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Bachillerato General, Modalidad Mixta

Examen nico de Conocimientos

Examen de Ingles

Nombre del Alumno: ________________________________________________________

Bimestre:________________ Horario: __________________________________________
Fecha: __________________ Calificacin: ______________________________________
Aplica el Maestro: _Josue D. Escarcega Ochoa__
Confirming Information

Complete the following sentences with the correct question tag.

1. Youre going to attend the meeting next week, ___ ____ ?

2. They dont sell computers, ____ ____?

3. Tom hasnt arrived yet, ____ ____?

4. She is collecting stickers, ___ ____?

5. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ____ ____ ?

6. You have cleaned your bike, ___ ___?

7. John and Max don't like maths, ___ ___?

8. Peter played handball yesterday, ___ ___?

9. They are going home from school, ___ ___?

10. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ___ ___?

11. He could have bought a new car, ___ ___?

12. Kevin will come tonight, ___ ___?

13. This isn't your pen, ___ it?

14. You don't want this book, ___ you?

15. This food isn't very nice, ___ it?

16. He doesn't work, ___ he?

17. They aren't happy, ___ they?

18. I'm not good at this, ___ I?

19. You don't like shopping, ___ you?

Passive Voice

Write the verbs in passive in the corresponding length of time.

1. I don't have to go to the newsstand because the paper (deliver) _______________ to our house every day.

2. When David went to school , she (pick) ______________ up by her mom every day.

3. From now on everything (do) ____________ for you.

Underline the options that corresponds to passive voice.

1. Mark Twain wrote the book.

2. The book was written by Mark Twain.

3. The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper.

4. The housekeeper will clean the room.

Objective pronouns

Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.

1. Mary wants to talk ___________ about your homework.

2. Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn't you invite _________?

3. The spider bit ________on my ankle.

4. The movie was hilarious! We really liked _____.

5. Bob took ____ to work Monday.

Transcribe the following texts in reported speech.

1. He said, "I like this song."

He said _________________________________
2)"Where is your sister?" she asked me.
She asked me _____________________________
3)"I don't speak Italian," she said.
She said _________________________________
4)"Say hello to Jim," they said.
They asked me ________________________
5)"The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
He said _________________________________

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