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Characteristics of Suzuki Talent Education

Whatever is learned by the students is learned thoroughly.

Example: When the students are playing a piece, the teacher may direct them to do knee
bends or walk up and down stairs. (To make sure they follow the beat of the song/ tempo)

A group of students divided into half; One half plays while the other half follows along
silently. This is to make sure they are ready to pick up the music on a moments notice
without causing a break in a flow.

Parent also attend the lessons and learns along with the child.

The parent attends all lessons, supervises listening, and practices with the student each day,
making sure the student does as the teacher instructed. The parent is the home teacher,
giving praise for each effort, so that practice time is a positive experience. Being a successful
Suzuki parent does not depend on any previous knowledge of music. The parent is taught
step by step how to help the child at home.

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