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VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING ‘1 Work in pairs. Descrte the photos. Then answer the questions below. 4 Zycie rodzinne i towarzyskie 1 When do you usual do the activites inthe photographs: in the morning, in the afternoon or inthe evening? 2 When do you think the best ime ro do chese activites? Why? VOCABULARY Daily routine and leisure 2 Complete gaps 1-18 wth suitable verbs. 3. Complete the text with the prepositions inthe Sox below. ofF(x2) in on (33) down (2) back with up(xa) On weekdays | wake no'dock when te alarm +___ and my cog stars barking. | ket havea le + tor about ton mits ors. Then pu atv find te war sy ai ays tu oto catch up ews. | et*___ fr schoo at hat past seven When +e have cnr an dy te kécen. Then ue and do my hoewock. A zou 11 fm. am usualy so exhausted tata | want od ise = inmy wer What is your favourite part of the day? Tell your partner. Match the verbs in the box with phrases 1-10 to make names of popular leisure activities. ply go(x2) hang te vise chat eat rent work to he batroon, ny hat Ten where |»__a stave and 1__— ype trata ‘he momig pape $07.30!" home, Sometimes nave to unto +e us oun” and hen | get tee, *__ wn yates Km usualy get home aru pn. sry dog, nga, for wal, then | "__ some font the micronave and mse aco. The evenings are my inure time of day. |"™_ eBay and _ 1 wm iro ny ame and Bie tends tobe abet midnight but bore |. 1 a srack an aot ark, Leny i Z2YCIE RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE 4 1 your fends ‘ out (ea some news) ina restaurant) 2 relacives 7 online with frends 3 ‘out (eg inthegym) & on the Playstation ‘ ‘outwith friends 9 ‘out oFtown 5 inca town 10 ‘out avd a el ASD past ‘instrumentéw muzycenych) Se ee eg ee oe ee In pairs, discuss how you feel about doing the activities in exercise 5. Use the phrases from the USE IT! box below. EXAM TRAINING Rormowa z odgrywaniem roli vypase, koreysta| 2 wlasnych dotw (06 lub uty} wyobratn + Egzaminujacy mote zadat ci pyran, ktre nie wynika bespostedno ze scenariusza ale wigte si z tym, co wiagnie powledziales/powiedziata. Postar) sie udzelic wyczerpujace) Sdpowiedz. 7. Read the exam task. In pars, ask and answer the questions about routines ina boarding schoo. Miesckase w internacie. Do swojego pokoju wprowadat sie ‘wlaGnie cudzoaiemiec. Rozrawiase 2 nim na temat typowego dala spedzonego w internacie. W rozmowie > egzaminujacym ruse nastepuijgcecatery ivestie » posi, » obowiazli, » rose (Rozmowe roxpoceyna egzaminuiag) 1 Are meals served or do you have to prepare them yourself What are ‘the meal mes? 22 When do lights have robe tamed out ina dormitory? What happens flights are not cured out? 35 What duties do students hae inthe dorm? How often do they have rodothem? 4 Canyou do any leisure acrvtes in a boarding school? Are you allowed to go out? 8 Complete the dialogue with he examiner's questions a~e below. Examiner I'm going tobe staying hee fora while so you'd beter cll smewhat lies like." — 2 Student Not much but youwor' be bored! Sometimes play ‘on the Playstation inthe common room. There's aso a huge TV downstairs so we usually watch the lyin the evenings Examiner @__? Student Yes there are pleny of channels to choose from and lots of ‘them are in Engi: My favourites National Geographic. Examiner That's great.*___? Student Well breakfast is served from 630 cll 8.00 and ies quite tasty. And you dor' have to dy up afterwards Examiner Lovely! Sounds great Student Well woulda’ say that. Everyone has duties to do here, ‘you know. We have to help clean up Saminer +? Student Oh, you know. The usual chngs you do at home - your bedroom, the hall the bathroom Ifyou clean chem parccularly well you get bonus Examiner 2 Student Well you might ge an extra hour offre ime inthe evening, for example. You see, after 10 pm. we have ro be in our rooms with ights out. If you've cleaned up really well you might beallowed to stay up til 1 pm. | What do you mean? Bb Isthere anything todo around here? © And what about meas? 4 schere salve TV in the dorm? © Clean what SWA VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING ———— aes ee ee 10 Workin pairs. Decide which two of the examiners {questions are not directly connected with the four ‘topics in the task. Why? " FEEII Do the exam task in pars. Use the model below. Then swap roles and do the task again. Praylechala do ciebie 2 wizyta kolezankea 2 USA. ‘Rozmawiatz 2 na na temat powszedniego dnia ww twoim domu. W rozmowie egraminulacym Porusz nastepulace catery loestie: * koraystaniezfazienk, + posi w domu, + wieczorne wyjécia w dni powszednie i weskendy, » ogladanie telewisi (Rozmewe rozpoczyna zdajay) STUDENT jafaid youll have to get to some things my EXAMINER ‘What kind of things?) » everyone who has turned twenty in the past year. ‘The young people wear traditional cothes to the ceremony and government officals give speeches. ‘They also give small gifts to each of the new adults. ‘The ceremony ends in abig party that may include 1s Freworks and karaoke. (On the South Pacific island of Pentecost there is a ceremony called Naghol It takes place between Apri and June every year and is alittle bit more hazardous than the ceremonies previously 1 mentioned. Men from the island build large wooden towers that are twenty to thirty metres high. They cut vines from the trees and tie them to the towers. ‘Young men climb to the top of the towers and tie the other end of the vines to their ankles. They 1 then jump off the tower in something like a bungee [ump The ceremony isa way for boysto prove the rmanhoed. and both boys and men can take par. 7] But the jump is not considered a success unless the 7/4 men's heads touch the ground! 8. Workin pairs. When are young people in Poland considered to be adults? How do they celebrate? 1 VOCABULARY Build your vocabulary 9 Find words or phrases inthe texts that match definitions ah. Then use them in sentences of your own. Tet 2 the feding hac you're nor good enough (126) 'bFelingess good than other people (1.10) € behave like everybody else (10) saying hat something is good «1.2 a miserable situation (116 Tet? imporeane dates in someone’ ife 0) & acomplete change 20 hjoinin with something, 7 10. Think aboue these questions. Write some notes. Then tel the ‘dass what you think, 11 How common do you think is for young people to suffer rom self-doubt and insecuriy? ‘Why do you think some young people fee! they have co conform? ‘What are the most common waysin which teenagers to gain approval How can young people help themselves feel more confidere? 2 3 4 2YCIE RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE EEE GRAMMAR AND SPEAKING GRAMMAR ga Modal verbs: may, might, could, must, can’t 1. Match the sentences below with the people in the’ pictures. na Shei smiling acim She mus ike him. 'b The couple may be her parens. Her eyes are closed and she is losin her thoughts. She ean't know what the others are doing 4 They both have dar hair and ae tall They could be related © He’ leaning against :he wall. He might be tired. 3. Complete the dialogue using may, may not, might, might nt, ould, must or can't. 2. Match sentences a~efrom exercise 1 with Jenny Look a his picrure. What are chese people celebrating? explanations 1-3. Mark Ie bea birthday party look a the cake They 1 Wspossible. 2 Imsureits crue 3 lesimpossible the right She Jenny Yes youre right Mark Nose her grandfather. old man She" him so fondly Jenny Yes. You're right. like this old man supportive! Mark Yes and they Fm sure they dot 11 The woman next door her husband. 2. Brad and Angelina ‘They are too young. 3 The woman saw at the neighbourhood. ehink 4 Soni parents (moga nie wiedzee) from her cas. 5 Look at this couple ksi 6 Paul hardly ever jinsin (2 pewnoicg ni ub) MEER 2vc1z RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE 4 »_——allbe members of the same family, but theyre not people wh have just mee. They» well The gi onthe lft looks very much lke the woman on know each other be her daughter ‘And this man who is blowing the candles ou be her father be her father he's far 00 old. He be {And look tthe woman standing behind che love him very much; shes looking at And this young couple ~ they very much, They look lke they'e Being so stayin touch and visi him quite often, 4. ‘Translate the words in brackets, Use modal verbs. (2 pewnoicia jest) ten yeas older than (viemodiwe, aby mil) grandchildren. inthe party (modlwe, 2e mieszka) ve sen her in my street. that she i seeing a boy ng! They (z pewnoscia a) wen we alk about Kates new boyfriend, He seeping! 8 Look at che photo and answer the questions below. Ifyou sare not sure what the photo shows ~ try to guess. Use modal verbs. 9 10 do you think che people are’ 2. Where do you think they are? 3. Why do you think they arechere? 4 Doyou think they are havnga good time? Why / Why not Read the question and decide what you think. Give three arguments to support your opinion. How imporeancis family in your fe? Why think family i very important not very important because Pana Listen to.a student answering the question from exercise 6 and complete the sentences. Would you say the same about your family? 1 Theyare the people who and understand my feelings 2. My wo sisters __ when I need ther. 3 My parents are mein trouble un NZ IN WAR AND Pama Tick V the expresionsin he USEIT box the widen ued Uscen sgrn and check. TT Expressing an opinion In myopinion 1 think believe that Tobe hones Ieseems to me that In pairs, ask and answer the questions below. Remember to give arguments to support your opinion Student A 1 Doyou thinks impor fami? Why / Why not? 2 Wha music is bes for partis? 3. How imporeancarefiendsin yo seudene 8 1 Why do you think some people don lke cs 2 know your family history? Why 3 ink young people have enough free rime rowadays? Why | Why not? Do the exam task in pairs. Then swap roles and do the cask again, EXEIEESS Describe the picture. Pytania dla egzaminujgcego: 1 What do you think these people are celebrating? What rakes you think cis? 2. si good co have lage family? Why / Why not? 3 Tellus about che last family celebration you o frend Write your answer to one of the examiner's questions from the exam rask WARZYSKIE & RODZINNE VOCABULARY, LISTENING AND CULTURE 11 Workin pairs Describe the photos. Then answer the question below. Give reasons. How far do you gree wih the saying ‘Blood i thicker than water? VOCABULARY EXAM TRAINING Family conflicts and problems Dobieranie zdah podsumowujacych 2. Match the phrasal verbs in questions 1-8 with their meanings a-h. 1 Do you ever fall out with your brother or siters? | 2. How often do you get together with your whole fami? 3. Who do you geton with mostin your family? Who do you get on with least in your farily? 4 Do you prefer to make up quickly after 3 family argument? ‘5 How quickly do you give in when you are having an argument 6 How fen do you getinean argument abou pots wh ly ee xin your font The key words have been underlined. Match the ee cee eases lists of words 1-3 withthe key words in A-C you '& Who do you look upto most Why? aa stop doing what youwant ro do become friends wich someone again respect and admire 2 decide against makeanexcuse _calloff b 4 meet socially ‘ 5 h 1 2 lebration get-together 3 dispure row fallout with AA The speaker is describing family parcy 8 c argue and top being friendly with someone a au ee eae ee look or behave like an older member of your Fail nyt oils e niage aaa! become involved in something havea friendly relationship wth someone i se 6 @PaE Now listen and match dialogues 1-2 with | sHimmary sentences A~C in exercise 5. There is | 3 choose the correct prepositon ro complete senences nema smnary eich youda nonce 1 Hime you ee quale wth you pr ith for abo coming home tea | 2: Hae you ever agued witha member four fay pov fora | soythenewt 3 i 3 Have you ever blamed someone in you family at /for/ wth something you did yourself? 46 Have your parenes ever accused you in on of dong something you idn'edo? (Phan Listen again. Which ofthe words in thelist in exercise 5 did you hearin the two dialogues? 4 Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions from exercises 2 and 3. EEE 2vcIE RODZINNE I TOWARZYSKIE 4

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