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My Coronation Day

-Andrei Hutu-

Is he the one? Poor guyCountless whispers resonated in my eardrums. Even more so

did the authoritative words of the person next to me. Silence in the room, please!. In an
instant, the atmosphere shifted drastically. Not a sound. Oh, where did you go? How could you
leave me all alone like this?. It was all its fault. I wouldnt have been sitting there had it not
been for its death. My coronation had commenced.
My frightened eyelids were closed shut. The loud voice was approaching me little by
little, spouting out phrases I couldnt grasp. I felt everyones attention falling on me, suffocating
me. Stand still for just a bit. Lets get it adjusted on your head Perfect!. After a long
moments silence, the audience started cheerfully clapping. I hastily turned around, biting my
left thumbs nail, like Id always do.
There was no way of saving it, I knew it was never coming back, not after that moment.
A single tear started sprinting along my nose bridge, making its way past my nostril and barely
missing my lips. It then stopped for a second on my chin, before falling to the ground,
disappearing just as my treacherous dignity did before it, exactly when I needed it most.
The crown was almost weightless, but it was heavy to bear. Shaped as a cone, it was like
none I had seen before. Nothing too fancy, made of white cardboard with black letters glued
onto it. I will never forget what they spelled out: D,U,N,C,E.

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