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Englih Vecobulory Organiser The redtio 53 1 Basic vocabulary Match the words with their meanings: a leaflet classified ads a commercial a poster 1. a large sheer of paper advertising something, for example, a play, a film or a concert. 2. a small piece of paper used for door-to-door advertising. 3. small adverts placed by private individuals in a newspaper. 4. TV or radio advert. 2 Talking about advertising Use these words to complete the sentences: influence publicity agency brand sponsor slogan hype competitors logo 1. Do people really buy things just because they've seen them advertised on TV? > Of course they dot Advertising has a huge ss ess+..omall the choices we make. 2. Advertisers like to think of a clever ...... to make people remember their product. For example, Coca Cola’s is ‘It’s the real thing.’ 3. Nike are going to........ the next World Cup. All the players will have to wear the Nike... 2.0. on their shirts. 4. What ........ of cigarette do you smoke? 5. Most companies spend a lot of money on advertising, It’s the only way they can stay ahead of their .. . 6. My sister’s just got a job working for an advertising . - in London. 7. Did you see Jodie Foster on that chat show last night? She was really good. > She's been on all the shows this week. It’s all just........ for her new film, 8. You went to see Spielberg's new film at the weekend, didn’t you? What was it like? > Well, considering all the... . 1 thought it was a bit disappointing. We use hype when we think the advertising is exaggerated. 12 Advertising _ 3 Advertising verbs Choose the correct ending for each of the following: 1. Oasis are doing a tour to promote 2. think it’s a brilliant advert. It really grabs 3. Advertisers know that shoppers will always compare 4. Advertisers are experts at persuading people 5. They really want to sell this product. They've just launched 6. The tobacco industry has been trying very hard to improve . At the moment British Airways are advertising en . We're trying o reach . to spend their money. . a huge advertising campaign, . the under 18 marker. two flights for the price of one, . their new album your attention, . one product with another. . its image. rR mep ae se 4 Image adjectives ‘The adjectives below are often used to describe the image that advertisers try to create for a product. Match the adjectives on the left with tha ‘most likely product on the right in the two groups below: 1. macho a. breakfast cereal 2. family b. holiday 3. feminine c. after shave 4. healthy d. perfume Now do the same with these: 5. trendy e. topical fruit juice 6. exotic £, music system 7. hi-tech B car 8. reliable h, clothes shop Is there an advert on TV at the moment that you really like? What's it for? What's the funniest advert you've ever seen? 5 Promoting products Advertisers can promote products in different ways. Use these words to make compound nouns: tour offer gifts. deal_—_loyalty a. special b. sponsorship c. free d. brand . promotional Now use the expressions in the following: 1. You don’t normally buy this coffee. > No, but they had a . at the supermarket ~ two jars for the price of one. 2. Did you see that Pulp are playing at the Odeon next month? > Yes, they're on a... ee eee 3. David Beckham has just signed a new with Adidas. Ie's worth mote than a million pounds a year. 4. The kids always want me to buy this cereal so they can get the . inside! 5. Tobacco companies like to catch people young. They know the meaning of... . The media. English Vocobulary Crgariser Make five more two-word phrases using these words: shot names magazines points prices f. competitive g. glossy h, brand i selling j. mail Now use the expressions in the following: 6. Silk Cut and Johnnie Walker are common «that everybody recognises. 7. Isee that Audi have just launched a new model. > Yes, they've started a huge advertising campaign. There are ads in all the papers and. ~and TV commercials every five minutes! 8. We like to think that we offer quality PLOdUCD ate civvewews weve ra 8 9. The fact that this car is so economical is one of its major 10.IF you get a reply rate of 10% fora....... ., that’s good. 15% is thought to 5 be excellent. 20% is brilliant. WovLd ee LAKE To aoy = THS GUN? yy n3

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