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DUE: Monday 11/9

You will be assigned an environmental law. Research that law using the
websites provided and any other resources that you find (Try, for example, to
search for the law on the website of The New York Times and, perhaps, The
Wall Street Journal. You can also use Google News to search for news
articles about or mentioning the law.

Your summary should NOT exceed one page. It should contain the
following information, in the order presented here. All summaries will be
copied and distributed to both APES classes.

Full name of the law

Name the law is commonly known by
Date the law was passed, along with significant amendments
What event, series of events, or other circumstance prompted the
laws passing?
In a paragraph or two, give a plain language explanation of what the
law does. Some laws have numerous provisions and sections; please
highlight and summarize the main point of the law. DO NOT
COPY!!! Summarize in your own words.
What is the state of the law today? Is it contentious? Is it working as
intended? Is it playing a key role in current environmental issues? If
the law has been involved in any interesting legal or policy battles
(and most have) tell the story.

Please do not cut-and-paste or otherwise copy sources that you find. Write
as if you were explaining what the law is and why its important to a
younger brother or sister, without condescending to them. Write also
knowing that your classmates will use what you write to learn about
important environmental laws.

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