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Applicants Name

Applicants Address
City, State, Zip Code


Admission Officers Name

Admission Officers Title
University or Colleges Name
Colleges Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear Name of Admission Officer:

This letter is a formal request for you to reconsider my application to Name of College. My
application was declined on DATE, and the reason given was that my SAT scores were lower
than what is required by the college for admission.

The scores I included in my application were from DATE. At that time, my father died, and my
mother required support and help to get her life back on track. Since I am their only child, I
needed to help her at that time and was unable to study properly for the SAT exams.

I knew that my scores were too low, which is why I retook the exam on DATE. I was able to
study well and improved both of my scores. My writing section improved from 570 to 750, and
the quantitative score improved from 550 to 720. I have understood that my new scores are
above the required score for admission. It is my wish to join Name of College because you offer
the best program for Environmental Applications, which is my chosen field of study.

Based on these higher scores, and because the lower scores were due to circumstances
beyond my control, I am requesting you to reconsider your pervious decision to decline my
admission and grant me admission for the next semester.

If you have any questions or would like any more information, I can be reached at 555-123-4567
or at Thank you for your kind consideration of my application.


Signature of Applicant
Printed Name of Applicant
List of Enclosures

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