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Yenni Setiawan/6212043/E Managerial performance and accountability Karakteristik organisasi birokratik: - pembagian tugas jelas hirarki otoritas jelas

Newwork Place dynamics Accountability is the requirement of one person to answer to a higher authority for aturan&prosedur formal tdk merujuk pd individu karir based on jasa
Companies with a future are committed to people. relevant performance results.(saya harus bertanggung jawab thdp siapa) Kekurangan : - pekerjaan administrative (red tape) yg berlebihan lambat mengatasi
Effective managers fulfill performance accountability by helping others to achieve high mslh kaku menghadapi kebutuhan sulit berubah pegawai apatis.
Companies with a future have high performance expectations and provide supportive work
performance outcomes and experience satisfaction in their work. BEHAVIORAL APPROACHES
environments.High performing companies gain extraordinary results from people Quality of work life (QWL) Human Resource Approaches: (asumsi: org social & mengaktualisasi diri
Tantangan dalam bekerja dalam ekonomi baru : An indicator of the overall quality of human experiences in the workplace. Hawthorne: - studi awal membutkikan insentif ekonomi dan kondisi fisik mempengaruhi
1.Intelektual capital : perusahaan dengan masa depan harapan yang tinggi dengan lingkungan kerja QWL indicators:Fair pay, Safe working conditions, Opportunities to learn and use new kinerja pekerja. - tdk ada hubungan yg konsisten - factor psikologi mempengaruhi
yang mendukung.misalnya ada masalah perusahaan sudah mempunyai jawaban utk masalah itu. skills, Room to grow and progress in a career, Protection of individual rights, Pride in kinerja.
2.globalisasi. batas2 nasional di dunia bisnis sebagian besar telah menghilang. Seluruh dunia akan work itself and in the organization - relay assembly test-room studies: kondisi fisik yg dimanipulasi utk mencapai efek pd
saling ketergantungan dengan sumber daya, pasar produk, &persaingan bisnis di ekonomi baru. High performing managers kinerja
Build working relationships with others. didesain u/ meminimalisasi factor psikologi dr percobaan sebelumnya
3.teknologi. transformasi berlanjut dari tempat kerja modern melalui internet,www, komputer,
Help others develop their skills and performance competencies. factor yg diperhitungkan utk meningkatkan produktifitas: suasana klmpk, superfisi
teknologi informasi. Meningkatkan permintaan akan pekerja dgn kemampuan utk sepenuhnya membantu mengembangkan teamwork. partisipatif.
menggunakan teknologi. Create a work environment that is performance-driven and provides satisfaction for Managerial competency - tingkahlaku pekerja, hubungan interpersonal & proses klmpk
4.Diversity.keragaman di tempat kerja mencerminkan perbedaan sehubungan dgn jenis kelamin, workers. *A skill-based capability that contributes to high performance in a management job. pekerja puas karena hal yg berbeda2
usia, ras, suku, agama, kelainan seksual(waria), dan cacat. Jika menghadapi diversity kita sering Managerial Performance:tata kelola perusahaan terjadi ketika dewan direksi memegang *Managerial competencies are implicit in: org membatasi kinerja utk menaati norma klmpk
menjumpai prejudice(cnth org kulit hitam), diskriminasi, glass ceiling effect(org berlomba2 kerja top management accountableutk kinerja organisasi. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. - pelajaran dr Howthorne studies:
Informational, interpersonal, and decisional roles. urusan social dan kemanusiaan adl kunci produktifitas
di LN pdhl tdk mampu)
Agenda setting and networking efek Hawthorne: org yg bekerja sendiri u/ special attention bekerja sprti diharapkan
5. Etika. Kode prinsip moral yang sudah standar. Cnth : pabrik tdk perhatikan limbah. Competencies for managerial success:Communication, Teamwork, Self-management, Maslows theory of human needs: - kebutuhan adl psikologi atau kekurangan psikologi
6.Ethical expectation for modern businesses :kesatuan dan kepemimpinan,perlindungan konsumen Leadership, Critical thinking, Professionalism yg dimendorong sesesorang utk dipuaskan
7. karir. Ada 3 jenis pekerjaan : kontrak, tetap, part time. Fig 1.7 Understanding Management from theory to pratice - need level: psikologi (food, clothes, shelter, love); safety (peace); social-belongingness,
Critical skills for success in the new worKetrampilan varu utk sukses di tmpt kerja baru: love; harga diri (mencari penghargaan); aktualisasi diri (politik dan aktifitas komunitas)
Higher-order needs: Systems view and contingency thinking
Mastery,Contacts/ Networking, Entrepreneurship, Love of technology, Marketing. Passion for
aktualisasi diri (plg tinggi): butuh u/ pemuasan diri sendiri; u/ tumbuh dan mengunakan contingency thinking
pembaharuan - mencoba u/ menyesuaikan respon manajerial dengan masalah dan kesempatan, unik u/
kelebihan u/ ekstensi tertinggi dan terkreatif.
Organisasi : sekelumpulan org yang bekerja sama utk mencapai tujuan yang sama. Organisasi tiap situasi. (khususnya perbedaan individu n lingkungan)
harga diri: butuh u/ penghargaan di mata org lain; u/ hormat, reputasi, dan pengakuan;
menyediakan sesuatu yg berguna dan service yg mengembalikan nilai kpd masy dan memenuhi u/ penghargaan diri, kesadaran kompetensi diri, keahlian - tdk ada satu cara terbaik u/ mengatur
kebutuhan pelanggan. - cara yg sesuai u/ mengatur tergantung situasi.
The organization as an upside-down pyramid Lower-order needs:
Gambar : organisasi sbg sistem terbuka social needs: kbutuhan akan kasih, ksh sayang, rasa memiliki dlm hubungan dgn org Contingency thinking:
Each individual is a value-added worker.
- struktur fleksibel work well (lingkungan stabil, tdk rumit) struktur birokratik work
A managers job is to support workers efforts. lain
safety needs: kbthn akan keamanan, proteksi & stabilitas dr daily life well
The best managers are known for helping and supporting.
kbthn psikologi (plg dasar): kbthn akan pemeliharaan hidup biologis; makan, minum, - struktur birokratik work well (lingk berubah2, kompleks) struktur fleksibel work well
quality & performance excellence
- manager & pekerja dlm organisasi progresif sadar kualitas (kualitas & keuntungan
kompetitif slg berhubungan)
Total quality management (TQM)
- pendekatan komprehensif u/ pengembangan kualitas berkelanjutan u/ organisasi total
- menciptakan konteks u/ rantai nilai.
Total quality management is an organization-wide commitment to continuous
Kinerja organisasi CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT APPROACHES: (asumsi orang2 rasional) improvement, product quality, and customer needs.
scientific management Continuous improvement involves always searching for new ways to improve work
- nilai dibuat ketika sebuah organisasi menambah nilai utk biaya asli dari sumber masukan. Ketika
Frederick Taylor: - mengembangkan aturan gerakan, implementasi kerja yang quality and performance.
itu terjadi bisnis mendapat keuntungan, organisasi nonprofit menambah kekayaan bagi distandarisasi, dan kondisi kerja yang layak untuk setiap pekerjaan. ISO certificationindicates conformance with a rigorous (keras)set of international quality
masyarakat. - hati2 memilih pekerja dengan kemampuan yang tepat untuk pekerjaan tersebut standards.
-Produktivitas: ukuran keseluruhan dr kunatitas dan kualitas dr performance kerja dgn - hati2 melatih pekerja dan menyediakan insentif yang layak. Knowledge management is the process of using intellectual capital for competitive
memperhitungkan sumberdaya. Efektif jika tujuan tercapai, efisien jika biaya umber daya yang - mendukung pekerja dengan hati2 merencanakan pekerjaannya dan menghilangkan advantage.
diperlukan utk mencapai tujuan tdk banyak. halangan Eight attributes of performance excellence:
- latih supervisor untuk mendukung pekerja A bias toward action
- hubungkan kompensasi ke job performance Closeness to the customer (Location advantage)
The Gilbreths: - ilmu gerak: ilmu menghilangkan pekerjaan atau tugas berdasarkan gerak Autonomy and entrepreneurship (empowerment)
Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of fisik dasar. (rantai I dan U. U lebih efektif, 1 org bisa kerjain bbrp, lbh dket) Productivity through people
resources to accomplish performance goals. All manager bertanggung jawab atas 4 fungsi - menghapus gerak (motion) yg tdk perlu meningkatkan performa. Hands-on and value-driven
di bawah ini. administrative principles Sticking to the knitting (growing together)
The functions are carried on continually Henri Fayol: Simple form and lean staff (supportive, inspired)
Rules of management: Simultaneous loose-tight properties (flexible)
- foresight (planning): u/ menyelesaikan rencana aksi for future Global awareness :
- organisasi: nyediakan & ngerahkan sumber daya u/ implementasi rencana Teori maslow: -Pressure for quality and performanceexcellence is created by a highly competitive
- command: mimpin, milih & evaluasi pekerja u/ kerja lbih baik sesuai rencana - prinsip kekurangan: kebutuhan yg terpenuhi bukan motivator tingkahlaku global economy.
- koordinasi: menyesuaikan usaha bersama yg berbeda & myakinkan informasi tersebar - prinsip progresi: kbthn jd motivator ketika kbthn yg lebih rendah terpenuhi Has promoted increasing interest in new management concepts (Process
dan masalah selesai - kedua prinsip berhenti berkerja saat level aktualisasi diri reengineering, Virtual organizations, Agile factories (quick moving), Network firms
Perubahan tmpt kerja menyediakan konteks utk mempelajari memanajemenkan: percaya pd modla - control: meyakinkan hal2 terjadi sesuai rencana dan mengoreksi (klo perlu). McGreggors Theory X & Theory Y Adoption of Theory Zmanagement practices.
manusia, [emberian warisan dari command and control, meningkatkan kerja tim, preeminence Memastikan yg kita kerjkaan sungguh2 terjadi sehingga butuh corrective action - implikasi teori X dan teori Y: Contemporary businesses must learn to become learning organizations.
teknologi, meninkatkan networking, harapan tenaga kerja baru, perhatian utk keseimbangan hidup Key principles of management: manajer menciptakan ramalan self-fulfilling Core ingredients of learning organizations:
kerja, proritas berkelanjutan, fokus pd kecepatan.
- rantai scalar: harus ada garis komunikasi yg jelas dan tidak putus dari atas sampai manajer teori X mciptakn situasi dimana pekerja mjd tergantung dan enggan Mental models
bawah organisasi manajer teori Y mciptakn situasi dmn pekerja inisiarig dan bkinerja tinggi Personal mastery
Pentingnya sumber manusia dan manager : - satu komando: tiap orang harus menerima perintah dari satu bos (memperkuat dan self-management) Systems thinking
-Toxic workplace : memperlakukan karyawan sbg biaya - satu arah: satu orang harus tanggung jawab atas seluruh aktivitas dengan objek Argyris theory of adult personality Shared vision
-High performing organization memperlakukan manusia sbg aset strategis yg berharga. performance yg sama. - prinsip manajemen klasik dan kebiasaan mencegah pendewasaan pekerja dan tidak Team learning
-manager harus memastikan orang di perlakukan sbg strategic assets Mary Parker Follett (Administrative Principles): konsisten terhadap sifat dewasa A learning organization continuously changes and improves, using the lessons of
Manager adalah org di dlm organisasi yang scr langsung supports dan helps activate the work - grup dan kooperasi manusia: - praktik manajemen harus mengakoodasi sifat dewasa dengan: meningkatkan tgg jawab experience.
efforts and performance accomplishments of others. # grup adalah mekanisme dimana tiap individu dpt mengombinasikan talenta mrka u/ tugas, meningkatkan variasi tugas, menggunakan pengambilan keputusan partisipatif. Evidence-based management involves making decisions based on hard facts about
kebaikan what really works.
The people who managers help are the ones whose tasks represent the real work of the
# organisasi adalah komunitas (managers & workers) yg berkooperasi ANALISA KUANTITATIF DLM MANAJEMEN In the 21stcentury, managers must be:
Managerial activities and roles
# tugas manager: utk menolong org dlm organisasi u/ berkooperasi dan mencapai management science (operation research) foundation Global strategists
kepentingan bersama - aplikasi scientific dr teknik matematis u/ masalah manajemen Masters of technology
Interpersonal roles: Involve interactions with persons inside and outside the work unit.
- sudut pandang forward looking management: - teknik dan aplikasi termasuk: ramalan matematis, modeling inventori, linear Inspiring leaders
Informational roles :Involve giving, receiving, and analyzing of information.
# membuat tiap karyawan sbg pemilik: menimbulkan rasa memiliki bersama (cth: programming, teori antri, model jaringan, simulasi. Models of ethical behavior (Next Chapter)
Decisional roles :Involve using information to make decisions in order to solve problems
employee ownership, profit sharing, & gain-sharing) analisa kuantitatif skrg: Organizational behavior
or address opportunities
# masalah bisnis melibatkan berbagai faktor interrelasi (system berpikir) - pengunaan spesialis staf u/ menolong manajer mengaplikasikan teknik -A critical tool
Figure 1.5 Mintzbergs 10 managerial roles
#keuntungan pribadi berhubungan dgn kebaikan public (etika manajerial dan tgg jawab - pengembangan software & hardware tlh mengembangkan aplikasi potensi kuantitatif utk -A systematic study of how people behave in organizations based on: Psychology,
social) masalah manajerial sociology, anthropology,and other social sciences.
bureaucratic organization - penilaian yg baik dan apresiasi u/ factor manusia harus mengringi penggunaan analisa OB uses their findings to explain and predict: employee performance factors (such as
Birokrasi: organisasi yg ideal, rasional, dan efisien. kuantitatif productivity, absenteeism, and turnover) , employee attitudes (job satisfaction and
Bdasarkan prinsip logika, permintaan, dan otoritas yg sah. SYSTEMS VIEW & CONTINGENCY THINKING organizational loyalty)
Max Weber: - pembagian tugas yg jelas system berpikir
- hirarki otoritas yg tegas - system: gabungan dari bagian yg berinterrelasi yg bekerja bersama u/mencapai tujuan
- susunan kepegawaian o/ kompetensi teknis yg sama PLANNING
- aturan & prosedur formal - subsystem: komponen lebih kecil dari system yg lebih besar Planning :The process of setting objectives and determining how to best accomplish
- pengambilan keputusan yg tdk menunjuk seseorang - open system: organisasi yg berinteraksi dgn lingkungan mereka dlm proses kontinu u/ them.
Birokrasi adl cara merasionalisasi lingkungan social sebagaimana teknologi mengubah input sumberdaya menjadi keluaran
Characteristics of managerial work Objectives :Identify the specific resultsor desired outcomesthat one intends to achieve.
merasionalisasi pengaruh lingkungan fisik. - Aristoteles: the whole is more than the sum of its parts
Managers work long hours. Plan:A statement of action steps to be taken in order to accomplish the objectives.
Formal rationality: analisa informasi - Bertallanfy: the system may be defined as a set of elements standing in interrelation
Managers work at an kecepatan yg intense.. Steps in the planning process:Define your objectives, Determine where you stand vis--
Substantive rationality: penggunaan informasi utk pengambilan keputusan
Levels of management Managers work at fragmented and varied tasks. vis objectives, Develop premises regarding future conditions, Analyze and choose among
Kelemahan: pengambilan keputusan rasional tanpa pertimbangan dpt memenjarakan
Top managers responsible for performance of an organization as a whole or for one of its Managers work with many communication media. action alternatives, Implement the plan and evaluate results.
larger parts. Managers work largely through interpersonal relationships.
Karakteristik birokrasi ideal weber:
Middle managers in charge of relatively large departments or divisions. Managerial agendas and networks
- pembagian tugas yg jelas
Team leaders or supervisors in charge of a small work group of non-managerial workers Agenda setting
- pendefinisian hirarki kantor yg jelas
Responsibilities of team leaders: Development of action prioritiesfor ones job. Benefits of planning:Improves focus and flexibility,Improves action orientation, Improves
- manajer dipilih
-Plan meetings and work schedules. Include goals and plans that span long and short time frames. coordination, Improves time management, improves control
- pegawai tetap dibayar gaji tetap
Clarify goals and tasks, and gather ideas for improvement. Networking Personal Time Management Tips
- kantor milik pemegang kantor dan mrpkn karir
Menilai performance and counsel team members. Process of building and maintaining positive relationships with people whose help may 1. Do say No to requests that divert you from what you really should be doing.
- atasan memberikan promosi
Recommend pay raises(kenaikan gaji) and new assignments. be needed to implement ones work agendas. 2. Dont get bogged down in details that you can address later or leave for others.
- pgwai tetap terpisahkan dr kepemilikan
Recruit, mengembangkan, and train team members Essential managerial skills 3. Do have a system for screening telephone calls, e-mails, and requests for meetings.
- peraturan umum mengatur kinerja kantor among
Responsibilities of team leaders (cont.): Skill the ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance. 4. Dont let drop-in visitors or instant messages use too much of your time.
- disiplin dan control yg tegas themselves and with the environment.
mendorong high performance and teamwork. Technical skill the ability to apply a special keahlian to perform particular tasks. 5. Do prioritize what you will work on in terms of importance and urgency.
Birokrasi: - these interrelations are called structure
Inform team members about organizational goals and expectations. Human skill the ability to work well in cooperation with others. 6. Dont become calendar-bound by letting others control your schedule.
1.a: badan tdk dipilih dr pemerintah resmi. B: klmpk administrative pembuat hukum - organizational structure: interrelations di antara satuan organisasi, divisi, manajer dan
Inform higher levels of work unit needs and prestasi. Conceptual skill the ability to think critically and analytically to solve complex 7. Do follow priorities and work on the most important and urgent tasks first.
2. pemerintah dgn spesialisasi fungsi, taat pd hukum tetap, dan hirarki otoritas pegawai.
Coordinate with others teams and support the rest of the organization. problems.
3. system administrasi ditandai dgn keresmian, red tape, dan pengembangbiakn
Types of managers Fig 1.6 Katzs essential managerial skills
Cth birokrasi: sebagian besar pemerintah, hampir semua univ, gereja katolik, organisasi - purchasing& inventory systems
Line managers are responsible for work activities that directly affect organizations outputs.
bisnis besar (IBM, General Motors, Boeing) marketing, sales & dist systems
Staffmanagers use technical expertise to advise and support the efforts of line workers.
Birokrasi Klasik : fair(adil), impersonal, career managers , clear division of labor, Output
Functionalmanagers are responsible for a single area of activity. Input operations & service management
promotion based on merit (jasa), formal hierarchy of authority, written rules & standard
General managers are responsible for more complex units that include many functional areas. systems accounting & financial (customers)
procedures. (ini kayak segitiga, fair paling atas written rules paling bawah) (suppliers)
Administrators work in public and nonprofit organizations. systems information &
technology systems

A sample means-ends chain for total quality management : 2.Cash cows: high share/low growth businesses, preferred strategy stability or modest
growth. Question marks: low share/ high growth businesses, preferred strategy growth
for promising question marks and restructuring or divestiture for others. Dogs: low share/
low growth businesses, preferred strategy retrenchment by divestiture.(PHK)
Types of adaptive strategies. (1) Prospector strategy: pursuing innovation and new
opportunities in the face of risk and with prospects for growth. (2) Defender strategy:
protecting current market share by emphasizing existing products amd current share
without seeking growth. (3) Analyzer strategy: maintaining stability of a core
A sample hierarchy of objectives for quality management :
(inti)business while exploring selective opportunities for innovation and change. (4)
Reactor strategy: merely(hanya) responding to competitive pressure in order to survive
Incrementalism. Modest and incremental changes in strategy occur as managers learn
form experience and make adjustments. (perubahan sederhana utk pengalaman dan
Emergent strategies. Develop progressively over time in the streams of decisions that
managers make as they learn form and respond to work situations.
Current issues in strategy implementation
-Strategic planning failures that hinder strategy implementation. Failures of substance:
inadequate (tdk memadai) attention to major strategic planning elements. Failures of
Strategic implications of strategic forces. (1) Unattractive industry: five forces are process: poor handling of strategy implementation (lack of participation error, goal
Analysis of values. favorable for the firm. (2) Attractive industry: five forces are unfavorable for the firm. displacement error).
-Values are board beliefs about what is or is not appropriate(tepat). Questions addressed by different strategic level. (1) Corporate strategy: in what industries -Corporate governance. System of control and performance monitoring of top
Management by Objectives (MBO)
-Strong core(inti) values for an organization helps build institutional(kelembagaan) and markets should we compete? (2) Business strategy: how are we going to compete for management. Done by boards of directors and other major stakeholder representatives.
-A structured process of regular communication.
-Supervisor/team leader and workers jointly set performance objectives. identity, gives character to an organization, and it backs up the mission statement. customers in this industry and market? (3) Functional strategy: how can we best utilize Controversies regarding roles of inside directors and outside directors. Increasing
-Supervisor/team leader and workers jointly review results. -Organizational culture reflects the dominant value system of the organization as a whole. resources to implement our business strategy? emphasis on corporate governance in contemporary Corporate governance. System of by objectives as an integrated planning and control framework Organizational culture. Shapes the values of managers and other organization members. Growth and diversification strategies. Growth strategies: seek an increase in size and the control and performance monitoring of top management. Done by boards of directors and
Short-range and long-rangeplans: other major stakeholder representatives. Controversies regarding roles of inside directors
Points people in common directions. Helps build institutional identity. Gives character to expansion of current operations. Types of growth strategies: (-) concentration strategies (-
Short-range plans = 1 year or less
the organization in the eyes of employees and external stakeholders. Backs up the mission ) diversification strategies: related diversification, unrelated diversification, vertical and outside directors. Increasing emphasis on corporate governance in contemporary
Intermediate-range plans = 1 to 2 years
Long-range plans = 3 or more years statement. Guides the behavior of organizational members in meaningful and consistent integration. businesses.
Higher management levels focus on longer time horizons. ways. Restructuring and divestiture strategies. Readjusting(menyesuaikan kembali) operations - Strategic leadership. The capability to inspire people to
Strategic and operational plans Analysis of objectives. Operating objectives direct activities toward key and specific when an organization is in trouble. Retrenchment(menggali kembali): correcting successfully engage in a process of continuous change, performance enhancement, and
-Strategic plans set broad, comprehensive, and longer-term action directions for the entire performance results. weakness by making changes to current operations, liquidation, restructuring ( implementation of organizational strategies.
organization. - Critical tasks of strategic leadership: be a guardian of trade offs,
Typical operating objectives: profitability, market share, human talent, financial health, downsizing and rightsizing), restructuring through divestiture (pencabuatn/pembuangan)
-Operational plans define what needs to be done in specific areas to implement strategic plans create a sense of urgency, ensure that everyone understands the strategy, be a teacher, be
terdiri dari :Production plans, Financial plans, Facilities plans, Marketing plans, Human resource cost efficiency, product quality, innovation, social responsibility. Global Strategies. (1) Globalization strategy: world is one large market; standardize
What are our strength? Manufacturing efficiency, skilled workforce, good market share, products and advertising as much as possible, ethnocentric view. (menganggap budaya a great communicator.
Policies and procedures MBO involves a formal agreement specifying strong financing, superior reputation. nya yang paling baik). (2) Multidomestic strategy: customize products and advertising to
*Standing plans :Policies and procedures that are designed for repeated use. Workers performance objectives for a specific time period. What are our weaknesses? Outdated facilities, inadequate research and development, local markets as much as possible, polycentric view(menghargai setiap perbedaan). (3)
*Policy :Broad guidelines for making decisions and taking action in specific circumstances. Plans through which performance objectives will be accomplished. ORGANIZING
obsolete(usang) technologies, weak management, past planning failures. Transnational strategy: balance efficiencies in global operations and responsiveness to
*Rules or procedures:Plans that describe exactly what actions are to be taken in specific situations. Standardsfor measuring accomplishment of performance objectives .
Analysis of organizational resources and capabilities. Important of assessing core local markets, geocentric view.(bumi sbg pusat tata surya) Organizing and organization structure
Budgets and project schedules Proceduresfor reviewing performance results.
The MBO process: competencies. Potential core competencies: special knowledge or expertise, superior Cooperative strategies. Strategic alliances (two or more organizations partner to Organizing: The process of arranging people and other resources to work together to
-Single-use plans :Only used once to meet the needs and objectives of a well-defined situation in a accomplish a goal.
timely manner. Supervisor and workers jointly set objectives, establish standards, and choose actions. technology, efficient manufacturing approaches, unique product distribution systems. pursue(mengejar) an area of mutual interest). Types of strategic alliances: outsourcing
Workers act individually to perform tasks; supervisors act individually to provide Organization structure: The system of tasks, workflows, reporting relationships, and
-Budgets :Single-use plans that commit resources to activities, projects, or programs. Fixed, alliances, supplier alliances, distribution alliances.
necessary support. communication channels that link together diverse individuals and groups.
flexible, and zero-based budgets. E business strategies. The strategic use of the internet to gain competitive advantage. Organizing viewed in relationship with the other management functions.
-Projects :One-time activities that have clear beginning and end points. Project management and Supervisor and workers jointly review results, discuss implications, and renew the Popular e business strategies: Business to business (B2B) strategies, Business-to-
project schedules MBO cycle.
customer (B2C) strategies
Forecasting ramalan Types of MBO performance objectives:Improvement, Personal development,
Maintenance Web based business models: brokerage model, advertising model, merchant model,
-Making assumptions about what will happen in the future.
Criteria for effective performance objectives :Specific,Time defined, Challenging, subscription model, infomediary model, community model.
-Qualitative forecasting uses expert opinions.
-Quantitative forecasting uses mathematical and statistical analysis. Measurable Strategies Formula
-All forecasts rely on human judgment. Pitfalls(jebakan) to avoid in using MBO Opportunities for achieving sustainable competitive advantage: cost amd quality,
-Planning involves deciding on how to deal with the implications of a forecast. Tying(mengikat) MBO to pay. knowledge and speed, barriers to entry, financial resources.
Focusing too much attention on easily quantifiable objectives.
Contingency planning Porter;s generic strategies model. Business level strategic decision are driven by market
Identifying alternative courses of action that can be implemented to meet the needs of changing Requiring excessive paperwork.
Having managers tell workers their objectives scope and source of competitive advantage. Market scope and source of competitive
Advantages of MBO advantage combine to generate four generic strategies
Contingency plans anticipate changing conditions.
Contingency plans contain trigger points Focuses workers on most important tasks and objectives. Fig 9.6. porter generic strategies frmawork: soft-drink industry examples
Scenario planning Focuses supervisors efforts on important areas of support.
A long-term version of contingency planning. Contributes to relationship building.
Gives workers a structured opportunity to participate in decision making. Formal structures
Identifying alternative future scenarios.
The structure of the organization in its official state.
Plans made for each future scenario.
An organization chart is a diagram describing reporting relationships and the formal
Increases organizations flexibility and preparation for future shocks. STRATEGY MANAGEMENT
arrangement of work positions within an organization.
Benchmarking (mecontoh org)`` Competitive advantage: bekerja dgn atribut yang meperbolehkan sebuah organisasi untuk
An organization chart identifies the following aspects of formal structure: The division
-Use of external comparisons to better evaluate current performance and identify possible actions menunjukan kpd lawannya. Operating with an attribute or set of attributes that allows an of work; Supervisory relationships; Communication channels; Major subunits; Levels of
for the future. organization to outperform its rivals management.
-Adopting best practices of other organizations that achieve superior performance. Sustainable competitive advantage (keuntungan kompetitif berkelanjutan) one that is Informal structures
Use of staff planners :Coordinating the planning function for the total organization or one of its
difficult for competitors to imitate (kompetitor susah utk mengimitasi) A shadow organization made up of the unofficial, but often critical, working
major components,Possible communication gaps between staff planners and line management
Strategi : a comprehensive (lengkap) action plan that indentifies long term direction and What our opportuinities? Possible new markets, strong economy, weak market rivals, relationships between organization members.
Participation and involvement
emerging technologies, growth of existing market. Potential advantages of informal structures: Helping people accomplish their work;
*Participatory planning requires that the planning process include people who will be affected by guides resource utilization to accomplish organizational goals with sustainable
What our threats? New competitors, shortage of resources, changing market tastes, new Overcoming limits of formal structure; Gaining access to interpersonal networks;
the plans and/or will help implement them. competitive advantage. Informal learning.
*Benefitsof participation and involvement:Promotes creativity in planning,Increases available Strategic intent: focus pada semua organisasi dalam mempersatukan dan mencapai goal regulations, substitute products.
Potential disadvantages of informal structures: May work against best interests of entire
information, Fosters understanding, acceptance, and commitment to the final plan. Strategi managemen: the process of formulating and implementing strategies to Analysis of industry and environment. organization; Susceptibility to rumor; May carry inaccurate information; May breed
accomplish long term goals and sustain competitive advantage -Assessment of macro environment: technology, government, social structures and resistance to change; Diversion of work efforts from important objectives; Feeling of
Tujuan strategi managemen adalah untuk menciptakan return diatas rata- rata untuk para population demographics, global economy, natural environment. alienation by outsiders.
investor. Returns exceeding those for alternative opportunities at equivalent risk. Earning -Analysis of industry environment: resource suppliers, competitors, customers. The major types of organization structures
above average depends in part of organizations competitive environment Functional structures: People with similar skills and performing similar tasks are
grouped together into formal work units; Members work in their functional areas of
Environments and competitive advantage: (1) Monopoly: hanya ada satu pemain / tidak Porters generic strategies for gaining competitive advantage: differentiation strategy, cost expertise; Are not limited to businesses; Work well for small organizations producing few
ada lawan, creates absolute competitive advantage. (2) Oligopoly: banyak pemain tdk leadership strategy, focused differentiation strategy, focused cost leadership strategy. products or services.
lgsg bertarung satu dengan yg lainnya, long term competitive advantage in defined Portfolio planning approach: designed to help managers decide on investing scarce Functional structures in a business, branch bank, and community hospital.
market segment. (3) Hypercompetition: beberapa pemain saling bertarung satu sama lain, (langka) organizational resources among competing business opportunities, useful for
any competitive advantage is only temporary. multibusiness or multiproduct situations.
Strategy formulation: proses menciptakan strategi, termasuk menilai strategi yg berlaku, BCG matrix. Ties strategy formulation to analysis of business opportunities according to
organisasi, dan lingkungan untuk membangun strategi baru dan rencana strategi yang industry or market growth rate ( low vs high) and market share (low vs high)
mampu memberikan keunggulan dlm persaingan yg Fig.9.7 the BCG matrix approach to corporate strategy formulation
akan datang.

How participation and involvement help build commitment to plans:

Types of strategies are used by organizations

Strategic forces to be examined in conducting an industry analysis: industry competitors,
new entrants (pendatang), suppliers, buyers, substitutes.
Implementasi strategi: the process of allocating resource and putting strategies into action.
All organizational and management systems must be mobilized to support and reinforced
the accomplishment of strategies
Tugas penting untuk implementasi strategi: identify organizational mission and
objectives, assess current performance vs a - vs mission and objectives, create strategic
plans to accomplish purpose and objectives, implement the strategic plans, evaluate Potential advantages of functional structures: Economies of scale; Task assignments
results (change strategic plans and/or implementation processes as necessary) BCG matrix
consistent with expertise and training; High-quality technical problem solving; In-depth
Analysis of mission. Good mission statements identify: customers, products and/or business conditions and related strategies:
training and skill development; Clear career paths within functions.
services, location, underlying philosophy. An important test of the mission is how well it 1. Stars: high share/high growth businesses, preferred strategy growth. Potential disadvantages of functional structures: Difficulties in pinpointing
serves the organizations stakeholders. responsibilities; Functional chimneys problem; Sense of cooperation and common
purpose break down; Narrow view of performance objectives; Excessive upward referral use strategic alliances or outsourcing to provide other components. Organizing trend: Delegation, empowerment, and horizontal structures contribute to -Motivation:force within the individual that account for the level, direction, and
of decisions. more decentralization in organizations; Advances in information technology allow for the persistence of effort expended at work.
Divisional structures: Group together people who work on the same product or process, retention of centralized control. -Reward:a work outcome of positive value to the individual
serve similar customers, and/or are located in the same area or geographical region; Reduced use of staff -Extrinsic rewards:valued outcomes given to someone by another person.
Common in complex organizations; Avoid problems associated with functional Specialized staff: People who perform a technical service or provide special problem- -Intrinsic rewards:valued outcomes that occur naturally as a person works on a task.
structures. solving expertise to other parts of the organization. To achieve maximum motivational potential in linking rewards to performance
Personal staff: People working in assistant-to positions that provide special support to Respect diversity and individual differences to best understand what people want from
higher-level managers. work.
Organizing trend: Organizations are reducing staff size; Organizations are seeking Allocate rewards to satisfy the interests of both individuals and the organization.
increased operating efficiency by employing fewer staff personnel and smaller staff units. Types of motivation theories
LEADING -Content theories : Human needs and how people with different needs may respond to
Leadership : Proses menginspirasi orang lain untuk bekerja keras dalam menyelesaikan different work situations.
suatu tugas penting/urgent. -Process theories: How people give meaning to rewards and make decisions on various
work-related behaviors.
Vision : Pandangan ke depan yang diharapkan untuk tercapai
-Reinforcement theory:How peoples behavior is influenced by environmental
Visionary Leadership: Leader yang menjelaskan pandangan ke depan yang ingin dicapai, consequences.
dan langkah langkah yang diperlukan supaya pandangan tersebut tercapai. What are different types of individual needs
Challenges of visionary leadership : mengkaji proses, menunjukkan antusiasme, Needs
membantu orang lain dalam menjalankan tugas, memberikan contoh, memberikan -Unfulfilled physiological and psychological desires of an individual.
penghargaan dalam pencapaian tertentu -Explain workplace behavior and attitudes.
-Create tensions that influence attitudes and behavior.
Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model : leader adjust styles depending of -Good managers and leaders facilitate employee need satisfaction.
readiness of their followers to perform in given situation Types of content theories:
-Hierarchy of needs theory:
Potential advantages of network structures: Firms(perusahaan) can operate with fewer #Developed by Abraham Maslow. Lower order and higher order needs affect workplace
full-time employees and less complex internal systems; Reduced overhead costs and behavior and attitudes.
increased operating efficiency; Permits operations across great distances. #Low order needs: Physiological, safety, and social needs. Desires for physical and
Potential disadvantages of network structures: Control and coordination problems may social well being.
arise from network complexity; Potential loss of control over outsourced activities; #Higher order needs: Esteem and self-actualization needs.Desire for psychological
Potential advantages of divisional structures: More flexibility in responding to Potential lack of loyalty among infrequently used contractors; Excessively aggressive growth and development.
environmental changes; Improved coordination; Clear points of responsibility; Expertise outsourcing can be dangerous. #Deficit principle:A satisfied need is not a motivator of behavior.
focused on specific customers, products, and regions; Greater ease in restructuring. Deadly sins of outsourcing: Outsourcing activities that are part of the core; Outsourcing #Progression principle:A need at one level does not become activated until the next
Potential disadvantages of divisional structures: Duplication of resources and efforts to untrustworthy vendors; Not having good contracts with the vendor; Overlooking lower-level need is satisfied.
across divisions; Competition and poor coordination across divisions; Emphasis on impact on existing employees; Not maintaining oversight; losing control to vendors;
divisional goals at expense of organizational goals. Overlooking hidden costs of managing contracts; Failing to anticipate need to change Nature of leadership : Power
Types of divisional structures and how they group job and activities: vendors, cease outsourcing. Power : Kemampuan untuk membuat orang lain berbuat atau membuat sesuatu terjadi
Product structures focus on a single product or service; Geographical structuressame Boundaryless organizations:Eliminate internal boundaries among subsystems and
seperti yang kita inginkan.
location or geographical region; Customer structuressame customers or clients; Process external boundaries with the external environment; A combination of team and network
Position power : Based on a managers official status in the organizations hierarchy of
structuressame processes. structures, with the addition of temporariness; Key requirements: Absence of
Matrix structure: Combines functional and divisional structures to gain advantages and hierarchy; Empowerment of team members; Technology utilization; Acceptance of
Sources of position power:
minimize disadvantages of each. Used in: Manufacturing; Service industries; Professional impermanence.
Reward power : Capability to offer something of value.
fields; Non-profit sector; Multi-national corporations Coercive power :Capability to punish or withhold positive outcomes.
Legitimate power :Organizational position or status confers the right to control those in
subordinate positions.
Personal power. : Based on the unique personal qualities that a person brings to the
leadership situation.
Sources of personal power: Houses path-goal leadership theory : Effective leadership deals with the paths through
Expert power :Capacity to influence others because of ones knowledge and skills. which followers can achieve goals.
Referent power :Capacity to influence others because they admire you and want to Leadership styles for dealing with path-goal relationships: Directive leadership (dipake
identify positively with you. pas tugasnya ambigu). Supportive leadership. (Dipake pas bawahan ga percaya diri)
Achievement-oriented leadership (Dipake pas tugas kurang menantang). Participative
leadership (Dipake pas performance jelek).

Substitutes for leadership : Aspects of work settings & people involved that reduced need
for leaders involvement. 3 substitutes : Subordinate charactheristic, task charactheristic,
organizational charactheristic.
-ERG theory:
#Developed by Clayton Alderfer
Vroom-Jago Leader- Participation Theory : Helps leader choose the method of decision
#Three need levels:
making that fits situation. Basic decision making choices : authority , consultative, group Existence needs: desires for physiological and material well-being.
Use of reward power or legitimate power produces temporary compliance. decision ((+): improve decision quality, acceptance, and leadership potential. (-): lost Relatedness needs: desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships.
Use of coercive power produces, at best, temporary compliance, often accompanied by resentment. efficiency) Growth needs: desires for continued psychological growth and development.
Use of expert power or referent power has the most enduring results and generates commitment. Decision making option : Decide alone, consult individually, consult with group, #Any/all needs can influence behavior at one time
Boundaryless organization mengandung Encourage creativity, quality, timeliness, Keys to building managerial power : expertise, personal qualities, effort & hard work facilitate, delegate #Frustration-regression principle : An already satisfied lower-level need becomes
flexibility, and efficiency; Knowledge sharing is both a goal and essential component; Power and influence are affected by workplace structures and networks: centrality, reactivated when a higher-level need is frustrated.
Virtual organization: A special form of boundaryless organization, Operates in a shifting criticality, visibility -Two-factor theory
network of external alliances that are engaged as needed, using IT and the Internet. For a leader to influence, other person must: understand the directive, feel capable of #Developed by Frederick Herzberg.
Potential advantages of matrix structures: Better cooperation across functions; Organizing trends are changing the workplace. carrying out the directive, Believe the directive is in the organizations best interests, #Hygiene factors:
Improved decision making; Increased flexibility in restructuring; Better customer service; Contemporary organizing trends include: Believe the directive is consistent with personal values. Elements of the job context. Sources of job dissatisfaction.
Better performance accountability; Improved strategic management. Shorter chains of command: The line of authority that vertically links all persons with Enpowerment : The process through which managers enable and help others to gain #Satisfier factors:
Potential disadvantages of matrix structures: Two-boss system is susceptible to power successively higher levels of management. power and achieve influence. Elements of the job content. Sources of job satisfaction and motivation.
struggles; Two-boss system can create task confusion and conflict in work priorities; Organizing trend: Organizations are being streamlined by cutting unnecessary levels Leader empower others by providing : information, responsibility, authority, trust
Team meetings are time consuming; Team may develop groupitis; Increased costs due of management; Flatter structures are viewed as a competitive advantage
to adding team leers to structure. Less unity of command: Each person in an organization should report to one and only Traits that are important for leadership success: drive, Self-confidence, Creativity,
The new developments in organization structures one supervisor. Cognitive ability, Business knowledge, Motivation, Flexibility, Honesty and integrity
Guidelines for horizontal structures:Focus the organization around processes, not Organizing trend: Organizations are using more cross-functional teams, task forces, and Leadership behavior : how leaders behave when working with followers.
functions; Put people in charge of core processes; Decrease hierarchy and increase the use horizontal structures; Organizations are becoming more customer conscious; Employees 2 basic dimensions of leadership behavior : Concern for the task to be accomplished
of teams; Empower people to make decisions critical to performance; Utilize information often find themselves working for more than one boss. (plans & defines work, assigns responsibilities, set work standards, monitor results)
technology; Emphasize multiskilling and multiple competencies; Teach people how to Wider spans of control: The number of persons directly reporting to a manager. Concern for the people doing the work (supportive, develops social rapport, show trust, &
work in partnership with others; Build a culture of openness, collaboration, and Organizing trend: Many organizations are shifting to wider spans of control as levels of respect the feeling of the followers, fulfill followers needs)
performance commitment. management are eliminated; Managers have responsibility for a larger number of Blake and Moutons Leadership grid
Team structures: Extensively use permanent and temporary teams to solve problems, subordinates who operate with less direct supervision.
complete special projects, and accomplish day-to-day tasks; Often use cross-functional

Superleaders : Person whose vision and strength of personality have extraordinary impact
on others.
Charismatic Leaders : Develop special leader-follower relationships, and inspire others in
extraordinary ways
Transactional Leadership : yang membuat orang lain berbuat spt yang dia inginkan
melalui tugas, hadiah, dan posisi -Acquired needs theory
Transformational leadership : Leader yang benar menginspirasi sehingga orang #Developed by David McClelland.
tertantang untuk bekerja secara maksimal. #People acquire needs through their life experiences.
#Needs that are acquired:
Classic Leadership: Autocratic style (emphasizes task over people, unilateral command- Characteristics of transformational leaders: vision,charisma, symbolism, empowerment,
Need for Achievement(nAch): Desire to do something better or more efficiently, to solve
and-control) Laissez faire (little concern for task, do the best you can & dont bother me intellectual stimulation, integrity problems, or to master complex tasks.People high in (nAch) prefer work that:*Involves
attitude) Democratic (commited to task & people, encouraging participation in decision Emotional Intelligence : Ability of people manage themselves & relationships effectively. individual responsibility for results.*Involves achievable but challenging goals.*Provides
making) Components of EI : self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, emphaty, social skill. feedback on performance.
More delegation and empowerment: Delegation is the process of entrusting work to Fiedler Contingency model Gender & Leadership Need for Power(nPower): Desire to control other persons, to influence their behavior, or
others by giving them the right to make decisions and take action; The manager assigns - Good leadership :match between leadership and situational Women : interactive leadership (styl that shares qualities with transformational to be responsible for other people.Personal power versus social power. People high in
responsibility, grants authority to act, and creates accountability; Authority should be demands leadership) ; Men : Transactional leadership (nPower) prefer work that: *Involves control over other persons.*Has an impact on
commensurate with responsibility; A common management failure is unwillingness to people and events.*Brings public recognition and attention.
Potential advantages of team structures: Eliminates difficulties with communication and - 2 Leadership style: Low LPC( task motivated ) & high LPC ( Druckers old-fashioned leadership : leadership is good old-fashioned hardwork.
delegate; Delegation leads to empowerment. relationship motivated) Need for Affiliation(nAff): Desire to establish and maintain friendly and warm relations
decision making; Eliminates barriers between operating departments; Improved morale; Essential : defining and establishing a sense of mission, accepting leadership as
Guidelines for effective delegation: Carefully choose the person to whom you delegate.; - LPC : least preferred coworker with other persons. People high in (nAff) prefer work that:*Involves interpersonal
Greater sense of involvement and identification; Increased enthusiasm for work; responsibility, earning & keeping trust of others.
Define the responsibility; make the assignment clear.; Agree on performance objectives relationships.*Provides for companionship.*Brings social approval.
Improved quality and speed of decision making.
and standards; Agree on a performance timetable; Give authority; allow the other person Moral Leadership : Leadership that adheres to moral standards meeting of good and
Potential disadvantages of team structures: Conflicting loyalties among members;
Excessive time spent in meetings; Effective use of time depends on quality of to act independently; Show trust in the other person; Provide performance support; Give right rather than bad and wrong.
interpersonal relations, group dynamics, and team management. performance feedback; Recognize and reinforce progress; Help when things go wrong; All leaders are expected to maintain high ethical standards, that involves integrity,
Network structures: A central core that is linked through networks of relationships with Dont forget your accountability for performance results; honesty, credibility, and consistency in traits and behavior
outside contractors and suppliers of essential services; Own only core components and Organizing trend: Managers are delegating more and finding more ways to empower
people at all levels.
Decentralization with centralization: Centralization is the concentration of authority
for making most decisions at the top levels of the organization; Decentralization is the
dispersion of authority to make decisions throughout all levels of the organization. Basic motivational concepts
When participation is not possible, workers will respond positively if supervisory trust 4. The requirement that a manager answer to a higherlevel boss for performance results 8. One of the benefi ts of participatory planning is _____________. (d) more 11. A student volunteers to gather information on a company for a group case analysis
and support exist. achieved by a work team is called . (b) accountability commitment to implementation project. The Other members of the group agree, and tell her to go ahead and choose the
Reinforcement Theory 5. Productivity is a measure of the quantity and of work produced, relative to the cost 9. The ideal situation in a hierarchy of objectives is that lower level plans become the information sources. In terms of delegation, this group is giving the student
Fundamentals of reinforcement theory of inputs. (a) quality _____________ for accomplishing higher-level plans. (a) means ____________ to fulfi ll the agreed-upon task.(c) authority
Reinforcement theory focuses on the impact of external environmental consequences on 6. managers pay special attention to the external environment, looking for problems and 10. When managers use the benchmarking approach to planning, they _____________. 12. The current trend in the use of staff in organizationsis to ____________.
behavior. opportunities and fi nding ways to deal with them. (a) Top (b) identify best practices used by others (b) reduce the number of staff personnel
Law of effect impact of type of consequence on future behavior. 7. The accounting manager for a local newspaper would be considered a manager, 11. One of the problems in relying too much on staff planners is _____________. 13. The bureaucratic organization described by Max Weber is similar to the
#Operant conditioning: Developed by B.F. Skinner. Applies law of effect to control whereas the editorial director would be considered a manager. (c) staff, line (a) a communication gap between planners and implementers ____________ organization described by Burns and Stalker. (b) mechanistic
behavior by manipulating its consequences.Operant conditioning strategies: 8. When a team leader clarifi es desired work targets and deadlines for a work team, he or 12. The planning process isnt complete until _____________. (c) plans are 14. Which type of organization design best fi ts an uncertain and changing environment?
Positive reinforcement : Increases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent she is fulfillingthe management function of . (a) planning implemented and results evaluated (c) organic
presentation of a pleasant consequence. 9. The process of building and maintaining good working relationships with others who 13. When a team leader is trying to follow a approach known as management by 15. An organization that employs just a few core or essential full-time employees and
Negative reinforcement: Increases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent may help implement a managers work agendas is called (b) networking objectives, outsources a lot of the remaining work show signs of using a ____________ structure.
removal of an unpleasant consequence. 10. In Katzs framework, top managers tend to rely more on their skills than do fi rst-line who should set a team members performance objectives? (b) network
Punishment: Decreases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent managers. (b) conceptual (c) the team leader and team member Bab 13
presentationof an unpleasantconsequence. 11. The research of Mintzberg and others concludes that managers . (c) are never free 14. A good performance objective is written in such a way that it _____________. (d) can 1. Human resource management is the process of, developing, and maintaining a
Extinction: Decreases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent removalof an from the pressures of performance responsibility be easily measured highquality workforce.(a) attracting
pleasantconsequence. 12. When someone with a negative attitude toward minorities makes a decision to deny 15. Which type of plan is used to guide resource allocations for long-term advancement
2. programs are designed to ensure equal employment opportunities for persons
#Successful implementation of positive reinforcement is based on advancement opportunities to a Hispanic worker, this is an example of . (a) discrimination of the
historically underrepresented in the workforce. (c) Affi rmative action
Law of contingent reinforcement : Reward delivered only if desired behavior is 13. Among the trends in the new workplace, one can expect to fi nd . (b) more valuing organizations mission or purpose? (c) strategic
3. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination against persons .
exhibited. people as human assets BAB 9
(a) 40 years and older
Law of immediate reinforcement : More immediate the delivery of a reward, the more 14. The managers role in the upside-down pyramid view of organizations is best 1. After objectives and standards are set, what step comes next in the control process?
Process Theories of Motivation 4. is the idea that jobs that are similar in terms of their importance to the organization
reinforcement value it has. described as providing so that operating workers can directly (a) Measure results.
-How people make choices to work hard or not. should be compensated at the same level. (d) Comparable worth
#Guidelines for using positive reinforcement: serve . (c) support, customers 2. When a soccer coach tells her players at the end of a game: Im pleased you stayed
-Choices are based on:Individual preferences.Available rewards.Possible work 5. A is a criterion that can be legally justifi ed for use in screening candidates for
Clearly identify desired work behaviors. 15. The management function of is being performed when a retail manager measures with the game plan, she is using a/an to a measure performance, even though in terms of
outcomes. employment. (b) bona fi de occupational qualifi cation
Maintain a diverse inventory of rewards. daily sales in the womens apparel department and compares them with daily sales outcomes her team lost. (b) output standard
-Types of process theories: 6. The fi rst step in strategic human resource management is to .(d) review organizational
nform everyone about what must be done to get rewards. targets. (c) controlling 3. When an automobile manufacturer is careful to purchase only the highest-quality
#Equity theory: Developed by J. Stacy Adams. When people believe that they have been mission, objectives, and strategies
Recognize individual differences when allocating rewards. Bab 2 components for use in production, this is an example of an attempt to ensure high
treated unfairly in comparison to others, they try to eliminate the discomfort and restore a 7. In human resource planning, a/an is used to determine exactly what is done in an
Follow the laws of immediate and contingent reinforcement. 1. The assumption that people are complex with widely varying needs is most associated performance through control.
perceived sense of equity to the situation: Perceived inequity.Perceived equity. existing job. (c) job analysis
with the ____________ management approaches. (c) behavioral (d) feedforward
People respond to perceived negative inequity by changing:Work inputs.Rewards 8. If an employment test yields different results over time when taken by the same person,
2. The father of scientifi c management is ____________. (b) Taylor 4. Management by exception means . (b) focusing attention where the need for action
received. Comparison points.Situation. it lacks ; if it bears no relation to actual job
3. When the registrar of a university deals with students by an identifi cation number is greatest
Managerial implications of equity theory: performance, it lacks .(d) reliability, validity
rather than a name, which characteristic of bureaucracy is being displayed and what is its 5. When a supervisor working alongside an employee corrects him or her when a mistake
*Underpaid people experience anger. 9. Which phrase is most consistent with a recruiter offering a job candidate a realistic job
intended benefi t? (d) impersonality, fairness is made, this is an example of control. (b) concurrent
*Overpaid people experience guilt. preview? (d) Let me tell you what you might not like once you start work.
4. If an organization was performing poorly and Henri Fayol was called in as a 6. If an organizations top management visits a fi rm in another industry to learn more
*Perceptions of rewards determine motivational outcomes. 10. Socialization of newcomers occurs during the step of the staffi ng process.
consultant, what would he most likely suggest to improve things?(a) Teach managers to about its excellent record in hiring and promoting minority and female candidates, this is
*Negative consequences of equity comparisons should be minimized, if not eliminated. (b) orientation
better plan and control.. an example of using for control purposes. (b) relative comparison
*Do not underestimate the impact of pay as a source of equity controversies in the (11. The purpose of performance appraisal is being addressed when a manager describes
5. One example of how scientifi c management principles are applied in organizations 7. The control equation states: _ Desired Performance _ Actual Performance. (d) Need for
workplace:Gender equity.Comparable worth. training options that might help an employee improve future performance. (a)
today would be: (a) conducting studies to increase effi ciencies in job Action
performance. 8. When a UPS manager compares the amount of time a driver takes to make certain
12. When a team leader is required to rate 10% of team members as superior, 80% as
6. The Hawthorne studies raised awareness of how __________ can be important infl deliveries against standards set through a quantitative analysis of her
good, and 10% as unacceptable for their performance on a project,
uences on productivity. (b) human factors delivery route, this is known as .(b) an engineering comparison
this is an example of the approach to performance appraisal. (b) forced distribution
7. Advice to study a job, carefully train workers to do that job, and link fi nancial 9. Projects are unique one-time events that. (b) must be completed by a specifi c time
13. An employee with domestic problems due to substance abuse would be pleased to
incentives to job performance would most likely come from ____________. 10. The chart graphically displays the scheduling of tasks required to complete a project.
learn thathis employer had a(n) plan to help on
(a) scientifi c management (c) Gantt
such matters. (a) employee assistance
8. The highest level in Maslows hierarchy includes ____________ needs. 11. When one team member advises another team member that your behavior is crossing
14. Whereas bonus plans pay employees for special accomplishments, gain-sharing plans
(c) self-actualization the line in terms of our expectations for workplace civility, she is exercising a form of
reward them for . (d) contributing to cost reductions
9. A possible misfi t between the mature adult personality and rigid practices of a control over the
15. In labormanagement relations, the process of negotiating, administering, and
#Expectancy theory: Developed by Victor Vroom. Key expectancy theory variables: bureaucratic organization was a major concern of ____________. (a) Argyris others inappropriate behaviors (a) clan
Expectancy : belief that working hard will result in desired level of performance. interpreting a labor contract is known as .(d) collective bargaining
10. When people perform in a situation as they are expected to, this is sometimes called 12. In a CPM/PERT analysis the focus is on and the event that link them together with the
Instrumentality :belief that successful performance will be followed by rewards. BAB 14
the ____________ Effect. (a) Hawthorne fi nished project. (b) activities, sequences
Valence : value a person assigns to rewards and other work related outcomes. #Schedules of reinforcement: 11. Resource acquisition and customer satisfaction are important when an organization is 13. If fi xed costs are $10,000, variable costs are $4 per unit, and the target selling price 1. Someone with a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there is
Motivation (M), expectancy (E), instrumentality (I), and valence (V) are related to one Continuous reinforcement administers a reward each time a desired behavior occurs. viewed as a(n)____________. (c) open system per unit is $8, what is the breakeven point? (c) 2,500 considered a leadeR (d) visionary
another in a multiplicative fashion: Intermittent reinforcement rewards behavior only periodically. 12. The loan-processing department would be considered a ____________ of your local 14. Among the fi nancial ratios used for control, Current Assets/Current Liabilities is 2. Leader power _ power _ power. (d) position, personal
M = E x I x V . If either E, I, or V is low, motivation will be low Acquisition of behavior is quicker with continuous reinforcement. bank or credit union. (a) subsystem known as the 3. A manager who says because I am the boss, you must do what I ask is relying on
Managerial implications of expectancy theory Behavior acquired under an intermittent schedule is more permanent. 13. When a manager notices that Sheryl has strong social needs and assigns her a job in (c) current ratio power. (b) legitimate
To maximize expectancy, managers should: #Guidelines for using punishment: customer relations and gives Kwabena lots of praise because of his strong ego needs, the 15. In respect to return on assets (ROA) and the debt ratio, the preferred directions when 4. When a leader assumes that others will do as she asks because they want to positively
*Select workers with ability. Tell the person what is being done wrong. manager is displaying ____________. (d) contingency thinking analyzing them from a control standpoint are . (c) increase ROA, decrease debt identify with her, she is relying on power to infl uence their behavior. (b) reference
*Train workers to use ability. Tell the person what is being done right. 14. Which is the correct match?(c) Demingquality management BAB 10 5. The personal traits now considered important for managerial success include .
*Support work efforts. Match the punishment to the behavior. 15. When managers try to avoid hearsay and make decisions based on solid facts and 1. The most appropriate fi rst question to ask in strategic planning is ____________. (a) self-confi dence
*Clarify performance goals. Administer punishment in private. information, this is known as ____________. (b) evidence-based management (a) Where do we want to be in the future? 6. In the leader-behavior approaches to leadership, someone who does a very good job of
-To maximize instrumentality, managers should: Follow laws of immediate and contingent reinforcement. Bab 5 2. The ability of a fi rm to consistently outperform its rivals is called ____________. planning work, setting standards, and monitoring results would be considered a(n) leader.
*Clarify psychological contracts. #Ethical issues in reinforcement: 1. The reasons why businesses go international include gaining new markets, fi nding (b) competitive advantage (a) task-oriented
*Communicate performance-outcome possibilities. gnores individuality. investment capital, and reducing . (c) labor costs 3. In a complex conglomerate business such as General Electric, a(n) ____________ level 7. According to the Blake and Mouton leadership grid, the most successful leader is one
*Identify rewards that are contingent on performance. Restricts freedom of choice. 2. When shoe maker Rocky Brands decided to buy full ownership of a manufacturing strategy who acts with (b) high concern for task and high concern for people
-To maximize valence in a positive direction, managers should: Ignores the possibility of other types of motivation. company in the Dominican Republic, Rocky was engaging in which form of international sets strategic direction for a strategic business unit. (c) business 8. A leader whose actions indicate an attitude of do as you want, and dont bother me
*Identify individual needs. #Key concern is whether it is ethical to not control behavior well enough to serve both business? 4. The ____________ is a predominant value system for an organization as a whole. would be described as having a(n) leadership style. (d) laissez-faire
*Adjust rewards to match individual needs. individual and organizational goals. (c) foreign subsidiary ] d) corporate culture 9. In Fiedlers contingency model, both highly favorable and highly unfavorable
Challenges of Motivation in the New Workplace 3. A form of international business that falls into the category of a direct investment 5. Cost effi ciency and product quality are two examples of ____________ objectives of leadership situations are best dealt with by a leader.(a) task-motivated
Integrated model of motivation strategy is . (b) joint venture organizations. (b) operating 10. leadership model suggests that leadership style is strongly anchored in personality and
Motivation leads to work effort that, when combined with appropriate individual 4. The World Trade Organization would most likely become involved in disputes 6. An organization that is downsizing to reduce costs is implementing a grand strategy of therefore hard to change. (b) Fiedlers
abilities and organizational support, leads to performance accomplishment. between countries over. (d) tariffs ____________. (c) retrenchment 11. Houses theory of leadership says that successful leaders fi nd ways to add value to
The motivational impact of any rewards received for this performance accomplishment 5. Business complaints about copyright protection and intellectual property rights in some 7. When PepsiCo acquired Tropicana, a maker orange juice, the fi rms strategy was leadership situations. (b) pathgoal
depends on equity and reinforcement considerations. countries illustrate how differences in can impact international operations. (a) legal growth by____________.(a) related diversifi cation 12. A leader who would be described as achievement-oriented in the pathgoal theory.
Ultimately, satisfaction with rewards should lead to increased motivation to work hard environments 8. In Porters fi ve forces framework, having ____________ increases industry (a) sets challenging goals for others
in the future. 6. In cultures, members tend to do on thing at a time; in cultures, members tend to do attractiveness. (13. The critical contingency variable in the Hersey- Blanchard situational model of
many things at once (a) monochronic, polychronic (c) low bargaining power of suppliers leadership is (a) followers maturity
7. A culture that places great value on expressing meaning in the written or spoken word 9. A ____________ in the BCG matrix would have a 14. Vision, charisma, integrity, and symbolism are all on the list of attributes typically
is described as by Hall. (d) low-context high market share in a low-growth market, and the correct grand or master strategy is associated with leaders. (c) transformational
8. It is common in Malaysian culture for people to value teamwork and to display great ____________. (b) cash cow, stability 15. The interactive leadership style, sometimes associated with women, is characterized
respect for authority. Hofstede would describe this culture as high in both (c) collectivism 10. The alliances that link together fi rms in supply chain management relationships are by . (a) inclusion and information sharing
and power distance examples of how businesses try to use ____________ strategies. (c) cooperation Bab 16
9. In Hofstedes study of national cultures, America was found to be the most compared 11. The two questions asked by Porter to identify competitive strategies for a business or 1. Lower-order needs in Maslows hierarchy match well with ____________ needs in
with product line are: 1What is the market scope? 2What is the ____________? (a) ERG theory. (c) existence
other countries in his sample.(a) individualistic market share 2. When a team member shows strong ego needs in Maslows hierarchy, the team leader
10. It is when a foreign visitor takes offense at a local custom such as dining with ones fi 12. According to Porters model of competitive strategies, a fi rm that wants to compete should find that ___________ will be motivating to him
ngers, with its rivals in a broad market by selling a very low-priced product would need to or her. (b) praise and recognition for job performance
considering it inferior to practices of his or her own culture. (d) enthnocentric successfully implement a ____________ strategy. (c) cost leadership 3. A worker with a high need for ____________ power in McClellands theory tries to
11. When Limited Brands buys cotton in Egypt, has tops sewn from it in Sri Lanka 13. When Coke and Pepsi spend millions on ads trying to convince customers that their use power for the good of the organization. (d) social
Pay for performance according to designs made in Italy, and then offers the garments for sale in the United products are unique, they are pursuing a/an ____________ strategy. (d) differentiation 4. In Herzbergs two-factor theory, base pay is considered a(n) ____________ factor
Paying people for performance is consistent with: States, this form of international business is known as . (d) global sourcing 14. The role of the board of directors as an oversight body that holds top executives (d) hygiene
Equity theory. 12. The difference between an international business and a transnational corporation is accountable for the success of business strategies is called ____________. 5. Which of the following is a correct match? (b) Skinnerreinforcement theory
Expectancy theory. that the transnational (a) tries to operate around the world without a strong national (b) corporate governance 6. The expectancy theory of motivation says that motivation _ expectancy _
Reinforcement theory. identity 15. An example of a process failure in strategic planning is ____________. ____________ _ ____________. (b) instrumentality, valence
Merit pay 13. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for (c) U.S. businesses to make (a) lack of participation 7. When someone has a high and positive expectancy in the expectancy theory of
Awards a pay increase in proportion to individual performance contributions. payoffs abroad to gain international business contracts motivation, this means that the person ____________.
Provides performance contingent reinforcement. 14. When a member of a cross-cultural team is hesitant to speak up and offer ideas, defers Bab 11 (a) believes he or she can meet performance expectations
May not succeed due to weakness in performance appraisal system or lack of to the team leader, and avoids accepting praise for individual work, the person is 8. In the ____________ theory of motivation, someone who perceives herself under-
1. The main purpose of organizing as a management function is to ____________.
consistency in application. displaying characteristics consistent with a culture. (c) tight rewarded relative to a coworker might be expected to reduce his or her
(b) arrange people and resources to accomplish work performance in the future. (d) equity
Incentive compensation systems: 15. Hofstede would describe a culture whose members respect age and authority and 2. ____________ is the system of tasks, reporting relationships, and communication that
Skill-based pay : Links pay to the number of job-relevant skills an employee masters. whose 9. In goal-setting theory, the goal of doing a better job would not be considered a good
links together the various parts of an organization. (a) Structure source of motivation because it fails the test of goal ____________. (b) specificity
Bonus pay plans : One-time or lump-sum payments based on the accomplishment of workers defer to the preferences of their supervisors as .(c) high power distance 3. Rumors and resistance to change are potential disadvantages often associated with
specific performance targets or some extraordinary contribution. BAB 8 10. The law of _________________ states that behavior followed by a positive
____________. (b) informal structures consequence is likely to be repeated, whereas behavior followed by an undesirable
#Goal-setting theory: Developed by Edwin Locke. Properly set and well-managed task Incentive compensation systems: 1. Planning is the process of _____________ and _____________. (c) measuring past 4. An organization chart showing vice presidents of marketing, fi nance, manufacturing,
Profit-sharing plans : Some or all employees receive a proportion of net profits earned performance, targeting future performance consequence is not likely to be repeated. (d) effect
goals can be highly motivating. Motivational effects of task goals: and purchasing all reporting to the president is depicting a ____________ structure. 11. ____________ is a positive reinforcement strategy that rewards successive
Provide direction to people in their work. by the organization. 2. The benefi ts of planning include _____________.(a) improved focus (a) functional
Gain-sharing plans : Groups of employees share in any savings realized through their 3. In order to help implement its corporate strategy, a business fi rm would likely develop approximations to a desirable behavior. (c) Shaping
Clarify performance expectations. 5. The functional chimneys problem occurs when people in different functions 12. B. F. Skinner would argue that getting a paycheck on Friday reinforces a person for
Establish a frame of reference for feedback. efforts to reduce costs and increase productivity. a (an) ____________.(a) fail to communicate with one another
Employee stock ownership plans: Employees own stock in the company that employs _____________ plan for the marketing department.(a) functional coming to work on Friday, but it does not reinforce the person for having done an
Provide a foundation for behavioral self-management. 6. A manufacturing business with a functional structure has recently developed three new extraordinary job on Tuesday. This is because the Friday paycheck fails the law of
Key issues and principles in the goal-setting process: them. 4. _____________ planning identifi es alternative courses of action that can be taken if product lines. The president of the company might consider shifting to
and when certain situations arise. (d) Contingency ____________ reinforcement (c) immediate
Set specific goals. a/an ____________ structure to gain a stronger focus on each product. (c) divisional 13. When a job is redesigned to allow a person to do a whole unit of work from beginning
Set challenging goals. SOAL: Bab 1 5. The fi rst step in the control process is to _____________. (b) establish objectives and 7. ____________ structure tries to combine the best elements of the functional and
1. The process of management involves the functions of planning, , leading, and standards to end, it becomes high on which core characteristic?(a) task identity
Build goal acceptance and commitment. divisional forms. (d) Matrix 14. A typical compressed workweek schedule involves 40 hours work done in
Clarify goal priorities. controlling. d) organizing 6. A sexual harassment policy is an example of _____________ plans used by 8. The two-boss system of reporting relationships is found in the ____________
2. An effective manager achieves both high- performance results and high levels of organizations. ____________ days. (b) 4
Provide feedback on goal accomplishment. structure. (b) matrix 15. A term often used to describe someone who is a long-term but part-time hire is
Reward goal accomplishment. among people doing the required work. (c) satisfaction (c) standing-use 9. Better lower-level teamwork and more top-level strategic management are among the
3. Performance effi ciency is a measure of the associated with task accomplishment. (a) 7. When a manager is asked to justify a new budget proposal on the basis of projected ____________ worker. (d) permatemp
Participation in goal setting expected advantages of a ____________ structure. (b) matrix
Unlocks the motivational potential of goal setting. resource costs activities 10. Tall organizations tend to have long chains of command and ____________ spans
Management by objectives (MBO) promotes participation. rather than past practices, this is an example of _____________ budgeting. (a) zero-based of control (b) narrow

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