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Ladybirds Mime Night

Running Order

Act 1: 8.30pm start.

1. Les Mis- Master of the house.
2. Dusty Springfeild- You dont have to say you love me.
3. Sister act- I will follow him.
4. Nancy Sinatra- These boots were made for walking.
5. The Shirelles- Will you still love me tomorrow?
6. Amy Winehouse- Rehab.
7. Roy Rogers- Four legged friend.
8. The Crystals- Da Do Ron Ron.


9. Black & White dance- Cant stop the feelin'.

10. The Wurzels- Combine Harvester.
11. Pat Boone- Speedy Gonzales.
12. Laurel & Hardy- The blue ridge mountains of virginia.
13. The Beverly Sisters- Sisters.
14. Tina Turner- Simply the best.
15. Elvis- Devil in Disquise.
16. Vera Lynn- We'll meet again.

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