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It is only you in the house during the night and suddenly you hear some noise downstairs.

Is there a burglar in the house?

There C ANT be a burglar in the house (The alarm is on and all doors and windows are locked)
(I have a lot of evidence there isnt a burglar)

There SHOULDNT be a burglar in the house (I forgot to turn on the alarm but all doors and
windows are locked)
(If everything goes right as it is supposed to, there isnt a burglar)

There MAY,MIGHT,COULD be a burglar in the house (I forgot to turn on the alarm and am not
sure whether I locked the doors and windows or not)
(I am not sure but it is possible)

There CAN be a burglar in the house (I forgot to turn on the alarm, not sure about having
locked the house and burglaries are common in this neighborhood)
(Still not sure, but more likely to believe it is true)

There MUST be a burglar in the house (no alarm, violent city, not sure about having locked the
house and I keep hearing noises)
(I have a lot of evidence there is a burglar)

There WILL be a burglar in the house (no alarm, violent city, I keep hearing noises and now I
just realize I forgot to lock the back door)
(All evidence point to this. I predict this strongly)

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