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NEUYEN THEN DUNG (mmsanro) eae » tiéng Anh theo chuyén dé) Chuyén san tid vung tiénes Anh (Journal of English Vocabulary) * S6 ra ngay 12/08/2016 * : re) et Sea! co MPASOPCO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) CHUYEN SAN TU’ VUNG BAC BIET THANG 08/2016 PAGE NGAN HANG BAI TAP TIENG ANH THEO CHUYEN DE KKKKK Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences. Question 1: Please look in the refrigerator and see if the jelly has A. curdled B. sot C. hardened D. stiffened * KEY Bi Dong ti SET di vdi ti JELLY; SET /set/ (adj): (Thact) Dong ki, dng citng lai * Dich nghia: Lam oh nhin vao ti lanh va xem thiyxem thach 43 dng Iai chua. * Cac phuong an cdn lal: + Curdlle /’ka.d1/ (v): Déng lai, dng cuc, dén lai + Harden /*ha.den/ (v): Lam cho ciing, lam cho rin + Stiffen /‘stif.en/ (v): Lam cing, lam aifng thém Question 2: His parents died when he wes very youngso he was___by an aunt. A. grown up B. taken care G,taken after D. brought up * KEY D: TO BE BROUGHT UP: Butjc nudi nang, chm sdc nghia: Cha me cia céu éy mat khi chu By con rét nto nén cbu dy dhfge di rusi néng. * Che phufdng an cdn lai: + To grow up: Trung thanh + To take care of = To look after = To care for: Cham sic + To take after: Giéng Question 3: A new computer hes been produced, which will ___all previous models. A. overdo B, supersede C. excel D. overwhelm * KEY B: SUPERSEDE /su:.po'sisd/ (v): Thé, thay thé | * Dich nghia: 6t chiée may tinh dot mot vie dutic sén xudt, chide may tinh ndy SB cb thé thay thé ‘cho céc mau may tinh trudc day. * Céc phufdng 4n cin la + Overdo /anve'du:/ (v): Lam qué trén, lam qui + Excel /rk’sel/ (+ at) (v): Hon, tr6i hon + Overwhelm /'welm/ (v): Chén vii, tran, im ngép Question 4: Their house is the of the whole street. Av envy B. jealousy C. desire D. need * KEY A: BE THE ENVY OF SB/ STH (Cum): La ndi ghen ty clia ai d0/ cdi gi 66 »* Dich nghia: Medi nha cilia ho 8 ndi ghen ty aia toan khu phd. Trang 1 cS Mrasapro cHuveN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mrnsapro) ¥ Céc phurdng an dn I + Jealousy /‘ (n): Long ghen ghét, ling 46 ky + Desire /dr’zarer/ (n): Sy thém muén, sy mong muén + Need /nisd/ (n): Sy cin, nhu cu Question 5: The chief of police said that he saw no between the six murders. A. joint B. connection C. communication D. join * KEY B: CONNECTION (BETWEEN) /ke'nek. fan/: Mdi quan hé, mdi lién hé (gi7a) nghia: Ginh sdt truéing néi ring éng dy khéng tim thiy mat lén h8 gidla 6 tén st thi »* Cc phuféng an edn I: + Joint /dsarnt/ (n): Chd ndi, méi ndi, khép néi + Communication /kemju.nt’ (n): Sy truyén dat, su thing tin + Join /dsoanf (1m): Chd néi,_diém néi, dudng nd Question 6: The first thing for all of you to remember is that ‘your duties may result in an instant dismissal. A. neglecting B. escaping Ch resisting D. missing * KEY A: TO NEGLECT ONE'S DUTY (Cum): Bo bé nhiém vy, tac trach * Dich nghia: Bi2u du tién md tét cd cdc ban cn phdi ghi nhd 6 1a sy’tdc tréch ob thé’ sé din dén vic bi sa thdi ngay lép te. * CSc phutdng 4n edn la + Escape /1'skerp/ (v): Trdn thoat, tranh thoat, thodt khdi + Resist /rr'zxst/ (v): Khang af, chéng lai + Miss /mrs/ (v): 13, nbd. Question 7: Stop about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what is happening. A. rushing | Be hiding C. beating, D. moving * KEY C: TO BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH (Thanh ngif): Ndi quanh co lng ving, khong di thing vio vn 68 trong tm * Dich nghia: Agung nd¥ quanh co ling véng di James! NGI cho minh nghe chuyén gi dang xdy ra di. * Céc phutdng 4n cdn | + Rush /raf/ (w): Xéng lén, lao vao + Hide /hard/ (v): Che giéu, che day, gi kin + Move /murv/ (v): Chuyén dich, di chuyén Question 8: Do you know what XoneFM is on? A. frequency B. line C dial D. position Trang 2 cx MPASOPPO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfu Tidn Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY A: FREQUENCY /‘ (n): Tan s6 nghia: Ban cé bit tin sO cia dai XoneFM khéng? * Cac phudng an cdn lal: + Line /lain/ (n): Day, duting day + Dial /‘ (n): Bia quay sé + Position /pa‘ (n): Vi ti Question 9: The police promised him from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully. A. safety B. protection C. immunity D. absolution * KEY C: IMMUNITY FROM STH: SU mién, sf dufgc mién cai gi dé * Dich nghia: Gant sét hia sé diige mién khdi 6 néu anh dy cing tdc t6t vdi ho. * Céc phudng an cdn + Safety /'serf.ti/ (nm): Sy an toan, sy chac chan + Protection /pre' (n): Sy bio v8, sy béo hd + Absolution /'lu.fon/ (n): Sy tha thi, sy mién xd Question 10: Sheila had butterflies inher __before the interview. A. face B. heart C. palms D, stomach * KEY D: TO HAVE BUTTERFLIES (IN ONE'S STOMACH) (Thanh ngif): Lo lang, bon chon ve chuyén gi 65 * Dich nghia: Shella cém tidy lo ldng trutic cugc phéng van. * Céc phufdng 4n cdn lai: + Face /fers/ (n): BG mat, khubn mat + Heart /ha:t/ (n): Tim, tréi tim + Palm /pa:m/ (n): Gan ban tay, long ban tay Question 11: His of the safety regulations really cannot be ignored any longer. A. disregard B. unfamiliarity C. carelessness D. inattention * KEY A: DISREGARD OF/ FOR SB/ STH: Sy khéng dé , sif col thutng, syf coi nhe aif cai gi ghia: Si co/ thuting cdc nguyén tic an todn ala anh Sy that sy khéng thé bé qua duge nia. * CAc phutdng an con lai: + Unfamiliarity /femzLi‘zer.2.ti/ (n): Tinh khong quen, tinh xa le + Carelessness /‘ (n): Sy thi&u than trong, sy cu tha + Inattention /1n.o’ten.tfen/ (n): Sy v6 y, su khong chu y uestion 12: Mr. John gavea to indicate to the auctioneer that he was still in the bidding. gavea_ 8. Acard B. sigh C. nod D. smile Trang 3 MPASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016» NguySn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY C; TO GIVE A NOD (Cum): Gét dau | * Dich nghia: Gng John gét dau cho nguiit ding bén déu gid biét a éng dy vin cén dang trong phién ra gid. * Céc phufdng 4n con | + Card /ka:d/ (n): Thigp, thé + Sigh /sar/ (n): Sy thd i, tiéng thé dai + Smile /smarl/ (n): Nu cuts, vé mat tdi cuit uestion 13: The salesman informed me that if | buy something on. then T can send it back iy gon if | am dissatisfied A. agreement B. favour C. approval D. consideration * KEY C: ON APPROVAL (Cum): (Hang fda) Hang ding thit (ndu drdng utig ¥ ob thé trd v8) 2 Nauti bdn hing cho biét réng néy tél mua hing ding tht thi tbi cd thé trd bat née * Cac phuong an cdn lal: + Agreement /e‘griment/ (n): Hgp dong, giao kto + Favour /‘fer-var/ (n): Su déng ¥, sy thuan y + Consideration /kenstd.a' (n): Sy cén nhac, sy suy xét Question 14: Dana drinks a lot of ___ drinks like Jemonade and orangeade. A. frozen B. fresh C. flat D. fizzy * KEY Di FIZZY DRINK (n): DO Ung CO ga * Dich nghia: Dena ung nhiéu d6 udng cd ga nts nude chanh vd mde cam. * Che phufdng an cdn lai: + Frozen /‘frew.zen/ (adj): Dong lanh + Fresh /fref/ (adj): Tui, tudi mat + Flat /flast/ (adj): Bing phang, bet, tet Question 15: If you know when you're coming back, it would be better to buya___ ticket. A. first-class B. single C. return D, one-way ¥ KEY C: RETURN TICKET (n) = TWO-WAY TICKET (n): Vé kh Wdi, vé hai chu * Dich nghia: 1/4 bist hic ndo ban quay v8, ban hay mua vé ktut hdl. * Cc phuong an cin lak: + First-class ticket (n): Vé hang nhét + Single ticket = One-way ticket (n): Vé m6t chiéu (kAGng a6 knit hii) Question 16: Are there any squash in the area? A. greens B. pitches C. rings D. courts ‘Trang 4 MrASapro cHUVEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mensapro) * KEY D: SQUASH COURT (n): San béng quan nighia: Cé sdn béng quin nao trong khu vyte ndy khing? * Cac phufong an con lai: + Green /grin/ (n): B3i 05 xanh, thdm od xanh + Pitch /prtf/ (n): San béng 64 + Ring /rin/ (1): San biéu dign (Aint tron) Question 17: You just never lift a to help me — I have to do everything myself! A. shoulder B. hand C. finger D. wrist * KEY C: TO LIFT A FINGER TO HELP SB (Cum): Gilip 40 ai G6 - inghia: San chdng bao gid gitp a8 minh cd - Minh todn phai lam mét minh théi! * Che phutdng an cdn k + Shoulder /‘faxi.dar/ (n): vai, bi vai + Hand /heend/ (n): Ban tay + Wrist /rist/ (n): Cé tay Question 18: The brochure stated the hotel was situated t __ beside the sea. A. direct B, right C. precise D. exact. * KEY B: RIGHT BESIDE: Ngay canh, ngay bén canh * Dich nghia: Theo nti cuén sdch, khdch san ndm 0 ngay canh bal bien. * Céc phudng an cdn + Direct (adj): Thang, truc tiép + Precise (adj): Bing, chinh xc + Exact (adj): Chinh xdc, ding, ding dan Question 19: My Rens have just moved to a new flat in a residential area on the of Paris, A. outskirts ———B. outside CC. suburbs D. side * KEY A: ON THE OUTSKIRTS = IN THE SUBURBS: C ving ngoai 6 * Dich nghia: Whiing ngudi ban cla ti vita mot chuyéh tél mét cin hi mét trong mbt khu din at & ngoai 6 thanh pho * Cac phudng an con lai: + Outside /aut’sard/ (n): Be ngodi, ben ngodi + Side /sard/ (n): Mat, bén Question 20: My older brother is extremely fond of astronomy. He seems to _a lot of pleasure from observing the stars. A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach Trang 5 co MPASOPCO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY A: TO DERIVE (STH) FROM = TO STEM FROM: Phat sinh ti, bat ngun tiv * Dich nghia: Anh trai ciia toi rét hiing thi vd thién van hoC. Anh By sinh niém dam mé niy ti vige quan sat cdc ngéi sao. * Céc phufdng an con | + Possess /po'zes/ (v): C6, chiém hitu + Seize /sizz/ (v): Chiém doat, cup ly, nim lay + Reach /ristf/ (v): Véi tay, vi léy Question 21: Could you speak abit? We can’t hear you at the back af the raom. A. out B. loud Cover D.up * KEY D: TO SPEAK UP: N6i to én, néi Wn lén * Dich nghia: Bon od thé nd kin léa mét chit xdu duige Khéng? Bon minh Khéng thé nghe thiy ban tir phia cdi lbp. * CAc phutong an cdn lai: + To speak out: Ndi thang, ndi toacy kién cua minh. Question 22: As he was caught in of agun, he wy ' immediately a suspect. A. control B. possession C. ownership D. handling ™ KEY B: IN POSSESSION OF STH (Cum): Khdng ché, sé hifu cai gl d6 * Dich nghia: Kai anh dy bj bat vi tél tang tri? vii Kb tin cing, anh Sy ngay Idp tite ted thanh mot nghi pham. * Cac phudng an cdn lai: + Control /ken'tresl/ (n): Sy diéu khién, sy chi huy + Ownership /’ (n): Quyén s8 hou + Handling /*hzend.lmn/ (n): Van dung, sif dung, diéu khién bang tay Question 23: In oujcompany I'am afraid there is very litle to work hard A. inspiration. B. advantage C. gain D. motivation * KEY D: MOTIVATION /’ver.f a n/ (n): Bong lyc nghia: Océng ty ching toi tdi e 18 cd rét tt dong hue dé lam vie chdm chi. * Che phutdng 4n cdn lak: + Inspiration /1n.spr' (n): Nguén cam hing + Advantage /ed'van.trds/ (n): Sy thudn If + Gain /gern/ (n): Thanh tutu, Ig ich Question 24: Please from smoking until the plane is airborne. A. exclude B, restrain C. resist D. refrain Trang 6 of MrASapro cHUYEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mrnsapro) ¥ KEY D: TO REFRAIN FROM STH: C6 nin, han ché, km ché cdi gl dd * Dich nghia: Yui ing han ché hilt thubc thi my bay di cét cdnh. * Cac phufong an con lai: + Exclude /rk’sklud/ (v): No&n chin, loai tri, dudi ra + Restrain /rr'strern/ (v): Nan cin, can trd, ngin gk + Resist /rr‘zist/ (wv): Khéng as, chéng lal Question 25: The travel agency sent us a detailed of our journey to India. A. documentation B. itinerary C. agenda D. docket * KEY B: ITINERARY /ar‘ * (): Hanh trinh, 16 tinh, lich trinh inghia: dng ty du lich gut ching téi mét lich trinh ou thé cho chuyén di tdf An D6. * Céc phutdng 4n cin t + Documentation /' Sif ching minh hogc dugc chiing minh bang tai leu ‘+ Agenda /a/dsen.da/ (n): Nhat kj cong téc, nhiing viéc phai lam + Docket /‘ (n): Vin bin, phiéu list ké hing héa da giao Question 26: The 10% discount is only applicable | items costing over $100. A. for B. against Cuto Dion * KEY C: BE APPLICABLE TO SB/ STH: Ap dung véi ai d6/ cdi gi dd * Dich nghia: Sudt gidm gid 10% chi dp dung vél nhitng mat hang 06 gid tr} trén 1008. Question 27: Technology is advancing-so rapidly nowadays that computers and other machines seemtobe __after a very short time. A. antiquated B. irreparable C. disused D. obsolete * KEY D: OBSOLETE /'lit/ (adj): 151 thd, qua han * Dich nghia: Céing nahé dang tén 69 nhanh chéng tdi miic méy thh vd nbiéu loa mdy mdc ctiong nur tro nén 16! thdl cht sau mét thot gian ngén. * Céc phutdng 4n cin | + Antiquated /‘ (adj): C5 his, cl ki, khéng hgp thot + Irreparable /1' (adj): Khéng thé dén bi lai duc, khéng thé sita lai dirge + Disused /dr'sjuss/ (adj): Bd di, khéng ding dn nifa Question 28: The photocopier in our office needs a complete __. These copies are terrible. ‘A. maintenance B. repair C. overhaul D, renovation * KEY C: OVERHAUL /‘ (n): Sy dai tu, sifa chifa toin b6 * Dich nghia: Chie méy photocopy trong van phong cia ching ta cin dutie dai tu hodn toan. Whig ban in ra té qud. Trang 7 Mrasapro cHUVEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Dig (mensapro) * Cac phudng an cdn ki + Maintenance /‘ (n): Sy gilt, su duy tri, suf bo vé + Repair /rr‘pear/ (n): Sy sia chia, sy tu sia | + Renovation /ren.e'ver.fen/ (n): Sy lam méi, sy d6i mdi Question 29: The scheme is too expensive to be at the present moment. A. liable B. compatible C. feasible D. accessbile * KEY C: FEASIBLE /‘ (adj): Kha thi, c6 thé thyc hién dugc ghia: Chi phi cho di én qud a8t a8 c6 thé thytc hién dude ngay bay gid. * Céc phufdng 4n can |: + Liable /‘ (adj): Cé tréch nhigm ve phép ly, cé nghia vy vé phép ly + Compatible (+ with) /kem‘ Hgp, thich hgp, tong thich + Accessible (+ to) fak’ C6 thé 161 duvdc, sir dung duge juestion }; Granny is completely deaf. You' ve to for her. tion 30: Granny is completely deaf. You'll have to mek for ber ‘A. allowance B. freedom G_ liberty D. permission * KEY A: TO MAKE ALLOWANCE FOR SB/ STH (Cum): Chiéu c6 cho ai 46/ cdi gi do * Dich nghia: Granny bi dé hodn todn. Ban nén chiéu cB cho 06 dy nhé. * Chc phutdng an cdn | + Freedom /‘fritam/ (n): Sy ty do, nén ty do + Liberty /‘Irb.2.ti/ (n): Tu do, quyén ty do + Permission /po' (n): Sy cho phép, sy chp nhan Question 31: “Can you AL get C. put D. make mea favor, Bill?” Peter said . * KEY B: TO DO SB A FAVOR (Cum): Gitip 48 ai dé, cho ai dé mét an hud ghia: "Ban cé thé gitip minh dutye khéng, Bill?” Peter nbi. Question 32: The at the football match caused violence when their team lost. ‘A. spectators B. groups C. observers D, customers * KEY A: SPECTATOR /spek'te1.tor/ (n): Khan gia xem thé thao 6 ngoai trdi/ tai sin thi dau * Dich nghia: KAdn oid & trdn dais bong dd trd nén qué khich khi abi aia ho thua tran. * Cc phudng 4n cin la + Group /gru:p/ (n): Nhém, tap doan + Observer /ab‘zavar/ (n): Ngudi quan sat + Customer /kns.te.mer/ (n): Khach hang Trang 8 cD MrASapro cHUVEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mrnsapro) Question 33: Nothingcan____ the loss of the child. A. do away for B. make up for C. do with D. come up with * KEY B: TO MAKE UP FOR STH: Bui dap cho cai gi dé nghia: Khing tit gi cb thS bo dp cho su’ mat mat aia dia bs. * C4c phutong 4n cin lai: + To do away: Mét di + To do with: Thu xép dude, xoay sd dug + To come up with: ®ua ra, phat hién ra, khém phd ra Question 34: | feclterrible, | didn’t sleep ___last night. Aan eye B.ajot 2. a wink D. an inch * KEYG: TO SLEEP A WINK (Cum): Ngi, chat mat * Dich nghia: Té/ cdm thdy khd (6, 161 khéng nou duoc tét hém qua. * Cac phung an edn |: + An eye: Mot con mat + Ajot: Mgt chit, mt titeo + An inch: Mét in-s (Bon bj do kréng) Question 35: This self-portrait did not come ta. —- until after the artist’s death. Ac light B. range C. sight D. view * KEY A: TO COME TO LIGHT (Cum): Duc moi nguai biét dén nighia: Bit chin dung nay chi dutse mol ngutil bet dBn sau khi ngutt ngh8 si mBt di * Céc phuong an cdn lal; + Range /resnds/ (n): Day, hing, pham vi, mife 46 + Sight /sart/ (n): Stfc nhin, thi life, tam nhin + View /vju/ (n): Sy nhin, tam nhin, tam mat Question 36: This client is abig at his company, so be extra nice to him! A. bread B. apple C. cheese D. meat * KEY C: ABIG CHEESE (Thanh ngif): M6t ngudi quan trong, co quyén luc * Dich nghia: Khdch hang ndy Id mbt ngutit rét cd quyén bcd céng ty cla éng ta, nén cin phdi dh ai chu ddo véi éng dy hah nia! * C4c phufong an cin I: + Bread /bred/ (n): Banh mi | + Apple /‘zp/ (n): Téo, qua téo + Meat /mitt/ (n): Thit Trang 9 x MEASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tién Ding (mrnsapro) Question 37: The young man casually out of the cafe and flagged down a taxi. A. marched B. strolled C. rambled D. staggered ™* KEY B: STROLL /straul/ (v): Di dao, tan bd nghia: Nouét din ng tré di dao ra Kiet quén cd phé va vy te x) * Cac phuong an cdn lai: + March /‘matf/ (v): Budc déu, déu hanh + Ramble /‘ (v): Bi dao choi, di ngao du + Stagger /' (v): do do, loang choang Question 38: His invention changed the __of history, AL way B. line C. course D. route * KEY C: THE COURSE OF HISTORY (Cum): Dong lich si, tin trinh lich sir * Dich nghiia: Sdng chéciia anh dy dd ldm thay 61 eh trinh ich st. | * Cée phuféng 4n cdn lai: + Way /wer/ (n): Dutng, 161 di, cach, phung phap + Line /lain/ (n): Duting, vach, duding ké + Route /ru:t/ (n): Tuyén dung, diving di Question 39; When the detectives finally wrappet-him, he hadto __to lying. A. recourse B, resource C. resort D. retort * KEY C; RESORT (+ TO) (v): Budc phai, nhd dén, cu vio inghia: Cudi ciing khi thdm ttt bét duoc hin ta, hdn buBe phdi ndm xuéng. * Cac phuong an cdn I: + Recourse /11'kos/ (n): Sy clu vién, sy nbd dén, sy tréng cy vd0 + Resource /11'z95/ (n): Tai nguyén + Retort /ri'tot/ (v): Tré_miéng, bat bé, van lal Question 40: Jane said she could not the information given in the lecture. A. accurmulate B. absorb C. admire D. listen * KEY B: ABSORB (v): Hdp thy, tiép thu (A/éh tac) * Dich nghia: Jane ndi rding od dy khéng thé tip the dirgc kién thifc trong bai gidng. * Che phufdng 4n cdn lai: + Accumulate /a‘kju.mju.lert/ (v): Tich iy, gom gép lal + Admire /ed‘marer/ (v): Khém phuc, thdn phyc, ham mg + Listen /‘ (v): Nghe, ing nghe Trang 10 x MEASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) Question 41: The judge found himself in a ‘when he realised he was related to the accused. AL loss B. dilemma C. puzzle D. probiem * KEY B: IN A DILEMMA (Cum): Trong tinh thé kho x1, tién thodt lu@ng nang * Dich nghia: 17 thdin phén bj dit vdo tinh thE khd x! khi nhdn ra éng dy c& quen biét vd bj cdo. * Cc phutong 4n cdn lai + Loss /los/ (n): Sy mat mat + Puzzle /‘paz.l/ (n): Sy béi r6i, suf khd xt + Problem /‘prob.tem/ (n): Van dé Question 42: The witness’s account was not __with the facts. A. matched B. reliable C. consistent ‘D. confirmed * KEY C: BE CONSISTENT (+ WITH): Phi hgp, thich hgp * Dich nghila: £07 khaf cua niidn chung khong tring khdp vot thc te. * Céc phufong an cdn |: + Reliable /rr' (adj): Chac chan, ddng tin cay + Confirmed /ken‘famd/ (adj): An sdu, thanh o6 tat, kinh nién + Matched /maetft/ (adj): Phi hgp Question 43: 1 never go in lifts because J amtertified of __spaces. ‘A. contained B. compressed C. constricted D. confined * KEY D: CONFINED SPACE (Cum): Khéng gian kin ghia: 7é/khéng bao gid dl thang mdy Wi téi bj so khong gian kin. * Cac phuong an con lai: + Compressed /kom’prest/ (adj): Bi ép, nén, d& + Constricted /ken‘strektrd/ (adj): Hep hdi, néng can, thién can. + Contained /ken’ternd/ (adj): Bi nén lal, dan lal, Kim lal Question 44: To make the sauce, a small bar of chocolate and melt it over a pan of water. A. splash B. hack C. grate D.cut * KEY C: GRATE /grert/ (v): Mal, xdt (thdnh 260) * Dich nghia: Dé’ lam nutic sét, mai mét thanh 36-c6-la nhé thanh bét va ndu chdy trén chdo. * Che phutdng an cdn I + Hack /haek/ (wv): 86n, dBo, chém, chit manh + Splash /spleef/ (v): Bin lén, bin tée + Cut /kat/ (v): Cat, d6n, chat Trang 11 Mrnsapro cHuveN SANTU WWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mrnsapro) Question 45: We didn’t want to say him in the meeting. He was too good to us. A. against B. for C. with, Dato ™ KEY A: TO SAY AGAINST SB: Tranh cai, ly su’ vdi ai do Ching 161 khéng mud tranh cdi vét anh ta trong cube hop. Anh &y rét t6t vot chuing * Ac phugng an con I + Say to = Tell: Néi Question 46: The newspaper did not mention the of the damage caused by the fire, A. range B. extent C. amount D. quality * KEY B: THE EXTENT OF THE DAMAGE (Cum): Mitc 66 thiét hai nghia: Td béo khéng dB cp dén mite dé thiét hai gdy ra bol wy héa hoan. * Cac phufong 4n con lai: + Range /remnds/ (n): Day, hang, pham vi, mite 46 + Amount /a'maznt/ (n): Lugng, sé iudng + Quality /"kwol.t.ti/ (n): Chat lvgng, phdm chat Question 47: Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain : A. release B. liberation LC killing D. relief * KEY D: PAIN RELIEF (Cym): Sy giam nhe dau dén ghia: Céc hdc sidéu ding y réng chém alu cé thé gitp gidm dau. * Che phutdng dn edn t + Release /rr‘lis/ (n): Sy gidi thoat, si thoat khéi + Liberation /Izb.e‘rex. fon/ (n): Sy gidi phéng, sy phéng thich + Killing /‘ (n): Sy git chéc, sy tan sat Question 48:1 top thi headache will soon. A. wear off B. go out C. come away D. pass away * KEY A: TO WEAR OFF: Bién mat, nhat din * Dich nghia: Té/ mong /a con dau dau nay sé bién mat sdm. * Cac phufdng 4n con lai: + Go out: Bi ra ngoal; Tt, yi t&t + Come away: Bi xa, rd xa + Pass away: Troi qua, di qua, mét, qua dd Question 49: When I told the doctor that 1 had had earache for nearly a month, he gave me a for ear-drops. A. receipt B. recipe C. ticket D, prescription ‘Trang 12 SO Mensapro cHuyeN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyiu Tién Dang (mrnsapro) * KEY D: PRESCRIPTION /pri‘skrxp.fen/ (n): Don thudc * Dich nghia: Khi ndi vo bac si rng t6i 5 bj dau tai gin mét thing, éng dy di ké don cho t6i mot foat thudc nude dé nnd vao tat. * Céc phufdng 4n con | + Receipt /r'sizt/ ( + Ticket /" (n): Vé + Recipe /’res.x.pi/ (n): Céng thi néu an ida don Question 50: On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours ‘A. on end B. in full C. at once D. at length * KEY A: ON END: Lién tuc * Dich nghia: Véo ngdy Chu nhdt, Vivien hoc 7 tiéng lién tuc. * Céc phuéng 4n cdn |: + In full: Toan bo + At once: Ngay lap tic, khéng cham tré + At length: Sau hét, cudi cing, rét cudc T Question 51: After so many years, it is great to sechim. his ambitions. A. get B, realize GC. possess D. desorve * KEY B: TO REALIZE ONE'S AMBITION (Cum): Thy hién dude wdc md, hoai bio * Dich nghia: Sau nhiéu ndm, thdt fd tuyét ver khi thay anh dy thut hién dugc nhiing wic ma, hodt B80 cia minh, * Che phufong 4n cdn lai: + Get (v): C6 duc, kiém dude, lay due + Possess /po'zes/ (v): Cé, chiém hitu + Deserve /dr'zav/ (v): Xing ding, Ging duigc khen thuting = Question 52; If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the for it. A. month, B. cor C. nose D.tecth, * KEY C: TO PAY THROUGH THE NOSE: Tra gid cat cd * Dich nghia: Wéu ban muén cé mét cén hé tét d London, ban phil tré gid cSt o6 cho né. * Céc phudng an cdn lak: + Month /mant@/ (n): Thang + Ear jrar/ (n): Tai, cai tai + Teeth /ti8/ (n): Rang (60 nhieu) uestion 53: A part time job gives me the freedom to my own interests, Ps Job g — my A. pursue B. chase C. seek D. catch ‘Trang 13 MPASOPCO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tidn Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY A: TO PURSUE ONE'S INTEREST (Cum): Theo duéi niém dam mé * Dich nghia: Mt cing vige bén théf gian mang dén cho tei sir ty do dé ti theo audi niém dam mé aia minh. * Céc phudng an cin | + Chase /tfers/ (v): Sin, sin dudi + Seek /si:k/ (v): Tim, tim kiém + Catch /keet f/ (v): Bat lay, nm ly, tom ld Question 54: When the electricity failed, he __a match to find the candles. A. rubbed B. scratched C. struck D. started * KEY B: TO STRIKE A MATCH (Cum): Quet diém, dot diém * Dich nghia: KAi métaign, anh dy quet aiém dé'tim nén. * CSc phutdng an cdn | + Rub /rab/ (v): Co xat, cha xat + Scratch /skreet{/ (v): C3o, lam xuéc da + Start /stert/ (v): Bat cau T Question 55: There is a strong movement supporting the abolition of the death i ‘A. penalty B. punishment © discipline D. condemnation * KEY A: DEATH PENALTY (n): An tif hinh * Dich nghia: H/é0 dang din ra mét cudc vin déng Ung hd viéc bat bé dn tr hinh. * Céc phutdng 4n cin lai: + Punishment /‘pan.1f.mant/ (n): Su trifng phat, si trifng tri + Discipline /‘d1s.e.plan/ (n): Kj lat + Condemnation /kon.dem'ner.fon/ (n): Sy két dn, sy két tdi Question 56: He cabeven speak his own language properly, Spanish. A. without saying B. leaving out C. let alone D.tomention * KEY C: LET ALONE: Hudng chi * Dich nghia: Anh y khing thé ndt duoc tiéng me dé mbt céch chinh xdc, hubng child tiéng Tay Ban Nha. Question 57: Six novels a year, you say? He's certainlya___ writer. A. fruitful B. fertile C. virile D. prolific ¥ KEY D: PROLIFIC /pre‘lf.zk/ (adj): (Nha van) Sang téc nhida | Dien Nghia: Ban ndi sao, 6 tiéiy thuyét mot nam uw? Ong dy that sur la mét nha vn gidu von sdng * Che phudng an cdn lait Trang 14 co Mrnsapro cHuyeN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguydu Tién Déing (mrnsapro) + Fruitful /‘frut.fel/ (adj): Ra nhiu qua, ob nhigu qué (cay afi) + Fertile /‘fa.tasl/ (adj): Phi nhiéu, mau md (at) + Virile /‘vir.arl/ (adj): Hing ding, ran réi, tiéu biéu cho dan éng Question 58: The police are___ the town for the missing vehicle. A. seeking B. looking, C. investigating D. combing * KEY D: COMB (v): Ling suc * Dich nghia: Cént sdt dang King suc con phd d€ tim kiém chiée xe bj mat tich. * Cc phu‘dng 4n odn I + Seek /si:k/ (v): Tim, tim kiém + Look /Isk/ (v): Nhin, xem, dé y, chi ¥ + Investigate /n‘ (v): Biéu tra, nghién oi ti mi Question 59: Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually to its original splendour. io A. renewed B, renovated C. repaired D, restored * KEY D: RESTORE (+ TO) (v): Sula chifa lai, phyc hi lai nhu cUi (ta hd, Lec tranh,...) * Dich nghia: Mac dit bf phd hng nding né béi vu hda hoan, Iéu déi audi aing cling dirge phuc hei fat nét tong y aia nd. * Céc phutdng an cdn lai: + Renew /rr'nju/ (v): Thay m6i, a6i mdi + Renovate /‘ren.e.vert/ (v): Cai tién, 661 mdi + Repair /rr'peer/ (v): Sy sta chila, sy tu site Question 60: When the starter gave the . all the competitors in the race began to run round the track. A. shot f_Besignal C. show D, waming * KEY B: TO GIVE THE SIGNAL (Cum): Ra tin hiéu, ra higu | * Dich nghia: Xhi ngutti ra lénh ra tin hidu xudt phi, tét cd cdc dBi thi trong cube dua bét du chay quanh awréng chay. * Céc phutdng 4n cdn lai: + Shot / fot/ (n): Phat dan, phdt ban + Show /Sax/ (n): Sy trung bay, cudc trién kim. + Warning /*wo:.ntn/ (1): L&i cénh bdo, Wi rn z Si Question 61: The speech was by the music coming from the next room. We couldn’t hear a word she said. A. drowned out B. pulled out C. broken out D. dropped out ‘Trang 15 MEASOPCO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016» Nguyfn Tién Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY A: TO DROWN OUT: At, lén at | * Dich nghia: 82/ phét big bj dt bef ti8ng nhac d phéng kE bén. Ching tét khéng thé nghe aoc cb Sy ni gi. * Céc phudng dn cin + To pull out: Kéo ra, nhé ra + To break out: Bing ra, né ra + To drop out: Rit ra khdi, bé hoc gitfa ching Question 62: | can't stop eating chocolate. I've been ___ ont since 1 was about four years old. ‘A. hooked B. addicted C. fixed D. enslaved * KEY A: TO BE HOOKED ON STH (Cum): BI nchién cai gi dd * Dich nghia: Té/ khdng thé ngiing dn s6-cb-la. T6i dé bj ngbién nd ty Kbi téi gn 4 tudt. * CSc phutdng 4n cin lak + Addicted (adj): KhOng thé bé (¢hdi quen) + Fixed (adj): Bing yén, bat dong, o8 dinh + Enslave (v): Bién thanh né [é. bat lam né I, né dich hoa T Question 63: To my winner is a daft time to go on holiday. ‘A. opinion B. belief | eFview D. mind * KEY D: TO ONE'S MIND (= IN ONE'S OPINION/ VIEW) (Cum): Theo quan diém cla ai d6 * Dich nghia: Theo quan além cia tdi, mila he la thot aiém thich hop nhdt dé at nghi mat. * Céc phufdng an cdn lai: + Belief /br'lif/ (n): Lang tin, dite tin, syf tin tung + View /vju/ (n): Su nhin, tam nhin, tam mat Question 64: The trouble with Jean is that she is__ with sport! A. obsessed |_.__B. packed C. matched D. dealt * KEY A: TO BE OBSESSED WITH STH (Cum): Bj 4m anh béi * Dich nghia: Vén dé vdi Jean & c6 dy bj dm ait bdi cdc mn thé thao. * Che phutdng an cdn | + Matched /meetft/ (adj): Hop, phis hop + Deal /dral/ (with): Giao du véi, cé quan hé vdi, giao thigp véi + Packed /pzokt/ (+ with): Bay 8p, chat nich (cdi gi 6) Question 65: Everything included, he cost of our new living room came toa ___ total of £10,000. A. full B. great C. gross D. grand Trang 16 cx MPASOPPO CHUYEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 NguySn Tién Ding (mrnsapro) * KEY D: GRAND TOTAL (n): Sd tong cing ghia: Chi phi cho phéng khdch mét ala ching t6i Ién t6t con $6 ting cing 18 10,0008. * Cac phuong an cdn lal: + Full /fel/ (adj): Day du, tron ven + Great /grert/ (adj): Lén, to ldn, vi dai + Gross /greus/ (adj): Toan b6, téng Question 66: Gerald lost his boarding at the airport and they had to issue him a new one. A.slip B. receipt C. pass. D. paper * KEY C: BOARDING PASS (n): Gidy thong hanh * Dich nghia: Geral mét gidy thdng hanh d'sén bay va ho phéi clip cho anh ta mbt giby théng tank md, * CSc phutdng an cdn lai: + Slip /sitp/ (n): Ming gidy nhd + Receipt /r'sit/ (n): Héa don + Paper /‘pet.par/ (n): Gidy, bao T Question 67: You progress will be in six months’ time. A. counted B. evaluated G valued D, enumerated * KEY B: EVALUATE /r'vael ju.ert/ (v): Banh gid * Dich nghia: sy wéh b6 cia ban sé duoc ddnh gid trong thoi gian 6 thdng. * Céc phufdng 4n cdn lai: + Count /kaznt/ (v): ©&m, tinh + Value /‘vael.ju:/ (v): Binh gid + Enumerate /r' (v): Dém, ké, ligt ke Question 68: The ‘inte criminal was unaware that he had been under since his arrival. A. review B. consideration CC. surveillance D. discussion * KEY C; TO BE UNDER SURVEILLANCE: Dang bi theo di, gidm sat * Dich nghia: Tén #81 pham bj truy nd khéng hé biét rng hdn dang bj theo dét khi tot day. * Cc phuong an cdn I + Review /rr'vju/ (n): Su xem lai, sy xem xét lai + Consideration /kenstd.a' (n): Sy cin nhc, sy suy xét + Discusssion /dr' (n): Su thao ludn, sy tranh luan Question 69: Her shopping bag broke, its contents all over the pavement. A. dispersing B. scattering C. roaring D. shouting Trang 17 cx Mensapro cHuveN SAN TU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mensapro) * KEY B: SCATTER /‘skeet.or/ (v): Tung, rai, rc, gieo | * Dich nghia: Ti mua hang aia cb dy bi dit khién cho dB bén trong rdi ra khdp via he. * Cac phufdng an con lai: + Disperse /dr'sps:s/ (v): Gidi tén, phén tén + Roar /ratr/ (uv): Gim, rng lén + Shout / fant/ (v): La hét, hd hét, reo ho Question 70: He isnot under arrest, nor have the police placed any __on his movements. A. obstacle B. restriction C. veto D. regulation * KEY B: TO PLACE RESTRICTION ON STH: Han ché, gidi han * Dich nghia: Anh dy khdng nhiing khéng bj bit, md cin khéng bj gift hen di lai bit cdnh sdt. * Che phudng an cdn k + Obstacle /‘ob.str.kl/ (n): SY can trd, sy tr ngal + Veto /‘vi.tou/ (n): Sy nghiém cm, lai tuyén bé nghiém eém + Regulation /reg ju‘ (n): Sy digu chinh, sy diéu khién Question 71: 1 wascompletely ___ out after running shite. ‘A. exhausted Brun C.vorn D. rubbed * KEY C: TO WEAR OUT = TO EXHAUST: Kiét sic nghia: 76/ haan todn kiét sife sau khi phai chay quang duiting ai nh vay. * Céc phudng an cin + To run out: Hét, can + To nub out: khit, thi tiéu Question 72: You shouldn't talk about his failure. You'll his confidence. A-underestimaie | __ BL undergo C. undermine D.wory * KEY C: TO UNDERMINE ONE'S CONFIDENCE (Cum): Lim nhut chi, lam nan chi ai @6 * Dich nghia: San khdng nén ndi vé that bai cua anh dy. Ban sé fam ntut cht anh dy day. * Céc phufdng an cdn la + Underestimate /' (v): Banh gid thap + Undergo /‘gax/ (v): Chiu, bi, tral qua + Worry /‘war.i/ (v): Lo, lo nghi Question 73: The young lady sat still in the afternoon breeze, with her hair her back. A. running over B. flowed down C. streaming down D. fallen against * KEY C: TO STREAM DOWN: Rii xudng * Dich nghia: Mgt cb gf tré ngBi ling trong budl chiéu gid nhe, vot méi tbc rfl xuéng lung. Trang 18 MPASOPFO CHUYEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfu Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) ¥ Céc phudng an cdn i + To nun over: Nhin luét qua Question 74: What arc thc ___ necessities of life? A. naked B. pure C. bare D. sole »* KEY C: BARE NECESSITY: Nhu cau thiét yéu * Dich nghia: Wading nhu cu tniét yeu cula cudc séng fa gl? * Céc phutgng an cdn lai + Naked /‘ner.kad/ (adj): Trn, tran truBng, khda than + Pure /pjear/ (adj): Trong sach, nguyén chit, tinh khi8t + Sole /soul/ (adj): Duy nhét, dc nhit Question 74: The Martins have confirmed their strong to charity actions by donating a lump sum of money again. A. compliance B. reliance C. assignment D, commitment * KEY D: COMMITMENT TO STH: Cam két lam diéu gi dé * Dich nghia: Gia dinh nha Martin xdc nhdn [Bi cam két ca ho cho cdc hoat déng ti thign bing céch g6p mét khoan tién ln, * Cac phuong an cdn lal: + Compliance /kem'plaz.ents/ (n): Sy bing long, su ung thugn + Reliance /rr'lar.ents/ (n): Sy tin cy, sytin nhiém + Assignment /a‘sarn.ment/ (n): Nhiém vy, bén phan Question 75: If you want) to retum the suit, you must bring the with you as proof of purchase, A. note B. recipe . prescription D. receipt * KEY D: RECEIPT (n): Héa Gon * Dich nghia: éu ban mudh tré lei b6 dB, ben phdi mang theo héa dan lam bing ching mua hang. * CSc phufdng 4n cin | + Note /naut/ (n): Phigu, té bac gidy + Recipe /'res.2.pi/ (n): Céng thife nu n + Prescription /prr' (n): Bon thudc Question 76: I've been __advised not to say anything. A. seriously B. greatly C. strongly D. significantly | * KEY C: STRONGLY ADVISE (Cum): Khuyén rin mdt cach manh mé * Dich nghia: 16/03 duoc khuyén ran mét cdch manh mé la khéng due ndi bét ar diéu gi. *Céc phufdng 4n cdn la ‘Trang 19 x MEASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 « Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) + Seriously /‘sre.ri.e.sli/ (adv): Mat céch ditng dan, nghiém trang + Greatly /‘ (adv): Rét, lim + Significantly /stg‘ (adv): Mét cach dang chi ¥, quan trong Question 77: He was advised to against the jury’s verdict of “Guilty”. A. object B. complain C. appeal D. criticise * KEY C: TO APPEAL AGAINST SB/ STH: Phan d6i, chéng Iai ai d6/ cai gi do * Dich nghia: Anh ta due khuyén nén chéng lai bén dn md vi thd phén dé dua ra. * Céc phufdng 4n cdn lait + To object to sb/ sth: Phan ddi, chdng, chéng d6i ai/ c4i gi + To complain (to ab) about/ of sth: Phan nan (vo ai) vé diéu gi + To critise sb for sth: Chi trich ai dé vi diéu gi Question 78: 1 was informed by the police constable that he would: be forced to take me into ‘A. custody B, confinement C. detection D. guardianship * KEY A: TO TAKE SB INTO CUSTODY: Bit git ai dé * Dich nghia: Td/ duge vién cdnh sat théng bdo ring anh dys dupe nh tdi dé bat gift tor. * Céc phufdng 4n cin | + Confinement /kan‘fazn.mant/ (n): Sy giam cm, sy giam ham + Detection /dr' (n): Sy do ra, sy tim ra, sy phat hign + Guardianship /’go.di.on.f1p/ (n): Sy béo vé, tréch nhiém bao vé Question 79: | can’t stand Mr. Brian. He’s always blowing his own - telling everyone how good he is at everything, A. balloon B, breath C. mind D. trumpet * KEY D: TO BLOW ONE'S TRUMPET (Thanh ngjif): Khoe khoang, bic phét * Dich nghia: 76/ khng thé chiu ndi Brian. Anh ta luén khoe khoang vol moi ngut rdng anh dy gidi| giang nhs thé néo trong moi thi. * Cac phudng an cdn lal: + Balloon /be'lun/ (n): Khi cu, qua béng + Breath /bre®/ (n): Hoi thd, hai + Mind /marnd/ (n): Tri tue, tam tr Question 80: Maps are made with the help of ____ photography. A. air B. aeronautics C. aerial D. areoplane * KEY C: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Sy chyp anh tir trén khéng, sy chyp anh hang khong * Dich nghia: Ban 8 direc tao ra nhd str githp a6 ctia nganh chyp énh hang khéng. ‘Trang 20 Measapro cHUVEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 ¢ Nguyin Tién Ding (mensapro) ¥ Céc phufdng an cdn I + Air fear) (n): Khong khi, bau khdng khi + Aeronautics /‘no.trks/ (n): Noanh hang khéng hoc + Aeroplane /‘ (n): Méy bay, tau bay Question 81: Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore in the area. A. order B. harmony C. organization D. regulation * KEY A: TO RESTORE ORDER: L4p lai trdt tif nghia: Quéin d6i ditge diBu tot 8 l8p lal tit t/ trong Khu vue. * CSc phutdng 4n cin t + Harmony /‘ (n): Sy hai hda, sy cn 661 + Organization />' (n): T6 chic, od quan + Regulation /reg (n): Sy diéu chinh, sy chinh Iai cho ding Question 82: Ithink you ‘@ nerve when you mentioned Peter’s forthcoming retirement. A. touched B. had G Atiled D. put * KEY A: TO TOUCH HIT A NERVE (Cum): Bung d&n néi tran tr, bun phién cla ai 46 * Dich nghila: Té/ nghi'ban a2 dung déh ndi bubn phitn aia Peter khi dé cép déh vic nght hut aia Ong dy sdp tdi. * Che phutdng an cont ‘+ Drill /drl/ (v): Khoan + Set /set/ (v): Dat, dé, bd tri Question 83: They had lunch together inthe schoo! Avcafe B. restaurant C. canteen D. bar * KEY C: SCHOOL CANTEEN (n): Cn-tin d truting hoc * Dich nghia: Ho cing dn trua &-cin tin cla truting. * Céc phutdng 4n cdn lak + Cafe /* (n): Tiém cA phé, qudn cd phd + Restaurant /‘res.tront/ (n): Nha hang + Bar /bar/ (n): Quay rugu Question 84: He was with on extraordinary musical ability A. endowed B. entrusted C. entreated D. ensured * KEY A: TO BE ENDOWED WITH STH: Bugc phii cho cai gi 46 * Dich nghifa: Anh dy duc phi cho tai nang dm nhac kiét xuat. * Céc phutdng 4n cdn lai: Trang 21 co MPASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tién Ding (mrnsapro) + Entrust /zn’trast/ (v): Giao pho | + Entreat /xn‘trit/ (v): Khén nai, khén khodn, nai xin + Ensure /n’f2r/ (v): Bao dam juestion 85: During the evening football match, the stadium was illuminated by S eg ye A. flashlights B. floodlights C. highlights D. spotlights * KEY B: FLOODLIGHT (n): Bén pha, dn cé Anh sang manh va lubng sing rong * Dich nghia: Trong sudt trén béng budi chiéu, sin vén ding due chiéu séng bdi dan dén pha. * Céc phufdng 4n cdn lait + Flashlight /“flaef.lart/ (n): B2n pin + Highlight /‘hax.lart/ (n): Ché néi bit, diém ndi bat + Spotlight /‘spotlart/ (n): Bén chigu diém, dan roi Question 86: We'd better get some extra food in if your brother is coming to stay with us. He eats like ! “¥ Avalion B. a starving man C. an eagle D. a horse * KEY D: TO EAT LIKE A HORSE (Thanh ngif): An khée nhus novia, 3n rat khde * Dich nghia: Ching ta nén go thém cB an néis anh trat cia ban dén day &. Anh dy an rat khbe. * Céc phudng an cdn I + Lion /‘laran/ (n): Su tis + Starving man: M§t ngudi dan dng d6i khd + Eagle /‘ J (m): Bai bang, chim dai bang Question 87: Buyers and séllers were. over prices. A. hacking B. hugging C. haggling D. heckling * KEY C: TO HAGGLE WITH SB OVER/ ABOUT STH: Ra gid, mac ca (v8 cdi gi dd) * Dich nghia: Ngudi mua vi ngudi ban dang mic cd vé gid thanh. * C4c phuténg 4n cdn lai: + Hack /haek/ (v): Chém, chat manh + Hug /hag/ (v): Om, 6m chit + Heck /*hek.If (v): Cat van Question 88: After the divorce, they didn't talk for months, but now they are on good with cach other. ‘A. relationship B. relation C. connection D. terms * KEY D: TO BE ON GOOD TERMS WITH SB: C6 quan hé tét vi ai 46 * Dich nghia: Sau Ahi ly di, hoc khdng ndi chuyén vot nhau trong niu thdng, ntung aif ho dang ob mdi quan bd tét vit nhau, Trang 22 MEASOPFO CHUYEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) ¥ Chic phufdng an cdn I + Relationship / f1p/ (n): M6i quan hé, méi lién hg + Relation /rr' (n): M6i quan hé, méi tuong quan + Connection /ke'nek.fen/ (n): Su két n6i, méi én hé Question 89: The bride herself with exquisite jewellery on her wedding day. ‘A. decorated B. garnished C. adomed D. displayed ™ KEY C: ADORN /a‘dan/ (v): Té diém, trang diém, trang tri, trang hoang inghia: C6 déu ty trang diém cho minh nhitng mén dB trang site tuyét dep vao ngay cui. * Che phutdng an cdn | + Decorate /‘dek.e.rert/ (v): Trang hoang, trang tri (48 vét) + Garnish /‘ga.nzf/ (v): Trang tri (45 3n) + Display /dr'sples/ (v): Bay ra, thing bay Question 90: Helen’s parents were very pleased when they read her school. A. report B. papers G. iploma D. account * KEY A: SCHOOL REPORT: Phiéu ghi Iai thanh tich hoc tp clia hoc sinh theo thang/hoc ki hoc theo naim * Dich nghia: 80 me aila Helen rt hdi léng khi xem sé lién lac alta cb &y. * Cac phuéng 4n edn I: + Paper /‘per.par/ (n): Gidy to + Diploma /dr’ (n): Bing tét nghiép + Account /a'kaunt/ (n): Ban ké khai, bin béo cdo, bin miéu ta Question 91: Will it make any ___to thom if we deliver their equipment tomorow? A. displeasure |___ Bealteration CC. difference D. conflict * KEY C: TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Tao nén sif khic biét, diéu khac biét * Dich nghia: Liéu c6 di8u gi khdc nu chiing ta chuyén thiét bi cla ho vao ngay mai khéng? * Cac phudng an cdn lai: + Displeasure /dr'sples.or/ (n): Su khdng hai ng, syv khong bing long + Alteration /ol.ta' (n): Sy d6i, sy thay Adi + Conflict (‘kon flrkt/ (n): Sy xung d6t, cube kung d6t Question 92: News of the new pay agreement spread like throughout the factory. A. wildfire B. butter C. the plaque D.a flood * KEY A: TO SPREAD LIKE WILDLIFE: Lan rat nhanh (tin don) nghia: Tin tit vé si chdp thudn néng luting mdi lan nhanh khdp nh méy. * Che phutdng an cdn la Trang 23 MPASOPFO CHUVEN SAN TU VUNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 Nguyfn Tiga Ding (mrnsapro) + Butter /‘batar/ (n): Bd + Plaque /pla:k/ (n): Tém, ban + Flood /flad/ (n): LG, It, nan tut Question 93: When the bombing started, plans were made for an immediate __of the city. A. vacation B. evacuation C. departure Drexodus * KEY B: EVACUATION /rvaek.ju‘ (n): Sy di tan, sy tan cur * Dich nghia: * Cc phufdng 4n cdn lai: + Vacation /ver' (n): Ngay nghi, ngay 12 ‘+ Departure /dipa:.tfer/ (n): Sifra i, sig khdt hanh + Exodus / (n): Cudc diat Question 94: Shaking hands isa of many people when they are being introduced to somebody. - A. culture B. tradition C. custom D. habit * KEY C: COMMON CUSTOM (Cum): Tap quan, théi quen chung * Dich nghia: Adt tay 12 mot théi quen chung cla nhiéu nguét khi ho dupe gidl thiéu v6i al do. * Céc phudng an cin + Culture /*kal.tfor/ (n): Van héa, vn minh, + Tradition /tre‘dzf.en/ (n): Truyén théng, tin ngudng, phong tyc + Habit /* (n): Théi quen, tp quén Question 95: Because John didn’t take good care of himself, it was that he would get sick. A. invariable B. notorious C. conclusive D. inevitable * KEY D: INEVITABLE (adj): Kh6ng thé tranh dugc, chac chan xay ra * Dich nghia: Vi John khéng tyr chim séc ban thin, chdc chin anh dy sé bi Sm. * CSc phutdng 4n edn lai: + Invariable /:n‘ (adj): Khong thay 4, cB dinh + Notorious (+ for) /naz' (adj): Khét ting, ob tiéng xdu + Conclusive /kan‘klu.stv/ (adj): Cudi cling, 48 két thie Question 96: The cut on my leg is taking a long time to i ‘A. remedy B. right C. cure D. heal ¥ KEY D: HEAL (vw): Chita khoi (20h); Lam inh (vat thurchg) * Dich nghia: Vét duit 0 chdn tdi phai mdt mét thot gian déi mdt tanh lai duoc. * Che phutdng an cdn lai: + Remedy /‘rema.di/ (1 Phuting thuéc, bién phap ctfu chita ‘Trang 24 x Mrnsapro cHuvEN SANTU VWNG DAC BIET THANG 08/2016 + Nguyin Tién Ding (mrnsapro) + Right /rait/ (n): Biéu tot, quyén + Cure /kjear/ (n): Syfchifa banh, sit Giéu tri Question 97: Price increases are now running at a(n) level in recent days. A. highest B. record C. uppermost D. top * KEY B: RECORD LEVEL (Cum): Mic ki luc * Dich nghia: Gid cd dang gia tang vedi mic kt Iuc trong nhing ngay vile qua. * Céc phutdng 4n cin lai: + High /ha1/ (adj): Cao + Uppermost /‘ap.2.masst/ (adj): Cao nhit, trén hét + Top /top/ (adj): 6 ngon, ding dau, trén hét Question 98: She had just the shell of the hard-boiled egg and was starting to peel it. A. burst B. cracked C. fractured D, shattered * KEY B: D6ng tl CRACK di véi tly SHELL; CRACK (v): Dap nit, dap vo nghia: Cé dy vita mot dip nit phin v6 ale mbt qué tring luge vd bit dBu béc nd. * CSc phutdng 4n cin lak: + Burst /ba:st/ (v): N6 tung, vO tung + Fracture /'freek.tfer/ (v): Gay, ran, nit + Shatter /"Seet.or/ (v): Lam v6, lam gay Question 99: 4 of wind blew my-hat off. A. puff, B. deat C. gust D. breeze * KEY C: AGUST OF WIND (Cum): M8t con gid manh * Dich nghia: /0¢ con gid manh thdi bay chiéc mit ala tt. * Céc phufdng an cdn I + Puff /paf/ (n): Hol thd phi, [an gié thdi phyt qua + Draft /dra:ft/ (n): Gib mang khéng khi lanh + Breeze /brisz/ (n): Con gié nhe Question 100: The royal wedding wes celebrated in the magnificent sixteenth-century A. cathedral B. theatre C. market D. gallery * KEY A; CATHEDRAL (n): Nha thd ldn * Dich nghia: 84m cut hoang gia dupe t6 cite tai mot ldu dat nguy nga xdy dung vo thé ki 16. * CAc phutdng an cdn lai: + Theatre /‘@1e.ter/ (n): Rap hét, nha hat + Market /‘ma.krt/ (n): Chg, thi tring + Gallery /’gzl.ard/ (n): Phong trung bay ‘Trang 25

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