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Dear Lilly-Ray's Parent(s),

My name is Amy Wright-Mead and I am currently working with your daughters first grade

classroom to complete the required student teaching hours for my graduation. I will be in her classroom

two days a week where I will observe her teacher, Mrs. Kinney. This semester I am taking a course that

asks me to work with a student, or two, to work on some extra material to gain some insight and

evidence into the process of their thinking and learning. It was my hope that I work with Lilly-Ray on

some of these projects. I would greatly appreciate it, and with your permission I would be able to share

my learning with my peers. I was hoping to get started with her this coming week.

I hope this letter reaches you well and thank you,

Amy Wright-Mead

By signing this form, you are giving Ms. Wright-Mead permission to use artifacts from your daughters'

education in her course work with the University of New Mexico. You also permit Ms. Wright-Mead to

work one-on-one with Lilly-Ray when the time allows.

Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________

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