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Words of the script:

Hint: sugerencia

Wayward: rebelde, insurgente, travieso

Inconspicuous : discreta

Drown out: ofegar

Grim: desagradable

Smut: obscenitats

Brim: borde (bordillo)

Gluttony: gula

Carnal lust: lujuria carnal

Stripped away: despojado

Cry out: gritar, exclamar

Prince of Peace=Jesuscrist

Saint Clarence = bishop of the diocese of Vienne in France.

Mother superior: the head of a community of nuns, a woman in charge of a convent and its
nuns .

Synonyms: Abbess, Holy Mother, Prioress, Lady Superior, Reverend Mother.

Faith, modesty, spiritual, sacred...

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