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DS Mini Project



Tic Tac Toe is a turn based board game where two players
mark X or O on a 3X3 grid. The first person to mark three
X or three O in a straight line or a diagonal wins the game.

In this project we have attempted to create a interface for

this game with a GUI(Graphical User Interface). The board
is stored as an array of size nine. Each player is given a turn.
The move is validated using a function, if it is a valid move
then changes are made to the board accordingly.

If the use tries to make an invalid move another turn is given

to the user to give the input. After each turn the winning
conditions are checked using a function. Using this function
we check if the game is in status of win, draw or ongoing.

This project is an attempt to help understand the concepts

of arrays, accessing them, and manipulating data to
recreate a game.

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