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Hood (n): the cover over a cars engine

Idiot (n): a foolish person; a person who is not at all intelligent

Junker (n) and old car in bad condition

Kid (v): to joke; to pretend or deceive in a playful manner

Lessor (n): a person who rents something to another person; lessee (n): a person who rents something

Lever (n): a bar or stick that is pulled or pushed to cause something to work

Liability (n): the responsibility or fault for something; a debt; liable (adj): legally responsible for a debt

Lic. No. (n): abbreviation for license number, the registration number of your car

Merge (v): two traffic lanes join to form one

Mileage (n): the number of miles on a car; the number of miles per gallon a car gets

Mph (n): abbreviation for miles per hour

Mini-serve island (n): at a gas station, the row of pumps where gas is cheaper, but less service is

Net (n): amount; price remaining to be paid

Notify (v): to inform or tell a person

Obtain (v): to get

Per (prep): for each

Post (v): to make public by putting on a wall

Premium (adj): the better type of gas

Pre-paid (adj): paid for before

Prior (to) (prep): before

Pump (n): a machine that moves liquids upward (v): to move liquids, air or gas, by using a pump

Receipt (n): a written statement that you have received or paid money

Refund (n): money returned to you when you have paid too much
Regular (adj): the normal type of gas

Rental (n): a sum of money to be paid for using something

RR (n): railroad, railway

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