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Christy Rose

Scott Reilly

Intro to ELL

Learning Styles Reflections

Visual learners learn best with presented with pictures, diagrams, graphs and maps rather than

through spoken word. They learn better when they can visualize the lesson in their head. As a

result, using multiple mediums of teaching can be very useful. In math, graphing out solutions

for my students or showing them the geometric properties may be very helpful for visual learners

like myself.

Applied learners are best for realistic scenarios and problems. An applied learner would excel in

a lab or in an applied math course but they may struggle in a philosophy course. In a math class

specifically, word problems and problems that relate to everyday like will be helpful for applied

learners. In geometry class, working with blocks may be helpful.

Verbal learners are the opposite of spatial learners who have an easy time positioning things in

their minds eye. Verbal learners are better with language. They can express themselves with

ease. Using academic language in math can help verbal learners because math can be considered

a language in itself.

Social learners have an easy time working in groups. They can express themselves well and can

learn well from their peers. A social learner would thrive in a math class that uses partnerships
and groups to assess students understanding. Working in groups and explaining processes to one

another can be extremely beneficial to this learning style.

Pragmatic learners do not tend to look outside the box. They follow logic, order and rules. As a

result in a math class they will be the ones who can follow a formula with ease but may struggle

when given a problem that does not directly stem from a formula. To help students like this,

there needs to be a lot of structure and consistency in the class, especially for pragmatic learners

who are ELL students.

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