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A. Name : Rivaldi Hamka

B. Student ID Number : 26412488
C. Title : Performance Comparison of Petrol Engine Using
cccccccccccccccccccc Premium, Pertalite, Pertamax, and Mixed Fuel
D. Keyword : Petrol Fuel, Torque, Brake Horse Power, Specific Fuel
ccccccccccccccccccccc Consumption, Thermal Efficiency
E. Page : xv 51 + Bibliography + Appendix

Petrol engine is a type of internal combustion engine where thermal energy

generated from the burning of petrol fuel with air. The right fuel use and in
accordance with the needs of the engine will produce a good engine performance.
Besides petrol engine has more power compared to the diesel engine. Therefore the
author contested against 1.6 L Daihatsu HD-C four stroke petrol engines to find
out the performance generated by the use of Pertamina Premium fuel, Pertamina
Pertalite fuel, Pertamina Pertamax fuel, and fuel mixture based on volume between
Premium and Pertamax.
As for this research was conducted with the aim to know the comparative
1.6 L Daihatsu HD-C petrol engines performance with the use of Pertamina
Premium fuel, Pertamina Pertalite fuel, Pertamina Pertamax fuel, and fuel mixture
based on volume between Premium and Builtin so it would seem its effects on
performances of petrol engine parameter.
From the results of the calculation of the overall test results data can be
seen that at low to medium RPM Pertalite fuel is better than other fuels, whereas
in the medium to high RPM Pertamax fuel is better than other fuels in terms of
torque, power, SFC, and thermal efficiency.

F. Bibliography : 6 Sources
G. Advisor : Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suryawan, MT.

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