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Interesting Facts about Australia

1. It is the 6th largest country in the world, occupying an entire continent of

some 7.6 million square kilometers.
2. It has the world's 3rd largest ocean territory, spanning three oceans and
covering around 12 million square kilometers.

3. The largest Greek population in the world beside Athens in Greece can be
found in Melbourne Victoria.
4. Most of Australia's exotic flora and fauna cannot be found anywhere else in
the world.

5. More than 80 percent of Australians live within 100 kilometers of the coast
making Australia one of the world's most urbanized coastal dwelling
6. The world's highest proportion of migrant settlers in a developed nation
with over 25% of Australians born in another country.
7. Approximately 1.35 trillion bottles of wine are produced by Australia.
8. Lake Hillier in Australia is a bright pink color and scientists aren't sure why.
9. In Australia, there are more kangaroos than people.
10.The city of Melbourne, Australia, used to be called Bat mania.
11.In 1967, Australia's Prime Minister went to the beach for a swim and was
never seen again.
12.In Victoria, Australia, only a licensed electrician is allowed to change a light
13.There's a river Australia
15.called the
16."Never Never River."

17.Australia exports camels to Saudi Arabia.

18.Australia has 10 times more camels than koalas.
19.75% of Australia's living species are unknown to man.
20.There is a mountain in Australia called
Mt. Disappointment
21.In Australia, Burger King is called "Hungry Jack's".
22.The world's largest cattle station, Anna Creek Station in Australia, is larger
than Israel.
23.Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day
for over 27 years.
24.10% of Britons think Australia is further away than the Moon, a survey
found in 2013.
25.There's a bookstore in Australia where books are wrapped in paper with
short descriptions so no one can "judge a book by its cover."

26.Australia is an island surrounded by more than 8,000 smaller islands.

27.Burning Mountain, Australia, has an underground natural coal fire that has
been burning for about 6,000 years.

28.The last time somebody died from a spider bite in Australia was in 1981.
29.Australia claims to own the largest territory in Antarctica: 5.8 million sq km
(2.2 million sq mi).
30.The most valuable legal tender coin in the world is a US$1 million coin from
Australia. Since it weighs 1,000 kg and is 99.99% pure gold, it is worth
almost US$45 million.

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