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English - My Love @ Spring Edition 2012 Englishy-[\’' Multiple-choice English Test Read the story then answer to questions 1-5. 1 What is « good! ttle for the story? © A) Chip and Dale B) Tom and Jerry C) Donald Duck and Daisy D) Minnie and Mickey Have you ever heard about a naughty | mouse and @ stupid housecat? Not only © | Faldren love them but their parents, 00: The mouse is note usual one. It elways e | plays tricks on the cat which sometimes falls into ts traps. They rarely get along and © | that's becouse we cannot imagine a real e ? ‘What does the mouse do? e A) It ploys with the cot. B) It plays the piano with the cat. ©) It plays tricks on the cat D) It ploys chess with the cat. | friendship betweenacat and amouse. 3. Who watches the two famous characters? A Find the opposite of FRIEND. A) parents and grandparents A) classmate 8) children and parents B) desk mate ) children and babies ©) enemy D) grandparents ond children D) colleague 5 Tsay one MOUSE, you say many... e A) mouses B) mice C)mices D) mousy English - My Love & Spring Edition 2012 aly, 6 Land my family love swimming in the sea r \ N @ 80 we're going to spend the summer... A) of the mountains. in Sinaia. 8) at the country, in Dabuleni C) at the seaside, in Eforie. D) at the pool, in our town. Jack hates broccoli. He eats broccoli for lunch. A) never 8) cays CC) usually D) very offen 9 My pet feels cold and has a fever. I am taking him... e A) to the baker's B) to the dentist's ) to the pet shop D) to the vet plants and vegetables. Farmers like ladybugs in the gardens. 9 ‘Some people think a ladybug is good luck. They like to eat insects that could harm ps © Why do farmers like ladybugs? A) They ore prety. B) They bring good luck. C) They eat harmful insects. D) They taste good, ONG) AY Bm FAA 10 How many sentences are incorrect? e O Inevery morning, mother wakes up early. © isone'’s sister is prettyer than her. O We are having lunch now. O We visit our cousins in the Spain every summer. O Jack is fifteen years old A)one 8) wo C) three D) four Laat= eu ela) Soc) @ Spring Edition 2012 (On the kitchen table there is @ plate with eighteen 11 chocolate cookies and twenty vanilla cookies. © Little Rosie loves chocolate cookies and eats eight of them. 9 (4 F) How many cookies are there on the plate now? A) 20 fon) 3 8)30 D) 50 loa C3 E) When I go to the cinema I usually get a lemonade, © pocket of sweets and a hotdog. poy 2 pounds for the lemonade, £1.50 for the sweets ond £2.50 for the hotdog. A) 86 How much is everything? 8) £4.20 rye £650 2 D) ES Multiply the number of fingers on two hands A) 40 . 2 ne 2 9) 50 What's the result? D) 120 1 A “One apple a day keeps the doctor away” means: e A) Apples are very cheap. B) Apples are healthy. C) Doctors eat a lat of apples D) Apples are not good, : =e ‘Gy Tam bird, you are afraid of the sounds I make at night. I eon ‘turn my neck around very easily. Who are we? A) parrot = fon = bug ~ eagle 8) monkey — lion - bug - eagle C) monkey — lion ~ spider — owl D) monkey - tiger - spider - ow! Taam very small, you can't see me, but you can see my web in the corner of the room. English - My Love @ Spring Edition 2012 16 Find the correct ending 17 ‘One of the most famous ° for the title of a very famous © symbols of both London story for children. cond England is the. ; ‘A) Big Ben Snow White and... 8) Big Ten ©) Big Bar A) the Little Mermaid D = Pen 8) the Wizard of Oz CC) Black Beauty D) the Seven Dwarfs BRAIN TEST Help Diono sort the cords, Write each word under the correct heading. ° village run car office [ite doctor | A) one 8) two How many word cards are left? ©) three D) four 19 Put the story in the correct order. e The code i. After the karate class, Tyler and his dad go to the mall for ice cream. 2 ea Tyler orders an ice cream with sprinkles and a cherry on top. a 45231 ‘Afier dinner, Tyler helps with the cleaning. Today is his turn to wash the dishes.) 12435 Tyler goes to his karate class on Saturday afternoons. In the evening Tyler's mom prepares cinner for the family, Picnic Time! e Fill in the blanks with the type of word described. On. we are going on a picnic! I am going with my ae ae and my favourite pet For lunch, we will eat ‘and drink : = anaes aoa We will end the day with « gome of aaa =

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