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Mayra Rosillo, she's studying industrial engineering at San Marcos Universty, Lima/Peru.

When she was a child, Mayra studied all elementary School at Antenor Orrego E.

By the time she studied in that school, she had been participated in various mathematical
competitions. Mayra notices that she had enjoyed the experience, because she wanted study
one career that involving numbers and math. After she finished her elementary studies, she
wanted to know what career to study; she talked with many people that were involved in
engineer studies, while she analyzed her options to find a decision, Mayra had a great
opportunity to visit Tannery's Company.

She experienced how engineer workers works in diverse processes and she could found in the
Industrial engineer career what she had wanted for herself.

Actually she has been making professional practice at Sodexo SA, she has been working for the
last six months in asset management program.

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