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SVS TECHNIQUES LEVEL 3 HIGH SVS Techniques Level 3 — Notes Separated Notes To be sung on ‘ah’ only, in one breath, the breath being held during the Rests, and the vowel and mouth shape maintained throughout; the Release to be effected by the action of the vocal folds, + =60 Scales Each exercise in one breath To be sung legato, NOT aspirated Triplets To be sung legato, NOT aspirated Chromatic Notes Speed is not a factor, accuracy is. Staccati No breaths, no aspirates, very short notes. Agility To be sung legato, NOT aspirated Both exercises to be sung at the same pitch before progressing up a semitone. French Song A song by Fauré or Poulenc must be selected and the French will be assessed. Quick Study Quick Study in English given to students 10 minutes before the assessment SVS Techniques Notes to aid your preparation and explain in detail what will happen in the exam At the start of the exam you state your vocal range i.e. the notes within which you wish to sing the exercises. The range might be different for each exercise or the same for the whole exam — this is your choice. = The vowels that you sing will be the 7 Italian vowel sounds i.e. the basic 5 Italian vowels of A,E,l O and U with the open and closed E and O vowels making this seven vowels. = You need to show a variety of vowels over the entirety of the exam but for the initial separated note exercise you need only sing vowel Ah. For the other exercises [1] you only need to show 2 vowels. You can chose to put the two vowels into one scale i.e, ascend on A and descend on O or you might prefer to ascend and descend on the same vowel and use the second vowel on the whole scale at another pitch. So, in summary, for all exercises, other than Separated Notes, you can chose your vowels, or let the examiner chose if you prefer. If the examiner chooses for you, he/she will only request 2 vowels per exercise. © The Vaccai exercise in UG1 has text so in this case you will simply sing the text but if you have a Lutgen exercise (this is the case in Level 3) you may put your own vowels to it, as many as you like, as long as we hear at least two vowels again. Often students chose one vowel for the A section, one for the B section and then a third vowel for the da capo. However, if you wish to sing a different vowel every bar, or every two bars, you can - please do as suits you best. = The exercises in the exam will be unaccompanied or accompanied (whichever you prefer) but the Lutgen (level 3) and Vaccai (level 1) will always be accompanied. [1] The term exercise refers to each numbered and titled exercise, for example, Scales, Triplets etc. There might be two scales under the title ‘Scales’ but this can be considered as one exercise. Techniques Level 3 1. Separated Notes 2. Scales 3. Triplets Lesson 8 from Liitgen Vocalises Vol 1. 4, Chromatic Notes niques Level 3 5, Staccati 6 Fenale 6. Agility 06a brese. item, Cudenso |p a tengo s9004

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