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a) Fill in the black with may or might.
1. You have told me. I came all this way for nothing.

2. I thought he be able to help me, but he was useless.

3. You lock up the store once you have completed the closing out duties.

4. I asked him if I leave the work early today.

5. Employees use their discount on regular prices items only.

6. Customers use the staff washroom.

b) Where goes may or might?

1. The sequel will be better than the first film. (may)

2. There will be a sequel. (may)

3. Spy films will become more popular than action films. (might)

4. Our local cinema will close. (may)

5. Ill join a drama club. (might)

c) Make yourself two questions of each modal verb learned (may and might).
Noun clauses.
a) Surround with circles the noun clauses.

1. She does not know where he went.

2. Whether he will win is undecides.

3. Whatever you do, do it well.

4. Whoever thought of that idea is a genius.

5. On weekends, we can do whatever we want.

6. The focus of our work is how we can satisfy customers most effectively.

7. Choose a gift for whomever you want.

8. Whichever restaurant you pick is fine with me.

9. Be sure to send whoever interviewed you a thank-you note.

10. Do you know what the weather will be?

11. My greatest asset is that I am a hard worker.

12. Its important to think about why we make certain decisions.

13. I wonder how long we should wait here.

14. Always give whichever audience you perform for a great show.

15. Im packing extra snacks for when we get hungry.

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