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When we made this trip was very excited because we first

made a list of places we wanted to know in Colima,
Mxico and Veracruz, this trip began when we took a
plane that went from Colima to Mxico, when we arrived
we went directly to the hotel to rest, But first we toured
the whole hotel to get to know better, the next day we
went to Marqueza, which is a tourist place that is located
in the outskirts of the city of Mexico and just when we
were there we decided to stay camping, so we We
installed in a very large hut that we rented, the day after
our arrival we walked everywhere, we played, we ran, we
did everything, but what I liked the most was when we
passed a bridge with a harness and underneath there was
a river Huge, the next day we went to hunt rabbits and
birds, I just ate, since I could not manage to hunt
anything, we lasted three days there and then we went to
six flags where I went through all the games I could
climb, it was A very pleasant experience. Days later we
went to know the zocalo of Mxico, it was beautiful,
when we finished touring the city of Mxico we went by
plane to Veracruz and from there we went to the beach,
that beach although some places were beautiful there
were others Very polluted but in general was very
beautiful, I was there two days and then I return to
Chihuahua since classes were about to start. I always
correct did a hunting, because I ask to my mom:
1 Fui a la playa y de ah me fui en avin a Mxico.

2 Cuando llegue fui al hotel.

3 Al da siguiente visite la marqueza.

4 Ah me quede a acampar.

5 Me pasee en una tirolesa.

6 Fuimos a un puente colgante y debajo de este haba un rio


7 Fui a cazar.

8 Al da siguiente conoc el Castillo de Chapultepec.

9 Fui a Six Flags donde me sub a todos los juegos mecnicos.

10 Luego me fui en avin a Veracruz.

11 Y ah fui a la playa con mi familia.

12 Dure dos das y me devolv a Chihuahua.


1 Presentacin a tiempo.

2 Presenta mnimo 12 enunciados, compuestos para expresar

experiencias personales.

3 Los enunciados tienen los verbos en tiempo pasado.

4 En el texto, se notan fcilmente los adverbios de frecuencia.

5 Elaboro una lnea del tiempo, creativamente acompaada de


6 Tono de voz en su presentacin.

7 Tiempo 1.5 min.

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