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2017 TS

171) A : 'For heaven's sake, don't do this again.'

B : 'Never ! I'm sorry.'
In this conversation B appears
(1) casual (2) apologetic (3) full of fun (4) impolite
172) A: 'Your friend left for U.S.A., Yesterday."
B: 'How does that touch me ?"
B implies that he is
(1) delighted (2 ) in no way concerned
(3) partly related to (4) very much concerned
the issue
174) A: "My Friend, it appears, resigned
B: "No, he was cast out"
B implies that A's friend was
(1) promoted (2) dismissed
(3) missed his promotion (4) sent to a better place
175) A : "I don't want to change my mobile phone."
B: "Really! There are so many options available today." B's comment show that he is
(1) hurt (2) thrilled (3) offended (4) surprised
176) A: "I'm sorry I spilt tea on your dress. It was an accident."
B: "Don't let me see you do it again."
In this conversation 'B'.
(1) accepts A's apology (2) is annoyed
(3) is disheartened (4) is indifferent

2016 TS

171. A : "He never does a stroke of work in the house,"

B : "Well, may be no one asked him."
'B' implies that 'A' is
(1) harsh (2) unfair (3) angry (4) irritated

174. "Was this the sort of thing you wanted ? "

The tone of the speaker in the above sentence is
(1) accusing (2) rude
(3) polite (4) cheerful

176. A: "Can you explain this theory to me ? "

B: "Why ? Are you afraid of failing in the exam again?"
'B' implies to be
(1) helpful (2) scornful
(3) courteous (4) concerned

177. A : "Did the resolution get the approval ?"

B : "It was called in question by many."
'B' implies, that many
(1) approved the contents
(2) doubted the contents
(3) throught it a mode3l question paper
(4) framed the resolution along with questionnaire

2016 AP

176. A : I am late to the practice. Can I go now and say sorry to the coach ?
B : Let's not try to meet her now. She's in a temper.
The coach is
(1) brooding (2) angry
(3) sleeping (4) doubting

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