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RUDY'Ss S/STER LOVED BUT His MAREN S ANO RUDY WAS BEING ME,TOO 7 Ri TORM APART F [ iz WELCOME “€ TO OUR FAMILY ff f Ml a EFUSED F By SUT THESE MEN pf |e PY WEREN'T COWARDS . rae THEY HAD SO FEW BIBLES--- (OULC HAVE 4. Fy TORE OUT meas e. BACH WHY ? RATHER ap SPEND MY TIME WITH YOU Sa J BELIEVE Eee By SAVE YOUR IN HITLER AND. 4 Sf DREAMS AND Us - : : GERMANY SURRENDERED: THE DREAM ENCED THE NIGHTMARE BEGAN @ Ea WE'LL HEAD 5 FOR WEST \ GERMANY THe Ey AMERICANS ARETHERE Le HANSI--- DO YOU IN SPITE OF EVERY THING--- T THINK \ Some Pore | HAVEIT & 7 THE / Rerleges NO LONGER: Wl move weer 4 : ee THERE'S, THE ANSWER-- Is f THERE NO Wary TO CROSS. INTO WEST x THE FERRY PILOT? RUSSIAN SOLDIERS * STF ANG He's Lay VOICE Is = AILLAFe fam ea 5 a a f Ww THE RUSSIANS NE MOBIES ) TOOK EVERYTHING £ MOTHER SHE'S: NEVER REALIZED Fea OW AAUCH HE ways: LOVED YOU? I MUST, FALLIN Love AGAIN F EVERYTHING'S | CHANGED: excePT Ay LONE | 5] rom you! IN OUR LIVES WE WANT TO. BELIEVE f YOuAS CHILDREN } ee foo 3. Our raita ane | Nae SUR FAITH ANG | i) Hap. EAM REY THERE'S THE STATUE OF Liberty / 3 =n ek ~s aE of DONT AMERICANS HAVE IN THEIR, country 24 ook ar AND YET SS ee: EVERYWHERE }se) “ce FOODS, sere Ear ae IS THAT OF. MY STUDENTS ARE ee F i PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE-~ BOAT WITH Me STUDENTS= baie TM, F AFRAID, PPP) TOBE EMOTIONAL Bou A HEMAELAND--- THE REPUBLIC % FOR WHICH IT STANOS--- WORDS MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE? For LST AMERICA bo AND LOR! FREEDOM HELP ME TO SHARE AKY LOVE Lomo, LET US BE FRIENCS OF THENEW ~ GENERATION---, Burt INSTEAD LIWvVes ~ ae sce Ne 1 Feet B , a LIKE A nema’ [C2 GN) Naa erate = ss. we're 1 MUST LOAGED Warn WiTH AILETANTS: BELIEVE THAT SAME AMERICAN SPIRIT IS STILL AROUND # HITLER Nf BUT FIVE TAUGHT ME AINUTES AFTER I DASHED Across NO- MAN'S-LAND: TO FREECOM: Y NONE OF ee YOU WERE BORN THEN --- BUT 1 come Bur THE ee ; FROM A OMLY Way To THROW Coe ese THEY CAN THEMSELVES ." YOu! EO! PR = {ATA FEEL AS YOU OTE! TO LIVE IN MERIC, THEY ALES us EDOM, Srerae. 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