adnico, ardnico blanco,
argillocalcareous (geol), arcillocalckeo. 6xido arsenioso.
argon (chem), arg6n. argo. arsenite, arsenito.
argyrite, argyrose (miner), argirita, argirosa, arsenopyrite (miner), arsenopirita, pirita arseni-
argentita. cal.
argyrythrose (miner), argiritrosa, pirargirita. arterial highway, camino troncal; carretera de
arid, kido. acceso limitado.
aridity, aridez. artery (rd), camino troncal.
ariegite (geol), ariegita. artesian, ertesiano, surgeate.
arithmetic, aritm6tica. -head, carga artesiana.
arithmetical, mitmbtico. - spring, fuente artesiana, manantid arte-
-mean, media aritmQticao diferencial. s i a n ~ ,manantiral surtidor, (A) manantial
arkose (geol), arcosa, arenisca arcdsica. mcehdeute.
arm, (rnec) brazo; (mat) palanca; (r) ramal, -water, agua artesiana Q surgente.
brazo. - well, pozo artesian0 o surgente.
armature, (mot) inducido, (C) arxnadura; arma- articulated joint, articulacih, uni6n articulada,
dura (imsn). uni6n de r6tula, (C) card4n.
-band, bandaje o auncho del inducido. articulated locomoti~e, lacomotora mallet o
-bar, barra del inducido. articulada.
-bore, di4metro del hueco para el inducido. articulation (mech), articulacibn.
-coil, bobina del inducido, carrete inducido. artificial, artificial, fabricdo; artifichl, falso.
-core, nficleo del inducido. -antenna (ra), gntena falsa o artificial.
-hub, cubo del inducido. - asphalt, rrsfalto artificial.
-leakage, dispersi6n en el inducido. -graphite, grafito fabricado.
-spider, estrella del inducido. - horizon (inst), horiaonte artificial.
- stand, soporte para inducidos. -stone, piedra twtScid o vaciada, sillares
-tester (inst), probador de inducidos. artificiales.
- varnish, barniz para inducidos. artisan, artesano, oficid.
-winding, dsvanado o arrollamjento del in- asbestif orm (miner), asbestiforme.
ducido. Asbestine (pt) (trademark), asbestina.
Armco iron (trademark), hierro de alta pureaa asbestine a, ssbestino.
(contieno menos de 0.1% de impurezas). asbestos, s asbesto, amianto; a asbeatino.
armor (mech), coraza, blindaje. - blanket (id), tejido de asbesto acolohonado~
- clamp (elec), abrazdera de la coraza. -board, cart6n de asbesto o de amimto
-coat (rd), revestimiento, carpeta, blindado. asbesto en cart&.
armored, blindado, scorazado. -bonding, liga de asbesto.
-cable, conductor con coraza rnetblica, cable -braid, trencilla o trenzado do asbesto.
hiindado, cable acorazado. - cement, cement0 de asbesto.
-concrete, concreto acorazado (revestido de - cloth, tela de asbesto.
iundici6n gris) -felt, fieltro de asbesto.
asbestos 340 assistant
-- fiber, fibra de arnianto. -felt, fieltro asfaltado.
---- lumber, planchas de asbest0 prensado para -filler, rellenador asf6ltico.
forrado de paredes, - grauting, inyerciones de asfalto.
--- packing, e n l p a q ~ e t a d u r ade asbesto, guar- macadam ~nacBdarnasfBItico o asfaltado.
nici6n de amianto. mastic, I . ' I I ~ I I L . fhltico.
-- paper, papeI asbestino. --mattock, Jcc,rana di: asfaltador o de dos
---- plaster, ~nhstiquede asbesto. hachas.
-rock, roca asbcstina. --- mixer, rnezclador de asfalto.
---- roofing, techado de fieltro asbestino. -paint, pintura asf8l tica.
-shingle, ripia de asbesto. --- paper, p q e l asfsltico.
-- sleeving (elec), manguito de asbesto. -- paver, asfaltador.
-- synthetic (in]), sintCtico asbestino. ---- paving, pavirnento asfAltica; pavimentaci6n
-- wool, lana de asbesto. asfkltica.
-worker, amiantista. -- pouring pot, vertedor de asfalto.
-yarn, hilaza de asbesbo. ---primer (rd), imprimador a~fhltico.
asbestos-cement pipe, tuheria de asbesto-ce- --putty, a s f d t o pliistico, repello o ~nasillade
mento. asfalto, (A) masa plbstica.
asbestos-covered, forrado de asbesto. --- rake, rastrillo cIe asfaltador.
asbestos-insulated wire, alambre aislado de as- --- rock, roca impregnacfs de asfalto.
besto o forrado de asbesto. --- sandals, sandalias dc asfaltador.
asbestos-packed cock, robinete empaquetado de ---- smoother, planeha d~ asfalta.
asbesto. -spreader, esparvidor de asfalto.
asbestos-protected metal, metal revestido d e -stripping (pet), separacihn del asfdto.
asbesto. -worker, asialtador.
asbestos-varnished cambric (id), asbesto-cam- asphalt-base oil, petrGleo de asfalto o a base de
brav harnizado. asfalto.
ascending grade, pendiente en subida. asphalt-coated, revestido o h f i a d o d e asfalto.
aschistic (geol), asqufstico. asphalt-dipped, baiiado de asf'alto.
aseismatic, resisterlte a terremotos. asphaltene, asfaltina, (M) ssfalteno.
aseismic, asismlco. asphaltic, asf5lt ico.
aseismicity, asismicidad. -emulsion, v4ase emulsified asphalt.
ash, ceniza; (mad) fresno. asphaltite, s (pet) asfaltita; a asfAltico.
---- content, contenido de ceniza. nsphalturn, asfalto.
-- ejector (sb), eyector de cenizas. aspirated psychrometer (ac), psicr6metro de
--hoist, montacenizas, elevador de cenizaa. aspiraci6n.
ashes, cenizas. rspirating nozzle, boquilla aspiradora.
ash-handling machinery, ~ n a q u i ~ i a r i apara aspirating ventilator, ventilador aspirador.
rnanejo de cenizas. aspirator, aspirador.
ashlar Iine, linen exterior del muro arriba del assay, s ensayo, ensaye, contraste; u ensnyar,
z6calo. aquilatar, contrastar, quilatar, acrisolar.
ashlar masonry, silIerla, f/tbrica de sillerfa, can- assayer, ensayador, quilatador.
teria, mamposteria de sillares, sillarejo assemble, armar, rnontar, ensamblar.
(pequeiio). assembled automobile, coche armado con piezas
ashlar stone, sillar, piedra labrada, canto, piedra de varios fabricantes.
dc silleria, ( U ) piedra d c talla. assembly, montaje, montura, armadura, en-
ashIaring (carp), montantes cortos en el Angulo sarnble, ensamblaje, (V) acomodo; con-
inferior del techo. junto, grupo, ensamhlado.
ashpan, cenicero, guardxcenizas. --jig, patr6n o plantilla dc montaje.
ashpit, cenicero, foso de cenizas, cenizal, m n j a -line, cadena d e produccibn, linea cfe mon-
renicers. taje, trcn de ensamblaje.
Asiatic cholera, c6iera asihtieo. -marks, marcas guias, signos para arrnadura.
aspect ratio, (tv) relaci6n del ancho a1 alto dei - shop, armaduria.
cuadro, (a&)relaci6n cntre dimensiones de 2ssessed valuation, tasaci6n oficial.
conducto, cornpuerta o rejilla. assets, activo; bienes.
asphalt, s asfalto, betfin judaico, hrea mineral; issign, traspasar; cedcr.
v asfaltar. ~ssignee,ccsionario.
--- binder (rd), Iigador asf8ltico. issigner, crdente.
-blocks, adoquines de asfalto. issignment, c e d n , dejaci6r1, traspaso (acree-
-cement, cernento biturninoso o asfiiltico o de dares) ; t'raspaso, trausfcrencia (contrato).
asfalto. tssistant n, asistentc, ayudante, allxiliar.
-cutback, asfalto diluido, asfalto cortado, (M) - chief, subjefe.
asfalto rebajado, (M) asfalto adelgazado. - engineer, ingeniero auxiliar o ayudsnte,
-cutter, cortador de pavimerlto asf6ltico. subingeniero.
- dipper, cazo para asfalto. - foreman, subcapatas;, sobrestante ayudante,
-distributor, espa~cidor do asfalto. caho de cuadrllla.
--- enamel, asfalto rellenado, esmalte dp asfalto. -- inspector, subinspector.
assistant 341 autoclastic
- manager, subgerente, subadministrador, sub-
director, administrador auxiliar, (C) se-
attached ground water, agua subterrhnea ad-
herida, (A) agua subterrhea fijada.
gundo administrador. attachment (mech), fijacibn, unibn; aditamento,
- secretary, subsecretario. accesorio.
- superintendent, ayudante de superinten- -plug (elec), tap6n de contacto, clavija de
dente, superintendente auxiliar. conexi6n.
assisting gradient, pendiente asistente. attemperator (ac) , atemperador.
associated channel (ra), canal asociado o corntin. attenuation (elec) , atenuacibn.
assumed azimuth, arnimut ssumido. -constant, constante de atenuacidn.
assumed loading, carga presumida o prevista. - distortion, distorsi6n de atenuacibn-fre-
assumption, suposicibn, (A) hip6tesis. cuencia, deformacidn de amplitud-fre-
assured n, asegurado. cuencia.
assurer, asegurador. -equalizer, igualador de stenuaci6n.
astatic, astbtico. -ratio, relacih o raz6n de atenuaci6n.
astaticism, astaticidad. attenuator (elec), atenuador.
astatize, astatisar. attle (min), desechos, (M)tepetate.
astragal, (carp) list611 cubrejunta, tapajunta, attraction, atracci6n.
contrapilastra; (arq) astrhgalo. attrition, desgaste, frotamiento.
astronomic, astron6mico. -mill, molino de frotamiento.
-azimuth, azimut astron6mico. -test, ensayo de desgaate por frotamiento.
astronomical, astron6mico. audibility factor (ra), factor de audibilidad.
-telescope, anteojo astronbmico o de ocular audibility meter, medidor de audibilidad.
simple o de imagen invertida. audible, audible.
-time, tiempo medio solar, tiempo astro- audio a (ra), audio.
nbmico. -amplifier, audioamplificador, amplificador de
asymmetric anticline (geol), anticlinal asimi?trico. audiofrecuencia.
asymmetrical, asim6tric0, no sirn6trico. -oscillator, audiooscilador, osciIador de audio-
asymmetry, asimetrfa. frecuencia.
asymptote (math), asintota. -peak limiter, limitador de m&ximode audio-
asymptotic, asintbtico. frecuencia.
asynchronism, asincronismo. -signal, audiosefial.
asynchronous (elec), asincr6nic0, asfncrono. -system, sistema audiofrecuente, sistema de
AT-cut crystal (ra), cristal de corte AT. audio.
atacamite (copper ore), atacamita. -voltage, voltaje de audio, tensidn de audio-
athermic, at6rmico. frecuencia,
athwart (sb), atravesado. audiofrequency, audiofrecuencia, frecuencia au-
atmidometer, vhase atmorneter. dible,
atmometer, atmbmetro, evapor6metro. -amplifier, amplificador de audio-frecuencia,
atmosphere, atmbsfera. audioamplificador.
atmospheric, atmosfi?rico. -transformer, transformador para audiofre-
-absorption (ra), absorci6n atmosfhica. cuencias.
- condenser (ac) (rfg), condensador atmos-
audiometer (acoustics), audi6metro.
audion (ra), audi6n.
-cooling tower, torre de enfriamiento atmos- audit, s revisicin, intervenci6n de cuentas; v re-
fbrico. visar, intervenir, repmar, comprobar.
--- feed-water heater, calcntador atmosf6rico. auditor, interventor, cont~alor,revisador, revisor
-relief valve,' vLlvula de desahogo a la de cuentas, (M) glosador, (M) auditor.
atmbsfera. auger, barrena, taladro, barrenador.
-tides, mareas atmosGricas o de la atm6sfera. -bit, mecha de barrena, barrena espiral o de
atmospherics (ra) , interferencia atmosfhica, (M) caracol.
atmosf&rica,(M)esthtioa. augite (miner), augita, piroxena.
atom, Atorno. augite-porphyrite (geol), augita-porfirita.
atomic, at6mico. augitophyre, augite-porphyry (geol) , augita-
-hydrogen torch, soplete de hidr6geno pdrtldo, p6rfido augitico.
aMmico. augmenter (condenser), aumentador,
-hydrogen welding, aoldadura oxhidrica a1 aural, auricular.
Prno o con soplete de hidr6geno at6mico o
aureole (geol), aureola.
austempering (met), pustemplado.
con arco de hidr6geno at6rnico. austenite (met), austenita.
-number, nlimero at6mico. austenitic, austenf tico.
-radius, radio at6inico. authigenic (geoI), autighnico.
-weight, peso at6mico. autoboat, bote autom6vil. autohote.
atomize, pulveriznr, atomizar. autocartograph (pmy), autocart6grafo.
atomizer, pulverizador, atomizador. autocatalytic (chem) (pet), autocatalltico.
atomizing nozzle, boquilla pulverizadora. autochthonous (geol), aut6ctono.
attach (mech), f i j ar, enganchar, j untar. autoclastic (geol), autocl&stioo.
autoclave 342 axle
autoclave, autoclave, marmita herrnbtica. availability factor (elec), factor de disponibilidad.
-expansion test (conc), ensay0 de expansi6n available head (hyd), salto a~rovechableo dis-
en autoclave. ponible.
autocoherer (ra), autocohesor. available sugar, azlicar aprovechable.
autocollimation (pmy), a~tocolimacibn. avalanche, alud, avalancha, lurte.
autoconduction (elec), autoconduccibn. avenue, avenida, (Col) carrera.
autoconverter (elec), autoconvertldor. average, s promedio, tkrmino medio; (seg)
autodynamic, autodinAmico. averia; v promediar; a medio, de tkrmino
autodyne (ra), s autodina; v autodinar; a auto- medio.
dino. -adjuster (ins), tasador de averia, asesor o
- reception, recepci6n autodim. arreglador de averias.
--- agreement (rr), convenio sobre cargos por
autoexcitation (elec), autoexcitatibn.
autofocusing, de foco autombtico, autofocador. estadia.
autogenetic (geol), autogenktico, autogen6sico. -bond, fianza d e averias.
autogenizer (w) , autogenizador. -loss (ins), pkrdida parcial,
autogenous welding, soldadura autbgena. -policy, p6liza de averlas.
autogiro, autogyro (ap), autogiro. -pressure, presidn media.
autograph n (inst), autbgrafo. -surveyor, comisario o arreglador de averias.

autographic recorder, registrador grhfico. average-end-area formula (ea), fGrrnula de l a

autoheterodyne (ra), autoheterodino. secci6n media.
autoignition, autoencendido. aviation channel (ra), faja para aviaci6n.
autoinduction (elec), autoinducci6n. aviation gasoline, aerogasolina, aeronafta, gaso-
automatic, autom5ltico. lina de aviacidn.
-flashboard (hyd), a h a automhtica, tabla award (contract), s adjudicacibn; v adjudicar.
basculante automAtica. awash, a flor de agua.
-flush tank (sw), s i f h de limpieza a u t o m a awl, lesna, alesna, subilla.
tica, tanque de Iavado automdtico, sifbn awning, toldo, tienda.
de descarga autornhtica. -deck (sb), cubierta sin aberturas sobre una
-frequency control (ra), control automhtico superestructura liviana.
de frecuencia. ax, hacha, segur; (cantero) martillo de peiia
-gain controI (ra), control autom6tico de doble.
volumen. -eye (t),ojo tipo de hacha.
-sprinkler, rociador autom6tic0, regadera -handle, mango o cab0 de hacha.
automhtica. -stone, piedra afiladora de hachas.
-tapping chuck, mandril autom6tico para axhammer, martillo para desbastar piedra.
macho. axhead, cabeza de hacha.
- time switch (elec), interruptor cronom6tric0, axiali axil, axial, (Es) hxico.
interruptor autom&tico de reloj. -compression, compresi6n axial.
- volume control (AVC)(ra), control automA- -thrust, ernpuje axial.
tic0 de volumen (CAV). axial-flow fan, ventilador axial.
automatic-curtain filter (ac), filtro de cortina axial-flow turbine, turbina axil o axial o paralela.
autornhtica. axinite (miner), axinita.
automobile n a, automdvil. axis, eje, linea central.
-jack, montaautorn6viles, levantacoches. -of collimation (surv), Unea de colimacih.
-lift, elevador de autombviles, Ievantacoches. -of coordinates, eje de coordenadas.
automotive, automotor, automotriz, autom6vil; -of oscillation, eje de oscilaci6n.
automoviliario. -of tilt (prny), eje de inclinaci6n.
--- engineer, ingeniero diseiiador de autom6- axle, eje, Arbol.
viles, autotCcnico. -box, caja de engrase o de chumacera o del eje.
-engineering, autot6cnica, ingenieria de --- casing (auto), envoltura de eje.
autom6viles. -generator (rr), generador impulsado por el
---- hardware, herrajes para autom6viles. eje. '
- oil, aceite para autornbviles. -grease, grasa para ejes.
automotor, autom6vil. --- guide (rr), guia de la caja del eje.
Autopositive (trademark) (pmy), autopositivo. -housing (auto), envoltura del eje, caja del
autostarter, arrancador autombtico. puente trasero.
autotransformer, ?utotransformador. -J beam (auto), vigueta del eje.
autotrophic bacteria (sen), bacterias autotrbficas. ---- lathe, torno para ejes.
autotruck, autocami6n. cami6n. -load, carga sobre un eje.
autoxidation (chem), autooxidaci6n. -pin (auto), pasador de eje,
autumnal equinox, equinoccio otoiial. -press, prensa de eje.
auxiliary n a, auxiliar. -shaft (auto), semieje.
- relay (elec), relai auxiliar o ttyudante,
-switch (elec), interruptor secundnrio o
-sleeve, manguito del eja.
-tube (auto), envolvante del puente trasero,
auxiliar. axle-hung motor, motor de trarwia apoyado en
- valence (chem), valencia residual. el eje.
axletree, eje de carret6n. -rake (mt), &ngulo trasero de cdda, inclina-
axman (surv), hschero, leiiador, estaquero, mc) ci6n trasera.
portaestacas. -rest (mt), soporte posterior.
axonometric projection, proyeccidn axonom& -roll (su), maza bagacera o de descarga.
trica. -- spade (ce), retroexcavador.
azimuth, azimut, acimut. --- stope (min), grada a1 rev&, testero.
- circle, circulo azirnutal. - stroke, carrera de retroceso.
-compass, brfijula azirnutal o de azimut. -tangent (surv), tangente de at&.
- dial, cuadrante azirnutal. -taper (t), ahusado a1 r e d s .
- grid (pmy), cuadricula de azimut. -to back, espalda con espalda.
azimuthal, acimutal, azimutal. -up, (re) aguantar, sufrir, resistir; (r) re-
azoic (chem) (geol), azoico. mansarse, rebalsarse, estancarse, (Col)
azurite (miner), azurita, cobre aeul. (PR) aporarse; (mam) colocar la mampos-
teria bruta detr$s de la sillerfa; (auto) dar
contramaroha, marchar a t r h .
-vent, tubo de antisifonaje.
B battery (ra), baterfa de placa, bateria B. -view, vista por detrhs.
B power supply (ra), fuente de energfa B (cir- -wave (ra), onda separadora, onda de reposo,
cuito de placa). (A) contraonda.
BB, v6ase best best wire. -wheels, ruedas traserm.
Btu, vkase British thermal unit, back-break (min)(tun), fractura fuera de la
babbitt, s metal babbit o blanco o antifricci6n; Iinea de barrenos.
v forrar o revestir de metal babbit, babitar. back-connected switch (eIec), interruptor de
-hammer, martillo con cotillo de metal conexiones por detr&s.
babbit. back-face, fresar la cara de atrss.
Babbitt metal, metal babbit o antifriccih, (C) back-geared lathe, torno de engranaje o de en-
metal prttente. granajes reductores.
babble (tel), interferencia matiple. back-out tap, macho sacaprisioriero.
bacillary, bacilar. back-outlet bend (p), curva en U 'con salida
bacillus, bacilo. trasera.
Bacillus coli (sen), colibacilo, bscilo coli. back-outlet crossover (p), ourva de paso con
back, a trasera, parte de atrhs, reverso, rev&; aalida trasera.
(herr) lomo, dorso; (asiento) espaldar, back-packing (tun), relleno, acuilamiento, cal-
respaldo; (min) techo de la labor; v zamiento.
marchar atr&s, retroceder, dar contra- back-paint v, pintar la superficie enaerrada.
m,archa; apoyar, favorecer ; a posterior, back-plaster v, enlucir a1 rev& del listonado
trasero, de atrbs; a d u de vuelta, de regreso. metdlico.
---- ampere-turns, contra-amperios-vueltas. back-pressure, contrapresi6n.
-azimuth. asimut do atrhs. -regulator, regulador de fa contrapresi6n.
-brace (ebc), coda1 de a t r h . -- steam, contravapor.
-center (lathe), contrapunta de la mufieca. --- turbine, turbina de contrapresi6n,
-contact (elec), contact0 trasero. -valve, vdlvula de contrapresi6n.
back-putty, enmasillar entre a1 canto del vidrio y
-draft, contratiro. el rebajo.
-dump (tk), descarga por detrhs. back-rake angle (mt), 4ngulo superior de inclina-
-eccentric. exchtrica de marcha atrhs. ci6n.
-edge (t), contrafilo; dorso. back-shunt circuit (elec), circdto de contraderi-.
-electromotive force, fuerza contraelectro- vacidn.
motriz, (A) contravoltaje. back-siphoning (pb), sifonaje de aguaa resi-
-Aagman (surv), abandcrado trasero. duarias a1 agua de abastecimiento.
-focal distance (pmy), distancia focal pos- back-spiker (rr), escarpiador.
terior. back-step welding, soldadura de retroceso.
-gearing (lathe), engranajes traseros o reduc- back-titration, retitulaoi6n.
tores. back-turn splice (elm), empdme doblado.
-- head, (mh) mufieca corrediza, contrapunta; backbone (rr), via de escala.
(barreno) cabeza trasera. backdigger (ce), retroexcavador, p d a de arrastre,
- kick, contragolpe. azadbn, saujadora.
-light (rr), luz de reverso; luz de atrds. backed off (machy), despojado, con franqueo
-lining (window), cara posterior de la caj a de lateral.
contrapeso. backer tile (bldg), bloques huecos de respaldo.
-marker (sb), marcador de la cars posterior. backfill, 3 relieno, rehincho; v rellenar, rehinchar.
- off(mech) (carp), rebajar, despojar. -tamper (ce), pisonador de relleno, apisonac
-out, (re) botar; (mh) hacer retroceso, retirar. dor, (Ec) pisBn.
-pitch (elec), paso trasero (del inducido) . backfiller (ce), rellenadora.
- pressure, oontrapresi6n. backhlling, relleno, rellenamiento, (C) rehincho.
backlire 344 balance
backfire, a (auto) petardeo, contraexplosi6n, (A) bacteriology, bacteriologla.
explosi6n de retroceso; (auto) encendido bacteriophage (sen), bacterihfago.
anticipado, ignici6n a contratiempo, (U) bacteriostatic, bacteriostbtico.
falsa explosih; (sol) retroceso moment&- bad order, desarreglo, descompostura, desajuste.
neo de la llama; (ra) arco inverso; u (auto) bad-order track (rr) , via para carros por reparar.
petardear. badigeon, compuesto para subsanar defectos de
backfiash, vease backfire. madera o piedra.
backflow, contraflujo. baffle n, (hid) deflector, chicana, desviador; (ra)
background (tv), fondo. pantalla achtica.
-noise (ra), ruidos de fondo. -blocks (hyd), dados deflectores o de arnor-
backhand welding, soldadura a la inversa o de tiguamiento.
rev& --- piers, dientes de choque, dados deffertores.
backhaul rope (sh), cable de retroceso. -plate, placa deflectora o de desviacidn,
backhoe (ce), retroexcavador. plancha de choque, chicann.
backing, (fin) apoyo; (auto) marcha atris, ---- tank, tanque con dew ladnrcs.
retroceso, contramarcha; (mam) mampos- -wall, pared desviadors, muro de ohst] uwi6n,
teria bruta detr6.s de la silleria o encima tabique interceptor, atajadizo, tnhique
del cuerpo de arco. desviador, muro de chicana, ((2) pantalla,
-light, far01 de marcha atr4s. (M) muro de impedir.
-log (pier), carrera trasera. baffle-plate exhaust head, amortiguador de es-
-ring (w), anillo de respaldo. cape tipo impacto.
-strip (w), pletina de respaldo, contraplancha, baffle-plate separator (steam), separador de
tira de respaldo. impacto.
backing-off (mech), franqueo, despoj o. bag, s saco, bolsa, talega, (M) costal; v embolsar,
-lathe, torno de despojar. ensacnr.
backing-out punch, botador, pasador para sacar --baler, rnAqu~na empacadora d e sacos, en-
remaches. fardadorn de saros.
backlash, (maq) contragolpe, golpe de retardo, -boom (Igj, bawera colectora.
pCrdida de carrera, rnarcha muerta, cula- -cleaner, lin~piadorde sacos.
teo; (ra) falta de rectificaci6n. - elevator, ~ n o tasacos.
backplate, placa de atrizs. -filter (su)(met) (ac), filtro de bolsa o de saco.
backsaw, sierra de lomo o de trasd6s o con sobre- --- piler, hacinador de sacos, apiladora de bol-
lomo, serrucho de costilla. sas, (C) entongador de sacos.
backset (lock), distancia del frente a la bocallave bagasse (su), bsgazo.
o perilla. -carrier, conductor de bagazo.
backsight, visual inversa, rnira de espalda, retro- -roll, rnaza bagacera o de descarga.
visual; visual aditiva, retrolectura. (Es) baggage (rr!, equipaje.
niveIada de a t r h o de espaIda. -agent (rr), agente de equipajes, (Es) factor.
backslope, a (ca) talud exterior o del corte; v (ca) -car, furg6n o vag6n de equipajes.
cortar 10s tali~desdel corte. -rack, portaequipajes, rejilln, para maletas.
backsloper, hoja para taludes, ataludadora. -room, sala o despacho de equipajcs.
backstay, brandal, burda, traversa. -truck, carretilla de equipaje.
backup baggagemaster (rr), encargado de 10s cquipajes,
-brick, ladrillos detras de la cara. manipdador de equipajes.
-post (pet), poste de retenci6n. bagging, arpillera, malacuends, tejido de saro.
-- tongs (pet), tenazas de contrafuerza. -bin (su), tolva ensacadorn, emhudo ensa-
backwall, muro de retencih endma del asiento cador.
del puente, (M) diafragma. bail, s (cuch) ass, cogedero, marco; (aparcjo)
backward-bladed centrifugal compressor, com- estribo; v achicar, baldear.
presora centrifuga de aletas inclinadas bailer, achicador; (pet) cuchara, achicador.
hacia at&. ---- grab (pet), gancho pescacuchara.
backward-curved-blade fan, ventilador de aletas bailing, baldeo, achique.
inclinadas hacia atrbs. ---- line (pet), cable de !a cuchara.
backwash, 9 cont,rat:orriente, resaca; u (filtro) bake, cocer a1 horno.
lavar pnr corriente de agua lirnpia, (M) bakelite, bakelitn, baquelita.
enjuagar. 'bakelized, baquelizado.
backwater, remanso, cilanco. baking, coccidn.
-curve. curva de remanso. -oven, horno de cocer.
- gate, compuert.a de retenci6n. ---varnish, barniz para cocer o para secado a1
---- suppressor, aliminatlor de remanso. horno.
-valve, v6lvula de retenci6n o de contrapre- balance, s (mec) balanza, balance; equilibria;
sibn. (corn) saldo, alcanre; (eont) balance ; v
bacteria, bacterias. (rrlet:) equilibrar, balancear, compensar,
bacterial, bacteriano. abalanzar; (mcc) equilibrarse; (lev) ajus-
bactericide, bactericida, (A) microbicida. t a r ; ( e l k ) bnlanrear; (cont) balancear,
bacteriologist, bacteririlogo. 3aidar; balancearse.
balance 345 balsa
-arbor, Arb01 del balancin. -bearing, chumacera de bolas, cojinete de
-beam, balancin, astil de balanza. bolas, cojinete de municiones, rodamiento
-bob, contrabahncln. de bolitas, descanso de bolitas, (V) muni-
-disk (pu), disco compensador. cionera, (A) ruleman de municiones, (M)
-drum (pu), tambor de compensaci6n. baIero de bolas.
-electrqmeter, electrirmetro de balanza. - breaker, bola rompeadora.
-gear, compensador. -cage, jaula o caja de bolas, separador.
-pan (lab), platillo ,de balanza.
-pipe (ht), tubo igualador.
check valve, vslvula de retenci6n a bola.
clay, arcilla plhtica; cantos arcillosos.
-piston, bmbolo compensador. - cock, llave de bola o de flotador.
-point (ea), punto de igualacih de desmonte -crank, manivela de bola.
y terraplh. -float, flotador de bola.
-sheet, balance, (A) hoja de balance. - governor (se), regulador de bolas.
-weight, contrapeso. -grinder, moledora de bolas.
-weights (lab), pesas de balanza. -joint, junta esfbrica o de bola, articulacidn de
-wheel, volante. rdtda.
balanced - mill, molino d e bolas.
- circuit (elec), circuit0 equilibrado. -nut, tuerca esf6rica.
-crankshaft, cigiieiia1 equilibrado o de com- -race, anillo o collar de bolas, balinero.
pensaci6n. -reamer, escariador esf6rico.
-load (elec), carga equilibrada o dividida. -retainer (bearing), retkn de bolas.
-method (elec), mktodo de cero. -socket, cojinete esferico.
- modulator (ra), modulador equilibrado. -valve, llave o vhlvula de bola.
-needle valve, v4lvula equilibrada de aguja. ball-and-seat valve, v&lvula de bola y asiento.
-phases (elec), fases equilibradas. bd-and-socket joint, artioulaci6n esferica o de
-polyphase system (elec), sistema polif6sico rbtula, (C) cardkn, (Ea)juego de nuez.
equilibrado. ball-bearing hinge, bisagra a munici6n.
-proBe (ea), perfil cornpensado. ball-float steam trap, separador con flotador de
-pulley, polea equilibrada. bola, trampa tipo flotador de bola.
-relay (elec), relai diferencial. ball-impact test (conc), ensayo por impacto de
- rudder, tim6n eompensado. bola.
-sequence (w), orden equilibrada. ball-pattern handrail fittings, accesorios d e
-valve, v A h d a equilibrada o compensada o perilla o tipo de bola.
balanceada. ball-peen hammer, martillo de bola o con bolita
balancer, (el&) grupo compensador; (mec) equi- o con boca esfbrica.
librador . ball-point dividers, comp4s con punta de bola.
balancer-booster (elec), compensador-elevador, ball-tip door butt, bisagra de bolitas.
igualador de tensibn. ballast, s (fc) balastcs, cascajo, lastre; (n&ut)
balancing, balanceo; compensaci6n. lastre, (Es) zahorra; (elbc) resistencia; u
-aerial (ra), antona compensadora. (fc) balastar, embdastar; ( n h t ) alaatrar,
-backsights and foresights (level), igualiza- lastrar.
ci6n de las visuales. -border (rr), espalddn, banquets.
-capacity (ra), contrapeso. -car, carro para balasto, (Ch) carro lastrero.
-coil (elec), autotransformador. - cleaner, limpiador de balasto.
-condenser (ra), condensador cornpensador o -fork (rr), horquilla para balasto, (C) tenedor
regulable. de balasto.
- machine, mdquina equilibradora. -pit, balastera. cantera de lastre, mina o
-network (elec) , red equilibradora. banco de balasto.
-piston (pu), Bmbolo equilibrador. -plow (rr), arado para descargar balasto.
-set (elec), juego balanceador, grupo com- -resistor (ra), resistencia autorreguladora o
pensador. de compensaci6n.
-speed, velocidad de equilibrio. -spreader, extendedor o tendedor de balasto.
-the survey, ajuste del trezado. -tamper, acufiador o bateador de balwsto.
-transformer, transformador igualador. -tank (sb), tanque de lastre.
-valve, vDIvula equilibradora. -tube ha), resistencia d e oompensaci6n.
-ways, probadora de equilibria estAtico. -unloader, mhquina descargadora de balasto,
balata, balata. ballast-deck trestle, viaduct0 de caballetes con
-duck, lona para correas de balata. piso para balasto.
balcony, bdcbn. ballaster (rr), rnhquina bateadora do balasto.
bale, s fardo, bala, paca; v empacar, enfardar, ballasting, balsstaje, lastraje, ernbalastado.
enfardelar. ballistic galvanometer, galvan6metra balfstico.
-hooks, ganchos do fardo. balloon (lab), balbn, redoma.
balk, (carp) madsro, viga; (lev)(irr) Ivmo, -framing (bldg), armadura sin rigidez.
camellbn. -tire, gonm de bal6n, neumtttico bal6n o do
ball, M a , bda, balin. baja presi6n.
-and socket, bola y cuenca. balsa (woad), balsa.
balsam fir, abeto balsbmico. ---- gravel, grava de cantera o de mina.
Baltimore truss, arrnadura Baltimore. -head (min), boca del socav6n.
baluster, halalistre. --- of boilers, baterfa de calderas.
balustered, balaustrado. ---- of issue, banco de emisi6n.
balustrade, barandado, barandaje, balaustrada. -of lamps (elec), grupo d e lamparas (resis-
bamboo, bambG, cafia brava. tencia).
banana jack (elec), r e c e p t h d o para clavija tipo -of levers, grupo de palancas.
banana. -of transformers, grupo de transformadores.
banana plug (ekc), clavija tipo banana. -protection (r), defensa fluvial o de mhgenes
band, s zuncho, fleje, (M) cincho; banda, franja; o de las riberas, protecci6n de las orillas.
(min) estrato, capa; (ra) faja, banda; v -storage (hyd), acopio o alnlacenanliento en
zunchar, enzunchar, cinchar, fajar. las riberas.
-brake, freno de banda o de cinta. bank-run gravel, grava como sale o sin cribar o
-chain (surv), cinta gruesa de acero con gra- de banco en bruto.
duaciones muy espaciadas. banked winding (elec), devanado de espiras
-clutch, embrague de banda o de cinta. miiltiples, (A) enrolla~nientoapilado, (A)
---conveyor, transportadora de correa o d e enrollamiento superpuesto.
cinta. banket, conglomerado aurifero.
-filter (ra), filtro de faja o de banda, (A) filtro bankrupt n a , quebrado, insolvente.
o banda, (A) filtro pasabanda.
de p ~ s de bankruptcy, bancarrota, quiebra.
-iron, cinta d e hierro, fleje. banquette, banqueta.
-mill, aserradora de banda, aserradero de bantam mixer, n~ezcladorport8til pequefio.
sierra sin fin. bantam tube (ra), v&lvula d e ampoila pequeiia.
-pulley, polea ancha. bar, s (herr) alzaprima, palanca, pata de cabra,
-resaw, reaserradera sin fin, aserradora d e pie de cabra; (ref) barra, varilla, (C)
banda para repasar. cabilla; (hogar) barrote; (rejilla) barra,
- saw, sierra sin fin, sierra de cinta, aserradora pletina, solera; (nfiut) banco, bajio, arenal,
de banda, sierra de cordbn, sierra huincha. restinga, alfaque, megano; (cerco) ba-
-screen, cedazo de banda, criba de correa. rrera; (plata) lingote, barra; bara (unidad
- selector (ra), selector de faja o de banda. de p r e s i h ) ; v (roca) aflojar con alzaprima,
-spectrum, espectro de iaja. barretear.
--- spread (ra), ensanche de faja, (A) esparci- -bender, doblador de barras, curvabarras,
miento de banda. doblador de varillas.
-switch (ra), selector de faja, (M) conmutador -chair (reinf), silleta.
de bandae, (A) cambia de banda. -channel, perfil canal d e a f t u r a menor de
-wheel,.rueda de banda, polea. 3 pulg.
-width (ra), ancho de faja, anchura de banda. -chuck (mt), plato de agujero simple.
band-edge flat, bema plana con cantos de fleje. -cutter, cortador de barras o de varillas,
band-elimination filter (ra), filtro eliminador. cortabarras.
band-friction hoist, malacate de fricci6n d c -iron, hierro en barras.
banda. ---joist, viga de enrejado de barras, vigueta de
band-pass celosia.
-amplifier (ra), amplificador de banda o de --- magnet, barra imanada.
faja. -mat (rd), m a l h dc barrss, (M) parrilla.
-filter (ra), v6nse band filter. -mill, laminador de barras.
--- response (ra) , respuests uniforme o de faja. --- nut, tuerca de barra.
band-saw pulley, polea o volnnte portasierra. - screen, rejilla, enrejado, criba de barrotes,
banded fittings (p) , ncccsorios de reborde. reja de barras.
bander, mbquina para zunchar inducidos. -shear, cizalla para barras.
banding (plywood), guardacanto, ccrcado. -solder, soldadura en barras.
banister, baranda, pasamano. -spacer (reinf), espaciador o separador de
banjo barras.
-housing (auto), cajo de banjo, envoltura de --- stock, acero en barras.
guitarra. -support, sillcta para barras d e refuerzo.
-signal (rr), sefial do disco o de guitarra. -T, perfil T de alma menor de 3 pulg.
-torch, antorcha de pared o de guitarra. -tie, atadura de ala~ubrepara barrsu de re-
bank, Y cantera de grava o arena; (611)hanco; fucrzo.
peraite (curva); (I.) orilla, margen, ribera; - winding (elec), devanado de barras.
(ot) terraplEri, bancsl; talud, escsrpa; 2, perfil Z dc 13/4 pulg de alturs.
(n4ut) bajo, bajio, encalladero, banco; bar-mill channel (met), canal de barra.
(rnin) bcwa del pozo; (rnin) frcnte de bar-size sections, perfiles-barrus (T's, Z's, An-
ataque; (ef) muclle, embarrnderr); [fma) gulos y canales de ta~riaiios rne~loresd e
incIinaciGn, twnqueo; v (fin) dcpositar; 3 puld.
peraltar (curvaj; (cal) rilbrir, arnontonar, bar-stock lathe, torno para barras.
cuhrir con carb6n ; aarupar (palancas) ; bar-stock valve, vhlvula. de barra o lnbrada de
(fnia) incliriar, banqutnr, (Es) Indear. una barra. de acero.
bar-wound rotor (elec), rotor do baxras. barrage (hyd), aaud, presa de derivacidn, barraje.
barb, p6a. barrage-type spillway, aliviadero de compuertas.
- bolt, perno arponado.
roofing nail, davo arponado de techm.
barrel, 8 barril, barrica, (3)t u r d ; (cal) cuerpo;
(arco) caiion; (torno) tambor, cilindro;
(bisagra) fuste, C&O; (herr) cilindro,
-wire, alambre de pGas o de espinas, (AC) caiibn; (tub) cuerpg; caiibn; (hidrante)
alambre espigado, (Es) alambre espinoso. cafibn, cuerpo; (brn) cuerpo; (inst) caii6n;
barbless cable, alarnbre torcido sin pfias. a embarrilar.
hue, s (to) la parte descubierta de una teja, -arch, b6veda corrida o en cafi6n, esquife.
tejsmani o pharra; a descubierto; desnudo; -bolt, cerrojo de cajs tubular, cerrojo c i h -
sin revestir.
- electrode (w), electrode desnudn o bafiado.
wire (elec), alambre desnudo o nudo, hilo -
drico de aplicar.
-cam, leva de tambor.
engine, mBquina tipo de barril.
desnudo. - flange (p), brida tap6n o para barril.
bare-electrode welding, soldadura de arco sin -hooks, ganchos para izar barriles.
proteccibn. -hoop, aro de b a r d .
barefoot joint (carp), junta clavada sin embar- - nut, manguito de tuerca.
billar. - pin (sb) , conformador, mandrin.
barge, barcaza, lanchbn, pontbn, chalana, barca, - roller (bearing), rodillo forma de barril
gabarra, (Col) planchh, (A) chata. - saw, sierra cilindrica.
- boom (lg), barrera de troncos anclada a un - stave, duela.
canal, canal para lanchones.
course, (lad) coronamiento de lhdrillos a
vault, Mveda corr
barreled, embarrilado
barrelful, barrilada.

sardinel; (to) las tejas que aobresalen barrelhead, fondo o tapa de barril.
encima de la tabica. barren, est6ri1, 4rido; (min) estkril.
- spike, clavo para lanch6n. -rock (min) , borrasca, borra, roca est6ril.
bargeload, barcada, lanchada. barrette file, lima triangular achatada.
bargeman, lanchero, barquero, gabarrero. barretter (ra), detector; resistencia de compen-
barite (miner), baritina, espato pesado. saci6n.
b a r k (qdm), bario. barricade, barrera, barricada, valla.
- carbonate, carbonato de bario, (miner) barrier, barrera, valla; (ca) murete separador;
witerita. (el&) tabique aislador.
- chromate, barium chrome, cromato de bsrio.
-hydroxide (sen), hidr6xido de bario.
- beach, banco barrera.
-curb (bdg) , corddn guardapretil.
- oxide, 6xido o mon6xido de bario. -dam, presa de detenciSn.
sulphate, sulfato de bario, (miner) harita. - layer (ra) , capa barrera. ~

bark, s corteza, 68scai-a; v descortezar. -reef (geol), arrecife barrera 6 de barra.

-beetle, escarabajo de corteza. barrier-layer cell (elec), pila fotoel6ctrica tipo
- mill, descortezadora. dxido de cobre.
- pocket (lbr), bolsa de corteza. barring engine, servomotor para el arranque.
- spud, escoplo o laya para descortezar. barring gear (se), aparato de palanca para el
barker (lg), descorte;tador. manque.
barking drum, tambor giratorio descortezador. barrow, carretiUa (de ruedas), rangarillas (de
barking iron, laya para descortezar. mano).
barley coal, antracita de tarnailo x6
pulg a barycenter, baricentro.
barycentric, baric6ntrico.
P U ~ .
barn sewage, aguas residuales de establos. barye (physics), barya.
barnacle, lapa, escaramujo. baryta, (quim) barita.
barodynamic, barodinfLmico. -feldspar, fcldespata de barita,
barodynamics, barodin8mica. barytes (miner), baritina.
barogram, barograma. barytine (miner), baritina.
barograph, bar6grafo. basal, bisico, (V) basal.
barometer, bar6rnctro. -cleavage (miner), crucero bhsico.
barometric, baroni6trico. -complex (geol), complejo fundamental.
-condenser, condensador barom6trico. ---- conglomerate (geol), conglomerado funda-
- gradient (mrl), pendiente a gradiente baro- mental.
m8trica. -coplane (pmy) , coplano bhico.
- pressure, prcsi6n barom6trica. -orientation (pmy), orientaci6n de base.
-tide, fluctuaci6n regular do la presi6n baro- basalt, baaalto.
mbtrica. -- glass, basalto vMreo, hialobasalto.
barometrograph, barljgrafo, barometr6grafo. basaltic, basAItico.
baroscope, baroscopio. basaltiform, basaltiforme.
barothermograph, baroterm6graf0, baroterm6- basaltoid, basaltoide.
metro. bascule, balancfn, columpio.
barracks, barraca, barrachn, cuartel, albergue. - bridge, puente basculante a levadizo.
-- leaf (bdg), tramo basculante. -- granite, gneis.
base, s (quim)(geol) base; (cons) z6cal0, bass, -- mahogany, eaoba falsa.
fundamento; (may) plancha de fondo o de -pine, pino bastardo.
base, bancaza; (mat) base; (ampolla in- -- quartz, cuarzo bastardo.
candescente) casquillo; a (met) inestable; -spruce, pino del Pacifico.
bajo de ley (mineral). -thread, rosca trapezoidal.

-bearing, cojinete principal o de bancada. bastard-sawing (Ibr), aserrado simple.

-- circle (gear), circunferencia d e base. bat, bloque, pedazo; medio ladrillo, pedazo de
-correction (geop), correcci6n de base. ladrillo, tejuela, tejoleta; (ed) bloque d e
-course, (mam) hiiada de base, embasa- material aislante; (canteria) corrugaci6n.
miento; (ca) capa de base o de asiento. -bolt, pcrno arponado.
-elbow (p), cod0 de soporte o con base, curva batch, s (cone) carga, colada, revoltura, (A)
de pie. hornada, (M) tanto, (V) terceo, (Pe)
-fittings (p) , accesorios de pie. templa, (A) past6n: (mortero) pilada,
--- flashing (rf), vierteaguas inferior. (A) p a s t h , (Col) pafietada, (M) amasada,
-level ( r ) , nivcl de base. (C) templa; (ef) balsa mliltiple; (pet) lote;
-line, linea bBsica o dc base. v dosificar, proporcionar, (V) tercear.
-load (elee), carga fundamental. ----box, caja de colada, bntea o caja d e pilada.
-map, mapa de referencia, mapa bSsico. --- car, carro medidor de cargas.
-metal, (aleaci6n) el ingrediente principal; - distillation, destilaci6n intermitente o por
(galvanizacitrn) metal d e base; (sol) metal etapas.
de las piems por soldar. --- filtration, filtraci6n intermitente.
---- net (surv), red de base. -hopper, tolva de carga completa o de revol-
-of rail (rr), base de carril, base de riel. tura.
-plate, placa de base o de aslento, plancha de -meter, contador de revolturas, (M) contador
fondo o de la base. de tantos.
-plug (elm), ficha, clavija, enchufe. --- mixer, hormigonera por cargas, mezclador
---- price, preeio bhsico. por lotes, (M) revolvedora intermitente.
---tilt (pmy), inclinaci6n de la base. -recorder, rcgistrador de cargas.
base-line measurement, medicidn de la linea de --- still (petj, alambique discontinuo.
base. -timer, contador de la duracidn de mezclar.
baseboard, tabla de adcalo, z6cal0, plinto, (Col) -truck, cami6n de revoltura o de pilada.
(V) rodapi6. ---- vaporization, vaporizacitn intermitente.
-raceway (elec), conduct0 para ebcalo. batcher, medidor de cargas, tolva medidora, (A)
basement, s6tan0, (A) subsuelo. dosificador.
-complex (geol), fundamento, basamento. --- plant, equipo proporcionador, instalaci6n
basic (geol) (chem) (met), bhsico. medidora, planta de dosificaci6n, (M)
-open-hearth steel, acero bdsico Sicmcns- planta rnedidora de tantos.
Martin. batching, dosificacitn, medici6n.
-pig, fundici6n bhsica. batea (tnin), batea.
-process, procedimiento b6sico. bath (all senses), bafio.
basicity (chem), basicidad. bathometer, bat6metro.
basin, estangue, piletn, depbsito, alberca, alcu- bathroom, cuarto de bafio, bario.
billa, pil6n; (top) hoya, cuenca, vaso, bathtub, bafiadera, bafio, tina, bafiera.
(Col) artesa; (geol) hondonada, cuenca; batt (inl), bloque de material fibroso.
(op) dhrsena. batten, s (carp) l i s t h , travesafio, tablilla, tra-
-cross (p), crua para lavabo. vesero, traviesa, crucero alfajfa; (n8ut)
---- irrigation, irrigaci6n por charcos. barrotin, barrote; (dib) tira d e madera
- T, T pars lavabo. flexible para trazar curvas; (ef) tronco d e
basket (wire-rope socket), t a m , casquiIlo. difimetro menor de 11 pulg; u (carp) en-
-bit (pet), barrena de cesto. tablillar, enlistonar; (niiut) abarrotar.
-coil (ra), bobina de cesto. -door, puerta de tablas enlistenada.
screen, criba de cesta. -plate, plstncha atiesadora, o de refuerzo.
-winding (elec), devanado reticulado. battened column, culumna de planckas atie-
basket-handle arch, arco de tres centros. sndoras.
basket-type strainer, colador de ccsta. batter, s desplome, inclinacibn, releje, talud,
basket-weave armor (clec).
. ,. corazn reticulada. (Col) cscarpa, (M) esc-nrpe; v (muro) ata-
bass control (ra), control de las bajas. ludar, ciesplomar, r e l ~ j n r , ataluzar, (A)
bass-boosting circuit (ra), circuit0 atenuador dc
abatir; (pi) estropcar,, astillar.
las altas.
-board, tabla provisoria para estallecer la
basset (gcolj (inin), c r e s t b , brotazbn.
basswood, tilo. llnea de excavaci6n.
bast, liher. -brace, puntal inclinado.
bastard a, faiso, hastardo. --- gage, plantilh d c inclinacibn.
-cut, yicadura o talla bastarda. -pile, pilote inclinado.
-file, lirna bastarda, (C) escofina. -post, puntal inclinado, (cb) pnta inclinada.
battery 349 bearing
battery, (el&) pila, bateria; acumulador; (cal) beaded lumber, tablas rebordeadas o con cor-
grupo, baterla; (min) bateria. d6n.
-acid, Bcido de acumulador. beader (bo), mandril de bordesr , bordeadora.
- carrier, portacumulador. beadflush (carp), ensamblado con cord6n a ras
- cell, pila. con marco y entrepaiio.
-charger, cargador de acumuladores o de beading
-connector, conector de bateria.
- machine (sml), pestaiiadora, ribeteadora.
-plane, bocel, cepillo de molduras o de astrC
- discharger, descargador de acumulador. galos, (A) viter.
-eliminator (ra), eliminador de baterias. -tool, (mam) marcador de astrigalos; (call
- filler, llenador de acumulador. bordeador.
-gage, verificador de pila; voltimetro de beak (anvil), pico.
acumulador, indicador de carga. beaker (lab), vaso picudo, cubilete.
-ignition, encendido por acumulador. - tongs, tenacillas para cubilete.
-jar, recipiente, vaso. beakhorn stake, bigorneta de pico.
-mud, cieno de acumulador. beakiron, pic0 de bigornia; bigorneta.
-of fixtures (pb), grupo de artefactos sani- beam, 8 (eat) viga, vigueta, tirante, trabe, ( C )
tarios. arquitrabe; (en) bao; (n&ut)manga; ( m a d
-room, sala de acumuladores. balancin; (bdanza) bbraeo, astil; (arado)
-steamer, generador de vapor para servicio de phrtigo, timhn; (luz) rayo; (ra) rayo; v (ra)
acumuladores. ernitir.
-tester, probador de acurnuladores, - anchor (str) , trabilla o ancla de viga.
-tube (ra), vflvula de bateria.
battery-charge indicator (auto), indicador de
angle (ra), 4ngulo de rayo.
antenna (ra), antena directional, (Es) an-
carga del acurnulador. tena de haa.
battle-deck floor, superficie de planchas de acero -breaker (lab), rnhquina ensayadora de vigas.
soldadas sobre las aIas superiores de vigas - carline (sb), galeota.
doble T. - clamp, abrazadera para vigs doble T.
-compass, compBs deslizante o de vara, (B)
battleship (exc), caj6n grande de descarga por
debaj o. compss de regla.
baud (tel) , baud. - current (ra), corriente del has.
Baum6, Baumh. -engine, mgquina de balancfn.
bauxite, bauxita (mineral de aluminio). - hanger, estribo, colgador de viga.
bay, (geog) bahia, anc6n; (ed) claro, trarno, ojo, -knee (sb), escuadra,
luz. vano, Iienzo, nave, (M) crujla, (A) -load, carga transversal o de flexibn.
panel. -pocket, caja para viga.
baybolt, perno arponado. - pump, bomba de balancfn.
bayonet -scale, b&scula de balancfn.
-base (lamp), casquillo de bayoneta. - shear (stress), tensi6n diagonal.
-coupling, acoplamiento tip0 bayoneta. -spacer (pet), espaciador del balancfn.
-gage (auto), bayoneta. -transmission (ra), transmisi6n a rayo.
-socket, cub0 de bayoneta; p o r t a l h p a r a de -voltage (ra), tensi6n acelerante.
bayoneta. beam-indicator light (auto), indicadora de rayo,
bayou, canalize, brazo de rlo, riaeho. indicador de foco del farol.
baywood, espccic de caoba. beam-power tube (ra), vavula amplificadora por
beach, s playa, ribera; (presa de tierra) orilla; v
(n4ut) varar, varwse. haces.
-gravel, grava de playa o de ribera. beamhead (pet), cabezal de bdancin.
-placer, placer de playa. bean (pet), niple reductor.
-sand, arena de playa o de mar. bear, s (mot) lobos, zamarras; u sostener; llevar;
beacon, s faro, fanal, baliza fija; v abalizar. resistir.
beaconage, baliwaje, derechoa de faros o de bear-trap dam, presa movible de do8 hojas mani-
baliza. obradas por presi6n de agua.
bead, s (arq) moldura, listbn; (carp) cordbn, bear-trap gate, compuerta de abatamiento o de
reborde ; (tub) reborde, aniIlo de centrar ; ahas (dos hoj as engomadas maniobradas
(mam) gurtrdnvivo; (llanta) t a l h , (M) por presi6n de agua).
ceja; (quim) botch, gI6bulo; (sol) c o r d h , bearding (sb), chaflh, b i d ,
reborde; (el&) perla aisladora; v formar -line (sb), h e a del chaflh, intersecci6n d e
reborde. las planchas con roda, quilla y codaste.
-and butt (carp), ensambladura de entre-
bearer, (mec) soporte, sosthn; (min) rnadero de
pafios a ras con juntas rebordeadas.
-, butt, and square (carp), enszmbladura de soporte; (corn) portador.
entrepafios rebordeados y a ras por una bearing, (est) apoyo, asiento, soporte; (maq)
cara y rebajados sin reborde por la otra. cojinete, chumacera, descanso, muiionera,
-weld, soldadura con reborde o de cordbn. rodttrniento; (brhjula) rurnbo, marcaci6n,
beaded fittings (p), accesorios de rebnrde. arrumbamiento; (geol) rumbo de1 filbn,
bearing belly
-area, Area de soporte o de sustentaci611, ----load (r), arrastre de fondo, acarreos, (M)
superficie de apoyo, (V) superficie d e gasto s6lido.
asiento. -timber, solera de fondo.
-bar (grate), traviesa de parrilla. ---vein, bedded vein (rnin), fildn paralelo a l a
--- block, portacojinete. estratificaci6n.
-brass, cojinete o casquillo de bronce. bedded (geol) , estratificado.
-cage, jaula de cojinete. bedding, (geol) e s t r a t i f i c a c h ; (cab elkc) relleno,
-cap, tapa de cojinete. empaque, colch6n.
-capacity factor (sm), factor de resistencia. -fault (geol), falla de estratificaci6n.
-cup, taza de cojinete. -plane, plano de estratificaci6n.
-loss (machy), pkrdida por cojinetes. -putty, masilla de asiento.
-metal, metal a n t i f r i c c i h bedframe, bastidor, bancada, (A) marco funda-
-neck, gorrdn, mufi6n. mental.
--- partition, pared divisoria con carga. bedplate, plancha d e fondo o de asiento, placa d e
--- pedestal (machy) , pedestal d e chumacera, base, carna, bancaza.
soporte de cojinete. bedrock, lecho o carna de roca.
-pile, pilote d e carga o de apoyo o de cimiento beech, haya.
o sustentador, (Es) zampa. beetle, martillo de madera, rnazo, machota.
---- plate, placa de asiento o de apoyo. Beggiotoa (sen), Beggiotoa.
-power of soil, resistencia del terreno, capa- begohm (elec), begohmio, kilomegohmio.
cidad resistente del subsueIo, (A) capacidad be1 (elec), bel, (A) belio.
de asiento. belaying pin, cahilla de amarrar.
-pressure, (cons) presi6n de apoyo; (maq) Belgian block (pav) , adoquin casi clibico.
presi6n sobre la churnacera. Belgian method (tun), nlktodo belga (construc-
- projector (ap), proyector de o r i e n t a c i b re- ci6n por galerla de avance superior).
flector buscacampo, fanal de arrumba- bell, s (tub) campana, enchufe, bocina; (mec)
miento. campana; (el&) timbre, campana; v acam-
-puller, extractor de cojinetes. panar, abocinar.
-race, goliHa o guiadera de cojinete. -buoy, boya sonora o de campana.
-scraper, escariador de chumacera, raspaco- -center punch, granete a campana, punz6n
jinetes. autocentrador.
-seal, cierre del cojinete. -chuck, mandril de tornillos, (A) plato cam-
-set (min), marco de soporte pana.
-shell, casco de cojinete. -crank, palanca angular o acodillada, cod0 d e
-shoe (bdg), pedestal de apoyo, zapata d e paianca.
asiento. -end (p), extremo acampsnado.
-sleeve, casquillo, forro de cojinete., bell jar (lab), carnpana d e vidrio.
-steel, acero para cojinetes. -insulator, aislador de campana.
--- stress, (re) esfuerzo de empuje; esfuerzo de ---- metal, bronce de carnpana.
apoy o (viga) .
-timber (min), madero de soporte, traviesa.
-nipple (p), rliple de botella.
-socket (pet), enchufe de carnpana.
- wall, muro de carga o de soporte o de apoyo, -- transformer, transformador para timbres.
pared cargada, (C) muro de sostenimiento. -trap, (pb) trampa o sif6n de campana.
bearing-in shot (tun), tiro de franqueo. -wire, alarnbre para timbres, alarnbre fino
beat n (ra), pulsaci6n, batido. forrado de algod6n.
-frequency (ra), frecuencia heterodina o d e bell-and-bell quarter bend (p) , cod0 de campanas.
pulsacidn o del batido. bell-and-spigot (joint), enchufe y c o r d h , en-
- oscillator (ra), oscilador de pulsaci6n. chufe y espiga, macho y campana, (C)
-reception (ra), recepcidn heterodina o de macho y hembra, (M) caja y espiga.
batido. bell-faced hammer, martillo de cotillo convcxo
beater, mandarria, combo, batidor. o de c a r s de campana.
beating (ra) , combinacidn de frecuencias; pulsa- bell-joint clamp (p), collar de presi6n para junta
cibn. de enchufe.
beaverboard, cnrtdn de fibra para paredes. bell-shaped, acampanado.
becket (tackle block), manzanillo, estrobo, vir~a- belling, abocinamiento, ensanche.
tera. bellmouth, boca acampanada, p a b e l l h , trom-
beckiron, pico d e bigornia. peta, tulipa, bocina.
bellmouthed, acampanado, abocinado, abocar-
bed, s (r) lecho, fondo; (mortero) capa, carna,
dado, aboquillado.
tendel, (Col) tortada; (arena) banco, lecho, -weir, vertedero de bocina o de pozo ncam-
yacimiento, bajo, capa; (rnaq) bancada; panado.
(pietlra) lecho de cantera, lecho; (geol) bellows, ftielle, barquin.
capn; u (mam) asentar. -- expansion joint (p), junta de expansi6n tipo
-joint (mas), junta horizontal, (V) junta de fuelle.
asiento. belly, s barriga; v pandear, combarse.
- lathe, torno de bancada. -brace (loco), riostra bajo la caldera.
below beneficiation
below, udv debajo, bajo, abajo; pr debajo de, -drill, taladro o taladradora o agujereadora
bajo. de banco.
belt, s faja; (geog) zona; (maq) correa, cinta, -flume, conduct0 de banqueta, canal& a
banda; v accionar por correa; (ca) acabar media ladera, (M) canal en balc6n.
con correa de gorna o lona. - grinder, amoladora o esmeriladora de banco.
- awl, lesna para correa. - hammer, martillo de ajuste.
-brush, limpiador de correa, escobilla de -hardening, endurecimiento por estirado de
gorna para correa. aIambre recocido.
- cement, cement0 para correas.
-clamps, amarras o garras o ganchos para
tope de banco.
jointer, cepillo mecbnico de banco.
correa, grapas para banda, corchetes, (A) - knife (carp), tope de banco con cuchillo.
broches para correa. -lathe, torno de banco.
- conveyor, correa transportadora o conduc- - mark, banco de nivel o de cota fija, punto de
tom, transportadora de banda, transporta- cota conocida, punto topogriifico de refe-
dor de cinta sin fin. rencia.
-course (bldg), cordbn, cordel, (M) banda. - placer, placer de banoo.
- Cutter, cortacorrea. - plane, cepillo de banco, garlopa.
dressing, adobo, efigrudo, aderezo de correa, -planer, acepilladora de banco.
compuesto para banda, pasta o apresto -screw, tornillo d e banco.
para correas. -atand, soporte de banco (para vbtago de
- drive, transmisidn o propulsi6n por correa, compuerta) .
impulsi6n por banda. -stop, tope de banco. .
-elevator, elevador de correa. -vise, tornillo o prensa de banco.
-feeder, alimentador de correa. - waif (rr), muro de estribo de una alcantarilIa.
-fork, cambiacorreas, desviador o horquilla benchboard (elec), pupitre de distribucihn.
de correa. benched road, camino en balc6n o en ladera.
- guard, guardacorrea, guardabanda. benching (ea), banqueo, escalonado.
-hoist, malacate impulsado por correa. benchman, artesano de baaco.
-hooks, ganchos de correa, empalmadores benchwork, trabajo de banco.
para correa, grapas para banda, (A) bend, s (tub) coda, acodamiento, curva; (ref)
broches para correa. doblez, dobladura; (cab) vuelta, gaza; v
- horsepower, potencia en la polea.
-idler, tensor de la correa.
doblar, acodillar, plegar, acodar, encorvar;
doblarse, encorvarse; (est) combarse,
-Iacer, enlazadora de correas, empalmadora abombarse, pandearse ; (n&ut) entalingar.
de correa. bends, the, enferrnedad de que padecen 10s tra-
-lacing, enlace o tireta o cord6n o grampas bajadores en aim comprirnido (m4s propia-
para correa; costura de correa. mente caisson disease), (A) aeroembolismo.
- line, ferrocarril de oircunvalaci6n. bender, dobladora* curvsdora.
- plane, cepillo para correa. bending, (ref) dobiadura, doblado; (est) flexjbn.
-plow, deflector de descarga. -block (reinf), bloque de doblar.
- punch, punzdn para correa. -brake (sml), plegadora.
-rivet, remache para correa. - die, matris de doblar.
-sander (ww), lijadora de banda o de cinta o -factor, factor de flexibn.
de correa. -fatigue, fatiga de flexi6n.
- scraper, raspsdor para correa. - form, molde de curvar.
-shifter, cambiacorraa, desviador de correa. -jig, plantilla de cui-var.
-stud, enganchador de correa. -machine, m&quinedobladora o curvadora.
- take-up, tensor o regulador de correa. -moment, momento flexor o de flexi6n.
-----tightener, atesador o censor de correa, tem- -press, prensa dobladora o de curvar.
plador para bande. - punch, punz6n de plegar.
-tripper, descargador de transportador de -rolls, cilindros de curvar, rodillos deencorvar.
correa. -shackle, grillete de ancla.
-wax, oera para correas. - shoe (p), xapata de curvar.
belt-driven, accionado por correa. --- shop, taller de doblado.
belt-type coupling, acoplamiento flexible a -slab (p), plancha de doblar, banco de curvar.
correa. -strength, resistencia a la flexibn.
-stress, (est) esfuerzo flexor o de ffexih,
belting, correaje.
fatiga de flexionamiento; (cab) esfuerzo de
bench, 8 (carp) banco, banqueta; (tlin) banco, dobladura.
piso; (tierr4 banqucta, escal6n. berma;
(min) antepccho; 3 eacalanar. banquear,
- table, banco de doblar.
-test, ensayo de doblado, prueba de dobla-
abancaler, excavar a modia ladera. dura o de plegado; ensayo de flexi6n.
-anvil, yunque de banco. -yard (reinf), patio de doblado.
-clamp, torniilo o grapa de hanco. Bendix drive, arrancador Bendix.
- comparator, cornparador de banco. beneficiate, beneficiar.
- crimper (bl), tenmas ds banco. beneficiation (min), benefioio.
bent bidet

bent, s csballete, castillete, pilbn, armadura, -protractor, transportador-saltarregla, (A)

(M) palizada, (A) (V) pila, (M) banco; escuadra-transportador, (Es) cartab6n di-
(ed) p6rtico; (herr) form6n de cuchara; a latable.
doblado, encorvado, acodado, acodillado. -- rip (lbr), corte a1 hilo en bisel, bisel a1 hilo.
-cold, doblado en frio. -ripsaw, sierra de hender en bisel.
-gouge, gubia acodada. -siding (Ibr), tingladillo ahusado.
-tool (mt), herramienta ecodada. --- square (t),falsa escuadra, escuadra plegable,
bent-shank (tapper) tap, macho de espiga aco- saltarregla, cartab6n de inglete, falsarregla.
dada. -tool (mt) , herramienta para biselar.
bent-strap clevis (elec), horquilla de pletina. -washer, arandela ahusada o achaflanada.
bent-tube boiler, caldera de tubos acodados. -welding, soldadura de bisel o de chafl4n o de
benthos (sen), bentos. ranura.
bentonite (geol), bent0nit.a. -wheel, rueda c6nica.
bentonitic clay, arcilla bentonitica. bevel-edge chisel, form6n con chanfle.
benzene, benceno. bevel-edge flat (steel), barra plana con cantos
benzidine hydrochloride (sen), hidrocloruro de biselados.
bencidina. bevel-gear planer, acepilladora de engranajes
benzine, bencina. c6nicos.
benzo yellow (sen), amarillo benzo. bevel-groove weld, soldadura de ranura biselada.
benzoi, benzol. beveled halving (carp), ensamblaje a media
berm, berma, banquets, b a n d , lisera, (Ch) madera en bisel.
zarpa, (A) banquina; (ca) espaldbn. Beverage antenna (ra), antena Beverage o de
--- ditch (rr) (rd), cuneta de guardia, contra- onda.
cuneta. bezel, s bisel; v biselar.
Bernoulli's equation (h yd), ecuaci6n de Ber- bias (ra), s bias, polarizaci6n negativa de grilla;
noulli. v biasar.
berth, s ( n h t ) amarradero, arrirnadero, atra- -cell, batcria de polarizaci6n negativa.
cadero, borneadero; (fc) litera, cama; u -resistor, resistencia de polarizacibn negativa
( n h t ) atracar, abordar, abarloar, arrimar, o para bias de rejilla.
(A) estacionar. biased detector, detector en polarizaci6n ncgsr
beryllium (chem) , beriiio. tiva.
-copper, aleaci6n de cobre con 2.25% de biaxial, biaxil.
berilio. bibb, llave, grifo, espita, canilla, (PR) pluma.
Bessemer -washer, arandela de grifo.
-converter, convertidor Besserner. bibcock, grifo.
-iron, fundici6n o hierro Bessemer. bicable tramway, tranvfa de dos cables.
-steel, acero Bessemer. bicarbonate, bicarbonato.
best best (BB) wire, alarnbre mejor de lo mejor. bichloride, bicloruro.
beta - of mercury, bicloruro de mercurio, subli-
-brass, aleacidn de aproximadamente 54%
cobre, 46% cinc. bichromate, bicromato.
-iron, hierro beta (alotr6pico y no magnittico). -- cell (elec), pila de bicromato.
-particle, particula beta. Bickford fuse (bl), mecha Bickford o de aegu-
beta-naphthol, betanaftol. ridad.
betatron (ra), b e t a t r h , reotr6n. biconcave, bic6ncavo.
betterment survey (rr), cstudio de mejoras; biconical, bic6nico.
levantamiento para vnriante, retrazado. biconvex, biconvexo.
between decks (sb) , entrcpuentes.
between-the-iens shutter (pmy), obturador bicron (meas), bicr6n.
central o dentro del objetivo. bicycle (lg), trole, mot6n corredizo.
bevel, s bisel, chaflhn, falseo, chanfle, deapezo; bid, a propuesta, oferta, proposici6n, (C)(Col)
(herr) falsa escuadra, cscuadra plegable; v postura; v licitar, hacer una propuesta,
biselar, chaflanar, falsear, achaflanar, abi- ofrecer.
selar, matar. -bond, fianza de licitador.
-angle (w), bngulo de bisel o de la ranura. -security, caucidn de licitador.
-chisel, escoplo biselado. bidder, postor, licitador, proponente, licitante,
cut, corte en bisel.
cutoff, recorte en bisel, bisel de trozar.
(A) ofertante, (Pe) rernatista.
bidding, licitaci6n, propuestas; cornpetencia.
-cutoff saw, sierra dc trozar en b i d --- conditions, bases de licitaGn, (A) bases del
-edger (mas), canteador en bisel.
- gage, falsa escuadra.
-gear, engranaje c6nico o angular o cn b i d .
-form, forrnulario de propuesta, pliego de
-joint, ensnrnbladura en bisel, junta a ingletc. proposicionea, modelo de propuestas,
-miter, b i d a inglete. pliego de licitacibn.
--- pinion, pifi6n c6nico o de Anpulo. - schedule, cuadro de propuesta.

-plane, cepillo de achaflanar. bidet (pb), bidet, bidA.

bidirectional 353 bisector
bidirectional current (elec), corriente bidirec- binder, (ca) aglomerante, ligador, ligante, recebo,
cional. (A) pedregullo fino, aglutinador, (M) ce-
hifilar, bifdar. mentante; (mam) tiz6n; (seg) documento
bifluoride, bifluoruro. provisional de proteccidn; (ef) palo atesa-
bifurcated, bifurcado. dor de cadena; (ft) calzo; (elk) agluti-
bifurcation (p), bifurcaci6n, calz6n. nante.
-gate (hyd), compuerta partidora o de bi- - course (pav), capa de ligazhn, (Ch) capa de
furcaci6n. conglomerante, (C) capa de amarre.
bifurcator (ac), bifurcador. -soil, conglomerante tbrreo.
big end (eng), c a b e ~ ade la biela. binding
big inch pipe, oleoducto de 16 pulg o mayor. -material, aglomerante, conglomerante, aglu-
bight, (cab) seno, vuelta; (top) caleta. tinante, liga.
bilateral - post (elec), borne, poste de conexidn, suje-
- antenna (ra), antena bilateral. tahilo, (U) cabecilla.
--- system (machy), sistema bilateral. -rafter, carrera portacabio.
--- tolerance, tolerancia bilateral. - screw, tornillo de sujecicin.
bile (lab), b i l k - tape (elec), cinta aisladora o de friccibn.
- agar, agar de bilis. binnacle (sb) , bithora.
-pigment,(lab), pigmento de la bilis. binocular a, binocular.
bilge, (cn) pantoque (curva), sentina (fondo); binode (math) (ra), binodo.
barriga (bard). binomial, bitlornio.
-blocks, picaderos laterales. -array (ra), antena binomia.
-ejector, eyector del agua de sentina. bio-activation (sd), bioactivacibn.
-- keel, carenote, quilla lateral, (A) quitla de bio-aeration (sd), bioaeracibn.
rolido. biochemical, bioqutmico.
-- keelson, sobrequilla de pantoque, (A) vagra -oxygen demand (b.0.d.) (sen), demands de
del pantoque. oxigeno bioquimico (d.0.b.).
-- pump, bomba de carena o de sentina. biochemistry, bioquimica.
-saw, sierra combs. biofilter (sen), biofiltro,
-strake (sb), traca de pantoque. biofiltration, biofiltraci6n.
- ways (sb), anguilas. bioflocculation (sen), biofloculaci6n.
bill, s (com) factura; uiia (ancla) ; u facturar. biogenetic (sen), biogen6tico.
-of entry, pliegue de aduana, declaracidn de biological, biolbgico.
entrada. -film (sen), cubierta o peHcula biol6gica.
-of exchange, letra de cambio, (C) libranza. -treatment (sen), tratamiento biolbgico,
-of lading, conocimiento de ernbarqlle, carta biolgsis, bi6lisis.
de porte, conocimiento, (A) guia de em- biolytic tank (sd), tanque biolltico.
barque. bioprecipitation, bioprecipitaci6n.
-of material, lists o tabla de materiales. bioreduction (ad), biorreduccirin.
-of sale, escritura o carta o coniprobante de biose (su) , biosa, disackido.
venta. biotite (miner), biotita, mica negra.
bills payable, letras o documentos o obligaciones biotron (ra), biotrhn.
o efectos a pagar. bipin lamp base (elec), pie de Ismpara de doa
bills receivable, letras o docurnentos o obliga- espigas.
ciones o efectos a cohrar. bipod,'bipode, bipik.
billboard (sb) , resbaladera del ancla. bipolar (elec) , bipolar.
billet, (met) lingote, tocho, changote, paquete, bipost base (lamp), base biposte o de doe con-
(A) palanca; (ef) tronco corto; (est) pa- tactos.
lastro, zamarra. birch, abedul.
-mold, lingotera. bird guard (elec), guardap4jnros.
-plate (str), palastro, pIancha. birdie (ra) , chirrido, silbido.
-steel, acero dc lingotes o de tocho. birdpeck (lbr), picaduras.
bimetal n, bimetal, pieza bimot4lica. bird's-eye, cierto dofecto de madera.
bimetallic, bimetbilico. -gravel, gravilla de pulg.
bimorph (ra), biincirfico.
-perspective, perspectivd a vista de pbjaro.
bimotor, birnotor. bird's-mouth (carp), muesca, ranura, rebajo,
(M) barbilla.
bin, dep6sit0, arc&, tolva. bua6n. caj6n, cofre, birectangular, birrect8ngulo.
celda, (C) ernbudo birefringence, birrefringencia.
-gate, cornpuerta de tolva, trampilla, (M) birefringent (optics), birrefringente.
puerta de tnlva, (3) compuerta de buzBn. Birmingham wire gage, calibre de Birmingham
bin-run (ag), como sale de 10s dsp6sitos. para alambres, (A) aforo Birmingham
binary (math) (chem), binario. bisect, bisecar.
binaural, binaural. bisecting dividers, comp&sde bisecci6n.
bind, atar, amarrar ; (ca) ligar, consolidar ; aglu- bisection, biseccibn.
tinar; (maq) trabarse, pegarse, apretar. bisector, bisectris.
bisilicafe blade
bisilicate, bisilicato. black, s negro; (az) carb6n; a negro.
bismuth, bismuto. -annealing, recocido negro.
--- blende, bismuto blends. -base (rd), base negra o de piedra picada
-glance, bismutina. ligada con asfalto.
----spiral (ra), espiral de alambre bismbtico. -check (lbr), bolsa de corteza con resina.
bismuthinite, bismutinita, sulfur0 de bisnluto -diamond, diamante negro o borde, carbo-
nativo. nado.
bisulphate, bisulf ato. ---- flux (met), castina negra.
bisulphide, bisulfuro. -gum (lbr), nisa.
bisulphite, bisulfito. -iron, hierro negro (sin galvanizar).
bit, (taladro) broca, mecha, barrena, (A) trbpano, -lead, grafito, negro de plomo.
(Ch) fresa; (torno) fresa; (si) diente pos- -level (tv), nivel de negro.
tizo; (hacha) fib; (llave) palet6n; (arnks) -manganese, rnanganeso negro, pirolusita.
bocado; (cautfn) cabeza de cobre. -mica, biotita, mica negra.
---breaker (pet), soltador de barrena. -oak, roble negro o negral.
--- dresser, moleta para brocas, amoladora de -oxide of copper, dxido criprico.
brocas, (M) broquero; aguzador de ba- -oxide of iron, Bxido ferrosofi.rrico, 6xido
rrenas. negro de hierro.
-gage (drill), matrk de tamaiio, calibrador de -pipe, tuberia de hierro negro (sin galvanizar).
barrena. -powder (bl), p6lvora negra, p6lvora.
-grinder, afiladora de brocas, esmeriladora -silver (miner), plata negra, negrillo.
para brocas. -streak (lbr), bolsa de corteza con resina.
-hook (pet), gancho pescabarrena. -tin, mineral de estaiio generalmente casi-
-key, llave de paletbn. terita.
-punch (drill), punz6n de broca. -walnut, nogal negro.
-ram (pet), aguzador de barrenas. blackband, mineral de hierro parecido a clay
-tool (mt), herramienta de cuchilIa postiza. ironstone.
bitbrace, berbiqul. blackdamp (min), humpe, (M) bochorno.
bitch chain (lg), cadena fijadora (del poste griia); blackjack, (miner) esfalerita; (mad) especie de
cadena de acoplamiento. roble rojo; (ch) martillo de chapista.
bitholder, portamecha, portabarrena. blackprint, fotocopia negra.
bitstock, berbiqul. blacksmith, herrero, herrador, forjador.
-shank, espiga cuadrada ahusada. -chisel, cortafrio para herrero, cortadera, (C)
bitt, s bita de amarre, bita, bitdn, cornamusa, cincel, (A) trancha.
tojino; v abitar. -coal, carb6n para herrero o de forja o para
bitulithic, bitulitico. fragua, hulla de fragua.
. Bitumastic enamel (trademark), esmalte bitu- -hammer, martillo de forja, destajador, mazo.,
mftstico. -punch, rompedera.
bitumen, betrin, (M) (U) betumen. -shop, herreria, taller de forja.
bituminize, embetunar. ----- sledge, mandarria, combo, porra, macho d e
bituminous, bituminoso. fragua.
-batcher, proporcionador de rnateriales para -tongs, tenazas de forja o de herrero.
camino bituminoso. -tools, herrarnientas de forja o de fragua.
-binder (rd), capa bituminosa de ligaz6n. -welding, soIdadura de forja a mano, caldeo
-booster (rd), recalentador de rnateriales de herrero.
bituminosos. blacksmithing, herreria.
--- coal, carb6n biturninoso, hulla grasa, carb6n blackstrap (su) , mieles.
blando. blacktop (rd), superficie bituminosa.
-concrete, hormig6n o concreto bituminoso. -- paver (rd), mezcladora de la superficie
--- distributor (rd), esparcidor de asfalto, (Es) bituminosa.
betuminadora. blade, s (herr) cuchillo, hoja; (fc carnbio) aguja;
-flier (rd), relleno bituminoso para juntas. (conmutador) cuchilla de contacto; (mz)
-finisher (rd), afinadora del a b m a d o bitu- paleta, aleta, &labe,(M) aspa; (turb) aleta,
minoso. tilabe; (si) hoj a; (pala) hoja ; (nivcladora)
-macadam, mac4dnm bituminoso. cuchilla, hoj a ; (cizalh) cuchillo; (helice)
-mixer (rd), pavimentadora para a h n d o alcta, ala, (U) pala; (rerno) pala; (topa-
bi t,uminoso. dora) hoja, cuchilla, vertedera; (cuch)
-paint, pintura bituminosa o a1 alquitrdn.
-paver, mezcladors para pavimento bitu- gajo; v allanar con la cuchilla del expla-
-sprayer (rd), rociador de alquitrh. -base (road machine), base de cuchilla.
-- ditcher, zanjadora de cuchilla.
--- stabilizing (rd), estabilizaci6m con material
bituminoso. --- drag, rastra de cuchillas.
Bituvia (trademark)(rd), bituvia. -- grader, explanadora o niveladora de cuchilla.
bivalence, bivalencia. -guide (elec), gulacuchills.
bivalent (chem), bivalente. -spreader (rd) , extendedor de cuchilla.
blade 355 blind
-tamper (conc), paleta, (CoI) garlancha, (Pe) -hole, barreno, perforacibn, barreno de vola-
fij a, (A) espadilla. dura, (min) cohete.
blank, 8 (papeleria) formulario, modelo; (en) -machine, mhquina detonadora o estalladora
disco antes de cortar, blanco; llave ciega; o para voladuras, (pet) disparadora, (A)
alambre para tornillo; v punzonar, tapar, (M)(Es) explosor, (Es) deflagrador.
cerrar. -mat, estera para voladuras.
- bolt, perno sin roscar. -needle, aguja de polvorero, espigueta.
- cover (elec), tapa ciega. -oil, nitroglicerina.
determination (lab), determinacidn te6rica o -paper, papel para cartuchos de dinamita.
en blanco. -plug, tapdn para barreno de voladura.
- flange (p), brida ciega o sin tahdrar, platillo
ciego, (M) brida lisa.
-powder, p6lvora negrs o para voladura o
para barrenos.
- form, formulario, modelo, blanco, (Col) (Pan) -
- spoon, cuchara de polvorero.
wire, alambre de detonadora.
esqueleto, (A) fdrmula.
- liner (pet), revestidor sin perforaciones. blastogranitic (geol), blastogranftico.
- tire (loco), llanta sin pestah. blastoporphyritic (geol), blastoporfirftico.
- wall, pared sin vanos. blaze (lg), s marca de guia; v marcar con hacha.
blanket, (hid) colchbn de barro; (ais) colcha, bleach, s hipoclorito de calcio; v blanquear, des-
manta. colorar.
- grouting, inyecciones de colch6n. bleached oil, aceite de linaza blanqueado.
blanketing (ra) , interferencia. bleached shellac, laca blanqueada.
blanking bleaching, blanqueo.
- die, matriz de punzonar. -clay, arcilla descoloradora.
-plug (p), tap6n obturador. -powder, cloruro de cal, (A) polvo blanquea-
- press, prensa punzonadora. dor.
-pulse (tv), pulsacidn borradora. bleed IJ (mech), sangrar.
- punch, punzonador. bleeder, dispositivo de sangrax, orificio o tubo
blast, 3.i (exc) voladura, tho, explosih, disparo, de purga, purgador; (ra) sangrhdor.
(M) dinamitacibn, (M) pegada, (Ch) -current (ra), corriente sangradora.
pohorazo, (M) tronada; (aire) soplo; - drain (rd), sangradora.
(viento) r4faga; (arena) chorro, soplo; IJ -port, lupbrera sangradora.
volar, tirar, estalIar, hacer saltar, barrenar, -potentiometer (ra), potcncibmetro sangrsdor.
disparar, dinamitar, (M) tronar, (M) -resistance (ra), resistencia derivadora o de
explotar . compensaci6n.
- engine, mhquina sopladora. -resistor (ra), resistencia sangradora o de
- furnace, alto horno. (M) horno de fundici6n. drenaje
-heater (ac), serpentin calentador de chorro -trench, zanja de desagiSe.
de aire. -turbine, turbina de extracci6n.
-meter, indicador de tiro. bleeding, (conc)(A) afloramiento, (A) exudacidn,
- pipe (met), tub0 soplador o de viento. (M) sangrado, (M) desangramiento; (ca)
exudaciBn; (mec) sangria, sangradura.
-trap, trampa para calentador de chorro de
aire. -test (conc), ensayo para pbdida de agua.
- wave (geop), onda de explosibn.
blend v (sand), mezclar, combinar.
blende (miner), blenda.
-coke, cok para altoa homos, coque de alto blendid gasoline, gasolina mezclada.
horno. blender, mdquina mezcladora.
-gas, gas de alto horno. blending gasoline, gasolina para mezcla.
-slag, cscorias de alto horno. blending plant, ~ l a n t arnezcladora.
blaster, (vol) dinamitero, polvorero, disparador, blind, s persiana (ventana) ; v (ca) engravillat.
(rrin) pegador, (M) poblador; (fund) -coal, antracits.
mhquina de chorro de arena. -drain, pozo o sumidero ciego.
blasthole, d a s e blasting hole. -drivers (loco), ruedas motrices sin pestafias.
blasting, voladura, estallado, (M) dinamitacibn; -flange (p}, brida ciega o tapadora o de obtu- '
(ra) diatorsiGn de sobrecarga, racihn, platina ciega, pl~tillociego.
-accessories, accesorios de voladura. -header (mas), tiz6n falso,
-hole, agujero ciego.
-barrel, tubo pequeiio para colocaci6n de
-intersection (rd), intersecci6n invisible, em-
palme sin visibilidad.
-battery, pila detonndora, (Es) baterfa de -landing (ap), aterrizaje ciego o a ciegas o con
pegs. instrumentos o sin vkibilidad,
-cap, c4psula expbsiva o detonante, ful- - lade, blind vein (rnin), filch ciego o sin aflora-
minante detonador, (M)espoleta fulmi- miento.
nante. -nailing, clavadura invisible.
-charge, carga explosiva o de barreno. -nut, tuerca ciega.
-fuse, mecha, espoleta, caiiuela. -pulley (sb) , vigota.
-gelatin, gelatina explosiva o para voladura. -- rivet, remache ciego.
blowtorch 357 boiler
blowtorch, soplete de aire, l&mpara de soldar boatman, barquero, botero. lanchero, chalupero.
de plomero, antorcha a soplete. boatswain's chair, asiento colgante, guindola.
blowup (su), cachacera. bob (lg), s trineo; v conducir por trineo.
blue, v (met) empavonar, pavonar; a azul. bobbin (elec), bobina.
- asbestos, crocidolita.
-copper ore, eobre afiilado, azurita, cobre
- bit, tip0 de broca para agujeros profundos en
azul. body, cuerpo, masa; (vB) c a b , cuerpo; (carro)
- copperas, caparrosa azul, sulfato de cobre. caja, cajdn, (C) fragata; (co) caja, IC)
-glow (ra), luminiscencia azul, (A) fulgor cama; (auto) carroceria, carroza; (broca)
azul, (Es) lurniniscencia azulina. fuste; (llquidos) consistencia, espesor.
-iron earth, vivianita. - capacitance (ra), capacidad corporal.
-john (miner), fluorita. -pigment (pt), pigmento bhsico.
-lead, (pigmento) plomo a z d (galena suh- -plan (na), conjunto de seccionea transver-
limada) ; (miner) galena. sales del casco.
--- malachite, azurita, cobre a d . -post (sb), codaste proeI.
- oil, aceite azul. -rocker (tk), basculador de caja.
- rot (lbr), podricirin azul. -tracks (rr), vias paralelas de patio.
- spar (miner), espato azul, lazulita. body-cutting edge (reamer), arista cortante del
- stain (Ibr), mancha a d . fuste.
- vitriol, vitriol0 azul, sulfato de cobre. bog, pantano, ci&naga, fangal, aguazsl, marjal.
blue-annealed, recocido azul, azulado por recoc- atascadero.
ci6n. -down, atascarse, atollarse.
blueprint, s copia azul, copia heIiogrfifiea, foto- -iron ore, limnita, limonita, mena de 10s
caIco azul, impresi6n azul, (C) ferropru- pantanos, hierro fangoso o pantanoso.
siato, (A) calco heliogrftfico; v fotocopiar, - manganese, ocre negro.
iotocalcar, hacer copia heliogrsfica. Boghead coal, especie de carb6n mate. (Es)
-- cloth, tela para impresiones azules.
frame, marco para impresi6n azul.
-machine, mitquina heliogrhfiea.
bogie (rr) (tk), bogie, carretilla.
boil, s (ca) ampolla; (arena) hervidero, borbothn,
-paper, papel heliogr8fico. borbollh, borboteo; v hervir, bullir.
bluestone, (mam) piedra azul; (quim) sulfato de -up, borbollar, barbotar.
cobre. boiled oil, aceite cocido o secante.
bluff, barranca, barranco, farall6n. boiler, caldera, caldero, peila (pequefia), hervi-
bluing (lbr), podrici6n a d . dor (pequeiio).
blunger, rnezcladora, agitadora. -compound, antincrustante, desincrustante,
blunt, v ernbotar, arromar; a romo, embotado, descostrador.
boto. -efficiency, rendimiento de la caldera.
-me,lima paralela. -fittings, accesorios de caldera.
blunt-point nail, clavo de punta roma. -flange (p), brida curva o para caldera.
board, s (mad) tabla, t a b l h ; (fibra) cart6n; -flue, hurnero, conduct0 de humo; tubo de
(inst) tablero, cuadro; (directiva) junta, caldera.
consejo; v entablar, enmaderar, encofrar, -front, testera o fachada de caldera.
entarimar. -hanger, suspensor de caldera.
-foot, pie de tabla, pie cuadrado de tabla. -hatch (sb), escotilla de calderas.
-measure, medida para madera o de tabla. -head, fondo de caldera.
- of directors, junta directiva, directorio, con- -insurance, seguro de cqlderas.
sejo de administracibn, dirsctiva. -lagging, envoltura o chaqueta de oaldera,
- of health, junta o oon~ejode sanidad. carnisa aisladora de caldera.
-meter, contador (de vapor) de la caldera.
-of underwriters, junta o consejo de asegura-
dores. -plant, instalaci6n de calderas.
-rule, reg'ia para mader-a, (A) cartab611para -plate, planchas de acero para calderas, chapa
madera. de caldera.
boarding, entablado, tablaah, entarimado, -room. aala o cuarto de calderas.
tablaje, tablado. -setting,albaiiilerfa o marnposteria de caldera,
boast v (stone cutting), desbastar. montadura.
boaster, boasting chisel, cincel dasbasta.dor. -shell, casco o cuerpo de caldera.
boat, botc, buque, barca, barco, embarcaci6n; -shop, calderorta, (C) pailerfa.
(quim) gamella, artesa. -tube, tub0 o caii6n o flus de caldera.
-deck, cubierta de las lanchas. boiler-f eed
-harbor, boat haven, dhrsena para embarca-
ciones menores.
---- -pumD,- bomba alimentadora o dc alimentacidn

-hook, bichoro, botavara. o de inyecci6n.

-spike, clavo para embarcaciones o de bar- -regulator, regulador de agua de alimenta-
quilla. ci6n.
boatbuilder, constructor de botes. -water, agua de dimcntacirin.
boatload, barcada. boiler-patch bolt, perno prisionero de remendar.
boiler boom
boiler-room bulkhead (sb), marnparo de las trato) fianza; (empleado) fianza; v (mam)
calderas. ligar, trabar, aparejar, ('201) pegar; (el&)
boiler-tube cleaner, desincrustador. conectar; (empleado) afianzar, caucionar;
boiler-tube cutter, cortatubo de caldera. (bienes) hipotecar.
boilerhouse, casa de calderas: -bar (reinf), barra de trabazdn o de unidn,
boilermaker, calderero, calderista, (C) pailero. (V) raiz.
boilermaking, cnldereria, (C) paileria. -clay ( s ~ n ) arcilla
, de liga o de cohesi6n.
boiling, hervor, ebullicibn. -course (mas), hilada de tizones o d e cabeza.
-house (su), casa de 10s tachos. ---- form (fin), modelo de fianza.
-point, punto o temperatura de ebullici6n. ----plaster, yeso para capa primera sobre con-
-test, prueba a la ebullici6n. creto.
bole (lg), tronco, (C) bolo. -stress (reinf), esfuerzo de adhesibn, (A) ten-
bollard, bolardo, noray, poste de muelle. si6n de adherencia.
Bollman truss, armadura Bollman. -wire (rr), ligadura, alambre de ligaz6n.
bolometer (elec), bolbmetro. bonded
bolson (geol) , bols6n. -cement floor, piso de acabado no monolitico.
bolster, travesafio, solera, cepo, traversa; can, -finish (conc), capa de acabado ligado a1 piso
volador, cartela. y a fraguado, acabado ligado.
bolt, (est) perno, tornillo, bul6n; (puerta) ce- --- warehouse, almackn afianzado.
rrojo, falleba, pasador, colanilla, (V) bonder (mas), tiz6n.
perno; (cerradura) pestillo; (as) bloque por Bonderite (trademark), bonderita.
aserrar; v (est) apernar, bulonar, empernar, bonderize (rust-proof) , bonderizar.
(C) atornillar; (puerta) acerrojar. bondholder, tenedor de bonos, obligacionista,
-circle, cfrculo de pernos. (C) bonista.
-clippers, recortador o cortador d e pernos, bonding
tijera para pernos, cortaperno, (C) cuchilla. -company, empresa o cornpaiiia fiadora.
-dies, dados para filete de perno. -drill, broca para conexibn elhctrica de rieles.
--- driver (t), clavador de pernos. ---key (conc), clave, llave, diente, dentado,
-eye (for guy), ojillo para perno. elave de trabazbn, adajara, (C) mordiente.
.- pointer, aguzadora de pernos. bondsman, fiador.
- press, prensa sacaperno. bondstone, adaraj a, tizbn, cabecero, (M) llave.
---- socket, hembra de cerrojo. bone (min), capa de esquisto o pizarra en el car-
-stud, vBase stud bolt. b6n.
-tap, macho de tornillo o de perno. ---black, carb6n animal o de hueso.
-thread, rosca de perno, filete de tornillo. bone-black ratio (su) , relaci6n de carb8n animal,
bolt-and-pipe machine, terraja, m&quina de en- capacidad de carb6n.
roscar, roscadora. bonnet, (auto) cubierta deI motor, cap6; (vB)
bolt-heading machine, encabezadora de pernos. casquete, sombrerete, bonete; (homo)
boltcutter, cortapernos, cortabulones, cortaca- sornbrerete; (pl) macaco, sombrerete.
billas, cortador de pernos; tarrajadora. -nut, tuerca tapn o ciega.
bolted connection, junta bulonada, conexidn bonus, (contrato) premio, prima; (empleado)
ernpernada. gratificacidn, regalia, bonificaciirn, (C)
bolted steel tank, tanque de acero empernado. aguinaldo.
bolter, cedaeo, tamiz; sierra para hender trozos -and penalty, prima y multa, (C) regalia y
cortos. penalidad, (A) multa y bonificacih.
bolthead, cabeaa de perno o de bul6n. bony coal, carh6n esquistoso.
boltholes, agujeros de perno, perforaciones para booby hatch (sb), tambuchc, escotilla de cama-
bulones, taladros. rote.
bolting, apernado, bulonado; material para book capacitog (ra), condcnsador variable tip0
pernos. de libro.
-cloth, tejido para cernir. book tile, bloque hucco de tierra cocida en forma
-saw, sierra circular para hender trozos cortos. de libro.
-up, empernadura, bulonado, (C) atornillado. bookkeeper, tenedor de libros.
boltrope, rclinga; cable de cafiamode alta calidad. bookkeeping, teneduria de l i b r o ~ .
bomb, (mec) bomba; (pet) registrador de presi6n boom, (gr) a g u i l h , pturna, pescante, botalbn;
subtcrrhnen. (pl) aguildn, botal6n; (r) cadena de troncos;
-calorimeter, bomba calorim6trica. (puerto) barrera.
bombardment (elec), bombardeo electr6nico. --- bail [de), estribo del aguil6n.
bombshell torch, antorcha de carnino. -band (de), zuncho o aro riel aguilhn.
bond, s (mam) tmbaz6n, ligazbn, traba, aparejo, - bucket (paver), cub0 de a g u i l h , cuchar6n
(PC) nrnarre; (ref) adhesi6n, adherencia; de botal6n.
adhesi6n (rnortero); (conc ag) adhesi6n; conveyor, transportador de aguil6n.
(ca) cohesibn; (quim) grsdo de afinidad; -crutch (sb), caballcte de 10s sguilones.
(fc) l i g a z h , (C) fusible; (sol) ligazbn, liga, -ditcher, zarijadorst de aguil6n.
cohesiirn; (madera larninada) adhesiirn, --- dragline, pala de cable de arrastre, draga.
pega; (fin) bono, t i t d o , (A) chdula; (con- -fall (de), amantillo, perigallo.
-hoist (sh), elevador del aguil6n, izador del -and turdng machine, mdquina, de taladrar
y tornear, taladradora-torneadora.
-irons (de) , herrajes del aguil6n.
mounting (sb) , herrajes del aguilbn.
-attachment (ww), accesorio de barrenar, adi-
tamento de taladrar.
-pin [lg), tarugo de barrera.
-point (de), herraje del extrerno del aguil6n.
--bar, barrena de tierra; barra taladradora;
rectificadora (cilindro) .
-stick (lg) , tronco de barrera. - block, bloque de barrenar.
swinger (de), mecanismo de giro. - core, testigo de perforaci6n, cala de prueba.
table (sb), asiento de 10s aguilones. -head, (mh) cabezd de taladrar; (pet) corona
- tractor, tractor grGa.
boom-seat casting (de), asiento del aguil6n. -
insect, barrenillo.
boomage, (nhut) derechos de puerto; (ef) de-
rechos de barrera.
- log, registro de 10s sondeos, registros de per-
booming, (ec) manejo del aguil6n; (rnin) erosidn - machine, mhquina taladradora, agujerea-
por inundacidn de l a . sobrecapa de una dora, taladradora.
- mill, v6ase boring machine.
boost, (elkc) reforzar, elevar ; (rnec) refonar, -rod, barrena.
aumentar. - tool (mt). taladradora, taladro.
- charge (elec), carga de refuerzo. borings, virutaa de taladro; sondeos, perfora-
booster, (elW elevador de potencial o de ten- ' ciones de reconocimiento, agujeros d e
si6n; (mec) reforzador, aumentador de ensayo, (C) calas de prueba, (Ch) sondajes.
presi6n; (vol) detonador auxiliar; calen- bornite (miner), bornita.
tador (material bituminoso). Borolon (trademark), boroldn (abrasive) .
- battery, bateria elevadora. boron, boro.
- compressor, compresora elevadora. - carbide, carburo de boro.
-converter, convertidor de refuerzo. borrow n (ea), material prestado.
-ejector, eyector de vapor. - pit, cantera o zanja o foso de prkstamo, (V)
-engine (loco), mhquina reforzadora. banqrreo de prhstamo, (PR) corte de
-fan (ac), ventilador reforzador (de circula- pr6stamo.
borrowed fill, material de pr6stam0, terrgpl6n
-pump, bomba reforzadora. prestado.
-tractor, tractor auxiliar o empujador. bort, borft, diarnante negro o borde.
-transformer, transformador elevador, (A) bosom bar (sb) , cubrejunta de 4ngulo interior.
transformador aumentador. boss, capataz. sobrestante; (rueda) cubo; (mec)
boot, (tub) manguito; accesorio de transicih; protuberancia, copa, tet6n, henchimiento,
(ed) botaguas; (elevador) caja de carga; lomo, (C)b o t h ; (geol) masa de roca in-
(auto) parche grande; (pet) separador de trusivs, protuberancia de roca ignea.
bossed elbow (p), cod0 de copa o con lorno.
-socket, bootjack (pet), pescacuchara, pesca- bottle, botella, (lab) frasco.
dor a pestilo. -trap (p), trampa de botella.
boots (rubber), botas. bottom, e (rnuro) pie; (dep6sito) fondo; (r) lecho;
borate (chem), borato. (cn) carena, fondo; (n&ut) nave de carga;
borax, Mrax, atincar. (rnin) planta, piso, suelo; u alcanmr el
bord (rnin), gslerfa normal d clivaje del carb6n. fondo; a inferior.
bord-and-pillar mining, minerla de cimara y -bolt (door), cerrojo de piso.
pilar, labor de s a l h y pilar, laboreo a -chord (td), cordbn inferior.
cuadricula. -contraction (hyd), contraoci6n en el fondo.
Borda's mouthpiece (hyd}, boquilla entrante o -dead center (eng), punto muorto inferior.
-drift (tun), galeria inferior de avance.
border, borde, margen; (irr) camell6n. -dump (car), descarga inferior o por debajo,
-check (irr}, borde de desviacidn. vaciado por el fondo.
-irrigation, riego con rebordes. - end (connecting rod), pie de la biela.
-line (dwg), Unea de borde. -flange, ala or cord6n inferior.
pen (dwg), tiralfneas gruem. -fuller (bs), copador or degiiollo inferior,
bore, s (rnec) calibre, alesaje, hnima, didmetro
interior, taladrado; (mr) maremoto ; v tala- -ice, hielo de anclas o de fondo.
-land, piso del ualle, llanura del rlo.
drar, horadar, perforar, trepar, agujerear; -rail (door), peinrtzo inferior.
(tlin) perforar, (M) colar. -roller (hyd) , remolino de fondo.
-meal, poho de barreno. -stope (min), escd6n de banco.
borehole, barreno, taladro. - .
strake (sb) t r a m de fondo.
borer, (herr) taladro; (insecto) broma, tifiuela, -swage (bs) , estampa inferior.
barrenillo, (C) perforador. -water (pet), agurt subyacente o de fondo.
bottoms, (pet) residues; (top) vkase bottom land.
bottom-hole pressure (pet). preei6n a1 fondo (del
ring, perforaci611, taladro, sondaje ; caladura. pozo) .
bottomer (min), enganchador, cajonero. -column, columna cerrada o d e caja.
bottoming (rd), capa de fundacibn. --- connector (elec), conertor de caja.
p C t a p macho
, cilindrico. -coupling, acoplamiento de ejes con collar y
bottomless bucket (ea), cuchar6n sin fondo. chaveta.
boucherize (lbr), impregnar con sulfato d e cobre. -culvert, alcantarilla rectangular o d e caj6n,
boulder, canto rodado, canto, morrillo, boleo, (V) pontdn, (V) alcantarilla de platabanda,
c a b e d n , boldn, (PR) chino, p e d r e j h , (M) tajea.
(Col) guijarro, (M) piedra-bola, (V) -drain, desaguadero cuadrado de madera.
peiibn, (C) pedruzco. -flume, conducto de caja.
-clay, morena, material de acarreo por gla- -girder, viga tubular o de alma doble o d e
ciares. caj a.
-conglomerate, conglomerado de boleos, (V) -gutter (rf), canal611 ensamblado o armado.
conglomerado de peiiones. -header (bo), cabezal de cajbn.
-gravel, grava de boleos, (V) pefional. -jig, g&libode caja.
bouncing pin, aguja indicadora. -key, llave de cubo.
bound n (surv), m o h hito. -lacing (str), enrejado por cuatro caras.
--- charge (eIec), carga latente. -nail, clavo d e encajonar o de cajonero.
boundary, limite, lindero, linde. -nut, tuerca ciega.
--- conditions (str), condiciones d e borde. --- sheeting (exc), revestimiento de tablav hori-
-deformation (sm), deformaci6n lindera o d e zontales.
lfmite. -strike (lock), hembra de cerrojo embutida.
-light (ap), far01 delimitador, luz de demar- -tool (mt), portacuchilla de caja, herramienta
caci6n. de caja, caja portacuchilla.
-Iine, linea limitrole, lindero. -vise, tornillo de caja.
-mark, acotacibn, moj6n. -wrench, llave de cub0 o de casquillo estriado.
--- marker (ap) , baliea delimitadora, marcador box-type crosshead, cruceta cerrada.
delimitador. box-type furnace, horno de caja.
-stone, mojdn, coto, (Es) cipo, hito de lfmite. boxboard, cart6n; tzblas para cajones.
-stress (srn), esfuerzo lindero o de 1Imite. boxcar, carro cerrado o de ca.i6n, vag6n cubierto
-wave (geop), onda limitrofe. o encajonado o de mercancfas, furgdn, (C)
Bourdon gage, man6rnetro de Bourdon. fragata, (Ch) bodega, (M) carro caja.
bownonite (miner), bournonita. boxed pith (lbr), mCdula interior.
bow n (naut), proa; amura. boxhole (min), contracielo, tiro.
---- fast (naut), amarra o rejera de proa, prols. b ox wood, boj.
--- lines (na), curvas de sccciones longitudinales boycott, boicot, boicoteo.
por la proa. brace, s (cons) riostra, tornapunta, ppntal, codal,
bow, arco, lazo; (mad) comba de plano, desvia- virotillo, e n t i b a c h , adema, zanca; (n8ut)
ci6n d e llano. braza; (carp) berbiquf, berbique, taladro;
- compass, comphs de precisidn, bigotera. v arriostrar; entibar; aoodalar, acodar,
--- dividers, compds de divjsi6n de resorte, apuntalar, jnbalconar.
comphs de precisi6n, bigotera. -and bit, berbiqui y barrena.
-file, lima encorvada. -bit, barrena para berbiqui.
-pen, c o m p h de muelle con tiralcnerts. -pile, pilote inclinado.
--- pencil, cornpds de muclle con 18piz. -- wrench, llave de berbiqui.
-- saw, sierra de arco. bracing, arriostramiento, riostras; ademado, enti-
-trolley (elec rr), colector de arco. bacibn, apuntalamiento, acodalamiento,
Bowden wire (auto), alarnbre tip0 Bowden. (A) encadenado.
bow1 (scraper), tnaa, cuchar6n. caja, cubo. bracket, s m&nsula, consola, cnrtela, can, cane-
.- classifier, clasificador de taza, (M) clasifi- cillo, palomilia; (cn) cscuadra; a mensular.
cador de vasija. - crane, grGa de mCnsula.
bowl-type tilting mixer, mescladora basculanto -scaffold, andamio acartelado.
del tipo de tazbn. bracketed, acartelado.
bowline knot, as de gula, nudo de prcsilla. brackish water, agua salobre o gorda.
bowstring truss, armadura de arco y cuerda. brad, puntilla, agujucla, hita, agujs, alfileriIln,
box, a caja, caj6n; (fund) bastidor, caja; (rnaq) clavi to.
churnacera, mufioners; (correo) casilla, -hammer, martillo para puntillas.
apartado; (el&) accesoria d c conducto; -punsh, punz6n para clavitou, embutidor.
(mec) enchufe, hembra; v encajonar; (ef) bradawl, punz6n para, clavos, lefina para pun-
-and pin (mech), macho y hembra. tillas.
-- annealing, recocido en cofre. bradenhead (pet), cabazal con prensaestopct.
--- beam, vigs tubular o de caja. braided wire, alambra trenzado.
--- canyon, barranca, zanjbn, cafiadrin. braiding (rd), separacidn y cruzamiento de
-chisel, punz6n saeac~avos,cincel arranrador. trnchas de tr8fico.
-- chuck (rnt), t i p de mandril dc latoncro. brake, s (rueda) freno, retrancn, (M)manes;
-- cofferdam, ataguia encajonsda o de eajdn. (herr) plegadora d e palastro, dobladora de
brake 361 break
chapas, pestaiiadora; v frenar, enfrenar, brand, a marca; hierro de marcar; tiz6n; v marcar
retrancar. con hierro candente, herrar, rnarcar afuego.
- adjuster, cornpensador o ajustad~rade freno. -test (bldg), prueba a tiz6n.
- band, cinta o banda de freno. brandering (bldg), costillaje, enrasillado.
- beam, traviesa o viga de freno, balanch del branding iron, hierro de marcar, (A) marca de
freno, (C) yugo de freno. fuego.
-blocks, almohadillas de freno, zapatas, (C) brash (lbr) , quebradiao.
calzas. brass, lat6n, bronce, bronce amarillo, (C) metal
- booster, reforzador de freno, amplificador de arnarillo, (C) metal.
enfrenarniento. - check, ficha, chapita, (C) chapa.
- cyIinder, cilindro de frenaje. - flings, iimaduras de bronce.
- dog, trinquete o fiador de freno. -foundry, fundicidn de lat6n.
-drum, tambor del freno, (A) carnpana de -shop, latoneria.
freno. - solder, soldadura fuerte o de l a t h .
- fluid, flufdo para frenos hidriiulicos. brass-bound, guarnecido de zunchos de l a t h .
-hanger, suspensor del balancin de freno, bras-mounted, guarnecido de bronce.
sujetafreno. ~VSS-plated,broncesdo, latonado.
-horsepower, potencis a1 freno, caballo de brass-trimmed (va), guarnecido de latdn, con
fuerza a1 freno. accesorios de bronce.
-hose (rr), manguera de freno, manga para brasses (car), bronces, casquillos o cojinetes de
freno. bronce, (Pe) descansos.
- lever, palanca de freno. brasswork, latoneria, bronceria.
-lining, forro de freno, cinta para freno, guar- brassworker, latonero, broncero, broncista.
nicidn de freno; (M) balata. brattice (nlin), tabique dc ventilaci6n.
-meter, medidor de Ia potencia del freno. -cloth, caiiamaro o lona para tabiques.
-motor, motor con freno. braunite, braunita (mineral de manganeso).
-off, freno aflojado. braze, s soldadura; v soldar con soldadura fuerte
- on, freno apretado. o con lat6n o en fuerte.
-pedal (auto), pedal de 10s frenos. -welding, vease brazing.
-pipe (rr), tuberia de frenaje. brazer, soldador (hombre) ; (maq) soldadora.
-release, desfrenamiento, desenfrenamiento. brazier, latonero (hombre) ; brasero (para fuego)
-ring, aro de freno. brazilwood, palo Brasil.
-shoe, zapata o p a t h de freno. brazing, soldadura fuerte o con 18th.
-signal (auto), seilal de enfrenamiento. - brass, l a t h para soldar.
-clamp, prensa para soldar.
--- staple (pet), grapa del freno.
-support (auto), portafreno, soporte de freno.
-test, prueba o ensayo a1 freno.
- compound, cornpuesto para soldadura de
-valve (rr), llave del maquinista, vitlvula de - fittings (p), accesorios de l a t h con extremos
frenaje. para soldar.
-wheel, tambor del freno. -
flux, fundente para soldadura de l a t h
forge, fragua de soldm,
brake-valve actuator, actuador autozn8tico de la
vLlvula de fredaje. - solder, soldadurs fuerte o de l a t h .
brakeman, guardafrenos, frenero, retranquern, - spelter, vease brazing soldex,
(Col) brequero, (Ch) palanciuero, (M) - tongs, tenaeas para soldadura.
maneador, (M) garrotero. -valve, v4lvula de l a t h con extrernos para
braking, frenaje. so1dar.t
- effect, efecto frenador o de frenaje. - wire, alarnbre fundente de l a t h .
-stress, esfuerro debido al frenaje. brea (pet), brea.
-torque, torsi6n de frenaje. breadth, anchura, ancho, (an) manga.
branch, s (tub) derivacidn, bifurcaci6n, injerto, -, extreme (na), manga total.
(C) ramal, (Col) rarnificacih; (Arbol) break, 8 rotura, fractura, quebraja; (el&) i n t e
rama; (min) ramal; (elh) derivacidn; (r) rrupci6n, distancia de interrupci6n; (dique)
afluente, tributario, brazo, rarnal; (of) brecha; (geol) falla, hendedura; (pen-
aucursa1, dependencia; v ramificarm, bifur- diente) cambio; v romper, fracturar; rom-
carse, derivarse, acometer. perse; (elkc) interrumpir, desconectar,
-canal, canal derivado. contracanal. abrir; (piedra) picar, quebrar, majar,
-circuit (elec), circuit0 derivado, ramal. quebrantar; (fin) quebrar.
-cutout (elec), portafusible de derivacih. - bulk, transbotdar.
.- fadb (gool), ramal de falla. - distance (elec), distancia de interrupcibn.
-joint (elec), derivaciGn, conexi6n en T. --- down, fallar, fracasar.
---- line, (elbc) l h e a derivada; [fc) ramal. -ground, ernpezar la excavaci6n.
-raise (min) , contracielo ramal. -in grade, cambio de rasante, punto de in-
-sewer, cloaca deriveda, albaiial. (A) rarnal flexi6n.
cloacai. - jaw (eleo), mordaza de interrupcidn.
- T (p), T rnbltiple, cabezal de tubos o de -- joints, nlternar las junturaa, romper juntas
conexi611 mdltiple. (0 saltear juntas, (M) cuatropear.
break bridge
-lathe, torno de bancada partidn. breccia, brecha, breccia.
-out, brotar (agua fre4tica) ; (pet) desen- brecciated, de estrurtura de brecha, (A) bre-
roscar. choso, (B) brechoide, (M) brechiforme.
---- tape (surv), avanzar por mediciones cortaz brecciation, brechaci6n.
escalonadas. breech (tackle block), rabera, rabo.
-up, desmenuzar, desmenuzarse. ----plug (mec), obturador.
break-in device (ra), dispositivo de interposi- breeches pipe, tubo ahorquillado o bifurcado.
ci611. breeching, tragante, hurnero, caja de hurno, (M)
break-in keying (ra), rnanipulacih interpuesta. (C) rechnara.
break-point chlorination (sen), cloraci6n hasta breeze, cisco; brisa.
el punto de aumento r6pido del cloro resi- brewery wastes (sen), desechos de cerveceria,
dual, ( C ) cloraci6n hasta el punto de alcantarillaje de la cervecerla.
cambio o de quiebra. brick, ladrillo.
breakage, rotura, fractura. .-- and brick, ladrillo tocando ladrillo con mor-
breakaway friction, fricci6n d e zafar o de tero solamente para llenar las irregulari-
arranque. dades.
breakax, quiebrahacha, palo de hierro. -barrow, carretilla para ladrillos.
breakdown, falla, fracaso, averla, (auto) panne; -chisel, cortador de ladriIlos, cortaladrillos.
(eldc) descarga disruptiva. -clamp, corchete para ladrillos.
-torque, mornento mhximo de torsi6n. -clay, arcilla para ladrillos o de ladrillero,
-voltage (elec), tensi6n disruptiva. tierra de ladrillos.
breaker, (conc) rompedor; (auto) ruptor; ( e l k ) -dust, polvo de ladrillos.
interruptor automtitico, disyunt,or; (car- -hamme:, martillo de enladrillador.
b6n) quebrantador, quebradora, rompe- --- hod, cuezo.
dor; (op) rompiente. -masonry mamposter5a o fsbrica de ladrillos,
-arm (auto), brazo de ruptura, palanca rup- (V) alfareria.
tora, (U) martillo del ruptor, brazo ruptor. --- mold, rnolde para ladrillos, (Ec) ladrillera;
-points (auto), contactos o platinos del ruptor. adohera; (carp) moldura entre marco y
breakers, breaking-down holes (tun) (rnin), albndilerla.
barrenos de destrozo. -on edge, ladrillos de sardine1 o d e canto.
breaking, rotura, ruptura, fractura. -- on end, ladrillos de testa.
-link (turb) , eslab6n de seguridad. -pavement, enladrillado, ladrillado.
-load, carga de rotura o de ruptura o de -paver, enladrillador.
fractura. -- press, prensa ladrillera, (Es) timbradora.
-strength, resistencia a la rotura o a1 fallar o -trowel, paleta, (A) cuchara.
a l a fractura. -up, enladrillar.
-stress, esfuerzo de ruptura, fatiga de rotura. -veneer, revestimiento de ladrillos.
-temperature (injector), temperatura lirnite. - wall, muro o pared de ladrillos.
breakout plate (pet), placa de desconexi6n. - wall brick thick, media citara, muro do
breakout tongs (pet), tenazas desconectadoras. media =ta, (M) muro de catorce.
breakup (tun), rninado hacia arriba. -wall 1 brick thick, citara, muro d e asta, (M)
breakwater, rompeolas, escollera, quebrantaolxs, muro de veintlocho.
(Col) tajamar, (A) quiebramar, (V) (Ch) -wall 1v2 bricks thick, muro dc: asta y media.
molo. -wall 2 bricks thick, doble citara, muro de
breast (min), cara, frente. doble asta.
-auger, barrena de pecho. -- wall 3 bricks thick, muro de tres astas.
-boards (rnin), tablazdn del frente, wickbat, tcjoleta, tejuela, pedazo de lndrillo,
- derrick, cabria. cabrestante. medio ladriIlo, (C) rajbn, (A) cascote.
-drill, taladro o berbiqul de pecho, berbiqui xickkiln, horno de ladrillos, ladrillar, (A) hor-
de herrero. nalla.
-fast (naut), arnarra de travgs, codera, rejera xicklayer, albaiiil, enladrillador, ladrillador.
de travCs. ~ricklaying,enladrillado, tendido dc ladrillos.
-holes (min), barrenos horizontales o de cara. nickmaker, ladrillero.
- stoping (rnin), labor de frente escalonado. nickmaking machine, ladrillcra.
-wall, muro de revestirniento; estribo; ante- nickmason, ladrillador, albrtfiil.
pecho. xicnwork, enIadrillado, obra o mamposteria de
--- wheel (hyd), rueda de pecho. ladrillos, ladrillado, (V) alfareria.
breasthook (sb), buzarda. xickyard, ladrillal, ladrillar, ladrilleria.
breasting (tun) (rnin), labor de frente escalo-
)ridge, s puente; (hogar) altar; (cn) puente de
nado; tablaz6n del frente.
breastrail (sb), cairel. cornando; (elbc) puente; (mv) puente; v
breastsummer (bldg), dintel. salvar con puent'e, pontear; (eldc) conectar.
breather, respiradero. - - bar, alzuprirna con punta piramidal.

breathing (transformer), respiracibn. -- bolt, perno de pucnte.

-line (ac), nivel de respiracih (5 pies sobre - circuit (elec), circuit0 en puente.
el piso). - clevis, horquilla estructural,
bridge 363 broken
-crane, graa de pdrtico o de puente, (Pan) brilliant green (lab), verde brillante.
puente rodante. brine, salmuera.
- deck (sb), cubierta de! puente. -cock, llave para salmuera. .
- guard, guardapuente. brine-quenching, templado a salmuera.
- house (sb), casa del comando. Brinell
- jack, gat0 de puente. -hardness, duresa de Brinell.
-joint (rr), junta suspendida reforzada o de -machine, ensayador de dureza.
puente. - test, ensay0 por m&quina Brinell.
- piece (sb), arco del marco de Is h6lice. briquet s, biqueta, ladrillejo, losilla, aglomerado
-pier, pilar, pila de puente, (Col) macho, (carbhn), pan; v briquetar, briquetear.
(Ch) machdn, (AC) pilastra. - mold, molde de briquets, briqueteadora.
- reamer, escariador estructural. briquet-testing machine, mbquina probadora de
-rectifier (elec), puente rectificador, rectifi- briquetas.
cador de puente. briqueting machine, briqueteadora.
-rope, cable de alambre para puentes col- briqueting press, prensa briqueteadora.
gantes. Bristol board, cartulina, brfstol.
-seat, asiento de puente, piedra de asiento. Bzitannia joint (elec), empalme britania.
- socket (wr), encastre o enchufe o grillete de British standard candle, bujja international.
puente. British thermal unit, uaidad de calor brithnica,
-stay (bo), virotjllo del cielo del hogar. unidad tbrmica inglesa.
-stone (pav), losa de piedra para salvar la brittle, quebradizo, frggil, agrio, quebrantable;
cuneta. deleznable (suelo),
-tie (rr), traviesa de puente. - micas, grupo de clintonita.
-transition (elec), transicibn de puente. - silver ore, plats negra, qstefanita.
-truss, armadura de puente. brittleness, fragilidad.
- wall (bo), altar, tornallamas. Brix scale (su), escala Brix.
-warning (rr), vbztse tickler. broach, s (mec) mandril, alegrador, legra, esca-
-wire (bl), alambre de puente (dentro de l a riador, ensanchador; (llave) espet6n; v
chpsula detonant e). (mec) escariar, mandrilar; (exc) quebrar
-wrench, llave cerrada o de cubo. la roca entre barrenos; (mam) desbastar.
bridgeboard, larguero de escalera, limb, gual- - puller, sacaescariador.
dera. broaching, escariado.
bridgebuilder, constructor de puentes. -fixture, montaje de escariar.
bridgebuilding, construcci6n de puentes. -
- machine, mandriladora, escariadora.
bridged-T network (ra) , red forma T con puente. press, prensa escariadora.
bridgeman, arrnador de puentea. broad, ancho.
bridging, (carp) arriostrado, atiesadores, cru- -gage (rr); trocha ancha.
cetaa; (fma) extensih del levantamiento -hatchet, hachuela ancha.
entre fajas de control; (sol) puente (sobre -irrigation (sd), irrigaci6n con liquid0 cloacnl ,
una ranura). riego de aguas albaiiales o de aguas negras.
bridle, (cab) brida; (fc el&) retenida. - tuning (ra), sintonizacib plana.
- guy (elec), retenida diagonal o de cruceta. broad-crested weir, vertedero de pared espesa o
-iron (bldg), estribo. de cresta ancha.
-joint (carp), ensmnbleadura a horquills. broad-rinse tool (rnt), herramienta de filo ancho.
-mooring, amarre a pata de ganso. broadax, doladera, hacha ancha.
-rod (rr), tirmte de agujas, barra de chucho. broadcast (ra), radiodifundir, radiar, perifonear.
-sling, eslinga de .brida. -channel, canal de radiodifu~i6n.
Briggsian logarithm, 'logaritrno cornfin. -receiver, radiorreceptor.
bright, olaro; brillante; l u m i n w . -transmitter, radioemisor.
-annealiag, recocido brillante. broadcasting (ra), rrtdiodifusibn, radioemisi6n.
-blue {temper), wzul brillante. -station (ra), radiodifusora, radio em is or^,
-level (tv) , nivel del blanco. estacih difusora.
-nail, clavo ohro o braante o agrio. broadleaf (tree), de hoja anoha, caedizo.
--- stock (lu), tip0 de hbricante de petrrjleo broadside array (ra), antena de radiaci6n trans-
residual. versal.
-tin plate, chapa estajiada sin plomo. brochantite (miner), brocantita (sulfato b6sico
-wire, dambre claro o billante o agrio. de cobre).
brightness (il) , intensidad luminoas, brillo, (Es} broken, roto, quobrado, fracturado; (top) acci-
olaridad. dentado, barrancoso.
-control (tv), control de brillo. -ashlar, silleria de juntas horizontales descon-
-meter, medidor de intensidad luminosa. tinuas.
brilliance (il), brillantea, lurnkiosidad, brillo -coal, antracita de tarnafio de 3 X s pulg a
mbjetivo. 4% pulg, (M) c a r b h sntrozado.
-modulation (tv), modulaci6n de brillantez o -ground, terreno quebrado.
de intensidsd. - line (dwg), lines quebrada o de trazos o de
XrriUhcy cantrol (tv), m t t d de brillo. rayas.
broken 364 bucket
-slag, escoria partida. -aerator, aereador de escobilla.
-stone, piedra quebrada o partida o picada, -coat, brochada, pincelada.
roca triturada. --- cutter, cortador de malezas.
broken-back curve (rr) (rd), dos curvas a1 mismo -discharge (elec) , descarga radiante.
sentido con tangente corta entre las dos. --- displacement (mot), desviaci6n o decalaje
broken-down (machy), descompuesto, estro- de las escobillas.
peado, inhabilitado. --- holder (elec), portaescobilla.
broken-range masonry, sillerfa de piedras de ---hook. cortador de malezas. cortamatas.
diversas alturas. -- lag (elec), retraso de la escobilla.
broker, corrcdor. -lead, avance de la escobilla.
brokerage, corretaje. --- lifter, Ievantaescobilla.
bromate (chem) , bromato. ---- loss (elec), perdida en las escobillas.
bromic, br6mico. -rake (ce), rastrillo de malezas o para matas.
bromide, bmrnuro. -resistance (elec), resistencia de las escobillas.
bromine, bromo. -ring (elec), collar portaescobillas.
bromite (chem), brornito. -rocker, portaescobillas regulable.
bromochlorophenol blue, azul de bromocloro- -scythe, guadaiia para arbustos.
fenol. --- shifting (elec), decalaje de escobillas.
bromocresol green, verde de bromocresol. -stroke, hrochada, pincelada.
bromocresol purple, pdrpura de bromocresol. -switch (elec), conmutador de escobillas.
bromophenol blue, azul de bromofenol. -yoke (elec), puente portaescobiIla.
brornothymol blue, azul de bromotirnol. brush-contact resistance (elec), resistencia de
bronze, bronce, (C) metal. contact0 de escobilla.
-powder, polvo bronclneo. brush-holder stud, perno portaescobila.
-shop, bronceria. brushwood, broza, ramalla, rarnojo.
-welding, vf ase brazing. brute-force filter (ra), filtro de capacitancia e
--- work, bronceria. ir~ductanciao de fuerza bruta.
-worker, broncero, Eroncista. bubble, burbuja.
bronze-mounted, montado en bronce. ---cap (pet), casquete de burbujeo.
bronze-plated, bronceado. -column (pet), columna de burbujeo.
bronze-trimmed, guarnecido de bronce. -point, punto de burbujeo.
bronzed, hronceado. -tower (pet), torre de burbujeo, (M) torre de
bronzesmith, broncero, broncista. barbotaje.
brook, arroyo, quebrada, riachuelo, riacho, arro- -tray (pet), placa o bandeja de burbujeo.
yada, (Pe) acequia. -tube (inst), tubo de burbuja.
brookite, brookita (mineral de titanio). Buchner funnel, embudo de Buchner.
broom, s escoba; u (pi) astillar, aplastar; asti- buck, s caballete, estante; (puerta) marco; .2: (as)
Ilarse, aplastarse, rajarse; (cab) separar trozar; (min) triturar; (elkc) oponer.
10s alam bres. -arm (elec) , cruceta atravesada.
--- drag, rastra de escobas. - scraper, trailla o pala fresno.
broom-drag u (rd), barrer can escoba de armstre. -up v (re), aguantar, contrarremachar, (M)
Broome gate (hyd), compuerta Broome o de entibar.
orugas. bucker, (herr) contraestampa, sufridera, contra-
broth (lab), medio fl6id0, caIdo. martillo; (ef) trozador; (ef) leiiador.
brown, pardo, bruno. bucker-up (man), aguantador.
-coal, Iignito. bucket, (mano) cubo, balde; (exc) c u c h a r h ,
coat (mas), segunda capa o mano, (V) friso, (M) bote, (A) balde; (conc) capacho,
(V) frisado, (A) guarnecido, (A) tendido, cuchardn, (V) tobo; (elevador) cangilhn,
(M) capa cafi?. cubo, cubeta, capacho, arcaduz, (A) balde;
-hematite, iimonita, hematites parda. (tranvla aCreo) vagoneta, carretilla; (turb)
-iron ore, limonita. paleta, casoleta, cuchara, Blabe; (presa)
-mica, mica parda, flogopita. terminal del vertedero, (C) taza del verte-
-ocher, limonita. dero, (A) cubeta, (M) deflector, (M) ci-
-rot (lbr), podrici6n parda. rnacio.
-spar, espato bruno. -conveyor, transportador de cubos o d e can-
-sugar, azricar amarilla o terciado o morena gilones, conductor de cubetas.
o mascabndo. -- dredge, draga de escalera o de rosario o d e
browning trowel, paleta para segunda mano, cangilanes o de arcadnces.
llana de j aharrar. -elevator, clevador de capachos o de cubos o
brownprint, fotocopia purda. de cancrilones, noria de cangilones, noria
brownstone, arenisca o ~ i e d r aparda. elevadora, (M) rosario de cangiIones; (V)
brucite, brucita, hidr6xido dc mngnesio nativo. (B) elevador de baldes.
brush, s cepillo, escobiila; (pint) brocha, pincel; -excavator, excavadora de cangilones o de
( e l k ) escobilla; monte baio, malezas, rosario o de capachos.
rnatorral; ramalla; a cepillnr, accpillar; -loader, cargador de vagones portgtil o de
(pint) brochar. cubos o de cangilones.
bucket bulge
-pump, bomba vertical con v4lvula en el build, a (rnsm) junta vertical; v construir; edi-
Bmbolo. ficar; fabricar. .
-trap (steam), separador de cubeta abierta, -up, edificar, construir; enmurar; ensarnblar;
trampa de Aotador abierto, interceptor de aumentar, aumentarse.
agus a balde. build-up welding, soldadura por pasos trans-
-wheel, rueda de cangilones. versales.
bucket-ladder dredge, v h s e bucket dredge. builder, constructor, edificador, alarife, maestro
bucketful, cucharada, baldada, carga de cucha- de obras; fabricante.
r6n. builder's
bucking (elec), oposici6n de circuitos. -derrick, grda de edificacih.
-bar, sufridera, contraestampa. -hardware, cerrajeda, ferretersa de edifica-
-board, plancha de trituraci6n. ci6n, (A) herraje para construcciones.
-coil (elec), bobina de oposici6n. - hoist, montacarga para edificaci6n.
-hammer, maza trituradora. -jack, conaola de andamiaje; gat0 de tornillo.
-iron, (min) maza trituradora; (eat) contra- - level, nivel para constructor.
est ampa. -tower, torre de montacarga para edificacibn.
-saw, sierra trozadora. -transit, trsnsito para edificaci6n.
-wedge, cufia de trorador. builder's-risk insurance, seguro del contratista
buckle, s (as) argolla, ahrazadera; w (est) pan- contra terremotcr, avenida, tormenta, etc.
dear, abombarse, encorvarse, cimbrarse, building, edificacidn, construcci6n ; edificio.
flarnbearse, abarquillarse, acornbar. -block, bloque hueco de concreto o de arcilk
-plate, plancha o placa ~bovedada, chapa cocida,
buckIing, pandeo, flambeo.
board, cart6n de fibra para construcci6n.
cable (elec), cable para edificios.
-coeficient, coeficiente de pandeo. -code, codigo o ley o reglamiento de edifica-
bucksaw, sierra de bestidor o a1 aire o con cibn, ordenanaas de construeci6n.
armazbn, (A) sierra de montaraz. - contractor, contratista de edificaci6n.
buckshot, especie de sue10 que parece perdigones -department, departamento de edificios, di-
grandes. reaciiin de edificsci6n.
-sand, arena rodada. - line, linea municipal o de edificadbn, (Pan)
buckstay, montante de contencih, viga de ati- linea de construcci6n.
rantar. - lot, solar,
buckup tongs (pet), tenazas atornilladoras. - mixer, hormimnera pssra edificaci6n.
buckwheat coal, antracita menuda (tamaiio -paper, papel de edifioaci6n o 'de revesti-
mirximo pulg). miento.
buddle (min), s lavadero, bbaco, gamella, (B) -permit, permiso de edificacih, liceneia para
budle, (Col) cernidor; v lavar mineral, edificaci6n.
(Col) cernir. -tile, bloques huecos de arcilla cocida.
buddling trough, artesa de lavado. - trades, oficios de edificadn.
budget, presupuesto. -wire (elec), alambre para edificios.
buff, a rueda pulimentadora; v pulimentar; (auto) built channel (str), canal de pfancha con dos
rsspar. Angulos.
buffer, s (herr) pulidora; (auto) raspador; (fc) built-in (mas); empotrado.
tope, paragolpes; (quim) arnortiguador; v -antenna [ra), antena encerrada.
(qulm) amortigum. built-in-place, construido en el lugar, hecho en
-amplifier (ra) , amplificador separador. sitio.
-bar, barra de paraohoques. built-up, ensamblado, armado, compuesto; en-
-battery (elec), baterja compensadora. rnurado; aumentado.
- beam, trsvesafio de tope. -column, columna oompuesta.
-block, almohadilla de tope. -frog, coraz6n de rieles ensamblados.
-capacitor (ra), capacitador compensador. - girder, - viga compuesta o ensamblada o
- plate, placa de choque o de tope. armada, jdcena oompuesta.
-salt (chern), sal amortiguadora. - roofing, techado armado.
-solution (chern), solucihn retardadora o --- wooden beam, viga de tablones empernados
amortiguadora, (C) soluci6n cstabilizadora. o enclavados.
buffing, pulimentacibn; respadura. bulb, (eat) bordbn, nervio; (el&) bornbilla,
-lathe, torno de p u b . ampolleta, (C) bombillo, (A) bulbo.
-ol, aceite para pulir. -angle, hngulo o escuadra con nervio, Angulo
con bordbn, escuadra abordonada, (A) es-
-wheel, rueda pulimentadora. cuadra rebordeada.
bug (re), manipulsdor semiautom8tico. -bow (sb), amura bulbosa.
buggy, (conc) carrito, faetbn, calesfn, (M) carre- -of pressure (sm), bulbo de presi6n.
tbn; (ot) remolque acarreador; (ef) trole. -pile, pilote de bulbo o de pedestal,
-block, mot6n corredizo. -- T, T abordonada o con nervio o con bord6n.
buhl saw, sierra de caIar, serreauela. bulge, s pandeo, comba, barrige; u ccmtarse
buhrstone, piedra de molino. bornbearm, pandear, abombarse.
bulge 366 buoyancy
bulge-point bar (bl), barreta de punta recalcada. pala topadora, (Ec) trompa, (V) pala de
bulging, combadura, bombeo, pandeo. empuje recto.
--- die, matriz de bombear. bulldozer (steel fabrication), dobIadora de
bulk, s volurnen, masa, macizo; v abultar, hin- hngulos.
charse. Bullgrader (ea), niveladora de empuje angular,
--- cargo, carga a granel. topadora angular.
---- cement, cement0 suelto o a granel. bulling bar, atacadera.
-density (srn), densidad en masa. bullnose
-, in, a granel, en masa, bruto. -brick, ladrillo de esquino redonda.
-modulus of elasticity, m6dulo de elasticidad -plane, cepillo cort.0 con cuchilla a1 frente.
de volumen. -screed (rd), raedera con vuelo.
-specific gravity (sm), peso especifico de la -tool (mt), herramienta desbastadora.
masa. bullpoint, punta rompedora, rompedora de rnano.
b u m e a d , (op) malecbn, muro ribereiio de con- puntero, punzbn, barreta d e punta, (min)
tencicin, muro de ribera, muraLI6n de de- punterola.
fensa; muro de muelle; entablonado de bull's liver, mezcla de arena fina y arcilla con
contenci6n; (cn) mamparo; (mo) tapbn, agua. (Es tembladora y corrediza.)
tabique divisorio, pieza de obturacibn, (V) bull's-eye (sb) , lumbrera de cubierta.
compuerta ; (ed) sotechado, altillo. -reflector (rd), reflector lenticular, reflector
-coaming (sb), traca m8s alta o rn6s baja del ojo de buey,
mamparo. bullying (min), ensanchamiento del fondo del
-dam, presa insumergible o de retencibn, barreno.
dique sin derrame o de cierre, (M) cort- bulwark (sb), borda.
ina. -stay, barraganete.
-deck (sb), cubierta de 10s mamparos, cu- bummer (Ig), carretilla, carrito.
bierta encima de 10s mamparos estancos, bump v, (lab) vaporizar slibitamente; (pa) lavar
-line, Ilmite del relleno a lo largo de un puerto el filtro momentheamente.
(v&asepierhead line). -joint, tip0 de unibn circunferencial para
-plating (sb), plancheado de 10s rnamparos. tuberia de acero con extremos ligeramente
-stiffener (sb), atiesador de rnamparo. doblados, solapados y remachados.
bulking, abultamiento, hinchaa6n. bumper, tope, paragolpes, cabezal de choque,
-factor (sm), factor de abultamiento. parachoques, arnortiguador de choque;
bull (tun), s atscadera de barro; w llenar de barro (cantero) cincel dentado.
el barreno. -jar (pet), destrabador.
---- block, (ei) pasteca grande; (met) bloque de bumping hammer (auto), martiUo desabollador
estirar. o de chapista.
-chain, cadena para troncos. bumping post (rr), poste de guarda, tope de via
-clam shovel, empujadora de almeja. o de retencibn, cabezal de choque, para-
-ditcher, arado pesado de vertedera doble. golpes.
-donkey (lg),malacate de tres tambores mon- bumpometer (pav), probador de superficie.
tad0 sobre trineo. buncher (ra) , resonador agrupador.
-float (rd), aplarladora mecbnica; aplanadora bunching (ra), agrupacibn.
para dos hombres o de mango largo. bundle, s atado, haz, manojo; v atar, liar, lotear.
-gear, (gr) engranaje de giro; (gr) mecanismo - of light rays, haz de rayos.
de giro; (mh) engranaje principal. bunghole oil, aceite de linaza crudo con adici6n
-header (bw), asta de canto, tiz6n a sardinel. de secantes.
- line (tun) (naut,), cable de ladeo. bunk, (en) (campamento) litera; (co) travesafio,
-plug, (tub) tap6n macho; (pet) tap6n ciego. solera. tarirna.
-pump (min), bomba a vapor de acci6n simple. -chain (I&, cadena de ajustc.
-quartz, cuarzo bastardo. -hook (Ig), gancho de solera.
---ring, (elkc) anillo de conexi6n; anillo do bunker, arc6r1, buz6n; carbonera.
presi6n (valvula compensada) . -coal (naut), carb6n para las calderas.
-riveter, m4quina fija de remachar. -oil, aceite combu.stiblc para buques.
--- rope (pet), cable de herramientas. bunkhouse, barraca, albergue, (PR) pabell6n
-set, martillo picador. dormitorio.
--- stretcher (bw), soga de canto. bunkload (lg) , carga de una sola hilera de trorlcos.
--- wheel, (gr) rueda de giro, rodete d e giro; Bunsen burner, mechero Bunscn.
(pet) malacate para herrarnientas; (maq) bunton (rnin), puntal divisoxio.
buoy, s boys, baliza; v boyar, baliztar, abzliznr,
rueda irnpdsora. aboyar.
bulldog wrench, Have dentada o de mordaza. - --- rope, orinque.
bulldoze, (ot) nivelar con hoj a empuj adora ; -- tender, balizador.
(rnin) requebrar; ( v d ) volar sin barrenar. buoyage, sisterna de boyas.
bulldozer (ea), hoja de empuje, topadora, empu- buoyancy, flotabilidad, flotacidn, presi6n hacia
j adora niveladora, cuchilla ernpuj adora, arriba, sustantacirin hidrhulica; (hid) s u b
hoja topadora. (M) sscrepa de ernpuje, (A)

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