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1. There are 30 books in the classroom. The teacher bought 8 more

books for the classroom. How many books are there in the classroom
2. 20 girls and 23 boys took part in an art competition. How many
students took part in the competition altogether?

1. You have 7 cookies and you ate 2 of them. How many cookies do you
have left?
2. 9 birds are sitting on a branch. 3 flies away. How many birds are left
on the branch?

1. 24 cookies are being shared equally among 4 people. How many does
each person get?
2. It takes 3 eggs to make a cake. How many cakes can you make with
12 eggs?
3. 30 people are going to a movie. 6 people can ride in each car. How
many cars are needed to get all 4 people to the movie?

1. A bee has 6 legs. How many legs do 2 bees have?
2. Vanessa found out that she has 10 pieces of 5-peso coins. What is the
total value of money does she have?
3. Ben was given 7 trays of eggs to examine. If each tray has 10 eggs,
how many eggs did Ben examine in total?
1. 3 owls were sitting on the fence. 2 more owls joined them. How many
owls are on the fence now?
2. 14 pears are in the basket. 7 more pears are put in the basket. How
many pears are in the basket now?

1. 13 raccoons are playing in the woods. 7 go home to eat dinner. How
many raccoons are left in the woods?
2. Audrey has 26 lemons. Paul has 48 lemons. How many more lemons
does Paul have than Audrey?

1. 30 cookies are being shared equally among 5 people. How many does
each person get?
2. It takes 4 eggs to make a cake. How many cakes can you make with
16 eggs?
3. 20 people are going to a movie. 4 people can ride in each car. How
many cars are needed to get all 4 people to the movie?

1. The bus has a total of 10 rows of seats and each row has a capacity of
4 kids. How many kids in total can ride the school bus?
2. If he used 2 oranges per glass of juice and he made 6 glasses of juice,
how many oranges did he use?
3. Andrews 4 friends decided to bring food as well. If each of them
brought 4 slices of pizza, how many slices of pizza do they have in

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