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Recycling Process of Nitrogen

Organic compounds such as proteins , nucleic acids or urea or inorganic compounds such
as nitrate , nitrite and ammonia is a compound found in Nitrogen . Below the stage - stage
nitrogen is Dair

The first stage is the nitrogen cycle is the process of transfer of nitrogen from the
atmosphere into the soil . In addition to the influx of nitrogen into the soil as a result of
rain water , nitrogen can also go through the process of nitrogen fixation , the process is
carried out by Rhizobium symbiosis with bacteria that will Azotobacter , Clostridium ,
and legumes . Green algae also have the same capabilities as
nitrogen fixation .
The second phase in which the nitrate obtained from the biological fixation are used by
producers or plants that will convert it into proteins . If there is an animal or plant that is
dead then the parser will turn it into NH3 ( ammonia gas ) and will change to NH4 +
( ammonia salts are dissolved by water ) , a process that occurs is called the amonifikasi .
Nitrosomonas bacteria can transform ammonium compounds and ammonia into nitrates
which are processed by Nitrosomonas . Denitrification is the process by which oxygen is
contained in the wettest soil , eating will quickly be transformed into nitrate nitrogen
oxide or nitrogen gas .

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