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Transaction Log Shipping Status Reports are showing alert

SQL Server 2008 log shipping.

log shipping Backup jobs, Copy jobs and Restore jobs are running successfully. When checked the transaction log
status report is not getting updated and shows alert with worng information, checked the system tables are not
getting update.

Execute the following commands and check in primary server last_backup_file, last_backup_date and in the
secondary server check last_copied_file, last_copied_date, last_restored_file and last_restored_date are getting
updated, if its null then the reports will show the wrong status.

This issue can occur in the same net work and in same domain and if the server are behind the filewall.

use master


execute sp_help_log_shipping_primary_database @database = <Database Name>

use master


execute sp_help_log_shipping_secondary_database @secondary_database = <Database Name>

Try executing the following command

On primary server

use master


execute sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitor

@agent_id = <get the primary_id from the table log_shipping_primary_databases>,

@agent_type = 0,

@database = <Database Name>,

@mode = 1

If the query executed successfully the reports will get updated and check the fields in the system tables will be
or if the following error is displayed

Msg 32055, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitor, Line 248

There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.

There is issue with permissions to the monitor server to fetch the details and update the system tables.

In SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 when log shipping is configured, a linked server is created by SQL Server
and this linked server is used for updating the monitoring server status and system tables.

When the linked server is not able to connect to the monitor server from the primary server, where the system
tables are not getting updated.

do the following to resolve the issue.

select * from sys.servers


Server > Server Objects > Linked Servers > linked server name will start with LOGSHIPLINK_<Monitor server

Right click > properties > Security > change the radio button on for login to > Be Made using this security
context > provide the monitor server SA Username and Password.


Goto each primary databases where log shipping is configured > manually > Properties > Transaction log
shipping > Monitor server instance > Settings > change the radio button to > Using the following SQL Server
login: > provide details > Login: SA > Password: ****** > Confirm Password > ****** > click OK >
Click OK


Execute the following script or allow the jobs to execute as per the schedule and check the status report

use master


execute sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitor
@agent_id = <get the primary_id from the table log_shipping_primary_databases>,

@agent_type = 0,

@database = <Database Name>,

@mode = 1

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