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Planning & development department:

4th pillar of islam---

Donald trump will assume his office as 45th president on----- date? 20 jan 2017

hafeez jalendhri famous book-----shahnama islam

hafeez jalendhri died on ------1982

famous urdu book Zindagi written by----fazal haq

Iqbal's first urdu book-----baang e dara

what comes next in series 121--141--169--196--225--256-------

what is 40% of 600-----

junaid jamshed band was---vital signs

world largest hand made waterfall----

bob dylan got noble prize in-----literature

2016 noble peace prize given to---juan manual from colombia

after usa highest numbers of noble prize winner country--- uk

head of zakat are-----8

prophet pbuh gave keys of baitullah permanently to---

who is mike pence??

who was fiedel castro----

1881 invention ---

charles babage belongs to which country---

pakistan purchased gwadar from----

olympic 2020 will be held in----

microsoft company owns----msn

which of the following is not a gland--liver.kidney.stomach.pancreas

food is digested in---small intestine.large intestine. mouth

arab monetary fund hq in----abu dhabi

chief minister west pakistan 1947 was----

allama iqbal period stay in england 1905-1908---

oval ground in---london

pak won hockey in 1960 in---

pakistan donated hockey trophy -----

only pak saarc head was----naeem hasan

un representative of pakistan----

hepatitis affects organ----liver

which of the following group was not formally established----- g7 d8 g20 g77

imf head name---

nablus city of---

three gorges dam----

rotterdam port located----

darling harbour situated----

largest island word----

which country not member of uno---

fastest net speed in the world---

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