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2017 Intro to Ayurveda: The Three Doshas - Yoga Journal



Intro to Ayurveda: e ree Doshas

Balance your health by understanding your basic
constitution, or dosha balance.

Ayurveda, which translates as "knowledge of life," dates back 5,000 years to the ancient Sanskrit texts, the
Vedas. It's a system of healing that examines physical constitution, emotional nature, and spiritual outlook in
the context of the universe. According to the philosophy, universal life force manifests as three di erent
energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha. We're all made up of a unique combination of these
three forces. Though everyone has some of each, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two of
the doshas. This unique combination is determined at the moment of conception, and is your own personal
blueprint, or prakriti (nature). As you move through life, the proportion of each of the three doshas constantly
uctuates according to your environment, your diet, the seasons, the climate, your age, and many other
factors. As they move into and out of balance, the doshas can a ect your health, energy level, and general

e ree Doshas

Kapha types have strong frames and are naturally athletic as long they are exercising regularly to manage
their tendency to gain weight. The in uence of the earth and water elements makes them innately stable,
compassionate, and loyal. They appreciate doing things in a methodical, step-by-step manner, and prefer a
regular routine in their personal and professional lives. When imbalanced they can become unmotivated,
stubborn, and complacent even when change is necessary. Their metabolism tends to be slow and their
appetite for both food and stimulation is less intense than vata or pitta types. They bene t from exposing
themselves to new environments, people, and occasionally fasting.

Pitta festyle/ ntro-ayurveda 1/4

20.09.2017 Intro to Ayurveda: The Three Doshas - Yoga Journal

Pitta types are dominated by the re element, which makes them innately strong, intense, and irritable. They
tend to have a medium build and endurance with powerful musculature. They often have freckled skin that
easily reddens in the sun, during exercise, massage, and when blushing. They are strong willed and good at
doing what they think is right. They approach work and play with the same intensity and competitiveness.
They are natural leaders and quick learners whose ability to easily comprehend and master new skills and
concepts can make them judgmental or impatient toward people they feel are slower or less focused than
themselves. They have strong digestion and intense appetites, both for food and challenges. If they miss a
meal they are likely to become grumpy and may take a "bite" out of somebody instead. It is common for them
to su er from health conditions such as in ammation, rashes, acne, and loose stool. For balance, pittas need
to manage their " ery" tendencies, channeling them in productive ways and learning to recognize their
destructive power.


Vata types tend to be thin and lanky. They are very mentally and physically active and enjoy creative
endeavors, meeting new people, and traveling to new places. When they are balanced, vatas are exible, have
lively imaginations, and are original thinkers. When imbalanced they can get anxious, ungrounded, and can
seem " aky" about ful lling commitments, sticking to a routine, and completing projects. They tend to run
cold and dry and enjoy warm, humid weather. It's common for vata types to experience cold hands and feet,
constipation, dry skin, and cracking joints. The in uence of the air element in their constitution causes their
energy, mood, and appetite to uctuate dramatically. For this reason vata types often fail to eat and sleep
regularly, swinging from eating heavy foods to ground and sedate themselves, or ingesting stimulants like
co ee and sugar to sustain intense physical or mental activity. Insomnia and low immunity are very common
problem for the sensitive vata person.


Bi-doshic indicates that you share qualities strongly with two doshic types, and is actually how most of us are.
People with dual constitutions (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, and vata-kapha) are, in a sense, "split." Under certain
conditions, one dosha will predominate and under other circumstances the other dosha will. The best way to
manage bi-doshic prakriti is by the season. For example, if you have a vata-pitta or vata-kapha prakriti, during
autumn, which is a vata season, you'd follow a vata-decreasing regimen. During warm weather, you'd follow a
pitta-decreasing regimen. During the cold and wet season, you'd follow kapha.


Tri-doshic means having equal amounts of each doshic in uence. The tri-doshic person can be very strong,
stable, and adaptable when in balance. When they are out of balance, however, they can experience poor
health. The key is to preserving your personal balance is to hone your sensitivity for noticing potential
imbalances that may arise from your environment or from dietary or emotional imbalances, and to adopt
practices that will counter-balance these in uences. For example, in autumn, a tri-doshic person would act if
they were a person with a vata constitution and follow a vata-balancing lifestyle and diet. The same is true for
the other seasons: Employ a pitta-balancing regimen when the weather is hot and a kapha-balancing regimen
when the weather is cold and damp.

Take our quiz to discover your dosha. festyle/ ntro-ayurveda 2/4

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