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Anti AdBlock Library Usage

PHP 5, PHP 7


Get the library code

Your manager will send you the .php-file


Code to call the library

Insert this line into your .php file where you would normally put the
ad serving tag

echo include_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/pa_antiadblock.php');

Detailed info
By default, Anti AdBlock advertisement serving tags will not work
indefinitely long. The ads are served from domains which eventually
get banned by AdBlock. Therefore the tag has to be updated for the
new domains. This can be done manually, but it is much more
convenient to use our Anti AdBlock library.

The functionality is oicially supported only for websites using

PHP 5.0 or a later version.

Note that it is PHP code, so it needs to go inside a <?php ... ?> section.

The library file pa_antiadblock.php has to be put into the same

directory as the file where you put the calling code.

All the library does is pull the current version of anti AdBlock tag from
our server, and cache it for several hours. The code is not obfuscated
and you are free to adapt it for usage with a PHP framework if
necessary, or e. g. use it to implement the same functionality in
another language, such as Python.

Still, only the original library will get any support from us.

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