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Higher technological Institute

10-th of Ramadan City

Department of Chemical Engineering
Final term Examination
Subject: Heat Transfer 1, CHE131 Term: sep./Jan. 2009
Examiner: Dr. Moustafa Azab Time: 90 min

1. A hollow sphere of internal diameter 6 cm and external diameter 10

cm. (Ksphere= 25 W/m.oc).can be coated with 2 types of insulators.
K1= 0.3 W/m.oc 1=430 Kg/m3
K2= 0.8 W/m.oc 1=300 Kg/m3
It is required to reduce the rate of heat lost by 95% by this insulation.
Calculate the mass of each insulator.
Temp. of internal surface of sphere = 300oc
Temp. of external surface of sphere = 20oc

2. Air at a temp. 40oc is flowing parallel to the larger side of a flate plate
of dimension 20*120 cm. if the temp. of the plate is 120oc. calculate
the total energy removed by air during 30 min.
Given that: the velocity of air = 0.9 m/s.
Calculate also the distance of laminar flow (Re<3000).

3. A plate of dimensions 120*240 cm, temp. 200oc is surrounded with air

at temp. 25oc, h=250 W/m2.oc. if the surface is finned with 800
cylindrical shape fins of diameter 2 cm and length 5 cm, Kfin=20
W/m.oc. Calculate the effectiveness of the fins.

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